The Singapore Free Press, 24 September 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 407 1 'Still some anxiety' after lung operation LONDON, Monday. BULLETIN issued from Buckingham Wlace last night said the King's condition after his lung operation yesterday continues to be as satisfactory as can be expected. An earlier bulletin said: 'The King underwent an operation for lung resection this morning.
    407 words
  • 57 1 THE Duke of Windsor left Paris for London last ni?ht. He told reporters that his iMfl had no connection with the operation on the King. But he had kept telephono contact with the Buckingham Palace for the last four days and had been informed regularly
    A.F.P.  -  57 words
  • 140 1 'TURN FOR BETTER EGYPT ALEXANDRIA, Men. EGYPTIAN Prime Minister. taj Pasha, told a Cabinet meeting yesterday that lons between Egy^t ;\nd Britain have "taken a turn rds improvement" m ihe few days, a source close to the Government said last Egypt and Britain recently .ed a deadloc'; m talks pt's
    A.P.; A.F.P.  -  140 words
  • 57 1 oat* Cavestro oroke up wedding ceremony to nira Rangon at Padova. yesterday, by saying at the altar. Stunned relatives convinced j change his mind. ci he was married. Cai said he gave his answer to win bet he had made friends the night before
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 18 1 A woman cried 'God save the King' I Me I i mr of ■L I I Reuter U.P.
    Reuter; U.P.  -  18 words
  • 5 1 fter an U.P.
    U.P.  -  5 words
  • 90 1 FOUR JAP FIRMS TO MERGE tok:;o. Mon. IX)UR Japanese trading companies, once part of the giant Mitsubishi financial obiigarchy. yesterday announced they would reamalgamate soon. Mitsubishi and similar financial empires were broken up by Oe*n. Mac Arthur's "anti-trust" laws early m the occupation under an Allied policy which branded them
    Reu-ter; AAP  -  90 words
  • 81 1 HANOVER, 'Mon. nTHE largest inter-allied military manoeuvres since 1945, organised by the British Army of the Rhine m the region of Hanover and Bremen, ended yesterday. The war games, known as "Counter-offensive," lasted ten days. About 150,000 troops belonging to seven Atlantic Pact nations took part
    AFP  -  81 words
  • 26 1 As a result of insistent public demand, the Sea Dracon will make its appearance once again tonight from 8 o'clock to 11.
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 1 Th© Kin* arrivigur at London Aiport on his wi7 back from B'gHnoral for the ojpratiqn.
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  • 268 1 Weeping M.P.s hit at Mossadeq TEHERAN, Monday. OPEN opposition to the adamant policy of Prime Minister Mossadeq m the oil nationalisation dispute with Britain flared m the Persian Parliament yesterday amiS resignations, tears and criticism. The antl-Mqssadeq outburst came during the fourth unsuccessful a'%mpt by the government to obtain a
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  • 153 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. THE United States announced yesterday that "considerable improvement" would be made m the rate of delivery of military aid for the French and Vietnamese forces m Indo-China. The statement was contained m a State and Defence Departments announcement on the end of talks
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 23 1 Nikolai Semenov, Soviet Deputy Minister of Cinematography, weloqmed a delegation of Indiap film industry workers at Moscow airport yesterday. Re uter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 200 1 T'HE grant of Royal Charter raising the town of Singapore to City status makes the Municipal Commission a City Council and the Commissioners, City Councillors, said Mr. A. P. Raiah. a Progressive Party City Councillor for South Ward, who has played a maior role m
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  • 138 1 Actor gets $30,000 for moustache HOLLYWOOD Mon. piLM actor Adolph Menjou's moustache, his trademark for 40 years, was aniong the sweepings on a barber shop floor on Saturday. After two weeks of heroic refusal, Menjou finally sold out to producer Stanley Kramer, who wanted the actor's face clean-shaven for a
    A.P.  -  138 words
  • 427 1 REDS RESUME TRUCE TALKS WITH UN. TOKYO, Monday. rFHE Communists have agreed to send represent- ajlves to the battered village of Pan Mun Jom at mv a.m. today to discuss the resumption of the Korean truce talks with United Nations oilioers. North Korean Premier Kirn 11-sung and Chinese Gen. Peng
    U.P.  -  427 words
  • 28 1 Four Chinese Communist organisations have protested against the "persecution of peace fighters by the* Pakistan government", the New China News Agency reported from Peking yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 118 1 NEW YORK. Mon. JOSEPH IRELAND, 40, vho said he was LSto best *-urglar on the nort.i American continent," confessed yr> day that he stoi- S«4.000 iv jewels from a showcase m 'he Waldorf Aston i Ho 1 el because he needed $10;) dai'r to
    U.P.  -  118 words
  • 87 1 tokv« tea THE L T S AIR FOT\ bat eirio contra now ilyinu rat Korea and Japan. The rat poison ton of win to Korea yesl is rodent control it a 1 air bases. The Uvin t mice :u»> being >■*' laborato what nlstases mi^hi
    87 words
  • 34 1 The first road fatality on vCitv Day occurred at. Upper Thomson Road when a European motor-cyclist was killed Instantaneously t his machine collided m\ h a stone slab by the ro
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 Bm?3r«;iLVflJEWiii-E R5 IS dB-bit^^^^ In C ii and Better I I ■< for GLUCOSE I I 1 r mly and politely II I COW GATE I fcCLUCOSt I jJJ" W:; «>«n get .omethlng CJ I »ITER r methlng DIFFERENT B^__ JACKSON CO.
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  • 103 2 Phoebus 's Horses... and Successful Composer Flu i MtWi m Pure tile's "Dido and Aenacs" pose ofTstaee at ihe Mermaid Theatre. London, u -a Fla*tf«d, trn* world's finest Wagnervui Mns>cr X p.a>in£ her last Kttll m Britain. After 20 rmances will leave to settle m the United States. BELOW:
    103 words
  • 381 2  -  GEOFFREY JENKINS By THE diamond 1 towns ol South frica, i a year eaiir* timidly .o c after 25 yean m the sure, are now vigorous mmunities murmuring "boom" as South Africa's diamond production soars to the biggest total since World- War L Last year's
    381 words
  • 1049 2 Spotlight on the lunch hour break The lunch break is a worldwide institution. It may mean a big meal or a sandwich; a couple of hours or a few minutes; a nap or an opportunity to close a big deal. T'HE New York
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  • 690 2  - THE EWES OF TOGOLAND DROP BOMBSHELL Donald M cCormick By pERHAPS you haven't heard of the Ewe problem? The Ewes, who are the majority group of the people of Togoland, have just dropped a political bombshell outside the doors of the British Colonial Office. They have made the British Government
    690 words
  • 221 2 STALIN'S BIRTHPLACE A NATIONAL SHRINE says Cyril Ray 1 MOSCOW. rvDRTY-ODD miles or so from Tiflis is the little mountain town of Gori, dominated by the ruins of a 12th century fortress that has known Armenians, Turks, Persians, Georgians and Russians as its masters. But it is" neither ruins nor
    221 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 89 2 Engagement J Wedding Rings. I LANKA JEWELLERS HC Battnv Road. Spore l»hon. Why do you read? 1 Some read for knowledge, some for pperhaps, merely to va%s the time the them. But if you read for excite"*** 1 ture and the pleasure of watchiuc uords unfold a masterly plot t9n
      89 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 55 2 Solution to Crossword No. 465 Saturday's Solution. Across: 1, Look before. 7. You leap. 8, Moo, f. Lairds 11, Stye. 13, Sam. 15. Oath 16, Digest. 18. Set. 20, Look out. 21. For squalls. Downs: 1. Toast. 2. 3, Blends. fops 5, Rum. C, Potentates. 10. ?2 Tr' 14,
      55 words
    • 133 2 New Crossword No. 464 1. 8 Jok«-less comedian's lament (1, 2. 5. I|. 9. Tumult cut and where (3>. 10. Bubbly Dickens illustrator? (A) 11 Endeos page often hooked or holed i 6». 14. Handles to our names (6). m th^skVV-T?. m 2i a SsC n 4) 18 C COatrOller
      133 words
    • 112 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN on this first day of the incoming sign, Libra, you still will, m some degree, be influenced by the outgoing sign, Virgo. The combination gives you a personality just chock full of charm! You women, especially, will have a host of admirers and will havedifficulty m
      112 words

  • 243 3 Vile fish sauce betrays them SAIGON, Monday. i FRENCH Navy Squadron, of mainly veteran ships, accounts for 10,000 Communist junks and sampans every year m a never-ending hide-and-seek battle against Vietminh arms saraggkn m Indo-China. A laro:e flotilla of French landing and rlvercraft and a
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 3 I. r --i l>. A.P.
    A.P.  -  5 words
  • 3 3 AFP
    AFP  -  3 words
  • 4 3 Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 45 3 WASHINGTON. Monday. H r^r, t'Ao Vmeritans who saved money last year s|) f than he earned, says the Federal r \e Koird. V ned H I m iL If 1 o! i Bg he i ■X 13 U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 82 3 WASHINGTON. Mon. THE U.S. ARMY has issued ml pictures of a new ?xpenmental guided missile. Corporal E," fourth of a I similar army misThe new rocket, described m the picture n as a "surface guided apparently is dcci for tactical use against roops. official
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 93 3 If and when New York c.ity's air raid sirens blow again, it is supposed to be the real thing. The city on Friday held the last of a series of weekly tests of the 578 air raid warning sirens installed throughout the city. For
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  • 88 3 pILM star Barbara Payton, disregarding orders barring visitors from seeing Franchot Tone m hospital forced her way into the actors room. Tone has been detained at a Hollywood hospital with concussion, a broken nose and a fractured cheek, sustained m a fight with actor Tom Neal, a
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 196 3 They come to office sleepy-eyed TOKYO, Monday. JAPANESE Government workers are playing too tJ much Man Jon?, complains the newspaper AsahL The paper points out these Government employees frequently play Man Jong right In their offices. Or they disappear during working hours to have
    U.P.  -  196 words
  • 53 3 piGEON fancier Doug Evans of Richmond, Melbourne, trapped the bird hovering over his loft and thought he had the £100 homing race prize "m the bag." The bird was hit, but it was one he entered three years earlier for the same race on
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 60 3 D.O GETS 3 MONTHS' GAOL A Tanganyika court has gaoled a District Officer, Mr. K. R. E. Dobbs. 27. for three months for illlegal possession of two elephant tusks. The African game scout who shot the elephant was bound over for 12 months. Senior Police SuperintendentA. J. Poppy said the
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 27 3 W ork for prisoners Exsi German Deputy Prenier. Ouo Nuschke. said that ical prisoners were bein<? employed on excavation work m East German steel mill combine. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 48 3 I \GE age of Australian eg last jvar was 24 and rooms, 27. eft bride was 13 t.>ne boy and 15 girls at 14 years. One girl had her second husband at B:ide<*rooms of 45 years or older totalled 5,487. AAP Reuter
    AAP; Reuter  -  48 words
  • 42 3 When a customer struck a match m a Lincoln cafe an explosion lifted floorboards and sent crockery flying. Gas Boird officials were called and they found that a mouse had gnawed through a gas pipe and caused a lfiak.
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  • 193 3 TO MAKE 7th BID TO JOIN JAP WIFE SYDNEY, Mon. PRANK Loyal Weaver, 25, Australian ex-serviceman, is planning his seventh illegal entry into Japan to join his Japanese wife. Back m Australia following a year's imprisonment for his last attempt Weaver told reporters he planned to return almost immediately." He
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 31 3 Chinese Communist industrialisation plans are being hampered because of a shortage of skilled workers, the official New China News Agency reported. There is plenty of unskilled labour, however. U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    228 3 WHEN you have given partner a double-raise, any rebid he makes m a new suit Is an encouraging one. However, these rebids are not necessarily evidence of treat additional strength if they occur below the game level; they may be merely dutiful cue-bids, made because they are as economical
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  • 324 3 Britain to call for 'go slow on arms drive LONDON, Monday. ORITAIN is to seek Commonwealth support today a bid to slow down the Western world's arms drive, stabilise world prices of raw materials, including: tin and rubber, and consume less scarce commodities. The British Minister of Materials, Mr. Eticbari
    A.P.  -  324 words
  • 74 3 second-round control of clubs. 5. Five spades. You have nothing further to show In the side suits, but you must reassure partner about the trump suit Itself. 6. Pour spades. There ia too much danger of duplication m the spade suit. Partner can have a fine hand, including king-queen-jack
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  • 208 3 WHAT MAKES THE RUSSIAN TICK? CHICAGO Mon WHAT makes the Russians tick A new step to pain valuable insight into Russian actions, thinking and living behind the Iron Curtain was reported to the American Psychological Association by Raymond A Bauer of Harvard University. It is a close questioning of 3.275
    A.P.  -  208 words
  • 21 3 Work will begin shortly on a new dam and waterway project designed to end Hone Kong's perennial shortage of water.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  21 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 BUCKLEY "I BETTER GET BUCKLEY, HE FORGOT TO TAKE OFF HIS fU~* HELMET. «.n Luxury lyping IS HERE AT LAST! SMITHCORONA Sole A TYPEWRITERS (MALAYA) LTO. Penanr Sinßaporr K. I urn pur 132. I^6, Robinson Rd.. Phone: ***** FOR LOVELINESS THAT LASTS A LIFETIME 9 Ml Inno\a beauty preparation* are
      119 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 41 3 'SkB Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya I -113 fe»¥|if^| lill;pif| .^fl ts"- <.^^^^r r^ANDRANk» f t^»a cauadpv SECRtT. I txvhisive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya i i Worried By Edgar Rice Burrough life -,|IH &sgS&»ss §ss^
      41 words
    • 227 3 Radio SINGAPORE 1 Programme Summary; 1.02 Monday Matinee The Bob Crosby Show; 1.30 Time Signal News; 1.45 Home on the Range; 2 For the Schools: Singing Together Literature for Standard 2; 2.50 Close; 6.15 Programme Summary; 6.17 Children's Programme; 6.35 Adventures m Music; 6.55 Announcements; 7 Time Signal, News Singapore
      227 words

  • 504 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY. Sept, 24, 1951. 23-cent shirt ARMED with a peace treaty signed by 49 former enemies, Japan fcas declared wareconomic war. Samples are flooding offices of manufacturers' agents m Britain. Some of them are reported to be first-class articles *ith price tags 20 to 50 per
    504 words
  • 1604 4  -  Hall Romney i —i——— Graham Greene on the Emergency 1 :> I LONDON LETTER '•••It is best to be on the winning side...' rpHE importance of what he calls "the attack on the mind" is stressed by author Mr. Graham Greene, who, on
    1,604 words
  • 896 4 WIDOW ON THE WORLD Postage stamps are Liechtenstein's biggest money-spinner, says JOHN ASHWIN T lECHTENSTEIN— •k you probably know it by its stamps which form this tiny state's chief money spinner is probably the last Ruritania m Europe. Once again people are beginning to
    896 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 57 4 g 2nd Floor. I 13, Battery Ro.ul. s Model Evening Gowns 7ms/ Received. I J y^iw /j/ry 6^y Jjjlfc ILC ORW >l VELOCETTE AND EXPERIQ** I T//E JOr OF COMFORT AND 0 RIDING. I FuJi parficuiars /ram t/ie Ml i KEE HUAT RADIO *l 122-124. Orchard Road, Singapore 223, B*t«
      57 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 226 5 COST OF LIVING DEPENDS ON RICE PRICE Dato Paglar urges revision of policy Free Press SUff Reporter J)ECLARING that he was "not satisfied" with the Singapore Government's reply to his questions at the last meeting of the Legislative Council, Dato C. J. Paglar told the Free Press yesterday that he
    226 words
  • 105 5 'Oft-reiterated intention' of senior post for local-born Im; mprrhen-ve v< hoUr*nips ■fTL ,n thr Sine V fr* nrnthe fin I to IM* .fficers m\ i m the Com- t „!-f)orn JJ d hifher m proW\n >■ htm to n quali- W hr E| snitt of X f° uuncellors are carried
    105 words
  • 80 5 An appeal for more voluntary -t to enable th? Youth CounI MMfati boys' clubs In a In the coming year was by the Chairman. Inche v :r Ismail, at the second wting of the Trengganu Council, held at Kuala nu. last week. Represent Mves from variru>
    80 words
  • 34 5 THE FHOri* LfOV fabme) paradrs through an even prouder TJon City M The float waa the Overseas Chinese Importers and Exporters Association's rontributi*n to Saturday nights City Day crlekraUons.
    34 words
  • 220 5 Free Press Staff Reporter FRIENDS m the Colonial Secretary's Office this morning were delighted to welcome back Mr. Eu Chr:w Uave when he stepped briskly into the office of the Assistant Secretary "C". Mr. Eu. who was accompanied by Mrs. Eu. returned to the
    220 words
  • 115 5 MEMBERS of the Singapore Indian Association at their annual general mrmv a* l to their new Balestier home, reelected Dr. M. Abraham president for the ensuing year. The^f s ciation has over 700 members on the rolls at present. Other office-oeaxers were:— Mr. j M
    115 words
  • 73 5 The Postmaster-General, Malaya announces that with effect from Oct. 1, Itsl, the rates of postage on parcels to the United Kingdom will be increased from $1 30 $2.30, $320, and $5.40 to $1.70, $2.70, $3.70 and $».00 for parcels not exceeding 3 lbs., 7 lbs.,
    73 words
  • 85 5 CENTRAL SAVINGS COMMITTEE A Central Savings Committee has been set up In the Federation under the chairmanship of the Financial Secretary or his Deputy to consider questions relating to the extension and improvement of Post Office Savings Bank facilities and the steps to be taken to encourage thrift It is
    85 words
  • 28 5 NEPTI'NE'S COURT (below) replete with mother-of-pearl thronr, seaweed and little Neptune himself. This float was the Malay Wanen'i Association's contribution to City D^y rr'rbraOoM.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  28 words
  • 35 5 Two Bukit Mertajam vegetable gardeners, who strapped 144 bottles of perfume to their legs and covered them under large green stockings, were yesterday fined $400 each for evading Customs Duty.
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  • 291 5 Free Press Staff Reporter PAYMENT of compensation to Singapore people affected by City Council schemes for special services gets iop priority next year m $4,690,000 priorities programme approved by the Public Works Committee of City Councillors. The list, which is
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  • 102 5 T>IGGEST single Hem m f/i« programme is Wi€ /Ir«f *ectton 0/ tft* rrorJt on mo m and minor sewers at a cosf 0/ $2,152fi00. The second section is expected to cost $136,000 and sewerage extensions m the Keppel area will cost 1225,000. These vorks take ninth, tenth
    102 words
  • 54 5 JAMBORES SCOUT'S COUTENINS picture. KING'S SCOi'T K. YOT.*RAJAH, of Fuxl* Lumpur, b: outfit back hundreds «rf souvenirs from the 7th World Scout J&tntoee m Austria when he returned home with the rest of tlir Federation coatfayent recently. He ha» «ew« «<»«*« of t* Ibadges piven to him br American Scouts
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 183 5 'Cease to think in terms of communities' WOMAN CITY COUNCILLOR'S MESSAGE TO CITIZENS... Free Press Staff Reporter rpHE people of Singapore should cease to think In terms of communities and races and identify themselves as citizens of the City of Singapore, said Mrs. Robert En (Progressive— West Ward) to the
    183 words
  • 164 5 PROGRESS BY CHINA SOCIETY Free Press Staff Reporter. fH ROUGH its activities m the past year, the China Society of Singapore "could claim to have advanced a step farther m the promotion of better understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture," states the society's annual report. The report stated that the
    164 words
  • 49 5 Three more retired army officers and a naval captain have arrived m the Federation to organise the Civil Defence of the country. Three of them vill be stationed m Kuala Lumpur and the fourth will leave for Perak next month to organise '•ivil defence units there.
    49 words
  • 37 5 The aim of the Oylon Association of Selangor is independence for Malaya "under the British Flag", the President. Mr. M. W Navaratnam. told members at the f.m.ual general aaeetin^ vs f ndav
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  • 127 5 Advice to women. Free Pre«s Staff Reporter Mrs tLohert La had a special mesaace to th* voaaen af Kiagfeporc. Ske Mud Tr» it* wtttßra. I akaald Mka m streas ike very iauportaat position they kaad In th«- life mf the city »j vtrtae af tfeeir responsibility m the upbrintinf af
    127 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 ■silver cigarette 1 I CASES I JUST AftklvFD L B a T£w I se/ecfioff I tall inspect I Our ta. f esf Range Comprising ofI i I Capacity 10 Cigarettes $45.- S F $50.--i t° 5 62 1 ■silverware dept. i I I Lmi/e^ B^BBBBBHHBBfIBHHv S I Raffles Phce Singapore.
      114 words
    • 46 5 P&B means Ratons&BaldwinS I"UU PER OUNCE 3 FLY FINCERINC Shades suitable for Babies and Toddlers wear, for Boys and Girls School and Holiday Sweaters, Ladies Twin Sets, Mens Pullover and Socks and Undoes for all the Family HABADASHERY DEPT. |f Q) DIN SON (Incorporated m Singapore}
      46 words

  • 375 6 picture. Gardner beaten m Berlin bout UEIN Ten Hoff, German heavyweight champion, wan the European championship at Berlin last night by defeating the holder, Jack Gardner of Britain, on points over 15 rounds. Ten Hoff won clearly and becomes the fourth German to hold the
    Free Press  -  375 words
  • 83 6 AMATEUR international Bill Slatter played at inside-left on Saturday for Blackpool m place of Scotsman Allan Brown, who asked to have a spell with the reserves m a bid to regain his form. And it was Bill who scored the goal by which the team of
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 70 6 Reuter A.P. QULLIMAN bin Awang won the Phillips "classic" (180 laps, appiox. 30 milca) for the second year m succession at Hong Lim Green yesterday. Twelve cyclists entered for the race. Belar Singh was second and Wong Kwong Yee third. Singapore's schoolgirl running star, Eleanor Ross,
    Reuter; A.P.  -  70 words
  • 727 6 SPORE CITY DAY SOCCER Singapore 8; Negri Sembilan 0 VEGRI Scmbilan's Malaya Cup soccer XI found a1 Singapore irresistible on home ground last evening, were played to a standstill and left the field a thoroughly beaten side. Eight times SheJKh Mustapha, their skippergoalkeeper, had
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  • 26 6 GERMANY'S national socces team almost without international experience, beat the strong Austrian XI twonil yesterday at Vienna m a sensational upset for the Ausrians.
    26 words
  • 38 6 QATURDAYS Irish League City i 3 Cup soccer results were: Ards 2. Derry City 0; Ballymena U. 0, Linfleld 0; Cliftonvllle 2. Bangor 3; Coler?in~ 4 f»-»»*— i Distillery 3, Portado^-n 2; Glen1. Crusaders 2.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 42 6 ONE-LEGGED Frenchman Emil Vial yesterday defeated 300 Spaniards to win the annual swimming race across Barcelona port for the second successive year. His time was 42 mins. 39 sees, for the three miles thre* furlongs of the race.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 6 Free Press picture. «fl, I)av\,,atoh <|CU) aUU Si "S a ore so «er Pictured at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday before their
    Free Press  -  21 words
  • 135 6 BRITAIN yesterday won, for the second year m succession, the international trophy at the international six-day motor-cycle trials at Monza (Italy) the most important motor-cycling event m Europe. An Austria' team came second, with only one point lost. Italy was third. This was the 15th. British
    A.P.  -  135 words
  • 180 6 A CROWD of 40,000 saw an open game of rugby football at Cardiff on Saturday, when British Lions the touring team of last Sum* m er beat Cardiff 14-12. Derek Murphy raced through for two quick tries for Cardiff, but the Lions made the most
    A.P.  -  180 words
  • 59 6 Picture Plucking the ball from the air. Captain Phillips of tiie Singapore I makes one of his typically cool saves from 42 Royal Marine Commandos ward, Curry, who is rushing m. Commandos won this I'ARELF C up Snal a t on Saturday
    Free Press  -  59 words
  • 558 6 From JIM CHAMBERS TWO London soccer teams, League champions Tottenham HuUn Charlton Athletic, humbled the "Cocks of the north on Saturda ham, with their forward line working at high pressure, broke d sturdy Manchester United defence to win two-nil, and Charlton" attack and defence took
    A.P.  -  558 words
  • 50 6 Drobny w ins JAROSLAV Drobny of Egypt won the men's singiles m ac international lawn tennis mrnament at Baden de••atlng the Swedish Davis .'up player. Sven Davidson In the final by 2-6, 6-2, 6-4 3-2. The women's singles went i Mr-: Maria Weiss defeated H I vGermany) 6-4, 6-1. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 160 6 DANIA NATURAL PHOTO IN 4. 9 12 DIFFERENT POSES a >lr STUDK) DE LUXE "sfS,, 80 I PHONE 404 j) tV/ TODAYIiUa^S^SiiIITODAY 11 a.m 4 o <i.;< i v pm exclusive %jyljßkij|ii// ROUND |^X m by *§1 m ROUND PykKE^Hpif Lulli FILMOF "^PVt^I IT S vfc BOUT MOTidi dQ^Oi 4
      160 words

  • 238 7 EARLY FANCIES FOR GOLD VASE Decanter hard to beat THE (lass 1, Div. 1 sprint on Saturday over 5] furlongs straight and the Div. 2 event )U -r the same track on the second day Tuesday) will provide useful pointers to the chances of horses m the Perak Gold Vase
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  • 67 7 SATURDAY'S United Slates major league baseball results wereAMERICAN LEAGUE: Boston Red Sox 5. New York Yankees 0. Detroit Tigers 9. Cleveland Indians 4. St. Louis Browns 5, Chicago White Sox 1. Washington Senators 9, Philadelphia Athletics 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE: New York Giants 4. Boston Braves 1. Cincinnati Reds
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 46 7 ARGENTINE heavyweight Cesar Brion arrived m Buenos Aires on Saturday. He said tKat he wjli fight British HeavywcUgit Jack Cochrane m London. Brion did not say when the fight woiiid take Qlace. but said he Kad accepted proposals to nght In London.— U.P
    U.P  -  46 words
  • 355 7 ENHANCE won the international military track and field meet at Rome yesterday with almost twice the points of the runners-up, Italy, and England, who were third. Turkey, who proved the major surprise of the first day of the meet (Saturday), held on to finish a
    A.P.  -  355 words
  • 8 7 f mm I ''V I** U.P.
    U.P.  -  8 words
  • 113 7 I un S.I I Bfti I -and «M i«nd 8- #l>< ,nd «-«>* 8."7 hl **"> s it C;. l.Div,4-S!F. Str. I i 8 11 7.11 Cl. 1, Div. 1-9 F. lar* %Litr+t 3.07 !vi« (Widens 9.02 Raj Hahal 9.01 cur Of #ck II «>.©«« 'olotirl *»aly
    113 words
  • 275 7 Latest English League tables iC ire latest platings m the English Mowing Saturdays matches: No Scottish League tables are yet a oie Teams In both Leagues have played only two or three :imes Tables will be compiled the teams have played four Reuter DIVIS P Pt* X Br II mn
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • 86 7 JHE Royal Air Force Malaya soccer tourisu played the third and last match of their Fed?tauon tour yesterday when Football Association hem to a two-all draw. This result came as a surprise, for mien had beaten Kedah Peiung State teams earlier. The Ch.nese gave an
    86 words
  • 61 7 FjiELJCISIMO Arapon of the Philippines won the angles m the internaU lawn tennis tournament at Lucano (ItaJy) yesterday, defeating Armando Vieira of Brazil 6-1. 6-4, 3-6. 2-5. m Ampon and his South Afri"^n partner. Abe Segal, were *ted m the men's doubles by the Italian pair,
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 pipi^fs- -handed Singapore Enginer Reginunt goalkeeper, C apt. Phillips, intercepts a ct^ from 42 MjU&e <&£- -mandos' left win* dunng the FARfLF Cup 4sa*J£ *M^ lin an Satjjrday which Gam mandos w_on after etttn tnn* by two goals to oaf. Free Press
    Free Press  -  42 words
  • 56 7 picture. Colony sprinter Eleanor Ross (left) showed her prowess on a bicycle when she romped home an easy winner m the half-mile women's cycle race organised by the Cosmopolitan Cycling Club and held at Hong Lim Green. yesterday. Secoiyl and third were Joyce Deans (centre) and
    Free Press  -  56 words
  • 58 7 Ascari (Italy), driving a Ferrari 2.000 c.c, yesterday won the second Modena Grand Prix. Second was Froilan Ganzales (Argentina) and thirc Lance Macklin (Britain). Stirling Moss, the young British racing ace. had to withdraw from ihe race when his H.W.M, developed engine trouble at the 24th
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 24 7 ITALY won the open event of the 1951 European Bridge championships yesterday at Venice while Britain carried off the women's title.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 239 7  - Cash Sweep sales at town office ALLAN LEWIS TURF TOPICS From IPOH, Mon. THE Perak Turf Club committee advise racegoers to co-operate m trying to eliminate the congestion at the $2 Cash Sweep selling windows on. the racecourse by buying Cash Sweep tickets at the Town Office before race days
    239 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 212 7 V -.-/ir— V.. 'I T^fc -■> ,j *t J T NM DINE IN f HE~GRILL AND DANCE at K. A r r L fc S tonight Soliano's Orchestra mvr P h y. u-s^^^O radio ~~"~~_^_2^^^|f Mort signal noise... ■jiS^^^jfi^B^^BSSHMaiaMpß^i^^^ |ViRYBOB)Y knows that the Murphy- 154 jK j is a very
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 345 8 'If Churchill becomes P.M. he may see Stalin '-M.P. Elections to be 'battle of personalities' LONDON, Monday. f*APT. Richard Stanley, a Conservative Member of Parliament, said at a political meeting at Scarborough yesterday if Mr. Churchill becomes Prime Minister again, Britain's war-time leader may see Stalin to ease international tensions.
    A.P.  -  345 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 8 picture. SINGAPORE WEDDINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Lim Ch:n (top) who were married at Paya Lebar MethoJist Church, on Friday. The bride was Miss Nancy Tan. Above: Mr Kbw Sim Goh With his bride, Miss Tan Swee Lian, pictured during their wedding ceremony at the Geylang Methodist Church on Saturday. Free
    Free Press  -  51 words
  • 135 8 HPHESE are the three principal themes to be developed by Conservative campaign ers. Qualified informants said: 1. That Britain's projected U5513,160,000,000 would be handled better and more vigorously under a Conservative government than under a Socialist-led one. 2. That a Conservative government could do more to increase
    A.P.  -  135 words
  • 60 8 Five people were killed and some 30 injured by an explosion at an Italian Communist gathering at Ferignano yesterday. The building which housed the Communist Party neadquarters collapsed following the explosion. It is not known whether the blast was due to a bomb outrage or
    AFP  -  60 words
  • 25 8 Tranh Van Huu. Vietnam Premier, left Paris last night for London to spend four clays as a guest of the British Government Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 8 picture. Thi hybrid orchid, the first of its kind to have flowered, decorated the table of the Lord President of the City Council at Singapore's City Day banquet on Saturday. The orchid, crimson, brown and yegjow m colour, was named Aramla City of Singapore b> Mr. John Laycock. its owner.-
    Free Press  -  52 words
  • 53 8 Two thousand women peace partisans led by a Belgian nuclear scientist. Max 'Cdsyjig, marched through Brussels yestercTay. The (Jemonstration was part pf jlieig.iuin's Communist sponsored two-day peace assies which Prof. Cosyns —who has twice visited the British atomic research centre at Harwell opened m a Brussels
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 81 8 EAST ORANGE. New Jersey, MALCOLM L. DOUGLASS, Antarctic lecturer who accompanied Admiral Richard E. Byrd on his South Pole expedition, was found dead of carbon monoxide ppisbhing yesterday m his tightly locked car and police listed the death as a suicide. Police said Mr. Douglass who was
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 16 8 Queen Soraya of Persia will fly to Switerzerland this w*3k for medical treatment A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • 34 8 Wartime IJr^e French leader Gen. de Gaujjie yesterday declared that f^an^ce wa« potentially able to jway a leading role on oceans md 1 firTould becorife aj^in .ji first-fate naval pp^er.' A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  34 words
  • 200 8 TOKYO, Monday. 4 JAPANESE doctor has successfully transfused ;V treated animal blood into more than 600 humans, it wa« reported here yesterday. Dr. Kunio Kawaishi, of Hiroshima University medical school told a meeting m Tokyo that he has used the blood of horses, cows, and pigs
    A.F.P.  -  200 words
  • Article, Illustration
    8 8 Picked U up at aboot 10 00 Q
    8 words
  • 27 8 Associations from 12 European riatidhs meeting m London last weekend to strengthen relations wfth the United States have formed a Congress .of Burbpean-Ameri-can Association, Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 211 8 Evatt hails result of Australian referendum MELBOURNE, Mon. DR. Herbert Evatt, Australian Opposition leader, yesterday hailed the Dominion's refusal to empower the government to outlaw the Communist Party as a rejection to write '•utterly un-British" provisions m the constitution. Dr Evatt, former Minister of External Affairs m H} 6 Labour
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 99 8 HONG KONG. Mon. AN American woman scientist who said she held an atom bomb m her hands while working at the Los Alamos A-bomb project, has taken to animal breeding m Inner Mongolia to get away from the memory of the destruction at Hiroshima. She
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • 74 8 A civil guard m Spain prevented a head-on collision between two express trains yesterday by firing his rifle m thp air. Due to a switch error at Erustes Station, 40 miles from Toledo, thp train* were racing towards each other on the same rail. A civil
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 24 8 The Pakistani Minister for Industries, Chaudhrl Nazir Ahmad Khan, arrived m London yesterday to attend the Commonwealth Raw Materials conference. A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  24 words
  • 26 8 British-born film star Oreer Garsdn won the fitst prize for a herd of Scottish Shorthorn cattle which she "exhibited at the TuLs'a State Fair. Oklahoma. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 107 8 HOLLYWOOD, Monday S^tf?^ Eton's telephone talks with The Los Angeles Daily News ?i t S°Py r iihted story smi- tur e d down a peddler who was taring to sell recording of ttfe trieS tapped wire conversations. 'Private ohaH 9 MJ*s Payton did a slow burn wh«n told
    U.P.  -  107 words
  • 161 8 STOCKHOLM v A POLISH cook who went ashore fc fiancee was beaten to unconsciousnes obeying orders" on board a Polish ship Stanislaw Kulka left the "Wielun" on Friday night to visit Vera Demnaska, who flew to Sweden six years ago after contracting tuberculosis m a German concentration
    A.P.  -  161 words
  • 22 8 Stanley Gar& J the North P o u 2 suitably ma--vided the I Weather Squadron withTSH SSSh ft p A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 343 8 Straits Times Free Press For the convenience of advertisers, o*it Representatives at Ist Floor. Singapore Cold Storage. Orchard Road, wiN receive small advertisements •«d answers to bo* numbers. BIRTHS PUGHE. To Pat (nee Booth) wife of John Pughe. Hongkong Bank, Hongkong, on 20th September, a daughter. WOOD: On Sept. 20th
      343 words
    • 90 8 Since 1906. W« have be«n furnishing, tn« L.siai« •srabhshmentj r of Malayt wtr Equipment. W« beiievt^we ir« •nough to take car* of you; neei modern enoucrh to offer Ideas *****1 1 m 76 5 §±»-rimm #JJJ7J^^ 104 ROBI\SON kOAI ALSO AT IPOH -KUALA LUMPUR PENANG (ESTABLISHED 45 YEARS IN MAUYA
      90 words
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