The Singapore Free Press, 18 September 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 421 1 Te h eran- Mosco w trade pact under way TEHERAN, Tuesday. pHE Persian Government yesterday announced that they are preparing to sign a new barter agreement with Soviet Russia to make up for losses suffered m the oil nationalization dispute with Britain. Persian trade delegates already
    U.P.; Reuter; A.P.  -  421 words
  • 136 1 Reply on letter to The Times Free Press Staif Reporter. THE Singapore Government this moraine replied to questions on Mr. F. GordonSmith's letter to ibc S*rai*i Times, the SingUM*) Standard and The Times, m London. In a Legislative Council answer, the Colonial Secretary said he had been told by Mr.
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  • 48 1 NORTH Korean troop 6 are showing their, ingenuity these days. After United Nations planes bombed one Communist position *vith faming jellied gasoline, observers could hardly believe their eyes when they saw the Red troops cookin? their rations on the sluwly burning residue. U.P.
    U.P.  -  48 words
  • 51 1 A Stanley steamer car beat its petrol-powered rivals yesterday m the Chicago-New York crock's race. With a final gasp of steam the winner, a 1913-model, driven by James Crause, aged 76. wheezed to a finish. One minute later a Stoddard-Day-ton petrol car rattled up beside it.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 58 1 Free Press Staff Reporter. Mrs. Lilian Nq; uiee Khoo Chik I£e) the first woman to graduate as a licentiate of dental surg^r? frojn the King Edward VTI Colle^ of Medicine m 1937, died at the General Hospital. Johore Brfhru, yesterday. She w as 35. Th» funeral wUI
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 AT THE LEVEE nature. titan and Suit muli of 1 arrivm at the I 1 Besar ve>ler«!av for thr Levee on the eec ni— the Sii!t;in\ 78th hirth- Free Press
    Free Press  -  30 words
  • 6 1 X U.P.
    U.P.  -  6 words
  • 6 1 as traitor, and A.P.
    A.P.  -  6 words
  • 4 1 J Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 74 1 3300,000 for Feed Control in S'pore I Maff Reporter. Tice Committee of Legislative has allotted a sum of 000 for the extension of .v:;ies of the Food rol Department, accord•o a statement tabled at meeting of the Counla expense has become HUT; said the statement, he recent deterioration m the
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  • 29 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. bandit is believed to have been wounded by kampong > vvien they opened fire approachiag lights m the Bentohsr area of Pahang on re: ay.
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  • 153 1 TOKYO, Tuesday. I TNITED Nations troops fought off innumerable Red counter-attacks on Sunday and inflicted heavy casualties on the Communists as the Korean battlefront exploded from south of Pyongyang to the east coast. U.S. marines /ought off wa?»s of Communists northeast of the •punchbowl" area above
    U.P.  -  153 words
  • 66 1 CPEAKING of the Melaya Raya, Singapore Government spokesman told the Free Press this morning that the licence for the printing press had been restored, and applications for permission to publish various newspapers at thk printing press were now under consideration. He explained that the ortnting press could
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  • 140 1 WASHINGTON, Tues ADMIRAL WILLIAM x Fechteler, chief of the U.S. Naval Operations, said yesterday that the American Navy now has carrier crews trained to handle atomic bombs. He said that this includes both men m the ship crew and those who fly
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 44 1 Several thousand peopie lined the pavement six-deep outside Buckingham Palace yesterday m the hope of getting a glimpse of the King. He flew back to the palace from a Scottish vacation on Saturday for further lung treatment.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 27 1 Free Press Staff Reporter. The Singapore Government announced today that a proposal to raise the status of the Malayan Agent m London is under consideration.
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  • 43 1 President Truman yesterday attacked American magazine magazine publishers for campaigning against an increase m mail rates. The Post Office is losing $500,000,000 a year on second and third class mall, which covers the mailing of newspapers, books and magazines. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 149 1 OTTAWA, Tues. THE Kalian Prime Minister, Signor Alcide De Gasperi, yesterday called for abolition of the peace treaty between Italy and the Big Four Britain, France, the United States and Russia. He was addressing the meeting here of the North Atlantic Council. Signor De Gasperl
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 40 1 A new torpedo boat powered by a gas turbine plus diesel engine was launched by the Royal tfavy yesterday. The 125-foot-long craft is armed with four 21 -inch torpedo tubes and one light gun. A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 51 1 Japan will start broadcasting to the world m November for the first time for more than five years. The broadcast's will be made mainly to South East Asia and America. Programmes will bo dcs;i^ned to promote international goodwill and trad? and encourage tourists.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 30 1 President Truman frsterdav ordered trade cone to. Bulgaria to be cancelled. He waj carrying out a Congressional resolution which bars trade benefits to Communist-dominated coun- I tries- A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 450 1 piecur.\ A RECOMMENDATION that the work now done by the Official Censor should m future be entrusted to a Board of Film Censors, comprising a chairman and two other censors with a secretary, is made by the Singapore Committee on Film Ccnwihfp
    Popper  -  450 words
  • 215 1 JAPS IN INDIA COST STORE $4, 644, 9 72 Free Press SUIT Reporter T*HE Finance Committee of the Singapore Let lative Council has approved a sum of 84,644.97 1 to be paid to the Government of India is Singapore's share of the Indian claim for maintenance and repatriation of Japanese
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  • 111 1 Talks on rice 'delicate' Free Press Stall Kcptlgf THE Sin^apor. A ment said this mornins that it is c r m touch with Colony's ri> sources through a:: matic channel > doina: everything pos^ihU* to ensure that bought at the prices. In rr: the "contii nenrotia' Dublir interest to of
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  • 28 1 Mr Peter Chandl< r I South Africa's oldest v died m Grrniir. i hospital d 121. Priimlf wh of Scottish descent. serioiisly ill ur A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 16 1 rf Pfeo4utal& Silt /W (MANUFACTUBtRS: >. RA.R. MALAYAN PAINT WORKS LTD. distributors: SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. J
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  • 52 2 75 Jane Russell s. Californicui florist StaJiley Madeiras I artistically arranges real flowers on the frame to make an eye-catching bomiet that can be m season all the year round. His busiest seasoJis are spring arid summer uhen I he is swamped with orders from aspirmg g 1
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  • 507 2 VLTITH a little practice dyeing clothes and other items soon becomes quite a simple process; but there are many points to be observed if satisfactory results are to be achieved by the amateur. No housewife should attempt to dye a valuable article unless she is fully
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  • 268 2  - KOREAN MUSEUM PIECES KAY MURRAY By TO those of us who associate Korea with dirt mud and dilapidated villages it comes as something of a surprise to learn that the 19th century nobility of this strange country wore clothes worthy of a place m a museum. When the International Silk
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  • 827 2 Rhona Churchill makes a few Inquiries atwut... She would need to be tough, for life would be rugged IT is not going to happen to you or me, of course. But it is going to happen to somebody's daughter or grand-daughter some time, so I thought
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  • 264 2 BORN today, you are independent and will go your own way, no matter what others say or think. Once you get your teeth into a project you will hang on and finish the job despite all kinds of setbacks. Just make sure, before you start, that your
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 105 2 COLUMBIA B£ACH SHIRTS 31 'jf^&^^Ktm Fa' '>* |\l^ If mm tt ■MB' v ml I V^i.I«J^2JHI BUBfcifcfcilt.'— ;»sCZJmmmB You will appreciate these ShirtsJ Made of fine rayon materiel, Smartly tailored. Now Av.i.bble m Printed Designs, Fancy Colourful. Remember you will be outstanding m any party with these. Available m sizes
      105 words
    • 185 2 to the fastidious 05 J M. Quality E.P.N.S. Table^.ire is tx. *ach piec« produced by skilled craftsmen P and mad« to maintain their hijjh ftMfetf a p ttrcngtli »nd quality SOLD SJNCLY OR BY THE DOZEN TEA SPOONS (per dozen DESSERT SPOONS DESSERT FORKS TABLE FORKS $45 0 c TABLE
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 57 2 Solution to Crossword No. 460 Yesterday's Solution Across: 3, Shrcve. 7, Tuesday. 8, Impale. 9, Tallinn. 10, Target. 13, Eel. 15, Lee. 16. Alfred. 19, Titians. 20, Scouts 21, Echelon. 22, Maters. Down: 1, Pumas, 2, Psalter, 3 Saint. 4, Hymnal. 5, Orange. 6, Events. 11. Reviled. 12, Cassim. 13,
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    • 158 2 New Cross wofd No. 461 CLUES ACROSS 1. False pretence (4). 4. Father is just about up to being a prospective butterfly (4). 8. Occupation found m the Tate, Nancy (7) 9. Backing for the Navy m emergency (3). 10. Describes solicitor who won't take "No" (11). 12. Chief feature
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  • 361 3 COWBOY GAME LED TO DEATH I] v forgot the I, was loaded 1^ LONDON, Tuesday. v of -Quick on the Draw" with a pistol I NO i itweca two boys from Taunton School, one beins: shot. The surviving lad described it at Somerset, when a verdict misadventure was recorded on
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 3 j
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  • 4 3 FASFDFAASD Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 24 3 influential Berlin Der Tv? has reel the presence or Chi.l id Mongol workers m former territories of Germany, now oart id.- A.F.P
    A.F.P  -  24 words
  • 234 3 Dead— but he is most popular Millions say 'he is alive 9 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. AXE of India's most popular figures today is a man dead for more than six years. He is Subhash Chandra Bose, who fought British rule of India for many years and then led a Japanese-sponsored
    U.P.  -  234 words
  • 100 3 HE CAUGHT A FISH— WITH HIS TANK TOKYO, Tues. f lEUT. Richard Scamehorn of Grand Rapids. Michigan, has a new fish story. He caught his fish with a tank m Korea. Lt. Scamehorn and his driver Sergeant Norman Johnson of Border, Texas, were leading a platoon of M-5 tanks on
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 29 3 A French nun m charge of the Catholic orphanage at Kashing near Hangchow has been banished from China by the Communist authorities for "cruelty to children."- A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  29 words
  • 289 3 Jap babies may lead nation into trouble YiPANVttii' TOKYO, Tuesday. r h£ I forei n observers m Tokyo agree lv l^H tS Pan cx P? n 4 din S Population may eventually lead the nation into trouble with the world azain and 1q ™SiHi? o?)Ulatio tOday is ar °und 83,000,000
    U.P.  -  289 words
  • 83 3 SYDNEY, Tues. gTAN Harper, an office worker, has dreamed the winners of horse races for 20 years but he has lost more than he has won. He said that almost without exception his dream horses won on the following Saturday or at their second start. He
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  • 130 3 CHELMSFC^ID, Essex, Tues. ||UMAN life on the roads is more important than canine, say Essex Road Safety Oragnisers. who want compulsory control of dogs on roads during the hours of darkness. Alarmed by the number of accidents involving straying dogs on highways, they have asked
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 51 3 CHILD WITH TWO HEADS A male child with two heads on a single neck was born to the 36-year-old wife of a farm labourer m Caldas Province. Colombia.' X-rays showed two backbones. The child lived only 17 minutes. The mother has '"id 15 children, of whom 8 are living.- A.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 4 3 have a W for
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 116 3 Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya B^t THiS IS AWFUL.'- -*ND NOW iVE SENT PROVES ME QiGHT THOSS MUGS?- WHY, LARRV'S MTQOO C~^ LA2R>' THE 1 9 THEM OPP TOGETHER WIN RETAINING GEORGIE GUN-BOYS WILL RX THEM, J J=UCE "O
      116 words

  • 536 4 The Singapore Free Pres TUESDAY. Sept. 18, 1951. Malaya's future THE independence movement m Malaya is launched m fortunate circumstances. No blood need be spilt m a battle to beat down the oppressor, for there is no oppressor. No tears need be shed over sons and husbands crusading against tyranny,
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  • 592 4  - VILLAGE OF HOPE FRONTIER Ritchie McEwen By VICKELSDORF, "the village of hope and lear", is a small, sleepy hamlet on the main road between Vienna and Budapest, 40 miles due east of the Austrian capital. To thousands of frightened, unhappy Hungarians Nickelsdorf has been the gateway to freedom. Until the
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  • 171 4 AIR. George Watson iU 37-year-old Edmonton ex-Serviceman, believes that while he was a prisoner-of-war m Germany, Red Cross parcels saved his Hie. He has spent the last two years lurning the front and back gardens of his council house into places of enchantment, and, by throwing
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  • 987 4  -  Lieut— Gen Sir Brian Horrocks By IT KILLS SOME 360 OFFICERS A YEAR A FIGURE WHICH IS JUST ABOUT BALANCED BY THE INTAKE THROUGH ST. CYR,THE MILITARY ACADEMY CHALONS-SUR-MARNE. VUITH the French Army the linchpin of the main central sector of General Eisenhower's command,
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  • 405 4 The first peep inside Admirc Fechteler's H NORFOLK (Virginia), ADMIRAL Fechteler not long ago central figure m the storm over the Atlantic command is now seen as possible successor to Admiral Sherman, U.SL Chief of Naval Operations. It may be, therefore, that someone so far unnamed will become "Commander Atlantic.''
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 386 5 REDS, RIOTS RAISED 1950 CRIME FIGURES THALIA'S 'G |RL 0F T u E YEAR' ARRIVES 1 hat ii'/- Duan- ter- I jul I' to n I-jfy FAVOURITE MAN MUST 8E...' But police achieved many notable successes muc DC Free Pr ess Staff Reporter fHLKh was a general increase m crime
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  • 138 5 IrtT Press Staff Reporter "T*HE Malayan Communist Part>'s favourite and most pointless weapon is arson," says Mr. Blythe. "(omrounist aclivitirs destroyed one of the largest rubber mills on the island, the Aik Hoe rubber factory, 16 public omnibuses. 18 taxis owned by the major operating company, and
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  • 306 5 J sum of $185,000 has sanctioned by the Finance Committee of the Singapore Legislative Council for the purchase of two blocks of 40 flats m the Delta Road-Havelock Road area for housing for the staff of the General Hospital, instead of erecting married quarters for Hospital Assistants, for
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  • 52 5 Tengku Abdul Rahman, President of U.M.N.0., declared yesterday m Kuala Lumpur that any U.M.N.O member joining the Independence of Malaya Party would be expelled irom the organisation. The Tengku made this statement when he clarified for the first time— the position of U.M.N.O. members showing sympathy
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  • 32 5 Pledges of support of the Independence of Malaya Party have been pouring m to the Party's temporary headquarters daily and there has been no ttnae yet to count them.
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  • 48 5 During his two-day visit to Inoh. Mr. Alan Andrews. Secretary lor Boys Work. World Alliance of Y.M.C.A's (Geneva) will attend a church service m the Federation's largest reset tie. iient Tamp at Sungei Durian on Sunday morning. MR. W I. BLYTHE
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  • 26 5 Nearly 350 non-Chinese have joined the Kinta Branch of the M.C.A., swelling its total membership to 17.452 at the end of June this year.
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  • 175 5 J^tPORTED cases of rxtortion dropped to 57, slightly lower than the fijrurr for 1949. In 1948, 165 case* \>erp reported. "This type of crime is committed chiefly by members of secret societies and it is largely due to the effective suppression of these societies that the
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  • 104 5 'Children in Malaya keener in lessons than in U.K.' THE only English woman to teach m a Chinese school m Kedah, Mrs. G. A. Smith, wife of an R.A.E.C. captain, finds her job "most fascinating' 1 Mrs S?nith, who joined the Sungei Patani Sin Mm School early this year, says
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  • 255 5 f^ spite of the lack of accommodation and staff m Singapore hospitals, which tended to make 1950 a really difficult year, the t'olory eootinued to enjoy one of the most satisfactory health pictures m its history, says the Colonial Secretary, Sir. W. L. Blythe, m an annual
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  • 238 5 Free Press Staff Reporter AGAINST a background of increasing political tension m the Far East and a continuance of the local emergency, the Malayan Naval Force, the Volunteer Forces and their various feeder services open to the youth of Singapore all made steady strides
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  • 221 5 S'pore Job ore artistes for big charity concert' rr« rre*s Man importer fmal dress rehearsal for (he <>rand Variety Concert to I.c presented at the Happy World stadium by the Cosmos Sports Club m aid of charities on Sept. 27. will be held at the Victoria School Hall on Thursday
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  • 298 5 Long-term aim of expansion being realised Spores secondary industries VUHILE plans m Singapore aim to prove the efficiency of the Colony as a commercial centre of trade and travel by sea and air, and to improve the standard of its people, yet the subsidiary longterm aim of expanding the secondary
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  • 115 5 rpHE Finance Committee of the Singapore Legislative Council has approved $10,000 to start a scheme approved m 1950 for the rehabilitation acid retraining of disabled workers m the Colon j according to a report tabled at the Council meeting this morning. It is estimated that there will be
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  • 156 5 THE annual review says that political security and expanding social services require a basis m economic prosperity and stability. World attention has been focussed on South East Asia not only because of the Communist threat, but because of the need for the improvement of its productivity as
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  • 125 5 BASIC FACTOR FOR PERMANENT ADVANCEMENT Hrallhy Housing THE Singapore O 1 has appreciated thai the basic factor for permanent social advance housing of the people, .say* the Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe, la his annual report on the Colony pub.. Ed ihis morning. He mn thai a buildin*: boom
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  • 18 5 Old boys of CThomas' College, now Malaya, will get br<ue the renter. later this year.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 56 5 gMroi*'??v<]!SW*.< >s\y%t)jf>.™ »,< >^<>^« w< w wvm */n v*^< >^<>^« tso^t >>r<rv >i^»,« >>r«fv FOR THE FASHIONABLE LADY I GUERUfN 1 I french PERFUMtEs That Are Different c Perfume yr^^^ j FLEUR DE FEU #|f j I $30.00 1 Im r^\ C T-* J^^l CTAU L' I p tr' ROBINSON
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  • 621 6 NEWPORT XV STRONGER THAN EVER U.K. rugger reviewed From PETER LOVEGROVE 4 LTHOUGH Newport could do no better than draw their opening match of the season, sharing 22 points with Bristol at the Memorial Ground, there can be few doubts that once they get into their stride they will reproduce
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  • 71 6 THE 16 M.C.C. cricketers who are to tour India. Pakistan and Ceylon were enter'ained to a dinner last night by the M.C.C. at Lord's on 'he eve of Lheir departure *The team, led by Nißel Howard (Lancashire) will sail today from Tilbury and II due m Bombay
    A.P.; A.F.P.  -  71 words
  • 122 6 THE "hunch" money was on Golden Chance m the second race at Wolverhampton yesterday. The horse, which had never won a race and was rated as likely to. had stumbled on a patch of electrified grass. A short-circuited power aylon sent a dMtfffC down into the wet
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  • 135 6 rpHIRTY Battalion Ruyj.l Army Ordnance Corps gained two valuable points m the Singapore Base District Major Units League yesterc.y with a one-goal soccer win over Royal Electric*.! and Mechanical Engineers at Alexandra. Although well down m the United Services League. 30 Bn. have a Bood chance of
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  • 279 6 ■THERE are a number of new faces m the England and Welsh toams which meet m the Rur,by League international at St. Helens tomorrow. TiiLs match will serve as a pointer to the Great Britain side for the first Test match against New Zealand at
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  • 368 6 JF Newport are suffering from an embarrassment of riches among their experienced backs, Swansea's problem is quite the reverse. They are once again m the throes of team-building, but their young outsides gave a promising account of themselves at the Arms Park, where only Cardiff's experience and
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  • 111 6 THERE will be no direct television of the Football Association Cup final at Wembley on May 3 but a sound broadcast of the second half will be allowed, and if the 8.8.C. desire they will be given facilities to makp a film for televising after
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 52 6 COCIETA Sportive, from v Rome, are to play Londen Irish at the Rectory Field Blackheath, en Dec 29 They will be the first Italian Rugby Union side to take part m a match m Britain. Last year they gave the Dublin team Old Belved, a hard game
    Rome  -  52 words
  • 340 6 Free Press Rugby Reporter FIVE tries, one of them converted, gave Saint Andrew's School and Old Boys Combined XV a 17 points to nil rugby victory over 221 Vehicle Battalion Royal Army Ordnance Corps at Johore Bahru yesterday evening. Out-weighted m all departments,
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  • 93 6 All-German participation REPRJiSENTAiIVES of the East and West German National Olympic Committees met m Berlin yesterday for a three-hour talk about various Questions concerning allGerman representation at the Olympic Games next year. Dr. Max Danz. deputy chairman of the West German Olympic Committee, and Herr Hurt Edel. chairman of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 142 6 faam€ I i lOt-5.30 WOW SHOWING $O(jMyou *H Lauk't your m sides out at t4te adventures of 'MA PA KtTTU' WATCH FOR If I A drama of rsajjiti from The Readers DigeS* Incomes a pictufr t£t\t» that ail others^ flmist be compafid to it! V^Gfnoai t pin. fOGcu.cft AT LAST!and
      142 words
    • 279 6 f^TONIGHT at 9.30p I g«3G» PERSONAL APPEARANCE Au»trali»» "Girl of the Vrar fl TO HERALD THE PREMIERI fl G OF COLUMBIA'S COiOli BY S 1 SPECTACLE OF THE SCREEN S I "g IMMORTAL LOVER! I flj -^-r -jr (OLUMIU fICTUIES iwm lj A I /> pi M/SS BOWSER 2 1
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 29 6 HULLO A BOHCf CA? AVtt A f-l»E- tKGINe- I AMD OAVe^THgTHtI lL?M!\E^HsSjSu"^S^™™r^ rnT^i^rTrf"^^?^ 11 ■■W \Yi A UUQgV TOOT -eoiKJO TOWA»££r HOU4&- AIL ALONE-/ LUlJ_!^|!lU^_^ JIS ff^MOuW'&OT^ UT^P /^C^I
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    • 42 6 Today's sport SOCCER: business Hse. Lgr. Cup semi-final: Hongkong Sh. Bank v. F N\ at J. Besar. HOCKEY: Div. 1 Lge.: SCC t. S( RC at SCC; Div. Z: Fed. Customs v. YMCA at YMCA: St. Joseph's Inst. v. ACS at SJI.
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  • 533 7 USEFUL RUGBY TALENT IN SCHOOLS Saints out to beat Raffles Free Press Rugby Reporter JHREE local schools— St. Andrew's, Raffles Institution and Victoria School provide the future talent for Singapore's Asian rugger teams. Last season the strongest rugger schools were St. Andrew's and Raffles, who shared honours by beating each
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  • 700 7 By KI SADER INDIA'S bni badminton p ayer, Davinder Mohan, was unlucky to be pitted ist Wong IViii; Soon m his most dazzling form at the exhibition matches lian Thorn .is C up team and Mayflower B.P. at the Happy World I Stadium
    Free Press  -  700 words
  • 23 7 .f a r i 17 4 I 36 3 >1 40 1 3 I i 36 59 1 I 90 1
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  • 17 7 32 i r j :.m;. I X ill 1 ro- J. A
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  • 16 7 Fed. swimmers for SASA meet -.nee t I p om I npet! ber 8 nthe 180.
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  • 70 7 I' Dion Ku hards d thai h, ham Ihe fiat- the Mth Id the In all the history of ratin^ a double century has been reached only nine times by other jot-keys eight times by Fred Archer and once b> T. Loates. Stakes won by Richard's winners
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  • 32 7 YESTERDAYS UK. Rugby Union results were: Gloucester 9. Waterloo 5; Llanelly 6. Maesteg 0; Newbridge 0, Caumlin 3; Northampton 20. Rugby 3; Penzance and Newlyn 14. Clifton 3- Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 22 7 Ceylon Sports Ciua beat Sherwood Foresters by the only goal of a friendly hockey match at Balestier Road yesterday.
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  • 29 7 The University of Malaya Athletic Union will hold its next annual athletic meet on Oct. 27, Mr. R. Rajadurai, the Unions secretary told l?ie Straits Times yesterday.
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  • 207 7 A VIRUS infection of the spinal cord has forced Dicky Guest to hang up the boots In which his twinkling feet have riven delight to so many. He contracted his serious illness while on holiday this summer, but he is happily making a food
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  • 59 7 PHARLTON Athletic beat v Stoke City by two goals to one it an English Football League Div. 1 game at Stoke yesterday. Other results were DIVISION II Cardiff C. Sheffield U. 1 DIV. 11l (NORTHERN) Bradford 0 Carlisle U. 1 Mansfield T. 1 Rochdale DIV. 11l
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  • 86 7 St. Andrew's School will hold their 16th annual swimming carnival at the Chinese Swimming Club, at 2 15 p.m. on Thursday. A challenge shield presented by Mr. Peter Yap Ec Kaw will be at stake m the inter-house championship. Three challenge cups for individual champions have
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  • 161 7 MAN of the match m yesterday's United Services League soccer encounter at Royal Air Force Tengah between the Airmen and Royal Army Pay Corps was Tengah's outside-right Morley. Morley scored a hat-trick and made the opening for the "fourth goal m his team's four-nil victory.
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  • 198 7 THE British Amateur Athletics Board yesterday issjeci a list of 10 i names 79 men and 22 women as "oossibles" for the Olympic: Ca/aes m Helsinki m July 1052. Preparing to send the strongest team m Britain's ath-etic history, ihey have set severe standards. Any
    Reuter; A.P.  -  198 words
  • 454 7 From ARCHIE QUICK ALEX James, Scottish wizard of inside forward play, has been retired since 1939 but he gave his legendary long pants an airing at Horsham the other night when Arsenal sent an otherwise full team to play the local side for cricketer George
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  • 269 7 3 CLASS 3 HORSES SENT UP THREE winners at the sapor? GoM *Tup I mooting have been promt Thov are The Bosun. O and Sandown. who have b sent up to Cla^s 2. Among: the la f .est d Is Golden Orov*?, a CUm one horse. Latest classification nr/w mentf
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  • 41 7 THE draw .^r the se; of the Scottish Po League Cup, resuied St. Johnston or lfothtnw.l against Falkirk or Dundee t Glasgow, and Celtic or F< r Athletic against Dunfermline or Glasgow Ranger den Park. Glasgow.— A P.
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  • 194 7 Eurasians weak XI swamped gIKASIANS paid the penalty for fielding a ink side when they were trounced eight goals to tut m their S.A.F.A. Community League match at .1 Besar last evening. Without the services of Ivan Vass, the Colon? right half, and playing several forwards m defei t positions.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 30 7 'o*% NEW SHOES /or CITY PAY /n Celebration of the occasion ALL OUR SHOPS /AT SINGAPORE will allow 10 DISCOUNT ON ALL PURCHASES /ro/n 16th to 22nd Sept. 1951, inclusive.
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  • 532 8 Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE bus become an international centre of growing importance and its strategic role is twofold, says the Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Blythe, m his annual report on the Colony published this morning. The first of Singapore's strategic roles
    Free Press  -  532 words
  • 112 8 LONDON STOCK MARKET LONDON Tu> VAPANESE bond prices I >trJ a th< London rdav following -:end pr;-ss assessment of •)rn?o?cts of sotUpmrnt of outstanding ded O voon threp and well held siderable profitmoved on hopes of d bt Q c rattan 1 subtalk of a:; earl. Under the Influence Qo
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 24 8 The Yugoslav Foreign Minister and Vice-Premier. Edvard Kardelji, yesterday advocated compromise between Italy and Yugoslavia en the question of Trieste. AFP
    AFP  -  24 words
  • 248 8 Russia plans German move MOSCOW, Tuesday. FOREIGN observers m Moscow believed yesterday that the Soviet Government might be planning a major diplomatic move m an attempt to work out a solution of the German problem. Western diplomats said they would not be surprised if Russia made a two-point proposal soon
    U.P.; JON  -  248 words
  • 72 8 LONDON, Tues. AU T GHTNING strike by 3,700 British dockers and a go-slow campaign by 4.500 riverside tug boatmen yesterday threatened to bring London and Bristol docks^ to a standstill. Thirty-three ships were held up by mid-day, si£ of them bringing food to Britain. Tug boatmen
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 66 8 Mr. William Green, president of the American Federation of Labour, pledged at the Union's annual convention yesterday that American workers "will support the fight against Russia until that nation is decisively defeated." He urged labour to stand behind total victory m Korea so that the United
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 37 8 The Iraqi Prim? Minister. Nuri Es Said Pasha, Jeft Bagdad by air for London yesterday to conclude the new Anglo-Iraqi oil agreement reached last month between the Iraqi government and the Iraqi Petroleum Company.
    37 words
  • 27 8 The following were yesterdays closing quotations on the Hong Kong money exchange market: HK56.69 6.735 per US$l. HK515.70 per sterling. HK&34.25 per tael of gold
    27 words
  • 17 8 Italy and Japan are discussing formal action to end the state of war between them.
    17 words
  • 350 8 Russia's peace army has 215 divisions OTTAWA, Tues. T'HE British Defence Minis--1 ter, Mr. Emanuel Shinwell. yesterday warned that Russia has a formidable force of •at least 70 divisions' arrayed against the smaller western forces In Europe Mr. Shinwell said the facts about Soviet menace to world peace "are quite
    A.P.  -  350 words
  • 100 8 RANGOON. Tues. BRITAIN has promised to lend Burma £2.500.000 towards financing the Burmese Government's share m its proposed oil venture with the Burmah Oil Company for producing and refining the country's oil. The loan is payable "provided the Burmese Government and the oil company are able
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 55 8 The International Labour Organisation (ILOi yesterday reported a general drop m unemployment m a survey comparing employment this June, with the same month a year ago. In the United States a drop of 42 per cent was reported and m the United Kingdom 31 per cent
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 110 8 r^Rirvrii SAIGON, Tuesday. pRENCH troops and fighter planes were rushed yesterday to a spot where Vietminh had blown machineffHn and ambushed crew and Passengers with The French army save the location of the ambush as about 40 kilometres north of Saigon. About 10 people
    Renter  -  110 words
  • 17 8 The new Burmese Ambassador to China, U Hla Maung. arrived m Pekii c y esie relay. A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  17 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 RIRTHS of Jobn. at X X I H Ethel, wile o[ v Gomes at XX I i a son. David Dv WILLIAM BIVMJI A bftbv b<- at Bungsar I IN MFMORIXtt I OVING MEMORY of Madam Won? Swec L*an ton mo'l'f- who chca ft! Ipoh en 3 2 9.40 inserted
      177 words
    • 223 8 "T T^^te^^ J "40 rears of simple rare uilh J,,; so v The secret of the beauty of so man« tinrtiun is the year* of simple care »iih a '^> I Make it >our choice, too >»lir^, for alm«».t 60 yean.^^^^^ I v^i 16 OUNCES Ifc^ ll,€f PRODUCT OF S.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 182 8 yZKsg? -&&S&V -v; ?-;>&s& SBpvSHKmsll^MlM smappriiE 1.00 p.m. The Radio Orchestra; 1.30 Time Signal News; 1.45 Dunce Music played by Buddy Moreno Orchestra; 200 Schools Broadcast Singing Together <fe Literature ior Standards 4 cSc 5: 2.50 Close; C 15 Programme Summary: 6.17 Four Stars A Starlet; 6.30 United Nations Album;
      182 words
    • 124 8 ~^-ouri*es: fi 31 *ifeV| Analysis. I Pro-i^-amme Parade; 6.50 From the Editorials; TJO On Beine: A European'— A talk by Edward Hyams; 7.15 Rendezvous Players; 7.30 Letter From America by Alistair Cooke: 745 Music From rh» Ballet: 8.00 From The Third Programme 'The Force of Friendship' by Francis Watson; 8.30
      124 words