The Singapore Free Press, 17 September 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 206 1 Ktdgway suggests resumption of ta Iks TOKYO, Monday. JENERAL .Matthew H. Ridgway, United iions Supreme Commander, notified the Communists today that his liaison officers would be prepared "to discuss conditions that will be mutually satisfactory for a resumption of the armistice talks." a. Ridgway said:
    U.P.; A.P.  -  206 words
  • 8 1 The King cuts his holiday Ihe m \tmtt
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 Mr. S. 1. O. Ai .i:;oft Cleft) who has been awarded the D.K. m the Johore Birthday Honours List. Mr. 11. E. Mackenzie. Senior Unofficial Member of the lohore Council of Stale, is made a Dat.>.
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  • 9 1 I I I Reuter
    Reuter  -  9 words
  • 102 1 IKE CALLS FOR MORE TROOPS OTTAWA. Mon. THE North Atlantic Council will consider this week an urgent request fron. General Dwight, Eisenhower for more troops more quickly from members states, it was learned here authoritatively. Gen. Eisenhower's request is contained m a secret statement by him to the council's top
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  • 53 1 The 'infant" Communist party m the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal Is now m touch with Communists m India and Tibet -m a routine way." A party spokesman said yesterday that the Nepal Communists would meet "somewhere" at the end of this month to map out their
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 18 1 The Soviet Government has agreed to repatriate all Hungarian prisoners of war m Russia.- A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  18 words
  • 31 1 Africans m Southern Rhodesia will ask to be allowed to send observers to the conference on federation of the two Rhodesian and Nyasaland opening at Victoria Falls tomorrow. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 202 1 LONDON, Monday. TWO British Government members heralded the 1 speed-up m Atlantic rearmament yesterday with the warning that Germany must step into the rniiks. The Secretary of State for War Mr. John Strachey. and the Under Secretary, Mr. Woodrow Wyatt, both spoke on the Hth anniversary
    U.P.  -  202 words
  • 239 1 Free Press Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Monday. QYED Ibrahim Omar Alsagoflf of Singapore was 3 awarded the Most Esteemed Family Order (D. X.) of Johore, it was announced m the Sultan's 78th Birthday Honours List this morning. The acting Mentri Besar of Johore. Syed Abdul Kadir
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  • 113 1 Quads— then she felt hungry BALTIMORE, Mon. MRS. Susie Avance took six minutes to add four children to her family of five yesterday and then told doctors "I'm hungry" Quadruplets were born to the 31-year-old negro mother m the city hospital here. Just nine months ago she gave birth to
    A.P.  -  113 words
  • 59 1 The Pope yesterday ordered all Roman Catholics to pray for world peace and for the persecuted inmates of communist prison camps. His plea was made m an encyclical addressed to every Roman Catholic bishop. He asked Catholics everywhere to pray to the Virgin Mary next month,
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 94 1 PUSAN, Mon. UORE than 8,000,000 Koreans have lost their homes and much of their property m nearly 15 months of war, the South Korean Government reported yesterday. About 5,500,000 people, a quarter of the entire population, fled from their homes during the fighting. About half
    A P.  -  94 words
  • 111 1 LONDON, Mon. gEAN MACBRIDE. former Irish Minister of External Affairs, shouted an appeal to Britain today to end the partition of Ireland. Macßride, speaking In Trafalgar Square, had to shout to be heard by the throng of several thousand. Some unknown telephone caller had cancelled the
    A.P.  -  111 words
  • 20 1 Saidi Sepia, who claimed to be more than 115 years old, died yesterday at Tangan, m Tanganyika.
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  • 52 1 A United States High Commission court m Mannheim sentenced a German waiter to four months imprisonment on Saturday, because he refused to serve drinks to a Negro lieutenant. The waiter served white soldiers He was charged with disrespect towards a member of the United States Occupation
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 42 1 A warning that official strike action might be called to enforce British railwaymen's claim for a ten per cent all-round wage increase was made last night by the general secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, Mr. JB. Figgins. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 137 1 SPECIAL, Alabama, Mon. A reign of terror struck the capital of Alabama yesterday a s six heavily armed escaped convicts stalked the streets robbing, looting and l&suina threat* v c, nva' v. -Ukfi out" of the state prison here on Friday are still at large. The
    U.P.  -  137 words
  • 279 1 DR. MOSSADEQ FINDS A CONSPIRACY TEHERAN, Monday. TpHE Persian Premier, Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq, ordered the Persian army and police to investigate reports *f a plot to overthrow his Government. The deputy Premier Hussein Fatemi, said the alleged coup d'etat was discussed at a meeting m the Premier's house between the
    U.P.; A.P.  -  279 words
  • 145 1 ABADAN, Mon. AUTHORITATIVE sources here said yesterday that a senior Persian technician believed to nave been selected as power supply chief of the nationalised Abadan refinery has fled to London to join his British wife. The sources identified him as Mr. N. Fahtash, Briiisheducated member of AngloIranian's
    A.P.  -  145 words
  • 62 1 Professor Marcus Ollphant. Australia's leading atom scieniist. said yesterday that he would not so to America now even if the United States did grant him a visa. A hitch over the granting of a visa caused him to cancel his air booking to Chicago, where
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 10 1 Communist China is importing automobiles from Czechoslovakia.
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  • 216 1 12 ,000U.S. troops to test new A-weapons WASHINGTON. Mon THOUSANDS of I A ground troops will undergo training m the tactical use of now type atomic weapons m the forthcoming secret HI oeuvres m N t v ad as desert. The manoeuvres, which involve at least one and i bably
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  • 54 1 Mariam slaktfc mother Superior i Monastery. ill be t I Athens on charges ci wrongful! a g rl, Georgia P: iiM;lopoulis, for tl years. It will be tin i series of tiiaU m will be the eh. en charges ol fraud other c: i i
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 32 1 Thirty-lour people were injured eifhl seriously v. hen i converted twin-^n-;4inrd army plane cra.shfd m I held on the on of I Chicago yesterday. Nol I was killed Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 I X Jl VELLERS I kPM ri tiers'))/ KrlsWfj beer
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    • 48 1 A I am ,<D^ L'fij P PHOTOGBAPHV E" fc^'Wi INDUSTRIAL iui*iitilHiHii n t i k iSllllltrV. (■SH-SBE— *2) A. BY ir~2 A specially planned «HP»---^tt SECURITY LIGHTING l^B&iM exteriors and ~~^3» perimeters. MADE IN ENGLAND ADVT OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD OF EM .UNGAPORc MALACCA KUALA LuMPu*
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  • 94 2 Britain's bid for the "finest fighting aircraft m the world.*' the new Hawker P 1067. m night. Bringing airframe into line with the advances of jet engine, the new Hawker was ordered off the drawing board of the famous Sydney < amm, OBE. and will be m
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  • 587 2  -  HENRY THODY PARIS LETTER by 62 years old, that grand old lady of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, is still the biggest hit and moneycoiner of the French capital's 2,000 anniversary celebrations. Tourists queue at the rate of 10.000 a day to take the three lifts or
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  • 152 2 BORN today, you have an active, investigative mind. Your range of interests is wide from the creative arts to the exact sciences. Just make sure you concentrate on one and relegate the others to the status of hobbies. Otherwise, you are likely to miss the fame and
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  • 732 2 The battle for water is on Egypt and the Sudan are the contestants, says Margaret Gilrurh WHEN a party of TT Egyptians parade the streets of Cairo shouting "Down with the Treaty. We want the Sudan" the chances are that they know little about the AngloEgyptian Treaty of 1936. and
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  • 773 2 Gunter Neumann (GERMANY'S NOEL COWARD) is Berlin's Favourite imtHUU on,- Popular Heroes every Town or tvumi/ its man of the moment whether it be the local mayor, the hero of some disaster, or the winner of some sports event A GRAND sense of humour makes Gunter Neumann the most popular
    773 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 mm Qj permanentl y tinted j> TO YOUR NATURAL SHADES WITH W 75 NATURAL COLOURS Aval Ing Dispensaries Singapore $2 Federation $2 5e THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. imcoaao»»Tto i» TMf tfnnuno* o» maiavai ESTABLISHED IQOI HUALA LUMPUR KI&nG. SFRFMBAN PFNAN6
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    • 136 2 NOW AT EVERY BOOKSHOP ECLIPSE OF THE RISING SHI Toshik mi h 18 Toshikazu Kase was a membt Foreign Office from 1925 to tht authoritative account of hou war and -veaee he is able to ot intimate knowledge and through his many veers Government. David N. Roue. P Science at
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 42 2 Solution to Crossword No. 459 Saturday's Solution: Across: 1. Temperate. 8 Ozone. 9, Mince. 10. Hand-to-mouth. 12. Steamheated. 13. Elemi. 15. Incas. 16, Resigns. Downs: 2. Enounce. 3, Pretty maids. 4, Remembering. 5, Tin. 6. Rochester. 7, Methodist. 11, Untucks 14. Ear.
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    • 206 2 How ward No. 460 DncwjiMLMi: r mH^ ~MZBI i§ \~\< 20 mmm i J I i BH BSSi imp CLIES ACROSS 3. 7, Occasion for pardon and pancake ifi n HI (6). 9. A high hostelry m old Reval J?f m iln,. 8 Im v lookmg try to see a
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  • 400 3 He resisted the change-over SYDNEY, Monday. I IFK ifl soing to be different for John Clunies Ross, al<o known as Ross V, the "king" of Cocos Mand. Not long ago this handsome master of these strategic islands virtually defied the whole British But rtuw
    U.P.  -  400 words
  • 42 3 I LONDON. Monday. itv in Britain has been invited rquand, the Minister of Health, i for the country's 1,000,000 iren who suffer from heavy to make them feel more useful nullity and to make their lives
    42 words
  • 28 3 A squadron of US naval air force planes based m Alaska has been grounded \»y the Navy Department following a number of accidents m the arw A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    2 3 Kw"'
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  • 13 3 Fifty-six Muslim pilgrims of sunstroke on Islam's M Arafat, beyond Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 99 3 Jazz-the Reds cant change the tune BERLIN. Mon. T German Comunpalcn to ban }xz.z and boogieha* tailed. The youths it and will get it ttaj have to booties red during the Communist World Peace" Festival here. Ny thousands of German youngthe East side the Western 14.000 youths also the studio^
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • 130 3 WASHINGTON, Mon. GOVERNMENT research has proved for the first time that wild birds help spread sleeping sickness. The public Health Service also says the disease, technically known as Encephalitis, has increased steadily since 1948. Surgeon-General Leonard A. Scheele said Federal research workers In tests at Greeley.
    A.P.  -  130 words
  • 258 3 LONDON, Monday. i PLAN to make well-to-do flat-hunters help to pay the rent for small -income families has been approved by the London borough of St. Pancras, and is now m operation. Other boroughs throughout the country are watching to see how the scheme
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  • 24 3 Australian crews will fly the first Neptune long-range anti-submarine planes for the R.A.A.F. from America by the end of the year.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 48 3 Q. V CHEUNG, aged 13. discovered on Friday that times have changed since the days of David and Goliath. A Hong Kong court, taking his age into consideration, fined him a nominal amount of HKS4O for using his sling shot on a police constable. A.P.
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  • 30 3 Mr. D. L. Busk, a member of the Corps of the Foreign Office, is to be British Ambassador at Addis Ababa, m succession Mr. D. W. Lascelles.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 145 3 r rOOttM response of Two No--4 uaips. but he elected to bid Two iiUDs Over Two Hearts, he was oasessed by his lack of ruffing value* and rebid Two No-Trumps instead of raisin* Hearts North bKi Three No-Truraps and West led four of Diamonds. South won with the King
    145 words
  • 242 3 LjUENEBUBG, Germany, Monda\ THEY are having more ghost trouble m lonely Lueneburg, where the nathes say the witches dwell. But Lueneburg is made for ghost storie* for many of its people are very superstitious. The more ghost stories flying around the b< —for
    A.P.  -  242 words
  • 31 3 Pakistan's Premier. Liaquat Ali Khan, has ii//ested 18-year-old Mirali Khan Talpur with full ruling powers over the princely State of Khaipur. adjoining the Indian province of Rajputana A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  31 words
  • 112 3 She may sell her chiid without fear VIENNA. Mon. AN Austrian mother may sell her child without risking prosecution by the authorities. This loop-h,ole m the country's laws was revealed recently, when a mother m Vienna attempted to sell her 11 -year -old son to a childless couple for 5,000
    A.P.  -  112 words
  • 23 3 About 100 people \*cre reported drowr.ed when flood* followed heavy rains m m southern Porsia. About i.v,^v) 1 ases v Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 57 3 JQUCKIEY i CHDNT GET WOUNDED ITS SO I WON'T FORGET MY CIMS BIRTHDAYir L satg _t 4 B?.'id S Dealer: North Game all N. ft 10 6 f A 10 8 6 I t :A 8 5 X Q X3J 7 4 l ♦10 9 i tf> 5 4 *JB6
      57 words
    • 110 3 Cp i §W\W \^y a yj 7 Jfil^XL** I/" vi During and alter a /y 1 //•.>J?* A/ bodv-buiidin-jj elements m Scotts \V "*<!!* Emulsion restore health and strength a^vJ «JJ ffl m record time. N?*/ <Wi// And when you are fit Scott's Emulsion /J J Itf^lE keeps you well—
      110 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 141 3 Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya /?wi-'.:. :^A^t HI i ffla&<Ao _g& ft/M, V.tAWi^/Lf, WHOEVER YOU ri ™"i ---\jr/cxi_y--rw£- r"l J ,HHsy— r^ seco^rtjvg fcom guys are ~-::V£ -0 JUMP. HTOTHE AIR- *\ilj W* _A^^ LpTW'AftS W4UOP, YOU WANNA npJ J—ttts LET 60 OF THAT RIFLE/ ~|k y
      141 words
    • 262 3 Radio SINGAPORE 1 00 p.m. Monday Matinee— Icy is Williams Orchestra Whipl poor Wilis; 1.30 Time Signal News; 145 Home on the Range: l 2.00 For the Schools: Singing Together Literature for Standard 2; 2.50 Close; 6.15 Programme Summary 6.17 Children's Pro- gramme; 6.35 Adventures m I V'isic; 6.55 Announcements;
      262 words

  • 669 4 MONDAY. Sept. 17, 1951. Malaya's income VLJE are learning more and more important lets about ourselves. The 1947 Census, among other things. told us how many of us there are m Malaya, how many of us belong to which racial group, how many of us are born m this country,
    669 words
  • 843 4 Columbium needed for use m manufacture of jet planes T'HE production of jet A engines m the United States is m danger of being slowed down because of inadequate supplies of a comparatively rare metal which Malaya may be able to supply. It
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  • 516 4  -  Hall Romney g|jg|j]jj|jl^^^^ ?P jfcx-. his gallant and courteous manners and the fact that derogatory words concerning others never passed his lios." THE baton of honour at the first two passingout parades of Colonial nongazetted police officers was won by Malayan cadets. At the third such parade the
    516 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 4 *%S£stt\E?j£j2 £*S*Je M shoulder is ••<•„ ESS Ctab. uStoTSLJS ifverv SS, ooff f E sS? dogs at ,'S in* hnw she can \*zv a Ztancc »J .h? J h,S ir ek and never tires nf icmonjtaS-
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  • 708 4 Sometimes the full details take while, to 'surface...' THE BIC NEWS BREAKS The headline* report it But sometimes it takes a little while for the story m its simple, vivid detail to appear. For example A MONTH after the hurricane hit Jamaica the ordeal of the island comes now m
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  • 182 4 The fastest carrier plane DRITAIN has a new twin-jet naval Tighter, the Supermarine 508. It v/as successfully put through its first trials by test pilot Michael Lithgow at the R.A.F. experimental station Boscombe Down Wiltshire, recently. The 508 add s fresh glory to a year which is rich In new
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 40 4 B i i 2nd Flo 4 13, Battery R 1 Just Arrived I ENGLISH MORNING DRESSES AFTERNOON -COCKTAIL and I EVENING GOWKS H. B. WINTER COTlfl MERCHANT TAILOR ill.' Tailors of Distimti Ladies and Gentled 18E BATTERY ROAD PHONE 3660.
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  • 8 5 khjl;l jkbjk;l mnklkl"
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  • 8 5 British Council's work in Far East i to
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  • 339 5 'COMIC STRIP' P ROPAGANDA AGAINST BANDITS 'Malaya should adopt P.L plan': Dato Paglar Free Press Staff Reporter 'comic strips', as used by the Filipinos m their campaign against the Huks, should be adopted to intensify the propaganda war against the bandits m Malaya, Dato C J. Paglar, Legislative Councillor for
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  • 165 5 $10,500,000 invested in S.M.C. loan Free Press Staff Reporter ABDICATIONS for about $10,500,000 worth of stock m the $30-million •54 per cent loan for water and electricity expansion projects, which was floated by the Singapore Municipality 3| U eeks ago bavt so far been received, Mr. JR. Hill, Municipal Treasurer,
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  • 38 5 No appeal to the public to volunteer for civilian defence will be launched m the Northern Region until early next year, Major-Gen. E. B. de Fonblanque. Asst. Commissioner for Civil Defence, said m Penang yesterday
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  • 234 5 'Don't join T.U.C/ order. Free Press Staff Reporter WORKERS' movement m general, and the Tra"de TT Union Congress m particular "view with grave concern" the action of the Singapore Government which deprives their employees of the right to participate m the activities of the Congress,
    234 words
  • 63 5 The Singapc re Police have m their possession a U-rist watck MY SOL. Swiss made. 15 jewels, round-faced, waterproof and shock absorber— the number of which is not known. It is believed to have been stolen m Amber Road at noon on Sunday, Sept. 9. The
    63 words
  • 190 5 REVENUE FROM HAWKERS... >>JO provision has been entered m the Singapore Municipal budget lor next year on account of increased revenue expectations from the 'licensing of some 20.000 unlicensed hawkers m the Colony. This is said to" be due to the absence of any intimation
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  • 25 5 Home Guards of Sungei Siput were presented* with National Service badges by Mr. G. W. Sommerville. the Civil Defence Commissioner. Federation of Malaya, on Saturday.
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  • 367 5 WANT to send your dog to UK.? < ff Then pass your headache on to Mr. D. J. Hooper head of a Singapore baggage transport agency, who are the agents tor Spratts m England. Mr. Hooper, m co-operation with Spratts. is
    Free Press  -  367 words
  • 253 5 Free Press Staff- Reporter THE Public Works Committee of the Singapore Municipality, on the recommendation of the Municipal Engineer, has decided not to instal sluice zates to prevent flooding m the central parts of the city for the time being.
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  • 19 5 Dr. H. Scrlnateour and !">r O tt. p] b t>e ativ< A, m Uie Malayan Medical Sen lee.
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  • 60 5 'START SHOULD BE MADE' ■IK. J. M. Jumabhoy, Com-s--siener for City ward, said that the Inconvenience caused, although not frequent, was hard on pedestrians and business houses. The district comprised a big textile area. Wastertr the results of further filler' stkms B '.ates iiius« n flfit lata the :in d
    60 words
  • 58 5 Some eighty names, famous m the film vorld, figure among the major and minor part? m the British Film Industry* Festival celebration picture "The Maeic Box" which has been shown privately and will probably be screened m Malaya. The film is a biojrraphv of William
    58 words
  • 39 5 SITIAWAN. Sun. Ower $400 was raised m aid of the Dindings T. B. and Welfare Fund 3 f ?u re ult of a social held SI i h s i tiawan Recreation Club on Tuesday.
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  • 23 5 The Tamil Ecu. a Hon Sor.efy and the Malayan A;dcd Schools Council have been exempted from rems; ration under the Ordinance.
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  • 91 5 HE'LL PRESENT AUSTRALIA 'S GIRL OF THE YEAR' MR. ROY BRAI. cond from right) <| Director of Columbia t m Australia and New Zealand and general supen isos) for India and other fos' t countries, who has am Singapore to present Aust* ratio's Girl of the V Miss. Diatine Bowser,
    Free Press  -  91 words
  • 136 5 MCs DELETE 'OVER-RIDING' PASSAGE RULE Free Press Staff leg* r A PASSAGE rule aj m the Singapore M p..l service, which I to be capable of over inf all other passage rule>. haj been deleted from the b it by the Municipal Commis- The rule m question 1 the Commissioners,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 Just Unpacked Finest Quality LEATHER HANDBAGS *^^aaaw M Smartly Styled Fashioned. SILVERWARE DEPT. JiipJhnaßßß waaaW I art, Thone ***** 2. REDUCED PRICES?== CASES 20" a 30" Now $1.40 Each 'CAN LINEN FINISH SHEETS $7.50 CAN FLANNEL BLANKETS $5.00 MA SUITS ALL SIZES $6.50 Pair SHIRTS ALL SIZES $4 50 EacS
      58 words
    • 51 5 there's tailoring I I We pride ourselves yCJU^^ ft >M know* ju-l nlial the i|^p j impeccably dressed I (TBri: »<■ i,e l,lints v overcoats I T T iJR' A I,NE SELECTION OF C.LOTIIs ;I |X 1 AWAIT V-mK IV iv. 1 1<>\ 4S|' ROBINSONS I Tailoring Dept. jggggipunlgd m
      51 words

  • 670 6 Red Carnation outstays rivals By ALLAN LEWIS RFD C4RNATION led from start to finish to win the Singapore Gold Cup from one of the best fields ever seen at Bukit Timan on Saturday. A chestnut English gelding Red Carnation is bred purely on staying lines,
    Free Press  -  670 words
  • 545 6 RACEGOERS who backed the favourites were off to a bad start when Sir Tristram finished brillimtlv to swamp his rivals m the «W (Class 1, Div. 3— ll m an 13G yards.) on Saturday. Redan and Result were supported as if they could
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  • 45 6 J^ OR WAY beat Denmark by two goals to nil m an international soccer match at Ullevaal Stadium. Oslo, yesterday. Both goals were scored m the first half. A crowd of 35.000. including King Haakon and Princess Astrid, watched the match
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  • 166 6 CTIRUNG MOSS. 22-year-old boy wonder of British motor racing, easily won the Royal Automobile Club's Tourist Trophy race at Belfast on Saturday. It was a repeat performance by Moss, who won the race last year. Driving a Jaguar 3.442 c.c, with superb skill. cracked up an
    A.P.  -  166 words
  • 110 6 :1: Sir Tristram (Woods) dasnes m front hall a furlong out and goes on to Deai i.ebombo (3agby) and Prince Charming (Jones). Sir Tristram paid 553 on the win tote. RACE 3: Spring-box (Charles) puts m a sustained effort to win from Abbeystead (E. Donnelly) m a slowly-run
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  • 108 6 AT. Marcel Boussac, who won the English St. Leger on Saturday with Talma 11 yesterday, completed a "double" when his colt, Stymphale. won the French St. Leger at Longchamp, Paris. Australian jockey Rae Johnstone rode both winners. Stymphale who. like Talma 11, is sired by Pharis and
    Reuter; A.P.; Free Press  -  108 words
  • 113 6 Aseari wins at Monza A ace. Or^nd Prix i Ferrari a Froilanci I tinei, alto second, and (Italy, on was third -> I Tre two Bi BRM's did before the veloped gi 1 were withe 1 I The rest. .< ing champ: >: I Argentine v c I gio, who
    A.P.; Reuter  -  113 words
  • 24 6 BILLY poker dent from i feated Joe I ltmmorone< and three final on Sai the young-s-Bobby J i amateur g A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 196 6 TAKING charge shortly after the start Scotch Express led throughout :o win the seventh race tCi. I. Div. 2— 6f. and 19 yds Scotch Express, having ms first race m Malaya, put up a performance that will earn him promotion to Div. 1 and a crack at
    196 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 197 6 i 1 l ■*™«x*-m. Mammammmmmmmmmammm Phoa* j) B// 11 m 1.45. 4.H. 6.30 9.30 NOW SHOWING J* gmao* ,t^* fcl B W v. f you 7/ Laufiii your insides out at the adventures of S MA PA KETTLE' TODAY: 11 am.. LiS. 400 630 M p.m. R.K O. Radio' <
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    • 198 6 P^ To mailc the granting of a City Charter to Singapore by H.s M King, the Straits Times and Singapore Free Press are publishing a mcmor.ifcl Issue consisting of 64 full size pages, including a colour cover Authoritative articles have been contributed by many v.c!l knov> on the past, the
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  • 790 7 FARELF CUP FINAL ON CITY DAY Sappers to play Commandos By A Special Services Correspondent TWENTY-TWO footballers are awaiting City Day, Sept. 22, with an excitement which has nothing to do with the granting of a Royal Charter to Singapore. For on Saturday at Jalan Besar Stadium, while Singapore celebrates
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  • 121 7  -  CRUSADER By I JJ Ti &ers 3. I produced their championship form i i Sporting Association's hopes of a I up doable by beating them three goals m their S.AJ 1 Challenge Cup semi-final it Jalan Besar Stadium last evening. match, Kota Raja were the
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 7 riTTOCK I AIDER
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  • 122 7 FINALS of the Singapore Base District 1951 tennis championships were played at Alexandra Officers' Tennis Club courts. Bedford Road, on Saturday afternoon. Royal Army Ordnance Corps won the inter Regimental doubles cup. Runners-up were Brigadier Rome and Lt'Col Ashburner < Durham Light Infantry* who were forced to
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  • 143 7 MRS. Fanny Blankers-Koen. Dutch triple Olympic champion, won a women's pentathlon event at Amsterdam yesterday with 4.410 points under the new system of scoring. This total was 225 points better than her performance at Berne last month when she set up an unofficial world record. Fanny's individual
    Reuter; A.P.; Free Press  -  143 words
  • 83 7 "pELICISSIMO Ampon of the Philippines, partnered by Marcello Del Bello (Italy), won the mixed nationalities section of the men's doubles m the international lawn tennis tournament at Venice yesterday. Ampon and Del Bello beat Gianni Cucelli (Italy) and Sven Davidsson (Sweden) 6-2 6-3 6-1. Davidsson had
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  • 805 7 ENGLISH Football League placings after Saturday's matches are: Reuter P W D L F APtS Man. U. 9 6 2 1 24 13 14 Aston Villa 8 6 1 1 18 10 13 Bolton W. 8 5 2 1 14 7 12 Tottenham 9 5 2
    Reuter  -  805 words
  • 13 7 Solution to McLeod's Picture Tip on Saturday is Four O'clock 11.
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  • 394 7  -  JIM CHAMBERS From pXGLISH Football League leaders, Manchester United, were lucky indeed to defeat their City rivals 2 l m a game which drew the top crowd of the day— 6o,ooo on Saturday. The City were a more forceful combination all through the game, but
    A.P.  -  394 words
  • 452 7 The rest of the sport THE annual inter-Services swimming gala will take place on Wednesday afternoon at the Singapore Swimming Club, starting at 3 p.m. Army competitors won every event m last year's championships, but Royal Air Force will make a strong challenge for the inter-Services Shield
    A.P.  -  452 words
  • 89 7 •N a return Uni;ed Services League MOOSt encounter at '.Hllman Barracks on Sarurdav. 30 j 3attalion Royal Army Ordnance i Corps and Singapore Engineer Regiment repeated their feat earlier (''us season m playing each other a Bt*?« «?ul There was no scor- Thsss tvo teams met ln
    89 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 166 7 llpllt ANCHOR POWDERED uj»,) Singapore price 53. 65 per 2} lb. 'uu cm am n an<^ not $1-65 as previously milk S •'owoee >li 1 1 Singapore Cold Storage Co Ltd. I fit SHRiRO (china) LTD. I ft* Tm PLEASURE jrj ANNOUNCING THAT THEY HAVE BEEN J *> APPOINTED EXCLUSIVE
      166 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 57 7 I&£ GaaaPOL<s 3u/^^.i^^f^. I sew suppose- i hadn't V^l Iwe-u -rev n»*to po«*i o^OQorr GfcOQGfcj, Tw*k£&ir JB& pound a and a wad won] a&ain i'll post »t CT" you've- poc?6crHfc-Njgr*; Mam Sr^" ANO •iuPPOS'r I POaeOT C< MV-^tF AND MAKE SuOjr> TW6- LtrTHrGJ g&JI ■/—*>. -fP IT tui^ t^n vfft-gg
      57 words

  • 479 8 We want self-rule with no strings -Dato Onn QATO Onn bin Ja'afar, Member for Home Affairs and leader of the Independence of Malaya Party, said yesterday: "It is on the foundation of good relationship and true relationship that Malaya will stand by the British Commonwealth and not on what is
    479 words
  • 107 8 BERGMAN NOT AFTER DIVORCE MILAN. Mon. ITALIAN film director Roberto Rossellini angrily denied last night that his marriage with Ingrid Bergman is a failure, the newspaper Corriere Delia Sera said today. Mario Parpagnoli, director of a film distribution company, told reporters m Buenos Aires on Saturday that the "most famed
    107 words
  • 62 8 The American owned Civil Air Transport Incorporated and the Philippines Airlines will supply an equal proportion of aircraft to Japanese domestic airlines. Japanese domestic airlines are scheduled to inaugurate services m Oct 1. Japan is expected to have a good position m international aviation, especially m
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 28 8 India has presented more than 500 books to Peking University. Chung Shan University and the Ministry of Education of the Chinese Red regime. U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 116 8 "11/fc. the people of Malaya here assembled, do hereby affirm the inalienable right of the people of this country to determine the political social and economic destiny of Malaya." said the resolution, "fully conscious of the grave problems of the present and of the future, we solemnly pledge ourselves
    116 words
  • 24 8 The three-night celebrations m connection with the twenty first anniversary of the Great World begin tonight. The admission charges are as usual.
    24 words
  • 11 8 The New York Times celebrates its centenary tomorrow.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  11 words
  • 599 8 Free Press Staff Reporter III ALAYA'S rubber and tin boom resulted m a i?1 national income estimated at $4,849 million last year, or the equivalent of $776 per head of the popu I lation of 6,245,000. In 1949 the income was $3,022 million ($498 per head). These
    599 words
  • 184 8 Japanese 'must rearm at once' TOKYO. Mon. JAPAN'S former Premier Hitoshi Ashida. leader ol the Democratic Party declared yesterday that Japan should rearm as quickly as possible He said that experts should take a s the base for the": discussion, the figure of sions, totalling about 200.000 men. Japan had
    U.P.; A.F.P.  -  184 words
  • 110 8 HONG KONG, Men THE Chinese Communists have begun to relax travel restrictions along the Macao and Hong Kong borders. A Canton dispatch to the Colony's pro-Communist newspaper. Ta Kung Pao. said that Chinese under the age of 11 will not require entry or exit permits. Travellers
    110 words
  • 39 8 T AN KAH KEE GIFT Mr. Tan Kan Kee. wellknown overseas Chinese, formerly of Singapore, and now a member of the Chinese Communist Government, has raised sufficient funds to add 22 buildings to Amoy University which he founded Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 155 8 COLORADO, Mon. A STUNTING plane crashed into spectators watching an air show here on Saturday, killing 20 persons. Government inspectors examined the wreckage yesterday, seeking an explanation of the tragedy. Twelve of the 20 dead were children. They were mowed down and at least
    A.P.  -  155 words
  • 175 8 APTRF^R..h D OL^ WOOD, Monday. ACTRESS Barbara Payton said yesterday that she loved Franchot Tone 'more than ever- now and called actor Tom Neal a "brute" who ouirM^L E? arrested for beating him up. Uffht to be She said. "I hope Pranchot nas him arrested
    U.P.; A.P.  -  175 words
  • 22 8 A slight earth tremor rocked eastern Japan yesterday but there have been no reports of casualties or damage Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 Ask for MEEOLER'S CHOCOLATES CONFECTIONERY The Hall Mark of Quality HIGHEST STANDARD/ F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD Singapore LINE HALFTONE BLOCKS BRASS SICNBOARDS. SCHOOL BADCES. ETC. Choon Cujn Street. Singapore. Tel: *****. A'drama of real life from The Readers Digest becomes a picture so fine that all others must be compared
      88 words
    • 31 8 The Oriental Optical Co., W^rBJBWHJ Tra^ jg?^^^k. MB ij£ j H'.S.V Modern t.quipment) 348 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD 162. SOI'TH BRIDGE ROAD TELEPHONES 3232 ***** P O Box 387 Singapore, Penang Siam.
      31 words
    • 221 8 r I'm /^SI all for JL j I Entfs F^/al au^+trrhTMr******^^ '*****laii\\ m I f- jt>s good for I K ll the Uver! I A glass of sparkling EKO'S first thing m good for the liver. It clears the head m wonderful effervescence is cleansing and^rcir nasty mouth. The non
      221 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 257 8 M\RKl\<-> MERTON BROWN Hazel Morrison Jones, m London on 9th DEATH THORNE At rruro, on 13th rr.ber, 1951 ..e. formerly Judge of the Court. Malaya. At I iiMMtHH I lO.N \VI JHELOR Urgently requires (1 lodging family home Euraeferred any <pply er. 35. Goodman Road. 1 12! 2 Mornings. VrHIILr
      257 words
      59 words