The Singapore Free Press, 10 September 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 9 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA
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  • 508 1 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1951. Mossadeq to send ultimatum via U.S. T PREMIER Mohamme. gave Britain 15 day accept Persian proposal bitter oil dispute. Dr. Mossadegh annou the British of his ultimi States special envoy, Mr. failed to negotiate an oil month. The Premier made his
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  • 246 1 U.N. planes blast Reds in 352 attacks KOREA, Mon. FIGHTER-BOMBERS of 1 the Fifth Air Force ranged across Communist held Korea yesterday, flying 352 sorties against the enemy, 70 of them m direct support of ground troops. Red rail facilities and vehicles took the brunt of the attack as the
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  246 words
  • 50 1 I LONDON, Mon. PICTURES of the tired *nd taut face of the Kins aroused London newspaper speculation yesterday that something was seriously \wong. Is the King a sick man?" "If so. the nation should be told." one newspaper de- 'nded on its front page.
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  • 16 1 Crash of hurricanes saves an island Ida, M >n at two i d »t lethal Bri-
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  • 12 1 I ri -i*. 1 t l f h i**
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  • 75 1 FIVE BANDITS KILLED Free Press Staff Reporter. KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. SECURITY Forces killed five v bandits and wounded three weekend of ambushes. Security Forces patrol m h p sitions killed three and wounded three who escaped, yesterday c Johore Bahru area. > squad waited m ush m the Teiuk Anson
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  • 64 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. A[R Hugh Gaitskell. British Uor of the Exchequer, confirmed yesterday m has asked the es for 800.000 tons erican steel for her rement programme. Gait :ell also said that m does not expect to reore economic aid the United States. But rtner m
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  • 28 1 Lloyds Shipping Intelligence said yesterday that Czechoslovakia has no oil tankers with which to move the oil they have offered to Reuter buy from Persia.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 64 1 Britain is preparing: bases for more American bombers under a secret programme for the peacp time reinforcement of American air forces m England, according to the Sunday Times yesterday Costs were being shared by the British government, and schemes for American air eXDansion m Britain were
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 120 1 Ex-P.o.W.s MARCH IN PROTEST BONN, Mon. "OME 3,000 former German I prisoners yesterday took part m a march of silence through the streets of Bonn as a protest against the continued detention of German prisoners of war and civilians. The march was organised by the Association of German Repatriates which
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  • 149 1 LONDON, Mon. HUNDREDS of people m Britain and overseas have asked for seats m the first space ship to the moon, an official of the British InterPlanetary Society said here yesterday. Interest m space travel has been stimulated by claims mad? at the International
    Reuter; A.P.  -  149 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 Tae "holy carpet" which Egypt sends to Mecca every year with the Muslim pilgrimage leaves Cairo, after the traditional ceremony. In the procession of the "holy carpet the carpet is m a palanquin fived on a camel's back. A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 176 1 NEW DELHI, Monday. THE Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Nehru, was installed a s president of the AH* India Congress Party yesterday amid shouts of "Jai Hind"— victory to India. He exhorted party members to work with zeal and enthuasism among the masses and not to
    U.P.; A.F.P.  -  176 words
  • 138 1 Wants Aga Khan to alter face PARIS, Mon. DR. Do Huu Thinh, Vietnam member of. the. French Union Council, is the "double" of the Aga Khan. Yesterday he described how awkward this is for him during his present stay m France: "Wherever I go persons bow and hands are stretched
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 16 1 The Cambodian Govern ment and the United States yesterday signed an economic co-operation agreement.
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  • 26 1 A five-year-old Chinese jirl, Tay Swa Tee, who was j ia collision with a police Jeep at Stanley Street yesterday Uile(^hi^nonilnflji^io«pltal PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS.
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  • 63 1 picture. The Chateau La Sauvageonne (the Little Savage) m which Mrs. Melinda McLean, wife of the missing British diplomat, is staying at Keauv illon. Var, France, with her mother, two married sisters and her three children. The village of La Garde Freinet, ten miles from
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 241 1 Free Press Correspondent LONDON, Monday. WHILE the Singapore Government, m co-oper-ation with Sir George Pepler, its Town Planning Adviser, is preparing the necessary legislation for a survey and master plan for the city's development, the first steps have been taken by the Improvement Trust's agents
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  • 83 1 RESIDENTIAL AREA STRAFED BY PLANE LONG BEACr AU.S. Air Force piane ac* cidentally strafed M elusive residential section "ay endangering da and terrifying the -«>mmunity. tcdL The F-51 Must ins: ftghtrt plane of a unit on c emergency al?rt was on the ground at Lnns B> unicipal airport being prepared
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 An* fc« I rir^^ v, ->•• A y FOR BAg»g ip the good work Baby has II on Cow Gate Milk Food— now here's another Cow Gate S for him. Needless to say he loves J^licate malted flavour of Cerex to his eager little palate and the Ued predigested cereals
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  • 52 2 \ULITARY police men line up m pouring rain m front of the HQ. of Aldershot District as Major General W. A. Dimoline, CB. CBE. DSO. M.C., makes his farewell inspection before leaving to the British 7 Mission m Washington. Belou Ger^ral Dimoline presents the BEM to a
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  • 501 2  - It would take 100 A-bombs to destroy London GENERAL SIR BRIAN HORROCKS says OVERHEARD a young man say at a recent party m London that the only use re would be for the ll Dt fence Service m ml attack would Iq po| the survivors of their agony (is. He
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  • 282 2 ANCE it was m the natural order of things that foreign countries should look io a prosperous Britain for coal, coke and a variety of other regular exoorts delivered on time and of the best quality. Such conditions, however, are now little more than a memory,
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  • 640 2  -  Aird Lewis ONE of the big worries of the people directly involved m the Persian oil trouble is the very definite danger of fires and explosions if the flow of oil is dammed fcack by inexpert hands, and if unskilled men are let
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  • 907 2 PARIS CAFES CLOSE 'WHEN LAST CUSTOMER HAS GO NE' Spotlight on night lite PARIS is as lively at midnight as at midday. Crowds pouring out from the last performances of the cinemas and theatres swarm into the cafes, demanding food and drink White-jacketed waiters, moving at the double give it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 155 2 NOTABLE CROSS EXAMINA IMS by E. W FORDHAM. Mr. Ford ham here presents (for the verbatim) twenty examples of duels which a r e of outstandivq historical. social interest; and m each case the i left to decide whether council or wttn scored the preater success Published by CONSTAfeU* ->i#
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 147 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR DORK todjy. impulse can spell di-aster unless, eaily m life, you learn to distinguish between it and so-called intuition or inspiration. Ome you have discovered the fine line separating these three, you ran utilize inspiration and intuitive guidance t«» your benefit and discard ill-advised impulsivene*>v You have
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    • 186 2 Solution to Crossword No. 453 Across: 1. Railway line. 7, Mum. 8. Chronic. 9, Notes. 10. Sepia. 12. Tests. 14. Recut. 15. Applied. 17. Ere. 18, Enterprises. Down: 1. Remonstrate. 2, Inmates. 3, Wicks. 4. Yarms. 5, Inn. 6. Enchantress. 11. Packets. 13. Skier. 14. Ruder. lfi. Pet. Hew Crossword
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  • 126 3 30,000 MEN FACE DILL FUTURE t SAIGON, Monday, s In French Indo-China are 30,000 are Itagiag to fight the Chinese hut they face a dreary, hopeless World Phu c Indo-China by the Communists just to make them happy. The internees have nothI lose, while with us It Is exactly the
    A.P.; P.P.  -  126 words
  • 95 3 HE ADVERTISED 'I DON'T LIKE THE FOOD' BAIRNBRIDGE, Maryland Mon. J^ SAILOR at the Naval Training Centre here has recommended for a gen- ccurt-martial because he itlsed his dislike of the i.c chow is good when it Ls brought to the base." said S HO] kng, yeomen :hird and assistant
    A.P.  -  95 words
  • 48 3 Six of 23 United Nations soldiers who drank Korean sake containing 16 percent methyl alcohol (methylated spirit) died recently, according to the latest Medical Journal of Australia. Survivors were treated with alkalis and suffered no permanent injury. Symptoms were sudden blindness and profound shock.
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  • 194 3 FR two hours pilots and ground staff at Cape Town Airport watched the an lies of an Au-ster plane flown by 17-year-old schoolboy. Uldich Leibrandt. who had never piloted a plane before. He made several circuits of Cape Town, dive-bombed his school with rolls of
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  • 254 3 Thousands of Germans sneak through HELMSTEDT, ANGLO-SOVIET BORDER, Monday. 'pHE "Iron Curtain" which separates West and East Gernurny is riddled with legal and illegal gaps through which thousands of Germans pass daily m both directions. The armies of the Western Allies and the Soviet
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  • 41 3 picture Amerieaa film beauty, Linda. Darnell, who is on her first visit to L'iidcn. Ljnda is there to complete "Saturday's island," the film she was making m fcnsfoa ivhen the island was struck by a hurricane. P.P.
    P.P.  -  41 words
  • 103 3 TAIPEH, Mon. A FIRING squad m Taipeh's suburbs on Friday shot a 31-year-old woman, who was convicted by a military court, for telling her husband to kill a romantic hawker, her one-time lover. The hawker Yu Li, was bound, gagged and put across a
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  • 26 3 TAIPEH, Mon.— The Ministry of National Defence today alleged that the Kwangtung Communist authorities have blacklisted and earmarked 50 000 people for mass trial AFP
    AFP  -  26 words
  • 22 3 TOKYO, Men—More than 50 per cent of the wall clocks produced m Japan are sold m Southeast Asian markets U.P.
    U.P.  -  22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    259 3 UERE are some bidding 11 situations you will meet m forthcoming hands to appear m this column. In each case, your side is vulnerable. What would you bid 1. Tour 3pa*!?s. There Is a ct In your two no trump J/.d la that you ruive only two diamonds,
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  • 210 3 TOKYO, Monday. P>IPEROR Hirohito, who renounced his divinity at the beginning of the occupation, is not likely 1 after the peace treaty to assume his former role of a "God on Earth.'* Prominent Japanese say any such attempt by the Emperor "is out of the
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 259 3 Just a towel for— style BALI. Mon. gALI'S good looking women have over the common bt towel as their favourite headdress. They all towels wrapped around their hair m such a way that they look as if they have just stepped out a millener's salon. "How do they n I
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  • 71 3 new channel of entertainment lor blind Dt ple will be tried out at a special showing of the film. "Alice m Wonderland." with braille additions, at the Globe Cinema. Coventry, to a blind audience on Friday. Continuity sheets, giving a scene-by-scene description m braille, have been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 ]-mm .^^HUf^^^^ J )\> V LANOLIN 1 f ;^rjfo SHAMPOO wjtfKf EZIJr <cc^ N radiance' j[p i&i*!^ to P arc^ e d hair, i&i lit At 111 leading stores SiaofMe 2 Sizes 35 cts. and 60 < above pins dv THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD UHCOftPOAATED <* TMC fCCe*tTlO« OP MALAVAI
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 113 3 f^nifSjiß Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya -IN '=>T /"tv,E^ -A\E\'T WAD A NSfSUT T TWIN< I CAN^S I^AND BETV\'EEN >OJ AND \r^!§2 1 V C^\C=- VNhAT V\iTW Wtc— MR PERRY-GREENE E f ME, PEARL, fM RATMER. l^T^ VOS£
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    • 252 3 I Radio ijju^APCRE 1 p.m. Programme Summary; 1.02 Monday Matinee— Freddy Martin Orchestra Connie Haines; 1.30 Time Signal News; 1.45 Home on the Range; 2 For (he Schools: Singing Together Literature for Standard 2; 2.50 Close; 6.15 Programme Summary; 0.17 Childrens Programme; 6.35 Adventures m Music; 655 Announcements; 7.00 Time
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  • 494 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, Sept. 10. 1951, After the treaty fTHE signing by 49 nations of the Japanese peace treaty at San Francisco yesrelay holds no promise of any progress wards a Far Eastern Uement On tha Urary. Russia's reI to accept the s of the American I every
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  • 970 4  -  Richard Collier IS IT the cash prize, or the screen test or the rich husband? asks WHAT shall it profit a girl to become a beauty queen? Mr. Shinwell, Britain's Minister of Defence, has said that he prefers beauty contests to arms conferences.
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  • 678 4  -  DUDLEY HAWKINS From £ROSSING the Equator six time? a day, heavily muffled m sweaters and an overcoat, is ail m the job to 26-year-old Peter Mitchell. He is the youngest of a handful of Europeans picked to drive the
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  • 513 4 ANTHONY TERRY, reporting from Berlin, tells of the rebirth of Nazism A NEWSVENDOR sid- led up to me m a Hanover restaurant this week and started fumbling under his pile of papers. "Want something special?" he asked. "Something that will remind you of the good
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  • 371 4  -  JOHN ASHWIN BY IT was inevitable that 1 the Atlantic Pact build-up would sooner or later lead to a still larger military build-up by the Russians m the West. Now there are signs that this Red build-up is beginning. After a long period
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 65 4 2nd Floor, 13, Battery Road. s i FOR RACE WEEK t Special Day and Evening Gowns s Reduced -Prices? i PILLOW CASES NOW (20" x Z9") AMERICAN LINEN FINISH SHEETS (54" x 9t") Eaftl COTTON FLANNEL AMERICAN BLANKFTS <6i" x 76") E f GENTS STRIPED PYJAMA SUITS (In AH Sizes)
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  • 22 5 'LADY PRESIOUS STREAM'TO BE STEGED AGAIN It'll* h to be r ty i Mr. 9 •i U pr* I HK (i 4.
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  • 232 5 'Other building schemes for 1952 programme Free Press Staff Reporter proposal of the Singapore Improvement Trust to build the cheaper type of flats m such expensive sites m business areas as ipporChin Chew Street, Upper Nankin Street and Upper Hokkien Street, as part of
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  • 40 5 State Councillor's daughter weds The marriage of NIK DAUD to NIK ZAINAB daughter of Hajt Wan Mohamed, President of PerseUan layu. Ketantan, and a member of the Council of State, which took place m Kota Bahru recently. Medo Studio Picture.
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  • 124 5 Trust official explained that by building the cheaper type of flats on the Chimatow i site* it would be passible to rehouse about 25 t. of the people who had been dehoused from BACK TO 1873— pit turf. the sites. But it would be necessary to build
    Free Press  -  124 words
  • 67 5 'pHE Singapore Air Day Working Committee will meet today to hold an •inquest" on Singapor?'s recent Air Day at Kallang. The day's arrangements will be reviewed, and discussed m the light of forward planning for the Colony's next Air Day. Preliminary estimates indicate that at
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  • 35 5 A Trade Union expui irom England will soon be m liaiftya to coach woixera i:i wage negotiation technique. Mr. Francis Thamboo, a Federation Trade Union o; cer, said recently m Kuala Laninur.
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  • 26 5 Family Remittances to Chiaa .cr the month of Au-ua, 1951 ore v follows: Singapore $1.235. 122.13: Federation of Malay? $953,&>6.15; Grand Total: $2,215,378.63.
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  • 396 5 23 RESOLUTIONS FOR SMSU CONFERENCE Free Press Staff Reporter CALL for an inquiry into "the matter of prejudice shown by Singapore Municipal Commissioners m creating special posts m certain departments and ignoring the other departments" is made m one of the
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  • 106 5 PRICE-SLASHING BY FEDERATION TEXTILE DIALERS pEDERATION text:le dealers are having a "price-slashing spree" tn order to save themselves from the results of bad speculation eailier m the year. Small dealers with limited capital have been hardest hit and it is Oiese who have put up "cheap sale'" notices m all
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  • 113 5 S'PORES LATEST PASTIME Free Press Staff Reporter. CINGATOREANS, ever on v the lookout for new pastimes for the weekend, have now taken to underwater swimming with rubber flippers, breathing tubes and giass masks or goggles. Dealers m these aquatic apparatus told the Free Press yesterday that many customers were Europeans,
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  • 84 5 pROWDS of men, women and children milled through the four big Chinese stores m South Bridge Road during the first week of their one month anniversary sale. Four uniformed police constables armed with rifles patrol the shop fronts to maintain order. "We have not had any
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  • 81 5 The head of the Emergency Information Services m the Federation. Mr. H. Carleton Greene, is leaving for the U.K. on Sept. 16 on the conclusion of the period for which his services were lent to the Federation by the 83.C. ;Tr. W. F. Wagner, lire-pre-sident of the
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  • 178 5 Free Press Fohore Correspondent OEPORTING on the act.vit >s of the Balu Pahat Association for the Prevention of Tubercu- lesis. Mr. D. I. Goodwin, the chairman s:at~d put v y.^r tfQ the association coliected about $8 500 for the specific purpose of prav!ding a
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 T 0 for /fustrdia today, at the end oj his t^ur of duty, SQUADRON LEADER GEORGE MOODIE, Senior Administrative Officer of No. 90 Wing, since the R.A.A.F. contingent came to Malaya for anti-bandit operations m July 1950
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  • 56 5 A mi i tf b2h !t r\:-ir o^cer? md i q-< an" totaled officers of the Burma Air Force Is due to arrive m Malays bf air en Wednesday, Sept. 12. *or an eirrht-dav liaison visa to the R.A.F. m Malaya The party will
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  • 310 5 'Ensureadequate local needs first' Govt. told 'RE-EXPORT' OF BUILD1!!S MATERIALS Free Press Staff Reporter T*HE Government of Singapore should not permit x the re-export of building materials to neighl. ing countries without ensuring first an adeq supply for local needs at fair prices, if they de< i ie to lift
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  • 108 5 A SPOKESMAN for a Chinese firm of contractors, while agreeing generally with Mr. Sennett s views, said that Government should, if they decided to free building materials, enact legislation to ensure that supplies go direct to the builder from the importer. We cannot take risks and
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  • 27 5 For the first time since the war. an Italian freighter, the Sebrstino Caboto, has called it Part S*e'tenhani. It Is loading scrap-iron.
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  • 80 5 'THE Singapore K«f.ila I will celebrate Onam, th< nual har\cs: festival of the Mala*, y a lees, on Wednmiay, Sep! ]951. from 1 to 7 p.m. at thw R;ineoon Road Government English School. Mr M. GopaJa Menon. RepreUve of the Government of Ir.ciin. has consented to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 W \\«w/ t .\< '/,\v (I \n.>^ iViV>/ SILVER CIGARETTE CASES I JUST .*RR!VZD -f 9 v I I i 9 9 V I For ease of selection, call inspect I r tofesf Range Comprising ofCapacity 13 C garcttes $45.- i H $55.- I i£ $52.. $72.- J SILVERWARE DEPT.
      68 words
    • 116 5 A STYLE and SIZE FOR EVERY ACE... LACE-UP FOR YOUNGSTERS xJC> J&fc/l Slack or Brown Strong Leather Sturdy Shoes y" t0 go Wlth tne F |rst "Mans" Trousers /f ■'W^^^ S.zes 7 to 10i $14.85 U to Ii $10.55 'GIBSON* FOR JUNIOR n Black and Brown Strong Calf, Plain -Tx^stT^*^
      116 words

  • 917 6 FOUR O'CLOCK RIGHT BACK INFAVOUR picture. Gold Cup trial summing-up By ALLAN LEWIS WHAT a ereat race the Cup "trial" turned put W ?o be on Saturday! And what a great miler Kei Gardens proved himself! Far from being Kew uiracn!. v over a mi e ZT P l ndi^opener"
    Free Press  -  917 words
  • 792 6 SNOWY OWL II put up a fairly good performance to win the Class 1, Div. 2 race over a mile on Saturday with his impost of 9 st. Red Carnation showed rare determination to battle on and finish second. If kept to races of
    792 words
  • 115 6 •■piGER Swimming Cluo. bottom 1 team m the Singapore Amai"ii Swimming Association watei-->olo A league, decided the league championship yesterday by defeating Chinese Shimming Club by nine goals to five. A win for the Chinese would have drawn them level with Singapore Swimming Club when a rebetween
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  • 45 6 YESTERDAYS U.S. Mijor lea£rup baseball remits Vtrt: XMERICAN: New York 4. Washington 0; Boston 6. Philadelphia 1. Chicago 3. De roit 2. N \tio\al: Brooklyn 9, Ne York 0: St. Louis 4, PltUsburg 2; Booton 5. Philadelphia 0; Cinclnn.iM 4. Chicago 3 A.P.
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  • 84 6 pictures. KACE 2: Peter 1-jCloud) Jo Tt i.: il near the post to win from stabl -mate Admiral (Mnlley), with My Mink 'err a food Ihi 1. The 1" <r*tc, Ci; k iy Click f .v...-,_««Mr.l RA( V a (M«Oey^ •print*; fo bf.t Brevity Mon«s) and Tn'tuilla '^.W
    Free Press  -  84 words
  • 103 6 MAINTAINING the improvement, shown m the last two months. Sealed Orders proved the ■good thing" m the eighth race on Saturday. He defeated Trobella. who surprisingly started almost equal favourite, by I 1 lengths. Brunice kept up her consistency by finishing a creditable third, half a
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  • 44 6 pictures. LEFT: Mrs. Gihnore 1 aa*. m Mill n i n w 1 Mr of the third race at Bukit Timah »n RIGHT: Mrs. Cutler is all smiies a > o Bosun (Soencer) after he had won the fourth r Free Press
    Free Press  -  44 words
  • 230 6 THE BOSUN, winner of race four on Saturday, H I surely galloping his way into Clas s E. SaUu win was his fourth m Class 3. Since he won first start on March 18 last year he has raced 1 14 times for four seconds,
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  • 239 6 The Gold Cup weights, released yesterday morning, are: 01)1 TARA STREET 9.00 241 KEW GARDENS 8.13 222 RAJ MAHAL 8.12 004 FOIR O'CLOCK II 8.11 113 GAMBAR MELAYL X.OB 000 COLONEL DALY BRIDEFORD 8.03 000 TOBOGGAN 8.02 121 TREASURE SHIP «0i 241 SNOWY OWL II 8.01 000
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  • 7 6 M on Thurad n n
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 127 6 iASr day! ii i.r. Xv I It !).3» iioii-ffiii tomorrow! Sup. r Mai Musical "RAINBOW AS YOU WISH f 2nd M HUE TOMORROW BIC'T RKO ll Agio's t» Fabulous 11-1 45-4 00-li.oo-!».:'.O N'-^W SHOWING! ~N EXT CHANCE TEL MOO AIR-COnDition?o TODAY 11 a.m. Ml I 1"' 643 Ac 9.3' l
      127 words
    • 269 6 I "VALENTINO RESEMBLANCE" CONTEST To your right below, you will find the third set of photos m the "Valentino Resemblance" Contest. These photos show the romantic I m his "Monsieur Beaucaire" role but on e is Anthony Dexter m the I same costume. Well! it's up to you to tell
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  • 484 7 HOBBS' HORSES MAKE FAST TIME Press picture. Ondine runs 3f. m 35.8 sees. By ALLAN LEWIS QXDINE (Dunwoodie), going better than Billdaw (Charles) on the second grass track Bukit Timah this morning, reeled off three m 35 4/5 seconds. Ondine is the third horse to break 36 for three furlongs
    Free  -  484 words
  • 40 7  - RAF Seletar have good XV CHARLES BRYCE G3Y IN SINGAPORE... 4 Iliave a powerful back \V this season. Prospects m\\\ two men remainCombined Services and the pac: and Humphreys of the forwards will un. t n w- < m He i
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  • 63 7 MALAYAN Chinese XI to met South China A.A. toot hall tourists at Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday will be: Chee Seng:; Sai hon? (Perak). Teow Keng; Sian? Hock (Penang). Hoon Leon?. Hin Wens; Hoi Mens. Boon Seong. Siang Teik <Penang>, Boon Leonp. Ch?n? Eng (Peaang).
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  • 38 7 CANADIAN football is spending US$6OO,OOO this year to import 56 United States players. The reason why was shown dramatically when the Hamilton Tiger Cats defeated last year's Canadian national champions, Toronto Argo- nauts, A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 11 7 I. were I ■> one. -all C d Lee
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  • 11 7 1 I i I j the the '■-P.
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  • 453 7 \ytl( .ill* for all nine races at Timah on Wednesday, second day vf the Singjpore Turf lab meeting. are tjkmm below: ci. i, Div. %-m. I n insured 9.07 Fink Gin 9.01 MHhury Court 8.05 Ondine 8 04 ■JIM PttnU 8.92 Bridcford 8.6* t Eyes 8.02 V-hntton
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  • 179 7 PULLING away from the rest of the field. Royal Naval Air Command have a six-point lead over their nearest rivals m the Singapore United Services Football Association League. Royal Air Force Maintenance Units lie second to R.N.A.C., with 34 points and a game m nand. P W
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  • 83 7 Latest positions m the Singapore Base District Major I nits league are: P W L D P APb GHQ 12 8 2 2 32 9 18 REME 10 5 3 2 23 9 12 30 Bn 9 5 2 2 24 11 12 SER 10 5 3 2
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  • 37 7 PHEERFUL Lads "A" beat Siong 800 S.C. by eight goals to nil m a friendly soccer match at Telok Kurau yesterday. Concencaio, Chai Hs£ (3>, Quintas Chan i 3) and Salim were the scorers.
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  • 270 7 A Nations— i ror the I --rnpion|m Iyol emerged: Vc c <Nor- '9 re. Geoff 1 B'itain. jOO c.c. •Nor- I not n\als fc tally finished fourth m yesterday's race to ihree Italians. Duke, however, won the 350 c.c. class to annex that title and Oliver, beaten
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  • 240 7 A NY doubt of the condition of Sugar Ray Robinson for his world championship fight with Randolph Turpin at the New York Polo Grounds on Wednesday wa s settled at Pompton Lake, New Jersey yesterday whe n he boxed four fast rounds m hi
    U.P.; A.P  -  240 words
  • 201 7 Gandhi Memorial Trophy will be held jointly this year by Singapore Cricket Club and Indian Association following the drawn result of their two-day cricket match which ended yesterday at Balestier Road. Scores were S.C.C— IST. INNS.: :i.W— B declared INDIAN ASSOCIATION— IST INNS. Lah Singh c
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  • 62 7 CIONG 800 A.A.'s three-bsll billiards championship ts m its last stages. The first semi-final is to be played today at 7.15 p.m.^nd the other tomorrow. The final will be on Saturday at 8 p.m. fJEYLON Sports Club fought a thrilling race against time at C.S.C. ground yesterday to
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  • 53 7 German horse wins at Longehamp DARON H. Thyssen's three- year-old Neckar, the first German horse to run at Longchamp since the w r ar. yesterday won the Prix De Chantilly, beating Sahib by two lengths. Neckar. winner of the German Derby this year, was ridden by the German jockey, O.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  53 words
  • 65 7 picture. Gate receipts and donations at Su^ar Ray 11 y Anton's workouts on Saturday amounted to U551,512 \> and were given to Mrs. George F lores, teen-aged widow of a boxer who died last week after being unconscious for six days. Picture shows Flo res, a
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 586 7  -  JIM CHAMBERS From ENGLISH football champions Tottenham Hotspur toppled the thitherto unbeaten Bolton Wanderers from their position at the top of the First Division on Saturday by beating the Lancashire boys 2 l. Spurs introduced a new lad, Harper, at inside-left, and he played
    586 words
  • 497 7  -  CRUSADER By Tigers 1; Kota Raja.. 1. T VCKY, yet not so lucky were Tiger Sporting Association when they drew with Kota Raja Sports Club m a semi-final of the S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup at Jalan Besar Stadium last evening. In an amazing finish Tigers
    497 words
  • 77 7 by one g:>al at halftime, G.H Q. came back strongly m the second b '>f their United Services League soccer fixture to beat Singapore D:. t :nal' Regiment by four goals to tv o. Inside-right K. Lev.s opened accounts m favour of the 8;gl Five minules
    77 words
  • 27 7 Pakistan 1 Indian Oymkhi a < London drew the BDal the International hockov 1 jrnin Nivelle neither ski* ing al I score although < :tra til Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      27 words

  • 458 8 SAN FRANCISCO, Monday. RUSSIA'S next move m the Far East will be to try to woo Japan from X the United States and her Western allies. This was the general opinion m San Francisco following the four-day Japanese peace conference
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.; A.F.P.  -  458 words
  • 61 8 FMPEROR Hirohito of Japan saw a good omen on Saturday the day the Japanese treaty was signed at San Francisco the Japanese Press reported yesterday. He saw a stork perched on top of one of the tall pine trees along the Imperial Palace moat. The Japanese
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 138 8 40 POWERS ATTEND AIR TALKS LONDON. Mon. 'THE British Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee will welcome representatives from 40 different nations to the seventh annual general meeting of the International Air Transport Association which opens here today. For five days 150 delegates from 62 of the world's airlines will try
    Reuter; A.P.  -  138 words
  • 38 8 The batileship Duke of York and a cruise steamer with 950 persons aboard collided m the River Mersey last nighr. Fifty persons on rhe ferry were slightly iniured. but neither vessel was badly damaged.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 29 8 Gen. Dwight Eisenhower yesterday received a parchment naming him an Honorary citizen of Marnes-la-Coquette, a surburban village, a few miles west of Par: 5.— A A. P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 196 8 WASHINGTON, Saturday. YEARLY all important hiding places for European 1 works of art and cultural treasures looted during World W T ar II have been found as a result of a sixyear search by Allied experts, the State Department reported yesterday. More than 4.000,000 rare
    196 words
  • 220 8 OPPOSED TO REDS BUT NOT RUSSIA CAIRO, Mon. A POWERFUL government figure yesterday said that SKKm ta l»Tff& o^Ho Russia. Fuad Sirageldin Pasha, Secretary of the ruling Wafdfst Party, and Minister of the interior and Finance, m a newspaper interview warned the Western powers that Egypt would "treat as a
    U.P.  -  220 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 8 There— l told you Winston Churchill is m Venice!
    9 words
  • 78 8 Paris police yesterday broke up a demonstration by youths who shouted and distributed leaflets m a cinema showing a new antiCommunist film by Jean Paul Paul-Sartre entitled 4> Les Mains Sales" (Dirty Hands). The demonstrating group were ejected from the cinema, but they gathered and marched
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 23 8 Former Philippine President Sergio Osmena yesterday said the best weapon against Communism there was a happy and progressive people. i AFP
    AFP  -  23 words
  • 43 8 Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, India's Ambassador to the United States left for London by air today on her way to Washington. She has been m New Delhi for about threp weeks for consultations with the Indian Government.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 116 8 LONDON, Mon. PRAVDA, the Communist Party paper, claimed yesterday that Russia built the first tank and initiated armour. A Russian Inventor worked out the principle of armour- ed caterpillar machines m 1837, the paper sa^d and the first tank was built m 1887 "forestalling by a
    116 words
  • 392 8 LONDON, Monday. AN allegation of a stolen kiss took a 64-year-old alderman and magistrate to the West Kent Appeals Court at Maidstone to vindicate his honour. Alderman Frederick Davis, J.P., of Gilllngham, Kent, a railway inspector, was appealing against conviction and a £3 fine with costs
    392 words
  • 102 8 LONDON, Mon. WORLD production of natural rubber during July was 157,500 long tons (2,240 lbs. each), according to figures issued yesterday by the Secretariat of the Rubber Study Group. Stocks at the end of July were 737.500 long tons. 10,000 tons less than on January 1.
    102 words
  • 29 8 The Marshall Plan Administration announced yesterday that 25 liberty ships would carry a total of 250.000 tons of wheat to India this month. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 21 8 The Chinese Government has seized 14 properties owned by France m the former French concession of Shang- hai.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 96 8 The British farmer is a better husbandman than the American farmer, according to reports by farming and hop industry productivity teams yesterday. Both teams agree that general yields per acre m Britain are higher than m the United States, stating that the American farmer is more
    96 words
  • 63 8 Miss U.S is a neal 6-footer TALL, i 1 *<* X L crowr.t Sat'ir: .^M est coir J* the v me blond- i,, n y/.. Blue eyed X he r hue I I proper i an o; II life." The new the ta] I ant t( I We; bus same
    U.P.  -  63 words
  • 29 8 Marsha! 8 sia's deputy War M :old a Saturday thtt the ?£J regime of apuroaci It was Urn three mon:h official had overthrow 9] U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 15 8 Republica. y^ McCarthy .said the "stage tary of to resign a Repubi. U.P.
    U.P.  -  15 words
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    • 279 8 .RTHS WEE i wife of Ronald. 8. W. W. it Kandung Kerbau ltal oi i September, a son. Rodney X Soon. KLEINV to Theresa wife of Benny Kle <n a sister for Terry at Kanda Kerbau Hospital 8.9.51 Bo' 'loing well. WEE: lo Evelyn, wife of <i S Wee. at
      279 words
    • 51 8 E* jv»^ m k jW, j^. Jiff 4j Yes.uou too j can make licjht, luscious cakes with... Pillsbury CAKE MIXES SPECIALITIES m KIAN GWAN (M) LTD., 35 Tclok Ayer Street, Tel: 5914 85. olivetti A Typewriter m Every Home 1_ WOUC/ltfTMl k ®£it WIW YOU UNDERWOOD LEADING TYPEWMTHt OF TH€
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