The Singapore Free Press, 6 September 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 677 1 Anglo- U.S. rules of procedure adopted at San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, Thursday. pORTY-EIGHT NATIONS yesterday defeated Russia's opening move to delay signing: of the Japanese peace treaty when the tirst "down to business" session of the conference opened. By a vote of 48 to three (Russia,
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.; Free Press  -  677 words
  • 14 1 .ote i tod on tia- c Reuter A.P.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  14 words
  • 7 1 Resentment over Korea I' ■I at U.P.
    U.P.  -  7 words
  • 148 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Thurs. THE POLISH delegate, Mr. Stefan Wierblywski, yesterday vehemently protested against having had to wait for a quarter of an hour before being allowed to speak and then being allowed only five minutes. In a fiery speech m which he described the
    AFP; Reuter  -  148 words
  • 69 1 THE chief Soviet delegate, Mr. Gromyko made it clear yesterday that Russia will not sign the treaty. He said there can be "no question of accomplishing a peace settlement with Japan without the participation of Red China." which was not invited. Gromyko charged that "Japanese militarists''
    U.P.  -  69 words
  • 104 1 KOYLI HOME AFTER 'FLEA HUNTING' LONDON. Thurs. THr. B .on of the Kin? s Own Yorkshire Infantry returned to :erday after three m Malaya. L:.-Col. J. C. Preston, the nanding officer, describhe opera ions m Malaya. "Finding bandits m the :.e is rather looking for I sheepdog. You to cut
    A.P.  -  104 words
  • 146 1 Free Press Staff Reporter. ]y|R. N. A. MALLAL, Member for City m the Singapore Legislative Council, told the Free Press this morning that he proposed to bring to the attention of the Progressive Party possibly as a preliminary to action on the Legislative Council the allegations
    146 words
  • 113 1 PARIS, Thursday. OFFICIAL circles said here yesterday that there should be no question at present of the Western allies concluding a peace treaty with Germany. Denying reports that such a treaty was planned, the same circles said the Allies could not escape the fact
    A.F.P.  -  113 words
  • 56 1 -A SPECIAL four-page Gold Cup race supplement will be published m tomorrow's Free Press. It will include an article by Allan Lewis on early prospects for the b\x race on Saturday next week and a complete form guide for ail horses running at the meeting. Book your
    Free Press now  -  56 words
  • 140 1 DOCTORS TO CHECK ON KING LONDON. Thurs. THE King, now on holiday m Scotland, is to pay a private visit to London on Saturday to give his doctors an opportunity of making a thorough examination, it was announced from Buckingham Palace yesterday. Ir was understood tho King's holiday is proceeding
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 27 1 Progress and nrospects of the i: 1,868,000,000 Colombo Plan for economic development of South and Southeast Asia may be reviewed m London next January. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 33 1 Nationalist China's legislature cabled a last minute appeal yesterday to the US Congress to use its influence to have Chiang Kai Shek's government invited to the Japa- nese treaty conference- A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 203 1 BLACKPOOL, Thursday. THE Trades Union Congress voted wholeheartedly yesterday In support of Western military and economic efforts to counter threats of Communist imperialism. The Congress opposed the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Britain and Franco's Spain. It aligned itself against all totalitarian systems. By its decisions,
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  • 137 1 AMMAN, Thurs. JORDAN'S Crown Prince, 42-year-old Emir Talal, was proclaimed King yesterday 47 days alter the astassinatton of his father Abdullah. The Emir Is flying home to h-s capital from Switzerland, where he had been recovering from a perrons breakdown. He is accompanied by his
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 242 1 LONDON, Thursday. THE Anglo-Iranian Oil Company last niurht demanded a world boycott of oil from it* nationalised fields m Persia. Saying that the oil was its property, the company threatened to sue "any concerns or individuals'' of any country who try to buy
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  242 words
  • 47 1 The U.S. Government yesterday applied to a Colorado court for an injunction to end the copper strike for at least eighty days The Government, is seeking to enforce the 49.000 striking ..copoer workers' return to work. The strike has been holding up arms production.
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  • 133 1 Bandits wait to give in Free Pn-xv staff R pwrl r. KUALA LUMPUR THREE bandits i the edge of a rubber estate suriendered on Tuesday to a passing scout car. They led the occupant the car to the spot i their guns were hidden. A sten gun, two rifles a
    133 words
  • 42 1 The Singapo; 1 I erday answered i it lalang fires which oroke out during the heat wave. The areas affected were Alison Road. Rangoon Road. St. Read. Watteu Estate. Sime Road. Woodland* Road, Lim Chu Kang Road, and Dunearn Road.
    42 words
  • 24 1 Israel has paid 51.148.47G to the Export-Import Bank rei nting interest on $75,--000.000 borrowed from Him hank for economic develop- ment U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 26 1 The U.S. Government announced yesterday that steel allowances for ordinary consumer roods would he cut 55 A.P. per cent, on Oct. I.— -J
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 I B pnzea WL Restored iM **f*e*ar^ 'L^iii Frew' Err? $3 -30 lb. SINGAPORE ONLY COLD STORAGE Cold Storage Co.. Ltd.
      21 words
    • 148 1 V& 23-iimm si. ra* 1 a _sssssssl fHO^K ft 'AO^ v t»r^^ *w** f^ Hiis was made clear m the House of Lords on the 26th March 1596, when judgment was given m favour of F. Reddaway tr Co. Ltd. Lord Macnaghten said: Reddaway called his Belting "Camel Hair Belting
      148 words

  • 925 2  -  PETER QUENNELL by TIIK WEST PIER, by Patrick Hamilton. (Constable.) BURNING BRIGHT, by John Steinbeck. (Heinemann). UERE is a book to 11 enjoy on the pier, or, if you have already returned home, to read with agreeable memories of the pier that you have left
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  • 178 2 DORN today, you have a magnetic personality and a forceful will. You are independent m thought and action. Yet. you are not so inflexible that you cannot change your opinions and adjust them to changing times. But, actually, you are so far ahead of your own times
    178 words
  • 64 2 Under the three flags Outside the Town Hall of the city of Gouiburn, New South Wales, young Pakistan Civil Servants, on a three month study visit to Australia under the Colombo Plan, assemble under the Union Jack and the Pakistani and Australian flags, ready to attend the civic reception given
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  • 500 2 HTHE Russians have A found a job for Shakespeare. They have put him to work as a prophet of peace. If you know Shakespeare best as the reporter of great cavalry charges, the chronicler of duels and sword-spit-ting read on. Copy No. Two of
    500 words
  • 542 2 ARE you weary of books about the war? Here are two novels from America that will change your mind. First. Jeb Stuarts The Objector (Lehmann), concerns a CO. thrust into the thick of the military life, which is re-created with wonderful fidelity: the central
    542 words
  • 56 2 Crossword No. 450 Across: 1. Blustering. 8. Try, try again. 9. Alloy, 11. Dress. 13. Dicky. 16. Adder. 19. Take a day off. 20. Hesitating. Down: 2. Loyal. 3. Spray. 4. Eland. 5. Image. 6. Gents. 7. Itma. 10 Oak 12. Rid. 13. Ditch. 14. Cakes. 15 Yeast.
    56 words
  • 466 2  - Sinclair Lewis signs off j in a minor key GEORGE MALCOLM THOMSON f "Si EMOTIONAL CRISS-CROSSINGS ARE OF LITTLE CONSEQUENCE IN A NOVEL WRITTEN IN A WISTFUL MOOD WORLD SO WIDE. By Sinclair Lewis (Heinemann). AFTER he has killed his ill-tempered wife by an impatient tug at the steering wheel,
    466 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 am jM aw f m^^^ NSU^ ,^<^^^*^ t *^^^*^^*^A^^o^ \^'.\«<>' **^^mmmm Aw 9^^ r t_ 111 riLBEYS m ra **l aa fli A 1 I aM"^**/^?^****. BflßßJi jy
      26 words
    • 177 2 Ask your bookseller to show i/<ni a c<< "Chinese Art." Here six of the experts have put their tale tits at t lit of the ordinary reader to present a concise and lucid survey of painting, sculpture, ter textiles, bronzes and the minor arts ticently illustrated. Published by B. T.
      177 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 140 2 New Crossword No. 4£S Hdfi PTaJaP s^^^^^ ssasassßi tasssasm zizjaHpzyz ~izisiziziz i i CLUES ACROSS 1. How the male trouser leg usually arrives (5, 2). 6. Cow wins pile (anag.) (7, 4). 7. Make the place as secure as a prison (4-2). 8. Manx stoat m ancient portico <4>. 10.
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  • 375 3 H.K. GLOOMILY LOOKS AT FUTURE Trade bans hit prosperity HONG KONG, Thursday. JHIS great eastern trading post looks gloomily at its future as successive economic measures aimed against Communist China slowly destroy its prosperity. Hong Kong, although British, must heavily rely upon a healthy, substantial trade with China to maintain
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 26 3 picture i ner. Bator\. carrying iray at a party at Southump- smiled for India. Poland i s the to start a Dassen- A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 26 3 RED RADIOS HURL THREATS AT SIAM BANGKOK, Thursday. already started to hurl proagainst Stem This follows i'hibul Sonogram's declar<ni the side of anti-Communist I One A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1 3
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  • 21 3 Dr long-range p. for of European Id need of manpower c been worked out by the Interna- ur* Organisation.
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  • 25 3 Switzerland has offered Inhalf a million frames worth of condensed and iered milk, tonics and pharmaceutical products for relief m scarcity areas. employed.—
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  • 34 3 Victor Safruik. 42, was sent to prison for two years m Manitoba for stealing $14 worth of scrap iron from his employer because the boss would not give him a rise. U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 200 3 U.K. plans 'flying bus' service LONDON, Thurs BRITISH European Airways are planning the "flying bus" of the future. Anticipating the day of rapid and comfortable city-to-city air travel, they will shortly invite British aircraft designers to building them a 40-seat helicopter intended to ply between the main towns of Britain.
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  • 39 3 Only five Indian students during the past three years wanted to go to Russia for higher studies, but none went because of lack of proper facilities there, the Education Minister, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, told Parliament.— A.P
    A.P  -  39 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 3 'Derby Da y' picture. The Derby, greatest event on the British racing calendar, is now being made the subject of a film "Derby Day." The setting of the film is actually on Epsom Downs. And here are the stirs of the film (from left): Suzanne Cloutier, Peter Graves, Anna Neagle,
    P.P.  -  54 words
  • 238 3 Lipstick gave man away He attacked girl m park m LONDON, Thursday. A SMEAR of lipstick, an earth stain, and a spot of leaf mould sent a young guardsman to prison. THE LIPSTICK SMEAR was on his knuckles. And it had come there, it was alleged at Marlborough-street Police Court,
    238 words
  • 126 3 HONG KONG. Thurs. rE Hong Kong Government, at the request of the Portuguese authorities, has ordered a postponement m the scheduled showing here of a picture about Macao called "Smugglers' island. The Hollywood film had previously been passed by the Hong Kong censor with minor cuts.
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 23 3 The full-time strength of the Australian Army now totals 20.600. The strength of the Citizen Military Forces A.P totalled 21,000.-
    A.P  -  23 words
  • 23 3 Mary Garden. 76-year-olri opera star, will sal from Britain later this month for a "farewell tour" of the United States.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 254 3 remaining trump m each hand can be made separately so that the four-card suit produces a fifrh trick if it is trumps where it could not furnish more than four if J; were a plain suit. However, there are many hands where the problem is not so much to
    254 words
  • 53 3 A 21-year-old bridegroom-tu-be lost his left eye m the defence of the woman he was going to marry from an attack by another man. The Manila police said the woman's grandfather, was the "another man." Police said the grandfather was also i hurt m
    U.P.  -  53 words
  • 33 3 Nepal and the United States have agreed to raise the status of their respective diplomatic missions at Washington and Kathmandu to the rank of embassies and to exchange am- bassadors.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    93 3 The bidding: South West North. East Is? Pass a Past 2* Pas* 3a> Pas* All Pass jyjUCH has been written about the advantage of discovering a four-card suit fit. and whole systems (such as the Stayman two<^!ub response to notrump openings) are built around lt. It is rue that
    93 words
  • 276 3 A detective gets his man crossword style PARIS, Thursd.iv A FRENCH detective's fondness for crossword 71 puzzles enabled him to solve the identity of a "master" smuggler, whose gang is believed to have whisked £750,000 worth of gold into Switzerland Two months ago a motorist, Robert Chatanier. was stopped at
    276 words
  • 26 3 During A more I 2 000 men coming from minh controlled areas m Tcngking have placed themselves under the protection of AFP the French
    AFP  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 78 3 Hard .vo.d frame, o^k z-een woo! f r»l t ASK covered Complete dity, with ease m openFOR n and closing DEMONSTRATION ANY AT GOOD FURNITURE |y DEALER ***meMmmwmmm^^ammmwwmm»- *.m^amumwmmmmmm^rmwrßxmwtmßmammmmmmw^mmmm^mimmwai fgj A Pause lor a Coke Is Li A $ho[>[>er\s Bargain fcfflk IP J^ —~=J—. m L'ON LIMITED SINGAPORE 1 1
      78 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 135 3 If g Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya "^3 IWE HAD AIiTTLI I IT'S A MIRACLE I I IT'S SO LONG SINCE WE'VE SEEN II IT HAS BEEN f*L -^:.5-EGtTT!\o—i THAT YOU EACH OTHER -AMD TO MEET f— J AGES, lENORE, > "HE NATIVES TO TELL I FOUND
      135 words
    • 252 3 Radio SINGAPORE 1 00 p.m. L ie Medley-. New Concert O: Signal News. 1.45 Dance played by The Del Trio. 2.00 Close. j 6.15 Programme Summary. 61' Callinj als with requests for patients. 6.55 Annr ments. 7.00 Time Signal New Singapore Share Reuort. 7.12 Radio Sclent; st Interlude. 7.30 The
      252 words

  • The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY. Sept. 6. 1951.
    • 337 4 Racquets and banquets pVEN Ul these inflation■^ajre times, >ix hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money. It could be used to build half-a-dozen handsome schools. It could speed up progress on the Medical Plan. It would be very welcome to I m h organisations asi the Singapore AntiTuberculosis Assoc
      337 words
    • 139 4 UH Cheeseman was 41 years m Malaya. Beginning as a teacher, he retired as the Federations Director of Education. Few men if any know more about this country's schools and schoolchildren. His therefore, on the educational structure must command attention. In an article m the
      139 words
  • 1135 4  -  CYRIL RAY i h y i "Where/; asks Comrade Lyagushkin, "are the pig's ears, ducks and apples and knuckle-bones?" ,r TOO many beef- steaks'' is the criticism that is being levelled against public catering ln Moscow. Chief Cook Lyagushkin has been summing- up the complaints
    1,135 words
  • 555 4  -  POLITICO By •THE banner headA lines proclaim "Big Plans for City Festival," "Lavish Celebrations.'' Which ought to be glad tidings for every man, woman and child who is proud of Singapore and proud of the King's grant of a Royal Charter to this city. But, on
    555 words
  • 812 4 GERALD PAWLE VISITS A WARFARE EXPERIMENTAL ESTABLISHMENT AT WESTWARD HO! AND TURNS BACK A PAGE OF ITS HISTORY TO TELL THE TALE OF A DEADLY INVASION WEAPON ipOR the layman with little or no scientific knowledge the experimental side of warfare holds a fascination
    812 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 4 "Dad'll get Fishermen ol England \when ke arrives home Ju odours /ate."
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 15 4 Qt4mV*lU^f ore* X of a VL SL &*w*Yis yi^/7^ Phone: 3364 19-21. HICH ST.. SPORE.
      15 words
    • 60 4 Vo you Know... <2£.*i iff \JP w 20" -Or Jt SL. ...that the riger is a much more powerful, and a fiercer tr animal than its cousin the lion. -*^ammmrA^^mT^tCm\ 'A iff S^ that CHINKAWHITE Wind Mixture is an excellent remedy for Stomachache. Cc~ stipation, Indigestion. Acid Heartburn and Loss
      60 words

  • 338 5 MULTI-$-MILLIONFLATS ON OLD CEMETERY SITE Exhumations begun for Orchard Road scheme Free Press Staff Reporter gXHUMATIONS have been started on the former Singapore Chinese burial ground m Orchard Road m preparation for an early start of work on the multi-million-dollar housing project planned by tKe owners of the land, Ngee
    338 words
  • 89 5 New ideas lo solve world y outh pr oblems Xt porter. "reK fc. represented Ih.rd < of the and i.tiil Youth ump txjMlwti baik t \omth Forum Ma i% mrt P^ ,„,„r, mUm* he s :I1 „U ulll present iuulty tor youn? tea "Hi rt and «-\chan K c he
    89 words
  • 77 5 ii/6.s Amy Laycock, Pro- Party Municipal Commissioner for East d, who has been oji :e, has resumed duties. One of the first commitmeetings she attended, the Health Committee, of which she is a member, held a h i session from 2.30 p.m. until 7.30 p.m. Before she
    77 words
  • 97 5 MR. Hon Sui Sun, Singapore's Collector of Land Revenue, is leaving today by the Carthage lor England to study the system of registration of titles m the Land Registry ln London. He w.ll be away for a year. Mr. Sui Sen joined Government service
    97 words
  • 86 5 MR. Dan Judah and Miss Join Curtiss. two qualified dance ttachers and demonstrators, will give an exhibition of ballroom and Latin-American dances at Raffles Hotel on Thursday, Sept. 20, and Saturday, Sept. 22 from 8 30 p.m. to 1 a.m. on both nights, at the invitation of
    86 words
  • 45 5 Mr. Tan Hoc- Pitt. President of the Penang Chines* Commercial Union, yesterday described aa "unfair" the criticisms made by Mr. G. Shelley (Province Bur; unofficial, al the s ment Council nice ing la what he termed the "Gantang Swindle by rice retailers.
    45 words
  • 346 5 I'HAMvS TO THEIR DISTRICT COMMITTEE Free Press Staff Reporter T^O keep the rural population of Changi well in- formed on current events, the Changi Rural District Committee is having battery radio sets installed m certain areas In the north of the island
    346 words
  • 208 5 'FREE HAND' FOR MC ON BEAN SPROUTS PROBE free Press Staff Reporter r THE Health Committee of Singapore Municipal Commissioners has decided to give Mr. Yap Pheng deck, one of their members, a free hand m the investigation on whether bean sprouts C'towjjav") are better grown with the assistance of
    208 words
  • 36 5 The Federation will have 1.300 new British cars worth about $6,500,000 a\ailable for sale during the next few weeks, but even this will not relie\e the back-log of car-hungry Federation people.
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  • 71 5 FLOOD CONTROL COMMITTEE Free Press Siaff Reporter. MR. J. M. Jumabhoy nas been appointed to be a member of the Flood Alleviation Comm.itee as the representative of the S:ngapore Municipal Commissioners. The other Municipal representatives are the President and the Municipal Engineer. The committee will aork In conjunction with the
    71 words
  • 288 5 MCs would welcome public views...but no interference Free Press Staff Reporter WHILE several Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday welcomed the suggestion that Municipal Committees should consult representative public opinion before making decisions on important issues, they agreed that such advice should not be allowed to confuse the issues before committees or
    Free Press  -  288 words
  • 506 5 Multi-storeyed car park is 'not justified' A.A.M. MEMBERSHIP TOO SMALL... Free Press Staff Reporter THE present small membership (only about 4,400); would not justify the Automobile Association of Malaya (Singapore and Johore Branch) buildin- i multi-storeyed garage for parking, Mr. P. J. Darnell, Chairman of the Association, told the Tree
    506 words
  • 86 5 picture. Free The Singapoie Rotary Club held a cocktail party m the Capitol Blue Room on Tuesday night m honour of Dr. Percy Hodgson, former president of Rotary International who is now m Singapore m the course of a goodwill tour. Picture shows (from
    Free  -  86 words
  • 225 5 'Innocent abroad MX. P. J Darnell, I. airman of the Automobile Association of Malaga (Singapore and Johore branch), m answer to a correspondent's criticism of a plan suggested by ihe Sec.rtaiy of the Association to bring into the present ch.n tie parking" aiiangements m tie olony, which he descJib' tl
    225 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 &ot* fl j ...ike $ec/i p *J LADIES WOOLLEN I I CARDIGANS (TW!N SET) AND JUMPERS C A fiALiwoot I Ali Sw«| y& Ni ce Colours REGO- i Rose, Ye!low, White, Saxe, fi and Navy Blue Also MAIDENFORM BRASSIERES of all types >> available at << •'"'ii »i»u- tin«»»Mi •ft
      81 words
    • 90 5 GUERLAIN EAU de COLOGNE PERFUMES UNEQUALLED IN DELICACY In your bath m^\ it's so refreshing i y*P& wfc ;HI m i uciidc IKS v m L MtUKt wML fi m AW Q\t m \J\J o^' MITSOUKO GUERLAIN EAU de COLOGNE is aW&Wvledged unequalled for its delicately attractive Perfumes, part of
      90 words

  • 840 6  - NEW RUGBY TALENT FOR SCC SIDE CHARLES BRYCE By Perak State player here IANTS of local rugger, Singapore Cricket Club, look forward to another successful year. Undefeated last season, the first XV will !)e out to keep their record when rugby gets into ts stride. There are many bright prospects
    Sport; General  -  840 words
  • 61 6 RANDOLPH Turpln did 13 miles of road work yesterday morning m clear, crisp weather, and boxed eight rounds with sparring partners hi the afternoon. Meanwhile, t Sugar Ray Robinson's trainers reported that he is ready to hit out now, and added that their only worry is
    61 words
  • 82 6 RESULTS of yesterday's U.K. Rugby Union matches were: AberUllery 8. Croas Keys 3; Barnstaple 6, Weish Academicals 3; Falmouth 8. Birkenhead Park 18; Somerset Police 9. West-on Super-Mare 0. Results of Rugby League bes were: Lancashire (up. first round, second leg: Whitehaven 11, Widnes 9 (Whitehaven eliminated).
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 149 6 RSGC Sept medal tied The R.S.O.C Srptrmber Medal competit.i -a.*s played on afternoon an 4 resulted ie be r ween R. Craik 78 5--73> P E B. Badger 12-: 73> m "A" Division Other cards returned were R W. Cooper (85 11 74>. R. J. Isher- »76—2 74). D. S.
    149 words
  • 243 6 ll f ITH seven wickets intact, the South African cricket touring team were within 55 runs of the Minor Counties* first-innings total of 182 at the end of the first day of their two-day fixture at Norwich yesterday. When stumps were drawn they had
    243 words
  • 140 6 MINOR COUNTIES— Ist inns. Tyrwhiti-Diake c Waite b McCarthy 4 Mandle c Tayfield b Melle b Belle k Melle 48 Barnett c Waite b Melle 1 Oliver c Cheetham b Melle 5 Moore c E. Rowan b Melle 18 Hastie c Tayfield b Mansell 29 Coxon c McLean b
    Rruter  -  140 words
  • 168 6 THE 30 Battalion Royal Army Ordnance Corps netted three times without reply at Nee Soon yesterday m a Singapore United Services League soccer match against Royal Army Pay Corps. Fielding a re-arranged forward line, 30 Bn were one goal up at half-time and gained the
    168 words
  • 67 6 DENIS Compton, the £ngland and Middlesex cricketer, is engaged to marry a South African girl, it was announced yesterday His bride-to-be is 23-year-old Miss Valeric Piatt, of Isip'.ngo, near Durban. The wedding is expected to be early next month m South Africa. Compton and his fiancee
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 27 6 TAIPING. I goal scored by iariuc Taipine Did tai the sjsjbjsJ knockout n -l I the Ba' RASC 1-0 Servicemen B Drui fSaUksuper'S I
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  • 16 6 PENANG V. men and memtt Penang Kuala Lum| to pari. PanFederation on J-
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  • 269 6 55 Co. (A.D.) 2; 4 SRD pOOR finishing by both 'sets of forwards limited the number of goals to three m yesterdays final of the Royal Army Services Corps inter-unit knock out soccer cup played at Gillman Barracks The opening session saw
    269 words
  • 437 6 From ARCHIE QUICK ON successive days m London national newspapers there have been these comments m football reports: "Newcombe made a successful debut at out-side-left for Fulham at Burnley "Pace wa s the star of the new-style Aston VilJa m their match with Sunderland;*'
    437 words
  • 85 6 Maureen, !6, wins US title MAI. year-. I Wightman i came the I the history States worm d champ. I In the fit. she beat E I Wimbledon 6-4 b. f r The Ban D. beaten whei. the second tel Miss Fry ri games to eve But Maun to uear
    Reuter; A.P.  -  85 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 175 6 HOW SHOWING! SATURDAY MNITE Jw nTuRn 'MOjfnfflltrVo {fl 4tmm^ammmmmv mammamwtaßmMammawwßimMßmmmZ. aaaa^aaaaaaaaaaaßaaaaaaaaßßßßaaaaaaßßßaßßaa. ■t NOW SHOWING 11 am.. US, 4 0*) IM i 930 *wm*} us win Supported hv •van I'ilm l'nit'> "1951 AIL-MALAYAN 30th AAA SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIPS" Saturday at M nite 'Zm-rj, Fabulous Fabiola Goodess Of love In A City
      175 words
    • 165 6 SOUTH SEAS HOTEL I MAYO STREET OFF 5 JALAN BESAR. S YattS^^M"'**^^jjlll^s PRIVATE PHC THE BEST HOTEL TO STAY DURING RACE SEASONS TEL- *****-3 <*irh Trunk Call S STEINER BEAUTY PRODUCTS Shampoo Cream *S3' Sebosyn: Setting Lotion: Brilliantine: Hand Ll Slip-on Finger Nails Sole Distributors Grafton Laborators Oa/OMio <m N
      165 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 460 7  - SEALED ORDERS RAN FASTEST THIS MORNING ALLAN LEWIS By Winding-up gallops at Bukit Timah ;he went as well as Misty Line (Harper) over three jin 37 1 2. Peter, who worked on the outside of his stablemate, did his work well. Working alone .Wpt line's Daughter (J. Donnelly) went very
    460 words
  • 72 7 First rugby injury of the season ii'w rugC' l M |,.n llourlK I st < ompanv R h«K>krr. sustained lol'owin? a tackle. j M|\ v. ivon. They Hr-three at half- ,ust mtmm II"--lr n. h-,1 .n the second I and >le- team nmr points i f.i\our. i aNo won Hh
    72 words
  • 117 7 \I). a newcomer who is coming to »ti!v. had Tantalus for a companion rlonga ta even time on the track this > t uvt (Woods), whose first race bias to his top. went with Riehmonrl five at half-pace. lilla r was well on the bit for
    117 words
  • 8 7 12 over of A.P. y
    A.P.  -  8 words
  • 2 7 I FA.
    2 words
  • 118 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. FTER a scoreless first half the I*■ Central Workshops Sports b beat Police Depot B" m the final of the Football Association BehUafor Second Division j< North* league by three goals to on the Kampong Bahru ground yesterday. Seven minutes after the resumpJohn Chye
    118 words
  • 46 7 MHIIK: S.A.F.A. v South hina at Stadium: DIV. 2: RAF 1. -ruah B Dist. Sigs. at Tengah. DIV. 3A: Aston AC. v Netaji Mil at IVMA and S. Med. Worker* i Mental Hosp. R.C. at Geylang: DIV. 3B: Cosmos v Kat-Sa-jarah W at BODCA
    46 words
  • 85 7 JIONG BAHRU Rangers scored seven goals and conceded four m a S.A.F.A. Div. 3B match against V If MA. at Geylang Stadium -relay. Other features of this highscoring match were a hattrick by Rangers inside-left Tian Teck. an injury to Chun Hoong. Rangers right-back, who was
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  • 84 7 J>OYAL Singapore Golf Club will hold an 18-hole mixed foursomes competition on, the afternoon of Wednesday. Sept. 12 (Hari Raya Haji public holiday). There will be a dance m the clubhouse from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 21. The qualifying rounds of the Club
    84 words
  • 107 7 English League results pESULTS of English FootA ball League fixtures played yesterday were: riRST DIVISION Arsenal 0 Liverpool 0 Chelsea 0 Derby 1 Manchester U. 3 Chai Hon 2 Portsmouth 1 Manchester C. 0 Preston NE. 3 Blackpool 1 Sunderland 1 Aston Villa West Brotn. Newcastle 3 SECOND DIVISION Barnsley
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  • 71 7 IPOH, Wee.— Arrangemeius are being made for the Ipoh hockey league to begin next week. So far ten teams have entered but the closing date has been extended until tomorrow and it Is expected tc receive entries from three or four more teams. Teams entered for
    71 words
  • 32 7 IPOH. Wed —Kinta Indians lost a two-nil lead and were eventually beaten by 3-2 by 42 Commando XI m a R.D.Y. Cup knockout soccer tie yesterday on the town padang.
    32 words
  • 483 7 Hall committee MAINLY because cf difIfl agreement with proposals by the Singapore Badminton Hall Committee, Mr. John Laycock. the Chairman, has tendered his resignation. In a letter to the committee he says: 'T will be pleased to continue to &ive my best support to the building of a
    483 words
  • 23 7 WELSH League beat Irish League by seven goals lo three m th?ir soccer match ar Belfast yesterday. Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 7 fs'jt lieiceher Iriyl*'.), editor of «t»ng Magazine, prcyf*** ship belt to Randolph Turpin, holder of the world MUik eelffci rria;».v\ gß' «;> tilJ^, m New York. Fleischer awards every champion with a belt. Keystone
    Keystone  -  33 words
  • 240 7 gIGHTEEN of the 23 final acceptors for the St. Leger were given a separate quotation at the Victoria Club (London) callover last night and all were well backed. There was plenty of money for Marcel Boussac's Talma 11, who finished a 100-8 chance. Sybil's Nephew and
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 75 7 ii. t ..>..,. it Iti;rd Officer ThiHntaf. captain of the WRNS XI. whips off the bails but the batswoman. Capt. Rothweii of the WRACs, just makes it and is m. The match was a fixture m the women's Services cricket tournament at
    Fox  -  75 words
  • 250 7 ON a rain-damaged wicket at Hastings, 21 wickets fell during the ftrsl of the three-day match between the Commonwealth team which toured India last winter and an England XI. Sonny Ramadhin, the West Indian spinner, took seven wickets for 21 and had all the England batsmen
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  • 30 7 DETER KEEN AN; ul Scotland became the European bantamweight champion at Glasgow last night when he outpointed the holder, Louis Romero of Spain, over 15 rounds. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 43 7 Anglo-Chinese School will its 14th annual iwtaßUnf I val at the Chinese Swirvrinf Club on S**pt 14, at 230 pm There will be two events *or Old Bo>s 50 metres Free and Iff metres medle Enines will be accepeo a pool.
    43 words
  • 226 7 IN the heaviest fight betting m 16 years, Sugar Ray Robinson was favoured at 12 to 5 on Tuesday to recapture the world middleweight crown from England's Randy Turpin at the Polo Grounds on Sept. 12 "The action is terrific," said a bookmaker who prefers
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  • 275 7 JAPANESE track and field athletes learned a lot of valuable lessons from the American team whuti recently competed m Japan on a goodwill visit, according to Kamakichi Oshima, former Olympic hop. step and jump champion. Against the 12- man American team led b> Mai Whitfield. 1948
    U.P.  -  275 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 76 7 HAPPY WORLD STADIUM SATURDAY 8 SEPT. AT 9 P.M. SPECIAL CONCESSION Because Swedish Angel Failed To Appear Last Week tl PERSONS MAY ENTER ON 1 TICKET TO SEE 0. > GEORGE PENCHEFF **^^0r (Man Who Scared The Angel) f VERSUS BARON von HECZEY (Alway? The Perfect Gentleman?) f WONG BUCK
      76 words
    • 100 7 Phone: I jg 8512S m^A m^ m m m m ummmm m i J\^ A^ll^Si IM *a i. kJ k Jf M l i.*a. 1 fc I v ff 111 w\mo\4m\\%%W '*+wL\\%mmtKJmmmmmmmmm*^^ j|| Race Night—Saturday 1 Extension 1 a.m. AFTER THE RACES ...Dine and Dance at Singapore's Brightest Night Spot.
      100 words

  • 62 8 BT: At Johore B. :.:u Ge-eral H on .-vpt^mb^r 2n alfe of Richard N M wife of Dirk Hu Wr on 4.9.51. at Johore Bahru. a f. MILLARD: To Muriel, wife of Geo'! d. a son. Martin, on ruber 4th. at P> Hospital PT 4TH '51. to Rosalind I
    62 words
  • 97 8 Nehru says 'no' to Graham United Nations mediator Dr. Frank Graham presented Indian Prefnier Nehru with proposal! on the demilitarization of Jammu and Kashmir at Tuesday night's 130--minute talks— but Nehru did not accept them said a reliable source m New Delhi erday. -Dr. Graham Is expected to c for
    U.P.  -  97 words
  • 256 8 Birth control by diet and no atom war A scientist sees ahead of us NEW YORK, Thursday. DIRTII control by dieting was predicted by Dr. James B. Conant, a leading atom bomb scientist, when he s?oke here yesterday on 'an analytical chemist looks into the crystal ball.' And all alcoholic
    256 words
  • 174 8 LONDON STOCK MARKET IN most sections of the London Stock Exchange turnover at the start of the new account was disappointingly small. Tuesday's speech by the Chancellor of the Exchequer with its references to economic problems ahead exerted restraining influence m domestic issues but nevertheless there wa.s scattered i firmness
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 285 8 WASHINGTON Thursday PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S assertion th? tS United States has new and -fantastic" weapons set off speculation yesterday a s to whether he was refer con^ected' SS^S r some weapon connected with radiological warfare. Mr. Truman made the» statement m an off-hand remark at a
    U.P.  -  285 words
  • 33 8 Australian airwoman K.lcen Met-mson saved lor 10 years to buy this Tiger Moth. Here she loads it up m Perth before flying it home to Melbourne.
    33 words
  • 351 8 WASHINGTON, Thursday. SETTING up of an international rubber reserve pool to meet the needs of the Western allies m the event of war is urged by a Senate Armed Services sub-committee. Each nation would have a financial interest and a proportionate call. Stock-piling ot natural
    Reuter; A.P.  -  351 words
  • 77 8 TWO Portuguese who built their own boat and set out for America and a better life are now m the Galveston county gaol. They were at sea for 27 days m their small craft, the last four without food and water. A passing steamship found them
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 46 8 KEPT OUT OF JAPAN Top U.S. Army officials are reviewing a decision denying Professor John King Fairbank, of Harvard University a military permit to enter Japan. He is a trustee for the Institute of Pacific Relations, being investigated by a Senate internal security sub- committee.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • 32 8 Jakarta seizes two ships Two Chuiase-owned ships nymg the British flag have been impounded by the Indonesian government on charges of smuggling Indonesian goods, including rubber, from small East Java ports.- U.P
    U.P  -  32 words
  • 69 8 PRIVATE Arthur J. Marqu ez, training m Japan. acclaimed "champion letter receiver' of the is Army when he produced Sl 5 letters from his girl friend mi «F\t S JrZ,V V "V U ,c •champion '.eUcr V „r *"s irl Mls Jo an Saylor, 19,
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 318 8 U.K. may make new spending cuts LONDON, Thurs. BRITAIN, facing serious difficulties m world :rade, may soon have to nake new cuts m her spending on dollar imports. Mr. Hugh Gaitskell, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who on Tuesday flew to Washing-' ton for the International Monetary Bank and Fund meetings
    318 words
  • 57 8 Afghans will, "try to the utmost to resist aggression and all attempts at foreign domination" said Afghanistan's Premier. Marshal Shah Mahmoud Khan Gazi, m New Delhi yesterday. The Premier who is on his way to Kabul after six months m the United States was speaking informally to
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 XCKNOWLEIMiMKNTS Ml WJ -ON and her S'»n Bruce desire to express their and heartfelt thanks to ir.gapore Companies. Masonic and friends for their expressions of m their sad bereaveBMi VRS G V PILLAI thanks all yes friends who attended. presents and sent legrams on the rriage of h««r atgaafhter V
      241 words
    • 50 8 KQ^DDuiaai >-4 l">-<;:i0-9.30 om. The Story Of A Girl And Three Handsome Men Who Ktivw flcr Best—.' ~WmXS\eny Ciml I tf r t j mmr aaaaaflfl """"■•lin 1 THE PETER RABBIT BOOKS by Beatrix Potter 51 68 each 0# IT, Ua/V) aOC"«TV SOB PROMOTING CHMISTIAM MNOWLIOCI 22 ORCHARD ROAO. SINGAPOrtf
      50 words
    • 200 8 MyCOUGHk stopped af once F^ J^ B People aO over tbe world praise JL +m* VJSNO'B COttfl MIXTLRE. My V*^gf\ajL\ cough stopped at once," they say. 1 -g» If voa have a bad cough start taking 1 la^-^^ vemo's couca mxTuu now. VT Stops coughing attacks, eases the V atrain
      200 words
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