The Singapore Free Press, 14 August 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 20 1 The singapore Free Press i^acEST ArnamooN sau: im malaya L:- 1 1 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1551 PKICE FIFTEEN CENTS,
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  • 433 1 Stokes submits oil plan to Teheran THP R M TEHERAN, Tuesday. JHL British government last night offered a guarantee against any interference m Persian affairs as part of an agreement to solve the oil dispute. Mr. Richard Stokes, leader of the brilish oil delegation, submitted a
    A.P.; Reuter; A.F.P.  -  433 words
  • 263 1 Indonesian treaty demands rejected WASHINGTON, Tues. »pHE final draft of the peace treaty for Japan disclosed yesterday that the two major peacemaking powers, Britain and the U.S., have accepted an Indonesian demand that Japan's sovereignty be specifically outlined. But American and British officials have m essence rejected every other suggestion
    U.P.  -  263 words
  • 30 1 Mr C. G. Smith, of Oxford University, toto the British Aswclation for the Advancement of Bci«nce yesterday that Israel should become the Switzerland of the Middle East A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 101 1 MANAGER KILLED IN JOHORE free Pres.s Staff Reporter IU LUMPUR. Tues. A EUROPEAN estate manaand a special conaxe acre killed by bandits i«otore yesteraay. planter \\z* Mr. James teon Stoker, of Eng Kee at Kundcns Estates. Tangat Johore He was 49. i ;awan area of fcit Secuny Forces en•zt 16
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  • 21 1 ftws SUIT Reporter. «c Chinese, one armed faife. robbed a Chicle of a watch and aoid rin?s m Farrer
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  • 154 1 POLICE CALLED TO MONKS RANGOON, Tues. J^ RIOT squad kept the peace at the 2, 500 -year -old Bhwe Dagon Pagoda while a monkish society criticised a rival organisation's UnBuddhist behaviour. It began when the Sasana Ttiantshinye Aphwe disrobed one of its members for misconducting himself with women. As additional
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • 193 1 Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A BARBER'S shop was badly damaged and several people were injured m a fnrious 15- minute free for all involving about 30 Malay soldiers at the junction of Ipoh Road and Princes Road, Kuala Lumpur last night. The soldiers
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 picture. lost of the Japanese war crinJrvOa m Singapore erin nannihr as their van leaves Outram Road Prison this morning taking them to the Tairea on which they will be «hipp«f| hack U Japan. Free Press
    Free Press  -  36 words
  • 87 1 BONDS BILL FOR DEBATE IN SEPT. MR. N. A. Mallal, Progressive Party Councillor for City Division, is to send m his motion on the Premium Bonds Bill for debate at the September meeting of the Legislative Council. Mr. Mallal submitted his motion at the July meeting of the Council bat
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  • 20 1 Censorship of all mail addrened to Communist China has been ordered by the Siamese Ministry of Communications Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 75 1 SEATTLE- Tues mc Field here yesterday .kill- Peered sharply toward a ML h °Th|' explosion was heard tor mt!«a and «*»<* 2?!S alone the tinder dry roof at f the old building. Reside :Us dashed from trie blazing house, some wtth ihetr clothe* on fire
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 228 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. 1 The ruH committee appro ed the report which QW**« General aienhawer a* saying the West wa* ao siron* it was "ridiculous' 7 to be too afraid of Russia and the Iron curtain countries. But before taking final action the full committee itracfc
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 102 1 SYDNEY, Tues. CISTER Elisabeth Kenny, the v Australian nura? whose rtnilili treatment for Infantile panOysis has sated thousand* of childien from permanent dgformUy, sat quietly In a Sydney no*«l loan** je*tetday and UM a reporter: *I da not know how long I will live. I am
    A.P.  -  102 words
  • 69 1 KOALA LCMPUR, Tnes. A tandit, W«i Ah Tjiik. was banged «n Johare ttlson this morning. He tad been sentenced to death fer carryIng a hand grenade^ Wong was ewtwM W a corporal o* ttie W Batt»Jkm of the Camwontai* when he walked Into an amwsn lam
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  • 81 1 TOKYO, Tues. A MOTOR convoy carrying service per&'cnnel and newsmen left the north bank cf the Imjin River today and proceeding through heavy ground fog arrived at Kaesong at 9 a.m. United Nations naval bombardment ot key Commimiat port* on the emit coast of North Korea
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  • 14 1 BUPATMBT, Tuea. THE Hungarian government 1 yesterday accwtd Yugo*S^ ""SS^ SSitffi
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  • 29 1 A uew Anglo-Iraqi oil agieement was ajpcd yesterday, fc war omcially annoiScea to Baghdad by s?^ Ibrahim. Director Oe^ral of Propaganda, on ££alf of the iraf CJcvernment.
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  • 30 1 Some of the 8% wur f the Sin«we Olmm Manufacturing Company who had been on strike ft the past 2Atos% resumed worjt this morrnng, foUowing a Jett'ement.
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  • 181 1 Russians to attend Jap peace talks WASHINGTON. Tuesday. RUSSIA has informed the Inited Stales that %he will send a delegation to the Japanese peae* treaty conference, opening m San Franrisco <m September 4. The Stare Department said yesterday that th* Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Audref Gromyko, will head the
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 88 1 LONDON. Tues. A HIGH Admiralty official working at the ammunition depot at Bath. Mr. Malcolm McGrath, yesterday told his superiors that his work at 'the Admiralty was not compatible with hLs political opinion because he realised that the weapon* and arms he waj handling would be
    AFP  -  88 words
  • 202 1 NO NAVAL SEARCH FOR U.K. SHIPS CAIRO 'THE Egyptian Foreign ister. Mohammad Jv* :»*i el Dtn Pasha, told Parttm/renf last night that E"y?» agreed to the British i>ro r v> al that British shins trav''injr Effect. Arabia. .j. Suez, and Aqn^a be in.sprr ~c by customs officials and :.r by
    A.P.; Reuter; A.F.P.  -  202 words
  • 25 1 The United Nations mediator for Kashmir. Dr Frank Graham, yesterday h»A a 4*minutf ronrersatkm wifh t\m Indian Piimr Minister, Paridtt Nrhru- AFP
    AFP  -  25 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 31 1 Gold Cigar 1— Gold Ctgar«tt« B*x«s Gold Cig»r«tt« Ca*«« LANKA JEWELLERS, 20. ■*tt«ry k»»4. S potc 1. Photic *****. More orange crush please. mummq y* wS^^^ r Children love|si*/El ORANGE CRUSH
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  • 359 2  - Judy buys two Paris outfits Jean Wiseman By TMESE days they talk of "back stage at Balmain's". for many stars of stage and screen are buying their wardrobes there. Judy Garland, recently m Paris, went a step better and bought two wardrobes one for her theatrical work, the! other for
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  • 310 2  -  IRIS ASHLEY by TODAY'S sketch is of the Centre Court at Wimbledon. We sat there recently among a large and amiable crowd; a fine rain descended on the vast tarpaulin "roof" of the court, and a loudspeaker played "Oh. What a Beautiful Morning/ Then it
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  • 936 2  -  EVELYN IRONS WOMAN of the WEEK by MEMBERS of the Royal Commission' on Capital Punishment, under chairman Sir Ernest Gowers, resumed their sessions m London recently. Secret sessions, for at xthis stage the public are not admitted. Soon they must make up their
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  • 241 2 ADIES m the audiu ence didn't cry "eek" and nobody jumped on a chairwhen a life-sized and very realistic white mouse made its debut at a Paris fashion show, adorning a blue satin cocktail hat. The mouse was only one of a number of startling
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 f Please visit our ELECTRICAL RADIO I t DEPARTMENT. P for I 1 all your requirements. v L We stock: m y m m. k Refrigerators Freezers. V IP Radios: MULLARD other famous makes h Water Bags, Pressure Cookers. P HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES J m Electric Irons, Kettles, Coffee Percolaters, Toasters,
      90 words
    • 190 2 Perfection kp f CHOCOLATES CHOCOLATES From CANADA Chocolates the Anstocrat f Or Sweet-Tooths" are made W the purest ingredients Nicely boxed and Cellophane Wrapped to ,nsur c condition. i »b. boxes $375 2 \b. BOXES $7.50 FROM ><CN 3UAUT ROBINSONS Co. Ltd. Noir Availablt Best Quality SHEFFIELD CI'TLEFt at Reasonable
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 276 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR nORN today, you are one of those gay. breesy individuals who makes friends wherever he goes. Yon seem to know instinctively how to get along with all kinds of people. Kindly, sympathetic, cheerful, you go about everything m a genuinely spontaneous fashion. Xou suggest a plan and
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    • 97 2 New Crossword No. 431 v I I O ■UK H^H^m CLLES At ROSS a dy £heU fish (7): 7 Anemones (4. 7); t. »us i:e SL" c nd n ne 1° —to do nlm reverence" (J. Cocsary (4»; 9. 11 >rITl S hm Z f S St (6): ll 4
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  • 499 3 QUICKER TURN-ROUND SOUGHT Basten to help Australians MELBOURNE, Tuesday. TO overcome Australia's shipping holdups— a problem aggravated by recent labour disputes— the government-appointed Stevedoring Industry Board puts forward these three suggested remedies for the present slow turn-round of ships: The banning of employer- worker bitterness; mechanisation of cargo handling; and
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 picture. "SO THIS IS ML:" Still life study of the speedman himself faces Reg Harris at Madame Tussaud's, where he was placed on show m effigy as world professional crcle sprint champion and twice elected sportsman of the year. P.P.
    P.P.  -  40 words
  • 73 3 X ng newspaper m the Indian i demand re■■s from Japan, dec- India's generosiJ arerxhe'.ming but even overwhelming was the she had made out of War II just from the which was a deb- or. emerged :he war with sterling fe«l air.ou:. iris* to almost pre-war
    U.P.  -  73 words
  • 90 3 BERLIN. Tues. rE commander oX the American sector of Berlin, General Mathewson, has ordered an 18 feet high fence to be built round a Soviet tank which is used as a monument to the occupation of Berlin by the Red Army Jr. 1945. The monument,
    90 words
  • 42 3 Australia yesterday sent a Lincoln bomber to police North Coast waters after reports that Japanese pirates are active there It will bp based permanently on Manus Island. Australia recently asked General Ridgway to protest^ to Japan against piracy. A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 27 3 Switzerland has called up 1,000 troops to aid the flooded regions of the Onsons and the Tessin, hit by the heaviest rainfall ever recorded.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 118 3 BALTIMORE, Sat A MURDER at sea is alleged by the French Consulate at Baltimore which is seeking to arrest an Italian who disappeared from the freighter Hellenic after it docked. The Consulate said Jean Oueye. 22, a French Senesalese member of the crew, was carried to
    A.P.  -  118 words
  • 43 3 The chairman of the Association of Australian Natives yesterday issued a statement urging the Australian Government to cut down immediately its immigration programme because the present high immigration figure was leading a "deterioration of the economic situation m Australia.' A.F.P.
    A.F.P.  -  43 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 50 3 FACE-SAVING TRADE OFFER Allied and German experts thrashed out a compromise offer to the Soviets at Bonn to get trade going between East and West Germany without losing face. The new formula will be shaped m a way "which is acceptable to both West and East," Allied officials said.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 199 3 HONG KONG, Tuesday. T*HE last-but-one British wife to leave Teheran, 1 Mrs. Eleanor Palamountain, has arrived m London. She says: "Persians are very polite socially, despite an anti-British undercurrent, but the shout, 'Englishman go home' is common m the streets". Mrs. Palamountain and her husband
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  • 37 3 The West German ViceChancellor. Herr Franz Bluocher. has asked to be relieved as head of the German delegation to the Ruhr authority as it did not likely to pr<^ mote the European ipirit— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 115 3 Shortage of homes stops marriages ITHACA. New York. 7 THIRTY members, from 20 countries represented at the World Alliance of Youth conference to study youth and family life, were told that the present hou shortage m England Is a deterrent to marriage Roeer Purchase, aped 21. fc Cambridge graduate of
    U.P.  -  115 words
  • 96 3 HONG KON<; T yyHEN you are served a. tasteless meal, you don't. fly into a fury and throw X ii the cook In a Communist country. Chan Gyi-huns. a nrovLsn storekeeper m Toishan. m Kwangtung Province, did so The cook appealed to U•• Toishan
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • 39 3 An arbitration tribunal under a chairman of neutral nationality is one of the proposals m the Allied West German report on replacing the occupation statute by treaties an authoritative Al\ lied source has said m Bonn Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 23 3 WOO HING BROTHERS PENANC Go '«tf o« Leave? ft fH'CH WITH... T HE STRAITS BUDGET i H '-4 Mali SnbscripUon (Anyiviiiw) 5 18i#
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 214 3 ■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^bbhbhbbbbbh SINGAPORE En e:i«ncy News from Al^pur, 10.10 Cloa« Down; Th« Radio Orchestra; S» S^nal N«vs; 1.45 Me played by Tex Bete Orchestra: 200 Close 6:5 Programme Summary; Poor Stars Sc A Starlet; 6.30 hied Nations Programme; 6.45 a Trio; 7.00 Time and Singapore Share Hepcr- 7.12 Can I Help
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    • 104 3 8.8.C. [Singapore) (General Overseas Service) MST Kc/i M 7.30 ajn.~8.30 ajn. 9580 SI.S2 7.St mjn. B JO a.m. ***** 25 53--6.0« pan.— 12.45 aan. 1781 16.84 8.45 pan.— 12.45 am ***** 19^2 600 p.m.— 10.45 r-m ***** 16.95 7.30 a.m. Radio Newsreel; 7.45 Commonwealth Commentary 800 Practice Makes Perfect; 815
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    • 93 3 Rlf nritSkfi Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya ■jjHHj I I And as tub native BOYv/AtnJ jgfl^ I sneak/ you took a message from j 1 JAKI^ Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya Fwe, .C \nu INSIST ON KbUT, "VkEEP >bUR FlNGttftM/ilfiLl TOI PSAwT\ ||^ARr>W llfoH.
      93 words

  • 544 4 The singapore Free Press TUESDAY, August 14, 1951. Shout it loud OINGAPORES Trade Fair has drawn so many people to see what the Colony trades m that its run is to oe extended for another three days. It is tempting to see m this proof that the Colony's citizens are
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  • 1146 4 Don Iddoii's Diary Keep your door locked m Washington AT three o'clock m the morning there was an imperative knock on the door of my hotel room and then the door opened. As I struggled out of sleep I heard a man say: "You must keep your door locked at
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  • 435 4 IT'S THE HUMIDITY AND THE HEAT rjROWING shortages yM of manpower, coupled with the necessity to lengthen working hours to meet defence needs, have the leading industrialists closely scanning means of keeping workers happy and on the job m the United States. The Defence Manpower Administrator warned U.S. industry recently
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  • 438 4 ft LETTER TO THE EDITOR > OIR, Your editorial, of 4 August "P ra v d a Mystery", calls for the following comments: You state that "the official stranglehold on all sources of information is so complete that hardly a Soviet citizen would have known anything
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 4 These children have read of the Russian T34 tank m almost every story from the X they are seeing one for themselves on the Horse Guard's Parade m London. It is part f a d n<nr tion of Russian equipment captured m Korea. an fxh iki-
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  • 836 4  - Higher taxes will pay for new defences Cyril Marshall Sweden's Finance Minister Is A Worried Man By QNCE there was a saying that Sweden kept down her military expenditure so that she could keep up her social services. Nor was that time long ago, for as recently as 1938 Sweden's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 11 4 BEST SHEFFIELD CUTLERY Silva j Jewellers j 106 ORCHARD RD.
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    • 163 4 •Tm expecting a loud crash of gl«* any minutt "Whst's going on OMi "The children sre cricket.n§ Jttfc bottom of tht garden-*^ WJ seems to be bashmg balls man directions!" "Wall, Susan, all tHc best cr.cketen break a window now *n4 tnen. and all because of a turkey 1 •III?"
      163 words

  • 165 5 COMMISSIONERS TO FOOT DINNER BILL City Status celebrations rELEBRATmvc 688 Staff Reporter Cbv RovJ r h l Ol the c grant of Cit y Status to Cl procession, and a dinner Commission^ P r° nallv by the Municipal citSs t0 8 number of Prominent for «Sc"2 t b h e
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  • 9 5 SHRIRO'S STAND AT TRADE FAIR tni> <»f the tlurd
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  • 134 5 APPLICATIONS for import r licences will now be considered for the commercial importation of- the following types of rice from Thailand. Burma and the Associated States of Cambodia Viet.nam and Laos: Whole grain 100 per cent Broken (grades Cl and C 3 only*. Cargo (or loonzein).
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  • 158 5 Lp..^ NUtT Krporter I BHnbe; vi the AdKf Serwces •-vended i f v 3i ear- S;ew the f Adr Services r^B: be stopped > er for dsrtas Trade Union I, r he MBffe* :he Wiilem I went to the United Kingdom, on a scholarship
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  • 3 5 I:
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  • 53 5 The Commissioner-General. Mr Malcolm Mac Donald, will pay a visit to Djakarta on Aug. 20 and ?/y tnere for a few days. Mrs. Mac Donald will accompany him Their visit is wholly informal, but during their stay Mr MacDoi.ald hopes to meet President Sukarno and other
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  • 36 5 Rehearsals have begun under the joint direction of Mrs. W H Haines and the Rev. Donald Young for the presentation of Handera famous Oratorio— -The Aiessiah" during the Christmas Season m Ipoh.
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  • 210 5 Free Press Staff Reporter A TOTAL of 635 needy families had received Government's new increased rates of relief allowances under the Public Assistance Scheme up to noon yesterday, since the revised rates came into effect from August 1 this year, a spokesman of
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  • 65 5 ]if/J5. Vilasini Menon, Legislative Councillor for Seletar, said that she icas very much impressed when she visited the Social Welfare Department yesterday to see what was being done to relieve the poor and aged. Mrs. Menon said that the Department's scheme for rendering special help to curable tuberculosis
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  • 35 5 About 200 workers In se-.en foundries m Kampar went on strike yesterday morning as expected foliowing tlie three-hour meeting on Saturday between their representatives and tn» owners which ended In failure.
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  • 74 5 rpHE following substations will be liable to load-shedding tonight:— New World. Bendemeer Road Ban Hock Leong, Milne Road, Jalan Pekan. Jalan Sultan, Beach Road, Alhambra. Raffle* Hotel, Sumbawa Road. Boon Tat Street. Aliunied Road. Sims Avenue. Paya Lebar Pumps, Joo Chiat Place. Jalan Eunos, Rangoon Road, Towner Road.
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  • 181 5 Govt. machinery went into high gear yesterday Free Press SUIT Reporter. GOVERNMENT machinery went Into hifh fear JJjJtrrfay when Mr. Kwa Soon tbuan. vho wai recently appointed l to he Colonial Administrative Service. Hmped slowly into the Government office* on e ic h nt Mr Kwa. who went to En«omrcrs
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  • 88 5 IMPORTERS are hereby notified 1 that with effect from Sept. 15 a new form (I. E. 10 > wlli be introduced for the purpose of making application to Import. The present form known aa an A.P., will not be accepted toy the Import Licensing Bi«ma
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  • 152 5 Crippled, paralysed and mentally deficient, the unfortunate four-year-old Chinese girl m the picture above has baffled the efforts of Singapore hospitals to give her any relief. Diagnosed by one medical institution as suffering from "mental deficiency and spastic quadraplagie," the child was entrusted to the care
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  • 208 5 'Poor, inoffensive Commissioners' Free Press Staff Reporter I WaS not correct to assume that the Singapore Municipal Commissioners had increased their service charges to enable them to pay higher cost of living allowances to their employees, as a correspondent m the press seemed to think, Mr.
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  • 153 5 Free Press Staff Reporter 'TEEN-AGERS among Singa- pore's cabaret hostesses m Singapore do not go to school at all. "They don't like school they are far too independent for things like that," Mr. A. B. Colton. the Assistant Commissioner for Labour, told the Free Fres* yesterday.
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  • 104 5 THE committee of the Johore Bahru District Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis has accepted m principle the suggestion put forward by Dr. E. C. Vardy that a system be adopted whereby once a person is labelled as a TB patient, it should be the
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  • 59 5 KAMPONG MALAYS CO-OP SOCIETIES Kampong Malays n. more active interest m »hi' happening outMde their if they were to equip them < to take their rightful plarr the country, declared the D» mi^sioner for Co-operative D lopment, Mr. T F Carey. r"."iday. A total ol 14.499 person* registered a* voters
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  • 246 5 'I know nothing' says Actg. Labour Chief Reconstitution of Advisory Board Free Prrsc Staff Reporter MR. C. W. Lyle, acting Commissioner of Labour. Singapore, said yesterday that ht knew nothing about a recomtltution of the Malayan Labour Advisory Board as mentioned m London on Sunday by the Secretary of State
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  • 51 5 Dr. PHILIP Thayer. l?« n of the School for Advance! Studies at the John H< >» University. Washington, who on a i< ur of Sooth I- Am* to establish contact with un n sitlfs. Dr. Thatcr was n bm ness m Singapore 31 yean ago. Free
    Free Press  -  51 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 New Collection of COCKTAIL FROCKS. 1 /\>\\iilrhtincrs The Management ot Af The Amoy Canning Corp. ?i (Hongkong) Ltd. JBt| Cordially invites yim V; TO VISIT THEIR STALLS 4 /j AT THE HAPPY WORLD TRADE EXHIBITION NIGHTLY «p to tW 19th AUG., H>»i -C-C-O-c-: -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O- UTiST 'N CORO I t_ JEWELLERY
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    • 305 5 iittfeßtiffer $c PACKS FLAT FOR TRAVELLING lu^e. T V^«? TmS* wime Keeps all weight off Baby's legs, and gives /zg*£^ x essential exercise. if V^ 'A Prevents .weak ankles and bandiness. nmt +1&v Months before he toddles he explores his x##^"</ a$ corn f° rta b'« back, aim* and a
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  • 1015 6 TESTING SEASON FOR UK RUGGER Coming visit of Springboks From PETER LOVEGROVE gRITISH rugby faces its most testing season for 20 years with the forthcoming visit of the Springboks from South Africa. Our visitors are the leading nation of the Commonwealth at the game, and they have not tasted defeat
    Army News Service  -  1,015 words
  • 269 6 Robertson to take up referee ing rvp.O. "Jock" Robertson. Royal Navy footballer and delegate to the Singapore Amateur Football Association Council, leaves Singapore for the United Kingdom next Sunday. He has decided to retire as a player and take up refereeing professionally when ho settle* down after gaining his release
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  • 99 6 JOHN IKIN. the England and Lancashire all-round-er who is due to tour India with the M.C.C. team this winter, v unlikely to play again during toe English season because of back trouble. He had to withdraw from the England team m the fourth Test against South
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 122 6 rj'tHlS evening on the padang A Lim Hee. Chin and Lietn Khe Liang will fight out the men's singles title m this year's Singapore Lawn Tennis Association Championships. The final m the mixed doubler will also take place today. Mrs. J. Purrier and Lim Bong Soo will
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  • 230 6 TO the average golfer the abolition of the stymie is the most important change m the new code of golf rules approved by the United States Golf Association and to e» before the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrew's. The stymie has been
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 413 6 MANY well-known players have been leaving Stamford Bridge or refusing to sign terms for the coming season, and the Pensioners, who maintained their Div. 1 status by a hair's breadth last v l n bear a very stran £c look when they take the
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  • 529 6 Free Press Soccer Reporter A COMBINED European and Eurasian soccer team will take the field against the South China tourists on August 25. When that Saturday comes round the Combined XI must display more polish than they did yesterday on the Padang against Fathul Karib. This
    A.P.  -  529 words
  • 289 6 McCarthy, wickets for I routs Sussses r«UAN McCarthy, tall f, ir h fast bowler, wrecked r << wl day at Hove with a devas' SSfx >n*?W him the last ci s ht wickeu V" c SWI «>>?■ hat-trick-the first by a h r r "n 3 Sussex collapsed'- llri '^^l
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 88 6 ISLAND Clubs President ar.d A Vice-president's Prise goll competition will be held on the morning of Sunday. Sept. 2 It will be a four-ball aeerecat* medal stroke play handicap .full Handicap allowance). One player from the A" DMsion is to be partnered by on* from the "B*
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  • 83 6 Keighley him Century ACBmHTfcrnJ ip y varied fr 9 Oj the tovD{ KCC*I by 96 rum vtft^V Keiehley cfoia* I MCC mnmps o' IS|^| only two other phpmM ed double figures J supported Keicsjpt itl Hfressivf 44 bo: :> the side fn.,^ rjy iv 9 tnmiiafrS while Uie fit^.: J
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 126 6 J^S offer of 1517.000 for thf European broadcasting right* to the Randolph Turpm vu. Ray Robinson middleweight title fifht was made yesterday by a commercial radio station m Luxembourg. The British Broadcasting Corpora ion has also made an oftVt for the fight which will be stared m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 Phone I Q tk] 4042 11. 1.45, 4.00. 6.30. 9.30 LAST DAY! OPENS TOMORROW! flSfClElXf^'2 J .7*&r& gum FORD mtuLINDFORS iHSF T SL. 5400 AIR-CONDITIONED LAST 2 DAYS! 10.1S A.m.— 1.30 4— 6.45 9. JO p.m. y^#-1» SOUTH StAS tOOSKAi PLUS the m-g-m story" New Alhambra PHONE 6909 LAST DAY!
      166 words
    • 215 6 Enjoy r i) DE-LUXE V* CABIN SERVICE W all-tha-way— n v aL To LONDON \f* pH To SYDNEY^^R^jfi Your personal comfort—aloft and aground— VW£j is the first consideration of Qantai and 8.0.A.G \B on the popular "Sterling* route to Europe and *S>-> V Australia. Seasoned travellers and first -~M flighters,
      215 words

  • 377 7  -  CRUSADER By Vital match v. Chinese E U «?P E A A NS, runners-up to Malays 5n the >ear. With e*ht JniTtS^^S^^ are m a very strong position mey They have yet to be beatpn h** v two points, having drawn with Rn™? Ve x T
    377 words
  • 29 7 c,. ;rvs E Le Wim aeSo-Li iea^nst +L \a& f I Moreira JJp tournamenv reRoasrio r ;nner'llTi M de Souia runners- up Ltfim C WesterJ^G 1 Bo«a»rs.
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  • 46 7 Indian sports sheet proposed LITiPIR Men —A Mig*ad sports nneet ■*n year under the til Indian sports :*ava was made by MM Singh Sairbi at I Cace du.ner at the fctt m. aigfti ito the Sikhs would co-optrate m or- meet and looked mortal bodies mak-
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  • 24 7 11 Lf»«ue: Malav 5 *^lav Benar: Srrund *li lftif i SHB ■*'U Third Div B "m«M| Sajarah. f rhampionJ gj »n4 mixed
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  • 63 7 Cheerful Lad* beat Ponce Sports Association by three* to two m a Singapore Amateur Football Association Div. 2 league match at Geylang Stadium yesterday evening. Scorers for Cheerful Lads were Guan Kirn, Tony and Hishim. Ch-w Kwan Leong scored lor Police. Their other gcal camp
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 7 Ix irs <ip shell
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  • 39 7 tigor CRC k 3 final Mon By ifeCbrMrcd Bank by bj :o :*o 'his evening, r^we Reireat:on Club B cff I final taapr Football AssociaX .t^Jt. SCRC will IYMCJk nc 3i"i «ccrec hrough wMII Lim )m, *nd Ker.i; Hock
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  • 184 7 Hogan's final round of 66 wins prize g£N HOGAN, with a final round of M i 33, 33) for a 15 under par 273 for 72 holea at Chicago on Sunday captured golfs biggest money award U5512.500-and the Tarn O Snanter "world" title Hogan starting the final round fne stroke,
    184 words
  • 51 7 QWING to this evening's semifinal at Aver Raja Road against Royal Electrical and Mechanical 'Engineer* 1b the FARELF inter-unit knockout soccer contest. 30 Battalion Royal Army Ordinance Corps postponed vesierdav's United Services League encounter with Royal Naval Air Command. The frame was scheduled to take place at
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  • 55 7 Singapore Teachers XI to meet Federation Teachers at soccer at Bukit Timah today will be selected from the following: Lian Fook Chin, Yoon Ching Hoong. Low Weng Kee, D. Dragon. X Dragon, Cheoh Hai, A. da Silva, W. Vaz, V. Gome*. Hui Peng, D. D. Ponniah. Mok Khoon
    55 words
  • 363 7 I ATEST placings of teams L m the Singapore Amateur Football Association League tournaments are: FIRST DIVISION p W D L F APts Tigers S.A. 11 10 1 29 7 20 I:! 583 err 1 12 8 l 1D B°r a stM s 2 s ?RC
    363 words
  • 27 7 Treasure Ship <*»«> "nntnp the W?* G £2 Cud <11 furlonifs) from Kaj >lVhal (McCloud) and Er? n -ssapg p Scoops Amateur Service piciure.
    Scoops Amateur Service  -  27 words
  • 45 7 picture. McDonald, Combined KurrfJ> c m and Eurasian centreforward, leaps to head the ball awa v from a Fathul Karib defender m yesterday's soccer friendly on the padang which the Combined side wo n by four coals to two. Free Press
    Free Press  -  45 words
  • 259 7 JOHNNY Leach, the world table tennis champion, and Michel Haguenauer, the French title-holder, will be passing through Singapore this weekend on their way back to Europe, but are not expected to play here. During their recent visit they swept the board, their victims including
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  • 328 7 pOLLOWING ties m the Singapore junior badminton championships will be played at the Clerical Union Hall on Saturday and Sunday: SATIBDAY <M& p.m.) Ng Ying Chow and Low Wing Dun v Aziz Ahmad and L. A. Edwards Joseph Cheah arid Chan Ah Koi v Tan Boon Tow and
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  • 71 7 Colony's contingent of 29 men and eight women to the annual All-Malayan athletic championships to be held m Kuala Lumpur on Friday and Saturday met %t the S.R.C. yesterday to make final arrangements for their trip It was decided that for the march past at the opening
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  • 58 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.-Selan-gor Club iugby season will start with practice games early m September. All members who wish to play this season are asked to enter their namca on the list provided on the club notice board Or they may contact Mr. J. D. Yates <Tel. No.
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  • 38 7 DOVER. Mon.— The mass Channel swim race from Prance to Britain organised by the Daily Mail was today postponed for a second time to 6.30 a.m. British Summer Time on Wednesday owing to bad weather. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 172 7 KOWLOON BUS soccAXI, holders of the Hong Kong Football Shield and runne;s-up m the League championship, propose to visit Singapore to play three games m the firsj; week of September. Singapore Amateur Football Association are writing to them offering them the usual terms and fixing
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  • 478 7 latest coUHtV dRICKCT SCORES EN Hutton of Yorkshire and Denis Compton of Middlesex both just missed centuries yesterday m County matches which are curtain-raisers for the last Test match against South Africa at the Oval on Thursday. Compton, mho scored 97, was actually batting
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 63 7 T«HE Combined European aod Eurasian soccer team to meet Combined Services In a friendly match on the Padang. on Fridahu been selected^* follows Wood: Va*«. Lawther; Morton, David* Benton; Being Outhne. McDonald. Inglia. Kinc Thw match *ill wrve m a trial to choose a «ide for
    63 words
  • 37 7 NEW YORK. Tue«— Seeking hi* eighth fctravght victory on the comeback trail. Joe Louu will meet Jimmy Blvin* 8t Baltimore tomorrow night In a t<^i-rouiMJ bout that fhoukJ featurt (hH week's boxing A. P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 GALA CHARITY "fM/f R£ TONIGHT 9.30 p.m. Under the distinguished fH patronage of HE. The W Governor of Singapore «ADEMY AWARD S «»BEST A._«ESS OF 1951 r'ioip jjL COLUMBIA'S »»ld (n BroJerick Crawfafd j^»s: $5, $3. „nr, I Usi 4 SHOWS TODAY! KJUEY OF LOST SOULS"
      46 words
    • 172 7 m s/ckness..; WV v^ 1 -*s^ 1 1\ I i^^^^^L *> vjV feSi a 1 I w iJ' fiwmj^ /wealth 'During and after an Illness the rich |l 11/+Zg^"IJI body -building elements In Scott's W ijm ft /M^^u.ffl Emulsion restore health and strength t ifW^-" 111 t In record time.
      172 words

  • 39 8 JANTZEN. The child of the yrar a bouncing boy. Mother and ott pring doing fine. On view from Friaay. at home. STOKES. To Florence Mary. «v'» of Eric, on August 12th at Kandang Kerbau Hospital. a d".','hter. Jennifer
    39 words
  • 54 8 IHS FAMILY of the late Mr C. ri Khay Hor tender their heart1 thanks to all relatives, friends and Associations for their letters 5 of condolence, wreaths, scrolls and I ninht visits, and various forms of assistance rendered on the occa- *:oa of the funeral of the late Mr.
    54 words
  • 87 8 IN MEMORY of JOHN A. DIG- t jGENS. murdered by terrorist* at u V^rap. South Kedah on the) ourteenth August. 1960. A.M. and R.C. ANNOI'NCEMENT THE PLAY you nave been frattkM for Ardele by Jean Anouilh. Victoria Theatre Aug. 15th, 16th. 17th. at 9 p.m. B:wk:rt2 r at
    87 words
  • 19 8 Police io Rio de Janeiro arrested 17 tmpected CommunlsU, five of them students, durin* the weekend.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 350 8 UK WONT CUT RED TRADE Supplies 'vital to economy LONDON, Tuesday. BRITAIN will tell the United States this week that she cannot abandon all her trade with the Iron Curtain countries because their supplies are vital to her economy. Britain's stand, which will be explained by a Cabinet Minister probably
    U.P.  -  350 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 8 BACK IN FORM again is Esther Williams, the swimming actress, after a five- month absence durins; which she had her second baby.
    22 words
  • 241 8 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. CAPITAL matrons have started manoeuvring to into one of the year's biggest social events the October visit of the Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh. Although the Royal couple will not arrive until October 24, there is much careful planning to obtain
    U.P.  -  241 words
  • 61 8 Nine Polish officers were sentenced In Warsaw yesterday to prison terms ranging from 10 years to life on the charges of plotting to overthrow the Communist government and spying for "imperialist powers." Four generals were sentenced to life, three colonels to 15 years, a major to
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 29 8 Six people were killed when two Royal Air Force planes crashed at Hudswell m North Yorkshire yesterday. The planes were believed to have collided m mid-air.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 44 8 HE LIKES THE SHORT SKIRT Mr. Peter Rosenfeld, President of the California Fashion Creator*, said yesterday that his industry will fight the Paris-led trend towards longer skirts. Mr. Rosenfeld declared: "American women have the most beautiful legs m the world. Why hide them?' A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 25 8 Yesterday's closing quotations on the Hong Kong money exchange were: HK$355/6.3875 per US$ 1. HK515.70 per sterling. HK$3l4 per tael of cold.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 176 8 M n mt GENEVA, Tuesday. R. G. J. Van Houven Goedhart, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said yesterday that failure to achieve the Atlantic Charter's -freedom from fear" was one of the main producers of refugees. 'Tear still reigns m a good deal of the
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 64 8 Rani, a 19-year-old elephant m Munich, almost majle elephant history by bearing twin calves. This was discovered by Munich Zoo officials investigating her mysterious death last Friday. On July 28, Rani delivered one calf, born dead. An autopsy disclosed she was still carrying another calf, also
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 39 8 Three Turkish soldiers from the Turkish brigade m Korea jumped into the Sues C*na) yesterday from the American ship General Langflett to escape punishment for indiscipline awaiting them back m Turkey. They were arrested by Egyptian police.
    39 words
  • 161 8 LONDON. Tuesday. INFLATIONARY implications of the sharp rise In 1 steel prices m the United Kingdom held the industrial share market steady to occasionally firmer yesterday, states Renter's financial correspondent. Textiles were again m small demand from the provinces and firm conditions ruled m such issues as
    161 words
  • 159 8 NINE OIL ISLANDS ARE IN DISPUTE LONDON, Tues QRITAIN and Saudi Arabia are trying to settle the disputed ownership of about nine islands, several shoals and some border territory m the oil-rich Persian Gulf. British officials reported yesterday. Britain is acting m the dispute on behalf of the Bahrein and
    A.P.  -  159 words
  • 86 8 MADAME Yvonne Cheval- Her was formally charged yesterday with the murder or her husband the day after he became a member of the new French cabinet. A magistrate made the formal charge after a lone Inquiry mm the shootLig of Dr. Pierre Chevallier, newly named Secretary
    AP  -  86 words
  • 38 8 The New Syrian Premier, Hassan Hakeem, told Parliament yesterday that Syria sticks to its Republican regime, but is eager to cooperate to the fullest extent with her sister Arab states m achieving a union. A. P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 8  -  GEOFFREY EVANS By If can onty k«p tfi« ft* •ruidpft dMant warn to havt a
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  • 137 8 TORONTO, Tues. THE ReT. T. T. Shields, 77- year-old pastor of the Jarvis Street Baptist Church m Toronto, said that Adolf Hitler was not dead. The preacher made the statement while telling his congregation of his experiences m Brazil where he recently attended the Pan-American Evangelical
    Reuter; A.P.  -  137 words
  • 29 8 Sweden U to grant political sanctuary to 12 Polish sailors who mutinied and seized a minesweeper 11 days ago and steere" t into a Swedish DOrt.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 8 CAREFREE TTTO Martha 1 Tito of Yugoslavia uncon cerned by a threat of a Russian-led invasion, dances "Kola" at a meeting m the Bosnia -Hrn-egov'.-n m;, lage of Knezepolje, Juhr 27, on the tenth anniversary t the Republic's 19th partisan uprising; against the invaders.
    44 words
  • 47 8 A large crowd In Manila yesterday sadly watched fire men pouring water bkzing building. The reason The water quenching hflames was also pouring dowlnto nine huge vats of beer which provide a reservoi- for the bottling plant of the San Miguel Brewery —Reuter
    47 words
  • 24 8 Indonesia dempim Red envay r;onsul -Gei»« I mentv.:- i the ai ,«^J lv Indoviu *l about the bj. JJJj »mtUy amt^. ft month ajr.'f^S
    24 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 178 8 SITUATION WANTED MANAGERSHIP available for a "emeu t:— Long experienced no exp. businessman just return- Hongkong, looking for W oonsible position m well es--1 firm. AbUity Well tcntfl m ail office routine; write boih satisfacton English Chinese: nd business with foreign countries if required. Possess excellent testimonials referencej. Will m
      178 words
    • 115 8 "JO years of *im pie corf ictth }nh»,m\9t?\ Tke Mcret ike beaut > ta awa? aawa'aa'at tiiM-Uoa U tke yean of wmpj* rare vaii Jaaaa I. Maka k yoav dioice, toa JoKhmw Vn-ha« for akaaoat years. a^a^" /^^^^"^^a\ a.O^ j 14 OUMCIS __--a*tt»swf I PRODUCT Of S C. X)HNSON 1
      115 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous