The Singapore Free Press, 30 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 274 1 UN ARMIES OPEN NEW OFFENSIVE sh C hinese troops forced back TOKYO. Friday. American troops in a new U.N. offensive gained a quick s north of Seoul yesterday and forced back Chinese rushed to the battle area. reports said lhe determined Allied push carried the of Uijongbu to within live
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  274 words
  • 68 1 Peking tells why She refused 1 rum CYRIL \Y\SLE\ TOKYO, Friday rejection ai Genera] Mac Arthur's military trace has caused little surfelt that although General plain that Korea was a self- Chinese would flare up over his mid be resolved without or China's seat in the United irned out that
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  • 9 1 'he first \i i t rday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  9 words
  • 48 1 BKITAIN has almost trebled her sold and dollar reserves since she devalued the pound 18 months ago. say informed sources. The country, still ridin? i\n the crest of world rearmament 'leman*!. hus swelled her reserves by abound r.5.5000.000.00U in th- past three months. A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 86 1 ACCRA. Gold Coast, Fri. CHEERING thousands oi West Africans packed the lta! yesterday and watchthe Governor open the Legislative Assembly 5 Gold Coast its first ..sure of se!f-ruie. a salate ol M Bans thunas the Governor. Sir Charles Clarke, opened the nblv chosen in a general
    U.P.  -  86 words
  • 64 1 A powerful Communist secret radio in Azerbaijan has begun broadcasting appeals to the Persian people to rise and set up an independent Kurdistan government. The disclosure of the latest move in the war of nerves against the Persian government of Premier Hussein Ala came as another
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  • 41 1 Under a revision of the ceilin; price permitted by the U .S. Government's new mar•:n regulations spot tin was quoted late yesterday in New York at 14G per pound, up 12 cents from the former ceilJQg. U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 153 1 TEHERAN, Fri. THE strike of transport workers in the Anglo-Iranian oilfields has resulted in raising the total number of men now idle to 10,000 because men have been unable to reach work, official sources said yesterday in Teheran. The strike spread on Wednesday to the
    A.P.; Reuter  -  153 words
  • 68 1 QARAPET Avakian. a 40- Armenian shoemaker in Teheran, claims that he talks with God in his dreams and receives instructions. On Sunday, he dreamed that Christ told him to "cut off your right hand, which is full of sins." Avakian jumped up. hurried to the kitchen, cut
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  • 17 1 Chinese Communists based hi Sinkiang province have assumed effective control of stern Tibet.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 126 1 Free Press Staff" Reporter KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. A European police lieutenant last night shot and killed a bandit In an engagement in the heart ol Klang. former seat of 'he Selangor Ruler. The lieutenant was talking to a Chinese civilian near the Rex Cinema
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  • 106 1 PARIS, Friday. yHE U.S. Air Force has completed plans for the i construction in West-Central France of one of the greatest air bases In Europe, U.S. Embassy officials said yesterday. The base will be mannea bv 10 000 men including 2,000 of 3
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  • 168 1 LONDON. Fri. A BRITISH collector said to- il an old volume which he bough: 10 years aso. has turnsd out to be the original notebook of William Sha* j— one of th? most valuable manuscripts In the .cl. |(r Alf Keen said that a decade of re
    168 words
  • 63 1 picture. LOLA BOBESCO, whose violin playing has been a feature of thc Singapore Festival of Music, receiving bouquets at the final concert last night after playing the Men_delssohn violin concerto with the Musical Society Orchestra under Mr. Gordon van Hien. M ss Bobesco and Jacques Gcniy are
    Free Press  -  63 words
  • 200 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. THE United States Government is studying a proposal from tin-producing nations aimed at breaking: the stalemate in international efforts to set up a scheme for allocating the free world's tin production. Tlie proposal was submitted to the United States during informal talks
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 1 picture. T'vo of »he visiting journalists from Indo-China, M. Jacques Lefevre (centre) and M. Le Qboc Lap (right), pictured at the Singapore Improvement Trust yesterday. l hey are in Malaya at the invitation of the Commissionergeneral, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald. They left this morning for Kuala Lumpur for a two- day
    Free Press  -  53 words
  • 334 1 Big Four are nearer agreement PARIS, l riday. WESTERN diplomats believed last night ;n M ■Mf Four Foreign Ministers onfereru almost eel tainlv will take place this year but they stiil taw little chance of its bringing about a cold war settlement in Europe The three-and-a-half-week-old deadlock on Wl agenda
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  • 63 1 PREMIER TO ARBITRATE The French Prime Mini Mr. Henri Queuille, yesterday agreed at the request of the All-Union Strike Committee to act as arbiter ln the Paris transport deadlock which has crippled Paris transport for two weeks. Post ofneemen. tax-collec-tors, civil servants, hospital staff, undertakers, dustmen and other municipal employees
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 24 1 Piencent Truman \*as quoted yesterday as saying that he will press for an additional $100,000.01)0 in war damages to the Philippines.
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  • 14 1 The Swedish mission to We t G< e an Embassy i n A.P.
    A.P.  -  14 words
  • 21 1 Tho Moscow newsnaner. Pravda, yesterday renewed its attacks on Western plan. to rearm JaDan and West Germany.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 185 1 5 A fc RETAIL^ <T,~ ARD RD.S'PORF. af J Amy _HtL______H_______l ____F A^/m mm M O I^^^^ammwaa.^^^ .^aa^^NIMPORTANr VZVtLOPMZNT m rm ThHMMeNr ofc^ INDIGESTION w ALOCOL ts widely prescribed by the A medical profession. It is generally j recognised that by the introduction of tr 5 principle of Acid Control
      185 words
    • 125 1 Singapore Restaurant and BAR 79 Bras Basah Kd Singapore oetwe^n N irth br.d«e Rd a n d Victoria Str. Te'e N Hot and Cold Ot nh European Food prepared by out A I Cooks Special Weddmt Cakes Chinese Chow Chow Our V JmmaX _______L__^_ jp£ ?Pse^ __________L*« t^A_)fi _Bi _p
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  • 791 2  - Twin Beds Produce Discord PATRICK NICHOLSON A PRE-V/EDDING COURSE ADVISES By OTTAWA NEW deal for wives and mothers and fewer broken homes will opening of a uulitn-style school brides and their •oms in London and Dublin this year. hi response to refrom engaged and married couples in Br:* Ottawa Univerha<
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  • 188 2 WIVES and weather, you never can tell, what they're going to do. Nine out of ten men are more successful married than single. Women are not com- plicated and difficult. They're very simple souls. When you know your wife's going to have a new hat beat her
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  • 460 2 Pin-a-dress-on-you Pierre Carter Davidson introduces a new young French designer. PARIS. IN those evenings out in Paris, when you discover that, like most women, you haven't a thing to wear, Just call Pierre Laeheze and say "come and pin a dress on me.* 1 And for about (US)S5o Pierre will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 105 2 Anywhere under the sun you're safe with mRuENA sunpruf cream Use this wonderful filter cream to protect your skin from too much sun. Wfth it you can tan gradually the healthful way— or use it generously to keep a delicate skin fair and smooth. Apply it to face, arms and
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    • 232 2 straight backs and sturdy /j I limbs J. r Sm this pure mill t***.**, is Ostermilk. It is the good, r, necessary for building sturdy bones and _4_S!^y"-^" s *_*_»__J^s?__a .jj.j tefimT^ yourb I i lt ls I in tropical din:..m^mmVammT mm -_r^g l- I _____r^ __D_M___E 1 OSTERMILK Available
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 275 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN today you have a verv positive, analytical nature. You like to get down to basic facts and are never satisfied with half truths. This can bring you a lot of opposition But tbe more opposition, the harder you fight. Your natural capacities arc tremendous, but unless
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    • 100 2 New C*qs$w®w& No. SIS aar^^^l II I ■>- —^aWRTHa»lBV_._ __JaMM^ML— CLUBS ACROSS l. The tal] tight would not of course, iil'jmirie the van <* 4) 5 Friyid relief for one with th e snuffles (4, 7). 7. What cr.e does to get logical conclusions (7). 8. Hasty half of orange
      100 words

  • 78 3 BRAIN WITH BEAUTY WANTED NEW YORK, Friday. rnia ta I'amous for beautiful women. b:\iuty b» tug business in California, H llvwood. ur.-_ beaut? *n two a big b' I beau l v LEM No 1 i mti tc U un■.••xt picture Rirli hftvs e been I havtfan ous r.ty :.h
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  • 12 3 one of the rs of Aus'ruh airman of H Board. Teesdale, said.
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  • 402 3 HE SIGNED AWAY HIS £7 ,500 Then went to jail for fraud LONDON, Friday. THE tall, dark, and handsome man in the dock at x London Sessions bent over a document and wrote his name, Nigel Kepple Charteris Ballantyne, and so signed away his inheritance. It was reparation, and it
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 (-istle, Copenhagen, students •th the proverb "while the Disc die -a hint that the Government ilOTklj. 1 v were appealing: for econo-.-iNtancp from the Government.
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  • 142 3 'The day of welcome is over' SAN ftIANCISCO Fri 'JUK US. novelist, Mr. James A. Michenrr. has returned from a trip to the Orient conn. that the white man •:o lender welcome on Asia s mainland. r is lower there today than it has ever been Mr. Mlchener said following
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • 43 3 Small-time street traders may make it almost impossible /or British housewives to set ©iscuits. They are scouring Uie country buying up biscuit tins with which to make tin toys and novelties for sale during the Festival of Britain.
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  • 41 3 Dr. J. W. Burton who is to fight in the general election iu Sydney has announced, according to the Sydney Sun, that he had resigned as Australian High Commissioner to Ceylon, and had quit the Federal Public Service. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
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  • 440 3 Neither side vulnerable. Sooth dealer. NORTH *AK J 4 9 10 7 3 *87 6 I 0J763 54 ft K 10 I 4 +AJ9I SOUTH K Q J 6 4 OAKQIOI Q The bidding South West North East IC9 Pass 14 a 3 Pass 3? P«« 4 All
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  • 18 3 President Peron has deed to say whether he wili run in the 1952 presideHtta! election.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  18 words
  • 126 3 Reds will try to wreck West defence BERLIN. Fri. pOMMUNIST ministers from Western Europe have served notice that an all-out Red labour offensive designed to wreck North Atlantic defence preparations and to force the United States to quit Europe will be launched soon. The warnings came in a series of
    U.P.  -  126 words
  • 53 3 CIX of 11 people presented to Princess Margaret at Conway Castle on her visit to Wales yesterday were Mrs. Joneses. They are the wives of an M.P., a county council chairman, a county council clerk, an urban council chairman, an urban council clerk, and the clerk of
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  • 153 3 PERON HITS BACK AT B.B.C. BUENOS AIRES, Thurs. pOREIGN diplomatic sources said in Buenos Aires that resentment of the British Broadcasting Corporation's recent programme on the plight of the closed newspaper La Prensa is responsible for President Peron's order banning all foreign propaganda broadcasts from Argentina radio stations. The order,
    153 words
  • 276 3 LONDON, Friday. T*HE American with the toothbrush moustache lolled against a pillar and drank a cup of milk from a flask. He lit another cigarette and whispered:— "Good to have a rest. Awful strain on the nerves that same. But it's cheaper than poker." A few
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  • 307 3 Rhee appoints a P.R.O. From EDWARD HEWAT TAEGI, Friday. THE South Korean President, Syn?man Rhee, worried by continually unsympathetic reports in the world press, has hired an Amen can publicity man one Wayne T GeJsslnger, a former lawyer, soldier, and Washington lobbyist from Calnnifcus, Ohio. Geissinger, tall, slightly bald, and
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  • 40 3 President Peron has decorated Ronald Richter the Austrian -born atom scientist, for his "services to the country and Peronist Government.' Richter claims that on Feb. lti, he produced atom entrgy by a new "chean mei hod."- A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 35 3 Full-scale mock warfare will be waged in Alaska for 24 days beginning April 2. with ground, air and sea forces being used jointly for ihe first time in territorv- manoeuvres. A. P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 98 3 LONDON, Fri. THREE days off her 79th birthday, white-haired Miss Adelina de Lara played the piano at the Wigmore Hall. London. It was her farewell appearance in public, though she still plans to broadcast. Naturally, her programme was mainly of Schumann. For she is one
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  • 37 3 Brit; ln Ls shori of nurses. The Labour Ministry ls soon to carry out a series of re•ruiting campaigns. Girls w be encouraged to volunteer ta m Rome nurses in their Ict n^D^sls.
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  • 18 3 Cnriai |o\ nil men t quar rs London state that tn^re was no foundation what_____________i________i______
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    7 3 I r i c r i I
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  • 104 3 Girl read 'it is over.' and shot herself m Pi Sir-old Milsted rec< friend "ArThur she wn.s found i dead at her tM ingbury. near ItauUton At the inquest. Uie cortM Mr. J. B Soady. .-.n<_ 1 blame no one. It s i fectly proper Inter for Arthur to hnv<-
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  • 23 3 The BiO .COW I'.cw vef.ia. ha^ charged Americans with building air lorce base in Turkey for I a." A.P
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 45 3 The girl smokers I aid jirls invented a charity, made house-to-"Uectiuns, and spent the money on cigarettes, .istrates were told at Eastham, Che?rls were reprimanded and discharged conditionally. WHITE STAR BRAND FRESH CAVIAR m IN V/i oz JARS 2-80 EACH FIT2PATRICKS FOOD SUPPLIES < r i
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 133 3 SINGAPORE BFEBS [Singapore) Rl ITf NETWORK I M* Programme Summary; 10 am Korean News Emer- 4. 47 Prom the London Editorials eency News; 10.10 Close; 12 Pro- (B BC); 4.55 Composer of the gg^ &SU* Wil^ s: tin 5 Radl o s^u Special Dispatch <BB\f; 5.30 concert; 130 Time of
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  • 399 4 JN the vicious little war which is ravaging Mathe planter c hardly be said to live; it WOUM be truer to I I ts. His day is all woik and worry Tiiet e is little rest, no time for recreation, and
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  • 115 4 |)ONT whitewash the ■r Nazis, says Sir Hartley Shaweross. Britain's At-torney-General His words ••nould t*» heeded. They come at a time when too many war criminals are beginning to look like saints instead of sinners The generals who directed Hitler's hordes are now defended as men who
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  • 909 4  - TRADE UNIONS IN UTOPIA Gordon Young Final instalment of THREE VOICES FROM RUSSIA by MUNICH. WHAT is the real role of the trade unions in the Soviet workers' Utopia? A 50-year-old Don Cossack, once a garage mechanic in Stalingrad and later a Soviet trade union official in Leningrad, has told
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  • 130 4 WAX effigies of Charles 11, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Anne. William 111. Lord Nelson and the Earl of Chatham will be on view at Westminster Abbey for visitors to the Festival of Britain. They are part of a collection of relics which have been stored underground for
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  • 371 4  -  PAUL RICHEY By Wing Commandei SUCCESSFUL atomic attack could destroy Great Britain completely—and for ever. That is the view of Sir Henry Tizard, the Government's chief scientific adviser on defence. In the light of this fact I a»k Ih wc Questions tl) WHY has
    371 words
  • 733 4  -  JOHN HALL Britain's Oldest Soldier Retires By VICK CARTER joined the King's Shropshire Light Infantry as a youngster of 18. Thar, was in January 1901. Now he has retired after 50 years' unbroken Army service, a young 68 and still a private. Nick defied all
    733 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 4 PE I -eater ZIS Stain, the tar*, 4 copy-. analvs that Ii« ne.-. most SltUcb Oli An^ r' the c don tu rr
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  • 692 4 SYMPATHISE, YES, BIT REMEMBEK- says ANN TEMPLE in a von u on the news that Mr. Attlee is I recommend thc King to appmnt Royal Commission on divorce fan INURING the past 20 U years or so the divergence of opinion on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 7 4 hings*/ /A. HtE-Ts A*.*.-, t I uv.r
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    • 77 4 JEST A MINUTE I By GEOFFREY r am tS MY^kW IK-^____ •Oayi of talking 10 dead* > •Jj| tho Foreign M. n. stars can** •bout and you sa* 1 can X^^^^_fe- j* I_r fl* emblem tf lnttrjl.,m M flowers across the world Somebody's birthday in Amsterdam or Aberdeen and anniversary
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  • 223 5 DEVELOPMENT SCHEME AT WOODLEIGH Houses for SMC staff &> public SINGAPORE BSd S a t aff Co Re P! ,rt er for !ii fh "'l' P rovi( »enew building r e p rt r as a sub-office for the payment ol Municipal accounts, partly for rent b?the pub he and
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  • 52 5 TWO OF THE 4 3 SAILORS' Two of the "Three Sailors" a comedy skating act which will be put on by the Scandinavian Ice Revue, which will open with a charity show in aid of the Singapore Boys' Town tomorrow. The performances for the public will begin
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  • 7 5 InI)e- -< a for p pre-
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  • 3 5 Penane
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  • 44 5 Tender* for Federation of MaOrvernment Treasury Bills fc ci by the Accountant General, Federation of Malaya, to xtent of $20 240.000 Tenders, at the rate of per cent per annum, were allotted In full. The bills will be issued on April 2.
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  • 16 5 SEK I Air. «Im s inu-iii lor .indent •oi < allege, II r
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  • 192 5 PEKING MISSION Free Press Staff Reporter jyjO___; support continues for the protests in Malaya against the intended visit to this country by a Peking mission. Representatives of S&angor Chinese ouilds and associations and Chinese school children at a mass rally at the Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday
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  • 64 5 All communities of Selangor are combining to build a ceremonial arch lor the forthcoming Royal Marriage between Tungku Mahmyd of Trengganu and Tungku Bahriah of Selangor. The arch is to be built at the entrance of the Istana Selangor. It will be of wood and
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  • 217 5 TULIPS NARCISSI FROM HOLLAND Free Press Staff Reporter INTERESTING exhibits which will be on display todav at the third post-war Singapore Flower Show at the Happy World will be tulips and narcissi, which were specially flown out from Holland by KLM. airways. Tiie flowers arrived yesterday in
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  • 27 5 The third annual general meeting of the Council of the Federation of Malaya Boy Scouts Association will take place at, the Victoria Institution. g
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  • 58 5 A four-foot long black snake caused a few moments of confusion in the Government Savings Bank Office in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday. It was first seen by the Acting Controller. Mr. B. A. Skelchy, as it slithered up the wall of his private office. Clerks and peons
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  • 69 5 rpHE reported failure of the Washington tin talks to produce an international price agreement is seen by Penang tin leaders as likely to lead to Americas re-entry Into the metal market. "If and when she eventually comes back, the price of tin should rise above
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  • 92 5 A BOJT 90 percent of the newly published books on fiction were of a poor standard and it seemed to him that they were bi coming a sort of "opium of the literates", said Dr. R. S. Hardie, the retiring President, at the annual general meeting
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  • 291 5 'We are here to make friends' I.S.S. DELEGATES SAY.... Free Press Staff Reporter HELEGATES, including three women, now attend- ing the International Students Health Conference are being accommodated at the hostels in thc Faculty of Arts at the University of Malaya in Bukit Timah Road. Although many of them have
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  • 165 5 Free Press Staff Reporter AFTER seeing every Dim which Ihey could borrow from the Singapore Public Relations Office, two groups of employees engaged on the Colony's Municipal Waterworks extensions in Johore are faced wiih having no more pictures to see at their camp cinemas or
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  • 230 5 Free Press Staff Reporter niBBER production in the Federation of Malaya fell sharply in February, the total output beinj; 50,832 tons, compared with 58,253 tons in Januarv The February output is thc lowest since April last year when it was 48,043 tons. Of
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 Photo. MR. AND MRS. FRANCIS RAM DAS, who were recently married at the Church of the Holy Family, Katong. Singapore. The bride was Miss Ida Paul, a teacher in the Penang Convent Lido
    Lido  -  33 words
  • 208 5 Brok monkeys are vicious, but useful WANTED FOR T E G^RDE^S Free Pre*.* Slaft hs'fii.i r>Kl.\\.\K the MMMMMMM Cardfns employed .mo B k monkey*, simtlai lo the on* n the picture above, to > < i botanical specimen- from »_U trees. One of the monkr>v Puteh. *a« destrnvrd during Jhe
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  • 63 5 A conference on tuberculos. 1 diseases o_ the chest is to be I in Oxford lrom July 16 to II Private medical pra< who are desirous of attend,:. do so at their own expense end under their own arranßemei They are requested to submit tl.. ir
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  • 47 5 The Perak Branch of the U MNO. is sending out Its representatives to various kampongs and districts in tha State to explain to the Malaya the new proposal to throw open its membership on an equal basit to member g of all other communities.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 g-^ The QnMCtteetU ccme* to j^p CALDBECK^y The f Leading Wine Spirit Merchants The Far East CALDBECK M^^&S* MCGREGOR -C° L T D MMM Jm^ < a m m. a> mm m m m m m m u m m m mm tM» m tr.i Your Body Breathe 5. m
      98 words
    • 53 5 JOHORE TO STUDY S'PORE ELECTIONS JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. in view of the Johore Council of State's decision to hold elections for sixteen urban and rural seats in 1953, the State Government will shortly be selecting officers to be sent to Singa*. pore and Kuala Lumpur to study electioneering methods. yfrhen
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    • 43 5 I Ri Tr /^T in i .J? r our 5 J___s^____Kl n I \^A\ |k W m f STARTS j *t 9.00 am on MONDAY I \PRIL 2nd l %-T mf -fc BARGAINS I FOR ALL IHE FAMILY M l£^ 1 at ROBINSONS
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  • 612 6 46 ENTRIES FOR FARELF BOXING 10 competitors from Hong Kong Free Press Boxing Reporter CH)RTY-SIX entries have been received for the FARELF individual boxing championships to be hcid in Singapore n«t week and competirs are sparing no effort to atiain peak condition. and evening, boxers from Hong Kong, t and
    Free Press  -  612 words
  • 68 6 JJAVID Lurie I South Africa^ upset Britain's No. 1 player, Tony Mottram. yes:erday to win the Tally Ho hard courts tennis tournament at Birmingham. The tournament was the first maior outdoor event of th? British season. Lurie won 8-6. 7-5. s. Jean Walker. Smith. ranked No. 1
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 32 6 CHINESE Swimming Club bp drawn on March 24. >ulted as follows: Ist prizo^No. *****; 2nd nrize No. *****; 3rd pri?/ No. *****; "'-rs: Nos. *****. *****. I ***** *****. *****.
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  • 120 6 MAXIM TO DEFEND TITLE YyfORLD light-heavyweight champion, Joey Maxim, has signed to defend his title against Bob Satterfield of Chicago here on June 27. The Illinois State Athletic Commission has approved the fight as a title bout. The Commission said it had had no word of proposed May 30 ngh4
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 33 6 ROTTERDAM Trading and Straits Times drew twoall in a Business Houses League match at Farrer Park yesterday. Scorers were: Koning and Carnegie for Rotterdam; Idris for Straits Times.
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  • 105 6 THREE opportunist goals by Dollah Angullia gave Borneo Motors a thrilling four-two win over Malayan Airways in a Business Houses League soccer match at Balestier Road yesterday. Borneo led one-nil at halflime with a goal by Angullia, but Airways lought back brilliantly early in the second
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  • 29 6 pATHUL Karib beat Cheerful bads by two goals to nil in a Second Division match at St. George's Road yesterday. Scorers were Jaffar and Rahim Omar.
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  • 29 6 pOLLOWINC* wiU represent Singapore Chess Club ln a friendly match with the Teachers' Training College on Sunday at 10 a.m. »t the vM r a t„v
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  • 130 6 Trading in stocks falling s;e tl THE London Stock Exchange was quiet yesterday and occasionally firmer, but trading was limited in view of the approach of the end of the three-week trading period, states Reuters rinancial correspondent. British Funds were 3/8 higher with a good buying of medium and long-dated
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 63 6 A LPHONSUS, a winner on the second day of the Perak Turf Club's Easter .meeting, has been promoted from Class two to Class one. The following horses have been sent down irom Class two to Class three: Kingsgrove, Dante's Idyll, YVayang. Sporting Pink. Reward, Invest, Sealed
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  • 323 6 pRED Kovalevski. (United States) defeated his countrym.r\ Budge Patty, on Wednesday in the men's singles quarter-finals of the Butler Cup international tennis tournament at Monte Carlo. Kovalevski beat Pattv 6—3, 4—6. B—6, 6—3, in a hard-fought match. In another quarter-final Straight Clark (U.S.) eliminated Bernard Destremeau. Yesterday
    A.P.  -  323 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 novi shows! H, 1.4 i- IM& Ml p i jl, Ltd Malaj I 'm A Pr IS* L* .1 i fm Starring bmi muni KE'ft nVammU A. R. TGMF-I Br'- 1 IJk D t routed by SHAW BROS.. LTO. m mmrxrmmmmmmVAmmsßamaer-zz^mmem ib jrmr&i Tdtll FOUR SHOWS V.. I M ft
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    • 148 6 BETHEFIRSTTOSuTHISI SPECTACULAR I 2 HOUtiS 24 ITEMS From SUNDAY I, 3 SHOWS AT: £^_£i V_?, b&_> X_ Jr* J ON THE STAGE Of THF Weekdays: %M 9.30 pm Sundays— 4.oo— 6.3o A, 9.51 p.m Members If tfce public who for the normal Saturday Iftare f^e opportunity of e rftcz'r reseTTafi'ons
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 139 6 Pi4llfil^3K6 Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malava ftjimi.. y>._f. cx JH_f*^y I N^^^ :^^__«_i^'^^r upL. ■■\e*— <* ->^w^ mm JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya L< .AD'SS AND GE>rfL=r«EN, > /oh, PRIT2, WHY OiD^Ml-P^T WAS A MARVELLOUS I IXsUT GEORGIE AND v THERE WILL NOW
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  • 546 7 GOOD-TEST FOR COLONY'S SOCCER XI Trophy match v. Army-Navy By CRUSADER SUNDAY'S Joe Chappel Memorial Cup match against Army-Navy will serve as a good test for Singapore's soccer team in this season's representative matches against the Hong Kong, Indonesian and other visiting sides. Honorary coach R. B. I. Pates has
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 7 pii tur.'. If hT rf trainer i on arrival lirport yestei* Free Pr ess
    Free Press  -  15 words
  • 20 7 8 HORSES DELETED have been ciethf n** list. Class l Spear.ile. Han haa I A u re litis. Claaa 4'
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  • 40 7 h and i \y weight ia 'o meet 3 ;ne hea\vroundi ai london. on ~c ye.^ter- erence ber Jack SoloSimpson. :er. ,v 26 turned 1948. af:er i of his 104 He was (!p- Joe Louis r. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 27 7 R ndolph d European will meet B;rmingk.ned to C HI la«t be ..u^e of a MA t would reM nda.v. A .P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 204 7 I.A. CRICKET TEAMS pOLLOWING will play cricket for the Indian Association against R.E.M.E. tomorrow at 2.15 p.m. on the LA. ground: D. Dharmaraj (captain), R. Sitharam. Rudh Singh. N. Narayanan. M. S. Gill. M. AshrafT, Hussain Shah, Hyder Sithawalla. J. Rasiklal, A. S. Nair and Achantlal. Reserves: Kader and R.
    204 words
  • 33 7 SYDNEY Thurs.— Former Australian Olympic swimmer, lira, Evelyn Whillier Evelyn oe Lacy then has started to tram her 10-year-old daughter. Lyne te. for a place in a future At representative team
    33 words
  • 130 7 .i.o Hea.her t -:>\ up athletics ral vears .r. Such kml >he r nre(ton i\(» Ztm- M_C_ft chjmpioauinning the -hin? second in ndJev and third "»n»P \t the Auck- m'fr provincial the v h ot putt M and broad jump. "urt above she is seen a
    130 words
  • 65 7 L horses have silted by the: '■■ri Association. one in Class '2 and five in The new classiflca)£Z 'urlew. b.e.g. by -Simple Song. by Keelie- Belle Ballerina; Tryas. bf.*. by Tarpan Princesse de Cleves High field, beg. by Mustang Roadermina. Class 3— Timarua. b.a.R. Hua-Tarn; P"ncelin
    65 words
  • 260 7 K E.M.E. Z\ Indonesians 1 IF ROLE had been able to finish off their moves Nightly better than thev did in last evening's V.VKA First Division match at Jalan Besar, they would have beaten Indonsians b v a comfortable margin. bvv Thev managed to take full
    260 words
  • 87 7 Ipoh YMCA tennis IPOH. Thurs. The third annual open tennis championships of Ipoh YMCA will start on April 20 for challenge cups presented by Mrs Leong Sin Nam and Mr. Cheong Cnee There will be two events for trje men singles and doubles Entry fee is 13 per player, and
    87 words
  • 31 7 The New Zealand Olympic and British Empire Games Association at its annual meeting at Wellington last night voted 1.000 to the funds of the Brj|ish Empire Games Federation.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 220 7 REX B P of Singapore won both their badminton niatches at Malacca during their Easter visit to the settlement On Saturday Rex B P. defeated Argonauts B.P. by nve games to two. Results Rex mentioned first-: SINGLES: Quek Keng Chuan beat Koh Hoe Nee, .15-3.
    220 words
  • 73 7 BENTONG. Thurs— Pahang will have two home and one away Malava Cup matches this season. The venue of the home fixtures will be Raub and Kuala Lipis. This was decided at the annual general meeting of the Pahang Football Association held at Raub recently. The State's first
    73 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 7 picture. Pte Sullivan -ri«>-->- miwlaimm* ItM ft***; hi l*n- Fn/'- I *.*.< *^Jfi fi __J |n4«) a nd 8 I Melviwe. who repreaentei ine Army MiinH >»« '^'i ""d wt»i lasi vear nut in 'ome span-ins practice. They are training fo r tlir l-ARELf individual boxin- Championships tp he held
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 67 7 BODCA, meet the Singapore Sinhalese Association on Sunday at 10.45 a.m. at St. Andrew's School ground in a Singapore Cricket Association tournament match. BODCA team is: N. L. u. Wiieweera (capt). P. H. Lawson P Gupta, F. M. Campos, Rudh Singh, S. R. Chelliah. Frank Tan.
    67 words
  • 16 7 In a soccer friendly played on the Railway ground yesterday Jolnfds Atretic Union deieated
    16 words
  • 168 7 PENANG, Fri. THREE trophy races the Summer Cup, Club Cup and Ladies' Plate will be run at the Penang Turf Club's three-day Summer Meeting on May 5, 9 and 12. Two runs each are provided for horses. Cl. 3 and Cl. 4. Stakes and distances are:
    168 words
  • 40 7 The Japanese national wrestling team, on a tour of the United States, won every match on Wednesday night in a contest against the Metropolitan Amateur Athletic Union champions at the New York Athletic Club.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 54 7 SYDNEY, Thurs. CRACK jockey Billie Cook rode five Winners in his first five mounts at Randwick racecourse yesterday. Cook heads the Sydney winning jockeys' list this season. He leaves for England on Sunday to ride in the current English racing season. Cook rode with much success
    54 words
  • 107 7 IN their fifth United Services I league soccer match thus season, Royal Air Force Maintenance Units suffered tneir first defeat when they^ met R.A.F. Tengah at Tengah yestprdav i JQ^c TVn-croh the R.A.F. |tU. are sti.i ai the top of the League table, with R.N.A C.
    107 words
  • 82 7 THE newly-elected management committee of the Singapore Badminton Association. (Seated from left to right:) Tan Lye Sia, Lau Teng Chuan (asst. secretary). Wee Kim Wee (hon. secretary), Tan Choon Seng (vice-president), Lim Chuan Geok (president), Chan Chee Seng (vicepresident), Ng Liang Chuan (hon. treasurer), K. C. Cherian
    82 words
  • 133 7 AMATEUR boxing champions from eight Earope tn nations are contesting tlie 14th hicago It n Gloves championships, uh t h be«an with the el nation bouts at the Chic •> last night. The bone team won las year's conte.s by six bou's lu
    133 words
  • 73 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The following have been selected to play for M.8.5., Kuala Lumpur, against M.8.5., Sentul at cricket ln the Gian Singh trophy competition on the M.B.S. Kuala Lumpur ground on Saturday at 14 a.m V. Rajaratnam tcap»... Terrence Jayatilaka, Chua Eng Weh. Gin
    73 words
  • 46 7 BOCCI K: Oh B m Bukil Timah I at <■•< Business Hse. l.^r. |t.:-n v. Neave O.T 1 I > It H»e. B: Dt'nliji S.C. Viu-.N-field al laner Paik; Ser\i<» I N Wm. %MMM^ Frle f: MNMI Bata s|,«„. st a t'.t 1: i u
    46 words
  • 130 7 SOCCER FOR CLUB FUND Jriom Our Own t im respoi rii nt FUR. I MLiMVM _M. i PROVINCE < will neet Kiilim I .a:.., Pemuda Mtlayu in a I r match on Saturday on .J I Green. BuKit Tie game will be m s»iri BM MBOCtoUon's buUding Province Indian?-
    130 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 206 7 W/ry WW/y About Accommodation? r t Fry Me KATONG REST-HOUSE j I A Health-resort by the Sea T with Luxurious rooms and Comfort. T A Rendezvous where delicious food t cn</ good wine are served till midnight t DANCIN6 EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY I B— l2p.m. I 1 I SPECIAL TEA
      206 words

  • 299 8 WONSAN SHELLED 41 DAYS NONSTOP 6, 000 die in six minutes TOKYO, Friday. A UNITED Nations naval task force has paralysed the strategic North Korean east coast port of Wonsan with a terrifying bombardment for 41 successive days and nights, stated an American Rear-Admiral, Alan E. Smith, yesterday in Tokyo.
    U.P.  -  299 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 8 BIRTHDAY TIGER The American playwright and author, Martin Flavin, congratulates the 31-year-old Maharaja of Bundy after the Maharaja had shot a 450 lb. ti*er.
    24 words
  • 199 8 LONDON, Friday. IVAMP clothes may have caused a gas explosion U that blew out one wall of a flat in Star-lane. Canning Town, a coroner was told at Canning Town. Frederick Smith. North Thames Gas Board research chemist, was giving evidence at the inquest dd Mrs.
    199 words
  • 68 8 ZAGREB, Yugoslavia, Fri. A Yugoslav military tribunal x yesterday sentenced a partisan war hero to death for spying for Hungary and the Cominform. Four others, among them a handsome young army captain, got prison sentences ranging from 18 months to 20 years after a three-day trial.
    68 words
  • 29 8 Yesterday's closing prices on Hong Kong Money Exchange were: HK$6.Ol per U.S. dollar cash. 6.055 for T. HK515.60 per pound sterling. HK5310.75 per tael of gold. U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 30 8 West German Minister Jakob Kaiser has called for the rebuilding of the old Peichstag, burned by the in 1933 and bombed uring the second world war
    30 words
  • 101 8 BERLIN, Fri. "pHE U.S. Commandant in Berlin angrily and in person protested to the Russians yesterday that Wednesday's tiring on American tourists oy Communist police "defies all customs and usages ot civilised nations." The Commander, MajorGeneral Lemuel Mathewson. marched into Soviet headquarters in East Berlin to
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 88 8 Free Press Staff Reporter •THERE was still tremendous opposition tn Australia to the proposed handing over of the Australian part of New Guinea to United Nations trusteeship, Mr. T. M. Ritchil, Federal President of the Australian Liberal Party, said last night in Singapore. He said that
    88 words
  • 53 8 The United States air force shot a 1.000-lb test rocket 61 miles into the air above the desert in New Mexico on Wednesday. The rocket, first fired in the new tests, marked the beginning of experiments aimed a: finding out more about the upper reaches of
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 34 8 Delegates from the 32 contracting nations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade opened a special session at the Torquay tariff talks at Torquay yesterday to discuss European tariff questions Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 87 8 Truman and Auriol discuss I -C. WASHINGTON, Fri. PRESIDENT Truman and M Vincent Auriol, President of France, discussed IndoChina and Korea among other topics at yesterday's meeting. A high French source said that the French President was "very satisfied" with the talk. Present were Mr. Dean Acheson. the Secretary of
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 48 8 GUNMAN William Cook jun. was sentenced to 300 years in prison for murdering all five members of the Carl Mosser family. Said Judge Stephen Chandler: "Society stands indicted fo r permittinr this child to grow up in the inhuman conditions that permitted these crimes."
    48 words
  • 186 8 NEW YORK, Friday. F<ROM now until May 15 Hollywood's Howard Hughes is paying British actor Robert Newton and fellow players a total of £240 a day to do nothing. But Hughes can afford it. He is an aircraft builder, airline operator, and oil multi-millionaire besides
    186 words
  • 105 8 LONDON, Fri. gIR Ralph Stevenson, British Ambassador to Egypt, is expected to return to Cairo next week. Sir Ralph has been here conferring with the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Herbert Morrison, on political negotiations with Egypt, who ls demanding the removal of British troops from the Suez Canal
    105 words
  • 47 8 The British cargo ship Carlton docked at Alexandria yesterday with 17 survivors from the sunken Panamanian freighter, Semiramis. The Semiramis, bound for Benghazi was split open by a huge wave during a storm off Mersa Matrough on Tuesday. She sank soon afterwards. A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 136 8 U.S. AIRLINER EXPLODED: DERRIS SEEN United States Air Force Globemaster missing in the Atlantic since Good Friday with 53 men on board, was blown to bits by a terrific explosion either in the air or when it hit the water, said an official spokesman yesterday in London. He said the
    U.P.  -  136 words
  • 119 8 ST. PETERSBTJRGH, Florida, Fri. THE schooner Tropicair miss- ing for nine days with one man and 8 pretty girls on board, was sighted by a search plane yesterday, five miles off share between Sarasota and Bradenton. The crew were barred from a 284-mile race from Florida
    A.P.  -  119 words
  • 57 8 Fifty angry Buddhist monks marched in procession and invaded a newspaper office in Rangoon yesterday. They were irked by a Communist jibe. They broke a clock, threw the furniture around and hit a visiting reporter on the head with a printing blopk. The monks went back to
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 28 8 W aterless Rangoon Rangoon's water supply was completely cut off yesterday when Communists destroyed the main pipeline leading from the Gyobu reservoirs, 52 miles from the city.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 20 8 The Libyan National Assembly yesterday passed a unanimous resolution to set un a Central Federal Government of Libya immediately. A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 607 8 jrtIRTHS SIX ART to AIo Brenda at KK. Hospital on he 25.3.51, a diughter Penelope Dawn. RAVIX. On 27.3.1951 at Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, to Monique. wife of R. Ravix. Socfln Co Ltd.. a son. Joel Thomas. ENGAGEMENT GOULD— MARSH: The engagement is announced of Geoffrey Windham, only son of
      607 words
    • 4 8 A delightful Flavour AgenU
      4 words
    • 300 8 f >jC\.a 1 __n -w The salamander, lively and uiim i\\ a fire, is the symbol of Asbestos n th n th glow of the fire, of that statement T fc Specialists in Applied Ashes: I suited to engineering problem. anri S sha >-<U Bell's desire our heraldic fcvfc* JJ
      300 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous