The Singapore Free Press, 29 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 383 1 planters complain of Govt, attitude I ft* ol ,atex and stTa P reaching "alarming proportions", P j lt are living well on the proceeds of stolen rubber while ■ptmg (.overnment promises and wasting time com>rv Planters Association. i penalty ior thefts "has been a mere threat
    383 words
  • 19 1 U.S.tin talks ending in failure .uives con« I— the Belbe I the e proI irned :n the near Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 4 1 e >eauty
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  • 143 1 Abadan strikers attacked TEHERAN, Thurs. gEYERAL people were serious ly injured on Tuesday In a clash between Abadan strikers ana government security forces, it was stated officially yesterday in Teheran. The clash occurred when the stivers refused to disperse in accordance with martial law regulations. Several arrests were made. The
    A.P.; U.P.  -  143 words
  • 100 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs. PUBLIC officials reported yesterday that new famine conditions exist in several states of India. The situation was described as critical in Bihar. Bombay. Madras and Rajasthan. In Bihar alone, it was said, supply i s more than 2.000.000 tons short of the needs
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • 207 1 NEW YORK, Thursday. THE National Broadcasting Company in a dispatch from Korea yesterday said a secret meeting of top T.N commanders has taken place near Uie front line, at' the call of Lieutenant-General Matthew Ridgway. Only commanding generals were present and they were not accompanied
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 155 1 KOREA: TALKS GO ON LONDON, Thurs. A DRAFT of a re-statement of United Nations aims in Korea is still being considered by the Foreign Office, a spokesman said yesterday. The draft is understood to have been put forward by the United States and to have been submitted to the other
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 71 1 The Sultan of Negri Sembilan arrived in London yesterday on a private visit. He arrived by sea and was accompanied by his consort, two daughters, his aide-de-camp and members of the latter's family. The Sultan was educated in England and Is a Barrister at Law. He
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 16 1 i in i!i r.' I > h MM .1 to n-.l
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  • 85 1 SYDNEY, Thurs. AUSTRALIAN Labour Party leader, Mr. Joseph Chifley, in a campaign speech promised yesterday that if elected. Labour will not revalue the Australian pound. it will be our policy." he said "to maintain the existing exchange rate with the British pound. We will provide authority
    U.P.  -  85 words
  • 107 1 Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUK. Thurs. A POLICE corporal was kiiled and a police constable was wounded during an exchange of shots when a Security Force patrol, divided into two sections, accidentally ran into each other during the hours of darkness in the Kai
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 picture. M. VINCENT AURIOL, French President, who arrived in the United States yesterday on a visit.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 36 1 The Kashmir Government with Indian Government ap- proval will set up check posts to guard against infiltration of unauthorized persons along the 350-mile frontier between West Tibet and Kashmir's North-Ea*' state of Ladakh. A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 4 1 Mgagggsßgaai
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  • 124 1 LONDON, Thursday. THOUSANDS of armaments workers at four British ordnance factories have decided to ban overtime work from today. Their action is bound to slow down Britain's re-arma-ment drive. Plants affected are the arsenal at Woolwich, and Royal Ordnance Factories at Nottingham, Wigan and Radway Green,
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  • 57 1 Mayor Ernst Reuter of West Berlin said yesterday that the East German Communist are convinced that their movement is cracking up and eventually will collapse. They are so afraid, Mr. R-uter said in an interview, that they are already seeking friends to swear that the Russians
    U.P.  -  57 words
  • 286 1 Rhodesians arrive to fight Reds Free Press Staff Reporter QNE hundred Communist-hating Rhodesians, some of whom fought against the Nazis in North Africa and in Italy, arrived in Singapore from South Africa this morning to form the Rhodesian squadron of the' Malayan Scouts. With the exception of 12 members who
    Free Press  -  286 words
  • 49 1 A French Army communique said yesterday that Vietminh renewed for the third consecutive day their attacks on outposts and village defence units along the northern periphery of the delta. French artillery hit back and repulsed them everywhere. Aircraft bombed and strafed Vietminh cantonments near Sontay.
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  • 149 1 BERLIN Thurs. A convoy of five United States army sightseeing buses filled with American soldiers was fired upon as it left the Soviet sector of Berlin yesterday. No one was injured. The Army said the incident occurred early in the after- noon as the buses
    U.P.  -  149 words
  • 25 1 The Assam police and troops arrested 1,066 suspected Communist terrorists in two months of anti-Com-munist operations in the Northern district of Kamrup.-- Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 23 1 Five Chinese, one armed ith a knife, robbed a Chinese electrician of $69 while he i i cycling along Braddell
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  • 197 1 One even came to fight on crutches MOST autographed, yet the only unh man among the 100 Rhod sians wu.s 20 year-old R 9 Swift, a farmer. Ro!y was on crutches. lie broke nis right ankle t week before embarking for Singapore and his c<Jleagues showed their syrr. pathy by
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 >^ plating] J_d, Elcctro-Plating Works r /or <W/ ffa fcgrf parties! Sold storage
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  • 518 2 The laughing general i George Murray reviews a new book on America s most controversial general. 1 he Kiddle of MacArihur/ by John Gunther II imish Hamilton). 4 NEW book about General Douglas MacArthur, by John Hither, has been publed. It LMves a fas:ae picture of
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  • 359 2  - A Best-seller About a Cardinal J. P. W. MALLALIEC SUPERFICIALLY THE CARDINAL by Henry Morton Robinson, is the story of a Boston tram drivers son, Stephen Fer movie. from the time he was ordained priest, in 1915, until in 1939 he was appointed cardinal. 8 0l in fact it is
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  • 316 2  -  JON HOPE By FJESPITE paper diffl- culties British publishers have been issuing more new books than the Americans. Figures iu_t received show that United States publishing houses featured 11.022 new titles in their lists last year. That is 6.050 fewer than In Britain. What sort of books get the
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  • 738 2 LAWRENCE OF ARABIA PETER QUENNELL reviews new books in the U.K. T SET eyes only once upon the famed and mysterious author of ''Seven Pillars of Wisdom" when he suddenly arrived at a London picture gallery— a surprisingly small man with an uncommonly
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  • 374 2 'I BELIEVED' AUTHOR LASHED ORITISH Communists have launched a savage attack on Mr. Douglas Hyde, a former colleague who exposed their methods in his book "I Believed'' after becoming a Roman Catholic. The attack appears in the current issue of Labour monthly, and is signed by Mr. R. Palme Dutt,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 SOCIOLOGY The Law of the United Nations by Kelsen $60.00 The Political Tradition of the West by Watkins 19.50 This Age of Conflict by Chambers 18.00 A Short History of British Colonial Policy by Egerton 12.00 The Rise of Russia in Asia by Dallin 10.80 Soviet Ru:sia and the Far
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    • 154 2 >»++*»»»»»<-»»»»»»4»» 44##4 4 4 4»4 4»»M K JOAN TOOKES BOOKS: I COLD STORAGE V I SINGAPORE I j YOU WILL FIND BOOKS I I SUIT ALL TASTES I 4-4 4 4 44 4444-4-444 4 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦m i~ I OMNIBUS BOOKS fl 88 SHORT STORIES— by G_v D, B THE LFONARD
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 134 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN today, you hare the vitality and physical energy to do what you want despite all kinds of opposition. You are very positive and want what you want when you want it! You are not too patient with those who attempt to stand in your way, either!
      134 words
    • 130 2 New Crossword No. 314 J ■B a IE I 91 Bi I JHasL_ wBm BB KB rHr! AUttOSS 1. Floral air lump (7); 7. Declare a meal, but turn aside <5); 8. Dog lull of noise and energy (5); 9. Fruity variety of pig's weather «5, 6l; 11. Not proverbially,
      130 words
    • 38 2 Solution To >os sword No. 313 Across: 1. Bri ge. 7. Of Sighs. 8, Engulf. 9. Litters. 11, Crevices. 12, Wan. 16, Location. 17, Sloe gin. 18. Otiose. 19.. Contour. 20 System. Down: 1, "Breach. 2, Ingres. I.
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  • 247 3 MURDER AFTER VISIT TO DOCTOR 'Not caused by advice rruv j r. HULL, Thursday. AVh u ter a dodor told a H «ll ta lor he lh< >«Sht he was suffering from poisoning caused by eating agenised flour, the tailor murdered his wife and baby, then hanged him- nitron m
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 3 Iv j This mass of rubble was all this three children found of their home when j returned to Seoul.
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  • 104 3 LONDON, Thurs. 'J'HE distinctive neckwear of the clergy, vulgarly known as a "dog collar", is coming; under strong criticism, and not least from its ecclesiastical wearers. Though few Nonconformist clergy nowadays wear this badge, it has long been customary among both Roman Catholic and Anglican
    104 words
  • 32 3 Brigadier Basil Coad, Commander of the 27th Commonwealth Brigade in Korea, has relinquished his command to fiv on compassionate leave to Hongkong, where his wife is seriously ill.— Reuter
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  • 242 3 A X rI 3 I t Q 1 a v a Pans i r Pas* a% Dbl ll tts ot our a ordinary double of a slam b a a reposition. Usual- j ly you i very much vou can't defeat V So u you double you usually
    242 words
  • 66 3 130 VIETMINH KILLED French planes attacked Vietminh forces north of Phulang Thuong, 39 miles northeast of Hanoi, commanding routes in the rich rice-growing Red River delta, an army communique said. Troops supported light naval units on the delta waterways and amphibious vehicles killed 130 Vietminh and took 308 prisoners in
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  • 26 3 Burma's general elections, delayed by rebel activity since 1949, will begin in two months and will be completed throughout the country by January.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 MODEL "MODELLED Eleanor .Martin (left) a model and also a painter, did this portrait of her colleague, Mary Ogilvie, which they are taking to the Royal Academy.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 357 3 AIRO. Thursday THE Arabic newspaper Al Assas claims that the Sultan Fadl Abdel Kerim of Lahej married seven virgins within six weeks Al Assas' correspondent, Cameel Arref, who If now touring the south-west area of thc Arabian peninsula, wrote in an Aden dispatch
    A.P.  -  357 words
  • 249 3 LONDON, Wednesday. THE man in the bowler hat knocked on the door of a flat in Fenham Barracks, Newcastle-on-Tyne, home of Mrs. Gladys Wilson and her seven children since her husband, a company sergeant-major, died. Said the man: "You must get out of here by 11
    249 words
  • 35 3 Mr. Galanos. publisher of the Communist paper Neos Democratis. was sentenced to four months' imprisonment yesterday for taking part in an illegal demonstration on February 21 against the recently enacted anti-sedition laws.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 30 3 Britain's Independent Labour Party which opposes the programme of the governing Labour Party, called at their annual conference in Blackpool for the withdrawal of all armed forces from Korea. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 54 3 POLICE HOLD 15 REDS When Belgian police raided a restaurant in the heart of Brussels, they arrested 15 foreign delegates to the Belgian Communist Party's Congress. Among those held were Communists from Switzerland, France, Holland, Luxembourg and Italy. "They will be expelled from Belgium by the fastest possible means." a
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 130 3 LONDON. \\,<l. MR* .lulia Owen, hi to hr tin* only Im < M'num spi < i ilisl in Km k.cps 2,000,094) haaa w\ she uses |t treat arl! cases. Thc bees are ol a sp. type, kepi in _ft%rki i I cooled rooms. They ar- I
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 59 3 BELGIANS FR EE 3 GERM ANS t rERAL von Falkenl war-time G* governor for Belgium Northern Franc-, r sentenced to U labour for war crtntrt bs i Belgian rnilitary bein neraJ Egerl Aegbt»r h of the German c.vii tdn t ration in Belgium I occupation, r 1 Prans i rnor
    59 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 60 3 Did you MACLEAN your teeth today £&£s■' /ot*m** „.Mamt\. bfk Wsii? WW a *xS_ .J*~ -~_J____________*S>>»_. xim Bl^^ A faWl course I did J^^a?~^ li kj A __f*l A kJ#* Uj!can% p ,^/m-. ttM gku ma* L\ lI V^ p- rr wixiu r^3^\ 1 l-M-WkC-M-l^w kcmMt, -^^^WtTF_Q__F^^^_» frt sm ji
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 113 3 "s^£ Exclusive to tho Singapore Free Press in Malava HHHHMMj I y H a N ov T mE I[a HAI&v ARM? THf H THAT ONE. -'GET.' gPS a§__ _J____Ml R.Ljg^ jj u JANE ExeluMtre lo Sinfiqpo* Free Press in Malaya *v Iry I'D 7*s} &/wii WALLET/- tmet \l LSS S-£
      113 words
    • 200 3 Radio SINGAPORE (BLUE NETWORK) 10 a.m. Korean News and Emergency News; 10.10 Close; 10.45 For the Schools; 12 Programmes in Malay; 1 p.m. Standard String Orchestra; 1.30 Time Signal News; 1.45 Hubert Rostang Sextette; 2 For the 'Schools; 5 Programmes in Malay; 16.15 Programme Summary; 6.17 Calling Ail Hospitals; 7
      200 words

  • 408 4 The Singapore Free Press Municipal efficiency 1951 e Sm.e Government' r. s being exII an efncie:. rt with lelp of the Hovernaient's own t :i Secretary ptieTitably, set peo'\ondering if MuniI ration ad not do with some' g too. tied noi le imc.v.c I n tu an exnen r bkackproblems,
    408 words
  • 983 4  - Two compete for the allegiance of men's hearts Douglas Hyde IN THE FIGHT FOR WHAT WAS ONCE" CALLED CHRISTENDOM By ...and the one without guns or tanks is winning ACROSS battered post-war Europe two men, Joseph Stalin and Pope Pius XII, face each other today, competing for the allegiance of
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  • 773 4  - It Seems To Me POLITICO By SINGAPORE'S jagas are reported to be indignant at what they take to be a suggestion that they fall asleep when they are supposed to be on the look-out for people who are up to no good. How much harm does it do to a
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  • 254 4  -  JOHN ASHWIN By. UITLER'S astrology mania— the mania which often guided his most important battle discussions has spread to the Kremlin. Following in lhe German dictator's astrological footstep*, Stalin is reported to have created a special "astrology service" with orders to compile the horoscopes
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  • 722 4 I RECKON ITS MORE THAN SUNSHINE THAT KEEPS THE OIL BUBBLING The tussle for Persia's oil Says SEFTON DELMER from TEHERAN IHAVE before me the front page of Asnal (The Guilds), a newspaper run by sympathisers of Persia's terrorist Muslim devotees. An enormous photomontage cartoon takes up two-thirds of the
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  • 188 4 DENMARK has become a victim to garlic. Once eaten only occasionally to ward off colds, it has now become so popular that a state of emergency has been proclaimed in Copenhagen and one cinema has decided to refuse admission tr» anyone who has eaten garlic within
    188 words
  • 49 4 Alexandra's Snake Plague SN Al< v For t snafc i T i has bee the now < if "na .1 inyl for gar. it should head bring* mi*.. s Even s Al* are Ottlj and long ag<; a and find men. ti tending U in faabion bit him proscrira d
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 378 5 $4,700,000 MORE FOR SMC PROJECTS Road, water and power needs SINGAPORE 6 JKSLf^gyf*? be asked o .2 ,r,h Mr Wlt tomorrow additionTexpend tur/"" f "^T $4 70.1.000 to meet the cl? "of'SS LS -a er and gas projects to be carried *Su£ A proMsion of $23,000 i s need^n t,.
    Free Press  -  378 words
  • 15 5 W.H.O talks on sanitary regulations tor G ene fl I I I ap> re c
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  • 59 5 'THE rubber boom in Malava is expected to double the number of pilgrims who will go to Mecca ihis \ear. Although pilgrim ships will not oe leaving for another two months, intending passengers are already busilc preparing for the trip. The majority of the pilgrims
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  • 43 5 An Chinese. J V. Salmon, who was a member of the Malayan Contingent at the Victory Parade in England, .was vesterday sentenced to 18 months' hard labour when he pleaded guilty to six charges of forgery and cheating.
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  • 41 5 On the e\e of their departure from Malaya, the Second Battalion Scots Guards ha\e been thanked officially by the High Commissioner. Sir Henrv Gurney. for the work, thev did during the r stay in connection with the emergency.
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  • 22 5 Mr J. Siowell wiH address today's meeting of the East -West Society in 'he .British Council Hall, on -Some Aspects of Broadcasting."
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  • 168 5 Over $10,000 for Nee Soon fire victims Jree press Staff Reporter I TOTAL of more than $10,000 has been collected by the Nee Soon Village Kcuef Committee, following an appeal tor funds in aid of about 300 victims whose homes were destroyed bu th° recent fire. Dona. ions received included
    168 words
  • 134 5 A HISTORIC step towards A. the betterment o* the welfare of the rural population in Malaya was taken vesterday morning in Ipoh when the Sultan of Perak declared open the first meeing of the Perak State Develop- \arious communities." Speaking oi the members of tne Eoard
    134 words
  • 228 5 $500,000 RADIO HQRS. pM various reasons, including bad weather, it does not appear that Radio Malaya's new $500,000 headquarters at Thomson Road will be completed structurally before the end of Mav the Free Press was told yesterday. It was originally hoped to have th* building ready
    228 words
  • 212 5 27 months gone still no compensation 'KIAN PENG' SINKING Free Press Staff Reporter pMSCrSSIONS are still going on in Jakarta as io who, if any, should pav compensation to Mr. Lim Yong Yoke, a Singapore Chinese businessman, whose ship, the Kian Peng, was fired on and sunk by three fighter
    212 words
  • 92 5 "PROM April 1, the rales for ordinary and letter cablegrams to most countries on th* continent of Europe and certain countries in other parts of the world will be considerably reduced For example, to Denmark the ordinary rate drops lrom 95 cent* to 75 cents per
    92 words
  • 503 5 Varsity students 'pictures of health vigour' 1.5.5. CONFERENCE OPENS Free Press Vniversity Correspondent "QOOD physical and mental health is the essen- tial foundation upon which undergraduates build their intellectual, aesthetic and spiritual achievements," said Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, Com-missioner-General for South East Asia, when he declared the International Students' Service Health
    Free Press  -  503 words
  • 49 5 A Colonial Development and Welfare Fund grant of $194,000 is to be used to cover the cos is of a preliminary and invest matory scheme to develop the KeL\tan fishing industry and to improve marketing llhods. it was anncuneed in Kuala Lumpur yes- r
    49 words
  • 19 5 A public na in su, i.Vr. O. iJ. X...- !,."'<s:a'.ivr < mmmmmm^ mm^ m mM^mtm am m m
    19 words
  • 196 5 UfITH the first prize In each draw worth $50,000, prizes to a total value of 82,650,000 will be paid out to holders of lucky SlO premium loan bonds which are to be issued by the Government of the Federation of Malaya in its drive
    196 words
  • 121 5 'DOES NOT READ OUT SPEECHES' Free Press* V.af_ K«*|r.i er. IN in 1 N._z.r M..:,. t Pai foi C v trict m th» E tive Council that he v ill "110 o Inflation, i.'t.v i and black jMaanam ot j oppoi and d_s'_>le...- it of interests.
    121 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 77 5 t-— L i V.W.V.V. t Qitater Comfort in Greater Selection of SHOES durability, style and > appearance come and select from iour range comprising of:~ IMKn AVENUE S EXELDIA JOHN WHITE 5 w New Shop j- PLACE -SPORE -PHONE 26i95 ._r v.v.v_\«.v.%v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.* i\\ G^^^Sof^^B V' v. S-^pT^T-7e^ S^V* ~4S.MK.M STRUT
      77 words
    • 218 5 YOUR BABY WOULD LIKE A Touracol The ideal cot for baby from birth. Its strong, light tubular steel frame is modern in every line, with chromium plated finish— a surface that is always bright and does not chip or easily mark. The fabric is in lovely powder blue or pink.
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  • 288 6 N.Z. defensive bowling fails ENGLAND defeated New Zealand by six wickets at Wellington yesterday in the second Test match, which concluded a sixmonth tour of Australasia. Dismissing New Zealand for 189, England were left to get 88 runs for victory in just over two
    Reuter  -  288 words
  • 175 6 MU /K VI \M>— Ist Inns.: I>s I'NCiLAND— Ist inns.: New Zealand 2nd Inns. Suttliffe b Tattersall ll Runt b Tattersall 31 Re:d b Tattersall n Hadlee c Bailev b Tattersall 9 Wallace c Brown b Bailev 1 Mi Gibbon lbw b Tattersall 0 Srott e Sheppard b Bedser
    Reuter; AAP  -  175 words
  • 78 6 J T .S. COLLEGIATE basketball coaches on Tuesday •approved an eight-point recommendation in which they ur<zed a nation-wide law which would punish those, who offered bribes. They also asked college presidents and faculty representatives to increase Interests in athletics.— A.P. U.S.L. play-off The United
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 349 6 Free Press Soccer Reporter Kota Raja 3; S.R C 0. KOTA RAJA were far from extended when gaining full points from last evening's S.A.F.A. First Division League game against Singapore Recreation Club at Jalan Besar Stadium. They had little difficulty in securing a threenil lead
    Free Press  -  349 words
  • 103 6 Full season for Navy J>OYAL Navy, Singapore, has a full list of cricket fixtures for the current season. Apart from the Royal Navy XI H.M. Dockyard (civilians, and R.N.A.S. Sembawang will also be playing cricket regularly. The Royal Navy XI is selected from all available Naval officers and ratings in
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  • 117 6 A QMS Whitehorn. who injured an ankle two weeks ago in a Onited Services League football match, will be unable to turn out for the Combined Singapore Royal Navy and Army team on Sunday in the Joe Chappel Memorial Cup game at Jalan Besar Stadium. CPO Jack has
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  • 39 6 UNIVERSITY of Kentucky on Tuesday night won the National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball chamnionshin bv defeating Kansas State 63-58. Kentucky had been chamns in 1948 and 1949, but last year to Qity Colle^ 0 New York.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 34 6 Brentford's centre-forward, Mcnk makes a dive to head the ball pist Cardiff's goalkeeper Joslin in the__ Ssco? j Divi^ on rrja 4 v}< on March 17. Brentford won \j four %aa\&
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  • 230 6 From KITTY MCEWAN AUSTRALIAN women cricketers are to go into action against English teams from May to July. They hope to bring back the "Ashes'' from a series of three "Tests". Sixteen cricketers and a manager are leaving here next month (April) to reach London
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  • 84 6 Aquatics by airmail pUPILS of King's College Auckland, and members of the York Y.M.C.A., Pennsylvania, will hold a swimming carnival by airmail today. Times and names will be forwarded to New York by airmail and New York will send its results by the same method to Auckland. The three fastest
    A.P.  -  84 words
  • 147 6 CHARTERED Bank beat Malayan Airwavs by three-one in a Business Houses Leagr.o 4 B' fixture at the Police ground yesterday Chartered Bank had the faster and better-combining side and should have won by a larger margin. On the other hand Airways had a. poor set
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  • 224 6 H.K. Bank 4; Shell S.C 1 DISPLAYING all-round superiority. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank easilv defeated Shell Sports Club by four goals to one in a Business Houses "A"' League match on the Shell ground yesterday. Shell's defence had no answer to the Bankers' wellcombined movement.
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  • 47 6 'pHE first trophy won by an official Australian representative at the Olympic Games will be awarded to the Australian 220 yards swimming champion next year. Donor is veteran Sydney swimmer, Freddy Lane who won the trophy at the Games in Paris in 1900 Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  47 words
  • 151 6 LONDON, i hursil THERE was a bright tone in the Stm k I K terday, with sentiment cheered hv results at the end of Britain s financial Nt better than expected. ar HI N l* Domestic stocks encountered "nod demand lifted British Government stocks by qua
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 36 6 J^ONDON Scottish beu: Aberdeen University by 14 points to nil in a Rugby Union match yesterday. Rugby League results were: Warrington 10. Bradford Northern 0; Wigan 16, Wirines 3 Reuter A.P.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  36 words
  • 25 6 Featherweight champion Sandy Saddler scored an easv six-round technical knockout over Lauro Salas of Mexico In a scheduled ten-round *out en Tuesday.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 40 6 S.M.W I j gINGAI Ro-. in i Dh S: b: tak netti n for J thej TtM I A fc" score andy Unioi 19 ritl tho and lil free-k K.M.W.I gar, Joe X dy Blue Ru\pi>
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 NOW SHOWING 11 00 a 111. i t:>— 4.oo Jl 6...0 and M pm. 4m%^Kt> vl _A___m _N_T *> 'mk jy'tj -v.;... '-rjw <*&mm9mow*aama m amt/m ■B2_________2SSH* Distributed by sH\W BROS.. LTD. 1! i.oo H.30 9.30 f Malay Film productions' NEW s "BAPA SAYA" I starring 03.MAN GUPrfANTi NEN3 YATiMAK
      123 words
    • 133 6 TODAY H_f I'JIIM 1 Funnier than anything I :nn\ fm seen in vears The maddest and craziest .<>.;. -dM^ the screen cohmiim J t hr^ A-J^i- i^P [DOI[ ALBERT |y wtt Cui Senttfl Red Gile Rootuns let 4 OomwN .e'er. MM If dam laMa BmcM if lum mam wammmmmmmmmmmimwm^mmmmmwmwmimwmmm^mwm^m^mmmmmmmmmmmmma. Why
      133 words

  • 691 7 AMOY STREET, WATERLOO IMPRESS 1 raining for April races i MOY M. 9L, TRESI> ASSER A TSkfinlra? did the best a »°p There was little betwp^n tv_„ but Amoy Street was lKbettlr l^ fl the finiSh > in«ly upcountrv and looks ar p aH She an P™misthis meeting a rea
    Free Press  -  691 words
  • 8 7 .•Mtndrnt. •10.000 ft. I
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 7 mamy* I i
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  • 8 7 STC racing scheadule rt Tturf I d to
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  • 17 7 FRENCH RUGBY XV v. WALES 1 lnter- C Ipri V A Port- j M G Dub R.
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  • 22 7 !)i\. •Jl K.rib al Dep- v -Mf; Busi ■M Motors it 1 M Rotterdam Times at w l*e.: R \F
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  • 103 7 MZMBI-KS of th* Singapore conting:nt to the recent Asian Games at Kc_p D.llr. were guests of Singapore Rotarians at the weekly Rotary' luncheon held^ yesterday. Mr. Jocelyn de Souza, manager of the Singapore Asian Games contingent (second from left), is seen talking to Mr. Andrew Gilmour, president
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  • 766 7 TOTAL of 203 horses has been entered for (he Singapore Turf Clubs April meeting on April 7. 11 and 14. These entries comprise 104 in Class 2 and 99 in Class 3. The full entries are: Class Two Ist 2nd Run Cf orlm. 6f. or 9f.
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  • 443 7 'FHE new English flat-racing season, which has A just opened will be a difficult one for the sport, and perhaps even critical. As long as the burden of a 48 per cent, entertainment tax remains, an afternoon's racing will continue to, be an expensive pastime.
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  • 175 7 KING GEORGE V School. Seremban. maintained their unbeaten record at cricket and soccer In inter-school games this year by defeating the Malacca High School last week-end. On Saturday the Georgians defeated the High School by three goals in a well-contested soccer game. Hero of the game
    175 words
  • 93 7 From Our Staff Correspondent. PENANG, Wed.— Because of the large number of entries received for Saturdays Kedah Gymkhana meeting m Alor Star there will be eight events instead of seven. So far 38 horses, including nine from Singapore's Bukit Timah Saddle Club, have been entered. The
    93 words
  • 80 7 A T the annual general meeting of the American President Lines Sports Club the following were elected office-bearers for 1951: Patron, Mr. S. P. Healey; president, Mr. Tan Soo Liew; vicepresident, Mr. O. J. Negaard, hon. secretary, Mr. Willie Tan; hon treasurer, Mr. Chua Cheng Whye
    80 words
  • 60 7 A team from the following will represent Jollilads Athletic Union at soccer agamst Naval keppel Barracks today and against Bata Shoe Company tomorrow at the Railway ground, Kampong Bahru: Husj.ien, Ali, Jamal, Rasak, Wong, Rahman, Govinda, Haniff. Sintha, Vaithylingam, Ramasamy. Ah Bay. Kim Pong, Jony Koh. Choi:g Kum
    60 words
  • 25 7 JJ.E.M.E. Civilians' Sports Association, Singapore, will hold their annual athletic sports on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. oin the BODCA. ground, St. George's Road.
    25 words
  • 61 7 A new jockey is arriving in J Singapore today to join the Yong Thau Yin stable. He is Norman Lewis, un Australian who has been riding successfully in Calcutta for several years. He was a schoolmate of Gordon Lansdown and can ko to scale around 7st.
    61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 lv **HSANGELECTRiCCo. T *NJQNG PAGAR ROAD. SINGAPORE. ?7< ***** &rtsbera
      10 words
    • 232 7 Bi3 aws? SPECIAL j I ANNOUNCEMENT i j THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CAPITOL THEATRE Regrets that owing to circumstances beyond their control, the opening of THE SCANDINAVIAN ICE REVUE WILL HAVE TO BE POSTPONED UNTIL SATURDAY 31 st MARCH. Gala Charity Premiere in aid of BOYS TOWN will now take
      232 words

  • 133 8 No fireworks for his government KALIMIJONG. Thurs. TTiE Dalai Lama has apuointed as Tibet's new Prime Minister General Ngabeu. Ngabeu surrendered Chamdo Fortress to Chinese Communists who were using fireworks as weapons, and now heads the Tibetan delegation sent to talk peace with Peking. The report said that Ngabeu, described
    A.P.  -  133 words
  • 358 8 RUSSIA MAKES NEW PROPOSALS Disarmamen t of the 'Big Four' PARIS, Thursday. THE Soviet Union agreed yesterday to consider the question of demilitarisation of Germany together with other causes of European tension, instead of separately. The concession was contained in new proposals about the disarmament of the "Big Four" submitted
    Reuter; U.P.  -  358 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 8 COLONIAL TALKS l'shekedi Khama, ex-Regent of the Rxmangwato tribe of Bechuanaland, arriving in England from Capetown for talks on the future of his people, and the Seretse Khama marriage dispute.
    30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 8 ROYAL INSPECTION A monarch and his lady fair in proper costumes of the day, inspect these Marines wearing uniforms of the Corps through the ages during rehearsals for Navy Day entertainments at Portsmouth.
    33 words
  • 40 8 Rebel Karens, smarting from recent defeats in the rice-growing Irrawady delta, have burned down entire Burmese villages in the Nausin district less than 40 miles from Rangoon. The renewed rebel activity has disrupted river ferry services. A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 394 8 NEW DELHI, Thursday. T^HE only real attack on Prime Minister Nehru's A handling of Indian and foreign affairs during yesterday's debate in the Indian Parliament came from Mr. S. P. Mookherjee, former Minister of Industry, who demanded modification of Mr. Nehru's policy in favour of
    A.P.  -  394 words
  • 26 8 Yesterday's closings on the Hong Kong Money Exchange were: HK56.005 6.05 per U.S. dollar. HK515.60 per pound sterling. HK5310.75 per tael of gold. U.P.
    U.P.  -  26 words
  • 14 8 A bill fixing July 10 as the election day will be introment today.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  14 words
  • 127 8 LONDON, Thurs. AIR raid sirens wailed in London yesterday for the first time since 1945. The old "Moaning Minnie," which signalled the Luftwaffe raids of World War 11, was tested with eight new types of sound, and 'Minnie' won. The eerie noise-making was part of a
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 62 8 A bitter struggle between the French Government and the Paris underground and bus workers seemed probable last night as the strike committee flatly turned down an offer to increase wages bv As the 13th-day of a busless and trainiess Paris ended, the strike committee insisted that
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 134 8 (Continued from Page 5) Traction Co. buses servicing the route from Sandes Soldiers' Home to Shackle Club should not be permitted to stop at Rowcroft Lints in Ayer Rajah Road. Mr. Nair's resolution asks the Commissioners to grant the permission which is being sought by the military authorities.
    134 words
  • 210 8 WOMAN IS ON 'WANTED' LIST TEHERAN, Thursday. \JISS Lucy Palmer-Smith, prominent British iTI welfare worker in Teheran, has been informed she is on the "wanted'' list of the Fadayian murder gaiiff who have carried out two major shootings in recent weeks. Her picture appears in bazaar newspapers with captions labelling
    210 words
  • 82 8 Four privates of the First Battalion The Manchester Regiment are reported by the Soviet news agency to have sought asylum in Eastern Germany. They had been absent since March 4, said a British army spokesman. He said he could not say where they had gone but
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 18 8 Eleven Near East Sfcymasters have taken more than 1,300 Iraqi Jews to Israel in 34 hours. U.P.
    U.P.  -  18 words
  • 37 8 I IKE playful porpoises, Secret Service men who are strong swimmers paddle around President Truman as he takes his daily holida y swim at Key West, Florida. Beyond the swimmers, Navy patrol boats move watchfully.
    37 words
  • 143 8 ViCE-COHSUL ADMITS BRIBERY WASHINGTON. Thurs. A FORMER U.S. vice-con-sul at Hong Kong, John Wayne Williams. 25. faced passible criminal prosecution yesterday after confessing he accepted US$lO,OOO in bribes to speed up visas for Chinese. The U.S. State Department saia the Justice Department is actively following up the case. Meanwhile, the
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 33 8 Mr. Herbert Morrison, the Foreign Secretary, received six foreign ambassadors yes--terday at the Foreign Office. The visits were to establish contact with Mr. Morrison as the new Foreign Secretary A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 294 8 Strj.t» hmes Free Press r-i. convenience ot ad* «crtiscrs. our Representatives at Ist Floor S njfjpore Cold Orchud Road will smaM advertisements ind insurers to boa number* BIRTHS TO HELEN, wile of T bblewhit*. at the KJS. v Robert William. 11. V>E. On 27-h March 1951, at ,')org Memorial Hospital,
      294 words
    • 144 8 lof 4 great features that set a o*\ new world standard for air travel V a _«/j> NOW! YOI WT SLEEPERETTi; ON PAN AMERICANS DOUBLE-DECKED CLIPPERS On all flighu to the U.S.A. (via M enjoy the bed-length comfort „f ii( ous Sleeperette. No extra i d Full-size berths free to
      144 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous