The Singapore Free Press, 27 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 20 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA v H SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1951. IMtH X U\ <fcM^
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  • 145 1 Defence line long the3Bth TOKYO, Tuesday.' reports t rom Korea last night int the Chinese are preparing to make general line of the ->Hth Parallel. lulrawal which has been going on month appears to have ended. Along Ihe 50-mile long central onimunisf gmups were reported <
    AAP; Reuter  -  145 words
  • 12 1 I. ive intrywide forgers last L-mdon- > with -false I Reuter
    Reuter  -  12 words
  • 13 1 Ii tpei toArgentln ered a atomic bluff on ns." Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 175 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. f ENERAL Douglas Mac Arthur, Commander of the liiited Nations Tiroes m Korea, told the United Nations yesterday that operations last month had exploded the "myth" that Communist military pewei was invincible. He described Red China's iejki\ losses as "among: the bloodiest of
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  • 65 1 STATE Department officials said last night that General MacArthurs unauthorised "peace" offet to the Chinese High Command was "at the top or the agenda" for a State Department coherence tomorrow to he attended by representatives or countries with troops in Korea. Officials said they would
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 56 1 EXPLOSION IN CANTON a lar a e Chinese Commu- i;;;nuira:ion dump m the m suburos of C^ton up in fire las. Fnc, J> result of sabotage by antf-Communist elements aceordtoR to a belated repot t in Himg KoSg from the provincial capital kin d SrtS S dump and even I
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 317 1 CASTLEFORD, Yorkshire. Tues. A pen-friendship between a blind Ceylonese girl and her blind sweetheart in Yorkshire ended in wedding bells yesterday. The two, who got to know each other by letters in Braille sent half way round the world, were married at the
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 1 Kmyress fcoraya of Persia,' seen at the wedding of the Shah's brother, Prince Hatnid.
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  • 88 1 WASHINGTON, Tuts. j NATIONALLY known Brooklyn judge testified yesterday that gamblers lay up to £/S$25,000.000 a year protection money to crooked member sot **5 (Brooklyn bench, made the t itimate in testimony before the Senate CrirM W-, vestigating Commttee. In the widespread uproar touched off by the Cojin>u<tee's
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  • 107 1 Free Pres s Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. nOLICE who went to capture two bandits reported m a squatter area m the Tapah area of Perak yesterday, were attacked with handgrenades. No one was injured. The Police opened fire and killed one bandit ,who has been
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  • 29 1 Austrian journalist PeterMartin Bleibtreau. confessed yesterday that a story he told of supplying Herman Goenng thp ooison he used to take his life was a hoax.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 173 1 SHANNON AIRPORT, Ireland, Tuesday. THE aircraft carrier Coral Sea and the destroyers A Bennerv and Fox raced at full speed yesterday to ioiii the search for a I T S Globemaster plane that disappeared on Good Friday with 53 persons aboard. At dawn today the Coral sea
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 1 Princess hi /:il>< *i i escort prefects on a tour of Cheltenham College, Gloucestershire.
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  • 25 1 U .S. $20,000 DAMAGE A bomb which exploded at the United States legation residence In Damascus, Syria, on Sunday, caused at least US$2O,OOO damage.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 44 1 The Yugoslav Government yesterday announced the expulsion of the Bulgarian Charge d'Affaires m Belgrade, Mr. MarKo Jolov, for "activities against Yugoslavia." The government said that Bulgaria has. m retaliation, expelled the Yugoslav Charge dAffaires, Mr. Petar Ivkovic, from Sofia —UP.
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  • 22 1 Signor Toscanini, the conductor, celebrated his 84th birthday on Sunday with his family and friends at his home. A. P.
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  • 191 1 PARIS, Tuesday. PENERAL Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, French I* Commander m the Far East, expressed confidence yesterday that his troops will repulse an expected Communist spring offensive m Indo-China without American manpower. The long-awaited Communist Vietminh attack should get underway within two weeks he
    U.P.  -  191 words
  • 64 1 A MAJOR shake-up intended to .stiffen the Communist revolutionary forces Ui Indo-China was reported yesterday by Peking Radio. The broadcasts indicated that the changes might include a gentle shelving of Ho Chi Minn. Indo-China Red chief, for a more active mf.n. Peking reported he
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 20 1 The Government of India Is corresponding with the Union of South Africa regarding a United Nations Get Asseinblv^resoiution^M^a
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  • 29 1 The Arao League A Secretary-General. AhnuShukeiri. said yes' ei day thai a bureau is being establU m Cairo to tighten the A economic blockade of I U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 248 1 Martial law in Persian oil areas TEHERAN, Tuesday. MARTIAL law was proclaimed last right i" sew localities of the South Persian oil areas, including the great oil refinerv centre of Abadan. This action by the Persian cabinet followed strike yesterday of students and apprentices of ttM Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in
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  • 29 1 Five Yuuo.siavs mc.v( :wo former m M shal Tito's inny went on t. m Zap, re b j Id oi Hrork Hi m i I U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 57 1 pThe spotlight of public 3 **>■ Jjfo, M interest is directed at the jjpj SB new presentation of the rod and yellow I PF N label now Tt ts part lof the bottle itself Thisß modern develop- jjH ment is poneered "jUtk I m Mala/a by F H- leader* of
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  • 683 2  - Housewife To Hostess EVELYN IRONS SHE'S MRS. FOREIGN SECRETARY'NOW By mJFr'Ert was reaay in O the semi-detached, red-brick villa in Archery Road, Eltham, at the usual time. Then Mr. Herbert Morrison rang up He apologised to his wife, Margaret. He was afraid he would be a little late: certain formalities
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  • 294 2 -By A FILM STAR HOLLYWOOD: WANT to know how not to be popular, girls? Marion Marshall can tell you. Miss Marshall is petite, blonde, cuddly and single. A model before she became an actress she is now playing her first starring role m a Dean
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  • 516 2 he was a woman's idol. A woman explains why. ONE winter evening I was chatting with Clara Novello Davies m her London flat while we were waiting for her son Ivor to come back from the theatre. Suddenly she said to me m her swift, vivacious way:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 218 2 COIFFURE POUR LES DAMES. Let th« |AMAL permanent wave pomt the way to lovely r. r Ir is particu'arly good for white, dyed blacked or treated hjir With JAMAL the action is so gentle that even m such hair there b rarely —if ever the slightest change m X c
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    • 255 2 THE LITTLE SHoT THIS WEEKS ATTRACTION A distinctive collection o f Model Gowns featuring Siamese pure silk fabrics, j n glorious colours EXCLUSIVE MORNING EVENING GOWNS W. GEORGE GOWN SHOP 4CH, On-hard Road. Siniaporv I. v INDIGESTION?^.^ HeAe's the jfomiUj stancUnj t There's nothing like a spoonful of De Witt's
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 80 2 Owing to an error the solution to crossword 311 was -given yesterday m the same issue, as the crossword itself. New Crossword No. 312 r^^ I CLUES ACROSS Adhesive way to preserve (5, 2. 2); 8. Contagiously annoying dl>; 9. Jingle m jail (5); 10. Girl m for Join attempt
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    • 131 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN today, you like to plan things and do them on a large scale. You are happiest when someone else does the detail work. Just make sure that those to whom it is delegated are worthy of your trust. If at the head of some large organisation,
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  • 460 3 SAFEBREAKERWAS ARMYS PRIDE In mufti, he returns to jail break open their safes Chmd enemy lines ihe was »sin expSs\ a s a ß m?ner kl began When i a tale blew open A passing constable would think it some movement m the plumbing By the time he was first
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  • 19 3 •s< ip»*d from Nhire race M).)iirn. and 1 icvm milr* by U hffore they
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  • 11 3 rts d f i i In plat \VN» Is
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 3 \\H. YES— Field Marshal Montgomery revives some memories as he strolls round the grounds of his old school, St. Paul's Kensington, after inspecting the cadet guard of honour. With him are Major L. F. Robinson, in charge of cadets, and Company Sergeant Major R. M. Harding, Blackheuth.
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  • 24 3 Id m a Cockk re- le" are ical us de- *nic r In d i \nc\ 10.--nits H 1
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 228 3 LONDt)N, Tuesday. I^AITERS m fashionable West End restaurants used to look out for soldierly looking Captain Dark. Arthur Reginajd Dark, well-groomed and polite, was a great spender and a gourmet. There was always a good tip for the waiter, a note for the head waiter,
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  • 35 3 The Government is to make 2T> annual grants— £7.soo ior the first year and up to £17.000 afterwards to aid publication of a history of Par ament started by Lord Wfdgwood m IW3
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  • 52 3 Film stars, many of whom began their careers at Elsiree, ait to be asked to suppoit a plan for a community centre there. Mr. Herbert Wilcox. producer, suggested it. Elst ice's Public Hall Association, which adopted the idea, has five months to raise £3.700 Collections to
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  • 105 3 Sailing on Sunday is illegal LONDON. Tues. THE Queen Mary has no business to sail m British waters on a Sunday. Mr. John Parker, Socialist M.P. for Dagenham, said so at a Sunday Freedom Association meeting m London's Adelphi Theatre. The Lord's Day Observance Acts were relics, he said. They
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  • 29 3 Josef Locke, the Irish tenor, is going; into a nursing horn? for a rest which he efttmatw will cost him nearly £80C week m lost en?a^rnen t<;
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  • 427 3 Bridge quiz (1) Both sides vulnerable. South bolds: 4 J 10 8 2 A K J 10 7 6 0 3 4 t I East South West North. 10 *<? Pass Pasa 2V (2) Both sides vulnerable. North holds: a k 10 <) n t V o k
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  • 273 3 Woman's attempt at export LONDON, Tuesday. VfRS. Lenore Haight Armstrong, 54, American wif> 11 of a British consulting engineer, will have t<» pay the Government up to £30,000 if she want* jewellery confiscated by Customs officers as she boarded the Queen Mary returned to her. Even
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  • 63 3 New banknotes for Indo-China The Bank of lndo-Cb nas announced th movement funds, it ha* introduced piastre notes or. pattern as that oi the B <jf France. 500 franc I The new no printed m Prance Old bank n<-t»\x v circulation until 191 M were withdrawn to dep the Viet
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 136 3 CAMEO BEAUTY SALON For a distinctive Helene Curtis Cold Wave Expert razor shaping t'.nd styling BY AMERICAN TRAINED BEAUTICIANS For Appointments Under Personal Supervision and Consultations of PHONK 6tM Mrs. MARY C HATKR UH. Orchard Kd s porr. mmM LEYTE TRADERS LIMITED 86A, ROBINSON ROAD SINGAPORE. *1 CL ***** THE
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 150 3 •NGAPORE BFEBS [Singapore] P i 1 l sH\\ORK) 44S P m Programme Summary; X! I t NMUimiV) t.47 Frtm the London Editorials Mus BBC»: 4.35 Composer of the Week— Wan:- Uiams .t.lj i unonwealtli Survey; 5.30 I or.don Stud C ocerU: 6 Indo,jl n *nd Programm s I .BPC'; 6.30
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  • 427 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, Mar. 27, 1951. A united Malaya ti sr Singapore and 1 the Federation always remain divided or see the da two territo;re fused into a Malaya? This t tion must have •urred to many le here and across iseway after reading recent sp< tes ol
    427 words
  • 129 4 Singapore tlection has not got off to a good Jt began m the manner oi a fare*, with polling day having to be put forward i*e it was suddenly ilised that April 7 was a 2« toy, and that the poUUiK booth stood no sort of chance
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  • 1137 4 Don Iddon's Diary NEW YORK: irHEN is Mr. Herbert Morrison coming to America? British and American officials say soon. I hope so. The sooner the better. Mr. Morrison is the great unknown here, and our friends would like to get acquainted. A fresh mind on foreign policy would be welcome.
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  • 505 4  -  FELIX By OWING and jazz enthusiasts will be glad to hear that "live'' music programmes will soon be introduced at the H.M.V. Studio's swing sessions held at MacDonald House, Singapore. These recitals, which started less than two months ago, are gaining popularity and last week's
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 796 4 The General Became a 'Tourist' PETER LOVEGROVE recalls a war-time 4 mystery* story of wh ich Ma jo r General Sir Terence Airey, General Eisenhower's Assistant Chief of St a ff (In te llige n ce), was the hero. 4 MILD-LOOKING, quiet-voiced, slen-derly-built man of fifty, who looks more like
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  • 301 4  - 'Maginot Line' comes to Indo-China Graham Jenkins By I^EAT clusters of French fabricated concrete blockhouses are spreading like a new mushroom crop across strategic Tonkin, lifting the face of the war-scarred delta. French Army engineers and thousands of Vietnamese labourers, working through the cold mountain fog that will envelop the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 160 5 \o information ,n assessment Press Staff Reporter h In the Singapore Municipal iers to the assessment authorities I R ited Kingdom for information on l,.h practice in exempting certain tvpes nfe from assessment has met If. Municipal Assessor, Mr J g lested by the
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 5 Numbers of Chinese women m the Colony yesterday lisited temples and made offerings of fruits, eggs and sweetmeats m observance of the birthday of Kuan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) which falls on the VJth doy of the Second Moon. The picture above shGics some of the women worstiippers at Mah
    Free Press  -  61 words
  • For this Jewish shoolteacher
    • 160 5 'ISRAEL COMES FIRST' Free Press Staff Reporter. yyHEN he reaches Israel this week, the "Promised Land" will have another fanner m the making, for Mr. M. Avinami. 38-year-old schoolteachrr from Shanghai, thinks he will serve a be.ier purpose m cultivating the soil of Palestine than by teaching her children about
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    • 22 5 The Singapore Stamp club will held a social meeting at the N.A.A.F.I. Headquarters, Beach Road, at 1.15 p.m. today
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    • 191 5 'GREETINGS' HERE WERE PAINFUL Free Press Staff Reporter "QREETINGS", ehaUered some monkeys on a tree m Singapore's Botanic hardens yesterday to Jewish schoolteacher, Mr. M. Avinam!. A minute later Mr. Avin.mii had a United Nu. ions-sized headache the monkeys and the tree came crashing down on his unprotected head. Semi-conscious
      191 words
  • 41 5 ,i lit Kuala lapv. »u<> not %rrn her pil turrd I v> .til s m h:» is V irhin. >lar- n 1 fe** m Mill spend i<.t)t«. with her uij.iiUrrn m Ira in{ m! \;r
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  • 24 5 CHINESE ART EXHIBITION 0 :iual I pened at Chammclud- and iisraphy isplay at ill be 30 rj thirty a not b open to and
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  • 4 5 •••ware. i <-;oien Brewster
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  • 41 5 V P. Abdullah a camlifor the Bukit Tiniah district, will hold an election meeting at Alexandra Terrace. 43 4 mile stone. Pasa- Fanjang today at 5 30 p.m. Prominent supporters of ,he Labour Party will speak on the occasion.
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  • 66 5 CTUDENTS with buckets of v water put out a fire m the teachers' room on the first floor of the Mm Tet Chinese Serial, m Ipoh, just before it closed yesterday. Students saw smoke coming from the room at about noon and gave the alarm. Several
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  • 299 5 OVER AN ADVERTISEMENT Free Press Staff Reporter 01N<;APORE'S Jagas are indignant! The cause of k their indignation? An advertisement appearing in a local newspaper implying that Jagas sleep while on dutv. One jaga told the Free Press Thi s is a slur on our profession. It
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  • 43 5 $20,000 SAVED FOR RAY ATS A mobile Post Office Savings Bank has already succeeded In banking $20,000 for the Rayat of Kelantan by the simple method of visiting villages and kampongs around Kota Bahru on fair days and advising the people to bank
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  • 47 5 The Resident Commissioner of Penang. Mr. A. V. Aston, gave the oride away at the wedding yesterday afternoon of Mr. S. V. Adams. Penang Municipal Secretary and Treasurer, and Miss D. CM. Dug^an. younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Duggan. of Grays'..on. Surrey.
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 5 picture. MK. UD Kl'AN YEW, president of the rnivers.ty of Hong Kong Alumni Association, speaking at the annual reunion dinner of the Assoriation held in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. On the ri^ht ire Mr. If. M. Soo and Mr. R. P- Bingham, Secretary of Chinese Affairs. Free Press
    Free Press  -  48 words
  • 132 5 XJOUSES allotted to senior officers of the Singapore Municipality will m future be graded and a flat rate o:' rent should apply to each grade of house. Each grade *ould correspond to a salary range, as- m tfce case oi Government quartos. The Municipal Commisj.ioners Finance
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  • 54 5 rrHE Malay Mail dismissed one of A their reporters. Mr. M. K. Coomarasamy. because he was an incorrigible misreporter, whose work was injurious to the paper, Mr. E. A S Wagner, Chairman of the Board of Directors, alleged m the Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court yesterday. Mr.
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  • 210 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRI-, Monday. noticeable expansion m the mining industry x^ took place m Johore m 1950 due to the continuation of the Emergency which prevented prospecting m most areas of the State and the opening of several mines. Prospecting by
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  • 64 5 The second meeting of the Consultative Committee on rice will be held on Monday April 2, at Phoenix Park. Singapore. It was agreed at the first meeting in December of last year that the Committee should meet again at about this time. The Committee, which
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  • 122 5 Newly designed building >i M < \'< iion.tna «-d on; Liaplted »'lh de^art:«(M I -ads after lhe»r UM MM mf* Municipal elections w.ll >>c introduced ai tlw- «-nd of l!ie >e»r. SraWd (from I. f( N (.hnuM-, fa W« Kir? < Mi bin Maidin. <. I
    122 words
  • 234 5 Free Press Staff Reporter A QUESTION on prospects of advancement m the Singapore Munitip..l service has bean referred to the Service Committee of the Commission" tn. The committee is asked to advise whether prospects of serving officers would be restricted if applications for clerical
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  • 62 5 The 2nd Battalion Scots Guards, practically on the eve of their departure for Britain, crashed their number of bandit kills to over the century mark yesterday vwrning when they hit "the jackpot", killing 10 bandits, many uith cold steel their best single action yet. On Sunday
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 New Collection ?roderie Anglaise COCKTAIL FROCKS I I I r 4S.NKiN STREET. yMCAPORE PMOMI.-?«JO. BMWCNCS 4J.STATIOH KtJWW. 1W fMUMWHtWT XLX^ la l lunches this week I Tll€Sday. Chicken p.ku tambals I B■« Thursday. Fried nahroee VJ^ I i Friday. Biadilo© curry «r Prawn curryorfbheurr^tc
      44 words
    • 179 5 Rufflette V' 4 [I*l iS r\rL See how WELL I I ■In. IflrfjdjN i^-t i) HAM 6 a d how 1% /o,w |lmL SMOOTIILY they rß> I ->h r ul*k HvV\ I r W^^^^^^y^ CURTAIH AIL and TAPi I ~~~r *wj What a treat to open and t IT] MI!
      179 words

  • 442 6 Chelsea drifting to Division II LUSTER Monday's English League football programme —the third of the week-end for most teams —saw all teams at the head of the respective tables winning to leave the positions at the top unchanged compared with Saturday. All four League leaders
    Reuter  -  442 words
  • 74 6 WRIGHT TAKES 5 FOR 48 £)CUG Wright, his •> and length cleverly. tock five wickets for 48 runs and helped England to disNew Zealand for 125 m •end Test at Wellln?- A soin bowler, A Moir, top--5 I for New Zealand with not on*. which maa six off Wright.
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  • 69 6 1 V. /I »l l .M» Kt Inns. v k wish: 3« 11 (eh Ui M 1"> ft Wright ilo\ m h \\'«;ht t, l -r i l n I 123 I < u- l. »7. ss. it. I K. PJ. i I I' i .t ,i t lit:'.
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 35 6 ra, D.G PR Umrlgar, 1 Friday for I m the Lane I ip I the Ned- aid U irigar the V th C! I They are exp. to rH an m October
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  • 211 6 T7OLI.OWING are U.K. soc.-er fixtures for Saturday, rch 31: ENGLISH LEAGUE— WV. 1 lea ilia v She l.eld Wed Markpsd v Stoke ■.I'm v W«l Bromuirh (hail on v Portsmouth i l>\ v Middle.- brough 1 u'h m v Newcastle I.iwroool v Huddersh>ld U he v 'er
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 6 picture Mrs. Phyl Kttne of o.l.itis.ot, star woman performer it the Rahans straight half-mile speed trial at S»>remban on Sunday. She took both the women's events and went on to win the event for saloon cars up to 3.000 c.c. m her sleeklaokinjj Rilrv Free Press
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 443 6 From ARCHIE QUICK OIG problem which has been "exercising football managers these many seasons past is whether or not they can afford to take the plunge and revert to the old-time attacking centre-half. It has been generally agreed that the risk was great because of
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  • 251 6 RESULTS of yesterdays I'.K. soccer matches were: FIBST DIVISION Boilon 1 Blackpool 2 hebea 0 Burnley 2 .by 2 Manchester 4 Ecertoa 0 Sheffield Wed. I Portsmouth 1 Arsenal 1 S oho 2 Middlesbrou^hO Sunderland 2 Newcastle 1 Tottenham 2 I'ulham 1 W. E'^mwith* 0 Huddersfield g
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 6 aJ S>»»' v- -I^i^cit. li.X.O.R. r j: ,.f h ;m
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  • 111 6 DRINCE Bira, driving his new unsupercharged Italian Osca car m its first race, broke the lap record at Goodwood, Sussex, yesterday with a speed of 90.38 miles an hpur when the British Automobile Racing Club held their Easter meeting. The record of 90 m.p.h. was set up
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 48 6 DANKSTREAM I Midstream-High Class) won the Sydney Cup (.two miles) at Randwick course yesterday by five lengths from Freedom, with Comic Court l l^ lengths further away third of 14 starters. Betting was: Bankstream 5-1; Freedom 13-2; Comic Court 11-4. Reuter AAP
    Reuter; AAP  -  48 words
  • 83 6 WORTH Carolina, a handsome three-year-old colt owned by Mrs. J. F. C. Bivce of New York, was beaten 'by three length 3 by Lord Rosebery's Benbow m the one-mile Coventry Foal Stakes at Kempton Park yesterday. North Carolina, considered a likely outsider for the 3.000 Guineas classic,
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 6 ABOVE: Astride his •mount," L Cpl. Hayes (221 Vehicle Bitlalion) faces the camera after winning the final of the Individuals Under 20 event at the R.E.M.E. (Singapore) motorcycle trials held off Clementi Road during- the Easter holidays.
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 6 pictures. BELOW: ASM "Dixie" Dean (Base Vehicle Workshops), who sei up the fastest time ot <'if» dsy —1 rtin. "'.Ssecs. Free Press
    Free Press  -  22 words
  • 39 6 rpHE Illinois State Athletic Commission yesterday approved a 15-round title bout between world light heavyweight champion Joe Maxim and Bob Satterfield of Chicago. The fight will take place on June 27 at the Chicago Stadium. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 98 6 Free Press Staff R n> APPLICATIONS for membership t() thp Swimming Club, Singapore, 5i,,, of the new pool and pavilion n S*t«i been pouring m by the hundred acCftr C.S.C. secretary, Mr. Leon* Yee S« M Many more hundreds an next few days, and
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  • 17 6 SOLUTION to McLeod's Picture Tip for Saturday's races is JAnnice (second m the Pcrak 'Derby.')
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  • 255 6 Singapore Engineer Regt. 3; R.A.S.C. School 0. OLAYING impressive soccer, Singapore Engineer Regiment gained a convincing victory over R.A.S.C. School, Nee Soon, in their United Services League game at Gillman Barracks last evening. Sappers had two opportunist wing forwards in Carroll and King-Harmes. Reed, at Inside-right,
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  • 113 6 Enraged fans' chase referee DOLICE used tear-gas yester--1 day to disperse thousands of enraged football fans, who broke into a visiting football team's dressing room m Ban. Italy, injured eight plavoand their trainer, and chased the referee four miles te a farmhouse. They accused the vLsito: team of railwaymen, and
    Reuter; AP  -  113 words
  • 12 6 TURPINA AFTER RAY'S 'VICTIMS' RANDOLPH TW weight b busj futu sack ma:
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  • 9 6 DAI cer I Peck v. forw
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  • 66 6 WELSH golfer Dai Rees won the Royal Canberra Golf Clubs €200 professional purse yesterday with three recordbreaking rounds. The first round, 68 (four under par), equalled the course record the second was 67 and yesterday's final round 66. The total of 201 for 54 holes is
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 105 6 O R. JACKSON (Perak Turf Club Golf Club> beat R. B. Lauriston (Selangon one up In the final of the Maiayan golf championship at the Selangor Golf club yesterday. Jackson went round m par 75 and Lauriston was 76 m one of the finest
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  • 155 6 J-JEAVY rain in Northern England caused many Rugby League matches to be abandoned yesterday. Results of Rugby Union fixtures were: Blackhea'.h 6. London II Aberavon 12, Weston-Super-' 0; Barnstaple 3, Old Eauardians 3; Bah 3, Old Nferchaiu Taylors 0; Birkenhead Park 3. Ros Park 5;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 27 6 LAST 5 SHOWS H^kwAMNED BROS! from Tonzsrrcw! ijij YT %i -J '3 t t y JMlBi it i id S-!e Distributors M. ZUCU/G(M)UO. ">0 BOX 725 SINCAPORC
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    • 43 6 talm&« DDTITfi llfEElifi! e|Miiiiiij miiLiiii V^>f/jv Published weekly on /O —^Y^y and Radio Mala VL~T^ ',j<r-' English and vernacul* V programmes m detail ON SALE TODAY pr.ce 20 cents PROM ALL NEWSAGENTS A NEWSV£ND _Copieg_maY also be obtained (rom Tht StrQits^Times^rgi^ J^ m
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 50 6 Today's sport SOCCKR: Div. I: Singapore Cricket Club v Chinssr < «sual«< at stadium: Div SA: (.uard Dog I tin v Social A .P. at Tievlanß Div. 3B: BODC *A" v Customs at BOIK Business Hse. Lge. A: Stan\;*( I M.P. House on padang: Pulo Rukom v Sime Darby at
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  • 188 7 ballot today at Rukit Timah Free I'rcss Staff Reporter p )KK Turf Club has received 40 appli- (on* fa participation in the ballot for the ,h racehorses allotted from the batch )j0p*rtd h\ the Straits Racing Associatake place at the grandstand at irse this evening
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 7 picture. J Pcn Han second from left), with his "L. A. Special' after clocking the fastest time of the day for cars at the Rahang Straight HalfMile Speed Trial at Seremrl" L irem c left is Lee noon Ree. mechanic of the rakish Specia Free Press
    Free Press  -  46 words
  • 42 7 BIG UPSET AT RAND WICK •pilE biggest upset for yeirs m Australian racing occurred at «;ck racrcourx* on Saturday uhen Australia's No. 1 rac horse Comic Court was beaten by a moderate performer. Freedom. m a photo-fimsn m the weight-for-age Autumn Staks.
    42 words
  • 34 7 PENANG. Mon— Kuala Lumpur f.T.ert'Ml champions for the second running *hen they won the Palmer Cup at the annual Shell I Company's Easter triangular sports tret; which ended m Penang to- d..v.
    34 words
  • 151 7 From Our Siatf Correspondent PENANG Mon SINGAPORE, with a total of eight points, today ran out champions at the Ma- layan YWCA sports meet. The Colony also won the President's Cup outright, having been champions in 1949 and i yDU Penang with six points were second,
    151 words
  • 198 7 I lIGI Villoresi (Italy) drove a Ferrari 4i-htre (unsupercharged) car to victory m the Crand Prix de Pau motor race at Pau (France) yesterday. H e covered the 110 laps of about 190 miles m 3 hrs. 17 mins. 39.9 sees., an average speed of
    198 words
  • 332 7 gained a thrilling victory over Singapore Cricket Club m a cricket friendly on the Padang yesterday by the narrow margin of two runs. Requiring three runs for a win, S.C.C. had still three wickets m hand when H. Ward, bowling for Non-Benders, performed the hat-trick
    332 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 7 picture. lour crl tiif com^eutors v. ho took part in the tenth AllMalayan Indo-Ceylonese tennis tournament held at Kuala Lumpur during the Easter holidays. From left to right: Mrs. S. Naidu, Mrs. S. Robert, Miss Supr»»»» *"<l Mrs. Raiaretnam. Press
    Free Press  -  40 words
  • 29 7 DUBLIC welcome to Alec Bedser m recognition of his great bowling performances during the M.C.C's Australian cricket tour is being planned by his home town. Woking (Surrey).
    29 words
  • 94 7 MR. P. F. de Souza, a member of the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council committee, has presented a gold wrist watch as a souvenir for Neo Chwee Kok. hero of the Colony's Asian Games team. The gift has been approved by the S.O.S.C. and the
    94 words
  • 79 7 BATU PAHAT, Mon Johore Amateur Football Association officials are: President, Che Onn bin Abdullah; vice-Pre-sident. Che A. Rahman bin Ha.v Salleh; Hon sec. and treasurer. Che Talib bin Haron; Selection Committee: The president Cne Ayop bin Abdul Manas and Mr. Ng Buck Heng. Matches arranged for selecting
    79 words
  • 57 7 PLANS are bc'ng made for 18.000 to see the 1951 Davis Cup challenge round at Sydney's White City Courts on Dec. 26 27 and 28 Present seating is 800 New York's Forest Hill stadium seats 14.000 Melbourne seated 14.000 m 1946 when the Australians lost the Cup
    Reuter; AAP  -  57 words
  • 80 7 D.B.C. television lost the u Oxford-Cambridge University boat race yesterday. The only cameras used were aboard a launch in the river. The launch had to stay behind the trailing Oxford crew. Cambridge won by more than 12 lengths and was so far ahead that the crew was
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 91 7 THE King and Princess Margaret accompanied the Queen to watch her steeplechaser, Manicou run in the Halter Hyde Handicap Steeplechase run over three niiles at Kempton Park, Surrey, yesterday. The Roval Family and trie huge holiday crowd saw hoix-s of a «in for Manicou ally finished a
    91 words
  • 42 7 Lt. De Breuil (France) riding Tourbillon yesterday won the steeplechase event at the international horseshow at Cairo in 1 min. 24 4 5 sees. Jonquieres d'Oriola (France* on Marquis III. was second in 1 min. 31 2/5 sees. A.P
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 258 7 8.0.D.C.A 1; T.B.A 0. OASE ORDNANCE Depot Civilians must consider themselves very lucky to have collected full points at the expense of Tamil Brotherhood Association m their First Division League soccer match at Besar yesterday. After being outplayed all the way, the Depot
    258 words
  • 430 7 CAMBRIDGE CREW LEAD THROUGHOUT AS expected Cambridge won the 97th Varsity boat race yesterday defeating Oxford by about 15 lengths one of the biggest margins m the history of the series. The tim* for the 41-mile horseshoe course on the Thames River
    A.P.; Reuter  -  430 words
  • 151 7 Squash title for Pakistani HASHIM KHAN or Pakistan became favourite to win the British open squash rackets championship, which starts m London on April 4. when he won the Scottish open title at Edinburgh last night by beating Mahmud El Karim of Egypt 9-2. 9-0. 9-4. The Egyptian had held
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 18 7 HEN DON BEATEN Pegasus beat Hendon 3—2 m Saturday's semi-final m the F.A. Amateur Cup semifinal.— Reuter A.P.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  18 words
  • 104 7 Free Press Staff <»ii*fc|»undent JPOH HPHE MALAYAN IaWO I championship* this year be played at Ipoh on ft* Padann courts between A and Ausz- 7. The Per. k Liiwn 1«m riatjon is ti.kinn all neces steps to gn offifial prrmi rollect a 'Rate' lor ih r:
    104 words
  • 179 7 T£LAND Clubs M. ich S competition ph. 'i-; U I '< r-end resulted ir a vui. Yong Loon Chony <S» m th« Division with a wore ol 37 l>. ints The "B Di\! i i(in »a i by W H. Walker «20» with vcore of 38 'a
    179 words
  • 82 7 From Oar Staff Correspondent IPOH. Tues- Thf lp<li MM ti ict Football Le*pue will mtnce today vtth a between la*t seasons < iiat ipions. the Chinj: Churn am, Tamikans who art making their debut m the First DtvMN Ihh year. With 12 teams m tlie top dr.:sion. a
    82 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 It. I Warn ■Cm cc o t cup IM f tt'^ 6CT A UAS6CVK I (shire and I cricket P iracile.' tTiCkei nan of C the the I c m Sbef- pla j the M two -'f'w^er. ham 'he Test But <<hire X] „v such m ALKAMSRA ions NOW
      81 words
      72 words

  • 200 8 TALKS ON PAN-AMERICAN DEFENCE 21 republics' delegates meet WASHINGTON, Tuesday. REPRESENTATIVES of 21 American republics met X m emergency session yesterday to discuss their defences against Communism. The delegates, including the largest number of foreign ministers ever assembled m Washington, planned to coordinate their military, economic and political policies. The
    U.P.  -  200 words
  • 65 8 i-SOO. Dr. W.ih Hinar Naf/ Hc!•^: son of Mr. <fc Mrs. Ng E$ C of Ipoh 6c Dr. Soo Kool I :n*?r daughter of Mr. I soo Shak Shin, also of Ipoh. '—YAP: Mr Sim Seng Watt, Mftlter, limnil English KoU Bhiru, Kelantan, sen n 1 Kng Liew
    65 words
  • 62 8 ON—TAN: On the 23rd of H I inn. only son of I k Vrs Goon Kwee Khoon of 1 Ouaa Enjj second daugh"r: Mrs Tan Seng Sam i I piru?. A MS—DUGGAN At the .Id norta] Church, •on 26»h March 1951, Vernon, eUei son of the of Blox- *>.
    62 words
  • 49 8 5. OU JACK HK, neo Bek aced S> of 41. Neuton Road. Mire, leaving h-r belo\ed i v I Bee, Kok 800 rrers Lo Tti Dr. Tan iio Cbat I 30 grandchildren and 22 t indcluldten. The cortege nee on Wedi the 28'h. a' 4.30 p.m. please copy.
    49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 8 PRINCESS STARTS RACK— The signal for the start of the Head of the River Race that is rowed on the River Thames was given this year by ?rincess Elizabeth. More than 200 crews took part. The Princvss's launch can be seen m the picture.
    44 words
  • 257 8 Costume shapeless— allegation LONDON, Tuesday. TIDGE DALE found at Westminster County Court J that Miss Shirley Eileen Gatward, aged 22, who was said to have been a 'big. buxom young lady' m February 1948, had lost weight since. It was not. therefore, the tailor's fault that
    257 words
  • 63 8 EASTER week-end thieves robbed the Queen's raCehorse trainer. Captain Peter Cazalet, of jewellery worth €50,000 at his home at Plaxtol. Kent, last night. This was the second big Easter robbery. First, victims were American film star Tyrone Power and his wife Linda Christian, who lost jewellery and
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 33 8 Israeli Finance Minister, Eliazer Kaplan announced in the Knesset yesterday that the sale or purchase of sold will be forbidden from Monday except by a small number of authorised dealers U.P.
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • 116 8 PARIS. Tues. 'pHE French press reaction to General Douglas MacArthur's recent peace feelers m Korea was unanimously hostile with most newspapers denouncing Mac Arthur's initiative as "most inopportune." The Conservative morning newspaper Figaro said General Mac Arthur's peace offer "is an olive branch with a bayonet
    U.P.  -  116 words
  • 41 8 In St. Andrew's Church overlooking Mount Zion and old Jerusalem, a memorial plaque was unveiled during the Easter service for members of the Black Watch Regiment who had been stationed m Jerusalem and fell m the Second War.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 13 8 Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands has left The Hague for South America. A.P.
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 225 8 VIENNA, Tuesday. IT ATARIX KARADY, a red-haired Hungarian film 1V actress, has fled from Hungary and arrived safely at Salzburg. With her came Oliver Lantos, a crooner engaged to the New York actress, Hanna Hertender. They called the green-eyed Katarin Hungary's Rita Hayworth, and she was
    225 words
  • 45 8 All Jews who have Iraqi nationality are to be treated on equal footing with other Iraqi citizens and granted "all rights and just treatment guaranteed by the Iraqi Constitution to all Iraqi citizens," states an official communique Issued yesterday m Baghdad. A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 227 8 Evatt's 'No' to Jap rearmament SYDNEY, Tues. AUSTRALIA should not con- sent to rearmament of Japan because Japanese policy has not changed, Mr. Herbert Evatt, former External Affairs Minister, said yesterday m Sydney. He said: "The best experts on the Far East agree that given opportunity, the military clique and
    U.P.  -  227 words
  • 98 8 MR. James Moran. former political associate of the ex-Mayor of New York, Mr. William O'Dwyer. now U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, and Mr. Luis Weber, a Brooklyn policy king, were indicted by a U.S. Federal Grand Jury yesterday on charges of perjury before the Senate Crime
    U.P.  -  98 words
  • 21 8 Nine persons have been killed in landslides caused by rain In the Manizales Caldas region of Colombia Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 21 8 THE Allies m West Germany have issued a list of 30.000 who are forbidden passports. Heading the list: Hitler.
    21 words
  • 104 8 POLICE WERE MARIJUANA 'CLIENTS' NEW YORK. Tues. A REAL-LIFE thriller r\ story was told by New York Narcotics Squad, following the arrest of six men and two women accused of selling drugs to school children. Main characters were a professional South American dance team, a beautifud woman detective. and a
    104 words
  • 77 8 BUENOS AIRES. Tues. AN airliner belonging to the Argentine State Airline plunged to earth yesterday from 10.000 feet in Tierra Del Fuego killing 15 of those aboard and injuring four. The aircraft had taken off from Ushuaia. the world's most southerly city, for Buenos Aires and
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 8 IN SEARCH OF WATER A cow p| IK U aioi: up river bed at Casterton. West Vu^oria. m few m'lddy puddles remaining i»i the wurst dmushi 3t»*veirN
    27 words
  • 190 8 'RUSSIAN DOGS FEED BETTER SANTIAGO. Chile, Tuesday. GUARD DOGS at Russia's slave labour camps are better fed than the prisoners, the United Nations Economic and Social Council was told at a meeting m Santiago. The 60-nation International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, which claims 53,000.000 members, produced m evidence Russian-language
    190 words
  • 79 8 pREMIER Henri Queuille's coalition government, harassed by strikes and soaring living costs and threatened by a huge deficit m the 1951 budget, is said to be planning to ask for the dissolution of the National Assembly and general elections for June 10. The government, formed only
    79 words
  • 76 8 (Continued on Page 1.) tica! reverse of "measurable proportion" with losse s which were among the bloodiest of modern times. 2. Losses were from China's finest troop s and it will be difficult to replace them. 3. The United Nations strategic plan, notwithstanding the enemy's great numerical superiority,
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 166 8 KNOWI HM.MiNT I fhar.ks t who st-nt ■tssa^s. etc.. lent cnrs. and attended the funeral nnioN SESSIONS APR t All c r LOG of Com Ml Un 3:;r C .mb Tut i r>v\ Men: Sese.en *t nuht. both places n\ time, SS machines. so s i.e. :i: 10 Col.
      166 words
    • 95 8 i .a, rxv V \Jr* 1 PHONE 3848 "v /s Typewriters 0lilvUi Borsumy Tel. Spore ***** 7 K. L 4396. snuiioi :i AMERICAS ffMggf ton i co..<*.v) ltd. PETER CHONG <Sc CO.. Jj^iJ JjAj^ 7 Si 9 Robinson Road, Phone 4i \t 40TH DAY TODAY hi stock now: N Acme
      95 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 32 8 THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris I W rl X^i&aM^iii vi y Mta lt y 1^3l» 'S//^BWr A WAfJ "S (^^^v.tIH lu'/»^tf*W^? xa il n ev *><msEi s \x fe-^WI f^# JsE (SMF*
      32 words