The Singapore Free Press, 22 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 271 1  - MAO ABANDONS S. KOREA EDWARD HEWAT Way to the Parallel is wide open By HTH AIOIY HEADQUARTERS, Thursday. Trie Tumi's Chinese army has as £ood as abandoned South Hi> aim to drive the United Nations forces into the sea iv fulfilled two months ago has ended m defeat. Korea is
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  • 49 1 LONDON, Thursday. closinf six of her consulates m China, creUury, Mr. Herbert Morrison, In the H mat of Commons. ;-n because of the reduced nit) and interests In the he said. su Km N of s In g I Duren I China. .> Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 97 1 BUI i '.UN's Director- General of Military Train- Lieut. -Gen. Sir Richard Gales, viid m Tokyo last nuht that the British troop^ m Korea had been plat id al the disposal 01 the I nited Nations and under the I'rp'ed Nations' Commander. "They will Ro
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 66 1 Ifr Frederick VanderbiU Field. New York millionaire, was acquitted yesterday of contempt charges for refusing to answer 30 questions before a U.S. Senate Committee on his alleged links with Communism. The Federal judge. Mr. Alan Goldsborouah. said he believed that if Ifr. Field had answered these questions
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 97 1 PENANG, Thurs. AFTER having been suspended for three weeks the Lim Seng Seng Company's familiar Green Buses were put back on the Ayer Itam Road this morning. The ban was lifted by the Acting Commissioner for Road Transport. Mr J F Draper who met tne Penal*
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  • 11 1 Prime MinisX .r..-ion r >^:.-t:inn to Paasikivi. Reuter
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  • 9 1 HISS IN TODAY U.S. official, i b»'iiin hta nee.
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  • 145 1 SYDNEY, Thjrs. A 19-year-old girl was sentenced to death and two other teen-agers to life imprisonment for murder. The girl. Edith May Martin, collapsed as she received the death sentence. She was carried from the court screaming and struggling. Seventeen-year-old Beryl Edna Miller screamed
    A.P.  -  145 words
  • 125 1 Tin men will not suffer Griffiths LONDON, Thursday. THE Secretary for Colonies, Mr. James Griffiths, said yesterday he did not expect any immediate urferinf by the tin miners m Malaya from the United States decision to suspend tin purchases for her stockpile. Replying to questions m the Commons, he said
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 55 1 The Commander-in -Chief of the Tibetan army Kuosang Tse and Ruink Chhempo Lautra. and high official, arrived m Calcutta yesterday from Kalimpong on their way to Peking to negotiate a settlement between China and Tibet. Sawang Ngabo. a Tibetan Cabinet Minister and third member of the delegation.
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  • 17 1 The French Government Is considering building a nuclear energy research centre m French Morocco. A.P.
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  • 5 1 West Germany ajKJ/Tun^,
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  • 47 1 picture. Mr. G. C. Harris, dressed as an Australian aboriginal, was flanked by two 'gold prospectors," Mr. and Mrs. Breebaart, as they walked down Stamford Road on Wednesday niffht to the Australian Association's Outback Party and dance at the Adelphi. Free Press
    Free Press  -  47 words
  • 142 1 PENANG HARBOUR STRIKE OVER Free Press Staff Reporter PENANG, Thursday. T*HE three-day dock strike m Penang ended this morning when 480 members of the Harbour Board loading and lighter labouring staff resumed work 'Hinder no conditions". The workers staged a git-, down strike last Monday m protest against a revision
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  • 129 1 BRITAIN was protesting to Egypt against certain restrictive measures now being applied to British ships through the Suez Canal, said the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Morrison, yesterday m the House of Commons. -We heartily deplore this situation", Mr. Morrison said Giving details of the restrictions.
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 36 1 LONDON. Thurs. 1 FOREIGN Secretary, Mr. Herbert Morrison, told the House of Commons yester. 'J<4y that Britain's financial help to Burma since the end i*t the war amounted to r 750,000.
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  • 115 1 PRAGUE, Thurs. THE personal chauffeur of United States Ambassador Ellis Briggs has disappeared and the United States has asked the Czechoslovak government for information on his whereabouts Embassy source., Raid 'Oie was sent to the Czechoslovak Foreign Minister asking "is Ministry* aid m finding Mirumll Cadlec aged
    U.P.  -  115 words
  • 86 1 TO ONE WARDROBE— £850 LONDON, Thurs. U7KST Knd tailors and out- fitters estimate that a complete wardrobe lor a fashionable country gentleman would cost him j ing a man living m the country with a flat m town last all his clothes what would it cost him to reoJace them?"
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  • 266 1 UK considers action on Iran threat LONDON, Thursday BRITAIN is considering various ways of protecting the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which Persia is threatening to nationalise, the Foreign Secretary. Mr. Herbert Morrison, told the Commons yesterda>. He was asked for an assurance that he would not allow "a valuable undertaking of
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 134 1 France in strikes crisis PARIS. Thun. PRANCE la< -'i l tional crisis hi ;:s the non-Communist of R iihvaymen defied rnmenl to ne sotiato and ordered a 48* hour nationwide strike. le doubt wa It Lv ofTirial ein the C munis' vi join In the stopi miv!. o prolo: M
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  • 10 1 Britain ha.s suffrred *■>'.) casualtiei m th»* Kor^^n i
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  • 17 1 The United Nations Economic and Social Council adjourned yesterday after a four- week session. A .P.
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    33 1 THE Free Press and the Straits Times will not be published tomorrow, Good Friday. Publication will be resumed on Saturday. Well, now »hs» we'w finally agreed upon a subject to* discussion
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    • 63 1 .FSF>?<g>?, Shopping hours during Easter: 2hd_ MARCH 1951 FRIDAY p Closed all day. Delivery of Milk. Bread and Hot Cross Buns only. 24th MARCH 1951 SATURDAY 1 open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jsth MARCH 1951 MONDAY -pen from 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Don't forget to order your
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  • 556 2  - GBS Home is Now a Museum MARGARET SHIPLEY By ON the last sunny day of 1950, the tick-up calendar m George Bernard Shaw's garden retreat stopped its red finger pointing to August 20. Shaw didn't use The Hut any more. A month later he was found under one of his
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    • 301 2  -  JOX HOPE By ooswell is booming. 13 Publishers of his London Journal tell me that after selling out two editions there still remain unfilled orders for 30,000 copies. Meanwhile collectors are scrambling for the highpriced «£5 55. Limited Edition. Only 1,000 copies will be circulated. They will
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    • 286 2 LATEST ARRIVAL Kon Tiki and Iby Hesselbcrg The Kon Tiki Expedition by Heyerdah| M C. K. Chesterton Omnibus 3t Winter m London by Brown The stakes of Democracy m South East Asia by Vj. fti Korea today by McCune Eternal Eve by Graham The Globe Trotters Bedside Book by Cooper
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 22 2 Solution To Crossword No. jcs Across: 1. Chamekrn. 8. U*mps Oj^coal. 9. Cranial. 10. 1.c. 1. 11, C%. 12. Qogglt-s 13. Terminatior
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    • 255 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR gORN today, you are one of best work when (hose you lov» those friendly individuals and admire approve and coratvho always has a host of mend you. You are generous fr.ends surrounding him. You and kindly. In return, you are enjoy company and do your showered with
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  • 255 3 Closest m two mon ths time A ssi?^ 100 miles. IU flight throimh W mUes to about now 100,000,000 miles awaT 1S erratic lt is fr^ t v/ ac^ rding to messages from Washington, Dr. William nomp° Wl L Z the naval nomer who discovered it
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  • 31 3 WINK tenants at Smyrna- terrace. Swansea, can live rent-free for the rest of their lives. Their landlord died last Christmas Dmj and has left them a house each.
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  • 33 3 c destroyed nearly 12.000 gallons of petrol m a ship m I Bombay harbour. Four of the crew swacn ashore! when the petrol, packed In I drum* and barrels, exploded
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  • 27 3 'SINHALESE ONLY' BID IN CEYLON 130. Thurs. Gov--:e Sin- inguagc I Anuradln C Province said imIr led, that and the were Ui •n t g know Reuter
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  • 66 3 PARIS, Thurs. THE French Government has decided to- requisition striking railroad, electricity and gas worker* it necessary to break the Com- munist-led strike movement that threatens Paris with total paralysis. The gas and power workers left their jobs on Monday nisiht to join the railroad, subway and
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 31 3 T'.ie President of France M. Vincent Auriol. and Madame Auriol, embarked at Le Havre for the first official French Pre \dential visit to the United States and Canada.- Reuter
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    33 3 OFF TO THE PALACE Mrs. Subandrio, w if e of the Indonesian Ambassador m London, before she left to attend a Buckingham Palace presentation party where two Indonesian girls pres nted at court.
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    378 3 TT tak a both geoa play and luck to cieleat such fine opponents as the English and European teams of four entered" in ;he Internationa] Bridse Championship. You have seen how the Am: riran team picked up a swing With their u?><z of the jump-over, call as a
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  • 99 3 LONDON, Thurs. THE playing of the comedy song "Oh! Oh! What a Referee" over loudspeakers on Dorset football grounds has been banned by the council of the Dorset Football Association. Referee Mr. George Cooler, of Poole, had written complaining of what happened at a
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  • 99 3 LONDON, Thurs. ALMOST 150,000 "unknown soldiers who died wilh the British and Commonwealth forces m World War II are lying m unmarked graves on former battlefields. The Imperial War Graves Commission, m its annual report estimated that of the 500.000 Commonwealth troops who lost their lives m
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  • 68 3 Britain's February exports showed a sharp drop m value. even allowing for the faot that there were three fewer working days than m January. The Board of Trade said February exports were valued at £175.400.000. compared with £214.400.000 m January. The value of imports was £247.800,000— a
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 158 3 International ,^^/y GILBE Y'S GIM DISTILLERS GuTfflaE c fegg AGNESIA POWDER FOR PRICKLY HEAT. MEDICAL HALL LID. C! 73 Tal.-7061 WKGAPO^E. w -MtMm^^m^t' T\jw\\j jLRvitL covers ssz^\ViJ»v« every rec uirement of y° ur mmmmmmr Wmf^Smmmmmm ea, r epritr^, mainmmmmm 1 tonance— and ensures that W/////W//// '1 B|^^^^^%^^%%%%^» jj-i %A/rfcr L
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 322 3 <;GAPORE BFEBS [Singapore) mrrwarai RSDAY 4 4". p m. Programme Summary y 447 From the London Editorials I iBBC: 455 Composer of the Week— Purcell; 5.15 Statement of ni iBBCi; 530 Time for >c (BBC: 6 Indone.sian: Newi i Pi rw mmes <BEC; 630 r Caatoneae; News <bbc>: 645 S-rings;
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  • 449 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY. Mar. 22. 1951 Minutes and forms TRUSTED. Cow-ill and x Hvn hum these are 4 mes which are burnt deep into the brain of even Government sernt. The appointment of each commission headed by these men has meant one stage m the battle for higher
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  • 331 4 LeiicfToTheEdito? j IAM not certain whether I've ever eaten towgay and I'm not certain either whether, m the variety of muddleheadedness to be endured m many countries, I've ever met any to equal that of the Municipal Health Department. Its officers have decreed that certain wells,
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  • 820 4 Russians woo the Persians by amplifier ■THE Russians, who do not like anyone snooping along their frontier, have told the Persians that they regard Westerners m North Persia as provocation. But I have been given a special pass. So off I go to Tabriz, to give provocation. A Persian gunner
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  • 687 4  - It Seems To Me. POLITICO By AFTER leading all the tipsters' lyrical pieces about the Perak Derby, many a Singapore racing man must have thought enviously about countries wiiere television brings important public events straight into the family sitting room. Instead of listening to a mere broadcast commentary <if ihati,
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    12 4 "No, Mane there* not much of a elite Jrom Qromyko'* pad, either."
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  • 677 4  - Another tight-rope walk ahead for Britain in the Far East John Fisher By rFHE tight-rope walkA ing act which Britain displayed over the Korean "cease fire' 1 talks is a mere curtainraiser to what is about to happen over the proposed peace treaty with Japan. Here is a fresh issue
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 25 4 17 icwei nigh-grjd« movement 40 Hours ' reserve Son m.ignctic Shock -absorbing Water-tight and dust-proot omisa njj*r SOLI AC f NTS SILVALTD.. SIMCAPOffg PtM««
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    • 28 4 famous TIGER BALM collection Us enc aun tone jM I TiOER MEDICAL HALI j Masterpiece Distinction 1 2nd Floor— 13-B, Battery Koavl Just Arrived by airMODEL EVENING, COCKTAIL
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  • 10 5 HELP FOR CHINESE SCOUTS H ms. it r icout I
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  • 408 5 ORGANISATION OFFICER FOR GOVERNMENT! Mr. K.A. Blacker given new appointment \S a further step m the sS«SL S ff administrative procedure fnH n overi ment P^n to streamline mcnts, the Government has nI S c e den^ of departCivil Service, to the newlv cX^^^ Mr. Blacker has been irS in
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  • 184 5 TOMORROW and on Satur--1 day of this week. Easter holidaymakers will again be able to experience flying at the Royal Singapore Flying Club, Kallang Airport. The club facilities will be open to the public from 9 am. to 6 p.m. and a full two days 1
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  • 119 5 FEDERATION OF T AY CLANS FOR S'PORE AN attempt to form a Federation of Tav associations m Singapore, has recently been made by Mr. Tav Koh Yiat, proprietor of a local transport company. This is one of the 11 applications which have been made to the Registrar of Societies this
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 5 picture. MRS. C. P. CORK2UU2 (above) a committee member of the Consumers' Resistance Movement, buying provisions <v the Chop Eng Seng Provision Store, one of Katong's eleven *'White List" shops. MRS. C. IVCC a Raton* liuuscwac, who bviieves m the Singapore Co-operative Stores, "where the prices are reasonable.'* She h?.s
    Free Press  -  63 words
  • 96 5 criticisms of (iovernment's attitude towards the pr»- ntion and cure of tuberculosis m this country were made at a meeting held yesterday to organist a "io Cents A Month" workers contributory scheme to raise funds to fight the disease. There was no logical reason why
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  • 325 5 A FULL hou^e at the Victoria Memorial Theatre gave a tremendous ovation yesterday evening when during the course of an hour-and-a-half's programme, th# Indian cultural dancer. Shri Himatsingh Chauhan, entranced the audience with his superb rendering of the various Indian clas ical He received »n
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  • 52 5 Lola Bobesco and Genty, soloists at the Festival of Music, were guests of honour last night at a Chinese dinner given by the Gramophone Company at the Tai Thong Restaurant, Happy World. Mr D. G. Wilson, manager, presided over a gathering of about 60 employees, dealers
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  • 133 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. FOUND guilty of being found m possession of arms, 20--year-old Wong Yoke Tong, a woman, was Found guilty m the High Court yesterday and sentenced to death by Mr. Justice Storr. Wong was taken prisoner during the course of a battle
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  • 308 5 RETIREMENT BEFORE REPAYMENT Free Press Staff Reporter TWO applications by Singapore Municipal officers A for loans of $17,000 and $18,290 to build houses for themselves have been rejected b y the Municipal Commissioners but only because the officers concerned could not make full repayment
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  • 79 5 The annual gemral me- g of St. Andrew s Old Boy» Association v ill be held at St. Atirirews School Hall "Wood on Monday next. March The meeting w;ll be prcc rl ed by a tea party at 4 pm to Rev. Canon R. K.
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  • 40 5 A meeting of the East West Society will be held today In the British Council Hall, at 8.30 p.m Dr. W. W. Yung, head of the Singapore Office of the World Health Organization, will speak on "World Health".
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  • 232 5 Free Press Staff Reporter JJEAVY ordering of drugs and medicine by Honf 11 Kong from the United Kingdom since America stopped the export of essential commodities to that colony last year, has caused a drop m the supply of medical goods to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 vwwwvwvk" v.v.v.v.v.v 5500 FUJI SILK i The Right jj f Material i Gents SHIRTS j PYJAMAS f In Cream only m 36' 1: I >ck is Limited, please call early. GuutSutqks X j/jJ Gents' Tailors Draper* and Outfitters. V.v.v.v.v ,v,«. V,V.V,V.W.\V,V,V,VAVAV.V Ifi i |CB^a'i|iH|| I I AMI jf^i
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    • 84 5 WHILE YOU WAIT CYLINDER LOCK KEYS CUT PATTERN 16 Types of Key Blanks m stock enables us to cut Keys to fit the majority of popular Cylinder Locks Amongst them Yale, Viking, Shaw, Union, Century, Kenrick, Excel etc. price 50 Cents Per Key I BLANKS FOR UNION TYPE CAR KEYS
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  • 263 6 R.E.M.E. EASTER SPORTS CARNIVAL Cricket final on Monday PROGRAMME for the K.U.M.fc. corps weekend at Easter comprises fixtures m boxing, football, cricket, motor-cycle racing, tennis and rifle-shooting. The motor-cycle trials take place at Colombo Camp, Clementi Road, on Saturday at 9.30 a.m. An inter-unit cricket knockout competition is also being
    Free Press  -  263 words
  • 121 6 Free Preys Stall Reporter JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.JOHORE Cricket Club has so far arranged for 31 fixtures for the current cricke' season. The first will be a home- arid-home match on Sunday, after which the team to play against Singapore Recreation Club at Singapore on Easter Monday,
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  • 16 6 COLUTION to McLeod's Picture Tip yesterday is No Rcgre.s (third i?i race five).
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  • 76 6 M-uine Department leu their Opponents, Blue Rovers, all at sea, winning by seven goals to nil, m a Div. 11l Le^gu^ match at Oeylang yesterday. Scorers were: Wahab Abu i 3». Omar Awang <2», Dollnh and M Hussein. In another Div. 11l match. C.V.M.A.
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  • 413 6 TOASTER programme for clubs m the English lJ Football League is spread out over three days tomorrow, Saturday and Monday. T morroWa fixtures areFIRST DIVISION Arsenal v Portsmouth Blackpool v Boltoii Burnley v heisea Fuiham v Tottenham Liverpool v harlton Manchester V. v Derby Middlesbrough v
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  • 1278 6 YESTERDAY'S RACES REVIEWED From ALLAN LEWIS Big Sweep Total Pool: 541J.400. Ist No. 48!)100 ($118,720) 2nd No. *****7 (S 59,360) 3rd No. *****0 (S 29.«80) Starters (52.9H8 each) Nos. 293,849 *****0, *****0. *****4,' *****5. *****4, *****9, *****7, *****9, *****1. Consolation: ($l,OOO
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  • 151 6 Amicables 7 Indonesians 2 AFTER sustaining two overwhelming defeats, Amicables surprised soccer supporters when they punced Indonesians to the tune of seven goals to n\o m their S.A.F.A. First Division League match at Jalan Besar last evening. Amica-bles settled down to olay clean, attractive football and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 166 6 QmHU^^F NOW SHOWING 11 1.45. 4 6.3fr ♦SO p.m. GARY COOPBR'S Greatest Action Rolel IWM WARNER BROS! fpjiftji \yjf now onuifina 11 1 13 4 ».*.(> .-V; Ml p.m. IHarx .4// Through Easter Holidays! SATURDAY M NITE BY DEMAND! M.iiav Film Produi lions GREAT NEW COMEDY SMASH! "BAPA SAYA" St.irrin-i
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    • 200 6 7m i SOML OF THE ICE-SKATING STARS TpPEARiHj iit f2 HOUR REVUE -24 ITEMS) ELVIRE COLLIN FBZNAND UlMiw (World Champions Olympu WINNIE DENNIS BILVERTH (British Champion*) MICHELIN FLON (Belgian Cl THE VIVASH BROTHERS (Sensational Barrel lumping a TERRY DURKIN BULLER (Badminton On Up. Season Commences Saturday March 3j s t
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  • 351 7 FINAL GALLOPS FOR DERBY' Pleasing trial by Technicolor From ALLAN LEWIS IPOH, Thursday. pERAK "Derby" candidates were the main topic of conversation this morning when most of the probables were given their final gallops for Malaya's "Blue Riband of the Turf". Four O'Clock II will not start. The official veterinary
    Free Press  -  351 words
  • 41 7 ST. Mary's Hospital beat London Hospital by nine points to eight m the final of the Hospitals Cup Rugby Union competition at Richmond yesterday. In another Rugby Union match Notts beat R.A.F. 5—3. Reuter A .P.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  41 words
  • 89 7 fiUTHRIE S.C. forwards took VI turn m scoring against Imperial Chemical Industries S.C. m yesterday's Business Houses "B" League match at Thomson Road. Each scored a goal to complete a five-one victory. Guthries played with greater understanding and better teamwork. Gosman opened the scoring m
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  • 40 7 FATHUL Karib Ist XI defeated Singapore Cricket Club B team by six goals to one m a soccer friendly on the Padang yesterday. Half-time score was threeone. Scorers for Fathul Karib were Kahim i3>. Kalip, Marzuki, and Ibrahim.
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  • 38 7 THE third game between the 1 world chess champion, Mikhail Botvinnik, and David Bronstein, the challenger, ended m a draw after 63 moves at Moscow last night. Thi* was the third draw m the games. A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 393 7 AVALAN&U (J.Donnelly) was the outstanding worker thLs morning, when he defeated Friars Lasl (Harper) very easily over the last three ■urlonijs of their work. Starting from the mile at half-pace, they clapped on speed over the final 3 f which they ran m 38. Avalanche finished
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  • 57 7 The following will represent R.A.F. Seletar at cricket against RAF. Changi at Chanci. at 11 a.m. tomorrow S Ldr. Hudson «Capt>. F Li. Harmer. W O. Heywood. W O. Turner. F Sft Bull. G Day, Sgt. Illifle. Cpi. Heere- Mason, Ac Wocdmsn. Ac 12th Man. FO.
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  • 30 7 British and r-.npire heavywtlght champion Jack Gardner will fight the Argentine ivyweight Cesar Brion. iri don on April 24. Bnons r Hymie Wallman, m New York yesterday.
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  • 410 7 WITH Four O'Clock II out, Tara Street, last year's Singapore Gold Cup winner, has been given topweight of 9.04 m the Perak 'Derby' ($30,000), to be run over li miles at Ipoh on Saturday. PEKAK 'DERBY' Class l— l }ra. Tara Street 9.04 mmn 9jn
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    12 7 And next time, noc quite so much starch m the pants."
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  • 109 7 THREE Americans qualified yesterday for the semifinals of the men's singles m Alexandria's international tennis championships. Irving Dorfman beat Gottfried Von Cramn (Germany) 6—4, 6—o, 6—l, Dick Savit beat Adly Shafei (Egypt) 6—4, 7—5, 6—o, and Budge Patty beat Gianni Cucelli (Italy) 6—4. 10—8, 3—6, 7—5. In
    A.P.  -  109 words
  • 246 7 rpOMMY Farr, the 37-year-A old tormer British heavyweight champion, was knocked out m the second round by Frank Beii, 24-year-old British Northern Area champion, at Porth (Glamorgan) last night. Farr has now lost two of his four fights m an attempt to regain the British title which
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 123 7 43 acceptors for the Grand National EMNAL acceptors for the Grand National Stt r Chase, scheduled for the 4£-mile Aintne (Liverpool) course on April 7. number 43. Freebooter, last years winner, has been carry the topweight of 175 Ib. over the grue course. Jock Whitney's B—l favourite. Arctic C is
    A.P.  -  123 words
  • 164 7 1ST INNINGS HONOURS FOR ENGLAND THE first of two Test matches between England and New Zealand ended m a draw at Christchurch yesterday. England replied with 550 runs to New Zealand's first inninps total of 417 for eight declared and thus won first-innings horours. Probability of a draw became more
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 83 7 CAMBRIDGE teat Ox: ten garnet to four, ith one halved, m the 1 university Rolf match. Cambridge took yegterd singles over 3C hoic-, seven games to :hr< i led 3-1 with one hal< "i to Tuesday's touriomai Cambridge won four singles but d vritti the last mx
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 65 7 SO< IK: I»i\ 1 Iv Indian X.< at stadium: Kota Raja A v B> n at BOD; Div. 3 B: I S.<. v Tu:in M«njr IV lanp: Busir.< «-s H*-r. Motors Siantar at Bus H-e Bi Malayan Aanrayi il F nn P H rxicrs I>«p.: R.\.A.< Selrtar; >.l
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 20 7 w I Ha I CAGE of i, GOLD jß^. I I Hi ICE-COLD -TRICCo. R ROAD. NGE f~ G f
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    • 90 7 HAPPY WORLD STADIUM 1 TATURD AX24th^March^at 9 p m. FIRST TIME IN SINCAPORE The New! Sensational! Thrilling! TAG— TEAM— MATCH aaßDcinnroAiMinininimi-i (American Style) ■BHm KINu ixUNvj and ggm CHARLIE GAMMAGE ANDRE ADOREE and IPPI GEORGE DOUANE g,jj'g DON'T MISS THIS SUPER ATTRACTION *^PjJ^: BOOK NOW at WINSTON'S 4 The Arcade
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 107 7 Easter chess schedule 30 players are taking part m the Malayan Chess Congress at the Y.M.C.A., -Singapore, during the Easter holidays. There will be three competitions—Malayan championship, Malayan Chess Federation first-class and secondclass tournaments. The programme is: Tomorrow 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.: first round; 2.30 to 6.30 p.m. second
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  • 103 8 •TAN Ml LI Eng of Mr. St Mrs I: Boon Tin* Rangoon, to MM 1 Tan Hut Chen? (only «v Mrs Tan :rrn Singapore, on Thurs- < .1 March. 1951. at the l of Marriages, Sint;apor^ I m p I please copy FRIENDS and relatives 1 invited to be
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  • 35 8 A A :u-rlv o: Shell Co.. last Monday i.. X Thlan Sen« »l M« H. Lor. J. Toluk Kurau I leu in,' behind h*. > j wife, S sons and 1 m Frul w .r
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  • 347 8 'I WAS COMMUNIST' SAYS ACTROR Larry Parks: 7 am finished 9 WASHINGTON, Thursday. FARRY Parks, the film actor, admitted yesterday to Congressional investigators that he was a member of the Communist Party from 1941 to 1945. He said he expected ihe admission to end his Hollywood career. Mr. Parks was
    U.P.  -  347 words
  • 38 8 MR. Attlee, the Prime Minister, who is ill from an ulcer, chose to enter hospital yesterday as a private patient rather than take the advantage of free treatment under the National Health scheme.
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  • 87 8 PARIS, Thurs. THE "Big Four" Foreign Ministers Deputies failed again yesterday to go forward with their efforts to draft an agenda for a Foreign Ministers' conference. There was no progress at yesterday's 15th meeting nor were any new proposals or amendments tabled, a British spokesman said.
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 69 8 The U.S. State Deportment said yesterday that Russia has rejected an American demand for the immediate return of the ships loaned to her during the war. The Department said Russia, m a note presented during lend-lease talks recently, accused the U.S. of Violating a promise to
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 175 8 LONDON, Thursday. volume of business was responsible for failure of some sections of the London Stock Exchange to hold initial gains yesterday, states Reuter's financial correspondent. The approach of the Easter holiday exerted restricted influence and the markets became idle with the completion of morning orders.
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 164 8 U.S. gambler defies crime investigators NEW YORK. ThUTS. pRANK Consiello. alleged boss of a nation-wide crime syndicate with tentacles into big time politics, defied the U.S. Senate Crime Investigating Committee ror the eighth time yesterday. The sullen master-mind of the underworld, testifying j only because he faced a nosi sible
    U.P.  -  164 words
  • 47 8 Two British stewards on a 8.0.A.C. plane were arrested at Cairo's Farouk airport yesterday on a gold-smug-gling charge. Police said that the stewards were each carrying about 25 pounds weight of gold m blocks. The stewards were on a plane bound for Bombay. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 121 8 EDEN: MAKE PACT WORLD-WIDE LONDON, Thurs. JUIR. Anthony Eden, deputy Opposition leader, urged the Government yesterday to try to ensure that the Atlantic Pact Standing Group m Washington covered the whoie world and not only the Atlantic. The combined Chiefs-of-Staff did this m the last war, he told the Commons.
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1 8
    1 words
  • 110 8 LONDON, Wednesday. T»HE fishy side of the Festival of Britain has been exposed m London. It was done by Mr. Reginald Dutta. At theairport he drew attention to a tank, newly arrived -from Amsterdam. And there, swimming about inside, were 5.000 of the contestants
    110 words
  • 44 8 Indonesia has notified France that her sympathy is with the Moroccan people m their struggle for independence. The Foreign Minister, Mohammed Roem, yesterday handed a Note to the French Ambassador, urging the French Government to speed independence for the Moroccans. A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 22 8 France is prepared to send 10,000 reinforcements to the campaign against Vietminh m Indo-China. according to semi-official sources m Paris. Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 18 8 Mr. Dhirrubhai Desai, the Indian Minister m Berne, has died m Berne from heart failure.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 35 8 CASH and jewellery valued at £700 were stolen from the bedroom of Mrs. Dora G oldberg, 80, m Raven Row, Stepney, London, while she was preparing a meal m another room.
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  • 27 8 Mr. Jacob Malik. Soviet delegate to the United Nations, yesterday denied American Press reports that he was negotiating with United Nations bodies on Korea.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 320 8 DURHAM, N.C., Thursday. A FTER seventeen years of testing. Dr. J. B Rhine, Duke University, believes that prophecy Is a real human faculty. i 14 It does occur," he says, m some people and under some conditions. It is hot reliable. It is only a trace of
    320 words
  • 47 8 Jebb let U.N. decide LAKJ I THE Sii I the S even.' on X that of m disp be i v>itra\ He ulI ihe Seouri acted no P 1 1' persuade Some uinemm eniii this will li^'.o Si! I ot; X I I The plebi< I Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 8 ICE STAR—Elnre CoUiv, one of the Belgian pair skating stars of the SesfUttnavian Ice Revue, the first ice show 10 visit Singapore. The show will begin at the Capitol Theatre on March 30.
    33 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 410 8 \< K\OV\I MX.MKNr I B PMXXFCTB tMa'.av.t- a to extend their ippreetattn to all r sympathy and kind n connection with the loss rO Mr. X 'i tho recent air i I Kong PCKSOM \l HE TRUSTS! of the Shell Fund vUNI to ng pre-war em- heirs m to :>-m
      410 words
    • 93 8 STRAITS/CALCUTTA CONFERENCE. 8.1.5. N. CO. LTD. INDOCHINA S.X. CO. As from the 26th March. 1951. all rates of freight to Calcutta and Chi'ta^ong will be increased by 15 ISLAY KERR CO., LTD.. SECRETARIES. STRAITS CALCUTTA CONFERENCE. SINGAPORE, 19 3 1951. NOTICE TO RANGOON I SHIPPERS. All rates of freight to
      93 words
    • 63 8 EASTER SATURDAY AT RAFFLES GALA DINNER DANCE Soliano's Orchestra with ROSALIE FREDDIE JANW EXTENSION TO lam. BOOK YOUR TABLE SUNDAY NIGHT IN THE PALM COURT R.A.F. No. 2 REGIONAL BAND ADDING 1 MACHINES /f Burroughs Borsumy Tel. S pore *****, 7. K. 1. 4396 > {j \oi QTockpit ill 1
      63 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 50 8 THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris \OUR WIGHNESSVOP I AND AT THIS VERy MOMENT THE SA/HT'S K/M0 OF .HH| ,\-v \OT STAvTj'^i. 5= whEREV'EcT MAY r hav£ Th E^COuRSEH TROUBLE 7S BREW/ NO /V A/O/?TH AFG/CA' y -^^^B SAJNT? /thERE'S DOUBLE h OnOR QF The/ j ■^■T 7^^lHBl^HBfl|HHtf|4 L^V^ VCJ SEE
      50 words