The Singapore Free Press, 15 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 368 1 But West still cautious PARIS, Thursday. RUSSIA yesterday made what appeared to be substantial concessions on an agenda for a Biu Four Foreign Ministers 1 meeting, including the elimination of an earlier phrase referring directly to rearmament of Germany. In a conciliatory move, Ihe Soviet delegate,
    Reuter; A.P  -  368 words
  • 51 1 WASHINGTON, Thursday. I in-u-i Relations and Armed Services lid last night that it is "only a until Russia has enough atomic !vM«ukout punch to the West led on the eve of a Senate approved earlier by the I e in tat »ver to ip •slsion of
    U.P  -  51 words
  • 11 1 in Friday 49 an 8.101 M'rmnrlAft anrt U. P
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  • 78 1 DEBATE ON KASHMIR POSTPONED LAKE SUCCESS, Thtus TH E Security Council meeting on the Kashmir question, scheduled for today, ha.s been postponed until Wednesday. No reasons for the postponement were given by UN. officials, but it is understood ;hat consultations are still going on between Britain and America, as sponsors
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 23 1 The U.S. Marine Corps yesterday announced that 1.500 more Marine veterans of the Korean war are returning home next week A.P
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  • 137 1 Churchill: Frazer broke regulations LONDON. Thurs. MR Churchill said yesterday that a speech by Admiral Lord Frazer. First Sea Lord, at Gibraltar about the appointment of an American admiral as Atlantic Supreme Commander was a breach of naval regulations. He said it was very desirable to keep high naval and
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 266 1 OPTIMISM OVER SEOUL RE-ENTRY U.N. may halt at Parallel LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. UNITED NATIONS diplomats yesterday revealed guarded optimism that the end of the Korean war may be approaching: as Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur's troops re-occupied Seoul without opposition and drove within 15 miles of the 38th Parallel. With United
    UP  -  266 words
  • 68 1 NORFOLK, Virginia, Thurs. ARCHIE Crawford. a mechanic, took his car to a garage at Norfolk. Virginia, to have it greased and stayed inside as it was hoisted six feet in the air on the grease rack. When a brush fire broke out nearby, he stepped out of
    A.P  -  68 words
  • 84 1 SOUTH BIRTLEY Thurs. pOOD and hot drinks were parsed yesterdav through a hole in a clay obstruction to seven miners who have been trapped by a subsiding wall of mud in a Dnrham colliery for 24 hours. Rescue operations, which started shortly after a 15--foot barrier
    A.P  -  84 words
  • 185 1 PARIS, Thursday. THE permanent Press censorship in Morocco Is being abolished, a French Foreign Office spokesman said yesterday. Censorship of outgoing messages ceased on March 1 and censorship of the Moroccan Press would be abolished on April 1. He said that the situation In Morocco was
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  • 56 1 MELBOURNE, Thins. rpHOUSANDS of New A«s--1 traliaiis are teaching themselves the English language by reading children's comics. Newsagents report record sales made to migrants, who said it was easy for them to follow the Enjfish words if they could pick up the meaning of a sentence
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 60 1 TEHERAN, Thurs. The police Chief. General Mchamed Daftari, yesterday imposed a strict ban on mobile demonstrations to safeyuard public order in Iran. Informed sources said the police action followed the discovery of a plot by the Communist Tudeh Party to inarch throughout the country on Friday
    A.P  -  60 words
  • 43 1 The Rev. Abraham J Mu^te. an American Presbyterian Minister sent in a copy of th.^ Gospel, a Thoreau "Essay on Civil Disobedience" and a three-page letter to tuppcri his fight against paying Income tax to helD 'this armaments race." A. P
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  • 57 1 Czechoslovakia's Defence Minister, General Alexej Copicka. yesterday ordered complete extermination of an an'i-Soviet conspiracy whim, he said, had be^ n only pa uncovered in the Czech army. He said the conspiracy aimed at proventing reorgan tion of the army on S< pattern and at "eventually making it
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 19 1 The Chinese Nationalist Dpfence Ministry said yesterday that Mao Tse-tun? li seriously ill in Peking A.P
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  • 107 1 MEMBERS of the Eighth payment had to be made in King's Royal liish Hus- dollars. sars in Korea recently had For hours, the men who 'roubles with Britain's great- drive Britain s 52-ton Cenest ixwtwar problem dollar turion" tanks wrestled with shortage tne Problem and
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  • 254 1 SINGAPORE ARRESTS: M.P's QUERY LONDON. ThurMl \|K. Stanley Awbery, a Labmu M.P., asked in the Cwnmom yesterday why the |>: < sident and secretary of the Teachers I'uion in Singapore w<m»* arrested, what charge;* were brought against them and with what result. Mr. John Dugdak*. Minister of SU Colonies, replied
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 77 1 From Our Own < orrespond THi ii» nl p. (ition »r«j.u Sm^.tpoir Chtem Mil inf that < Uacw uith tifi i tea of admission ha\ :uiie (<» Ctltea b< 1 l«»\nd to return to th.- < lonv will hr in IMM ot 01 rnu Much ?1
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  • 113 1 U >N1 DRITAINS di\ to \j Commission foi lor 40 year*. Tlie ftnnouneemeni commission is lo irved was made by Ihe Pi Minister i yesterday r follow* i Attorn* < BhawcroM during; a d^ 1 last Frida.» when the Hou disrussed a private B. ing
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  • 31 1 The US. Navy yesterday announced the loss of a motor whaler in Inchon harbour. Korea, on March 11 Three men are dead and six mi >sinr. A. P
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 BIRD^ (Q) FROSTED FOODS > /ujr taste their natural flavour! Plucked it their moment of perfection i quick-froxen to keep their natural ■I and Birds Eye huit§ J«<4 vegetables are garden fresh. Here ate some of the delicious favourites: $trawb*rries kaspberriet Damsons Black be rriet Peas BrtaJ Beans Brussel Sprouts
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  • 745 2  - Hitler's 'Shadow' Speaks GEORGE MURRAY reviews "Hitler's Interpreter' 9 by DR. PAUL SCHMIDT 1 terton Father i .stories the crime committed by a ■in. He entered d left the see murder in broad There n a] le ab< n h t <d :iow •he ha d the h t. and
    745 words
  • 435 2 John Redfern reviews a new life of Christ LX)R a year, every night between tea and suppertime. Miss Elizabeth Goudge wrote between 200 and 300 words in her cottage near Paignton. Behind her was the great success of her novel "Green Dolphin Country", winner
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  • 713 2  - The Fabulous W. C. Fields G.M.Thomson By HE hated children, Christmas and film stars if HE gave gin to the baby— and drank two quarts a day if HE opened 700 bank accounts— and was mean to the last VV. C. FIELDS: his follies and fortunes. By Robert Lewis Taylor.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 CO3KS ON GARDENS GARDENING Th* Arr-.ture C.irdener by Hellver $1500 Thi M.tkmg of a Garden by Fearon 9.00 Th e Amiture* Creennouse by Macsetf 9.00 Organic Surface Cultivation by Smith 4.50 Garden Doubts and Difficulties 3 00 Intcs. Their Cultive Mn6 Selection by Anley 5.10 Chrysanthemums by Allerton 9.00 Pearsons
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    • 112 2 JOAN TOOKES BOOKSHOP j COLD STORAGE AF t SINGAPORE I YOU WILL FIND BOOKS j to SUIT ALL TASTES •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦♦< On Pon American s new .rl Double-decked Dipper* K'W Service to the U.S.A. w (VIA MANIIAJ NOW EWYOI SLEEPS l\ HO\EST-T0 Ci«OII\KSN In Pan Americans at no extra charge. Or
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 39 2 Solution To Crossword No. 302 SOLUTION.— Across: 1. Sure 4. Thing. 8. Meditations. 9, Curtain un 12, Cafeteria. 16, Oood fortune. 17, Eider 18, Shed Down: 2, UMer a cloud. 3, Extra. 4, Titan. 5, Inopportune. 6. Oust. sma^'
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    • 255 2 New Crossword No. 3.03 I F I M P p I F _JCa.JIiP-IZ 7 1 8 iTTTT P"i !_H 12 i 1 B /j ~l i i ~~^B^^^^^HM^ta||BIB^^BW~ I-.,-- a-RJaa i i T aii_MaB^^^^AXBBL_BBB-B-BB_-Jt-Bi ■wabbubjljj 1 I IB n i w r* l_ II I I t\t fc^^KJ~ BaBBBEBj BBBBBBj
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    • 155 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR DORN today, the stars have smiled upon you and given you high spirits, special talents and the requisite ability to carry through your ambitions to a successful conclusion. If you do not reach success, look to yourself not to your stars! You have the attributes of leadership
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  • 185 3 DEFENCE NEEDED FOR 'UNDERBELLY' 'Ike 9 presses for pact PARIS, Thursday. Eisenhower's emphasis on the Pact's need for a strong front in nan has underlined what many> men have heen thinking for n rites a United Press diplomatic it from Paris. ment will be mad^ countries, and Mediterare not
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 3 SAMOVKI) MASCOT (iilda. the Samoyed, cuddles up to her buiiny mascot lor this picture of cosiness in the -Ui-s at the Samo.ved Championship Show in London.
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    A.P  -  7 words
  • 3 3 A.P
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  • 39 3 Bridge Hand A Paw be strong In ol sp nu«h d hold- Mi ind ut North un that fiv«« i i-^m fort able be a' •he f IU an f rer k. of m the 1< j Wrs s
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  • 31 3 Ghlk has in 45 days built third :nr and naval base in the Antarctic-m Pat Bav near Grahams Land. It fs manned bv six Chilean air force men UP
    UP  -  31 words
  • 44 3 I trad lion i :n > in red to the Ir. i\ Labour Office by the •ne and I In Japan reral complaints. Communist controlled E of Tmcld the Tokyo eminent rind the An occupation author: four union ils and Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 34 3 PEER TO WED AGAIN The twice-married Duke A :id Mrs British e of ire announced •tit. The r veeney 38. s Sweeney, formerly Miss Whigham, married in 1932 Thev were ed in 1941 AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 115 3 I ONDON. Thursday. MOKE and more housewives air taking P**-*"™ M iub. to escape the -lonely monotony of household Mut V- savs the Chief Inspector Of in Bri- tain. There is no doubt, he says, women find enjoyment In abort n oi w
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  • 345 3 NFW YORK, Thursday. rilK I mted States Rubber Company has begun production of a rubber and fabric belt with teeth which it considers to be the most outstanding advance in power transmission during the past 5i vears. Known us the Gilmer Timing Belt, it fulfils the
    UP  -  345 words
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  • 94 3 HAIFA. Thurs. DKYMASTERS carrying 120 people on eacii trip are bringing In Jews from Iraq at a rate of 500 daily, now that the airlift between the two countries has been .speeded up. Flyin« direct from Baghdad jrdda the Jews are arriving with only a few
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 31 3 Hungary Is reintroducing milk ratiofting because ol •profession il hoarding." Su"ar, flour fats, butter, meat and soap and motor fuels were put on ration earlier this year.- UP
    UP  -  31 words
  • 268 3 Vietminh may fear aid from China A urv,r,,. LONDON, Thursday. BIUNIFICANT "second phase' of possible Chinese Communist intervention plans in South-east Asia appears to be taking shape just south of Indo-China s southern China frontier, according to some usually reliable French sources in Saigon. This rugged Tonkin mountain area is
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 63 3 A native out hunting over the site of an old Air Force tamp in the C»u\t of Carpentaria territory found a metal object. When he couldn't ffet the cover off. he put it on his camp fire and waited. An air ambulance brought him 400
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 67 3 Planes using air tunnels Aircraft flying from London to Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam are now operating in the United Kingdom Airways System, a Ministry of Civil Aviation plan for greater safety in the air. The airways are. in effect, sky tunnels ten miles wide within which civil aircraft flying at
    A.P  -  67 words
  • 44 3 Britons and Americans can now write to their P.O.W's in Korea but not too often. A Peking broadcast said facilities for exchange of correspondence had been arranged by the "Chinese People's Committee for World Peace and Aeainst Ami'riran Aggression." A.P
    A.P  -  44 words
  • 26 3 The New Zealand Government has put 18-year-old conscripts at work on the wharves to move care;o tied utj by a 24-year-old doc) strike.
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  • 69 3 The Indian Gov. run.' n1 has announced a iibnj. tion of iis import policy intended to provide maximum facilities for procurement <>i the country's essential needs. Subject to certain exceptions, the Government aid licences tor the ftj current calendar year will be doubled in value and
    A.P  -  69 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 UiV£2ts riW-ua* Ike jaunty pin-up girl of the Koyal Navy's diving and depot ship, II. M.S. Reclaim, is a former Windmill girl, Anila DRay. She was adopted as the divers mascot after she gave a submarine rescue demonstration last year.
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  • 32 3 Communist 1-d Filipino Hukbalahaps arv reported preparing for simulattacks on town nnd army installations throughout Lu- n Island in connection wkh the frth anniversary •uk on n on March Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 71 3 The private stopped his train PLYMOUTH PRIVA Rickard. 20. R A commui midnight express from Fly:h. then walked 23 mil i < along the line to his unit. The r •port mairist: tliat Rickard. d bt leave at 6 am I I when the ind the than 100 mil '.<
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 165 3 SINGAPORE BFEBS [Singapore] fRIUE NFTWORK) 445 p.m. Programme Summary; .4 47 From the London Editona.s 10 am Korean News and Composer of the mergence N*wa; lt-« F( tne Week-Prokofieff: 5.15 Statement Schools: 12 Programmes m MaUy_ Account B BC I 5.30 Time Tor 1 pm. Light Music Medley: IJJ" Ver^
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  • The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY Mar. 15. 1951.
    • 451 4 THE wild and unfoundec price £oug ing, business as usua i.nd lack of a sense o\ urg which the Senate Preparedly-: ib-committee has hurled Malayan tin producers have been answered with spirit m factual statements .iich have been issued in U I during the m k. I
      451 words
  • 784 4  -  Douglas Clark THE AMERICANS WANT PEACE AND Says T OW, after travelling right across the American continent and back to Washington, I ask myself: Is there no common denominator at all In the current attitudes and feelings of the Cincinatti manufacturer and the Now
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  • 621 4  -  Margaret Gilmth By DUSSIA must be re- garding with covetous eyes the world's longest pipeline, completed just beyond her grasp by democratic enterprise. Costing £90,000,000, it snakes its way over 753 miles, principally desert which only the hardy Bedouin formerly considered penetrable; it travels
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  • 621 4 in order to get the arms his country needs from the West Britain and America disagree towards Yugoslavia, the only country not a Russian satellite, is on a war footing and OERHAPS Marshal Tito has cried wolf in the past. It certainly looks as if
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  • 417 4  -  D. B. ADAMSON By THE French Foreign Legion! What reams of romantic nonsense have been written in thy name. Beau Geste and Gary Cooper, Sahara sands and cloaked Bedouins. Eyewash, says Hugh Craig, a Scotsman, mostly eyewash. And he should know, for he completed
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  • 19 4 on policy Communist Yugoslavia Ink thLs lie t:. Ing of tim< K>on Ot. plies nov K I Is Sf
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    38 5 fr-»m x ;ji».irp. «rcom- l*.n apple m'c. Kranji, mi* on an of thr s»: they wer# '•< r»v of he of pine shown round r il»r one of he r\ 1 l tir of the the Francis Lee
    Francis Lee  -  38 words
  • 10 5 I fo^- 3 i c Fund
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  • 66 5 I IS are two t de sin M w --"h are becoming incria--rous Mr M. R Ho- nn» Fede-ai Director of of th B School. Koala yesterc. I ftr>- v. as the outlook on Many peopL- thmk thai ais tule. th« he ho!d^ or th« amount
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  • 25 5 i nee v E d by a cor.i--•J morse station. ector of Broadcast irg Is endeavoiirmK. t!irou«h Intt 0 ha\e ihis tr*n>- red.
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  • 13 5 itj importers mav ey clo h from J Irr.pcrt re^'ricior?
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  • 40 5 The Commi.tee of the Far Eastern Relief Fund < Singapore last year distributed a total of $17,643.11. Receipts for the year amounted to $128,249.89. including a donation from the Lord Mayors Air Raid Distress Fund of $120,000.
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  • 213 5 DEPT. TO DRIVERS MC's suggest change over blvlA1 "ee Press Staff Reporter KhCOMMENDATION that the Singapore SEfSfry of Vehicles should take over from We 1 raftic Police the job of testing and licensing dr,ve rs of motor vehicles has been made by the Vehicles and Traffic Committee of Monicipa i
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  • 181 5 'Riff-Raff, Rag-tag Bobtail' pROM (heir actions, it would appear that the Government is deliberately inviting all ihe riff-raff and rag-tag and bobta I of China to settle In this country." says an editorial in the February issue of "The Planner", Journal of the Incorporated Sofiety of Plantfrs. The editorial strongly
    181 words
  • 395 5 said that if the increments are accepted, a Grade 3 clerk earning $120 maximum, would get 8.3 per cent, more than his prespn; cost of living; a Grade 2 clerk earning $170 maximum 5.8 per cent; and a Grade 1 clerk earning $250 maximum, only
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  • 49 5 Planters are finding increasing difficulty to find accommodation during their emergency leavt-s in Kuala Lumpur because the Federal Government has taken over some fifty rooms in each of the Station and Majestic Hotels in Kuala Lumpur, The Planter, official organ of the incorporated Sc^ciety of Planters States.
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  • 51 5 A meeting of representatives of Chinese Association* and Guilds in Ipoh to form Home Guard* was held at the Chineae Chamber of Commerce yesterday afternoon. Ipoh 1* to be divided Into M sections, with chief* for each sector. The Home Guard*, provlri»ri with uniforms. wU hg
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 5 picture. OIT on a day's sirht-&e'. ing in Singapore, these hi t*-lur banned Sikh sailors from the visiting Indian destroyer Rajput, attracted much attention among their countrymen in the city. The destroyer was open to visitors yesterday and will be open today too between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.- Free
    Free Press  -  51 words
  • Article, Illustration
    112 5 SINGAPORE ELECTION PROBLEMS 'POW-WOW andidate* f«.i the Sincap«r« '^egisUlivc < oim il «-|eni« > o in conference with thf Tprr\,»or of hlntion*. Mr Thomson, on Tuesda- administntive problem"* in connection »ilh .he eircl. These Free Tress p < u» some of the cm \bove: Mr I mi \«v (Labour—
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  • 247 5 S'pore's $4,500,000 bank building Free Press Staff Reporter THE Chartered Bank in Singapore will have one of the biggest and most modern banking halls in the Far East when construction at present taking place is completed. A spokesman of the Bank estimated yesterday that when the new building is ready
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  • 51 5 At aa impressive :3alai Besai ceremony In Alor Star yesterday, the Sultan of Kedah proclaimed his younger brother, Y.T.M. Tungku Yi.acob, Regent during his fonhcomlng six months to the United Kingdom. The Sultan will be saling for fh e United Kingdom on Mar 22 on the
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  • 121 5 Exhibitors don't know 'handling' THE DOC SHOW Free Press SUIT Reporter "MOST people still do not know how to show off their dogs," Mrs. N. Purser, hon. secretary of the Malayan Kennel Association, told the Free Press, referring to the recent Singapore dog show "They just do not know how
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  • 179 5 TOWGAY PLANTING RESUMES I ret* hw Staff Rrpi r rr about ten i inactivity in ihe lov industry following the uapore Municipality s ban on insanitary i 34 towgay produce jsume ph I pending the authori 1 If no fresh < fowgay will pore price on Mor.< I he grow
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  • 30 5 Seats for the opening night (Mar. 30 only of the Scandinadian Ice Revue at the Capitol Theatre can be booked at Robinson and the Capitol Theatre
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  • 26 5 After having been reported lost by it,s agents two days ago, the 150-ton motor vessel Kwong Won reached Penanp yesterday alter noon.
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  • 47 5 The District Officer, Johore Bahru, with a Chinese Interpreter at the mike, addreasinff a meeting held »t Galanf PaUh before the election of a Chinese Village Headman and a Village Committee Seated at extreme left Mr. G. F. Lytten. of the Chinese Affairs Department. Joborr
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  • 26 5 REVENUE from paatenrer trains of the Malayan Railway Administration showed a drop of $47,149 in January from the average 1950 monthly revenue
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 I m You Play S BETTER FOOTBALL BOOTS 1 B I Buy f/icm o# New $/iop P/ione ***** LaaBBBBBBBBBHIBBk —^"""W^^ 45. MICH STREET. SINGAPORE PHONE 7«O. BMNCHES 4^.STATIOWI>D..tWM. TME tHMMHKT. H L.- -z^:w.« »fa>. :r Window aaaa M «ti»k Imiftrf r Be t "eiiw of -i— -aTJi Ir^^ r Office.
      74 words
    • 174 5 PLINTH LIGHTING... l» large model r. $is7S < Providing unlimited *cope for of simple classical design which will J expression. harmonise with any style of > V y~% 7 f) /a furnishing, or glass vase or b< ■c /ty/ isfj nLL/iQ The glass plate ls stron R en<>uKh > y^Clfll'l
      174 words

  • 172 6 TWENTY-TWO ft] and final acceptors lor the Rosebery Stakes to be run over 10 furlongs at Kempton Park on Saturday, March 24, were announced yesterday. They are (with weights): Promotion and Eclat (both 9.2 >; Kelling and Backtor (8.13 Peiiseux. Sweet William and Shackleton <8.12>; Ssn Flame
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  • 381 6  -  CHARLES BRYCE By More coaching this year IT takes five years to make a tfood pole-vaulter' said Geoffrey Dyson, official coach to the British Amateur Athletic Association, when he visited the Colony last year. Perhaps the athletics subcommittee of the Singapore Inter-Schools Sports Board had
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  • 58 6 SW VVSr Town b*\it Manchester City by two goals to one in a Second Division match in the Knglish Football League yesterday «»n the Manchester City ground. Playing at home. Bournemouth beat Bristol Hovers two-nil in a Third Division < Nouth) match. The Third Division (North) fixture
    Reuter; A.P  -  58 words
  • 93 6 pOLLOWING havf bet-; to represent Sinhalese S.C. BraddtMl Cricket Club on Saturday at 215 p.m. at Farrrr Park: Runeruru^ icapr >. F K. s Williams Noel PCTWa, L. Frugneu. O. Bocario, A H Nfendis. Peter Fernandez. Leo Fernaiido. D Jayukodv. H Perora and E. Reginald (1
    93 words
  • 65 6 U7ITH a total of 88, :he 38th Squadron R A.AF. b by seven runs cricket match at Farrer Park yesterda: Top score; Thorn ion of R A A F who made 36. :ook six wickets for 29 he Airmen and Roberta '■•ed the orher four for
    65 words
  • 42 6 JOE LOUIS former world J heavyweight champion, has been ordered by his physician to take a month's holiday. after strenuous training had sapped his strength. Louis was *c have fought the Cupan heavyweight, Emilio Apgramonte, late this month.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 43 6 yESTERDAYS UK Rugby X Union results were: Kent 8. The Army 8. -played at Blackheath); Civil Service 6 R.A.F. 6. (played at Chlswick); Queens University Belfast 17 Oxford University 0. Royal Navy College Devonport 0 Plvmnmh Albion o.— A.P Reuter
    A.P; Reuter  -  43 words
  • 66 6 DLUE Flash badminton party D will play a friendly match consisting of five singles ana four doubles against Wembley B.P. at 38. Lorong 25A. on Saturday at 7 p.m. The following will represent Blue Flash Lee Kim Seng, Koh Kim Guan. Omar Bin Ahmad. Ang Ann Beng.
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  • 32 6 Middleweight cham p io n Ray "Sugar" Robinson v ill defend his welterweight title in London against Eddie Thomas, probably in July. Robinson's manager. George Gainsford. announced yesterday.- A. P
    A.P  -  32 words
  • 290 6 tyRETCHED weather conditions prohibited any true guidance to form when Oxford University took 25 mins. 27 sees, to cover the 4{-mile Putney to Mortlake boat race course yesterday in their third full-course trial. The time was more than 5 mins. longer than their previous
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 36 6 MOTHERWELL beat Ayr lfl United by two goals to one after extra time in yesterdays Scottish Cup fourthround replay. IfotherweU will now meet Hibernian at Tynec Park, Edinburgh. 'in semi-final on March 31 Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 67 6 M-C are to investigate allegations that tuo (oun.v cricket clubs are to reduce staffs as an econoin* measure by dismissing junior professionals due for Ni tional Service. A complaint has been lodged by the father of on*of the boys and it is understood that ten plivers are
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  • 298 6 Free Pie*i PRICKET is well under \\a\ ;u i in preparation for th» tion tournament, which st.irN on tices are beiv; held twice i vurh lies and inter-section gann^ In strength Changi's I I last year's. On form they should d tournament, but they are
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  • 8 6 lildoii S A I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 100 6 NOW SHOWING lioo—i i.v-nm— fi.ii)— 9.3o Haro lit Lloyd OPENING TODAY i N Ml d m. I i^ Nui of a I radltion a Memory jtna a lo>t Koiiiincr Jjm^a»>. wnod rut Wj jK Dramatic Actress V /n fcar r"""«t st«rri*»f Picture E fCl BN ME RUE THK A UKl*
      100 words
    • 58 6 <Cr^^x^ Occl (4014 y^\ Maclean -.'X "*!v Of course did/ Macleans Peroxide Tooth Paste is scientifically prepared to do mp weU aU that a tooth paste can do, namely, to clean the teeth thoroughly yet safely. This favourite tooth piste with its ever-popular flavour gives a gleaming whiteness 55i to
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 537 7 This mornings Ipoh gallops From ALLAN LEWIS IPOH, Thursday. fARA STREET was the centre of attmtion this morning when he stepped on to the This mornins; he went from the 1] miles at Half-pace and. gradually increasing the pace from about the five furlongs post
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 7 mined bid ting iTf- Free Press
    Free Press  -  6 words
  • 72 7 picture. Som Pong (left) showed all his old firj? and punching power when he took on Ah Kow for three rounds of sparring at the Queen Street Boys* Hub last evening. The expression on Ah Kow's face indicates the sting in the Siamese' blows. Som Pong,
    Free Press  -  72 words
  • 330 7 HERITOR, FIFTY GRAND IMPRESS bit for his WM 1' i ent over 'ance In 40 1 5. Fmpirr Rose <Gan\*rd> e for her Minstrel tlcf <J. Donn* f**d to 38 4 5. Ketl Rose iMawi» and Kew «.ardens t Crowe > strode over half :ne. Kew Gardens ng up for
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  • 71 7 A British international siae beat Denmark 8-b in iheir badminton match at Glasgow, which ended last night. Last nights results were: Poul Holm and Mrs. Tony Ahm bt. Eddie Choong (Maand Miss J. H. McGregor (Scotland' 18-13. M5. 18-17; Wong Peng Soon < Malaya > bt.
    A.P  -  71 words
  • 351 7 A VALANCHE, who made a favourable impression in his first race at Kuala Lumpur, appears to have made excellent progress since. I expect to see this stylish chestnut give a good account of himself at Ipoh. Avalanche (J. Donnelly) and Grecian Prince (Harper) trotted one round, then
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  • 109 7 DOYAL NAVY held Royal Air Force Malaya to a two-ail draw in yesterday's interServices hockey tournament match on the H.M.S. Terror ground, despite an all-out onslaught by the Airmen in the second half. R.A.F. were first to score through inside-right Wood, but two breakaway
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  • 96 7 Straits Times 2; Guthries 2. A GREAT performance by rx goalkeeper Jaffar bin Ibrahim enabled Straits Times S.C. to hold Guihrie S.C. to a two-all draw in a Business Houses Div. "B" League fixture at Thomson Road yesterday. Guthries attacked determinedly in the first half but
    96 words
  • Article, Illustration
    8 7 picture. watches anxiously. Rajas won 3—l.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  8 words
  • 50 7 AT a general meeting of the Marigold Badminton Party held on Saturday the followling were elected officials fur Lei Chiu Woh (re-elected.; vice president. On* Big Wha: captain. A IIzhab hon. treasurer. NgSai Fun hon. secretary Won Poh Chin extra committee members. Teoh Khian Hock and Zakaria. mmm
    50 words
  • 176 7 PCTURE Goer and Twelfth of August have been promoted from C ass 3 to Class 2 following their brJliant performances at tne recent Pcnang nj eetln Why Worry (from Class 4 to 3» and Finalist. Vanguard and Whispering Sands I from Class 5 to
    176 words
  • 141 7 rE first Enter-pon rowing Regatta Bince the war will take place on Easter Batui Mar. 24. The Miri-Belait Boat C'.-ub and. for the first time, the Club Nautiqup de Saigon will contend with representatives of 'he Roval Singapore Yacht Club for the Tnter-Port Fours Trophy, presented by the
    141 words
  • 46 7 SEDGMAN LOSES TO McGREGOR AUSTRALIA'S number one A tennis star. Frank Sedgman lost to Ken McGregor bv 3-6. 6-3. 6-4 in an exhibition match at Manly Lewis Hoad. Australian junior champion and George Worthington defeated the Australian doubles title holders. Sedgman and McGregor in straight sets.
    46 words
  • 260 7 ttota Raja 3; Casuals L yHEN properly settled down, Chinese Casuals will take a lot of beating this season. Playing: their first Div. I League game at Jalan Besar stadium, they held Kota Raja for the greater part of the match. The three-one margin was no
    260 words
  • 555 7 FA. CUP SEMIFINAL REPLAYS NEWCASTLE and Blackpool will contest the T.A. Cup final at \\emble\ Mi April 28. They won their semi-final replays yesterday following the goalless draws of last Saturday, Newcastle beating Wolverhampton Wanderers at Huddersfield by two goals to one and Blackpool beating
    Reuter; A.P  -  555 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 11 7 .AY TODAY 130. 4.00. I 30 pm. mi (1 'xV" > I
      11 words
    • 209 7 J ■■■■■■■■■■■■•iil I SUPPORT BOYS TOWNf I ICE-SHOW CHARITY PREA/!!E2E at the CAPITOL Theatre Friday March 3Qth at 9.15p.rn. TICKETS: 525— 515— 510— $5— S3 u ON SALE FRIDAY 16TH AT ROBINSONS CAPiTOL 2 This space kindly donated bj (irafton l.ahoraloi ic* f HKHimitßlfc. OPENS TO-DAY REX 5 SHOWS at
      209 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 48 7 Today's sport SOCCER: Div. 1: Rovers v B.O.D.C.A. at sladium; Div. 3A;: Netaji M.F.C. v H.MS Terror at Geylang; Business Hse. A: O.T.E.C. v Borneo Motors at YMCA; Bus. Hse. B: Ford S.C. v Mansfield at Farrcr Park: Services Lge.: RAF la dger I nit v H.M.S. Terror.
      48 words

  • 97 8 COMMUNIST indot trinatfon his forced its «av into milady's boudoir. Chinese amah, who Itll lion? Konu last week for a visit to her family in vilJa-.e north of Canton, n»d on Tuesday shorn oi her waist -lon» black tresNrs. imah said the viligistl ate had
    A.P  -  97 words
  • 30 8 wife of Stewart p a 12 h March, wife ot f, BM| Spore. -ch. a daughfcr MOI.ONY On Mar. 13 nces. wife of I> B "ulonv i danfhter, Sha*»l <
    30 words
  • 14 8 MB K I I R >ad He 4 son- E i i I
    14 words
  • 15 8 -O B A G< 1 j the Rise Uu 9 of Ill > Ml WMK>
    15 words
  • 99 8 THE HAGUE. TOUTS. THE Catholic leader. Mr. Carl P. M Romme ended Hollands seven week old rnment crisis yesterday forming a four-pa --•oalition cabinet. The 'new government will be headed by the Socialist. Mr. :em Pr^ Mr. Romme said he would not in the government, preferring
    U.P  -  99 words
  • 358 8 U. S. DENIES RUMOURS ON TIN PRICE State control 'timed for talks WASHINGTON, Thursday. POMMODITY trade rumours of an impending decline in the price of tin were denied yesterday in official quarters in Washington. Following the government action to take control of tin. New York traders predicted a price fall
    UP  -  358 words
  • 95 8 Merchant 'was a Czech spy' LONDON. Thurs. A middle-aged glass merchant. Anthony Raidl accused yesterday of acting as a secret agent for the Czech Government. It was the second case of its Kind m two days before the Deprivation of Citizenship Committee empowered to recommend that naturalised Bri ons should
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 52 8 About 3,000 clerks walked out of the Punjab provincial government .secretariat at Lahore yesterday after following the dismissal of 1.000 temporary clerks and suspension of the rest of the permanent employees, on strikr since Monday. Secretariat work is aim at a standstill. The strikers are demanding more
    AP  -  52 words
  • 71 8 HK EXECUTIVE FOUND DEAD Mr. Arnold Dewar. 50-year-old executive of the Hong Kong branch office of the L.D. Seymour Co.. Inc.. was found dead yesterday In South Manila under suspicious circumstances. Police who rushed to his apartment found blood oozing from Mr. Dewar's nose as well as a bluish mark
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 77 8 JUDGE FREES TOP U.S. RED Mr. Earl Browder, former top Communist in the United Slates, walked out of court a free man yesterday after a federal judge acquitted him of a contempt of Congress charge. He had been accused of refusing to answer questions before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    A.P  -  77 words
  • 80 8 THIEVES took gems worth U.5.560.000 from a jewellers 1 workshop at Newark, New Jersey and then swept the floor for shavings of gold and silver. Police said the ganj? began at the top of the building and worked their way downwards, cutting holes through the floors and
    A.P  -  80 words
  • 267 8 Russia has most Jap loot— Dulles RUSSIA should be the first to agree to a Japans peace treaty because she already had all th< Japanese 'loot and territory" she could expect, said Mr. John Foster Dulles last night in Philadelphia. Mr. Dulles, who Is the head of the United States
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 8  -  b> OSBERT LANCASTER and nrvcr lor^rt that <very soldier carries a North Atlantic Fact Organisation Swprtm* Oetcnct Com ■lilCC«»*«an'« typewriter his knapsack."
    24 words
  • 89 8 LONDON. Thurs. THE Government yesterday denied that the stationing of 20.000 U.S. airmen in Britain is a breach of Britain's constitution. The question was raised in the House of Common* by a Conservative. VLscount Hinchinbrooke. The Air Secretary. Mr. Arthur Henderson, said amid cheers "These units
    A.P  -  89 words
  • 26 8 Yesterday's closing prices on the Hong Kong Exchange were HKS6.O6/6 10 per U.S. dollar. HK515.50 per pound sterling. HK$3O6 per tael of gold UP
    UP  -  26 words
  • 40 8 Dr. Herbert Knodt demonstrates his electric liinu'— constructed as a portable version of the 'iron lunu" in a hospital in West Berlin. The patient's musrlrs IR stimulated by small >luxks of current which lone the patient to breathe.
    40 words
    • 114 8 LONDON. Thurt. MOST sections of the London Stock Exchange were depressed at the start of the new account yesterday. Provincial and bear selling brought declines of up to three-eighths in giltedged and there was a generally lower trend to industrials. Among industrials, Woolworth oidinary were marked lower
      Reuter  -  114 words
  • 35 8 The closing tin prices on the London tin market yesterday were: Spot £1.320 buyers and £1.330 sellers with no business. Three months £1.125 buyers and £1.130 'sellers with business a! both prices- UP
    UP  -  35 words
  • 300 8 MANCHESTER, New Hampshire, Thursday. r\R. Hermann N. Sander goes about his rounds these days attracting no more attention than he did before his murder trial drew international notice a year ago. The 42-year-old country doctor went on trial on Feb. 20 1950. The state charged
    300 words
  • 61 8 'GOT NOTHING FROM DEAL' Gambler Frank Costello told the U.S. Senate crime investigating committee yesterday that in 1937 he endorsed a note for U*****,000 so that his reputed henchmen could get the distribution rights of certain brands of Scotch whisky. "What did you get out of he deal? Costello was
    A.P  -  61 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 109 8 Mraits Times Free Presi rh« con»«.-ni^nck ot •<!• .rrtiscrt ottr Representative* «t rio«# Sin«-ipor« CoJd Stera«« Otchard Ro»d will 'oceive >mjll jd*ertn«»»»«»'t» »nd «n*»#»« rr boi nyw»b«r* CLASSIFIED ADS. NimtOfAL 3 TIRE STOCK ■ 19- > r the pren rj- \i. red 1 J K Hll I anj >: l•■
      109 words
    • 93 8 at RAFFLE^ Jl R.A.F. POLICE Dance EXTENSION TO 1 f Soliano's Orch< stra with ROSALIE FREDD Tickets $3 Single $> -I ockpit I PHONE 3848 Available at all leading s. u /es Humanised TRUrOOD MOST LIKE MOTHERS MIL Sift&apon atui I nil' THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR KLANG
      93 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous