The Singapore Free Press, 14 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON «ALE IN MALAYA Jl SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1951. I'KKE 15 N < |M.
    19 words
  • 51 1 LONDON. Wed. Government yesterday defeated by 299 votes to Conservative attempt sure it for the shortf one of tta African nt schemes. this month, the Government announced that of the £825.000 used to a po rm at Gamy. s i, to provide would have rltien
    51 words
  • 29 1 Spy 'resembled Vicar of Bray' LONDON. Wednesday. •h-born British I r C annalist Czechoslovaks r his citizenship. i to- Cl hud a no sed ion to terone o- A.P
    A.P  -  29 words
  • 59 1 "There is a bomb m your garden.'' a voice over the telephone told the Yugoslav Embassy m Rome yesterday. The Embassy called the police. who found a halfpound home-made dynamite bomb and dismantled it without explosion. On Monday night two similar bombs exploded, beside the
    A.P  -  59 words
  • 366 1 Hide and seek m Korea TOKYO, Wednesday. "pHK Communist army had virtually disappeared from the Korean battle! ront yesterday. It was somewhere north of the Tnited Nations troops that much allied commanders knew. j For the present. United Nations patrols iwcre playing a colossal and
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  • 100 1 BARCELONA. Wed. THREATENED with heavy penalties, workers and employers were due back at work here today after a sudden general strike that yesterday aroused Spain's worst violence since the civil war. The Government and the state-controlled labour syndicates blamed "Communist agitators" for the walkout, which reportedly
    A.P  -  100 words
  • 29 1 Ambassador William Sebald. United States political adviser m Tokyo, is leaving Washington for Japan on March 18 after three-weeks of consultations with the State De^_rtnientJinciArmy offlcials.B U.P
    U.P  -  29 words
  • 135 1 No special rubber committee LONDON, Wed. AIR Hugh Gaitskell, 1?1 Chancellor of the Exchequer, yesterday resisted a proposal m the House of Commons for a rubber commodity committee. Mr. Maurice Edelman, Labour, had urged him to invite the international materials conference to set up such a committee. Mr. Gaitskell replied
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 69 1 lI.S. synthetic rubber plants U by June should be producing 900,000 tons a year, forestalling any shortage of tyres or other rubber products, Mr. J. War Keener, vice-president of the B. F. Goodrich Company, said yesterday. Mr. Keener estimated that total military and civilian rubber demands
    A.P  -  69 words
  • 69 1 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. TWO Senate committees voted unanimously yesterday to approve President Truman's assignment of four more American divisions to Western the the| Senator Tom Con-B other Demo-B the Committeeß requiring] toB troop Senator announc-l ed that the Relations] Com- insert ß m senate stipu-B i
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 66 1 SERGEANT Robert Carrington of Inglewood, California, complained that before he came home on leave his wife. Shirley Jean, insisted on his telephoning her to make a date. That was bad enough, he told a divorce court, but when he did get the da c she
    A.P  -  66 words
  • 47 1 Plans for using African Colonial troops m an emergency are being examined, Mr Michael Stewart, Financial Secretary to the War Office said yesterday. He told the House of Commons m reply to a question that the importance of r such troonswa^uny •oeo<?nised.-H Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 picture. Tirlochan Singh and Pritam Singh, sons of Singapore Police bandsmen, are obviously impressed by the torpedo-tubes aboard the Indian destroyer Rajput now visiting- the Colony. Free Press
    Free Press  -  28 words
  • 100 1 TEHERAN, Wed. THE Persian Parliament voted unanimously yesterday for an immediate debate on a report by a special commission favouring nationalization of Persia's oil industry. The report recommended that the commission be given two months to develop a formula for nationalising the country's oil resources,
    U.P  -  100 words
  • 20 1 Iran is to send 7,000 tons of unhusked rice to the Union m exchange for r.B U.P
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  • 18 1 Vatican Radio, said yesterday that 40 Roman Catholic priests had been executed m Albanh without trial.
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  • 107 1 'TROOPS MUST GO FIRST'_EGYPT CAIRO, Wednesday. EGYPT would accept no settlement of her relations with Britain unless it was based on the principle of Egypt's "national aspirations", the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mohammed Salah Ed Din Bey said last night m Cairo. He was commenting to correspondents on Monday's debate m
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  • 235 1 Big 4 reach deadlock PARIS, Wednesday. OIG Four talks on an agenda for a Foreign MmiV ters' meeting are "completely deadlocked", a spokesman for America, Britain and France announced yesterday. After the eighth and longest meeting of the four deputies, the spokesman said: "There were no new proposals made by
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  • 80 1 Free Press Correspondent IPOH. Wed. THE executive committee ol the Perak Hydro Employees Union last night confirmed the decision oi leper cent, of its members to go on strike. The issue at stake is the reinstatement of Mr. S. A. Samy. welder foreman at Malim Nawar. A
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  • 78 1 FOOD and rooking got into last night's talks. Mr. Gromyko said French efforts to make the Western powers seem peaceful and Russia aggressive were statements served up in— and here the translator said "French juice.'* "French sauce. spoke up the Russian, "sauce. While I deep|> appreciate French cooking.
    A.P  -  78 words
  • 137 1 'Malaya troops not too young at 18' LONDON V d. -THE Governm* terday defended if policy ol sending scripted sold, ia the Malayan Jung at the age of IK and three months The Under-Serr War. Mr Mid asked m the why soldiers oi considered fit for M service while tho
    U.P  -  137 words
  • 37 1 >NDON I ORITISH battle 1 1 iin N 1948 were 54 341 wounded It Mr m X h 3 1951. 139 ur- killed. 445 wounded and ng. I wounc'ed B 38 kille .48 v Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 53 1 CAPITAf Cl cur lection. Rd.. Spore A nice little gossip.... •nderful source shoppers are talking •tion! Apart about the appetising ifitiea, the array of GAME: pheainvariably turns sunt, grouse, wild duck, md the astute teal, widgeon and part<:.m make ridge. \pected When will you make I Morage your choice? ___r_i
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    • 53 1 *^4__f New China Gplical Co. GOOD SHOES AND REALLY GOOD VALUE _B ro WILLOW \®i: (9 I APRON ®#f_f i FRONT mm mm m* 4 TAN GRAIN DERBY n. ho, WILLOW CALF OXFORD Leather or Rubber Heel and Heel l.ght w. res 6 to 11 Si.*FROM THE MAN S SHOP
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 53 1 'FREE RUSSIAN RAOfO' ON AIR a «m_tim_a completely band together to form an STATION calling Uself the and son t n P cmit t- organisation for the overS 2£ee Ru^ian Radio/ out by Inrow of the Soviet Govfor the first Ws ."trons ernment. 122 m London vester- noi*». R The
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  • 1020 2 By the Singapore Doctor VLfHAT are vitamins and what good do they do? INTERESTED. Vitamins m plants correspond to hormones m animals and both exercise their effects by minute quantities. Animals and humans live either directly on plants by eating vegetable food, or inctlv. by
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  • 654 2  - How to Keep Fit SLEEP Chapman Pincher By 1 HALF AN HOUR deliberately spent slowing down from the pace of the day before you go to bed will pay off m extra-sound sleep. Many women unconsciously do this when they go through their nightly cosmetic routine. So do men who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 278 2 Just the thing for that bad cough -jams Campbell's Cherry If _-h Syrup is one of the best remedies for coughs, colds and bronchitis It if is pleasant!} flavoured and can be taken /^^> without dilution. It is par- /jk tKulariy helpful to the J elderly when taken _^^5W^ bed-time
      278 words
    • 223 2 f 6 1100 1 7 r f o doif- mmm^oA You cannot keep health. v, «"»i% lack of sufficient v tarr n A lowet resistance and makes one more toughs, and other chest One of the richest l*- vitamin* A is Crookes Hi also contains Vitam.n 0 ts e children
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 226 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR DORN today, you ha\e a vivid, sparkling personality. You are a good Mixer and will make friends wherever you go. It might seem that- spreading your affections over such a wide field you would have few close attachments that were lasting. But this is not the case.
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    • 119 2 F^w? Cv©sswo*dl 3>02 m=H=H5 ipr_pz__c___:t 9 Hun r __B i i Bi iffi _r 1 _\_m ...—■PHI HB ™~__l___t__~j_r |~l M i i :l^ti_Ed~_c__n h~ i i wrcTm &OSB 1. 1 (4, s<; 8. No staid time for reep thoughts (lit; «J. Nov. the p<*y can start (7, 2); 12
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  • 366 3 U.S. $40,000 a day from wells a v a CAIRO, Wednesday. A>* Arab sheikh who reigns over a 50 by 70 mile sandy waste called Kuwait, on the hot and humid Persian Gulf, receives tax-free daily about US$4O,OOO m oil royalties. ..oi The "jpney— -n dollars,
    A.P  -  366 words
  • 75 3 FISH SENSITIVE TO WOMEN According to an old belief m Sennen Core, Land's End. Cornwally mullet are mysteriously sensitive to women. Last year, when the fishermen were netting a huge shoal, two women strolled across the beach. At once the fish made off. When the men were dealing with a
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 27 3 A < 0-year old widow was Killed and 19 other worshipB were Injured when some church choir stalls collapsed ring mass at Guarda. Por- A.P
    A.P  -  27 words
  • 298 3 love you always' letter LONDON, Wednesday J™ 1 da^ s tefore she disappeared m Moscow, Nadia, Russian wife of ex-R.A.F i sergeant John Bolton, wrote her 245 th letter to him. She was afraid, she said, of what might happen to her since Mrs. Rosa Henderson,
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  • 65 3 THK Chinese Communist 1 hive finally hit on a method of making their message understood by the people of the world. Peking Kadio says they are going to print it m Ksperanto. A broadcast monitored m Tokyo said an "a!l-('h:na I ranto Association" was founded m
    U.P  -  65 words
  • 53 3 India ended her 1950 trade with a fa you: able trade balance ol 468.500.000 rupees t C 35.137.500 >. This contrasts with an unfavourable balance four innes as great m the previoua yea". due largely to severe import restrictions. Her UK. imports were worth 1.172.500.000nin^^^ 38
    A.P  -  53 words
  • 38 3 Ti;e Burmese Government nrosecutor Chan Tun Aung, stated In Rangoon that he would recommend that no further leeal action be taken Inst Dr. Gordon Seagrave, •surgeon, who was releasmi Mar^Jj^^ttg|^jjojjrt 1 r .1 A.P
    A.P  -  38 words
  • 8 3 _Xi- sll>»!_N I Triiii^y^J^y^^^^^^^^dJWlMMM
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 3 'HE Ll> m TIES FM Viv%-. S9 Uaaamamsm 2-20
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  • 405 3 Bottle delayed a romance LONDON, Wednesday. A BOTTLE found on the beach at Newport, Isle of Wight, by an English girl has rounded off the story of a Romance That Didn't Come Off. In the bottle the girl, Miss Martha Bitzer, of Whitecroft Hospital, Newport, found an ivory figure of
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 FESTIVAL BOUND A 17- year-old typist, Miss June Hancock, of Bexley, Kent, straddles the vaulting: horse as she practises for the Festival display to be given by jjirls of the Bexley Girls' Gymnastic Club m the Sports arena at South Bank, London.
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  • 122 3 HOLLYWOOD, Wed. TENTLE.MEN do not prefer blonde stars any more, a theatre owner said m Hollywood, but the women still do. "It's a fact," Charles Schwartz insists. "Actresses who bring the men into my chain of movie houses are all brunettes. And on a night when
    U.P  -  122 words
  • 58 3 India's dancers, writers, composers and artists are to attend a three-day all-India .cultural conference opening m few Delhi tomorrow to discuss development of a "cultural synthesis" m their homeland. President Rajendra Prasad ts expected to open the conference at which permament organisation dedicated to the advancement
    A.P  -  58 words
  • 111 3 BIRMINGHAM, Wednesday. THEETHMARKS on a bar of chocolate sent a man to prison m Birmingham last week on a charge I of office-breaking. The chocolate, which was produced as evidence at Birmingham Quarter Sessions, had been kept m a refrigerator for 46 days to
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  • 101 3 Why many don't go to church LONDON, Wed. people do not go to church because they cannot find the right place m their prayer book, says the Rev. Wyndham Cox, vicar of St. Luke's Church, Camberwell, London. Now he ls holding a series of simple services for people who "don't
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  • 31 3 Rccoiuing t c coniona m Australia can Of a £25 fine and i connected telephone vi borLsed by the au 1. Tiie Postmaster General H. L. A* ony rei
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  • 276 3 Tin box of love, war, and regrets NOTTINGHAM. Wednesday DEOPLE thought it strange that Charlie Bell 1 should have a design tattooed on his forehead although he had fought m more than one war and had been a soldier for Egypt and Spain as well as Britain. It was a
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  • 42 3 Work has iv- un m Battersca Park on one of the largest running tracks In Britain. The track, with new type of surface, will have two long jumps, a high jump, a pole vault, discus, 'hot and hammer square
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  • 67 3 LONDON. Wed. SHOPKEEPER v bo tht partly to blan. children, say* Britain I nal Union of puts temptation m the chl way." ;he Union A Union offi: In the sho; ojy^n play counters that n the pilfen Son the goods would stop n thierini Accordini by
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 25 3 Police al Van nia have ;;000 worth of gold Novemb gir. Ele: A teh a dama a ditch sold D I A.P
    A.P  -  25 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 115 3 I I IU I :lecIdty o: the scan $12.60 I \!l\ I M !1 I he p CO KELLV a WALSH. LTD. VPORK zSocnTheatre norraa at I m <> Tou^h m **—> n^» <;ooi) NEWS SENG BEE (GOLDSMITH) CO., LTD. GREAT REDUCTION OF TKE COST OF WORKMANSHIP. p riod Ql
      115 words
    • 62 3 ft ss££ X ttmtr A*^mamm\ ScKtduUd StrvJctl I Information Booking t AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS HT LTD. fc MNCI »T SINOAPOAI Tfctf Sifcfc *248« 1 f>uy Our Lcieit NEW DESIGNS MEDIUM TYPE Mf Kg Mi C_ n s I. i^^!^Hß (ISO KWONG SHING GOLDSMITH 642 North Bndtc f oad Phone 7405
      62 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 364 3 Bri -3* I Hand INSERT m With both aides vulnerable and East dealer, the bidding haa been: East South WeBt North 14 a Pass 34k Pas. 4<? Dbl. All Pasa You. West, open a spade and new the following hands: NORTH 49 8 5 05 4 2 *S7 6 3
      364 words
    • 147 3 SINGAPORE Star-Clive Wayne; 10 aiWVjnrV/nii Classical Records; 10.30 (Bill* NETWORK) Dan* Mo*. ■_t£S JSTV-TTUS BFEBS [Singapore) Schools- 12 Prcgrammes m Mil iv 1 pm. Dan c Music; 130 445 pm programme Summary; -nme Si'nal News; 1.45 Lunch- _47 From the London Editorial* ime Prom For the School: B BC); 4.55
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  • 295 4 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY. Mar. 14, 1951. The New 'Ministers' rrilE day before Sm to the p to nine membi :ve Council. tht ation of Malaya will also take a new rl interesting st n% the ad to Dt within the British Common-! wealth. i memr Fleck let one
    295 words
  • 853 4 C. Ward Price says only the frontier tribes want war. i^XCUSE my address- Ins you with two yards of flowers round mv neck and smelling strongly of frangipani. It I look like a garlanded er at a show it is bee I am accompanying
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  • 151 4 WAR-TIME members ol No. 481 (mixed) H.A.A. Battery, RA. who recently formed their Old Comrades ure to honour Ssabo. G.C.. the f nch A.T.S. girl who left Battery m 1942 to volun- lor a dangerous mission In Nazi-occupied France. Parachuted into enemy ter: -he carried out her
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  • 1006 4  - a Down-To-Earth Problem PRESTO Music Topics by Whaf They Play BY LOLA BOBESCO (Violin) Chaeonne Thomaso Vltali; Unaccompanied sonata m G minor, J. S. Bach; Concerto m D minor, Vivaldi; Havanaise, Saint-Saens; Preludium and Allegro Pugnani-Kreisler; Andante, Gabriel Fame; Six popular Rumanian Dances. Bela Bartok. Moto Perpetuo. Frang Ries. BY
    1,006 words
  • 419 4 .Mt;/.ir: Concerto m Major pluyed by Oioconda de ito i violin. and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Beecham), HMV. I)B »57«-2. De Vito'a sheer beauty of tone, which has been admirably recapt'ired. will commend this Issue to most listeners. The purists, on the other hand, may complain, with reason,
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  • 212 4  -  Felix E, lyiLL the Charleston dance ever return to Singapore? It is known that this dance which was the rage m the Colony more than 25 years ago swept London late last year. By October it was lived No. 1 priority by about 15,000 dance studios
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 302 5 rroposa Is for h igher pay and improved conditions mnniTOAxinc r ree I>ress Staff Reporter 1 inrlHrfin? hii S Kapore Municipal labourers will get a better deal, including hiKhcr basic wa K es and improved conditions of service if &£ET<t£2 haVC SUbmitte d throUsh thdr
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  • 162 5  -  Maureen Mallal It via* a as moment rush... *ail fur i and her ...i vtond.iv virndoza. married mt. an .hip n M H < moment much to talk units Lime the arth.ue tc from the Si -apore .nice iudy*ag Sy dcnham v ark,
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  • 49 5 APPROVED SCRAPPED! |> VS eight doublecosting \2 '0.000 were approved by the Kuala humMunicipal Town Planning and Building Committer day morn i>;; t a few hour 4 later the Low Vat Conmpany, an'hat they had ped the project. Delay m the completion mother project and riscost* of building mate reasons.
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  • 8 5 f-old of Beh: Tankilled or. place ernoon from
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  • 137 5 VARSITY'S AMBULANCE BRIGADE Iree Press 1 'nivrrsily i orresponaent G. HARIDAS (Commissioner for Singapore) has written to the University Students' Union expressing a desire to form a division of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade within the University. This division will probably be called the University Corps, and after six months'
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  • 159 5 Riot report may become best seller ALTHOUGH only one person m Singapore has officially placed an order with a leading book agent for a copy of the Riot Inquiry Commission's forthcoming report on the December riots, there is evidence that the Commission's findings may become a best-seller m this country.
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  • 22 5 Several scholarships fur training io public service m Australia and New Zealand are to b:awarded under ihe Colonial Deaiid Welfare Fund.
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  • 231 5 THE Service Committee of the Singapore Municipality will today consider a proposal for co-operative stores at labourers' lines. The scheme will sponsor the operation of shops where the labourer may obtain essential commodities at controlled prices. Tico Methods Two methods of operation "f SKSni form
    Free Press  -  231 words
  • 99 5 UNITED Engineers Limited, In S supplementary report to be presented to the annual general meeting of the Company on Friday, advice their shareholders of a reduction m the amount to be carried forward from $571,440.11 to $221,440.11. This has resulted from the deCision of the
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  • 14 5 The Executive Committee Ol 'ne Malayan Federation oi C i Employees liade
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  • 67 5 LT.-GENERAL Sir Richard Gale, Director General of Military Training al the War Office, armed m Singapore by BOAC plane ;ay e\ening. Alter spending the night m Singapore. Sir Richard continued his journey todnv to Hong Kong and Japan. Sir Richard will also visit troops m Korea
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  • 58 5 COR more than a week Penang has been undergoing a mild heat wave with an epidemic of coughs and colds. There has been practically no riinfall since Monday last, the highest recorded being with 0.21 inches on Mar. 5. The average maximum temperature for the week
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  • 346 5 Education Week programme Free Press Staff Reporter THE tenth Inter-School Art Exhibition, open to pupils of all Singapore schools under 20, will be held m conjunction with Education Week at the Victoria Memorial Hall from May 2 to 5. Exhibits will be divided into five main categories:
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  • 75 5 p.r t'rr SFR NP I M li «>f the N nj._p l i(U i v ommis. on ds I to R-ar-Aom'ral I! I ner. Flan Oflkcr, Malaya* on board the aircraft Wail' hi at lhe Na\ .1 I icrriax N I i •<• s
    Free Press  -  75 words
  • 29 5 The Ihn have nd a ultimatum u »u i wav Adii !he Sultii. HMalay S;a'es and all ol Com 17 < their fight foi "nu work."
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  • 332 5 High Commissioner names 1 1 'ministers' MEMBER SYSTEM IN FED. COUNCIL Free Press Staff Reporter THE names of the first 11 "Ministers" to be appoint ed m the Federation under the member system for the Federal Legislative Council were announced yesterday m Kuala Lumpur by the High Commissioner, Sir Henry
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 99 5 7 4^ariJl Erf A 1 S MONTH'S NEW RECORDS ORCHESTRAL c 7ta LEI SUITE Op 20 (Tchaikovs DB 954: I C 405a INSTRUMENTAL Chopin* DB 211.5 DB 9570 72 ES Op. 13 (Schumann) pB2 N 7 S< humann) C 7819 SU VOCAL r en no» DBS 9567. DB 9508 69
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    • 64 5 EDISWAN LAMPS 'ImJ Both the best of their kin d AGENTS: R. E. MORRIS CO., LTD. 18-D. BATTERY RD.. TrIL. 3190 ***** I l~ xr tmmvm-r s 1 1>__________—__—— n— 7c#sf Received j4 Range of The World Famous "MAIDEN FORM BRASSIERES l^lffi_Z3 A J2_i IB V^^k m several Styles A
      64 words

  • 1168 6 Gang duped the dentist with a £2,300 filling ROBERT FABIAN continues his tour of Britain, m which he spotlights brilliant, real-life detective stories cases whi c h local police solved without calling m Scotland Yard. FABIAN OF THE YARD FOLLOWS A GOLDEN TRAIL THK little foreigner roai a mouthful of
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  • 214 6 IMPORTANT decisions regarding the qualification of county cricketers m A England under the special registration rules have been reached by an advisory committee which acceptr#i completely the recommendations of a sub-committee. It now remains for the M.C.C. Committee at their next meeting to confirm
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  • 125 6 TAST, THRILLING soccer was seen when Malaya Publishing House defeated Malayan Breweries by two goals to one m a Business Houses League match at the Breweries ground yesterday. Play was very even, and Publishers just managed to snatch victory through Osman ln the closing stages. Publishers opened
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  • 57 6 FREDDIE BROWN, captain of England's cricket team m Australia, was named yesterday as one of the selectors for the five Tests asainst South Africa m England this summer. The Board of Control of Test Matches at Home also named Norman Yardley, (Yorkshire), as chairman R. E. Wyatt
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  • 322 6 S.A.F.A. drop proposed protest to F.A. MALAYA__CUP DiSPiffH ttINGAPORE Amateur Football AssiK-iatl* to have dropped its original i: a H*i its dispute with the Football Asso ?JN concerning its barring of Singapore r. Malaya Cup, to the English Footba 5 v'u to which both associations are ill This is indicated
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 STARTS TODAY 11 I -.-4-6.30-9 Jt, j\ Sr J'L i /c Q .—"< Fm IMIUOYD^a I man cmii _fS__r tc*MM musam mvmmu ma_ ArT^ Pfr mSK^mmW^t 4.* ___TT^U n I a DONALD DOCS < ÜBTOOM a mf mmm mwSSBs, I 11-1.43-4-6.30-9.30. "ANISSA MAMA" n picture \V t'i Fn*hsh Sub 1
      136 words
    • 110 6 i taammr _.....> _I J I „_>(*•-. m .K^r^-w^ #J PlelC6 INDIAN tic PERSIAN CARPETS m rich glowing ihades that will make your floors a beautiful background for your fum SHROFTS^ Agency Showroom: 47/49 Stamford Rd S pore KUALA LUMPUR 139 B tv Road PENANC 32 Bishop Stra *"i^ rmmmmmm*
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 324 7 RIVER MOON OUT OF 'DERBY' To miss both runs at Ipoh From ALLAN LEWIS IPOH, Wednesday. RIVER MOON, who was almost assured of a place m the Perak "Derby" field, will not be able to meet her engagements at the meeting. She developed pneumonia on the trip from Singapore and
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  • 202 7 5.C.C. I; Tamil Brotherhood Assn »>. ILTHOIGH Singapore Cricket Club did not live an to expectations m their opening game m Ihe Div. 1 League against Tamil Brotherhood Association at Jalan Besar last evening, they tfiowed much promise. Inly have the right material but. as
    Free Press  -  202 words
  • 72 7 IpLIMITED sweeps of lhe v Perak "Derby" meeting beginning on Saturday have passed the million-dollar mark and the P.T.C. committee expect the sales of cash sweeps to reach new records. Additional selling windows have been installed for the cash sweep sales on the course, which
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  • 18 7 /CUSTOMS Club jollilads S.C. three-one ma \p a Division 3B IC at the CYM.A. mrcund \<
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  • 25 7 IN r Busii ■sa H- us< B I eaguc Park yesterday, ..dam Trading Sports Club ated I CI. by two goals to one.
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  • 71 7 SOCCER: Di> I: Kota Raja Chinese Casnab .it stadium. Div. 1: Cheerful lads v Indonesian V at Gey la»f; l>n IA: Hotspurs v Kg. Bahru at (VMA, Dm. 3B: BODCA A v Bukit Timah S. C. at BO DC A; Bus. Hse. B: Cuthrirs v M. Times at
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  • 61 7 F. N. DESERVE 5-2 WIN FRASER and Neave scored a five-two victory over Si me Darby m a Business Houses Div. A match on the Padang yesterday. Fraser and Neave were superior m all departments and fully deserved their win. Scorers were: Samid <2> Yassim (2) and Hoonu Leong for
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  • 294 7 RAF Cha nsi Xi»K i» N V i^ rhin^i did e%eiN thing but equalise In the closing minutes of yesX- t rda S TnuJd Series Football League match against Royal Naval An lettaj s l Ilea lhl .M, _.<•♦,_.. thrill came m these
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  • 59 7 At a meetinp of the cricket section of the Singapore Cricket Club on Monday. J.A.M. Ede and X Gould were elected captain and vice-captain respectively for this season. Singapore Cricket Club havr a nt date for an away cricket on Sunday. Any club desira fixture should
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  • 4 7 Bully off
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  • 101 7 pRENCH boxing star Robert Villemain has been asked to appear m two big bouts m the United States, his manager, Jean Bretonnel, announced yesterday. Joey de John, described by Bretonnel as a strong middleweight from Syracuse, New York, would be Villemain's first opponent there next June. The
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  • 27 7 Singapore Cycle Racing Association has now affiliated to the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council. Its application v;as approved at Monday's meeting of the S.O.S.C.
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  • 283 7 From ARCHIE QUICK COME weeks ago I wrote on two subjects when is a throw-in not a throw-in, and the ludicrous maximum age-limit for League referees. Both matters have been discussed at the latest meeting of the Re- ferees' Board. Mi. Sid Donaldson, of Essex,
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  • 36 7 Kampong Bahru SC. have withdrawn Irom SAFA. League aa the majority of their players have to represent their firms In the Business Houses League. They were to have played m Division 3A.
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  • 133 7 T^DDIE Choong (Malaya) beat I'oul Holm, the Danish champion, m a hard-fought game it Glasgow last night. He was playing for an international side against Denmark. The international team is now leading 6 4 m the three-day match, which ends tonight with five more games. Results
    Reuter; A P.  -  133 words
  • 45 7 Hill PRINCE, Americ four-year-old "H the Year" m 1950. and half- j brother to Prince Simon has recovered from a fractured l^g and is being trained for comeback m the US $100,000 Arlington Park and Washington Park Handicap m Chi'-. summer.B A.P
    A.P  -  45 words
  • 33 7 .^N Interna'. B Club sp terday that June I c m ißht i Charh s. -heavj Joe-. ma kill No contract) siened or i added A. P
    A.P  -  33 words
  • 35 7 KATONG 8 tie difficulty m be* Rocklhes SC by four nil m jresterdaj II league game at Road. Katong k< pt '.tp throughout and red by D Angullia Awte and Zainol.
    35 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 32 7 tm Mi NEW ALHAMBRA 5 s _^r JG LIX IT id rd .1. ian »f Bri r v tei »Hh fifty Wf n i h- > id", ne U ihi, _^_^_W~ 4 maams.
      32 words
    • 225 7 -*V VI id" a"I *l \uu\i\ '^^^M^^^___rf*f_______B ,m mmmmmmmmmm LIFEGUARD MILK CO., LTD. 35 36, Medeiros Building, Spore. Telephone: ***** (■■NBMMH^^B_B^^MH__M_BH_BBra_____H____HßM__M_BßH_ a *> I•■ I O W A N U .i|^^^i l|j v^ MPO LEYTE TRADERS LIMITED 86A, ROBINSON ROAD > SING APOR 1 »lIL 8230? l pho^ 5125 FAREWELL
      225 words

  • 348 8 Food shortages cause unrest HONG KON<;, Wednesday. PHINA is facing the threat of a serious famine as a result of the Korean war, the exportation of rice, and the Chinese Communists' disruption of the country's agricultural balance. Reports from the mainland say that the
    U.P; Reuter  -  348 words
  • 27 8 eh 10:h at E to Daphne (nee Bond. 4 m. pore, on March, to Jane, w.fe of Lt. Ci H law. the Cameronian? RU .i dauj?:.
    27 words
  • 59 8 Legs and to spare DONALD, the four-legged duck which has been fascinating Taipeh zoogoers, is looking to its laurels. In the Formosa capital today he has three rivals. One is a 230-pound pig which saunters about on m\ legs. The others are see»e. one stepping along on four fee*, and
    Reuter; A.A.P  -  59 words
    • 93 8 LONDON. Wed. IV'ITH yesterday the md ot TT iccount and also the inciaJ year, for many London stock Interest m tl k Exch Ugible, states Reuter's il correspondent. Price movements »vels with British G< vex funds recording losses of Dp to 3 16'hs. Provincial helped
      93 words
  • 33 8 French planes have bombed Vietnunh insuiluuions In the Phy Thuong sector, northeast of H:\nol. In minor ground engagements throughout Northern Indo-China 13 Vierminh troops were killed and *»n prisoner.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 65 8 Students of the London School cf Oriental Studies last nu;ht saw an exhibition ol cultural objects from India and South-East Asia providing "back ground" to the diverse languages they are learning. The exhibition was arranged by members ct the staff and students for the benefit o
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 197 8 NEHR U 'HASSPLIT PERSONALITY' AMERSFOORT, Transvaal, Wednesday. OANDIT NEHRU, Prime Minister of India, was described as "one of the most striking examples of a split personality" by Professor Werner Levy, of the University of Minnesota, during a lecture course at Amersfoort at an Asian study conference organised by the International
    197 words
  • 20 8 Several people were 'I; or injured" m Pola. Yih<: via, last Friday when Tito's private yacht V:
    20 words
  • 27 8 Yesterday's prices or the Hon» Kong Money Exchangi were Hi:$6.CG/6.09 per U.S. dollar. HKSIS 60 per pound sterling. HKS3Q6 per tael of sold U.P
    U.P  -  27 words
  • Article, Illustration
    10 8 I'd better have it now— before tbe price goes up!
    10 words
  • 47 8 Lost— 'centre of Europe' THE "Centre of Europe" has disappeared. The supposed middle of the Continent atop a mountain on what is now the Bavarian-Czechoslovak border was marked by a copper plate erected by the Austrian Geographical Society. The Communis^Jzechoslova^yiveri^ ment has now removed the si:;n.B A.P
    A.P  -  47 words
  • 185 8 LONDON, Wednesday. ORITAIN told Italy here yesterday that she still 13 supports the 1948 declaration on Trieste, which favours the return to Italy of the whole of Trieste, including: the Yugoslav zone. This was disclosed by a British spokesman after talks between Mr. Attlee. Britain's
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 66 8 DOAST beef will be eff the menu at the Delhi Gymkhana Club until May IS following an injunction granted by a New Delhi court. A Hindu member of the club had petitioned that cooking the flesh of an animal held sacred by Hindus m the
    A.P  -  66 words
  • 191 8 TEL AVIV, Wednesday. TSRAEL yesterday demanded $1,500,000,000 as reparations from Germany for "over 6,000,000 Jews who were done to death by torture, starvation, mass execution and asphyxiation" before and during the war. I The demand was contained m identical 5.000-word notes served on Washington, London,
    U.P  -  191 words
  • 99 8 Burmese kill 70 Reds RANGOON, Wed. t^IFTY Communists were killed during a attack m the Irrawaddy Valley district of Henzada. it was announced yesterday. In the Pegu district, north of Rangoon, a loyalist force wiped out 22 Communists near the railway junction of Nyaunglbebin. Burmese Government troops have re-occupied half
    A.P  -  99 words
  • 87 8 CAfeo. Wed. \f USTAPHA El Pasha, the ifl Egyptian Prime Minister, said yesterday that the Arab League had decided to send a memorandum to the French Government asking for "realisation of the Moroccan people's demands." The Arab League had also taken other steps which would be
    A.P  -  87 words
  • 42 8 ST. Mary's Hospital beat St. Thomas Hospital <holdby eight points to nil m j terday's semi-final m the Hospitals Cup Rugby Union competition at Richmond. St. Mary's now meet London Hospital ln the final next Wednesday Mar. 21 Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 36 8 VISAS to enter Czechoslovakia were granted at Ruzyne Airport, outside Prague, yesterday to eight Indian and one Ceylon table tennis players who. because of a la.tminute hitch, did not get their visas m Vienna.
    36 words
  • 37 8 The Legislature yesterday approved a Bill increasing the maximum prison term from five to ten years for any one convicted of bribing or trying to bribe an athlete m the State of New York.-B A.P
    A.P  -  37 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 Straits Times Free Press .or thy convenience ot advertisers, our Representatives at Ist Floor Smgapor* Cold Storage Orchard Road will .«e small advertisements inswer* te bow numbers I I J n MOP v Rfl F W WALKER have I Horn leave and aro .Smokehouse Inn. Highlai CHOOL OF DANC..rranzed iftle
      252 words
    • 218 8 Twist this a fSF -r bavetll at s>a_^to?fk;4 r' IheVUwtudi' lOaSlfnaStgr Steady servae saves yom anooey OWt^ 1\ a bargain m tt rtors ttf performance. iflflAfl The Dependablelouch* "Toaaunaater"* Toasters l_____f__f____)^^ still serving faithfully aiter _0 year*- and oaore. i I Afficnu niu.f«an; f^ trtfr the TOfISTMfISTER fait: TOASTMfISTER^^J f
      218 words
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