The Singapore Free Press, 8 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 226 1 UN ARMY STORMS OVER HAN sft 000 shells fall on Reds TOKYO, Thursday. IMERICAN tanks and infantry yesterday stormed across the Han river at three points 15 miles east of Seoul under cover of the greatest artillery barrage of the Korean war. The Chinese Communists <m the north bank lied
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 1 JDHJKDJKD•-
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  • 34 1 'Pianter' music' helps morale KDON, Thursday. on bandits is known s musk \ir Vice-Marshal ()C, '.lahi\a, told the v institution yesterday. •iistiftod. tie said, not m tho enemy but by md m stimulai- jddk
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  • 66 1 U.K. interest in East pact LONDON, r: of a Pacific ci In London that the promised nd that ment for their ild be made when ace treaty was cd. Official quarters attached he appointr Mr Percy Bpei er for ExAffairs, as Amba.-saooi s said d the Impoi r v i
    U.P.  -  66 words
    Reuter  -  6 words
  • 35 1 A US. Federal Court jury rday condemned Puerto ii revolutionary O to death m the elerchair for his part m the *empt to assassinate P. 1 m en N l U. P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 237 1 War 'cannot be won LAKE SUCCESS, ThUTS. UNITED Nation* diploma's have been saying privately lor some what General MaeArthur eitlay that no one can Via the Korean war under precondltl This view Ls the basic factor behind the of active efforts to unify Korea, the Inued pea< c appeals
    Reuter; A.P.  -  237 words
  • 68 1 The United Nations .sponsored Economic Commission for Asia and the Par E yesterday urgod the world, industrial powers not to deprive under-developed counof economic aid. At the close of an eight -day session In Lahore, the Commission also recommended that ECAFE give attention to expanding
    A P  -  68 words
  • 33 1 Mr. Derek Drabble, former SLv r apore journalist, died m a London hospital on March 2 He left Singapore last ously ill. Ho ramp to the Colony from South Afrr^.
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  • 132 1 M.Ps urge political warfare in S.-E. Asia LONDON, Thurs. A MOTION urging the Government to set up a political warfare department and to take the initiative m establishing a parallel organisation m South-east Asia has been submitted by 13 Conservative Members of Parliament. The motion expresses grave ronrern that the
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 64 1 The U.S. Army yesterday announced it would order to active duty 12,650 additional lieutenants and captains including women by June 29. This will bring the total number of company grade officers on active duty to about 40.000. All officers included m this order will serve 21
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 325 1 LONDON, Thursday. THE assassination of the Premier of Persia, General Ali Razmara, brought Western apprehension yesterday about the repercussions m that hot spot of the Middle East, long considered a far mere likely target of any Russian aggressive rove iliia V.:.,0v-d.?. News from Persia indicated that,
    U.P.; A.P.; Reuter  -  325 words
  • 146 1 NO TOWGAY ON SALE IN COLONY Free Press Stall Reporter THERE is no towgay on sale m Singapore today cc- j cause the colony's 34 produ- i cers stopped production on receipt of a Municipal notice yesterday that their wells, used for growing the beans, polluted. Last year Municipal health
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  • 113 1 CLEVELAND, Ohio, Thurs. SC I E N T I STS noticing m multi-million dollar laboratories here said yen erday that they were making ,ests that may lead to the design of atrcrait capable of fftffwfi tirtcfi tha-^EZZj^L the laboratories are those of the National Advisory Committee
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  • 145 1 Progress in training Siam forces LONDON, ThtlTS. CONSIDERABLE pro had been made In t raining and i-quipping the Siamese armed forces, Mr. B Foreign Secretary, said terday m Parliament. Major Tufton Conservative, had referred to the peace treaty with th* 1 Siamese Government signed m January. 1946. especially the
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 38 1 MINISTER ASSURES M.P.s LONDON, Thursday. \IR TOM COOK, Colonial Under-Secretary, t.>l<« the M iSe of Commons y.sterday that b'*Mta of I.bOO of Jenderam last month was exCePt Ttov were detained because Jenderam had been
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  • 42 1 I.MNix IN h rhill. his doct v, d risit No bulletin ied, but it was stated after the dortnoi i w.i risil I continued to n Princess Elizabeth n'ho hi ish cold her doctors at her condition Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 108 1 DUTCH tin Industry sou yesterday expressed belief that the United Sti suspension of stockpile purchases would have little eflfec» on prices m view of continued stockpiling by other countries, including Canada. Germany and Italy. Tin prices m the L and New York tin mark* nosedived yesterday.
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  • 116 1 PARIS, Thun I THE RUSSIAN delegate, Mr Andrei Gran yesterday offered to put an Austrian PeJM 1 on a Foreign Ministers Council will "fulfil" the Italian peace treat) clauses <»» Trieste. The Soviet Deputy Foreign Mini three Western del wrangled over techi and interpretations for three
    U.P.  -  116 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 31 1 PLATING] remind you to be prepared for the BLACKOUT! Make sure you buy FIELDS li hold CANDLES 60 cents per packet (Singapore price) COLD STORAGE re CoLl Storage Co. Ltd.
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    • 29 1 |the bespoke tailors t THAT CAN SATISFY YOU £1 YARD LEY for Beaut)', Charm and Fr -grance c Agemis: THROUGHOUT ALAYA. THAILAND BRITISH N BORNCO HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD.
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  • 286 2  -  LORD KENNET I collected poems of Andrew Young 4NDKKW YOUNG U the most original of (ontempoi\ir\ poets, lie is a poet, and li*» is intelligible. He i> a !>m*t, beiause his experience! relate thenisflves to h t h r. and breed thoughts and emoti mis which
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  • 563 2 A Squabble over New Delhi Hill THF LIFE OF SIR EDWIN LUTYENS. By Christopher II v s s c y. (One of four volumes of The Lutvens Memorial). WHEN Sir Edwin Lutyens brought old friend, Sir Herbert Baker, into partnership over the igning of a centre of government at Delhi,
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  • 535 2 A new book about a rich Jewish family and a remarkable mother MINK ON WEEKDAYS. By Felicia Lamport, Gollaiuz. pELICIA wrote this book so that you and I might know what it feels like to live In a rich, eccentric Jewish family on Fifth Avenue, with a
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  • 244 2 |>OK\ today, you have vaunting ambitions, want succcns and plan to have It. You must be careful that your desire tor material gain does not blunt your ethical sense. By nature you are honest, reliable and efficient, a good executive and a fine organizer. But you have
    244 words
  • 450 2  - Masterpiece of Trivialities PAT MURPHY Reviewed m Peter 0n, By THE fifth collection of Frank O'Connor's short stories, Traveller's Samples, begins with "The First Confession." The fact that ten of the 12 stories which follow this masterpiece are not dwarfed by comparison is proof aplenty of his greatness as a
    450 words
  • 86 2 In CORK ON THE Water Michael. Joseph, 9s. 6d.». Macdonald Hasti?igs saiidwiches a thriller between a fine opening account of sal m o n fishing and a fine closing ditto. The sandwich suffers from the prevailing meat shortage. The struggle for John Buchan's throne can be reckoned still
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 133 2 FOR THRT IRRITRTIN^HRQfI^ i& commended $fe\vjw f^ dryness cf the ?p^ throat after vakero/ w smoking. PASTILLES SOLE AGENTSTHE EAST ASIATIC CO, LTD. TECHNICAL BOOKS. M..rir. e Dtead Engine 'i <Entirely Rewritten $10.80 I Drawing <For Students by Thomas E. French —$21 80 te Bridge Design- by C. F. Chettoe
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    • 196 2 COMMERCIAL 800 Electricity and Fire Risk by Hodges The Outline of Banking and Foreign El Thorne Practical Book-Keeping and Costing by Ct Multiple Shop Accounts by Daly Meeting by Collancz Modern Banking by Sayer's Capital Underwriting by Finnic The Truth About Advertising by Brandon Cousins on Book-Keeping and Accounts Book-Keeping
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 48 2 Solution To Crossword Ko. 296 Across: 3. Rip Van. 6 Winkle. 7 Sesame R. tipple 10. Erratum. 12 Devil. 13, Immoral. 14, Temple. 16 Safari. 17. Ornate. 18, Pennon Down: 1, Minimum wage. 2 Skip 3 Reservation. 4. p.tscui s. A:. plate o. Le^r. li. Rile. 12. Domain.
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    • 185 2 Hew Crossword No. %91 Q HUB ACROSS 3. 7. Eut it is not seen m a blooming rage (7 6) 8 A viry doubtful character (7). 9. You gt k in trying to enter Germany <6) 10. In the river lias its dally up« and downs (7». l|. It's
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  • 319 3 Infatuation denied LONDON, Thursday. A HARLEY-STREET psychiatrist, 48-year-old Dr. Ellis Stun£O, denied an allegation at West London by a woman said to be a former patient "infatuated with him." The woman, Olive Stungo, of Oakley-street, Chelsea, London, alleged Dr. Stungo was the father •of her
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  • 6 3 Village in danger of nationalisation idjkdjd
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  • 4 3 Angels polenight
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  • 179 3 PALO ALTO. CALIFORNIA, Thursday. Hiller, Jr., California's 37-year-old aeronautical scientisl whose helicopters are Hying on ntinent, has moved the rotor-winged craft \i'.i the jet engine age. \sls perfected an 11 -pound ram jet engine I craft, known as the "Hillerto cost less than $5,000 (about £1,700),
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 26 3 Charges or "violating stair security" have been lodged against Mr. Alberto Gainza Paz editor-publisher of the strike-bound independent Buenos Aires newspaper. La Prensa A.P
    A.P  -  26 words
  • 35 3 Mr. Ness Edwards, Post-master-General, said m London yesterday that he was pressing other Commonwealth Governments to come to a decision urgently on the appointment of a chairman on the International Telecommunications Board.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
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    322 3 J.WSi that a free bid over a redouble prom 4 5-d 'suit length bu' not necessarily any honor strength. Hence Bast's free two heart bid didn't cause West to think too highly of his hand. At the other table of the team of four match. West had doubled
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  • 99 3 LONDON, Tlv pEOPLE walking down Ger- rard-street, near Piccadilly Circus, London, saw a tabby cat 50ft. above them on the ledge of a burned out building. Police and firemen were called. A 100-ft. escape was run up. A searchlight put its linger on the ledge.
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  • 75 3 LIVERPOOL. ThUTS. TWENTY FIVE-YEAR-OLD Mrs. Rose Versehueren Dirked up a shirt to examine it at a draper's sale. Then she put it back. As she was leaving, she said the draper asked her where the shirt was. and searched her m front of other customers.
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  • 71 3 V ULGAR BRAWL IN CHURCH Five men who described themselves a.s members of Protestant Action were ejected from St. Clement's Church. Fullham. London, after rising and protesting against "the performance of High Mass m the Church of England." The vicar, the Rev. A. D. Young: called the interruption a '"vulgar
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  • 22 3 A mpeting of the 12-nat'on United Nations Commit t.e studying sanctions against Communist China has been called for inden A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 223 3 Inecto brings new natural S±?L colour to grey or faded hair. J^^^^sS permanently and indetcctably. C» m a jew minutes. f 1 1 Able nt ,i!l DB iditifi l^plj' Singapore $2 00 lU^Jk F J.r,t,on $2 50 W%J THERE ARE V,J ''^3 18 NATURAL SHADES OF THE FEDERAL OISPENSARY ITD
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 218 3 SINGAPORE BFEBS [SingaporeJ X.l I b NETWORK) 445 P m Programme Summary, 10-10.10 a.m. Korean Ne*s and 4.47 From the London Editorial. Emergency News; 10 45-12 For the iBBCj; 4.55 Composer of the Schools; 1 p.m. Light Music Mcd- Week-Nicholas Medtner; 5.15 ley 130 Time Signal News; 1.45 Statement of
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  • 178 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, Mar 8, 1951 Unfinished business I LE i It Ol ..p--h of one kind and little of the In learnt that the G nrernment may n hf- lend mon ist to finance M hu. p: This 1 I by the i i will i rty
    178 words
  • 1077 4 Radio The Russians Acted Subtly Inside Commun ist Hungary The second of three articles by JULIAN SCHOPFLIN, member of the Hungarian Communist Party for twenty years and Hungarian Minister to the three Scandinavian countries from January, 1949. until his defection early m 1950. tyE all remember the fateful moments when
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  • 466 4  -  Dudley Hawkins By- HTHE squat thorn x trees ot the equatorial plains of East Africa will $oon be familiar to cinemagoers as the rfeonchequered skyline of Manhattan, if Kenya's current film boom continues. And its likely to do so. For Hollywood is Africaconscious
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  • 608 4  - It Seems To Me. POLITICO By UE are told that about a quarter of a million aliens want citizenship rights m Singapore very badly. It is therefore surprising that relatively, vi few people have sought those rights by the simplest method- naturalisation. In nearly five years since the end of
    608 words
  • 116 4 THIS week News m a p descends among the pe< mists and realists to produce the political map of the week which could be the f war map of a future European zero hcur. If there is a danger of war, the politicians agree that this
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 66 5 The list of candidates Krpol ::es T tM Hlb--1 ivy Mr < < Tan Mr 1 I> j,,hn l ajctcfc Mr II Kiat M: Ihiu hjn Mr f M. Mr X nt). krishnan In- r Rajah Mr 1 .mi V»u I N Mallal |i M Jiva- j Mr Bui- R
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  • 10 5 Anonymous Gift POOL FOR POLIO PATIENTS poiler -to-date has ners
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  • 364 5 NOMINATIONS TODAY FOR LEGCO ELECTIONS 24 candidates may submit their names rnivvvTv f Free I>rcss staff Reporter 1 from ou I r nd '«>atcs-eight from the Progressive Party, six r.vl M <IUr P u arty> and P° ssihl > more than ten Independents ,nn. P t th L° Sllbmit th^'-
    Khor  -  364 words
  • 96 5 THE Society of Chinese 1 Artists m Singapore will hold an exhibition of paintings, calligraphy and photos between Mar. 24 to 30 at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce m Hill Street. Entries from all Chinese artists and photographers are invited and should be delivered at the
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  • 18 5 kpal Co.. ho.d a secret m« the pi I fin Brigade for a ie."
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  • 35 5 Two Government sen ants v.ho saved a crowning woman from ihe Penang esplanade wew terday presetted by the Re.Mdent Commissioner. Mr. A. V. Aston, the Royal Humane Society certificate signed by the Duke of
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  • 253 5 BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR LL MALAYA'S exhibits to tIM British Industries Fair m May v.iil lea\e by ihe Carthage on Ma: They comprise:— Rubber footwear from Baia fcnoe Co. Miiiiature rattan furniture from Aanan Ltd.. Pineapple exhibits from Paterson iSiinuns and Co.. produce from
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  • 259 5 IT'S QUITE UNTRUE SIRCH ARIES TELLS RIOT COMMISSION rmFF_JUSTICE REFUTES ALLEGATION Free Press Staff Reporter it is auite tin true that I gave instructions for these persons l<> 1rI i "Sir Charles Miirrav-Avnslev. Singapore's Chid Justice, re l V aS 7r\ I, i.a ('<mmVissi()n VcslcWtov when he refuted the IoW
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  • 279 5 DOCTORS MUST NOT DISPLAY ANY S YMBOLS MEDICAL COUNCIL DECIDES Free Press Staff Reporter T*HE Singapore Medical Council is unanimously x opposed to the Red Cross symbol or other signs like a blue lamp being used to identify doctors' residence m the Colony, the Free Press was toicl yesterday. Instead,
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 5 MR. TEO I AM lI AI (at left m the picture below) representing Borneo Motors and associated companies, presenting Mr. N. J D.ivies with a silver salver at a farewell cocktail party held at Adelphi Hotel on Tuesday night. Mr. Davies, the Malayan manager of Borneo umn?nv is
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 217 5 NEW RAF HOSPITAL WARD FOR KOREAN WAR WOUNDED \ih w r*osp Lai ward 'i' \i< iimoii to R.% -f". I ommodtf uoundrd was «>pi n< <; this nn.rnmt; a| lunj l>\ I V*,t, I il: < Ml < I <♦? I \,r I M or. \mons lln.s» present at Lac
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  • 177 5 Free Press Staff Reporter A NEW BLOCK of classrooms with accommodation for some 800 students of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus m Victoria Street, Singapore, U scheduled to be completed by September this j Work on the new huildinu. which will be comj-
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  • 96 5 Police Band SMC TO PAY $15,000 Free Press Staff Reporter IN RESPONSE to a request by the Singapore Government the Estates and Fire Brigade Committee of Municipal Commissioners has recommended that the Municipal contribution to the police band should be increased from $10,000 to $15,000 for the current year. The
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  • 34 5 THE P play by I ed b\ R V UC"! I and HM 3 t is sit have b« en killi d In son who turns "v w\6om "war < It
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  • 17 5 i India L cabh-d advj don Offi- B Dirt-f of 6 p I 31 I9SO.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 iJSQSdIIIIIBIIIIEIS" 11 Hew Shop :ther Money I^^ Purses B m 517.55 p HO 26" $36.00 .'.0.80 30' $42.00 40 a |31 M Phone. ***** RAMER Sponges, Baby Toilet, Hath, Industrial. Suitable tor all purposes.
      34 words
    • 89 5 New SHOES for Happy Feet Jjjß*Jt WE HAVE RECEiMJ) S^~ A NEW SUPPLY 01" \msP KIDDIES SHOES AJ W|TH THE popi lar AfiLl EXTENDED HEEL W^f '^^~>C» KID x s s *'*r vil e A?X&' BROWN \^\V CHAMPAGNI AND Wllll I Mm < X UNLINED ONE BAR STYLE WITH LEATHKR
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  • 483 6 SINGAPORE LIFTERS GAIN 2nd PLACE Gallant effort by Kok Cheong From VV. E. TREVOR Special to the Free Press NEW DELHI, Thursday. SINGAPORE is certain of gaining second place 0 to Iran m the Asian Games weightiifting tea^n championship. Cheong Kok Cheong, a bespectacled, mild-mannered schoolteacher, made this possible. Lilting-
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  • 353 6 Over-confident Tigers mauled 8.0.D.CJ1 4; Tiger S.A 3. VO team, however impressive the line-up may be, is Invincible. This has been proved twice m the first week of Singapore's 1951 soccer season. The ampions, Kota Raja, without Awang Bakar, were humbled one-nil by lowly Indian R.C. on Saturday. Yesterday, Tigers,
    Free Press  -  353 words
  • 42 6 YESTERDAY'S English Lea--1 gue soccer results were: Div. 1: Huddersfield Town 3. Sunderland 4 (postponed from Feb. 24 >. Div. 3: 'Northern): Tranmere Rovers 2. Mansfield Town 1 (postponed from Jon 27.. In an inter-Service er amr Army beat RAF. four-nil.
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  • 39 6 Eddie Burgin. a Cincinnati nc^ro. scored a technical knock-out victory over Ray I Famechon of France. Ihe European featherweight champion. In 57 seconds of the second round of a scheduled 10-round fight m mati last night. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 70 6 TEORGE COX. the Su professional, has been Invited to coach Cambridge iity next month. He i received 1 from the lit Blue captain, J. J. the hon secretary. D. S ShepDard. from Australia, while the acting hon. secP. B. H. May. lias invited him. Cox is
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  • 143 6 London Stock Exchange j runrrc LONDON, Thursday. pRICEs on the Stock Exchange showed some fairly sharp falls on news of the assassination of the Persian Prime Minister but later rallied m the absence of selling pressure, states Reuter's financial correspondent. SffI&MET' bonds were later reduced to
    143 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 6 picture. Ausiralain jockey E. MacKenzc pilots Danger Lv the last jump of the Castle Hill Handicap at Windsor on Feb. 28. Danger Light went o n to win at 20 to 1. It was Danger Light's first win und er National Hunt rules. Fox
    Fox  -  46 words
  • 1105 6  -  ALLAN LEWIS PENANC RACES REVIEWED From Big Sweep results RESULTS of the Unlimited Sweep of the Penan* Turf lub drawn DO Race eisht vesterdav are: Total Pool $359,000. 1st No. *****7 (S86.160) Mud No. *****1 (S43.080) 3rd No. *****1 ($21,540) Starters ($4,78ii each)
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  • 186 6 From ARCHIE QUICK pOR the first time since the war the FA. Cup semi-finals will be played on the same day Saturday -and the draw, as sorted out after the replays, indicates a first-class Wembley final Wolves and Blackpool are favourites to set Uiroueh to the
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  • 13 6 Little Neo gets third Games win thirc 41 of 138 I, N Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 8 6 and time b\ Reuter
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 10 6 thlir. Czech to f v A.P.
    A.P.  -  10 words
  • 3 6 Reuter
    Reuter  -  3 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 75 6 O*¥ SHOWING ii 00-i r»— <^o- BROS 0 T Granger Isam Evans. roo»*Y I 100. f ).m. IT NOH £IIMiHIJ| AI!!AMBRA Mhamhra TODAY! 1 1 ,1 p ill. rrilh f. '>. >t m B«fhs! JAMES STEWART BARBARA HALE... P- -i -Jed kg M m !i «>f Time: I I itht*nn«
      75 words
    • 59 6 OPENING V7?ft'Jl| V|V TODAY Soo What lupprM t(» the I" i he meeU the REPHEAP!: Mb ms lift sury win p^fviiH IT S THE TOP COMEDY $J to&VlT^J^ The uerkl> issues of the Straits r. <<: by Air Mail to any addrrss m the I an inclusive rate of 24-00
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  • 58 7 U X \l.l I u n isio?i \.,..n ilia <>n I .tin l iti I l ni;i nham 1 I w.-i li.iai pton m ton i! ptun i vi Hi <i.i\ I ;irv Brighton i f; •until reU Hi IS lON i m X iff
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 465 7 PLEASING GALLOP BY RAMILLIES 12 th of August also impresses From ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Thursday. |{AMILLIhS (Harper), who was on the outside, appeared to be going better than JIMMY (J. Donnelly) when they skipped over three furlongs m 38 sees, this morning. They did their work on the outside of
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  • 44 7 DLACINGS at the end ot three days m the Asian Games were: First. Iran 31 points. Then Philippines 30, Singapore 24, India 12, Japan 10, Burma 1. Afghanistan, Ceylon, Indonesia, Thailand md Nepal ha v<l v n «*:it«>r Ihe tables Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 111 7 AXFORD University boat race crew held their .second full course yesterday and covered 4 1 4 miles from Putney to Mortlake In 20 mins. 26 sees. This was 14 seconds, or equivalent to 4 1 2 lengths, better than the Cambridge trial on Tuesday, but. because
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 93 7 BATTING brilliantly. Denis Compton made 78 for the M.C.C. against Auckland yesterday, the second day of a thrte-day cricket match. Declaring at tea at 298 for seven wickets, when they led Auckland by 152 runs. M.C.C. took two Auckland wickets for 67 runs before close of
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  • 51 7 TIONG BAHRU Rangers wore unlucky to lose a S.A.F.A. Division Three B League ball match against Seletar F.C. by one goal to ml terday at St. George's Road. Andrew Than was the scorer for Seletur when he took a nice centre from left-winder Chee m the second
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  • 42 7 YESTERDAYS U.K. Rugby Union results were: Exeter 0. Oxford University 6: Maesteg 3. Llanelly 0: London University 8, Eastern Counties Wanderers 5. Army Cup final: First Training Regiment Royal Signals Catterick 9. First Guards Independent Paratroop Regiment Pirbright 6.-
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  • 14 7 aOLVTION to McLeod's Picture Tip yesterday is Announce 'second m race six).
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  • 85 7 ij< KONc; DisU F hockey chamated RAF. four goab to three ndly hockey match M •right Cook the Airm an early but, Hi h i d to be ir own after this ipped thro. defenders from Hashim .ed the ball hon On the resumption after
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  • 111 7 SWEDEN'S young star Bven Davidsson pulled off the biggest upset cf the Egyptian international lawn tennis championships at Cairo yesterday when he beat Wimbledon champion Budge Patty of the United States. 8 l 12—10, 6-— 2, m the quarterfinals. In another quarter final match Felicissimo Ampon
    A.P.  -  111 words
  • 37 7 SOCCER: Div. 1: Rovers v Indonesians at s.adium; Div 2: S.H.B. v Kota Raja .V at BODCA; Div. 3A: Blue Rovers v Town Rangers at Geylang; SERVICES LGE: R.A.F. Srlrtar v 30 Bn. R A.O.C.
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  • 30 7 The Ladies' Golf Union Britain) announced yestertfay that the 1952 Cv match against the United ates will be played on the tuirfield, Scotland, course on June 6-7.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 153 7 SUGAR Ray Robinson Faid m Miami yesterday that he considers himself both world welterweight and v.<iCdleweighi champion. Robinson, who plans to sail for Europe on Api II 25 boxing toui of the C< will even defend his welter* ln tnP near future Robins :i atha^r Turpin.
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  • 217 7 VyONG PENG SOON, the Malayan and All-England title-holder, thinks that Inge Blomberg, the Swedish champion whom he defeated m the second round of the All-England badminton championships, has a distinct future as one of the leading world badminton players. Wong said, "Blomberg has all the basic
    Reuter; Tropical Press  -  217 words
  • 30 7 S.H.A. sweepstake tomorrow OINGAPORE Hockey Association's sweepstake on the Penang races will be held tomorrow at 630 p.m. at the Singapore Recreation Club and not this evening as previously .announced.
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  • 367 7 RI.M lIS of Ike first da>'s tie* m the All -England badminton championships are: MI N S SINGLES (FIRST ROUND): Cheonj: Hock Lrnj (Malaya I beat Ib. (Hosen (Denmark) 15-2. 15-8; Knut Malmgien (Sweden) beat 1.. 1. Lee (Malaya) 15-10. IS-1S; Ole Jensen (Denmark) beat J. R. Rest
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  • 205 7 Ireland finish as wooden spoonists WALES beat Ireland m the soccer international at Belfast yesterday by two goals to one and so relegated the Irishmen to bottom place In the international table. Ireland have lost all three of their internationals this season, while Wales were beaten twice before yesterday. England
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  • 255 7 ALL-ENCLAND TOURNEY_ iyON(i PENG SOON, holder of the men's title, surmounted a difficult obstacle m his I match when he beat the Swedish rh.tmpion. 1 Blomberff, m the All-Kn«laiid badminton (lump ships, which began >esterda\ at EmbcCm Hall, I Court, London. In a
    Reuter; A P; U.P.  -  255 words
  • 12 7 IfNIVER v feated VI kick by Vi< i t hem
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  • 16 8 w v. ler. B :i doing well N i I w .irch srh. at J>Sog.t:
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  • 17 8 WK-KHHO Mr. W C 4 \!,im. Inn I' Mr \V Mta Khoc X KITH) Khoo '1
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  • 19 8 ALLISON. RN7, A.F :nerlv I < rjk. of 34. I p I on ti l vhilat I I V
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  • 423 8 SOME JUNGLE TROOPS TOO YOUNG' M.Ps' express concern Free Press Staff Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. nISCLOSURE m the Commons that two men of the Worcesters killed by terrorists near Labis last month were under 19 caused concern among: members and the War Minister was bombarded with questions and repeated demands that
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  • 324 8 300 MILES INTO SNOW BEAVER PASS, Thursday. REPORTER William Morris and four other men set out on a 300-mile search for a trapper. a mission of mercy and ended In a b. >- our own lives." said Morris on his return. •ouid not. write his a
    324 words
  • 96 8 RUSSIA HEARS HER BUDGET >W, Ttmrs. I for 1951. presented I to the Supreme Soviet m the Jin. provides for miliof 96.400.--000.000 roubles, it was reported lcust night from I ow. Mr. Stalin, who atten< :he joint session, was loudly cheered reral minutes. The Soviet Flnan ?e MinisMr. Arseni Zverev,
    96 words
  • 31 8 Jaime Torres Bodet. Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, left Paris yesterday for a three-week official vis t to Ceylon. Pakistan and r ntiia A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 72 8 M»\ Henri Queuille. ve'cran Ol the Radical Socialist Party who set a post-war record m longeYlty for French cabinet*, appeared last night on the way to forming his second French government. Premier for one year and 25 days m 1948-J9. Mr. Queuille spent the evening m
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 65 8 STRIKE AT ABBATOIRS Most Wellington butchers are now out of business and the city faces an unchanged diet of sausages, ham and bacon for at least another four days as 8 result of the slaughterman's strike. Slaughtermen at abbatoirs are refusing to kill because .servicemen are handling stock held up
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 34 8 At the quartely meeting of the Grand Lodge of English Freemasons held m London yesterday the Earl of Scarborough was elected Grand Master m succession to the ate Duke of Devonshire.
    34 words
  • 233 8 CANBERRA, Thursday. INHERE was a "deplorable weakness m the West European defence, a "gravely disturbing" situation m the Middle East, and the "gravest menace" to Australia so long as the Kashmir dispute remained unsettled, said Mr. Robert Menzies, Prime Minister, m Canberra yesterday on his return
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 61 8 MR. A. MENZIES SHARPE, of Hertford, has taken out a 1 10.000 policy payable on hU 100 th birthday m 1980 The premium: One payment of C? 00. The explanation: People are living longer. Ordinary policies fail to provide sufficient capital for the population which i
    61 words
  • 65 8 Mr. Winston Churchill, back m the House of Commons after his recent illness, challenged the Government m a snap vote yesterday. But the Government won by 14 votes 257 to 243. The vote was a procedural one. The Government wanted a debate on its East African
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 54 8 Till! U.S. (iovernment yesterday ordered the makers of 150 consumer durable ffoods, ranging from Mfl to pocket knives, to use less steel. They will be limited durin? the second quarter of 1951 to 20 percent less than they used during an average quarter m the first
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 132 8 Morocco 'has never been so calm 1 win LONDON, Thins rENERAL Alphonse Juin v French Resident-General' m Morocco, said In Paris yesterday the country had 'never been so calm;" never had the proofs of attachment to France given by the Muslim populations of Morocco been "so numerous or so moving."
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 19 8 American casualties m thr Korean war reached 52.448 on March 2 an increase of I.TW In a week- A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 26 8 Yesterdays quotations on the Hong Kong money exchange market were: lIKS6 11 6.16 per US$l. HK515.65 per sterling. HK5318.5 per tael of «eld.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  26 words
  • 223 8 LAGOS, (NIGERi C *^THE Nigerian Nationalist 1 said yesterday that Nation French tropic al Africa had i to settle accounts with I)r D Africa's Prime Minister, irhen freedom. In a budget speech m tl expressed "horror at the dis^ policy of apartheid (segregat "Godless country" of
    223 words
  • 4 8 Burma trains dynamited I
    4 words
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    • 118 8 n! I l 1 lONS VVI I i.VTION ICANI > Ph. 1 I) X) rtJKCBASI p. i nrroiiTi NiriK* l i F P MIM Xl LANKOI S B at 'Pt iRAI.ISATION >. Oj aho kn< E SATION* i send i NATION IT of 3 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ST. CEORGF.
      118 words
    • 4 8 >Jgp^ ice-cold DRINK forkterq
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    • 54 8 a Ke (Tockpit r it PHOXE 3848 LONiGHT I at RAFFLES 1951 SINGAPORE MIXED AMATEUR DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP I Organised by S v from Tonight EXTENSION TO In SOLIANO'S ORCHESTRA with ROSALIE S J __^_^^^^^i ADDRESSING MACHINES 1S Adrema Borsumy 1 r MPIHS f 3 AMERICAS I f 7 Me? LOn£CO..(*-V)LTD.
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