The Singapore Free Press, 30 December 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 4 The Singapore Free Press
  • 21 1 The Singapore Free Press L^ggT AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA n it SINGAPORE, SATI RDAY, DECEMBER 30, 195a I'Kirt I>N I M^.
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  • 108 1 'STORM THREATENS U.K.' -GAITSKELL Production up 25 1 three years BIRMINGHAM, Saturday. ■'•1. 1., the Chancellor of tlu> Exchequer, siid storms were threatening which might hinder recovery. In productivity In Britain last year was eight uer In the 1a.,, three years it hud been no less than 25 per ,vu>
    Reuter; Free Press  -  108 words
  • 52 1 Four Premiers to broadcast Jnmonwealtti Prime r s M: Don ik ol Mr. Louis St. Laurent of tda. Sidney G. Holland ot New Zealand, and Mr. Jawa- Nehru oi India -will 15-minuta lalkl on ttw -ih Broadv-astins Corp i rvic during visit to London for next i c rnmonwe.ilth
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 16 1 In Germany v. 1; i ne:;t year I rman war criminalii c cour U.P.
    U.P.  -  16 words
  • 206 1 SAIGON, Saturday. INDO-CHINESE Communist troops have attacked six French advanced posts about 30 miles north ->f Hanoi, the French Army said yesterday. Heavy losses were reported on both sides %he attack was launched after French mobile reserves had intercepted and foiled an earlier attack. In
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 64 1 Thr Kashmir problem has led to an exchange of notes between Britain and Pakistan almost on the eve of the Commonwealth Prime Minibten 1 conference due to open n London on Jan. 4. The Pakistan Prime Minister, Mr. Liaquat All Khan. I that the dispute between
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 17 1 Archbishop Brran ol Pragut br tried m January Vatican Radio said yester- Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 11 1 Nineteen of housebreaking were reported In !<-> during tb.f w
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  • 95 1 LONDON. Sat BOUT U.OfiO men IK .1 itn old will be railed to register for the armed forces a month earlier than e\p."( ted. The .Ministry of labour and National Service yesterday announced that to meet the needs of the forces the next two quarterly registrations of
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 137 1 WASHINGTON. Saturday VATURAL rubber is expected to drop m price now 4 that the U.S. Government has become the the country's sole buyer and seller. No indication has yel been given of the new price. Trade sources feit certain that the government would
    A.P.  -  137 words
  • 45 1 Frtv Press Staff Reporter HOUSEHOLDERS are asked by the police to lock their houses and leave nothing valuable around when they go out during the New Year holiday. It is during such holidays that thefts occur, a C.I.D. spokesman said today.
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  • 47 1 From ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Sat. |t|Y best bets for today's Penans races are JE ANNETTE. POWER CHIEF and RI.VIFIKE. The going will be very fast. Trespasser's best bets are THIRLMERE and JEANNETTF. The ticket MMscr r >xl to theirs won the bis; swoop.
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  • 107 1 NEW YOKK, Saturday. AMERICAN rubber consumption m November declined by 17.75 per cent, to 97,81 ti long tons from the October figure of 118,917 tons, states the Rubber Manufacturers' Association. The decline was attributed to limitation orders issued by the Federal Government to conserve natural rubber.
    U.P.  -  107 words
  • 49 1 PETITION to Ihe King. m«u.s writris to. k the minster Abbey, arrived niv> 5 p.ijx'r office the Glasgow I) I The petition ollered t<» r to official k« m>;m; on i<»n(l«t nil..; that I anonj ;ji S ■V I t\ RCWS- 111. l:i'. >• a s«i •<«
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  • 81 1 W DELHI. Sat. INDIAN press and government reports last ni^ht alternately fed and discouraged speculation that Tibet's 16--year-old Grand Lama maybe fleeing toward India from Chinese Communist invaders. Dr. S. Sinha. Indian Government representative m the Himalayan mountain reaiin. telegraphed superiors here that tiie Dalai Lama had
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 15 1 .Mr. John Colville Hutchlnson. British Uliarge D'Aflfaires m Peking, will rvtlrp soon. Reuter
    Reuter  -  15 words
  • 23 1 India will end the state of war with Germany on Jan. 1. 11 was announced m Bonn yesterday. A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 17 1 Production of all important mineral* In Pakistan showed Increase! m the first half <:* 19.-)0.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 72 1 PARIS, Sat. THE French Assernbiiy iast night voted In favour ot a military budget of 740 milliard fanes £750,000,000 sterling. The vote, 416 to 180. referred to the -xpendifure side of the budget and was not made a matter of confidence. The Assembly still has to
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 61 1 Most U.S. assets in China gone THK amount of property affected by the order of the Chinese Communists to take over American asset* is considerably less than 5100.000.000. a senior official of the United States Commerce Department said yesterday m Washington. Most American property was seized when the Communists took
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 50 1 When a pensioners* ciation m Sussex staged a beauty contest for women over 76, a great-grandmother ajjed 81 was picked as the entrant with greatest beauty poise ar.d charm. The new beauty queen, Mr< Louisa Alice Mepham, six children. 14 grand-child-ren and three great-grand-children.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 162 1 WASHINGTON, Saturday IF Russia decided on open aggressive war, the capacity to counter-attack was the only effective deterrent, said Mr. John Foster Dulles, Republican foreign policy adviser, last night m Washington. The arsenals of retaliation should include all forms of counter-attack with the maximum flexibility,
    U.P.  -  162 words
  • 46 1 San Francisco tests sirens For thf iir>t time ilnce 194: v when San Prancisco was declared no longer m danger of a Japanese attack, practice air raid sirens sounded yesterday. Th° Civilian Delf-nc° Organisatlon b-ing set up testing equipment unused f h»- n lsl seven A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 8 1 In various n iring the
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  • 6 1 A I his l
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  • 234 1 19 SECRET SOCIETY MEN HELD I ret' Press Still Reporter VINFTKEN people were arrested m th«* j,»n( 24 hours by Singapore police m connection wilti secret society activities, a (ID. spokesman sjj today. Poli<v terday closed th< 8 I because it was "being used lor Utll and for purposes Incompatible
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  • 55 1 KUAJ.A LUMPI LAST night m the X Ltmptu urban dl i hree armed < murdered an old mi hut. A tpeciaJ const ai tacked by bar.dit.s m chemor district ol P<i..k on Thursday He was seriously •..ounded. A Jungle squid from a nearby post he firing
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  • 24 1 A two-headed buffalo caif born recently tribal Pawaka villa miie.s from PedMWl ie villagers, fri thit ii brii he villa- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 25 1 U.P. The Popp yestei day re »-d Mr Bt4 phi n B Prim- Mim^<- of Ceylon, i a private :i u'n >■:<>■ Vati. I
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • 15 1 Warren Wright n*r F.H :n racing strirm at his home m Miami B
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 CHEONGKEE&CO. house lor U,rt- Csrict, of any Dynasty J v Jade and Kaacy Articles Qld KmSroideriet, Art Bbck»»o6 Furniture Singapore, coleman st. a en J jp rv>unJ th»- clo^k f Pn i Tnriag*! ao c*« k»S .ill rtyht. When there* time for it. a T->t-in f>n>yiJe* a welcome break. They're
      88 words
    • 113 1 M. Flimter S Grinblrg i I Diamonds Jewellery 67, Stamford Rd. S Eu Court Bids,) Vport, I Telephone 7923 WAY TO THE SI I DREAM OF OI.WEN The M"la«"hrino O. B 9H87 VIENNA BIX)OLJ P. BLUE DANUBE f Mayfair Orchestra B *<♦ < SONG OF INDIA INTERMEZZO TbS Bos* on
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  • Page For Children
    • 1419 2  - Shooting a Wild Pig S. C. GEORGE v,mg.,s Midshipman Andrew Christie And his friend Ben N<tfkes ot privateer recently returned from sea, are pressganged on to Naval warship at Plymouth Andrew is now an ordinary seaman The warship sail* tor Calcutta where they join a tlect bound fot Java On
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    • Article, Illustration
      47 2 Here is another painting competition. Send m your name, address and age and post to Children's Pa&e, Singapore Free Press. Sin- fcapore. There will be three prizes of S5 each for the best entries. Allowances will be made for different colouring; methods. Closing date Wednesday, January 3.
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    • Article, Illustration
      294 2 'PHIS is how the C.I.D. A obtain tne finger prints of a suspected or a convicted person. The apparatus a police officer uses consists of a polished metal base, mounted on a wood block fingerprint ink and a roller for distributing it on che metal base, benzoline or other
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    • Article, Illustration
      64 2 A recent picture of the King and Qi:e?n on a visit to UM siury and :'<>;>: r. the poorer quarters of London. Here His Majesty is talking to child ren on the site of 0 be a new Roman Catholic secondary school. They also visited the site m thy arr\
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    • 408 2 Those New Year Resolutions Dear Children, I WAS very pleased and a little surprised to receive so many entries for last week's "Contest for Young Artists" competition for, with all the usual exr* foment and fun over the Christmas season, I thought it quite likely that you might not have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 377 2 New Ansco PANDA Camera MSSB'-* Good News to Photographers' \£f Agfa Film Boxes Exchange for American Camera! U Igtl Mil) 127, 120 620, imported by us are al) fully tropic proof guaranteed and m tropical packIn?, rhe film empty boxes are exchangeable for following tjoods 10 empty boxes exchangeable for
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    • 208 2 YOU.too.may be one oftha r&IUQNS who suffer from VIIAMIWiirtWtSAI •ot/t Nervous. wr -^fc irritable Have iVorry > &*^miML When \on"rc anaemic, fee! nrrvou-. have *t*f>l*m from 4 iitty <pells, no er.erjrv for work or piav, 0«.--i V IK.FLP i« r:.h m lrm t C4MU'% no apprtite. and when your eves
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 317 3 But funds will be supervised MANILA, Saturday. piIE I nited States apparently is willing to spend dollars to save the Philippines from the threat of Communism. But it is also apparent that there will be no unsupervised pouring out of dollars as was
    A.P.  -  317 words
  • 21 3 :ig developed Air n able a pilot m i switch and ->f automatic "SOS." signal tr A.P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 ELECTRICITY flowed for the first time from A^ecroft. power station m Salford, Manchester, on I>ec. 18 m a link-up to the national Slid system. Photo shows the new generator at work.
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  • 77 3 MEW JERSEY Sat. DESIDEIIT6 m Totowa. New Jersey, can now order a built-in atom shelter with their new home at an extra cost Of US$l. 5OO. The' shelter under the garage floor has walls of reinforced concrete eighteen inches thick on the sides and two feet
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  • 22 3 Seventeen Americans, mostly missionary doctors, teachers and clergymen m the Canton area, have applied for permission to leave. U.P.
    U.P.  -  22 words
  • 192 3 HOLLYWOOD, Saturday. IJARD-HITTING, tough talking John Wavne won 11 most votes m the Motion Picture Herald's annual poll of film exhibitors. It has been a long climb for Wayne, He entered films m 1931, but did not make showing m the box office poll until 1948
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  • 233 3 Chinese Reds break century of f rends hip WASHINGTON, >.nmd.iy. lI 'HEX the Chinese Communists flooded down int Korea t(i shoot American soldiers th"\ halted perhaps only temporarily a century-old inteinational friendship almost unique m world hlsl Lons* before the n iinct U was established the United Slaiworld agreements on
    A.P.  -  233 words
  • Article, Illustration
    143 3 INHERE are no trump* ft leadi North and Souih ji« 10 win six of the seven U against any defence South leads the &pad> qu'.fii. West duok< for if South Is aW« »o lead a s**«*ond round of spad«a West will find it impoasiblmake two discards without g
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  • 73 3 S, SYDNEY, Yt\ CHOOL examinations are "the most stupid and sadisti.system ever invented by man," said Mr. (live Kvatt. New South Wales Chief Secretary, m an address to Sydney ricls' hiffh school. "Examiners seem to set out to find out what you don't know. "If they have
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 COLUMBIA PICTURES frtstlts fe^^ of me yiMZ Ifer^wil Tat/wow tp\\ t\f»«^r 1/ w #^c- ftHK, /Jr~ /T~^^ > TRANS-OCEANIC "THE PICTURE of the YEAR" will Open with a SPECIAL PREMIERE at the TpTrffffl T<^3IGHT at 9.30 p«».
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 2 3 bvnvg,nvb,.n bvn.,bnmbvn/vc
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    • 181 3 SINGAPORE BFEBS [Singapore <KI Vb *ii:TW«)KK) 4.45 p.m. Programme; 4.47 10.00 News 10.10 Close down. London Editorials; 4.55 Composer 12.00 Programmes m Malay; o f tne Week— Tchaikovsky; 5.16 1.00 p.m. Programme; 1.03 Dance World Affairs: 5.30 Waxworks MyMusic; 130 News; 1.50 Light ster y (play); 6.00 Indonesian: Music; 2.00
      181 words

  • The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, Dec. 30, 1950.
    • 170 4 1 \RS of catastrophic Wv>r d war and uncertainty .tr>oiit nearly cvi ry Ofu of the problems today facing mankind are the tragic j Xii the birth of 1951 It is a sad bir:hri«hr.-i«iid thore is hardly I r;iv of lieht anywhere to relieve the oom thai 1950
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    • 201 4 ON THE other hand the failure of China to make m reI the United Nations i Committe? and tne lack of r-ply to the Bi«j Thl •?"> invl.alien to Ri: 3 d scusa all the world's problems, may Just •:i that China and j.e COOe< m- their
      201 words
    • 120 4 home 1951 will not a Krt-at deal of eh* i a welcome. Malain trade ka booming and 19 continue to boom m >1. but m i>pite of optimism m hign uuarttrs there are i. m visible signs that the Communist menace m the Federation is being suppressed. Taking
      120 words
  • 696 4  - Through the year in Singapore LOUIS LE DOUX By r PHE outstanding event of the paM year was the outbreak of the Korean war and largely as a result of this Malaya enjovrd a boom. Rubber and tin prices soared skywards— the price of tin reaching a height hitr-trto unknown.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 4  -  GEOFFREY EVANS B "Looks like tne <>Url of a war t§ wordt owe* «*#^«i*
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  • 163 4 was sworn m as Governor of Sarawak. Anti-Bandit Month m the Federation ended officially. The Report of the U.K. Police Mission m Malaya made public. Brigand fighter-bombers began to arrive. Pulau Samboe oil blaze. The Report of the Benham Committee on salaries for Singapore Government servants was
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  • 770 4 Talking about Singapore by Citizen. REMARK OUT OF PLACE HARDLY the kind of remark which will endear the Federation to her southern neighbour was reported this week to have been made m Melbourne by Dato Nik Ahmad Kamil. Mentri Besar of Kelantan, on his way back to Malaya from the
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  • 55 4 1950 FLASHBACKS Gurkhas fire off a mortar during operations against the bandits m the Federation Miss Violet Shaw and Miss Shirley Lim parade m white satin gowns at the Festival of Chinese Fashion, held at Kaffles Hotel m March. Black clouds rise to the sky from the blaze at the
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  • 275 4 r< MEN -Gold Men— of a specially briefed American F. 8.1, unit have arrived m London to begin an international invesUgat:<>n into the activities of a worldwide ring of bullion smugglers. The smuggling orgj ation is estimated to nave spirited more than Stra 4 s $104,000
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  • 559 4 AUSTRALIA IS BUILDING HER OWN SHIPS By A Special Correspondent AUSTRALIA has at last achieved an old ambition to make herself independent of the Clyde and Tyne shipbuilding yarcs. The achievement has involved years of effort and many disappointments. But the last, step was taken recently when a group of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 441 9 Govt. to discuss shortages Free Press Staff Reporter (JfEPS to improve conditions at Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital and to develop it a»i>n£ the limN of similar institutions m Britain m to be discussed by Singapore medical tgtbtrities, th»' Free Press understands. Di the hospital has
    Free Press  -  441 words
  • 174 9 Three new clinics for S'pore I rrr Prr^x M.itT Krp«»rt»r rr«o W M»t*l 1 pore, oeen m Devt fare Fund. Municip :he i .ie funds ear.icie a?iU; of la bera;.~ build- n the £19 m Thr Fund. CM c ma on fund op x main of H wo of the
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  • 30 9 ]UK T P F McN< cc, tIM Municipal Piesldent, pak Irib; I uor.ers' meeting to M. E. J Bennpjt. former Sincaporf Com ler, who died In I ek.
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  • 27 9 The I ftk Aik Amateur Musical Association will hold houaewanntm party on New Vernc'i Hay m their new club 11 B New Bririse Road.
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  • 147 9 COLONY BIRD MEN WARNED Free Press Staff Reporter T ICENSEES of bird shops m Singapore are ro be warn ed that their licences will be cancelled 11 a further conviction is recorded against them for keeping poultry on the.r premises m contravention of the Animal and Bird Shop By-laws. Renewal
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  • 36 9 gEVt.N hundred and thirtyfive babies were born m Singapore Municipality m the week ended Dec. 23. In the yame period there were 166 deaths. Chief causes of death were tuberculosis «17> and pneumonia H7'
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  • 347 9 S'pore Chinese look to the moon By Free Press Staff Reporter IT WILL be many more generations before the Chinese will adopt the solar calendar and celebrate their New Year Day on January 1, stated three prominent men Messrs. Yap Pheng Geek, Homer Cheng and Lee Wee Nam when interviewed
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 9 MR. Gordon Withell. vne-prt sident of th Canadian sociation of Singapore, presents Mr. Opj; Fnjj Lian, District Superintendent ChinCM Corps 1 and 1 of the St. John Ambulance Brigade with a cheque for $800. This money was raised by the Canadim Association to assist the Brigade m their work on
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  • 182 9 Morals clause opposed Free Press Staff Renorter UROMINENT Singapore trade unionists yesterday said that to write a "morality clause" into the Colony's new Labour Ordinance would be a retrogade step. Government labour officials and advisers m drafting the ordinance have discussed whether employers should have any control over the private
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  • 119 9 Free Press Staff Reporter pEES foi the use of Crown land m Singapore for growing foodstuffs. fruits, coconuts and rubber or as prawn ponds, will be increased from next year, it was announced last night. The new rates will be based on land values; two per
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  • 106 9 MR. Thomas Warn, a clerk m the Singapore Municipal Secretariat who recently came first m the examination of the Corporation of Certified Secretaries, was yesterday presented with his certificate by the Municipal President, Mr. T. P. F. McNelce. Mr. Wain recently received the Sir Cuihben Grundy Medal
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  • 868 9 Singapore Municipal review Free Press Staff Reporter SjjINGAPORE Municipal 'ommissioru»r> called their month i\ meeting yesterday a comparatively tame one— although for a hru I instant some hard words were thrown, hard words which the President. Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, said could he
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  • 266 9 /AN the adjournment of Mm Municipal Commissioners' me» Ing yesterday, Mr. C. J. F. Es^ hlunMy he fttfftUflj deplo-ta the attitude of the Singapore. Government m dispossessing the Rmal English School of its premise. "Government ha: no right tot;.k< any steps which BjUgM result
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  • 72 9 THE Bach Bfoenu nary c i i s m nirh were to I bHi held 03 Dec 12 I 13 will now i- m i lie Victoria M< Hal 9.15 p.m on Jai 4 Pvrehaai n «>f i.»r :he concerts on Dec 13 14 will find
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 QUALITY MtJyf SHOES unsuTpassetl^beattty craftsmanship. 1 II hiit better selection run you make I from our luhst t\in^ SMCk veil'kmmM brands as:I BARREH JOHN WHITE I EXCELDIA AVENUE Call today at our New Shop ■^••*T. J? FASHIONABLE FAMOUS AMERICAN "CORO JEWELLERY" IN EARRINGS. BRACELETS BROOCHES 6c NECKLETS. S. P.
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    • 18 9 ■HP-- '-V *i)) V V ishing all our Customers a Prosperous Happy New Year ROBINSONS SINGAPORE K. IUMPUR
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 44 9 MAIL Surface mail i> rrpected In Singapore today from North India. Pakistan, Western Australia, Uu? U.S.A. ;md the Federation. Latest times for posting surface nail at the G.P.O. today are: noon for Indo-China, Jakarta ant: Bourabaya; 5.45 p.m. for Siaii. .Hid ihe Pederatk n.
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  • 786 10 ECLIPTIC, RAJ MAHAL TO WIN CUPS Four 0 'Clock may not start From ALLAN LEWIS PEN ANG, Saturday. POMMISSIONER-GENERAL'S Cup is the attraction on Monday, when tho Pen an g Furl Club conclude their Christmas hieing carnival. Though a disappointing field <>t only about eight or nine will lace the
    Free Press  -  786 words
  • 1073 10 Sir Tristram will go one better this time TRISTRAM, who finished second to Ncrolia on the first day, should take the Class 1. Div. I race over 7 f. on Monday. The field will be weakened by snatch m irs. I Si i Tiistram is penalised 5 lb. The da:
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 241 10 LAST DAY 4 SHOWS ONLY! II I I I :d U\ilt Disneti's v^s PKOfNUTiON OF \*m f jrtasurc^A Island* TONIGHT M KITE f~ i r j now i, 1 1 r II i r» 4 ».;io pm. CAPTAIN BLOOQ n ir r i• EH KOI. FLYNN OUVIA /AH AMU AND
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    • 408 10 BIGGER BETTER A h ir.d ed yea i luvc pasted once Lond»»n\ fi r eichibiiion. For tome time wt have beci planning to celebrate this a r b\ 4 Fesiival displaying every aspect of British life. B particular, we arc nuking the IrM Bntish Industrie* Pair an occasion tor
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
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  • 773 11 Jeannette most fancied From ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Saturday. HUE track for this afternoon's racing here will be very fast. An hour's steady rain yesterday afternoon has livened up the track. Horses working on the outside portion this morning were getting a lot of help from it
    773 words
  • 350 11  -  CRUSADER By PAWING like a btar. with his head poised. Tommy Nutter, a former sparring partner to Savold, mad« I perfect target for Hank Quentemeijer m Singapore's first heavyweight professional bout m 1") an it the Bappj World arena last nifcht. I came as
    Free Press  -  350 words
  • 89 11 Today's trial for R.A.F. no: >• march on 1 Pad ween Sin- Club and RA liould be j I the 1 idncea 13 re- n the Sir. i en In action, will > prove j b ore next I ii the i I Seletar. C I Darroch v He ured
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  • 21 11 c president S D .oare Olympic C moil, will lenient on the fter a meeting m il on Thursday.
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  • 77 11 SLVERE frost m the north of England has again interfered with today's Ruby Union and Rugby league fixtures. Several games have already been rancelled or postponed. The Div. 1 soccer game between Newcastle United and Portsmouth may have to be abandoned because of the Irozcn ground.
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  • 331 11 From JIM CHAMBERS MIDDLESBROUGH and Tottenham Hotspur, riding hUh at the ton of the First Division of the English Football League after the spate of Christmas ho'iday sames, should maintain their positions t etc la v They are at home to Burnley and Charlton Athletic respectively.
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  • 456 11 PROYDON showed that his v race on the first day has improved him by slipping over three furlongs m 37 sees, on the outside of the course proper this morning. He was ridden by Walley Bagby and anpear^d to be doing his work fairly well. TOMTOY
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  • 248 11 ALLAN LkWIS TRESP ASSER EPSOM JEEP <\LLIIO\ hHM| K *2 C 13 5?*?!!i SE M\MUSE MA~MI^» HVOfoVV NAMISI rvlii ci Evening Star Evening Star Evening I h <hoY Evening Star Greetings r,, Mami>e H. aline U \(jt 2 i i 2.45 SHU nf SHEFFIELD PLATE IK
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  • 582 11 HPHE following are the acceptors for today's races at Penally, third day of the Penang Turf Club's Christmas-New Year meeting: RACE 1—2.15: CLASS 5, DIV. 3—6 FIRS. 1 104 \lamuse Charles 9.00 2 320 Nachtegaal Little 8.13 3 140 Greetings J. Donnelly 8.03 4 402 Rosaline Wahab 803
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  • 245 11 BRITISH soccer, which has undoubtedly fallen away from its former high state m international competition should benefit greatly from the lasge number of international and club matches against overseas sides to be played during the Festival of Britain next yearj Many lesson^ should oe learned
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 61 11 k Today's sport X 1331 R\' 9CC, Pad I At lv n Sim, Keppil Harbour. HO U SH In'ikmit tou: rr%- PWI) v »M Reds. Padint; I v KWs (SrmbawansK P*dan-. NOW SHOWING n i i-_i j 43 U§ I'M T!' nT HUSK T!I srN MIDNIGHT TONIGHT AND HJHMI Tlv
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    • 242 11 y- I V, il I r 3^ LIFEGUARD MILK CO., LTD. 35 36, Medeiros Building, Spore. Telephone: ***** Enjoy Your New Year's Festivities at I KATONG REST HOUSE f A Health Resort by the Sea <> Good Meals catered for by owr neir Chef V The Best of Drinks J
      242 words

  • 10 12 a .1 d« of Port Dk kacn, I T'
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  • 14 12 n and Dl I. rt Richard. R 1 I Sinssai>ore, a c. Y.
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  • 197 12 Most still goes to Europe WASHINGTON, Saturday. THK United States has sent more than 725,000 tons of military equipment abroad this year under the Mutual Defence Aid Programme, an official said yesterday n Washington. Major General Stanley O. Scott, programs director, said the How ut
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 68 12 LONDON. Sat Scotland Yard detectives were Ashing In the Serpentine, about a mile from Westminster Abbey. anxious Londoners stood on its bnnks. Their hop^s turned Into disappointment when the object near a bridge spanning the Serpentine, believed to b the lost Stone. turned out to be
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 239 12 Belgrade 'not to yield BELGRADE, Saturday. 1M!i: YUGOSLAV, Foreign Minister, Mr. Eduurd Kardelj, charged yesterday that Russia and Communist China are "aggressors" threatening world peace. But, he said, "We will not yield". Mr Kardelj, m a speech to the Yugoslav Parliament, described the Soviet government as "an antidemocratic bureaucratic and
    U.P.  -  239 words
  • 40 12 POLICE who investigated when a man wearing handcuffs walked into a tavern near Washington reported yesterday tnat the "fugitive from justice was just a man who was unable to unlock his son's Christmas present of handcuffs. U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 103 12 THE HAGUE. Sat. DR. MOHAMMED ROEM. Indonesian Foreign Minister and leader of the Indonesian delegation to the Dutch-Indonesian talks on the future political status oi West New Guinea left here lasi night on hi* return to Jakarta. He was accompanied by members of the delegation
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 70 12 WARSAW. Sat, A SENTENCE of 15 years for "warmongering by word or deed through the press, radio, cinema or any other means" will be imposed under B new law which was passed yesterday by the Polish Parliament. A warmonger is classified by the new law as
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 124 12 LONDON. Sat. THE Colonial Office .said last night the situation WM now quiet In Mukalla. Had hramaut where a gun battle took place m the Sultan > palace on Wednesday. The Sultan *as interviewing members of the National Party when a disorderh crowd of their
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 39 12 President Truman's cabinet met yesterday and heard a military report by General Omar Bradley. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and discussed the geographical location of new steel and aluminium plants In the United States. A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 137 12 LONDON, Saturday. THE Government ban on certain uses of zinc, copper and brass caused slight irregularity m the London Stock Exchange yesterday, stairs Reuters financial correspondent. Motor and paint shares were marked lower, but plastics emerged from obscurity on buying encouraged by the possibility of
    137 words
  • 66 12 DRUG SENDS PAIN 'OFF ON CLOUD' WASHINGTON, S A pain morphine subs d that •■pai: 1 just floated away on has been developed S Army. The d hasynthetic made from nit riles, cheap common chemicals. It is the equivalent of morphine In quantity In relieving pain, and is not scarce.
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 92 12 Indian Reds expect arms via Tibet JAMMU, Kashmir, Sat. INDIAN Communists plan to capitalize on the exed Chines? Communist upatton of Tibet to create havoc along India's northerr, border. a secret Communist party document I circulating m Jammu dis--1 closed. The document instructed Communists to organize guerrilla bands m backward
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 69 12 BONN. Sat. THE West German Chancellor. Dr. Konrad Adenauer, yesterday appealed to the anti-rearmament Socialist opposition to bury party differences and agree on a bipartisan foreign policy to meet the "hard and serious decisions" taring the West German government. In a statement, Dr. Adenauer's government announced
    U.P.  -  69 words
  • 34 12 The British Vice-Consul at Pmdmng, Sumatra, Mr. H. Levison. has died at the a»e of 73 m Megawali hospital. Mr. Levison was Vice Consul at Parian^ for 30 years. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 34 12 General Alphonse Juin is expected to be appointed head of the French Army and deputy to General Dwight D Eisenhower Commander of the North Atlantic forces m Europe. A P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 39 12 Willys Overland Motors Company has received a US 563.000.000 order for waterproofed jeeps for the army. They look like ordinary jeeps, but have intake and exhaust snorkels and can be driven while completely submerged A.P
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 26 12 Yesterdays closing prices on the Hong Kong Money Exchange were: HKsfi.OO 5.92 per U.S. dollar. HK515.40 p<T pound sterling. HK5305.5 per tael of gold.
    26 words
  • 48 12 HUNGARY has introduced petrol and oil rationing and ordered tar owners to sell to the State at a fixed price. The order said: "Only prominent figures of political and social life, doctors, engineers, Stakhanovites. scientists, artists and writers" could apply for ratkin coupons. U.P.
    U.P.  -  48 words
  • 38 12 Closings on the London tin market yesterday afternoon were: Spot- €1,155 buyers and C 1.160 sellers with no business. Three months- G 1.095 buyers aand i: 1.100 .sellers. with business at £1.100. Turnover 15 tons. U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 88 12 I- Ml N I S n ride daughter or joo Cbenf of on 28 12.50 \\\ni m MM IN BAT I will now Friday 19 h \jiiu. ons and frpsh apt m UM i DIAMOND BROOCH J .1:1 Club mental value. Good A( COMMODATION >\< INT Fl' WISHED I 1
      88 words
    • 165 12 What do you Know about ENO DO YOU KNOW that a guv y ,^>^<:\ of cooling, refreshing ENO^ cT* w^* correa the cftects ot over* y eating and drinking C mm D 0 YOU KNOW I B that ENO, with m I g^tlclaxadvcactiocv I A old m bottles for lasting
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Free Press Saturday Magazine
    • 8 1 Free Press Saturday Magazine Saturday, December 30, 1950.
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    • 644 1  -  BEDA LIM by IN several eastern countries the festival of the New Year is also a festival of the dead, when Ihe souls of the departed return to earth to banquet and niake merry with the living. Sir James George Frazer describes some of
      644 words
    • 777 1  -  ANN BORGARS FREE PRESS SATURDAY SHORT STORY by PHIN Loong, mid-dle-aged, moonfaced, and pearshaped picked his gold-filled teeth with a wooden tooth-pick as lie concent rated on ttie amount of tea money he could obtain for his new house. It was rather isolated and, being
      777 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 19 1 Beer Conndssieurs -QR4WK %ASAHI < v_/Vl3^ w UDLe AgENIS: E.SUN TRADING CO.ITD. 57. ROBiNSON ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL. 856 7 1
        19 words
        44 words
    • 149 2 A Chaplin secret REGRET viiicfa Charlie Chaplin Is keeping lay: The aame of the British tjirl who may ur with him m his new :i. "Li: It". ng this thousand is a r. She has the part oi a rising fO bf not a member of the Ballet. .rd of
      149 words
    • 108 2 I^LSTREE is going on parade for Festival A big new programme is to be announced soon. In tion. a 70-minute film is already m production telling "The Elstree Story." T iiree years ago Associated Brit ish > ud:o s ut Elstree "then known undt r another
      108 words
    • 119 2  - JOAN FAWNS, FRETS FRANCIS ROGERS 1 FIND that American films geld im achieve that depth of human for which they :i stri the kind humour and pathos often beaut it inly porI m. say, Italian or V (Urns. KKO BOKN TO BC r. \i> mint to the is a
      119 words
    • 483 2 lAN GRANT previews "Bitter Springs*' and "Annie Get Your Gun. /OUTDOOR films have for too long been a Hollywood monopoly. We hay? enjoyed many very t;ood films about Cowbo.,s and Indians and have been bored by a g,ood many others. It is difficult
      483 words
    • 306 2 BETTY HUTTON IS AN ATOMIC 'ANNIE' THERE is nothing subtle or insinuating about Betty Hutton. She wins hei audience by direct assault tactics and at great cost of energy and endurance. In "ANNIE GET YOl'R GIN" (coming to the Cathay there are times when one fears for her blood pressure
      306 words
    • 143 2 < \PITOL: "Treasure Island. Him of Robt-i-t Louis Su Schoolboy classic, is memorable for a performance by Robert Newton at Long John He plays tins popul ,1 villain with tremendous relish and goatO. Production by Walt •ey has many Imaginative touch* s. Bobby Dnscoll (4 th< boy.
      143 words
    • 159 2 r\O you remember the amusing Russian anarchist m "Twiiy Draws a Horse" and the funny Swiss waiter In "The Perfect Woman?"' David Hurst who played both parts, and nearly "stole" both films is finding life far from funny these days. "I thought things would begin to
      159 words
    • 294 2 BY OUR LONDON FILM CORRESPONDENT r*O you recall that Hollywood economy cry a year a&o? The distressing accounts of studio chiefs being down to their last limousine apjece, stars rent ins: out tneir swimming pools, production budgets cut m half? Here are some Interesting sequels to
      294 words
    • 338 2  - 'Samson Will Bring the House Down MAUREEN MALLAL says SINGAPORE will love I Cecil B. DeMille's 'SAMSON and DELILAH", (coming to the Cathay). It offers everything Singapore expects for entertainment heavy drama, rich technicoioui lavish settings, beautiful clothes dancing seoiiences, a straightforward plot, i 'the eternal triangle' and twe sure
      338 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 108 2 J ■J#% s^^ ■•B i_^ I I»T B ;OV AT fl v Itl I 'ml*!* m /SARSARAR iMbNTX^K s Mp <»« J I >fC 7R "> M J^~^l AND BRANCHES^^ 7 LTD. (f^Vy^f S^Jl \j 7 B^^mP^ f\\ rC- N lead the wvjy m mock' \S /■■■^^^^-•'rt \J MSI HerC
        108 words
    • 696 3 JIIKRK is school m < ievebmL I s |o which simli'iiis sgu for half:m;i;lcimu half-trade i lining. This is llu.l me Aildsinis Vocai 'I ■> Hrhool. id clothing iMuny kinds women v their own :m but for ell v day bf make t<>r them
      USIS  -  696 words
    • 688 3  - Peg's kisses cost $130 apiece W. A. CLARKE by America has devoted a good deal of study to the gentle art pi kissing and Hollywood has a machine which does it better than any person could. AMERICANS never make any secret of the [net that everything is done on a
      688 words
    • 408 3 From the Bangkok Post WHEN a friend of ou r s out m Bangkapi began boasting OI his talking mynab bird the other night, we s;it quietly for a while listening. When the time was right, we took over. We told about the mynah that Carveth
      408 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 98 3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 8. Orange Crovc Rd.. S'psrc. ot Christ. S< m Mass USA Services Sun m 5 HkISTIAN SCIENCE Sun,: a.m. I Meeting on Wed lan i and 1 7 <: m Readmj? Room Open Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, 5 30-7 D m Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-1 1 50
        98 words
    • 745 4  -  CHARLES BRYCE DSNANG and Singa- pore Civilians will >x! month m the I] of the H.M.S. t Competition to be pla r Kuala ;!h had a m their Mi make II Pa Qaturd had to i i unike he anott' S < i Inng mlnu I their
      745 words
    • 1019 4 Singapore golf is forging ahead By A Special Correspondent THIS year was indeed h significant one for Singapore m the realm oi golf. It would not, I think, be untrue to say that it has seen a greater increase m the popularity of the game than m almost any other
      1,019 words
    • 404 4  -  Archie Quick By STANDING on the threshold of the New Year, what do we find footbaii produced m 1950? First of all-head-aches for the selectors m all countries. The England side has been changed and changed In an endea\oar to obtain a winning combination—and Jrgo-Slavia came
      404 words
    • 466 4 Sports personalities— No. 8 ILL-health set Capt. W. R G. Hutchings of G.H.Q. FARELF on the road to success m the athletic world. He was not a keen runner at school, but developed a liking for the sport while m the Army. In every Regiment, Garrison. District,
      Free Press  -  466 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 92 4 because that's exactly what old fashioned "business" methods amount to For al repet work the up-to-date firm uses ADREMA the Re* be. infinitely adaptable system with the most modern, stream* fined Addressing tk listing machines made. ALL TYPES. FROM THE BABY HAND DPERATED SHB FOR THE SMALL TRADESMAN TO
        92 words
      • 194 4 .w.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.'. v.v.v.%v.v.v.v.v.%%vyv THE SINGAPORE j: I PACKING 1 company I; Associati'/n with SINGAPORE ji BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LID. I > *for PREFERENCE *for SHIPPING for PACKING 65, The Arcade. Tei. 4658 ***** I- 3rd. Floor Cable Address:- j \m Singapore ■I > X%V.V.V»V%VSVAV/.W.V.VtV» t .V»V'V»V' I AWW > SOFTWOOD AND
        194 words