The Singapore Free Press, 29 December 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 326 1 Army ban on identification TOKYO, Friday. COMMUNIST patrols and United Nations troops clashed sharply 2* miles north of Seoul yesterday a s General Mac Arthur warned that up to 190,000 Communists could hit the T.N. Korean line m force m the next two weeks. The
    A.P.; U.P.; Free Press  -  326 words
  • 106 1 H \> HIM. TON Fri THh I mted >Ute.s >ester6a> s'-r\rd notice on gas»ia that it intends to fwh forward with its t*ori» f"r a Japanese p*ai<* w ih or without g<,\ p.irtu :patioii [nited StilrV fH*s\- »*n m a note fei »d"d to thr
    U.P.  -  106 words
  • 163 1 LONDON, i riday. |>KII.\IN will >tart storing emergency food supas part of her defence preparations early yi the new year. it was learned authoritatively jMtertof m London. T. Government is also imposing price and tll(x-a:ion controls ou zinc, brass, copper, lead and netal to save for
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  • 47 1 ADEN. Fri. piGHT Political demonstrators were killed and five soldiers wounded m a clash qq Wednesday m the SulUan's palace at Makalla m tiie Eastern Aden Protectorate. The Sultan imposed martial law and ordered a curfew. Makalla was reported quiet yesterday. U.P.
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    66 1 nicture Mr. A. F. Ml I lit reading his letter of appointment as Assistant Secietar.\ of Defence (.Manpown on his return to Singapore on the Oranj»* >»^(erdav from leave. Mr. Norrish did not know of his appointment until his arrival and was bewildered when shipping reporters asked him for an
    Free Press  -  66 words
  • 56 1 Free fresN Staff Reporter FE art- taking IQtkXU :.j prevent ir ir- Generai Transport i axis t>K-A\g burned Since the burning of The Mosque Street on T uniformed police viective> bftvt been check... pxssen.^ers using uptny'l taxis In vari of the island. en GTC i-ixts
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  • 24 1 Tie U.S. NatJ 'i. a. Pr dueAuthority «NPA» jesterbanned the hoarding of 55* scarce materials ej to defence and civilian pro- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 11 1 oi Dv n will I A; A A.P.
    A.P.  -  11 words
  • 36 1 A ship 4, furs for the ,-d Stales Air Fore i: H ..v .1 Via J and has been onloaded from the Bri;i>h freighter, n Court. In ;> id- sor.e m Washlneton. A. P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 157 1 LONDON, Friday. rvR. CYRIL GARBETT, Archbishop of York, today *J condemned any suggestion for use of the atomic bomb to achieve victory m Korea. "Its use would never be forgotten or forgiven and would result m an irreparable breach between East and West"', he wrote
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 51 1 Here is another world record chimed for Russia and bellites: Hungary claims *o have broken the world's record model planes, with a flight that took three hours and 13 minutes. But nothin° was said about the type and size of the plane nor he distance covered.
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 25 1 Two Chim I I was armed fritii a pUtol. >bbed a compatriot oi $14 and Identltj card In I L.>rorm 27-A Gfyland Roai.
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  • 35 1 THE United States may pay U.S.SI 50.000 to make rain m Greece. The State Department said yesterday it was studying: a Greek request for that amount to pay for the rain project. A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 31 1 Thousands of United Natiom employees have begun work ;n iheir ultra-modern ikyscraper headquarters over-looking New York's East River, leaving only a skeleton crew to carry on a: Lake Bucc(
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  • 123 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. HpHE I".S. Government yesterday placed itself m A control' of virtually all rubber supplies, announcing it will be the sole importer and distributor of natural rubber. The National Production Authority ordered that effective today, only the General Service Administrator. Mr Jest Larson, may
    A.P.; Reuter  -  123 words
  • 68 1 PARIS. Fri. 'THE Government submitted the revised taxation proposals to help its passage through the National Assembly of a special rearmament budget of 355.000.000.000 francs. It had offered to reduce the new taxation originally fixed for 165.000.000 000 fanes to francs, the difference to be
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 73 1 HANOI. Fri. FORCE oi 7,000 Commun-lit-3ed Vietminh reffulari had cros^-d into China to bequipped with n^w arms, said Vietnamese officials yesterday m Hanoi They said that the Vietminh force, which had occupied an area 50 miles south of Hanoi had given its old weapons to Communist guerillas
    U.P.  -  73 words
  • 45 1 SLAV ENVOY' S TWO POSTS Yugoslavia's Lrst Amba^Jtdor to Burma will be Mr. Josip Djerdje present Ambassador to India, who will X >ld b posti The two countriei ha c-ntiy completed neg Uoni fot exchanginf dipk r^pres'-n: has D> r yet app>>inted her ambassador. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 5 1 v .m-'n to
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  • 39 1 ?R 7 wned bj Mr f B 1 r. nd Aof Umi ilbertt «te «>'J« h i hat ld Mot The Gn-ti..] Fik).l fompanir of Tarcmto pr^^ed f#r payment. He sent th«-m the doc U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 115 1 LONDON, Fri COMMUNIST China has seized all American assets m her territory and has frozen American deposits m Chinese banks m retaliation for the I.S. embargo on shipments to Chinese ports. A Peking broadcast said the Communist regime has ordered an inventory of
    U.P.  -  115 words
  • 43 1 Tv x Indian la 1 of St. Jarm-s Pom ition injured by an chain jrefterda] di^d In pita! today. Th^y wert A Ka^im and S. M^fd**en. The lab >urer.s v lifting a five whr n a mnnerting link snap;
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  • 395 1 WASHINGTON, hriday. PRESIDENT TRI MAN said yesterday that the United States will not ever go back to isolationI ism which, he said, was advocated by the former President, Mr. Herbert Hoover. At his weekly news conference, thr President was asked to comment on a recent
    U.P.; Free Press  -  395 words
  • 149 1 Free Press StafT Keportor KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. •p\ 7 O 8.0.R.S were killed and one wounded m the Kam- j par district of Perak yesterday when the lorry in'which they were travelling was attacked by bandits. The bandits had stopped a bus and were robbing
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 T7I. ORCHARD RD, SPORE He res a Splendid Hot Went her Drink V >^/ P^R^^C•^ drink t*r the hot d*>> <• Contain* Vitamins A Bl B 2 an 3 D. also PP Vitamins (Niactn* n: Calcium and Phosphorus OvaUinfColdi U^isi*, Kefreshiny C /)e/««>u S fQ f 3\}nffino soi KisiiiNG I
      78 words
    • 31 1 .4// Our Patron* a Happy G Prosperous Mew Year SINGAPORE RESTAURANT BAR 7». Bras Rasah ltd 1 H 4«M te -LLftl fC I m V>^ i 1 1 I 1 I
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  • 479 2  - The New York 'Season' KAY MURRAY By 0- fcMNG night at the Metropolr Opera is the traditional keg gun for tire New .ruer season. A: h some of its th.inhad been stolen by i ar- of thf Sadfcn Ballet, the National -how and the Marquis Cuevas Grand Bal>t. -f who
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  • 40 2 i the work i arty.ho b clothes fin I In a N> V week tded H led c md an mormon s a travel!] m R*J? blue. Uian, Ar.ieri the Duetu c of the 1 In ?:arli"h" j
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  • 94 2 CALIFORNIA motor cycle patrolman followed a woman driver along a busy thoroughfare m Pasadena, tut-tuttrng to himself as he went. She had her hand out of the window, and signalled first that she was going to turn left, then riizht, and finally that she was goins: to stop. When
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  • 647 2  -  FRANCIS MARSHALL Drawings by IRIS ASHLEY'S Pre-Partv Piece I AM strongly tempted to start L this piece by writing 4 "Dear Mum," because X it is intended for all T minus, young or not-so-young. But on second thoughts I I suppose it is both
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  • 324 2 Few Women Can Dress Well By A WOMAN CORRESPONDENT TV3 be suitably dressed, is to be well dressed. That there are m fact comparatively few welldressed women m any community is due largely to a general failure to appreciate this simple truth. How well dressed a woman can be, may
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  • 216 2 THAT HMMg the I lore interestto usefui makeup aids en sale now Elizabeth Ardent "Perfumair" is very nice lo carry m \.,ur handbag nnd consists of a 1 oz. bottle of the famous Blue G«ass perfume m neat leather case and costs $7.00. THAT Helena Rubensteins much
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  • 141 2 JJOES your frying par. stick? If so. crumble a generous handful of rocK salt into the pan, place over a low heat and "cock" until it is thoroughly burned. Wipe off with a ho: dn cloth and all should be well Try making custard m a double saucepan over
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 97 2 i iff -4= b--0 the fntfjruitt air of y% an exquisite orchestration oj the many Bowers which pt-rfimie the warm air of an Old English garden to which Savilk adds a touch oj sophistication very modern, yet as old as Eve! I JLNF, MISCHIF* and SEVENTH HEAVEN are three fatuous
      97 words
    • 74 2 M if New Collection Morning Afternoon Gowns 27S Orckmrd R<i 474s XSi v r^ 5s v* s& S&HSH* CULTURED PEARL 3 NECKLACE. >? r/i« C#// /or a Lifetime. KHALIK JEWELLERS. 11. The Arcade. 3^ Singapore. j^^^ S R RWTOfcgffi r;?j gtved youX WK^B[ JS^By^^^^B^^B f it' l/A. ()o on the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 4 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR,mbxcm/.
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    • 67 2 Solution To Crossword No. 238 SOLUTION— Acurs: 1 Colour blind. 7. Rabid. 8, Obres. 9. Us*. 11. Eels. 13. Piffle. 15. Agree. 17, Setter 19. Enid. 21. Nov. 23. Alibi. 24. Haven. 25. Settlement, flow n 1, Corn?r seats. 2, Libel. 3. Urdu. 4. Bookie. 5. In off. 6. Descend;*
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  • 66 3 The Royal Air Force EscapI Ing Society is planning holijdays m London for French. Belgian and Dutch children. whose parents helped Allied airmen to get back to Britain during the war. The plan is to Invite pa: numbering between 50 and 100 children every month I
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 23 3 Police with tour g^-^ cl^>ved thousands of student.lonstrating m Aloppr» nst the French TOba .opoiv Company her fore»l£?n business final.
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  • 274 3 U.K. BUYS MORE FROM C' WEALTH World's largest trading area LONDON, Friday. A EVIEW of Commonwealth trade n. 1949 was issued by the Commonwealth Economic Committee m London yesterday. The report described the main features of Commonwealth trade during 1949 as inclusion of a further large increase m Imports from
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 80 3 CHINESE REDS -NOT JUST CHINESE TAIPEH. P« inh Cabmen A Mr S Chang-hsuan, has appealed foreign correspondt-n Taipeh to ur«e American edi:.p term Chinese tg to forces which invaded Korea from id that the use term Chinese or Chix>p.> for ;he invaders apt tc ad ordinary m news readers Into
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 39 3 CEYLON TO ENTER B.I.F. C represt B Industries I ext yei Ttot however, will not be sponsored by the Govern- m 1949. II will h:ioed by the Coconut rd and the Trade ConiUi London wi] msible for oraanisins it
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  • 98 3 GALASHIELS, SCOTLAND. Fri. WORRIED because he could not keep his bargain .c> a £1,500 house, David Stark Brown, a 26-year-o 1 S 'Tsman sent to his solicitor's iX to withdraw his offer The solicitor relused, whereupon Brown's wife hao a fit of violent coughing and asked
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 292 3 VIENNA, Friday. OF the Four Allied Powers represented m Austria, it Is the "touuh Russians who are the most isitive to what they usually describe as "insults" or "attack**" Recently, for example, the American film. Xmotschka was removed, on Russian orders. from two Vienna cinemas and
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • 41 3 New Zealand has agreed to accept another 2.000 displaced persons from Europe. Mr. William Sullivan. Immigration Minister, announced. The Government has told the International Refugee Orthe possibility of increasing the number to 3.000. he added. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 23 3 Tht- Russians have clamped stiff security controls on Soviet-occupied Germany m ipparem •fl *1 to halt ise m -ion to th< St.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    239 3 be 0 l ides? Ii so, why didn't he make a slam double to direct a spade lead" Since he d:d:i so. should you assume that uc has n spado and some )thcr lead to tel the xntr The answer to the la&l question No." r.: let** think
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  • 20 3 The United States and Liberia have signed an agreement to co-operate on Point 4 technical assistance projects. U.P.
    U.P.  -  20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 3 SERVICE ON CHURCH The R^v. Mr. v .am ~i Jones. 34, of St. Luke's Torquay is holding what is probably thp first .service on a church spire. He had 10 climb l.'iO feet of scaffolding to reach his 'pulpit' where he dedicated the new £1.500 spire watched by ten workmen
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  • 265 3 LONDON, Friday. ORITAIN will soon open two new scie-ice head- quarters In Africa for an even hotter war against the man-kiliing tsetse fly. The tsetse, dread carrier of sleeping sickness, has been slaying human beings and cattle for years over nearly an eighth of Africa.
    A.P.  -  265 words
  • 93 3 HOBART, Fri. STANLEY Miner. 11. of Hobo.rt, caught a fish, cooked it. and shared the result with his pet car. He died, and his cat was violently ill. Using gelignite, detectives caught a number of the same type 01 fish and identified thnm as Australia's deadly
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 88 3 KONG KONG Fri. rE Hong Kong Government is vigorously attacking racy m the Colony's rural areas, the Education Departments annual report for' for 1949-50, says. The report says that education m rural areas had met with some success, though seasonal occupations interfered with a.'pndancea classes. It
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 45 3 A society formed m Southampton m 1871 10 issue bl i the poor during winter at sixpence a bia: for six months has I wound up. "People th< do not like the idea of hinnp blank- ets". an official said.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 24 3 Britain 'i ch:ldren of today oetter behaved than their parents were as children. Ihe National Council of Associated Children s Homes. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 191 3 O\K>KU. Misv i ridai A IK. William F^ulknrr, who>r tai<-s ar^ mm.vmi for their violence and terror, is a iientlf Mi^issippian who says "I believe m peopl* And though he won the 194' I literature, he calls himself *a farmer wh< I happens to
    A.P.  -  191 words
  • 60 3 LONDONERS Lave started ruttiiu* down th» ir calf lull* to meet the rising costs of living. Man> humiipni ni"!i. uho Used to take their wives out to dinner oiu-« a week, are either dropping the habit or dining out iMi frequently. The fir-st t<» feel these self-
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 17 3 NEW FIRE PLACE CAN BE MOVED AROUND LIVER LJVERPI I Mr. A i v Standard. brick Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 23 3 'AID SHOULD BE GENUINE' T the ward M Df lid A ol neiphbuurly i It should bo ritta thought ol prevent n Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 18 3 The X the pr a* 1 In Bri.stDari*' i ridiculo which are very diffl A.P
    A.P.  -  18 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 118 3 LAST DAY TODAY j %hoUN IJ Shlfl US p.m p »s I Mlsx THIN fat i. ptian pirturr today! •SHAHR EL ASSAL" ,»r "Honeymoon' with l.nch^h subtitles O P-MN(. TOMORROW -HANSTE ANSI" "TrarN of Jo% Ml •LACHT' >l \D\^ II \M SMOfl VERLAND RIDERS" TRAIL" 9th E!G DAY A great
      118 words
    • 74 3 Play nfc Brylcreem your hair. Dandruff on your collar, lo «c hair on your POmb thfif are danger signals that point pAjw the need for Brylcrecrr. beruju l«» (1) Daylong smartn«u. (2) Lafting hair health. MllUgr with Brylcrccm sumulates the scalp, encoura i Html hair growtfa^wvds off DmdnM. Its pure
      74 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 95 3 vcb.,vcmb.vmxc B r 'v* vMttS^' V^*"^ fe /dpT- Ij '4 if SINGAPORE BFEBS r (Bl II M TWORK) 443 p 10 00 Hem 1" 10 Close down: London Edit ori I I npo«« Programmea m M lay; oi p.m Light Music: 1 .30 New.,: Sp «Dmk Mmic; 200 Cloae Coi
      95 words

  • The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, Dec. 29, 1950
    • 320 4 IIILLIONS ot people hate war and want peace. This is so true that it is platitudinous to repeat it. were it not for the fact that mans innate desire for peace one jf Russia's Qgesl apons m today's lukewarm war. MOSCOW has capitalised the hatred toi
      320 words
    • 100 4 i BODY is being de- cc ved by Russian propaIran. o 1-rich hbour to Russia. Is raisin? her price to the West. The bill for ratification of a eenient with the Anglolunian Oil Company, which would have given Iran much more than m the past,
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  • Article, Illustration
    795 4  -  John Larraine 'THE RIGHT MAN TO LEAD' By T ir HEN President Truman recently made General George Marshall U S Defence Defence Secretary, observers close to the White House knew that it would not be long before the second half of America's wai -winning team of Marshall and Eisenhower
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  • 422 4  - U.S. JET PLANES PROTECT CANADIAN SKIES Patrick Nicholson By ORITAN'NIAS men- o*-war have been replaced by Cne'e Sam's jet planes as the protecting shieia of British North America From the days of Raleieh and brake, through the glorious Nelson era. and right up to the earl/ days of Hitler's war
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  • 537 4  -  Ian Colvin -Writes- from Germany GENERAL Eisenhower knows that the German contingent of his European army will be the biggest problem of all m his long experience of man management. The Germans are dismayed by news that they are to form part of
    537 words
  • 249 4 The LEGEND of ETNA A Etna explodes jnd rumbfe* like an artillery barrage as the red lava ♦lows down towards deserted villages, some of the IO.COO hbmoltsi peasants remember a legend Ihe legend siys rhat the Sicilians conquered the land m the af?e of the gods They fought and beat
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  • 510 4  -  GEOFFREY JENKINS By 4 FRICA nus become the orospector's paradise of the Atlantic Pact Powers. Led by British and United States scientists, the biggest-ever rush, m peace or m var, is taking place to open up fresh fields »tf minerals to meet the combined needs
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  • 565 4  -  HENRY THODY I "^""^"""^^T REPORTING FROM PARIS. CCOTS and Scotch are the vogue m Paris today. Taik of the town is that modest film "Whisky Galore," which the French call "Whisky A Gogo." Made on the Isle of Barra, after Compton Mackenzie's book, the film is now
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 35 4 The time when ffmwM more Scottish inn HOGMANAY We have the best makes of CAKES and SHORTBREAD for first-footers and other visitors. *n* CHOCOLATES for the wee wifey! COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
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  • 67 5 nirture. PROI X O Mialuill. |> t ln ni Ihe I-acuity oj Law JM I m\rr\ii\ uho ■rtived ir smgapwe yesl:r»l.»» .;!.trr.U4tn by CJhAK«»\( un h way to visit th- utmrrsitirs «»f Belftst 2nd Oxford. Hfc yimi has h«-n arranged by the British wuiicil whuh invites a Mhnlar
    Free Press  -  67 words
  • 356 5 IS A WORKER'S PRIVATE LIFE HIS OWN? Or c^w his boss m terfere? ohaii n Free Pr^ ss Staff Reporter V^HDI |J) an employer have any lurisdiction over the private life of his employee? In other words, can the employer dismiss the employee for misconduct committed outside working hours? This
    Free Press  -  356 words
  • 257 5 Free Press Staff Reporter Xl ALA LrMPIR, Friday. AS part of the Road Transport Department's IX programme to reduce work and conserve manpower during the Emergency, the driving test has been suspended, the Federation Government announced this morning. Learners wifll be issued with a provisional driving
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  • 14 5 Terrorises burned a Municipal trolley bus m Penang rday. completely destroying it.
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  • 33 5 Because of the higher cost of living and the rise m the price of building materials. Penang lighter owners are seeking a 25 per pent increase 1 m their current rates.
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  • 43 5 The Ceylon Tamils' Association, Singapore, will hold its Chris! mas meeting on Saturday at the association hall m Handy Road at 6 p.m. The programme will include musical items and speeches m English and Tamil. G'fts will be distributed to children.
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  • 178 5 Liner to pick up refugees Free Press Staff Reporter A FRENCH luxury liner Leconte de Lisle. 10.000--tons which was used by the Japanese as a troopship In the last world war will take refugees from Indo-China to France on her first trip next year. Recently recovered by the French, she
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  • 49 5 A SPECIAL meeting of the Communities Liaison Committee fixed for Jan. 1 and 2 m Penang has been postponed. It will probably be held at Kuala Lumpur m the third week of January. Several important questions, including the recent Singapore rioting, are expected to be discussed.
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  • 67 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. class mail services m Malaya will be delayed as a result of the suspension of the nisht mail services between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. The cancellation is not expected to affect first class mail services because the postal services are making full use of
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  • 34 5 Sixty teen -aged boys and from the Chinese Y.M. C.A. and the Chinese speaking section of the V.M.C.A. went to the Tong Ling School at Marine Parade, Singapore, for a three-day camp.
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  • 29 5 Huang Ah Lim. aged 40. was yesterday fined $250 m the Singapore Fourth Police Court for assisting m the management of a chap ji ki 'ottery.
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  • 246 5 Free Press Staff Reporter tyAR books and war films have proved very popular In Singapore this year, according to a Free Press survey of booksellers and tt'nemas. Leading non-fiction bestsellers 'nave inducted Eric Williams' "The Wooden Horse,' the Churchill Memoirs, Popski s Private Army and
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  • 44 5 rthe first 70 dental nurse.s to graduate from the j Federation's Dental Training j School m Penan?, the Unir- > r*d Nations International I Children's Emergency Fund Will provide denial equipment under a $60,000 grant allocated by the UNICEF s Siam mission area.
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  • 117 5 oieture. Free Press Staff Reporter RECRUITMENT during the past year brought the Binil- her of probationary teachers to tlmost 900, said Mr. A Halliday examination secretary cf the Education Dc pcirtment, to the Free Pre<s yesterday. Mr HaUidav said that the;/ exptcied to he able >o recruit the
    Free Press  -  117 words
  • 58 5 MORE than 450 people, celTI lebrating (he Golden Jubilee of the strait* Chinese British Association, Singapore, sat down to this Chinese banquet at the Victoria Memorial Hall last nifht: Lotus Cloud, Hors d'oeuvre it la Chinoix. Neptune's Delight. Swan Lake. Phoenix m Flight, Veiled Treasures. Coral
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  • 49 5 A but appreciative au- dience last night heard the well-lcnown English ilocutionist and lecturer, Miss Rosemary Minnis, deliver the first of a series of nine lec-ture-recitals at the V.M.C.A. Miss Minnis spoke on Christmas Legends. Her next lecture will be on Jari. 8. on Elizabethan England.
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  • 137 5 Free Press Staff Reporter BUILDING of the first batch of 400 houses m Alkaff Gardens, which has been acquired by the Sennett Realt" Co.. Ltd.. will begin m Janu ary a& soon as tenders are received for them, the Free Press was
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  • 41 5 F?es m Johare for the regii:~ation or transfer of a trishaw licence w.ll eventually cost more if an amendment to the Jinrikisha Enactrrent of Johore which has been m existence 36 years :s approved by the Federal Legislative Council.
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  • 141 5 Travel allowance doubled MA L A V A N S :id m nonnil novi sp £100 a v<ar tv much as k p->r» '< .t::. I partrmnr told t i i Fr yev Although t!ie new n. was ar. 1 ed by the Bi Treasuiy more than a I Sinpapore
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  • 165 5 Foreigners in Colonies \yRITING m the Final Times. London, on *i sub.iert of capital inve m the Colonies, Mr LJX G? ni mans. M.P "The Colombo Plan, w: y i la the most ambfttoai pro— ject ever devised 'or ra; the standard of Brian i South B»*1 A^>i lt*l
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  • 33 5 Vr+r Prc*s Staff Rrpor r Two rrse'ilempr are. n Seremban Will be placed < n cur{»» startinf from 7 p.m. Hworroi The c ;"f<* will be enforced iv- mill 5?, c am
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 107 5 For Cleanliness f i 1 Complete Sanitary Protection i Insist on i j KLEINERTS j Quilted a RUBBER SHEETS Now Available In White. Blue A rink saw* it x tr a wr w i Your Inspection Invited I J950-/ DECEMBER JANUARY Saturday fcJk^ Sunday Y^vXC\ 4 Monday f) Let Us
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    • 67 5 TOOTALS %c "NAMRIT" mI DRESS FABRIC KTt ]M C*} S\t\ PER YARD I 1 Ht^'' J JcUU 36" IN WIDE W.*' .N 20 D.FFERENT W^tl SHADES (x PATTERNS \sj\ /.'•iaw:' i We PM us! i^ unpacked this f TOOTALS NAMRITThe colourings and rfevgns are most attractive Dress Materials I dHtSI
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 47 5 MAIL Surface mail is expec'ed tr Singapore tf<lay bVMB Siam. Medan end the Federation. Latest times for posting surface mail at the G.P.O. today are: nuon for Christmas Island. Western Australia. Ejist«-n Australia and New Zealand "letters oniyi hnd TreiJ2p;inu < parcels only > 6.45 p.m. for the Federation.
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  • 919 6 Rim fire also ready for maiden victory By ALLAN LEWIS lEANETTE should be the best bet on the programme tomorrow, third day of the Penantf Christmas— New Year meeting. Jeanette put up a striking performance to finish third over 7 f. on Boxing Day and
    Free Press  -  919 words
  • 185 6 1NGVAR Bengssion (Sweden* won the 1.500 metres race at the Canterbury Centennial Games at Christchurch, New Zealand, in 3 mins. 56 4 sees. M Marshall (.New Zealand! was second. In the 400 yards hurdles Der k Steward (New Zealand' clocked 53.7 sees, ahead of Don Halderman
    A.P.  -  185 words
  • 896 6 Te Taki good for a double CLASS 5 RACE PROSPECTS Free Press Staff Reporter TE TAXI, penalised only 4 lbs for his very convincing win on Tuesday, should be able to complete a double m the Class 5, Div. 1 race over 6 f. tomorrow. He put up one of
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  • 129 6 Quiet trading continues [London Stock Exchanged LONDON, riday yERY little serious attempt to extend trading was made m the Stock Exchange, stats Reuters financial correspondent. Lacking a lead from the political or oconomic Held, quiet conditions are expected to continue to the end of account on Tuesday. Nevertheless firmness was
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  • 84 6 ALL BLUES XV v. S.H.B. v^IXGAPORE All Blue- rugby XV meet Singapore Harbour Board m a friendly on Saturday at the Harbour Board j round. The All-Blues t-ani ap Boon Keni? (Police': Ni.iz Shah Police Abdul Rahman <Kota Raja*. Loke Juan <SAOB\i. B Ross <St. Andrew's School'; Ho Ec Bin
    84 words
  • 28 6 Austrian soccer Weiner. now touring Malta, scored its third victory on Wednesday when it defeated a United Kingdom Services side by two goals to nil.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 23 6 Fit teen yachts remained yesterday m The Sydney Hobart 625-mile race, but they were making slow pros m very light breezes.—
    23 words
  • 122 6 IJMVUtSITT of Malaya Chess Club is organising a match of about 20 boar (Is between staff and student members of the University and other players m Singapore. Styled ''City v. University." as is the custom with matches of this nature, it will take place on Jan.
    122 words
  • 171 6 Australian women's team for U.K. SEVENTEEN memteri of the O Australian Women's Cricket Association are m trainin preparation for the lian women's cricket of England um mer. The ian women paying their second visit m the 16 jrean of matches between England and Austn arrive on May 13 and will
    171 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 SHE'S THE ANSWER TO THAT LONG, LOW WHISTLEtaw* l^ft »fe v*t AND %t Most t lit IBJrllKieOWl[ •ffm mOHK os GEORGE PETTY Hie 12 Glamourous Calendar Girls! Opens SUN DAY V^ J^la^a^a^BlkV. \BK3C aP/ He picture OF THE YEAR FOX A HAP^Y NEW VfAR
      44 words
    • 221 6 #a #a r/<& -5?« *a /?*k fzk t?*i ffst r/^ 0* i a AN IDEAL NEW YEAR GIFT THE STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL "pHIS is the first time since 132 Pages I the Liberation that we 20 Full Colour have been able to produce a illustrations m- STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL on
      221 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 159 6 M^ndrdk.6 Exclusuv to the Singapore Fret Press m Malaya ■■■■■H ir^gj^pKO i^^rMN^^jJ pH^.^i^Ka ~~^°a. AAE TM; p^^B MOLDIMG ME I L#£S*V U- jyM \'FXT THING 1 N^^Ss|^~3Z--j TARING JANE Exclusive to the Sin gu pore Free Press m Malaya I 2ff I >E3 YOU H6R£ WE AR£ M >ES. DEAREST-
      159 words

  • 66 7 Rock hard track at Penang From Ml IN LSWH PENANG. Fri fBDU k work rtance this irks ■i and trainers laka with Hi trpn< fiaily the nast i hred no little proipef before the end ©f Horses B*H*r reeled off M on Tnshelia I' oner m ree m A 8
    66 words
  • 20 7 c which -eed to I all I I fered with by I for b,cv,bmc,vm Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 486 7 COLONY TO COMPETE IN ASIAN GAMES —Photo hy But S.O.S.C. is silent on finance question By the Sports Edit:.? J^T yesterdays meeting of the Singapore Olympic and Sports Council, representatives from various clubs and associations m the Colony spent many hours to decide on qualifying times for the Asian (*ames
    N. Wong  -  486 words
  • 68 7 OINGAPORE Amafeur Footbail Association Council for 1951 I elected M follows at yestcr- j day's iniMWl general meeting: President: Mr. W. McGregor Watt (re-elected); Vke-presirient: j ;.Ir. Soh Ghe« Soon; Hon. I secretary: Mr. Lim Yong Liang < re-elected) Independent delegates: Messrs. R. H. I. Pn
    68 words
  • 22 7 MALACCA. Tlmrs.— Mrs. liar- holed her il th< 5 yards) In or.c on the ra Golf c: ita link
    22 words
  • 159 7 4 TIIOPHY will be presented to the owner of a horse which stores a d#vble at the Singapore Turf Clnb'a Spring M^etin? on Feb. 17 Saturday), 21 (Wednesday) and 24 (Saturday). Main attraction at the meeting wilj be the ng Cup over one mile, with
    159 words
  • 91 7 MNGAPOKt Amateur Football Association team which \v:ll leave on Jan. 18 on x (our oi the Philippines; has beta invited t& play a number of |MMI m Bangkok. A SIMM* gUWmdn has been offered, the Frf»e Pr uiKierstanUs. The S.A.F.A. tour was oriffinallv planne I Co include
    91 words
  • 37 7 The Army 'Singapore* v. Royal Navy rugby match formerly fixed for Jan. TO has now been put forward *o Jan. 17. Th<* 23 me will take place a: Jfee Soon, kirk-off at 5.15 p.m.
    37 words
  • 216 7 TTWO fornier members of I the Singapore Combined Services have been chosen to represent the British Combined S< rvkes on a tour of Prance. They are Lt. L. F. Stride (Royal Navy) and P, O S. T. H. MacQuade tßoyai Na". Both Stride and
    216 words
  • 407 7 i ree Press Rugby Reporter SINGAPORE won this year's Combined Schools inter-tate rugger by defeating Johore yesterday on the J.E.C. ground, Johore Bahru, by fight points (goal and penalty goal) to three (try/. Last season, the Johore Combined Schools scraped home with a three-points win. Although
    407 words
  • 63 7 AUSTRALIA h;is never experienced NH h a tennis boom as at the mtw Wit. Thousands have already applied for seats for Australia's defence of the Davis Cup m December next. Keta iers of tennis equipment have announced that their sales this year will break records and
    63 words
  • 401 7 British, Dutch heavy weigh ts clash tonight IT takes many things to make a fishier Ihr most important of all is fighting spirit. in4 Tommy Nutter, who meets the Dutch heaxyw-iuht. Hank Ouentenmeijer, at the Hanpv World areu tonight, has p.cnty of it. because fighting blood iu*k m his family.
    401 words
  • 32 7 Ql-. the Air I winning ih< E > is md 1 if *een nail mv. \en< I .ih hit» 'I In the r iaileti Late m I s:nd
    32 words
  • 17 7 S. 8 I law* rs Railway [nstl round Wfdmsdav I ihc on If goal
    17 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 TCX THt BStAK THAT KItRtSHtS! <~ /^^S WSen tSe going the of Jice "~^V» seems hard, why not adiourn to 0 y&J^ii^ 7 the C H CAFE— for the break V=K that refreshes x /~>>-' i have a coW dri«k *£SM^ nt l6pm MtT -W^rr-^— N T Hf HEART of
      240 words
    • 226 7 Don't Miss Jt! HAPPY WORLD STA2 'hi wdcctmmF saturday 30 dfc at 9 PM WiCCO I HIM^ Appearing For The First Hrn» AUSTRALIA'S ROUGHEST AND f l^ Charlie GAM AGE (LugjL hriS Grappled with the World's best Claims he will smash anyone m Singapore. ■flKfl WONG BUCK LEE Wong laid
      226 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 72 8 i O >0, at H It a) to Joo I (c tf Dr. 1 tail Kee Loo. r>> J wite c Pn il McGari'y. on tfcfl 1 a Bur. H B n. Kenne'h Leo. Li c>i\ 24 h Dumber. R 1! -pttal n~e Pees', wife of L». H. R:l!er>.
    72 words
  • 252 8 BURMA STATES ON NEW CHINA MAP Part of India also claimed RANGOON, Friday. PEKING'S map of the "New China" which includes a section of India's rich Assam Valley and parts of North Burma, hangs prominently on the wall of Red China's Embassy m Rangoon, according to a source with access
    A.P.  -  252 words
  • 104 8 NEW DELHI. Fri. THL Indian Government spent 2.00fi rupees to answer one of the most expensive questions asked m the Parliament during question hour. The Finance Minister. Mr. C. D. Deshmukh. based this figure on time spent by Government workers m finding an
    A.P.  -  104 words
  • 79 8 NEW DELHI, Fri. THE Nizam of Hyderabad will receive 10.000.000 rupees annually for his lifetime, the acting States Minister, Mr. N. G. Ayyangar told the Indian Parliament. The Government of India pays half this amount from a central consolidated fund, while the remainder is from the
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 190 8 LONDON. Fri. THE British Prime Minister. Mr. Clement Attlee. will seek to persuade Canada. Australia. New Zealand and South Africa to recognize th° Communist Government of China at the Commonwealth conference opening m London on Jan. 4. official sources said yesterday. Mr. Attlee was
    U.P.  -  190 words
  • 52 8 WASHINGTON. Pri. pjUSSIA yesterday protested against a Far Eastern Commission decision giving Japanese courts criminal and civil jurisdiction over United Nations nationals. The Soviet Ambassador. Mr. Alexander Panyushkin. said the decision was illegal because it was adopted durir.g the absence of the Russian representative on the
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 66 8 The Mexican bullfighter. Alfonso Ramirez Calesero. is reported stiil m a serious condition as the result of seven horn wounds suffered m a bullfight In Guadalajara on Christmas Day. One shallow wound is m the abdomen and the others m the legs. Calesero's first bull tossed him.
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 42 8 The U.S. Federal Reserve Board last night ordered an increase m the amount of deposits which banks must hold m reserve. The action is designed to freeze U.S. $2,000,000,000 m bank funds that might otherwise be lent. A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 12 8 Argentina has appointed Colonel Rafael Lascales as its Ambassador to India.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  12 words
  • 69 8 Legislation granting all members of the United States armed forces US$lO,OOO free life insurance has been introduced i nthe House of Representatives with the support of a House Veterans' Sub-committee. The free insurance would be retrospective from June 27, 1950, so survivors of members of
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 25 8 The arrival of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers m London for their conference at No. 10 Downing Street next week will be televised Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 18 8 Communist China's delegation to the United Nations left by Moscow Trans-Sibe-rian train for Peking yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 59 8 EGG PRICES m New York which had reached a 30--year high on December 9-10 at more than one dollar dozen retail broke sharply on December l'J when customers refused to buy them. Wholesale prices went down to 65 cents a dozen for large white eggs and stores brought
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 131 8 RANGOON, Friday. T*HE RANGOON newspaper, The Nation, said yes- terday that Burmese troops had clashed with a band of Chinese Nationalist deserters who have been m hiding m Burma. The deserters broke out of their hiding place and were heading: towards the Wa States m southwestern
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 66 8 OTTAWA, Fri. £ANADIAN gold mine operators asked the government yesterday for higher production bonuses and steps toward a higher permanent price for gold. Without help, four mining associations said. many smaller mines will have to close next year. The associations asked for a price more commensurate
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 143 8 LONDON. Fri. A STOLEN lorry believed to have been used to remove the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day was recovered yesterday m Kennington, London. The Stone is thought to have been dumped m the River Cronch. where people m a small boat had
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • 107 8 N.Y. still improving I NEW YORK. Fri. THE New York Stock Market closed firm at or around j the day's best gains of frac- tions to one dollar or more. The composite average reached a new 1950 record. Wednesday's rally was continued at the opening, but a lack of follow
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 159 8 BELGRADE, Friday. \IARSHAL Tito warned last night that Yugoslavia was "directly threatened with aggression by at least 660,000 Soviet satellite troops m Bulgaria, Rumania and Hungary. He sounded the warning 'in asking Parliament in° a speech to approve the "heavy burden" of a record-breaking 17
    U.P.  -  159 words
  • 61 8 Another big rubber factory m Hong Kong -the second m the past five months— fell a victim to the soaring price of rubber yesterday. The Union Rubber Manufacturing Company announced the voluntary winding up of its business. The first factory to shut down because of the
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 28 8 Yesterdays closing prices on the Hong Kong Mon^y Exchange were: HKSS.OI 6.01 per U.S dollar. HKsls?>o p<T pound sterling HK $3055 per tael of gold. U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 288 8 LOST :wNU BROOCH. JADE < and smill diamoiv'^ eithti II Cjj or Tangiin Club, (> Bi :rd.«> night 23rd Dec. < sentimental value. Good i I Rttn. o S. Times Office. Tl ITION BLGINNEPS ADV. Acs.. Bookk of Bfc :iand »Theory En?h>h Maths (Ml S i Chinese YMCA COMM B
      288 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous