The Singapore Free Press, 27 December 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 21 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA No. 173 M SINGAPOKF, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1930. ••Kill UN i T.Ms
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  • 275 1 Aid pledge to Mao TOKYO, Wednesday. THE FIRST concrete evidence of the presence of Russians was reported from Korea, it was learnt m Paris that Soviet Russia had promised Red China to intervene m the Korean war it .Manchuria cities were bombed. Evidence of the
    Reuter  -  275 words
  • 92 1 ENGLAND FIGHT DOURLY xi. Bad ing X) England the Hid i Www bid requiring 1 Wrt i. id on a )in I ndi- Eng 1 ntra -and S iky I ti an 1 and v V his I t i m iusl r w victim oi I left ■d Hutind
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  • 22 1 Four persons were injured when a Rome-bound pas^en- ger train uas derailed about j 50 kilometres from Rome. A. P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 213 1 OSLO, Wednesday. Till. United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Trygve l. said yesterday m Oslo that if Communist u.;ression m Korea was not repulsed or stemmed it would be impossible to realise other United Nations aims. In a radio broadcast, lie told Scandinavian listeners: "II we lost m
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  • 56 1 'ASIA CAN STOP REDS' Major General Claire Chennault, vmrtlme commander of the Plying Ttgen m .a. who is en roiue to Taipoh. Formosa, said In an interview In Manila yesterthat as long as the Filipinos Indo-Chinese and other democratic peoples of fhe Far East maintain a firm stand against Communism
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  • 70 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. THE Banking Committee of thp U.S. House of Representatives has approved legislation which would establish a government war damage corporation to insure property—both real and personal -from damage arising from •hostile or warlike" action In time of peace or war. The protection would
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 50 1 INDIA TO GET U.S. AID The Government ol India announced **f*[tyJ3fi*A recently concluded blla'eral •*ereement with the U.S. ror technical aid to India under President Truman i Point Four programme will b P signed tomorrow. India is expected to ret between US. $1,200,000 and 12.400.000 under the agr< ment. A.P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 1 RUNAWAY OACH— When Cinderella's roach horses l>olted on the set of a television pantomime, the bewifcued actor, James Holt, 75. was run over. Sally Ann Howes inders) slep* uninjured from the co&Cti clutching her crinoline as Holt is helped to his feet. He was lak*»n with face injuries and shock
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  • 71 1 CAIRO Wed VIAJOR B. W. Seager, British ifl Agent for the Western Aden Protectorate, was stabbed m the chest and shoulder on Sunday night by a former Arab magistrate at Dhala. north of Aden. A Government guard was killed and another injured. Guards with 200 levees
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 122 1 NA TIONS CUT AT TRADE RED TAPE LONDON. Wednesday STANDARD codes simplifying export and import procedure have been approved by the 32 governments signing the general agreement on tariffs and trade. Between them they account for threequarters of the world trade. The cocfe was drawn up during tariff talks which
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 10 1 sMwbalh m livr from 1»» >Ards. THE TEST
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  • 39 1 Mr. Vuadimia Dedijer, leading Yugoslav Communist and a dose associate of Marshal Tito, charged yesterday that Russia was trying to use Communist successes m Korean war to intimidate oiher countries In the path ol her expansion.- Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 1 pit-lure. Mis< Patricia Mary de Souza the daughter of \lr. and Mr*, Albert V. de Sou/a. and Mr. Victor Rudolf drossy, ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon P. (irossp. after their wedding today at the Thurrh of St. Joseph. Singapore. Mr. Victor R. Gwmjc is a stenographfr on the
    Free Press  -  59 words
  • 111 1 Fr«*e Press StarT Reporter FiOLLOWINO the rlota the Singapore Government ha.s decided to set up a Police Advisory Committee. consi«l inj? c)f six member* of various communities m the Colony. Thp committee'i f ask will be advise rhe police O n recruiting and to help
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  • 13 1 I i-a "mil larj a v sii •i; Central v A.P.
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 153 1 New Guinea hopes fade THE HAGUE, Wednesday. lI OPES of a settlement of the future status of Western New Guinea seemed to be Tiding here last night when another series of talks apparently tailed to brine; agreement. it is reiiaoi> unaersiooa that the [ndoru Lre i till standing firmly by
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 42 1 ]yjRS AMELIA GRIFFITHS of Pencoed, Glamorgan, poured the bottle of Scotch she had kept 12 years down the throat of a horse which had lain several hours In a snow-tilled ditch near her home. The horse got to its feet.
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  • 101 1 U.K. seeks Stone of Destiny LONDON, Wed TRAFFIC police and Scotland Yard detectives were searching England .me; Scotland last ni^ht for the Stone of Destiny which was taken from the Coronal ion Chair m Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day. Cars were stopped and drivers questioned m the Scottish border area
    U.P.  -  101 words
  • 63 1 'Ihrrr is Mill no contat t with the i"< t (■|iin«*^ (ommunhl fan-fu this moriiiiig. but fronMin« r«*port> sa\ the Kpil> ai*» speed inn "P tempo <»f their patrol activities m Korea There were several minor patrol clashes on both side* of the 38th parallel durine the past
    U.P.  -  63 words
  • 50 1 A collection of s amp.> .seized last year by British Customs au'horiUes was sent U) Ke« York for sale by a British firm of auctioneers, Harmer Rooke. to get dollars for Britain. The disposal look four days arid the stamps sold for dollars equalling >; 14.600 sterling.-
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 49 1 AUSTRALIA W ANTS MEN the "nri oi OiMob'.-r. only 461 Australia™ 100 of them women irere drawing unemployment ben-fu-v Common wraith Statist -an announced He added that th* 1 monwealth Bmployn -rr 5 \-U'p had racanc pi I 124 .)<>o most o! them m man :ns: Industrl i Reuter
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  • 22 1 KUAI A LUMI L**l night a pol area oi K'-d.ih Pei •ial constables d d the Rawang di af'*rn<»on bt!
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  • 94 1 Vietminh attack imminent 5 \M.o\ \s IMKI ..MM. nmuiiist tctl ii v mil ili of ll.i!!oi indicate thai Ihr mini, »;!<!> nerthrm pit.ii about .1 irt si 1 tci(J iv m Sal] on. .1 Ilime Rf'bels guarding ilu 1 lm| I i :hrU night, b »rp not urere last reek
    U.P.  -  94 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 N EW YEAR SALE > ANTIQUES, ARTS CRAFTS e/c. |at Greatly ReduciJ Prices. I THE OLD CAPITAL I ;i st imlord Road a. l iP^n^B^ffl^Bllllllllllllllllllll 'HI IM Vnlll I j 111 I i i H IVH ItYVf't'M^ t"M^f i W t^w. i-t-ii-t "►T-^4r?lrttrfTTTT' r v O^ I 1 >» v
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    • 104 1 GDFSDS Bespat TatonnQ For Gentlemen We have on our Staff an experienced English cutter who,e I >'c attention is devoted to the expert cutting, making up and f.ttmg of bespoke tailoring ckM f<j- men Tailoring pnees ran vary considerably tccordif^g f o th e quality of the materials used and
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  • 710 2 SAYS THE SINGAPORE DOCTOR IyHY is neudache so common among those who are sick or unwell? Is it mainly psychological m character? Is it safe to take the usual home remedies for it? JIST rt'RIOUS. rpHERE are very few people indeed, who have never had
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  • 151 2  - Keeping the 'dead' alive John Ashwin By 'FHE words "died under anaesthetic", rare already, may become still more so if a new mechanical heart (an American model) does all that its inventors hope it will. The heart, no bigger than a small size radio, is complete with plastic tubes, steel
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  • 302 2 CLUES ACROSS I. They rill up cavii ics <9i. (i Where the photofinish i- i '7. 4 1. k no. a tamou.s skipper (4) 9. Put m< among the (6). n. A gem of a beetle nii. 12 No shakes, but little 14 1 m i ptunt coils with them
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  • 464 2  -  Dr. Charles Hill By rpHANK goodness for our skins At least, they conceal our internal workings from the gaze of our friends, as well as helping us to lose heat and to gather up the goodness of as much sunshine as there is. But
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 2 The only way to scare 'em. noivadays. is to take along the latest cost-ot-living figures t
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  • 567 2 CHAPMAN PINCHER which carry little ram I obscure the sun for day* m windless weather. RAF boffin DR. RONALD FRITH thinks that clearing cloud to let the sun through for Derby Day, the Cup Final, and the Lord Mayor's Show If an immediate possibility. 3
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 174 2 QLj^^^oflb«LJLMMHMiMiMwV'£^'v 4 V^VHB '1 his run be yours! —a clear, youthful, petal-soft skin Tr> using YEAST PAC beauty masks ton;c properties of UfC-ftTlag ac;ive ftttt rem naie ia« s* baceous Ki-» l > rs r.aiMnK them to rmit she mirute par c.rt. ere. and 'hus ease away bl* Itheaa*. spo.s.
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    • 41 2 eujy Jt&J wtp ~J 1 Z JBCr MKB 1 X i I I Cream of I /yv/^flH ft. m Iff ILIR-SQL-IF? i SONS.Nf* T *Jl <l< i M f# ■ul ,j |B^^ SOLE AOtN'S |SB[H^^ Sr lr<rn Tel Priang: I*4. 1852
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 294 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN today, you have a vivid imagination and an active mind. You're often way ahead of most people m ideas and action. Consequently, you are too often badly misunderstood. Outwardly, you are quite say and appear to be an intellectual "light weight" perhaps. But this is far
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    • 6 2 New Crossword No. 257 I I
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  • 300 3 Will not 'hold the baby' kua>, Wednesday. ALLIED observers m Bonn are agreed that the I nited Nations military reverses m Korea have strengthened Ihe German hand m demanding full equality with the Western Powers as a condition for a German contribution to Western defence. Especially have
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 The si^n»ti«4 of the strrlin^ ar «'a tr.ide acreenu'iit with Japan m Tokyo. Seventh from left is Mr. If. S. Roberts. hairman of the sterling area delegation and Minister (Commercial) to the I'nited Kingdom Liaison Mivsion m Japan. \.p. Photo.
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  • 193 3 Ni:W DELHI, Wednesday INDI police oilitials claim they are bf»Unr the 1 Communist terrorists of Southeast India with a new wc»p— the co-operation of loyal villagers disclosed at an exhibit of arms and m unlt d tro m Communist iasureentsiS Lna area a Jungle-matted rHf
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  • 123 3 NEW YORK. Wed YOU have heard about those alarm-type clocks you can set to turn on the radio m the morning, start the dinner cooking and shut off the furnace at night. Now comes the "kum-pet". Don't bother rushing hometo feed Fido. Just put his
    A.P.  -  123 words
  • 32 3 The Organization of the American States Council have agreed to convoke a meeting m Washington m February of the American Foreign Ministers to discuss hemispheric defence against Communist aggression- U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 27 3 Sixteen children m Okayama. Japan, were burned to death m a fire which destroyed a dormitery of a M-hool for the deaf and blind.
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  • 34 3 CAPTAIN DIES IN FIRE The captain and the chi-i neer oi the 582-ton SweR niiskar died m their cabins after a fire broke out aboard, willle the v was m the Thanu-s I I
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  • 82 3 kakachi. Wed. THE Pakisiaxi Government has approved a master plan lor a new capital which *oulci cost 600.000.300 rupees •nearly $200,000,000*. The capital will be built mtside Karachi, present .seat 3f the government. A plan 3repared by a Dutch archiect calls tor a 600-square nile area,
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  • 90 3 'Limit private wealth,' says P.I. Senator M WILA. Wed A PHILIPPINE Senator. Mr. Enrique B. Masalona proposed limiting private wealth to $100,000 which is an attempt to ere real middle class m the Philippines. Senator Magalona also urged the authorities to enforce the law which provides tor free distribution of
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 21 3 me current international crisis has created a boom for Philippine hard fibres m the American markets.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 262 3 CHICAGO, Wednesday. IJOW to save business records m case of atom bombing is attracting more attention from researchers and architects these days. Most interest appears directed toward concrete as the best building material for atomic defence. Projects at the Portland Cement Association's new U553,000,000 laboratory and
    A.P.  -  262 words
  • 23 3 Senor Job<* F«itx Lequer; former Spanish Por< Minuter, li expected to h* the ne« Spanish Ambuss;. to the United Stai< Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 56 3 Ireland may give up one of [U best tourist attractions the glacial rocks or Connemara for the sake of its cattle industry. Mr. James Dillion. the Republic's Minister for Agriculture, says he thinks bulldozers can be used to clear the land for raising cattle, to produce
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • Article, Illustration
    349 3 >* soulh's bidding *> '.I was correct no. to lei I lie v^ r. igSSZX* mZJSJtt* 2STS :en,o t e, chance r- ,h contract. n requnni u>"'u im.h i for the four heart contract to be makable. but it also needed some sklll aud lht re the dec!arer
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 3 Field Marshal Viscount Alanbrooke makes his speech m Salisbury Cathedral at the dedication of two stained «l:iss windows to SSI officers and men of both the (ilider Pilot Regiment and the R.A.F. serving with the regiment who lost their lives m the last war.
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  • 190 3 WITH IS.^KiHTH ARMY, Korea. Wednesday. tyHAT has the American army learnt from tfce sad and bitter campaign to poiice Kore r* It has been so heart-breaking and frustrating this half year ride on a military merry-go-round that circled from defeat to victory and back tc victory
    A.P.  -  190 words
  • 46 3 A Belgian proposal to set up a United Nations committee of four to consult with the Governments of Israel and Jordan on the supervision of the holy places m Jerusalem failed to p.ain a two-thi majority In the General Assembly and was lost.
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  • 56 3 MRS. l.eonila tstro, uil> of a mMrnt of Santa Kos.i. \ueva Ecija. Philippines. rrc«*n(l> yave birili to roi. triplets named (iaspur, Mrlchor and Balt.t/.r Mothi and infants all bo>s arr dom^ w«-ll" undri t lf" < i the provincial hospital. The couple have #iread> reared two set>
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 42 3 I riy 1 a bl;r. grin The roof ab walls and tho of »»r w.T- I by the bomb It Is now pr build the rha;, i shrine to B< Julian the n:ive for i church. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 61 3 President Truman <i ins Christn i ittoa home m tnd flew bu< f Washington relay In con: rretary of State Mr D Ach >n the bltuatloi Kopm and other d probl< The president Sal j llr .Io^^•;)l! Bhon the present decision v. due to any spec.!; H>.said
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 INTRODUCING THE Olivetti di.U x VMM fa, Manufactu i m Great Britain m one of the World's most modern typewriter factories. Built to high precision standards *»th the best steels that money can buy, it is the proud product of British materials and workman»hip. coupled with the •nfineering skill m
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    • 116 3 J.*-v V' **"'**'"^"SflCiw^ i^"*" CAFE driving calls for a car m first- w^fSf T*B^*i class mr.i:hanical condition, so [L/, A w\ 4 Jkrf^^fl stop m regularly at Universal Cars 9E Vf Service Station for servicing md V checking. We provide original V^ lJ aJ^^ s^ s equipment parts for repairs
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 52 3 SINGAPORE i BFEBS (Sinyaporei .KIM m;TIVOKK> 445 p,„ Pr.wamnif. 4.41 5 <i> Rhythm Parade grammes 9.^0 Ba nu SIIL R d .o^l- ...o R, r ?o 4 5 s R r (fW n,e l 1 r pi io d r 5 M ya n''H»"-» C l nsl:.u" d ß.cord,-C,, r
      52 words

  • The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, Dec, 27, 1950.
    • 250 4 I RMAL r "-i '^nition of i lie Independence ol im, Cambodia id Laos, .\ithin the unework of the 1 ivneh Union. was Kiven on Monday when all the lesal documents needed for this step were signed And so another blow was stmck political this time
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    • 225 4 CHOICE of the former Emperor of Annam. Bao Dal, to represent and head the movement was not a happy one. The French know this, ju<: as everyone else does, bu: he seemed to be the best candidate available except for Ho Chih-minh himself, and there were Scuttles there,
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  • 1334 4 Don Iddon's Diary NEW YORK: I PREFACE this column with the assertion that Miss Margaret Truman is the world's mart gifted singer. It is a sensible precaution. Having new avoided possible Pi esidential threats of a broken nose, blackened eyes, and smashed rib< I can get on with my report
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 4 Famous pianist Harriet Cohen, who cut her riffht hand severely m 1947. says "my hand i s getting better, but it is not normal yet."
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  • 768 4 LFAVE you ever listened to some modern music and despaired of ever being able to like it, or understand it? I have. Have you ever wondered win- it is that our modern music makers, unlike the great masters of the past, appear to shun melody
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 Fflm s Pc nuoimins tzros a barnse of cameras after her mar o Mr. n«-c*-k DonneU, director of a g I.""d firm, at Nottin- Hill. London.
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  • 146 4 CESAB IK l\( K-PUKI-! I HOKALE AM) FUGUE PLAI ''.V MALCUZTNSKV (PIANOj OL. I.X. 1269-70. This Is a smoO h and tiom performance, extremely well rerorded, of a most attractive com:osi!ion. MalcuMneky*s technique exemplary and the many upplying passages In th;. right h; ad background of left-hand rdl
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  • 344 4 RETURN OF A PIANIST JIARRIET Cohen, the pianist, has recently played m public again with both hands for the first lime since she fell with a tray of glasses two Liid a half years ago, cutting her right hand and wrist. Then it was thought she might never be able
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  • 210 4 VINCENT VAN GOGH. the painter, was too poor to afford a Christmas present for his girl friend. Love, however found a way. He cut off his left ear and gave it to his beloved fir Christmas! This must be one of the strangest of .11 Christmas gifth. i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 64 4 The (onttoi&seut comes to jL^t.S CALDBECK *y /s£iSl Leading Wine /vJt Spirit Merchants The Far East CALDBECK M^/^%^ MACGREGOR&C°L TD mm 5* I py After Our Phoroptor Test \fm v Yo h /WllQl USE Willi EASE [1/ Wlj j SEE WITH h.V f| WALK WITH hASK I HE GREAI CHINA
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  • 248 5 THEATRES BAN CRIMPING Rivalry over stars to end rRIMPI\f "f rK eSS Staff Reporter *L .of hlnese njfttg stars from rival theatrical troupes m Singapore by offering them more attractive salaries will not be allowed m future. busing fn n had often resulted m loss of af wnn° i ie
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  • 110 5 Free fIUI *t*n Reporter roLLOttI.M. represent* 1 ti»ns m.itlr by the Au t«inxihi!f of Malayj <n ihp powers of the t ;rar <«f Vehicles, Sin *3[w>re to restrict thr of more than two m* including the driver, i.n ihe front seat of a ;ir i
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  • 36 5 ABOUT 500 people have built homes m the rural areas of Singapore this year, a Rural Board Spokesman said erday He estimated that about 700 I peoplf\bouoht $1 Rural Board ptenj during the year
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  • 149 5 Ire* Press Staff Reporter riVIL defence plans xor Singapore were announced by the Government yesterday. Legislation is being prepared for the consideration of the Legislative Council. This will enable the Government to take appropriate measures and to organise a Civil Defence Corps mainly on a voluntary
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  • 192 5 Free Press Staff Reporter A MSOU TION that the probationary period for newly-recruited clerks to the Singapore Municipality should be reduced from one year to six months was recently passed by the Municipal Assessor s Department Branch of the Municipal Services I nion for action by
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  • 180 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. 'THE Postmaster General has announced that the following maiLs were stolen by bandits on Dec. 19. All first and second c!a*s outurard correspondence Including reeistered articles— Posted at Kuala T^ngßanu between 7 a.m. on Dec. 18 and 7 a.m. on Dec. 19, at
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  • 220 5 Free Press Staff Reporter TWO Singapore commercial concerns have made oilers to the Municipal Commissioners regarding the provision of bus shelters. One is prepared to .simply of charge five complete Iters with roofing and provided the com:>my gets the right to display idvertisements on the
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 5 picture. VfR. HEXG Mil KENG aTI (third from left) celebrated his 67th birthday at his residence m St. Thomas Walk. Singapore, yesterday. Mr. Heng is seen here cuttIng his birthday cake with the help of his third son Mr. Wilson Heng On the right is Mrs. Heng. and on extreme
    Free Press  -  60 words
  • 58 5 WHERE formerly only illiterate people sough! aid from the Singapore Social Welfare Department m smoothing out their domestic disputes, a number ol educated families were among the 965 cases who approached the Welf a r p authorities for such assistance this year. Most of them had maintenance
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  • 186 5 Fewer trishas, more riders wanted Fre c Press Staff Reporter BECAUSE there are too many trishas on the road m Singapore, two trisha associations have asked the Muni c p a 1 Commissioners whether they could induce owners having three or more trishas to take one- third off the road.
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  • 38 5 The dajice recital by Maudrenes School cf Dancing m aid of S.A.T.A. Dostponed from Dec. 18 will be siven tonight at 8.30 at the Victoria theatre. Tickets marked Dec. 18 are good for lonight's show.
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  • 249 5 Free Press Staff Reporter •'FHREE sub -committees dealing with vehicles and traffic m Singapore have been re-appointed at the first sitting of the newly-constituted Vehicles and Traffic Committee since the election. One of these is a three-man panel to examine sites considered suitable for
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  • 127 5 Fr«v Press Staff Reporter PARIT BUNTAR. Tues. 'PHE Mentri Besar of Perak, Dato Panglima Bukit Gantang. opened the Krian and Selama Co-operative Banking Union at the Anglo-Chinese School Hall, Parit Buntar on Dec. 21; the first such cooperative m the State. Tuan Haji Meor Burhanuddin. who presided
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  • 50 5 A destroyer of the Indian Navy, I.N.S. Rajput, has arrived m Singapore on her way to Australia. It will be open to visitors between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Thursday. During the ships stay m Singapore, the men will play several games of soccer and hnrlcey
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 5 picture. [JGUSTIN3 Willie Brocks helps lit 1 1 r- Carol Nonis with his ire- cream at the Eurasian children's C'hristirta> Treat it the Victor*:: Memorial Hall jrcsterdny. Free Press
    Free Press  -  29 words
  • 243 5 Free Press Staff Reporter RULING that Singapor A X Municipal officers em ployed on agreement are no entitled to any notice tha their services will not be re tained on the expiration o their agreement, has bee made by the Finance Com mittee of
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  • 244 5 GODOWN COST $4,000, VALUE SET A T $92, 000 Free Press Staff Reporter A ONE-STOREYED brick and lilf itnj irnn-KMif- ed godown m Beach Koad, whic h Singapore Chinese merchant bought for 54.000 from the urn«. dian of Property m 1948, has bei'n asses^d for I at 592,722. This is
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  • 47 5 THE largest Mi.Je donation to the University of Maiaya Endowment Fund during the week ended Dec. 16 as $5,000 from Messrs. 11. B. Karanjia and Co. of Singapore. Durin^ the week donation* totalling $39,799 were receiv ed; the fund now amounts to $3,790,094.
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  • 125 5 RECORD AIR TRAFFIC IN SINGAPORE Wi I H m from 13 ;t irll r f--1 \he c traffic lrom Janu. considerable increase ion autho told the P c v. «;t :i :<ht land :nilar number o: departures during 11 month* of thi pared with 3.165 land rded for the v
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  • 18 5 The Singapore S«-ah < Association will t-nt< r members and friends t. dinner party on Dec 31
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 New Shipment of I footwear! /ias yusf been unpacked J se/ecf a pair /or the New J War foJay J Fresh Arrival, jusf m time for the NEW YEAR F CANDIED Peels X CLAC Ginger o MINCE Meat M FRUIT Jsn CHAS. SOUTWELLS M. S. ALLY CO. 25, Raffles Place.
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  • 1 6 FDSGDS
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  • 1560 6  -  J. JEFFERSON FARJEON Short Story by JAMi;s turned out <>f the fog into the dingy, steaming n Kaurant, jp<l made Ins lo the back ill ant, the i pair you. ith his burled In a k he you him. Tin no I James i i i i .:>•
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  • 1289 6 BOWLERS DO IT AGAIN .Ana^ngggflaf From BILL BOWES Special To The Free Press MELBOURNE, Wednesday. ENGLAND, with eight wickets still to fall need only 151 runs to defeat Australia m the second Test at Melbourne. Once as:ain the England bowlers produced another magnificent performance yesterday. four
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 151 6 m3ndr3k6 Exclusive to the Singapore Fret Press m Malaya I--™- AS THf 04RK ONE A/MS 4T r«f IA/u T 7 ,L* -THE LIGHT SEAM SUDDENLY SEEMS TT* WOUNDED MA NO* WE, JHE MWQAM L^eJ^ *^H TO 76'fl V 501./0 //HIPPING A3OUT [Jq^AD^GOO^yT^^J ■lj WHQEveR YQU A^; THIS ts TME F
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  • 446 7 MANY UPSETS IN ENGLISH LEAGUE Spurs just beat Derby County QNLY one team, Sunderland, came through the gruelling English Football League I nstmas P r <>gramme with maximum points. With most clubs haviivg to play three matches i m four days on bone-hard grounds, form m many cases was turned
    Reuter; A.P.  -  446 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 PHIUP?. Kri^ie Trevor, speed ace from Ipoh. on a Vincent !W8 51 Jesterday's Kenny Rise < limb, organised by SelanKor Motor Sports Club Trrvor won the 501 c.c. and over motorcycle event m 43 *res —the fastest time of the day.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  42 words
  • 82 7 QUEEN ELIZABETH'S steeplechaser. Manijyn, won the valuable Kins George Vi SteepletJtfse by three lengths at :Dton PaiK (Middleiv from a n.ii field. most p<i- British racing successes .•ent vKir,. The Queen I Family's S m :r. hex nnrse run. t" the holiday made Mani hp medium of
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 23 7 HOI KEY: REME Civilians v Kkalsa Assn.. St. (,wtf> Ko«d RUGBY: S.C.C. v GHQ Farelf, radanjt; S.C.C. 'A" RE. Gilman Barracks.
    23 words
  • 45 7 AfRS N. W. Mcßcberfs and Mr. R. S. Burnstein's Ballroom Beau Vite-Dollay Bi;;n» won the Sydney Summer Cup of AE2.000 over one mile five furlo.;gs at Sydney yesterday by a head from Great World, with Crown S f rect third of 13.-- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 136 7 I AVF IK Rugby vert- I ii >.•'.. I .Uur-h A.-acuii. ..> a. MM^tftn i i l .jfii.i\on \Herti! V, I. 111 11. 01.l t i: mi N .1 ti n I iri 4 i. Mil i>. I jr. M.i I I. I il 1 irr 11,
    Reuter-A.P.  -  136 words
  • 93 7 pRASME Huie of South Australia, wh.) has been talked of as a Test possibility. played magnifies nt cricket •■l yesterday ilnst the ir. attack m their Sheffield Bhield game it Adelaide. Colin Pinch, opening bat. scored si. q ' wtlli nine neocd "s m h. d Ho
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 217 7 Reuter A.P. Shrt-u-bury 1 Chester >outhport 1 York Stoi'kptn-t 4 V Brlghtwa it rr»nmrre i Barr«>w o Wrr\h.»m A >cunlburp« 1 PUS! UUGI E Ard< MfMhrj ft Cotrrainr i Kailymrna I. •> Cruwurrv 1 li.mtoi J (■lrntoran (>lin.i\<iu v Portaduun Drrry C. v tiiftonviUc l.infufcl Pustpuiu-d. YESTERDAYS
    Reuter-A.P.  -  217 words
  • 270 7 m straight sets. 15-9, 15-9. The Perak women however, played their best to win the Raja Permaisuri Cup, beating Selangor and Peuang. Penang, Perak and Selangor were level with five victories each, but Perak were given first place as they had a better set average
    270 words
  • 59 7 RESULTS of the Big Sweep drawn on the eighth race at Penang yesterday were: Total pool: 5338.200. Ist. No. *****9 ($81,168) 2nd No. *****9 (540.584) 3rd No. *****0 <520,292> Starters (54.058 each): Nos. *****2. *****6. *****6. *****3. *****6. *****4, *****9. *****9. :MI7M, *****5. Consolation [SZJ&29 »«h> Nos. *****!*.
    59 words
  • 37 7 photo. GODFREY EVANS, the M.C.C. wicketkeeper, jumps high to take the ball outside the leg stump from Trevor Bailey bowling to Australia's Ken Archer during the second Test at Melbourne on Dec. 22.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 959 7  -  ALLAN LEWIS How they ran yesterday From PENANG, Wednesday. OECURING a run on the rails after entering the straight. Unless finished full of running to score comfortably m the seventh race yesterday, second day of the Penang Turf Club's Christ-mas-New Year meeting. Unless put up one of
    959 words
  • 303 7 U.S. racing may again he restricted TMIE American horseruring industry, t ikinn full cognisance of the gathering war clouds. d«K*s nut intend to be singled out again as I "target" among all other sports. "Racing will not shirk its wartime responsibilities", said Donald P. K«>ss, President of the Thoroughbred Racing
    A.P.  -  303 words
  • 90 7 AliOU'l 3.000 peop: terd I'jurlul inaroh-na.u of In national athln countries chec the Can bury Centennial Gam. opened by me Govern >r neral. Sir Bernard Fnybur*. m Christchurrh Th?» United States tran. the procession and th a special chefr for the N i 800 metres work) record
    A.P.  -  90 words
  • 31 7 inr comrr.c:iw°uj;n eruicc: icv.trbeat West Bengal Governor'^ XI at Calcutta yesterday by nirr rickets. Scores in-re: Governor's XI T6b nd 106; Commonwealth 171 «n«; 102 for one.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 FIRST TIME FOR OVER A DECADE HEAVYWEIGHT BOXING HAPPY WORLD STADIUM FRIDAY 29th Dec. at 9 P. M. WALLV OAKES PRESENTS A Fi?hr WhitS Will Be Remembered For Another Dccad* $0$ hank QUENTEMEUEH 1* h Weight CHampicn 46/47. Cruiser Champion Eurcpc 47 Wen over 270 Fights VERSUS tommy NUTTER
      127 words
    • 121 7 rooAr 11 am 1 4S 4 15. f -id »5» m Vi M-G-l* Buy m Tte S^J* V, SUMMER STO^ J| (J' I^— l—^l MIU» THE PICTURE OF THE YEAR COLUMBIA 'S GIRL OF THE YEAR" CAPITOL'S NEW YEAR SPECIAL V y D Q J IT x F« i g
      121 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 106 7 WEIGHTS FOR SATURDAY pOUOWIXG are wr- h*, f r Satui nird da* of the rrraru Turf Clubs \nu« New Year ■wetuiff: I H^ l)l\ i |?i r»-:v 9.0« Juamv (^ld^i Rod II 8.1? Pa« 8.11 r r«n 5 it) t->«otan ii" fcanX T»rer II 8.01 j The Blevun? R.OO j
      106 words
    • 239 7 Daughter B.U C lass ft, |> iv S-6f. Fialn-i g i <■ d Adx.ce x!l« Marause 9 ff C;iencoe n3 >aehte?aal XL lnvh ham 8 tir ««^ngs g.tfg lutk% %c* »07 Rwalinf l-W Temuiin g W Eirenin llrm«n.r M Sprin ln *«> Thirlmere 8.01 Locb v**u J.l* Deep Fi-lds
      239 words

  • 355 8 GOOD HOPE FOR STAND AT PUSAN Attlee, lruman agreemen t WASHINGTON, Wednesday. PRESIDENT HUMAN and the British Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Atthe, agreed durinu their talks m Washington that a stand could Jm made m the Posan area m southern Korea, reliable military sources said yesterday. This agreement followed a
    Reuter  -  355 words
  • 15 8 B D Ob Ut 2Jh. vm i X X Hospital »f ClilTor i H
    15 words
  • 27 8 MRS KOH CHENG Xl m i 72. Lorong J Decerr. K"h I Koh X -lJ« I -randch. 10 V r 4 M p.m. On Dec. B
    27 words
  • 2 8 I
    2 words
  • 75 8 WASHINGTON. Wed. r> ciREvSS towards Japai n v has been because the U.S. Defence and State Depart- it the urgency. authoritative sources stated j m Washington. tration of the Far sii nation Is said to br the reason, r resident T:u- tO so; tip
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • 75 8 V 9 DELHI. Wed. V (-COMMUNIQUE from the Nepalese Embassy m New' Delhi I that Insurgent claims that they control 3.000 square miles, which is nearly ai: o! NeDai. are "highly exrated.'" The communique admiMed :he rebel opposition of Bhojpui Chainpur In east Nepal and Kailali
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • 148 8 'ERROL FLYNN' BOTHERED HER HOLLYWOOD. Wed. A MIDDLE-AGED woman, who ran amok and dam- 1 aged the luxurious home of the film star Enrol Fiynn. said yesterday that she wanted to beat up the "actor because a man calling himself Enrol Flynn" has been bothering her. She said the man
    U.P.  -  148 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 8 A Pakislmi Parliament! vv dele^i'tion was welcomed on arrival by air In Singapore b y leading Singapore Muslims Left to ri^ht (front row) Mr. M. B. Ahmad. Sri Chattopadhym. r Tameez»d l>in Khan (President Of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly and lead* r Of the delegation) and Mr. M. Nasrtillah.
    49 words
  • 126 8 NEW YORK, Wednesday. WORLD production of crude petroleum reached the record total of about 3,786,000,000 barrels m 1950 Mr. Frank M. Porter, President of the Amen can Petroleum Institute, said yesterday m New York This was an increase of 350.000.000 barrels over the previous record production
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 67 8 U.S. warships to join in British cruise LONDON. Wed. AMERICAN warships will join m exercises when the British Home Fleet goes on its spring cruise next month, the Admiralty announced m London yesterday. The British ships will sail on Jan. 15 for Gibr*] where they will be joined by the
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 29 8 The Supreme Soviet yesterday announced the appointment of an International committee to award 'Stalin peace prizes" established m 1949 on the occasion of Stalin's 70th birthday. U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 58 8 Tibetans m India were or- I dered by the Home Minister to register as foreigners. In a move apparently designed to check a refugee movement across the northern border M well as to counter a possible Communist infiltration. In addition to registering. Tibetans entering India raufel
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 78 8 PAKIS. Wed. RECRUITING of personnel has already started for General Dwight D. Elsenhower's international army headquarters, although it still has no home Speratarles were being engaged and at least some obtained their posts on their ability to speak German, French and English fluently. An American
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 54 8 Roman Catholics throughout the world learned yesterday they would be expected :o increase their prayers, particularly for world peace. ;o gain the benefits of the extension of the Holy Year. The Papal Bull extending the Holy Year through 1951 was signed by the Pope
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 17 8 The Czechoslovak State Office for Church Affairs has organised political schooling for "the progressive Catholic clergy."- A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 36 8 General Douglas MacAr:hur's Headquarters announced yesterday that RearAdmiral Ralph Ofstie. one of the U.S. Navy's leading atomic experts, is to replace Rear-Admiral E. C. Ewen as Commander of Task Force 77. off Korea.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 21 8 RU BEN'S FOR U.S. The Philadelphia Museum oi Art has bought Rubens ■Prometheus Bound" from the National Gallery m London A.P.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 137 8 LONDON, Wednesday. THK British Home Oflice may ask a firm m Spain A to stop using an almost perfect replica of an English pound note used as labels on orange boxes sent to Britain. The "pound notes" are printed on one side only, but
    137 words
  • 27 8 The Austrian President Mr. Karl Renner. 80. confined to bed since Christmas Eve as a result of over-exertion, is recovering, his physicians said yesterday. U.P.
    U.P.  -  27 words
  • 35 8 The Unitex Lacquer Manufacturing Corporation m New Jersey has developed a new plastic synthetic overcoat foi stainless steel guided missiles The obvious military significance Is elimination of tht glare from stainless steel.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 47 8 riCIENTISTS have built a new instrument that iooks in♦s side the human brain for signs of defective vision. The American Optical Company, the machine's manufacturers. §ays it will permit effective treatment of e>e strain believed to cause headaches, sickness, blurring vision, vertigo and nervousness.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • 54 8 Aa article by Herr Otto Grotewohl, the East German Prime Minister, which called on Germans to "take into our own hands the task of uniting: the country." was quoted yesterday by Soviet radio and Tass. The sooner we do that the better." Herr Grotpwohl was .said
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 25 8 MORE FOR IS RAEL The Export -Import Bank has announced a new credit of U5535,000,000 for Israel, beyond the original $100,000--000 fund already earmarked. U.P.
    U.P.  -  25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 146 8 n rsom v B h I i I M|n( Ml \\J m S M KZKKUa I f v >nri 13 B j Fot mpnt PhOM .For ev)€*^ "^fl Hb BULOVA America's Greatest Watch Value/ > 1 Kulm i awarded I <>lii>jm \«-Ad«*mv t .old I >lrdai for ou h a
      146 words
    • 220 8 THE SINGAPORE packing! COMPANY I /w Assoctati'Jti with j| SINGAPORE baggage! TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. i *i r PERFECTION T»r POLITENESS I PROMPTITUDE J i i 65. The Arcade Tei. 4658 ***** < 3rd. Floor Gate Addresst- J Singapore 4 Bagtransag" HSINGAPORE SHIPPING COMPANY LTD. REG OFF: 338 342. TELOK AVER
      220 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 135 8 HIGH TIDES Today: 1 am. 12 noon Tomorrow: I. lt a.m. p.m. THE SAINT by Leslie Charter* HHSBBi^L' 3EO ?^aDCN we -CER-A s u > a£ T'^cSS -^APPBN r O 3ft 3O\\£ "^J [vVmAT'S AIL ThE/I THINK WHAT •■pHBHKSH^KjJ-— i 3-' I CA^O-"" 3 <\OW hiV\--Bl;T 1 PRIVATE LETTERS
      135 words