The Singapore Free Press, 23 December 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 4 The Singapore Free Press
  • 21 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA \o. n >>- SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1950. I'Klll IK\ I I IS.
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  • 322 1 BIG 3 CHRISTMAS OFFER TO STALIN 'Let 's settle differences LONDON, Saturday. gRITAIN, the United States and France sent a Christmas invitation to Russia today to join j in four-power talks aimed at getting to the root lof the friction between Communism and democracy. Identical notes from the three powers
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  • 105 1 S'PORE MAY BAN RED TRADE 'it a P. i m the li foods fn>i: nnue to o Rent from Hon? K r av I T lor j on H v. 111? •ulci b* or Id be n id hl l 1 I -eh ■«rrhan*s from Hoo§ K< that .".Id In
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  • 172 1 BONN, Saturday. TiHK WEST German Chancellor, Dr. Konrad Adenauer, plans to name a civilian and two of Hitler's generals to negotiate with the Allies on the inclusion of German soldiers in a Western European Arm> informed sources said the men will be Mr. Theodore Blank. 45.
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  • 44 1 HUNGNAM BEACHHEAD. Sat. ABOUT 100 Communists resumed a probing attack at the United Nations beachhead last night after a day of absolute quiet. Beachhead defenders found the bodies of two women on the battlefield, both wore North Korean uniform.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 1 picture. The 50-ton Centurion, Britain's newest and greatest tank, some of which are operating in Korea. A Centurion was abandoned in the retreat from Pyongyong and four I'.S. rocket-firing jet planes were sent out to destroy it and keep its topsecret armament from the Reds. A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 156 1 JAPAN TRADE QUOTAS ARRANGED Frt't* Prew StalT K«-porter TRADE arrangements for the year July 1950 to June 1951 have now been concluded, Mr. A. D. Stutchbury, First Assistant Secretary lor Economic Affairs told the Free Press today. The Government had decided to distribute supplementary auotas for the importation <»1 t-\
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  • 39 1 6 ENEMY JETS SHOT DOWN American jet fighters In North-west Korea yesterday shot down six MIG lighten in !he biggest air baUle of the war. Stated a U.S. Air Force bulletin in Tokyo. A seventh plane was damaged. U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 30 1 Twenty persons were killed and at least 20 others seriously injured when a Praguebound Brnti.siav express smashed Into a loaded p-.\s-er bus at a level cross- U.P.
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 27 1 The South Korean Amba* sador at Washington. Dr. John Chang, yesterday denied reports ol "indiscriminate executions" of political ori soners by South Korean authorities.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 51 1 STAI IN has a birthday gift from Western Berlin U mull •ver In •rgantaatten callN The Fifhtini Croup MSiMt Inhum :»nity- WT*U that the v wanted to imM him of the German prisoner* of war still In the *ovl«l Thri miu him a wreath of biirb«Hl wire-
    A.P.  -  51 words
  • 62 1 The Chinese Comn unists were drafting into the army all Shanghai convict* under 30 years of ag<\ th Cl Union Press of Taip^h reported. The agency said that 7.000 convicts from Shanghai prisons had already bepn induced and lhat those In prison for collaborating with the Japanese
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 1 It's I v»..»dcrful J..iome, Ceorge, except that Pasteur is dead and anyway he wasn't a vet."
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  • 40 1 From ALLAN LEWIS. PENANG. Sat. MY best bets for today's rates here are PILGRIM'S WAY MAZZELTOF and PRINCE (HARMING. The going will be fast if the weather remains fine. Trespasser's best bets are MAZZELTOF and ENVOY.
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  • 39 1 As the U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. Dean Acheson, went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday, a reporter wished him a "Happy New Year." Mr, Ai'heson replied: "I could use a Happy New Year."
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  • 106 1 PARIS, Saturday. FRANCE last night banned the export of all strategic war-potential materials to Russia, Red China and Communist satellites countries. Following the lead of the United States, which 10 days ago clamped down on such shipments, an authoritative source said last night that •anything
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 51 1 WASHINGTON, Sa THE U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, said yesterday thmt the United States Governmen*. has finally and completely rejected any thought of "standing alone T> and that any other course would allow th* Russians a quick conquest of the entire land mass.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 148 1 LAKE SUCCESS. Saturday. THE I nited Nations Ceasefire Commission had not yet received an official Chinese repi\ rejecting its third appeal, said Sir B^egal Kau, Indian delegate and member of the Commission, yesterday in Lake Success. He was commenting on the repo/t that the Communist Foreign
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  • 208 1 TWO TAXIS BURNED TODAY Free Press Staff Reporter ARSONISTS tired a taxi-cab belonging to the General Transport Company in Ani gullia Park this morning, completely gutting the vehicle. The taxi-driver. Abdul Karim bin Ali, told the Free Press that he was stopped in Orchard Road by two Chinese j youths
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  • 80 1 NEW DELHI. Sat. THE deposed King Tnbhuvana of Nepai referred to 'my people'" In a statement yesterday which Indicated that he atill cherished hope.-, of returning to hi^ capital at Khatmandu as monarch. Supporting the plea of the Indian Prime Minister. Pandit Nehru, for democratic reforms
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  • 13 1 Tiu' Chrysler < la led Iti ttl 1951 n fi cars. U.P.
    U.P.  -  13 words
  • 20 1 Pv j n iman went hom* ndgjpte. Mlt j jourt. tor v:hri.stmM 7*»st«r-j d a v Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 92 1 6 bandits killed near Muar Free Pre** Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sal. 2JIX bandits have been O kiiied in the Muar area yesterday. The men were in a ramp which was attacked by security forces, casualties are given as MM killed and five wounded. Two special constabU-s were killed
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  • 51 1 Nearly 25.000 Nortll Korean refugees have bnen removed from the Allied beach head at Hungnam- 300 of them as special charges of the American army. Most of them, ordinary citizens fleeing from Communist return, have been carried to louthern ports in LSTs. of the South Korean
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  • 229 1 THE TEST QUICK BLOWS TODAY MKLBOU vK. S If LUSTRALJ quick blow then E land hatted in the V Test here tin- morni after dlsmJ opponents for 194 yesterday. npf n and Washbi ::ed the England inni in K «Ki weather but with total at 11 Mill«-r had S caught
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 CHEONGKEE&CO. Hiiri»alled house for D a re Curioi. ol any Dynasty jvorv Jade and Fancy Articles /Yd E.-nbro d r i^s. Art Blackwood Furniri'f COLEMAM ST. „>.. ■en m..»—»«n> (iUIRCHM/^!, Hgk nun quality—subtly but unmistakable to the seasoned palate-the quality J** 9*'m^, of rtavour that comes only V from fine
      70 words
    • 11 1 Zhe Singapore jfvcc press wi9bC9 ail ite rcatere H n^crr^ Christinas
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    • 159 1 "1 M. FUNTER&S. GRINBER6; Diamonds Jew ell er y I 67, Stamford Rd., Eu Court Bids./ S pore. Telephone 7923 Lunch score Wash brook l.b.w l.mriwall Simpson c lan Johnson b Millrr Dcwts c Miller b R Johnson < Mutton <• Tallon b Iverson I Parkhouse N -1 Out 7
      159 words

  • Page For Children
    • 48 2 la in inrnitivr to pure children hrrc is a piintiiiK by K i 1 1 > l-fiio of Tesuque. N»v% Me\ini which u.i> df»scri^X'd as an out*»i inclin» example «f work in the hildren. Art Show held anmii'lv .it Ke in the West of IS
      48 words
    • 344 2 Dear Children THANK you for all your entries to last week's word uzz'e competition. So many of thf» entries were correct that it proved tn be very hard to choose the winners but of ?ourse there were several entries winch appeared more tidv and attractive than the
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    • 872 2  - Escape From Pirates S. C. GEORGE 'By Midshipman Andrew Christie and his friend, Ben Noaket of a privateer recently returned from sea, are pressganged on to a Naval warship at Plymouth Andrew I* now an ordinary seaman. The warship sails for Calcutta where they Join a fleet bound for Java.
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    • 51 2 5 Here is Jl not her nuzzle for jroun* artists. S«'iid your attempt with your name, address and age (15 is the limit) to Children's Pane. Singapore Free Press. Cecil St.. Singapore. Closing <\\U* to the contest i s Wednesday December There will br three S5
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 T Jt I 1 cSi 'I •r 1 >^ LIFEGUARD MILK CO., LTD, 35 36, Medeiros Building, Spore. Telephone: ***** JiQ 1 3 v A /4 fl ■V I I BliimVifr^ I 1 1 I ittt lor i r •<: t%, v. .:>•• «.<ii a>'l sole Agents: F. E. ZUELLTG
      119 words
    • 357 2 Southern Cabaret ■k TO-MORROW KIGHT EXTENSION 2 A.M. BOXING NIGHT (26th) EXTENSION 1 A.M. X MAS GIFTS DISTRIBUTED FREE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CABARET IN THE EAST! The 'ENGLISH ELECTRIC" REFRIGERATOR Model 64A jf Over 6 cu. ft «P^^^Bsjg»i 4 Makes 40 cubes Hi jjav.^- -^B v "D5 I ICC. with
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 HAVE FUN WITH THIS WHEN you look at this black square with white lines you wouldn't think ou could have lots of fun with it. would you? You can. Make a much larger one for yourself and cut It up into sections along the white lines. You then have nine
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    • 342 2 QUIZ A CHANGE is good for us all so we will try a different kind of Quiz this week. 1. A square formed hy '36 rings is given here: 000 O O O 000 O O O 000 O O O 000 O O O 000 o o o 000
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  • 140 3 Travellers from H.K. searched HONG KONG. Saturday. JMIK Chinese authorities on the mainland have temporarily* suspended import permits for soods from the Inited States and Japan. This follows a decision not to errant export lir-ences for goods for the United States and Japan. K mg
    140 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 3 to thf alkatht-m s envelope in readiness i,,r Ibe ..-.cent of 3*-f«n»t balloon, »hih will release a parachvte uith photographic \;i»rt,« r o f c«saUe radiation.
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  • 74 3 NO BREAD FOR CHRISTMAS Australian housewives have! a grievance. Australian 1 bakers have declared that no bread will be baked or delivered on Saturday. Sunday. Monday and Tuesday of Christmas week, or on Saturday. Sunday and Monday at the New Year. 'Th.s Want of consideration tor the family is a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 472 3 <fc^ j£& #Sai i^«i 5* «k #sa 5^ r# S s^ P v^^ \M: hSQn m I NECK WEAR from MACCLESFIELD We specialise in quality ties cat irom Macclesfieid silk squares, and are pruud E j* reputation for always having the finest and newest selection of original p Mi W?*~*?*Z
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 367 3 Vf. it I m^a W afl^awßß ,ly m£ X" jf *P V bIN Cj Air OH fc. (HI I I M TWOS*) i 30 Tl IULI p 230 S ejfaa. e> ej JL#JL Iwfiv Die* tW V aw*ae» Time Ffij tp 1 <p Maa and thf am am w »w«^«»*a
      367 words
    • 151 3 New Crossword No. 235 ■■L_ I 1 i 1 (LIES ROSS 1. Describes ihe dog who's ha ing his day (4-tit. 6. Su< h biojraphies nt-ed not be fictitious, however "4, 7». 8. There's always a lot ot bluster about thus io». 9. Blondies 1A «s>. 11 Protocol dei ,>unc-ed
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  • The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, DEC. 23, 1950
    • 178 4 DEACI of i very man is the i wav in WhU a the world can rror that shadows it toe. The day alter tomorrow is Christmas Day. observed by Cl lons with »r the of p- ind 1] vouchsafed the world nearly two th .d veara
      178 words
    • 286 4 IT is only v her. stirred by the f;: iho wiilin« to eet or the face of the earth in blood for a doctrine ur f<> r self-gain that he becomes; this and innate force for peace that m killer. 1< iook round each country of
      286 words
  • 728 4  - Spotlight On Atomic Research FRANCIS BOYLE Round the World B Y Sweden INTELLr.v/lUALLY, Sweden is the runner-up t,. Britain lea in atomic rch, mProfe- suis Ma nnc •\n (physi The. Svedb^m. Geoi de r and Arne is (cnemistry)— ar. :iiLi developits. An atonrjv pile is iv nt-:"in<r completion, with must
    728 words
  • Article, Illustration
    122 4  - JEST A MINUTE GEOFFREY EVASS By new hydrogen bomb centre in South Carolina. During the present world crisis, priority is being given to war research, but a great deal of work is being done by private companies and universities on the use of atomic energy for heating and lighting. Whether
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  • 838 4 Talking about Singapore by Citizen NO RACIAL DISHARMONY "THE senseiess riots A of last week have retarded the attainment of self-government of this country D\ at least ten years." said Mr. N. A. Mallal in the Singapore Legislative Council this week. This statement is open to several interpretations, noi all
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 4 Let's buy Qrandma something really useful— lflce a Irain-xt or some roller bkatcs
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  • 400 4  -  BRITISH GUIANA WORKERS (;ET 'rHE biggest social welfare plan ever conceived in the British Caribbean comes from private enterprise. It is a schemo which should show Britain that private enterprise is far from lagging behind in schemes for improving social conditions. It is a
    400 words
  • 149 4  -  Daniel De Luce Bv J S C1 D -wDbourgeoii air?" E;i Commun all p S>)V] including li'DJ). birUnUf th* h Millions i Tft* Communist err. ment will lend East Germany in hu9e d mibiic adulaiion for Stalin on his birthday, December 21 Th< .ment describe! prnlissimo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 8 4 Oi TILL 5 />. 7/7. J )t? QUA? SI^APO»f
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    • 100 4 tun warch k r|-< ri (lIIIIHIIA Let your Baby, too, join this jovotis company and march to Health and Happiness Ml COW Si GATE From all o\er the vsorld thc\ CMC ruing army saved from sickness and disease sometimes saved from death And happy Mothers everywhere are sa>inii 44 There
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  • 41 5 I EFT to ri K ht. Mr. E. H. ilNVtto. Mrs. n. \\ee 1 Mr. H. Wee at the ftianeff of the Sinsaporv brm' h of tb»* On 1 in the F on Tl m st! Free Press picture.
    Free Press  -  41 words
  • 94 5 S'PORE SEES JACK THE BEAN STALK til b Mi lew or H I Imp: ind Ihe 1 vere nost all ii sjaDcTinw Josephine the N and t' dM jams ff« put p for public m oectiun The s W.dow TWank^y looked suspiciously W John Fortx and both kept the autttenci
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  • 82 5 free Prsas Stafl Reyortei Oand a half million cargo were and loadt-d at the Roada and wharves November this year, it was known in ed yesterday by J. Phillips, R^isirar of Mai:.', an 8 atistics. Of this more than 2.000.--000 tons were loaded and disI In
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  • 21 5 The Singapore Police Band will perform at the King r%e V Park from 5 4 p m p.m today
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  • 15 5 Mr. Wi!liam Henry Walmslej h?.s been appointed to be ity Master Attendant a pore.
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  • 238 5 TO BRITAINS LEAK TO BRITAIN Advance news of tenders Free Press Staff Reporter gECAUSEwf reported leakages of information to the Knifed Kingdom about tenders submitted to th^ Singapore Municipality, the Municipal Commissioners have decided that in future publicity should be given as soon as possible of the names >>f tenderers
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  • 211 5 F.P. Malay Correspondent T'HE Federation of M/.lay Students' Unions intends I to press the Federation Govj ernment to give preferential treatment to Malay students until Malays hav* attained a is equal to that of the er communities. This was stated by Inelv Abdullah Ayoub, president of 'he
    211 words
  • 453 5 picture. Valuing treasures is his business Free Press Staff Reporter tI'OKK to Ho Ah Lam m of an opium pipe, a silver cup. a packet of ancient Chinese flute. These are some of the articles he has valued during his J8 years as assessor in a pawnshop
    Free Press  -  453 words
  • 200 5 Actors to test their lungs Free Press B* til Reporter J^BOVT 600 Chinese wayang child and adult act and actresses, who sing their lines eight hours a day. are to be X-rayed by the Si: i pore Anti-Tuberculosis As sDciation. Mr. Tan Thenir Chiang, pre--1 sident of the Teochev Theatrical
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  • 57 5 TWO hundred and seventynine Chinese public bodies, headed by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce have sent a petition to to the Governor. Sir Franklin Gimson. praying for the revoking of the new Passport Amendment* Regulations which require holders of certificates of acV.iission to obtain visas before
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  • 43 5 For causing grievous hurt to an elderly Indian. N. Govindasamy. in a toddyshop in Orel Road. Singapore, three young Chinese were each fined $15 in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday and ordered to pay a compens tnn of $10 each.
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  • 29 5 A committee meeting of the Straits Chinese British Association will be held on Tuesday at 5.15 p.m. at the residence of the president, Mr. T. W. Ong,
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  • 64 5 VJ:DOW Tuankey 'John forbes-Sempilli haranaues bov'cr -hatted Douqhis Vrquhart m Radio Mal a y a's p a ntom i in e 'Jack and the Beanstalk" last night in the Victoria Theatre. Bert Read turns his back on the noise and concentrates on the music. Produced by
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  • 38 5 The American ConsulateGeneral's offices in Singapore will be closed from today to Dec. 27 in observance of Christmas. The USIS Free Public Libran/ in Raffles Place is open today but closed from tomorrow to Dec. 26.
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  • 176 5 T ATEST figures Issued by the Registrar of Trsde Urrons show that there are 133 trade unions in Singapore. Of these. 39 are employers' unions; 91 are employees' unions and three are federations of unions. EHiring this year, nine unions including the Federation of Government
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 38 5 Bi latN^flß IjX, >< G.H SLOT CO., LTD. SINGAPORE •K. LUMPUR 'PO H PENANG^^ The BUSINESS MACHINE DEPARTMENT of Barnea Sumatra Trading Co., (M) Ltd. 11-«-. K«»l)in-on Road. Wish Their Many Customers A HAPPY CHRISTMAS and A PROSPEROUS 1951
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    • 170 5 I a #r* yy^ &c* W+ v f/z* TmL MMtfi »t«tl- lIKMIII l|»l»«»«l T 30-7, Ra///es Place V have pleasure :g wishing their S !j customers 8 c^ Very I dUerry hnslmas j* SJ 1 cA "Peaceful J 'Prosperous g I '95f I %jf **&'s& SK 5«? !8^ 5^ «^>
      170 words

  • 731 6 Tuesday's race prospects By ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Saturday. pENANG Turf Club will continue their l Chri*tma< New Year meeting on Boxing I>«\ with another varied programme. The main attraction will be the (lass 1, Div. 2 race over f> t\, in which a lar^e field
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 6 ''That's the worst of rushing straight from these parties to the track."
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  • 400 6 UPSETS LIKELY IN CL. 5 IMPROVED state of the 1 going will probably up- 1 1 set all form in. the Class 5 t races on Tuesday as these horses have done most of I their racing throughout the year on heavy or soft tracks. Te Taki appeals most to
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  • 283 6  -  JIM CHAMBERS From pHRISTMASTIDE is no holiday for the professional i footballer. Today the League boys start the first !of a series of three games in four days and by Tuesday evening all of them would have had enough of soccer and travel. Middlesbrough do
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 6 WALTZTIME: Randolph Turpin. British middleweight champion, and Tommy Yarosz of America, appear to be waltzing round the ring during their bout at Harringay, London on Dec. 12. Yarosz (facing camera) was disqualified in the eighth round for persistent holding. Paul Popper picture.
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  • 1170 6 Australian batting fails again From BILL BOWKS Fxclusive To The Free Press MELBOURNE, *atimi AFTER losing the toss in the second Tetl at Melbourne yesterday, the England bowlers mainly Bedser and Bailey, dismissed \ustra!l« t n only 194 runs. iLxctuienuy suppuriea oy tne ne.asrmn, takinir advantage of the heavy atmosphere
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  • 88 6 AISTR\I,IA Ist IV\> Arohrr t Bedser b Baile\ m Mut-ris c Hutton b Rrdsrr Harvey c hvaus b Bed»er <» Miller Ibw Brown Hassett b Baile> I.uMon r Kvan<s b < lo«? Lindwall lim Baifev Tallon not out I. Johnson r Partition* b B«'dser W. Johnston r Hutton b
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 v] S&* BORNEO MOTORS LIMITED j^ \^H f \X t\ have much pleasure in wishimj all their Q /V\j Sv N-A v^ friends a very Merry X'tnas and most y f fjf AUSTIN BORNEO MOTORS
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  • 939 7 Today's hints from track From ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Saturday. fpHE two Cup events were the most discussed races on the course this morningr when prospects were being weighed up for this afternoon's racing here. Trigger will go to the post a pronounced favourite for the
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  • 233 7 i-B^-^-^^eemsmmssMmsmmsmmMmMa ALLAN LEWiS I TRESPASSER EPSOM JEEP (AIL BOY POINTER RACE 1 2 U Ki»ber.ey EAD E^ 0 STAR K^Y* RICKSMEAD EPSOM DOWNS Epsom Downs SITaTT Kamberley Catherine Ricksmead TO Ricksmead Kimherley I c aravan a* 2 PH**™** WA¥ PILGRIM'S WAY. PILGRIMS WAY PILGRIMS WAY i
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  • 129 7 'pOTTENHAM Hotspurs, fourth in the League standings, take on their near neighbours Arsenal who were deposed from l<adership of the First Division lasl Saturday. The Tottenham ground will not be half big enough to hold all the thousands who nil! want to see the north Londoh Derby."
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  • 395 7 SMART GALLOPS TODAY NEPTIXE'S DACGHTES <J. Donnelly > surprise I track watches this morning when she reeled off three furlongs in 36 3 5 sees. She did her work o-n the inside rail of the second grass track, which was very fast. She certainly drew attention to her chances on
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  • 49 7 Continued from Page Six ries 4 Ib. less here, and this Lv his <hance to open Wi winning account, in Malaya. Lucky Star II and Port SUr are not without rhanccs bu; would be better on a heavy brack Selections: Ist TEMPEST 2nd Sisteron 3rd In less
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  • 151 7 Class 3, Di v. 3-7 F Merlin is the form horse hcri and I will not look beyond for th? winner in thi*> weak He finished second »o Luckv Bta at K.L. on Sept. 2. then mcoim to Opera UHI fourth behind Ri suit at the last meetuiK ne.v us
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 303 7 AIR VIEW CABARET RESTAURANT lAir conditioned) Siagapore newest and most up to date Cabaret TONI6HT GRAND GALA OPENING AT 8 P.M. Charming and attractive hostesses including Miss Linda Wong. Malaccas 1950 Cabaret Queen. By Courtesy of the Management of Happy World Cabaret two Happy's Queens Mary Lee South
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    • 242 7 g FOR ALL THAT IS BEST <j (P in c ll g FINE BOOKS 5 C VISIT OUR SHOP 5 P It is not yet too late to give booKS w j) p as a X'mas present and what Gift l\3 could be more appropriate If you r') j(p are
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 567 7 Today's Penang acceptors RACE 1—2.15: CLASS 5, SuaUhiuss: Melnik B.OC 8 233 Piince Charming HIV 2 1 FIRS Daniria Healey 8.02 UIV.^ RACE 4— 3.45: CLASS 3, 9 320 gom Meridian 1 001 Kimberley Percival 9.00 niV 1 I ITI T R<2 Percival 7.12 2 421 Epsom Downs nnn i
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  • 16 8 CORNELIUS. At Dr. d'CotU'* Singapore, 22nd December •> I wife of Alfred Adelphi Hotel, a son.
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  • 214 8 DANGER FROM EAST, SAYS TITO Our army 'only for defence BELGRADE, Saturday. MARSHAL Tito told Yugoslavs yesterday that "there is war danger from the East". "We shall never go to war for anybody else's interests but only in the interests of our own existence and freedom", he added. The Marshal
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 52 8 Mr. Arthur Bottomley, Secretary for Oversea Trade, yesterday denied that trade talks between Britain and Pakistan had reached a deadlock. Mr. Bottomley. who was making a brief stop at Farouk airfield on his way from Karachi to London, added: "I am confident that agreement will be reached
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 76 8 SAIGON, Saturday. AMERICAN commitments in Korea and elsewhere will not check mihtary aid to French and Allied forces fighting: the Communist-led Vietminh. said Mr. Donald R. Heath, US. Minister to Indo-China. yesterday in Saigon. Reporting 0:1 the. progress of the American aid programme. Mr.
    A.P.  -  76 words
  • 77 8 JAKARTA. Sa:. A MEMBER of Parliament. Mr. Siradjuddin Abas, has asked thp Government whether American films were not immoral if measured by an Oriental yardstick and whether those immoral films did not have a destructive influence upon the character of Indonesian youngsters. Mr. Abas urged
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 64 8 More than 100 atom physicists from the Commonwealth Europe and America concluded a 10-day conference in Bombay yesterday with a decision to continue international collaboration in research. The British scientist and Nobel Prize winner. Professor P. M. S. Blackett. described the conference as a "memorable" one
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 29 8 Anglo Egyptian negotiations in London "have reached a phase in which the two governments' viewpoints are getting close." the Egyptian Prime Minister. Nahas Pasha. said vesterday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1 8
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  • 70 8 A 15-year-old Tokyo %\x\ has confessed to killing two babies, attempting to strangle another and then burning down the house of her employer, because "she "was tired of baby -sitting and wanted to return to my family." The crimes to which she confessed, occurred over a period of
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  • 169 8 RANGOON, Saturday. T^HE Burmese Government yesterday denied that it has signed a secret pact with the United States providing America with militarv bases in Burma. A Government spokesman said: "It is far from our intention to make clandestine pacts with any foreign powers." The denial
    A.P.  -  169 words
  • 69 8 SYDNEY, Saturday. rpHE PRIME Minister of Australia, Mr. Robert G. Menzies, left yesterday by air for London to attend the January Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference. His wife and daughter were with him. Asked if the emphasis at the Commonwealth conference would be on defence, Mr. Menzies
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  • 40 8 THE HAGUE Sat. A HIGH Dutch official at The Hague yesterday denied suggesVions in Indonesia that the Dutch plan t4 to break their promise to transfer sovereignty over Western New Guinea to Indonesia by 27.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 266 8 TLITION >Y DANCING' Date Christ- 3 ho-;: ted! Modern Dancing Hill. (Off BrkBJI Ro<«d». rOK SALE kND BOOKS Ap- Best Sellers. Non-Fiction, published 1948 Excellen' condition. V :>r whole or part. BOX 1 4 F P MIM I lI ANLOLS M EZEKIEL SONS, viuailfled Optical Practitioners. 13. Barer? F^r innointmem
      266 words
    • 320 8 GOVERNMENT OF THE COLONY OF SINGAPORE And SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY The Pub'.ic Li hereby no'ifled h.i: the private streets: (i) between the Supreme Court and the Municipal Office (off Bt. Audi Road) QD at the rear of the Supreme Court and the Municipal Office <from H.h Street to Coleman Bin will
      320 words
    • 123 8 /A v />* j sw* Orif from S2 (> T^ v VERSOS A L f^/ X y TYPEWRITER ,7^ 11 I- 1 S'r A q^r^\ i 111 v I "Wi 1— DAY ALARMS from $1600 B—DAY8 DAY $65 00 I— DAY TRAVEL ALARMS $26 00 B— DAY $55 00 W
      123 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 138 8 HIGH TIDES Today: 9.43 a.m; 11.25 p.m. Tomorrow: lit 17 a.m. Monday: Midnight; 10. 5! a.m. THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris n M Y NAVNE'S CLASA. \^HAT-S THIS ALL TO OET THES6J YOU CANT GE' TO h£R ROOw 5^3 SiR--THg UPSTAIRS ABOUT. CLAAA* J PAPERS OUT OP ThE CASTuE S)R.
      138 words

  • Free Press Saturday Magazine
    • 8 1 Free Press Saturday Magazine Saturday, December 23, 1950.
      8 words
    • 408 1  -  KATHARINE SIM The congregation of Penang's first church was a trying one Among other things, it was offended by the clothes of the convicts who worked the punkahs. Written and illustrated y cT. <leorge*s llu!inl r \\\\\\c church <>l PenanQ was one ol t!n island's lirsl casualties
      408 words
    • 353 1  -  STEPHEN SIM by 4M11) the cool and serene surroundings of green foliage on Fod (.aiming Hill lie the remains of Sri Sultan Iskandar Shar, 14th century king of Singapore. To this lomb, hundreds of people of all races flock every year to pay homage to the dead
      353 words
    • 716 1  -  K. S. Chia by jyjODKKN young Chinese find it easy to fall in love but hard to settle down in marriage. Bjf.h the boys and the girld love their independence so much that they find it hard to give it up for a
      716 words
    • 458 1  - LABOUR FOR HIRE A T THE BIG DRAIN T. F. HWANG by LABOUR <\ change which operates in Ihc open air without any of tin* modus operandi of an exchange department is one of the unique features of night-fife in Singapore's Chinatown. Here hundreds of building lab Hirers have secured
      458 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 21 1 >^ (Christmas THE BEST BAND THE BEST FLOOR THE BEST FOOD —^lU^! mz II ii T A U B A N T#s£#V_
        21 words
        40 words
    • 323 2 JAN GRANT thinks The Perfect Wife «I?AST SIDE WEST SIDE'' (coming to the Pavilion) has four stars Barbara Stanwyck, James Mason, Van Heflin and Ava Gardner but very little else. The story is so novelletish that it could only be propped up if the four
      323 words
    • 124 2 MISS GLORIA SWANSON, the film star, said in New York **Like most people I was capilivated by Princess Margaret •She has the biggest eyes and the loveliest colouring, and she is much prettier than her pictures. "She is like a doll tiny, much smaller than 1 am."
      124 words
    • Article, Illustration
      339 2  -  SHEILAH GRAHAM HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP BY RITA Hayworth and Prince AH Khan have left France for a lengthy tour of Africa and the Muslim countries. Ali wants to show his followers the type of beauty he married. They wi I be oone until early next Spring. Rita will
      339 words
    • 122 2 "LTOLIDAY faro at local Ctaemj I caters for a variety of taa Pi CATHAY: "Summer Slock' s Judy Garland back to the screen as vivacious as ever, u noisy as ever but also plumpri and not so well dressed. This is. Gene Kelly's fllm. <see review). CAPITOL:
      122 words
    • 257 2 Uttfcdo reporu that linger Rogers ls about to man v tor tie third time na\e mace her see red. statemen s by her, she „a y a, have been "twisted, distorted or only half quoted She complains: b(J to know bed you deep ln PeonS print thj
      257 words
    • 132 2  - NO GARLANDS FOR JUDY FRANCIS ROGERS says reviewing "Summer Stock" IJOW does Hollywood "manage to turn a farmyard barn into a super-lavish setting for a stage show 0 The question is posed In SUMMER STOCK (showing at ihe Cathay I don't know the answer bui Gene Kelly may. He s
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    • 10 2 n i on 555 .cor Ant Darft-
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 385 3  -  Mary Heathcott Wild animals are among the carried by air By STRANGE cargoes which have traveled on the BOAC, Qantas freighter service from Sydney to London, via Singapore, include Kangaroos, ostrich feather and tennis gut. But in air cargo, the unusual is the commonplace, animals, both wild and
      385 words
    • 98 3 LEFT: This baby chimpanzee, safe in the arm-* of an air hostess, has no comment to make about the cold weather on arrival in London by air from West Africa. He has put on warm clothing for landing so things won't be too
      98 words
    • 33 3 A-iOYL: A reception M examines a box in u hit ha kitten will travel. BELOW: Who wouldn't tike a bite out of a pretty hostess like thw> t4*er C fl<MPp.
      33 words
    • 48 3 nanTKE: A BOAC receptionist makes friends with a kui .ar-». now n to Lonclo from Sydne>. BELOW: M.!~s Thomas with the bu! do*; which was flown l»» -ii i.onuun to Sew York and p^sented to Idl Id, A'nart N 1
      48 words
    • 925 4  - 1950 another vintage year for Malayan sport CRUSADER By vintage vear for Malayan Sport \\;js f :>."»<). now drawing to its close. It \\;k crowded with outstanding ru'iik. most important being the country's fust participation in the British Empire Games. The Thomas Cup marked Malaya's advent in force on the
      925 words
    • 691 4  -  WEEKLY RUGBY cvbcvbcvb ANE of the best rugby wins this seasorL was seen at Seletar on Wednesday when the Army stole t lie show in the closing; minutes of their game with the Royai Air Force. The Airmen held a slight territorial advantage throughout the game,
      691 words
    • Article, Illustration
      33 4 WRAC INTER-COMMAND HOCKEY: Lt. A. M. Hughes Southern Command* t,rki Pte. G. G. Morrison (Eastern Command) when the two teams met at Hounslow Mi«f* dlesex. Eastern Command won 1-0. Armv News Service pir-tiire
      33 words
    • 187 4  -  The Seoul >tx THREE important races ihe Derby, Chester Cup. and St. Leger revert to their mid-week dates next season. Many have been wondering why Epsom returns (on iMav 30) to the traditiona' Wednesday Derby lor the first time since Blue Peter won in
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    • Page 4 Advertisements