The Singapore Free Press, 21 December 1950

Total Pages: 28
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 picture ur >I Roem, »rinht> the Indonesian Foreign Minister, t Ktlljns; airport with Dr M Kazif. the Indo-ul-General in Singapore, as he passed thrtush \e*terda\ from Jakartn to The Hague. Free Press
    Free Press  -  32 words
  • 727 1 'Reconsider US policy 'call NEW YORK, Thursday. \JK. HERBERT HOOVER, the former president of the United States, said yesterday that the In Wed States has lost the war in Korea and warned that an attempt to defend a disunited Kurope would be 'inviting another Korea". Mr.
    Reuter; U.P.  -  727 words
  • 121 1 *THF situation now was not nearly so .lark as it A XKls in the »prinf ot 194 1", said General Kisen- ow it Denver, Colorado. r ur 1 America would ot» united, ho laid. a::ci other would cling to". I am •>iul that America has
    A.P.  -  121 words
  • 60 1 SEOUL. ThUTS. \-EARLY 1.000 little Korean itreet orphans were flown yesterday to an island off South K away from the combat Bone, in an American pre-Chris< mas airlift operation. Fiffeen twin-engined transport planes were loaded with truck after trick, of the waifThere were 964 in all,
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 96 1 Big 3 reply Friday BRUSSELS. Thurs. THE Big Three reply to the Russian proposal for a lour power conference on Germany will he handed In the Soviet Foreign Ofluvon Friday, usually reliable sources said here today. It will take the form of identical notes delivered by the British. French and
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  • 56 1 Shirley Temple, newly married for the second thru 1 told newsmen yesterday that she Id orsake the movies and concentrate on "being a Id wife and mother." The 24-year-old star, who married Mr. Charles Black, 31 son of a utilities company president, last Saturday, had been
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 21 1 US shipments to Europe end i the Mutual Defence As nee programme amountI \a US$44 800.000 in Octob- AP.
    A.P.  -  21 words
  • 24 1 5 THigh i iven a free i I i r B l perr 0 Oer?rvlcc I my will ke r. crade.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 23 1 MaK in London i" Bertha b*tMA C ee." ited to be t p ir the I J Her- Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 20 1 Britain has agreed to pay ;>u percent mors for Danish j tv through Sfntember. 1962, A. P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 18 1 The OS Pi nVs daughter. Mi&s \j »aret Tni-.: r long-term contract for •ppear A.P.
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  • 71 1 MK loon P. Walsh of Great Fall Montana, I is Hied suit for USSS.3M damages in the Montana Supreme Court because there irere bedbugs in house rented. The landlord and defendant Mr. drill Frit, hircl. does not contest the presence of th, b«ss. but claims they are
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 74 1 The King' s consent LONDON, I hurt. BEFORE iirifish rrao|M in Germany can be placed under the coinnuind oi -neral Eisenhower in Ine integrated Atlantic force, certain formal constitutional procedure will have to be followed, a Foreign Office spokesman Hid yesterday. This will include the tonlent of tbe Kinjf. The
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 56 1 R.A.A.F. PLANES TO REMA IN Australia could maintain her present contributions of air squadrons to Malayan and Korea indefinitely and intended to do so, Air Marshal George Jones, Chief of Australia's Air Staff, declared yesterday in Sydney. Air Marsha] Jones had been visiting the Royal Australian Air Force Lincoln Bomber
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 108 1 OTTAWA, Thursday. PANADA ended her temporary suspension of nonStrategic exports to Hong Kong, a lion? Kong Government spokesman disclosed last night Tnc .suspension of all expon permit* to Hong Kong, Communist China and Korea was announced on December 9 alter the United States action banning shipment
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 70 1 MELBOURNE, Thurs. THE plea of somnambulism :i.s defence In a murder was successful in Melbourne yesterday, for what is believed to be the first time in the Englfsh-speaking world. The jury of a criminal court acquitted Mrs Ivy Muriel Cogdon, 50. of Carnegie, of the charge of
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 101 1 U.S. tightens war cargo to Reds ban WASHINGTON, pTIUTI. THE U.S. Government yesterday took another step to keep Russia and ot countries in the Soviet bloc from getting soods which might be useful to thpm In war. The Commerce D ruled that Av. nnd planes must not pnload on route
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 163 1 LONDON, Thursday. UTAH-TIME labour direction, food rationing, and price controls may be reimposed soon in Britain, informed sources stated last night in London. The matter is expected to be considered at a Cabinet meeting next Thursday. It may be necessary for Mr. Attlee to take
    U.P.  -  163 words
  • 19 1 Pi will d< I] 12th Annual Chri ;e to the I on 3 itur- p.m. 21.) A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 49 1 The Indonesian n e igen v. Aniara. quoting reliable sources said that President Soekarno expected to be fully recover from his IHnesa by next w< It said before h*» joes on an offlc the Philippines. <\ earlier tl >nth. Ambolna and other S utfi Molucca! I.s-
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  • 20 1 in« phoi i i n B Un J. 8. C. DS 0 0.8 E, R.N., of r J
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  • 415 1 PATSY OFF ON A NEW AD VENTURE By PETES BILL TEARS from the *>ves of I ittle WhiU Hum Blossom' 15 year-old IVitss li trirklt.l down her plump face at KaHang Airport this morning. Patsy, the Chinese girl who wa Guadalcanal eight yen- by UJB M. the S.S. Kuala on
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  • 79 1 I rer Stall K«'pori«T KLALA LUMPUR. THE mgine of the portion oi tin Kuala Lumpur night mail was derailed be nak and <: I.avainight. There were no ties. Bandit! I a rar carrying officials In U takab district of Pi terday morning. 'I. was slightly
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  • 27 1 In foamed Roem uritl bring a new proposal lor < bettlemei future staius of Dul Guinea when he I it Th»- this Wi a»-c
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 tgrtrt g^> shop hou^s 9j\ DURING CHRISTMAS Our shops will be open at the following times'-D3cc.-nber 23rd: 7 a.m. to 6p m. Deliveries as usual December 24th: Closed all day Special early morning delivery of milk and bread only Chr."simas Day: Closed all day No deliveries Boxing Day: 7 am.
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  • 671 2  -  PETER QUENNELL AS JAMES IiOSWELL SAW IT k'\ icws "Boswoir* London Journal. 17f>2--1763", which was only recently dis- covered. V EARLY 2UU years A atzo. on a cold November day, a yourm Scotsman from brov Hiijh^ate Hill a smoky I LWI of London \hilarating
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 2 The tar! and Countess of Harewood With their baby David Henry George, who iccis born on Od. 21, and is the 13th in succession to the British Throne. The Ec-l was married in Septem ber 1949 to Miss Manon Stein, a Viennese and an accomplished pianist.
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  • 395 2 cvbvcbcvbcv T*HE first novel of Tennessee- Williams. The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, has the quality of "A Streetcar" —an excel- cut play somewhat travestied in its London production and is worthy to stand beside it Mrs. Stone is a retired and fading actress who
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  • 109 2 NOT SITU A BAD SUMMER A Story of Dartmoor. Pamela MacGregor-Moms. La timer House. AN agreeably told story for children from ten to thirteen who are fond of horses and like a good adventure thrown in. Three boys and their sister go io a farmhouse on the
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  • 815 2  -  F.G. Prince-White (OF ALL ACES) Hy WHEN Christmas is just round the corner, and it s time to choose boS.:s as presents tor schoolboys and girls who v. ill all be expecting something '•really super" I seem to hear them whispgring: "What cheel: for any grown-up person
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  • 108 2 COOKERY FOR GIRLS. Margaret O. Laskic. English Universities Press. THIS originally presented introduction to cookery gives practical advice on ihi cleaning of kitchen equipment, measures, and thods of cooking, followed \r. easy recipes covering soups the preparation of v< tables, fish and meat dU I puddings and
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  • 63 2 QUICK LOOKS Diversion edited h* i Sui vT 3 oh Q fed Am 'ntributors i mm adr, mque of writing scripts, are Sir O Cochran. John BetftmZ i. Robert Hete' s ;^s ;:n1 r aC f Osb.:" Ira ter at kut (indscape, caricature a commentary' n the personal eer of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 110 2 THE SINGAPORE I- PACKING j: company j: •I In -\«nciatinn with «J SINGAPORE I BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. :j •for PREFERENCE j! < •for SHIPPING jl jj m for PACKING ij 65. The Arcade. Tel. 4658 ***** jj •I 3rd. Floor Cable Address:- l m Singapore Bagtransag' "Mais our The
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    • 138 2 In time for the Christmas holidays— Pan American cuts Student Fares to 11. S. A. ffmS^Ululk /j j o ONE-WAnKket! Bring your children home for Christmas from school in the U. S. A. or Europe. School rhildren and university students from 12 to 21 years old can fly at Pan
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 191 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR y < pjORN today, originality and lavishness are your major characteristics. You are always startng new schemes, having new ideas and making grandiose plans. You aren't halfhearted about them, either, but expend sreat time, energy and treasure on putting over a project. You would make a wonderful
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    • 139 2 New Crossword No. 233> T-j--j2-|-p-y-T4- j ~J'J_ jj 23EZSSBT imm^mm&~~~~~~ wm^BBB 3BWK V^SEmt^ LTj M I M" 1 i HiMi^dgot CLUES ACROSS 1. One »nay do this by joining up 'i 7. *****, preßMi 8 it's often a Mt holy (5). 9. He should be expert with i ili. 11.
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  • 143 3 More given in arms aid WASHINGTON, Thursday rr»HF Furopt\in nattona that have had billions of 1 irital «»i' I s help under the Marshall Plan are c ettiiiK ha < "k on their feet. But the American taxpgjcf is n«»\v sending money to Europe at
    A.P.  -  143 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 3 Ncpalese government and military officers who took part recently in discussions With the Indian Government on the situation in Nepal. Left to right, Mijavn Shumshere .lung Bihadur liana. Foreign Minister; Shin^ha Shumshere, Nepalese Ambassador; Kaisher Shumshere, C.-in-C. NepiItse Army, and behind, N. M, Dikshit. Secretary to the Foreign Office.
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  • 46 3 Togliatti takes 'rest cure' ro Togliatti. > v mmunist bv tr lor Wars nij to ;>r M a rest cur* 1 nor T< who was .:ed on two months ago i clot on the brain, said party activity prevented Dg a proper rest in I a Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 24 3 A general ban on exports of til goods to America and fapan ha.> br->n imposed by trade author. t.»*s in Tientsin. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 60 3 The newly appointed v igoslav Minister to Or Redos Jonanovic, left I grade by train for Athens in a which the Yugoslav Government and Western diplos in Belgrade hoped would (i full-scale rapproche■tween the two antiComlnform Balkan neighbours. Mr. Jovanovic was app minted after Greece had named
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  • 51 3 The British motorist is the best -mannered In the world, Melbourne City Councillor A. E. Carlyle said on his return from London. "I can't recall seeing a car with a dented mudguard in London; but in Melbourne every third car has a mudguard hanging off," he said.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 189 3 LONDON, Thursday. VKAKLY one thousand "knoekers-up appear on the pay-roil cf British railways. Human alarm clocks, the knockers-up work from midnight until eight in the morning, rousing train crews from their slumbers, to see they are on duty in time. In towns where there are bin locomotive
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 27 3 Two Junkers transport nes c Glided in mid air r Tourane lnd<> -China. killinc 30 French troops, the French Presi Agency reported 9 Renter.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 90 3 LONDON. Thurs. A 92-YEAR-OLD man Alexander Sebastian Hash. died in Londun recently without making a will and left an unexpected windfall of £10.000 for the Treasury. Although extensive inquiries were made, no relatives cr distant kin could be found to inherit the nonagenarian's small fortune, with the
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 20 3 American car-makers say they see little prospect of increasing exports of their cars in the near future. A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    256 3 Western Masters Pair Towi !i :unt pliytci in San Fijm- j '■:■>('() this year, ;i.s described by Dou-rlns cj a n In ;i recent Ksue I of Lhe Bridge World M igasine. it Illustrates the disrepute Into fi which has i illen r.v.^d quite cor- rectly) the old
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  • 13 3 Eighty percent of Tokyo's primary school children have decaved teeth. Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 152 3 LONDON. ThutS. stock-taking of the present serious International situation with the emphasis on collective defence will be the main aim of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers conference opening in London on January 4. it was learnt from well-informed sources in London. It is expected that Mr Attlee,
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 84 3 PARIS. Thurs. THE French Foreign Minister, M. Robert Schuman, said in Paris that Germany's part In European fence must be organised so that no one could seriously interpret it as a Ihrea peace or a breach of the agreements the Allies ii id signed (<n Germany.
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 57 3 A child's mischief started a fire and burned down 60 houses in a northern Japan village, with damage estimated at 10.000.000 yen I fJ 10.--000 sterling*. The fire broke out in the home of a farmer when a five-year-old child played with a match and ignited
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 31 3 Mr. N. V. Novikov. Soviet Ambassador to India, said In Calcutta that the Russians wanted the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Korea before peace could be talked. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 185 3 in sickness... Jr-j x\ fifty I Daruig tod »ft»r w Uln*« the rich 'J /j+oi^ o*/?/0 body-buildinc elf-ment* in Rcott't jj -^••M Rnnilsion rpst<»re h.'.i!Mi and strenc'h /J/^^t>M in record time And when you are nt Bcott'l Rn ll^Ofl kt+pt v'.i wHI- fivM votj v^orous ■trenftli and help.^ you to
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 313 3 SINGAPORE I BFEBS ISingaporej 4 4,i pm. Programme Sum(Kll i NITUOirK) n t yi 447 prom the London M m Newa from Singapore; Bdifcoriala iBBC; 4.55 Composer of thr Week— a~m-Baens; *.W 12 Programm-s m Malay: 1 p.m. s ei llug Value (BBC 530 Spot The Radio Orchestra; 1.30 Time
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  • 223 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, DEC. 21, 1950. Speed the essence SPAR ie Norti Pact powers ii. u i>n. r one. Ucnf. er's U backed b Defend ot tin I dii Lsl his S and tank.--a peao i ime inter- army wta r will cause inj t it think before
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  • 772 4 T^T n Eastern Germany y^ Says~ Kenneth A mes AT live luinutes to eigl very mornn armed sentn the entrance to a white rambling block of Govnment offici s on the outskirts of Berlin snaps to attention and da si ring ol three
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  • 36 4 troop of Fust German j Naval Police on parade in Berlin. This force is the marine arm of the I (oMimunist People's £> Police'* and has been >> branded as an illegal, S> Soviet-sponsored army
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  • 794 4  -  POLITICO Bv ALTHOUGH we hear A quite a lot about the Colombo Plan and the "popular" version of the report on it— New Horizons in ihe East" in speeches at high leve's. it is extraordinarily difficult to get hold of the whole plan or the shoit
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  • 466 4  -  Fred Manor Greek Rebels... t 4444 Reports IV T HETHEK the next Comintorm blow In Europe will be struck in Yugoslavia or Greece is a matter of conjecture. The vigorous training which the escaped Greek rebels are undergoing in the Cominform count lies, however, offers food
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  • 100 4 4MONG tfie potential American markets for Rrvtish J^ods is the supplying of luxury coflin linings, says a report of a British Textile Marketing Mission. The mission, which visited the United States under tin auspices of the U.S. Economic Co-operation Adminig- saya many oj
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 210 5 HOMES FOR SMALL MAN NEXT YEAR Negotiations on building plan Free Press Staff Reporter ']HK scheme proposed by the Federal and Colonial Building Society to help people with modest incomes buy their own homes without paying anything down may be put into operation in the middle of next year. This
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 5 pictare. Sgi. Mai. It E. II cks of the OHQ Signals Regiment hu?s his two daughters, Emlyn (le f t> and Anthea on their arrival at Kallang airport yes te rday with their mother by BOAC Argonaut from Britai n < Mrs. Wrks rnd the two children were among 16
    Free Press  -  63 words
  • 130 5 Free Prr-^ Mill Reporter TfLEFHOXI calls from re to the I'nitjj Kinfdom during the ,onnnr < Kristnias and jj^ tear KaftMß, are fti!U hi.okrd Reck ns; »f these calls Yt'W a ft* s ***<» U t inquiries had hern pu'lr wkaf \mgmL M.^t of the
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  • 79 5 I nrcaa Stall Reporter icre E location Department is considerB? is made bv the management comitaytrc Chinese Hi«h School and Njnvari:; < i liool for permission to accept s n?xt year. i Frcv i hat renretwo schools with the Depa: for perfflissien to a^v >t boai
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  • 148 5 SINGAPORE children won applause at last night's recital by Maucircne Y o's School of Dancinv al the Victoria Theatre. It is amazing how these young children managed to remember their steps but they did and danced well and obviously enjoyed themselves A star amongst th?m was
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  • 87 5 *T AM very v really impressed by the civic consciouness of the American people, and their friendliness to other peoples is something which Singaporeans can follow," says Gerald Pillay. who returned to Singapore yesterday after a real flying trip to the United States. Gerald was a
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  • 233 5 Free Press Stair Reporter TWO hundred and fifty rni'es through bandit country on a pushbike— not a very gratifying prospect, but one whfch faced two lads who have arrived in Singapore after cycling irom Kuala Lumpur. Rover scouts D. G. Piyasena and iwvong Kim Kong
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  • 17 5 C \v. D. Hughes, M. D MRCF., has be n appoHite ai honorary consul to Gcn<
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  • 247 5 Don't blame me, says McNeice Free Press Staff Ke sorter yilK Singapore Municipal President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, yesterday disclaimed responsibility for the water and light rationing enforced on residents of the government quarters in MacKenzie Road. "As far as the Municipality is concerned it supplies electricity and water
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  • 105 5 'Lights off' as penalty Ere«» Press Stall Reporter RATIONING of electricity is enforced bv the Singapore Municipality on two si its labourers' lines, the Free Press was informed yesterday. There is no restriction on the supply of water. The lines affected are the Municipal Transport Centre quarters at Mount Emily
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  • 63 5 Surface mail is ixp ed Singapore today from G Britain, N. Ireland, Eire. Europe. North and West Africa. Wesl Indies, Egypt, Ceylon. Eastern Australia, Terempa, M<dan and the Federation. T atesl times for posting surface mail the G.P.O. today are: noon '.or Palembang) Pjambi. North I Borne i Labu
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  • 268 5 Free Press S! :1T Reporter instead oi lending to their em ees for \ht purpose of buying rnotorcj or motorc; Sin Munici] Comm". have been advised tha should acquire the rvehicles and sell them ;o I staff on a hire purcha bas.s. In this way, the Co
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  • 33 5 $5,000 FOR K.L. ELECTIONS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Provision of $5,000 for th° Kuala Lumpur municipal elections next year was approved by the Commissioners today. It was contained in a supnlementary budget for $62.--058.
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  • 287 5 NEW DIRECTOR OF U.S.I.S. NAMED Mr. Elmer N< x \vton. now head of thp Far Eastern Service of the Voice of America, has been appointed Director of the United States Information Service for Malaya, succeeding Mr W. Henry Lawrence. Jr.. who is being transferred to a new post in Formosa.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 168 5 /Fly K L M I and feel at home! Relax in perfect comfort and enjoy the excellence of KLM service— he perfect culmination of M) ft urs ex* perience inairlineuperati* m. For further part'. ul, its dpplv: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines 1, Finlayson Greta Singapore Tel. 5431 or your loc
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 235 6 A great ACTION picture ALIVE with excitement! '^*W±? ''V ol %tkl\ WSS" fs&W M tATEX f 4\ V V ,^1 »0. »3! Th»T' N3MNS Bi«;n SP3I 1 •■TOD HE COMINt »ITM ME. illET!" "01)1 »!iK TOUR CHIiSSOL UK! Mi V *< mm r\ rf^i S/ind Pevi hod jeoled the fote
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  • 728 7 Dark Brocade also pleases From ALLAN LEWIS PBNANG, Thursday. jMtHKiER (Healey) was the most impressive worker this morning, when the outside of the course proper was again opened for fast work. Trigger did useful pace work, then' brushed home the last two furlongs in
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  • 182 7 SERVICES, CIVILIAN RUGBY XV's THE final round of the H.M.S Miilaya rugby competition v ill take place on Saturday. Combined Services are almost aba to go on to the final January but Saturday's ".ame on the PSfedmng against Sn.oapore Civilians will t rtheless, be Interest*!!*. Last time when these tiro
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  • 337 7 rpFMPFST (Woods) was an attractive worker this A momins. when he appeared to be «oin* better thin NeroUa (Spencer) at the finish of half a mile 57 the last 3 r in 39 I 5. Tempest ha, improved considerablv since his two races at Singapore
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  • 143 7 IN a game dominated by for--1 ward play, Singapore Cricket Club held lead to defeat Chasers on the Padang yesterday by nine points '(three tries) to six Ury and penalty.) Ground conditions put an end to attempted threequarter attacks, although an occasional gcod run was seen. Chasers
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  • 123 7 N.S.W. XI v. M.C.C. JyTEW South Wales, having lost their wicket keeper through the retirement of Stan Sismey, have chosen the young Newcastle keeper. Qssis Lambert, for the return match against the M.C.C. opening at Sydney on Dec. 30. Lambert was In the New South Wales Country Districts side which
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 60 7 KEL.N rugger at WoodSViile yesterday ended in St Andrews School defeating Anderson School rlpoh> by eight points (goal and penalty goal* to nil. Daud opened accounts for the Saints with a penalty goal in the 25th minute. In the second half. Long Putih dived over for
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  • 53 7 qiNGAPOEE Business House! K Football Association, at iti inaugural meeting yesterday, 1 1< tht> foDowinf officials: Mr. W. c. McKean (president): Mr. H .Twist (vtee-pres.) Mi. r, Oosniall <hon. sec); Mr M. Tv.:: (bon. trt-as.); Committee members Messrs. G. I> Silva, H. Wanchers, P. Micklethu.iHe and
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  • 32 7 BOY BROOKS, triple cham pion 01 the Orient, and Dave Sands. Empire middleweight champion and Australian triple champion, are scheduled to clash in Melbourne on Jan. 12. A. P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 27 7 Haw Par Swimming Pool and Tiger Swimming Club will hold an open competition on Saturday at 3 p.m. at their pool in Pasir Panjang Road.
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  • 82 7 DONNfIS Fspionsa won the Oriental featherweight championship from Thrso dei Rocari* by scoring a Afth-roand Uehn'cal knock -out in ;i scheduled tenroind bout in Manila last n»i:ht Fspionsa. weighing 1211b., floored Koojjrto I wire in the th'rd round, but it was no knockout either time. Kos■ria <123
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  • 229 7 By CHARLES BRYCE A COPY-BOOK try in the last minute won the day for Army (Singapore) at Seletar yesterday when they beat Royal Air Force (Malaya) ruzxev encounter by six points (two tries) to three (a Three points down in the first half Army
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  • 186 7 Flaming torch at Asian Games A FRAMING torch will be < an; thro: the street 01 Old a i New Delhi on March 4 i mark the opeuing o\ the first Asian Games r the yet -to-be- cons! n; ed national stadium New Delhi. i Guj: if .i i. rwnn*
    A.P.  -  186 words
  • 940 7 SECOND TEST TOMORROW From BILL BOWES Exclusive to the Free Press MELBOURNE, Thursday. T*HERE is something about the vast Melbourne arena, with its huge stands and accommodation for nearly 90,000 spectators, which definitely appeals to cricketers. This ground, venue of the second Test match beginning tomorrow, is
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  • 95 7 W. Australia snatch uin WESTERN Au«".rala their Sneffleld Sh. i match Queensl; at Perth yesterday by 19 runs. Spec, a tors saw a tl lAfl h.JI-hour when Qun land, ncamg 229 ruii> the:: d innings to were d. fur 209 15 minatei left. The t' d v H Aaitralia 257
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 31 7 T lor Derby to be run al th« I Easter Meeting has been increased to $30,000 The race is over 15 miles r Class 1 rv I.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 185 7 VCAPITOLSA r MIDNIGHT HffiSMLILER CApTive Girl SE H TIIKH.LS! SEW ADVKNTI KKS!! rtmANGI RITES IN THE i in DULY I ff 3 SHOWS j-,— T.eo p.m. -fLASH GORDON'S tRIP TO MARS" iniM-r^.ti Serial ■a i .«<»n TC3^y 11 .i i 15 i l "> ,I i n MlllflND LfI^ARR CAREY
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    • 6 7 1 CRAZY SPORTLINE Covering his goal
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  • 8 8 At B.M H. n U cember, t
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  • 20 8 H lIFFIIN K'-nr.e'h F 01 Mr «>i:d i of Si and c at u w. Pei W A tralia.
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  • 23 8 1 05 p. m I IM, Sophia r t i Pta I IF lhapd j tr v mi i v > < \n r
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  • 303 8 NEW BATTLE OPENS IN W. KOREA Reformed North army attacks TOKYO, Thursday. FIGHTING resumed along a 30-mile front in north-west Korea yesterday, breaking the 3-week lull since the Chinese counter offensive pushed the United Nations forces be'ow the 38th Parallel. TT As this danger developed. U.S. tanks and seltpropelied guns
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  303 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 SEA ROADS Twelve hours after the crest of the flood in Reno, California, waves still course through streets in the centre of town.
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  • 108 8 PRAGUE. Thurs. THE Chinese Communist del •i to the United Nations arrived in Prague last nighi where they will stay for ral davs before WOing on to Peking They would make no statement on their mission. Earlier Gen. Wu, leader of the delegation. *>aid that
    Reuter; A.P.  -  108 words
  • 26 8 General de Lattre de Tassigny, French High Commissioner and military commander In Inilo-China, said at Haiphong yesterday that Communist-menaced Hanoi will be defended.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 50 8 OIIAH REZA PAHLEVI of Iran yesterday ordered that no banquets or other celebrations be hHd in ar of his marriage to 18-year-oid Miss Soraya Esfandiari. The Shah asked that any money his subordinates were thinking of sending for such celebrations be given to the poor instead. U.P.
    50 words
  • 170 8 DARTMOOR, Wednesday. THE rustlers are out on Dartmoor— it is announced that in the last few weeks they have whisked more than a thousand sheep off lonely grazing grounds. Officials of the National Farmers' Union believe this haul represents a £10,000 profit for the rustlers or
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  • 287 8 LONDON, Wednesday. TWENTY-FOUR seamen, accused of deserting their ship, the tanker Alexia, with all their luggage when she was about to sail from Balik Papan, Dutch Borneo, were ordered to pay fines and forfeits totalling £300 at Ixbrid^e, Middlesex. The men had walked off the tanker
    287 words
  • 11 8 Marshal Josef Stalin is 71 years old today.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  11 words
  • 39 8 Closings at yesterday afternoon's session of the London Tin Exchange were: Spot— £l.2so buyers and €1.270 sellers with no business. Three months £1.095 buyers and £1,100 sellers, with business at £1.100. The turnover was 15 tons. U.P.
    U.P.  -  39 words
  • 25 8 Paul Robeson has asked the Federal District Court ID Washington to order the VS. State Department to ctop pr-'writing him going abroad. Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 27 8 The Foreign Committee of the French National Assembly yesterday voted 21 to 20 on a Communist motion not to resume diplomatic relation* with Spain.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 125 8 LONDON, Thursday. OVERNIGHT new high levels on Wall Street not only helped sentiment but encouraged some bear covering in the Stock Exchange yesterday, states Reuter's financial correspondent. Gains were widespread with gilt-erigeds oneeighth to one-quarter up, while among industrials useful improvements were shown by companies with armament
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 399 8 limes Free Press ►oi the convenience ot ad»«.rti<er» oyr Representatives at Ist Ftoor Singapore Cold cc Orchird Roid will ill adverti»emcr»M «nd m%wcr« tr >>o« numbers WNOI t MFNT THI club: Owing i m of the Club's A e for 'he veek the t r^-opered. 7' wishing to ould ry.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 13 8 HIGH TIDES Today: 8.27 a.m. 9.59 p.m. Tomorror: 9.06 a.m. 10.4fi p m.
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  • Christmas Magazine
    • 7 1 Christmas Magazine Thursday, December 21, 1 950
      7 words
    • 854 1 THE WORLD-WIDE BOND OF THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Wherever Britons have gone to the farflung corners of the earth, they have taken the 'old country's' Yuletide customs with them, even where a scorching sun and cloudless shies seem to have little in common with the 'old-fashioned 1 scenes depicted on Christmas
      854 words
    • 101 1 Ihe road to Berhlehem 1.h.1111-.l) slim 1 < u Hi uttl iTlls.ilt in, v < I isll ills I .l( I lls.ilciii of Iho < monies hiking place in the lilt*. i \\r\U\ !;n I I t h<* Christmas i alem i i B of Mar I I i i
      101 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 9 1 < Ammident Ammoniated Toothpaste b f E.OTT I COJ**^ LTD.
        9 words
      • 66 1 I IN THE OTHER PAGES Hf. STORIES P' Feels 5* letective story by Cyril Hare ZSugge 3 T by Fra -:> II r jr. .9 c/ <"■ J >* i», nth. •vampire story to E. F. B I !Be Clmr »ttk Tricfc* and be F far U y X| 7Vzr
        66 words
      • 48 1 hyt Silver, Set wiH» hifhjif quility o^^Qi Rhinestones A^ from $J4O &^\lr bW f^^^y" :nuine 4&dr DIAMOND WATCHES M Or.t Y M £r? U C^.t Wh' ind pl/itmum 5 385 5 4200 uou'tt give. wtilLptoM -Cei wi -be. Cfcrtxh, iEIPKT SERVICE *!FIIE6 SAI "16 COLLYER QUAY r u
        48 words
    • 1672 2  -  CYRIL HARE by AT CHRISTMAS tunc we gladly greet Each old familiar face. At Christmas time \ce hope to meet At th'old familiar place. Five hundred loving greetings, dear. From you to me, To welcome in the glad New
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 120 2 singapore Airport Hotel Ltd. KALLANG AIRPORT SINGAPORE For Reservations Phone 3351 CHRISTMAS EVE: Special Dinner Dance SB.uO Non Diners $300 Dancing from 9 p.m- to 1 am. BOXING NIGHT: Special Duncr Dance 57.00 Ducof i'ovn 9 p.m- to 1 amWfVV y EAR'S EVE: Soeckl Diner ft Dance $10.60 Mm Diners
        120 words
      • 278 2 c for LAUihS «OR^MF; N 2 Perfumes Uhoad i^ /rklv g o, ly 1/l s j*«« I Lau de Itourjois < *V c Cologne VtlCt fc 3 NNorth S»iavi,m Brush* J r* CosiiKtic Contour* Hair Krashes If g Cx>f frets Miilot li <ilron j Gift Sets 5 g M7ll, J
        278 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1397 3  -  Cyril Hare bv r V t I q •d tO I I char on the difl I D r I black f i I his P I I he v I she pres'i^d qui. v i noisy lining from her I A he Timothy t' 1 ?rrnr pari
      1,397 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 309 3 mm A^> I w oy out* X^MAS SEASON SALE Don't Leave and mm ,> Y>|ir Shopping till the last moment Call today without Delay BAFUtS n*tf 4 HGMORE TIllPMOin it/ Jib* I^^^- GYPSY BARON Overture l| Strauss) I^JSSS ne Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Eu« w A ARADA AND DANZA (Torrobai
        309 words
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 70 4 J Yl-(V l t 16- AC. Z 595.S fit I m ~S Obtainable from: A. v^ -w jl Ht\\ A~ -Sli^^ tJ^^^h' L^ AV So/e jDistrihuiors 1 52, CROSS ST. S'PORE Te/: 3064 6 ***** >w%r y fax's V^>^^^S^" f ff YOtf MAV£ A A^IXMASTER fe| M YOU* K/TCHE/V >
        70 words
    • Article, Illustration
      3866 5 T™ s which Bram Stokei i pal rn once and foj h national novel "Diaculd. an excellem :ample of the type, so don't read il a E. F. HENSON, the author of this story, was a son of an Archbishop of Canterbury. He wrote an enormous amount of
      3,866 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 82 5 JW rA^ WOWWH i»;7io chooses everything vUh Uu greatest care It's the tobacco that counts USffiX/ JOHN PLAYER SONS ENGLAND *WUUHIk s*/ jl- fill A ST/AiULAT,W PRtNKOFGUWiy The Ritmeester-way of burning THU MAJOR KING B^*v SELECT OF f^P JUNIOR CIGARS l^^T ONES SOLE AGENTS: TOH BROTHERS P .O. BOX MSI
        82 words
      • 251 5 pattern on aatin f W ,/V' br?«/;' hcrmered he v «cc i h tiro- Z^^S tone lily e models of KI J t Ttg IK'jHHS rerj/ compre- w^^t&^dfj&^^WM wr worth Ram. "THE DELIGHT OF SMART WOMEN" A choit t of n tzii Occasions at leading j< TRADE ENQUIRIES TO MONTOR
        251 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 235 6 I TSattet*/ Rd. 34d ftfoct. f i The House of Most Fascinating I and J Alluring Gifts I J Make Your Choice From fhe Following;- J CAMPHORWOOD CHESTS X CARVED TEAK FURNITURE X X PORCELAINWARE PEWTER WARE X x curios JEWELLERY I LAMPSHADES X t EMBROIDERED TABLE LINENS SiLK UNDERWEAR
        235 words
      • 267 6 rose <;o\\\ shop'" 1 21. STAMPOMI tOAD, Sl\«, A o|lt I• I EXCLUSIVE* 8 881^ EVENING AND COCKTAIL GOWNS FOR x'mas AND new year OWN MATERIAL HAW IP IN \M STYIB i w Special > X'MAS 4ft j Bargain J NYLON STOCKINGS. BKAbbltkhS, LINEN Anu t NAPERIES. HANDKERCHIEFS. SILK LINGERS
        267 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2068 7  -  E. F. Benson by irom Faj- 6> iog came j ibi one to -> i to 3, m j to asked. wint you first of all to in watching Jus 1 ensuring that she < ome near him. .:aally I want you to in tracking ths ■,v!i in
      2,068 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 97 7 SEWING JANOME MACHINES aBBB vrBk| jSjfiß I^EBl^a V j^HE^^^gu^fIMM^BaH^^BBBMBBBBBjAIHBj *^^^^^i ir^ttlßw BE&w?B^^Byß3teB^Bß^B^Er i^^^ ■••> y^a, E^aM^*^|^Bßj B jßh B^fet Wfo£?tff itkL" B^^ul^S 1 iiit-^i. j^^wj i». BB < li^B^^^^>JP^^» B^^K Hr^wßS BBk r44 jHHt J jJa^jiHßy ->^^MM^2£^^BiMtttlßi Bf^ Br *c| R I k^^i ■IBf Ba^B%f P i'T^ JW.» aLll wttr^M
        97 words
    • 365 8 'TO THE WOMEN OF SINGAPORE' Stop abusing Singapore women, says JANE BROWN and she proposes a toast 'Constructive criticism should be accepted but let there be an end to cheaply sensational abuse for which it is difficult to find justification. 9 IT seems to be the fashion, nowadays, to abuse
      365 words
    • 970 8  -  LORNA GRIFFITHS says THK old yaw is (1 yill g. Its life spun is nearly over hut instead of sinking into a dignified slumber nnd passing peacefully away, ii raves and protests like an old man determined not to accept the inevitable.
      970 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 138 8 I GET THE BEST CHOICE OF ij YOUR X'MAS PRESENT m SZIZi ;;j;; It:::: Please Call At ijai i EVERFAIR CO., :::j: 83. NORTH BRIDCE ROAD, SINGAPORE TEL. 4123 :::r. MR WHY SHROFPS CARPETS for x mas? AN IDEAL GIFT A THING OF UTILITY Brandt: AGENTS SHOWROOM: Branch: 139. Oatn
        138 words
      • 308 8 g^, X'ntas Qifts \/wl% for S very body j fO« fH£ LADIES: Perfumes, Cosmetics, Hair Brush* J iV«w//.v Compacts, Gift Sets, Dressing Sets, Manicure Sets. j FOR THE MEN: Gift Sets, Shaving Brushes, Hair I Brushes, Electric Razors, Travel Kits. I FOR THE CHILDREN. Kiddicraft Sensible Toys, Baby (lift i
        308 words
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 47 9 S 9W WK «K !»»f WR WR «R *2R MR W« KR P^? WR PM MR MR MR MR RK S«R PiR S% "S»iS? «3R ?>^ K« !*5« PM P9i »K *i« MR MR MR MR M0 MR M* KM i v^*J E^Tk E il^? ER^ SP' I
        47 words
    • 792 10  -  MARIAN WELLS by The calendar shows a fiveday holiday stretch affording Dad an excellent opportunity to take the family for a change somewhere. COME 50,000 Sin gapore sc h op Ichildren are slipping into holiday mood but dads will noi be free till
      792 words
    • 372 10 Average Briton will have a hard Christmas p()K the average Briton, Christmas this year will mean more austerity than lasL Behind an appearanca of luxury and plenty, rising: prices are causing a lightening of belts which must result in less lavuhly loaded tables and more utilitarian gifts. So, while shops
      372 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 101 10 —AN IDEAL GIFT FORX*MAB OVtKitAS TOBACCO CO. SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR MALACCA ♦v.v.v.% TELLY CO. v.vv-v f\ The House of most > \l !>.V Special X'mas Gifts > "l^Vi for Babies Underwear Foya *Jl Carriaftea Tricycles etc, (Inspection is Cordially Invited) 377 North Bridge Road. Singapore, Telephone: 31 35 *♦^^^%^^^^^^^^^^v.v,^^^^^ ■•^v.^v^v^^^^^v^^^^^^^^^^^'^^^♦
        101 words
    • 582 11  -  FRANCES DALE by Last minute ideas for improving the appearance of the Christmas tree and the Christmas table, as well as a glimpse at gifts that people at home will buy. are now putting finishing touches to Christmas decora* tinns. ;m<l I offer :i fVw
      582 words
    • 103 11 TIKRE'S a suggestion for making use of chestnuts as an appetisstuifing for the n. goose duck, or tur\ey you will be cooking /o- the Christmas er. 1 lb chestnuts. in each chestnut, hem l tablespoonand bake in a ■4 F. Vs. '>crn. peel off the and inner ski^s
      103 words
    • 753 11 KAY SEE finds that despite the different religions and races in this country the festival of Christ's birth brings an atmosphere of cheer and goodwill to all communities. IT'S a feeling which the festival of Christ's birth engenders in every one in Malaya. It
      753 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
    • Article, Illustration
      1227 12  -  John K. Jones The girl was a reincarnation of Cleopatra herself and I began to understand why friend Mark committed suicide. A girl like that was worth anybody's life." by ()l'R table was sandwiched between three others, all occupied. I hauled out a chair for Sylvia on the
      1,227 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 240 12 I GIFTS o7 VALUE! To Be Given F Q F j Away Im E EL- TO ALL CUSTOMERS: WITH THEIR PURCHASES China &ta£ts j 79, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 1 TEL. *****. J —4 From Ist Dec. 31st Dec. only f "SNOWHITE" CANDIPOP CANDIED POPCORN Specially Prepared 6 s Packed in
        240 words
        176 words
    • 1207 13  - The captain's eleventh lost Christmas FRANCIS ROGERS by The captain was th inking of home and Christmas when the SO. S. came. To change course would mean the el eventh time he had not been with his family for Christmas and might hazard his ship and the forty lives aboard
      1,207 words
    • 541 13  -  Jacques Puteau by PUTTING aside gloomy thoughts of internationa] tension and returning "austerity" at home, Britons art once more preparing to celebrate Christmas with all its traditional entertainments. First on tne list are, as ever, the pantomimes, that purely English form of spectacle which
      541 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 154 13 x 'Jo*' torn" Wt&s%S/ a 'MS& I I f m Ml HJi \\\m v I^l /^P fl R F U HOUR'S ..E.TELS CO'S TRADING SOCIETY r *JJXGAPORE KUALA LUMPUS PENANG DONT FORGET! size:- 00^^. Use World- fcVJQw-.- 5^ 12 IPW/1 wide famous ]i^rrr~~ l^^^,] I Ip£m*i For taking your snap-shoirs
        154 words
    • 622 14 He 'invented Father Christmas It was a reserved professor of theology who first equipped Santa Claus with a sleigh and eight reindeer and revealed how he entered locked houses by going down the chimney. BARELY one hundred years have elapsed since the first appearance of Santa Clans as we know
      622 words
    • 287 14 MANY Italians face a lean Christmas, with wine almost the only festive commodity that is hotli plentiful and cheap. The war in Korea, expenditure oi\ defence and the 5.000,000 pilgrims and tourists who have invadea Italy this Holv Year have combined to send many urices soaring
      287 words
    • 128 14 (Continued from Pagt IS) M. Barrie'j "Peter Pan" will be seen for the 46th year ar the Scale, with film star Margaret Lockwood in the name part. An old favourite, "Where the Rainbow ends" will have a new glorified production at the Stoll. At the
      128 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 160 14 f 'a PHII* I You will find them at P. H. HENDRY Jtwller 78 North Bridge Reid, Singapore. Phone: 7421 J EASOI TRADIMC CO. -7 MICH >Ttt£T S H C. A* Q% ftL:B 3 18 3 f FOR ALL THAT IS BEST f in 1 FINE BOOKS I VISIT OUR
        160 words
      • 156 14 Pedal Motor C a»t. Tn-ang Motor Car, Model 806 tQ Tri-ang Motor Car, Model 60S |!l* Tri-ang Motor Car, Model 508 2'" Tri-ang Motor Car, Mo<ftel 30i JJ? Tri-awg Motor Car. Model 30A ?,f Tri-ang Racing Car, Model X J*J-Tri-ang Station Wagon L?^" Tri-ang Tractor *?J-Tri-ang Jeep V.V.'.V.V.V.'.V $6< Other
        156 words
    • 494 15 Be clever with tricks you'll be popular JIIK oldest hobby is in a g i c, or legerdemain, sleight-of-hand, eti Since home, sweet home was commonly a cave, men have been awing and amusing each other with tricks suggesting 'he employment of siiper natural powers. All actually are the simple
      494 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 193 15 5 MESSRS. MARICAN I SONS J 74. ORCHARD ROAD 3 SINGAPORE. 9. f(J WHOLESALE RETAIL 1 NEWSAGENTS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS. V. i S V\7.r/i ft i4/i ///<•'• Customers, Patrons S$ </,W ///t- General Public, h j o^ VV/7 Merry Christmas and g if o^ Bright and Happy g WK W* 5K
        193 words
      • 177 15 "HAPPY LANDINGS' ,A^?!a/7^ FOR "XMAS ,*y/^ y4/VD THROUGHOUT THE YEARS h MW^ OVfRStAS AIRUMf^jiaTTTg) v) /< !^V^* 7^ f~$J Mm f^ U\ f( ILET SCAP C* f A MfH X%A% i§§H LUX TOLLET SOAP THE BEAUTY SOAP OF THE FILMSTARS The Fingers of a Typist... recognise perfection in the VekionJ"
        177 words
    • 1504 16  -  ERIC MITCHELL EVEN THOSE PEOPLE WHO DONT BELIEVE IN GHOSTS A3 A MATTER OF PRINCIPLE SOMETIMES HAVE BEEN FORCED TO ADMIT by LMU)M tune immemorial Christmas time tins been the traditional occasion for the telling of ghost stories Though mere are many famous Christmas
      1,504 words
    • 54 16 1! HATS goiryr- rn is a drew* act. What kind of act is for you to find out by completing the dotograph. With a pencil, start at dot 1 and draw a continuous line from &oi to dot ton** utivel \intil dot 44 is reached.
      54 words
    • 182 16  - TIPS FOR TEA TIME Frances Dale by STILL with an eye on Qhristroos. I offer these sustentions for holiday tea-tables: SARDINE ROIXS Use your scraps of Wt over paltry to make tnev savoury tea-time 'TUDor-i. Roll out the pa#try Cut" into strips two inches, and three inches long Df» the
      182 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 61 16 TIO PEPE THE WORLD'S FINEST DRY SHERRY i iwGRkJa mm Sole Agents:THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. Singapore and Branches For fine designs in interior decorations I quality furniture and high class joinery work Consult I COMFORT FURNITURE CO., ft s si 130, Victoria Street, Singapore Tel. 3597 4 f l^jjil
        61 words
    • 581 17 MARIE GOUGH SUGGESTS A VVAGONLOAD OF CHRISTMAS CHEER r\THKK hristnujs st;irtr«l Hie drop pj^H in racket A hrisimas hnve and it becom i habit *.ih cxcrxoiu' It Ms become a habit from the modest partaker oi a h iSS of port «rvj Bmfgt of Christmas
      581 words
    • 177 17  -  MARIAN WELLS by THE LIGHTS, the lights, the varied lights, Now twinkling bright and far They dance and shimmer in the night Now sink like the falling star; The harbour ships, the steamer lights. And glides the glow-worm sampan blade, But brighter yet the glaring lights. Of hawkers
      177 words
    • 484 17  -  CHING CHONG A NON-CHRISTIAN EXPLAINS by T AM nut j Christian hut there is one Christmas I will ;«lways remember fbr it helped to straighten out my life for me. Though What happened did not change my religion, it changed my outlook and brought such
      484 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 833 18 There was an old woman Who lived in a shoe; She had so many children, She didn't know what to do. WELL, I'm suit you have neyer met anyone who lived in a shoe, so, perhaps, you would like to
      833 words
    • 546 18 A NEW YEAR RESOLUTION I'VE NEVER BROKEN W. A. CLARKE says that this business of 'starting the year right' is a lot of nonsense. MANY years ago 1 started ;i new year with n single new resolution. 1 have never broken il since and it looks as though I never
      546 words
    • 61 18 Could a good cook cook goose good? Tris threw blue beans in beaten butter batter. Slick slender sdim saplings. Sleepy shorn sheep sold by sheriffs. WHAT WORD? T*HERE is an 8-letter word A which has the letters KST In the middle, in the beginning and at the end
      61 words
    • 139 18  -  Kluanger by Here's a brand new resolution I shall make on Sew Years Day. I'll attend an Institution, Where I'll learn to speak Malay. First Vll learn the verb I To Ada' Which they use for 'Have* or Be*. Then I'll look up 'Daripada' In my small dictionary.
      139 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 211 18 COME TO THE 2££=*A CRITERION BAR ESSs^ Excellent Dance Band /^t ?Vv and well Stocked Bar Drop in we are just round the corner off OXLEY ROAD ORCHARD ROAu 'Phone 7844 MUSIC ON SUNDAY 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. BUTTONS BOWS Accessories English Handbags a American Jewellery 323^: French Flowers
        211 words
      • 205 18 1 Ciiw MULLARD this X' M AS I IMullardl RADIOS I to hear the Kings s P eech Camh Model MAS/MUS. 276 Model MAS 278 2 A C /A C -D C. 2 PRICE $280/'- "•<* 40/ S Less 10% Cash. Less J0 C th 2 6 valvt. 6 waveband
        205 words
    • 653 19  - Twelfth Night marks the end BEE WICKERSON by January 6 marks the conclusion of the Christmas season. Formerly a day of feasting and drinking, it is today fast losing its popularity as a day of special rejoicing. COON it will be "Twelfth Night ni^iin and time to denude ouv houses
      653 words
    • Article, Illustration
      10 19 Thebest of Christmas and Seic Year ici.hes from Ann Blyth.
      10 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 123 19 J^ MUMM E^^m 'Cordon ftou<,e Champagne Erut' > /or /he Festive mmmav Bhi r J^jH l^ V £ki%g9> &S ■47 W LOOK p2J af r/iis ss |X'MASp k w|TH p SHOES f^d FROM fj "^yVS^C^ XHE N3TRE HOTEL I 115, Killiney Kd., Singapore: Phone 7193. Hiis Hotel, Lounge Bar :md
        123 words
      • 136 19 Good/ i I ll hHH^B^ Everybody appreciates the delightful flavour of KNUi tniS genuine Italian vermouth Whichever way IMl^ll* 1 A you drink CINZANO its always appetfs»nc ol^S^^vi alw ays refreshing, always enioyable Djn t ask tor WjSsM&fa\ Vermouth, ask for CINZANO pronounced n^jjj^^ A CHIN-ZAN-O", red or white,
        136 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 36 20 y v .^H -"jfctu. "^fc |i 0 I Iv Bai "^w%j i^m I **^-i \X Afl HoO| BSknß BEi ev^^Sl B# sesbe B^^ m |7^ S Bfli9JHßlß^B^B^c sb B^BlSb^ 3h8T38 -3 Bsjl*." SBBBfll B^^»^<^fl B^c sBI^Rf
        36 words