The Singapore Free Press, 20 December 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 163 1 WEST DECIDES ON ITS ARMY b-point plan for European defence TBS i'-\\Tl»>\ m( L «,i BRUSSELS, Wednesday. .wiiON North Atlantic Part Council yesterday completed A: that Gen r had been indthe North A I announced ti. AJI n.i 'iild be I ed into an efTec" 1 •> Amerl. Ad French
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 194 1 ST. LOUIS. Wed /UNKKXI. Dwifht l>. VI hisenhouer said yeslentof that he plans to l«Mve for Kurope around January 1 to lay the groundwork for his new job as Supreme Commander of the North Atlantic defence force. He said he would take with him Lt. -General Alfred Gruenther,
    A.P.  -  194 words
  • 147 1 BRUSSELS, Wednesday. TWF Big Three Foreign Ministers, Mr. Krnest Bevin A (Great Britain), Mr. Dean Achesou (Tinted States), and Mr. Robert Si human (France) met m Brussels immediately after the momentous sitting of the North Atlantic Council. It was latei learned they had completed and
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 70 1 1 FIFTH Christmas supplement of 20 fullsize pa?es will appear with the S n?apore Free Press tomorrow. It will include a new detective story by Cyril Hare, a vampire story by E. F. Benson, tales by some of Malaya's best known writers, and lots «>f other Christinas- reading.
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  • 77 1 HANOVER. Wed. \M7EST GERMAN Socialist T? leader. Dr. Kurt Schumacher. clung to his "no German rearmament under present conditions." m a comment on the Brussels communique of the Atlantic Pact powrrs last night The Socialist leader was speaking at a meeting of party functionaries at
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 171 1 Shanghai puts ban on dollar deals SHANGHAI transactions m Canadian and Philipk^ pine currencies have been banned Dv the Communists on the advice of the Bank of China as part of the economic counter-blockade of ihe United States. The export ban imposed by Ameri/a is being lifted to allow shipments
    U.P.  -  171 words
  • 62 1 \|R. Chen Chi-ping. Chinese Ji Ambassador to the Philippines, will confer with President Quirino today. While there was no announcement as to what the Philippines President and the Nationalist envoy would discuss, an authoritative source said it was most likely they would examine the deteriorating
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 36 1 Diploma :ic relation! between Yugoslavia and Greece were resumed yesterday with the arrival of the Greek Minister, Spyro.s Kapetanides. m Belgrade. YwsiGsJavia's envoy, Rados Jovanokk-. left for Athens on Friday. A. P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 22 1 Th* 1 us Sen yesterday •approved a bill to <-*iv<> Yugoslavia U.S $38 000.000 m ■lit relief li U.P.
    U.P.  -  22 words
  • 164 1  - I WON'T SACK ACHESON TRUMAN WASHINGTON, Wed. DRESIDENI TRUMAN said last night he "refused" to dismiss his Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Ac heson. He made the statement at a news conference when asked about the demands from Republicans m Congress for him to dismiss Mr. Acheson. Mr. "Truman said
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 87 1 Holiday papers THE Singapore bice Press 1 and The Straits Times announce the following publication arrangements for the Christmas and New Year holidays: Dec. 2."> (Christmas Day): There will be no issue of the Free Press. The Straits Times will be published. Dec. 2« (Boxing Day): The Free Press wilT
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  • 232 1 By SELKIRK PANTOX Special to The Free Press TOKYO, Wednesday. 'THE UNCANNY Christmas week stalemate on the A South-North Korean border continued last night without any Chinese Communist forces being seen anywhere near the 38th parallel. Intelligence officers at General Headquarters m Tokyo, already puzzied
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 BUS BLAZE This trollej »v s was set on fire by four Chinese youths yesterday evening U Bras Basah Road.
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  • 31 1 The U.S. Senate Banking Committee yesterday unaimously approved the nomination of Mr. Charles E. Wilson, former President of the General Electric Company. to be Director of Defence Mobilisation.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 54 1 A JEWISH migrani In the Italian >hii> Napoli tried to ■maggle Stfl American Hollars in t«» Australia by bidim them la fii» mattress, not tadwini t'»^t mattresses wrre s^nt to «oa ran tine when ship> arriTei "when W Inquired I*t<r f«r hh ma(tr«*« ha Icarot H
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 28 1 Mr. Aian Kirk, the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union. yrst<-rday reported to President Truman for the time since his return from Moscow for consultation.
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  • 61 1 Thr squadron tid one volun- •:n the nucleus ol thi Air Force, plans for the futun d< velopment ol which has been approv d by the Defence Ministry. I i Government pea Initially to train sufficient pilots In the volunteers I to man one fighter squadron.
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  • 21 1 The US (h Lerday ordered a 20 reduction m the civil! 1 of tin, beglnnin Peb I A. P.
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  • 20 1 Mr I) B Tel Aviv ,i three- week visit to Oxf >rd and Southern France. A. P.
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  • 38 1 Negotiations for the Philipnine request from the United States of U.S. $15,000,000 interim aid will be expedited, said Colonel R Allen Griffin. Far Eastern Director of the United States Economic Cooperation Administration Lerdav. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 171 1 Free Press Stall Reporter rjNE hundred and seventy live trade unions were on the Federation of Malaya Trade I'nion Registry at the end of November, 1950, and the registration of 30 trade unions one of which i federation was pending. The total membership of all
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  • 61 1 WASHINGTON. Wed. JHE Unified UN. Command has acrpp' Pd Colombia \s offer to send a battalion ot infantry to Korea, the US State Department announced yesterday. The estimated strength of) the Colombian battalion ls 1,080 men. Colombia brings to IT tvnumber of nations from whom the United
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 196 1 NEW SOVIET MISSILE BA TTLESHIP LONDON, lied.-iesd*! »J»Hfc Soviet Inion was building up a imu \»h« niv far m eyrri of Ikt normal requirements u\ defence', states Janes Fighting Ships. The authoritative annual Journ persistent reports that the Rods put n June a 35.000 to 37.000-ton I ith toy Jor
    A.P.  -  196 words
  • 115 1 First ste ps to form Specials I ice IVs-n M.tM i;. |),»i v r fkESCRIBJ U chants' were taken y«formation of the VoliniJ Special Oonstabu] gency Squad by th< Chamber of Comme Over two hundred cli ether with forms were Ktit out to D who are memberi of Chamber explaining
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  • 14 1 H abandoned o lor 40 crew m X v d-AV during U.P.
    U.P.  -  14 words
  • 18 1 Two I planes I 1 1 n them are i sing In tii* p.f ifl Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 83 1 i The 010 CAPITA' fascina ing and Rare Curios. CUM inspect our f Wonderful collection. 31 Stamford Rd., S pore I (Bo oft 3Th.tti9.jef k^hriotmao "^he tnal touch to your table at Christmas is and what a choice you have when you buj Penfolds Hock. Claret. Sauterne. Chabhs, Snerry.
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    • 52 1 'VMM!* ■^BM_f_n _-_L^ __l_r OF WORLD-WIDE REPUTE /SDi FOR AIR TRAVEL /c? Green Canvas I y^ Waterproof y^ Suitcases with j Ys Lpathe-Bmd-ng. 21" $82 5C G ,od Quality Lever Loc S 90.00 ■tweight for Air-Travel 2 SI OO.OO We shall be open until 530 p m tonight TRAVEL GOODS
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  • 616 2 THE SINGAPORE DOCTOR |F a person has tuberculosis and his sputum test and gastric test for culture are negative for acid-fast tuherculis bacilli, would it indicate that the person is not infectious to others? ci/Riors. Singapore. npUBERCULOSIS of the lungs spreads by inhalation of tuberculosis
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  • 283 2  -  J. W. TAYLOR m ITEEN hisioiians have v just observed that this year marks the bi-centenary m Britain of the modern umbrella —the sort carried by men and used primarily to keep ofl the rain. Women. however, had used feather parasols long before, and even a crude]
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  • 36 2 This noung woman bang X-myed m a United States "Multitest" Clinic was found to be tree from tubercuU and m goal health generally but she took the nise precaution and made ture.
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  • 643 2  -  Dr. Charles Hill By II r E like to blame somebody for our troubles. It may be the Government the Press, the wife, or the chap next door— out it must be somebody or somethins:. It is the same with ill-health. "I haven't been
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 i IM* IL*» vW, I 1^ A FIRST AIDi SETS B^ /pirn! Against Minor \vcident> m \o;:r Home. Factor) Office. Estate, etc Sets o»' various M/e> are complete with requisites umi'lm to the I X PactWS Act r: quirer.. I'd sufficient up to 1">«» persons. THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. 33.
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    • 263 2 <JHj^ these days? WA ft K^ lowtnbod'l.rnuunctj^m^,,^ .*Fw Jl^^ w to coufh toldt a<^ eh«« ai .^K^^ 1 Crook Hfthbwt O«. Th it conUiftc t Mi*M f«Pfipi^\ M*dic»l itort >n o.t or cap, Jt I turn m?9^^^^*^^* J^ 1 i^^M^^^^^Mf /^^o CROOKES HALIBUT Ott El DISTRIBUTORS: ThE CROOKES LABORATORIES LTO.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 46 2 Solution To Crossword No* ACBONS: 1, Turns up. 5, S'h 7 Endwae o. 9 u>£, m. Putting the «:rt tit re thr fear* 10. See 9. !3. Ten. 14. S ttwck lb H..s 17. Siic-iv town: i s, 2, Rod rurraUs. 3. S*ift. 4. Preen
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    • 151 2 New Crossword N©-. 232 CM ES ACROSS 1. 7 TVs on the n«xt page (4. 4t. 5». 8 Whips no* for an urban eu iB>. 9. Throw nut. (5). 10. Red Annie's a French nirl (B>. 12 if teasnera' association iZ). 16. Her crew ydn > of her as a
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  • 294 3 U.S. TOURISTS BEST SOURCE Helped Italian recovery LONDON, Wednesday. V >ir,KK AN tourists, with cameras and snide books at the ready, poured into Europe m recordbreaking crowds this year. And Europe loved it. The unique American personalit/ -and the Yankee dollar left everyone with a nice, warm glow. Americans who
    A.P.  -  294 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 photo Sapper J Bennet of HockJjell Kiii^ I.uton. Bedfordshire, arrives n London from Germanj after hia release by the Russians. He was aciidentlv left behind when the unlit irv »oods train, on which he wa- a mi.ird. halted m the Soviet /i»n,. early m September. Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 62 3 The Chinese Communists set up at least 14 arsenals along the Chinese Indo-China border, manufacturing small arms for Ho Chi Minn's Vietminh hordes. according to "China Union Prtws" reports published m Taipeh. The agency said these arsenals. under the supervision of Japanese technicians, are turning
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  • 91 3 HONG KONG. Wed. A NEW era of social welfare In Hong Kons; is heralded by a housing; scheme to benefit Chinese workers with low salaries. Conceived by the Hong Kong Council of Social Welfare, the project aims at an initial experimental block of flats which would
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 102 3 Military authorities m Peking recently circulated orders for the arrest of all intelligentsia and able-nodied persons having vac-illatorv or heterodox thoughts and for the execution of all collaborators with the "iierrillas. according to China Urnon Press reports published In Taipeh. The orders, which pointed to a campaign
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 112 3 BRITONS HELD IN CANTON HONG KONG Tues. rfiHREE Britons in/#i the J. crew of a Catalinia flying boat which landed near Macao on Friday, have been taken to Canton by th* 1 Chinese Communists, reports from the mainland said yesterday. Why I Hong Kong-bound aircraft landed ear the "wrona; island"
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 3 The Soviet Foreign minister, Mr. Andrei V Vishinsky (left) shakes hands with Mr. Wu Tsiu-t huan. head of the Red China delegation, after a session of the General Assembly's political committee at Lake Success. A. P. photo
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 23 3 Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit. Indian Ambassador to the United States, will visit London next month during the Prime Ministers' conference.- Reuter
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  • 187 3 NKW YORK, Wednesday. IN the midst of the shopping rush, a business 1 mystery has developed m New York (he strange case of the missing Scotch. Not just one case, but millions of Do: ties. Imports ol Scotch this year are the largest since the
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  • 47 3 A DICK m Darwin suallowed a wharf worker's 10 note and waddled off to three other ducks m the yard. The wharf worker rould not be sure which bird had the money so he gave them all the benefit of the doubt. Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 65 3 VI tmlnti forces kidnapped 32 villagers and six Vietnamese militiamen m attacks on two villages m the northern sector of the French bridgehead m the Tonking De-It a. An Army spokesman said the French had destroyed seven Vietminh training camps, an iron foundry and i cartridge factory
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 42 3 Finger caught in sink Mr. John Stokes, of Ponder'a End. England, tried to clear the drain of the kitchen sink. But the amateur plumber caught his atlie finger In the outlet. Firemen had to cut the ink away to free him. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    265 3 v :it the bidding went. West N'.rih Easl South Pan i'..,s S T ras3 l'a-S A Ail l'a->i THi two-ud was. of eawne. 1 weak t'.vo-bid uitn>duced o> Four Aces and now wiaeh managed to make four odd although he had bid only three. West* led the heart
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  • 164 3 LONDON, Wednesday the sights of London receniU was Mr. Hans Oksen, a 37-year-old Danish farmer He was spending his first holiday m Britain because of a wine bottle he picked out -n the In the bottle was a mo.ssage m English: M Wh< finds this is
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  • 52 3 HONG KONG, Moil otudents at Canton i Am-erican-endowed LSnsjnaß University have voted <> boycott all classes CO 1 by American profi the teachers make pi apology for their "Imperialistic tendencies" and pledge to commit "similar offences." The boycott urai dtadoMd m official Chinese Communist newspaper I
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  • 19 3 Turkey is to Ibnm special postage stamp m hoi' our >>f the Turkish unlti fighting m Korea.
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  • 42 3 DINERS at a fashionable Sydney iMlMraafl start.-d al well-dressed young matrons and a three-year-old Im.v at a nearhy table. The two uomni were enur«»ss»-d m fashi »n little »ov was engrossed m sailinc h:> pla^i- dm k I soup. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 40 3 ELEPHANTS ROUT TRACTORS KfY>. > run them successful. lien of the c i m firs' u-W tra' lip animal* aunv But i 1 .malt i -i a 1. to frißhlen the < to irby rivvilot I and IHlttl ft. The >ar A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 28 3 ROME 1 THE Italian heavily In doll Airand I I a parallel fall i ed on x T.irin. I doll.-: poun I Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 23 3 Shirley Temple, the 'ii'» and M. 1 irle* Black, urn «ti the Prekiden tl;c Par pany, vi *re i Dilmoti" > A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 Tntroducing THE o ive 1 1 h 'hi Manufactured m Great Britain m one of the world's most modern typewriter factories. Built to hifh precision standards with the best steels that noney can buy, it is the proud product of British materials and workmank h p. coupled with the enfineenrg
      236 words
    • 91 3 WK !«K «i« WK BK M <* M ff :^^K^/^ C S(^ Jne eu 7 china"!. ROYAL DOULTON £v>x*&U*i •WISTERIA- POTTERY EARLY MORNING SETS (1 fbewj irom FLOWER BOWI.S SU.r.d COFFEE SETS (1.1'i.-.s) from SXVIMI FRI'IT DISHES S 7.5(1 TEA SETS, iiuluilins TEAPOT JIG-VASES S 7.50 »;> pieces) omb,n.™^^-t E
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 176 3 SINGAPORE BFEBS (S™« a P° re (H|N MiUOHK) 445 p.m. Programme Summary 447 From the London 10 a m. News from Singapore; ri ls q B^ c 4 55 Compos- t IS Programmes In Malay: 1 p.m. 0{ thp week-Saint-Saens: 5.1.T Jane, Mu.c p,,v,d b H.,> %S*££™?* t S£H£?: Intyr?
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  • The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, Dec, 20, 1950.
    • 105 4 INQUIRY ade. Bencr still the CoTernn I sitting bark u» wait for a :t. but is taking pa imnu diately to dy the weakness nakedly and hurnblv rxhibi-ea iii tl. tv. i i excess, II rr c a bright to SU i an unas w. black md&y
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    • 98 4 11'. comrr. I? id on the J- N short I k In to n If cans happ :or in- 1 JI i. it pi an only vi. t lie out rttrosracie. There i a the C C. Tun thahi a Of i Mr. Blyi was t we I but
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  • 678 4  - Peacelover who Made Millions From War RALPH HEWINS By 4LFRED :-.obel, the trail iiid pallid Swedish bachelor who wns the famer of two Id wars and the heir Guy Pawkes, died a lonely and disappointed m;in on D- .-ember 10, 18°>6 It was ne who Invented dynamite, ballisand smt keless
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  • 470 4 By a Special Correspondent pHRISTMAti fur airmen ,uici airwomen In Sin^apoiv and the Federation wiL be kept In time-hoa%»ured fashion. Apart from essential key m for all nono p c r a t i o n a 1 stations there will be a break from r.fter
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  • Article, Illustration
    230 4 M«./;irl- -•>y:.i[ No. Mi m Major Tin USB**) l>lay;-d l>> (he Danish S.aie Rroa«K istin* Symphony Orchestra ifrtti Bosch). HMV DB StllS-*. glorious symphony this Composed m a matter ot v nen M at v 1 m Lmz with his newly-wed wile itheicss a finished masterpiece Moaart
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 4 Jj Ljod rest you merry, gentlemen, let nothing ;\ou di\mu\
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  • 889 4  - Music While You Waited.... PRESTO Music Topics by A VALIANT bid to give performances of the "Messiah" and "Christmas Oratorio" before Christmas has failed. Mr. Gordon van Hien and the Musical Society have had 10 surrender to circumstances and their concerts will now be held after Christmas. The new dates
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 61 4 gr t The (onncitieui ameito V i^-. CALDBECKi J Leading Wine /jBL^ Spirit Merchants JW The Far EaSt CALDBECK Mt^M^ MACGREGOR&C?L« mSM Wjj^r 7/ PHO TCL P A PHERS S> have photographed a™ f \J] captured the Irenes* of v hundreds of oH»Wr#«. [jj j -nents to take photographs A
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  • 136 5 Forgotten for three years r(> fress Staff Keportrr rTHE plight of Government 1 employees liv.. m i -narters m M R™ci. Who have Slight supplies rationed, i'it commen*e by Mr. Z, Chan B v^ »m iSrday's ing of the c Coon JT three v -hose m X quarters have
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  • 150 5 Fret fress Staff Reporter CINGAPORE volunteers who died m the defence of \ht Colony m 1942 will be remembered at the SVC. Headquarters m Beach Road tomorrow when their comrades who survived the Ocjpation hold a Volunteer War Memorial Day. All units of the SVC.
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  • 166 5 DEPUTY FOOD CONTROLLER RESIGNS POST Fr^. Press Staff Reporter ]VJR. A. D. Butler-Madden Deputy Food Controller (Prices and Supplies, has resigned from the Singapore Food Control Department m which he has worked fofour and a half years because of ill-health and dissatisfaction with his terms of service. He has not
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  • 128 5 'THERE are 30 ufternoon schools m Singapore for over-age children, 13 run by Government and 17 by Mission bodies. Ths was the reply given by Governmen: yes tS&Kf to question?&sked by Mr. Balwant S.nen m ih« Legislative Counc 1. To al enrolment m these afternoon schools
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  • 316 5 Crovt. pays out $30, 000 nVVVXnvu< Pr J S Staff (jrMvNDKKfc m Singapore prisons have found f,nn r ,7 ln (enth \f<> work since the introducior work done by them. The Legislative Council yesterday annmvoH supplementary expenditure of $30 500 to uav for prisoners work during 1950
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 5 picture. fJIATIMAH, ased five. Tan Ah Sie w aged four and Tan Watt N>o. age six. enjoying themselves at a Christmas party given for children of a Singapore Social Weifare Centre at the house of Mrs. J. 11. Strmhan yesterday. u_ Free Press
    Free Press  -  43 words
  • 233 5 Fre- Press Malay Correspondent THE immediate transfer of Mr. E. S. Tiddeman. head of the Education Department of Kedah and Perlis is demanded m a resolution passed at a meeting of representatives of "sekolah rayats' or •people's schools" m Kcdah held m Alor Star,
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  • 207 5 Free Press Staff Reporter "THE Services have made good prqriess m the release of private properties this year, the Commissioner of Lands, Mr. J. A. Harvey, told the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday. He was moving a motion for an extension, by a further 12 months, of the
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  • 199 5 ]£QUAL pay for men and women teachers is opposed by Singapore's Deputy Director of Education, Mr. R. M. Young. On this subject, he disasrees the majority report presented to the Legislative Council yesterday by ihe- Select Committee on Schemes of Service. In his minority report. Mr.
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  • 48 5 The da:ice programme by Maudrene s School of Dancing m aid of SAT. A., tchd'Hlled foi- Dec. 18, and postponed because of the curfew, will be hcia at 8.30 on Wednesday, Dec. 27. Tickets for the dostponed performance will be »O'/d for the Dec. 27 show.
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  • 98 5 'JOCKEY' IS A VENGED i WILD bO i ideral i i gardtr.i Pulast Tekong of Changi, wax re- -ay shot hy the Seletar P This anttnal. whi > 297 pound ,i len d. it 7 Mr. Chun tat, captain oj the or more than a year, :>ty had been tracki
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  • 662 5 Blythe: 'Govt. will not tolerate defiance Free Press Staff Reporter Singapore Police, the Attorney-funeral's Department and the Pres* came m for strong criticism \oUrda> w hen I Cooncillor§ spoke on the riot-. The ColoniaS Secretary. Mr. W. L. BJjrtbe, replyii 1 ran say— and I say it unequivocally— that this
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  • 114 5 Free Pr<>s StafT Koparter I jl M KIBKI) as "the mi r- thants cfTort to help the Government."' the first steps were taken yesterday m the formation of the Volunteer Special Constabulary Emergency Squad by the Singapore Chamber of Commerce. More than 200 circulars together with
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 Fresh Arrival, just m time for the CHRISTMAS F CANDIED Peels r CLAC Ginger 0 MINCE Meat M FRUIT Jam CHAS. SOUTWELLS M. S. ALLY CO. 25, Raffles Place, Singapore %ER. SHOCK- RESISr//k^y|i SWISS WATCHESIjgIE B A.iterproof l^ Super Shock Resisting ■fc^p Tropicalised
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    • 35 5 Hi i&H J,.r^ifeL ANCHOR BRAND PURf MANILA ROPE Durable Economical FOR ALL PURPOSES j Highest Breaking Strength Proved by Tests from 1854 1950 io/e Agents C. H. SLOT CO., LTD. SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR IPOH PENANG
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 41 5 MAIL Surface mail is expected In Singapore today from Jakarta and the Federation. Latest times for posting surface mail at the G.P.O. today are: noon for Djambi. Tanjong Pinang. Medan. Pakistan < parcels only > Djakarta and Sourabaya; 5.45 p.m. Coi the Federation.
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  • 828 6 S'PORE MEETING LED TO DIVORCE Wife found with R.A.F. officer Fit Press Staff Reporter LONDON, Tuesday. WIFE wno met the co-respondent while she was m a visit to Singapore m 1945 was luk'iU m a London divorce action. Mr. J Crooks, a Hurley Street surgeon, was d a d nisi
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  • 106 6 QOVERNMENT is not directly concerned m providing omnibus termini within the Municipal area. This is matter for the Municipal Commissioners, Mr Thio Chan Be* (Norn), was mid m a Government renlv tn Wstion« tabled by him m t^da^ K1 C C UncU yea committee had recently b
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  • 625 6 From BILL BOWES Exclusive to the Free Press RAILING to save the follow-on by »ix runs, the M.C.C, nevertheless, managed to make a drawn game of their fixture with an Australian XI at Sydney yesterday. Concentrating; on defence oblivious to the spectators, Dewes batted 230 minutes for
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  • 133 6 It wa.s the last chance of the bowlers to force a win. and how I could appreciate the tilings they were saving about this pitch. It was lifeless and by this time Dewes and Parkhouse althc.Kn not playing convincing cricket. had got thoroughly used to the pace. They held ;he
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  • 188 6 Durand Cup soccer '"DLUE Riband' of the Indian football, the Durand Cup tournament, was revived m Delhi on Sunday after a break of ten years. This soccer festival, the oldest competition m India, was instituted m 1388. It used to be held annually hi Simla p.nd was last played In
    G.I.I.S.  -  188 words
  • 51 6 NEW world record In the tight- w.'ight division has b^#i es ablished "at the national weis:»»: lifting tournament now In pi >•. •at Tbilias, Russia. Soviet athlete Yuri Dogmnov achieved a lift of 128. r kilograms m a f wo-h3nd jerk ro so r th" n" 1
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 35 6 T IGHI WEIGHT champion i Williams, 144 lbs., of Tr^nto:\ >cw Jersey, ye»tfrday won a unanimous decision over Rudy Cruz six pounds lighter, of Los Ance!< :i< a ten-round nun-title bou' i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 33 6 !'!!t* '^■ggv^""^^^^^^^^ga*^^^^ggS^ I L^BBBhBL^BBBBI .^^ggggft^fegSßf jSll i;iii! l r^-'.^'~rnili,^.v::m^.. l;:'iT7Tii i ??Tr jil*' 1 ■^^P^V Br JlS^^^flßr "^SSB^^BBIV St^riimuEPSAL CARS LIMI^D* j 5 J UNIVERSAL CARS LTD. SINGAPORE IPOH PENANG WEARNE BROS. LTD.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 290 6 M3ndr2k6 Exclusive to the Singapore Fret Press m MnUiyu P^ll~__ j JNAROA--MAROA-- ME OPEN I InARDA- 9 EMPTY.' TOO LATE/ f I HiOOkN BtUiNd T«f 1 f- .ijj can you H£Aft us? I_P ;ZJ -T|J_2 f OON IM I_£_^£iw_^s6 SIS^ v JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Mqlqvq
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    • 47 6 Naturally affectionate, you are reticent m shewing it and pretend tnit you are not. This is wrraf, for you will mislead others as well as br n?ing misery to yourself. When yoa wed. select someone wh§ understands this m ymtt make-up or there can be considerable unhapoiness.
      47 words
  • 166 6 VI >i KALIAN \1: |C9I tor!»detl Mil —Ist Inns Sini|t>uii b Kins 83 Mieppard r Har\ev b alker H Dewea c Walker b Kin« m C omplon c W uiker b King 11.1 r.v.uiN b Walker ;;i I'arWhi.UM' c Kurke l> .tiker liroum Hole b W.ilkrr M ffr^urr i
    166 words

  • 376 7 SPENCER' S HORSES IMPRESS Fast Times at today's gallops Krom ALLAN LEWIS PENANG, Wednesday. HORSES gaßapcd right on the inside rail on he No- raSs track, which was opened for l>t work, this morning. The track turned out tobe*er> fast Film Fan and Talkie were the first pair to make
    376 words
  • 213 7 ninDAl p Fr °m REGINALD HAYTEK jI, D form by Gilb ert Parkhouse, 25-year-old Mamorean batsman, m the M.C.C. drawn match with an Australian XI at Sydney is almost certain U) win him a place m England's team for the second His inclusion at the
    Reuter; AAP  -  213 words
  • 89 7 PENANG. Wed. THE following teams will 1 play off on Saturday, Dec. 23 at 9 a.m. m the Penang Polo Club Xmas tournament. Selangor v Penang Blues: Penang v Selangor; Penang v Penang Blues. Sunday Dec. 24 at 4.30 pm: Penang v Penang Blues; Penang v
    89 words
  • 59 7 yuUNG Chinese Amateur Weigh! Lifting Party's o'lict'-bearei Foe 1951 arty Presiden r Tan II Yice-pre>:vu .v, Leoog Kutwy I lion, secretary »i-.o ireasurer, lai Yew Cbai (re-elected); m and enp'an. Bnr CheChoon (re-elected*; commif^e members: Kong P'-k kw. <retlectedt, Lim Chec-k San (reelected) Tr.n Yit IxTip. The
    59 words
  • 57 7 l"he Royal Singapore Golf Cluu s mbcr Mixed Foursomes Competition was p'.yed on Sunday iternoon and r lilted In win fcr Col. and Mrs. C. H. Tarver «42— 8 I 33 <). Other c;rcis returned were LA. COl Mrs. N. de C. Y. Yolland ,45—n i 4 33\>>:
    57 words
  • 45 7 si Kles hadmf h XO P IK first P« slw^r Malacca wo^ien of thVsinriT 2 J h iT p on and rharli< Semr, holder wrhred t£ S V 7 rs tHple champion, seen after they a went f^*£?" om t fl Commissioner at
    45 words
  • 44 7 A USTRALIAN test bowler <rl Ray Lindwail. playing for Hurstville against Balmain. hit a tremendous sixone of four— which struck one of the stores of cars and made a big dent m it. It was his own car.
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  • 88 7 J]IGHT* American wrestlers left New York by plane yesterday for Istanbul where they will meet a Turkish team m international matches on Dec 23 The team includes John Harrison <114 lb.>, William Nelson. 1 160 lb», William Smith i 174 lb). Lowell Lange < 136 lb»,
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 115 7 MR. S. R. P. Xaidu and Mr. C. B. Tan have been iTI elected to serve on the Singapore Amateur Football Association Council by junior affiliated clubs and associations. The elections were made at a meeting held at the S.C.C. last evening. Affiliated clubs also
    115 words
  • 91 7 J.E.C. BATU PAHAT, Tues. LWGI.ISH College, Johore Bahru, beat Government Engli^n Sciiool Batu Pa hat. ,n their ani.ual Ru^by match by twelve points four t lies i to fi\e (a goao \cteiday at Bf.ta Pahai. Teck Boon scoidea an unconverted try Jot tlv OtUezc. Soon after she
    91 words
  • 54 7 THE Muslim Recreation Club, Singapore, at a meeting held recently, have ekcted the following as office-bearers for 1951. President, Mr Hyckr Ismail T^ebkhan: vice-presidents. Messrs. P. S. Mohnmed Shanff and A. M. Abu Bakar; secretary. Mr. ME. Fakii MolianiPd: sports secretary. Mr. A. S. Moharmd. Mydin; treasurer. Mr.
    54 words
  • 45 7 ANDERSONIANS TROUNCE R.I. School's hockey team kept their unbeaten record wh£n they trounced Raffles Institution six«nil on the R. I. ground this morning. They led three-nil m the first half, scorers being Sathanandan, Anuar and Harimohan. Hamzah and Sathanandan <2 netted m the second session.
    45 words
  • 49 7 rpiE V. C. Chidambaram R<nvmbrance Day Calibration Committee hare decided to hold th;s year's celebration on Dec 23. For the second titmc 'he Roy rs Sports Club will Bert U*e Indi;<n Recreation Club m a football -Mine for the Memorial Cha',.cup at Jalan Besar Stadivi that i
    49 words
  • 44 7 THE December L.O.U. c petition at Royal Sii pore Golf Club was playd on Monday afternoon and resulted m a win for Mrs. G T. Ifoffett '90-14- <c» In Silver Division and »r Mrs. C. Q. Slarkey '109-35 74) In Bronze Division.
    44 words
  • 401 7 Army fielding 2 newcomers v. R.A.F. today By CHARLES BRYCE A RMY (Singapore) me^t Royal Air Force (Malaya) today at Seletar m a rugby friendly postponed earlier m the season because of bad weather conditions. Both Army and R.A.F. are fieiriing strong teams and look forward to a keen tusslt.
    401 words
  • 57 7 Blackpool buys Alan Brown ALAN Brown. Scottish international forward was yesterday transferred from East Fife, Scottish football club, to Blackpool. English first Division club, .at a fee believed to be about £25.000. The fee is the largest paid by Blackpool for any player, the previous highest being X 11.500 for
    Reuter; A.P.  -  57 words
  • 93 7 AURENT Dauthuille, No. 1 Li French middle weight has been offered terms to fight the British middleweight title-holder. Randolph Turpin at Harringay. on Feb. 27. If he accepts, promoter Jack Solomons will ask that the middle-weight championship of Europe— for which Turpin is an official contender— be
    93 words
  • 99 7 TAN Edwards became the first batsman to*jcore a century m each innings of a first class match for West Australia when he made 105 yesterday m the Sheffield Shield game against Queensland at Perth. On Saturday be Btede l¥S. Queensland out for 289 gained
    Reuter; AAP  -  99 words
  • 34 7 Today's hockey fixture bet ween Singapore Recreation Club Ist. XI and Ceylon Sports Club Ist XI has been called off as a mark of respect to the late Inspector Alfred Retnasingam.
    34 words
  • 54 7 RUGBY: Army v R.A.F. Seleta." Anderson School (Ipoh) t St. Andrew's School. Woodsville; S.CC v Chasers, Padan^. HOCKEY: SHA k.o. tourney (2nd round) SCBC v Khalsa Assn., Si. (ieorge's Road: friendlies Anderson School (Ipoh) v Raffl'S Inst., RI grourd: Victoria Inst. (RL) v Victoria School, VS ground; KEME
    54 words
  • 310 7 VISITORS to the Festival V of Britain 1951 will find that sport has not been neglected for preliminary plans reveal that arrangements arc being made to stage events on a scale never before attempted. These Include international football matches In England with Argentina and Portugal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 /grjsbcrg OIL STOVES ECONOMY PLUS CONVENIENCE a Is a« -cc! to suit tv_ HARDEN COMPAMY fg ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE. PHONE: 3252 THE ACME AGENCIES 1 "sh to announce that they have now opened A CLEARING FORWARDING DEPARTMENT. For particulars please apply to: 50 ROBINSON ROAD. TEL 7132 j fjowi favoutiite
      67 words
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  • 23 8 l i i Jill, wife of w. ii B DAVIE On 17;h Dect:: I i 1 v X I Lumpy;: I I
    23 words
  • 10 8 MAF I i a i 9th t>c 19 >i.
    10 words
  • 7 8 A tbC t v i .ould
    7 words
  • 32 8 PARTY DEM AND American Republican leaf. demanded thai Congress discuss any major policy commitments made by the Secretary of state. Mr. Dean Acheson, at the BriiaAtlantlc Pact meeting before they became final.
    32 words
  • 302 8 U.S. FORCES HOLD ON TO HUNGNAM Bombs on Red reinforcements TOKYO, Wednesday. IWITFI) NATIONS fighters and lUht bombers screaming low over the North Korean roads yesterday hit hard at Chinese reinforcements streaming south to join the Communist assault on hard-press-ed Hungnam. Allied warships oil the east coa/ port continued to
    A.P.  -  302 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 8 SNOWY ADVANCE— American troops of 7th Division pan through a snow-covered Tillage on their way to new posi lions.
    19 words
  • 147 8 'U.S. male afraid of women' NEW YORK. Wed. A FRENCH actress and model said yesterday that one reason the American male makes a lousy lover is that women scare him. "The Frenchman is different," Miss Lise Bourdin said. "He understands women. He is bold and masterful. If he thinks a
    U.P.  -  147 words
  • 80 8 TEHERAN. Wed. EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD Soraya Esfandiari was stricken with fever yesterday a week before her scheduled marriage to the Shah of Persia. Court circles said she nad contracted typhoid shortly after her arrival m Teheran last month but recovered. It wa» feared the new attack was a
    U.P.  -  80 words
  • 56 8 Nepalese Insurgents m the east Nepal industrial city of Biratnagar yesterday arrested the Communist leaders of about 500 workers who demonstrated before the insurgent headquarters for bread and employment according to reports reaching New Delhi. The entire city is reported to bo In rebel hands, except
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 111 8 Dutch troops clash with Indonesians JAKARTA. Wed. Dutch troops In Bandoeng cm. i to barracks <>r ada iring a hour shooting party on .t Bandoeng soccer field on which resulted m live md sereral wounded. I when sian soldiers were rei free admission to the ■r mutch between Indonesian team.
    A.P.  -  111 words
  • 89 8 NEW YORK. Wed. THE fctock market closed linn with gains of trac- > to one dollar or mort. m brisk trading. The composite average reached a new 1930 high and the b- Ml. It the opening' the mar absorbed a good deal o proiit- raking and
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 346 8 Ptallg had been made for The immediate reinforcement of the Police by the Military quickly and effectively whervver and whenever necessary. The Public Relations Department had been strengfhened. Close co-ordination had been organftMd between Police. Informa:on and Executive control. Of the Press. Mr. Blythe said: If we are to
    346 words
  • 59 8 A military search party last night reached the Air India Dakota which had been missing since last Wednesday on a flight to Combatore. All 20 passengers and crew were found dead. Among them were Professor Abraham Wald and his wife < American* and Mr. and Mrs.
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 41 8 (GENERAL Wu Hsi-chuan. leader of the Chinese (omJ munist delegation to the Cnited Nations, said he departed for home yesterday: "The Chinese people will strive reso 1 1 u u people of the I'nited States for peace. A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 30 8 The Republic of South Korea yesterday published a n i n e-point comprehensive programme for the evacuation of civilian populations from military areas including Seoul. A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 82 8 SAIGON, Wed. THE French outpost at Dinh Lap. 90 miles north-east of Hunoi has withdrawn several miles to the south-east to enable French forces to defend a more suitable terrain, a French military spokesman said yesterday m Saigon. In Cochin-China French troop.; killed 26 Vietminh troops and
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 205 8 LONDON, Wednesday. THE first blow at a bis watch-smugtUng racket was struck when svelte, 36-year-old Mrs. Xoroen Leonie Ross Harbord was given a year's jail and ordered to pay £1.000 at Lewes Assize*. And 32-year-old John Stapleton Gordon, racing motorist and former Bth Army tank major,
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  • 54 8 ROY AL BABY FOR EGYPT Princess Fawsia, Bister of King Farouk of Egypt, gave birth to a daughter last night, it was announced m Cairo. Fawzia. 29-year-old former Empress of Iran, was divorced by Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlevi m 1948. In 1949 she married Ismail Cherin Bey. an army colonel
    54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 8 FOh£IGN TALK— S liah elDin Bey, Egyptian Foreign M'nister, discusses a problem with Mr. Berin, British Foreign Secretary, af the Foreign Office.
    22 words
  • 27 8 Yesterday's doting prices on the Hong Kong Money Exchange were: HKstt.lO 6.14 per U.S. dollar. HK515.40 per pound sterling. HKS3IS per tael of gold U.P.
    U.P.  -  27 words
  • 56 8 4 MINISTRIES REPLACED Czechoslovakia's Commu-nist-led government, trying for more efficient production, has decreed the creation of four new ministries and the abolition of four old ones. Ministries of Heavy Industry, Light Industry, the Buildin? Industry and the Food Industry were set up while the Ministries of Industry, Pood, Engineering and
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 19 8 Prince&g Fatimah Pahlev! •r of the Shah of P<*rski -v-ther with her husband. is arrived at TVheran.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 117 8 MARKET SLACKENS NEAR CHRISTMAS w%m LONDON, Wednesday. JMILITKAL uncertainty and the approach of the holiday restricted business m the Stock Exchange yesterday, states Reuters financial correspondent Price changes were few, small a:id showed British Government stocks fractionally irregular. Industrials were mainly <teady at overnight levels, but dollar stocks were again
    117 words
  • 99 8 CANBERRA. Wed THE Australian delegates tt the Warsaw peace congress, now stranded m London because their passpor;.s have been withdrawn, acted with full knowledge of the consequences, the Australian Immigration Minister. MiHarold Holi. said In Canberra yesterday. He said the group ai> now claiming lack of funds,
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 RIFLI ASSO- and mcii.i! ihe C V. RNBO CO. LTD i M moi S3rd O 1 I I I! lON I i r \i i >\ wwi. n I Clerk j full p.p. A< OMMOOATION Will) .-••388 4 a: P. MIS' Bl 1 INEOI S -Kit I .Pa 1 MERCANTILE
      247 words
    • 264 8 INDIGESTION f^K Relieved By -MM. DOSE V^ X^l'/llk f ThiS Famo "s Remedy VW /Mm, D n>l ICI lndl 8 c «»on o^ i /WBL y° ur meals misery L«3 I V/M£k "VAN "^V 7^r itrn^ lamouv remedy rebeves ml V^y 55^^^ DhR to-day MACLEAN BRAND ir V. STOMACh POWDER
      264 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 16 8 HIGH TIDES ;»da\ 7 15 a. in; 9.04 p.m. IU d fj»; 6 Ul'Big g HOJJOU4OX
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