The Singapore Free Press, 16 December 1950

Total Pages: 28
1 20 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 427 1 £1,250,000 for two Malay battalions LONDON, Saturday. BRITISH Government yesterday promised to consider further financial assistance to ihe Federation of Malaya in 1951, should this become necessary, in connection with the £1,250,000 it will spend to raise and equip two more battalions ot the
    Reuter  -  427 words
  • 15 1 NO ACCORD ON TREATY FOR AUSTRIA T: Dt-p led r 1 I mdon. 1 A.P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 15 1 will arr I the First Bat- s. of Is Col C A.P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 60 1 NEW YORK. Sjl. THE holding of the 1951 United Nations General Issembly in Europe was aserday when t lie Assembly appropriated US$l.--.00.000 for this purpose. The session is expected to oe held In Paris The final decision Is left to the Secre- iry-General, Mr. Trysvlr j
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 49 1 The United Nations Oen•ral Assembly temporarily 'djourned yesterday with I U business completed exrept the vital issues of Ko<nd Formosa. The President. Mr. Nasrollah Entezam of Persia, said ho could give no indication of he would be able to call Axc#mhlv into session acrain.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 52 1 The Bach Bicentenary Con- > which were to have been held on Dec. 12 and 13 will now lake place in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Jan. 3 and 4. Tickets already bought will be available on the substituted dates or the money will be
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  • 39 1 After a three-hour meeting night, the Israel-Jordan mixed armistice commission unanimously agreed to send a joint survey team to determine the location of the disputed stretch of road which caused a crisis late last month.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 117 1 HONG KONG Sat. THREE Britons, crew of a privately-owned British Catalina aircraft and the Chinese owner were saved by two Chinese gunboats off Portuguese Macao after a forced landing in the sea .yesterday. After rescuing the crew and the owner and gunboats towed the
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 33 1 The Foreign Office last night denied a published report which alleged thai the Foreign Secretary Mr. Ernest Bevin had told Labour Party colleagues that he intended quitting his post soon. A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 112 1 NEW ATTACKS ON TRUMAN FEARED WASHINGTON, Saturday. THE United States Secret Service lias information that there may be further attempts on President Truman's life, according to its chief Mr. I.E. Baugham. In a nationwi le brcadc —reminiscent oi the late President Roosevelt's fireside chats at times of national danger— Mr.
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  • 45 1 CANBERRA. Sat. TO counter a car dealing racket, the Australian customs has re-imposed controls on imports of American cars from South Africa, Hong Kong and Singapore. The demand for American cars In Australia exceeds the limited number imported under dollor restrictions. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 31 1 The Young Men's Christian Association's Christmas Carol Festival and Concert wiil start aJ 7 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. on Monday 18 December, in the V MCA Orchard Road.
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  • 27 1 Lieutenant-Colonel Tanija of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence has left the Netherlands by air for Stockholm, reportedly to purchase arms lor the Indonesian army.
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  • 62 1 TIIK IS. Congress was urged >«sterday by its Appropriations Committee, to g rant the entire $16,845.1*1 isked bv President Truman to speed up national defence. It did not cut a sinule rent from any of the extra funds requested for defence after C ninf se V(^;i;
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 24 1 Princess Patima <»f i 3 and her American husband, Vincent Hillyer, arrived In Rome last night on their way to Teheran.
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  • 61 1 The Netherlands Government yesterday conveyed their sympathy to the British Government over the *v>ts which followed the Singapore High Court's decision to return Maria Hertogh to her Pa They S instructed their Ambassador In London to express their feelings to the Bntisn Government and to request
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 16 1 Parliament adjourned yesterday for the Chrisaias recess. It wil! re-assemble on Jan. 23. Reuter
    Reuter  -  16 words
  • 215 1 Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE Police last night arrested 187 people throughout Singapore for violating the curfew and detained an additional 76 under the Emergency Regulations, it was officially announced this morning. This brings the total number of ueopie arrested since the rioting on Monday to
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  • 70 1 But Gussie was asleep TORONTO. Sat. rjISSiE Moran "stood up" Toronto's Acting Mayor, Mr. John Inncs, yesterday. The tennis star of "late panties" fame did not appear at noon at a city hall reception staued for her special benefit by Mr. Innes. "To heck with Gussie,'' spluttered Innes after almost
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 91 1 LONDON Bl THE quiet firmness w blished in the Stock Exchange earlier this week appeared to be It ,s s .stabl. yesterday as the week ended, states Renter's financial cor respondent. Early hesitancy on the ore* night fall on Wall Street was followed by widespread small
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  • 28 1 The Government of In has ordered one weeks itate mourning for the Deputy Prime Minister, Baraar Vallabhai Patel. who died in Bombay yesterday mornn
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  • 126 1 WASHINGTON, Miiurdav. DKFSIUENT Truman told the American people by P radio last night that he was prm a state f n^te n r a hSstofS^ Sony, an Appropriations %,h romm ttee "recommended yesterday that the K°Sl«be ,-iven all the add.tional funds it asked to
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 28 1 General Jean de Lai Tassi'/ny left Paris bv air terday tor Indo I take' over as the political Hlch Commissioner and mllitarv i. oilman der-ln-chlef. A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 WHAT CURFEW?— These sailers from the Hatch destroyer Ranchers now in Keppel Harboar for a refit had leave passes till mid-night. They wore surprised and disappointed to hear of the curfew "Its ruined our leave," said one!
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  • 135 1 CHINESENOT ACROSS THE PARALLEL TOKYO. > LtttnUj a REPORT by the VS. Air lon ><•> >rda\ I hat Chinese troops had attacked MM < hunt hoi\ nine miles South of the 38th Parallel, w.«- t amcll:d later. South Korean army headquarter- in Seoul h announced earlier that Communist troop.,, reiii
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 80 1 U.N. peace bid: secret talks FLUSHING 'THE net i I v nittPP I nigh in K nmlttee i With Communist China. Th he hfth General A the Chlna-Ko and P<. ished Philiopines i admitting Red <" UN Ka semblv President mlttee of thn the Assembly porarily r or a Ernest
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  • 48 1 FLUSHING MEADOW THE IpecUl .s»'v -r.-i. United Natioi I dying the i what to do about pre n In th«* Nations irmi to tmld it.s first Appointment >l the Committ<H* had !>.•■•!. i)»*ndine Asj of the l 1 <> n ly on the I
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 72 1 CHECNBKEE&CO. y a rifi^ hous« Jor Put Curios. o» jnv Dynasty Ifory Jade and Fancy Articles rt|d Embroideries, Art Blackwood Furniture .Singapore, colemah st. J^tfl. —^^H^E*3^ i i c VT% -i. w^^t^^^m Mil il IMkct ahont 1744 PilW 1710-U, Lonl AINI circum-iiiM-it.'.i tl.e uorltl and captured Sffkfc Tre^Hure to the
      72 words
    • 104 1 M FIINTER&S. GriMBERG/, Diamonds Jewellery i 67, Stamford Rd. t Lu (ourt Bldg,) S pore, 1 Telephone 7923 L /T^ XAVIER CUGAT A 7 AND HIS iJ|^C ORCHESTRA MIAMI REACH RHUMBA LOS TIMBALES .Drummer Boyl D» 85 MAMBO |AMBO ALL MY LOVE Bolero DB Z741 CUARARE 502 MORROCCO DC 50Z
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  • 3 2
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  • 852 2  -  S. C. GEORGE **By*+ MidsbipnMa \minu iin i^u* ind U:> trirnd Ken Nuake* a ornaircr recentlv relumed fTM tea are presssanged »n to a \.4\al warship at Plymouth An 'Jii'u is now an i»rdinar\ ,r.i8118 Ihr w.irslup >.tils tor :;!l.i where lhe% join a t.i t :iil
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  • 236 2 Dear Children ALL the entries to *Mast week's "'Contest for 7oung Artists" were exceedingly good. Most of vour work showed a great attention to detail with a wide range of colours to give a delightfullv fresh overall effect. I did not realise, there were so many young artists
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  • 17 2 nore nit t ich on e en a e 18 3 •M t
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  • 90 2 A leatherjaeket n^H which experts believe wmi bitten almost in half early in its life now swims around contentedly in a special tank in the aquarium at Sydney's Tarotiffa Zoo Park. Sinr^ its capture l» a local fisherman in May, 1949, this fish lias become known
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  • 396 2 Frog, toad, snake CREDDY and Warty the Jrnake and immediately froze in their true:. N frog nor the toad could move. They were so fascinated by the baleful It was like a I Both Freddy and Warty wilied themselves away. They summoned all their will power and made a mendous
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 2 r.'.o ten-pet in an Am n bous i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 ,*/> DOCTOR SAYS.... -Sir The -ENGLISH ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR SSi Slora^e space. jjj 2 Fast Freezing, silent gives nine temper \mbu. 53L* Makes 40 cubes tagßpjMaWNK* 5 Elegant cabinet with vitreous enamel food com 'i. partment. k mm g^ K ggtm^^^ mat^ asv monthly terms f^ KK^^ m can be arranged.
      176 words
    • 154 2 Id I 1 l ft "'iH J *JL i' l« iii .s, .IX4 i <-. i Sole Agents: F. E. ZUELLIG (M) L P O BOX 725 SING A I 1 B :WW Ti A Guest House m You'll love to live in... Self-contained Healthy loca- J g lity. single
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 Children 's Pictures Puzzles HERE we are m the month of December, when all boys and girls ar<> thinking about Christmas. Our puzzle to-day hides the names of four well-knoii features of a Christmas circus. When you have discovered what they are. write your solutions on a postcard i" your
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    • 13 2 Clue To Card Game S w in os— Roundabouts Horse— Cart Walrus Carpenter
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    • 73 2 CLUES ACROSS OernMn vtta w*Q —^k! 1 I word loi u [5 CIUCS DCV.N. of the D« f* j l^ I I l a -rip io __r— ~__a#~~_a^- JHB__JHI fot art'.!- ,j Pni M jjc®*i Hfc_L_-i Sullivan. ;> or .< i tance f I I fiif 17 Fish aril* a
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  • 127 3 I ONDON w.i, emptied of its teeming 1 i* millions for the new British thriller v "\,:i dayi to Noon" (coming to Sin- gaporc), it relates wfcal happens when atomic scientist disappears with an atom bomb which he has threatened to explode, t in IVestminster.
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  • 439 3 A NEW CHAPLIN FILM -By Our London £ilm correspondent and it's to be made in England n «LY j:: thing I hear, is Charli c s f make fa :> Ud "Lim rhai i 'acting I had t Stai s for fear th i at might r. grant him i
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  • 206 3 Nigel is not a Spiv VIGEL Patrick, the A^ new British screen "find" who can be .seen in "Trio*' at the Pavilion next week, is tired of being given ".spiv" roles. "i thought i had bthe 'spiv' label when I was energetic and expert Knowall in '"Trio." But once more
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  • 174 3 WITH less than two weeks to go before the unit flies to East Africa to begin Aiming Sir Michael Balcon's Technicolour production No Vultures Fly. Ealing Studios have still not found a girl to star with Anthony Steel and Harold Warrender in this story of Ivory
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  • 470 3  -  MAUREEN MALLAL says I^RIO" (a flm adaptation of three of Somerset Maugham's short stories) is a happy successor to '"Quartet" which will dc remembered by film-fans and Maugham fans as a very vet and entertaining form of screen entertainment. The throe short stories that comprise 'Trio'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 48 3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 8 Oran S^ Crove Rd.. S pore. B J anC LifCh >n 555! usa Sun I arn Sunday S '5 Ntxt Te^.rr.onv on w,-d D I** ar C33 om m Open— Mjndav, Wedr lt >4 >vs 5 30-7 pm Ju^vJa AV Weleotm* to our I
      48 words
    • 167 3 g V^J I mm^if(o^WiCfA f j V ii Jl- 1 ffissSil/ K* jewelled SO S AMJJt T yi* %^HiF v^ A J^Sw' travelling chron- V F&s&W A alarm. 3' squ in sk >i s Pi^^^^SeßßF WaterprV. 'shock Sinuapore SIU.OO JK SKf-^-" 6 proof, anti-ma n S3.V«» tic. Luminous din Is,
      167 words

  • The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY. Dec, 16, 1950.
    • 191 4 I j -E em v sen "at leasl strung Into rfect ac ion durum \ii- led events his week. This hospil Di of mob .I d ;>t and effective I lu i ors, n md i her woi Itals, not The volun- ame t SO "lv to L
      191 words
    • 145 4 j tsttrdaj the detiMon that Singapore v. as to De under curlew was hed perhaps by a I ltinued coincidence, just about one o'clock, just in Uhm lor the regular radio h tin and too late lor the early editions of the afternoon newspapers. It iv the early editions
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  • 455 4  - 21 Agents keep guard oil America's President Steffan Andrews I By ORESIDEN I TRUMAN is now probably the most heavily guarded of all the Presidents ever to occupy -he White Hou I s than 700 feet separate tfce White House from Blair House, his tempon*:; home, but two bulletproof cars
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  • 717 4  -  John P. Leacacos FOLLOWERS OF SALMI \u By BEIDOKHT Iran: rpHIS dusty, mudA walled Eastern Iranian town, which does not even appear on most standard maps, is the seat of v personage whose thousands of devout followers believe him to be the representative
    717 words
  • 857 4  -  W. G. DILDINE FRANCO'S SPAIN and TITO'S YUGOSLAVIA <*~ oA 1 O MARSHAL ilto*B Yugoslavia and Generalissimo Franco's Spain are liKe opposite les of the same vo.n in startling respects: This parados at once strikes those who h visited both Belgrade and v. Much
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  • 616 4 Talking about Singapore by Citizen ESTABLISHED CITIZENS I I^IE Estdb.islimcnts Committee of Singapore Municipal Commissioners has created a new class of people who are to be called the "established citizens of Singapore. They recommend that, in recruiting new employees, the Commissioners should give preference to such "established citizens", who should,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 28 4 ETCRNn Jj) I**2 0 c or the gifts you ii give with pride let us be your guide H (OUJH QQAy S4JKAROQE hn 8 30 j.m 5 p.m
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    • 121 4 {f%F^^ Specially Kecommended iJQftaShtJL^' fur SweeteninB the Breath and against \ffi^b Dry ness of the PASTILLES SOLS AGENTSTHE EAST ASIATIC (0. LTD. New Ansco PANDA Camera 111 r^^% ff 1 f i Good News to Photographers 1 v>^ Agfa Film Boxes Exchange for American Camtrat Woria b«| CJermiin Agta Film
      121 words

  • 278 5 BIGGER VOLUNTEER FORCE' CALL Could help in emergency T r!'vivT' P re Xoluntt tr '«>"ps, which was ..itim.i.t Vtar aK( as a liaison fop *«oM STSSJTw 1 a brW number I>f Members and bp made into a permanent supplementary force to asswt the civil authorities ,n emeJJeSthe >.S.\.K. said yesterday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 5 Vt&ck I.K.Av. \.\<i i iie nUiU of a lar^p liner puilm^ out from the ijuayside a se emfaig commonplace never fails to fascinate the younj;. This little Chinese laddie watches motionless as the P. and O. Chusan leaves Singapore for the Tnited Kingdom.
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  • 97 5 MUSIC TO DISPEL GLOOM Utru eonduci n the SiSTe Musical gSC ltled •ffthe recent h fSS I be ostrich ignore, or 2?«wful ,e public ei SUese'v.ce by pro. SSriv at Ch :e -Jl»*"l appea Sttnto corr.e to <->:.- •_-onfor Ol iOn I Irh" edient Toiitenre I vha: has I ppened
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  • 95 5 Krre Pres N Staff Reporter 4 a security measure, all *V entrances to the first floor of the Singapore Secretariat Building i M Empress Plji e h.iVf been closed t«Pt the main entrance The two staircases by the Rural Hoard Office and by the Treasury are therefore
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  • 22 5 dance organised by the Kiwi Members' League to jt held tonight at the S.V.C. Diill Hali. has been cancelled.
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  • 240 5 Free Press Staff Reporter EUROPEAN housewives, trained in nursing were J among II Singapore civilians who helped the General Hospital staff in nursing victims of the riots during the last few days. Two European civilian doctors and an Austra-. lian ship's surgeon also volunteered lor ssrvice
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  • 37 5 Mr. Wihiarn Hewitt, an executive of Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.. iSingapore. died at the General Hospital on Tuesday. He was 47. The funeral is arranged to take place on Tuesday at 4.30 p.m. at Bidadari.
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  • THIS is Singapore...
    • 314 5 Free Press Staff Reporter A LTIIOrGH there are more than 100 kinds of medical herbs in the forests of Singapore which can be bought for a >w cents, most p*opl« prefer the expensive imported This is the lamrnt of Koh Peiiß. me of the few specialists
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    • Article, Illustration
      65 5 THE oldest American in Singapore. Mr. Benjamin Franklin Mirkay. died in the General Hospital of bronchial pneumonia on Thursday. He was 94 years of ase. Mr. Mackay. who was born at Fort Hnron. Michigan. lived many years in Singapore. Karlier this year he wrote the story of his life. "Ninety
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    • 19 5 Mr. J. D. G. Morice, has been appointed to be deputy to the Comptroller of Customs, Singapore.
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    • 22 5 The band of the RA.S.C will perform at Katong Parl: on Dec. 27 from 8 15 p.m. kO 9.15 p.m.
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  • 34 5 KUALA 'I PUR VRITAIX hi' 1 give $10.0,: Malay<i to meet thi 1> O j nns for the Malay R i the m ■"■'?>/ mzSthe brought to an ena in 195i.
    34 words
  • 180 5 A PRICE of $60,000 lias been placed by the Federation Government on the head of the Secretary-General of the Central Executive Committee of the Malayan Communist Party. This is the largest of a series of rewards which the Government is prepared to pay to members of the
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  • 253 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THE Singapore Government should give urgent consideiation to the removal of the ban on the importation of pigs from Siam, importers said yesterday. With one of the Ootony'i principal suppliers cui off. the lesult has been an increase in the
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  • 73 5 Free Press Staff Reporter pOMMITTEE work by SinVj gapore Municipal Commissioners, interrupted during the four-dav riots, has resumed. The Public Utilities Committee (of which Mr. Pat Johnson is a member* met yesterday as scheduled. The Health Committee, also held I its meeting yesterday. Senior officers and
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  • 26 5 Mr. A. Gilmour. Financial Secretary, Singapore, has been appointed to act as Secretary for Economic Affairs in addition to his own dui i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 165 5 LONDON'S MAMMOTH 9 I L^S\^r I I I a 1 n j" jj/Q^ifS Pon Authorit? o;jerv can he efficiently handled This tioaunj; cnnc by the PLA which haj Bfts i)o tons at one gmspb itt own railwafs, |sjs> At the Pon of Lonrioo houses tnd dorks, al! >f it's just
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 363 6 Suggestion by him Chiian Geok Free Press Staff Reporter I SUGGESTION that the Kadminton Associan of Malaya should finance a trip by Oai Teik Hock to compete in the All-England impionships early next year has been put forward by .Mr Lim ('huan Grcok, oresidenl
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 6 Kon Newcombe. the London Welsh and former schoolboy international scrum -half, stoops to pick it up and set it away in the annual ArmyCivil Service rugby match at the Aldershot Military Stadium recently, which the soldiers won 17-nil.
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  • 80 6 rj [Cl -BEARXRB >t" Useful fof Um l foll Dr C. J Fob, Mr. Lets' Cl Mr. Lim Ti.m Lyi Mr. On§ B V vice-prea CtOO Ann. Koh Che.-- Kl I Choo. and S. 8. Alhad\ d• N T r A'i? Soon H Mr. Chua Soon Teck;
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  • 23 6 V 'T- 1^ -aurpr v 3o<dng V, v Robi: 'he man I contributed rra>t to the *i H2 19VV U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • 323 6 Free Press StafY Reporter IT'S all fate. I've been playing football on the field for ten years without a single mishap, and then I get shot while on a train". These are the words of 26-year-old Fang Tuck Choon. whose soccer career
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  • 56 6 L> A.S.C School won the Nee Soon Garrison Football kom Cup at Nee Soon yesterday bv beating Training and Transit Centr- one-nil in the final th« competition. The winning goal was jco*-ed by cpi. Wilson Lr. Col. EUU-ott gave awav the trophy, a 12-inch
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  • 195 6 Duane to stake cup and title pEORGE Duane, heavy- weight wrestling champion of the Orient, will defend his title against King Kong sometime next week, possibly Wednesday, at the Happy World arena. Duane will put also the cup he won with the title at stake. It will be Duane's first
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  • 68 6 British Boxing Board of Control has unanimously agreed to recognise the fight between Ronnie Clayton, the British and Empire featherweight champion, and Al Phillips at Nottingham on Jan. 29 as being for the titles provided it is staged under championship conditions. It is also prepared to recognise
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  • 28 6 BUGGEK: Victoria Institution (K.L.) v "»<. Joseph's Inslitution, R.I. ground. HOCKI.Y: Victoria Institution (K.1..! v Victoria School, V.S. ground. (Note: Both games will start at 4.(10 p.m.).
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 BIGGER BETTER A hundred years ha\e passed unce London'* fir* great exhibition. For some time we have beet planning to celebrate this anniversary by a Festival displaying everv aspect of British life, h particular, we are making the 1951 British Industrie! Fair an occasion for the world to see the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 90 6 M2ndrdK6 Exclusive to the Singapore Fret Press m Malaya M jjjJM DEV-CE CTEATIN& m;GM^QuWyJ BEAM OF TK?S PHQto' j I B T W^ t CL S N 0N WM/ JANE Exclusive to the Singapore tree Press m Malaya .rr^^r U--°^s^ \J^o^zWm IN Sll£NCe...lUe«..^\ a AL >- i THAT DAY I
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    • 163 6 YOUR LUCKY STAR I>ORN today, the practical and scientific side of life appeal to you most. You approach everything with an Analytical eye and want to get at basic facts immediately. You are selfconfident, which is good, since you must learn never to rely upon others for help or adv
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  • 421 7  - A BIG STADIUM IN EACH STATE' CRUSADER F.A.M. appeal to affiliates By SIZEABLE stadium in every State" is envisaged by the Football Association ot Malaya in their annual report for 1950, This i> indeed a laudable objective, but the F.A.M. have not explainer l how they propose to realise it.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 7 The Is! Bn. of the Irish Guards won the London District Inter-Unit boxing championship b v beatinjj the 3rd bn. Grenadier Guards at Chelsea Barracks. London. Col. E. 11. Gonlbnm. D.5.0., commanding the Grenadier Guards, presents the championship trophy to L/Sjjt Fcnlon. on behalf of the Irish Guards Army News
    Army News Service  -  51 words
  • 808 7  -  BILL BOWES From Special to the Free i'ress, SYDNEY. Friday. 4 CENTURY hy Test star Arthur Morris, together Y with Archer's 81, Harvey's 40 and Milter's 33 not out, put the Australian XI in a strong oosition M( inst Ihc M.C.C. in their pre-Test sarm at
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  • 59 7 A REPORT published in the Miami News says that Ezzard Charles may defend his world heavyweight title against Jersey Joe Walcott in Miami in February. Charles first won partial world recognition by beating Walcott after Joe Louis retired in 1949. Charles has agreed to a
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  • 72 7 n||{ \I.I\N M I>l IN^^ K. \r.h. r b llollie N XI A Mnrrw <* Hw b B«rrv 100 M«r\»-\ b V\.irr 4» K Millrr not oul •VRurkr not out x I \ I ..t liw -I wWts.) SSt Wirkrt falls: HO. Ml. BOUIINJi O >1 It W Uarr
    Reuter; AAP  -  72 words
  • 54 7 OECOND-ROUND fix: "res in the Singapore Hockey Association knockout tourney are: TUESDAY Dec. 19: S.C.C. v. R.N AS. S mb:uvang. on S.CC. Piciiiv Wednesday. D^ c 20: s C.R.C. Ktalaa, Khalsa Ground: University "A" v. Police Pohco Ground; Thursday, Dec 21- P.W D. Snorts Club V. SRC
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  • 66 7 PENANG. S I rn H Secretary of the Penang "Jar: C U b mat thf 10' r 1 cool for the Unlimited Sweeps |OT the four day* has passed the I/. million mork. With another week toE o before the first day and over ;wo weeks to the
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  • 131 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sa: TOMMY W.r.s «H7 lb scored a narrow points v over Golden Boy '144 Id i OTer ten three-minute round* in the main rvrnt of the boxing prpmolicn at Butot B;ntnn? Pnrk. K T.umpur. last n 4fr ht. Golden B>v wa un- have
    131 words
  • 273 7 A DECISIVE hockey victory gave Victoria Institution a good start to their Singapore tour yesterday, when they defeated Raffles Institution six nil on the R.I. ground. Raffles had a little difficulty in fielding a team and the 11 boys were not a fully representative side. This
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  • 27 7 •OLONY > compett in the an: ill-: q ir.o-niiic murl bicycle road ra^e (KvaV jumpw io j trnfcfj is bled be held otr d W picture.
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  • 276 7 Snow and frost hit U.K. sport WIDESPREAD snow and frost has badly hit week- end sporting fixtures in Britain. Rugby, both Union and League, has *•> far suffered the worst. Very few games will take place, most of them being called oil today. Important matches affected are the English and
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 117 7 THREE points only separ- the top five clubs in the English Football League Second Division, which suggest a hot end-of-the-season promotion fight. Today Manchester City may just edge Preston North End, who have not given up hope of returning to the First Division. Coventry should keep in second
    A.P.  -  117 words
  • 289 7  -  ALLAN LEWIS From PEN AN G. Sat. LOCALLY trained horses provided the fast work this morning when the outside of the second track was opened. Yesterday's heavy shower had taken the sting out of the ground and the tracks were in good condition. Haydee showed a return
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  • 283 7 Leading clubs have home engageme nts From JIM CHAMBI ;s THREE 1 wading clubs in tli- I.: I) Ea^lish Football Lt 15m %r»enal, >i i and Newcastle Unit< Ins :tt < <.m#» t< and all sh< bU irin. Arsenal will receive t Burnley, M h meet Portsniou!:i. who have Ml
    A.P.  -  283 words
  • 13 7 < kt o i r skill a n. i > M;'i.. I
    13 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 158 7 11 l c-f fc* r^u'it on jot* SBt WF^L NO W f J SHOW! NC 1 i.m. M»- P! n of rurfrw i p Ml fjISH GORDONS imp to" .4 I ffiaOTV .-:il CUSSES IBBM* o! M Lit Honour* i km \rei\ Dl Kr« lOR laaUbi 1 Mrtwi Kw»d
      158 words
    • 50 7 MS flfl ffltTaf Vv isfF m wmmm-mwmmmmmmmmmmammmw. -J 4 '*2^ SOU: AGENTS: k^J A( IION DKAMA 1IIKII>): K «>\ MILLAND LAfnAKR CARIV f i -to P FRKJWAN CART^ 1^ 0£ t < w I MIDNIGHT TONIGHT Ml SIC AI. HIT SK-CtPOBE CIV C A ft "<inAM£R 5 10a jlt it
      50 words

  • 33 8 I..\.\G- lerlte, on lih December. II Maten Home. f> re, i daui n. KDITT: At th- Ktndan.: I iu Hospital on 14 Dec. 'o >eth. wife of John M. B La son.
    33 words
  • 25 8 \-I.IM T: 'nt IS 1 i en Dr. S M |fl v mAh Lim He. -n H M >r of Mr. Mrs. of Si:
    25 words
  • 30 8 WINDLE-LAING. Or. D f Andrews Cathedral, I WBttan Maxwell Mn of R. H. C. W1 R HC J Mr. J C 1 g and Mrs. Lamg. I Mull. Scotland.
    30 words
  • 33 8 BULTEEI. all 1 5 Of i ice and I her ln- t: 18. II TECK HUAT and > for I ha a.-.d ■m Rentes on the occassjon of i death on 8.12 50
    33 words
  • 380 8  - NEWS BLACKOUT ON U.N. 'DUNKIRK' SELKIRK PANTON Press officer faces barrage irom TOKYO, Friday. GENERAL MacArthnr has clamped down a complete news blackout on Hungnam "Dunkirk" evacuation following a "major security leak." And his chief press officer. Colonel Pa. EchOiS, sanelins six-feet three Texan, put war correspondents "on their honour
    380 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 8 BEACHING THE TANKS— Ten L.S.T.s of the U.S. 7th Fleet discharge their freight on a South Korean beach where a marine division was put ashore. More than 200 ships took part.
    31 words
  • 121 8 Abandon use of A-bomb, Britons urge LONDON. Sat. THE Times published a ■r from several prominent British writers and actors urging that Britain should not associate herself 12a >f atomic weapons against people who have not I them against her. The signatories -including Dame Sybil Thorndike. actress, and Mr. Christopher
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 55 8 Dr. Hewlett Johnson -Rt d Dean'* of Canterbury, said in London that if the Americana crossed swords with Asia they would be fools— and would be smashed. He told to a 'hands ol! China" meeting that Asia had illimitable reserves of materials and manpower and he
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 32 8 Thre? persons were hinea and 2.000 rendered homeless when an hour-long fire razed down 350 huts on Green Island. Macao according to a message from the Portuguese colon v.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 8 DIAMONDS are trumps. South lerds. North and South are lin .>ix of the seven tricks any defence. South makes the club kitm then leads spade which North rolls. North cashes the hear* ten. South discarding the club three. North leads a ekib which South ruffs with the diamond
    73 words
  • 230 8 Physical culturist divorced MANCHESTER, Saturday. 4 HUSBAND told Mr. Justice Barnard at ManchesA ter Assizes that he "leaped over armchairs and other articles of furniture and twisted people's arms for exercise." Benjamin Stanley Worsley. 45, of Hawkshaw, Darwen, was a director of a family bakery business,
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  • 74 8 Flew low, hit booby trap TOKYO, Sat. a VETERAN Australian A■■ Mustang pilot flew so low in a mission over North Korea that he ran into a booby trap for ground vehicles. Geoffrey Thornton of Milrirua, Victoria, dived at 330 miles per hour to attack a target. He crashed through
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 41 8 THE title "Champion Postal Sorter of Belgium 19.">0" has been awarded to M. .lean Boel. He classified 1000 postcards in 13 different pigeon holes in 13 minutes 10 seconds or at the rate of about 75 a minute. A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 110 8 RHEE FLAYS 'OBSCENE AGGRESSION' SEOUL. Sat. THE Korean President, Mr. 1 Syngman Rhee, addressing a mass meeting in Seoul demanded that -the horror and indignation of the peaceful and still independent world be focussed m the medieval, obscene aggression of drug-sodden Chinese Red troops against our peninsula." He said: "The
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 55 8 The queen bee periodically diets to reduce her waistline, according to the Victorian Agriculture Department apiary expert, Mr. C. D. Ilton. He says that when a swarm decides to change quarters the queen bee knocks off laying e^ss and diets to become slender so that she can
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 359 8 BAJ HI ICBH ai»» of A Balbetchet, < U.K. 'Clr. I I 'BERS oi SandilancU that I n^ri for ton e (HI PA] Mrs. i M nday, t k hi en 9-12.45 aja. H d foi it naust be l :!l be ini l:?r> and Chtm Taii'i CUn i are
      359 words
    • 210 8 What do you know Hbb about ENO? /7 i^l DO YOU KNOW fflpp^^i E\O is a cooling and cß^^-H frl%hi ng drink, a gcadt y^ --*^i\ i^f^ laxad vc and "^^ct cor/|r 7 i ß\^ A rcctive for stomach and Sold in bottles for Jmlmuu > Eno's 'Fruit Salt' TA*
      210 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 272 8 >\i rxr VT'ir- rlude; 2.00 Aiuum 01 w*monv 2.30 Suing Time 1«5 Studio Melodies; 3.15 Song Time. 3 30 Tea Dar.ce; 4.00 Play "Imperial Hotel"; 5.00 Sports Hour. 6 00 Light Music; 6.30 Children's Programme; 6.45 Organ Melodies; 7 00 Time Signal and News; 7.10| The Police and the People;
      272 words
    • 140 8 New Crossword No. 229 fo fln&ii Bbß H' CLUES ROSS 1. Fighting for discarded bite? <y>; 3. Nippy economy, (5); 9. Rubbish and gold revolving bo h ways <3>: 10. Like prisoners who "go quiet" <iii: n. Reward far the runner-up <(>. 5»: H. Temporary, like a caterer's Job (11);
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  • Christmas magazine
    • 2 1 Christmas magazine
      2 words
    • 1232 1  - Long ago there was a Lamb 1 i)\ii. IK high- the w..s by S.C. GEORGE ie little Lamb heard the music of the stars and knew mething he must :and that r uld never rest until he found of the and I with a] 1 ly and Bomethe ca] the
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
        11 words
      • 58 1 IN THE OTHER PAGES j CTOR/ES- Poeii reU o/ ffte Birth "i Chriil -ft fr s/ori/ bw .4. .4 fl %J' > tmas for h Day aa Car bl/ W. A. I il 7 '> m JV C//r.'vrrvf7? Cryptic f>--.'.-^d j f# S i 77/ K run: fr, a;/.vev «ll
        58 words
        32 words
    • 345 2 could make up her mind to draw her tudong over her head, the young man had dropped nimbly in front of her on the soft sand. Fuila stood her ground like a cornered deer, with eyes cast down, her toes nervously digging into the sand. Hashim admired her
      345 words
    • 2713 2 executed such a daring jump from any coconut tree since he learned to climb them as a little lad. Thus for a few moments Hashim and Fuila stood, each waiting for the other to say something. At last Hashim spoke. "I'm sorry
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
        173 words
      • 200 2 Give iH S A Reliable Time-piece since 1848 Available at alt Leading X Watch Dealers. I 11 Sole Agents:- Z I CHUN CHONG J 53, South Bridge Road Singapore, 1 Tel. ***** t 4 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-»4.4^^ 4 44 I^^PJjl S^'on of Vicky i JPv^l has much pleasure in wishing Season,
        200 words
    • 174 3 RTiE GUGI make up he mind >r>:cl.^c> d accept a position as a chorus girl ana capitalize on her personal pulchritude or keep her secretarial i< depend on her brains for In her dilemn bethought he self of a tea-room for- 1n l ans\oer to
      174 words
    • 901 3  - THIS SANTA CLA US WAS MEMORABLE CHRISTMAS always brings with it memories of revelry and jubilation, of happy faces and laughing voices and people, and above all of Santa Claus. But the most unforgettable Santa Claus I have ever known was the one who gave hope to hundreds of frightened
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 73 3 j«SS 3«ai 5!?«5 s^& <££ W& ~&*k "#<& "ff& Wzk W* "fc& Vfek ~tfck #Q W^ Vfc 2#sS 5? JLct at P' ease b°^ e /sr e Recipient ♦AT GREATLY REDUCED PRiCES I X'MAS SEASON wf SALE 1 COTTONS SILKS <^^ SPORTS GOOD$ CHINA WARE v 7 'JH DINNER SETS
        73 words
    • 620 4  -  ||O\V dci you like lo celebrate < hiislm;»s with a lot »>i noise and revelry nr quietly with your I miiiK sri home? His Majesty, King orge js u a I]y1 y ads it In the peaceiu! surroundings of .ldringham. while violent Truman likes it best
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    • 352 4  -  KLU ANGER by JUST because I'm only eight, My Father seems to undcr-rate Any rnanliness in me. Or in my mentality. Parents are so soft these days. In so very many ways. New Year's Dav, someone let Dad in For some seats to see Allan In. Whtn I
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    • 294 4  - POST EARLY BUT BE CAREFUL UE careful before you choose a gift this Christmas fo send to your friends abroad, for, strange as it seems, you just cannot wrap up anything you like and post it. The reason is that each country's Post Office has its own list of taboos,
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1463 5 Here are more games tricks for your party Po i; (Christmas needs, it is always jdvisiblf In have in inind few games Ihnl ran Ih- enjoyed vnthiHil much pre- ,t!i and without of- disturbance „r i;inil> arrange- are useful for parties, i days 9 oth occasions a little harmless n
      1,463 words
    • 262 5 —since there Wt ;tners waiting outside who are to be called upon to ?o through the same experience. The first player tanrtoC *at down 'n a chair added to one of the lines, the Keepu of the Door admits another as pirant to royal
      262 words
    • 2105 5 Magic That You Can Do the number of which must, of course, be the same in both cases you will be able to reduce the portrait faithfully. When the best por:,ible miniature copy has teen made, it should be very carefully cut out with a small, sharp pair o! scissors,
      2,105 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 565 5 4 for ladies rot ms Perfumes Chanel Razors Cillettc V* fi < oty Roll, $fcj Kau de Hourjois Vakt V--9 Cologne Y;«rdli\ Worth Shaving Brushes g Lanvin Cosmetic Contoure Hair Brushes 5 Cof frets Millot C«r<,n Gift SeU 6 M7ll-. Manicure Sets Shaving Bowk *J; g Compacts v Hair Brushes
        565 words
    • 75 6 BACK for CHRISTMAS JOHN COLLIER has produced a short thriller that goes about its business without a wasted word. It is a fine story of terror, not without an ironic implication she saw her husband. "What are you lounging about in that filthy old thrng for? I told you to
      75 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 243 6 JEWELLERY |ff»isiaL CJ f In" St'iison's Fitirst (Ihh'uf >^r MASTERPIECES C5 V \^3 Rmzs and Brooches. J^^r j^_ Bracelets and Earrings J^&r r^\ sc with Diamonds. /^V^ \T* S-^l R'jbies. Sapphires an«* /f V !f; \\f fj]_ *f \j* MQ J 20. BATTF/?y m S'PORE. 1$ Pjl 3r J wSI
        243 words
      • 260 6 dfgdfgdfsgdsfgdsfg___ °ft V^ r **#*kt MAYNARD CO., LTD Established 1901 S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMISTS Come and see our wide range of DELIGHTFUL X'MAS GIFTS ft cosmetics from the leading houses SS of repute, compacts of many de- I ft signs, manicure sshls. travel sets S toilet needs, coffrets, dressing
        260 words
    • 2286 7  -  iT Chrisl.iKis, food usiialK presents a problem, fro you ictv |Ir timeiHMMUireri rfripes that have serviil vow so well «n the »««t, or do full experiment reck.fv. ami \r% rail new *C would suggest this vcar a compromise. :ho u t a ba aon *ng
      2,286 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 239 7 LORD CALVE RT CANADIAN WHISKY Sole Agents: MacLaine, Watson Co., (M) Ltd. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penang W As friends and companions as teachers and consolers as recreators and amusers, books are i always with us. and always ready to respond to our wants. We can take them with us in
        239 words
    • 1241 8 w^ars an engagement ring rather a good one, but the fellow was missing-believed-killed in the war, as Royle was not sorry to hear. I suppose she saw him looking at it and wondering, he seems to have fallen for her rather. And then one Sunday he came
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 343 8 I GIFTS of Y ALUEI To Be Given Ej 13 PC [m Away 1% Km Lj t TO ALL CUSTOMERS: WITH THEIR PURCHASES China CtHjfis j 79, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TEL. *****. 1 From Ist Dec. 31st Dec Special fv x h mas A i I Bargain ily I 4>LUN
        343 words
        221 words
    • 1401 9  -  pHHISTMVS EVfc lis an exciting t lim for thr children m jhc rnilfd Stales I, j s Uk iii-hl when Sfinln < l;ms is viip W »v'(l to rowe down lII^ (hiiiuicv Mid |p. ju nifts 'm the MJLWiir under I', i liristin:»s
      USIS  -  1,401 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1709 9 1 PANTOMIMES always have a Christmassy flavour although quite often it is several weeks after Christmas when we ao to see them Let's see just how much you know about them. Here are some names of pantomimes. The person who made this list knew very little about it.
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 209 9 Bl^&J^ftk 'SI ■ASa. jia atasm-'?' $B Mk flr k v m 44m 1 59R^--V W^T^^ mm mm 4As W ww X. 1 1 kin* M^. V aSo^w*. -JB^B BhP^^^^ v .^^Ka _^*^H *^m^^^ /^PfIRFUmEUR'S '/j >^\ SOLE AGENTS: r L.E. TELS C(/s TRADING SOCIETY "WIUJt SINGAPORE KUALA LI'MPIR PENAN(i t^^V
        209 words
    • 309 10  -  STEPHEN SIM by The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring ouU the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that s to be. The animals which shared their stable with Christ are often mentioned in the poems. Thomas Hardy in his "The
      309 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 109 10 —AN IDEAL GIFT FOR-i X'MAS OVERSEAS TOBACCO CO. SINGAPORE K. LUMPUR MALACCA THE MITRE HOTEL 1 l">, Kilhnev Rd., Singapore: Phone 7193. I his Hold, Lounge Bar and Restaurant, situated amongst the cool pleasantness and the peace and quiet of a delightful garden, oilers you at all times a line
        109 words
    • 134 11 GHOSTS GET ABOUT AT CHRISTMAS riIRISTMAS is the lime for ghosts and ghosl stories. In fact according to legend, lew self-res-pecting ghosts would dream <>r missing the omision. r many of them Christmas Eve is the lal event of the year. Perhaps this is because they have an immortal insi
      134 words
    • 368 11 FROM CHIN TO CHIN hat a lot of lau.dS. a team 'i on each i an oranue and r their <./. Then the next person tries U by placing it r chin w\ I, and so town the lUie. The team :e oranpe to the line first without dropping it
      368 words
    • 996 11 tY IS nearly Christmas and in many parts of Ihe world children will be hunting out Ihe largest, longest slocking they <;m Qnd !o hung up for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve d some it them, in these days of expansion, will perhaps borrow a
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 168 11 QUALITY GIFTS IN JEWELLERY AND SILVERWARE Amongst Jewellery .i:ui Silverware which is on display at our shops in Singapore, Kuala Lump P find Ipoh. One is boilli 1 f^> find exactly what lie ot she is looking i S.P.H.deSILVA 45 HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE 6 THE EMBANKMENT, KUALA LIMPI R 43
        168 words
    • 1209 12  - It was Christmas for half -a -day W. A. CLARKE IF you go to see the toys :.t Macey's Stores this rhristnu.s, voifll see the customary ti^ure there mufi'led up in the nual red robe and white beard. But it won't be Mike O'HatTerty. Maybe this will surprise you, when
      1,209 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
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      • 113 12 '^BP9k' I Kit" rai I II < Mr flwngnß I itoF._ J Si ||1 I i y, 4 EH I "''-'*Sr3W te fji _^^fcJ -*^^B f »-A CROSS BTRFET V V 1 |V SIN(.\rOKF I Sole Agents: (South East Asia) CATHAY TRADERS 32, Boat Quay Singapore Cable: "Catraders 1 Singapore.
        113 words
    • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      • 270 12 jttfl9sf 7 f i I f i W JTot* FfjKfd m mrenthese* denote the number of letters m the rcords required. ACROSS- DOWN: 1. One Place where there W& turet* be a I Landed proprietors m Scotland i 6» white Christmas (8) 2. Scene of the first Christmas (9. 2.
        270 words
    • 1475 13 THE LAYING OF GILBERT THE GHOST QNCE there lived a gho s I called Gilbert, who thought it greal fun to go ■round at night waving his arms about, mid making a fearful poise. lhat he could frighten people and |ffp them awake He liverl In a dreary old manor
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    • 376 13  -  Some Christmas Conundrums W#V, can you tell me should the milk float? I thought that at the top. we had the cream. W*at do you imagine made the coicslip? was she stepping out, to oet across the stream/ Wbat fcma of leaf grons
      376 words
    • 623 13 pERHAPS this is r your baby's first Christmas, and you want to make it just as happy as you can for him. He does not know much about it but you want to give him a good time as part of your own celebrations
      623 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 112 13 Ll\ TCIIM S( \l %f A MPW &MA$ gig LUX TOILET SOAP THE OEAOTY SOiP OF THE FILMSWS L^lSW^^^ir A\i Hi Li\ mi"- k W WgMm^mllgm^ v% m^ ft fl w l/w *i3w l\ i\ fl I #r\ I .—~^^SM^tiBl |d d LET YOUR o/^ r^ T Straits Times Rjm
        112 words
    • 1209 14  -  Tessie Tan fjHRISTMAS came once a year but pretty Jenny Lee, pushing her ruffled hair out of her eyes with a work-harden-ed hand whose whiteness had once caused many a suitor to go into raptures, wished that it came every ten years. As she swept the
      A.P.  -  1,209 words
    • 405 14 Hats came off when the Yule log passed fN THIS age of electricity and gas fires the Yule log linds little place. No doubt in some of the older country houses and villages in England some sort of a log throws its flames and sparks chiihneywards at Christmastime, but the
      405 words
    • 551 14 OO ancient are some of our most popular Christmas carols that no one knows who wrote some of them. No one has ever been able to trace the authors of 'The First Nowell," "A Virgin Most Pure," or "Joseph Was An Old Man" yet, strangely
      551 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 225 14 v<\c G. E' C B RADIO 6 VALVE PRICE $275 MONTHLY PAYMENTS $24 m a m m PkM^ SOUTH ASIA TRADING COMPANY 339. VICTORIA STRetf (trnWAJHB 9TmrS Sl»9A*»*l T€l 82W* "'"""I IDEAL I TfI&SJS* CHRISTMAS. j GIVE cTTmm»iimw,,» THIS YEAR. t Automatic iron. No. 5 (AC.) $19.00 t (AC/DC) $20.00
        225 words
    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 68 14 CROSSWORD SOLUTION ACROSS: 1. Labrador. 5. Stable. 10. In the night watch. 11. Dallioi 12. Drink in, 13. Cheer on, 14. Prince, 17. Ermine.. 19. Pon.ohog. 23. Lifts "P. 24. Overeat, 25. You never can toll. 25. Drafts, 27. Green-fly. DOWN: I. Lairds. 2. Bethlehem of Juda. 3. Adeline, A.
        68 words
    • 762 15  -  by MARIAN WELLS are two little contrasting world* on Singapoie Island where children grow and the shrewd, cunning, sordid world of Chinatown, and the simple, hard-working world o! the rural squatter. In one there exists the dark cubicle, the rickety flight of stairs, the crowded tenements. and
      762 words
    • Article, Illustration
      13 15 Cho"»y>in£ up 100 for f!r* fe«6?nji the ehlck«»a. p 'i It tIM dilate
      13 words
    • Article, Illustration
      0 15
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    • Article, Illustration
      25 15 Two s^aatter lassies rolled tru !uso;ui k> i>ed th^ fir*' beneath the huge cm! irhicll contains the p'?s* food for the day. Busy ai i'i >
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 193 15 m The J^ittle ;:::j MARION CRAWFORD The inttmalc slory <»! Hill H. R. H. Princess Klizabeth. and H. R. H. Princess Margaret from their childhood to the birth of •:j:j Prince Charles. With seven colour plates and I I 5 photographs. CT C/J 1 KELLY WALSH LTD. jj::j RAFFLES PLACE
        193 words
    • 1289 16 "I should hope not, answered Mouldy. "I've been digging for you for two hours. I've made a tunnel big enough for you to crawl along. There is only a huge great snowdrift round your house. My tunnel comes into the open by the fieldpath. Come along.
      1,289 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 211 16 I PORTABLE ELErfmFfOOL5 Btnch Cinder 6" J«d 8" i' H.jvy Dufy Drill u\\ n jniftif f Kit $o/e A9enfs ?•*<! M ***** •I•JH H j*-4 d i 1 1 1 1 ii J J^S ki i 4 WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED R^e^a,^. DONT FORGET! For taking your snap-shorts every weekend during
        211 words
    • 1089 17  -  JEAN GRAHAM Al.OVi time ago, in tlie Miickile of f |oiW in Kussi:i, lived a poor ttxxiuun and his family TWf were so poor that they could byrelv afford enough to eat. much less buy auv luxuries \nd so. when Christxnas came round, and
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 481 17 i^ PIANO MUSIC *fc t OPERA H Chopin. .Nocturnes (DB 8316/21) Tr TinnTTnnrs TT n V ATT f^T\ 7T"» A^ Uoncavall*. Pagl. ace.— (De 7760/8) M —Rub.nste.n AooLJKhL) ljT YUU Ol VL Opera Company and Orchestra of kP Schubert Impromptus iDB 8524/9) J^' U Mil^ g? > _F,scher T^l Maicafwi.
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    • Page 17 Miscellaneous
      • 544 17 CURLEY'S CHRISTMAS EVE /^^M& o^m^^ ■■■■■>. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I I O.« (W.M, E«e o« Pig mi «li. fcj tW^M, jjr f-kr .U^ A. C^y W« «U Um»i Wk» C«t* ,«He M r 4 t t IA 5 m D V; V to ulf C 1 know the paxxße-l^W hall mU. su.t w*.
        544 words
    • 97 18 My first is in candle but never in light. My second's in mom shine and also in ligfit. My third uou will find in oranpe or pear. My fourth is a pronoiin, found in fair. My fifth ?nakes plurals, for instance, eyes. My sixth is in mincemeat
      97 words
    • 81 18 }^lIEN Anne went out in her yard to play in the snow, she found a surprising visitor. What do you suppose it icas? To zee the same sight, start with a pencil at dot 1. Draw a continuous line from dot to dot consecutively until you
      81 words
    • Article, Illustration
      404 18  -  Kedlhleen Hickley Old King Cole was a merry old soul, And a merry old soul rvas he. He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl And he called for his fiddlers three. everyone turned round to see who was coming in. Nothing at all
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 202 18 i shop mA COMFORT J SATISFACTION h A I rn i r The House for Good Shoes 3 41, STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE. r TEL. ***** < S wirA^^L •ooooooo*oooooooooo Festivities ADELPHI HOTEL joooooooo **********000 X'MAS SPECIAL XMAS DINNER DANCE EVE in f j, e ma j n Dininf Room and
        202 words
      • 101 18 WS WORLD'S Ft NEST DRY SHERRY WgmEgK/fLi zB ffiJMrrr Sole Agents.'THE EASTERN AGENCIES (1946) LTD. Singapore and Branches COME TO THE CRITERION BAR <J]|| Excellent Dance Band s and we// S/oclccd Bar Drop in we are just round the corner ort OXLEY ROAD ORCHARD ROA** 'Phone 7844 MUSIC ON SUNDAY
        101 words
    • 1337 19 Necessity was the mother of pantomime lias heen s;n'd often enough that necessity is the mother of invention. Few people, however, \\ould say that of the origin of the modern pantomime And yet it seems to have been very much the case with the production that theatrical historians accept as
      1,337 words
    • 102 19 IF YOU sort out the qr.mpt of jumbled lettert you will find that the* spell alt sorts of pood thinos we Mf at Christmas. See horn \ono it takes you to rearrange the letters. To help von. a little, the fir%t letter ot each group is the first
      102 words
    • 231 19 And now for the sports fan Ul.hh lit some not t<><> dilßrtilt questions 1» bf ;n. swemi iH J i i Ihc Christmas iinnci Score 10 for answer, and fU> if pi ly right. I.VI pointvery good. </ Who is I i*. pion )<Kkey? (2> What is the WUk record
      231 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 281 19 COMPLETE RANGE w f LARGEST STOCK j 6/AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. $tj§§h 109 North Bridge Rd.S pore Phone 6589 Cel>'hnite t CHRISTMAS VflA Something Different C^mime Riiirtafel, Curry Rice. Nasi Corcng. Cado Cado. 1 Chendol. Saray SATURDAY and SUNDAY: A Complete lonron* Party wirk Chicken various SjmbaLins NASI BRYANI with
        281 words
      • 39 19 I MASTER PIECE I I Refrigerators I <££<&■,■■% t*^-^ m p > a t ;--M 1 t w»»»* L I i IF V»^ B Mat No. K-214 (2 col) I MODEL I M I AMERICA'S MOST COPIED REFRIGERATOR \SZoR^TH^AS^\SI/mC^ CO.. Lm/
        39 words
    • Page 19 Miscellaneous
      • 87 19 Answers to sports quiz ll) Gordon Richards. •2) 141.47 m.p.h. by late Sir Malcolm Campb* 11 in 1935. ilij Richard Bergman < 4; The Jack. (S» 147. <6> Holland (7t Reg Harris (Great Brit&in) (9» Mauricr Tlllet. (9) D. Williams ilO) Denis Charlei Scott C :«!npton. *1 1 j» Arsenal.
        87 words
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