The Singapore Free Press, 15 December 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 20 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA pft I«^> SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1950. VHU'b II I IS.
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  • 688 1 Accord with China essential LONDON, Friday. yHE Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, said yesterday that the military position in Korea has considerably improved in the last few days. But Mr. Attlee warned thai Failure to lind a settlement with Communist China over Korea would result in the
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  • 44 1 Pr I Np indent .DO.. IB [Cor nuns Mr. Woodrow C S the s Griffiths, I import nroI nded to I he was \t A n our will I rked Lumpur n proposed which at this ■ooent could r in I
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  • 55 1 LONDON. Fri. DURING th debati on the .in the loose of Gomm t-rduy. t Mr. t irell was ask:ied rity |Ofr: ■ews about I I Mr \Y Deed- I iConJ i thrrf ne I news aboQi troops in K nd in Mr. Sh:nv. .\i to i
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  • 70 1 riIHK Commissioner-! ienJ. eral. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, flew to Kuching this morning to attend a conference with the Governors of North Borneo and Sarawak. He was accompanied by Mr. William Addis, the the Deputy CommissionerGeneral for Colonial Affairs. Mr. MacDonald will return to Singapore next week and
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  • 71 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. BANDITS who were se^n approaching a squuVr" area in the Orik district of Perak on Wednesday were engaged by special con- i stables in a clash which last- j od for ten minutes. The bandits withdrew There were no casualties. Four Chinese were arrested
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  • 391 1 CHURCHILL WANTS SECRET SESSION LONDON, Friday. "THE suggestion that the atomic bomb rould not be used until it had been employed by an aggressor was "undoubtedly silly" and was a resolve that could bring war nearer,' said Mr. Winston Churchill yesterday In the House of Commons. He spoke immediately after
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  • 108 1 HOLLYWOOD, Fri. 'THE film actress, Elizabeth Taylor, said yesterday In Hollywood that she will file a divorce to end her marriage to wealthy Mr. Nick Hilton. The announcement came a week after the actress moved out of her home and went home to her mother. "I
    U.P.  -  108 words
  • 43 1 Governor Thomas E. Dewey of N.-w York yesterday ui the United States to call out a lull national guard tomorrow morning/ 1 and r very American over 1 < for national service In an iil-out" economic and miliIs in deadly :m- U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 23 1 The International Ti ind Industry Ministn •on witn the SCAP for the purchase ol American liberty ship.-, to honril. .:">-.-' Import.
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  • 69 1 mil L'.S st;itc Department yesterdaj d ribed as a 1 naked lie" Ihe Mosrow cUrtm tint the I nl *f and Japan hare taken Ihe first step, to rebuild Ihe J:lI) Tli7'sLitr V i)('P;irtnient said that the Bed prupa; md.t machine k possibly preparing the waj to
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 24 1 Tiv annu I I me oi the Si r Utf lurch Sun:r. School which was to have been hold tomorrow ha*
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 1 SKIPPER'S AWAlitt— K tain Broch. Itoyal Navy, commanding officer of the i' been .awarded the U.S. Bronze Star for navigating his ship through hostile waters to bombard enemy installations at Inchon and Wolmi-do.
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  • 51 1 Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. 4 EUROPEAN estate man- a^er and two special constables with him were wounded when bandits attacked their station wagon near Sosamat. Johore. yesterday. They managed to craw, into a swamp where they hid. The station wagon was
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  • 439 1 'GET RID OF DETAINEES Fre* Press Correspondent LONDON, Friday. PHINESE detainees in Malaya must be got out of the country even if they have to be landed En South China, Air Commodore A. V. Harvey, Conservative M.P., told the Royal Empire Socirty yesterd v Give them a week's rations and
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  • 27 1 An employee of the Shell Company at Shaikh in British Somaliland states that oil has been found at I Anod near the Somali frontier U.P.
    U.P.  -  27 words
  • 45 1 SIXTY-SIX persons were arrested for breach of curfew last night and 104 were detained under the Emergency Regulations during screening operations throughout the island. This brings the total number of arrests since the riots to 884, of whom 42 have been released.
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  • 37 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. Omar Bradly ij called a special meeting of his joint Chiefs of Staff \f\storday and invited General Eisenhower, who is to become supreme commander of the unified Western European defence forces.
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  • 105 1 LONDON, hriday. >[EWSPAPER reports from British correspondents in Korea have quoted British ofliceis as saying that there had been no enemy contact for more than a week and they could not understand how reports of large Red concentrations could be confnmed without such contact There was
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  • 283 1 TRAFFIC ROLLS AGAIN IN AFFFCTED AREAS Free Press Staff Reporter* WITH TROOPS removed from guarding the approaches to IVach Road where they had been stationed since Tuesday morning thi> area saw a heavy flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic this morninu M office workers came into town from (ieylang and
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  • 33 1 AMSTERDAM THE KLM plane br.. 13-war-oM Maria i landed at under some 4.000 Dutch people 80 Dutch and for 60 pi Maria d ended I I by 1 A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 74 1 TOKYO j AN expanding foree >( 100.U0 Chinese R< imperilled ih<* shrink Allied beachhead in northKorea yesterday. Browing numberi <n Rus-sian-ma ed tm north-i Korea, indiraiiii" thl Commun gtfl in an all-ou' air I Only one .sharp pairol action wa.s reported frooi ground A field
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 42 1 Ri th's tu daushti 6. and Princes/? Yasmin, i rived at G< ni°ht with their live goveni' winter in a chalet rented Rita's husband, Prim Khan I Africa, where th» ■i •<) h in a car a< week A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 20 1 A 10 per cent, price incr f<>r certain electric batto and parts In th wiiv, announced yesterday.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 11 1 Buick m< from US$45 to tier than t! A.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 iMnuMauß»s RESALE V RETAIL T7rORCHARP RD.S'POpT Advanced Medical Science puts m a Class tby Itself dW.flk or the Ihl eliefof Pain Lj^^^l-j SCIATICA I ERIODIC the si <>n iml ta u a k J 4 we tim^ i A to or tn *i rfort aaicn Ai.t»on l A V. ANDBR
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    • 48 1 Singapore Restaurant} j and BAR J Btm Bjuata Kd Singapore oe'^een North Bridge Homi ano I I Victor* Street fe'e No 4',Bb Hot and Cold Ormkt European Food prepared by out A1 Cooks Special Wedding Cake* Chmcti Chow» CHow oui speciality a!«.ivs availaDlt ttlristinat timr for Tinrr' A
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  • 453 2  - THIS is CHIC IRIS ASHLEY says WOMEN at Work who Will have the dickens of a lot of waJking to do. and whose clothes must therefore be designed for comfort in action, will be the guides, supervisors. and interpreters on the staff of the Ival of Britain Exhibition. The organisers
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  • 381 2  -  C.V.R, Thompson By NEW YORK: IN Wilmington, a city famous foi nylons, the milkman will deliver a cardboard box instead of the usual bottle tomorrow morning. Inside the box will be a third of a quart of a liquid looking like cream, and some instructions
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  • 101 2 YOU want to make some ■1 Coconut Ice? Get lib. loaf sugar, 4oz. desiccated coconut. 1 gill milk, a f«w drops cochineal. Method: Place sugar and milk together in a thick small pan over a low heal Liquefy the sugar before boiling. Bring to the boil and stir
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  • 218 2  - Mrs. Roosevelt, T. V. Star EAY MURRAY THE first time Mrs. Rooseveli wrote a radio script >he got a rejection slio. Back it came with a oolite note requesting her to rewrite it in language people couid understand. That was years ago, when Frankl'n D. was still governor of New
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 VICTORIA THEATRE Dec 18th, 19th and 20th at 8.30. P.M. Maudrtnt J Dance Programme Cuest Artiste. Hovita Anciano. Gross Proceeds to S. A. T. A. P.oi.k noic at Robinsons By Courresy of Madeline. n n$ a lot of charm '^'''l^V iH ~''^^''£#NW nils the world flm I y■' a 1
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    • 116 2 SMOOTHER f CAMAY S Vli OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN M" fe r "^r S^^ T-ik *^**t f t sow <*f€n*4 A^K<HEES%i'^B iMMPOMff PIMMM v '^v\ s v\\v v Pickcn Dedicated a^l '^b®k f0 a women w>lo GET YOUR COPY TODAY AT YOUR i|pPg LOCAL SHOP s ONIY S/2.50 > 272 pages,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 278 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR jDORN today, your deepest interests lie in the intellectual things of life. You read extensively and your mind is quick to pick up all kinds of knowledge. You also have the talent for being able to impart it to others. Consequently, you might make a gifted, even
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    • 124 2 New Crossword Mo. 228 I_^ i -i L I i^ I CLUBS II ROSS I. Herbal fellow (5). 4. Semi-.^.p; k -.< f 7. 7\. and the plot b discovered (3 2>. 8 The Uuro's shuffled (5 I I.uilaby description of bees in Clover? (5, 3 3). ii. Money bill?
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  • 274 3 Services in last war HOME, Friday. J^M'ilirs of Malta, whose crusading predecessors k Wielded swords to guard Christian 'shrines of the Holy Land, today devote themselves to the peaceful task of aiding the sick and needy. Their activities, though little known by the public in g-neral, have been
    A.P.  -  274 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 3 photo. Kin* Paul »l QffUCl salutes as he inspects the Greek battalion offered for service with I nited Nations forces in Korea. A. P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 64 3 Wheat lumpers In New South Wales are earning between £A5O and KA'li) a week. A lumper who ran stack 3.000 bags a day 13 earning 4-100 a week. There are only 2.000 lumpers in the whole nf New South Wales. The work is skilled,
    U.P  -  64 words
  • 31 3 Drunkenness is out of fashion in Britain. Only 1.775 men were tak?:~i to prison in 1948 for having had a glass too much compared with 37.033 in 1913. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 229 3 HONG KONG, rriday. \T. red-faced Chinese who lived 1,700 years ago gets I lot ti credit for the excellent results beins achieved b\ Hon? Kong's detective force. He was Kwan Kun«. patron saint of Chinese ind erstwhile sod of war, whose portrait hum in viruiahy
    U.P.  -  229 words
  • 117 3 Oil thirst helps British shipbuilding DHITISH shipbuilding yards wave of ause of the tor oil. re has been a big jump Vr of tankers •he end of September tanker tonnage under in Great Brilern It ::d of 1953. The figure is probably qd by more than 500.000 tons today. he
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  • 65 3 MANILA. Fri. IIANILA hv> a problem dot a ige. And the P are blaming import his s are asking is there a monln the If so. they let it o* theii hands i^f wagon etching stray dos:s has down and it won't otto make its regular
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 56 3 THREAT LETTEH FOR S ALE President Traman'j Jp'tei threatening to b?at up a music critic who criticised Miss Margaret Truman's singIns mav be sold for charity, recipient, Mr Paul Hume, said. He disclosed thai he dim sell the letter— on which a hr-h cash mine Is already Inland to aid
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 28 3 The U.S. Defence Minerals Administration reports that i producers and consumers of manganese have agreed to a plan for government control I of company stocks. A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • Article, Illustration
    256 3 > lollowing d> i^ret *«>e tur «\s »L was hich di'cidT~ 'ti Championnd in favour ol i E I ros. r r if their N n i Nort. All Pi prrsenUng Enuland and SwedenIrcl'nd in thf World ChampiOiiship at Bermuda recently, were the Asking Bids pl.!yed by Um
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  • 111 3 LONDON. Fri. DRUMAS. home-bred polar bear, who, as number one attraction at the London Zoo. has kept turnstiles clicking this year to the tune of thousands of pounds sterling, is celebrating her first birthday. Already i f t s and cards are pouring in. Zoo
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 59 3 'LIVELONG' ANTIPATHY Mr. George Bernard Shaw grew his beard and showed •lifelong antipathy" to the medical profession because he had a severe smairpox attack which marred his face atter vaccination, the Medical Press said. In a leading article on the playwright, the paper described him as "a great and i»ood
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 59 3 Jim Purnell. a railway worker, who once claimed to have the loudest voice in England, died at Trowbridge. England, aged 80. It was said that his voice could be heard two miies away when shouting instructions When a mile from home he would call: "Mother.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 47 3 At the request of the French Legation in Ceylon. the Secretary of the Imperial War Graves Commission has arranged tor bodies of French war personnel interred in Ceylon to be exhumed from the various service cemeter lea in the country for shipment to France.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 41 3 Mrs. B. Lei°h Colyin, President of the American Women's Christian Temperance Union has called on the United Nations to bp.n drinking at its Lake Success and Flushing Meadows headquarters in the Interest of "sober and sincere diplomacy/* Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 26 3 A new loader which does the work of 270 men or four machines will be used for the first time in building power.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 68 3 NEW YORK, Fri. •'THE United States cannot win a war against China," Senator Wayne Morse, a Republican from Oregon and member of the Armed Forces Committee, said. He said that even if there were military victory, "it would bankrupt us over the years to occupy
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 290 3 Bethlehem is unforgettable JERUSALEM, i riday. r |"HE road that leads from Jerusalem to Hethiehcm I. the road that probably Mary and Joseph trod is no longer the same and another year or two may pass before it regains its old appearance. A pre-Christmas pilgrimage alon« the road which thousands
    A.P.  -  290 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 photo. Women traffic police take pan in a 'peace mirch" by 2,000 Soviet sector police in hast Berlin. The man hers who sin? anti-American sonjjs and carry Cierman and Communist flags, outnumber the spectators. A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 186 3 Keeping the old at work NEH YOKK, Friday. A NEW step to help older workers stav productive and healthy, and to keep working it they wish, was announced by the American Geriatrics Society. The Society is composed ot physicians who treat diseases of old age, and conduct research on ageing.
    A.P.  -  186 words
  • 30 3 Doctors have dls< rvered a way to salvage human bo<ne from amputated arm* and le^s and store it In a 'hone bank" for us3 on other patients. A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 84 3 AU SSIES 'TOUCH AND READY' Sixty-four Australian arm.v personnel who were in Bong Kong on their way to join United Nations forces in Korea have been described by one of their party as "tough and ready for a scrap The description ramp from Corporal R. H McDonald. Of Melbourne, in
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 16 3 INVENTOR SAVES A CAREER the T:. Mr old rj(in I i it platform bv Mr. You:
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  • 55 3 A new type of <i POW4 built for I Spsin by the Fiat t orl W<nks. i.s und Us in Turin lialy. cylinder hortMftUU dk tines, wih nave a normal .speed ol 95 kiln' hour and a top speed nt K.P.H Each coach Is d < d
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 23 3 Japan hopes to be self-sup-porting by 1953. Mr Hi Sudo, Chief of the Eron< B i. s ltd m Tokvo Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 145 3 .^B^Bae^ Jtf9 Bv v a^B B^paßj Bk-sh^^ "a -f jh3jHß SW imfiffliMifrfiwi- -r V Bk^ Mfer 7> SSBBV^B^r fr j ''-^^g&l y^^^ttt^^* •h S^ > „> jaggg"^ r*f J^ a^ < '«w SBBBBw. RRwr C 1 O i^* 4^* m B^kk^^ v« j V^Y ?fnaEffj WJJiir j fCflali^/i^FiWßia^Bfc T f^
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 150 3 SINGAPORE BFEBS ISinyapcrei 4 45 p.m. Summary 4 47 Froir CVLUI MTWOHK) the London Editorials; 4. 56 Com--10.00 am News from Singapore; POJ*" 1 g^Jgf^London io io Close down; l.uO pm. Ugh. studio Concerts; 6.00 Indonesian: tu». n™: :fl 145 Dance Music; 2.00 prench: Mews; 7.30 English n
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  • The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY,Dec, 15, 1950.
    • 181 4 FIRST lesson of this week's rioting in Sin- e is not only that e police force no d as and leaderi) but that the civil veinment could do r. some stiffening as v early inepttkn the oaching d hed later <:i by spineless broadi ai^ :its. en the
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    • 297 4 IN the meantime aciTyvhuh knows the truth will listen with unfriendly ear t<» what seem to be attemots to put the blame for starting the riots on one t n Before shots were f red in self-defence in Empress Place the situation vjs bevend the control of t^p nohoe
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  • 1338 4  - Belgium wants guns— and butter Gavin Gordon Western Defence 7^ By I ASKED Lord Montgomery \> hat he thought of Belgium's defence plans This was his answer: "You know how it is with a soldier. Never satisfied with what he's got. Always wants a little bit mor^' That was three
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 4 Peter Gray in Royal Horse Guards' uniform oi 1860 and Miss Morea Hastings in an 1860 dress, escort young; Merlin Holland, grandson of Oscar Wildrs. to a rehearsal of the "'OO Years of Fashion" display which will be seen by the Queen at the New Theatre, London.
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  • 438 4  -  Rodney Campbell By OEMEMBERING the gloomy months before devaluation, when a pound note was so much waste paper on this side of the Atlantic, I went to the foreign desk of the Chase Bank here to ask how much the pound was worth today The
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 802 4  -  Francis Boyle America Germany Yugoslavia With pRESS-buUon insur--1 ance has just arrived in America. The buttons are on the first world-wide air travel insurance machines installed at N T cw York's new 5.000-acre Idlewild airport. For once, however, the invention is not an American one. The pioneers
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  • 198 4 Insult to the British housewife LETTER TO THE EDITOR ()N Friday rea< i aQ art icle in your p aper called "So Vou'r e Goinj Horn e'-HinU by Diana. I must say it brought back happv memoriesol my schoo.rtays whefci eagerly loosed forward to the schoo: magazine. The standard of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 72 4 O' The ideal drink for Christmas y V and all the d^^^X-^'^ y car round WHITEWAYS DEVON 3 CYDER Si Champagnes little sister! J^^ Jfc A new shipment f^P has just arrived Sole agents in Singnpore ami Wiiltna: COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. &Sp%m FOR BETTER PERMS JTJr;
      72 words

  • 445 5 RECORD ENTRY FOR COMMERCE EXAMS si^ majority not prepared Free Press Staff Reporter yHE number of students sitting tor professional and commercial examinations in Singapore has more than trebled since the examinations were re-organised three years ago, the Education Department disclosed yesterday. Almost 40 per cent, of the candidates sitting
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 5 Dirturr. (^RACK athletes every one j of them, pictured in Singapore last night. Left to right: Arthur Whit, Tommy Godwin, Roger Bannister, Alan Bannister. McDonald Bailey. and Misses Margaret Wellington and Helen Yate. They ar? on the way to take part in the C'hristchurrh Centenary (iumes. New Zealand, on Dec.
    Free Press  -  53 words
  • 31 5 Treat for thousand children rr* frrss SUtT K<-p«»rtrr Jut Eurasian A -he Victoria Mei U*» l on Dor n 1 g^foer'tpr'.-.r. l 000 EuraA Te.s.rn.sohn A m bi H. w P
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  • 43 5 THE choral concerts planned by the Singapore Musical 'ly for Dec 17 and Dec 21 will definitely be given. All members of the orchestra are requested by the So- to attend a final rehearBl 2.30 p.m. tomorrow In the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 5 picture. mHREE of the men who fiiard S'nia we: Rifleman 1 Romansin~h Thapa, Rifleman Mansinfh I»" b »"<* Corporal Sarupsin- Rai of the C:\ttalion. 10th P-»-«--(iurkha Rifles seen beside an armoured vehicle in K^acn Road They have been assisting the police around trie Sultan Mosque, escorting ration WftffOns and clearing
    Free Press  -  55 words
  • 115 5 Free Press Staff Reporter PENANG, Thurs. FACED with the loss of more expatriate officers. Malava should encourage local bovs to take up engineering and other useful careers which would enable them to fill future vacancies. The Resident commissioner. Mr A V. Aston, said this today when he
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  • 266 5 Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE will be losing three more of its best professional actors at the end of this month. They are Jvhn Forbes-SempM, actor-manager of the Kiptrtcry Company, Douglas Urquhart and Derek West. Mr. Forbes-Sempill will be going to England where he may go
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  • 138 5 Free Press Staff Reporter ALOR STAR, IUT* MALAYS, especially women, are changing their at tude ♦xwaris Western Medicine, the uccinp; Mentn Besar. Tungku Ismail. to 4 rt Kr&dh State Council today Infant welfare clinics, he id wire novv bettrr patronised and the health sister
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  • 287 5 Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE schoolgirls today are less gawky in in behaviour and less paroch/'al in outlook than pre-war students, Miss M. Hadley, retiring headmistress of the Raffles Girls School, told the Free Press yesterday. Miss HacLey. who has taught in Malaya lor 25
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  • 84 5 A BOIT 30 European men and women who were "stranded" in the centre of Singapore because of the curfew found refuge in one of the biggest hotels in the city. They were friends of the hotel's guests. Although most of them were accommodated in rooms, a few
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  • 463 5 Building lots in graveyards proposed Free Press Staff Reporter BURIAL grounds in the centre of Hie town of Singapore should give way to building development, especially if such grounds kmwt long l» disused, Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, a Municipal Commissioner, said to the Free Press yesterday Mr. Yap was referring
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  • 29 5 The B will ad inn.' U ol <• nfli tnai Cathedral on G lf« the third E 30 a.m. There will be no < n of Hoi' Communion a
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  • 144 5 Increase in re ven ue \H>R STAR Till.: J^S increase of $881,378 In Kedah's if ver the 1950 efttmaU closer. i s '"most gratifying" by State Financial Officer, Mr. Lee Ewe Boon, when he I fully moved in the B Council today that \b> estimates for next year be proved
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 al^^Hr 1 »«ViJffw CALDBECKS OLD TAWNY PORT HUNTING PORT CLUB PORT The Ml and nothintf but tl.e M ii lahvllvd CALDBECKS f JUST UNPACKED I 3 BELGIUM FOLK WEAVE TAPESTRY '> S NVwiy opened ran^e of Colours O V Blue. Brown. Maroon. Beige Rust. V 48 UJN PER YARD Sj
      103 words
    • 89 5 >***************4A*****AAA444AAiiA44A44». <* Table Tennis $3.95 The Rockcity Shooting Star 165 Battle Royal 4.25 3 Plastic Mosaic 2.00 Whirligig 1.50 Whirlwind 3.95 Bowlem Came *J Housing Drive Came 6.50 Blow Football i* Grand Motor Race 1.65 Table Quoits M» Coconut Shies 3.95 Panto Ring Came Escalado 7 -95 Comical Clown 1^
      89 words

  • 328 6 S' PORE WARNED AGAINST RUMOURS Mr. Blythe on the riots A WARNING against rumour-mongering in the x present riots was made by the Singapore Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. L. Biythe, yesterday. Speaking over Radio Malaya, Mr. Blythe said that he had heard rumours of serious incidents occurring at various parts
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 6 picture. >ix-footers McDonald Bailey and Arthur Wint. Olympic 400 metres champion in 1 1 x loosening up on the Raffles Institution ground yesterday afternoon immediately after their arrival in Singapore, en route to New ZeaUnd. They arr in a batchof lt> athletes who will take part in the Christchurch Centenary
    Free Press  -  57 words
  • 59 6 More funds needed I- pen new .eullands. and fa ac- Guvernan Abi the i the Fl* P 6. A the irison or:--and n in Pahang 1941 re{.66 mi exI t,. as and i km 382 milla 3 45 inilI ire 10.27 milPederml allocation At u j.h. vho Ls D >
    59 words
  • 213 6 TURNSTILE SYSTEM DEFERRED Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners have decided not to put up turnstiles at entrances to Jalan Besar Stadium until the system has been found suitable. The use of turnstiles has been the subject of experiment during the past year. Apart from the difficulty over Entertainment
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  • 32 6 TAIPING. Wed.— The Post Oriu Recreation Club. Fenang, ill iravel to Taipiiig on Dec. 30 for their annual hockey, badminton, ana •;*ble-tenni<^ matches aeainst the P. T. Recreation CJub. lUping.
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  • 34 6 kuala LUIfPUB Than PlaTini in a thin drizzle throughout, Belangor Chinese Recreation Club women beat ■v..«:i«or dub at hockey by six JO nil on the Kuala Lumpur p.icLm > iia a v
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 6 pii ture. Pte. A. Parkes (left) (RE. ME.), the Army centreforward, jusi fails to score after a scramble in the Oxford University goalmouth during their representative match at the Dulwich Hamlet ground. London. The result was a two-all draw. Army News Service
    Army News Service  -  42 words
  • 16 6 EOS. Sports Club's Christmas dance arranged for tomorrow has been postponed until further notice.
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  • 32 6 I BUNTAR. Wed.--l -k'k Khlan, Chinese d trial on a charge of stlj llsposing of 12 I j**j'ms. The case 1 to give him b to recover the book.
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  • 103 6 SEREMBAN, Wed. 'pHE Malayan Co-operative Wholesale Society has started functions and its activiri9.s are already expanding. The Federation. Government has given financial assistance towards the initial exoenses of the wholesale society caid has guaranteed its overdraft up to $100,000. These observations are made in the annual
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  • 118 6 SEREMBAN. Wed JHE Negri Semblilan State Welfare Committee agreed in principle to the establishment of a community centra for Seremban at their annual general meeting yesterday. It would cater for "all voluntim oiganisations and welfare bodies m the state, and would work in -oniunrtion with Seremban International
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  • 52 6 Free Press Staff Reporter TAXI and a prirote c t trying to get bark before •iio curfew crashed at he junction of Stamford Road and Victoria Btree at 630 P in. yesterday. The Impact tur"t 'hi* taxi wver and it landed on lt« *Hn Both vehi>-les \\><
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  • 154 6 LONDON, Friday. 11/ITH operators studying the implications of the Y\ suspension of Marshall Aid to Britain, the Stock Kxrhange was quiet and mainly firmer yesterday, states Reuters financial correspondent. Improvements In British Government funds were no more than one-eighth but several bnsht features were produced in
    154 words
  • 114 6 QUEEN Elizabeth saw her five-year-old steeplechaser Manicou, jump to an easy six-length win in the Ewell Handicap chase at Sandown Park, Surrey, yesterday. Manicou's task was made easier when the topweight. Freddie Fox. after producing a great burst of speed to range alongside the Royal horse,
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 44 6 AUSTRALIAN horses are rT losing ground, according to a survey by Commonwealth Statistician, Dr. Roland Wilson. A census shows a drop in Australia's horse population from 2.527.000 in 1918 to 1.057.000 todav a fall of 58 per cent. Reuter A.A.P.
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  44 words
  • 441 6  -  ARCHIE QUICK By rWGLISH cricket is back upon the pedestal of its Larwood days as a result of having dismissed Australia's phalanx of batting giants in one day on, for Brisbane, a good wicket. It is but a matter of conjecture wnether the kood work
    441 words
  • 186 6 THE NAN HWA GIRLS SCHOOL basketball t«*m 1 will leave Singapore for the Federation within few days for a series of matches against 4eams fro^n other Chinese girls' schools. It is the first time that a Singapore schoolgirls' basketball team will be on tour.
    186 words
  • 43 6 SEREMBAN Wrd.-The ma'.rh *tween Mala meiit Services and N men; Services for the Paloonw v«i will be playe-i ftl Seremban B'«.«i Padang on Sunriav The como" i icn «a<; woi Ne*ri tn 19-18 ani b! Govmmeir Series l e t %c
    43 words
  • 269 6 PENANG DESERVED VICTORY Sport si efter In Tuesday's Free p^ your special corresponded attributed Singapore's oeWt to blunder in strategy W hil» Wong Peng Soon has attempted to explain his defeat b* saying he was not 100 ni cent fit. FROM all Press accounts of the Fooiip Seong Cud fina]
    269 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
      84 words
    • 30 6 WHY SHROFF'S CARPETS for rti AN IDEAL GIFT A THING OF UTILITY Branch: AGENTS SHOWROOM: Branch: 139. Batu Rd.. 47/49, Stamford Rd., 32. Bishop St.Kuala Lumpur. Singapore. Tel ***** Penans-
      30 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 131 6 Mandrake Exclusive to the Singapore free Press m Malaya CRM$ L ni*T il mM OVC T CY Onci 'aiTSmt~nC ARCHWAY- THE I 1 WHAT YOU WANT WITH IT kIM e>m*mcmm-*on>,ii»uw<m- CMV ObT r— paw vAwms.' r^J^~ L^LlH^^ w™ "Lily JANt Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaga E xp
      131 words

  • 277 7 SINGAPORE PAID $230, 998 FOR SOCCER S.A.F.A. report $7,101 surplus Free Press Staff Reporter gINGAPORE'S soccer fans paid a total sum of $230,998 to see their favourite sport during the 12 months ended Nov. 30 last, $165,039 being for games involving visiting teams and the remaining $65,959 for attendance a*
    277 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 picturc. "OcCil. MY SHiN sa\s tlie pained expression on this Tuanku Muh;immad player's fac«* as he attempts to block a r lea ra lire by Neubronner of St. Andrews School in yesterday's racier same which the Saints lost II -o. Free Press
    Free Press  -  42 words
  • 272 7 rIANKI Muhammad School (Kuala lMah) won their second and final rugby game during their visit to Stofapore, when they defeated St. Andrews School at Woodsville yesterday by 11 rxiints (try. joa!. penalty I«U) to X (-oal, penalty goal). The visitors' itic foot rushes harassed the
    272 words
  • 73 7 AUSTRALIA'S Test team for the second Test match against England beginning at Melbourne on Dec. ll includes two young opening batsmen among the twelve named. They arc James Burke (N.S.W.) and Ken Archer (Queensland). The 12 players named are: L. Ilassett. X. Harvey, I. Johnson, YV. Johnston.
    Reute; AAP  -  73 words
  • 96 7 LLOYD Marshall of Cleveland, Ohio, was matched yesterday for a return bout pgainst Don Cockell. the British light-heavyweight champion. The fight will be staged in London's Harringay Arena on Feb. 2. Marshall put an end to Tommy Farr's come-back with a slashing one-sided tenround decision. Promoter
    A.P.  -  96 words
  • 123 7 Boy 's boxing postponed THIS weeks rioting in Sin- tiapore has caused the first inter-boys' boxing competition and the 'Junior Mal Cup match between Singapore and Federation j 1 club teams to be called off. Boili events wore included in he "Buys' Club Week" programme which had to be cancelled
    123 words
  • 39 7 Fr^m Our Own Correspondent TAIPING. Wed— In a hockev league fixture yesterday. R.E.ME beat the H.Q. North Malaya b\ five goals to one. Scorers for RE ME were Farwell <2>. Hablb. Victor Durai and De S..
    39 words
  • 136 7 yiCTORIA Institution hockey and rugby teams arrived this morning from Kuala Lumpur. During their visit they an* staying at Raffles Institution. Sports fixtures have been arranged for them this week and next as follows: Today V. I v. R. I. hockey. R.I. ground: Tomorrow V. I. v.
    136 words
  • 60 7 gIXTEEN crack aihletes. the cream of Europe in :he world of sport, slopped over in Singapore last night, on their way to compete in the Christchurch Centenary Games in New Zealand. The team arrived by Qantas BO AC. Constellation in the afternoon, with their manager. Mr.
    60 words
  • 189 7 King- Kong had 50 opponents"' KING KONG was attacked by about 40 to 50 Malays and Indians a s he was motoring along Tampenis Road on Monday ni?ht en route home to Changi Point. The rioters threw bricks and stones at his car but he put all his 346 lbs.
    189 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 7 Photo. Uamlly goalkeeper, AnnetK punches the ball tttZT dwrin? the match against Bristol Rovers when Llanrlly were beaten in an FA (up match 3-1 at Cardiff City on I>it. 5 International News
    International News  -  32 words
  • 312 7 TIM Burki-, who at 20 is in his third sm son WXtll New South Wales, has been regarded for some time M a future Australian XI opening bat In his first season l»e impressed by his strong defence, consistency and patience, bui was a slow scorer and
    312 words
  • 23 7 f roe Vrcs^ nrrrspond«»nt KUAI.A LUMPUR, TfcuM. nine-man YMCA hockej tram trounced six-nil by Police vpot on the Depot ground te-
    23 words
  • 23 7 PEKAN, Wei. The Ahmad oi, Pekan. n ccive I i'onati ns a! nine trophies for their s, i -n' Mils year.
    23 words
  • 227 7 THIRTY teams will take part in next year\s S.A.F.A. Junior 'B' competition, the figure .shmVng an increase by nine as compared to this years total entry for this division. Twelve Service teams will not compete in next year's competition, because of the Inter-Services League.
    227 words
  • 76 7 Free Press Staff Reporter SEREMBAN. Fri. QELANGOR State Juniors will play a friendly badminton match against N.S. Authentics at KG TO Hall, Seremban, on Sunday. The match wiL coa.s uf five singles and four doubles. N.S. Authentics team will be selected from the following- Lee Boon
    76 words
  • 68 7 U7ALTER Gomez, inlerna- tionally-knowji Uruguayan footballer who played centre-forward for Argentina this season, has been arrested on his return to Montevideo on a charge of fraud In connection with the sale of tickets for a raffle conducted by Urucuayan football players. The charge had been pendIng for several
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 171 7 C "COMPROMISE" will probably be arranged beA tween the Football Association of Malaya and the Mnapore A.F.A whereby Singapore and Services teams will continue to compete In the Malaya Cup next year. Dr. C P Rawson, pr cif the F.A.M.. ha* written to the prrsident of
    171 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 7 All 1 know is he icas playing (.lay an' I haven't seen him tiru
    14 words
  • 243 7  -  BILL BOWES Special to the Free Press SYDNEY, Thursday. A I'STRALIA'S team for the second Test shows one change. Burke, New South Wales' No. 4 or No. 1 batsman, displacing hLs team-mate, Moroney. It Is a change which, I think, will please Engfisbaieii. It reflects
    243 words
  • 16 7 IPOli An cr m < i... tonro'i t\vu d( wn T Me K up w.-
    16 words
  • 33 7 KUALA LOMPUR I W I) Pporis Cub Kuiil.i Lumpur tmas tocial tnd on in y p m to lam Music »i!i b< premdrd bv Gomes' Rhvthm Quintet. The < r fi ■mi
    33 words
  • 15 7 McKERRON CUP 2nd ROUND Fir- r T I Prince Edward 1 i D Club I
    15 words
  • 13 7 V ttfh to i k Thi Al;<' :)i;iv lh^ 1 thro.;
    13 words
  • 17 7 I 'HIT BUNTAR Wi'd. on the Paoarvj h«ip on Sundi Goals wer< K;iM.Tppthy Bad .'-n.
    17 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 lIDEPEWENT MEMBER Sir A'an Hubert's 10-v aw Parhameirarr memoir^. The pnce is $12.60 HECTOR BOUTHO A Bioerapr Noebook kook which **J*jMe r of ■••■■ilia to he»- Amt: The p: :c 1§ f] •aill6Tors FRIEND tmJ£f na! A:bu I** 1 of We:un« (^LT WftLSH, LTD. «l» :oso c Ooair. f£TIK
      109 words
    • 204 7 HAPPY WOULD STADIUM "^3B NKJHTLV AT V.iMI p.m. 15^ COMMENCING DEC. 18th, 1 9th. 20th 2 jP^WI VERSUS I;3 INDONESIA HvJ CHAMPIONSHIPS FINALS 1950 Kebava Queen Title B. Hiwaiian Solo CKampionthip R". Beauty Queen Title H- li Queen Title Malay Song 'Extra Numbtn ChampsonsKip WLrcJH CkITDICC Open To All Nationalities
      204 words

  • 13 8 R: On l> rrmber 14 U r of the 1 t B
    13 words
  • 19 8 KWOOD Si v.KI L: To I nd Al KK Hos a 'i ii I) mber. A son r
    19 words
  • 262 8 U.N. CEASE-FIRE BODY FOR KOREA 'Will do no good' says Red bloc NEW YORK, Friday. THE UNITED NATIONS General Assembly yesterday approved the appointment of a three-member commission to "determine the basis for a satisfactory- ceasefire in Korea/' The vote was 52 to five. The Soviet bloc voted against the
    U.P.; Reuter; A.P.  -  262 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 8 (iREEK RELIC Members of the Greek Battalion for Korea with an ancient rifle used by the Greeks in their revolt against the Turks in ISM. It is a Rift from the Mayor of Athens to General MacArthur.
    37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 8 MR. WC ARRIVES Mr. Wu Tsiu-chuan, leader of the Red China delegation to the United Nations takes his seat for a session of the United Nations Security Council. Others, left to right, are: Sir Benegal Rau, India: Arne Sunde. Norway; and Jacob Malik, Russia.
    44 words
  • 41 8 WASHINGTON, Fri. is expected to export about 2,800.000.000 lb. of milled rice during 1951, according to the I'S. Department of Agriculture. This would be about the same as for 1950. Siam's 1949 rice exports totalled 2.680,000.000 lb. A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 72 8 Britain a/id Egyp: have ■d so far :o set a basis on which they can negotiate ion of i heir 20-year defence pact. Informed sources reported Last night the talks going on in London between Foreign Ministers Mr. Ernest Bevin .md Mohammed Sallah El
    A.P.; Reuter  -  72 words
  • 23 8 The Ford Motor Company announced yesterday in London that Turkey has placed an order for 1.500 Fordson Tractors. A. P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 111 8 w HANOI. Friday. FRENCH forces struck deep into Vietminh iioKl territory yesterday to throw off balance forces believed massing tor a big: attack. Two task forces comprising several battalions, were reported to have swept them back to the northern perimeter of the French Tonkin dedta
    U.P.  -  111 words
  • 59 8 The U.N. General Assembly yesterday adopted overwhelmingly a "compromise resolution designed to establish eventual supervisory machinery by the United Nations over the administration of South-west Africa by the Union of South Africa. The vote was 45 to six with five abstentions. Only the Soviet bloc and
    59 words
  • 24 8 The King was 55 years old yesterday, and* the Royal Horse Artillery marked the birthday with a 41-gun salute in Hvd f > Park.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 258 8 Dutch refuse Guinea plan THE HAGUE, Friday. HOLLAND yesterday rejected a 7-point Indonesian proposal to settle the dispute between the two countries over the future status of Western New Guinea, at present under Dutch administration. The Netherlands Minister of Union and Realm Affairs, Mr. Johannes van Maarseveen, told the Indonesian
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 25 8 At least three ships -Dutch. English and Greek are in difficulties in a ten.prst off the coast of south -western France.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 37 8 The United Nations Assembly decided yesterday to hold Its 1951 session in Europe, probably in Paris. The vote was 31/16. with 11 abstentions. The proposal was sponsored by Bolivia. Colombia and Peru A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 27 8 Yesterday's closing prices on the Hong Kong Money Exchange were: HKS6.2Ii L ,/6.23 per U.S. dollar. HK513.30 per pound sterling. HK5301.5 per tael of gold.
    27 words
  • 92 8 LONDON. Fri. THE tin market was firmer yesterday morning although there was no business in the spot metal. At the noon close spot was up £17J. per ton and three months €15 higher. The premium of: spot over three months was the highest since the market was
    U.P.  -  92 words
  • 30 8 A 30-minute earthquake *as felt in the isolated Donner summit ar<-a of the Sierra mountain. 160 miles northeast of San Franc; m*o. There was no (I; image.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 154 8 HUSBAND WINS OVER 360-DAY BABY S LONDON, Friday. A MAN whose wife had a baby 360 days after the last rl time he saw her was declared by the House of Lords yesterday to lie entitled to a divorce on grounds ■of adultery. The plaintiff was Mr. Charles P. Jones,
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • 22 8 A trip :o Mai; a by Princess Margaret was postponed yesterday for 24 hours because of poor flying weather. A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 219 8 U.S. REJECTS PEA CE MO VE BY INDIA WASHINGTON, Friday •THE INDIAN government has lailed in its initial 1 tempts to persuade the United States to ttt Communist China s demand for political ronce* in the Far East in return for a peaceful settlem* Korea, according to diplomatic sources j
    U.P.  -  219 words
  • 110 8 More rubber used in U.S. in October WASHINGTON ft* (UNITED STATES ma turers consumed 1J8J1? iong tons of new rubber h October compared with lio 831 tons in September Th« consumption in October 9 year ago was 84,689 The US Department not* that the total new rubber consumption during the
    U.P.  -  110 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 267 8 >: Urcir guests that P REVELLERS DANCE is. a further A MH.S MICHAEL Corii^I Icadn It i to all Doctors. S. Wi:i II for the att > their only son I J KOYCE CORNELIUS i'.R. Hog M iMMilli I lON \< W I MISHED room own entrance dinner lunch ail
      267 words
    • 232 8 WEARNE BROTHERS UMIUD Notice is hereby given that the Thirtysixth Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at the Kem.stered Office, No. 45 Orchard Road. Singapore, on Wednesday 27th December 1950. hit 12 Noon, when a Dividend of 5 r r and of 20 both less Tax,
      232 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 77 8 THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris £&w»- ft- *rS Elaine /*ny dear 1 hao tcTnJ [gute all right, /how ooT^ Fmv c*>*g hebe amp \tmj msmt' YOU -AS SOON AS I THANK YOU LORD I YOU DO') IAAKB vCXiQ RQST S'DP AT HEATHROW AIRPORT I __J 7 S«!?'^ y l ■t^i
      77 words
    • 14 8 HIGH TIDES Todaf: :;o a.m: 2.34 p.m. Tomorrow: 4 !i a.m; 3 40 p.m.
      14 words