The Singapore Free Press, 11 December 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 20 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA No. 17.951. SINGAPORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER Jl, 1950. VMM b lh\ FMS.
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  • 570 1 World doesn t know the strain -A TTLEE OTT \VV A VI A MU.AVVSpIaco m the front firing line against military Communism n, explained to the world by Mr. C. Attlee, Britain's Prime Minister, m a broadcast from Ottawa last night -Greatest of our
    Reuter  -  570 words
  • 147 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. MESIDENI rruman warned the United States m i etter made public yesterday that there was )ins to r>e any short cut to peace Ml Americana would have to "give up things we have" and must suoport a'l branches m's public life m meeting; the
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 149 1 'HALT AT 38 th' REPLY SOON LAKE SUCCESS, Mon. fOMMUNIST China may reply today to the 13--nation appeal for its troops to halt at the 38th Parallel m Korea, Indian sources said last night at Lake Success. In expectation of such a reply, Sir Benegal Ran, permanent Indian delegate to
    U.P.  -  149 words
  • 163 1 Maria: Riot squad at court Free Press Staff Reporter rpHE Singapore police riot A squad, armed with wicker shields, truncheons and steel helmets, was rushed to the Supreme Court this morning together with other armed police and riot vans wnen 50 Malay youths shouting and carrying banners saying. ""take Maria
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  • 25 1 JAGARTA. Sun. Government sources told Aneta that Indonesia did not consider it necessary at present to enter into military alliances with neighbouring countries.
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  • 47 1 Post early pHL latest times of posting at the General Post Office. Singapore. fof Christmas air mails to the Inited Kingdom United States of America, and Australia are as follows: Inited Kingdom 6 p.m. tomorrow. United States of America 6 p.m. tomorrow. Australia 6 p.m. Dec. 17.
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  • 21 1 The pilot train to the Penang-Kuala Lumpur night mail was derailed m the Kampar district of Perak this morning.
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  • 42 1 CAIRO. Mon THE Arab Leagued Political Committee may consider recognition of Communist China if she responds to the 13-power appeal to stop at the 38th Parallel m Korea. The Committee will meet m Cairo on Dec. 20. -Renter.
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  • 35 1 Admiral Forrest P. Sherman. U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, arrived m London from Washington yesterday for tomorrow's meeting of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty 0r.1:..- A r.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 37 1 The Governor r >l Hong Korifc, Sir Alexander Grantham. returned yesterday from Singapore after a conference with the Commissioner Genera] Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. His return wa» two day* ahoad of the schedule. U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 33 1 RO BRERY Three Chinese, one ornu'd with v parang; entered a shop m Ponggol Road yp.sterday morning and stole jewellery and earrings worth $123 1 and $55 cash and seven varton.s vi cigaretteii.
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  • 22 1 Korean military police are now empowered by the Government, to arrest any citizen civilian or soldier—without a warrant- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 131 1 'Talk, not blow our heads off!' LOWESTOFT, ENGLAND. Mon. A BRITISH minister last night described the unconditional surrender policy of the last war as an "idiotic statement" which kept the fighting going for an extra year. The Minister of Works. Mr. Richard Stokes, told a meeting at Lowestoft: "The first
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  • 210 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. OENATOR Arley Kilgore, Democrat from West Virginia, yesterday proposed that General Eisenhower be named over-all commander of the allied forces m the Pacific as well as m Europe He coupled his implied demand for the ousting of General Mac Arthur as Pacific Commander with
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  • 31 1 France's Communists have scheduled a great march on President Vincent Auriol's palace today to protect against German rearmament. Thousands of police were mobilised as rioting was feared. U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 30 1 CYPRUS MO VE Several hun<3r*ci Cypriot wompn met m Nir«»sia yosterday m the first Cyprus women's congress and resolved to campaign actively for the union of Cyprus with Greece. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 56 1 Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR Mon. rpHREE bandits were killed A and a fourth was wounded m the Segamat district of Johore yesterday. The four were together when they were ambushed by security forces. Two rifles, a pistol, two hand grenades. 53 rounds of
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  • 51 1 Four men. oip of whom was armed, tried to burn down a garage m Penang last night. Th^ m^n forced the watchman ta open the garage and then attempted to set flre to three buses by pouring kerosene on them. One of the buses was slightly
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  • 47 1 THERE were three "Red" air alerts at Kimpo airport of Seoul last night but no enemy aircraft appeared. A civil airliner from T >kyo was turned back from 'he airport durin?; one aler: but returned aid landed out Incident half an hour Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 64 1 rriiii; former irwld champion cyclist. Hnhrrl Opp'-rnun. X now :i Member «i **.'.r '»n« > ni In Canberra, has organised a cycle pool at Parliament Hmm •<« that retund politicians can reduce thHr waisi lines Mr. Opp^r:r«n thovght <»f thp icheme when many inemtH'i's complaineii that lack
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 147 1 Talks reassuring, but... SYDNEY, Monday. r»DAY'S Sydney Morning Herald said m an editorial that although the results of the Truman-Attlee talks are reassuring m several respects, they have not diminished the gravity of the international crisis. "The military and political situation arising from Chinese aggression m
    A.P.  -  147 words
  • 231 1 IS. EIGHTH AKM\ Ht|., timidat. pOMMI NIST troops were sighted last hunt moving: V south only 30 miles from the 38ln Parallel— dividing line between North and South Korea. The Communists did not make ivmtact vuth the main United Nations line which is now
    A.P.  -  231 words
  • 64 1 Sound proof room for church babes BYDNJft, Moil. THE Seventh Day Adventisis are building a soundproof room for crying babies m their new church m Dubbo. western New South Wales. The room, seating 40. will have a glass front so the parents can see the whole service. Loud-speakers will be
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 80 1 LAKE SUCCESS. Mon India and Iraq proposed yes- terday that the U.N. pass to the International Red Cross j the dispute over about 500.000 unaccounted-for German. Japan and Italian prisoners of the Russians m the last war. It was the latest move for a compromise m
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  • 27 1 JETS FOR A USSIES CANBERRA, Sun.— Australia has bought 36 of Britain's latest Meteor-8 jet fighters, to re-equip the Australian 77th. Squadron now operating m Korea.- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Late news
    • 98 1 Fre«* Pr#*ss Stiff Krpoi Irf KIALA Ll'MPl K. Mon THF Chipf Secretary of the Federation. Mr. M. V. Del Tufo. announced today that regulations have been drafted giving power* to direct manpower into essential occupations, including the police. He announced also that regulations have been drafted to control
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 Svf tV X'MASj r gifts iO 6, ORCHARD^^J CarUkerq YiBEER me t&\ FfKSTVAME W\ MUST-AID V3T\4 >ibut',r<:. THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD.
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  • 768 2  - Athens world s noisiest city MICHAEL S. MANNING Report from Xv ATHENS ;s the noi- siest civ In the World, and that is a challenge If anyone dares object let him :ne and say it to me, hore, m Athens I know t cafe with les on tn»» sidewalk m
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  • 22 2 Mr. David Ben Gurion. Prime Minister of Israel Britain bj air yesterday for home after a week's personal visit Renter.
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  • 512 2 Mrs. Impellitteri takes charge at Gracie Mansion OETTY AlcLaughlin Impellitteri sat m the lounge of Gracie Mansion and smiled contentedly as Jones, the butler, served cocktails. For rhis was her dream come true. For 11 days ago she was sitting before her typewriter m the office of a New Yorfc
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 2 Princess Margaret, m a dress of white brocade, mink stole and diamond necklace, at the Stoll Theatre, London.
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  • 171 2 BEHIND the iron barred windows of a building at T .ondon Airport, openinp ?oon for unwanted visitors to Britain, will be one of the most luxurious prisons m the country. The new detention block now being pepared, will have armchairs, a bathroom, electric fires, wall mirrors— and
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  • 524 2  - THE HOUSE YOUR OWN 'DOWN UNDER' J. C. Graham I By rpENANTS m State housing settlements throughout New Zealand are today preparing to buy their homes for opyments of less than $12 a week. Thousands of these State houses were Duilt every year by the former Lahm;r Government end 'he
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    8 2 Or* foi the f odi. K«n!
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  • 197 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR gORN have uivea R w ide variety of Although U| «>U. easily lean u mar •*> artistic or mv^ 4 J*» lessions, you a i^ uJ*** Kood head f »r Jg*_» and know how to iHw paying propositi. r^JT everything y oy 5"? dertake. V« u "Jj*
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  • 143 2 A SUCCESSFUL alien reduce the loss o! duction caused oy the common cold by issuing thMr workers with penicillin is reported by a Blnnintham linn It n> claimed that that if the workm who feel a cold coming on drew a packet of the snuff from the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 I "Syfc^ ?&m h MA D E WITH Vt'RE \jk&jgg^^\\ BLACKCURRANT JUICE H lel ICL l' AND SUGAR. A DELICIOUS S II 1 AND PALATABLE SOURCE ti 1 1 OF VITAMIN C. MOST W ftl '^1 SUITABLE FOR INFANTS. I AND ADULTS. f|| j| AwiiluhU lit till Leo ding E/^
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    • 46 2 useCmsco m fi /T'S O/G£ST/BLE! tyMii* CRISCO k^o IDEAL for CAKE MAKING. PASTRY MAKING and PAN and DEEP FRYING nnd most foods that require shortening. Contains no n.ilk or ;inin»*l and complies with almost every religious dietary Urv. •ol« Agent.: MPiVrVI A*Jl^:|l f^i,|,^ SINGAPORE 6c PENANG
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 142 2 New Crossword No. iM^^W^ L^—^^ ru ;;> XCMOSM 1. He did the local church offl c work 5). 7, Without doubt you'll and it wthin (b>. 8. A swi.n suit would be all shed ever need to wear (5). 9. One migm get a ring cheap by thia (9.) 11.
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 3 This trick photo, made from beneath a glasstopped workbench, shows toys apparently floating m mid-air m defiance of the laws of gravity. At work on a clockwork removal van ??-year-old Monica Smith, of hiii-tord. Essex, who has spent four years m the toymaking trade. A.P. pboio.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 244 3 VIENNA, Monday. COMMVNISM knows no time limit foi revenge. Three men— apparent!y-one-time soldiers carryinc out orders I arned that recently m Bucharest. Rumania. The Communist government arrested them and tried them m a one-day secret hearing; for a murder committed 30 years ago. AH the men
    A.P.  -  244 words
  • 73 3 RTOU CYPRUS Mm. D::3ERS m Cyprus have 'ed ruins ol at <ome rs old >rs frcm A.-h-a Mmnm, Oxford V of Sydney. ar :TJir;iUons of i-'ile expediti(n -;d a tjty of iron aize ov elcv; plough lev 1. in tt» Myrtou area Same *era hi m
    AP  -  73 words
  • 34 3 NEW VACUUM SW EEPER Ijgsncan hous°wiv»s are g out a novel Import ■•Britain— vacuum sweep.ithcut c.tvThe sueeper runs on four r wheels operate dependent ball-bearing R^arboxes that activate bi n L a sucticti AP
    AP  -  34 words
  • 72 3 BERLIN, Mon. 'pHE East German Supreme Court at Erfunt, Soviet zone, has sentenced Thuringia's former Finance Minister Herr Leonhard Moos m his absence to 15 years' imprisonment for "financial sabotage." Herr Moog fled to West Germany from the East German state of Thuringia farly this year.
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 25 3 resume per--2 mvr iuf junior tauantry honours awarded after J^n. 1. 1951— sent Post to recipients during past five years because or arrears
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  • 50 3 Bonn asks free shipbuilding Official sources m Bonn said that the West German Chancellor. Dr. Konrad Adenauer, had asked the Allied High Commissioners for an end to all restrictions' on West German shipbuilding. These sources said there j were "reasonably" good I prospects that the request would be granted- U.P.
    U.P.  -  50 words
  • 35 3 A member of the Natives Representative Council m Pretoria warned that the po- licy of white domination m South Africa would be challenged by the Africans and a clash would come.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Article, Illustration
    186 3 THIS H rp nAr< s from w i Championship. the table where the Enplish r"***"*. Mr NI Harrison Gray. w «t and Mr Kenneth rj™ 1 N the bidding ot deal w Jj** w I Cast N^ORTH opened the diamond ace tt^^jj ihiftKl to the deuce of w
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  • 31 3 Nationalist guerrillas blew up 30 Communist ammunition boats on the Pearl River at Wuchow. 120 miles west of Canton on Nov 30 the Nationalist Defence Ministry announced.— Reuter.
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  • 38 3 Governor Thomas Dewej of York recently called for national unity saying that the United States must mobilise its potential strength and unite with the free nations of the world if it is to survive.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 181 3 PARIS, .'vlonday. SCIENTISTS and sceptics are still arguing over who painted the pictures m a cay m southwestern France— ice a^e artists or pranKsters. "How couid paintings survive 20.000 to 30.000 years?" asked the sceptics. "Strange but true," say the scientists. These are among the reasons the
    A.P.  -  181 words
  • 374 3 CHAPTER IN INDIA Inspiration of King's colours DEHRA DIN, INDIA, Monday. 'THE colours of Britain's kings presented to 36 of India's most famed regiments over century of military history bave been deposited m the National Military Academy at Dehra Dun as an inspiration to the officers and men of this
    A.P.  -  374 words
  • 78 3 PANAMA, Mon. r pHE Panama Canal author! 1. tties said recently that cargoes consigned to Red China, Macao and Hong Kong aboard ships from foreign ports will not be restricted m their passage through the Canal but cargoes on ships from United States ports will
    U.P.  -  78 words
  • 113 3 New York has ships for A-casualties NEW YORK, lion. yESSELS using New York harbour from tiny pleasure launches to the slant British Cunarder Q'.ieen j Mary, are being earmarked for service if an atom >omb hits the city, according to civic officials m New York. The vessels would be used
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 206 3 MELBOURNE, Monday. DRAINS and brawn are combining m Australia v today m an all-out drive to increase the country's population, develop her resources and strengthen her economy. In this, "new Australians'' immi^iants who have settled m the country and are ben, 2 absorbed into its population
    Reuter; A.P.  -  206 words
  • 62 3 HULL FLAYS RED THREAT YOU kr. mw: :<t 1 ab irl Harbour ex a at thp tin* Hthe d- t T: much mor V. 1941. c lr Hull addrs.s.d tlum i of d bow I "A:. v how i f-bout i\ 1 te«»i I o ber <i'»di' vho v.ould sub
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 76 3 FRENCH EXPECT CHINESE DRIVE French military author! have inlonned American defence officials that they pect a major driv* by I nese Communist rce.« against Indo-China D< Feb 15. 1951. reliable KHH m Washington said It is known m Washington that the French havp aoptftl* ed urgently for increased aid to
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 35 3 P. T. for patients hospital is bring planned m ht storew high, and will pool and a g\mnasium for BRITAIN'S first St. Albans. The hospital will be ei^ have 300 beds, a swimming patients.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 120 3 FOR THE HOME I 1 MARQUETRY PLAQUES .uiiuMHk^n_ W^^B^B Tm jjMi lN II I IK I II 1 Wifhil&ist^KSmSJ^ wKHp^*' CHRISTY S lOW£LS r^f^!^^^ Yld SANDWICH TOWELS CUFTON lUilll (V P^ < \I) k In Pink Blue Gold and In P^arh. Blue. Gold i-lr-w^^o^cSSSSSl \y^y Greer and Gn-en yff^^^^^^ j/
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 86 3 SINGAPORE (Bllh MTUOKK) 10 a.m News from Singapore; 10 10 Close down. 100 p.m. Monday Matinee; 130 T*n. e Signal 1.45 Cowboy Songs; 2.00 down- 600 £> mmary; 6.02 Composer of the Week; 6 30 Great People of the Past. 7.00 Time Signal. News. Share Market Re--7.30 Spot the Favourites;
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    • 85 3 BFEBS Singapore; 4.45 p.m. Piouramme Summary; 450 The Concerto; 545 The Debate Continues: 600 Indonesian: News and Piugramrres; 6.30 Cantonese: New.-; 6.4 i Studio Con--715 French: News; "30 ish Hall Hour; 800 Piano ion; 8.15 Thai: News and Talks; 8 4.) Dutch News; 900 X- oyu News ar.a Pro--9.30
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  • 517 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, Dec. 11. 1950. Unwanted record KAN DANG I'uiOaa Mat-! entity Hospital la taking its full share m Ma aya's production boom. Like the rubOer I and tin industries, the baby deliver business Is nreakirm -ill records. But, unlike tne How of vital ran materials from
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  • 1904 4  -  Hall Romney "New Horizons No mention of Malayans Specialists shortage PoWs oppose student plan FGDSGSDSDSDGS DGDGSDGSDGS i ON DON: /COMPARATIVELY few people m Malaya will oe able to read the long report by the Commonwealth Consultative Committee on the Colombo Plan for
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  • 830 4  -  Ralph Hewins jsavs 4 PLUMB m the middle of the Baltic, which Mr. GhurehiU has described as "the supreme prize not orJy for the Royal Navy but for Britain, lie 6^oo islands called the Aalands: Their total land aVea is only 500 square miles- and only
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 4 •H m! Definitely overseas service!'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 8 4 9^. N Vjsils C Mt > S.P.H.d* SILVA 90D.
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    • 80 4 DANCE PROGRAMME by M AUDRENE 1 S SCHOOL OF DANCING Under the Dishnsimhcd P.ifrcn^j?e of H.I The Rt. Hen. Malcolm Mac Donald. P C K. Sf. at the Victoria Theatre on Dccc«»b«r. 18th 19th and 20tN at 8.30 P Guest Artiste Miss. HOVITA AUCIAHO CROSS PROCEEDS IN AID OF S.
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  • 332 5 Killiney Rd. shops hit Free Press Staff Reporter ROAD blocks barring the Orchard Road entrance to Killiney Road, Singapore, are killing business m the area, according to *hopkeepo/s there. Behind the barrier the Municipal Engineering Department is building a new concrete bridge as part of an
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  • 126 5 cp MilJ* rr Nl luil Mt -iKE lOd ()f the k v v \in I Tr mv. c »nsi iti >nal 2* m Tr soon bT» ir.cnsbrrs I D n c Ui for ip pre- [bni Mmarkgs Suitan S IB Ls n did to m
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  • 66 5 THE I lounced 1 --erriav \;r ViceMarshal Sir Prank Mi :i t rsh A:r Officer Commanding, Malayi. is to be Air Officer-in--3 of .:ion. tomber Command He will :aie up the appoint men m March next year. Btt Prr.nic cube Ml S ncapore m Auf. W
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  • 34 5 Three Chinese, one armed with a knife, held up a Teochew man living m Ponggol Road at 2 a.m. yesterday m his home. They robbed him of cash and jewellery worth $150.
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  • 142 5 Free Press Staff Reporter PHE airstrip at Pontian, Johore, which was con--1 strutted a few months ago for th< air ferry service of the Singapore Municipal Water Department, has prove-i satisfactory, Mr. F. <i Hill, Water Engineer, told the Free Press yesterday About 30 trips have
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  • 50 5 Mr. V. G. H. Allana. vicepresident of the Asian Advisory Council of the International Labour Organisation arrived m Singapore yesterday by X.L.M. Constellation. He is on his way to Bandeong from Pakistan to attend the 1.L.0. conference which will be held from Dec 16 to 20.
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  • 252 5 STUDENTS' FIRST PLA Y A TRIUMPH Free Press Staff Reporter yHE University of Malaya's dramatic section made a brilliant beginning at the week-end, with Merton Hodge's "The Wind and Rain." a play by students, about students, for students. The choice was a wry happy one. but it no more than
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 5 rpHE Ang Clan Association of Singapore yesterday I officially moved into their new premises m Race Course Road. |V|ISS .Margaret Payne, daagbter of the Australian Gsn- missioner m Singapore, .md Mrs. J. P-; ne, and Commander Thomas Parker Kin loch Jones of the Naval Base after their wedding
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  • 201 5 DECENT increases m the 11 ROSt of foodstuffs In Sin- gapore have m some cases followed the rising cost of imported articles, accord- ing io a survey. Some instances of hoarding and cornering supplies, couplled with traders reluctance i to d'ssipate their stocks by '< quick
    Free Press  -  201 words
  • 86 5 THE Singapore People's Education Association will launch a training scheme for teachers of their evening and night adult classes on Dec. 16 at Raffles Institution. The training classes, which are to be conducted by Mr. J. ILe Provost, the Singapore I Adult Education Officer, will be
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  • 227 5 THE Open Photographic Exhibition, the first exhibition on the Singapore Art Society's 1951 pro- j gramme, will be held m the British Council Hall from Jan. 27 to Feb. 4 Organised by Dr. C. A. Gib«on-Hill and Mr. Lok? Wan Tho on behalf of the Art Society, the
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  • 267 5 Govt. building co-op to tighten rules fc Tca money 1 s^fe^uari Fftt I'rtss St:i/T K.|>oil<i TH) guard against Hi? ouicln; rrfcriar of i A Singapore Gnvprnm it fMßccri > operative Housing Society being t xpl;»ited for i<-i m purposes, the society s col mitte:* will ask il im strengthen the
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  • 72 5 Pan tomise on the air Malaya s Annual i t 14 Jack And Tin I and oed In f" I p gft. M; iorr.s i and Be t Read i i s ntnf the < hot v* i J lion is In Lyttle v i B 0 eai i 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 42 5 Just Unpacked wY For Smartly Styled i Economically Priced Attractive Gifts Nothing to beat Well known Coro Jewellery SILVERWARE DEPT. /////miV AUTOR*»I<> OIIAM Tr l i H v —5 i Iml J mil lit C *SH prices Singapore 5598.50 Fed. $670 50
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    • 33 5 MM 0?S <S^ MM MM MM VM «a «iai J««i '<?* Jutiunpad"^ PIAID t t TRAVELLING THEY'RE A GIFT AT THE PRICE man^ shop ROBINSONS p»w •air wap !«f ♦y *sf e3^ cv y
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 39 5 MAIL Surface mail is exo.-.xl m Singapore today U Hfl Wi tern Australia and the Federation. Latest times for porting M mail at the G.P.O. today W< noon foi Japnn and Ton-mpa; 6 45 p m. for the Federation.
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  • 691 6 pirturr rriIFRK is no doubt that Three Kingdoms was the race at Ipoh on Saturday. He would have won check he received at the distance. Three Kingdoms was badly .pointed when going for a run through on the rails and. though he
    Free Press  -  691 words
  • 97 6 rfrf Hobbs-trained runners dominated ihe hnish of the fourth when they filled three of the four places on the board. Bi illiant Son again behaved wel! at the barrier ar.d when the field •d down he was the leader. He led Into the straight, but was hanging
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  • 566 6 Trigger is 'Horse of. the Meeting From ALLAN LEWIS IPOH, Monday. pERAK Turf Club had another record day on r Saturday when they concluded their threeday December meeting. The attendance was equal to the record crowd that saw the 1 erak Gold Vase m September,
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  • 39 6 fAPTAIN L. Amarmth. 39-year-old Indian cricketer and a former Test captain, has been appointed Director of Sports m the Patiala and East Punjab States I'nion m North India. Amarnith has played m the Lancashire League.
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  • 55 6 pOMMON WEALTH touring cricket team gained a first-innings lead of 75 over Holkar at Indore yesterday. They were all out 40 minutes after lunch for 223 m reply to Holkar's total of 148. By the close Holkar had made 100 for two wickets m their second Inninss.
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 51 6 'I US three Football Association Cup second round matches drawn on Saturda) will all bo replayed on Wednesday. Wednesday's matches to be played on the ground of the firstmentioned rkib In each case are Bradford v Millwall. Gillingham v Bristol Rovers and Plymouth Argyle v Crewe Alexandra.-
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 445 6 Good practice for M.C.C. From BILL BOWES Special to the Free Press A FTER an extremely forceful batting display by the M.C.C. against Queensland Country XI at Toowoomba on Friday, when 428 runs were scored m 222 minutes, Denis Compton again fostered the festival spirit on Saturday. Although the Country
    Free Press  -  445 words
  • 143 6 TACK IVERSON, the Test spin bowler, ictired with stomach trouble after sending: down 1* overs for only 22 runs, but without claiming a wicket, on Saturday. He was playing for Victoria against Queensland m a Sheffield Shield match mt Melbourne. Another Test bowler Bill Johnston,
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  143 words
  • 255 6 Yarosz v. Turpin tomorrow America!?* th( Quality f uTwLi? rs. **H morrow nlght T -.weight battler f£b Pittsburgh, tane* on 22-5? old Randolph TunSn is* for worldinE* weight hono mQ^ Randolph, a powerful cher vo n the British m«ff weight championship months ago hut th^ 7 r stil doubts a^on*
    A.P.  -  255 words
  • 75 6 FRED Kovaleski ol Ox United States and JarosU\ Drobny. self -exiled t ae<\ will fight out the men's singles final m the Asian lawn tennis championship* Lahore. In yest er day's finals Kovaleski was givm a hard mat n by left-hander Iftikhar Ai j mad. Pakistan's top-ranku&
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 54 6 FRANCE beat the Enfljsn Rugby League's 'other nationalities" team yestreW by 16 points I two tries, two goals, three penalty goals' to thro I try» at Bordeaux yesterday. They led seven-nil at half-time. The "other nationalities comprised nine Australian*. two New Zealanders. a 8o«t!i African and
    Reuter; A.P.  -  54 words
  • 25 6 PRANCE beat Holland DJ r five Roals to two m an international soccer ma'cn at Pans yesterday. They »9 3-2 at half-time.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 LAST DAY 1 1 1 .4 I 30— H. 30 ■331 Winchester wuMO anew u mum *<«»« c new* j TOMORROW! "THE INSULTED AND THE INJURED" a Mandarin pic ure with Kn-lish Sub Titlr> ~rnT ow ii i r> 4. »i:;o 9.30 p.m. DLOMd X '.i>«cl and Distributed h> Shaw
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  • 139 7 National Olympic body urged IUUJMPVa Moo. v.c annual general \Veeting Ol trie J^an Hockcv Council fgala Lumpur yestermorning H was *L, d to make every ■Ertfor the iormation nation* Olympic •L for the Federation. ne suggestion faff the lorJ3s3wus of the >an ffltcou. affiliation turned down. Ji Yogoraian. delegate B
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  • 132 7 KIALA LUMPUR Today. GOAL scared by Hung A Yam right on time, en,^c Singapore to beat hnk by three goals to two a tne Quadrangular Hockey Ttanmnent played on the Fjiani this morning. Ie twentieth minute iocotuu the Singapore goalcleared with a hard trie which Kar.m stopped
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  • 474 7 Latest positions of rugby XVs Free Press Rugby Reporter SURPRISE m the HJLS. Malaya ru^by competition on Saturday was Perak's sixthree triumph over Penang at Penang. Until then undefeated, Penang were expected to win and have a clear run to the final, but a very
    474 words
  • 23 7 r^RANK. Setigman (Australian beat American Art Larsen 5—7. 6—3, 7—5. 6—3 to win Victorian tennis singles title at Melbourne on Saturday.-
    23 words
  • 162 7 THE Singapore Amateur ootb:\ll Association definittk mIN a representative team to tour the mi p?n*, next year This will he the first SAFA tour of the Philippines ■nd he Frst pmA-WMM tour by a SAFA team Prr-war SAFA teams toured Saigon m I!>3, and IJ-iu. The
    162 words
  • 32 7 "QUGAR" Ray Robinson, world middleweight c^amnion now on a boxing tour cf Europe, scored a four-round knockout on Saturday night over Luc Van Dam. the Dutch middleweight champion, at Brussels.
    32 words
  • 31 7 CELANGOR beat Malacca 3-1 m their second match m trie Quadrangular tournament played ?i Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Scorers for Selsngor Mere: Mohamed Her Eunos. Eng Kin, 'Foo^coml^Malacca's only goal
    31 words
  • 505 7 pARDIFF. by snatching one real chame, defeated Aberavon three-nil after their grand defensive tackling had negatived all Aberavon attacks and m two other close and exciting games Swansea beat Coventry 6—3 and Neath defeated Llanell> three-nil m Saturday's l\K. Rugby Union programme. Leicester, the more resourceful
    505 words
  • 302 7 A L 'THE WRECKER" Havoc looked a very impos- ing figure when he entered the ring at the Happy World on Saturday night to wrestle Kine Kong. He was draped m a shining silver cloak with tunic, extra padding around the shoulders and hair
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  • 620 7 From JIM CHAMBERS DTANLEY Matthews, British football's "wizard of dribble", is by no means a back number yet. Playing for Blackpool against Arsenal, leaders of the First Division of the English Football League, on Saturday, Stanley with a wonderful second-half display enabled Blackpool to tie four-all
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  • 672 7 IT.X. Football League placings after Saturday's matches are: ENGLISH LEAGIC— PIV. 1 P W D L F A Pta Arsenal 21 13 5 3 49 23 31 Midbrough 21 12 6 3 52 28 30 Newcastle 21 11 7 ***** 29 Tottenham 20 11 5 4
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  • 568 7 00I REPEATS THOMAS CUP PERFORMANCE Free Press Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. WOULD Wong Peng Soon have beaten Ooi Teik Hock if he had not retired before tht 'rubber set on Saturday? This question, left unanswered. was one of the unsatisfactory features <>f this year's Foong Seong Cup final, derided m
    568 words
  • 133 7 Boys' club boxing tourney tomorrow r HE first inter-boys < I boxing tournament ganised by the Singap Youth Council, will be held this week. Katong Boys" Club. Moui. Er?kine Boys' Club. Good Companions Youth Club, Jalan Eunos Bjv.s Club. Mount Emily Boys -Home St. Joseph's Sch will compete lor
    133 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      71 words
    • 118 7 BOOKINGS ARRANGED SINGAPORE UNITED KINGDOM, vU 1. South Africa, West or East Coast. 2 Australia. New Zca'and and South Africa I. Australia New Zealand. Panama and Curacao For further informal or pta« aup'y AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY LTD. 64. Robinson Road Singapore Phone: ***** Telegrams. Amerieyd HAVE YOU REMEMBERED? to book
      118 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 33 7 Todays sport ■OCKEY: f vionei»e S.( i V.U.C.A., B.iNstier Road; S.R.< v H.K. and Shanghai Bank. Pad an?: 8.C. 8.C. v Colts, Hur.g; I.m (ireen; Polire S.A. v C.O.IJA S( (•< on fc'l Road.
      33 words

  • Article, Illustration
    57 8 RU .1 AH') I i < wife of F v I. on 9.12.50. at a bro'.ht-r for Urs. JORDAN Ar K.tndang Kerb.iv H n I) -rnber Bth. to :i a LIGHTS IN TIIK NIGHT— Lights hiaied at General Mac Arthur's headquarters m Tokyo, as the Tnited Nations Commander conferred
    57 words
  • 85 8 \GE?.IENT is ani d Selma J. >v.d Jan B. G. >■; December ".he 160 50A Cre cent Road. PCHSLL. The en^ rnt is announced between >n of Mr. and D J. Elui- of Singapore V. ten. only daughtei of Mr j T V. Muchell of S I ORIMER-GIB3ON-BISHOP: :igagement
    85 words
  • 231 8 GIB. 'NOW AT OUR MERCY' Will fall like a fruit Franco GIBRALTAR "is now at our mercy" because of its I* geographical position, General Franco declared m Madrid yesterday. -The great truth is that Gibraltar is not worth a war." In an interview covering most of the tront page of
    A.P.; U.P.  -  231 words
  • 25 8 TAIPEI. Sun. Security officials claimed more" than 500 underground workers m Formosea had surrendered m response to a "give up" call.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 107 8 HE RECEIVED RIFF SURRENDER PARIS. Man. iyf THEODORE Bteeg, 82, one-time Premier of France, died yesterday m Paris. M. Steeg was Premier m 1930. Four years previously, as Resident-General m Morocco, he received the surrender of the Riff chieftain. Abd El Krin He served four times as Interior Minister, and
    107 words
  • 225 8 Earl thought he was married SEATTLE. Mon. THE Earl of Essex, snugly living m a rented cabin a few miles south of Seattle with the woman he thought his bride, got bad news from a judge at the weekend he is not married af:er all. But he will be today,
    225 words
  • 76 8 LONDON. Mon. pENERAL Kirn II Sung, the North Korean Premier, has claimed that the Korean People's Army and guerillas and Chinese volunteers have liberated almost the entire area north of the 38th Parallel and "a part of the area south of it." according to a New
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 156 8 MANILA, Monday. UKESIDENT Soekarno of Indonesia has indefinitely 1 postponed his visit to the Philippines because of "sudden illness", the acting Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Felino Neri, was told m a message received from the Legation at Jakarta. Dr. Soekarno was due to arrive
    A.P.  -  156 words
  • 27 8 HONG KONG. Sun.— The British Army here announced today that it would hold fourday exercises beginning tomorrow m the New Territories bordering Communist China U.P.
    U.P.  -  27 words
  • 39 8 A series of earthquakes rocked Peruvian cities and nonh Chile last night. Wiling at least five people and injuring 13. Four were killed and 10 injured m the town of lea. south of Lima. A P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 17 8 LONDON. Sun. Military l'-adt-rs of the North Atlantic Treaty countries will meet m London on Tuesday- A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 169 8 PRAGUE, Monday. A CZECHOSLOVAK children's magazine has been putting out ideas that are not according to Stalin, says the Youth Union daily, Mlada Fronta. The newspaper criticised an artic-it by Vaclav Lacina on "The Slave Society" in a magazine called -Pioneers Ahead." The Youth Union
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  • 68 8 Merrier X 'mas for U.S. NEW YORK. Mon. AMERICA will have more A foreign made goods and delicacies for Christmas this year chiefly because of increased imports from Western Europe. During the past few weeks We.sL European exporters m readiness for the Christmas market have shipped twice as much as
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 25 8 KARACHI. Sun—Preliminary negotiations have started m Karachi, it was stated yesterday, between the Pakistan Government and the U.S. Embassy for technical assistance.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 29 8 PARIS. Sun.— The French Communist Party has called for a march on the Elysees Palace of President Vincent Auriol tomorrow to protest against proposed German rearmament.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 44 8 A TRANSPORT plane carrying 50 Senegalese soldiers and a crew of seven has crashed m the jungle, 10 miles from Bangu. French Equatorial Africa, killing 37 of the soldiers. The plane was en route from Dakar. West Africa, to Madagascar.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 50 8 SEGOVIA. Sun. TWO patients are recovering full vision m Segovia following recent operations m which eyes of dead persons were grafted on each who totally blind m one eye. Doctors said that 12 days after the operations, both patients reported "good vision" m their new eyes.
    50 words
  • 83 8 HONG KONG. Sun. The independent newspaper. Wan Kui Vat Po, said m a dispatch from Canton that the Canton government had ordered the removal of all factories making inflammable and explosive products from the city before Dec. 15. The announcement said any such plants remaining
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 29 8 HONG KONG. Sun.—Communist China today placed its foreign trade completely under State control by a set of new regulations released by the New China News Agency. U.P.
    U.P.  -  29 words
  • 25 8 Foreign Legion infantrymen advance across a flooded rice field m Cochin-China during the interminable war against the Communist-led rebel forces of the Vietminh.
    25 words
  • 178 8 OSLO, Mon. DR. Ralph Bunche, former United Nations mediator m Palestine, received the Nobel Prize for peace yesterday and called for a world of freedom and equality for all. '•May there be m our time a world of peace m which we. the people, make full use
    U.P.  -  178 words
  • 135 8 WASHI\(iTON, \i nflaT T^HE American Transit Association ha* asked th x government for assurance of enough scare materials to provide 7,900 new motor buses j cars and subway cars for 1951. The association, which represents local transit companies over the company, proposed also that the government
    A.P.  -  135 words
  • 60 8 rLAKE SUCCESS Mon E ehmncet of hoWim tht next regular settiot of the United Nations Gfner*; I Assembly m Europe -probiblf m Paris— are increasintdiflt When the General hssmStfi Budgetary Commit t* staru toiir debating tomorrow on itai hold the September 1951 mefti^. delegates are
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 308 8 \i hvimuiM.mrn A: MRS G. A. PANICKER I -n Hens? Estate. Kota Tinggl.! all friends and relatives who attendee! 'heir wedding In Bahru. on 25th November. for all the presents they HENO 300 PHIOW and all relatives and I !or IhHr night visits ioan condolence. and ha- me Requiem i
      308 words
    • 162 8 HIGH TIDES Today:«Jtt| II Hi.a. Tomorrow: 1 «)">a.m: 11 JOAN CRAWFORD IN HER GREATEST EMOTIONAL ROLC; B'TVIYIYiW Today At A h L 2-4 15-6 30-9.30 p.m. COMING SOON fiwHRO-iW^i What Strange M\ster\ mmt^ msMm^**iJjk Surrounds The Beautiful I SHADOW J Lady In Black' OTTHg BACT.If AMAAIO 2MM hoi.. *iO«
      162 words
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