The Singapore Free Press, 9 December 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA NO. l'>"'" SINGAPORE, SATI'RDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1950 run y iimims.
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  • 386 1 ALLIES 'READY TO NEGOTIATE' But no weakness, says comm unique npiTUV WASHINGTON, Saturday. J^KI 1 Alfj and the I nited States have agreed on a policy of "no appeasement Mr. Attlee and President Truman announced last night after the last o» their six talks. Rut, they added, they were ready
    Reuter; AP; U.P.  -  386 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 At the Singapore Air Day show at Kallan» today, you will see Vampire jet fighters (one shown above) in a high-speed, flypast, followed by aerobatics by one airtraft. WEATHER FORECAST for this afternoon: Generally fine.
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  • 88 1 IIOM, K«>M. Sat -IjIN V i> >•> U P I r y. cunsirut tion mil niiliIJP pl»ns to iu.d ;imv £Kat uk uhuh shl will come from HVslrrn worlH according to r -».irtN rMrhm; lli»«u I ObsrrTt>r> hrr»- believe ,n4 thr < MBCIC <.ov,rnp^t insists
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 322 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Sat. rpHE troops fighting the I A United Nations army "consist almost entirely of Chinese forces' and "few North Korean troops are in action," stated a cable from the I.N. Commission in Korea which was read yesterday in ihe Political Committtee at
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  • 37 1 Three-year-old Tony Critchard who fell 30 feet from the balcony of the Atomic Lodge at Lloyd Road yesterday has recovered consciousness in the General Hospital. Hr- will be X rayed this morning
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  • 45 1 Indonesia does not consider it necessary to enter any military alllancei with its nelgnbouring states now. according to a Government Source m Jakarta. Hf said that the consolidation of internal defences was of the foremost importance to moot "any outside aggression.
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  • 299 1 1 Common loreun polky objectives to mainl nn peace; to promo t e the $trc-n:th of the free world: to eliminate the causes of war, tint and discontent md :.A--tance the democratic way of m. *> I nitetl action in support «»t this unity of objeclirn. 0
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  • 57 1 Free Press Stall Kt-porter KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. ONE Chineie bandit and a special constablp were killed yesterday afternoon m actions in Ncgri Sembilan and Johore. Thf bandit was Wiled In the Jelebu area by security rorces who recovered a shot gun and cartridges from nil body. The special
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  • 30 1 Th^ Libyan National Assembly has formally approved the proclamation of the Emir „t Cyrenaica. Wriss Senussl as King of the fu ire independ m Libyan State. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 24 1 The Netherlands yesterday urged approval of a Swedish n\in tor temporary United. Mfltinm sir)-: vision ot. J»»ru-. A.P. saiem'i holy pla<
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 41 1 From ALLAN LEWIS IPOH, Sat. MY bt*sl bets f«r today are STYMIE TRIGGER KIGOLETTO. The track is expected to b<» fast. Trespasser's best bets are KIGOI.bTTO <n*|» and ALPHONSUS. Latest hint from the course in p:me seven.
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  • 129 1 LONDON, Saturday. J3KITAIN is rapidly approaching the point where 13 it would willingiy swap its I .S. dollar aid for supplies of such scarce raw materials as zinc, co^j r and cotton. informed .sources predicted last night that the United States will soon .suspend Marshall
    A.P.  -  129 words
  • 41 1 Reliablp sources in New Dt-lhi sa.;i yesterday that itiations between India and Nepal ove>r tht» small buffff Btate*i future had end Pd in a deadlock, and thai thr Nepalese pJoreign and npfpiici- Ministers 'A'oiad re- U.P. turn hune tomorrow.-
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 53 1 SAIGON, Sa'. X^RENCH troops patrolling a sec- or of Seven Pagodds. a town 40 miles north-east of Hanoi, killed 26 Vletminh rebels and arrested 200 sttsper«s. Troops sweeping in nearer Hanoi killed another 26. In Cochln-China they killed or capfnred 79. Tonkins was calm French military
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 29 1 r is reported fetterday to be ready :o m^et the West I ri the next ten days for new talks on m Austrian pea;-f> tr^a'y AP
    AP  -  29 words
  • 52 1 DR. UAROM> IKI.V. w«rM "i >< d physicist and N«I>H Pnr.r winner, said in a speech at Miami that his study of the nniYerse now "leaves little doubt that lifr has occurred mi other planru." Hi; uid iif doubted that th<> human race U the most inWUUeni form
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 170 1 Hong Kong affected WASHINGTON, Saturday. HPHK I.S. Commerce Department yesterday banned United States ships and planes from carrying strategic materials 'anywhere in the w->r'd" if they were destined for Communist China or Soviet Europe. The ban. which includes Hong Kong, and Macao, becomes effective
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 138 1 DETECTIVE SHOT DEAD IN SINGAPORE Free Press Staff Reporter 'J'WENTY SIX -YEAR OLD Sin Tiang Pong, described by the C.I.D. as one of the best detectives in *he force, was shor dead this mon by a Chinese gunman In the Municipal Labourers Lines, Queen Street. Singapore. It is believed that
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  • 29 1 The Royal Canadian Air Force will extend its airlift operations as far as Korea if necessary, instead of to Japan as during »hp las' five months. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 284 1 A llied troops 35 miles from safety TOKt O, Sa urciay. I^IFTKEX thousand British and Am^riian troopr slashing through encirclim; hinrs,. armies ir swirling snow in north-east K«»r a w.-ic last nigh about 35 air miles from the HaitgMM ln*arhhr.«i* and safety. Falling snow and low cloinK deprived then n
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  • 45 1 Communist China yesterday broadcast a boast by a North Korean diplomat that all Korea will be libera Tiie New China news a attributed the remark to Mr Li Chou-yen. North Korean ambassador to the Communist government at Peking. A. P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 102 1 'PRODUCE SYNTHETIC U.K. URGED LONDON. Sat. 'PHE NEED for a synthetic 1 rubber industry in Britain even m peacetime was urged by Sir Ge< Beharroll. managing-direr' or the Dunlop Rubber Company, at a dinner of the Institution of Rubber Industry. Stockpiling together with high consumption and the world situation had
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  • 46 1 BOMB MAY BE LAST RESORT Dr. Ralph BunciuAmerican winner <>i tl Nob^i Peace Prto in Oshj irettenlay that he diu not believe an \isf the atomic fxwub to an Hit h<* warned r a ptwi conference the bomb mlcn.i be used <> Last tlespermte ))ii in sflf'df'tcnrp
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 36 1 CHEONGKEE&CO. Iliritalkd house for D are Curio*. anv Dynasty |»W7 J a(^ e an< ancv Articles Ajj Eaibroider'es, Art Blackwood FurnturCi>GAPORE. COLEMAN ST. yumi fiist^ 'there can be no. improvement to a kgPLAYGR'S rP\ N? 3
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    • 120 1 6~ M.FUNTER&S. GRINBERG Diamonds Jewellery 67, Stamford Rd., Eu (Jourt Kldjf.) b pore. Telephone 7923 COLUIH IH A R j CHRISTMAS RECOVDS I f THK BBC < H<Htl > >-.TF M L ft FMI HI Hi S AVv'AKF DB VVHIIE SHEPHFHDS WATCHED HARK THE HFRALD ANOF.I WO I>H THE FIRST
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page For Children
    • 628 2  -  S. C GEORGE Tlv Midhlupmuii %ndre* ehr^ti* md his friend B«n Noahe« ot a privatcei recently returned trona sea *re preKSganged an to Naval warship a1 Plymouth An drew now an ordinary seaman Ihe warship sail* foi Calcutta where the? join a Hect bound foi lava On
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    • 84 2 TRY to win some pocket money for your Christmas holidays by colouring this picture with either paints, crayons or chalks. Allowances ire made for different colouring methods. Send your attempt with your address and age, to Children's Page, S'pore Free Press. Singapore, and you may win
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  • 133 2 Zoo gets new baby 4 little "waif" from East Africa now at the London Zoo's reptile house is a baby leopard (so-called because the species, when mature, develops small spots on the shell). The tortoise, only one of its kind in the collection, is a gift from Dr. D.
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  • 45 2 Y r Ol should now have M pictures, each one pasted on a half postcard. Cnt out lh»> three pairs have collected half the pack Clues are at the bottom of column six, and rnles for the game will he
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  • 213 2 An Xmas present for Mummy rpODAY we nave some- thing esoecially for the nieces. There are only a few weeks left before Christmas and so there is jusi time for them to maice a really nice present for their mothers. First of all you will have to ask mother to
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  • 123 2 MYSTERY WRITING gOMEONE has discovered that if you write four figures under each other and then ask your friends to strike out one of them, the majority will delete the third. Just why there seems to be no adequate explanation. Write the figures 1. 2, 3. 4 underneath each other
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 j Bi4JßU««is fr <»r prirrs. plrase con'act Agents F. E. ZUELLIG (M) LTD P U BOX 139 SINCjAPORK UNMATCHED BY ANY OTHER ATTRACTION WEEK-END! 5P m i Jl 2 -4.15-6 30- 9.30 dm. i ri mSn 'fill '^^l^BBBwftiiißßl LIFEGUARD MILK CO., LTD. 35 ?6, Medeiros Building, S'pore* Telephone: ***** Sow's
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    • 219 2 JviatQQtd 7\ode <@v^/y x u Ur H« p Trade inquiries: I' C>. Box 832, S I \(J pg^ j i i i i i i o i i i ■■•■«fr Ba| B A Guest Hou->c You'll love to live in... i Selt-conra:ned Healthy loca- a, |fIK lily, single o» double
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 241 2 THE PUZZLE WINNERS DEAR Children, got the correot solution but spoilt your chances of winTnank yo,; for send- lling by not senc iing in your in* in your entries to ansW ers ai cards as you last week's vvord puzzle were asked to do. Then competition so promptly others just
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  • 524 3  -  Maureen Mallal The Week's Films fljs;l -ijaTERFKONT apart ;rom i'- centring around j^aan of deep determinate *nd character. u> in iZf other respect in ab>o- /contras: to Harriet Tjjjj," reviewed last week. rtd 01 the luxurious JJJ ot the American depicts the dreary, dampness of titerpool
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  • 95 3 pRITISH movie m'^iH J U Arthur Rank has ope« ed a charm school to turn his cinema manajjer.s inio perfect gentlemen Starting from the bottom —in thp boiloi r ru— 24 fledgling managers are learning the niceties of parating the cuifonceri from their shillings praciouslv in
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  • 298 3  -  Francis Rogers By J^AY Miliand reached such an unusual pitch of eloquence in some of the scenes in Copper Canyon (Cathay, midnight, Saturday) that I thought he would have been more at home in a Paris salon than in a western sa:oon. Apart from this overemphasis
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  • 13 3 Owing to pressure on space the bridge problem cannot be published today.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 3 A grubby, bearded MacDonald Carey makes love to Hedy Lamarr in ''Copper Canyon. Below: Joyce Howard, ghostly star of N Shadow of the Past."
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  • 279 3 Free Press Theatre Correspondent r pHE University of x Malaya's first venture into theatricals will be n n show at Oei Tiong Hall tonignt and tomorrow. Chinese, Eurasian. Indian and Malay i students. under the direction of a European actress (Virginia Johnson), are putting on, that
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  • 768 3 By Our London Correspondent ON location at the Nettlefold Studios, Walton-on-T h a m e s, there's been a fairsized fairground! Excuse the pun but Nettlefold and the Thames bank has been buzzing with corn and humour since Susan Shaw, Laurence Harvey and Maxwell Reed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 121 3 *ftYOYNOS Ey P.O.A.S. NOW 9 TOKYO SERVICES A PER WEEK Leaving Kallang Airport, Singapore, at 0100 hrs, every Monday Fastest Tokyo Service 27 Hours Leave Singapore Mondays, spend 14 hours in Tokyo, and be back in Singapore on Wednesday night EXCURSION FARE SUI3/-N0 OVERNIGHT SiOPS Thursday TOKYO SERVICE leaves Kallang
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 319 3 YOUR LUCKY STAR BOtN today, it is likely that you will have more than your share of strugfle to overcome opposition to your pUns for liie. You have exceptional ideas and ideals and you nanot expect to be instantly understood by your contemporaries. If y° u hold tenaciously to your
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    • 72 3 New Crossword No. 224 caste .7). 9 Looks and HOndl «J if I-' disouUtion (7)! He Starts 13 with one member <J). 1- "^Tis H Ls back and 14. It's nv*tly lu<k with this •g^PSTfsi if BoSuid IPWMkS not onlv that «n for tuiiat eh. wiU repel (5). W. Bcaunnu
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  • 623 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY Dec. 9. 1950. Always on the go OINUAPORB'S citizens. 4 hettm or not they f-d on the electoral rolls for Legislative Ci uncil and miripal elections, nnot complain they I e roused to a pitch r-ment just once or twice :i vear and then 1
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  • 1549 4  - Tibet— a great power long ago RONALD V.ROLFE Political background r*By Tibet has raptured world attention with the marching of Chinese Communist troops into the fabled "Land of the Lamas' IN order fully to appreciate the intricacies of the Sino-Tibe-tan tangle and the result ant deep concern of India it
    1,549 words
  • 797 4 Talking about Singapore by Citizen. LIFE CAN BE TRYING I IFE in Singapore be a little tryIng when one comes across a Chinese funeral procession which holds up the traffic for several minutes, and. having got going again, is held up farther down the street by a wedding procession of
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  • 632 4  -  Patrick Keith By TV) you wanl to fly? Wnnf to see what Illis little town of Kuala Lumpur, which we think so much about, looks like (vow the air. Then join the Kuala Lumpur Flying Club. White, black, brown or yellow, the facilities of the club
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 65 4 v > > V. I r There is a feeling of restfulness throughout the house. Worry and anxiety have given L place to relief and cheerfulness U BABY IS ON COW GATE NOW j° Look at him! All chuckles and chubbiness 1° weight increasing sound bones forming brimming with health,
      65 words

  • 62 5 picture. MR Wang Gun* Wu. Miss lv v Son and Miss tioh K*ee Sim. in a scene from Mertou Hodge's "The Wind anl the R.-»in. M produced ai»d directed by Miss Virginia Johnson The play is prevented by the Raffles Society of the Tniversity of Malaya, and
    Free Press  -  62 words
  • 129 5 sew N play with A oriental tore Men Rt 1 T R mv mmport pporied by I loral choir* will be prejrntcd at the Anelo-Chinesr t-hool at Barker R i od o:. Itanday Dec 28 i.t 6 3i> p in r>> The -t of the
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  • 75 5 Trn- Rural and Industrial Dt velop.nrnt Authority will tio!e rural population In i he Federation of Malaya and not the Malays alone. Dato Onn bin Ja'afar chairman or RIDA. said this niftl! in a talk over Radio Malaya. He added that as the Malays formed
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  • 291 5 KandangKerbau sets record Free Press Staff Reporter §INGAPORE*S centre for all <;»veriiment maternity and gynaecological work; Kandan* Kerbau Hospital, has broken all records feff deliveries and attendances. Between January and October this year 11.697 of m e nr W fh e ,n°i r nnn
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  • Article, Illustration
    168 5 r fHE Conference at Bukit Serene enters its third day today. This group photograph taken yesterday shows the delegates who arc attending the conference: Left to right: front row; the Governor of Hong Kong. Sir AlexanGrantham; the Head of the Brit sh Mission to Japan. Sir Alvary Gascoigne; Mr. Malcolm
    Free Press  -  168 words
  • 178 5 CiPIDER fWhtinji favourite O sport nmone many Sin gapore children has been roundly condemned by Mrs. R B. Clemons of th? S.P.C.A. BroaoY-istin? on Rruin Malaya's children programme this week, she expressed horror at the number of bevs "v ho spend r.l? th<Mr spare time huntine
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  • 22 5 The next monthly meeting of the Rural Board will! be held on Thursday. D^c. 21. in the Land Office, Singapore.
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  • 221 5 Free Press Staff Reporter P^ PIPE-smoking Malay servant off duty, wearing a sarong, and carrying a tooth brush and towel wandered up a slope in the grounds of Bukit Serene yesterday, at peace with the world, a few feet from where 20 men
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  • 276 5 Met Ling and the 'wolves WlA;ls.bins9poiWk Free Press Staff Reporter T IKK i.\..ny other barber-girls in Singapore, the attentions of "wolves* present Uie biggest problem to attr:*- 'v«! 18-year-o!d Mei Ling: of a hairdressing suL>i>;i New Bridge Koad. These men." she complains, "come here with the intention of making passes
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  • 61 5 In oidci- T« intensify its emergency publicity campaign, the Federation Government has decided to purchase another 30 public address vans for the purpose of keeping the people in the rural areas fully Informed of government activities and nirrcxil rff. Lra -Pic lii re by u M 5 ,i
    Tony Hatch  -  61 words
  • 38 5 Conies of pnotogrftp taken at the Girl of the Year Ball may b«« wen at the Sinpraoore Free Press 140 Cecil Street, Singapore, or at the town office in the Singapore CYl.'i Storage Arcade. Orchard Road.
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  • 385 5 Free Press Staff Reporter OAYMENT for houses built by Singapore Municipal Commissioners for sale to their employes, it h suggested, should be made on the ua>is of twothirds of the value of the house and property to be deducted from the salary by instalments One-third
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  • 16 5 SiX r: SPS ()f polio I ported in Singapore h week ending Dec 2
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  • 289 5 'CHAW made his r*\>u ii jon offstage by regan human beings a* a species n ferior lo his: bul always he had a heaiihy t or women and at ;imes even appeared to be a I of them, v At any rate he uses them effectively
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 PtfASf 70 REMEMBER THE Uth OF DECEMBER BACK MUSIC FESTIVAL IN AID OF S. A. T. A. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL NEXT TUESDAY HEMESMI Tickets at ROBINSONS I rider the d;sSr.o uished patronage of H.E. The Governor h courtcsv o? the Transport Storage Co.. Ltd. X'mas Reductions Ladies GOWNS i for
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    • 127 5 The Kiddies' Film of the Year "Her Dream Came True" Starring Mobo TOYS NOW SHOWING .^APIXOL \S Mm m *%ti tf %V J m M m -m mr' tf MWB m\M% M jmT fmm iM* t m* i m\m aO LV J m\ A^ m M m m mm Am
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 479 6 3 LEADING TEAMS PLAY AT HOME Arsenal should heat Blackpool From JIM CHAMBERS THREE of the top four clubs in their First Division of the English Football League Arsenal, Middlesbrough and Newcastle United -have horn* games today, while the fourth one, Tottenham Hotspur, visits Sheffield, bottom club but one in
    A.P.  -  479 words
  • Article, Illustration
    10 6 That must be one of the new Australian riders."
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  • 229 6 'THE WRECKER' IS OUT TO WRECK KONG i-f have never seen King Kong before. But guys who have wrestled wiiti him here have told me in Australia that he is a rough worker I They said that he was v^ry rough, very dangerous, and verv. very dirty." said Al "The
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  • 67 6 USEFUL B.P. CELEIIRA TES THE Useful Badminton Party will celebrate Its 18th anniversary at the seaside bungalow of Mr. Tan Puav Choo, 358, East C*k\si Road, tomorrow. Aquatic and land sports. a:enfral meeting of members. a dinner and dance will form part of the programme. Prizes to the winners of
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  • 86 6 YEAR OLD Michael Carrington of London wen the British men's imateur skating championshin on Thursday night for the second year running at London. He easily beat his only challenger, lan Small of Scotland. Miss Jeanette Altwegg of Liverpool won the women's event for the fourth successive year
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 61 6 3 CHANGES IN INDIAN TEAM INDIA'S team for the third Test ag&insl the Commonwealth tourists to be played in Calcutta on Dec. 30 shows three changes from the side which lost on Dec. i 5. Rust; Mody. N. Choudhury and If. R. Re^? have replaced Mustaq 1 Ali. B. C.
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  • 66 6 RAYMUNDO DEYRO. young Philippines Davis Cup player, took the American Fred Kovaleski to five sets yesterday before being eliminated in the men's singles quarter-finals of the Asian lawn tennis championships at Lahore. Kovaleski won 7 5. 4 -6. 9 7. 3-6. 6—3. In the same round Pakistan's
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 219 6 1 950 awards to Holden and Aaron JACK HOLDEN, holder of the European and British Empire marathon titles, has been awarded the Jackson Memorial Cup, given for the best performance during the year by an athlete born in the United Kingdom. The Harvey Memorial Cup. for the athlete adjudged to
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  • 50 6 Playing in drizzling rain. Frank Sedgman defeated his Australian Davis Cup teammate. Mervyn Rose. 6—2. 6—2. 6 3. in the semi-finals of the Victorian tennis championships at Melbourne on Thursday. Art Larsen 'U.S beat Ken McGregor 2—6. 7-5. 6 2. 6 2 in the other semi-final yesterday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 41 6 Otto Mayer. Chancellor of the International Olympic Committee, said on Wednes- day that Japan would be in- j vited to participate in both I the Olympic tracX and field eames at Helsinki and the A.P. Winter Games at Oslo.—
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 160 6 Yap Boon Keng in Civilians XV ruSTINCTION of being the first Chinese to play for Singapore Civilians in the H.IM.S. Malaya rusher competition goes to Yap Boon Ken? (Police), the former Penang All Blues representative He is turnins out at lull- back against Negri-Malacca on the Padang this evening. He
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 253 6 Adrema because that's exactly 'hat old fashioned business" methods •mount to sr ill repei tive work the up to*te firm use* AORkMA th« e» be infinitely adaptable system Itfc th« most modern, streamaddressing A listinf machines made. LL TYPES. FROM THE BABY AND-OPERATED SHB FOR THE MALL TRADESMAN TO THE
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    • 235 6 f BIF I BIGGER BETTER A hundred year* have passed since London's fir* great exhibition. For some time we have beet) planning to celebrate this anniversary b Festival displaying every aspect of British lite [A particular, »e are making the 1951 Industrie* Fair an occasion for the world to
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 5 7 sfasdf
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  • 774 7  -  ALLAN LEWIS From Stiff opposition for Trigger IPOH, Saturday. 'PHE fsisg tor this afternoon's racing will be fast A shower of rain on Thursday evening has Aen the sting out of the ground and the weather today is fine. The general opinion here is that
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  • 35 7 SUGAR" Ray Robinson is to meet the German boxer. Hans Stretz, on Christmas Day in Frankfurt ovtr ten rounds. Robinson fights the Dutchman. Luc van Dam. in Brus- sels tonight.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 21 7 Police Sports Association Will meet GHQ FARELF in a basketball match at Tanglm Barracks gymnasium on Monday at 5 p.m.
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  • 230 7 From BIU BOWES Social t« Fr«* Press TOOWOOMBA, Fn. T N magnificent display of j 1 big hitting at Toowoomba he Queensland Country XI Lnd Then declared. tSck of tonsmos jotaed JJ an open stand cf s |r ag Simpson scored 98 or tnese run*.
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  • 206 7  -  CRUSADER FoongSeongCup By I CHANCES are "50-50 in the Foona Seong Cup badminton challenge match between Singapore and Penang (holders) to be played at the Chung Ling High School hall, Penang, tonigut and tomorrow morning. Singapore's prospects have been impaired by the eye trouble to Wong
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  • 98 7 COMMAND Royal Engineers v» (South* defeated. Singapore Cricket Club by three goals to nil at hockey on the Padang yesterday, S.C.C. played with ten men throughout the game. The Engineers, after a firstminute goal by Michael Poo, pressed continuously until half-time. During this pressure Kabul Singh
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 76 7 P" I P^-^- CISC'- s now i ISHOW/WG i *.;u 9.3t p.m. !JHAH"sUMANT! > i«» BKOTII! K^ I ll> .OMGHT K'NIIE I r Return -Se iKHmERSMAN Ml Ml f LAST DAY and ?».3ft p m. I iKW ON THE WALL I Aim P[RR£AO I OMORROWI (jfiiKjJ^, Its a L-G-M! |«'OTICHr
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 497 7 fasdf Race 1—2.15. Class 4, Div. 3— 6 Furs. 1 000 Athlete Harper 900 2 200 Boleh Jadi E Donnelly 8.12 3 034 Agoko Ellery 8.11 4 023 Three Kingdoms Woods 808 5 (30 Kentucky II J. Donnelly 8.07 6 OXO Screen Jones 806 7 204 Jimmy Boy Bagby 806
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    • 401 7 Race 5—4.15: Class 4 9 Fu r s 1 422 Dancing Fury Eagby 8.13 2 300 Dar-Es-Salaam Harper 810 3 010 Golden Harvest i J. Donnelly 8.10 4 000 Mac Scott McPherson 8.06 6 000 Maryland Little 805 6 240 Stymie Woods 8.04 7 000 Hurricane II Ellery 8.03 8
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    • 38 7 Today's sport TODAY RUGBY: H.M.S. Malaya Rugger Competition Singapore Civilians v Negri -Malacca. Padang: Combined Services v Johore, Johore Bahru; Friendlies— Police S.A. v Chasers, Thomson Road; R.A.F. Tengah t SCC Padang. HOCKEY: SRC. v R.A.ff. Changi. Changi.
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  • 85 8 Woman dead in consul's apartment CHICAGO, Sat. A STRAWBERRY blonde sales-woman was found dead in the apartment of the Danish Vice-Consul, where she apparently gambled with death t test his love. She was Mrs. Marion Herben. an attractive 27-year-old estranged wife. Police Lieutenant John Leadwater said he believed she took
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 22 8 ACFMLM Ls an-! E M ind ii D-eembr •,hNA Cn Road. MIICHKII. I* Mr. t.nd t. or Singapore and Mi I
    22 words
  • 60 8 LONDON. Sat. Tin pricfsjinnped jretterdaj Spot was up £52-1 2 per ton. Neon official rioting price* ueie >po' £1.135 buyers; $1.H5 sellers: with business at C1.140 Three mon'hs £1.035 buvers R1 .040 selVrs with buaineaa at £1.035 to £1.005. The settlement price was £1.140. Tte turno\ei was
    U.P.  -  60 words
  • 311 8 BRITONS ARE CALM ABOUT KOREA Bu t A merica is excited LONDON, Saturday. THE calm with which the Korean crisis is being faced by politicians, the press and the public in Britain has evoked much comment in newspaper in (Jreat Britain. The London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian. Riving his
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 8 ON PAROLE Mamoru Shigremitsu. Japanese Forei»n Minister during the last war. leaves Sugamo prison in Tokyo, after having served part of a sevenyear sentence as war criminal
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 8 WHSEME IS IT— Sweden's (ro\v n I'rln v Car! Qo&tav. 4. searches for Sweden on the slobe with his mother, Princess Sibylla. The Crown Prince's father died in 1547, and his grandfather is King Gustav Adolf of Sweden.
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  • 177 8 LONDON, Saturday. AT least one afternoon-off-a-week for all mothers was called for at the London conference this week of the National Society of Children's Nurseries. Mrs. Douglas Jay, herself the mother of tour children, urged the establishment throughout the country of playrooms, attached to dav nurseries,
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  • 42 8 General Chiang Kai-shek warned Kuomintang members of the Legislative Yuan in Taipeh that a course of unwavering unity must be followed, if some of the factors which contributed to the loss of the mainland are not repeated in Formosa, U.P.
    U.P.  -  42 words
  • 47 8 New I.-C. Supremo PARIS, Sat. GEN. JEAN de Lattre de Tassigny's appointment as French High Commissioned and Commander-in-chief in Indo-China has been officially announced on Paris. <ien. Lattre de Tassisny. 60 years old. is at present commander of Western Union land forces under Field Marshal Montgomery. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 107 8 LONDON, Saturday. ONDON Stock Exchange yesterday experienced quietest conditions for many months In the past. Business in all sections was light and the few price movements recorded were Insufficient to create definite trend. Light trading in British Government funds created isolated small declines, but
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 206 8 LONDON, Saturday. EXPERTS concerned with providing London's 10,000,000 population with an adequate water supply are alarmed by the problems created by the mounting demand, already averaging 50 gallons a head each day For generations a large part of the supply has rome from a
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 154 8 TRUMAN v. TAFT BATTLE WASHINGTON, Sat. A BATTLE between PresiJ\ dent Truman and Senator Robert Tatt of Ohio, the Republican Party's Congressional leader, for the Presidency of the United States in 1952. is predicted by some political observers In Washington. The sweeping victory of "Mr. Republican" Tatt in the November
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 81 8 TAIPEH. Sftl ty|R K. C. WU. Nationalist China's Qorefttor of Formosa, reported that his provincial government had slashed taxes by 25 percent from the level of the Japanese days. Under the Japanese, the people had paid taxes amounting to 32 percent of their income, whereas during
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 14 8 The submarine Solent paid oft at Portsmouth after four years abroad.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 322 8 >u :h\ni>- typisi i >?f.ce expert" Imjior- F::n. B "ordand expertApply B I F P n maN ARTING Accour; BC S VI ri I, :)ly protBSE YMCA d SCHOOL, in; Belegie Road. SALE !94i PLYI Liixp moo I •r?ei Us^d G.E V. Good Cond. ion MIX Kl I.WMM n r
      322 words
    • 98 8 5b ate if nT risk the danger.,, the loss .*T^W the damaqe INSTALL AV^J^P f tf^mi EXTINGUISHERS r sou distributors: SI ME, DARBY rm:i j In aid of the G. 0. Cs Korean Forces Christmas Fund r- See! t I AMBROSE APPLE-JOHNS ADVENTURE The Little Theatre Players at the VICTORIA
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous

  • 10 1 Saturday, December 9, 1950.
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  • 245 1 The sky 's the limit today at Kallang ry is Singapoi e Wt !)i\ and the Royal Air Force is combining with rivil: hi ilvi'i s m ;in operalion clrsisned with ;i two fold >l>jiHti\<' stimulate air consciousness in the f (>'.)!) 'I In entourage neople t<>
    245 words
  • 38 1 TIIK planes taking part in l*day*9 display arr the Xiistcr, Vampire. Brigand, Valetta, Dakota. Tij;<*r Moth, Drvon. Tempest, Harvard. Sunderland. Hastinuv Spitfire, helicopter, Mosquito. Lineoln, and the Meteor, Src how many vmi can identify!
    38 words
  • 116 1 Roads you cannot enter nPWO mam public roads are closed for five hours today durifig the display at Kalian^. These are Ifountbatten Road Cram Kalians Road to Fort Road and Geylang Road from Kalians Road to Aljunied Road. Cars will be allowed to park In Mountbatten Road from Geylang Koad
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  • 54 1 THE FIRST PLANE TO LANDTHERE A CONSTELLATION of K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines made history by being the first airpraft to land at Kallang, shortly before it opened. It came from Jakarta, and piloted by Commander Parmentier, who. with Commander Moll, landed at Seletar In 1934 en route for Australia in
    54 words
  • 244 1 VKAKLY 20 years ago, Kallang Airport, Singapore's main civil airline lerjuinus, was a ';lc l^?' vw;iM)|) in the liasin Formed l>\ the confluence of Hi'/ Kallang, Gcylang and Rochore pvers. Nevertheless, after rareful tests, it had been chosen as the site of the airport which
    244 words
  • 35 1 The (ianl De H:ur!!«9nd Comet airliner wlikh j> joiniii" the Far East service of 8.0.A.C. may soon he seru over Singapore. It was piloted by John (uiinfn»liain on its trials.
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  • 261 1 ANE very vital role of the Air Force in the Malayan campaign is supplydropping. Some think that, in the final analysis, this may prove to have been the DiOSl valuable and effective side of the air operations. Behind this system lie.s a well-tried intpr-service organisation.
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  • 85 1 TARUDA Indonesian Air- ways. Ltd.. the national airline of the Republic of the United States .;l Indonesia, i i tbli hed on January I, 1950 Oaruda Aii bare network that covers tbt Lire Indonesian Arrhip* 1 and also maintains refular services between Indon' Singapore and Manila. Garuda
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  • 913 1  - What the RAF is doina in Malaya GEOFFERY KERR By T'HE British Fur I Air Force which has its headquarters at Changi, is rather like a father with three lu^ty policeman soot To each or the sons Deen the job oi maintaining law and order, with the host of ancillary
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 1 What you can *ee when you fly over Singapore today- ij^m about 300 feet up
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 FOR AIR TRAVEL FLY TO COOKS The Oldest and Most Experienced Air Booking Agents in Singapore Agents for All I. A. T. A. Member Airlines' Complete Travel Servki AIR TRAVEL SURFACE TRAVEL HOTEL RESERVATIONS TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Maiii Office: 5», Kol>in>oii Road Irlrpl.o.M-: 5222S Slflgapore Sub -of Hee Rattles Hotel I.
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    • 7 1 I 1 There's always TIME FOR iTIGER
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  • 792 2 THE BACKROOM BOYS WITH THE SCREWDRIVERS, WHO KEEP THE AIRCRAFT TICKING INURING tne display you will be watching at Kallang today, you will see Constellations and other airliners arriving: from overseas in the ordinary way. When you see a Qantas or 8.0.A.C Constellation roll to
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 2 A modern aircraft engine. This is the coupled Bristol Proteus power-unit.
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  • 176 2 By THOMAS R. HENRY THE titanium airplane now is a clear possibility. At the air forces' engineering laboratory at Wright Field, Ohio, research projects now are in process with the ultimate goal of making entire planes from. the world's fourth most abundant metal, strong as steel
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  • 126 2 MRS. CLARK, coming ifl from New York, Mr. Mrs. Van Leberghe coming from Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Delorme from Saigon, Mr. Maestracci frc/n Tananarive and Miss Moira from Tahiti covered between them 65.000 miles before gathering on August 8 around a table laid for 6 in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 134 2 1 of 4 great features that set a new world standard for ajr travel Y./ NOW! YOU GET SLEEPERETTE' ON PAN AMERICAN'S DOIIRLEDECKED CUPPERS* On all Ilighta to the U.3.A. (via Manila) »*njt»\ tlit- !>t*il-l»*ngtli romfort of luxuiiMN Sleeperette. Ne extra charge! Full *i/r hrrth* frt't* to Honolulu only $10
      134 words
    • 115 2 -^T KEY BUIWr smi/LATm drink $^§r OFQimnt f4 E N G I ME SKYMASTER SECURITY COMFORT You can now fly to KASHMIR. DELHI. BOMBAY MADRAS in the shortest possible time via CALCUTTA BANGKOK by BHARAT AIRWAYS IN ENHANCED COMFORT ECONOMY b WITH MAXIMUM SAFETY (Outward connections provided ex-Calcutta to any
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  • 1063 3 It 's all work AND play for the air cadets Tough, but fun and worthwhile" is how {h e Commandant of the Malayan Air Training Corps. Squadron-Leader J. C. Behague sums up the activities of the most progressive youth movement in the countrv thinking 5 the lining this lit writ:
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  • 368 3  -  TAN KIAN LIAT THE M.A.A.F. SPRINGS INTO LIFE IN PENANG By Three hoy* of the squadron with the Tiger Moth, p<)K Ihe \y^ B v months :«t I>C'iiang's Bavan l^epas airport, a Malayan air force unit has been in t!><' making It is Ihe Penang Squadron (>t
    368 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 3 The boys of the Malayan Air Training Corps at their headquarters at Waterloo Street have an egual enthusiasm for both the table terjnis and technical aspects of what their organisation has to offer. Sport promotes a healthy spirit of competition, keeps the brain and body agile and
    67 words
  • 238 3 AN October 22, Air Frai. Introduced its winter schedules. Every year at tills time important changes take place, depending on tV.r activity of the company and the proportion of traffic involved; some of these changes are due to the sontinu^l mod of <he At France
    238 words
  • 36 3 who travelled by Air France recently included: The Warner Brothers: Baron de Rothschild; H. E. Mahmud Ybunes Bey, Plrsl Chamberlain of H.R.H. King Parouk: H.H. Crown Prince of Ethiopia; and Frank Sinai ra.
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  • 564 3 M.A.T.C. IS A THRIVING 2-YEAR-OLD By A Special Air Correspondent THE year 1951 will be our of oppoi tunilv for the nirmimled young men of Malaya; :i rhance lo grasp ;j real oppor tunilv to make something better of their lives and, most important of all, to make ;i worth
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 74 3 PARIS /f NEW YORK f/% and l//yf world! ydv) Vl >>4' :V\ SINGAPORE TO SAIGON Connections for all parts of Indo China Departure from Saigon on Thursday 06.45 a.m. Arrival in Singapore on Thursday 11.00 a.m. [local time) Departure from Singapore on Friday 07.00 a.m. Arrival in Saigon on Friday
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  • 898 4  -  JOHN GILES Bv HOW DOES if FLY-AMD How IS IT MADE! EVERYONE knows what an aircraft looks like, but relatively few people know how it is made. If you want to be a pilot— and who doesn't— you should learn the names and functions of
    898 words
  • 116 4 has been given by the Port of New York Authority Commissioners for the construction at New York International Airport of a 10-storey steel and masonry control tower a replacement of the tempor- ary one* 145 ft. high, and 45 by 50 ft. at the base I r offices.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 4 Britain's atornic scientists are planning to explore 2S mih t into the itratosphen search for atom secrets. Picture shows students working make the ascent.
    24 words
  • 143 4 BRITAIN'S Minister of g Aviation ha.s announc.J that there will be no pubhc competition for the design o London Airport's P^^g buildings in the centre of airport. *.n*n.e& Mnce become clear thtUJg sure on space in the ceru area would be too great i :o allow this transitional
    143 words
  • 275 4 NEW AIRPORT FOR AFRICA I^HE new airport at Livingstone. Northern Rhodesia has been officially opened by the British Minister of Civil Aviation. Lore Pakenham. Livingstone Airport, which is under four miles from Livingstone town and abCM nine m.les from Viet Falls, h vs in the centre of a circle takinz
    275 words
  • 178 4 OHARAT Airways, a privately owned company, wa* formed in 1947 with a controlling interest held by the famous Indian Birla Finance and Industrial Group. During the last three years the company has maintained flying services in Central and East India North India and Assam
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 123 4 It your car feels like rife... 'is lime for MARFAK '^tfßft^^ y n Marfik Chass.s Lubrication .s on the job by the cushiony driving ease rat o-n or? lube iob to the next a thousand miles and more Marfak is tough. It .•jeezcout. shock, and washout Applied by chart, never
      123 words

  • 1334 5  -  TOM BAKER ijffKSS&a hsr By VOBODI ever been .sick in an uirihip for urships through tl with of ease, and with a of saland hk *nfortable a dn but it has i pr torn. d 01 its inventor. Mr \V V A >•• 7
    1,334 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 109 5 w§£ss&&? > ti&$LA **isJSf i f m 13 '*Av?v'i *<y*vSyßftM^i la^HßbßSßßbAih^Sßt^ 4v xtt^KK 9 A^F dr A^ A ■^w"';^^*^^^ lAbMAwSs j^b A jmAw \A dAAT m JL ffiiiinßnArTfflrfr A i^^^^^^aßy^^aß^^^^^^^B»^^ißA^^^^^ii^^^^f^^A^^^Sy^Bl i^^^^A^^^B^^^^^^w^^^^^A^^^w^^wA'^^J^^ ■^S^^^^Sm r m Sm A f jUgHr 'Mfa > 1 M 3 /£*s■'*> tfm Js£ u m i i^Br
      109 words

  • 1542 6 PILOTS CREATED HERE A club member explains how the air-minded in Singapore can sprout wings. fllE Royal Singapore Flying Club has always made its contribution towards Air Day whether it has been in the nature of crazy Flying, acrobatics, air lacing, or formation living, and their events li a v
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 97 6 I British Air Supremacy is ENSURED by: PRE-EMINENCE IN ENGINEERING i And precision in Manufacture i The same infinite care in Design Guarantees A.J.5. N ORTON Sunbeam #11 ATCHLESS Excelsior s as Worthy Representatives of I Britain s Best Motor Cycles j jz -jJ KYLE, PALMER CO. LTD. 83. Victoria
      97 words
    • 176 6 i% BUSINESS or VACATION to HONC^' kwong hotel: •J&KJ truly mod, rate. Central lo^T 159, Connaught Road. tm^ iti i ln Hongkong. Central Hongkong. for SUN KWONG TRAVEL SERVICE I 49 t Chulia Street, Singapore Phon e g^^ I #A FOR ALL REPAIRS OPTICAL, INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Span Parts
      176 words

  • 687 7 PLANES LIKE THESE WILL KEEP US ON TOP TH E oasii- military 1 ,-trermth o! a nation -roup of nations is lj*r\o mor° and more JJTecKontd in terms J sir and air The disputp oetween .h,jse h0 Dreacned 2TtneenefTi> could
    687 words
  • 77 7 SINCE its inception m 1946.Cathay Pacific Airways has expanded to become one of the major airlines serving the Orient Its network covers Honjj Kong, Singapore. Bangkok Rangoon, Haiphon, Saigon, Manila and Borneo. With its frequent and regular services operated by a fleet of Skymasters. Dakotas and
    77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 7 like tnese mm v^^ against the aayressor*
    7 words
  • 77 7 AIR Ceyion was inaugun e1 i':st over two year. ago oy xhe Ceylon Govei/'--ment to meet its counM erer increasing defßaads for air travel. The •TiJiiC^einent. eqiiipment, maintenance *rd operation oi the organisation has re*n undertaken by Australian National Airways Ltd. The Itai operates D(- 4s I
    77 words
  • 636 7 JN recent months, the number of transatlantic ail passengers has climbed faster than a jet take off In 1948 211.139 passengers took the high road over the Atlantic up 9% over 1947*8 total of 194.113 and .ill indications showed continuing upward rends for 194!) The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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