The Singapore Free Press, 8 December 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 393 1 U.N. IGNORE SOVIET DELAY BID Younger brands Red 'imperialism' NEW YORK, Friday. nESPITE vigorous Soviet opposition, the United Nations Politic* u Committee last night shelved consideration of Russia's rharge tha the Inited States was guilty of aggression in Manchuria and Formosa and uavo priority to debate on the six-power demand
    U.P.; A.P.; Reuter  -  393 words
  • 230 1 RED PINCER BID IN N.W. SEOUL, Fri. A DVANCED Communist units racing round the flanks of the retreating Eighth Army on the north-west front were last reported less than 50 miles to tl?e north of the 38th Parallel. Meanwhile, every available United Nations warplane in Korea was switched to the
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  • 63 1 conviction ol A, ;i former senior is. a stat«' Department ofßeisli <>'< a charge ol perjai un inimously uj»)i<"i<i yesterday *>> the Unite4 Stiles < ircuil Court of Appeals. Hiss, 40, vvns eoilTicted in January cf spying uhrn lip denied giving G^rernmenl secrets to WhiUaker r h'uniwr.;,
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 145 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. Attlee. the British Premier. yesterday conferred with the Indian Ambassador to the l\S., Madame Vijay Lakshmi Pandit, before his meeting with President Truman. After the conference, Madame Pandt left immediately for New York, where India has taken the 1 .id in the
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  • 341 1 LONDON, Iriday. THE Defence Minister, Mr. Emmanuel* Shinwell, told the Hlftise of Commons yesterday "quite emphatically there is no thought m our minds or m the minds of the American authorities of a withdrawal from Korea." Mr. Shinwel] was answering a barrage ot questions from members
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 1 pii'turr. Sharifudin bin Ahmad, ajjfd 7 ■Maths, won the second prise I» the Malay section of the Joh«re Babi Show yesterday. I- roe
    Free Press  -  24 words
  • 87 1 Morning Storm Came from S.W. Tins mornin&'a .-.quail which ept In from the southi o; the island ai a speed of about 30 miles an hour was |ust an ordinary storm. Si gapore weather experts told the I Press today. The storm was observed to be gradually forming the tip
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  • 33 1 r us. pr ry, said y r hington that there had been gen ral gen mmeni II I of all-out nv- 1 tlon bat nothing had be .1 dcc!df»d. Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 26 1 The U.S. Justice Department yesterday took new steps to hold In government possession a 92 percent stock interest in the American President Steamship Lines
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  • 105 1 DO VOl know what keeps a p'ane in the air? This and other questions arc answered in tomorrow's Free Press Air Day Supplement an eight-page special which includes articles on the 'screwdriver boys' (the aero engineers)' the Royal Singapore Flying Club, and the Malayan Air Training
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  • 134 1 SAIGON. Friday SUCCESSES against the Vfetminh Communists throughout Indo-china were announced in Saigon yesterday In the first good news in this sector for many weeks. French and Viotnam troops, operating from 125 miles north-west of the northern capital of Hanoi to 55 miles south-west of
    U.P.  -  134 words
  • 20 1 The Foreign Ministry annoim ed the <*nd of tlic state of war between rnd Germany.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 155 1 'Mistake' to use A bomb Liaquat KARACHI, Fri. IT would be a very great mistake to use the atom bomb in Korea because it might very well make the international situation worse.*' said the Pakistan Premier. Liaquat Aii Khan, yesterday in Karachi. The Premier made this statement in the course
    U.P.  -  155 words
  • 33 1 Britain's stocks of stra'oraw materials were b dispersed from dock a; the Trade Minister. Mr. Harold Wilson. told the of Commons. H(> said the matter bpins treated of ur- Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 24 1 Gwen l>ay (June) and Gracia Tay (Ltecemfoer parade at last night's "(jirl Of The Year* Ball.— Free Press pictures.
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  • 164 1 West defence plan accord LONDON. Friday. rpHE 12 Atlantic pact deputies yesterdav agreed on a plan to ?ive Germans suns again to help defend the West. Object of the pian Uto out 1. iujO West German troops into a sector or a defence line extending from
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  • 65 1 COBALT, Ontario. Police waited for someone to complain about someone tise passing him counterfeit 10-dollar notes because: 1. The fake money apparently originated with racketeers they would like to meet. 2. The racketeers were buying silver illegally from smugglers. 3. They were paying off the smugglers with
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  • 43 1 Philippine G o v e r n m forces saYed the town from burning in a brittle with M Communist Hukbalahaps at Florida Blanca, i of a Philippine a.r force in Pampanga Pi 4j miles north of Man
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  • 15 1 Tho Pakistan Premi quat Aii Khan, h an invitation from the T i
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  • 33 1 EARTH TREMOR IN ITALY A r wu felt In Cantaneuro. Italy terday moraine, which ca widespread panir in t: Although there was no di'tna^p roportcd. \ho population ."»nd flod t<> thi' oDen. A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 101 1 Churchill, Gaitskell in row < "by n I mat! e r i i urchil] d C mm »nt La Hff mcellor id annou r th Mr. < w< l! known on i mi" and hunliili r«.v id retort "I p hav h« s latr < I •< I r«w sin
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 11 1 g ral U; ill I U.S .<■>'.■ R <\ i A.P.
    A.P.  -  11 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 125 1 UfIPSHRDE 5 ifI niJPfICTORIRS H -yQLCSALE V RETAIL 771 QRCHAJRDJtD. SPORE /feres a Splendid Hot Weather Drink S^Cj j y AIFE( I drmi. ».»r the hoi dav«. i* 'O^alrinc* mix. J i old. It h.«* U-fnplin*. BawtM all ir^ o«n. and N«:nd» a »nt rrtrc.hinjj roolnr-%* rhroujjh ch«r hodv tKr
      125 words
    • 58 1 Singapore I e j and BA I? 3 Hor and Cold Onnk« Europ^ in food prepared by jui A1 C Special Wedding Cakct Chinese Chow Chow I our s a *ays eva /JBL 3^^ aS ft «,f liilM- tlii..-- «tr« -Will i ill hli mliiiu atlilt-d rare C 111 |»i»«kill^
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  • 771 2  -  DIANA HINTS BY OO you are going home and like the idea? Very nice too, but... while I agree entirely that there is no place like home and have every intention ot making sure my boms will eventually be buried ki England, unless you have oodles
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  • 128 2 UAVING bottling 11 trouble? When your screw-top bottles refuse to unscrew after immersion in hot water, you must use a monkey wrench on them. But apply the pressure slowly and carefully, or ihere might be a serious accident. Having stain trouble? With bakelite. disfigured by stains. you can
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 2 Alwy n a Paris couruier, (tires the final touches to his ski-bride uhich he presented m his mid-xeirJer collection She is dressed m lehite satin from tip of her scarfed bonnet to ski-boots.
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  • 307 2  -  JOTTINGS JUNO BY TALKING about Christmas with its attendant whirl of parties, its presents and plum-puddings I wonder how many of us will think of those who must pass Christmas time without all the the frills because they cannot afford anything better 0 I feel
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  • 316 2  -  KAY MURRAY jßy' A FEW weeks a sleepy busful of seven a.m. workers looked at an elderly grey-haired man with glasses taking a brisk walk alone on a suburban road near ft York. "Hi! Han\!" tiiey chorused, as they recognised him. The Pn sident of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 225 2 I/if /*r#ff/r#rn# #ft#- /^/ww y% f\ «;m t ./.«>.' 09thfStMtion of the many fiowefs wkkk fetfume the warm air I \/i to n7;tV/j Sav'dU adds a tvmh oj >i very modern, vk f tfj <»/(/ (J5 £ir vj jink, maemm anJ uvmn Hfaven are tliree famous 0 6li/(JI perJ]>nies hy
      225 words
    • 80 2 Latest Collection French Straw Model Hats 278 Orchard Rd. Tel. 474S NEW BEAUTY BEGINS y*-*. f£+4t ecJU *f fr^ZJ fit f aM wI^BBmJL &s^P?3ifß CAMAY is a hard milled soap 31 that s why it lasts much longer. Sote Agents tor uU Procter mid Gamble v r oducts^ S «or
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 178 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR gORV today, you have vigorous and positive personality. In youth, it is likely that you will enjoy sports, travel and change. You want to keep moving about where there is activity* and excitement. You will discover this is a handicap, unless curbed for it will be increasingly
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    • 134 2 New Crossword No. 133 77 JHhBK bEXS ISSfISI SHKMttBSBB I ift LIES ACROSS l Bills for assaults <7>. 5. I ppear en a postscript in the letter <:*). 7. Tom the sweep became one of the e <5. 8). 8. Heard y. Ben ni advance (10> 11. Not a low
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  • 362 3 W.GERMANS NOT ANXIOUS TO REARM 'Without me 9 say youths BONN. Friday. VUEST Germany's dream-militarists are predicting that there will be three million Germans under arms by 1955. Even the most cautious believe that West Germany could raise at least ton divisions without disrupting her present peace-time economy. Ten divisions
    Reuter  -  362 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 3 1.t.-Col. Bernard Fcrqusson, of hindit fame, and Miss I.aura Margaret Grenfell, a friend of Pflnei-ss Elizabeth, after their wetMilli at St. Michael's Church. Chester Square. London. l,t.CoL Fenjusson. who COmni tnds a battalion of the Black Watch in (iermanv, once led a Chindit column hundreds of miles into ipanese-held territory
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  • 123 3 AHMEDABAD, INDIA Friday. T Government of India, faced with an annual food grains ieficit of 2,000,000 tons, is perplexed ky the passionate opposition of an influential section <>t Hindus in Western India to destruction of locusts The annual southward migration of locust hordes from the Sind-Rajputam
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  • 43 3 Amnesty for collaborators Tlie French National AsJly has voted 336 to 263 to grant conditional nesty to a limited number iot Frenchmen accused of I war-time collaboration with the Germans. Communist and Soe. 1 cabinet ministers. voted against the government-pro- posed measure. A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 74 3 3,000 flee from Etna lava flow CATANIA. Sicily, Fri: THE evacuation has began o! 3.000 people from two villages threatened with destruction by rivers of molten rock cumins; from Mount Etna. The weeping villagers ofMilo and Rinazza were permitted to carry with them in police and ftre trucks only a
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 69 3 The American Communist organ, the New Yoi-k Duiiy Worker, went to court recently to defend Its right to a display on the city's news stands. The Freedom of the Prers Inc.. the company that publishes the Communist organ, said that the proposed ban on news stand
    U.P.  -  69 words
  • 45 3 Mr. Joseph Chlfley, former Australian Prime Minister and present Opposition leader, in hospital with heart trouble and forbidden from listening to the radio because he must avoid all forms of excitement, was al lowed to hear the Test cricket broadcasts from Brisbane. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 41 3 TELEPHONES for passenscrs are being: installed in all lifts of the New Sutton Terrace luxury apartments on New York's fashionable East Side. The phones are bein<r hooked up to the house switchboard. Reasons: Convenience and safety. A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 3 Field Marshal Viscount Akinbrook-. Lord Lieutenant <>t the County of London, talkl to Mrs. Ann Inland, sf Clapham. a woman dispatch rider, taking part in an L.C.C. organised recruiting: publicity dr ve for volunteers for the A.F.S.
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  • 103 3 LONDON. Fri. gRITAIN has asked the Indonesian Government to ensure that measures be taken to safeguard aircraft landing facilities at Jakarta airport, the Foreign .Undersecretary. Mr, Ernest Darvies, told the House of Commons. Air Commodore Arthur Harvey (Con.) had said that a BOAC plane was about
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 44 3 Foreign diplomats are to eat better, declared the Israel Foreign Office. Even if they pay in local restaurants in local currency, they will be served meaty "non-austerity meals" and now offered to foreign tourists who pay in "foreign currency." A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    296 3 Too are South, vulnerable against non-vuinera'bla opponent*, with the following cards: A Four spndes West opened fht be »nd East played the deuce. That cjrd. plus East's leaping raise, told West thai South must have a singleton heart and also told him tha' Easl had something somewhere that
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  • 167 3 Hollywood makes secret picture HOLLYWOOD, Friday. IJOLLYVVOOD is making a picture behind guarded doors. The latest picture to be made undei atomicplant security is called "The Thing." What is "The Thing"? Ah, that is why the picture is a secret. "The story takes place near the Norm Poles." Mr Howard
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  • 85 3 MANCHESTER. Fri. ALL British coke exports are to stop owing to rapidly dwindling stocks, it was announced at a meeting of the North- West Regional Board of Industry. The announcement said the decision had been taken by the Ministry of Fuel and Power. Existing contracts unountinf
    Reuter; A.P.  -  85 words
  • 42 3 GERMANS NOW SMOKING "OLD JOE" NEW YORK Th TH: rtcan bum 1 the G< BUU American i an smokes I ed 30 pel tobarro. Before I f i percent I I the i Any Ameru at nor..Liberty. P»< I Gold f-miilvtP A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 40 3 F)R R So f liticai I i Mi: and Di R S< c President-elect r th<» Qi Y« rfc for Tbo H round-table t. Both laid tl foimd with th* DrP"onrs(» to \hf 1 tion U.P.
    U.P.  -  40 words
  • 161 3 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN, I riday. THE house on Francis Street in KaUmazoo is just a bungalow. It has a living: room that serves a* a kitchen, a bedroom, a bath and a workroom. It is a good, plain, house, but the house on Francis Street is
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  • 63 3 BANDOENG, Fri. T'HE Plantations Comi.nUee of the United Nations International Labour Orft.nttation opened its first conference in Bandoeng. Twelve nations have >;put delegates and two observer* Uhe U.S. and Vietnam >. The conference, which will last \ei\ days, will be diwded imo subcommittees, one DO
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 21 3 Communist officials in Shanghai have announced a •wintertime defence" period involving stricter curfew reinforcements and more ripricl identification. Reuter
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 51 3 ADOG has given birth to a P«u In I ">Pi souther;! Luzon. The ***** is said to have brr-n mixing freely with pi«s before she brtanic pr*?rnant. People who s:iw the doy-pii; said the mother do;; enjoyd the small pifff as niurh as her puppi
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 57 3 The headquarteri 9\ i Communist Hukbalahap < mander on top of Mount Bar-) in R •s north of Man'l indi 01 0 Govornmm' tro ipc said to bo racrm tuv. sumnii T of the mow i vtftiich is believed to b<-hide-out of I)r Jesus Lava a
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 27 3 Japan ill ha- I •idU-s in 1953 ii the r plan for rot ..on i production Increi t by the Econom Co 1 *iJ ter.
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  • 32 3 Tile French author; i .s 1 i H..noi had decided to i all women and childr t he wholo Tonkin rl»']";j cause of the intern* ion d situation Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 V^y hF Fly now to Europe by K.LM. I All the great cities of Europe lie |j Within easy reach when you fly fl KLM. Luxurious four en^ined flf Constellation aircraft leave m Kalian^ Airport for Europe every M Monday. Wednesday Friday. M For further details, see B your local
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    • 14 3 [leid*«t *<ly *<•%,- C V „ct Vk llr.J "j VU JEROBOArv S MAGNUMS QUARTS PINTS
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 188 3 SINGAPORE BFEBS (Singapore] (Birr M'TVVOKK) 4.45 p.m. programme Summary; cv o^ 44 Fi >m the London EdronaLs; 10 a.m. News from Singapore; 4 Compo er ()f Llle week— 12 Programmes In Malay: 1 pm. Orleg; 8.15 Social Dispatch; 5.30 Ort Tinin bimia] a.- I onaon Studio Concerts; COO InUght Music;
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  • 493 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY. Dec. 8.1950 Mud from Munich F3LITTCAL leaders in the United States, commenting on Mr. Attlee's talks with President Truman, have revived a word abominated by every man with 1 memory -appeasement. Mr. Attlee has been quick to sive them the lie. He also made it
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  • 1011 4  - Warsaw builds again— at the rifle's point SEFTON DELMER flies back from the 'Peace Conference 9 with the Newsmap Notebook he nearly 105f... NEARLY lost my souvenir of the Warsaw "peace congress. It was a United Nations blue blotter-cum-note-book presented to the "partisans of peace" by Poland's Government. When I
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  • 819 4  -  Thomas Olsen In the fight against Communism m Says*** pORMOSA or France, r the Far Fast or the near West which is the danger point for Britain? Today Formosa holds the headlines but tomorrow the hot war of Korea may be swamped by cold
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  • 872 4  - Bach— Singapore commemora tes FRANCIS ROGERS By /\N March 21, 1685, a son was born to the Town Musician of Eisenach in Germany, a son who many years after his death was to become world famous. His name? Johann Sebastian Bach. At Leipzig, after a life given wholly to music,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 GIFT VOUCHERS the easiest way to send home the widest choice of git**Think of all the things you can buy at Harrods —there isn't a wider choice of gifts anywhere! When you send home Harrods Gift Vouchers your friends have the thr.ll of choosing their own presents at one of
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  • 282 5 ONE-WAY TRAFFIC SCHEME PRESSED Effort to clear main roads ™„w. Free Press Staff Reporter JHE Singapore Traffic Advisory Committee has decided to ask the Government to take urgent action on the committee's proposals for a one-way traffic scheme and on the recommendations of the Parking Committee. Until the Government decides
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  • 34 5 PRIZE-WINNER picture. PAT Harding, second in the "Girl of the Year" contest at the Victoria Memorial Hall last night, receives her prize from Mrs. Faulkner, wife of Rear Admiral H. W. Faulkner.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  34 words
  • 49 5 JJftJemse traffic cmf£*L u North Neu Road rom ross Z Hll Street VicgftJJUi"»nd Kalian* to South: Crawford North Bndce Road, Cross R»ad to (>olI >« >r Dhob\ (ihaut. to'ah R^ d (on Drirr Fullerton 'orchard Road alley Road to "place route River 22? RMd. lh Bridf!« p"»«j
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  • 28 5 ucrf money should be spent Jilt education. Pro>w?or r uason Professor of EduZ university of Malaya, rtdfesterday. He was speakj, on "Adult Educa'ion and nity Problems-
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  • 58 5 RECRUITS FAD COURSE ONE hundred and fifty Malayan recruits of the R.A.S.C. School <Far East) encird an intensive 19-week course with a march past and parade at Nee Soon. Singapore yesterday. Driver Mohamed Jan bin Ahmad, uho commanded the parade, was awarded the best recruit's cup and Driver Abdullah bin
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  • 115 5 A CHRISTMAS dance has been organised by the Students Union of the University of Malaya for Dec. 15 at Oei Tiong Ham hall from 8.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. This will replace the usual end-of-term social. This is the only opportunity for Federation students to celebrate
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  • 227 5 Free Press Staff Reporter NYLON fishing nets have arrived in Singapore for the Fisheries Department, who will soon test them to find out if they are more durable than nets made of cotton, ramie and hemp. If the tests prove that they are, tne department
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  • 97 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. THE fact that he did not have an identity card did not deter Ashad bin Khasim, a former Special Constable, from examining the identitv cards of three Chinese at Kampong Pantai. Bungsar, and extorting $60 from one. Today the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate,
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  • 27 5 Tungku Mahmud. a son of the Sultan of Trengganu, arrived in Singapore by Qantas Constellation yesterday from London on a twomonth visit to his parents..
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  • 43 5 "I will give you one more chance," the Singapore Fourth Police Court magistrate, Mr. P Clague, told two youths. Yong Sang Yew and Son Chim Neong. who pleaded guilty yesterday to gambling in public. They were cautioned and discharged. picture.
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  • 157 5 Free Press Staff Reporter STUDENTS of the University of Malaya will appear in he Raises Society's production of Merton Hodge's threeact play. "The Wind And The Rain' tomorrow at 8 r>.m and on Sunday at 7 p.m. at Oel Tlon* Ham Hall. For the last few
    Free Press  -  157 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 5 ]y|R Michael Wright, former deputy to Lord Killearn when he was Special Commissioner in South-East Asia, who has just been appointed British Ambassador to Norway.
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  • 286 5 'Cubicles are not meant for two Students reject offer Free Press Staff Reporter /TBICLES are not meant for two, arrordins: to some undergraduates in tbe Tniversity of Malaya. That is why thev have rejected an offer to return to the cubicles in thp hostels which they were told to quit
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  • 70 5 The Inspector-General of the Ceylon Police, Sir Richard Aluvihare. arrived in Singapore yesterday from Sydney by Qantas Constellation en route to Colombo. Sir Richard, who attended the Commonwealth Police Conference in Sydney last month, will spend three days in Singapore as a guest of the Governor, Sir
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  • 116 5 YE OLDE TODDYE SHOFPE Free Press Stall Reporter KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. HTHE proposed new toady shop In Malacca will be fashioned as nearly as possible on the English "pub. said the Resident Commissioner. Malacca, Mr G E C. Wisdom, at a press conference today. The .shop would be to accommodate
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  • 119 5 Free Press Staff Reporter A FULL-scale survey of listeners' opinions in Singapore is to be conducted by Radio Malaya. This follows a sample survey carried out last week when questionnaires on English programmes were sent to a number of listeners selected at random. "We have been able to
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 5 pirtures. /CALENDAR <.IRI.S Shirlrv Vj Jones <top>. wearing mackintosh and hoM r»j umbrella. portray the spirit of April in the "GM of UN Year parade. Bel<»u Tivi l.e<»MR. in drum maior uniform, is Julv Free Press
    Free Press  -  36 words
  • 24 5 Donations to the A> Relief Fund received by U:e Assam Rf li< Oommli sponsored by the Mai Indian Congress amount to $15,321.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 92 5 I Nef Net Net I i|^yI^R>RESSES ■BS^i^Vv CURTAINS ANY ther i ilfes^^r^f purposes j a 4 48 "—54 "—72" TO BE CLEARED at SI.- Per yard. BAJAJ TEXTILES j MM yo^/ tv/// a/ways hear IRLD BECKS /fameThe Best and notking but the Best is labelled CALDBECK'S -WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS /Veu?
      92 words
    • 111 5 j in time for CHRISTMAS GIFTS f AitmSkJfrmeMtof^wstxitii t X- ft <■''&: „/K 'ftr f *Mm B < T n Wr. o D* '$?v's'fis-- i 'Jgo' and Squ. re r 4 Set-- BBte^ft from $9.25 to $15.50 \2*>~jL To Wr.4. m •I' ItviTWO ■w*V Co" Attract f ff fi f-
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 54 5 MAIL Surface mail is expected J3 Singapore today from Australia. Siam. Medan and the Federation. Latest times for posting surface mail at the G.P.O. today are: noon for Palembang. Sourabaya. Jakarta, the U.S.A., Caiiada. Pakistan (parcels only) and Tanjong Pinang. 5.45 p.m. for tl't> Federation; 6 p.m. for North Borneo
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  • 528 6 THRILLS IN R.A.S.C. BOXING Heard knocks out Dawber Free Press Staff Reporter OOYAL Army Service Corps :md Army Catering Corps (Singapore) held their third annual individual boxing championships (1950--31) at Tanglin Barracks gymnasium last night. The evening's boxing provided plenty of thrills for the predators but little scientific boxing. Hard
    Free Press  -  528 words
  • Article, Illustration
    10 6 Sfie never did get used to the Malayan sun."
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  • 365 6 Touch-judge can be 'sent off' Free Press Rugby Reporter a TOICH-Jl DGE has little authority In rugby. He waves his flag when the ball goes into touch, indicates which team puts the ball into the lineout and seas that the man who throws it is standing on the right side
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  • 53 6 pzZARD Charles has been offered US$lOO,OOO to defend hLs heavyweight boxin? championship in Reno. Nevada, on May 30 next. His manager, Jake Mintz said yesterday Charles would be pitted against the winner of the bout in Los Angeles on Dec. 19 between Will Bean and Clarence
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 124 6 fsadfs 1 -ON DON ifiA AN initial firmness in the Stock Kxchan* f J2?" was erased by the Washington report that pccts of a Far Eastern peaceful settlement HI from the Truman-AttNc talks were fading Small losses became fairlv widespread i-itK cd^ed narrowly Irregular a genera
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 85 6 BRINGHUELA EXPECTED gTAR Bringhueto. light Weight champion of the Orient. If expected in Singapore next week to fight Sid Fletcher, Australia:. conqueror of Jimmy Welch. They are to head promoter Waily Oake.s' next card at the Happy V. Stadium on Fridav. Dec 15. The bout will be at the welterweight
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  • 81 6 DEL FLANAGAN ll»l 1b I of St. Paul, scored his 50th victory without a defeat When he pounded the world featherweight champion. Sandy Saddler 1 1 lb.i. to win an unanimous decision m a non-title fight at Detroit on Wednesday ht. Flanagan*! vie- has practically earned him
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 74 6 US ACCEPT 1951 INVITATIONS UNITED St National Amateur Athletic Union terday officially accepted Invitations that will send American athletes to more foreign sp< ::ts in 1951 than ever before in U.S. history. The 62nd annual convention of the A.A.U. accepted iir tions to events in Aust: Franc. Germany. England. Scotland.
    A.P.  -  74 words
  • 180 6  -  CHARLES BRYCE Personalities in sport.. 7 AN unusual sport it thai followed by Major RW Browne of G.H.Q FAR*?? His sport is o*v <'hici keeps th* body s'»»mh. »eJ do< do any cles the various p? rt s r{ the unison. That soort is Judota Major Browne
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  • 31 6 touring t, i Art Larsen and Dick tt. bear Australia's John Bromwich and Adrian B-2 '2 6. 7-5 7 S !n the ieml e Victorian t> champ! AP
    AP  -  31 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 64 6 SENSATIONAL SUPERLATIVE I J§ WRESTLING HAPPY WORLD SATURDAY. DEC. 9th. 9 pm. |HHp All Heavyweight, All Star Cmi The Grealeal ChaDen^e !■> our Mii*!'.ty Champkm« 10 STONE AL HAVOC The WRECKER, vs. KINGKONG RAY HUiNTE'* vs. GEORGE ZBI~ WONG BUCK LEE vs. JON Mo".*o rm cm vi «n GEORGE DUANE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 198 6 !ffi!lUf3k6 Exclusive to tho Singapore Fret Press in Malaya "ZTl 1 "'"U*^'' AH-NOT6ON£S-FLESHMAN/| AH-AHESHMAN INDEEO.' LOOKS*! I THEN WHOIS?I DON'T KNO* HI -TB-r 7 ~A j^—^ l/~!_ LIKE A YOUNG FABMEP, FROM THE WHO'S YOUB I'VE NEVER GRAB HIM? *9»7p-YES- 'M T f "If VILLAGE f ARE YOU r7 BOSS?
      198 words

  • Article, Illustration
    62 7 picture. Arsenal's first goal, scored by Goring (not in picture), in their Div. 1 match against Fulham at Highbury on Nov. 25. Lishman (left) and Roper (right) appeal for goal. while. Black, the Fulham goalkeeper, lies helpless on the ground. Macuzzi. the Fulham left-back, is in the goalmouth. In the
    Sport & General  -  62 words
  • 1499 7  -  ALLAN LEWIS From pictures. Best bets for tomorrow IPOH, Friday. [RACING at Ipoh tomorrow, last day of the Perak Turf Club's December meeting, should attain a high standard. Fields will be large in all events and a very well balanced programme will again test racegoers' skill in
    Free Press  -  1,499 words
  • 135 7 ALL-MALAYAN Combined Services have chosen a very strong team to meet All-Malayan Civilians in their annual rugger fixture, to be played this year at Ipoh. on Saturday, Dec. 16. Kuala Lumpur Services did not submit any names for selection: nevertheless, the side chosen includes several
    135 words
  • 96 7 Colony's. Cup team leaves 'pHREE members of Singapore's Foong» Seong Cup badminton team Wong Peng Soon. Teoh Peng Hooi and j Ong Poh Lim— left by air this morning for Penang for the challenge match against the Northern Settlement U.U week-end. a The other three members of the team Cheong
    96 words
  • 48 7 THE following will represent Malacca at the Quadrangular Meet between Perak. Selangor, Malacca and Singapore which starts at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. Sta Maria, Weng Hon. Masri. Bakar. Kong Whye. Robert Foo leapt. >, Hi nan Sequerah. Thomasz. Abu. Tiam Tye. Collac, Hamid, Abu Bakar. Webber and Mahmud.
    48 words
  • 358 7 WEIGHTS FOR TOMORROW IPOH. Fri. WEIGHTS for all eight races at Ipoh tomorrow, final day of the Perak Turf Club December Meeting, are: Cl. 2,Div. 1, B^F Brave Wind 900 Sir Tristram Charlemagne 8.12 Rigoletto 810 Mayfair 8.09 Little Ned 8.06 Birthday Gift 8.05 Father Ryan 8.03 Grecian Prince 8.03
    358 words
  • 56 7 THE following horses will not start tomorrow: Birthday Gift, Grecian Prince, Predominance, Majestic Scholar. Autumn. Balloon. Invest, Young Lucius. Christmas Knight, Airpal. Firemaster. Skymaster, Lady tiu Pilgrim's Way. Trufine and Kimholton. Best Bet and Ascot Vale are very doubtful starters. Warwick t'astle may not start in
    56 words
  • 252 7 STYMIE TO WIN OVER 9 FURLONGS Stovell leaving for U.K. I AM not looking beyond Stymie for the winner of the Class 4 nine-furlong race tomorrow. He put up a good performance on Wednesday to finish seventh af/<T being a long way out of his ground in the early stages
    252 words
  • 554 7 CLASS 4 6f. SPRINTS OFFICIAL winning margin of B| togtto is no sjauiie as lo how easily Camelia won M W*4n day. She was never off the bit and. to u*^ a rat g expression, "she walked in". I am convinced she is right back to
    554 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 221 7 HOW SHOWING i P m IX' ORROW M'NXTE p] L now f nin 4. p»«MARIAM and OSMAN 6UMANTI AlOHfl R^kx-^d and Distributed >HAW BROTHERS LTD. TOMORROW M'NITE JM leceiYei!! Ju^t Received! JUT :i6O Camoiidge School Mttnt* Exanwia'ion Papers Pne« fi.oo per copv Oto-.amable from PtTEE (HONGS **P»We. Malacca. Ser«ni»an ii^
      221 words
    • 69 7 NTeSoonTheatre i tOi MILESTONE SEtfTAP Today A Tomorrow at 7. 1S A 9. 1S •MYSTERIOIK DH S%TW (Openinr hipUr* of Sma».li Serial I (arlsl^rq JOHN FORBES-SEMPILL presents HIS OWN PROFESSIONAL COMPANY IN A Tribute To The Past and Present Ceorge Bernard Shaw's A MAN OF DESTINY and Christopher Fry's A
      69 words

  • 2 8 > I
    2 words
  • 21 8 Ihn en- aid I r Joai r of A. I The ty»*wp<»n O m o! Mr 0 |11 of J
    21 words
  • 23 8 •ODRICK Batu i Kl C HI/ I 2"> p as. H 3ir.g3NCI r t ot I" i 5 p m C D
    23 words
  • 198 8 ARMS DRIVE HITS CIVILIAN OUTPUT 'Rearmament first 'stra uss LONDON, Friday. DRITAIN w ill cut down her civilian production during 1951 in order to make sure the rearmament programme does not suffer from the threatened world metal shortage, Mr. (ieorge Strauss, Minister of Supply, announced in the Commons 1 isi
    A.P.  -  198 words
  • 80 8 CELF-EXILED Czech star Joreslav Drobny and tne American R.N. Dorfman both reached the semi-final stage j of the men's singles yesterday in the Asian lawn -ennis championships at Lahore. Drofcmy beat Alford Huber of Austria 6—2. 4—6, —4, ■10 8 In the quarter finals i and Dorfman
    80 words
  • 42 8 THE Senate Republican Policy Committee today decided in Washington yesterday to takf a party stand on a drmand for the ducissal of tnr Secretary »i State Mr Dean Acheson. and sent the issue to a conference of Sena"? Re- publicans.
    42 words
  • 185 8 IMIE spirit shown towards Britain in iiina when A he left the country last month was one of "veiled friendliness' Mr. John Keswick, leading British businessman in the Far Fast who is visions London. said yesterday. This was especially so when it came to tradp
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 171 8 GERM WEAPONS 'PERFECTED GENEVA, Friday. DR. BROCK (hisholm, Director-(ien«ral of the World Health Organisation, said yesterday that he knew of bacteriological weapons perfected since the war, which could kill millions of people "very quickly and very effectively." Dr. Chisholm. who was in charge of the Canadian Army's Medical Services during
    AP  -  171 words
  • 98 8 SAN FRANCISCO. Frl. THE British freighter. Wing Sang, radioed yesterday that it had been shelled and taken into custody by a Chinese Nationalist gunboat off the South China coast. The 3.560-toa Wir.* Sang is owned by th«> Indo-Chin:\ S'f\un NavtfaUoo Company of Hong Kon?:. The ship was
    A.P.  -  98 words
  • 41 8 Th*> mooting of General William Riley. U.N. Chlef-of-StarT. as dinner guest of King Abdullah of Jordan at Amman last night may herald a period of friendlier relations between Israel and Jordan. obs; i r\rr.> in Jrnisaem believe. A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 15 8 Princess Elizabeth yesterday laid a wreath at the Unknown Warrior's tomb in Athens.
    15 words
  • 67 8 BILL Daniels, a Negro nightclub singer earning C.S. 55.000 a week, was slashed with a buteher's knift yesterday in the apartment of a red-haired Hollywood actress. The actress. Ronnie (iuillan. '19, who is white, was jailed on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. Daniels. 34, and
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 104 8 SCHOOLBOY FINDS ICE FROM SKIES LONDON. Fri. A BLOCK of ice about nine inches iqtiare the ninth to drop from the skies In five weeks fell at the feet of a school boy on the main London-Oxford Road yes- terday. The boy, 11 -year-old John Collins, took a piece of
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 39 8 The US. Government yesiterciay demanded a 25-year-i prison sentence for the confessed atomic courier, Harry Gold, and sentence was de|f erred until tomorrow to permit consideration by Federal District Judge James Mc- [Oranery.--i A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 44 8 The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday approved legislation making 88.000 Asians now living in the United States eligible for citizenship The Bill applies to abuut 85,000 Japanese, 3.000 Koreans and 145 Polynesians who have become permanent U.S. residents. A. P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 114 8 Russia's "colossal' violation LAKE SUCCESS. Fri. BRITAIN yesterday accused the Soviet Union of violating human rights on a •colossal scale" by refusing to repatriate thousands of German and Japanese prisoners of war. The British delegate. Lord MacDonald, joined the delegations ol the United States and Australia in the General Assembly's
    U.P.  -  114 words
  • 62 8 The London tin market yesterday was quiet and steady. Prices were Spot tin— £l,oBs to 1.090 per ton. Three months— s99o to 995. The Total turnover was 35 tons. Rubber prices were Spot J9a to 51 pence per pound: j January 49 1 2 to 50 4 JanMarch
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 40 8 Yesterday's official closing prices on the Hong Kong Money Exchange were: 11K56.33i 6.37 per U.S. dollar. 11K516.10 per pound sterling. HKS3IS p<T tad of gold. Estimated loss of the Gov-ernment-owned Mauritius Railway for 1949-50 is 2.000,--000 rupees. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 1 \mi:n Wl ND-IIHSJ, pr fer- "ffice expert- I i. Sa] vordnnd v Blft, F p. vs ions WANTED -'.cs po<i I rid Clerk < r al know- doci;:. I II lON F k -K Sliand j Maths trtnv :v prc>s- -< YMCA COMM Kk K?er>- R Won Clam
      252 words
    • 136 8 I// FOB THE BMiK THAT tt&tz^ f ST^VI teems hud wd. H m 6 h K c c i i Af r *w V^ »tti» rcfrcsSoi VO f _T?^L\) Have a cold drink f/7 j^^"*^^ Then back A Itv I v O^s-\ VOUf work refresh- fl K X(^ AIXV Cd'
      136 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 67 8 THE SAINT by Leslie Char! en's ~J' YES, I V\^sT /3jT vcj'LL C-CASA YCJ "Va TAA T PJ^CIONO, YOUftl ftOCK 7«B DCOS AM' Ot>W /HJ "1 OO 3AC< TO F^££ AC'EN^-- SO' A5 IMU CXD H OHN£SS.I'M CS V\Y I fe C?/>^A/ 739 ANVCS/E UNT/L J N^VALDOfI I/\?*\ NCE HUGO'S
      67 words