The Singapore Free Press, 30 September 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 59 1 Bevin says 'We must cross* IMI'I'D N VTIONS armies were this morning massed all the N th Parallel, •waiting the order to enter North Korea. military and political observers m Tokyo expected the lered to cross the boundary^ pass through the Hod and extend their
    59 words
  • 122 1 U.N. TO ADMIT MAO MEMBER VIA SUING MEADOWS, Sat. £IR Gladwyn Jebb of Britain, President of the Security Council, yesterday disallowed a Chinese Nationalist double veto against an invitation to the Chinese Communists to attend the Formosa debate starting November 15. ..♦ Nati Dr. Tina m T i the and
    U.P.  -  122 words
  • 44 1 JAKARTA. [>RESIDENT So I rday c ibl< d to Mao he bis- x and tlons" 01 the pie m connection with the ftrsi anniversary of the i People's Dr. Soefc the b] Inj ;jt'a<e and prosperity to the ile. A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 94 1 MAO ENVOY TO BRITAIN SOON LONDON, Saturday. 4 LEADING Chinese Communist said yesterday that the establishment diplomatic relations between Britain and Peking would not be delayed much longer The forecast was made m an Lntervi< Liv Ning, vice-chairman of the All-China Federation of Frade Unions and Communist China's unofficial "Roving
    U.P.  -  94 words
  • 135 1 Sgt. Zain goes back )NE of the nine Malay Ro<iimcnt sergeants, who leave Singapore to-day aboard the Empire Orwell a two year course at Sandhurst, was born m Hampshire and left England when b€ was one year old. Hi la Sc Z3in Mahmud Hashim of Kelantan, who— <ven although he
    135 words
  • 57 1 TOKYO. Silt. .MENERAL Mac-Arthurs \j spokesman said yesterday that British troops m Korea have been doing one whale of a good job" on a tough assignment. He said they have been successfully clearing out R< i d pockets of resistance left when the U.S. 24th
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 14 1 Canada yesterday withdrew it s 11-year-old bar against German immigration Canada.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 122 1 WASHINGTON, Sat. L\ i (area annount»'d vesterda> girt t«»t.»I Imerieaa casualties In the Korean (.ontiit t up to i week is 11 SI it i -li^her than the eomulatire total announced lip to Sept. 1 i i* indudfN 5.441 dcid. wounded and the iead SJMI were
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 76 1 French prepared for Vietminh attack SAIGON, Saturday. •■-HI. Jitiua Foreign Lesion garrison ..i Caobang has prepared tt.r an expected attack by Vietminh rebels dispatches from the front said yesterday. id that Caobang's 2,500 m population had been moved to Langs :i becau supplies and the m( from the Communist forces
    U.P.  -  76 words
  • 20 1 q tnd Prii inds n to visit VI and Q i at B P.ilace N v 24.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 81 1 i.UNDON. Sat. IKlk Influential wcricly journal The Economist yester-congratulan-a the adtiinlstratlon m the i-'dera-Llon of Malaya uti having r.ade "considerable progress" m several directions diram past tew months But the administration nad particular eausei for The Economl :dln^: -While General Fighting the guerillas no little success In
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 55 1 1 rom ALLAN LEWIS IPOH, Sat TH! h<i( is li. v.iih little prosper! of rain, and the -,<»in^ lor today's races i> likely to i>e v >tni Kks are fa t .v the nionicni. Wy besl beti kc BRAVE \M\l>. HEIDLEBERG and No REGRETS. rKESPASSER'S best
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  • 23 1 The nex I the Committee of Ministers ol the Counril of Europe ha* been ftx'-d i >r November 3in Rome
    23 words
  • 73 1 WASHINGTON. Sat MALAYA was the leading Asian exporter to the ed States for July, with a ta] Oi 1'55J3.900.000. This ia under the U5525,500,000 ,i similar business donedurins Juno. But the July trade showed a hanisorne prolit for \i il lya the American Imports being on
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 29 1 An American soldier has been killed In Stuttgart by accident when another soldier grabbed bis rifle by the tri^^r to prevent its alip'piqg from his shoulder. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 19 1 Mrs. Clara Bryant Ford. '6-i .v ol Henry Furd. died li loi yesterday ol hear Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 176 1 GIRL WRESTLERS TRAIN IN S 'PORE Free Press Stuff Reporter £IX well-built Singapore girls, adopting names like "Daughter of Kong," "Phantom Lady" and 'Mary Marvel", will box and wrestle m Jakarta next month. Two of them are Eurasians: the rest Chinese. Although most of them have never fought before, they
    176 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 M Another glorious race da>. (ieorse. Let's scram before tin* guard checks the train."
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  • 53 1 A »iant landslide en ■s and moved a railway 100 yards m the Swedish Municipality of Surte yesterday. An estimated 40 houses In the community of about 2.o;)0 person s were destroyed. So far only one person is known to have been killed, police m Got
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 49 1 FOLLOWING India's ezampit of sending elephants as i; sits of goodwill. Pakistan is to send an elephant to Turkey a» gesture of friendship. Besides ihc elephant, which will be shipped from east Benzyl she is to send other animals sar^estefl by a visiting Turkish journalist. A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 90 1 COMMUNISTS START FIRES IN PENANG PENANG. B Penang Fin p<>: :i a rter ot a mile from the Penang R.u on fire. An I irt of the town lire alarm box was b: after a short interval. I box v bluz.' before the rtre fightMi rearh'd the spot long after,
    A.P.  -  90 words
  • 147 1 U. S. h its out at Moscow WASHINGTON. SalunU\. THE I \S. State Department olluially described Kussia yesterday a^ power-hungry government bent oil spreading its power by force In a policy outline, dratted at President Truman's suggestion, the Department said that since 1945 the Soviet Union has annexed some 7,500.000
    A.P.  -  147 words
  • 22 1 General Dean 'a prisoner' CHINJU tKOM A MERK ,->u:d wei n E man the C Islor. r Dt an t R,.Hc A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 22 1 I\l RING iiih moriuiu "s Morm m Sinjjapoitrif tr.ish«-d on a larue house m 'ham-en l.anr. Thr liiiunc iH d:unas«'d.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 gfgfess? ■iA ANTIQUE HOUSE *0H UMC.Or? KIUINCV KO.S'NKE v il oi iM Tl 1 LAST..T there can be no improvemem m) a .Playgr's N? 3 x^ P
      27 words
    • 127 1 M. Flinter S. Grinberg Diamonds Jewellery 67, Stamford Rd., (Eu Court Bldg.) Spore, Telephone 7923 S V CAL 111 V l'ONs 5 IjTy M sines o\ jf^j. COLUMBIA R« A DME PON GARDE A CUPIDON POL BABILL\RDE baud) x IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGI I Una voce poco fa: lo >no
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  • Page For Children
    • 220 2  - DR. TURTLE MR. RABBIT LAURA FILER 4 Korean folk tale retold by Sc<: > 10 oo to tilt" h > IS* M I'm you en.K 1 bnlli; Rabbit ri himself on his Dr T Do I conlent. "I i i Sea I and d the )f the re m ;rse."
      220 words
    • 1473 2  -  S. C. GEORGE By Midshipman Andrew Christie and his iriend. lien Noakes of a privateer recently returned from sea. are pressgan^ed on to a Naval warship at I'lxmouth Andrew is now an ordinary sraman. The warship sails lor Calcutta where they join a fleet hound
      1,473 words
    • Article, Illustration
      128 2 r\NE ol the Empire's pioneer lands has issued a 2d. stamp with GO years of adventure behind it The stamp celebrates tha diamond jubilee of British rule 111 Southern Rhod< sia B country rich m sold and big game. This land was brought Into the Empire by Cecil
      J.A.A.  -  128 words
    • Article, Illustration
      26 2 British Naval Units of the Iti Fleet have been opei Naval Force m support of land forces m X ntenance Carrier H.M.S. Unicorn of Singapore) en
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    • Article, Illustration
      384 2  -  Capt. W.E. Johns By Air Commodore Raymond calls m fi trouble m Malaya. An unpleasant chmracl Cant Langlev Vandor. of Eurasian ci a-Uon, firearms to bandits. His aim rush. o\. rUtsfl and run Maluua himself. As tl a <* and Vandor has his own airstrip, Raymond asto go
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    • 12 2 STRANGE ANIMALS IN W/ Bui I eir ill I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 19 2 Vs i' c i I r /i M w \'v iff WATER PROOF JF f 7 JEWELS s^V^/Xr PES/S77HG <£>
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    • 67 2 For wlioU^jle pun Sole Agents F. E. ZUELLIC (M) LT P O BOX 7*5 MNC.AI MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAiRS Him S«nt Pian., p O f g^ f p vkolt of itel P tical experience to deal with all typn WhtUnr It be minor or major r. fi :npt MlMtton. Twtimonials (ion
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 143 2 Junior Crossword CLUES ACROSS-:. Tii- HvIng being, like a germ. 6, It B!__ _i 1 a Shake- pea rean play. 8. A di- ["■■n vision m music. 10, Length by i-BB,,^^^! I I "Christmas. 1 I*>, Took food. lb. NO I ■^rM~r^ He wroie "Martin Churzlewit. Lgjgj ■gl~~~g^g^gMft~i I 18.
      143 words

  • 221 3  - BRITISH SHIP WAS A DECOY FRANK GOLDSWORTHY Invasion two days later From WITH THE FLEET, Saturday. "THE British frigate, Whitesand Bay, it can now be revealed, carried a mixed American and British raiding force to make diversionary landings near Kunsan on the West Korean coast two nights before the main
    221 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 3 This viM'tnuT tr«»m amither planet is Ihia t.ii'l.ti <sh!»»shi?ie man m Lei- > "I 1 eshif suit, worn by Mr. raa leu! l« L— d— twmm America where ii win used m making :i film.
    34 words
  • 39 3 CALCUTTA, Saturday. I and Tibetans are continuing their according to Reginald Fox, the 14 Mars Ikin k<'pt Tibet m touch ie Tibetan Governfor "lit of all ck>. re hap; I D m his 3r.DDorl A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 4 3 Anti-REd bill debate protest
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  • 4 3 ddfgdfgfgdf Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • 3 3 dfgdfg Reuter
    Reuter  -  3 words
  • 5 3 i p m
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  • 8 3 by hoai 'heir heir Mr. I
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  • 9 3 N tnd nosa if I )S. Reuter
    Reuter  -  9 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 3 Bridge Problem ops are tne h leads nap it m I inch I rtti When 8 viii I I
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  • 90 3 HENRY, 10, EATS RAW MEAT SYDNEY. S ItE N- V E AR- OLD HENRY Tarzan Prio> and friend David < •■Di.-r"» Taylor. 11, of Sydney, are being raised the hard way. And they it. Henry eats raw David \s a vegetarian; ther ha s seen a doctor since h (though
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 13 3 killed lorry 30 p.i ai two t li brl I A.P.
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 38 3 m a two-day foray n gainst Vietminh communications lines m Central Vietnam. French troops have captured about 100 sampans loaded with rice. The craft were taken on rivers and creeks leading into aiiorllla strongholds. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 35 3 s:r Stafl r i Cripns. H Chancellor of the Ex Is expected m Zurich week's r ii the B Benner "lively clinic where he iiid a m the .summer Ins 4 year Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 236 3 Ni:\V YORK. Saturday. 4 CONDEMNED murderer m Sint; Sins, Raymond Fernandez, Has asked to be executed to end what his lawyer calls "menial torture" caused by a triangle involving his woman partner m murder and a jail guard Thirty-four-year-oid I nned to death with 14-stone
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 3 rOUTH MAECfI Buieshirted youths from thr Russian Zone of (iermany parade through the streets of Berlin m a Communistinspired demonstitition.
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  • 112 3 FX-SHIPOWNER CLEARED LONDON, Saturday. \IK. William Thomas Williams, former shipowner was told by the coroner at Westminster London, that there was no evidence of a suicide pact between him and his dead wife. Then he said: "I have been persecuted. I deeply resent the implications
    112 words
  • 115 3 TIIK Communist Men China News Agency listed among the advances under the new regime m him the facl thai bases m Peking are burning 'oal £as instead of petrol. it said that research was stifled as long xs the Americans were able to sell petroletim products m
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 23 3 Arab si ter asking postponement of tin c jonomic Congr Islam ites to be held ir i.'d to take part.R Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 48 3 CRESWELL. Derbyshire. Su" THE British Fuel Mm Mr Ph Up No!i. Derbj where he ord ilry Into a fire v miners I (KM feet Mr. No* 1 Bak n a convi vor 1. But he thought it v. should be a com Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 9 3 PRAGUE E Mrobiolog: i A.P.
    A.P.  -  9 words
  • 32 3 Mr J G X S Pi id Marsha] Srnui Irman it the South Africa Party by the pai I mmittee. r of the party, has i 'loaal eader.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 76 3 I voted for the A-bomb -SAYS SCIENTIST NEW YORK. B £)R. H. Compton. one ol ;he men who voted to a lorn bomb Ja: would have U irons .-.> the bomb. And he would vol to use A-b<>mbs if it would help m "del and ULViI Prize win 1 American
    AP  -  76 words
  • 14 3 W YORK Tl as saying he ha by Russi EC
    14 words
  • 6 3 I I i Reuter
    Reuter  -  6 words
  • 5 3 1 U.P.
    U.P.  -  5 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 173 3 dfgdfgd SINGAPORE (BLI h Nl I WORK) I :n Bingti] '2 I me Sumnur;. I "0 D 130 Time Signa 1.50 Album nt I Time; 4 on SruJio Melodif-s: il l me: 3.30 Tea D I; 5 1 Hour; 6.30 Program 7 Time Signal I rh*' Police the b Choice;
      173 words
    • 153 3 -MV Wir£ SAVJ SHE WEARS TMJN6S U/fPE" GETTING WOT /Q 7 Ing Serena «n. New Crossword No* 16$ CLUES ACROSS I. Tl menl may i>j a bore i 4). 3. He takes red wine withinning or end <>». 8. Emergency getouta m the heat i>i ;he moment (4-7). 9. Search
      153 words

  • 264 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, Sept. 30, 1950. Malaya Europe p E RYONE knows that defeat ol the C unmunist attack on ilava has saved most g -nth-East Asia going Red It" U strategic and ivc country had imbed to the banit the peoples o f ilaya had Riven any
    264 words
  • 946 4 THE SUCCESS STORY OF AN OFFICE-BOY A pen-picture of Harold Drayton, the financier, who has £950,000 sunk m the But lin s (Bahamas) holiday village now m financial straits. pHOM a large, sparse- lv furnished oakpanelled office m Old Broad-street, the very heart of the
    946 words
  • 694 4 Talking about Singapore by Citizen. BIXGAPORE citizens come to accept the principle which Government has apparently already ac■fd that people who do public work without receiving a salary should be paid an allowance to meet their out of pocket expenses. The Government's decision to pay a travelling allowance of Si
    694 words
    • 164 4 WITH reference to your leader of last Friday I am highJy amused by the following: 'Could we allow Naval Base workers for instamv to be told that the war m Korea was an American plot t enslave the workers of Vs. a and. as such should be smashed?
      164 words
  • Article, Illustration
    86 4 Tirentv-tuo-iecir-old R. A. Birham. C7ids his v end a half year* appien let becomes a qualified cooper. At the Stag Brewery. Fimlico. he was put th n r °;<?» coopennc, ceremony by his brother coopers. .the ceremony consist, of the being encased m a hogshead cask (54 gallons) the first
    86 words
  • 611 4  - Gold— So Near And Yet So Far W. H. Potter By M /\NLY twenty miles from this spot lies what is believed to be the richest goldfteld In the British Colonial Empire", said the gold prospector, pointing at the map. He sighed. "Yet we might Just as well be 20.000
    611 words
  • 26 4  - Space rocket is not new AIRD LEWIS By pROM rock< ed into scripts idea In potn of the I before I anc pla^ UPpfT far b*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 117 4 r A If 1 JENNIFE,^j»- i —^y 1., W*, f ht«t 3 Ibt. 14 on VVe.^hf Oct. 23 a («4« (L We are proud to the beautiful Bristol Quad if on June 12th. 19-48. are I K~B^MMDcfl7~fa( on Co* Gate Milk F| we, X ht«tßrth steady gain m 3
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  • Free Press Saturday Magazine
    • 8 1 Free Press Saturday Magazine Saturday, Sept. 30, 1950.
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    • 40 1  -  MARIAN WELLS dfgdf i lather's Imkil on Ihe pic- I j hrough s of would d of I on their 1 an In a telending r will built rs 01 rid. M > by aoat Marian Wells
      Marian Wells  -  40 words
    • 421 1  -  Kenny Kaye says r rl!l Ikii Ik-is of Penang are m a quandary. With a new-found freedom m Ihe form of Sundays <>H under the Weekly Holiday Ordinance soon to come into force m Ihe Federation, they are faced with the dilemma <>t whether to open
      421 words
    • Article, Illustration
      397 1  -  George Seow The Dato has moved from the lock-up to a new shrine by MR. R. Onraet former Inspec-tor-General Straits Settlements Police, asked m an article re cently published m the Straits Times if the Dato of Ihe Hayelock Road Police Station. Singapore, was still causing "much consternation
      George Seow  -  397 words
    • 222 1  -  TEMIANG by UNDAUNTED by illness. ;i young Indian, who rome l<> Malaya sometime ;iuo ;is ;in apostle of the classical ar| of Indian dancing, lias struggled successfully to stimulate interest m this ancient aspect of Indian culture among Indians ;m<l Ceylonese m the Federation. To Dulip
      222 words
    • 98 1  -  Kluanger by WHEN 'me to think Since we hare em\ i |le are more snobbish note the Everyb idy h a 'spade' c the chap who catchet raU He iras called a Ratcatcher a' uou musn't use the tern 'Rodent Operator' is his democratic nar>. Soon we'll have the
      98 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 20 1 1 S~) JI^LSWISS shock fits/sr/K THE THINNEST /m^^K\\f WATERPROOF HWSTItT I f^5l)I WATCH OF ITS TYPE ij%j4^A 17 JEWELS ti^!^%^'
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    • 557 2  - ...So This Is Hollywood EVE PARRICK MEETS SOME OF THE STARS pALM TREES and mist, shops that jook like beach bungalows, offices that look like holiday-camp chalets, churches that look like cinemas, and a new Dlctnre-taooae which his a steeple. 'Hiat is Hollywood. booted and round su--shinv cocktail lounger d
      557 words
    • 281 2  -  PRESTO By i i OF OrclH it t fullire film. .i canno r time lucers i en at v the U our < Hall burp the I. opoui lential I lace provide halls repl< itues and oil r which the camera lingers. But it is the
      281 words
    • 114 2 WOW that the tide has turned m Korea, Hollywood is pressing ahead j at full speed with plans to j launch a film which glorifies the military qualities of General Mac Arthur. The film, entitled —^An— American Guerilla m the Philippines," tells the story j of
      114 words
    • 219 2 Pearl White's Tormentor' Is Dead iRTHI novelist, port and ywright- and the man who made Pearl White famous, has died at his home, m Mountain Lakes. New Jers« aged 76. He wrote the film an rios. "The Parila of PauUnt which made early nlm his- tory with Pearl white is
      219 words
    • Article, Illustration
      12 2 The Vl^iLid Philharmonic Orchestra m "Festival of Music," coming to the Pavilion.
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    • 210 2 t \THAY— "Sands Of Iwa Jiina" is running into its second auocesei'il week of showing at this cinema. It is the story of the American Marines' marathon struggle for the possession of the Japanese fortnss of Iwo Jima and fiction and fact are cleverly bk-nded u> make
      210 words
    • 369 2 VERA ELLEN IS OUT TO BEAT IT By Our London film Reporter WHEN Vera-Ellen announced she was coming to London to make a musical Hollywood said: "You're crazy. They just don't make that kind of picture m Britain". Hollywood had the right idea but the wrong tense.
      369 words
    • 303 2 'Streetcar' Role is 'Just Hell Free Press Theatre Correspondent |\OWN the of New Orleans dist: Royal, there run two I the same tracks One of tin ailed "OmoI and the is called "I> <\re" Th« are not comments i tho char but of two which the uad down the Royal
      303 words
    • 99 2  -  IAN GRANT TN "STATE SECRET" an extremely intelligent thriller coming to the Capitol, we are introduced to the imaginary state of Vosnia and hear an entirely new language, Vosnian. Vosnia's magnificent mountain scenery recalls the Dolomites. The language ha decided Slavic ring about it. But what places
      99 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 91 2 HOLLYWOOD Beauty Hint X M'titrz HoH)-wooJ When you \\r\\ •lecollctf-rcvralnl > Maria Mon ilca ci lovrK tnce m thi> ticM you shouUi r that the skin you sc« rr--r .m that oi tb rnsible si< to br tune t'» l.ive suck arm-anJ-shouldcr lovcii to keep right on going with your
        91 words
      • 80 2 f recommend VERITAS MULTI (Hill Type) Rosette Fold M LAST LONGER dVI X Pnr ill r\ iv^s of l^i T CUPHAMT6RANO V JOO/4CO cakdle"poww Its 73t0 fALKS i.ONOOH ICi t »<n vWM*M n»wM «om 1^ If BRaMI M obtain appl? U> I MfN>rs U (J. Till KSTON 100. H for
        80 words
    • 303 3  -  John K. Jones /;v HERTO my interest m Is had been conthc Johore 11 il was until a i c disturbed r nap. is some hairy umped from and landed There was <c a tinny ng and the ailed a^ain. il scampered arden and or the m)
      303 words
    • 231 3 V v I he I I I i I oe- a I and 5] rii I hen VI a n playing next door. raon had 0 topped I :r.v T rees >n tha Ing arr ?c :> if thft my lips would have i force
      231 words
    • 910 3  -  PAUL E. DEUTSCHMAN The story of a Chinese who is making good m the United States with a new kind of business. by QN the surface, a man named \i Kin Pan and a laundry seem the most natural combination m the world to Americans
      USIS  -  910 words
    • 53 3 CINEMA ON TRAINS YOU will be able to see the latest movies while you travel on Italy's fast trains, the Italian State Railway Administration announced. A supplementary fare equivalent to one dollar will be charged for admission to the movie cars, including insurance against theft of luggage left m the
      A.P.  -  53 words
    • 413 3  -  STEPHEN SIM The thief with filial piety lives midway by 'J'HE Chinese are noted for having numerous gods. But of their host of divinities there is only one who has neither a place m heaven nor on earth. Known as the god of thieves he lives
      413 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 66 3 raits Times R_ f^ Published weekly on YJ \J Saturday and gives Radio Malaya's English w Ili JLI JSb imM A and vernacular programmes m detail. .RPORATING RADIO MALAYA NEWS QN SALE TODAY PRICE 20 CENTS from all Newsagents and Newsvendors oies may also be obtained from The Straits Times
        66 words
      • 107 3 REFRIGERATOR (EUctruai r,r fi RADIOS (Mai*s& Battci RADIOGRAMS of Leading Makes an i display at VAN HIN'S SHOWROOM 136 ORCHARD RD. V\ t- d I Automatic Record Changers Vacuum Cleaners Floor Polishers m Cookers Air Conditioners All Electrical Appliances Electrical Accessories Lamp Bulbs VAN HIN ELECTRICAL CO. 136 Orchard Rd.
        107 words
    • 657 4  -  GEORGE CREIGHTON By gIXGAPORE Swimming Club f;ms are assured of an unlistkil spectacle when the Clul> st.igcs its No. 2 championship gala :it Tanjong Rhu today ;il 3 p.m. Ie Club staff have h making Olympicirting blocks similar m design to those intended
      Free Press  -  657 words
    • Article, Illustration
      0 4
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    • 25 4 r pHIAM PAPA OALLO 1 m to but he i Birama. He also the In ne La M'Ba: K>uld bo
      25 words
    • 165 4 S 'pore chess results R a were: ol Malaya bt. club II Swimming club I St-hool c Chess iver V V. A v R well capChee Cl g, while he only his team m a Kan only team und^fealed ith four points, S C I and I each with Chess
      165 words
    • 300 4 ESTER PIGGOIT, baby raced jockey, came out of the Brighton weighing room alter riding Ins 40th winner hall mark of the fully fledged Jockey and was told: "Your mother is waitIng. She says: 'Hurry So 1.. v r flannel suit scuttled away. He v. ;>
      300 words
    • 391 4  - This can be death-knell of good football JOHN ARLOTT \l\ U ITH foot bull once again under way. I am neighboured at i once a fortnight >n the terraces by Mr. Faithful. i 1 he is, ii ir prom and ("up semi-fli m th and end-of-the doldrums he faithfully pays
      391 words
    • 223 4 IT'S a pity that Singapore Chinese Recreation Club are not fielding a rugger side this season. Of course. there urn enough Chinese players m the city to form a team but most of them are turning out for other clubs and I am told
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    • 5 4 Perry praises Susan tlned U|
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 45 4 A'or ACCOMMODATION visit KATONG REST-HOUSE SPECIAL TEA DANCE Every Sunday 5 to 8 o m i DANCING TONIGHT ADMISSION FREE i hk IPhone *****... 107, Marine Parade t/cu/i foi/ourtUe d/uaks f taste better .at— xJiF' C A F IN TMc >~>C AST OF SinoaoorE CITY*
        45 words
      • 95 4 FREE PRESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS SITUATIONS VACANT— SITUATIONS WANTED— ACCOMMODAT lON ACCOMMODATION WANTED— FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SAU n'TED TUITION— MISCELLANEOUS Write voui ■iMIIiMWII here ,n BLOCK LETTERS f.vt to vZ 'minimum 4 lines' j 'All*es are payable m advance) Birth,- Marries- Death,- Personal $1 50 line minimum char«e $6
        95 words
    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 414 5 Modernising Chinatown Free Press Staff Reporter ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME chance to modernise hfilding m Singapore's Chinatown has been lost, according to the Municipal Architect, Mr D. C. Rae. Surveying building: developments m the city, Mr. Rae m his annual report for 1949 says that many changes will be seen
      Free Press  -  414 words
    • 5 5 I porter I
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    • 190 5 Free Press Staff Reporter UOW a Chinese mother was allowed to breast-feed her small baby while police officers searched her room for counterfeit coins, was told In the Singapore Relief Court yesterday when the woman. 34-year-i)ld Tan Meng Jiaw. was produced before Mr D A
      190 words
    • 64 5 ANEW school for workers m the Seranpoon area L> ised by the newlyBducation on. esident of the association. Mr. V. Rajaretnam. ihe Free Pre^s yesrercay. that the demand by n .e more schools apore is Increasing < no intention qt he Peop I sociation, but co-opev
      64 words
    • 183 5 trvf l*rr>s Stall Reporter A NEW and more convenient system for the replacement of lost identity cards v/ill be introduced m Singapore from Oct. 7, the Governnt announced last ni When anyone loses his 1. he should go at once to the nearest Police Station and
      183 words
    • 18 5 Anothor 34 Chinese books have been banned by the Police m Sinpapore under The Enerrrenry Regulations.
      18 words
    • 21 5 Captain D A. Johnston, Singapore Volunteer Corps. has been placed on Ihe Singapore Volunteer Corps ojaisoni Reserve of Officers.
      21 words
    • 60 5 UNDER-SECRETARY FOR AIR DUE BRITAIN'S Undo: Secretary of State for Air. Mr. Aidan Crawley, M P.. arrives at Kallang thia aiternoon on a 10-day vi.sit to units of the Far East Ai: Force. On arrival he will be met by the C-ln-C, F.E.A.F.. Air Marsha! Sir Francis Pogarty and by
      60 words
    • 38 5 Twenty-five Chinese were acquitted m the Singapore Second Police Ccurt yesterday on a charge of playing paikow for money In a common gaming house at Queen Street on Feb 25 when the prosecution withdrew the case.
      38 words
    • 407 5 Free Press Staff Reporter til FT V million dollars ol Malaya's financial i resources used locally would help to maintain the stability of local loans for the financing of trade, said Mr. E. M. F. Fergusson. chairman, at the halfyearly mr«'t!nj; of tho Singapore Chamber
      407 words
    • 34 5 A Malay woman from Johore Bahru on a visit to Singapore Botanic gardons with her five children yesterday evening was held up by three Malays and robbed of jewellery worth about $170.
      34 words
    • 246 5 THE A.o v. Malaya Air Vice Marshal Sir Francis Mellersh presented a badge ♦o R.A.F. Station Cfaangi nt< ceremonial parade at the tirfield this morning. >taln L. F. J ?uller-Good. the Statior Commander, lecetved the badge richly illuminated or parchment and unproved ano iU'.neci by he
      246 words
    • 38 5 picture. A FTER 38 years planting n m Malaya, Mr. H. G. Bailey, pictured yesterd.iv, is leaving; for England today on retirement and will start a rubber planting school for potential young planters. Free Press
      Free Press  -  38 words
    • 37 5 Free Press Stall' Reporter CL'GAR is to cost 32 cents a kati m Singapore from .Monday. The Government yesterday announced a four-cent incre/ise brrause of "substantial rise m world prices."
      37 words
    • 673 5 Comm ission er urges housing 'short cuts Free I'ress Stall Kepurter I^HKEE Singapore Municipal Commissioners touch- ed on the Colony's housing problem at the I ommissioners' meeting yesterday, but each sounded a different note and the acting President, .Mr T. P K. McXeice, reminded them that housing was not a
      673 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 79 5 Gian Smgh s Quality Goods cz Competitive Prices The Department Store m the Heart of the town. SILVERWARE m Sterling Silver and Kleetro■lity. Our selection comprises man\ for Weddings, Birthdays, I're- < md the individual critts S P H de SILVA, '•I* MXXXI NINCiAPOKK c EataftaHt X- Lumpur 43, Station
        79 words
        37 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 67 5 MAIL Surface ma:: ed m Stafapore today from Bong Kong. China. Japan. Palembang, North Borneo. Labuan. Brunei. I Java, the U.S.A. and the Federation. Latest times for posting mrfact mail ;tt the G.P.O. t noon for the Palembanp. North Borneo. Labuan, Brunei. Miri. South Africa and Mombasa; 5.45 p.m. for
        67 words
    • 48 6 FARR MAY FIGHT SAVOLD F. former British ;ht champion whu it comebacl ntec i Jack Solomons noter, has starte< [or him to s i void of the London next re I returned d. I could not F I d out i P < I I m his fl Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • Article, Illustration
      6 6 Reckons tnis is his unluck course."
      6 words
    • 13 6 Kpore pavilion on the St. C< I home- h will ioil >
      13 words
    • 426 6  -  JIM CHAMBERS Today 's English League soccer From pOOTBALL moves fast. A quarter of the season's League games will have been completed late this afternoon and the chances are that Newcastle United will still be at the top of the First Division of the English
      A.P.  -  426 words
    • 117 6 \LI i:\ll\K •ffer :i contract t<» fight m the Philippines has been mad*' to Jimim Welch, the K.A.I-. lightweight bo\«*r. This oiT<-r is conditional on his beatins Little Par.ts m their bout it the Happj World Stadinn n»\t Friday. "The people m the Philippines think highl)
      117 words
    • 67 6 COSMOS WIN CUP GAME JOIIORE BAIIRU. Sat COSMOS beat 221 "B" by thn [a to nil m the .soccer knockout competition for the Capitol Cup on the padang yesterday. a:; i ->d m the Lah Don opened )llo\ved by Talib. (inside-left) iverted a penalty. Towards I the half Talib tin.
      67 words
    • 22 6 NEW U.K. GOLF CHAMPION MJoan Gee, 32 Iren. Pan :>• champion, 8 and 6 luled 36-: winn r, r turned from tho A.P.
      A.P.  -  22 words
    • Article, Illustration
      29 6 picture. FREDDIE WILLIAMS (Wembley Lions) is presented with World Speedway Champi onship (up by Earl Mountbatten after winning; the eh ampionship at Wembley Stadium on Sept. 20. Tropical Press
      Tropical Press  -  29 words
    • 274 6  -  ARCHIE QUICK fr^ r pIIEKK is discontent m the flayers Liuon. members have withheld this year's subscriptions and West Bromwich Albion and Birmingham City have followed suit. Is it the beginnin? of a landslide? Up to the beginning of thii season membership was 10( per
      274 words
    • 53 6 YEW YORK i'ANK: ..rrhed the 1950 American League pennant yesterday when the Cl Indians defeated De n»it and eliminated the Ti The Yankeei won I7 h American League championship without Hl.imt a ba r a> tl* v had iy at Bo' they finish the I sea land tomorrow
      A.P.  -  53 words
    • 196 6  -  GEORGE CHANDLER I mm ILTHOUGH the English Ltmgmt football teas*n is <»nl\ iust DVCT a month old. many dubs are experiencing a near-record < ron of injuries Wllg their players, causing many experts to ask whether English trainers are trailing European and Scandinavian nations m their
      U.P.  -  196 words
    • 192 6 **J UINDUK •pHE usual week-end Influence sutx A Exchange yesterday, itefel i:. correspondent. In a reduced turn(»\ were mainly to slightly lower tods British Government stocks, hoi recent improvements and closed tract Support was again for short-dated L( ■adiiiß industrials suffer- Ed from neglect while m
      192 words
    • 19 6 Yesterday's pri Hong k HK$6 32 per I HK$l6 GO per pound sterlHKS279 per taeJ I U.P.
      U.P.  -  19 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 53 6 NOW SHOWING li i ;:> i ;i» a >.:jo p.m. FOR THK FIRST TIME i\ IPORI CINE -VARIETY •UN SCREEN* !>>;:in h\v ft kikk DOUGI W. inter I»ro» "YO'J 6 MAN OF MUSK" •ON STAGE* I HAMILTON Dfl DANFORD and hi^ ric n win n it lbe > i a
        53 words
      • 57 6 1 •2nd S!M and jrrnu' JOHN HlMltff K5. M N |PI GREAT WORLD fi^ CABARET HU MAI A > 3 LARGEST BAI.I.ROOV Ho YokeMeng^J^B^^ B30 12M'nMe v r PILSNER Mh-yvinn Jl P j NIGHT |^^^^RJ^r^> NIGH B Muli f U ATTRACTIONS* was Alluring interlacing Lucky Number Dances hostesses PRIZES: PILSNER
        57 words
    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 185 6 W^lCfrSi^S Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya LEAVE AS MANDRAKE'S BYES BU*H I ThE«E--it's CFF--F.-PST TIME IN i] I h—^xr- 1 E r OFF STOPMYHANOS-^ l/TTTr 1 ___j j JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya o_i Vl/\c C*^/ YtS, I M£ARO v ;wJ MSNT>ON\^ We
        185 words
      • 226 6 YOUR LUCKY STAR DOltN today, you have one of thotc keen minds which can see through to the heart of a problem instantly. Unfortunately, you are too much of the idealistic dreamer to act upon your ideas at once and because of this you often lose out. Learn to act
        226 words
    • 421 7  - HEIDELBERG IS HOT FAVOURITE ALLAN LEWIS More sera teh ings m main race From IPOH, Saturday. Hard Cash and Colony will not start this afternoon on instructions from official veterinary surgeon, Mr. J. T. Forbes. Tara Street. Four O'clock and Raj Mahal will not start m the main race. No
      421 words
    • Article, Illustration
      39 7 picture. a iif of the famous jockey, pre- to nl. Harry Lleuellyn at the h m Harrinsay irena, London. Col. contest, called the Gordon held uross a course with 14 fences. peed of about a quarter i minute. Reuter
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 254 7  -  ALLAN LEWIS dfgdf IPOH, Saturday. the Ilobd.i\ operation perirind trouble recently, was :i'»h this morning when the No. Z d for fast work. h Star of India m 'ter than her the distance m i ating m the i ision v. nesd (nnv.imc 'BufTDy also when
      254 words
    • 58 7 HOMJ KONG, Fri. r PHL Hong Kong Badminton Association voted yesterday to enter for the Thomas tup competition m 19.V?. This international competition will be held m Malaya who won the trophy m 1948. Denis liazell. II K. Association President, said lion; Konj; should send
      58 words
    • 131 7 IVXO world Maccabi ath- letics records were broken -md one equalled during finals m the Maccabiah games (Jewish sports festival! at Tel Aviv yesterday M. Spilkin of South Aft broke the record for the 110 hurdles by winning In 15.5 sees. Stanley Lamper; of the U.S new
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 72 7 I'LL UNMASK MARBLE' IFTAIN Marbl I r. who knocked out George Zbisko m round ar.d then b< diaqualification. will Hardii a B the Happy \V rid promotion toni M.irble had K:^ Kons d our counts m the firs: round D they met Hst Saturday and might have K. ->:; H.ird:;
      72 words
    • 117 7 2 more games for Indians r rUE All-India table ten team will play a return match against Hong Kong at the Happy World Stadium tomorrow night. A trophy presented by Council members of the Singapore Tanle Tennis Association will be given to the winners The Indians will nlay their farewell
      117 words
    • 25 7 NEW ZEALAND is to be Invited to send a cricket team to tour South Africa '■inri Rhodesia during the 1953 54 season.
      25 words
    • 267 7 -iHIH SU-CHU. the ail-China runner-up, became the "Far East" table tennis champion when the Singapore T T.A. -sponsored tournament was completed at the Happy World Stadium last night. The quarter-finals resulted as follows Shih Su-chu (Shanghai) bt. Chandarana (India) 21-11. 17-21. 21-19. 21—19; Loh Kum-san <Hon'^
      267 words
    • 228 7 ALLAN LEWIS TRESPASSER EPSOM JEEP CALL BOX POINTER RACF 1 SEX? 8 ENTERPRISE LIBERTY FLAG ABBOT < I <»RD~ ABBOT OKI) 2 ii A J;botsfor d Hurry Dp Hurry tp Er.U-rpriM- ul! f llurry lp Queen Vie Abbotsford Liberty I Qu.en Vie BACK 2 HEIDELBERG BIRTHDAY
      228 words
    • Article, Illustration
      778 7 TODAY'S race card at Ipoh is given below. Double tote will be on races three and four and six and seven. Bitf Sweep will be drawn on race eight. RACE 1—2.30: CLASS 2, DIV. 4—5 FURS. STR. 1 0M Rob Koy Ellery y.OO 2 310 Hurry Ip 9.00
      778 words
    • 121 7 Army cricket final toaday for the final of the Singapore Base District cricket knockout competition at Tanglin today and tomorrow are: lillQ FARELF: L'-Col. J. P. Knox (capt>. Col. Ricketts. Col. Goodwin, Maj. Bright man. Maj. Badprr, Maj Heywood, Maj. Flanders, Maj. Erwin, IfaJ. Boyle. Capt. Cox, Pte. Doyle. Twelfth
      121 words
    • 62 7 THE annual soccer fixtures for the Tay LUn Te(-k Shield between Combined Services and Singapore Civilians will be played at the Jalan Besar Stadium today. All proceeds will go to the Poppy Day Fund. Singapore Civilians will be as follows: Chee Seng; Ilaji Garhan, Salleh; Vass Harith,
      62 words
    • 32 7 rHE crack Argentine racehorse. Penny Post fetched 2.300.000 pesos when auctioned yesterday at the Palermo track before 40.000 people. THh* buyers were thr^e local St t 111 lil£.
      32 words
    • 109 7 VICTOR barna. a former world table tennis champion, will visit Singapore m the course of a world tour. He will play a number of exhibition matches. Barna has given up playing tournament singles, but still a leading exponent of the game. He will !eave on his tour
      109 words
    • 30 7 QHQ Signals were no m for H.M. Dockyard when they met m a SAFA Junior Cup semi-final at jaian brsar stadium yesterrt. dov.-n by five -reals to nil
      30 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 52 7 P Tl I tt >• 1 1 1 1 JUNE AMILTON 77/17 INTIMATE H HER ROVING WPHONE ct the CAPTOL BALLROOM rBONI KISS) at 10 11 p.m. EARING SINGING STAGE OF THE CAPITOL THEATRE m the ariety Programme 1.45,6.30 and *.3O p. nt. shows J and Tomorrow o/ Wiarner*' 'Young
        52 words
      • 116 7 TRUFORM up -to date Racing Form Guide ISSUE No. 2 FOR IPOH MEETING Including Cold Cup Statistics NOW ON SALE at All Book States "iT'S THE TALK OF THE TOWN! "AN AVALANCHE OF LAUGHTER" OPENS TODAY 4 SHOWS fy A\/ I I ink! 2— 4.15-4J..10-9 *rt pm I L. N
        116 words
    • 334 8 RUSSIA MAY MAKE PLEA FOR TRUCE Contacts m United Nations LONDON, Saturday. rHE possibility that "peace-feeler" contacts between the Soviet Government and the Western Powers may take place behind the scenes of this year's General Assembly of the United Nations marks the current session as the most important since the
      334 words
    • Article, Illustration
      49 8 MOUNTAIN MOVlNG—Occupants of a row of houses at Mount Pleasant m the Rhondcla Valley of Wales lie awake at Bight afraid of hrin? buried alive by the mountain which has started to move. While heavy planks span the shrinking gap at No. 5, the taunt ditjs to ease pressure.
      49 words
    • 107 8 GRAZIANI 'FREED TOO SOON' ADDIS ABABA, Sat. rE premature release from prison of Italian ex-Mar-shal Rodolio Graziani, recently, brought violent protest 1 from Ethiopia's only newspaper Graziani commanded the Italian troops which conquered Ethiopia m 1935-36. He is wanted by the Ethiopian Government for alleged war mes and atrocities. In
      A.P.  -  107 words
    • 79 8 BUENOS AIRES. S 1 ARGENTINA'S r\ third p n m v aila;: according t I Juan an Ideological -h can be i: ntre, on left 01 riyht, according to events." Addr^ssin? Conl derail of Intellectuals on the Per said: "In the tirst place, not sectarian. Some
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 85 8 SENATOR HERBERT O'Conor said yesterday that the owners of an American merchant ship accused of delivering war materials to Communist China have offered to co-operate fully with Senate investigators. Mr. O'Conor. Chairman of the Senate Commerce Sub-Committee lg*tin| the charges. *.ud that officials of the shipping
      U.P.  -  85 words
    • 41 8 The second Islamic Economic Conference will be held In Teheran next week, i 11 states participating. The nations taking part include Indonesia. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq. Syria, Lebanon. Egypt, Saudi Arabia. Turkey. Hashemite Jordan and Iran U.P.
      U.P.  -  41 words
    • 53 8 Sir Owen Dixon, United Nations mediator for Kashmir, would make no statement on his failure to find an acceptable solution to the deadlock between India and stan when he returned to Sydney on Wednesday. All he would say was I was received with courtesy by India
      53 words
    • 28 8 The Freighter Middlesex Trader has left \ns Angeles with the first shipload of oil pipes to build a new 500-mile oil line across Iran. U.P.
      U.P.  -  28 words
    • 67 8 Robber ends life in police ambush TAIPEH Sat LONE bloodthirsty rob- ber has killed hi after a battle with the poIn a suburb of I. Aft ild as, the bandit d by a The shooting lasted more than 30 mi] until the police got him crippled m the foot.
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 171 8 LONDON, Saturday. OEAUTY, as well as medical treatment, is part of the cure M a hospital m I'pper Tooting, London, And according to the doctors it has proved to be invaluable. As an experiment hairdressing facilities were provided m the hospital, and now the two
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 53 8 An unv. C ol an Am rican army mt, and th< old s >n, will be pern the United SI it< s under a bill signed by I Truman. The father, w I n :ul m his wed Yukie Yabe. 2< Eeant Demetrlua J. Ya
      A.P.  -  53 words
    • 79 8 No French protest PARIS. Sat. A FRENCH Foreign Oflkt spokesman has refuted press reports that France would protest to Br 4 ta;n over Commonweal fn conn rence lnvitaiions to Indo-china. The three French Union A^socl ted States of Vietnam, c.tmooiiii |nd Ejmm have been Invited to the British Commonwealth conference,
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 124 8 PRAGUE, Saturday. WHAT this country needs, a Czechoslovak maga- zinc remarked the other day, is more criticism. Some people cannot take it, ran the complaint, and t»o many newspapers do not dish it out. The magazine was Tvorba (Creation) a political kly published by the Central Committee
      124 words
    • Article, Illustration
      22 8  -  GEOFFREY EVANS 1 The only dm* your father will worry is when it costs more to lubricate hi* throat
      22 words
    • 68 8 The Mayor of the Borough St. Pancras m North West London La to have a new i.* 1 00 sterling ermine-trimm-ed robe of office. The existing robe, given to the Borough 50 years ago, I suffered constant alterations to conform to the varying figures of successive
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 39 8 THF bell of a rentiiries-old rhuriii m the British Zone of Germany has been replaced five years after the benfry was destroyed by All ied shellflre. The new beltrr was built by the congregation.
      39 words
    • 59 8 5.000 Huks making ready for attack? \i: a s E. re.c 5,000 led &ps ad of i Taruq, their Commander-I ing Ibt m tion for I Lvzn I Secretary. Mr. Ramon I saysay, disclosed that Huk situation is n i than a year ago. There are at pi 40,000 Jen[y
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 59 8 wh< they luid hundred Communist Huk- oal i grounded m wooded hi :i d 30 kih. :i > I Manila, found t trry had and Co: ,rv un .ater I thel ie area thoroug with mortarf combed the jungle only to find the Huks had vanished over-night
      A.P.  -  59 words
    • 49 8 BULLETINS BY PIGEON POST To give pi on her mother's health M: C. Pointer of Brisbane pigeon p Each day the visits h year-old mother, Mrs C i row. m a Brisbane h( si.'- takes .i pigeon, sc: a note and sends the pigr.a <m its 20-mile flisht. Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 182 8 A BIOGRAPHY just issued M v Truman as saying that Mr. I his nerve at Moscow and "failed n fa s I tarv of State". The New York Herald-Trib Byrnes as saying m reply that him on as Secretary of State lor the Moscow talks and
      A.P.  -  182 words
    • 24 8 CHINESE HAVE CELEBRATE PROBLEM I lira" I Th< N ttam I i m 1911 the C I Mai I X I O I U.P.
      U.P.  -  24 words
    • 36 8 Cocoon larvae made into chicken feed TOKIO, Wed JAPAN has a jcrt v.rie coco ed into chicken fee A b ry the larvae are This cor. protein and three perr ■I S S3 50 ft *> Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 6 8 dfgdf Reuter
      Reuter  -  6 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 299 8 An.. ..oii.vrioa vacant CXWMUSL 17. Scotts Rd. Avali room on Lit October, double room Full I -W TIOKAVILLE, Ist Class I B double acrommoda- d Ith October. Tele--130 Grange Ro-d. 11 ITION BUINNERS Bk-i:^.. lyping, Bngllsli Ma:r.s, all Stds; Accounting Bk-kpe; L C.C, Crv-xpc: 35 panel dis:onr out of 40:
        299 words
        67 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous