The Singapore Free Press, 25 September 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 85 1 Seoul may be destroyed S, Marines are still fighting a furious house-to-house battle oul's narrow winding streets. Resistance ia so stiff Allies tear they may have to destroy the city to win it. 1 to-hand combats and grenade battles, the Marines have casualties. Reinforcements have been
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  • 4 1 defen- A.P.
    A.P.  -  4 words
  • 404 1 HAIRCUT WHILE SHELLS FLEW From LIONEL CRANE SEOUL, Mon. r rIIIS story is being written on a hilltop m Seoul. Below, m the evening sun, a city of half a million people lies open before us. By sunset. American marines were already more than one mile towards the heart of
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  • 47 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. 11HE U.S. Air Rescue Service said yesterday thai people who may be survivor.-, of the B-50 bomber, missing since Thursday night, have been Sighted on tl .nd about 120 miles south-west of Goose Bay. Labrador, where the bi<-» plane took I
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  • 218 1 RED PAPERS FOUND AT NAN CHIAU 1 Press Staff Reporter A RECEIPT book for subsions to the Malayan Party by the Police m their on the pro-< chinewspaper, Nan Chiau J. Pao. on Sept. 20 the apore Public Relations < >:: r announced today. The it menl on the raid
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  • 202 1 LONDON, Monday. FIFTY-TWO United States warships are concentrated m the Mediterranean Sea as an obvious warning to the Communist world that the war m Korea ha s not stripped the United States seapower m Europe. The U.S. Navy Public Information Cilice m London has pointed out
    U.P.  -  202 words
  • 38 1 French authorities m Indochina yesterday freed 59 prisoners, including 12 women. of the Communist-led Vietminh forces. The action was m return for a similar liberation of French prisoners by the Vietminh last wet A.P
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 195 1 LONDON, Monday. LABOUR member of the House of Commons yesterday accused his party and a section of the British cabinet— of scuttling the Schuman Plan for European co-operation "because they would like to see Britain remain m glorious isolation and independence' The attack came m a
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  • 26 1 picture. forts it the hand SjlCSttlde which \\a> thrown into l li tStamt*.»r<l Cafe last ni-tht. photographed ju^t sfiet the attack. Free Press
    Free Press  -  26 words
  • 191 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. RUSSIA is apparently preparing to write off the rrumhliriii campaign m South Korea as an incident of no importance. That is the view of the best-informed American sources, who say it is clear that Russia is tending towards an acceptance of a Red
    A.P.  -  191 words
  • 82 1 CONTRONE. ITALY. Mon. '"THIRTY peasant families 1 trom the little hill villag*of Santa Severina. n^ar Controne Italy" yesterday became the first Italians to receive land under Premier Alcide de Gasperi's nationwide Land Reform Programme. The multi-million dollar programme called for re-distribution of 3.700.000 hectares of private
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 19 1 iir-man Siamese Parliamentary delegation left London by air for Stockolm discussions with members Ol the Swedish Government.
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  • 23 1 Italy has decided to spend 150 billion lire < U*****,000.--000) In the next three years to strengthen its Internal defence. A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 104 1 FOREST FIRES SMOKE OVER TOWNS NEW YORK. Mon. THICK smoke layers, appar- ently from Canadian forest fires, sent a blanket of yellow smoke, 10.000 feet high, drifting over the Great Lakes area yesterday. The smoke, apparently from Alberta fires thousands of miles away, darkened towns j. of northern Ontario and
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  • 58 1 Federal authorities at Los Angeles said they had uncovered little evidence linking the Chinese jet propulsion expert. Dr. Tsien Hsue Shen, with Communism. The doctor, a former professor of the California Institute of Technology, who was being held by immigration officials pending the hearing of
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  • 47 1 A BOTTLE containing stamped addressed letter and a message asking the Under 'fo post it was thrown from the Needles lighthouse, isle of Wight. It was found by Mr. O. Jones, a boatman and posted. A sale **iad made the lighthouse unapproachable hf j.
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  • 125 1 Peking Reds move nearer to U.N. seat hashing, Kaaiajr. THE CHINESE Communists may get their loiusought chance this week to -end a delegation to the United Nations— but on a striith temporary basis. The Security Council has been summoned to a meeting: tomorrow and the first item on the agenda
    U.P.  -  125 words
  • 42 1 REFUGEES FROM CHINA IN C.S. Forty displaced persons, who had taken refuge m China m the *****, have arrived m San Francisco from the Philippines. They were transported aboard the steamship. General Gordon, under the care of the International Refugee Organisation.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 79 1 THK Red Chinese Air Forte JL would Mash any American w.trplams "which d.ire to intrude over our territory again." Peking Radio said yesterday. The warning was contained m a pledge of support to Communist President Mao Tse-tung from the Peoph Air Force of the Fast China
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 37 1 The disbandment of some 100.000 civilian guards, special and temporary police throughout the Philippines, organised several years ago to help the Government m its peace and order cam: has been ordered by President Quirino.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 40 1 HONG K( MT.^ mi Peop. sent the British annh founding of the party In Britain, according to news s mes said the B I nmunut "provided the only hop British In achieven. fot freedom and Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 16 1 m< to call on the Alii their -foolish and maddening" dism Indu i A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 iTiTmrm'a G?FTS j 10KERS 1 S. de SUVA orchard Rd. ,i "iiinmmjimimmiih" tTHE MARCH OF THE CHILDREX too. join this joyous company I lo Health and Happiness on t V cf the a orld the> come a growing I trom sickness and disease inus saved from death Mothers ctciywhcrc are
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  • 411 2  -  JOHN HALL By lI'ATCH now for the Great Farce. II 11.36 a.m.. we are aboard the Enterprise, < rack Irish express which makes the 112--<t-Dublin run m 135 minutes, and any :\d now we shall past three cone posts which r. border between Northern Ireland and
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  • Article, Illustration
    1513 2  -  JEANNETTE BY Switch it off "OORED LISTENER", who wrote the other day complaining about the poor programmes broadcast by Radio Malaya, would get scant sympathy from Mr. Churchill. The war-time Premier was once asked m Parliament for an assurance that 'we shall not be forced to listen to
    1,513 words
  • 433 2 -SAYS ARCHSIS T OE UNION of the I Roman Catholic I Church with an organf isation so divided among t itself as Protestantism is "a fantastic idea," the 1 Roman Catholic Arch- bishop of Southwark, Mons. Cyril Cowderoy, told a pilgrimage of the Knights of St. Columbia
    433 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 57 2 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME with j pnp. j j jf^l ||vENETIAN~TI i\i^J-.i '^^S" j~^~^* It IS > T DECORATIVE COLOUf RUST PROOF WILL NOT C»-:IP LICHT STAYS CLfAN Apply ImporterLEBEL(CHi^) LI 4th Floor Union Building wo m@^ J^ sitain'S I W Ey_B t*_i t—**^ PIKKMX -IS ll? AEftATCD WATIO <0. ITO.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 169 2 YOUR LUCKY STARI DOliN today, you have tie nicm'.ous courage, ambition and will power. Your tastes are both literary and scientific not so Strang.a combination as might seem at first. Probably one field will become your vocation; the other your hobby. Your talents arc many and can bring you success
      169 words
    • 291 2 New Crossword No. 160 j H2~ms|rn _rn rrn r 6~i l rj i^FF'W ssssßH iw B| m fl_H HH BH HH gra CLUBS BOSS 1. v.v 13>. 3.8 at (7) 7 Jj. a Land of which Cain became an inhabitant (S> n it Sir W .Ind'lold l ,e 7 A
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  • 414 3 Individualism on Formosa VATInN IKT r v TAIPEH. Sunday. N !i i China may be still a poor second to the Western democracies politically, militarily and economically, but there are many factors that would make her preferrable to Communist China m the eyes of
    U.P.  -  414 words
  • 38 3 \DELPHIA. Sun. am which the A ring company irly double the itockl -s is D ;s market I producers known cor-n-aid the packed m a an: •distance DCt> 50 per cot- A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 70 3 Tito hopes for from tourists IUUiKADF. Sunday. MIRSHAL Titos Yugoslav (.overnment wants and U hard cask from the Western world and he tourist m return sunshine, sea and i entry. basis the exchange seems fair, he world over can duplicate the -capped mountains nor loveliness of the history-wrapped doi; r
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 46 3 A imiral James H. le, Commander of the Inchon assault force, announced that Allied ships had landed 47.360 tons of cargo In the bridgehead. One officer said that the amount of supplies m pite extreme tidal var'.ais and tricky currents was >unding."- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 3 Responding to the friendly approach, these Korean children who reported atrocities smile as they are being questioned by Lt.-Col. F.E. White (right), a I'nited Nations observer, through an interpreter somewhere m Korea. Col. White is from the Canadian Army.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 irotind like a bird, a helicopter flies over the Bristol Brabazon, biggest air Hoverin* ar arn sboroujrh. Hampshire, where the Society of British Aircraft liner In the worm, a c§SJßgmt lmnt t display was held recently.
    36 words
  • 48 3 has i 11 U.P. phot.; ir-en_,ine transport plane aflaafl m i..<MS_tllWCSl <'t" Midway Islanc after its ras r w to diwh the plane uhen it ran 13 minutes from ii\ ile>tination. The crew took mtfi reined within Ihree hours. There fcsaall A. P.
    U.P.; A.P.  -  48 words
  • 38 3 ROADS TO BE COLOURED 1 ired roads ed along a north of .ble use m Britain nex: road research trying out the ranee ot may be tain the pavements show irrounds r.sldered than n- r traffic na Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 17 3 i -Monties m c confiscated a fr RusI I hey had a railway Ludwicrs- A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 31 3 The development ot a "rob laboratory technician" that can record automatically as t many as 1.320 temperature readings an hour has been announced m the United Stat U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 63 3 TORONTO. Sun. sMR FRANK WHITTLE, BritLsh inventor of th. j turooengine said m Toronto he feared Britain might not survive a third world war. and urged immediate mass on from tfie British i the Commonwes Id there should be r D of 20.000 000 m Britain.
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  • 64 3 NAT. CHINA CLARIFIES ADOPTION LAW TAIPEH. Sun. rHE Judicial Yuan ot the Chinese Nationalist Government has ruled that adopted children have the ;ame status m the p yes of the law as natural i Consequently. It said, no narriages may take place between adopted a >turai ihildren of th This
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 11 3 the Nippon Fxgiven dis- > 3')o i i Reuter
    Reuter  -  11 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 3 \asE YOUAN AMESiCAN A
    5 words
  • 185 3 FRANKFURT, Sunday. rilK RIFT between Fast and West German youth is deepening every day as the "cold war" battle for the young men and women of divided Germany is waged with ever-mounting intensity. Thr West German authorities, with the full backing of the Western occupying powers,
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 163 3 RANGOON, Sunday. 4 WAR of attrition is being waged by rebel Karens A on members of their community considered loyal to the government. It is being fought amid the rocky hills of the Karenni State next door to Siam, and m the swampy rain-filled Irrawaddy delta,
    A.P.  -  163 words
  • 63 3 WASHINGTON. S rpHE Hon..,- of Representa--1 tives, has overwhelmingly over-ridden President Truman's veto of the Subversive Control Bill which. I would "give aid and comfort to those who destroy us." The bill was hurried to the Senate which was prepared to follow suit and enact the
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    305 3 NOl lb -So Iti vii 1 n«*i h t>l« W»">i d< a'f 1 Tli« 1 ihlng Veal North K<it Souib Paaa 1 14 :c^, a Pa* PaM 4 0 Pa*i Pass SO Paat 6 ah Pn«.» r FHIS is one of those hands where everybody was disua isfied
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  • 227 3 'Better food and pay for our soldiers SVb\r;\, Sunday. THERE is agitation back home to make sure that Australia's Korea forces won't be "poor relations of the Yanks." Ardent boosters of the "diggers* trust the Australian government to provide more pay, snap uniforms and more amenities. The ag'tation besaa an
    U.P.  -  227 words
  • 57 3 STEAM SCALDS 6 TO DEATH PORT SAID. Sun. SIX persons including two children have died from i burns suffered while landing at Port Said from the Greek steamship lonia. Steam suddenly expelled from the vessels vacuum pipe poured Into the motor-coat which was taking 40 passengi ers ashore Four suffered
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 64 3 WASHINGTON. Sun AMERICAN Officials have -A announced that the Russian Government appears to have started a campaign for "the complete annihilation of all Muslim minorities" within the borders of the Soviet Union and its n lites. A report prep. by Informed ited the B rec^c
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 28 3 The Belcian Prime Minister M. Joseph Proli< thai ention by ai powc a pari m K. Leopold's declaration to his Royal prero -old son. Prince Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 24 3 ranks of the I irty In Art were opened to v Henceforth, theey can v the party primaries and run for state offices- U.P.
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 16 3 us. i: l i and < i or the ns ar and defc: U. P.
    U.P.  -  16 words
  • 50 3 .Mr. Hu Sze-tu. son of China's well-known writer und philosopher. Dr. Hu Shih. m an article to the lett-uiiu Chinese newspaper Ta Kung Pao. denounced his father as "a reactionary whose < vi I doings have long been connected uith American imperialists and Chiang Kai-»h» k >
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 106 3 SINGAPORE (BLUE NETWORK) 9 35 a.m. For the Schools; 10 News from Singapore; 10.50 For the Schools: Prof. Shrimpwhiskers Adventures; 11.15 How things began; 11.40 Literature for Stds 4 and 5: 1 p.m. Monday Matinee; 1.30 Time Signal and News; 1.45 Sowboy Songs Trez Amigos from Malacca; 2 Close down
      106 words
    • 116 3 I (BBC); 5 The Concerto; 5.45 The Debate Continues (BBCi; 6 Indonesian: News and Programmer (BBO; 630 Cantonese: New; <BBC«; 6.45 London Studio Concerts; 7.15 French: News (BBC); 7.50 English Half-Hour: News: London Opinion; I Speak lor j Myself «BBC»; 8 Piano Inter- mission; 8.15 Thai: News and Talks (BBC»;
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  • 221 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, Sept, 25, 1950. The $12 bargain ■T ia .ibout time someone put m a tiood word for >r old Radio Malaya. Government the men and women who run broadcasting are unilicly made fflciency i will mot do it 1 I S i I 7 I
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  • 994 4 Police, Technicians For Malaya LONDON: THE results of the drive to obtain recruits tor the Federation police force are. I am officially informed. very satisfactory. The High Commissioner, at present combining business with pleasure m London, has expressed his satisfaction at the results 'and he is the man we have
    994 words
  • 168 4 LONDON LETTER BY HALL ROMNEY ble to lie rubber m this cou or our all.- s will have priori ill har ton or I iiton. both of whom think Cm ;ve n- conduct of war j sold to anyone except our alii pile equal to our cci i Is m
    168 words
  • Article, Illustration
    162 4  - JEST A MINUTE GEOFFREY EVANS dfaasfdsfd They must reckon with America, leader of the tree world's alliance against Communism, perhaps havto face the next two irs of international tension with a Government so completely split down I middle as to make b. factl jly ineffective. A quick look back over
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  • 296 4  - Truman 's Election Hopes Fade William Hardcastle By WASHINGTON: THE Republicans are very cocky about their chances m this year's U.S. elections. The Democrat rending their garments and wailing at what ey behove to be the highly probable prospect that they will Ii c mtrol both H R' tlt:ves and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 i--.'_a-_a>a_«a_»ana->ai_r I 3 Premier House for CUPS I SHIELDS I j MEDALS IN SILVER AND E.P.N S j S.P.H.deSILVA j »;> hi i. ii si. mroftt i ki u_a i Mii k IPOH
      32 words
    • 29 4 tf?^ V.aa_ Imported Fa and Day Frocks A 49 A) A} o -m _■> _m a c c -m-m-mw----------. ■i H H mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-' A MARK OF UNIX ERSAL Xi W
      29 words

  • 332 5 S.M.C. STAFF TO ASK FOR PAY BOARD Representation on equal basis Free Press Staff Reporter WITH the object of securing better conditions of service, Singapore Municipal employees will move on Saturday that their union— the Municipal Services Union ask the Municipal Commissioners to appoint a standing committee for the purpose
    Free Press  -  332 words
  • 11 5 Girls' school to get new building Kf porter I G a
    11 words
  • 4 5 Air service planned r
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  • 63 5 Free Press Staff Keportcr ■*lIF Singapore Traction Company is to be fold that it is providing an inadequate bus service along |he Mountbatten Road route daring peak hoars, it "as decided at a recent meeting of a Municipal committee. •Id :hr had preTO adel i
    63 words
  • 62 5 SPECIAL services r next year by the _;apore Municipal Department has been iced by si. 000 000 Tne vote, amounting to $1.800 000. is ro provide exnons to the distributi A1 1 of 'he corn*ee of Municipal C prop wed expenditure, Two cher b. pro- er Dep.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 5 I\R. Usman Sastroamindjujo, a senior officer of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia, who passed through Si; pore on Saturday by Q.F. VBO A M_ftcUaUon. Or. I'sman has just completed a world tour and is now on his way to Jakarta.
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  • 119 5 Plant life expert in colony A WORLD authority on the pollination of tropical flowers by bats. Professor L. Van der Pijl pass< d through Sinn board the Xi rsotono years' seri v of Science at Bandoeng University. Th*- pr. who is on his way to Amsterdam for a year's 'ion.
    119 words
  • 18 5 Tne < A elation. Singaj .numbers and and mv di amatic performs Great World on Saturday ;ht.
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  • 28 5 Full m< Orations Id by the siaff of HP. de Silva Lto. at the Buddhist Temple m Outram Road at 7.15 p.m. today. All Invited.
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  • Article, Illustration
    74 5 AT the dinner given to Mi Geell Oyson, Briti i VVV chief, by the Singapore AAA. on Saturday night: Messrs. Chew Keng Ban and J. T. Christie, Lieut. -Col. P. Goodeve Docker, Mrs. W. I. Randall, Mr. P. G. M. r,. M ihindasa, Ir. V. K. Sibapathy. Mr. P Suppiatl
    Free Press  -  74 words
  • 143 5 Free Press Stall* Reporter PERMISSION for Singapore people to visit Japan rests entirely on the decision of the authorities m that country Mr. j. L .1 Hax worth. Comptroller oi' Immigration, tolil the Free Press. ration ment m Havclock Road has recen n over the
    143 words
  • 56 5 The of the C n tral Si_h T anple m G Singapore, have ed an "Assam Relief Fund" for the reliel of victims 0! tin recent Assam earthquake and floods. All Indians. cially 3ikhs. are requested to send their donations m cash or kind to
    56 words
  • 77 5 MISS JEAN MILLIS. M.Sc. (Melbourne), will arrive m Singapore on Monday by QEA-BOAC Constellation from Sydney to do nutrition work m the Colony. Millis, who wa< Lecturer m Ni'' riti n ai I ol Melbourne will take up an appoint ment m the University ot Malaya as
    77 words
  • 87 5 RADIO MEN TO CONFER Free Press Stall" Reporter MOPJ oO radio d< l n X Lumpur by p. nn and r from Y. South Siam and B tor the Philips Radio convention begin: at the Majestic Hotel tomorrow. Mr. K. S. Murray, director of William Jacks and Malaya I Ltd..
    87 words
  • 173 5 Free Press Staff Reporter A STEP to introduce the jogel modern to Sumatra will be taken when Che Supinah Samad, Singapore "Kebaya Qu i en 1950" and husband S Raiman Medan at the end of month. During their stay 'hey will n; irate this popular dance and
    173 words
  • 338 5 Free Press Staff Reporter DECAI'SE of the "tremendous pressure on accom- modation" m the Universities of Adelaide. Melbourne. Sydney. Tasmania and Australia, no applicant from Singapore will be accepted for admission into them unless sponsored by the local Education Department. This is t the special
    Free Press  -  338 words
  • 118 5 Kronchong, and Hari Raya Haji Free Press Staff Reporter AFTER the contr. colour s that dulled the ligtits of the Great W for Hari Raya Hail on Sat day night, even would be a drab spectacle. Saroi. and chearts and amed to the arena the STonchong par a Sincaixtre and
    118 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 "Big Values the Lovely Range of KREMENTZ \e Quality Jewellery DIEI Bracelets. Necklaces, Brooches Saree Pins and Earrings. TLEMEN^ Cufflinks, The Clips. CombiStuds. Buttons and Key Chains -S or Priced Less .SVc' For Yourself. .•■ii 1 1 r »"ON f w.TT Do Your Shopping at GANLAL NAGINDAS CO. r .l\li
      81 words
    • 14 5 ROBINSON CO., LTD. RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE. J t i-ft=i. i.. i as— ».^s-5-.b-=-=- I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1132 6  - I am fighting fit for Wednesday Joe Louis By HERE I am, back home at Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, m the house by the lake I know so well. It's nice here now. The grass is still green, and it's quiet here. After a week I can say I really
    A.P.  -  1,132 words
  • 117 6 IMG-TIME Rugby Union clubs sot moving on their Schedules on Saturday. Blackheath, m defeatins Gays Hospital l»i-nil. save a fine show of open thrtequarter play against a hospital defence that will have to improve if Guys want a good season, gui! 1 UP m routing
    117 words
  • 53 6 Romero given hard fight LUIB ROMERO of Spain retaii his E bant by b 'on pom's m a 15-1 the Sportg Palace P T;. ■r the v. ho won nine out o; .ds. hfaired a hard eye B i il ttld Of the D B Ish Federation ruled he ha«
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 57 6 UfELBHafAN Da: R »f James Braid i m winning the Rri m «^h-p foi tl fourth time In the M-hofe Baa oils' le. Rp.. D t (i F TowV Yorkshire golfei m and .six The rontesl a by the News of the World Reel won money
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 211 6 Newcastle 's forceful game beat Arsenal From JIM 'II .VMM IN a rip-roaring game that thrilled t „,,j^ fans, Newcastle I nited beat trw aa] lv Saturday to go into undisputed leadership First Division of the English r«oth.,|| j^i Newcastle, Arsenal and Middleshrou. beaten two-one by Manchester Inited i lad
    A.P.  -  211 words
  • 53 6 Turks leave with 5 cups ITRKISH LEAOI champ. London rdav with I to them by club »h lour. T! an Davran. !ub nit-mbt r who If „-c Thr Turks, who Soal all live gam< Hull. Sunderland. Queen's Park Ran- .md Br: ton Mary to Ira-. tad a wonderful recepand hospitality
    A.P.  -  53 words
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    Reuter  -  7 words
  • 8 6 bef All pop. the A.P.
    A.P.  -  8 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 LAST DAY 11 1.43 I LSI ft 8 M p m pmmuwrr*TT7*> 1 f wmmm <\\ "?e SaX I TOMORROW "FLOWER STREET" Maaaaria Metare) Starring CHOW SUEN t- ff T J 7th DAY j 1 7 1 TODAY 11. 1.45, 4. ;•> I 30 p.m. MaU\ Kilm Production^ Latest Dramatic
      96 words
    • 86 6 FREE PRESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS -101 S A "-VEHICLES FOR SALE aW* Write your advertisement here m BLOCK LETTERS word* to a Km M^ M 'minimum 4 lines! i S3 00 5350 (All charges are payable m advance* Births-Marriages-Deaths— Personal $150 linr minimum charge %t p.. Insert this advertisement under
      86 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 185 6 MSntlrSkß Exclusive to the Singapore Eree Press m Malaya I I THf/ fAE SO CLOSE --THEY I Txfr" LAND :H l\ 1 DOOR LOCKED. ISW almost reached M? what '>A/vieEfi mm/m*smmmmm\ NO CAN QPf\. I 100> /(ftrJS/WMMAtf** WLL HAPPEN TO THtMfr r^^3ip?|p g ,Afl4 \S~ -a*^ H^^mP\ THAT D TPY
      185 words

  • 202 7 MISS NATHAN PLEASES ON TRACK May win Gold Vase 'trial i Free Press Racing Correspondent IPOH, Monday. jyjOST impressive looking horse out on the track here this morning was Miss Nathan, who was eager to show her heels. She had to be restrained all the way. Her second to Bright
    202 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 7 picture. anal Helen Lee, winner of the 40 yards free-style worn* ns event at the Tiger summing li bs £ala on Satawdajr, Free Press
    Free Press  -  24 words
  • 26 7 Wood keeps his sculling trophy Austrac :hiladelWorlds iship, at w trophy i >. the n. by ith the nony H about one .-mile I i ROWC Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 14 7 CRICKEETERS LEAVE U.K. »n for rV Wl!l I up. r his I o! I
    14 words
  • 418 7  -  TRESPASSER By LIORSES which won or otherwise showed definite 11 promise at the Singapore Turf Club Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting will probably monopolise honours at the coming meeting at Ipoh. If that champion. No Regrets, starts m the six-furlong Gold Vase -trial" on the first
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  • 54 7 RSGC men 's finalists M. M. Paterson beat C. W. Watson two up and D. A. O. Davies beat D. A. T. Carson three and two m the semifinals of the Royal Singapore Golf Club championship at Bukit Timah yesterday. The final, over 36 holes, will be played next Saturday
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  • 70 7 In a friendly soccer match played at Katong yesterday. Cheerful i' second XI beat R.A.F. Jurong by two goals to one. In another soccer match played on the r z round yesterday. Cheerful Lads* first XI beat R.A P Tengah by three goals to two. The scorers for
    70 words
  • 33 7 F Sgt Long alO Sqn> «QO the CaDtam'f Prize at the Royal Air Force Golf Club at Chanp. Long h a net score cf TOwomen's prize wss won oy Mrs. Aviss.
    33 words
  • 139 7 JARESLAV Drobny. selfexiled Czech tmnis star now playing for Egypt, decisively beat Heraldo Weiss ot Argentina. 6—l. 6—l. m the men's singles final of the international tnnies tournament at Baden. Germany, yesterday. The Argentinian played erratic tennis throughout the first set. and did not product- his
    UP  -  139 words
  • 35 7 "PRITISH motor-cyclins teal swept the board m the international six-day tnai whi< h ended ia*t night, winning the International Trophy and the Silver Vase without the IOM of s point m either event.
    35 words
  • 147 7 INTERNATIONAL Football Federation ended its two-day executive meeting In Brussels yesterday with one of 111 biggest headaches still unsolved a successor for the secretary-general, E. Schricker, who is retiring after a lifetime spent In the service of international football. The Federation president. M. J.
    AP  -  147 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 7 picture. incident In Saturday's i UKffei match en tmhe Parians/, hi which the il a beat Newcomers by 14 points to nil. Two Newcomers forwards ha ye broken away from a lin-out and are booting the ball down the sideline. Killick and Howling are both making rain efforts to stop
    Free Press  -  54 words
  • 782 7 FOOTBALX League stawcunii FIRST DiVISIOM P W D L F Newcastle U 10 5 5 0 18 7 1j Man hester UlO 6 1 3 12 6 13 Xr>enal 10 5 3 2 18 10 3 HkTbrough 10 1 3M Blackpool 10 3 5 2 15
    782 words
  • 36 7 pictures. TOP The Katong Convent team which took the girls schools' relay at the Tiger Swimming Club gala. BOTTOM PICTURE: Queen Street Boys' Club team, winners of the boys clubs' relay. Free Press
    Free Press  -  36 words
  • 447 7 /COMBINED Malays had a t«ugh time yesterday when they met Singapore District m a SAFA Community League match at Jalan Besar stadium and although they ran out winners by two goals to nil—one from a penalty, they were by no means the superior
    447 words
  • 65 7 MR. Winston Churchill's grey four-year-old Colonist II scored its fourth successive victory by winning the Kensington Palace Stakes at Ascot on Saturday. Colonist 11, bred m France started a two to one favourite m the two-mile, £1,000 added money race and won by a length Pachademis was
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 34 7 PENANG. Sun.— Penang Chinese retained the Victory Cup for the fourth successive year when they beat The Rest by 11 gams to four I.* the annual tennis match played t cv ay
    34 words
  • 381 7  - Veteran pairs in thrilling 3-set game VETERAN By pOUR veteran players provided the thrills last night m the Singapore badminton championships at the Clerical Union Hall when they played off a semi-final of the veterans' doubles. After three well-contested sets. Wee En^ Btanfl and Charlie Chua (Lucky Strike) eliminated Koh
    381 words
  • 82 7 BATS for best batting and bowling performances were presented to four cricketers at the conclusion of the Mahatma Gandhi Men Cup cricket match at Syesterday, which the Ind. an Association won by 50 runs. Their opponent? were the R.A.F Malaya. Bats for bowling were to Reggie Sandosham
    82 words
  • 36 7 rpHE unbeaten Bong Kong tennis tour .sts. Win* Bun, wound up their Malayan t0,.--a rousing tour-one victory over AllIndia at Singapore's Happy stadium last nigh' The tOUrttUl leave for hon:e oy air today.
    36 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 NOW S! OWING 19 I >**- Bill .i XI oaaKaNLJKnJKHaMBMMiK^HBBi |kS EAT RE 'AR }> 111 Ta~lT i* p;ou«fs fURAGi BRISTOL 5:5.00 -SH. LTD. *H \P(»KE. RD )> *SGER I Gulstarq
      28 words
    • 261 7 "Faust is superb" SEE IT. (STRAITS lIMESJ TODAY FOUR SHOWS f?A \f fi ki 2 4.15. 6.30 9.30 p.m. *1 s-Ljk\ He sold his soul for the 10.l oi an.a.v. a -V^ J* L^' S MAM* r-c GOJ«KJC i3fl»« S^. "^■flK^"". tah TMO ■h% GOBRMR GrcMATM/ 7 Libretto by M
      261 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 60 7 Today's sport SOCCEK: Community Lge: Eurasians v Indians at Jalan Besar: Business Use. B: Borneo S.C Bukom S.C. at Geylanr. HOCKEY: 8.0.D. v P T at 8.0.D. Ceylon S.C. v Colts at C.S.C. BASKETBALL: Sinrapore v Johore Bahru team at Happy World at 8 p.m. (charity). C;OL; B.S.G.C. women v.
      60 words

  • 97 8 To Matilda,! v J W. -iler, on i B .vians m. at to Marjory nd Oliver on 20th Sep'em-i j a oi hy Clare, j of J. Matheson, a son. l v:m; a- the Btmgaar Hosi Koala 1 on Friday. 1950. to Margaret, wife lighter. j \<. \i.i mi
    97 words
  • 29 8 NG-CROM between Rowland Han- n ot Mri A. j Middle mptoa l of Mr I V R tt Of >ok place iber, cong ONER r ind 1 of
    29 words
  • 10 8 LOO CHOON KWONO. for condolence. M.H. i to i
    10 words
  • 235 8 DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR S. E. ASIA Seven C "wealth States join LONDON, Monday. MINISTERS of seven Commonwealth countries meet m London today to *>P en a ten-day conference to discuss a six-year £1,725,000,000 Commonwealth plan for the development of South-east Asia. The plan- -understood to stress the development of agricultural,
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 8 RUNNING \T SI. Every day 81-year-old Charlie Hart does a couple sf hours' running on the green at Twickenham. Middlesex, hut as a special treat recently he ran 16 miles from Windsor. "I do it to show the old folk they are wrong m .sitting back waiting for the end."
    52 words
  • 120 8 BERLIN, Monday. rllL 'Battle of the Barrier" entered its tilth day yesterday with armed British and Russian troops glaring across a candy-striped pole at one another from fortified positions. The troops spent their fourth night m the n the cold damp ground m the corner of
    U.P.  -  120 words
  • 73 8 The South African Supreme Court has upheld the Roman nolle church*! challenge of the Transvaal provincial Administrations Ordinance parents' right to choose their children's schools and the language to be used. Mr Justice Murray, giving judgment said: "It is a grave interference with the normal rights a
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 35 8 The Africa!i Nat. gress m a message to the United Nations said that the African people of South-west Africa and of South Africa did the territory Incorporated by the Union.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 216 8 PHILADELPHIA Monday. TVRACES of the earliest North Americans migrants across the Bering Straits from Asia to Alaska have been discovered by an archaeological expedition to the Arctic, led by Dr. Froelich Kainer, Director of Pennsylvania University .Museum Dr. Rainer announced m Philadelphia yesterday that
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 U *'11 ii up to \oit. *ir hut the only other pair ol your nize Is a ut'dxt'-hepl m ice-blur with srnrlrt hurklrn."
    23 words
  • 80 8 TORQUAY, M..11 MORE than 80 percent ol world trade will be thrown [on the counter tor a months Ions: bargaining process when delegates from 38 nations will assemble at Torquay on Thursday for their third and biggest round of negotiations to lower trade barriers at
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 14 8 Friendship tr< i v between Iran and Italy was signed yesterday.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  14 words
  • 83 8 Vietnamese kill 100 Communists SAIGON, M< n. I FRANCO VETNAMESE troops killed about 100 Communist Vietminn soldiers m a combined infantry and irine clearing operation m the red-infested swamp country around Vinlong. 65 miles south-west ol Saigon, it was disclosed yesterday by headquarfc •ack was one ol a imber ol
    83 words
  • 33 8 I I Falkenh 71-year-old ex-Military of G :ipied Belgiun B I ha use n will appear bexoi a coui charged with responsi for ti. vi 240 hosti A.P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 60 8 BERLIN, Mon. rpiK East German Liberal Democratic Party yesterday announced thai H< rr Bernard Kamps had b n rem •d from his post .1- th Pai chairman m Saxony-Anhalt. Hen- Kamps. who Is Minister of Supply m the Saxony-Anhalt Provincial Government, was strongly attacked by tho Eas-
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 75 8 U.S. buying more cars NEW YORK M THE America at *he outbreak ot Korea: 1 war rocketed departi 50 per cent, over las' es, it was itat day In New York. analyst by the tnai Indusj Confer B -1. a private b ness firms ed i hat the scramble buy
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 61 8 Mr. Harry Pollitt. Gen. Secretary of the British Com-munl-st Party l as nighl al Hall at the P niv^rsary "The Communist p. calls on all working p. Britain to unite their fo: m a gigantic camp.-, against the extension of military service, to ensure thai British
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 88 8 5th COLUMN ACTIVE IN GERMANY SENNELAGER. Germany Mond. QOMMUNIST wall slogans reading "Tor. Home" greeted the British Army autumn manoeuv which began m Germany yesterda Lessons of the Korean campaign are to be studied. One is protection against a fifth column and the handling of the typo of Communist "'infiltrators"
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 122 8 MINISTERS RETICENT ON TALKS NEW YORK, Mom; "COME advances*' had been made by the Western Three Foreign and Defence Ministers m their talks m New York, said Mr. Emanuel Shinwell. Defence Minister yesterday, before flying hack to Britain. He avoided qm about sj points of agreement,
    Reuter; A.P.  -  122 words
  • 19 8 China's cotton harvest, now bern? picked, is expected to be almost twice as bis as last Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 8 8 Fist fights at yout h meeting be- U.P.
    U.P.  -  8 words
  • 13 8 SIR MALCOLN SARGENT I A.P. Ltid< <if ]'>» honour M< Port! pla\ ii ffce?
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 3 8 A.P.
    A.P.  -  3 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 I IMMODATIOM NH \M n n ion Ind. 5 v *****. /,IMHI VNrUI S lIEL SONr p 13 Br Thorn I nd i cated 7^ <] a,,mcnts Weakness and convaiI P escence. s^ F A GARIHOLOMEUSZ LTD. him Chviiq 64. Koek Road In KUM G t.C. Radios A Refrigerator* II
      93 words
    • 53 8 I v ipßk vi lVumh! '-a v Specialh H Vakero/ PAS* ..ES SOZ£ AGENTS THE EAST ASIATIC CO. LTD. WOO h|ng BROTHERS 186 South Bridge Road HBgaptn I Branch:— Campbell I Dealers m all kinds of Swiss \< <S wall and alarm clocks, spare parts and ENQCJIKU S SOUCITI P
      53 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 60 8 HIGH TIDES TodA>: 10 :>9a.m; 10 4*. p.m. lomoirow: 11 22 a.m; 11 ,zl p.m. I THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris ~l KNOWS \ME MIGHT MAKE] L^~ V whatEa Tt T~~"'VEiiittlffl^s9lH!isllM vol as^oE-a hcw~;sV^4%] If, A T r W! l" nTvLs^wvflloS^ '^BP aE :an z-:~ OjT O' t* 5 p*-
      60 words