The Singapore Free Press, 22 September 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 65 1 Tough resistance: 'uprising' story (wo main columns of l\S. Marines advancing into Seoul today had ik M»me of the toughest Red resistance since the Allied landlmhon a week ago. X Republic's radio at Pusan said the Marines were Seoul m three directions and that an underground
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  • 144 1 From FRANK OWEN KOREA, Fri. DRITISH troops yester- day crossed the Naktong River m force, joining m a general offensive all along the Southern Front. Their passage was not contested as the main body marched over the bridge' smashed by the enemy m his withdrawal and rebuilt
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  • 200 1 'Malayan army' call by Onn LONDON. Friday. DATO ONN bin Jaafar, President or IMNO. who is m London for talk* on aid to South-East Asia, yesterday urged the formation of a Ma'avau national army. In an interview with the P. Trust of India he said that Britain wasting much money
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 789 2 A Train Journey Across U.S. 1 WANTED to see America. So instead ot observing it. neatly parcelled no into straight-ruled patches of fields and "stacks of lumpy rocks, from the air as I had done on mv wav out to California, I took the train I entered an enormous marble
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  • 525 2 Shophound Finds A Few Bargains I*HIS week Shophound A found it unnecessary to go further afield than the Raffles Place shopping area m order to find plenty of attractive articles both frivolous and useful. At ROBINSONS there were frocks In abundance and tht lr price* .start from $15.00 each for
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  • 380 2  - U.S. Woman 's Diary KAY MURRAY Ry nnHE U.S. Govern- ment is going to demand 18 million yards of nylon for parachutes. If they leave it at that, American women (for whom silk and cotton, accounting for only 1.5 of their hosiery consumption, practically doesn't exist) will be able to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 m Trust ""> R VCZUii X\ -iP*^ *Wi* ff Which milk is best for baby Baby shows that baby knows. And the signs xxhich a mother sees with thankfulness are sturdy limbs, steady gains, lots of energy, deep sleep. Baby '•nnng along xvonderfully on Ostermilk. The formula of On-rmilk is
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    • 142 2 Ltd. Exclusive Gowns for All Occasions Tel. 4748 278 Orchard Rd flair TimUh*, wa Inecto brings new natural /j^^^-Al colour to grey or faded hair. k permanently and indetectably. C m a few minutes. Hr Agents THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY ITO. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. KLANO. SEREMRAN AN sC Just Arrived LEATHER
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 581 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR ,-uJ^\,?~ New Crossword No. 158 one who can instrument your vhfinrs. fj T^ ~JS 9HH<4 < ~~TZ Restless by nature, ycm SSi^ I (intuit endure monotony. Mike .sure that you don't isEi i^X^Sl^^^^^ set c.ui^ii m simif kind of ___JBHL___JHH HHEHK BLI routine work. You enjoy *p
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  • 391 3 HK. REGAINS TRADE POSITION 'Broker 'between East West HONG KONG, Thursday. £OME trade sources had predicted that Hong Kong trade would experience a further slump as a result of the Hong Kong Government's recent action m placing large categories of goods on the prohibited list, but they have been apparently
    A.P.  -  391 words
  • 9 3 Wolves snatch children in Lucknow I a a A.P.
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  • 8 3 and we yet se Reuter
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  • 68 3 President Quirino of the Philippines has directed his Secretary of Justice to expedite the trial of Government officials facing charges of graft and corruption.- The "Skyraider" the IS. Navy's first line carrier attack plane. It has an armament comparable to firing a broadside from a Navy destroyer. In
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  • 61 3 Mrs Vijayalakshml Pandit. India's Ambassador to the U S.. became a Grandmother for the second time on Sunday when her second daughter. Mrs. Nayantara Sangal. gave birth to a daughter at Len Hill Hospital m New York. Th<' and the sixpound child are reported doIng well
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 46 3 Ur less i tied effort will into a point which will threaten all organised the T.. The abl< prop s that ent has Times, are so much •d pressure of Communism economic and chaog thar w< if the Islands have •n.- A.P
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 41 3 WANTS ARMY DISMISSALS Th? Philippine Defence .-'on. reten of the leading gyi m an inlew fhar he doubts their ability to stop Communistled Hukbal and order m Philippines, he adds, will r be achieved if those gs were not re: I
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  • 252 3 PARIS. Thursday. FIIE POP! OR.\ king ot Paris is a young American who started the business to finance his art career. He is 25-year-old Leo Zimmerman, of I .ouisville. Kentucky, who says he would rather paint than run a business, and rather eat popcorn than r
    AP  -  252 words
  • 65 3 Al Jolson, the American sin yen creciit by Vi Yuel-sze, Chinese operastar, for starting him on his career m Western opera Mr Vi lias arrived m San Francisco to make his opera debut m "Aida" with the San Francisco Opera Company B> said he started
    A.P.  -  65 words
  • 29 3 Waterside workers and employers conferred m Wellington all day recently m an attempt to reach a* settlement of the strike of waterfront workers throughout New Zealand.- A.P
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  • 21 3 Turkish authorities were greatly disappointed by the reported rejection of Turkey's application for membership of the Atlantic Pact.- Reuter
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  • 101 3 BANGKOK, Thurs. 'THE United States will give A US. $:;0. 000.u00 worth ol arms to Siam, Premier Phibun Songgram told the Bangkok Tribune m an exclusive interview yesterday. The Tribune is the fourth Riffdaily In Bangkok, with Iti number published yesterday Marshal Phibun aaid that the
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  • 44 3 U.S. $1,500,000 FOR VIETNAM An I :\A. grant ol U551. 500.000 for purchasing j equipment and materials to supply public works pro--1 grammi Vietnam has been announced m Saigon. The allocation Is the largest made by EC. A for the French-sponsored Bao Dai A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    225 3 fITESI i pada ttnf. ftstanring thsi trumps will break, how >hould you play la assure your contract? When the hand was actually playtd. South was cat floss SOU r\UMUY\S spade ace sr-n the first trick; two rounds of hearts ending m dummy drew the trumps and declared led
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  • 268 3 GARMISCH. BAVARIA, Thursday. At ANY British tourists, spending their holidays m Germany for the first time since the war, have returned home disappointed because the American Army authorities have fenced off some of the most famous Bavarian beauty spots. Garmisch, pre-war summer and winter holiday resort,
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  • 63 3 Mr. Robert M the Australian Premier, has appealed to the Australian people to undertake the gn defence effect ever faced by Australia In peacetin He asked employers and employees m a broadcast to support a recruiting drive and national si Price trail Menides warned that the
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 36 3 Rimshi Surkhan^. leader of the Tibetan trade mission to I India who has arrived m I Kalimpong. said all is quiet :n the Tibetan capital of; Lhasa anH on The! v frontiers.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 94 3 THE IS. Defence Department announced that there had been 13.911 Mar casualties whose next of kin had been notified up lo and including Sept Isv. Of these 1,684 were killed m action and 174 died of wounds. There were notifications to the next of kin of 8,709
    U.P.  -  94 words
  • 166 3 LONDON, rhursda EVERY unrmsed I may harbour milhor. dangerous germs, said the j British Central Council for Health Education m a state- ment issued m London. This threat to health is one of the subjects to be raised by. the nations health exoerts^ when they meet
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 52 3 PRAGUE. Wed. IMIE Czech government rday approved a new eh». Slovakia. and the republic ment. in: m Pragui 1 I runs for a year until next J. It gives C r i;bber arv J from In -ia and Industrial products from tberlsodi textiles. Dat>rr and
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 48 3 Br: aid th^ United States are use: the S rial, which is throng I record trait Traffic m July I ur was 7.043.000 tuns compared with. 5.315.000 tons m the same month last y»-ar the Sues Canal Compa i m a ment.- A.P.
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    • 212 3 I 9v V ft A s MS TI 8 f^B SINGAPORE j'BBC); 4.55 Composer of the i Week— Stravinsky; 5.15 Special (BLUE NETWORK) Dispatch (BBC); 5.30 London 10 a.m. News: 10. 10 Close down; Studio Concerts; 6 Indonesian: 12 Malay Programmes; 1 p.m. News and Programme., <BBC>; Light Music: 1.30
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    • 7 3 ""SSI) HO.A/O.BOCVC£y. THAT'S Y Q po.soa/ /vv
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  • 348 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, Sept 22, 1950. The Nan Chiau EXACTLY two months utter the Malayan Governments Rave themselves powers to close down pro-Corn-muni newspapers, the axe has fallen The n Chiau Jit Pao'and the Penang Modern Daily News are ordered to cease publication. and all circulation of back
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  • 921 4 U.S. Recognition Of Mao Inevitable SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT WHERE does Britain now stand regarding the admission of Communist China to the United Nations? When Mr. Malik, the Russian representative, presided at the Security Council his main effort was directed towards this. It is easy to see why the Kremlin gave this
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  • 179 4 THEY say that he has the oddest job m Berlin— the man who hammers out bullet -holes m the city's warbat lend lamp standards. His persistent metallic tap-iap-tap has been irritating Berliners throughout the summer. The tapping batters the ragged bullet and shrapnel holes until thny are smooth
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  • 733 4 PERSIA WALKS THE TIGHT ROPE By A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT TEHERAN: OROODIXG behind the high white wall of the Russian Embassy that stands where Churchill and M a r s h a 1 Stalin avenues meet is 50- vc arold ambassador Ivan Sadchikov. He has to consider a matter of 17
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  • 129 4 LETTER TO THE EDITOR 'p!E public Is indebted to you for the photographs of the squatter area m the vicinity ot Aljunied road, which appeared m the Free Press on Tuesday. These pictures together with those m the Straits Times concefnine the On« family give a clear
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  • 500 4  - More Ships Boost Trade Flow John D. Hewitt By I>Y helping to rebuild the depleted merchant fleets of the world. Britain's shipyards are making a substantial contribution towards economic recovery. Figures published m the last quarterly returns of Lloyd's Register of Shipping Rive some indication of what this contribution made
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 4 International six-metre c la :> ychts sailing before the wi id wtt* Burnham race*. England
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 14 4 POPULAR HOUSE SPORT CUPS MEDALS P. H. HENDRY, f > r.h Br d;e Kd. Spore.«
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    • 105 4 They'll soon be mai Christmas Pudcr s a/ home They'll be glad of extras tor G you can t do better than sen ingredients tor Chr.stma^ the time to get a parcel H make the.r puddings e^ suggest these for your parcel RiirisM CurranN Sultanas Mixed IVel Mixed Spice Ground
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  • 397 5 SINGAPORE TO STUDY N.Z. BETTING New system to reduce evils Free Press Staff Reporter r piE Singapore Government is to obtain information on the progress of a New Zealand experiment m off-the-racecourse betting through the totaiisator, the study of which is recommended by a Government-appointed committee m its report on
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  • 47 5 M.itT Reporter betting m Sinimsatisfaetory Old shorld be tringent, says Control of Singapore. ht >tate of the .tys the neither betttaking is an both et ting M the ...d the the ol line to f the < listse h* r md il r~ onother
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  • 118 5 Free Press Staff Reporter J M.\| ISATTON of bookmaking would not assist m the reduction of malpractices m connection with horse-racing, says the Report on the Control of Bookmaking m Singapore. The Report also says that certain lessons may be drawn from the history of the legislation
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  • 205 5 To serve longer term Free Press Staff Reporter gECAUSE the new Singapore Municipal Water Engineer. Mr. W S Stredwiik, is not due to arrive m Singapore until January next year. the present Water Engineer. Mr. F.G. Hill, is being asked to remain m the service until that time. Mr Hill
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  • 49 5 Eight shopkeepers, seven Chinese and one Muslim Indian, were each lined $15 m Singapore yesterday after pleading guilty to failing to remain entirely closed on days specified by themselves to be their closing days. Mr. C W Lyle, Deputy Commissioner for I. ah ur, prosecuted.
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  • 280 5 Free Press Stall Reporter IN the rapidly changing political situation of today. special steps have to be taken to ensure that Chinese vernacular schools should not become the instruments of unscrupulous a*" »s, states the Singapore Education Report for 1949. The report says tnat Hitmajority
    Free Press  -  280 words
  • 76 5 Free Press Staff Reporter several Singapore Municipal Commissioners have visited the squatter area of Al-Junud Road and Sims Avenue where the Police on Monday discovered ".-hocking hovels" during their p of the area for two Chlgunmen. More Commissioners will be visiting the area within the next
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  • 33 5 Dr. G. P. Bardsley, physician to the Singapore AntiTuberculosis Association, retnmed to Singapore yesterday afternoon by QEA-BOAC after two weeks' leave m Britain. He took his son to chool there
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  • 56 5 IXLAGS of Communist China Will nA. be permitted 1 fly m Singapore m Oct. 1, the national day est lished by the- Peking Government, a police tVOkesmc said y ester aau. In Sarawak, however, the Government wm perm< the flying of Commjtnist China flags on that Ofljr.Stdt
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  • 185 5 Free Press Staff Reporter ABOI'T 30,000 people m Singapore have been registered on rice cards since sugar was again put on the ration at the beginning of this month. Half of these people have done so because their rice cards had become invalid. The other
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  • 68 5 picture. THE Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, visited Johore squatter resettlement areas yesterday. In the picture Sir Franklin is uith Mr. W. H. Brockett, the superintendent, at the 26th mile settlement. Behind and to the right are the Chief Police Officer, Johore, Mr. P. 11. I>
    Free Press  -  68 words
  • 126 5 A SCHEME to build an additional storey to the present offices of "the i. works at Kallang, Singapore, has been approved by a committee of Municipal Commissioners. This is estimated to cost $50,000 and the Finance Committee is recommended to provide for this item under the
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  • 264 5 GOVERNOR ON TIES WITH FEDERA TION Free Press Stall Reporter 4 FTER seeing for himself squatter resettlement schemes m Johore yesterday, the Governor ol Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson said to the Free Press, "It is unrealistic for Singapore not to appreciate that its prosperity is tied up I loscly with
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  • 99 5 NEW BUILDING SCHEME ANEW plan tor the construction of a Malay-type house w-as adopted by Singapore Rural Board a1 meeting yesterday. The plan which will b» at $1 each, nas been issued result of reg:. Rom Malay residents m the rural areas for a Malay type of a dwelling house
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  • 26 5 The annual Hari Raya Haji congregationa] prayer meeting lor Singapore Muslims v. ill be held at the Victoria School field rTOW at 8 a.m.
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  • 85 5 V Nfe Pium StaS I T^E bland CiUb has apj to the Singapore Municipal Commissioners for the of an additional nieioal catchment area land for the purposlaying out an 18-hoie coif COUI This proposal would the Blearing ol land and further reducing the
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  • 80 5 Fr«v PreiH Stall Importer SINGAPORE Muslin E procedui pnr 8 a.m. In i wh< red m Malay Aral Tamil. The X m try children's the pr the Malaya Soc. Han Raya Ha;; wiU celebrated by tl i Mi Bedok with land and Oct 1 Over iv "koU
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 Just Unpacked t&fitt The Worlds Popular Brand tf AERTEX" I SPORT SHIRTS Latest Checked Designs Colours. Grey, Blue, Brown Green m Sizes 34 to 44 Limited Quantity Only. Hurry Pick Yours. V awm i i il^ J*L^^mm^^^^msm\mr*4mSmmmsmm CALDBECKS OLD TAWNY PORT HUNTING PORT CLUB PORT riH heat and nothing but
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    • 56 5 IS E W £fc; SWIMWEAR A large variety of Swim j^ Suits has just been ff I Received. I Made of Cotton wi Ih attraclhe Multi-Colour*. Urn m Srlf Colours surmounted \*ilh *lar(ljng Floral Dr^tm*. One or Two Piece Stylet and may be wsn Straitens if desired. PRICES Tw. Piece
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  • 509 6 SCHOOL PLANNING 'MUST BE ELASTIC' No big changes to system Free Press Staff Reporter EDUCATIONAL planning m Singapore "must start with the present system as its basis, and no attempt will be made t© enforce wholesale changes", says the Director of Education, Mr. A. W. Frisby, m his annual report
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 6 picture Osman Angulh i. Malays* goalkeeper. Just manages to block the ball m a melee m front of goal. The game an S A FA Community League fixture, ended m a goalless draw. Report In page seven. Free Press
    Free Press  -  39 words
  • 109 6 230,000 SCHOOLS BY 1954 Free TtOSM StalT Reporter r VIIE rapidly expanding edu--I- cation w< rk m Singapore 5 lor a review of the arm connection lon and adminlsthe San Education Report for bed yesterday. *al enrolment m In 1941 over 72.000 It is estimated m 1950 it will
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  • 27 6 A. B. A. approves TA tateur B x: Asa iciation ißriQd that f Germany an: J raTiie recommendation wlil re the ABA •B'-i--inual meeton Sept. 30. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 17 6 aids beat Oxford shire by 34 points to y chamion m^trh a: Oxfe: Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 604 6 More for some, less for others FED. BENHAM REPORT Free Press Stair Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Benham Report on Salaries of Federation 1 government servants, to be tabled In the Legislative Council next Wednesday, recommends increases for a considerable number of posts and reductions for a few. No all-round
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  • 121 6 A.P. AMERICANS WW have a terrific task when they try to regain the Davis Cup, said Sir Norman Brookes, bark \n terday after Ausi Victorious COir- the United Stairs. Sir Norman, president of the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia said on arrival. "On the form of
    A.P.  -  121 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 6 picture. Older children at the Victoria Street Creche. Singapore are taught nursery rhymes by the staff nurse m charge. Mrs. Lee Gek Eng. Picture shows them sin*injr "Baa baa black sheep. Free Press
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • 61 6 riFFICE-bearers of Pord Club. Singapore, arc President. Lnn Chin hum: Vl E c bell nd I Huay Boon; hon. secretary, Boon hon. ■^^s' seen Lim Liang Chuan; hon. treasurer, E Tern Cheng; hon .i surer V Rezel hon SUd Kua WeJ Tung; hon sp \V II
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  • 39 6 I^hf: British womena Curtis Cup team scored a 8-2 victory over the Canadian Ladies' Golf Union team, making a clean swcod of thn c doubles matches and winning five ol the seven singli s A .P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 310 6 BJJJJJBJSSlB«B«eWBW«B"»"^ [London Stock Exchange LONDON, Friday RECENT buying enthusiasm was lacking m the Stock Exchange yesterday, and markets paused to consolidate recent gaiiiN. The Jewish holiday was a contributory factor to the quiet trading which general! v failed to current price levels. Movements were small, irregular
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  • 10 6 Joe Louis pronounced very fit for his a 8 U.P.
    U.P.  -  10 words
  • 12 6 i ♦*a Peri -:i»t ■>■ O: ran) On re
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 65 6 NOW SHOWING 11 It"). J. 6J| wV 9..J0 p.m. ljfflmm&l>~<* i0 1 W^^l \2ZI- J MB^—^— -IMiH mimm TOMORROW M'NITE DORIS DAY SINGSI m Ifaraef Br >» "Young Man of Mw>ic' 'now rTYI SHOW/iVcl, J_*% 11. li:>. 4. o.:;i) ft 9M p.m gfalaj Film Productions' I ITEST DKVMATK HIT [THE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 289 7 S.H.A. OFFER TO COACH STUDENTS 22 may be picked for training I Free Press Hockey Reporter SINGAPORE Hockey Association are going ahead with their plan to coach schoolboys. lne Association have asked the Singapore Schools Sports Committee to select 22 of the most promising hockey players for a special training
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 7 \Y.< ho Hon ».> metres free- > it the sates a inaaeissg I lurad if the Siimaminf Club on UJSlaj
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  • 36 7 Speedway litle to F. Williams England est night way v. -r.ble> poaHam. 13 p Birritto 12 the jpstdesa i 'h re--43 5 \Y Grae n- •^rtake c P.-. i sea or Sfl came Pi c and
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  • 55 7 The og will Nee •H««J A Sunday, ai 11 am L Simpson, Major J f Wilcockv Major AR I iA. Soy.ray. Lirut AE New bury, i 1 Cpl Shaw, i. cpl. Los*, LCpl i Ptc. b Pre pson. Pre. Ar I Man: Pr.:
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  • 6 7 Pi H( and
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 7 Allen the Manchester I'nited goalkeeper, rises high to save a shot from Spurs' right-winger, Walters, which however, went over the bar for a goal-kick. An incident m the game at White Hart Lane between Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester United on Septus.
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  • 142 7 Lee to lead England's forward line JACK Lee uf Derby County, leading goalscorer BO the English lat Division has been chosen to lead England's attack agalnsl T-e--lafad m the international soccer match at Belfast on Oct. 7. I^ee who is 27. will be saaklng his first international appearance. as e^U
    Reuter; A.P.  -  142 words
  • 88 7 \ir Abdul Rabin Kadu sf A tssnail Knjush School Che Abdullah Agas. physical stroctof «»f M Bcha Ii are two deiegatei DOBftiSStCd by ihe KeJantat) AAA to attend Mr. Geoflrev Dyson'l athletic* training course '-\hich will be hefd fat ;he Federation coaches al Ku da r
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  • 28 7 YES [TODAY'S U X soccer reI were Third l>i\ision port c 2 Northampton 2 other match: Brighton 5, Gala! a Sari f Chit) 2 Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 198 7 njpHE Singapore Amateur Weight-Lifting Federation will hold its annual weight-lifting championships and "Mr. Singapore' contest at the Happy World stadium on Oct. 28 and 29, at 8 p.m. Numerous enquiries have uvtn received from women whether a 'Miss Singapore" contest will be held this year. The
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  • 52 7 k committe of six repre- scnting the Football sociation and the Fnglish Football League will meet iv Liverpool on Oct. t> to hear the case of Neil Franklin, the Stoke City centrehalf. Franklin recently returned from Bogota and wants to get back into Fnglish foot ha
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 113 7 INTERNATIONAL matches to be played m connect with the Festival of Br! tain next May were appr yesterday at th^ Football Association Council meeting m London. International matches sanctioned were England v. Argentina <>' Wembley. Mas 9: England Portugal ,t "i rpool Maj It; Finland Sp«on m
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  • 61 7 \ji x i i < eki i natures m me A Chlw i* lon'a billiards (thrre bills > (championship sre: day. Sept. 2b. Urn Enu IGuaa v. T;»y Pen;: Kong; TH Chew V.-.v Sl),n<j v. Qwek 6cng. }{<>»■ V. f\ Wong Choon i Wee Chong v»w; Thursday:
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  • 76 7 r pHE following ofnce-bearen oJ the Junioi Badminton Party I were elected at the fourth annual general meeting: President: Mr. Lim Kirn lei (re-elected); vice-president. Mr. Tan Thoo Mon« (re-elec( d); hon. secretary; Mr. Tan Kirn Hwee; hon. treasurer: sir. lee Khun Chai < re-elected < hon. sports
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  • 83 7 SINGAPORE Cricket Club j open their rugby season on the Padang tomorrow when the annual Newcomers v The Rest match will played providing It rains before then. If there is no rain, the match will be postponed as the ground is considered too hard Teams will be: The
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  • 32 7 The annual Poppy Day fund matca between Combined ices and Singapore Civilians for the Tay Lian Terk shield will I played on Safin day. Sept. 30. at Ja)a*i Besar Stadium.
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  • 225 7 ANOTHER meeting of last year's finalists. Dai Rees winner., and Henry Cor ton <runner-up>, m the British professional match-play golf chamDionship became a posslyesterday. On the chan •!> Un£ at Carnoustie. Scotland, both won two matches to *nter the quarter-finals lo opposite halves of the
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 38 7 picture. The men's and women's teams of the Singapore Cricket Club photographed before their match on the Padang yesterday. The women won by 23 runs, scoring 115 to 92 by the men. Free Press
    Free Press  -  38 words
  • 146 7 AT the Happy World arena tomorrow night. Captain Marble the masked heavyweight wrestler, who caused a sensation last Saturday by knocking out George Zbisko m one round, fights King Kong In the main event. Kong realises that he will be up against a man who
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  • 417 7 K.A.F 0: Malays 0. TWO of the Colony's strongest soccer teams finish- cd their attacks like novice* m yesterday's s.A.F.A. Community League at Jalan Besar stadium. K.A.F. had more scoring chances, and if their forwards had taken advantage of them they would have emerged convincing
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  • 304 7  - Class 1 and 2 horses renew riva lry a t Ipoh TRESPASSER By /"'LASS one and two horses, which ran at the recent Gold Cup meeting at Singapore, will follow up their racing at the Perak Turf Clubs Gold Vase meeting, opening on Saturday next week. The entries total 185,
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  • 101 7 rpiiE Ail-Inuia tabic teiSßSi taa«l proved too good for wlfii they met m a match m i I Triangular meet at PPJT World stadium w inning by fi'.* 1 matches to nil. The Hong Kong and All-in 'earns mef-t m the deciding m^tcli the Happy World
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  • 38 7 of the P who (id "ell m the llali Sports Meet held recently m Sins: t were puests of honour at a <: n party iinen m th' ir honour by 'he Chinew m R?ub on Sunr:
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 68 7 H J .h! RAYA HAJI .'J r.° ACTION I C"?EAT WORLD KIM'IKK 11 I p I I 1950 AMATEUR KRDHCHONG I CHAMPIONSHIP CF StfTSm MALAYA :n«ui> \>y rlariam Pi ses hg S ip v t raivak < bes i>> |norm<£ Tompei I for HEADACHES ac PAIN I I liable sugar
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 20 8 iROVE: To Nell and Joe. daughter, September 20th. \NDRE\V At Bungsar Hos'he 21st September. II and Bruce, a son.
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  • 21 8 MRS E F KLOEZEMAN on Reljv :.ds thanked for wreath- attendance, by Mr Mrs B. A Kioezeman. Bobby and M
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  • 40 8 MOON-MAXWEI L: The enannounced between of Bertam Rmntau, second •'-on of Mr. J Moon and Mrs. J Moon. J.P.. neih. Montgomeryshire, and Mee. vour.ser daughter of Mr. a:>.d Mrs. A If. Maxwell of Kledek 1 r Kuntag E
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  • 54 8 TAN-SEET The marriage will take ptac* between Mr. Tan Tiong Shin. 3rd son of Mr Mrs. Tan X rig lock :md Miss Nannie Sect daughter of Mr. m, Seal Chessj Bang, a' ttw :v. on Saturday. Hrn 23-d irut.. at 10 a.m. A retrill be h*ld at Robirwui v
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  • 165 8 MADRID, Friday. T*HE British Labour Party's "dream of unifying Europe under a socialist imperialism with headquarters m London* 1 was attacked yesterday by General Franco, the Spanish dictator. He said it seemed to Spaniards on a par with "Stalin's Communism with its headquarters m j Moscow."
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 107 8 LONDON Fri. STEVE Smith. 24. woke up with a start early yesterday. There was a strange ticking noise coming from under the floorboards of his downstairs bedroom. He called the police, who called a bomb disposal squad. The squad aroused 30 families m the street.
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 67 8 I NDON Fii. r riN prices contlnu?d their avance yesterday,' and spot gained E3-^ at i Th*' difference rjt>tween buying and selling owed to 10s. compared with the recent £1 to v ::t c months was up E2 per ton at £782 U closing p the aftei
    U.P.  -  67 words
  • 55 8 LONDON. I I*HE B Three P >wers announce simultaj end of r h" state Ol war ...\ny. a Foreign Off. t terri I It had been Indicated previo. Britain, the United States and France The -spoj- smart said h >wpver. it had been B.g Powers
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 44 8 AIR CHIEF ENDS TALKS Air Marshal Ronald I\ m. Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Air Foi London for Bombay la.>t night after talks concerned h hurrying up the supply of raft equipment to India and lm number ot courses m Britain for Indian officers.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 48 8 The Chinese Communists will soon tag carrier pigeons to prevent them being used by anti-Communist gpies. The official Shanghai Daily News said the Public Security Bureau la preparing to peter carrier pigeons to prevent their being used to relay intelligence or smuggle narcotics.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  48 words
  • 310 8 11 records for Russian athletes Moscow. Sat. 1 ELEVEN world records have j been established by Soletes In the rirst seven months ol this year. The re are marksmanship, 5: weight-lifting, 3; •rack. 2; skating. 1 On- Soviet sportsman alone claims four new world records this year. He Ls a
    Reuter  -  310 words
  • 19 8 A Yugoslav passenger plane crashed outside Zagreb yesterday, killing at least three passengers and the pilot. A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 43 8 DOBERT NcGEBCHAN, 29-year-old reservist, was cilled up to the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders to join the regimental band m Hong Kong. After a week he was told: "We don't need bandsmen." So he went back lo his job m Leeds.
    43 words
  • 326 8 ANTI-US STATEMENT IS DENIED Nehru was misquoted NASIK, Bombay, Friday. A NEWSPAPER report of an interview m which Pandit Nehru was quoted as saying that Americans were clearly prepared for a third world war against Russia and her allies m Asia was described by the Indian Prime Minister m Nasik.
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 NOT REFLATION Wearing full battle equipment, this unidentified American soldier was pictured with his girl friend during I.S. Army firld manoeuvres m tiermany.
    23 words
  • 155 8 TAIPEH, Friday. pONDEMNATION of India's eiTorts to secure China's seat m the. Tinted Nations for a Communist delegate has been voiced by Nationalist spokesmen m Taipeh. Lo Chia-lun. last Nationalist Ambassador to India, said that country had become a fellow traveller of Soviet Russia. "Wh most.'
    A.P.  -  155 words
  • 70 8 Editors see Truman WASHINGTON PRESIDENT Truman day personally u> a group of newspaper: from Europe. South America Asia and the Middle Iwho are visiting the United States as guests of the American Society <)f Newspaper Editors and the American Press Institute The edltori were guests of President at his w.«eklv
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 59 8 It was officially annou In Manila yesterday since the Philippine Scap barter agreement last July 1. there has been a noticeable ing of the balance of trade In favour of the Philippines. From July 1. the Philippines exported $4,000,000 worth of goods to Japan but imported
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 28 8 Yesterday's official on the Hong Kong Money Exchange were: HK$6 34 per U S dollar HK515.50 per pound sterling. HK$299 per tael of gold U. P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 14 8 A treaty of friendahip will be signed shortly between the Philippines and Pakistan Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 77 8 fOLONEL Choi C hang Sik. who ordered the Han River bridge at Seoul dynamited on June 28 m the face of his own retreating troops, was executed by firing squad on Wednesday somewhere m South Korea. (hoi was convicted by a court martial of negligenre leading to
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 31 8 The pro-NY Kung Sheung Daily Lne*e s last v lucted Jig; (n Island 10 r. The paper said the Marine* after ovegarrison and than 100 pr A. P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 61 8 Emperor Ha: igie, of Ethiopia has asked the United Nations to unite Eritrea with Ethiopia during its present session. In a letter to the Secretary- General. Mr Ttygve Lie. the Emperor praised the prompt U.N. action m Korea, and urged the Assembly to consider Ethiopian security and
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 176 8 DURBAN. Friday AN effort to reach an agreement with Mr N c Havensa. leader of the Afrikaner Party m *h« South African coalition government on the ques tion of coloured franchise is to be m«/t~ i™ w Q I s D. F. Malan, South African
    A.P.  -  176 words
  • 45 8 Govt, of U.S.I. is top-heavy says P.M. OUTLININ i Koverni j mcd Natsj speech b I Parl:.i I I lago wou. I I terr-> I I I however I char. I creas I m four n 1 1 A:". cult. I I I curitj A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 7 8 U S A A.P.
    A.P.  -  7 words
  • 6 8 I I U.P.
    U.P.  -  6 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 A( OMMOIHITON V\< ANT COSMOS, 17. Beotts Rd. Avail. one single room on Ist October. large doub> room. Full b- »a rd \||St KI.I.ANMM n \t. fcZEKIEL <* sONa QjuaUltO Pratt. 'ior.ers 13 Battery I For appointment 'Phone "631 For a p[jK-i SMOKfc /:'.'^S^ "DOMtNOS"! P H MEANS ■Effc^^'" A
      226 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      121 words
    • 42 8 JEST A MINUTE R<, CEOFTREY EVA \S t"9ms Dear Mr Attle*. could you spare a teeny weeny part of \ttf £3.400 million for tputfpcelmff machines iwrniunimmuDnmiiiiiiiiiiiimiiminiiiiimimiiii: HIGH TIDES Today: 9 13 a.m: I 13 p.m. Tomorrow: 9 sft a.m: 8 04 p.m.
      42 words