The Singapore Free Press, 13 September 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 108 1 Our industries are destroyed' N. Korea says ,It Korea told the United Nations yesterday that all its heavy ustrj and most of its medium and light industry has been "cem-,ie-tru>ed" by the American Air Force. startling acknowledgement was contained m a demand from Hen Sen, Foreign
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  • 7 1 C impanv of A.P.
    A.P.  -  7 words
  • 207 1 From STDNEI SMITH I H WE posted a letter to Mrs. Margaret Rama-e. m Manhattan. It was written by her husband m a ditch m Korea. We rrouched m the ditch, just below marhineiriin_and sniper l^vel. _fhattin i about; mck^andguns^ "I haven't written to Mar*7arfi (or
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 1 S«t. J. H. Williams, of the R. A F had the largest family to meet on the trooper Onlu na yesterday.
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  • 129 1 JOHANNESBURG, Wednesday. p.ENERAL Smuts will be given a military funeral I* on Friday morning. His body will then be brought by special train to Johannesburg for cremation at 4 p.m. The great statesman's family have not yet decided where his ashes should be buried. Behind
    A.P.  -  129 words
  • 242 1 NEW VOKK. Wednesday. THE Big Three Foreign Ministers yesterday be^an x secret sessions aim. rl at treating a sweeping now defence programme for Western Europe with powerful American support m manpower, weapons and dollars. The U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. Dean Acheson. led the meeting
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  • 27 1 The International Bank is to make a loan to South Africa to help develop the Unions railways, harbours, airlines and electricity supply system
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  • 99 1 Customs detain 4 toy pistols THE Singapore Customs this* morning detained four toy pistols brought into the Colony from Manila by six Indonesian civil police officers. The toy pistols were among the luggage of the Indonesians. A Customs officer said that toy pistols were not allowed to be brought into
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  • 15 1 The Belgian government is to purge the Belgian civil servicp of Communists.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 55 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. IN Perak yesterday morning a party consisting of a forest ranger, a forester, four forest guards, a Chinese kepala and two forest labourer was attacked by bandits. One forest guard was killed, and another seriously wounded The forest ranger and three others hava returned I unharmed.
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  • 152 1 WITH THE FIRST CAVALRY IN KOREA Wed. THREE hundred trapped 1 Reds drunkenly chanted an eerie death dirgre last night while awaiting an American attack. iaj chanting rjuld hp heard throughout the night Wbenertg American mortars and machine-guns lei up Lheir fire on the Reds
    A.P.  -  152 words
  • 83 1 HEIDELBERG, W-d. \|ORE than 100,000 Amcri- if I can. British and French ps ;n Germany were "caught napping" by v "Kor a typ»"" opt ration .n which five invadin? M columns swept rapidly from the past towards the Rriinr. intolli^t'nce officers m Hrid-M--b»Ti< ruled last night. The
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 99 1 Johnson quits: Marshall takes over THE Defence Secretary of the United States, Mr. Louis Johnson resigned yesterday, and President Truman announced the selection of General George C. Marshall to succeed him. The White House also announced that President Truman will seek special legislation immediately to permit General Marshall to take
    U.P.  -  99 words
  • 62 1 TOKYO, Wed. A SECOND squadron of R.A.F. Sunderland flying boats has arrived m Japan from Singapore to augment, the one already operating along the west coast of Korea. Squadron Leader R. Le Chaminit is m charge. The Sunderlands fly patrols nightly with U.S. Navy planes to prevent
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 52 1 Keep your umbrellas at home rUH I)Y. but no rain that i> the weather forecast tor today's races at Bukit Timah. Allan Lewis, Free Press ruin:; correspondent, J&ives BTEEL AGE, LA-WAN and KEEL ROSE as today's besi TRESPASSERS best bets at.- STEEL AIIE an«l BIRTHDAY CiIFT. Latest trark hints m
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • Article, Illustration
    84 1 Alter a 3-year-old girl, Laurel Daynes, had vanished from a London street. her mother fUw to Paris where she found her daughter m a hotel, m the custody of her father. Th« n followed a struggle for cus- today of the child. Mrs. Daynes' brother broke down a door with
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  • 53 1 A LION at Bio. m l on -Mn Zoo, South Africa, refused to move from a small cage into a larger one. Attendants prodded it with a crowbar. The lion lashed its tttSl. An African seised the tai!, and bit it— hard. Th« f*nrage§ Itttt sprang into
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  • 494 1 Medical history at Changi By GEOFFREY cOX 4T first liffht at Ckaagl t"da\ I waU lied one of the most pathetic, vet jubilant operations Changi has se»»n. Nineteen men R v I I Marine. Army and Air Force casualtie> m th»battle against the Malayan bandits boarded the Hastings transport aircraft
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 The OLD CAPITAI t foscinating and Raret Curios. J inspect our J| collection, y J 31 Stamford Rd., Spore Cheaper Cheese! We have reduced the price of Gorgonzola Cheese by 25 cents New prices per Ib: Australian Gorgonzola Spore $1.65 Federation $1.70 Italian Gorgonzola S pore $1 .75 Federation $1
      67 words
    • 49 1 T lea oiMjopimmtsrs S FUN FOR THE KIDDIES f M_J^ TOYS W Swrngs $22 50 V^ f y' J *^^r I Merry-Co-Round yj w Desk and CSiir t* j *'ff C^.V T '»v S 4.95 J Mobo Toys arc not only playthings. They teach 71 sense of rhythm I
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  • 544 2 Foaming At The Mouth SINGAPORE DOGTOR HAVE a neighbour whose daughter is suffering fro?n a peculiar malady. She often goes into fits and foams at the mouth. Her fits appear when ih:'r<- are tnanu veoole und her discussing her *'»at S she suffering «ni;ap»r**. j ANSWER. Most probabC -our neighbour's
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  • 206 2 The 'Mystery Of Pain By A Special Correspondent THF N£ W YORK. |HE mystery of pain is explained m a g&fi Kjij deducting rold, (ouch -id Pn-ssnr, Bxactlirwhat the* k"ov- n XT!?* *W not Known. They may not even a special nerv.. but wme sort of a comblnaUon Dithu St
    A.P.  -  206 words
  • 299 2 DOCTORS PERTURBED BY DIANETICS BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT DOCTORS and psychiatrists m London say they are perturTod to hear that Dianetics the new -mind science"' from America, is being practised m Britain One doctor said-' "1 have not yet had an opportunity o f studying t£ I su^^ os ed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 SIMDIA IHE IFOPfCSWomen know r il ensures I a lovely skin v I ftrotevtS the >;in from dust 1/ 4 1 d'rt *u.irJ« against sun Vi Wk I ViPOIS the »LJd unui-diatf '> WS •t it ippli^d „o refreshing 1 MAff *ojtens *ud p«Juni« the 11 £K& 17 f>ve» a
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    • 167 2 There's no finer health insurance _r cannot fcoaa namltnjr without vit.mmt Lack of (ufflcioM vitamin A town bodily rosiftanc* and mahot om moro liakt* to CMvfM.coM. and *mm UUmmm. On. /V V •f tho ricHott known •ottrcot of vitamin A Croofcot Hatibwt Oil. h alae contaiiu vium.n 0-oso*ntial for cMMron
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 141 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR j [BORN today, you are an I ci "c, energetic individual who must have something going on all the c v to be contented. Your drives are urgent and once you get an idea, you seldom let it g O You forge ahead and accomplish y Our
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    • 33 2 New Crossword No. 150 I mtamc m OJW DOWN game bW (5 >- SfeSJ^^rS SfSs^JS SiSSsia pr.njed. M>%f<l a ««'-Jpea tod SSI iSJliclSl* h fr<uch c «<-"- cause l f Ci '«< H i«..-, t o
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  • 278 3 SHOULD PARENTS USE THE CANE? Men favour it, women don 't LONDON, li, nOKS sparing the rod still spoil the child? The Mass Observation Association wanted to find out what Britons thought a'>out the problem, so i< a the members of its national panel. The men thought the rod was
    U.P.  -  278 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 3 photo. MR. T. KNOTT (right), of Portsmouth, withdraws the arrow with which he scored a Sold.' and Mr. T. W Wright (left), of Shewsbury. who split the shaft of Mr. Knott's arrow, withdraws his own, at the International Archery Championship* m the Worcester College Cricket Ground. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 118 3 Chiang wants closer tie's with Japan TAIPEH. Wed. QFFTCIAL opinion m Taipeh appeared to be swinging bodily lately m favour of t-losor ties between Nationalist China and Japan and an early return of Japan to the family of nations to bolster the mocratk bulwark against a Communist aggression m the
    U.P.  -  118 words
  • 42 3 Although business may be getting better m Communist China, individual businessmen are not. An intensive four-day checkup m Shanghai last' month disclosed that almost on" out of every thr^p business firms had beon cheating nn their taxes A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 55 3 India's foreign adult population has increased by nearly 12.000 between 1948 and 1950. According to the latest official figure*. 45,601 foreigners, of whom 35.556 were males, had been registered under the Foreigners Act on Jan. l. 1950. as against 34.021 resistwd on Jan 1. 1943. Odd
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  • 66 3 I WASHINGTON, Tuesday. 11 Months .v»» Kussia had the Voice of practically choked off at the Soviet i IS Slate Department official disclosed. it is getting through. J Barrett. Assistant Secretary of ol getting the American story across that m the titanic war ot ideas la
    A.P.  -  66 words
  • 66 3 The Croatian Parliament his voted the removal from office of the VicePremier. Mr. Dusshan Brkit. ard two cibinet ministers accused of being Soviet agents. The vote paved the war for their arrest and trial by removing their parliamentary immunity. Thrown out with Mr. Brkic were Mr.
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 25 3 > cost of I m all 1 a gust des] control ■ntial food- < < of n i- iive fish and fc Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 59 3 TO.MATO-growtT m Barcelona who threatened a *roup or women with a shotgun when he caught them raidin? his garden was m hospital, wondering who started the business about women bein? the weaker sex The women not only ;li > irnml. him. hut knm ked him out with
    U.P.  -  59 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 3 |»J:«. They belong to the L'niietl States Army's hard-li^h 1st Cavalry Division, but il'i "shanks* pony" which i* carrying these troops into Ihe front line somewhere in Korea. Like marching men in many another war. l!i<\ have their views on foot-slogsms, but tome hill, vi!i: just another stretch of vvaiej;
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 206 3 DAYTON, OHIO Tuesday. PHK IS. AIR FORCE lias a parachute with a builtin 'brain." This brainy aerial umbrella is a Wtm automatic back-type model that knows just when and where t<» open itself m high speed, hi^h altitude jumps. This IS a bi^ help to
    A.P.  -  206 words
    U.P.  -  7 words
  • 36 3 SA ministers in a rage net Ministers j 'I Eric I ;ci lind v^r u^fT out Qf SflutVi Afncn's af T Minist< r. Mr Praoc Louw has tak- :i Ui word I of my mouth Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 26 3 M Camille Gutt B r ut the m Fund. m Paredistribution of the worlds I d. M On Fund 1 valua. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 93 3 :).iiiiiiiiiiic3iiiiiiiiiuinniiniiniin!HiM| THE SINGAPORE PACKING COMPANY s In Issocuttum wit SINGAPORE I BAGGAGE RANSPORT AGENCY LTD. M PERFECTION I it POLITENESS I for PROMPTITUDE j I Arcade Tel. 4658 ***** 3rd Floor Cable Addrtm> Singapore "Bagtransag' iiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiumuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiii' An Your Electrical Sanitary REQUIREMENTS Please Consult:— Can Eng Hin Co. MeH Water. Sanitary
      93 words
    • 110 3 *l jM j m^^^^ W^M PREFECT Mgj For lowest-cost driving you've ever known. to» Bv& V I id? A comfortjble frouble-frcs motoring do as WfiM/f Sm A thousands of other eccnom> -minded people 3«-« 'Be X WW/Mf J doing buy a new Ford Prefect. ff^ C* lM3fs9 You save ALL
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 530 3 Bridge Hands East's doublr called for a npart lead and West obliged. D'in'my's ten was captured by jack and East returned the spadf jack. South covered ■with the kin;; fa ml-take since it revealed he must surely have thi queen a.*; weD, for East would havp lrd the queen h.wl
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  • 326 4 The I'eylon Governm Director «'i Food Supplies, Mr. K. Alvapillai. who attended »he four-day International Rice Talks ;it Phoenix I*.irk. with the r•> lon Commissi >ncr m Mil 11.1.3 .1. Mr. M. Sarai anamiit li 11 \i: Uk ptetafci Kb ttn^ p< v
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 35 4 Protect your property ALARM j^^^^^ number of Our users B^^^^^^ a?F ly $avcd a |rea<J| y mar y k •V^oA 'nsulUticn cost. m^^° iJK^io^ at the BjrgUr S fciV 1 16 first attcm P c
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    • 110 4 KODAK FILM Mlk >^i t44tu<yuH qucUUu N ROLL. ..AFTER ROLL... ,^r AFTER ROLL*** XOU need ample speed and latitude m the him \ou use. But abo\e all, you need these qualities m constant measure for dependable picture taking. So why take chances? Use Kodak Film— the 61m that del^ uniform
      110 words

  • 35 5 TAIPEH. W NATIONALIST reooried that prince, b iflt a gueril- 90JMQ cavalrymcxi vmen to aunltti re, officered r s and scc-■-al Kuomriirai I ist held I gh g; U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 8 5 by about kfhliu u U.P.
    U.P.  -  8 words
  • 6 5 II m jhlkh A.P.
    A.P.  -  6 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 5 coNCOumsi through the fern- robed initiates> walk m proio the Circle at m. West Tornre (.orsedd of the C«nwaa\ The e\M* to main:hf national Celtic saint of Cornwall.
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  • 224 5 HARROGATE. Wednesday. pAPTAIN Ernest Deuchar shook hands with 39-year-old policeman. Frank Harris, and promised solemnly to shoot at him straight m the face from 25-yards range. In less than two weeks' time Mr. Harris plans to catch the fired bullet between his teeth before a conference of
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  • 27 5 Four people have been given prison sentences m Prague ranging from eight to 20 years for hoarding food, textiles, drugs and 2.7H5 spectacle lenses.
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  • 88 5 years to prepare."- SYDNEY. Wtd. F'NITED STATES Air Force General George Kenaey said on Mi arrival m Syc that II a new world war broke out It must be v.on m arllest stages. He said- "Although a wai mlchi lust some years the decisive battle
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 28 5 The Fr« nch High C In indo-China has broadcast an apnoal to The Commun Vletminh Govemmpnt for fresh discussions on the chan? of war prisoners.
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  • 24 5 To help philatelists, Bh ihal'a Post O*Y\?e ha.s Inav I rated cieDOsit lystem for of nev.« issues of stage s:amp° Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 215 5 LONDON, Wednesday. FOR three girls and three men, a day's work moans i day's dancing. As they waltz and foxtrot they are testing now synthetic soling mat rials for dance Three dance floors were prepared In tne laboratories of the Shoe Research Association at
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  • 748 5 EUTHANASIA APPROVED BY BISHOP Urges family limitation BIRMINGHAM, Wednesday. ONE of the most outspoken speeches ever made by Dr Barnes, the Church's most outspoken bishop, was delivered at Birmingham at the annual meeting of the British Association. Dr Barnes himself a scientist warned against indiscriminate increase of populations, came out
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 5 o iT CAVE-IN Mass^ <>i sti v.v an 1 ?vh\\> dpmp*« into i huge cavity m the ground where the landslide occurred which flooded th* Ayrshire coal mine m which 128 miners were trapped.
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  • 170 5 FARNBOROUGH, Wed. y meteor 8-twin-engined jet tighter, with two I.ooolb. bombs under its wings, stole i show at the Society of British Aircraft Constructors' display at Farnburough. The pilot, Bquadron-Leadei Mike Kilburn. Gloster Aircraft Company test pilot, put up b spectacular show of aerobatics
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  • 97 5 Headmaster charged with flirting A SHANGHAI high ichool A principal Is under ir for fcoing too i.\r with his teachers and not Tar enough with his pupils. One charse against I principal. Chlen Chao-lum. 'a that he prevented "progressive" students from bring elected to the school board. Another charge is
    A.P.  -  97 words
  • 42 5 D:\ Pieter Honis, Di. of the West Indies Sug&r Cor-ooia-ion m New York, has told sugar can* technologist* that their job was to get a higher yield per acre and not to increase production by planting more acres.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 174 5 LONDON, Wednesday DOES mankind grow more just and toltrant a* civilisation grows more ctticient? Dr. U. Matthews, Dean of St. Paul's, London, asked and answered that question at a service for ■ctettttm His answer: "No. The assumption IS ari^ Illusion He went on to put some questions.
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  • 28 5 Fe wer controls British occupation authorities m Germany have recommended that demilitarization controls on West man factories be lifted to ed their return to norma*. peace-time producilon.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 57 5 incomplete form: lawyer fined £50 MOMBASA. Vv d. A YOUNG Indian la bf en fined £50 at I basa for s^rurin a p i.for another Indian m I nan Hh had attempted to ou»--lead the poli< c v nh an completed form, 'lie trate stated The other Indian concern ed
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  • 25 5 Bffaujj* 1 01 Lsra- s governn'-nt hay« j been told not t<> N"w Year p: th^ year STll •s today, aP.
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  • 29 5 Approxirr.aTfiv 1.000 X' residents m Japan hagistered H th< X matte inlttion Jn Tok unt—rv Five hundred »>l volunte«n ar^ n tation courses, no*. milit-jrv trainini.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 RACE NIGHT SPECIAL DINNER -DANCZ EXTENSION TO 1 A.M. SATURDAY 16th. SEPTEMBER -g2776 to book your table $5 inclusive. RESTAURANT $038$) B_-___9i_^&'_HkS _______s__2 __t_3 IEE PRESS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS S.TUAT.ONS VACANT-S.TUAT.ONS WANnD-ACCOMMODAT.O^ACANI WANTED— FOR SALE— VEHItLti TION— MISCELLANEOUS. .=..,...,en,c. h. M i. BLOCK LETTERS- H« I f^SL lines S2 (minimum charge)
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    • 65 5 American f International Vaiii/ Underwriters Ltd. i\\\j MANAGING AGENTS FOR AMERICAN BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANIES S. H. PEEK Manager. Mac Donald House. Singapore. Telephones: ***** Office: 7785 Manager. WWICT THROUGHOUT SINGAPORE 3f Ia ISLAND AND SOUTH )O NEW TAKE HOME PRICE $3/' PER CASE OF 24 BOTTLES (PLUS DEPOSIT) NEW DEPOSIT
      65 words

  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 360 6 *Wt' have roug'nt for our freedom vi the past. We hou, go forth as crusaiiers to right for freedom itself, the freedom < the human spirit, the ]ec choice of the human individual to *nape his own life ac- aing to the light that God has g>ue>i
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    • 79 6 ATON-AND-A-HALF of essupplies Is dropped by the R.A.F. on the Borneo village of Pensiangan. So a large number of porters are spared the exhausting job of trekking for many days to move m the new District Otticer. La off to the flying boys for r ingenuity! And hurry
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  • 936 6 4 A QUARREL NEITHER INDIA NOR PAKISTAN CAN AFFORD. THEY SHOULD BE ALLIES NOT ENEMIES' 0 By A Special Correspondent NOTHING would do India and Pakistan more good than an ending of the Kashmir dispute. Both countries are poor, and need close economic
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  • 476 6  -  GEORGE HUNTE By 'r\HE music of calypso, A which most people associate with tropical moonlight and the music of the jungle, is largely copied from the orthodox harmonic basis of British and European music. It owes nothing to African music. This is the opinion of
    476 words
  • 724 6  -  Presto l^vswnww^ *'/^IVE the youngsters a chance" was the theme of this column last week. Today it is "youngsters here is your chance." Let me explain. The Singapore Musical Society, as I announced a fortnight ago, are holding a March Festival of Music at which, it
    724 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 6 .Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting at a Promenade concert at J??i' the young enthusiasts, _J_heyrome?iaders uho stand a tumour or three-hour pcrfortnance, and who first gave the Proms Their name.
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  • 170 6 Sibeltes Svmphon> No. 6 m !> '.'me played by the RovjU Philharmonic Orchestra (Sir Tbomu BeM-hamL HMV I)B «640-42. Ntsn ts hfti been described as the I Finnish mailer's 'pastoral' )hony. Possibly more than most of the Sibelius symphonies this work repays lepeated listening. Beamif.illy played and recorded
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  • 245 6 'BRING BACK SHAEF' —BRITISH Mp. MAURICE v 39-year-ok Member of Pa wants to s( Dwight D. Eisf wartime or: SHAEF. applieprinciple to the and economic d< "enf Western Europe "Shaefs outstar cess." he sa the urgent nee tf stablishment ot pie again m L means to coordir.a tend existing agf:
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 19 6 uMiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinimii^ Individuality 1 m E I High class I JEWELLERY j H.SENA, LTD.! Singapore g Penang Bangkok -iiMiiimiinimimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiic; i
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    • 57 6 y<9^/ m//// always hear CHLD BECKS The Best and nothing but I Best is kbdbd CALDBECK S 1^— WINE SPIRIT MERCHANT -78L After Our Phoroptor Test ffllLQ) USE WITH EA JA^j/(y SEE WITH E Ipj !fi l/Y WALK WITH W hjlU ih^ great china optical co.. \j JIT 334 North
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  • 251 7 ROAD BLOCKS HELP CHECK FORGERS Spurious money detected Fre Press Staff Reporter gTRICT Police measures under the Emergency Regulations help to detect cases of counterfeit money m Singapore, an official of the (government Currency Office told the Free Press yesterday. "Frisking the public during road blocks has proved useful m
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 7 picture. D A F nursing sisters at Singapore docks yesterday prior to boarding the Devonshire for home. The nurses have just completed t heir Far East tour of duty in RAF hospitals. Free Press
    Free Press  -  34 words
  • 60 7 UMNO may contest S'pore elections (Him Malay Correspondent t J Ahmad AlkafT. one of the sponsors of ma*4 branch of the United Organisation. yesterday met Huwin bin Onn. Secretary-General of \tt Bahru to discuss plans for the of thr I'MNO branch m Singapore. a me I Hi more ssib!e I
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  • 35 7 A 29-> ear-old woman. Teo Cheng, was found hanging m her bedroom m Namly Avenue, off the 5$ ms. Bulcit Timah Road yesterday morning. The discovery was made by bet mother.
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  • 34 7 HINU FESTI VAL The Hindu staff of the Singapore Municipality v ill celebrate the "Avani SaihurthT fesUrml at the Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple. 19 Ceylon Road on Friday from 500 p.m to 830 p.m.
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  • 177 7 FAUST and the Devil, which was given a premiere at the Pavilion cinema last night. Is the best operatic film which has so far come to Singapore. It has most of Gounod* glorious "Faust" melodic* with additions from Boitos Mephistopheles and its vivid story of the
    K.S.  -  177 words
  • 276 7 WOMAN IN PARK SCENE Iree Press Staff Reporter BECAUSE a Chinese shopkeeper m the New World refused to hand over money which she said was due to her. a Chinese woman threw ,an inkstand at his showcase, broke it and caused damage Ito the value of $20. it was alleged
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  • 66 7 picture. \:nerican Foreign Insurance and Miss cf the Initrd States Consulate-General, »»rr married yesterday at the Cathedral of .(i Nhrph»*rd. She was dressed in crisp organdie with a matching satin hat and tarrinl a bouquet of babv frangipani. Mr. and mn iri't for Bangkok a few hours after
    Free Press  -  66 words
  • 8 7 I: I the 4 at the
    8 words
  • 136 7 P^ NEW British-built rotary cultivator which tills wet ice padl, >1 more 'hon twice the speed of any other means is proving very popular m the Far East. Biggest orders for the machine so far have come from India. Ceylon. Malaya. Siam as well as from the
    Free Press  -  136 words
  • 170 7 Free Press Staff K* -porter PENANO, Tues. TF an experimental test to be carried out by the Penang Public Works Department proves iucceasful, the .present flood-damaged runway at Bay an Lep&s aerodrome may be covered by a rubberised surface. The test will be conducted ■oon
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  • 111 7 Tree Press SUIT R<»porl«T KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. |>ÜBBER imports into the Federation and Singapore m Augiisi were 49.302 tons. an all-time record. This com paves with 41.019 tons m July. The previous record was 44.567 tons In June. Thi.s brings the total imports for the first ri
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  • 72 7 Free Pr^ss c ?:*ff Reporter PENANG, Tues. pOR drawing a moustache on an identity card photograph which his counsel suggested was "only a practical joke." a police constable Mohd. Dali was today fined $5OO 1 "The complainant did not rega:d it as a joke and I consider it
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  • 575 7 Free Press Staff Reporter T*HE question of what are the functions of the Singapore Municipal Welfare Officer is answered m an 11 -point directive by the Municipal Commissioners to guide that officers m his duties. This directive is not to be taken as strictly limiting
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  • 321 7 She recalls her dead in this room Free Press Staff Reporter 4 NURSING sister who lost husband, mother a«d brother m South East Asia during the war wt« one of the hundreds of people who visited th-e Singapore Municipal Building yesterday— Commemoration Day to see the room m which tk»e
    321 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 7 picture* "ACH, my arhin; back!'* said Jock McPherson <•£ the Seaforth Highland* r if he boarded the trooper I ▼onshire fur Britain yesti rday. Free Press
    Free Press  -  25 words
  • 72 7 In this week's 0f..." programme from I dio Malaya, the subieri b* boote. There uill be a. number of reviews of be- v recently arrived m including 'In The Path cf Mahatma Gandhi'" by G?( Catlin. A eood number of c. for this month's Book 1 view Competition
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 lllllii(Jlllilliniil»llllilllllltC3tHNIIIIIIK3ltllllllllllCJIIII^ That Smartness con by yours... I Genuine Product L "DORMEUIL 1 FRERES I LOXDOX Exclusive home wteighi Su i Lengths m the Latest Savile Roic Designs. i H n /far/v c& Select Your Favourite Shade. E IAILUKINIi ULri iinniC3iiiiiiiiiiiic]iiiiiiininc3iiniiiiniiC3iinimii;n3iiiiiiiiiiiicnni'' ♦••^^^^^v.w.v.v.v.v.svAV.^v.v.^v.•.^v■v.v.v. ~^&h*nd hecohd est Malay Film Songs and Joget Music
      94 words
    • 166 7 HIS MASTER'S VOICE OVERTURES ROMEO AND JTLTET iTcha t <c The Bymphony Orchestra t Ooi Lambert \VII .I [AM TELL <Ro.«:ni> The Symphony Orcht f.-. r, conducied by Wctor d^- latata DH PRINCE IGOR (Borodin) The London Philharmonic Orrhe^-r- by Sir Thomas Btech.m [>i THE WATER CARRIER <Cherubir:> Tiie Bournemouth
      166 words

  • 261 8 MORE CHILD BEGGARS IN S'PORE Action against exploiters soon Free Press Staff Reporter THERE has recently been an increase m child begging m Singapore despite the fact that the new Children and Young Persons Ordinance was enforced on Aug. 1. But the Social Welfare Department is aware of this and
    261 words
  • 260 8 pOI I OWING are U.K. soccer fixtures for Saturday. I\«.LI».H LEAC.I'E— DIV \rsenal f Ha<4drr->h«*U t»i.ia VMs V Uullon f.i; Nawcastta n- V Mrst Urotu. l><rb> talham lnTiun v Liverpool Jlanrheslrr I Charllon furt.omoHth >i.i»f ■»hr?Tii-!il Wr.j f .Middir>t>r«>u(h >yndrrlaa4 f < v\ v r lolt<-uh.ioi »KOM»
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 21 8 SEGAMAT. Tii»\s.- Brought to the Se'-jarrat Court for d(>facine bla Identity cud L»>e Kah was fin» i d Sla.
    21 words
  • 97 8 LONDON. \F*i l-lli a iirm open i tin day..' upward trend tin market was cd. At the t tin luoted three and sterling lower 8790-1 I r n, and three months was two and half sterling lower at THIS Bu. In thr month 5 lln as high
    U.P.  -  97 words
  • 168 8 VILEST Indies draw their last first-class match of the tour yesterday against Leveson Gower's XI at Scarborough but not before they had made a gallant bid to score 116 m 40 minutes for victory. They failed by only 30 runs to reach their objective.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  168 words
  • 38 8 ABDT'L Bari of India day en ered ihe finals of 'g si the Australian Open Sq Rackets championship at Mell>ourne. Bari beat I Porter of N!rlbourne 9-3. 9-0. 9-2 v\ the quarter linals Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 59 8 YESTERDAY'S UK soccer I II!KI> I>l\ IM<)\ >(H 1I1KRN) -..uib.nj Materafca4 raiKO DIVISION i\OKIH(U\/ ti lit. i.ii I unUiuiiic 4 J i miurir Kulkrr hi m I <.r \>(.ov* ctr 51 >«J »IN Km;rri P^ftl.k lbi»lir IRISH UOt H <I I' ~i I) »IN II I
    Reuter; A.P.  -  59 words
  • 47 8 Tr t, at ro Mr. Latsman Singh, a m. for arson at t inpt »t tl V architectural fflce, I the Supreme C «rt, on July 17. Latsman Singh k'ck d away a lighted tin of petrol from a corner of the wooden building:.
    47 words
  • 123 8 The E yes Have 1t.,. r rHE ryes have it, Dr Paul B Means told IjO mcn<bers and voluntary teachers 01 the People' t Adult Association at a tea party held at the residence of thz Commissioner-Gen-eral, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, yesterday. And Dr Means rcent on to explain what
    123 words
  • 286 8 Not guilty of actor's murder pOl'NI) not guilty by the unanimous verdict oi the jury of Jie murder of a hinese actor Lee Kirn Kali m February 1948. Ho Lee Kwee wa s discharged ycst^da^ USthr FVanS at lh S| »WW Awfa« Ho. who vu defended by Mr. D Marshall,
    286 words
  • 23 8 A burtfar broke Into the om of a Ruiopean vnman Stevens Road on Monday night and took $69 from a puise.
    23 words
  • 319 8 London Stock Exchap^ LONDON, \\< INITIAL dullness and caution m tht 51 was later replaced by general bri day. The market experienced another session that brought higher levels t" m British Government storks we\ higher on small investment domand inquiry assisted many leading inc.: Oils and foreign
    319 words
  • 40 8 DG Cl local bal i I I I on a .V I made v age spr»'d was 62 hour. RofT.j:n» -< I Age «a m with I I H nr.d m and I M ,./vl;hkg chgou89 ty Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 19 8 VESTERDAYB I: umo,, n 3 Ha and Ne*lv h 8 P I Old' 11 I jv,m A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 8 8 I I J I I I
    8 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 235 8 NOW SHOWING 11. 1 4. »;..>O. 9. 50 p.m. Arm car Of thi mahm aA/oftsi I! rO-BAND BATTLBS! KIPP!N(i BAYONETS AND FLASHING KNIVES NZXT CHANGE tXMXJtI OOIOWTN pnttMtt mrrmdmtmg JOAN EVANS I" I VJ NOW I I T ISHOWING U, 14). 4. ti.3o. 9.3« p.m. £vcm Weakness.. I > X
      235 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 253 8 MdiidrSkß Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya iH H H?-^ 11 I THE TREPATHiC BEAM IS VIM I WHOA-WF'RE GETTING OFF THE ~1 I I'M NOT SU^E I I NEVER MINO/I i-LLLLLLII-liiliHliiii'r— I STRONG HER£-- BUT WLMUST BEAM- TURN BACK-THAT'S THE WHOM I WANT U IF rOU AIN'T
      253 words

  • 1058 9  -  Philip Koh Itfetbtesetay £&e*t £ti*y by i HAD been away s months Ihe first lim€ I i::\ igain Ihc s»e m lii^ appear- <• me such .1 lhal I Ihotighi been stricken iiherrulosis had been m school r nine years; champion I his bosom f adleaving me
    A.P.  -  1,058 words
  • 788 9  - I wrote the last story from Rangoon CEDRIC SALTER MY MOST EXCITING ASSIGNMENT- 12' by WHICH is the more thrilling assignment; one which iiKikcs it necessary, Iwice m six months, to give the slip to a Gestapo specialist m mental torture, who felt strongly about the very unpleasant things I
    788 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 65 9 LEON A R D This pleasing model is not to be surpassed for' efficiency, convenience, appearance and all-round economy of operation. Write or Phone for f a::a priof I j j I V j I ||i|gi;|llr Steam ixmMhAftxtot BULK STORAGE Two 3-gall Cans. 6 galls One 1 -gall Can 1
      65 words

  • 1016 10  - SURREY'S BEST SIDE FOR 36 YEARS OVALITE Team-work and fighting spirit i llian an hour remained i or play on the closing day of their county cricket last Leicestershire batsm and knocked off the two runs needed for the vie! which brought them a half-share of the championship with La
    1,016 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 10 picture. in full stride as ihc lOrsjes ahead to win the fourth race at BuI firv..:. l i on Saturday.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  22 words
  • 332 10  -  ROGER YUE BOYS CLUBS TOURNEYS By nrHERE will be a lot of excitement when the first inter, boys' clubs chess and boxing championships are under way. Both these competitions are Introduced by the Singapore Youth Council for the first time. s hoped thut chess
    332 words
  • 3 10 Spinners
    3 words
  • 16 10 N.B .A. ruling T- Dl b Ray Rob eont.' b ut I I i!d o" U.P.
    U.P.  -  16 words
  • 432 10 By ARCHIE QIKK VOW that Freddie Mills has gone and Bruce Woodcock loses consistently to Americans, tlw British boxing scene is very ban*. Our brightest prospect for the future is Alsar Smith, the li^hth:\ivv weight who rarely requires the timekeeper to ring thi' bell for the
    432 words
  • 65 10 VIWI.A LI MPI R will be the venue of the sixth Malayan Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation Meet, h is to take place m 1952. This was docidtd at meeting presided over by Mr Au Kou. president of the M.C A F last ireektnd. Delegates represeattec
    65 words
  • 6 10 j Dub: < A .P.
    A.P.  -  6 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 2 10 oft c&ufc§e(
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  • 695 11 FAST TRACK LIKELY FOR TODAY Snowy Owl may not run By ALLAN LEWIS SNOWY OWL II is a very doubtful starter m the main race at Bukit Timah this afternoon. Dark Brocade, too, will not accept. Jack's Darling will not start m the second race and Hard Cash will not
    Free Press  -  695 words
  • 70 11 Malayans w i n W. India tourney I Mid A. Piruz i won the Wesubles championtln| Davinder rge L. L?wis >— 9 15—6. before yesterday. voles final Suman P na lost to and V looked a D^odhar on lackered:. who and the epn of to I .o oj India I
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 37 11 Federation hotkey S>ondent VfPUR, W< ~>.)son the Sebv two doubt to the i ■cited ft] i t Ii r_s r*- Mohinder I A nil, of :he lay as had scored rough th<* ren well checked P HMD
    37 words
  • 14 11 I soccer match -sterday. ]*-xf*rs den vessel Hoegh -oals to one.
    14 words
  • 196 11 By ALLAN LEWIS PARA Street (Bagby) did a winning gallop at Bukit Timah this morning when he ran the last halfmile of his workout m 50 seconds, the final three furlong m 38. Tara Street was taken twice round and the second time did half-pace
    196 words
  • 70 11 REME. defeated a Singapore Cricket Club team by two goals to nil In a hocmatcb played on the padan? yesterday. The Club could never get ed and play was for most of the time confined to their territory. R E.M.E. got their first goal just before half
    70 words
  • 130 11 'India must build up Cup team' INDIA must build up a team comprising five or six players of Davinder Mohan's class before she could figure prominently m the Thomas' Cup badminton tournament Tan Jin Eon* of Malaya told United Press at the conclusion of the Western India championships at Bombay
    U.P.  -  130 words
  • 88 11 JOHORE BAHRI. Wed A JAY Lee's rugby fifteen wiU XTX me* t i Naval side on the Johore Civil Service Slub s yroui.J today, kick-off at 5.15 p.m. Over 30 players turned out for the last practice match on the h College ground and the game
    88 words
  • 55 11 St. Patrick' School will hold their annual swimming carnival at the Chinese Swimming Club on Friday at 2 p. m. Among the events will be an inter-school medley relay m which the following schools have been invited to compete: St. Joseph's Institution St. Anthony's. St. Andrew's, Raffles Institution,
    55 words
  • 177 11 NAVY gave one of their poorest displays this season when they met Malays m a Community League soccer match at the stadium yesterday, going down by three goals to nil. Navy, who defeated the all -star Kota Raja team three weeks ago to
    177 words
  • 238 11 ALLAN LEWIS TRESPASSER EPSOM JEEF < AIL BOY POINTER RACE 1 LA-WAN ONGSVILLE PICTURE^ GOER lA-WAM LAW \N 2.15 Envoy GUian la Wan Ongsville Pit-lure Goer Coastguard La-Wan Ongsirille Picture Goer Ongsville RACE KEEL ROSE UK Mil 11. FLYER KEeITrOSE KEELEOSE KIEL ROSE 2.45 Bramhall Flyer
    238 words
  • 1156 11 Today's race card is given below. Double tote will be on Kates Five and Eight; Big: Sweep on Rate Seven. Race 1—2.15: Class 2, Div. 5—6 F. 5 Yds. 1 403 I'itture Goer Ayres 8.12 "Shan Stable Spencer 2 --0 Battle Front Charles 8.11 Mr. Cheong Mrs. Leong
    1,156 words
  • 139 11 FINISHED SAME AS LAST YEAR I'HREE counin-.s finished th« English couj. .cketJ season this wanner m exactly the same places as thty did the previous last. They were Wui fourth Gloucestershire X The most startling came from Mi :uons vii i Yo iishire last season They oro .*-d to 14th.
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 21 11 The Mavfkwer Billmintfm Party vfl hold a dinner Tai Tone Rectiurant. World Park a;Brr honour of W< teem In the Championship;:
    21 words
  • 90 11 T7INOO Mankad, the Indian Test All-rounder. who Is a professional for the CtoUeton Moor m the Central LttTCMtftvt League. capped a splendid season c r i S3pt. 9 by taking seven Oldham wickets for only six runs m eight overs. He claimed four without conceding a run
    90 words
  • Article, Illustration
    12 11 "At the turn, they're all bunched together, and it's still anybody's race."
    12 words
  • 120 11 'ASTON Athletic Ciub MOrei I 2—l win over Roctl:tes S.C. m a Junior Cup soccer match played on the CYMA grour.d yesterday. Rocklites were the first to score I and their goal came from D. Dragon In the filth minute. Abion improved m the second
    120 words
  • 15 11 Bingapon Harbour Board trical Dept. soccer XI Ije.n ih Dunlop Rublier Co. by two-nil d>
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 59 11 OTHER SPORT IN PACE 3 iil wkMiff I __^^B LIFEGUARD MILK CO., LTD. 35/36, Medeiros Building, Spore. Telephone: ***** VERY SOON AT THE REX W^Stf^r THE*HUNTErMEN'wHO* RULED IT! MURPHY HENDRIX IVES JWGER"Lii--"3Mr A Universal international Picture DUPLICATING TYPEWRITING SERVICE FOR COMMERCE, INDUSTRY, SCHOOL, CLUB, Etc TA» f* u I a
      59 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 61 11 1 Today's sport RACING: Singapore T.C. Gold Cup Meeting, second day. SOCCER: Community Lge: Chi- j nese v Singapore Dist. (Army) at Jalan Besar stadium; Business Hse. B ties: Chartered Bank v Borneo S.C. at Geylang; Breweries v Mans- i field at C.V.M.A. RUGGER: RASC v PoUce at Thomson Road.
      61 words

  • 26 12 ROSS At 8t::.,-dr Hospital Kuala Lumpur on ilth Sept. to Nancy wife of C T. Ross. T^ Iminng Seremban Estate, Seremban. a daughter Both well.
    26 words
  • 63 12 THE ENGAGEMENT Is announced between Kang Peng Khiam. eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Kang Eng Kee, and Gan Kuan Neo, eldest daughter of Mr. <fc Mrs. Gan Khek Beng. THE ENGAGEMENT is an-; fcounced between Mr. Chla Soo tiocK. eldest son of Mr. A Mrs. Chla Geok Wan, and
    63 words
  • 93 12 MADAM MAH KIM LIAN nee Tan passed away peacefully at p.m. on 12 f h Sept. 1950 Rt Ho. 7 W.lkie Terrace leaving behind four sons, Mah Ke* Keng Of Chung Kiaw Bank. Mah Kee Kiat of Kcta Bahiu. D Mah Kee Yong and Dr. Mah K^e Lui.
    93 words
  • 24 12 VR. A- MRS. LINCOLN NADaRAJAH thank all friends and nlattMi who attended their wpc 1 A,- s-?nr presents leifei^ «nd >ms of congratubitioiM.
    24 words
  • 339 12 WISHIPPING RITUAL IN YARD Child 'black with bruises' BANFF SCOTLAND, Wednesday. WITH a leather strap m her hand, Mrs. Elsie Fleming stood at attention while six-year-old Mary, the child boarded out with her, ran backwards and forwards across a yard. And each time Mary passed her. Mrs. Fleming hit the
    339 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 12 PILOT SAVED Lieutenant Nathan F. Curry, of Lexington. Minnesota, winces with the pain from his burns as his r»ft is lifted on board a U.S. destroyer off North Korea. Curry, a Corsair pilot, was shot down by flak during an attack on North Korean shipping.
    45 words
  • 273 12 Quads coming was a secret LONDON, Wednesday. rOR a month Mary (olcs. 11, kept her secret. She just shook her head and smiled mysteriously when inquisitive friends and neighbours questioned her. But the secret came out. She is expecting: quads. Her husband David. 31, suddenly found himself the centre of
    273 words
  • 82 12 TOKYO. Wed ]\JR Alan Whicker, K\-rhange-Telegrapti correspondent, turned up m Tokyo last nipht saying he "had been m a spot of trouble" but. like Mark Twain, reports of nia death or capture were "grea'Jy exaggerated." Unconfirmed frontline reports had said a < orresponden hart br»*n
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 38 12 The White House has announced the resignation of Mr. Stephen T. Early as Deputy Secretary of Defence, effective Sept. 30. Mr. Early will return to his former job as Vice-Presi-dent of Pullman Incorpor- ated.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 27 12 Five South and Central American Republics will celebrate their Independence Day next Thursday and Friday, Sept. 15 and 16, me days they were liberated fioni Spanish rule.
    27 words
  • 35 12 T'ne 8e -General of the .Tapu.i Socialist Party, Mr. Inajiro Asanuma. yeslerday said his Party is "absolutely opposed to raising a Volunteer Japanese Army for the Uni 1 Ed Nat ions. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 20 12 Tiie Premier of Iraq. Tewfik pi ftav cdi, has handed his resignation to the acting Re- gent. Prince Zoid U.P.
    U.P.  -  20 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 12  -  Leslie Charteris by
    5 words
  • 124 12 LUTON. England. Wed. T'HE operation on Bernard Shaw was described last night as a "complete success," but doctors said that they doubted the 94-year-old playwright could ever walk again. Shaw amazed nis nurses by sitting up m bed less than 24 hours aft
    124 words
  • 30 12 Th^ Missionary Society of the Church of England .said yesterday the Chinese Government has granted no permits m recent months tor the entry of foreign missionaries. A. P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 12 Mind you. Iff nice to b« broke el j higher level."
    11 words
  • 203 12 WITH BRITISH TROOPS IN KORFA. Wednesday a MILD wave of gloom spread amon; r British troops m Korea yesterday as news spread around the camp that the Americans had suspended the free issue of beer. British troops had been served m this issue since their arrival
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 34 12 ELEVEN eggs were found under an injured pheasant at Knodishall, Suffolk. Farmworker Sydney Charter put the eggs inside his shirt and went to find a hen. On the way two hatched out.
    34 words
  • 283 12 Dl'BiJN. Wednesday. 4 HFVTED argument developed between a Bntuh A an d an Kgvptian delegate enlivening the debate yesterday as the Inter-Parliamentary Conference m Dublin considered a proposed resolution dealing with colonial government. The resolution invited parliaments of countries responsible for the administration of non-M-lf-^ov-erning territories
    283 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 12 (LIB OPENING —The Netherlands Consul-General, Mr. G van der Gaa*, at the Dutch Club, Singapore, after unYeilins the commemorative plaque at its openinf last night.
    25 words
  • 96 12 Communal riots warning by Nehru A WARMING a V* I munal flan given It Nev. l M I by the Prime d;t Nehru. He sounded I a statement v!. election Tandon. extr« n I tion;-. Pi Indian Nat loi a Mr Nehr;. ot 1' of th* 1 Congr< this 1
    U.P.  -  96 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 373 12 PKRSONAL HL'SINO CHSAH. please I No A2lBO. B.T. Immediately. nITIATION WANTED POSITION wanted! by Hotelier With over IB f&UM ho.f 1 caterir <*.xperit > iu> Malay.i As Man»g'i' oi AvMaal Good referfn.vs. Box Xj. cSi23 F.F. A4TOMMOH.VMON VACANT FOR COMPORT a: the OX I .KY VIEW. 3 Oxl-v Road. BALESnER
      373 words
    • 161 12 Him Cbvuq Hi. h..-k Road. Tfl HHM G Radios Refrißnator^ available Easy terms arranged THE HYPERION MINIATURES m the MASTERS IN ART Sei >« prpj:>pt a new libraiy. rov-rin^ In individual volumes flip life and art of the great masters. Leonardo Da Vinci VELASQUES FRA ANGEUCO. BRUEGHEL, THE ELDER ■lach
      161 words
    • 174 12 DOSE I Relieves NL^^^^^ INDIGESTION e^ jubi one do»e »t MACLEAN 4^»^ BRAND STOMACH POWDER relieve* Indigestion pain and discomfort This fP^ Jjm wonderfully quick and efteajve relicl 1 from Heartburn, Flatulence. Nausea, 1 Acidity and Stomach Piim due to Indigestion is made possible by the fact > T^ that
      174 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous