The Singapore Free Press, 11 September 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 333 1 'Drunk or doped': deadline tonight yELUNG Communist soldiers today surged down on the key city of Taegu from three sides m what American Eighth Army Headquarters expected to be "the biggest offensive of which they are capable." One attack from the south-west was just downstream
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 1 Air For.the aid ft D-am :n S >:: ground stcrd Bre-pow< i hgffklugl A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • 209 1 READY TO GO NORTH TOKYO. MOJt. President Swngman Rhee of the South Korean Re public, told his troops m eastern Korean war area: "Ail Koreans are clamourmy ior (joi?iQ UP -buc't: up north. My observation ii that ire are about ready' He intimated that he fxpectf'i the United nations troops
    U.P.  -  209 words
  • 52 1 VKLH PRESS tipster TRESPASSER g*v« tour straight winners and nine places for Saturday I Sin- ap» re races. The winner* wrrf Birthday Gift, Hurry Ip. Pink (.in and Congo- The placed horses were Jaffa. Abbotsford. Charlemagne, (irecian p rince, Tantalu- Sweet Maisif. Lord .'i. N rolia (worn
    52 words
  • 369 1 n HOLD BACK 77/ E HORDES: \CHESO\ WASHINGTON, Monday. 1 S SecretaiJ ti State Mr. Dean Acheron, I .idav that the world situation will re- ;> t>r some time but stable peace |he Western Ptieia attain military f i taste. he said that the United must
    U.P.  -  369 words
  • 137 1 ST. BRIEI'tY France. Monday. THE French Premier, M. Rene Pleven, said yesterday that no one with a "sound mmd 1 would risk plunging the world into war at present. In a speech inaugurating St. Brieuc's annual fair M Pleven labelled "false" the thesis that the
    U.P.  -  137 words
  • 24 1 King Paul of Greece yesterday gave Mr. Constants Tsaldaris, leader of the Populis party, his mandate tc form a government. A.P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 1 Tfiis military jeep, carrying jive British sappers, overturned into a monsoon drain at Jalan Tongkantf Petchal on Saturday night. The driver, Sapper Quinu, is m a serious condition while the others received minor injuries.
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  • 25 1 The Pakistan Confederation of Labour, after a three-day session, decided yesterday to affiliate itself with the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 36 1 A Honoluiu-bouna fourengined U.S. Navy uansport plane crash-landed m the Pacific Ocean, about 47 miles southwest of Midway Island, yesterday. First reports said all the seven men aboard escaped m life n U.P.
    U.P.  -  36 words
  • 22 1 Mr. William Henry Harrison, Chief of an American telephone company, was yesterday appointed head of America's arms production programme.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 132 1 RIOT STARTED BY 'OUTSIDER' AT RACES TOKYO. Mon COUR HUNDRED police used pistols and two tear y,ix> bomb.s in a four-hour bail? with 20.000 rioting spectators at a bicycle rare m Naruo. near Kobe, at he week-end. spectator* were when a "long-shot" won jup of the races. They threw
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  • 71 1 gELGRADE Radio said yes-' terday that Yugoslavia regarded the Korean conflict' as "an imperialist war' towards which Yugoslavia preserved complete neutrality' md tlon of hostilities at 'he ear- 1 lies! possible date. II described the fighting m Korea as "a struggle of the Korean people against two
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 57 1 Two hundred and five Israel soldiers, who fell m the oattle for Jerusalem m the spring of 1948. were re-inter-red (,n Mount Herzl. west of the Holy City, yesterday. Thousands of mourners lined the road from Yeshurun Synagogue, where a Kaddish (prayer for the dead> was said,
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 59 1 HOi\G KONG, Mon. r|fH£ Chinese Communists are X preparing to celebrate their first birthday on Oct. 1 with a huge military review and a new suit for Mao Tsetung. One feature will be a 'grand review" of the Chinese Communist Armed Forces held m a
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 35 1 Turkey yesterday closed its frontier with Bulgaria. The action tv taken tn stop the influx of political refugees, who have been Klipping Into Turkey a the rate of 200 dauj.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 20 1 Fr s to expel 404 foreign Communists from the country m the rent security anve.- A.P
    A.P.  -  20 words
  • 26 1 OY the margin of a single vote. Qe^awaj has hren re- admitted m a feimanebt member ©f the International Handball Federation. A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 172 1 BIT BROKE— HORSE KEPT RUNNING Healey had an A^ unenviable experience when riding .Melbury Court m the second race at Bukit Inn. tii on Saturday writes Allan Lewis. Approaching the five furlongs pit-l. the bit brok,and 1 can appreciate ll**aley*s feelinrs when he went tv take ho!d of the mare
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  • 205 1 Reinforcemen ts for Europe before spring VKW United States troops reinforcements for x^ Germany are expected to be moved m before spring. General Mark Clark, commander of the United States field forces, said yesterday m Frankfurt. President Truman announced on Saturday that the American forces m Europe would be increased
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 89 1 MANILA, Mon. A detailed report on the Communist espionage mi;, m the Far East was yesterday reported being prepared by the Philippines Acting Foreign Secretary, Felino Neri, for submission to President Quirino. The nerve centre of the rin~ is said to be m Pa>ay City, South
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 99 1 Newtyphoon heading for Japan Tokyo. Me.p. 1p >])W o( Tokyo b ,d up t!. window nailed down the doors ol th x isti warned til v a typhoon more mure than which I about SOU is buildirr: i In the ooan south Df T new typiioon cai comt natioi i>l
    U.P.  -  99 words
  • 88 1 TJX DEE SCOTLAND. M I I'~L British War Mini Ir. John Strachey, I .de a suggestior. hat Britain should r igniK Malayan indtp i .nee. as she did w and Burma. He said, at a political meet ing at Dundee, that anyborr who thinks that >
    A.P.  -  88 words
  • 23 1 Britain and v. IJ start negotiations on LsttTlinii balances m N. ber the British Treasury nounced m Loiv g fghgjfg AP
    AP  -  23 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 GIFTS 1 tor g j SMOKERS U. S. deSILVAj aers a Kd. S r x .•liCi:i(llllMf*ir)N!lllltl||i* v *^Bs? i lm^'"' IV^fmLsm^1 V^fmLsm^ Him ><jl »Steftf *~*jL.^^Bl^^> /r IJ. How tappy Baby is on this Cow oate "tollow-on' food! The yS deluate malted flavour appeals to his t^ and questing little
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  • 322 2  -  JOAN CRAWFORD -By MISS Crawford, the nlm star, during an idle hour on the set of "Harriet Craig"— in which she loses her man —was recently prevailed upon to itemise the 10 ways m which a fellow can most certainly alienate the affections of his
    AP  -  322 words
  • 164 2  -  THOMAS HENRY By WASHINCH f j'HE plan* is cl hand. In the pi the Mat* aoiand a i ircraft laconst met ion i »ucfi a plane is conred practical be- ise of successful ilication of magnesium to various strueI il U especially m tests
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  • 1263 2  -  JEANNETTE By England awake I AM beginning to be a little concerned about England. Reading my paper the other day, I came across two items that worried me. The old place seems to have changed. First there was a report about the American Air Cndet.v who told a
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  • 400 2  - One Cave, Two Lovers, 1,000 Troops MAJOR A.W. FIELD Jiv JXCD.SO. WHOKjQ ASECRI'/I Sllkvir AGENT IN GR DVMING WORi WAR I! /CRETE'S 'Romeo and Juliet", whose love affair brought the island to the brink of civil war. came out of their mountain retreat after 1.000 soldiers had roamed the ravines
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 301 2 ?K?SSBKf, BFEBSfSmgaporel! 484 and *M metres. 4 4: pjn Pr<u ial nme summary; l v .m«»m»ai 447 rram h( Lord(in Editorials j V m (BBC 5 Tlu concerto-2 5.43! fran 8 10.50 Fm Talk IBBCI 6 IndoaeBian: N ews 12 Pro P rai,.ine.s oiL^ Pr(>gramnies 880 6JO News 730 Ihe
      301 words
    • 161 2 New Crossword No. 148 I J jfc iO It) |O .< ROSS d i7J. S H lot bttAn £55 <U! s DOWN S-ss s si ff MdKtUtUl (5). 13. Rod,, v the influence is a good one! You are an excellent judge of human nature and you have a talent
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  • 343 3 Scientists study unknown poison r^ nm? mwwm MELBOURNE, Sunday. TttE TAIPAN, Australia's swiftest and deadliest x snake, may be robbed of its terror if experiments now being carried out at the Commonwealth Serum I dbouratories m Melbourne are successful. The Taipan ranks with the King Cobra
    Reuter  -  343 words
  • 63 3 LOST ROMAN TOWN IS DISCOVERED nat is believed 4< lost Roman .urn. known ;ere between i id Chelmsiord. .uncovered by he Roman hare reveal- .iole of a 20ft.pavement. h vpoc a usts < Rof »i!ing plant > of 12th cenOther finds roof ties. I > waterproof M painted oi two
    A.P.  -  63 words
  • 21 3 Churchill .md her hus Anthony Hollyon Ocr 1 s i rid Christ V -dr m tJ m.,jgkgh U.P.
    U.P.  -  21 words
  • 10 3 a] Bank I d Develop ior mfgdhl;l Reuter
    Reuter  -  10 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 3 k« r of the IS. Navy leaves the deck of »rrir-r operating off the coast of Korea.
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  • 167 3 JERUSALEM, Sunday. II II age <>t 17 tor th«? marriage of Muslims 1 utordance with a recent law passed as adopted at a meeting of Israel's i>tical judges and heads of com--1 j held m Jerusalem. wai organised by the highest of Israels 175.000 Muslims
    U.P.  -  167 words
  • 25 3 The Ceylon Communist Party has suspended seven of its members, some being suspected "American spies." according to usually reliable .^otirce.s m Colombo Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 243 3 Dl BUN, Sunday. A IK. MAY LANK VR, Speaker of the Indian Parlia*Tl ment, addressing the Inter-Parliamentary I n ion Conference at Dublin, pointed out that since the report of the Secretary-General of the Conference was prepared some months ago there had been
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 52 3 No divorce for army wives Tiu* ChlneM Nationalists took action to protect their I servicemen from the fickleness ot women. The provincial Government lof Formosa ruled that no spouse may In future seek a divorce from a serviceman on active duty nor may a liancee break off an engagement with
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 58 3 rE Russian lieutenant whose Soviet- marked bomber was shot down by Navr Corsairs off the Korean coast last week was a Communist Party member but apparently behind m his dues. Reliable sources said that the papers found on Lt. Mi>hin Trennadis Vasilebu m» hided his party
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 35 3 Senator Scott Lucas. Senarp Democratic leader, has .>jid President Truman might have to limit the unt of steel going Into l but there would be no ahut-down m car manufac- ::ring. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 17 3 The British Government nas ordered 100.000 cases of M)ijin pineapples, acting to a trade report Taipeh.— U.P.
    U.P.  -  17 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 3 photo. Bridges at Seoul, Korea, show the effect of continued assaults by l.N. warplanes. A.P.
    A.P.  -  15 words
  • 136 3 COLOMBO, Sun. IF EASTERN countries itop shipping rubber to Russia the rubber market will suffer an immediate drop m price. This is the opinion held m Colombo trade circles The suggestion that Asian rubber prorl'iiung countries should not sell rubber to Russia has
    U.P.  -  136 words
  • 41 3 RED S USPEC TS Two Filipino Government officials aru under surveillance for their alleged faithful attendance at secret Communist meetings somewhere In Manila, presided over by a leading Chinese Communist and attended by two Red Russians, the Dally Mirror reported.— Reuter.
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  • 28 3 Indom^ian railways have placed an order for 1,000 goods waggons and 100 passenger carriages with three Dutch concerns, it has been learned b) Amsterdam.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 24 3 A f&st-^noving submarine off Sekondi. Gold Coast port, caused considerable damage to fishing nets last week, fishermen reported at Accre.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 19 3 Pr lent Truman has signed legislation to give living allowances to the families of tnliiied men.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  19 words
  • 279 3 Shanghai is catching up with the dead HONG KONG, Sunday. rpHE CHINESE Communists are making some head--1 way m their programme to bury the dead. When they first took over Shanghai, little m than a year ago, there were more than 100.000 unburied corpses stored m coffin depositories, benevolent associations
    U.P.  -  279 words
  • 313 3 WASHINGTON, Sunday. /COMMUNISTS are losing strength m Western Europe. Party membership m Atlantic Pact nations m Europe has dropped nearly 12 per cent. during: the last year, authoritative sources reported. Scattered reports from other European states also are encouraging to. the democracies. The Reds, for instance,
    U.P.  -  313 words
  • 124 3 THE HAGUE, Sun. ACCORDING to the latest J\ ligure.s issued by the International Tin Study Group, world production of tin In concentrates decreased m June to 13.300 long tons against 14,100 tons m May. This was mainly due to the very low figure of the Belgian
    A.P.  -  124 words
  • 41 3 Col. Halstead Fowler, U, one of the heroes of Bataan, has died at Afton, Virginia. Although wounded three times, he remained with his artillery regiment m the Bataan retreat and walked i m the "Death March.' U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 35 3 Tho Swedish (Consulate m Berlin said that two Western balloonist s who landed behind the iron curtain m tnr Russian Zone of Germany were still being held by Com- munist polme.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 128 3 JET-propelled, 30-seattf i helicopters flying to cities and towns all over Great Britain as a regular "bus service" at 3d. a mile is the prediction of Air-Commodore W. P. Primrose. The Air Coin- modore. speaking at Andover. Hampshire, said speeds of 400-500 m.p.h. might be at- tamed.
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  • 57 3 The Soviet delegation to the forthcoming General ■by of the United tf*> lif 74 people, including secretarial staff. It is headed by the Foreign Minister. Mr. Andrei The delegations from the Ukraine If led by its VicePremier. If. Baranovsky. and that from Byelo-Russia by
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 64 3 OMIE first known"casualty" m the Philippines of ti A Korean war has just been reported m Manila. J. Alejo, 40, a checker of the a udit o r 's office of abanatuan city, 70 miles north of Manila, died of a heart attack as a result of
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 74 3 COLOMBO. Sun. A CEYLONESE doctor, who underwent special trailing m Maternity and Child Health m America and Canada, says that American mothers earn the equivr of one thousand rupees a month supplying breast milk to state hospitals and t ics. The milk Ls bought b;
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 41 3 The United Nations' S»*e-retary-General. Mr Tr. Lie, has said m Ch. go that whether the Un l Nations forces will push norii of the 38th Parallel will be decided by the Secur.ty Council "and nobody else.**— U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 47 3 Australia and Indonesia have agreed to exchange g< expected to amount to n than A£8.00(T.OOO I 1:6 400 .000 > :n the next year, it haa bf-n officially announced n i Jakarta. This is the first ti pact between Au the new Indoi. public Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 25 3 Tamano dockyard or Shipbuilding C will deliver at the end i month an 11.800-ton er to the Maersk Lining to Jiji n ncy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 137 3 Bridge Hands South d**lpr NORTH -x J i g i ■tcmi k^t K S IJJ52 0 K ft 4 I J A i. Jk S 3 sol I M A 7 3 A It I A K Q West \.»rid Kast* -A fas* A ah r*w THEKE is an old
      137 words
    • 246 3 I trump (or another d:.imon<i nnesse. Th;- one. against Bast'a succeeds and one of dummy s hearts ls ill -carded on Ibc diamond ace. Tims South had better than fifty percen' chance for his contract, for he would make it If Ea,st had either of the two m*— honours
      246 words

  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 199 4 I'HE Malayan Youth Council, meeting m Kuala Lumpur over ihe week-end, did well to delete a clause barring any political body from membership of the council. The Communists would have bten very pleased if ihis move had been adopted. It would have given them a splendid
      199 words
    • 260 4 aj UCH i have been lie tru e. although i In Commun rvuntrie^, the activiUea of yocth bodies, or consi a ol youth bodies, are < ipleterjp taken op with j itieal matters. Hymu> of 1 to Stalin, hate pro- >. ;«:nda against .the tiemoci 55, rai tj work
      260 words
  • 1101 4  -  O. H. Brandon By IT will be a hard road *to peace m Korea. The military campaign has already proved costly and arduous, but the political problems that are awaiting the Americans and the United Nations after the fighting is over
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 4 Carmen Miranda m her latest film "Nancy Goes to Rio
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  • 593 4  - BRITON WHO MAKES MALIK BLUSH JOHN ASHWIN U y IN the vast, impres- sive Chamber of the Security Council at Lake Success they call 50-year-old Sir Gladwyn Jebb, chief British delegate to the United Nations, the "Briton with the fighting tongue". The title is an appropriate one, for he is
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  • 968 4  - Fascists- And They Idolise Leopold Gavin Gordon By T HAVE seen fifty thousand Belgians, massed around a national memorial, taking solemn oaths of fealty. I have seen them, as they did so. raise their right arms m the Fascist salute, while lean stolid-faced youths stood guard over mounds of flowers
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 4 A view of the Eyiglish Bridge at Shrewsbury Shropshire.
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  • 287 4  - Feeding the Army in S'pore J. BALKARM SINGH B> IN peace as m I diers must fed. The efficiei 1 fighting forc< to a great i:■ its food .supnh m peace How is tii*' I the Co. I ation fed 9 An I ant centre of tl supply I* 4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 31 4 The Premier House for CUPS j SHIUDS I MEDALS IN S'LVER AND E.P.N.S. j S. P. H. ds SUVA j M HM.H ST.. SPORE M MA U Ml'lß A t IPOH
      31 words
    • 47 4 2nd. floor r>. Bnttery Rd. Just arrived A Collection of Inexpensive Exq uisih Model Gowns. 9 W w V w C^PctTj r JB I hB <" ArdentE sound Equipment fMICRONOIE Aldi'LlftEß. TYPE. VMC TYPE 405 AC 45 W4TTS SOLt iNTS. M. E. NATHAN Phono 4073. 25/29. ORCHARD ROAD
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  • 442 5 MORE JOBLESS, DECLINE IN WAGES Labour trends m Singapore Free Press Staff Reporter U NI I^ LO^ MENT has increased m Singapore side by side with a general fall m wages, says uhq "apartment m its annual report for J he n d^? inant act during the year is that
    442 words
  • 69 5 r of children r a problem but is one nstant attenI ,bo'.:r Depart- report for nd that a Accom- to work simple ssisl them. f help their I cups. wder on to the »uch their teldng into »aiß have been I into m he children
    69 words
  • 16 5 R >:u! NVM C A > fonducTn were L.C.C v n rer- Hall ~i suclaed
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 pic- ture. DROF. R. E. HO LIT I'M, Professor of Botany, I'niversity of Malaya, who returned to Singapore yesterday by Milayan Airways after attending the Rotary district assembly in Kuala Lumpur. Free Press
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • 21 5 MR. D. B. W. GOOD Mr. D. B. W. Good. Legal Adviser, Johore. returned ifrom Kuala Lumpur by Malayan Airways yesterday.
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  • 298 5 PEA CE WITHOUT RANTING REDS Free Press Staff Reporter A FUNDAMENTAL change m the attitude of Singapore workers and their onions Is the most important reason for the small number of strikes m the Colony last year, says the labour Department's annual report for 1949. There were only three strikes,
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 5 picture. Mr. Gideon Ro«- Director-General of South African Broadcasting Corporation, pictured at Kallang airport on Saturday on his arrival by BOAC Constellation. At left is Mr. H. J. Steyn, South African Government Trade Commissioner, Singapore. At right are Mrs. Jensen and Mr. '^r\ O. V. Jensen, Senior Trade Commissioner for
    Free Press  -  62 words
  • 277 5 GOVT. TO ACQUIRE 'GAP' AREA Free Press Staff Reporter AT a committee meeting of the S.R.A. members welcomed the restoration to the public of one of the island's beauty spots. The Colonial Secretary. Singapore has advised the Singapore Ratepayers Association that steps are being taken to obtain for public nurposes
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  • 74 5 pic- ture. THREE directors of Ford Motor Works, Australia, arrived in Singapore on Saturday from Australia by BOAC Constellation on their way to Britain and Canada. Left to right: Mr. E. Scott-Ingles (director of vehicle sales), Mr. Charles A. Smith (managing director), Mrs. Smith, Mr. C. E.
    Free Press  -  74 words
  • 283 5 Free Press Staff Reporter °r«OMMON LAW marriageshave created difficulties dealing with cases of workmen's compensation m Singapore. The Labour Department's report for 1949 says that a common difficulty is to establish that the woman claiming compensation on the death, of a workman is really his widow.
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  • 94 5 SEVENTEEN unions, repreO sent ing Government, non-Government. industrial and non industrial workers yesterday unanimously passed a resolution calling for 1 "the early establishment of a Trades Union Congress la Singapore." The proposed T.U.C is expected to be inaugurated [within two months. The meeting, convened by Ur.
    94 words
  • 32 5 JTIVE British Other. Ranks attached to the Royal Engineers at Gillman Barracks were injured, one seriously, when the jeep iji which they were travelling overturned at Jalan TGn;»kang Petchal yesterday.
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  • 380 5 Call to Govt: 'help Malay education' Free Press Staff Reporter CINGAFORE'S Ten-Year Education Plan and FiveYear Supplementary Plan would lead to ultimate elimination of Malay schools m the Colony, said the president of the Malay Teachers' l T nion, Inche <;u Abdul Rahman bin Haji Mohammed Said, yesterday. The Malay
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  • 45 5 Surface mail Is exp« id fn .ipore today from the Federation. Latest time? for posting surface mail at the G.P.O. today are: nocn for Java. Christmas Island. Eastern Australia and Zealand (letters only>. Western Australia, and Siam parcels only); 5.45 p.m. for the Federation.
    45 words
  • 82 5 JJONG KONG Cltln^se lix»tball tourists were I tamed to a round of dinners during the week-end On day the Ho Ho Bisi 1 %t tory. Ltd. vert iUMtI, tne function bemu held at th# Tai Tor^ Res'auranf tt*PPJ W id. On Saturday ?anor« Amateur Football Assoc. honoured
    82 words
  • 189 5 Singapore Govern will be asked, at the Ji« xt Legislative Council on 19. to explain how "the i m the sugar supply arose and why it was allowed to develop and not nipped m the bud/ The query will be tabled by Mr. Bahvant Singh, member
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 163 5 A GIFT for a LIFE TIME I rling Silver Engine turned r ling Silver Enamel Brushsets tm Pr.< ShodPd <t Hand pftlßtH designs. In sets of 3 to 9 pieces. The Best m the World. n nut.»»l«» illium IW' QnVHHP^PHn]HPBnVHH^HHHBBMHR| A BLUE LADY IN IRE SKY D Monroe and
      163 words
    • 72 5 THE CUP THAT CHEERS FINEST < LM^O t& Jit CEYLON jk^ I'^^t^f^ LOCAL PRICE A c^ e< m specially made wooden f chests. Ready to send to your family and 1 Lb. PACKETS friends at home. C 2 lbr P ack#d complete 7.75 JL.DKJ 3 lbs. M $10.25 4 lbs.
      72 words

  • 1403 6  -  JOE LOUIS continues his series of articles about the present heavyweight scene exclusively for the FREE PRESS m Malaya. A MAN doesn't get to be heavyweight champion of the world without a little luck. Maybe, a lot of it. I had my share. Like I
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  • 10 6 R.S. G.C. WIN 1 dab l>y 23 to 8«-_. •rd.iy
    10 words
  • 196 6 I>Kl lAIN scored ail athletic double over France at the lean Bouin Stadium. Paris, yesterday. The m n who were one point behind with two events |O g« scored maximum points for the hammer throw and tin- four times 100 metres relay to snatch a
    196 words
  • 169 6 Motor-cycle championship MONZ-. &fon ITALY'S Qianni Leoni, m i Mondial motor-*-. < tho Grand Prix i ons fur the 125 c.c. i/las* a* \!o:i--za (Italy* \>sterduy Second was Italy*! Carlo Übbiali. on a Mondial, third Ital] Z.r.?a:. i n a Monni: fourth. Italy's Bruno Ruffo on a Mond Th.< 1950
    A.P.  -  169 words
  • 27 6 THE Aga Khans rolt Pale- stine, winner of L\>* racei this season, includina: the 2.000 Guineas classic, is to be retired to stud Immediately
    27 words
  • 710 6  -  ALLAN LEWIS By CLYNOR won the Singapore Stakes, for h I Div 1 over a mile and six yards on vnurJT 1 This was' regarded as a full dress rehear for more important Singapore Gold l Cup imki llUr^ Clynor defeated Four
    710 words
  • 50 6 Saddler V. Pep again 'pHE GfcM of Boxing Club announced > fourth featherwe., ship fight betmeen x Sa;*u\ SadcL> r cr.ampiOD. Wiilie P su«ed at Madis'— den "MBHttaw m F Markson been signed ever li^lii when title he lost a*o. Baddler In Oct IMB Friday nafhi seventh rourxi I a
    50 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 THE HANDY REFERENCE ATLAS OF THE WORLD JOHN BARTHOLOMeW i n.a.. r.8.t.t., r.i gj 15th Kdiiion cdi ion contains 256 page* By colon •ri nur.s town k introductory secf world Id including mi Alphabetical li-t of geographical terms, a comprehensive Index Ofl 159 pugoo, compiling ovei ".0.000 place names. $13
      63 words
    • 49 6 introducing lsfzg£%^— m T JH*% I fVENETJAN BLINDsI IJI "^"''Sht. beaut.fully f.m.hed an<j X g'ves lifetime service 1 DECORATIVE COLOURFUL c AMemkw By RUST PROOF WIU NOT CHIP QUEK FURN LICHT STAYS CLIAN STORE »'ATb CLEAN 10 VlCtonj Street Ipply Importer: LEBEL (CHINA) Ltd., 4th F! ,or i* c
      49 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 178 6 n/l3ndr3k6 Exclusive fo th<> Singapore Free Press m Ylalaya I I I'M GLAD YOU'RE \i/ HOW CAN l\ I WILL YOU GO AWAY AND ll J I US STILLOFF TtLESTUPf BfANAIK g ll FINE. I WANT YOU tf COHCEHmATE LEAVE ME ALONE MY U3 ILLUr^ 'ttt^iun- PtAWT r\ >|S N^PDA
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  • 441 7 FAST TIMES AT TODAY'S GALLOPS Ondine among best workers By ALLAN LEWIS JOIM LASS sprinters were again the centre of attraction this morning at Bukit Timah when the number two grass track, which was fast, was °£™i£. or S all °P in Neal Hobbs' newcomer ONDINh (Charles), who is an
    Free Press  -  441 words
  • 20 7 S 'pore railway team win R E Ra V X it R iterday X pur C G S I W.
    20 words
  • 7 7 1
    7 words
  • 6 7 I a i Reuter
    Reuter  -  6 words
  • 61 7 Hongkong XI programme Krer Preys SJafT (orrv^;xin(lint A I C7MPUR, Moil. f pnr H X Cl y e IOU t s ih^ then i 1 i M I on S nst the F I be Penanf Chin on c Huck G 11, AbP B a. L H N Duttoa, Ki.
    61 words
  • 105 7 RACK 1: Birthday fiift 'Little) draws away to win easi ly from .t;t»la (Farad* Pit tine (ioer (Ajm), with Prinier's Error (McPherson) fourth. RACE 3: Little Nrd CCbarlcs) puts m a terrific burst to beat Charlemagne (DnnWHill iust before Ike p:M i>< reached, with Grecian Prinre
    105 words
  • 46 7 Charlemagne (Dunwoodie) an.d Madasari (Ellery) lead the field at the half-mile m the third race at Bukit Timah on Saturday. The winner. Little Ned (Charles) is fourth last on the rails. Grand Prix II has tailed off and Is not m the picture.
    46 words
  • 865 7  -  ALLAN LEWIS By THREE horses— Birth- x day Gift, Hurry Up and Pink Gin scored their maiden victories on the Malayan Turf on Saturday. All won stylishly. Birthday Gift, ridden m copy-book fashion by Bill i Little took the race, lor C us
    865 words
  • 148 7 TAN Jin Eong of Malaya beat 1 Henry Feneira of India j 15—9. lft— io m the .sennfinals of the men's smgle.^ .n the Western India badminton championships at Bombay yesterday. In the other semi-final Abdullah Piruz of Malaya *ji» beaten 12—15. 1— 15 by
    Reuter; U.P.; A.P.  -  148 words
  • 579 7 yMK.HIS for all right raCSS on Wclnrd.n. se<ond laj of \ue Singapore Clold (up meeting ar;*: CLASS I. DIV. I— I 1 I Jt> YDS. Snuuv Owl II !>O7 Brijjht K\cs S.I I 1 roydon %.99 Dark BroeaJe I M Peniaa LoH Battleship 8.07 Misi
    579 words
  • 396 7  - Upsets in S.B.A. senior tournament VETERAN By A BIG upset was created m the Singapore Badminton Association's men's singles championship last night when Loong Pan Yap (Lucky Strike), runner-up to Wong Peng Soon last year, was eliminated m straight sets by Goh Tian Thve (Useful). Tian Chye was runner-up m
    396 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 47 7 Ii 1 f sHOwmc ,v-^\ ft lONENIGHTA.rHE BALTABARIN I il:n With s nun :XJ CHAMGt i m 4.1'» I M. f Vl-G M medvof th<*ye«r! IWCY-jQr«.HErfHET iur of tSto Bride A ij>?rAV Theatre MILtSTCNE SELETAP 1 «i v i l.morrrw at 7 1,-9 is pan "JTrRE ET^ENDABLE"
      47 words
    • 91 7 American 1 nternational .1 Underwriters Ltd. *<Qllj MANACINC AGENTS FOR AMERICAN BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANIES S. H. PEEK Manager. Mac Donald House, Singapore. Telephones: ***** Office: 7785 Mana- r America's Most Famous FLIEU between the HATFIELDS McCOYS (KENTUCKY 1888) RIVALS THA i of the FUED over "Helen of Troy" THA TIS
      91 words

  • 14 8 JAMBS to Jean and Jiiikiv. Kandan,- Kerbau Hospitai on 10/9 r>o a daughter
    14 words
  • 34 8 IHE MARRIAGE arranged between Gilbert Arthur Richard MERGARD of Northwood Middl*md Singapore and MARIE KING of Pymble. Sydney, was ■rr.zed by the Rev Goodwin at Sr \lark.>. Darling Point <>n September 9. 1950
    34 words
  • 58 8 THE FAMILY ot the late Mrs. r ;np Eliza Matthews than* and friends who rhe funeral as well «s ho sen! wreath? and rondolfnc DIRECTORS ot Montor I i »o thar.k the very da who have sen' tea <>f condolence since the York of Mr Alfred «ir and bee
    58 words
  • 392 8 But U.S. taxes to be raised WASHINGTON, Monday. THE decisions to send more U.S. troops to Europe and to double American defence expenditure announced by President Truman at the week-end are expected to give a tremendous boost to world economy and morale. He told the nation
    U.P.  -  392 words
  • 34 8 Bandits armed with hand grenades and machine-guns attacked, a police-guarded payroll truck near Caglion. Italy, and made off with about U.S. $3,300 after killing three curabiniv and seriously wounding a fourth. U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 133 8 Glittering climax for Biarritz BIARRITZ. Moi: "Night of Napoleon" a brill] mi climax to this year's Biarritz social .season. Somp 400 puests. many m Second Empire Trench) elaborate Period jewellery, attended the dinner In the former Imperial Palace. Girls m tioopsd erin and men m Hussar uniforms with red-coated whlte-wig-Ked
    A.P.  -  133 words
  • 142 8 STRACHEY DENIES ALLEGATION DUNDEE, SCOTLAND. Monday. -THK British War Minister. Mr. John Straihey, yesterday described as "outrageous" a suggestion that three British soldiers were hanged for the murder of an Egyptian m an effort t o "appease" Egypt. A written question, passed to Mr. Strachey at
    A.P.  -  142 words
  • 380 8 RESULTS ol early football games this season, though not necessarily a reliable guide to form for the complete campaign, provide further evidence thai clubs have now found a truer level after the upsets caused by the war. When fully competitive soccer was resumed m the
    Reuter  -  380 words
  • 83 8 1 JERUSALEM. Mon JN the first case of the kind. T a man was charged tir Jerusalem yesterday with allegedly denouncing Jew s to the Nazis m Slovakia m 1939--40 and aiding and abetting m their murder, torture, and deportation. The charges were drawn up under
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 39 8 MORE JOIN THE LABOUR P ARTY The membership of the British Labour Party was a record 5.716,947 In 1949-50. the National Executive Committee reported today. The new figure is 294.510 above the 1948-49 member- snip, tne report said A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 172 8 13 MINERS STILL MISSING NEW CUMNOCK. Scotland. Mon. •'PHE families of 13 miners j began a death-watch yesterday at the muddy pit- head at New Cumnock. Ayrshire, from which rescue teams pulled 116 other underground workers alive Still missing after 129 i miners wen '.rapped on f Thursday night when
    A.P.  -  172 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 8  -  Leslie Charteris by
    5 words
  • 205 8 A TERRITORIAL ARMY sergeant thr beer at an officer, then kicked hirr. This was stated at a court -mar 1 the officer. Lieut.-Col. M. A C P. X Serceant Patrick MoNa- mara. 37, of the 4th .T.A.) King's Own Lijrht Infantry. was found guilty
    205 words
  • 33 8 Third mend of family vani shes AMI I I I daily. I H I- I I mm.. I I I I fron I I TTk I I II I I m tnon Herman
    33 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 208 8 l OMMOhvriON VACANT M NOOK. 380 Orchard Rd.. iccom. with full board. To! 7884 KOK QL'KK Bale Pedurree Alsatian ***** nearly four, price $200 or rest ofter. 737-S. Poh H Rd. i r 5.30 p.m. on.v YHIK I.X FOR SALE fcUXHALL Wytera rrg. 20 4 4> $3 .jU. AttSttß 10
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous