The Singapore Free Press, 30 March 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA dfsfsdfdsfsdfsdfsdf SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1950. PRICE TKN rfcNTS,
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  • 352 1 NO MARTI ALLAW SAYS GRIFFITHS Not needed in Malaya LONDON, Thursday. MALAYA was again discussed in the House of Commons last night. A National Liberal RIP, urged that martial law should be imposed, but the Colonial Secretary said 'No'. The M.P.. Mr. Henderson Stewart, said the position in Malays was
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  • 24 1 Reporter sterda? normi miles ••.thru, and In the the iken bos- \iek- yestere of I I wanted
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 1 The Regent of Perak. Raji Abdul Rashid ibni Sultan Idris. who u acting for the Sultan who has left Malaya for a trip It Kurope Raja Abdul Rashid in R-ija B^ndahar of Perak.
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  • 13 1 ANTI-SUB. GUARD rn ngth Medi- rs to newmany .os* 1 dropof tbi A.P.
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 18 1 P: -::ess of i.uzations, thai the un--316.000 Aivlthe Bid be in ;>:oyment U. P.
    U.P.  -  18 words
  • 150 1 TOKIO, Thursday. JAPANESE Government and commercial circles are anxious to increase Japan's trade with Malaya and they hope that Malaya will invite Japan to send a special government trade representative there as America has done. These trade representatives, who do not nave diplomatic
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 66 1 Free Pr<NS Stuff Reporter KUALA I I MPLR. Thurv TUKKK i s no intention at 1 present of declariiu martial law in any part of the Federation, said the Acting Chief Secretary, Mr. M V Del Tufo. at a conference in Kuala Lumpur this morning He
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  • 89 1 HONG KONG. Thurs. A HONG KONG welfare orA ganisation yesterday estimated that 15.000.000 people arc starving in Red China and risked the Communist regime to approve a worldwide appeal for food. Reports from Red China said a great exodus had bei?un from the famine
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 147 1 i,ui\uun, rnursuay. VI R. Kenneth Younger, British Minister of State in the Foreign Oflice, yesterday denied that British recognition of Communist China had given encouragement to the Malayan bandits. Mr. Younger suggested to the House of Commons that the increase in bandit activity was much more likely
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  • 43 1 Free Press Staff Reporter S\K.\IS yesterday reported finding a crashed fourseater plane in the Sungei Sembrang area, Kluang district. A jungle squad went to the area and found it was a twin-engine Japanese plane, a relic of the war.
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  • 40 1 Mr. Tan Chin Tuan. managing director of the Over-sea-Chinese Banking Corporation in Singapore, arrived in London airport last night from Rome. He is on a three-weeks European tour and expects to spend a fortnight in Britain
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  • 38 1 Plainclothes men pounced on 400 bales of coffee and 200 bales of pepper ready to be smuggled to Singapore from an outlying place west of Jakarta. The consignment was worth 750.000 cuilders on the blackmarket- Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 64 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs. THE U.S. House of Representatives sitting as a committee, which means it must confirm any decision later last night voted to stop all Marshall aid to Britain until the partition of Ireland ends. Congressmen rose and cheered when the result of 99 to 66 was announced
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 30 1 Dr O Aranha of Brazil, a former president of the United Nations General <\ssembly, yesterday supported the admission of the Chinese Communist government t.hp world organization.- U.P.
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  • 48 1 RANGOON'S 3,000 trisha peddlers have asked the police for "better protection against gangsters who are beating them up and stealing their earnings. They held a public meeting to say that they would not ply for hire at night unless the streets were made safe.^ A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 34 1 The Arab League Secretariat ha s given Jordan until Saturday to send an official delegation to a meeting in Cairo to clarify its attitude before a League decision on future action.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 32 1 The Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Phnr Long. said on his return to ~"~igon from Dalat yestpr- 1 that there was "no QUp* i of a governmental crisis at present."- Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 103 1 LONDON, Thurs. ORITAIN is to import nearly e 12.000,000 worth of goods from Indonesia during 195U. the Board of Trade announced yesterday Quotas will be available for Indonesia to import over 7.000,000 worth of British goods, but her imports will be limited owing to balance
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 picturr. These Malay girls wore ■lacks, instead of the usual sarongs, in the three-legged race yesterday. Occasion was the Inter-Malay Girl School Sports in Singapore. Free Press
    Free Press  -  27 words
  • 43 1 I-JOLLAND has agreed to lend 300.000.000 guilders to the Indonesian Republic. The loan followed a conference of Ministers of the two nations in Jakarta. Twothirds of the loan is for general purposes and the balance for special objects.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 31 1 P.I. MU S TANGS The United States will turn over to the Philippine Government next Monday 50 Mustang fighters under the terms of defence arrangements between the two coun--1 tries.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 41 1 The East-West Society will meet tonight at 8.30 p.m. at the British Council Hall Two short talks will be given Professor G. Hough will speak on non-ftction works and Mrs Joan Tooke will speak on non-fiction and children's books.
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  • 31 1 Hong Kong, customs officials yesterday seized to confirm tahils of opium, worth U*****,000. from the bunkers of the British ship. Shansi. The ship arrived from London via Bangkok.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 45 1 First, second third THE Australian Government G:\z?tte disclosed a diplomatic secret— the duties of s-rond l secretaries. Announcing new salary s- J u them the <- ttj said that second secretaries ■>•*! r«g r -♦—s and direct third s*tretaries. M Far this, they got a *.W A.P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 232 1 S 'pore escaped blast disaster Free Press Staff Reporter THE Singapore Municipal Gas Works at Kallang came near to being blown to bits last month and with it an area of about one mile around the gasworks. This statement was made to a committee of Municipal Commissioners in connection with
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  • 67 1 Dracula the dentist BLOOD CIRDLING radio serials and horror films are ruining children's teeth, a Melbourne dentist said yesterday. The growth of teeth in young children, the dentist said. depended on the health and efficiency of the nervous system. That system cannot funci tion normally in children whose nerves are
    A.P.  -  67 words
  • 120 1 29 contact men listed in U.K. report LONDON, Thurs. A GOVERNMENT report echoing last year's sensa tional Lynskry graft tribunal yesterday listed 29 'contact men" between Government departments and the public. All were referred to by code letters. The rcporr can.e from a committee set up to invesug^'e contact men
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 171 1 U.N. told 'call tin talks' PARIS. Thurs. rHE 14-nation International Tin Study Group today agreed u> ask the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Trygve Lie, to oall ?arly conference to d ;uss a commoditv control agreement on tin. The United Slates oppo this move. Britain, her colonial and dependent territories. Australia.
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 38 1 DILOWA Gegen HutukhtU who claims to be f-ne < f th*» 13 "living BudciV offered tierce" prayers terday that his friend OLattimore will b<- exon<r. f>f the rhar^t- of being a "too United Stat U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 33 1 The Indian Governm to cut the price of petrol bv one anna (about four W van cents" a and that paraffin oQ bv one and a half annas a gallon.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 29 1 The Foreign Ministers of the five Brussels Pact natiors —Britain, France. Be). the Netherlands, and Luxembourg will meet ill Brussels on April 16 and 17.— U.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 r m HOT CROSS BUNS 10 c each Place your order NOW COLD STORAGE BAKERY
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    • 45 1 PHOTOGRAPHS tor ALL OCCASIONS Indoor or outdoor fry NEW REX PHOTO STUDIO NO 1. MWtM PI ME S^PORf- •A ~fy fcp JL fit STILL The Best Cigarettes in the World $T4TE (xpress 555 1 ja^^ Jf) HaiMif»ctMre^ in LONDON %^^frfi<^r by MOATH TOBACCO CO ITO.
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  • 671 2  - A Fantastic War Episode PETER QUENNELL Reviews new books in U.K. T a distance A foreigners sometimes complain of Britain's national solemnilv At closer range il is our frivolity and juvenile irresponsibility that often disconrerl them. Consider, for instance, adventures described in the 111 Met by loonlight, not bv the
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  • 101 2 Conspiracy of Silencr. by Ewan Butler. <Hodder and Stoughton. B.s. 6d. I Recommended thriller, efficient and fust-moving Crime and conspiracy ayamst a cosmopolitan backcloth. Abide With Mr. by CYdric Belfrage. 'Seeker and Warburg. 10s 6d I Evelyn Waugh has not satisfied your appetite for jokes about American burwlcustotns,
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  • 550 2 fWlf/FRI X\!>. Andre Siegfrird (ape. The author examines Switzerland in the geographira: hfctorir*l economic and political a^pecus Bv no means uncritical. he tski whether Switzerland's I rahHy 1 i< still \alid in the twentieth cenTHE HOI RS AND THE AGFS. Edward Nicholas. dolUn.i. A history of America from
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  • 265 2 COUNT FOI.KK HERNADOTTE Hl!> LIFE AM) WORK By Ralph li.'.vins T)URING the final weeki of the war in Europe a name not hitherto widely known flushed suddenly Into ine news It was iha <;f the head of the Swedish Red Cross. He was at ihut time
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  • 36 2 The Federal Employment e in Australia is looking for 107.000 men and n to fill jobs of all kinds. This is the hi| number of vacancies the service since the middle of last year
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  • 615 2 'A.J.A.'—Man of Mystery ROBERT OTTAWAY ON BOOKS AJ. A. SYMONS was a displaced person of the between-wars world He missed his period. He should have been born into the fastidious, overcharged atmosphere of the literary nineties. Leaving school at fourteen to work a 12--hour da v for a fur dealer,
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  • 321 2 rHE second part of A the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society's Journal for 1950 will be published on Monday. It is devoted to a series of extracts from the manuscript records of the East India Company. These have been selected to illustrate the early commercial history
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  • 211 2 WHY, WHY, WHY? I LOVED YOl' ONCE By S P. B Mais time ago I asked O how <me ought to raie a thriller which keep> one entertained up to the very end and then lets one down with a very disappointing solution of the mystery. Now I should like
    A.P.  -  211 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 35 2 Esther writes a new play M I I I var Q fl I I I H I I Officr W lar.c fl ed JM W R N fl I I I I I. II uilsOM
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 v Choose your E.istcr bonn. t from Ml shipment just opened at Vanity. Wide range of hats for every occasion little tailored h.its ♦me str.iw? ,ind cocktul bats Z MAYNAftO IBUtIDINC 1 11, BATTERV ROAD. I forlsl^rq
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    • 64 2 SMITH'S CLOCK* The Ideal Gift. Luminous Travel iM\> \B r L* (f Colours. S 4^* ft A Really Practical Attractive Git From Leading Jewellers Clock Stockists SMITHS At.KNT: P.O. BOX KTI. N< U>< K I S# I To DOCTORS and DISPENSARY MENLEY JAMES medk al now crs B Benzedrine Imiex
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 280 2 New Crossword No. 9 I t r 1 1 i I Cl IIS tCKOSS 2. 7. A gratuitoui entry 'i j 4 h. Not a suhject of ancestor worship '<>>. 9. Peed up !:ke this girl <4>. Id Lota may be offered at them (5). 13. Bhelter lui the American
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    • 108 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR D(>KN today, you have a strong, rugged personality. You mean to live your own life in your own way without any interference. This individuality is all right if you do not carry it so far that ><>u become anti-social at lin:*s. You have a decided scientific trend
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    • 175 2 your mental pwctm s Vou women. espetialh. are very popular with niemhers of the »»pposile •ex. Vou have natural ta^te when it comes to clothes and mi^ht make a good designer. Fond of your own lion e and family you prol>ahh mill br n.,-^( \«m Wt4 at ui v Vou
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  • 273 3 EQUALITY FOR 'GOD'S CHILDREN' Untouchables still a problen ¥VniA NEW DELHI, Thursday. NUIA i s learning that it will take more than a clause in the Constitution to raise its 60,000,000 l ntouchables to equality with their fellow citizens in the new Republic. v, i N ?i^ wili more ws
    A.P.  -  273 words
  • 157 3 VIENNA, Thursday. S 'JK ndet Korda's film, "The Third Man," has a mixed reception here, its birthii a general chorus of praise of has been hailed throughout the of the artistic masterpieces of the year plea of all nations talking of Vienna, expressed dissatisfaction with some
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 pnoto. i *he youngest guest at the Iranian Year reception in the embassy in D, trots U) the embassy stairs wearing e Lydi. aged 3*i. was one of many who celebrated the birth of their The Iranian New year besir.s Spring. A.P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 49 3 piUNCESS MARGARET 1 on Tuesday smoked an after luncheon cigarette from a silver cigarette holder at a reception by the Mayor of Warrington (Lanes.). It was the first time the 19-year-old Princess had lighted up at an official function, although she has smoked in public before. A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 56 3 RAILWAY chiefs from Britain's African colonies are meeting Colonial Office officials In London to discuss plans for standardising all railway rolling stock in British Africa. Delegates to the London conference. Including observers from Ceylon and Malaya, will not make decisions, but will take back observations and
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 30 3 The 7,000-ton Canadian freighter Argovan, with a I cargo including 75 surplus United States Army tanks for the Chinesp Nationalists, has sailed from Vancouver for Formosa- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 35 3 CLOUDS HELD UP 'RAIN' I J came out three days' Me* York po- off to launch raiu-making 3 tipped amphl- sow dry ice I* iity in an depleted replane wu airvai cancelled, t* unfavourable A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 13 3 -vetnmenthas ntlon of its allowance ;or during the *i-j Per: 1, starting A.P.
    A.P.  -  13 words
  • 195 3 NEW YORK, Thursday. THE port of New York, for over a century the greatest in the Inited States, is steadily losing its supremacy, says the Wall Street Journal. Shippers are being lured to rival Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico ports by lower freight and handling
    A.P.  -  195 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 photo. The U.S.S. Guavina. the first American submarine to be rebuilt as an undersea oil tinker, ploughs through the sea off San Francisco. The extra bulge at left carries the surplus oil which can be suDDlied to anv type of ship, seaplane or oil station- A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 61 3 HONG KONG, Wed. rpHE Supreme Court yester--1 day rejected a second bid by Ma j. -Gen. Claire Chennault to take over 71 former Chinese Nationalist transport planes. The Court previously awarded the planes to the Chinese Communists. Gen. Chennault asked for an injunction to immobilize the
    U.P.  -  61 words
  • 27 3 Summer' time" will be observed in Britain from April 16 to October 22. British Summer Times runs o iiour ahead n Grpenwich Mean Time.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  27 words
  • 92 3 LONDON, Wednesday. j 'pwo New York firms and a Tangier bank, which have been fighting a long battle in the London courts against an order to forfeit diamonds worth £26.134. won their case on appeal yesterday. They will get the diamonds back. They were appealing
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  • 251 3 LEOPOLDVILLE, Belgian Congo. Thursday. A JECHAMSATION tends to encourage the Congo natives to become lazy. That is the verdict of the Belgian Congo's "Study Centre for Native Social Problems" given in a report on the reaction of the Congo native to mechanisation. The native
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • Article, Illustration
    249 3 ryEST was thankful that he had refrained trom doubling four diamonds and disclosing the two-suited nature of his hand, for South misplayed the trump suit. BeinK a devotee of the ''queen lies behind th»> Jack" school of finessing, declarer won the heart kin? with dummy's ace. discarded a
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  • 235 3 HONG KONG, Thursday. THE defection business which profited the Chinese Reds enormously for more than a year seems to be in a slump. There are not so many coats being turned these days and the majority of those being turned are no longer in the
    A.P.  -  235 words
  • 55 3 N.S. W. MINERS STRIKE \[INERS in eight New South Wales pits struck work on Tuesday against the stringent measures threatened by the Australian Governmen' against Brisbane dockers whose recent strikes have held up work of the port. At least 2 000 miners were idle and many thousands of tons of
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 80 3 PARIS V. DOCKERS were wor again yesierday in Frew i ports, where th«M: J4-»i I strike had held up over ships The strike wa> •>• te.s: aaainst the arre threp union leaders belonei jto the CommunLst-K-d I I < General Coi.federation >f Labour* in Marseilles la
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 3 Hi,, buildings oi th«- l§sl Festival of Britain mi Un» south bank of thr Thames. brtuef n N and ountv Hall iMgiß to take shape, i his p:rh»r»* was taken from thr lop of thr old Shot Tou<r. Initncdiat* Iv in front thr shell of the U (on.vrt flail is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 One body too many II'ORKERS at a Tokio crematorium o n IWliiV four»l the remains of two bodies where onlv one should hav e been. Police »re now investigating tn<> m^iprv A casket, reportedly containing the body of a tuo year-old bor. was burned in the usual manner, but when
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 122 3 SINGAPORE (BLUE NETWORK) 484 and 41.7 metres. Emergency news from K.L at 10 a.m. TODAY 10. a.m. News from Kuala Lumpur; 10.50 For the Schools; 12. Programmes in Malay 1. p.m. Light Music; 1.30 Time Signal Sc News; 1.45 Dance Music by Milton De Lugg Swing Wing; 6. Programme Summary;
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    • 132 3 (BBC); 4.55 "Composer of the Wtek" Cesar Frank; 5.15 "Sterling Value" (BBC); 5.33 Having a Wor.derful Crime" 3 'In Deep W'ter'; 6.00 Indonesian: News and Programmes (BBC); 630 News in Cantonese (BBC); 6.45 "London Studio Melodies"; 7.15 News :n French (BBO; 7.30 English HalfHovr: News and Commentary. •Letter from Britain;
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    • 155 3 3illboard; 11-30 News Bulletin: 4 p.m. Music For T«atime; A. 30 News Bulletin; 4.40 Services Concert Hall; 5 Tops of the Hit Par&des; 5. 15 Talk: "Australia Today 5.30 As You Like It; 5- 50 Talk: 'Women's Newsletter"; 6 The Swing Show presented by Milton Stevens; 6 30 Overseas and
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  • 518 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, Mar. 30. 1950 CLEAR AND UNEQUIVOCAL liKLINOS unofficial though v are, of the shape participation of ally-born in the Pedei government iU] take, me opportunely. 11 may be more than Just a coincid- < !iat the outline ol .rl" tor the Fecit-: ti< n containing
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  • 943 4  -  G. WARD PRICE From YATUNG, Tibet: TRAVEL nowadays is mostly standardised. Aeroplane, ship, and train journeys in any part of the world are much Ihe same. Bui in Tibet von gel right back to the Middle Ages and revert to the conditions
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  • 105 4 I UNIVERSITY education in Japan Us apparently considered a handicap. Business men in Tokio are threatening to have nothing to do with Japiine&p University students who graduate and apply to them for jobs. A correspondent was told by one department store director that the students many of whom
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  • 763 4  - NAIROBI IS NOW A CITY Dudley Hawkins 3y NAIROBI: THE hammers will nol slop lapping for long on Ihc grey stone skv scrapers rising towards the tokilt East African skv when, today, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester present to the Mayor ;m<l !ouncil of Kenya's capital, Nairobi, the Royal
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  • 930 4  -  POLITICO By THHERE is little chance that Britain's dockers will take any heed ol Moscow's order to refuse to handle cargoes for Malaya Though Communism has permeated into the hierachy of the dockers" union, there is not much sympathy among th^ rank and file. People in
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  • 13 4 Bunkum Or Beauty? IS MOuEßty 1 I I I i j u I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 5 4 Iff y<xck yk Sm.*~- ts\
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    • 129 4 K OAITE PAJ I llie liOndon Philburn b> Ffrem Kurtr I ID WARSAW CONVERTO Pianoforte with thr Conducted by Muir I CORNISH RHAPSODY I B Harriet Col)er i= Och conducted tv Hr:h*"t LONDOM PAVTAStA C Columbia lu^tht Sfmphcmj i 1 C Charles Wilhnnui irittl 5 Pmno YEOMEN OF THE GI'ARD
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  • 245 5 S'PORE TO HAVE NEW BIG INDUSTRY Plyzwod project to cost millions Free Press Staff Reporter MULTI-MILLION dollar plywood industry, capable of an annual production of 12,000,000 square feet or more of plywood, will commence operations in Singapore early next year. The industry will give employment to a large number of
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 picture. pLAITS bobbin?, trousers fluttering and ropes whirling M. three competitors iash off to a «ood start in the skipping race in yesterdays Combined Malay (lirls SthooU Sports Meet in Singapore Free Press
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • 34 5 BIG CITY SEWER SCHEME 11, SUfl Krportrr i a total stallatooi sewon M .r.Uipal mineral- projproved I O.OiK) extra I se. sounded thai kx n vided for The makes Imding and v e* $109.-
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  • 199 5 Ex-leper is taught a trade Free Press StafT Reporter A 22-YEAR-OLD Chinese youth who was recently cured of leprosy with the new Sulphone drugs is today being taught how to learn his living at a trade school in Singapore. The youth, who was given a peg leg by the Social
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  • 326 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THK young girls of six and seven at the Singapore Combined Malay Girls' School Sports Meet made clothes history yesterday. They wor e slacks. For th e first time, little girls of Singapore's Malay schools cast off their cumbersome skirts and donned
    Free Press  -  326 words
  • 28 5 Mr R. Middleton-Smith has b^en appointed Assistant Commissioner for Labour. Singapore, and Mr A. G W. Coleman has been appointed acting Secretary to the War DamaßP Commission.
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  • 243 5 Free Press .Malay Correspondent \I.\L.\Y women in the Federation are still angry over a statement published In the London Sunday Pictorial that ."Malay women are training young «irls to be prostitutes. They continue to blame >liss Josephine Foss of the ."Malaya branch of the Colonial
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  • 118 5 TWENTY-FOUR entries Lave been received from B gapore dog owners for a dog show to be held by ihe Scottish Terrier Association of Malaya, at 166. Mount Pieajsant, on Saturday at 330 I p. in. The proceeds of Ihe siile of catalogues will be forwarded to
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  • 215 5 Progressive Pa»iv at its annual general meeting last night decided to admit aliens as associate Siers. They will not. however be entitled to vote or to h( ln only Brltjjh J subjects or British protected persona could become mem-., bers j Revlewtof the past vear, Mr
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  • 118 5 F.P. Chinese Correspondent TWENTY thousand Chinese 1 school children will be given a cinema treat by 15 1 theatres in Singapore on Children's Day, April 4 The Children Day Proi gramme, sponsored by the Singapore Chinese Schools" i Association, will include a meeting celebrating the event
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  • 308 5 Free Press Staff Reporter J7OKO, the male orang utan who sold flags last mimth in aid ol the Singapore Girls' Hom e building fund may be given awa\ to ain nttlltll institute in the Inited Kinq.N>m which may tare to ask for it.
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  • 150 5 Free Press Staff Reporter INSURANCE premiums and the "restricted cover" of post-war policies will be discussed by the Singapore branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya at its annual general meeting at the Adelphi Hotel on April 5. An official told the Fre e Press
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 5 The memberi of the B ard Tr be Singapore vement Trust art- Mr Chan Bre. Mr R Renton Mr. E. Galistan. Mr A. P Rajah. Mr P J J and Mr. Chin Cl ft t ng. SQIADRON leader RE. Wolley. Senior Medical Officer at Seletar RAF station who
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  • 32 5 S.P.C.A. OFFICERS ELECTED Fret- Pn-^s Staft Krportrr Socier\ Cruelty to A <dent Ml I eommi Mr. T H I rt Mr G H K;. i M. H V R. E. I net
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 are a pleasure u- -> t u^t/ ytyjL VB a pnvdege te Sitik Mj SANDEMAN PORT AND SHERRY SIME. DARBY CO.. LTD. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Everything on the Counter $1.20 per yd. Plain American Shantung. Plain and printed Jersey Silks. Plain and printed Celanese Silks. Plain coloured Silk Rayon Pique. Plain
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  • 156 6 MALAYA'S FOREIGN TRADE GAINS $25 million in I two months Free Press Staff Reporter pOR the first two months of 1950 Malaya has a favourable trade balance of nearly $25} million— exports totalled $354,486,161, and imports $330,003,069. Among Malaya's main buyers in February were the United States with $42,875,219, the
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 6 Picture. OVER 450 Girl Guides. Brownie s Guides Commissioners from the various States and Settlements in the Federation attended a parade at King's House on Satv- of th e presentation of the Silver Fish to Mrs. A. W. Pinnick. Chief Commissioner for Girl (iuides, Federation and Singapore, by Lady Gurney,
    P. R.  -  82 words
  • 65 6 THE London tin market e In U -THin session v»--ed £2 to £591 15s. and 'hree months gained to £594 17s 6d. rurncver for the day v..>% 110 tons. Closing prtoea were: Spot tjyii bnyera ar.d £592 sellers, with btiainess a; £591 three months CSD4 Irs
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  • 87 6 THE Presidtßt of the Singapore Municipality, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, has sent a cable of greetings to the Nairobi City Council. Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is being raised today to the status of a city, the first to achieve that status by a Royal Charter.
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  • 480 6 Dull opening to new trading LONDON, Thursday. PIIK new trading period, which began in the London Stock Exchange yesterday, will be of three weeks' duration, covering the Faster holiday and ending on Budget day. This, says Renter*! financial correspondent, is sufficient to keep market business at a low level. The
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  • 69 6 AFTER an active ttrv h terday. tbc New York i>t(H k E han«e advanced becorrective proOt-i 1 nand and well <'.. i gauis of up to us »i were reduced to fractional cha: h r way. In 'he afternoon dMUßgai were :..rtinly fractional either uav Profit -taking
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 214 6 S'PORE CHESS RESULTS TJ. Alurne enters the lasi round in the tttngaporc cbc pionshlp for the Boon Keng Cup half a point ahead of Dr. Llm Kul; Ann. As Aiierne has beaten Dr Mm he rcQulrea onl] <j:u a to win tlie ;p. The draw ls P Aherne M
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  • 19 6 lIMKLMEU) Trinity beat i? Hudd»-rstt»*ld by 15 poiirs to six In a Rußby^ League flxUue yesterdiiy.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 331 6 among tne Indonesian i«.ayers. have the men who wculd real: good team and 1! rn to do Ming In front of goal, they might b*- a threat to the b*»st of the Senior Division teams. INDONESIA L*a£Ue went down 5—1 to tne Chinese Athletic in
    331 words
  • 70 6 OXFORD UniT< rsity ft day beat Cambridge Un!--ity in the annual Intcr- ity golf match on the Royal Lytham and St. Ann*-s irte, St. Ann^s'Lancashir Oxford won the singles p |ed over 36 holes by six games to three with one halved, giving them victory in
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 47 6 RL(i Hur: >pr::ii cy ".ishman to hold that title, was presented with :he "Sportsman of the trophy, donated by the SportIng Record magazine, al n in London last night The presentation was made 3V the Minister of Health. Mr \neurin Be van. Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 GP£NS TODAY 11 ?.m.: 1.45; 4.15 H IS X: %M p.m. Bof* AHMSea.M What A fteamboat lie's Traveling jj,jjM<%yj Hope is y funnier ~MIbNIGHT SAT! SONCS!fW!KISfES! TECJ-tNICOLOR. i XATnRTM CRAYSBM JOSE ITURBI J L.EMI BSIKIfMCdt KEuiMi -IiHIUIHj MJiimJiijn <<**17S r ODAY 1 45. 4.15; 6.45 9.30 p.m. DAVID FAR RAR
      73 words
    • 193 6 h FAR -EAST PREMIERE rODAy> CAPITOL 11.00 1.45 4.00 6.30 -V^ 77/iv b /7'. I he pi,!: (ih'>ut. Ju\irJ about t nui STROMBOLI IMB b\ rko mm i ttj SUfTffNg BERGMAN ROSSF» !Ni ah ran iM s 5 Vl I p To And Inrludn ADDED ATTRACTION 7£ ed A
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 7 pu ture. his >>kf \hi- > i i Broun id Ong SintaDore's best Press
    Press  -  13 words
  • 45 7 Oily, wedd.- l Khan. In 'he run 1 a 6 to rylnf tit keti ■aa a Boa a short Re i l tarai i i oiid not J extra the in a on ted oid not see her horse I Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 222 7 Best timing for three furlongs From ALLAN LEWIS FrnAn D-j JPOH. Thursday. DOR ride (J. Donnelly) did the outstandnr^nf f P thc trainintr tr:uk h^ this morning From a standing start, he ran three forlong, mi, 1 5 se<-«nds_ a winning S aH«p tor a
    222 words
  • 517 7 Brown, th e Australian Davis Cup player, after disposing of Yadi, the Singapore champion' 6-0 in M minutes, was thoroughly extended by Ong Chew Bee in the second of his exhibition matches at the S.C.C. courts yesterday. It took Brown 34 minutes to beat Ong
    517 words
  • 28 7 picture. GeofT Brown (lefti ihahrt handv with Yadi aft^r beating the Singapore champion 6 o in last evening's tennis exhibition at the S.C.C. courts. Free Press
    Free Press  -  28 words
  • 344 7 Useful spurts on Ipoh track rjiffl I >!>urt> in the straight were put in by horses :i Saturday at this morning's track B the Ipo»i racecourse. Übj \rthur iHealey). working alone, and _ether with Moncade (Tulloh) wo furlongs. Mascotte 'Dunu howevf r. did not impres* when spurting two In 28.
    344 words
  • 152 7 RAF Changi cricket XFs T> A F. Changi cricket teams for this week end are: SATURDAY .2 15 pm.i v. Y.MC.A. at Baleatier Road F Lt Buckland <capt.» F Lt. Vaughan. F O Cut. Sgt Hutchinson Sgt Bagshaw Sgt Henderson. Nav Copley. Sgt. Hules. Cpl. Mucheil. Cpi. Short. LAC. Morgan
    152 words
  • 38 7 GEORGE n\M». elder brother of Alfie and lUvr will arrive in Steffipore b> air from tastrmHa thiN afternoon. G— rgt. who is a junior welterweight. will most probably fight Bobby Njoo early next month.
    38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    8 7 I first learnt to ride on a merry-go-round.'
    8 words
  • 74 7 THE following are ihis week's fixtures in the Singapore Cricket Association's tournament: Senior section: S.C.C. IR.A.F. >Seletar». B.C.C. ground: S.R.C. v S.C R.C S.R.C ground; CSC. V T.v. S.K.A. ground. Colonials v RAF. iChangli at Changi. Junior section: C.Y.M.A St. Theresa v R.O.V. Spors jClub. C.Y.M.A. ground:
    74 words
  • 49 7 The following: will represen; B O D.C.A. in a friendly game of soccer against the B.C F.A. on Friday at Si Georges Road Ground: Osman Aneullia Barnes. Samad. Krisnasamv. Jabn; P I-oper. S. T. Loo. If. Sinjrh: Balan. Chye Hee. Zam Zam: Cr»wee Leng. Talib. Hassan: Ham-
    49 words
  • 50 7 MIDDLEWEIGHT champion Jake Lamotta -168 lbs.'. battered Chuck Hunter Into submission in 59 seconds ol the sixth round in a non-UUe fight in Cleveland on Toesdaj ni Referee Jackie D*vl« iT ed Lamotta a technical knockout after Hunter had been down for a count- U.P. A.P.
    U.P.; A.P.  -  50 words
  • 191 7 BANGKOK SOCCER 'LOW PRIMITIVE' THE Hong Kong Footbail Asa d»tton has let loose a double oarrelled blast^ at Saigons atrocious n.anr.ers and Banfkok« iow standard of play. A repon on Ibfl r«ctut tour through South-East Asia ol a Hong Kong elevep charjed that Saigon football officials had "humiliated" to* •isitir^
    A.P.  -  191 words
  • 169 7 A SELECT group of cricketi\ers will be entitled to wear a new tie produced by the Marylebone Crickel Club. Some time this week these ties are being sent to 144 cricketers who have played for England in a home Test match. Two of these
    A.P.  -  169 words
  • 50 7 (CIVILIANS were beaten 3-1 ■> bv the Services In The j first annual post -war polo [match at the Singapore Polo Club ground yesterday Scorers for the Services were: Lt.-Col. C. R. Spenc-r I «2» and Lt.-Col. G. C. Graham C H Tilley scored the Civilians' onlv
    50 words
  • 27 7 ST THOMAS Hospital beat London Hospital bv i points to six in the final of the Hospitals Cup rugby union competition at Richmond yesterday.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 159 7 J^IVERPOOLS win MM) from home }e*terd»T improved their rhanre* in the Fnglith I *-M«ur Div. 1 championship as it took thetn to within two points of Manchester I niled. the present leaders It increased the diKComfimir of their beaten opponents. Manchester Citr, who were leading at
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 387 7 H.K. ENVIES MALA YA THE LURE OF BADMINTON OUCCESS of Malayan players is pr«»of that "the physical build of the Asian makes him ideal* f or the sport of badminton. That is the firm coin it -turn of Argonaut, a sports writer for the Hong Kong English-language newspaper. China Mail.
    A.P.  -  387 words
  • 77 7 ii'J K.lll S „r the H. "Derby** m»*r a mile Hid i h.tif for ci. l i>-\ l horse s n \pril 10 ai 1[ it. Ml! I H U I I OKII M g I IVOI Kill I n\<.( Ii Wll'v ii n spcab IWOK IMM
    77 words
  • 275 7 15 NEW HORSES CLASSIFIED f^IFTEEN muit new In r ;,a\f been cla^.r.K. the Straits RactllC tlion They BQfnptiM one in eight in Class 2 >.x Cass 3. Ce. one o: the i expensive horse* impound into Malay* since The Kni been deleted He ha* th j inclination to race. n.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 40 7 THF I SINGAPORE REPERTORY f INVITES YOU TO MEET by Brandon Thomas A with i Phil Guard as "Babs" VICTORIA THEATRE Sat. April Ist, 3rd, 4th, sth, 6th at 9 p.m t> Sunday April 2nd at 6.30 p.m fo L
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 46 7 Todays sport SOCCER: Snr. Lj*: Pulau Brani v. R.E.M.E. at Jalan B«aar: Jnr. AS: P I v. R. N. Rrpprl Barracks at detlang; Jnr. B2: Town Rangers v. Spore Med. Wl. at C.Y.M.A.; Kritndh Tiong Bahrn Rangers ustomt at Farrer Park. TENNIS: IMC. A. cham- pion«hips.
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 8 photo. I'his picturesque mode of transport contrasts strangely with the high-powered industrial exhibits within the halls at the Verona Fair first of the I^3o string of in international fairs which are attracting exhibitor* from most European nations.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 323 8 RED TROOPS SHOOT S'HAI STUDENTS Don 'tsend rice to Russia cry HONG KONG, Thursday. pORMOSAN reports that the Red Peking r regime had shipped over 1,000,000 tons of rice to Russia from the Yangtse Valley in the past year coincided with the disclosure yesterday that scores of persons were killed
    A.P.; Reuter; U.P.  -  323 words
  • 70 8 I.ONDON. Thurs IN the British note protesting to Russia im the withdrawal of the diplomatic rate of exchange for the rouble for foreign missions in Moscow, the Ambassador. Sir David Kelly, pointed out that the pri(> of sugar in Russia is Z$ times higher than
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 80 8 Chemurgy antiRed weapon THE science of chemurgy is a powerful weapon the Democracies can use against Communism and economic troubles, in the opinion of a Briton, Mr Edward W. Russell, who was formerly managing editor of the Morning Post < London Mr. Russell said In Washington yesterday that chemurgy Ctftotet
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 150 8 WORLD RICE NOT ENOUGH FOR CHINA SEOUL. Thurs. INHERE is noi enough rice in the world market to supply Chinas needs in fight- ing her present famine, a US State Department official, Mr. Owen L Dawson, said here yesterday. Mr. Dawson. who spent 18 year* aj an agricultural ittMhl in
    U.P.  -  150 words
  • 81 8 TOKIO Thursday young Japanese, who claims he ha.s just ipent three months U reported yesterday That n than *****0 Japanese remain In ChJ be Red A Kvodo Newi ,:oh from Wakayama said the Pv are investigating the story of Sj- I suke Kociamh 21 -year-old
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 99 8 JAKARTA. Thur*. Representatives of Netherlands Hmh Coin: sioner have so far not ballowed to visit the Dutch detainees in Jakarta Jail. The Information Minis 1 <r s«id that the High Commissioners representative, provided «nn a special pass from the Preai or. had been refused admittance
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 16 8 The Burma Communist stronghold of Pylnmana li expected to fall within he next few days.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  16 words
  • 126 8 'U.S. GA VE CHINA TO REDS' WASHINGTON. Thurs. Patrick J. Hurley, warUme U.S. ambassador to China, declared thai the Rfd conquest of China ran be tiueed. to the Yalta agreements rather than to any tumbling by the Chinese NalUsl Government." Mr. Hurley added, '"our diploma's In secret agreement at Yalta
    A.P.  -  126 words
  • 97 8 CANBERRA, Thill MR W. S. KENT-HUGHES 'ins. > told the Australian House of Represer/a::v«-4 here that he would rather minion thr Commonwealth i^ lending to Burma "thrown Into the sea than have it used to suppress loyal World V like the Karens." Rather than and equipment
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 18 8 A fire in Akita, Northern Japan, wiped out 59 dwellings leaving 78 families homeless.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 142 8 Reds can fly army to Siam' 71 PLANES FOR PEKING WASHINGTON. Thursday. 'PHK 71 Chinese planes released by the Hong Kong 1 Supreme Court for delivery to Red China will enable Peking to transport 21,000 troops a day "against Formosa, Siam or Burma," Senator William Knowland declared yesterday. Accusing Britain
    U.P.  -  142 words
  • 55 8 HONG KON(;. Than, AN American seaman on *~V a ship entering harbour (cfrp/ionrd (he China Mail to sar he had see n thrre Vying firrhalls" which disappeared into the clouds The China Mail railed the Honr Konjf observatory and various other look-outs It ascertained nobody else saw
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 64 8 'Odds are on war lord VansltUrt. former j Chief Diplomatic Adviser to the Government, said In London yesterday that it was his considered judgment that the odda were on a Soviet war of aggression rather than against it. 'All my life I have never .se.Mi any naUon preparing for war
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 54 8 ASIAN PICTURE ALARMS IKE QENERAL Dwi-hf Eisenhower said yesterday in Washington that he was "very disturbed and alarmed" about the Communist advances in Asia. Gen. Eisenhower told the Senate Appropriations Committee that the picture in Asia is "very discouraging" and suggested that Congress carefully consider "both economic and military help"
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 14 8 The Burmese Premier. Thakin Nu. will visit London soon A. P.
    A.P.  -  14 words
  • 124 8 I "THt: Tnited Nations Trust eda resolution by 7 vot tions, that whipping b e ab( ries as soon as possible. The British delegate. Mr John Fletcher Cooke, abstain- ed because, he said, the resolution was "impracticable." An earlier proposal aiming at the immediate
    A.P.  -  124 words
  • 23 8 British roal production for the first 12 weeks of 1950 is 743,600 tons more than the corresponding period last year.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 47 8 TWO American Indian youths paddled towards safety in bathtub when the Onondaga Dam overflowed zvnd flooded their home. But the plus: came loose and the tub sank. The youths climbed a tree hanging over the water and were rescued from there.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 183 8 LAO KAY, French [Mo-ChinA, Thursday. I AO KAY is France's military Shangri-La. For more J than sixteen months this French military outpost, key to Indo-China's defences, has been surrounded by Communist-led Yietminh rebels. Boxed in by 10.000 foot peaks, its onlv links with the world
    U.P.  -  183 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 302 8 r \(i.V(;i MENT CHAI-WONG: TT.e engagement meed between Chai Hon < eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Ah Nim. of ».oh. and Won>? Moi. third daughter of Mr. A: Mrs. Won? Yew. of Seremban. TUITION BEGINNERS. April: Gregg. P r Typing, B'keeping Si Acety, English, Latin. French Running: Senior. Matric. Pre■f
      302 words
    • 234 8 Healthy People keep their m^T^b^U 1m I°° w9a "W 1 teeth the tnom (Pfql| P««te to get h the Peronde u,^ J^^^J^J ptite— Macleans Peroxide Toota X^3F jH the dentifrice with tie b^Mi \TT&**Ja B in Great Britain. This HBTw^^U ncallj prepared to do tupremelv well I Vfefl til thit
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 36 8 HliiH TIDES Today: 1M nm. 9. .V"> p.m. Tomorrow: 5.41 a.m. 10.17 p.m. THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris Prti.:ed aad f._:i*u©a b, ue^nwid AJexandei Chruuau Will* at tho Offict ot tb« atraiu ii^ei Piess Ltd^ Cecii
      36 words