The Singapore Free Press, 21 March 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 162 1 Precautions in S 'pore afja; fafja f Regarding the expenditure on fuel and oil the Committee lays thai when the 1949 estimates were prepared m March 19 13 it hoped that $155,120 would be sufficient foi the year. This was baaed oo a gradual drop
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 The .lohore Bar Committee gavt a farewell dinner last night to Justice 1.. V. J. I aville. who is leaving for the I'nite-d Kingdom on Friday.
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  • 8 1 SUM Krp<»rter Mined
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  • 13 1 Medals for Malayan security men A t I Indian 1 forces Mid Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • 30 1 Ml tu\ motion d -e^ts ipp the I egisliiu ntormiu d from lh<* (.ovrrnihu W4x not p;>os:tiuu The i, state*, tuition in M the d»-l>.il^ thf >erre--i roloni^s
    30 words
  • 217 1 Free i'kv, St.tlY Keptirter TIIF IS I. (iovernmtnt's action in halving the vulue of the Indonesian Guilder has created uncertainty in Sin«-a;iort markets. Traders have only a hazy idea of what to expect, especially in the price of Indonesian rubber. The U.S.I Economic Adviser in Singapore,
    217 words
  • 32 1 A:. I ion ye^eriiay np- wims and a fuel k of the six-engined Xi'--99. the viiiki's largest mi 11 ie Injuring eight the U.S. All Force An'unio T- x A.P.
    A.P.  -  32 words
  • 124 1 HONG KONG Tues. liHE Chinese Communist* have blocked a nia^s evaluation of 1.600 American* and other foreigners from China by a iast minute refusal to let two landing craft reach Shanghai. Meanwhile, the landing craft have been ordered to remain at sea and the American
    Reuter; U.P.  -  124 words
  • 68 1 REMINDER TO U.S. IN TOKIO I^HK bcof Commander. M O"t. H Robinson. br»;»c* easting on ihe American Armed Forces network from Ratuo Tokio yesterday, decla tnat many member* of the American occupation aie not aware of M thc Commonwealth*! tremendously important role in the over-all occupation of Japan." Gen Robertson
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 29 1 Sophocles Veniielos. leader of the Greek Liberal Party. said last night he expected Marshal Tito WM moving towarda closer collaboration and friendship between Yugoslavia and Greece.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 31 1 The King, who had been suffering from a chill since Friday, was sufficiently w»-ll yesterday to entertain (he Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia. Sir Godfrey Huggins, at lunch. U.P.
    U.P.  -  31 words
  • 167 1 ARMY LABOUR REPORT READY Free Tress StafT Reporter 'VUK report of the Commission of Inquiry, headed by Mr. W. J. Neden of the Ministry of Labour in the Inited Kingdom, sent to Singapore to review the arrangements for dealing with conditions of work of civilian employees of the Services, will
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  • 39 1 RANGOON. Tue.s. rOUNGOO. held by the Ka rens since February 1949. has been retaken by the Burma Army, it was officially announced here last utght. Tlie Karens withdrew without resistance, leaving the city iniact, A .P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 27 1 A Foreign Otlice spokesman said in London that Britain hi\(.\ no information on report* that Russia planned lo return the Kuriles island! to Ja{jau.
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  • 87 1 LONDON, Tuesday. OXFORD-EDUCATED Sereise Kham i, h f-design-ite of li i> Bamangwato tribe, cancelled his air passage bark Africa Hr will wait tor the British Government's White Paper explaining why he wa^ exiled from hi.* tribe for fivr s An »W i-he Afrcan Chie. WhOM
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 27 1 Hindus an i Muslims daslitd on Suui -«v i ight in (he old city of P Two people were kiil^a ind 10 injuied.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 27 1 Lord Bm&h -y and othei members of a British industrial missiuti have left Karachi in their own chartered Viking aftei three weeks In Pakistan. A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
  • 309 1 Free Press Staff Reporter VI K. C. Tan, Progressive Party leader in the Singapore Legislative Council this morning called on the Government to honour a pledge for more elected seats on the Council. Mr. Tan was speaking on his motion that members elected by
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  • 70 1 LONDON. Tue» AI.ABOIK M P.. Mr. Harry Morris, resigned from Parliament yesterday in a sacrifice to open up a seat for a member of the Government Sir Frank Soskice. Solicitor General, who was Iwaten in the Feb. "!3 General Election. Morris won his seat by 19.006 in
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 5 1 fja fafaf
    5 words
  • 71 1 IWE Sind Chief Cotu Karachi has red iced *ro:ri two years \u tour morr prison pasted or Adam Smitii former Br'*is'i Director General ol Clvi. Aviation in the Pak ra. Ciovernment. Mr. Smith was convicted o f selling to a foreign firm with out government
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • 33 1 Protect orate The Indian Government annonnrpfi yesterday that a provisional agreement has been reached on the treaty whereby in" small Himalayan state of §ikkim will continue as a protectorate of India.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  33 words
  • 53 1 /iKRMANY will enter competitive >ports in England \J next month for the first time ttfaiec the war. Officials of the European roller fi^uri- tkaltag chainpionships annuuiued that Western Or ,:.«ny would k« Mie of six MMiiiUteg in the et>mpetitioa wUU'li run s three da>*, >t *r ting
    A.P.  -  53 words
  • 336 1 LONDON, Tuesday. \|R. John Strachey, the new War Minister, told Parliament yesterday that the British Government *a* determined to spare no effort to eradicate terrorism in Malaya. And his l T nder-Secretar\. Mr. Michael Stewart, admitted that more troops might
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 90 1 I>RIG A. C. Hedley. Commander of the Johore Sub-District *f .Malaya, his been appointed Is sin < eed Maj.-Gen. R E. trquhart as Commander «»c the Malaya Distrut and the 17th ((iurkl'.i Regiment) Infant: Division, the War Office announced last night. The appointment, effective n«'\t October,
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 60 1 liHL ti:.a. I >:a: d ports n year ".800.00 000 higher than in* IQM ■umthly average, bu: 120,200,--000 less than in exports were *ei the Boaru of T ade ed yes ei day Imports ve:^ value. £181.700.000. 500 000 i I in 'he January figire ano
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 9 1 U S Adminuf^ ported making A.P.
    A.P.  -  9 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 62 1 I GIFTS TO BE ADMIRED musf be perpetual, valuable serviceable. E f;'«7 r/K/w from: HANK A JEWELLERS^ I 20, Battery Rd., Spore. r ,«r X X X mI IsßßMfct. I l mmmm^ ]>. mm mmm m hmm 'f v v> IMmm\ fl I ■rJ K^ HI SKiSpi ■■IB UBS Evi
      62 words

  • 469 2 The 'Streamline' Look Now By A Special Correspondent GENERAL VERDICT from the Paris dress collections— you will have to slim down considerably if you want the fashionable streamlined figure of the ire. I can see a return to the slimming and dieting craze if the fashion really catches designers do
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  • 182 2 MILLINERS ar- .showing hats that range from thimble size to vast, .should-er-spanning creations. And the rule is. "The later in the day. the bigger the brim." Equally Important: Hats an- taking a forward tilt and pu 1 the milliners in a flur: There are tiny huK-the-head
    182 words
  • 145 2 Some of the trends from the Paris Spring collections are here illustrated. Left: an afternoon ensemble in black crepe with do;:ble cape in natural shantung. Centre- a tailored suit in which the woollen skirt continues under the jacket to form a waistcoat with lapels. Mgtit: a tailored
    145 words
  • 162 2  - WHAT YOU WILL WEAR IRIS ASHLEY kFTLR spending two week* solid watching the Paris dress shows, here is what you will undoubtedly be icearing duriny the corning season. sriTS mth loriQ beeon Or collars and ihor' ti^ht skirts. DAY DRESSES of light uith 1 h ret- Quarter sir, pet and
    162 words
  • 226 2  - U.S. WOMAN'S DIARY KAY MURRAY fja;f afjaf THE question parents a^k her most frequently, says Dr. Dorothy Baruch. child psychologist, of Los Angeles, is: 'What shall we do about discipline?" To which she replies: "Spank if you must, but realise that the only good coming out of it is relieving
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 162 2 CAMEO BEAUTY SALON (AIR-CONDITIONED) 438, ORCHARD RD. (Corner Orange Grove Rd.) For appointments Phone 6050 Cool comfort and fc jL A long lasting curls r^- that snap— spring *£tis sparkle are the t&v^ results from professional >v 11 lenr urtis C old Waves havt never be*n l^gr^ cijudl'rd for soft,
      162 words
    • 86 2 FELT \HATS Ta Ho red or Ck u Choobe from a ne\* collcrtion of the lat -I itj h and i ilo»rs PMCEB FBOM $12.50 Ladies Millinery Dept. First Floor ROBINSONS RAFFLES PLACE S PORE J J IOO^C RAD/ANT V~, \V\V I Tf IN RECORD TIME. ft VV/7H -ft £L/ZA6£TH
      86 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 237 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR JJORN today, «ruth is the keystone of your personality. You cannot endure subterfuge of any kind and you will go to great lengths to get facts. Kindly, considerate of others and fair toward all mankind, you have good judgment and a clear understanding of all human affairs.
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    • 160 2 New Crossword No. 1 CUES ACROSS I. Flying squatters (7). 5. Jokers cape? <3K 7. Theatrical gun Kirl cd>. 8. Does he drink like a fish? <5). 9. Informal, gratis and facile <4. 3, 4). 11. Castle mistresses talks about a girl (11). 13. Wrinkled money bag 15. Exclusive coal
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    • 30 2 Solution To Crossword No. 948 DIBOO KiJlAlClKlETti -oijAMoHoHFg NioiRJT h JnMIMBT-. K I D K^ LEASE A WM^m^m^J_o u r TROUPE RjH|Ai[3 E R teioc kc a-keMi'Me HaßlßsHaßsp a Fire.echurchHd
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  • 84 3 NO SPEEDY RECOVERY FOR JAPAN New book tells of prospects LONDON. Tuesday. JAPANS recovery remains dependent upon a very considerable expansion of her foreign trade. This, in turn, awaits stability and recovery in a ll Asia, for Japan cannot recover in a Far Eastern vacuum. That is the conclusion reached
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 40 3 n IN KK INCISCO, Tuesday. onimuMiNts arp m<>\ iu K in on another custom Jnd turning it into a sound- for t li«-ir ide^s. ddi generally a lavish atTair. -port, the ceremony discussion interrupted by A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 3 photo. Th^ British Foreign Minister. Mr. Ernest Kevin talks to a young mother on a vhit to his constituent v in the London borough of East Woolwich. A. P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 30 3 Jj; a jolic uion for adHi to the Internatton&J Wht-a- Agreement has be*»n ned uniil a session of be Whear Council u> be held Julv 31 A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 16 3 C/f on -sponsored In- ilm Fesuval will eM in Prague from July July 31.
    16 words
  • 11 3 ihe r or in Reuter
    Reuter  -  11 words
  • 14 3 U.S. AID MAY DO HARM e 'oun■al incle•urased the aidsS in Pra •:d Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 8 3 rmed as B I a.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  8 words
  • 200 3 PERTH, Australia, Tuesday. \\TS. the tiny brown Argentine variety, are the big worrv of West Australia State today. The ants, thousands of millions of them, may become an election Issue in this state's election on March 23. Tiie Opposition Labour Parly bma CkM e
    A.P.  -  200 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 3 phoU spimOi students honoured the feast ftf their patron saint. Thomas Acyuinav with traditional iaaces and pamdki Here a sroup siri> In regional eostvnes march throiuh a Madrid >treet behind thp fla? of a univ«*r>ity music Club.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  38 words
  • 88 3 WASHINGTON Mon. MR Frank Goldman President of the Jew B'Rirh organisation. has railed for a halt in British arms shipments to the Arabs which he said. threatened tragic resumption oi the war in th<- Middle Eas: C tttinnation ol ship i wouirj force Israel
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 140 3 BELGRADE, lion. MR. EDWAHD KARDELJI, the Yugoslav Foreign Minister, said yesterday that the "hegemonlst tendencies' in Russian foreign policy were not strengthening the cause of peace in the world but "encouraging imperialism and aggression Speaking at the opening of a week of intensive campaigning for Yugoslavia's
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 7 3 U.S. TOLD 'CUT ATTACHES' tgjka fgag A.P.
    A.P.  -  7 words
  • Article, Illustration
    290 3 Yor •o find vourself up against a problem linear enough to b:<--e -a .1 ye handa ma 1 a hi* d:HV play only twenty rubber* •I a mei bbei will nvidifferenct <>f loonoo potnta m i d^id>'d to for .< .-pacip rufl m be opened the <*• and
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  • 58 3 I^LOODS fillowing I 1 rainfall in Central Aus tralia Interrupted the rail- ay line to the north, and me telephone line between Sydruy and Melbourne %vas cut by storm damage. Heavy luins in Bai Australia brought threat v in southern Now South Waies and north-eastern toria. More
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 32 3 Australia has had *ve:y imcouraging if suits" from attempts to grow jute on a commercial scale in Papua and New Guinea. Mi. Percy Spender. Minister for External Territories, announced
    32 words
  • 22 3 At least 30 people wei^ injured yesterday in a series of clashes throughout I'aly between and Communists Reuter
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 262 3 BANGKOK, Tuesday. T*HK man who went out on the limb to take a firm stand against ('ommunisni in behalf of a Siani precariously located in the centre of the Far East's cold wa r is the same Prime Minister who took his country
    A.P.  -  262 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 photo Full duthins stand in a Pa rib street at noon when a strike in the French capital spread to the carnage clearance service.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 129 3 ENGLISH GROWS POPULAR BELGRADE T MORE Y ore ha 1 n t-> laming English .->ince shal Tito broke with M be summer of 1948 aas now beconn I a craving wi'h th m G W Davis. 50-y»a!-o!d *r-haired of i at the Bniish COWICII I said. Mr Davis a v
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 47 3 Tiie U S Navy Beer i Staler "mav have I ps j fearful pnr" LO Ml challenge of p a£»r.' tmk Sp I Friend of S I Klftvement i I body tq 'he world's p e of 1 i diclfttors Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 8 3 i forthcon Ing trln Mid;. A.P.
    A.P.  -  8 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 122 3 WHAT'S ON IN K.L. PAVILION: The Ol IMn Patch RFX: 6-irch For Daqgti OOEON: Batlegroutv'. COLISEUM: Jiggs And M<<^ie. and Joe Pilooka in Winner rake All. VEM S: last Of Tie Hedrr.en >lADKAS: Whispering BhadOlT. < ATHAY: Ihe Courr Dancer. HINDI SI AN: Do Dil. (K\ TK \l. Angerrflk Bulan
      122 words
    • 380 3 nuonnnnr (I»BC); 4;j."» -Composer of the Collec Houi Favourite;,, II Hablo bIrJvjArURL Week" Dvorak 1 5.15 -Common- I Casals icelloi: 1.15 Ausiralrtn t nttu vMinii'k wealth Survey" (BBC: s.3oiLight Music; 11.30 News Bulletin; (BLLt \hn\IJKK i -Twenty Years After -4 The'* Music For Teaume Louis Levy. 484 and 41.7 metres.
      380 words

  • 413 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, Mar. 21, 1950. SALUTE TO WOMEN lublilt] ofj Lsappeai In U the Legislative i the Iment, tabled for its today*! g of the Legislative ul.'.rh v lii make n eligib e for sen I na| be an ite, m eacter in tne I ken strong-
    413 words
  • 1194 4 Don Iddon's Diary NEW YORK: HAT with the cold war over the cold drink (.oca -Cola and the hot argument about the British ban on American comics, high politics had to step down for low fa ice. 1 am not a Coca-Cola drinker Or a comics reader, so I cannot
    1,194 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 4  -  OSBERT LANCASTER try as;fj;a faf
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 4 "Man Friday"— featured in the new spring collection of Paris designer, Pierre Balmain—is a beachuear outfit consisting of a black shantung jacket and shorts decorated icith black raffia. A green silk blouse is worn under the jacket
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  • 321 4 By A Special Correspondent RESEARCH that led 1V up to the discovery of the new wonder drug Cortisone solved a major mystery of rheumatism. It showed that heumatism develops because small glands near the kidneys fail to produce adequate supplies of the hormone Cortisone to cope with
    321 words
  • 847 4  - Red Colossus is Next Door R. HE WINS \T By l HELSINKI: /v\ paper it look* a pretty nerveracking situation for four million Finns to live alongside about 200 million Russians. Six hours from Helsinki, down the main road, is Leningrad, second city of the Soviet Union, and the main
    847 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 4 Floatinu ice makes operations difficult for these railway barges transferring freight trucks across the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York piers.
    23 words
  • 75 4 FORCED TO EAT MUD HONu K( Trt^VEi. 1 oi mm: China the wor ation whl assumed proportio: affecting 60 000.000 Official number ol announced I En-iai i I »re: al n T-3.000.000 not incite 6outh China.' Th< tral aiv f- huun \i oown to <Bucidh i i Th> fouiid
    U.P.  -  75 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 21 4 SPORTS TROPHIES i -3^s^^^ IN SILVER f P.N.S. |U. S. de MLVAI I t'vv tilers 1 106 ORCHARD ROAD i .••••>• iiiimiiuiiiiiiiiiiHiMHiiniiniii'
      21 words
    • 30 4 New Crossword IN response to readers' requests the Free Press today starts a new series of simpler crosswords on pace 2 Thr Editor would welcome opinions on the new crossword.
      30 words
    • 49 4 E«jif V&2 At most a meal in them M MOUNTAIN MAID FRENCH-CANADIAN PEA SOUP VEGETABLE SOUP 50 c a tin Sole agents in Singapore and Malava for Mountain Maid produ COLD STORAGE ORCHARD ROAD BRANCH Frr.vA Collection of Morning and Afternoon 82-1, Bras Basah Road Near Raffi es I*
      49 words

  • 255 5 No studies in Red China Free Press Staff Reporter £OMMUNIST domination of China's mainland has hampered the Singapore Government's plans to train its European officers in Chinese dialects. One proposal is to train them locally. Certain European education officers are to be given training
    255 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 5 pu-iure. .us Kb."i C.nnery of do not like rnd.n« .tins coin- thry ■n havr nthority. >ne Free Press
    Free Press  -  18 words
  • 126 5 Free Prvss Staff Reporter nnenti l>uty Ordinance, which will N tplemeni the* recommendations of the 1 unments Dutv Policy Committee. the Singapore Legislative Council this initialed in and exnti Duty r.pOSl- or n time ..Ml. to what is payment for admission. It also deals
    126 words
  • 114 5 Free Press Staff KtrporJcr MEMBERS of the Johore Bar CVcnmittee gave a farewell dinner to Mr. Justice L. V. J. Laville at the Royal Johore International Club last night. Mr. Justice Lav:ile. who icame to Malaya nearly 30 years ago, will bo tailillf on board the Canton
    114 words
  • 161 5 S 'pore needs moregranite supplies A N up-to-date survey of the a\ xranite resources of Singapore and its neighbouring islands is to be carried out with a view to discovering and mapping fresh sources of supply. The survey is necessary because available supplies on Singapore and 'surrounding islands are being
    161 words
  • 92 5 Free Press Staff Reporter KING Phumiphon Aduldet of Siam, guest of the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, for his one-night stay in Singapore, left Bukit i Serene last night for a dinner party at the Katong home of the Siamese Consul, Luang Ratanadib. With the
    92 words
  • 261 5 Free Press Staff Reporter IT EAT in the broadcasting studios and complaints "of noise by irate flat-dwellers in the Cathay building have made it urgently necessary for the Department of Broadcasting to instal air-condi-tioning equipment, which would also make the studios and control rooms sound-proof. The
    261 words
  • 316 5 Free Pre*-* Staff Reporter A 23 -year-old photographer told the Singapore Sixth Police Court yesterday how after he and his girl friend had been robbed at midnight whilst sitting on a park bench, he had caueht hold of one of the robbers only to have some pepper
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  • 222 5 YOUNG King Phumiphon of Siam is so passionately fond of music, both classica and jazz, that in the Royal suite aboard the Selandia musical instruments are conspicuous everywhere. In the Royal dining-room on the promende deck (formerly the ladies' powderroom) a beautiful little walnut piano,
    222 words
  • 733 5 SUNSHINE AS SIAMESE KING ARRIVES Free Press Staff K«* porter WITH brilliant Malayan sunshine glinting on her white hull, the Danish passenger liner Selandia drew alongside the Singapore wharf at 11.30 yesterday morning with- the homeward-bound young King of Siam. Phumiphon Aduldet, and his bride-to-be, Princess Sirikit, on board. The
    Free Press  -  733 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 145 5 t J^^K^B 1 Hi 1 5i i a J f x«tt colt— Curtain marerials* In jn excellent range of colours, patterned with 3:t!ve display of sprig flower design. 48 )n cover materials: ban the ?ay prints and florals, to the quiet yet cc- ,wns, Greens, Creys and Colds. flj O
      145 words
    • 138 5 LADIES trrr r 00# rfC NICHT ATTIRE PYJAMA SUITSA jacket fitted and belted. V v pointed collar and revers in attractive floral material. Vy A also on cuffs and pocket. Trousers with elastic waist- band or girdle, in Pink or Sky. \Rv Sizes: Medium and Large. As illustrated above PRICES
      138 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 55 5 MAILS Surface mail Ifl expected in Singapore today from Great Britain. N. Ireland. Eire. Europe, N rth and West Africa. West Indies, Esypt. Ceylon. Sibu, Sinn and (he Federation. Latest times for posting surface mail nt the G.P.O. today are: no n fur Australia and KeHntan (parcels only: 5.45 p.m.
      55 words

  • 169 6 Legislation for Council soon tgja gaga The report says this; In reference lo the approval by the Committee of a vole of $65,587 as Singapore's contri- bution to the Malayan Rubber Fund. This amount represents contributions which would have been collected from April 1.
    169 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 6
    0 words
  • 80 6 NFW YORK. 1 WITHDRAWAL of bu after id pu r bange to i peafcfl for the y-'.ir U I later yesterday Considerable <n!y developed during the afternoon and a a barply steady dose, the market was on b:*l mce mildly heid 'heir er >uri<i output
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 167 6 quotations of lemdinf hori in next Saturday s Grand National at Liverpool showed marked duct ion a' the Victoria Club call-OTer in London night. Thil was expected fallowIng the success of he;> supported Dramatic In the i Uncoliuhlre Handicap on Sa' urdav Bookmakeri k *^gtm
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 73 6 TTHt. net j In wr<\,tlirm. which b up by the genei i ieci t j n« Uj. Ttr— -'u-"q! Wind Association Mr. Roger Coulo: ■p» la i,. be ippliod II *hc <' wcrid ctaampion^htpg which bq Rtorkholm yritrrihij Tlie dfvlsiap. «m takpp I imo^Won a-\i
    Reuter; A.P.  -  73 words
  • 142 6 RUBBERS ARE IN GOOD DEMAND fjmaf afaf LONDON. Tues. F FAVOURABLE week-end press comments broiight in buyers of rubber shares on the Ix>ndon Stock Exchange yesterday Most issues added the firmness shown at the close last •k although aains were mostly small. Shatu buyers were undped by possibilities of .itT^rir.e^
    142 words
  • 81 6 I^HK I OOd MQ 111 n.f J morning reached tden'J p:u. 'h spot ind Si*B 7.. 6d. Tins i% the firs! tlmC ''.IS «K'CtJI rJ sn.a 1 'il*fre«> itarted '.as* SgptfmClo.:ik piietl :n i .t; v firm market were Sp<»; i: ">99 < .■>
    U.P.  -  81 words
  • 182 6 PHF; Indian Reireatiuu (luba». < -.uiniv After thei r impressive debut as^ifiM their performance against the Ko>a! Jalan Besai vesterdav does not >|»v I r I their rhantes in the Senior Ifasur Fur one thin*. the v haw m i>ass!no tactics and positional one
    R.M.  -  182 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 6 pirtm. D. V I rquhart in action »n the > M >rstrrday. He wa> hrat«*n in tfcr nen v A. G. rakir l. 8— Free Press
    Free Press  -  25 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 153 6 mdndrdk6 Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya y£-U L-L-l-i -AW> SUDDENLY STICKS i THOUGHT VOU /^«f Pi ft. 'ing 1 I what js II CUPIOUS Em' I OOM'F 1 1 T IS^Si P^S 2f I! H|= JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya r AS WAS"\
      153 words

  • 1203 7  - MAN O'WAR TO COMPLETE HAT-TRICK ALLAN LEWIS Too good for Class 2? By £JAN Man O'War win his third successive race tomorrow, the second day of Singapore Turf Club's March meeting? He has done everything asked of him to date, but has been fully penalised for his convincing win at
    1,203 words
  • 70 7 \u>tralian holder of the British Ifhi title, outpointed Carl Olson i 12 rounds in Sydney last night. holds the Australian hea\y. lightmiddleweight titles, was a clear Olson put up a good fight. for a bout between two world:id .it times many of the ailed
    70 words
  • 180 7 j^FTER a series of postponements due to rain, eight ties in the singles chains, ship of the Young i'. Christian Associations first post-war invitation tenn..s tournament were played off the YMCA courts yesterRevJs were: H. K. Yudi Mat H. I. W fi-u. 6-1; G. S Tan beat
    180 words
  • 161 7 OILLY Thompson, lightweight champion of Britain will not be fighting i n Singapore. This was decided at a meeting of the promoters of professional boxing in Singaoore last afternoon. It was felt that since Dave Sands. British Empire middleweight champion, will be here shortly to
    R.M.  -  161 words
  • 10 7 piclur- tfkag ag Free Press
    Free Press  -  10 words
  • 42 7 Australians' tour ends r n in it J i \1 !-t Inns.— d lnn>. .11 0; lohnston 9; N <urs* Mansfll II Ijvhrld b I FayftcM not out 1> Miller >lc( (xil 10. liaiwl 14 i— n it 5 21— M .h,|
    42 words
  • 10 7 on Ir.tioesulted wb by 3», n and Awi.
    10 words
  • 11 7 II -.)y K ;.s 8: Ab- ravon, o.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  11 words
  • 126 7 A BDUL Bari < Bombay* pn>■•rV nal squash champion of India, was beaten in the final of the British professional squash rackets championships by Jim Dear. ol Britain, at the Lansdowne Club. London, last night. Dear won 0-3, 9-4. 9-0 to regain the title which he
    126 words
  • 247 7  -  NEIL MODDEK Bv 17MIL Koroschenko, the undefeated czecnosio- vakian wrestler, will have two Chinese barbers at hand when he meets the Hungarian grapper WinVKong. in what he calls a 'grand finale" at the c;rpit Worlrt arena on Saturday It is not that Koroschenko needs
    Free Press  -  247 words
  • 67 7 AT Geylang stadium yesterday, R.A.F. Tengah trounced Post;.] and Telegraph by nine a:oaLs to one, in a Junior A Group 2 soccer match. Mohammed Zaln of the P&7 «M ordered off the field by ree Capt. Roberts, for roUfcb p scorers for RAF. '1
    67 words
  • 669 7 EVEN with first-start form exposed, winners in the Class 3 races are by no means easy to spot. Safest bet in the four races reserved for this class may be Baroda Prince, who missed his engagement on the opening day and is slightly better handicapped
    669 words
  • 261 7 AFTER her promising peri< rmancp in Kuala Lumpur In which she finished fifth over b l 2 furlongs. I have no hesitation in declaring for Jazz Princess ?n th" CL 2. Div. 2 race over a mile and six yards tomorrow. She came home strongly
    261 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 7 picture. Tan Kock Seng: sends over a volley in his singles match against G. H. Holloway in the Y.M.C.A. tennis championships yesterday. Hollowav won 6 o. 6—4. Free Press
    Free Press  -  29 words
  • 277 7 Winning gallop by Gaucho f*AICHQ (Flannery) and Oomaridairn (Kaie) did a. winning trial at Bukit Timah this morning, when they reeled off three furlongs In 38 sees. Gaucho. who was on the outside, appeared to be poino hotter thnn Oomaridairn. Worfc was done on the No. 2 grass track. The
    277 words
  • 32 7 \*E\V ZEALAND forced with Australia in official TeM at Duned.n > Scores- New Zealand 2 176 for nine I I ■24 Iverson three for 2f »"<"• lia 299 (Tallon 116'.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 59 7 Non -acceptors THE following hot not accepting tomorrow High Port Colony. Reauman. Ha»"hrion Marcher Lords h vin and Sir Keith. In addition, quite a number of the move r importations who have one run at the meetin u 1 not accept for thr 'd run. King's Harbour, who handicapped in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 3 7 m 'ANY I
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  • 254 8 REDS SEND UP FIGHTERS OVERS 'HAI New mainland attacks hint HONG KONG, Tuesday. VATIONALIST bomber crews returning to Formosa from a fresh bombing raid on Shanghai yesterday reported that they had encountered three Communist fighter planes, which however veered off before the Nationalists could engage them. In this first official
    A.P.; U.P.; Reuter  -  254 words
  • 3 8 tgka gag
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  • 2 8 tkagag
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  • 91 8 'Bishop' hoaxes Geneva GENEVA. Tuesday. CIWIBB po'uv have is>ued an »5 International arr^t warran: for I bogus Roman Catholic bishop who had Church officials fooled for three k& and Bed only when nil was found to be non-existent The Bishop presented m Roman Catholic a b comple'e I pjry'.e robes
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • 70 8 V 14- YEAR-OLD Aim- Richard. vieldin» to tong smoaiMerißg hatred, calmly killed her sleepteg twin »«i>ter in their Fresno ((al.)home by firing a rifle sh(»t into her brain. Dan E. Beymann, assistant district attorney, said Alice "almost defiantly" told him: "I hated her and I would
    A.P.  -  70 words
  • 67 8 BRITISH motorl&th ire to i*-* 1 i >,•••< la] holiday '.i >n is of prtrol this var the F ;ei Minister announced* in the Hous" or Commoni ¥<>r the months Ol fune July and August th-y vl] k^ lenough petrol to do an '-xtra 90 mllt-s
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 248 8 MALAYA'S experience in fishery and her mistakes in agriculture-will be lessons which British New Guinea and Papua will learn, Mr. W, C'ottrell Dormer, Director of the Department of Agriculture Stock and Fisheries of British New Guinea and Papua, told the Free Press yesterday. Mr.
    248 words
  • 92 8 NEW YoHK, Tuesday. "QORGEOUB Gu.saie" Moran. the Us. tennis player, lured yesterday as the be>L-dre.ssed sporti woman Of 1950 bv the Fash. on Academy. In addition '*> Gussie u.ho-.e i ed a MOMUOO tt Uft yeu; i> Wimbledon lennia i.amplonaoips, Um Academy itsifd tii^se other fashion
    A.P.  -  92 words
  • 172 8 'IF SERETSE, WHY NOT I ANTHONY BROOKE ASKS COVT LONDON, Tuesday. \IK. Anthony Brooke, Kajad Muda of Sarawak. i?I yesterday wrote to the olonial I nder-Secre-tary. Mr. T. F. Cook, asking on what conditions he might return to Sarawak to proceed with a libel action. He said the British Government
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 78 8 JAMMI (Sind lurs BKIDKS wept and mothers .ironed when orthodox Hindu hridfi; rooms in Jammil insisted upon having thr traditional white horses on whi( h to ride to their weddings Owing to the lar^r number of weddings •cevrring on the ssaat ia\y« thore v,rre not >■— gh
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 99 8 WASHINGTON, Tues. 'THE chairman of the House 1 Armed Service* Commit- Mr. Carl Virisor. vesfcerdaj inuoduced legislaUon 'o .star* work on an atomic age navy, mriudirift "new vessels of a radical design He -»nid the exiMnm navy U outmoded and mu-tt be modernised to mee: ihe
    99 words
  • 190 8 Britain's nrw luxury troopship, the Empire Orwell 18.03fi gross tons), formerly the German passenger liner Pretoria, which was among the ships handed over at the end of the war to the United Kingdom She has been reconstruct- ed at a tost of t'.' and now
    190 words
  • 30 8 US FOR DRIED EGGS An Economic Co-ope Administration official has announced In Washington thai the ECA had all. U S $3,000,000 to Britain for the purchase of dried eggs U.P.
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 22 8 art* strong indu*a rions ihat President Truman about r^adv to appoint a new Chairman of the Atjmir iwlwinn A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 86 8 THE HAGUE Tues. ANTI in PCH reeling In Indon^fiia will not subside for another two or three ;:s. Mi J. G SuurhofT, executi¥e member of ihe Dutch Federation of Trade Unions, said on his return licit' from i aeven-week roodwill mission among Indonesian worki Should the anti-Western element*
    86 words
  • 136 8 F.P. M.tfi Correspondent KLAI.A LUMPUR. Tl* MRS. H. F. DE C LUCY. wife of the nuuiftfer of Amherst Estate, just outs Kuala Lumpur, who read the ejection by 'he Chi! Communiiti of her p from their home In Bhanfj In The Free Press. Is anxious
    136 words
  • 91 8 QUEBEC. Tuesday. DOMAN Catholic Church leaders of Quebec Pro- vince have issued a pastoral letter recommending reforms In industry which gradually would give organised labour a share in "management, profits and proper! v The ***** word pastoral letter, signed by heads of II icesei ;ind diiH'»
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 273 8 A( OMMOOATION VACANT NDIIIONED beds'.tin^- two. available j 12\ Nmasira [US 01 ***** A( J OMMODATION WANTED ISH |11l requires iinfnmlihcri i nmm > i n'.modation ;i:v. Mod ■>«[!. tai hi x -Hi F P. MISCU I.ANEOI S m fans, wan to Ihen write in ■•> G lon O: e
      273 words
    • 236 8 I I jt 1 J& 3P W hen >ou bru^h >our di > >u notice that it is soft lid it perfect ftosition >et without I Iheres nothing like Br>krecn I well-groomed look sought And Brvlcrcem d>.<vjßSß^ Its pure mineral < t S and help promote lu« j i mUm
      236 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 107 8 HWH TIDES Today: It 25 m. If 10 p m lumorrow: It AS am 111 p.m THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris \^J /sE«E*\aEft.W« TfiWPL Aft. THAT X—H \SO MAKE SU«C I S££ Vl P«.3vms£ n£xK T'-a^ c as' I^*^*"^ I 1 NSUTRALiZC n«6 INJECTION 5<97W y^£/ in YOJQj TO UND6<?E-
      107 words