The Singapore Free Press, 20 March 1950

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 242 1 'Arrest men m shadows' SAIGON, Monday. gTUDENTS and workmen carrying the goldstarred flag of Ho Chi-minh's Moscow-backed Vietnamese regime rioted m Saigon for four hours yesterday m a demonstration against the presence of two American destroyers m the harbour. Four people were killed and many
    A.P.; Reuter  -  242 words
  • 17 1 LEOPOLD: 'WAVES OF STRIKES' iggest hat ayes of Leo- the fuwho I his p] and per- A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 8 1 CONGO-U.S. TIN PACT A i ol a Reuter
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 4 1 SDFGSDFGSDGDS Reuter
    Reuter  -  4 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 1 photo Aja Vrianova. Czech \kater, won the world title m London a couple of weeks ago and decided yesterday to remain m Britain as an exile rather than to home to Communist Czechoslovakia Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 151 1 LONDON, Monday. ORITISH Foreign Office quarters this week-end 13 firmly rejected suggestions foi an Allied security uuarantei* for the defence of Western Germany against possible aggression from the East. They again dismisses as unacceptable suggests for any form of rearmament of Germany. Official sources emphasized
    U.P.  -  151 words
  • 40 1 ITNDER Britain'! National Health Service, each 1.737 London doctors had an average pt 1.784 potential patients on his iist last year. The London Executive Council of the Service did not what percentage actually received treatment.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 184 1 HONG KONG, Monday. quarters m Formosa believe that the British ship Empire Dirk, which last week sailed from Hong Kon* with 1,000 tons of vital plane parts for Red China, may have gone to Singapore instead of Shanghai. The theory is that the Empire Dirk
    A.P.  -  184 words
  • 19 1 ice Bernhard of the iierlantis arrived at Schii airport. Amsterdam, r a 12-week m hemis- A. P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 24 1 Ceylon has appointed the Chief Assistant Director of Food Supplies. Mr C O de Silva, her representative m Siam for rice purchases.
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  • 82 1 MANILA. Mon. A group headed by th^ Philippines Under-S*vre-tary for Foreign Affairs, F°!ino Neri. to draft details of tl Booth-Bast Asia Union Conference expected to be held m Bagnio m the next month or two has been appointed by the Council State, the nations highest
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 48 1 GEMS and fUTi worth more than US$5O,OOO haVe been stolen from the New York apartment of a beautifu Iranian princess. The Princess is the wife oi Emad Kia, former Iranian consul m New York. She said none of her valuables were Insured.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 29 1 A combined exercise by military and civil security forces will be held throughout the Gold Coast today and tomorrow, for the first time m the colony's history.
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  • 27 1 Rear Admiral Richard Byrd may lead 4,000 men back to Little America next October, to train for possible Polar warfare *nd search for minerals.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  27 words
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    29 1 hghghgh NEW COLOURS of the Singapore branch of the Boys Brigade were dedicated at St Andrews Cathedra w yesterday. Picture show the colours during the march past Free Press
    Free Press  -  29 words
  • 27 1 Trespasser, Free Press tipster, had four irood winners on Saturday. They were: YOIR LORDSHIP ($26). BARHAM ($26). OAKFEL ($73). ARCTIC LORD ($22)
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  • 58 1 Oysters not work official ANEW YORK jury has ruled that it is not work to teach someone to fry oysters. Mrs. Ruth Granger, a waitress, testified she was not working, but was instructing a novice cook, when inspectors called at a cafe. The jury acquitted the owner of permitting women
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 24 1 The U.S. Immigration Department has refused further transit to Chinese carrying Nationalist visas and bound for countries contiguous to the United States
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  • 71 1 Free Press Staff Reporter (COMMUNIST nags and documents were found at Roscote Estate m the Kulai area of Johore yesterday after telephone wires on the main road were found to bp cut. A Malay and a Chinese were killed when armed bandits itta-ked Tong Chuan
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  • 43 1 HAJIMK TAKAHASHI tried to pick a wallet out of a shopper's pocket m a Tokio store. It was not a -vallet but a policeman's credentials. It was not a shopper but a p'.aincloths man. Hajlme Is m Jail.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 23 1 Five policemen were injured m a dash between 20 police and several hundred Communists during a demonstration at Toulouse. France. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 14 1 A Czechoslovak mission arrived m Pekinr for trade talks yesterday.- Reuter
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  • 68 1 LONDON. Mon. THE Minister of Labour, Mr. George Isaacs, scoffed at khe idea that there would be another General Flection m two or three months. Do not believe the sugyrstion that there will lie another election m iwo or three months' time," he >;iid ;it a
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 116 1 NEW YORK. Mon. VfEMBERS of a suspended lfl American Legion group said last night that they will connect President Truman and Marshal Stalin by telephone today whether they want to talk or not. Special telephone iines have been installed at the hotel where the
    U.P.  -  116 words
  • 37 1 THE Right. Rev. Quentin Huang, Anglican Bishop of Kunming, has been released by the Communist authorities. Bishop Huang was detained m Kunming two months ago without any specific charges being laid against him.
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  • 25 1 Japan's gunnybag manufacturers are debating whether or not to accept a contract calling for the processing of Indo-China jute into gunnybags.- Reuter
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  • 52 1 THE greatest concentration of energy ever produced by man against a single particle of matter has been unleashed at Nevis, 20 miles from New York. The world's most powerful synchro-cyclotron, generating 385.000,000 electron volts, is now wc-king on the site of Columbia University's new nuclear physics research
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 327 1 JAKARTA, Monday. I EAKAGE of news of the U.S.I, currency devaluaAi tion. announced here yesterday, started off a wild buying spending spree on Saturday, as thousands of people converted their cash into goods. Most of the shops, usually open on Sunday, closed their doors yesterday.
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 42 1 Qermany and Chin.. fight side by side for democracy, unity and independence under the leadership of the Soviet Union. Mao Tse Tung, leader of Commu:d m a telegram to the Pre>. i i nt of the German Republic- Reuler
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 109 1 Troops kill intruder Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR. Mon 'TROOPS, checking on L reports of thefts at the Engineer's Supply Depot at the 4* mile Kuala Lumpur-Ipoh Road last night shot and killed an 18-year-old Chin found trying to enter the depot by cutting through the wire fence. Two
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  • 110 1 Free Pres> Staff Reporter ]yjR GEORGE SELLERS Malayan Airways man who organised a rescue party to save a starving dog on an uninhabited island, has been told by th*» Chief Veterinary Officer. Government of Singj that he must wait six months belore he can make
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  • 46 1 IN I have L the end of th< of Persl Run will grant credits for Pc: i buy Sot but that the £o!d I blocked. 'on the grounds that shr d want to increase hr Russia to t nations h e.-r U. P.
    U.P.  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 Q Gins i Cold or SiUtr SUVA j ORCHARD ROAD.^J I feed of COW GATE Baby thows <-'« ard contentment —h« loves it! And the ~>:ches with delight the regular and fowth of strong firm bone and sound -eady to uke his place just now m what W a^-d
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    • 38 1 REX tMai^l EXCHLBNT WS^***'^ t PAfFIFS Pi ACF I I n'tnit Q.t C »UwJ»'d r»njt W»tf Mttuo A^^T MAD I IN ENGLAND ADYT. OF TNI GINIRAL ELFCTIK C« ITS OF CNGLANO 41 *<i«Ar0HC MALACCA KtfAfl I »W»IH f»«
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  • Article, Illustration
    755 2 J iM/r n ELLS spends a cross-Channel weekend sampling the sleaks and admirjLk m» the fashions Thursday A GLORIOUS morning at N irtholt v'onderfttl journey In reC fi lime. Le Bourgel greets with torrential downpour. Un n<z ceased, decide to wand:; out m search of lunch >sc small
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  • 197 2 MARBURG. Germany. THE spirit of Horst Wessel is riding again at Germany's ultranationalistic University of Marburg, \\here flag-waving students are using the death of one of their fellows as an excuse for heated ami-American demonstrations. The trouble began af^r the theology student. Ederhard Griefenhagen. reportedly
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  • 93 2 f\L Havilland Company's plant at Bankstoun (.Sydney* has delivered its second Vampire jet fiphier to the Royal Australian Air Force Output is expected to be two a month by June and to I rise to a rate which would ensure fulfilment of the first order for
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  • 38 2 The average Australian smoked 4 36 lb. of tobacco m 1948 49 compared with 1. 336 m 1938 39, iayi the Chambers of Manufactures. The Commonwealth Treasury reaped £34,736,000 m taxation and other charges on tobacco.
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  • 499 2 The World's Biggest Jumble Sale PLEARING up after the biggest war m history is no child's play. Nearly five years after VE-Day, the British Ministry of Supply Disposals skdT lu«s still not reached the end of its sides of surplus stores, although the organisation Ikjs been reduced considerably. The original
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  • 195 2 THE NEW M.G. IS FAST I HAVE been testing a new car. the TD Model M.G Designers have refused to alter traditional lines, but the back has a vude. rugged look. And the back view will probably be all that the normal British driver will see of the car on
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  • 365 2  - Want To Buy An Isle? Donald McConnick By LJ A V T E you ever thought you'd like to live on an island of your own? Of course you have. But daydreams of escape from civilisation usually end with a sigh: 'If only I had the money." That's where the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 73 2 GREATEST ARTISTS HNESI HU.OKWM 'ins j»L%STEirs voirr BEETHOVEN- -Qiiane' N< If ti t V. Loewenguth Quartet MENDELSOHN -Concerto Ml Pii'2 KMmv tV;ohn» .mc 1 Ike 1 Philharnion: OltbM t^ir London Ronald iIBERT P.;ii:o I c Trout"'— Ai; In:: OMH, Prevost A- .V C. .:e HobdS] RAVINSKY Haile OreMMtn U—— ssorCMmCT
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 264 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR I JOHN today, one of your lifetime. However. you outstanding charact- are one to want your own eristics is a phenomenal home and family as well memory which makes It and probably toward mideasy for >ou to become a die life you will want to proficient student.
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    • 463 2 F.P. Crossword No. 948 H^— w— U— U—^— -^-h iJFWn^BHpTfyFffßnff |JBI I I (ISLI t NBTtfrtMULJ N w Rm>i bee :o _^_JIM|— JBHBBML—— M H— hide: lti.OO News from Ku«<!a News Anahsi* 'BBC I I |^H fS5f Pro^ riin nit s m Malay; 1 WKt^ Hp^bBP^TBI Ma^TiL^^W^r" 0 3 4o^!^'«"™:
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  • 268 3 RACIAL REPORT BY CHURCHES Chinese, Malays also studied I GENEVA, Monday. A PROGRESS report on racial relations including those between Chinese and Malay, is to be presented to the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches at its meeting in Toronto next July. This decision was reached at the
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 3 SDGSDFGDSFGDSF ae "li.irlott daughter of Kin? Leopold r«tc in the Belgian referendum T B m.ij>rity vntine for thr Kinr'* i lro»n A.P.
    A.P.  -  22 words
  • 49 3 LONDON, Monday. B Thomas FltiGcuUd, 55-year-old Catholic priest, likes nothing i» it the I ipperary races Roj ..minion on Betting a i: "I feel it \s shocking the ild be denied betting facilities Ith a bank balance," peril heir feet I da
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 3 photo. tir P. Gordon-Walker. Britain's new Secretary for < oiniiionwcaltb Relations. Mr Gordon -Walker, who ia i! »4!» responsible for the British Government's •vi to l».i" Serelae;i from his African tribe for rean The ban has suite been modified following widesproad criti ism. A. P.
    A.P.  -  45 words
  • 8 3 pupi Mr a lead--IV Reuter
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 159 3 CAIRO, Monday. IS it a crime to marry your own mother-in-law? That controversy is going on among Egyptian lawyers, who are consulting legal and religious texts, and coming up with conflicting answers. An illiterate peasant named Mahmoud Abdel Ghaffar from Sakkara, married a girl of
    U.P.  -  159 words
  • 53 3 The Labour Prime Minister. Mr. Robert Cosgrove, has dissolved the Tasmanian House of Assembly for an early election, possibly m i.iid-April. He did so after Assembly Speaker, Mr. W. G. Weed, one of three Independents holding the balance of power m the House, announced his intention
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 28 3 RED FALLS The Communist dollar has taken another tumble m Shanghai where U.S. dollar reached 35,000, Sterling 87.500 Hong Kong dollar 5,400, the Straits dollar 10.200 A. P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 102 3 LONDON. MOD. I^IGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD SigJ nalman Michael St. Just May. Royal Signals, who Is undergoing training at Catterick Camp, Yorkshire, :i«ci toil week-end that be i» a baron. He succeeded his lather, the second baron, whose i at the age of 45, was reported from Sydney. Australia.
    102 words
  • 23 3 Mr Vicente Araneta. 35. a J vealthj Manila businessman. has been released by outlaws nt of a US$5O,OOO ransom A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 66 3 .JWDDIAU Abdel Latif, of Cairo, has asked for a 0 divorce because her husband has <>t bad a bath 1 »r the last eight months. Defending himself, the husband confessed he had not bathed m water for that poriod because «>e floctar i id forbidden it.
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 139 3 LONDON, Monday. r rHK Soviet (Invernment, m sweeping criticisms of Russian farming last year, saij many collective state farms had fallen short of their delivery targets and that agricultural development bad lagged m many areas. picultural Officials were urged I v particulj to re-organising backward collective
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 71 3 FRANKFURT, MoH BRASS knuckledusters* rubber truncheons and huntin? knives are telling briskly m West Germany today. Shopkeepers say the law docs not ban their sale. Best customers are taxi drivers, i post office and railway em- ployees and other night workers. Brass knuckledusters sell from 40
    A.P.  -  71 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 3 photo. Mivs Mary Jan e Hayes, "Mis s Washington," feigns sleep as curious YVashingtonians peer through the shop window wher e she is demonstrating the new "learn-in-your-sleep" gramophone instructor. The demonstration took place m office windows of the British Overseas Airlines Corporation.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • Article, Illustration
    460 3 you may Kofl at tile p><Mbility of rver finding yourself playing such a contract. But if your partner never pUM by a< Ildent (as this orw did or lays traps for the opponents (as this one says he did) then you ran skip this article and -cad aboui
    460 words
  • 154 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. |\EPUTY Undersecretary of State, Mr. John E. Penrifoy, has fired a bitter counter barrage at i Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, accusing the Wiscon- < sin legislator of reviving "dead, discredited, disproven charges" In his attacks on the State I Department. Mr. Peurifoy declared
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • 36 3 Miss Nancy Cummings ;aid In Brisbane she will not marry a farmer American G.I. who came 9 000 miles to propose ;<> her. The couple ha^ not ■een each other for eight years. A.P.
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • Article, Illustration
    58 3 photo. American amphibious forces dig m after landing on Vieques Island m the Caribbean during the greatest peacetime war games yet held by the I'nited States. The "invaders" were repelled by the island* garrison, representing the "aggressor" forces. About 18,000 troops took part m the seaborne invasion, which was spearheaded
    A.p.  -  58 words
  • 56 3 OTTAWA. Mon. A FURTHER exchange of views on the Japanese peace treaty is expected to take place m London soon among members of the Commonwealth. The Canadian External Affairs Minister, Mr. Lester B. Pearson, told Parliament that discussions would be a continuation of the talks begun
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 62 3 ANEW kind of atom, the heaviest ever known, has been found by University of California researchers and added to the growing list of elemental substances. The new substance is Element 98. It never before was observed and probably never will be seen by human eyes.
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  • 211 3 Huge military base in the Belgian Congo BKI SSELS, Monday. OELGII'M'S iirst overseas military base, at KamiiKi m the Belgian Congo, is «xp"(ted to be CMMileted by 1952. From that date, for the first lime In B aeacetime history, Belgian n.ilitary and air Dersonnel, including conscripts, will bo exp ing
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • 53 3 JAPS TO REPAIR RUSSIAN SHIPS RUSSIAN ships will be to dock Japanese shipyards under ted Soviet- Japa: "open account"' trai--merit The Soviet! are expected ment by exporting Japan potash iron ore. col coal -»nd 0 aer ma'- Erooa Karafuto, the southern I which vu U -.nese control 1 oefore the
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 41 3 HOLLYWOOD M THE d Orayson X m ihe Mayer film Fhe Toast of New O: Inspected and a Japa MOM asked M visili;. both the and haird promlM •it put th i coiffurt- Lid r j A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 32 3 11 suing On ff Ik by a study L'g biC] LTd. Timid and harml lizard wi off with U I hind tel Its forelegs ar Hu: A. p.
    A.p.  -  32 words
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    • 60 3 WHAT'S ON W K.L. N H ind. Maa- M ":.e He:,,. PAVILION: No: VIRAL: De:va e runU>. H.- over Man and The 'double and The Royal l5h Th« snake K lUKlls The IPOH >l N ViK I B V Ihe d and I I I N D s:-i. I MKTBO-
      60 words

  • 606 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, Mar. 20, 1950. OPEN THEIR EYES WHITEHALL may have m« up lit mind that the reinforcement to Bcient to clear i.j me bandits Austra i f up j our struggle for lut :t ll none of i> '<-.. v»ken it comes to i natter of
    606 words
  • 590 4 After The Marshall Plan— What? TIIK word EGA Administrator Paul Hoffman has chosen lodescribe officially liis campaign to restore a competitive economy m Europe is i\ clue to Ihe immense difficulty of thai task. Hoffman calls his idea "integration*. The chief value of this awkward term is that it doesn't
    590 words
  • 419 4 SUMS VP IMPRESSIONS OF A RECENT TOUR OF EUROPE. ECA face m trying to remake the economic Nee of Western Europe the deep urge of all Europeans for security, and ihe itrOQfCon« viction that the "reasonable arrangement ls th^ way to get it. The ablest defence of the
    419 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 Film st>ir June Haver prove s that her ankle measurement* Use what beauty a yr, is call "perfect." Hvi next film i± Oh, You Bectuti/ul Doll."
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  • 1021 4  - Govt. Brickbats, Bouquets Hall Romney London Letter by I M MV Ministers look Forward to cooperating with other Commonwealth Governments m matters of common interest m south ijiul south cast Asia.' 1 This passage m the King's Speech, the nearest approach to a mention of Malaya, held promise of fairly
    1,021 words
  • 392 4 LETTER TO THE EDITOR I HAVE only just teen your issue of March 10 m which you publish ex'racts from an article In the current issue of the Malayan Kennel R< view on the subject of the prices of locally on d puppies. Having read the ori|
    392 words
  • 126 4  - Know-How Of A Know- A ll JOHN KIRK NELSON By vyE all want to te at the top of the tree, however stunted the tree may be, and I should like it to be put on record that I am the expert m creating an illusion of being om the
    126 words
  • Article, Illustration
    150 4  -  OSBERT LANCASTER h> Ltmtt men would be content with that, but Dot 1 1 needs create ihe lm;on that 1 tiuaues which m fact 1 do not speak., that I v: the political situation, that I am a student of foreign affairs that 1 am a connoisseur of
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  • 21 4 'BABY' CARS POPULAR Br: of Ll n A B: also I I which I slump of 20 the f Bui I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 56 5 Singapore ready for fisheries sarvey SI ill luP'Tl.r ting Coe .red pi] s m;- be I GOT* :vt ti>h t v o pare and btme Free who will re- *;il be iiadifeDi of ih« Finance MM exprnditt;re during j t* tonhm I m De apRpenl on i umeni for the
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  • 5 5 excel the O t
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  • 45 5 I^HE Singapore Musical Society Orchestra rehearMing under Mr. Gordon van Tien for the concerts they ar e to *ive at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday and Saturday at 9.15 p.m. Seats can be hooked at Robinson's. The orchestra is over 50 strong
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  • 75 5 F.P. Malay Correspondent QFFICIALS of the women's section of the Malay Union. Singapore, for lyso are: President, Che Fatimah binti Haji Haru. vice-presi-dents. Che Aishah Aibel and Che Chik binti Karim; secretary, Che Sa'diah Sardon assistant treasurer. Che Kamaliah. auditors. Che Am m ah Hussein and Che
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  • 264 5 NO LENIENCY FOR FED. DRIVERS S 'pore traffic chiefs warning Free Press Staff Reporter J)RIYERS of Federation vehicles cannot expect any leniency from the Singapore Police if they violate any of the Colony's traffic laws, the head of the Traffic Branch, Mr. D. E. Nickels, told the Free Press yesterday.
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  • 184 5 'pHE least said about the 1 Singapore Repertory's new ptuy "Murder without Crime", the belter— not because It is a bau piay but because to give too many 'flues' away to intending playgoers would rob me last-minute climax of i he dramatic Impact. Ana wiihout the
    184 words
  • 31 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A hydrographic re-survey of the entire Selangor coast was completed last year, states a report by the Federal m's Marine Superintendent Mr R. S. D Unwin
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  • 436 5 Free Press Staff Reporter VfANY members of the Singapore Municipal Services Union feel that 'it is a breach of good faith" on the part of the Municipal Commissioners not to exempt officers of advanced age and long service from examinations under the revised salary scheme,
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  • 21 5 IPOH. Sun.— The Ipoh RoCiub held its 20th anniversary dinner with the Sultan of Perak as guest of honour.
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 5 Q« TFNIK <(■{*> anil her Hula Hula daM-ers who will neriorm a love dance at lite Catba> Restaurant on March 3'J.
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  • 148 5 MRS. Dorothy Morrell. leadin^ lady Of tlie Singapore Repertory, who was taken seriously ill during rehearsals Of the psychological thriller "They Walk Alone at the Victoria Theatre has returned home from hospital With lie r husband. Mr. Roy Morrell. and her two daughters. Mrs. Morrell is sailing
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  • 135 5 Free Press Stall Reporter CLAIMANTS under the War Kisks (Goods) Insuri aiue legislation who have had their claims, o r a part of their claims, rejected by the War Risks (Goods) Insurance Board as not falling within the terms of the legislation need not
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  • 26 5 BEN'fONG. Sun —A fine of *25 w&.s imposed at. I>n on Raman bin Ha**"*"" f° r burying n baby girl without a burial permit.
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  • 222 5 PET-LOVERS ASK FOR STRAYS Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE pet-lovers, most of whom are women, have asking for stray dogs to be kept m their homes, an official of the Municipal j Veterinary Department told the Free Press yesterday. He said that only the ones which were not badly diseas-
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  • 23 5 BENTONG. Bun. Special Constable Abdul Aziz bin Adam, who deserted at Mentakab. was fined $100 or two months' gaol at Temerloh.
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  • 289 5 Free Press Staff Reporter PHF Singapore Public Works Department has juvt 1 avoided a threatened shortage of bricks and timber needed for the construction of 18 new regional schools under the Government's Five-Year Supplementary Education Plan. Had the materials not been available, the building
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  • 138 5 Vrrr Press Siafl Kcporfrr SINGAPORE I Five Supplemental Eci tion Plan desr-rves the iullest support of leachsa\s the Mai; oi pan of the BtlHEftpi chers Union. An editorial m the us.«ue pr. Department Cor U «n, vigour and courage uith it has acted m Ing with
    138 words
  • Article, Illustration
    68 5 THE Alentri Resar of Kedah, Ttinku Ismail bin Tun!<:i Yahya, accompanied by the Bri ish Adviser. K«<i;<h. Mr. EL V. G. I)a\. and members of th« .d Kf-set<l<*mrn Comnmte*'. r rcentU \isit«u the s^uai «*r area at Ba>u Lima, near (iv run, Kedah. Pictim- sho the Mentri Besar and the
    Free Press  -  68 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 Yours C?\ for a lovely ENGLISH ROSE J W BRASSIERES. /J Eeauti+ully graded bras- j>€res fittings m medium «nd Ion; Ime. To be had m Nude Pink and pure White. plus dainty lace trimming insets, just arsk for your cup MM m English Rose and you'll be sure of perfect
      123 words
    • 37 5 [^Design* °f Djgn^yJ SEAMLESS AXMINSTER CARPETS m Medallion and Floral Designs with Predominating colours of Blue. Green. Red ami Gold. These Gar pels are guaranteed moth-proof. Si/« iOn'xV PRICE $1554)0 Si/< i2x<r PRICK $***** ROBINSONS RAFFLES SPORE
      37 words

  • 1094 6 ARCTIC LORD OUTPACES RIVALS Allan Lewis reviews Ist, clay's races SDFGDFGDFSDFGDSFG Plucky effort by Courage A RCTIC Lord made amends for his unlucky defeats at Kuala Lumpur when he took the main race at Bukit Timah on Saturday, opening day of the Singapore Turf Club's March meeting. Arctic Lord was
    Free Press  -  1,094 words
  • 9 6 title m V i lenn ■ctao
    9 words
  • 356 6 1 OLDEN News was In- stalled favourite m a weak Cl. 3, Div. 5 field m race I. The winner turned up In The Bosun, a bay stralian gelding by ai Son from Hippolyta. Tho knanner m which he A-^n Indicate! ber-r tiungs I -mart
    356 words
  • 299 6 1171.Ki1l 1 I for all nine race* at Bukit Timah on W>d- nevday. second day uf thr Singapore Match mr«tinf. and thre* on Saturday, the final day. are riven below WEDNESDW (I 2. DIV. I—6 *ur* 5 Ml Man o War 8.1. I hing
    299 words
  • 37 6 LUIGI V .>terday Orand 1 hr. 48 total a\ es per I A'.berto A^ second m 1 hi Juan Manue. I third n and Jean Sonimer m lhr. 48. The flrs: I I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 TODAI m OAiLV 11, 1.45. 4. b ..?«> 9.30 p.m. 7nimi J RUSSELL "nis vL* HAYOEM OPENS UID. Margerj Sluirpe'a BestUnfolds >Imni!nontl> On Th»- Screen Z **ews f>\Mt SYBIL THORNDIKE FAY CO.MPION NOW MOWING 11 1 r>. &3I ":'.o p. ni TOD AY 11 a .m 14V 1.15, 15 I
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 202 6 m3f!drdK6 Exclusive to //h j Singapore Free Press m Malaya K^ I >4s STEEL ARMS ENCIRCLE 4.V f.NOPMOUSiy PAT MAN jf%fc>- 7="^ I I rT MANDRAKE FEIGNS UNCONSCIOUS- MUNCHING A BIG SANDWICH. /i' +'j-~~^\ i /<// Ih s££ rwf Tw£ PIATtORM NESS.&UT THROUGH HALP-CLOKD THIS IS THE MKTtZf VOW fa
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  • 543 7 THREE GOOD GA LLOPS THIS MORNING Tudor Pride m top form By ALLAN LEWIS JUDOR PRIDE, Linkshir and Beauchamps returned the best times at Bukit Timah this morning when the second grass track, still heavy, was opened for fast work. Tudor Pride, riddea by J. Donnelly, went alone and, working
    Free Press  -  543 words
  • 65 7 Ige by ro 50 m their V the n on Sutur- OkJ eeord >ter. is hopes a 4 nlaa. s i fourtta bad von Oxford and Can b •fatal m I mm. 5.> 6 v V S won hurdles for P B H lid ret h
    A.P.; Reuter  -  65 words
  • 102 7 I the invitation tment will be Op*n >mjtles: S. A. beam Kirn Sang; PC La brooy; H J Waser: G S Tan: A. G D N Urquhart I :.ia Chin Siang: Tan Hock Fig Chuan Heng TorudrrnH ties; Uw Kee (IS Paul A S. Pakir R
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  • 254 7 y r si OKI AN "owzats* which have long been part and parct-l of cricket procedure, are frowned upon I ik Chester, probably the best known of i umpires. has made a revolutionary suggestion Iml period appeals should be forbidden, has received the support of
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 385 7 Cambridge firm favourites /COMBINING immense power with superb rhythm. Cambridge have established themselves as firm favourites to beat Oxford m the annual inter-Vni-versitv boat race. The race over the traditional 4 J -mile course on the tidal waters of the river Thames, will be rowed at mid-day on April 1.
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  • 548 7 SINGAPORE might have become the first holders of the Joe Chappel memorial trophy when they met Army-Navy yesterday; perhaps luck was against them but a factor which largely contributed to their 2—o defeat was the lack of understanding m their attack. Inglis and Boon Leong lent
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  • 184 7 DAVE SANDS, middlewright champiun of the British Empire will hr m Singapore within a month to fight Orient triple champion. Boy Brooks This fight m fart was arranged between Tom Maquire Snr managertrainer of Have and promoter Ra/ak when the Australian pair
    R.M.  -  184 words
  • 19 7 F33 K KS53J5jSffl IT¥Tptii/ifi |,Bf,.TT F; It ttll liHHI msSm t?wwfnltnMtfv»F»TrTyT^y' liff^iM tJItMilElHtfJ Reuter
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 11 7 Memorial Cup soccer Todd scores the second goal for Army -Navy
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  • 66 7 MR. L. C. BAILEY, secretary of the Singapore Turf Club, told the Free Press today that course cash sweeps will be held on all nine races on Wednesday and Saturday next, the two remaining days of the current meeting. Through numbers will, however, be drawn
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  • 26 7 SWITZERLAND AND AUSTRIA DRAW AUSTRALIA and Switzerland drew at three goals each m a soccer international m Vienna yesterday. Austria were leading 3-1 at half-lime. Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 470 7 r pHE Ceylonese cricketers yesterday lost their first match m Pakistan by an innings and 63 runs to combined Sind and Karachi side at Karachi. Forced to follow on with a deficit of 211 runs, they were all out for 148 m theii second innings
    Reuter  -  470 words
  • 29 7 WALES beat Scotland by two goals to nil In the men's hockey intents Lional at Paisley yesterday. Jones scoring both goals m Ui« first half- Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 353 7 ftfHEN the last kick of the present football season is made and possibly some lime before that happening football history may be made with fix < oi London's teams m the First division of the League. There are already Arsenal. Chelsea, Fulham and Charlton,
    Reuter  -  353 words
  • 29 7 CECRET SERVICE. o*nec 6> Robeit Sweeny of New Yoik. won the two-mile Imperial Cup hurdle race. «t Sandown Park or Saturday foi the second year m succession.
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  • 85 7 THE Malayan rotivins, 'hming E«f l.font and < huong Euf Jin. domin i ed the Isle »if t »M(inimton t hampionshins yesterday. Fur Jin «un the »iv singles when he heat H. Wing field m the final 18-15. 15-14. but together m the final of the
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  • 119 7 SINGAPORE Chirr•O ball Association will pick 18 players for the Easter trip to Ipoh after a trial match at Farrer Park next Monday The team will leave Singapore on the right ma April 6 They will p;*v the Perak Chines* on April 7
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  • 36 7 SNOOMER TITLE FOR DONALDSON WALTER Donaidton mm the world protest snooker championship it. London on Saturday. He bf^a; Fred D»vl§ <h by 51 fra'.ne.s to H k points were: D maid .5.494 Davi, 5 223- Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 38 7 The British Riiybv Union wl.ich is to tour Nem Zealmid snc Australia has accepted !ion of the Ceylon Ru^bv play against Ceylon on us \**v bark hnmf on either Sent. !S c 19.- Reuter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 STOCK EXPECTED SHORTLY Price $175.00 Y cu win be proud to own an empire Arisfocrat U Fyprvriter it Demand «UY WALSH LTD. < n mttmmtom for 'H:v\nKTH CO LTD PUBLISHERS i- BAR LONDON. o> our latest 9 equipment c Creat Eastern Opt./ Co. i i n i' !i mi vi
      56 words
    • 133 7 /"^y^KJ^k A BALLROOM Kj^^^^S^ RESTAURANT I' hone A.>/2.S SPECIAL MID-WEEK THURS. 23rd. MARCH GALA RACING ATTRACTION NOVELTY HORSE-RACING OS THEDA KCE WOO*. VAIJ WtiJ.r: f'Rt/.t:^ R+C* One. 9.00 p.m. LADIES' HANDICAP Usct Tw. to.oo p.m. 6ENTS SELLING PLATE Race three, ft. oop.m. MIXED "CAPITOL 6RAND PRIX" "Rscit*~ Commentary hv ALLAN
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  • 20 8 BUCHANAN. At Glasgow, on <ary Flora Buchanan. w w of Neii Buchanan, and •r of Dr C. M. Williamson
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 8 A.P. photo M. Johannes A. Louwers. 35-year-old Dutch company director living m Czechoslovakia, is here seen pleading guilty m a Prague court to charges of economic sabotage and espionage. He was sentenced to IS years' imprisonment.-
    A.P.  -  36 words
  • 281 8 Surrounded by flaming forest HONG KONG, Monday AS the Nationalists awaited the expected flareup of anti-Red resistance following the successful commando raid on the Chekiang coast, the Hainan air and land forces set fire to the forests surrounding Five Finger Mountain m a bid to
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 8 pnoio. A ground accident during take-off spoiled the attempt of Italian pilots. Maner I u.ildi and Mario Bonzi. to beat the world distance record of 1429 miles for amphibian-type planes. Picture .shows Lualdi jumping from the plane to avoid the possible risk of explosion from fire at Malpense airport. near
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 200 8 ATOM-BOMB DANCER LONDON. Monday. IF atom bombs start falling on Britain a civil defence corps of at least 1,500,000 persons will be needed for fighting: fires and searching debris for dead and wounded. This warning was given yesterday by the Home Secretary. Mr. J. Chuter
    A.P.; U.P.  -  200 words
  • 144 8 WICHITA 'Kansas), Mon. JOSEPH STALIN will l>e asked to approve an exchange of Russian rugby for an exhibition of basebail to promote peace. Tiie proposal came yesterday from the National Ba9fball Congress, which sponsors baseball around the world. In a letter to Stall n. President DoBtoOt
    A.P.  -  144 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 8 photo A voiuit: Berliner presents a piece of randy to (irock. world-famed Swiss clown. ;in be arrives Berlin s (iatow Airport from Hamtnirt; for his first visit, (irork quit a watch-making apprenticeship m his earl\ teens to takr to the stane.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 42 8 Make your own gems MEW YORK. M qpHE secret of maktm "star" rubles and has b n made publ by he ie Air Producl New •k, wl.ich 111 like inlum pi tnium for ..•lour of I m! .m li added— A. P.
    A.P.  -  42 words
  • 25 8 Mr. George N. Zarubin. Soviet Ambassador to Britain, left London on Saturday by air* for Moscow. He said' the trip was for personal reasons
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  • 54 8 RANGOON, Men. ERNftffNT troops m a If nvc-miif advance on the Z\v ral Burma l i front •n S Kurd iv tured the Idy. 146 nad miles north ol Rangoon, K;ir-n r»'b--N The Burmese IOWIUMBI laid hat lai r tugar were recovered from a fache Karens had
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 46 8 AN unexplodi d shell, we Ing 350 1b5., was found <)n a Hong Kong hillside by building excavators. Relic of the Japanese us carefully hauled to trfront, carried to a d p part of the bay and dim. Into the sea. A.P.
    A.P.  -  46 words
  • 56 8 WINDFALL FOR CEYLON TUX US. Government ha* 1 asked the Ceylon Government terms and conditions to buy Ceylon's entire exportable surplus coconut oil up to June 30 next year. The American inquiry was a complete nirprise m normally, the United States hardly Imports any coconut oil from Ceylon. She gds
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 105 8 BO YS CAPTURE A MURDERER ST. PAUL (Minn.), Monday QNE of the America's most wanted criminals was w captured yesterday after six schoolboys literally smoked him out of a well-stocked cave m which he had been hiding for four months. William Ncsbit, ISO. convictrd murderer and escaped convict, surrendered without
    U.P.  -  105 words
  • 80 8 JN iron cages and with nearly 3,000 Ib. of food provided for their 22-day crossing, two special guests of the Lnited States boarded ship at Ro'.nbay yesterday, rhey are Pandit Nehru's srift to the Washington zootwo baby elephants. With them is a 19-year-old "elrph ml
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 37 8 NEW YORK. Mon. TIIK World Heal h Organi- sation i> to hire rlephants tv tarry an :intiaaalaria t m northern India during the rainy season whrn to.uls are unhl for use by jeeps. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 185 8 PEKING ATTACKS US. i,w:>lhkv inonaay. r riIF affairs of the .Asian peoples must be settled by the Asian peoples themselves and not interfered with by American imperialists, the Chinese Communist Foreign Minister. Chou En-lai, declared yesterday. Rebuffing the U.S. State Secretary. Mr. Dean Arheson. for warning
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 50 8 HAIFA. Mon. roRLY-PAID Israel, soldiers vtaionrd at Klath. toun on the sou thern most tip of Israel, arr making bin monoy. Thry fill empty beer bottles with 32 different colours of vjnd found m the Elath distric and s» II each for one Israel pound. A.P.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 105 8 New 'Battle of Bulge'-Truman is the victim X: hold d<iwn waist line of Preside nt iran is 1 Lfht between Br phy .md the V: r<fs of tl who do the cooking for the President. who ;".i lb ti 111 ward oat wfll and tl o>e a lot of butter
    U.P.  -  105 words
  • 52 8 pORMER screen star Gloria Swanson has urged the tS. Government to triple spending next year to combat heart diseases. There is no justification for spending all the money we do for defence when heart trouble has killed more people than the most bloody war In history, she
    A.P.  -  52 words
  • 45 8 'pHE King, suffering from a slight cold and confined to his room at Buckingham Palace, was visited again yesterday by his doctor Btr John Weir The King's indisposition Is not believed serious. No bulletins on his condition are being issued.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 17 8 The Greek steamship. Kehren, ran aground on the reef m the Gulf of Leyte. Philio- A.P.
    A.P.  -  17 words
  • 45 8 Kashmir leader warns UN NEW DE 2HEIKH dullah 1 of Jam::. said bei ity Coun of a medial Kashni:; cham the X.: Bent The G« had cil'i the tor sul c tha t of the M N •If the n bas- is c A Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 8 8 I 4 m Reuter
    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 7 8 1 948 r Reuter
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 201 8 IN ML MORI AM IV CHERISHED MEMORY of M V. Albert, who passed away On 20th March. 1948. "In conthought and silent sorrow." Inserted by his lowng wife and Children. FOR SALE LARGE pram, complete with Canopy, good condition. Price $80 or offer. Ring Warnes H3400 IMPORTED N. Blue velvet
      201 words
    • 67 8 ...vuuJubeNO' i***m That "glid to be alive krhng PM springs trom a system kept i from ch»ggmg, p»>isonou. I*kvl f A regular glass of tNUi f* will ensure a AJ f\± thorough yet gentle eumina- I tion, and keep you full t W .jour JK^^\ ft^ENO'S j fOMfTMflor >j ~t^
      67 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 88 8 nn;n tides May: i a.m. i ?n m Tomorrow 1 ,n |,i pfn THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris XK m > LP\ AND THANK YOU- [AND NOW THAT WfiVi TRAPgP fIT WILL NOT 86 50 OJiC< A5 THAT i^^ii^^Rr THANK YOiT-'bOTH OP >0U -^L TW J R 1 COMPLIMENT. SHOULD
      88 words