The Singapore Free Press, 1 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 226 1 GRIFFITHS TAKES ON COLONIES Listowel is dropped LONDON, Wednesday. James Griffiths, former Minister of National Insurance, becomes Secretary of State for the Colonies m the new Labour Government, announced today. He replaces Mr. Arthur Creech-Jones. Mr. Patrick Gordon- Walker becomes Secretary of Stale for Commonwealth Relations m place of Mr.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  226 words
  • 8 1 ■j 3 ad-
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  • 12 1 F Dr 3 I bomb ag-
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  • 5 1 vim x.> i
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 picture. President Soekarno of the United States of Indonesia pedals merrily on hi s bicycle, his wife behind him. Sren during the President's recent tour of India as he was on his way to see the Taj Mahal. A. P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 34 1 Thirty-two men, including some Chinese, from the 7.400--ton British tanker Clam i believed to have been swept to lr dea'h when their life- boats capsized off Western Iceland. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 200 1 Strikes spreading over France PARIS. Wednesday. 4 WAGE WAR between employers on one hand, and Communist,' Catholic and Socialist unions on the other with the French (Jovernment caught m the middle broke out throughout France from the Belgian border to the Riviera yesterday. Auto and metal workers walked out of
    U.P.; A.P.; Tong  -  200 words
  • 23 1 'TURKO': ASSAULT STORY j il Kepurt«»r iterance i Mr. D. Asst. attach he %v any Capt. rttng, leportamadc Ix 1 ster- I I
    23 words
  • 31 1 Three bandit suspects >d by the police were ured by the Tangkah _ie squad In the Gemas area yesterday Another pect, who had a bullet d was also arrested
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  • 25 1 The Japanr spaper hi" repu: 'very fa- 1 .ible progress m nego- i for a trade agreement I een Japan and Sweden.
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  • 148 1 NKW DELHI, Wednesday THK Indian Government yesterday announced a record military budget a few hours after the Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, sent a telegram to Pakistan disclaiming any intention of going to war with that countr\ The telegram to Pakistan's Premier, Liaquat All Khan, was
    U.P.; Reuter  -  148 words
  • 63 1 BRITISH troops with walkieI yesterday j m control or the African section of Asmara, now quiet after last weeks riots. They wi!*>(j off the African marl i and only admitted ■n to buy food curfew, m'f cur:- -\e height of the oting. 'he "hour- :^ht. Some Coptic
    63 words
  • 110 1 YORK. Wednesday THE Archbishop of York, Dr. Cyril Garbutt. yesterday urged Britain to open hydro- gen bomb talks with Russia 11 the United States could not do so. He proposed as an alterna-tive--if agreement could not jbe reached "a solemn covenant" of peace loving and de-
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  • 64 1 LJKITAIN is to hold its biggest and most elaborate motor show In America on April 15-23 at the Grand Central Palace. New York. Sixty -five leading British vehicle manufacturers, including 199 car makers, will show nearly 100 different car makes, m addition to lorries, buses,
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 31 1 M .scow Radio lias announced that the rouble is being planed o n a B°^d basis and will be valued at four roubles tn rhn US $1. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 49 1 Those capitalists 'ftflE oifici^l Chtaese CommunUt news agency, desrribinc the British election, said that Communist candidate* gained widespread support of the masses hut during the voting were discriminated asrainst be/.•n&o nf "i •nitali>< rrslrictions."- Fmtlnotp: A handed Communists polled 90,333 vV»<* between them, Koi out was elected. U.P.
    U.P.  -  49 words
  • 240 1 KARACHI. Wednesday. 'FHE l\S. roving ambassador, Dr. Philip Jessup, said here yesterday that it was quite possible that Red China and Russia might extend aid, arms and munitions to the anti-French rebel Ho Chi Minh, such as Russia did m Greece, and thereby "create a situation
    A.P.  -  240 words
  • 51 1 PASADENA. California. \N *arthquake. desiribpd a* the most severe at srreat drpth m the last trn years was recorded yesterday at the California Institute of Technology. Dr. C. F Kichter of the institutes >tistii(»loj;ii al labnr.iturv said it apparently centred m the sea of Okhotsk, near
    51 words
  • 39 1 The US State Department said yesterday it had discharged 202 employees, investigated during the past twxi years, as "poor security risks.' On.- person was dismissed and the others were allowed to resign A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 31 1 Th^ee children were killed and nine Injured when a school bus. carrying 30 children, collided wit h a goods train at a level crossing m Maine USA A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 23 1 A general strike, called for i March 5. threatens to paralyse communications and I many services throughout the Sudan A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 22 1 The Burmese Army has pressed further along the railway beyond Kyrundata and has capture;! Penwegon, 58 miles south of Toungoo.
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  • 99 1 ACCRA. Wed SIR Charles Arden Clarke the Governor yesterday urged the people of the Gold Coast not to waste "energy and breath m fruitless demands for a new heaven on eartli m 48 hours." The Gold Coast wants selfgovernment but not mob rule, he said Addressing
    A.P.  -  99 words
  • 75 1 THHE American Federation 1 of Labour has accused Russia of using slave workers to produce a large percentage of its industrial output. Miss Tomi Sender, the Federation's delegate to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, claimed thar slave workers of ihe MVD (Russian cret
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 35 1 The Australian External Affairs Minister. Mr. Percy Spender, is likely to visit Manila about the end of April to confer with President Quirino of the Philipines on a Pacific anti-Communist Pact. Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 41 1 Moscow's Pravda said terday that the United States is building military bases m Norv A dispatch Iron: Oslo q Norwegian militar nal. Befalblad't as saying that b being constructed m accordance with American pans and demands
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  • 14 1 The Burmese cabinet If likely to be reshuffled early m March. A.P.
    A.P.  -  14 words
  • 274 1 Brooke case judgment is reserved LONDON, Wednesday. THE Judicial Committee of the Privy Council yesterday reserved judgment on an application by Captain Bertram Brooke and his son, Mr. Anthony Brooke, for leave to >vr\e summons on the third Rajah of Sarawak. S< Charles Vyner Brooke, and others, contt^iinu the cession
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 18 1 The United States of Indonesla is to open a permanent legation to the Hols* S^-p
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  • 80 1 ATOM SECRETS SALE TRIAL OPENS TODAY LONDON v. gRITISH justice Is expe to deal swiftly twi:h Dr. Klaus F.ichs i-ch gt betraying si a One of his lawyers Mr. J Thompson Halsali Mid "probably morp than a day H k I ed to say hox Puchi j plead f
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 40 1 'Aid to Britain must go on' MARSHALL AID for B n: dollar short increased world Foreign Affair> US H ras t'tin yesterday The dollar deficit is now B: economic probleir 'ported Mr. John Kenney the Marshall A.d v Britain.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 IHE OLD CAPITAL GENUINE jtfTlQU** f > ARTS Col! I I****** Our Display j Hi. Spor: SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: ON THURSDAY 2nd MARCH OUR ORCHARD RD. BRANCH WILL CLOSE AT 4 p.m. aa*. only on Thursday larch, our Orchard Road 1 w'l close at 4 p.m. for "-a alterat ony !t
      70 words
    • 117 1 '^"iea aiHijmmwsTi ANOTHER FINE SET FROM tfsaYj^g^^^ngKJMf J^g^gß f* I I Mode! 472. UK for D.1.-A.v. Mains i (105-115) (190.250) voits adjustable I A 5 VALVE SUPERHET RECEIVER j WITH BANDSPREAO TUNING ON SHORT WAVE BANDS 5 Cos»or Valves including 1428T Beam Tetrode 2nd OMI half-wave Rectifier Delayed AY.C. Flywheel
      117 words

  • 1145 2 Removing Freckles, Blackheads THE SINGAPdUE DOCTOR I AM much distressed to find my face has some "blackheads" and "freckles" and would hke to know whether there is any cure for them. I understand there is an acid which icill cure them but 1 find it very difficult t0 9et iL
    1,145 words
  • 357 2  - AMEBIC D YSENTERY CURE CLAIM Marguerite Dye By g C I E N C E may have found an easy cure for amebic dysentery, the intestinal m lection which has plagued nations through the ages. Three Memphis Tennessee doctors, after live months of experiments, believe the nemesis of this ancient
    A.P.  -  357 words
  • 73 2 NYLON CURE STRIPS of nylon e\ about seven eeotg (US) apiece may make walking possible for 'housands -1 persons now crippled by arthritis. In the opinion of two Boston doctor.v Dr. John G. Kuhn> and Auodore A. Potter report su cessful knee joint operations by a method known i# '■nylon
    A.P.  -  73 words
  • 420 2 Tea Is Good For The Teeth The Chapman Pincher Column OCIENTISTS have just discovered that though tea gives no calories it seems to be an essential food lor most British children. Without it they cannot build really healthy teeth. Experiments have proved that tea is the only item m their
    420 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 118 2 TIME-TESTED IN THE T KOFIC* g V^omen know it ensures a a lovely skin S 1 ftrntert* l*» tkin frwm dv« t^ 4 •od dirt fuardt aicaioat s«s V r*paU the aiua immediatei> t^ A rt I* applied m rrfrr»hi«( *ajtens a»d peHtuua* the y 4P^^^ Uin, prrvrou Tb*l ihm>
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
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    • 191 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR JORN today, your frank and open honesty is one of your most oatstanding characteristics. Your word is quite as good as another's bond and you always say what you mean and mean what you say! This high dependability can place you into a position of trust at
      191 words
    • 397 2 F.P. Crossword No. 952 CLIES ACROSS 5. 9 To d< Uil-. nmst W rely n> an 1 1 ter Ing one's capital. (2, 4, 11); 10 Fed rfbont time! «6t; 11 Fruit mitres, going to waste, make Pinner sle« k (4, 7) 12 Evening at Innisfree is full Of Us
      397 words

  • 269 3 U.S. BACKS BRITISH BASE IN SUEZ 'Good for attack on Russia CAIRO, Wednesday. 'FHE Suez Canal is no longer a bastion of defence A and a vital line of communication with the Far Eastern corners of the British Empire, but principally a base for an attack on South-Western Russia, believe
    U.P.  -  269 words
  • 154 3 \wx ,(.r« \M. MASSACHUSETTS. Wednesday. llag after three years, Ralph C. Abbott ,|k ,ir» his doctors sa> he will never waken x 1 ll c early morning of Feb. 17, 1947, mobile of the young former army Into a tree and hurled him head'one wall.
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • Article, Illustration
    57 3 Bald-headed men paraded m Berlin when a movie company advertised for men with bald heads to appear m a film based on the efforts of an international hairdresser who claimed to restore hair by the use of secret herbs. Some 400 men applied and here the German actress Olga Tschechowa
    A.P.  -  57 words
  • 49 3 For some weeks a Melbourne firm advertised an £ABOO-a--year job for semi-skilled process workers— and couldn't get enough men. The firm is a hosiery factory using £AlB.OOO machines, and though the operators need be only semi-skilled they must bear a considerable amount of responsibility.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 77 3 INTEKt'KKEM/E with radio directions to pilots landing mi Melbou/ne ha s Ween traced to a 14-year-old receiving set but radio experts say they are still puzzled. When the trouble vai located after months of investigation it was found that the old Are-valve set m a nearby house had become
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 100 3 AN article m the Russian official newspaper Pravda says: "In the post-war period, j the Russians have been ceaselessly perfecting their combat and political preparedness. With the whole Soviet people, they keenly watch the quests of AngloAmerican incendiaries for a new war. "Regardless of how AngloAmerioan plunderers
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • 62 3 I^HE British steamer. Kweiyang. which brought 1.015 Nationalist soldiers and dependents to Formosa from Hong Kong, will have to take all except a handful back to the British colony General LI Li-pai. Nationalist Chief-of-Staff. said the Hong Kona Government had not obtained permission to send the
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  • 141 3 Streamlining saves car petrol NEW YORK. Wed. |JEW auto streamlining to save petrol was described to the Society of Automotive Engineers. New York section, here. They took cars off the road and put them m wind tunnels The tunnels were built for streamlining airplanes, and were used the same way
    A.P.  -  141 words
  • 33 3 Landless and unemployed peasants of Southern Italy have seized 20.000 hectares 50,0000 acres i of cultivated estates m a new flare ,up of last Autumns still j smouldering ''peasant revolt"! Reuter
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    255 3 "PLEASE setUe this argument for ms," request* a Minneapolis correspondent. "Aa you can see, we let South play this hand at one spade undoubted. Probably tfe could have held him to thr»« tricks, but we let him take a fourth. He was still down three, for a penalty
    255 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 36 3 mLA^M-M. "Hi Hi/mmm mm^k Mk. v SB B Bfl H Vi I fl •^j^[sr*s v ■V JR IS B 8 gK F^^*^ J^^^"* 1 ©MOTOR OlL^^ w *^/5» ENGINE WEAR PREVENTS ACW CORROSION ENSURES ENGINE CLEANLINESS
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 129 3 WHAT'S ON IN K.L. PAVILION: Sai See Cani tonese>. ODEON: Madness Of The Heart B.KX: Prince Of Foxes. CATHAY: Suiaiya Chardin <Hmdi>. COLISEUM: The Snake Pit. MADKAS: Mystery Mountain. CENTRAL: Gadis Desa < Malay). HINDI STAN: Chandraleka. BOXING: I Tan Gwat Tek vs Lm!e Nen* at 1 B B. Park
      129 words
    • 380 3 TODAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE mental": 815 Thai N^ws mi iii 1 Nn'ttiiHK) T lk6 BBC 845 Dulch BBC i«? j ill 90 Kuovu <BBC-: 9.30 Bu 484 and 41.7 metres. (BBC>: 945 Piogvamme Sum Emergencj news from X..L. Interlude: 10.00 Radio N at 10 a.m. R^el ,bBC^: 10 15 Music tot
      380 words

  • 634 4  -  CHARLES LYNCH Story by pXTENSIVE use is made of photography by an Australian company In Melbourne, as an aid to its industrial operations m the textile CeW, and it has also evolved a new process for re-producing photographs on textiles. Designer and producer of quality fashion textiles,
    JACK GALLAGHER  -  634 words

  • 216 5 Protest against high taxes NEW YORK, Wednesday DO*»TON, famous for its tea party, got worked up asain over taxes. A group of students put two barrels ililed with cinema tickets into a boat and rowed out to the spot where their ancestors dumped British tea
    216 words
  • 77 5 'SE Asia push soon WASHING ION. Tues. vc DIRECTED push -East Asia e U Sext he nexi months, I _k_ here st goal of >c the new ions of .mbodia uo Indo- weeks is .s the I r nd rearea as the I ,ur\f% mission right, thin* ±*tt to B-o
    77 words
  • 25 5 Ex-sailor is cocktail champion N\ Wed. Hopkins :ock- i concocj host. John S. 2 II ..r.d a Bri'isb I I: consist le noyaux. corrs A.P.
    A.P.  -  25 words
  • 16 5 n -:ed part li v broad- .-us. I mcd by rough the
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  • 14 5 ■■z :or a r r :e ot the s*aff \n Reuter
    Reuter  -  14 words
  • 55 5 alr^nrrs from all points of the compass are approaching London with new confidence. The Ministry of Civi« Aviation Inaugurated its radar system of controlling the arriving aircraft aft^r many months of tests. Through its use. planes over a radius of 130 miles from London are identified
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 35 5 The ocean-going diesel :ric tug Ocean Pride of Hong Kong ran aground on a reef off the entrance to Subic Bay on Monday but was pulled off by U.S Navy ships. A.P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 18 5 The U.S. State Department has banned American citizens from travelling on private business to Bulgaria
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 5 A view of "BEPO" the larger of the two atomic piles m the British Government Atom Plant at Harwell The pile is cooled by air blown from fans at the base of the ,00-foot stack. Heat generated m the pile may soon be used to power turbines and it is
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  • 149 5 COCOALAND IS HAPPY BUT A UNO mission which visited the cocoa land of Togoland told Britain and France that they must satisfy the people's demand for unification "m the interests of peace and stability." Togoland. a former German colony m West Africa, was divided between Britain and France after the
    149 words
  • 34 5 The annual income of s e Japanese Communist Party is 142.000.000 yen. the highest of Japan's political parties, a i Government survey shows The income came largely from direct donation. Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 228 5 TEL AVl\, Wednesday. A TEL AVIV engineer says Israel could link together the waters of the Dead Sea and the Red Sea into the world market for metallic magnesium. The engineer, Mr. M. Feldschreiber, contends the project could tap inexhaustible reserves of magnesium
    228 words
  • 151 5 SCOTSMEN HEAR A CALL .LONDON, Wed. OCOTSMEN the world over are beginning to hear the skirl of bagpipes. It's still a smothered squeal but it's growing louder every day. Its calling yie Scottish clans some hundred major ones together for a great gathering m Edinburgh the last week of July,
    A.P.  -  151 words
  • 22 5 The Chinese Commua.M Mayor of Peking. Chang Yu. has* declared that the Communist capital from now on will be self supporting.
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  • 79 5 ASIA INSTITUTE HARD PRESSED IN AJ effort to keep the Asia Institute m New York from closing from lack of money, the school's 168 students* have pledged themiehi raise US. $5,000 and have joined m an appeal for funds from other sources The Institute, only gradurUr school m the U
    A.P.  -  79 words
  • 29 5 A U.S. aircraft industry spokesman says American leadership m air transport may be lost unless Federal money is used to start a let airliner programme. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 189 5 WHETHER you will be a teetotaller, moderate drinker or chronic toper is decided befjie you are born, according to a medical theoryTrie theor> put forward by Texas University scientists. says that a person who craves alcohol has a deficiency In his diet, because he needs a
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  • 49 5 (CONTINUED Marshall aid j for Britain. France and Italy has been endorsed by the U S House of Representatives Foreign Affairs subcommittee. The recommendation wa.^ made m a report by the fourman sub-committee based on its inspection trip to Europr m November and December A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 188 5 MOSCOW. Wednesday. SOVIET Art" has protested vigorously against what it tailed "unheard of distortions" of Russian classics on New York and Paris stages. The paper organ of the committee on art affairs— cited a reported adaptation of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard." The paper said the action
    U.P.  -  188 words
  • 29 5 A fierce battle may develop m the Philippines as 2,000 Government troop 3 from Central Luzon closed m on dissidents m Bataan and Zambales provinces Reuter
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  • 190 5 K(»t£, Wednesday. ROBERTO Rossellini, Italian director of "Stromboli, M starring Ingrid Bergman, is today reported to have said m an interview: "I renounce all claims to its earnings m the IS. because I do not recognise it as my film." In the interview— with the weekly
    190 words
  • 164 5 Nudes worry W. German Government FRANKFURT, Wednesd;n THHE bare facts about nudity m West German 1 magazines are causing irritation between the state and federal governments. The federal government says the myriad of German magazines which feature pictures of men and women m the nude are often pornographic It wants
    164 words
  • 18 5 The British Chamber of Shipping said builders have restored Britain's merchant 'fleet to its pre-war tonnage.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 confusion agents spokesman m Frankfurt, has announced f a young Russian woman suspected of 53^iJ e««fu>ion agent for the Soviet. Such an agent, >/ten deliberately lets himself be picked up, tells > S ff c v Tories— all untrue— to divert the atBS*HLp c AUkd authoritic from the real espionage
      81 words
    • 117 5 >-&&£ si Sturdy limbs, firm flesh and sound bones together with the happiness of abounding health these are some of the gifts bestowed by this famous food. For there is everything your baby needs m a tin of COW GATE The rich concentrated nourishment of the world's finest milk is
      117 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 70 6 A Javanese newspaper, called *V Merdeka, "warns" the Singapore Government of Westerling is not extradited very soon This is rich, coming from a country where Turko eoulS 2? P re "y weU as he liked wnhout the fear of arrest It waa left to the SintapSe poUce
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  • 460 6 The Singapore Free Press WEDNESDAY, Mar. 1, 1950 INDIA TAKES ACTION INDIA has taken drastic at-uon against the CommuT>Jsts In her midst Parliament at New Delhi has passed emergency legislation providing for preventivt- detention, without trial. cam where people are ered to be acting m a manner prejudicial to security
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  • 808 6  -  Sir Miles Thomas SPEED BRINGS MEW BOAC. PROBLEMS Chairman of BO AC. points to the boons und the problems of the ever-increas ing speed-up m air travel. TIIK same air-con-trol tower m Singapore that plots the progress of air strikes by rocketfiring fighters of
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  • 67 6 THIRTY FOUR-YEARS- OLD Stanley Morgan, of Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, was parachuted by the Army Into Malaya on a special mission for radiooperating duties with the guerillas. There he struck up fr *endship with an Army officer now settled m AustraMorgan has Just left with his family for South
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  • 508 6  -  NEVILLE CARDUS By U'HERE are the British conductors? Subsidies from the national exchequer help music m Britain and are proof of an Increasing concern for the things of the spirit yet m several important instances it is a foreign conductor who enjoys an appointment. Karl
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 6 The camera has here nicely caught the climatic movement m a ballet entitled "Celebration" This picture was the icork of Barbara Morgan, leading U.S. photographer
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  • 577 6  - Tax Cut Is Still Not Enough PRESTO Music topics by "OETTER than no- thing but still not enough" might sum up the opinion of Singapore music lovers on the recommendation to the Legislative Council that the entertainment tax should be reduced by half The growing upsurge of interest In music
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  • Article, Illustration
    225 6 Itanriri Musir for lh«? Kn>«l I ur works (trans H»rlvt played by the London Philharoonic Orchestra conducted by Sir \drian Boult. HMV D.B. i.tM» A strange aural fog seems shroud Uiis recording Prom the first chord to Hie last, but Ml always to the tume decree. tlie music
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  • 322 6  -  G.D. McCormick By AT the gaily coloured tables of the cafe thsy are having their pre-lunch aperitif. From a radiogram inside come the lilting, impish songs of Jean Sablon "...Boom, quand mon coeur dit b00m..." And Monsieur says to Madame: "Ah, the music it makes
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  • 12 6 A New Car Spirit I A 1 a 38 II I tRPfIJ
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 299 7 BRITAIN WANTS MALAYAN TIMBER Trade to be stepped up Free Press Staff Reporter BECAUSE of a shortage of timber m the United Kingdom today Britain's largest timber importers have sent a representative to Singapore to organise and develop a regular trade m Malayan hardwood. He is Mr. Harold J. Watkins
    Free Press  -  299 words
  • 111 7 Free Tress Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRI', Tuesday. >utTering from an acute shortage of tloi tors, the acting Mentri Besar, Dato toM the State Council at its meeting s U ande been 1949, er than i tc he said. ted 36.120 or id deaths ;de de.
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  • 89 7 Krre Preys staff KeporUr JOHORE BAHRU. Tues > NOTIFICATION Of cases of I tuberculosis will soon be compulsory m Johore, he acting Mentn Besar, Dato Wan Idris. announced m he State Council today. The tuberculosis isolation hospital m Tampoi would be ready to take 50 patients
    89 words
  • 145 7 Free Press Staff Krporter THE Senate of the University of Malaya has decided to set up Boards of Studies to examine the Carr-Saunders Commission's recommendations regarding the creation of Departments of Malay. Chinese and Tamil or, m general. Indian studies These boards will be made up
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  • 28 7 BUNGALOW LAW ADOPTED Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday adopted without debate amended Bungalow Area bylaws providing for the erection of flats and hotels of approved desifrn m bungalow areas.
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  • 19 7 The Singapore Government will invite tenders for an issue of $5,000,000 by Treasury Bills on Mar. 10.
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  • 182 7 Free Press Chinese Correspondent THE l/nited Kingdom has restored the importation of sago flour and pearl sago to private trading channels from Feb. 10 and Malayan sago exporters may now ship sago there under an import licence, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is
    Free Press  -  182 words
  • 187 7 Free Press Staff Reporter AIR rate-fixing where Asian countries are concerned will bear some relation to the standard of living m those countries. Mr. P. Nadeson, Ceylon Director of Civil Aviation, said before leaving Singapore yesterday Mr Nadeson said this was the view of Sir
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 7 pHE American Consul--1 General and Mrs. W. R. Langdon and Mr. W. H. Lawrence Jr. Director of the U.S. Information Service, gave a reception last week m honour of delegates to the U.S. Public Affairs Officers' Conference m Singapore. Picture shows Tungku Mahkota of Johorr. the Tungku Ampuan.
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  • 1037 7 Free Press Staff Reporter EXCHANGES between Mr. A. P. Rajah and Mr. Pat Johnson, leaders of the Progressive Party and Labour Party respectively on the Singapore Municipal Commission, necessitated the acting President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, calling the meeting to order during the Commissioners'
    1,037 words
  • 355 7 Free Press Staff Reporter A SCHEME for the building of a private primary A school, with 600 classrooms, at Siang lim Park. Singapore, was being held up m the absence of advice from the Municipal Commissioners regarding the site, Mr. P. J. Johnson (Labour.
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  • 334 7 S'pore to have improved posts system Free Fress Staff Re-porter pKOM next Monday the chances of letters <oiu« astray m Singapore will be cut down. The Colony's postal authorities will be introducing a system of deliveries which will eradicate all complications m the dispatch of correspondence to II parts of
    334 words
  • 94 7 Free Pre** iiiall -rl> r nvxX y. trirts will be: l>istri< I ftaflfli r. District Z. 'l.m »a| JV District 3 lion; ftahr Keppel Hirhour: E, I Panjant:: <;. Fort Can7, Rampoiu BlMBj A. Kandan^ Kerbau: I, »>r« I; Road: It. I.trjclin; 11. ton: M Seranyoou; VS.
    94 words
  • 91 7 HOW PUBLIC CAN HELP THE POSTMAN k'rt* Press SUIT K*|*> HOW t! can fceip t<» cess of the new lively •cheme C; P O v ill Li aciing L* Daviri Bi Mr fl I have a j> trom Hrn addles*- k the pf-0.. The effective In a^ to a S.
    91 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 AH Yes! These Curtain Fabrics HOME APPEAL>dfI bring out all the A^(L jKL*-- i attractiveness of Asw *^i our home. '^H If I ottun fabrics. In fawn weaves, ;iKo rials m quaint Sprig designs. Covcrkifi m all attractive and colourful And weaves. MMtM I.MI.I.MIHICMUMHI r COMMERCIAL TRADERS LTD. HOUSE OF
      97 words
    • 89 7 fP* BARGAINS MI L^Wtlhl NO t* IIJ« STRIPED RAYON /^pr*,4 PYJAMAS fl "^^^r 1 itt Aborted Shades In Attractive Co> Usually 25/-T-ri SALE SPORE $1 8/5 C II m PRICE K. L 522 25 Ut H« B 9 1162 FUNNEL PYJAMAS Suitable Fot Home Le^ B Sizes 36" to 44"
      89 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 45 7 MAILS I Surface mail is expected m Singapore today from the United States. India. Pakistan. Christmas Island, and the Federation. I for posting su; the GP.O. are: noon for Slam (parcels only».: Java, and East Australia: 5.45 pm. for the Federation; 6 p.m for Sibu.
      45 words

  • 181 8 CHECK ON MANDATORY ORDERS ALL oarut&nding and future manuaiory ciders will bt coiiiidered by a Municipal whose recommendations will be placed bethe lull board of Cora oners. This Is the result of a .on successfully moved m Municipal Commissioners j yesterday by Mr. O. ilndep. Ea^i Ward>. las motion, which
    181 words
  • Article, Illustration
    512 8  -  Sit Yin Fong by IMET a traveller from an antique land the other day. His name is Tong Shu Fa, and he is an anthropologist. Sturdy Mr. Tong stride into the Singapore Free Press office and sai<| simply: "I want to tell the story of my travels m
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  • 109 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Tv rvATO Wan Idris, acting 1 Mentri Besar. told the Johore Council of State today that the accounts for the year 1949 had n«»t yet been closed as Crown Agents' and other A^pncy accounts have not yet bet-n received foe the latter part of
    109 words
  • 65 8 PILGRIMS come from as far as Inner Mongolia, Sekang and Tibet to pray at this Chinghai temple. The man on the right is one of the lamas of the temple. i rjiYPICAL of married Yami women is this strongly -built 1 mother carryiria her baby nn
    65 words
  • 286 8 LONDON, U.-dnesd,. WTITH the exception of South Africa, i ff which were m good demand the tren uncertainty-engulfed London yesterday was generally to lower lew i SjJH financial correspondent. Many broi clients to "sit tight" and await event. Commodity shares followed the i and
    286 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 128 8 UNIVERSITY TUTORIAL CLASSES -t-nio? Londci t Arts. Law Com.nercial *üb'erts. ana Malay nine or Profession Is Urn ft* Economic lr.f-p'-r. -a \:rity n tor intermedia.; anu London I T B rx3.Tiinjfiom C n iln bC yen b> nolder o( ■\r;< decree and W\>or f> :e m Artand Honours), (Fomierl-.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 1524 9 The clue of the crepe soles by FABIAN of I the YARD Off AIWUStM R iKY AS g the man a new r me .hat c known d trying Delaney. l impaled feed railD etor"--:nown rrom 51 James. f jewels :.d crawl- ■/> miles him. 0 De- pre--1 roots He
    1,524 words
  • 331 9  -  GEOFF TAYLOR by II SJ for the sheer J love Of it, 100 of Australia's professifMiMl aad ainntcur liaijd stars go« together recently to beal out the rhythms of jazj! riassks. The rest of the nation crould take to the holiday resorts that was
    331 words
  • 1022 9  - Wednessday Short Story AMBUSH JOHN K. JONES by DEEP jungle gloom overshadowed the men. Dark trees closed on the narrow path and Lee Hock led the small party through them. Sen Choo followed Lee closely, it was I^ee who promised food plenty of good food. In the madness of his
    1,022 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 m*y Magnificent •fit Vn* HIS MASTER'S VOICF >v Recordings Vod Selections from the Ivor Movdio Mcsfcdl Romance KING'S RHAPSODY" Y ;ur Girl: Fly tc Gates: Mountain I Love: The I meday My Hear: Wfll Scene and Finale. Sung VANESSA LEE, OLIVE DAPwF DENIS V Chorus and C 391 C 18
      78 words
    • 52 9 lw n p Wff iimoißflfsir W H 'I V and RECORDIPG fl W? Distributors: Borneo Sumatra Trading Co. (Malaya) Ltd. BUSINESS MACHINES OKPT. Established 17 years m South Bast Asia Singapore Kuala Lumpur P«nang a. ma m m v m m m m m m m m v b\ b
      52 words

  • 64 10 ASTON Athletic Clubs team against Blue Rover* m t^eh S.A.F.A, Junior "B League fixture on the 8.0.D. ground tomorrow will be chosen from Frank Tan, Anthony Lee, Frank Low Lionel Teow Ronnie Lim Douglas Teoh, Johnny Cheong Artnur Lim, Sunny Tan. Goh Chek Kang. Robert
    64 words
  • 433 10 'SEED PLAN' FOR BRIGHTER SOCCER 3 inside men as cen tre-forwards By GEORGE CHANDLER lIMMY Seed, manager of Charlton Athletic, believes he has found the answer to modern defensive tactics m soccer. This is a three centreforward plan. The unassuming and popular manager is quietly confident that his new tactics
    433 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 10 picture. This looks like an easy save for Strong, the Burnley goalkeeper actually, it Ifl Arsenal'^ .second goal m their F.A. (up fifthround encounter at Highbury on Feb. 11. The scorer is Denis Compton (inwhite jersey). Arsenal won two nil. Keystone
    Keystone  -  41 words
  • 246 10 U.K. starts bad minton campaign BRITISH badminton enthusiasts, reflecting on the fact, that none of the nnals of Hie All-England championships next week la likely to see British players m action, are hopeful that thi.s state of aflairs will vani>h In a few years. They base their optimism on the
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 168 10 THIRD round results ol he Singapore IChOOlbOjrs' «fie»s I championship ueitUow Yew Chjrc oi Buan Ye». Rudy Inn bi. Lee Chy< Seng. Ho Thian C/.iye bi. Cnarile t Wong. Mohd. Yusof bt. Lan Choon Tetk; John Chong bt Peer 1 an Arifl bt. Alb«i; W <■:
    168 words
  • 29 10 Mcl Pattern iU. S». hulrter of the world record of 9.3 »cc*. f<>r the 100 yard&. will probably be invited to run In Australia next year.
    29 words
  • 121 10 >| \6COTTE B P bea Wemblej lads B.P. by .six g Ames to one m a badminton Mindly on th« IfMcotte murt la^t week-end, j H^mT's were (ifaeCOtte 8.8. naenUooed Hi singles: Seah Yeck Klum b1 Bujftl 15-12. 15 ft: Wee Thiam j Bock bi Richard
    121 words
  • 301 10 4 (iAMK which is fast becoming popular m several j of the senior English boys schools m Singapore is basketball. Boys and |iril of the Colony's leading Chinese schools, such as Nanyang Girls' School Chinese High School. Kong Siong School and others have taken
    301 words
  • 582 10 By A Special Correspondent OINGAPOKE has produced srveral fine sportsmen and sportswomen people who were m their prime m the years when this country was far behind than today m sport but it is indeed hard to forget their achievements and their contributions to local sport.
    582 words
  • 30 10 The Piiilippines A-n. Athletic Federation has proposed to Pakistan that the venue of the Davis Cud ell minaiion matches between thf two countries be trans term* to Manila
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  • 148 10  -  ARTHUR ROWE SCIENCE IN SOCCER By Manager of Tottenham Hotspur. CIMPLICITV is the keynote of this move, which enables a half-back to opon up the game when the obvious passes to his inside forward or winger are ruled on' be°ause these players are covered. The
    148 words
  • 131 10 piAYING at the Clerical Union hall during the week-end, Monks Hill B.P beat Flower B P by six games to two. Results .Monks Hill BP players mentioned first i Goh Tiang Seng bt. George Yeo 15-11. 15-12 Ch'.ia Aii Bah bt. li.n Chiang Teo 15-7.
    131 words
  • 79 10 JOHORE ktmmimm Foot Da 1; Association mU hold it* annual meeting at Kluang on F: ri^y March 3 Among niH'eis 'o \te disous«ed will b* <a> the M«.hd Atxiullah rup tourney In m all divi m Johore except Kota Tinggi ar» participaUng uv tn lnvi> rhe SingTao ;o
    79 words
  • 126 10 rpHE International Amat-eur Athletic Federation iMt announced the acceptance of the following world records for tra^k events: 3 000 meties 7 mins. 58 8 sers. made by Gaslon Reiff of Belgium at Gavle. Sweden, on Aug. 12, 1949 The previous record was 8 mlm. 1.2 sees, held
    126 words
  • 128 10 Malacca C A. arrangements #r«*e Pres, Staff Reporter MALACCA T MKSSRS G S Walkfr P.G.M.G Mahindasa and Harry D;as were re-elected president, vice-presideit and rctan tretmrer reg lively of the Malacca Cncket As»s<x-iation at the annual general meeting la*' wenic Messrs M Arumugam and i Herman Sequerah we 'ed auditors
    128 words
  • 75 10 A I Rivers has plans for gymnasium Ai- RIVERA "men ptack E Malay. herse.: just a.s and v., cond: I this coui i cally tng k> son> havf- to boi I Bch And: i il por gyn training He gym: on B *i n am*' honours H»- ha> i nevi
    75 words
  • 8 10 Al a m< dr»r Via r,
    8 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 110 10 IASf 5 SHOWS 11 1.45. 4. 6.30 9.30 p.m. PROFESSOR DEN m Mandarin" OPENS TOMORROW i sK> f Mk -KmJNhKT WV MM LAST DAY/ 11 45. 4. ti.3t» Ik 9.30 p.m. srAars tomorrow THRIUI IJ (xi ICON CONflKf •HO mC'»(.l ■MM j«Mkka LAST DAY! II am 1.45. 4.13, t 4*>
      110 words
    • 89 10 SINGAPORE 1 BAGGAGE TRANSPORT AGENCY LTD. In Assoiidfion xcith THE SINGAPORE PACKING COMPANY Going Home on Leave? Vky nut take advan\^ Our Don} :■< 0 s Packing Shipment Insurance Collection it destination. Delivery ti your door step. Secntary Director: Mr Lyndlty Hcllovai hi inniutn Messrs. HCKFOKDS LID SEA VIEW HOTEL
      89 words

  • 342 11 MALAYANS ARE VASTLY SUPERIOR Tribute by U.K. badminton chief less an authority than Brigadier Bruce Hay, president of the All-England Badminton Association, thinks that the Thomas Cup will remain m Malaya for an indefinite number of years. He told Robert C. Dowson, United Press sports correspondent m London, yesterday: "Heaven
    U.P.  -  342 words
  • 65 11 rtfM pc« horses r sifted by f Associaone m us 1 and .ire: i BLOOM. rura. ti T MAISIE. ISS Relle; Ujiji ,»H tat Royal \v i'.iam of C(H\- b. or i Bth) Greek \K 181 XN l I 1 «\E. RIO 0' Le r
    65 words
  • 12 11 1 of i .-ales m; 8-4 on ten- Orleans
    12 words
  • 48 11 The British ship Benalbanach. now In Singapore, heat the Swedish ship Calinemersk by five goals to nil m a friendly *ame of socwr played on the Singapore District (Port Canning > ground yesterday. McLennan scored four goals which included a hat-trick and Collins scored the fifth.
    48 words
  • 117 11  -  ALLAN LEWIS From PENANG, Wed. pBBCIAM PRINCE looked VI very much improved when given slow work on the No. 2 track on the Penang racecourse this morning. Hv should follow up his last-start success by winning on Saturday. Carolina is another which is m splendid condition, and
    117 words
  • 627 11  -  CRUSADER By SINGAPORE'S soccer supporters who had visualised plain sailing to the Malaya Cup final after the Civilians' 9 o rout of Royal Navy and their s—l5 1 defeat of the Burmese visitors must have received a rude shock when the All-Singapore XI went down ignominiously
    627 words
  • 136 11 THE following: message to Singapore soccer players was issued last night by Mr. W. McGregor Watt, president of the Singapore Amateur Football Association. "On the ev e of the opening of the new soccer season I take the opportunity of wishing the players of all communities
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  • 77 11 CT. Andrews School's first team beat St. Joseph's Institution's first team by one goal to nil m a soccer match on the S.J.I. ground yesterday. Wilfred Skinner, St. Andrew's goalkeeper was most outstanding winning rounds of applause for his fine saves. Following a corner-kick. Rex Lee
    77 words
  • 41 11 LONDON Hospital beat St. Bartholomew's Hospitai by 21 points to nil m the second round of the Hospitals Cup rugby union competition yesterday. London Hospital now meet St. Mary's Hospital m the semi-finals on March 9. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 54 11 REG HARRIS of Manchester, world's sprint cycling champion, was chosen winner of the Edmond Gentil Prize yesterday. An international jury of cycling: experts and journalists by 15 votes declared Harris' performances last year to be the best. The Italian, Fosto Coppi, the world pursuit chainDion,
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 38 11 picture. nJinK- re r die 'l Fa l e of Tor ««ay, semi-finalist of the Devonshire County championships, m play during the women s squash rackets championships at Lansdownc Club, London. Army News Service
    Army News Service  -  38 words
  • 210 11 IVINNY O'Sullivan, the British bantamweight outpointed Alvaro Nuvolini, the stocky Italian bantamweight, over ten rounds at Harringav arena last night. O'Sullivan, who is scheduled to fight Manuel Ortiz for his world's bantamweight championship was not given a rough journey by the Italian whose southpaw style put
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  • 127 11 THE French featherweight title-holder. Ray Famechon, has signed for a 15--round title match with the world champion. Willie Pep. at Madison Square Garden. New York, on Mar. 17. the International Boxing Club announced yesterday. Famechon agreed to ten per cent of the gate, with Pep getting
    A.P.  -  127 words
  • 88 11  -  ALLAN LEWIS From PENANG, Wed. BILL Spowart, who broke a wrist at the Penang Christmas-New Year Meeting, will ride again at the coming meet of the Penang Turf Club. Charlie Ellery, however, will not be able to ride on Saturday. The Injury he received when
    88 words
  • 89 11 rpHE Arellano University basket- ball team, Philippines ciampions for 1943, arrived this morning from Manila. The team was met by Mi Goh Che Hln, President of the Singapore Chinese Amateur Athlelic Federation, and Mr. P. O. Pcraita. The team will play a series of matches m
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  • 177 11 BRITAIN regained the Wolfe Noel Cup In the squash rackets international women's match against the United States m London yesterday when they won all five rubbers. Each was won m three straight games and rarely die! the Americans ever look like taking a game. This was
    Reuter; A.P.  -  177 words
  • 62 11 THE Island Club women's section monthly Medal (Bogey) for February was won by Mrs. San with a score of ail square Next best was Mrs. Chrroll. two down. •The Ce.V.'%v- Cup competition, fo: tlie winders of monthly Medals, and L.G.U. compsti'ions m 1949. wai a -by
    62 words
  • 25 11 STEROPE. winner of the Cambridgeshire Handicap In 1948 and 1949. has been sold to an undisclosed Venezuelan buyer, the Anglo-Irish Bloodstock Agency announced
    25 words
  • 156 11 pZZARD Charles, the U.S. National Boxing Associa- tion world heavyweight champion, claimed yesterday that he ca n decisively beat Joe Louis any time that Louis wants to meet him. Writing m the Ebony Magazine, Charles said: "Louis is eight years older than I am,
    A.P.  -  156 words
  • 485 11 All-England badminton tourney today UfONG Peng Soon, the Malayan badminton champion, is being freely tipped to stem a strong Scandinavian challenge m the 40th. All-England badminton championships which begin today at Empress Hall, London. He will undoubtedly be the centre of attraction throughout the championships, m which other players from
    Reuter  -  485 words
  • 131 11 RESULTS of the Island Club's February Monthly Medal were "A" Division: winner H Tooke <3> one up Next best returns: W Furrier Mayor (1) 2 down: E Carroll (12) 2 down. CAR. Bateman (2) 3 down: F. G. Minns <9> 4 down M. J Evans (4)
    131 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 50 11 Mir .sTor:A* /USI ARRIVED Price S/ 75.00 You will be proud tc own an EMPIRE Aristocrat riter (ELLY I WALSH LTD. >»•« tuncrtsioaaires tor i: H to. LTD. 11l LONDON. V v--Eat a SWEET- HEADACHE GONE 1 A new and evolutionary dey elopment m th Relief of Pain *LEJ& WMU
      50 words
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 53 12 TO JEANNE «if« of G!in Williams, a daughter, 28.2/50. QUrXIFV On Feb. 26. 1950. ar Malacca Hospital to Barbara (nee Moom, wife of Roger Quixley. a son iMichae! Colin). ROBBINS. At Brighton, Sussex. 2T February to Rhona, wife or Stanley A. Robbins. a daughter (Nina Noreen'. and sister for
    53 words
  • 41 12 ARTER-OLD: An engagement ts anr.ounced *nd a marriage wiil shortly take place between S'Swyn. only son of Mr. N. H. After, of Bournemouth, and Mrs. of Colmouth. Bedford, and hot only daughter, of Mr. Ac OM 4 Pinkneys Gre^n B^its
    41 words
  • 354 12 Chiang resumes Presidency HONG KONG, Wednesday. (JENERALISSIMO Chiang Kai-shek's announcement yesterday that he was resuming the Presidency today was followed by what has been widely hailed as a good augury a shift m the direction of the wind which makes the invasion of Hainan and Formosa
    A.P.; U.P.; Reuter  -  354 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 12 photo. Dr. Rajendra Prasad. President of the Republic of India, with Maharaja Mohan Shainsher Jang Bahadur Rana. Prime Minister and Commander- in-Chief of Xeppai. seen together at Government House m New Delhi. G.I.I.S.
    G.I.I.S.  -  33 words
  • 125 12 U.S.I. EMERCENCY LAW DALAT (IndO-Chlna), Wednesday. LMERCE Jungle warriors, armed only with bows and arrows, are m revolt against efforts of the Com-munist-baoked army of Ho Chi Minn to rustle their sacred buffaloes. The revolt began In the Hrf villages oJ the Kantoun area, near the
    125 words
  • 140 12 Federal system disin tegra ting JAKARTA. Wednesday. PACED with a disintergating federal system, the Indonesian cabinet last night decided to re-enact an emergency law that will open the way for rapid welding of the country into a few big states. This was the original goal of the old Indonesian Republic
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 169 12 VATICAN CITY. TTfinfiiij JIIE Holy Office, thief Roman Catholic authority on matters of dogma, yesterday took the must Important step m Vatican histg* v towards c-o-opera-tion with non-Catholics. It authorised Roman Catholic bishops throughout the world to organise m special cases local conferences with
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 146 12 TITOISM AMONG ASIA REDS Washington, wed. A FIRST indication of TitoIsm among Asia's Communists is seen m the action of the Vietminh rebel leade£ Ho Chi Minh. m securing Yugoslavia's recognition w his "government" m IndoChina This mVso>. says the Star, might be an "indirect way of serving notice on
    U.P.; Reuter  -  146 words
  • 77 12 PATIENT HAD 'WILL TO LINE' MANCHESTER. New Hampshire. Wed THE husband of the cancer patient Dr. Herman Sander, is accused of murdering :i^d yesterday that had the "will to 1: Ht- >a;d that "if the doctor m brother I could feel more k:r R'-g;n.i!d Borroto, 65. retired oil com par..
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 35 12 \MERIC crday proposed thai as b^ held throughout Germany po.ssibly on Oct. 15 pr the Russians agree to fKc *****11 I the ttatc the P..>sians have set *or elections In Gern..inv A. P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 64 12 BRISTANfc. Wed A YOUNG man had a "tiff" with his girl friend and hr jumped off the train. At the next station, thr Kir! reported to police. After searching along the railroad tracks for the man. police found him home m bed unhurt after what he
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 31 12 The New York Stock Exchange ned throughout the en; ire I session yesterday. with losses I ranging up to US$l share. I Transfers totalled 1.300. 100 shares. I A.P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 23 12 London spot tin rost ss. to £o9» jid and £600 asked Futures r limbed 17s. 6d. 10 £583 bid and! A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 89 12 'Mysterious object' seen in sky 4 i CAMBRIDGE, Ma&sachu^eUs. Wednesday. HARVARD Observatory yesterday announced that a mysterious fast -moving object has appeared high m the j northern sky Astronomers said It was far from the normal belt for t asteroids and doe* not have a j tail like most comets."
    U.P.  -  89 words
  • 103 12 I QUEBEC. V. A PRETTY airline clerk told a hushed court hrre thai j Albert Guay took out a $10,000 insurance policy on his i before she boarded me which later crashed. :.g 23 pers Mr. Guay. 32-year-old jev is charged with having a time bomb
    103 words
  • 120 12 NORFOLK VIRGINIA. Wednesday. TAPTAIN William D Brown. Commanding Officer of the 45,000-ton battleship Missouri, told a U S. naval court yesterday I and I alone, bear sole responsibility" for the ships grounding ov^r a moiuh ago. "As captain of the ship, it was my duty to
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 46 12 H.K. warships off for Manila Fourteen ships of the Bri- tish Far East fleet left Hong R yesterday on a cmiie 'o the Philippines and British North Borneo Near Manila j they will carry out exercises with the U.S. Seventh Fleet and 13th Air Force.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 43 12 Peking Srocic Exchange has been reopened under Communist auspices to provide leyliima'e channels for Investment of capital. At the outset stocks of six companies were approved for traalnij oa the exchange, including that of the Sino-Brlttsh Kalian Mmm- Administration A.P.
    A.P.  -  43 words
  • 23 12 An Indian Government spokesman said yesterday that fcidia will not take military action If the Chines* Rpds invade Tibet U.P.
    U.P.  -  23 words
  • 25 12 American servicemen on •i-- will probably reappear to Australia soon folloi-ln- granting to QanMs ilr">f a Beenc€ i ny Jo Jipan. Reuter A.P
    Reuter; A.P.  -  25 words
  • 20 12 Four Korean newsmen were 1 among 20 alleged Communists arrested by the Seoul authorities over the week-end. U.P.
    U.P.  -  20 words
  • 62 12 IjOLICE m the riee-growins delta district of Myaungmya arrestrd four members of the Burma Communist Party while they were being t:ttt<x>cd for "invulnerability" m anti-government battles. The Burmese, particularly tbe bandits, believe that the tattooing of certain parts of the body with the Burmese alphabet safeguards its wearers
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 192 12 FOR SALE ATTR ACTIVE modern bungalow. 3 bedrooms. all conveniences. ct area. Box 5343. F.P VOLUNTEER SPECIAL CONSTABULARY A meeting of members of the Vs C attached to Radio Divis. on Will be held ai 530 pm on V.' dne«dav the UL March. 1950J a' Radio Division Headquarters. AU V.S
      192 words
    • 215 12 DOSE |A Relieves Nl!^^^^^-" INDIGESTION Yea 1 lust one dost of MACLEAN gm»* BRAND STOMACH POWDER reiievea Indigestion pain and ditcomfon f This UNL wonderfully quick and effective relief from Heartburn, Flatulence, Nausea, Axidin and Stomach Pains due to Indigestion to made possible by the fact I that MACLEAN BRAND
      215 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 56 12 HIGH TIDES |.xl<o 7 50 am; 10 17 p.m. Tomorrow: 9 ».m; 11 p.m. THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris P^Uv^s vcs 'D set vrx^ lR :0 <?s6 J Mr:~^' w* Vf cax As:? CQ^" A6^« «o r /r# •^7 a^a g^'a ..«u J 1 X^ l >^ /ar-. N:> va
      56 words