The Singapore Free Press, 24 June 1949

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA 11.508 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1949. PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 442 1 Red danger to Colonies mw? v c LONDON, Friday. THE Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, and n M t U P e ?f Am ">assador to London, the Duke of Palmella met at the Foreign Office yesterday afternoon. Diplomatic quarters said the Duke and Mr. Bevin
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  • 339 1 EDICAL EXAM ESULTS ,-ai students ol j^g Edward VII 0{ Medicine have their professional J; and dentistry examt- LfffSrtic* i I bint* Mohd aßg Chi*. Ahmad AJi iDistinction In y B&lacaandran, Ch3n tlXstUi- lion In Blo- Chi Wt! Jamc» Chew 'r* Cbe« Kim Swee, Miss -k Kb M J cho°
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 54 1 iw KnSeral and State mli are giving Attention to the mplementation of Httttm Committee N»>d the Chief Sit Alec New- l il this morning's fli P"s s conference officers 'V^n seconded for ser- <t> states. nd the £wnunent had ir L h t0 live legal JMMhe resettlement SrtUn^
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 Mr. J. B. rif gins, secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, who has been negotiating with the Government over the recent British railway strikes.
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  • 36 1 TrfS Chairman of the UJ3. Congressional Atomic Energy Committee, Mr. Brien McMahon, said yesterday that an Oak Ridge atomic plant worker took uranium chips home, while another hid a uranium block in a locker.
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  • 28 1 rOOPS in ambush between Swee Lam Estate and Poh Lee Seng In the Kulai area of Johore killed two of three Chinese bandits last night.
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  • 23 1 The Singapore C.I.D. yesterday arrested a Chinese a leged to be the "headman" o the Illegal society. "Gee Khoon Tong."
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  • 29 1 Britain has developed a new process for welding metals without the use of heat or power, reports William Dubilier, vice-president of an American electrical company. A. P.
    A. P.  -  29 words
  • 169 1 Third bombing of Anchises HONG KONG, Friday. NOTWITHSTANDING a Canton apolory for two Nationalist air attacks on the British ship Anchlses near Shanghai and promise to pay compensation, Nationalist planes again bombed the ship yesterday in what appears to be a bid to sink the vessel and thus block the
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  • 106 1 BERLIN. Fri. THE British military government ordered German police in its sector yesterday to prevent non-Communist railway strikers from operating an "emergency" service without permission of the Russian-controlled management This was only one of a series of snags struck by the offer of leaders
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 35 1 rE Philippines Government has requested the Chinese Legation in Manila to establish stronger controls at such South China ports as Amoy, in Fukien province, to prevent smuggling and illicit immigration into the Philippines.
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  • 112 1 WANTING, Friday. /CHINESE Nationalists have recaptured the Burma Road town of Paoshan, about 40 miles from this Burma Road frontier post, according to the Yunnan Provincial authorities. Six thousand Nationalist troops stormed the walled town, killing 800 Army and police mutineers and capturing 400, tne
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  • 40 1 Free Press Staff Reporter IN Pahang yesterday bandits ambushed a convoy going from Gambang to Jerantut. Four soldiers wert wounded, two seriously and two slightly. Three Malay police constables were slightly wounded and one bandit was killed.
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  • 54 1 Free Press Staff Reporter rnHE body of an unarmed, A and, as yet. unidentified Chinese, was found this morning In the Sawah Ring. Muar area of Johore. This followed last rent's attack by 19 bandits on the kampong guard at Sawah Ring. Muar. The guard returned the fire
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  • 32 1 The People's Bank of China official exchange rates yesterday were: U.S. Dollar 1,650 jenmlnplao, Sterling 4,300, Hongkong Dollar— 27o. Rupee —325, Swiss Franc -415, Australian 3,450, Straits Dollar— soo. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 photo. American businessman, Mr. Walter J. Weldon, and his wife who spent their honeymoon in Singapore 29 years *ffo, having a Chinese dinner at the Happy World last night. Mr. Weldon, director of exports for the Coleman Lamp and Stove Co., Ltd., Is on tour of the Far Eas
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  • 74 1 13-year-old schoolboy electrocuted Free Press Staff Reporter k 13 -year old Singapore schoolboy, Tan Hal Tong, was found dead apparently killed by electric shock near a radio aerial In the ceiling of a four-storeyed building In Rochore Canal Road at about noon yesterday. The boy is believed to have played
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  • 55 1 TWO thieves crept into a pigsty in a Westphalian town and tried to chloroform the 300-pound occupant. The farmer was disturbed by the porker's grunt*. When he reached the sly he found the pi* still conscious, but the two thieves were unconscious be«ide aim —knocked out
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 200 1 Free Press Staff Reporter /CANCELLATION of a $7)0,000 contract for re- surfacing Singapore roads will be opposed by Mr. J. V. West, nominated Unofficial, at today's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners. Mr. West will move reference back to the Municipal committee which decided to rescind
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  • 182 1 'FINISH THE JOB' RHEE TO U.S. n m SEOUL, Thursday. HR. Syngman Rhee, President of the Republic of Korea (American-occupied South Korea) today appealed to the United States to finish the job she had started by securing the unification of South Korea with the Communist-controlled northern territory. The President said
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  • 71 1 KARACHI, Frl. r THE Pakistan Foreign 1 Minister. Sir Mohammed Zafrullah Khan, said yesterday that Afghanistan had made no formal demand for Pakistan territory from the present border to the river Indus. He made this statement in ccwnmeiiting on a report that the Afghanistan Ambassador in
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  • 78 1 THE Siamese Government has decided to allocate 13.200,000 tlcals ».U.S. $660,000) next year to encourage rice and cotton planting in special settlements In the north, central and southern provinces. Th* scheme will be under the control of the Co-opera-tive Department of the Ministry cf Agriculture. The
    A.P.  -  78 words
  • 36 1 The Philippine* Government yesterday passed a rider to the revision of the Manila City Charter under which all local cinemas will have to show at least 10 per cent. Philippine-mad* pictures.
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  • 40 1 THE Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company announced yesterday that the construction of an 11,000-tori carjjo liner, designed for service between Singapore, the Far East and Britain, would start before the end of the year.
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  • 31 1 Unidentified persons last night threw a hand-grenade In the Jogjakarta garden of the house of the Republican Minister for Religion. Hadjar Dewantero. according to Aneta. the Dutch news agency.
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  • 101 1 EndS'pore petrol rationing PLEA TO U.K. Fr«e Press Staff Reporter HPHE Singapore Govern- ment has applied to the British Government for permission to lift petrol rationing here. Feeling here Is that the present ration Is adequate for motorists' needs and that there Is therefore no need to continue rationing. It
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  • 57 1 A SPECIAL Market correspondent five* the priree of rubber (Id cents per Ib.) at 11 m tudaj as follows: Buyers. Seller*. No. 1 R S 8. Spot loose MM, 32H Fob. in Dates Jmy No. 1 R.S.B 32', 32^, No. Z R S.S 30\ 3U No. 3 R.B
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  • 91 1 MANILA, Fri. rE Chief-of-Staff of the Philippine armed force*, Major-Gen. Mariano Casters ada. In a press conference here yesterday, warned that the responsibility for making the Philippines secure from Communism resU upon Filipinos. "We cannot always expect and be sure of military assistance from the United
    A.P.  -  91 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 29 1 A. 81. 81. and D. "^v^ 1 Ca lcium and Phoephonw rh M U M^ and Efga 1 Ovaltm* U mad*. We freshing delicious •••"lib •rrwratd in England) BI.NOAFORE.
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    • 215 1 for tha b*sf Food Win* in Town Visit THE SINGAPORE RESTAURANT BAR 79, BRAS BASAH ROAD. Reservation*: Phone 4068 y^^§ BP^ sfa^r^QMSn^s! Bw^n^fc!!? 3^ free cases of drinki Bth Announcement I° r all rhyme* published W* these today! T stands for Tourist Who's just come ashore Cive him a drink
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  • 398 2 Types I don't like IT'S not that I hate women. I just dislike types and if you don't think of yourself as a type (who does?) this acid drop does not apply to you, or even YOU 1. The pseudo-Intellectual. This comes in two sizes very thin. very. fat. For
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  • 472 2  -  EDNA McKENNA By IVIUTED shades of coloured nylons will soon be on the market. Women have been protesting that they would need a different pair for each suit or dress they possessed, but the muted shades will be the rage all the same. The
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  • 1020 2 No Two Skins Are Alike Beauty hints By A Special Woman Correspondent VTO two skins are quite alike and every woman has her own special beauty problems. Today I will go into the case of a woman with special beauty problems. First "What to do for coarse pores?" That's such
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  • 273 2 Says K. MURRAY U7OMEN In New York do ff the stian^es: things— but it pays to keep an eye on them. Here art some of their latest ideas FLOWLRS. They're being worn anywnere and everywhere: massed on a Rrosgrain choker on the ends of a sash
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 L &*UL Vs~O* 1 New and Lovely Cocktail Gowns Just Recieved. *9*S- For successful DO IT GRADUALLY, MAKE Slifti THE N£W DIET IS BALANCED The fin, wraning food should be very c .-eful blend enriched with n bland. U digestible and a, added minerals -iron, calcium completely acceptable as breast
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    • 128 2 f if f 9* 1 //"f i vl \^o\ Tel. A NAME AND NUfHih TO REMEMBER JOHN 1. 11 1! I > i{|i Ha files Square MORE THAN 1 DESIGNS IN MEN WOOLLEN SUiTMi That's i wide ■■aHzI iißß^iUl 1 iilWr DIAMOND RINGS Beautiful Diamond R Price from $100.00 up»
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 98 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR DORN today, you have excessive imagination which can lead you into all kinds of trouble unless you learn to curb it with reason! To control it means yon learn how to use it constructively in writing, inventing or creative art but not in day-dream-ing or extravagant storytelling
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    • 5 2 Solution To Crossword No. 7x2
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    • 49 2 F.P» Crossword No. 723 1 I l z I "F""] pn ir~] i6~i _SZ2ZSZEZS 7 I j| 9 '0 if if" ULlLll JkWOt l9 20 30 3i |ppsr~ HHU m H XX ™^*M» ft***A*«* m^nm J J ,cf CLCM ACROSS m C'LltS DOWN s^«i.-j» s sarsn sk i srSss!
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  • 213 3 RED PLANS FOR E. EUROPE finding land ownership .tj. land ownership behind the Iron n will be abolished completely by the tf according to reports received in 1 j from Eastern Europe. -v Bulgarian flve-year-plan, the text of lUSI reached London, reveals that 60 per Bulgarian peasants are to be
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  • 16 3 Tax $10.00 [ncome Aei 15^00 9.00 Tax 30 00 v of Income
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  • 9 3 KELLY WALSH LTD. I el* Stationers %J^ "'tt. Maapon
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  • 140 3 U.S. PLEASED WITH NEW VIETNAM FORMATION of the new French-sponsored State of Vietnam in Indo-China has been hailed by the U.S. State Department as a welcome development. Head of the new State is Bao Dal, former Emperor of Ann&m. It Is opposed by forces led by Communist Ho Chi Minn.
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 167 3 INTELLIGENCE TEST MR. PINK I yOU may recall that >>! colourful island where \l there are three races, in-S> distinguishable save in respect of their attitude's towards the truth. A BZue<<l > always answers a ques- > tion truthfully; a White always lies, a Pink, an- <$ swering two or
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  • 105 3 S'HAI TO START BARTER THE Chinese Communist press In Shanghai announce that broad plans are underway for an interchange of commodities between Shanghai and other liberated cities. The Shanghai General Trading Company is reported to be contacting merchant representatives from other cities with the object of importing additional products into
    U.P.  -  105 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 3 picture. The Royal Party <jrom left) Queen Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth, King Oeorge and Prince Philip at the races at Ascot a few days ago when the King's filly, Avila, won the Coronation Stakes
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  • 54 3 THE Prehistoric Research m Centre of Lodi says a cemetery dating back to 700 B.C. has been found in the nearest village of Wardzyn, Poland. It was also claimed that ruins of a settlement datine back to 1300 B.C. were disS?M re i.°2. trlbutar y of
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 28 3 Three sets of Japanese bridal kimonos are being sent to the Metropolitan Opera Guild as a gesture of goodwill from the land of "Madame Butterfly." A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 1103 3  -  GREGORY BAXTER €31 Th% story so far Sherwood Dexter, US businessman, is shot dead while driving with his daughter Laurette Dexter, near Marble Arch, London at midnight. Robin Foster an artist sees the <Uler run from Dexter 1 s saloon to a nearby limousine but is
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  • 236 3 BRITAIN'S trade union leaders have recently be- come increasingly critical of the Labour Government which they helped to put into power. The Trade union Congress (T.U.C.) heard a report at its monthly meeting that "several unions nave noted weaknesses in the consultative machinery" by which workers
    A.P.  -  236 words
  • 27 3 Mr. Alfred John Gardener, Counsellor at the Foreign Office In London, has been appointed Ambassador at Kabul in succession to Sir Giles Squire Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 85 3 RADIO SETS FOR CEYLON VILLAGES ANE hundred radio receivv ing sets have boen installed in remote villages of Ceylon in the first stage of a Government scheme to have radio sets In the villages for educational, cultural and publicity purposes. These, seta have been installed in school*, community centre hall*
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 69 3 Ready to fight Pakistan I EADKRS of the Hazara }*te*, Uving in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province, have assured the King of Afghanistan, Mohammed Zahlr Shah, of their "readiness to take active measures against Pakistan'* aggres siona," according to the A J£ an news *B«ncy, Bakhtar. The King told them the
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 329 3 F DIDN'T come here to pass.' A observed South smugly as the bidding ended in the hand shown above. By the time the play of that hand had ended, both he and his partner bitterly regretted South's philosophy of bidding. West opened the jack of spades and continued
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  • 512 3 SCIENCE IS WINNING IN ANTI-TB WAR SCIENCE is winning the battle against tuberculosis, but the final blows are yet to come. Some of those knock-out punches may be found in new research projects, just announced by the National Tuberculosis Association of New York. In all, grants to 22 investigators have
    U. P.  -  512 words
  • 47 3 THE Council of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation in Paris is preparing a report on a programme of technical aid to backward countries to be submitted to the Economic and Social Council, which Is scheduled to meet at Geneva nex* month. U.P.
    U.P.  -  47 words
  • 37 3 BRITISH trade union offlclass have been completing plans for the international conference at Geneva this week-end to establish a new world trade union organisation in rivalry to the Communist-led World Federation of Trades Unions.—
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  • 39 3 United States Senator Herbert R. O'Connor told the 61--nation International Labour Organisation's conference at Geneva that President Truman's 'Four P< plan for aid to under-devel-oped countries 'may weil income a major factor In United State* foreign poll'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 405 3 oru/'unnor On C*>J 6.00 Mumc, 6.15 'Sj-ecwi »*WV3MI*\JIIfc Dispatch' (BBC). 6.30 News in fRIITP vkTWHRKt Cantonese (BBC). 8.45 Indone(BLUE NfcIWORK) slan Newg programme. 7.15 484 anr) 417 metre*. News in French (BBC). 7.30 Emergency news from K.L. English: News; Far Eastern at 10 a.m. Affairs Vernon Bartlett; InterrnnAV lude, English
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  • 631 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1949 GIVE THEM ALL A CHANCE MALAGA'S wave of crime, his largely died down today. It came in the wake of tie troubled years of thH Japanese occupation ani grew in the excitement ot the liberation until at one time it threatened to
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  • 1103 4  - Labour Is Wooing The Kiwis Again LACHIEM MacDONALD New Zealand, long In the grip of Socialism, i§ wondering whether it's time for a change of government WELLINGTON N.Z. *JHIS hilly capital of Britain's most distant dominion has resounded for ten days with ideological catch cries. They have come from the
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  • 477 4 TOKYO: /GENERAL Mac Arthur speaks of Japan becoming the "Switzerland of the Pacific,'' but a great many Japanese still aren't convinced the idea will work. Most Japanese agree that it would be nice for Japan to remain neutral and To keep out of future wars but
    U.P.  -  477 words
  • Article, Illustration
    127 4 been at the Norcross depot of the Ministry of Pensions at Blackpool is the prototype of what is considered the ideal car for disabled men. It is a new allweather three-wheeler seating one person, and is designed to take the place of the Ministry's old hand' propelled invalid chair. The
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  • 1015 4 PEOPLE MAKE NEWS fHE first Asian seaman to recieve a certificate of competency for Home Trade Mate, is a former Malacca Malay school teacher, 37--year-old MAMUD BIN MASAHID, Chief Officer of the Straits Steamship vessel Sedenak, in Singapore today. He believes that the
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  • 6 4 Chifley Speaks Out.... I I A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 493 5 $1250 JOB PROPOSAL OPPOSED Appointment of woman doctor clearing all the dumps in town. Tlie Commissioners' powers in clearing such dumps. which form a Dotential breeding ground for mosquitoes, are limited. This subject was brought to the Government's attention labt year. a \nTn*Jlt? F ress taff Reporter A N UMBKR
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 5 picture «k> Beatrir Biker and Miss Christina Hall, who will ULrfnrm in Spotlight on Nee Soon," which will be 7.1 Nee Soon Camp tonight.
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  • 182 5 Free Press Staff Reporter M[\\is knows how much need of good spoken Hjngiish there is in the colleges, schools, and e and municipal councils," says the Grad, irVan of Baffles College graduates, commenting on hit-aching of Enfllsh in the University of Malaya. ng article in
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  • 36 5 To-day is the 90th birthday of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, and to-night at 9.45. 1.t.-Col. R. W. Watson-Hyatt will broadcast from Radio Malaya. Singapore, about enlistment tor the reconstituted corps, which starts to-day
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  • 158 5 JOHORE C.S.A. APPEALS FOR SUPPORT Free Press Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. UNGKU Abdul Aziz bin A. Hamid, who was elected president of the Johore Civil Service Association yesterday, called upon members to give the association ttroneer support in the coming year. Their association, he said, was a member of
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  • 28 5 Free Press Staff Reporter MUAR, Thurs. Kumarasamy, who allowed five of his cows to stray on the public road, was fined $10 by the Muar Magistrate.
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  • 34 5 SPORE BOYS BRIGADE picture. A GROUP of the 9th Sin gapore Company of the Boys Brigade, composed of lads from the Bukit Timah Boys' Home, pictured at their second annual sports day and inspection.
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  • 195 5 Free Press Staff Reporter $700,000 in loans have been advanced to 11 a number of Singapore people who want to build or buy their own homes. The loans have been made by the Building- Society of Malaya, san organisation that lends money to prospective
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 5 picture. THK Colonial Secretary, Mr. F.A.B. McKerron, is seen presenting a certificate of naturalisation to Dr. J. [Ilovsky, one of the two Hungarian nationals who acquired British citizenship, at a ceremony at th* i.ouncil Chamber, Government Secretariat, yesterday.-
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  • 232 5 Professional actors group plan Free Press Staff Kepwtec A PROFESSIONAL re- per lory compa.iy based on the Viet 01 la Memorial Theatre ma\ formed in Singapore fore the end of this year, the Free Press understands. The repertory Cumoany it Is learnt, will have a nucW <is of Drofesslonal nlavers
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  • 254 5 RULERS AND MENTRIS BESAR Free Press Malay Correspondent npHE President of UMNO in Selangor, in a statement published by Utusan Melayu yesterday, said that reports that some Mentris Besar intended to resign owing to differences with their Sultans had caused "deep concern** among Malays. Inche Salleh
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  • 44 5 Surface mails are expected to reach Singapore today from the U.S.. the U.K.. N. Ireland. Eire. Egypt and Ceylon. Closing times for posting surface mails are: to N. Sumatra. N. Borneo, Brunei. MM and r>abuan Is noon, and to Java and Sibu: noon.
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  • 99 5 Free Press Staff Reporter AT a ceremony held yesterday at the Old Council Chamber. Colonial- Secretariat, certificates of naturalisation were given by the Colonial Secretary Mr P. A. B. MeKerron. to 16 people. They are: Mr Tan Ken« Kang, Mr. O. Candillotis. Mr. E. Joseph. Madam N.
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  • 27 5 IGNOR ANCE PLEA JOHORE BAHRU. Thur* Syed Agil bin Syed All of Singapore, was fined $15 today for entering the Federation without a permit. He pleaded Ignorance.
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  • 74 5 I'. P. Malay Correspondent The UMNO branch in Muar plans to build an UMNO House similar to the one in Johore Baharu An appeal to members in Muar to contribute liberally towards the building fund has been issued by a special committee entrusted with the task of launching
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  • 43 5 ILL Raffles Co: |< duates who lost th» lr diplomas during ihe war now be able to <iet mv. certified copies But th^ replacements will be subiect to U.o certification of the chairman of the Pan-Malavan Council of the Stamford Club, Malaya.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 SALE Starts Monday 27th JUNE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS TJ mi it w\ If u *&Dolll- l iill M BASAH ROAD NEAR RAFFLES HOTEL. 1 Fvv £PS 70 H M THt KING "<T CQQPI MisoPP LIMITED jB II *^J I E sy A Mk^ ~6L 697Q
      44 words
    • 120 5 For Exquisite Furnishings \jsunttour J FABRICS Y m #t^^m m §Ijmj ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 I "HOWTON" DAMASK a serviceable and hardwearing fabric interwoven cotton and rayon. Delicate shades of Mushroom, Beige, Salmon, Green, Maroon and Fawn. W wide $11.95 per yard I I "JERVEAUX ff DAMASK of all cotton nature in Brown,
      120 words

  • 438 6 Shearn gives a warning Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE maintenance of internal and externa security in Malaya is a matter of paramouiv importance and of first priority, said Mr. E. D Shearn, the President of the Malayan Associa tion, at the quarterly meeting of the
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  • 76 6 Free Press Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE Malayan Association has informed the Selangor State Secretary that it would bo "a retrograde step" if the week-end holidays in the State were changed from Saturday and Sunday to Thursday and Friday. The suggestion for a change in holidays
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  • 108 6 SINGAPORE'S only Jewish youth movement, the Habonim. will be holding a fane* dress ball on July 2 at the Adelphi Hotel Roof Garden. Dancing will begin at 8.30 p.m. and will continue until 1 a.m. The president of the Habonim. Miss F. Lelah. told the Free Press
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  • 28 6 Mr. Gregory Lee Yong Hoj was granted a divorce against his wife. Lilian Choo. yesterday in the Singapore Supreme Court on the ground of his wife's adultery.
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  • 114 6 SHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Eastern Saga (31-32). Tabian i33-34), Tai Ping Yang (38-J7). Silverplane (38-39), Kampar (40-41). Wee. Wharf. Chanda (1-2). Sedenak (3), Glengarry (6-7), Telemachus (8 9), Agamemnon (11\ Rclau (15). Empire Dock: Stanvac Alcyone
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  • 85 6 (1) Mr. Pink U not the Blue, for If he were, he would say so. (2) Mr. Pink Is not the Pink. For, if he is, his first answer is truthful But, if his first answer is truthful, his third answer is truthful also. Now, however, his
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 6 picture. A THREE-DAY education conference began yesterday in Singapore attended by directors and deputy directors of education from British territories in Aria Picture shows the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malmt.^nonAld. nresidinc ©yer the conference. Free
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  • 149 6 INFORMAL discussions have been held amoru British officials In Singapore on what body, If anv could ba set up to deal with the procurement of rice in SouthEast Asia following news i that the International Emergency Food Council may close down. A Singapore Government representative*
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  • 494 6 FP^ *1 C»T4 !^P 3V'<*J tr-1 1 I '"Lj LONDON, Friday. QENTIMENT in the gilt-edged section of the Lon>3 don Stock Exchange was brighter yesterday, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Recent heavy selling had halted and prices improved under the cheering influence of small buyers. Fractional gains
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  • 63 6 N.Y. STOCK IMPROVE ten.; I ■•ge yes:, B A lew brighter nS^M business new* tttSLiß Interest and I gain* 1 Attr»rtir I J ihat »otr.e Industrie j-J)j optimlsttr tfut a jonjortTj may b»* av*r R*Ui M m I I 9 I In the third quarter wik y 15. 6 per
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 281 6 COURAGEOUS WOMAN FOILS EXTORTIONER Free Press Si.ut K n ortfr UN)}) I. HOW the initiative and courage 0 J lh woman led to the capture «,f an *Ck described in the Assize (our lt iJu 1 Mr. Justice Paul Storr Seng, alias Chan Seng, to tl\u> s •Jf oQ l^
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 CAPITOL Phone 5159 DAILY at 11-1.45, 4.00, 6.30 9.30 p.m. wo^ y s*w t| ■■07 VK9NUGKT B^ LUBA MAIIHA-lOHM KUBBAO |y^y> mumwtuw'iMi ncttft Featuring The LATEST SAMBA HIT Is it yes or Is it no? PLUS WOODCOCK vs MILLS TOMORROW at M nite pJNISMORGfINI pffINEWYMMI| OM UAlMwiiiii/ tITR SHOWS 11
      118 words
    • 151 6 SPECIAI PRERELEASE K*£ W PREMIERE W^T., MARCH O'BRIEN ti^jO b>./«eeiJjL aoftdCf G(»«itMi \f nJSpt^ ELDRIOGE BROO^LaIUJ BAaV v DPOM "THE MILLS OF GOP by ERNST. IQTHAj THE HACKMAYER TRIO 1. Moment My..cjl J tll-M 2. En PUine Nu.t 3. leromc Kern Mciod.«t 4. B.a-ty, lye, SILICT.ON 5. Petite Maiurka 6.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 276 6 m3lldrdK6 Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya L I1 1 CAM'T GET YOU OUT OF MY MINoJ |///nm~NOLIKEME.EH? U I AUfff 1 I PIEASEL-. iHs~TM UShSSSA :j=: 1 J^IJ.^^JK .^T?. 0 -THOUGHT COLO AS ICE. SORRYrf K£fiPAa»f DON'T GO] S APPROACH WORKS IT IS USELESS TO CALL THE
      276 words

  • 251 7 13 HUJOB NOT RUNNING AT IPOH Bin tang Mas in smart sprint Free Press Racing Correspondent *ti „o t. IP0H Friday. least 13 horses will not be accepting for the races tomorrow, third and last day of the Perak Turf Club June Meeting. They are Phar Gay, Cool Play, Merriel,
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 7 Personally I never broke a bookie's htirt in my lift."
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  • 27 7 U.K. Turf turnover $26-million t'<;MOR turnover in a Y n n 1948 was n ordlng to the Race- Board, ,-ribed 16,427 the proMd., mite for haritta to
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  • 2 7
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  • 20 7 SOCCER: Guthrie B.C T Singapore Improvement Trust S C Farr^ Park. TENNIS: YJK.C A. tournament. Bras Baaali Road
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  • 1356 7 FORM GUIDE FOR TOMORROW Captain Yule, Greetings may score once more Krtr hi ss Kacing Correspondent /APTAIN Yule and Greetings won so convincingly in their first runs at the meeting th?t they must bMoneedrd strong chances to complete doubles at tonornn* v Perak Turf Club races at Ipoh. long-striding Captain
    1,356 words
  • 93 7 IT was Len Mutton's 33rd birthday yesterday, and he marked the occasion with a polished century, which was largely instrumental in giving Yorkshire a useful first-innings lead against Sussex. It also brought him 1.000 runs in the month of June, the first time this
    93 words
  • 26 7 MAYFAIR B.P. beat Jacques B P. by five games to four In a friendly badminton match clayed at the C.U. Hall on Sunday:
    26 words
  • 296 7 EZZARD Charles, the Cincinnati Negro who on Wednesday night became the world's heavyweight champion as recognised by the National Boxing Association of the United States, said yesterday that he was not planning to go to London to see the Woodcock-Savold fight. The winner of the
    A. P.  -  296 words
  • 41 7 rpHE Hongkong University X cricket and tennis teams are arriving in Singapore today by the Sirdhana. The cricket side will play a team representing the Combined Colleges. Singapore, next Monday, on the Padang (S.R.C. end).
    41 words
  • 294 7 C.A 6, Tamils 1. {CHINESE Athletic took a step nearer the S.A.F.A Senior League championship when th*y trounced Tamil Brotherhood Association 6-1 at Jalan Besar Stadium last evenln*. C A. were clear!/ superior and if it had not been for the sodden ground, which
    294 words
  • 32 7 picture. O. Suppiah, the Tamil Brotherhood Association goalkeeper, jumps to intercept a header by Ha Tee Siang, the C.A. inside-right, in yesterday's Senior League match C.A. won 6 l.
    32 words
  • 451 7 VORKSHIRE, many times county champions, 1 should be in the county championship lead tonight for they are well on the way to the win required to overtake Worcestershire, who have no engagement in the present series of games. Glamorgan, present holders of the county title, looked
    Reuter  -  451 words
  • 650 7 All 8 seeded men 's singles players win A LL eight seeded players reached the last 16 in the men's singles yesterday, the fourth day of the Wimbledon championships, although Robert Falkenburg, the holder, and Jaroslav Drobny, seeded No. 6, were taken to live sets before winning. The lanky Falkenburg
    650 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 232 7 now showinc; simultaneously A L H A M B R A~ (Air-Conditioned Tel. (i909) 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 9.15 p m and (Tanjong Pagar Road Tele. 3327) 1, 3, 7.15 9.30 p.m. Yung llwa's Superb Mandarin Production A PEASANT S TRAGEDY" Starring PEM TANG Toil (Mil First Aid to the Injured
      232 words

  • 337 8 Pessimism over aid plea to U.S. HONG KONG, Friday, AS Chinese Communist armies in their resumed push southward steadily advance toward Foochow, capital of Fukien Province, and on Canton, the Nationalist emergency capital, little hope is held out for any immediate or favourable response to the
    Reuter; AP U.P.  -  337 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 8 photo. The Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Shigeru Yoshida had a toothache but wanted no publicity. A press photorrapher bided his time and waited until Mr. Yoshida sat wide-mouthed in the dentist's chair and then snapped this picture without encountering any protest.
    41 words
  • 62 8 A WRITER in the Moscow ■S*- newspaper Izvestia suggests that factory administrators producing poor quality goods be sentenced to wear or use their own products. He says the heavy -set director of a Riga garment factory should be forced to wear the suits, with narrow, short breeches
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 126 8 LONDON, Friday. pHE Port of London 1 Authority has sent an iltimatum to striking stevelores that they would allow 10 ship entering London to )e unloaded until work began >n two Canadian strlke>ound vessels, Argoment and 3eaverbrae. Feeling rose high as gang ifter gang refused
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 43 8 THE Chinese Communist Government has given the Sino-British Kailan mines in North China special permission to export 360,009 tons of coal to Hong Kong over a period of six months, according to a Peiping radio message heard last night.
    43 words
  • 67 8 FRED Armstrong, the trainer of the Maharaja pf Baroda's colt My Babu, states that the four-year-old, winner of approximately £30,000 In stakes, including last year's 2,000 Guineas, has been scratched from all engagements. My Babu will cross on Monday to the Maharaja of Baroda's
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 38 8 rO destroyers lent by Britain to the Soviet Union during the war sailed back into home waters yesterday in the Firth of Forth. They are the Zhyvuchy, formerly the Richmond, and Dzerky. formerly the Chelsea.
    38 words
  • 30 8 The New Zealand Returned Services Association decided yesterday to ask the Government to appoint a Royal Commission to investigate subversive activities in New Zealand Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 87 8 LACK of a college diploma has cost George Harvey Clark of Sacramento (Cal.) U.S. $25,000. In 1923, his grandfather died, leaving him the sum on condition that he rot his college degree by the time he reached the age of 25. Otherwise, the money would go to
    A.P.  -  87 words
  • 194 8 SEROWE (Bechuanaland), Friday. MORE than 6,000 Bamangwato tribesmen, after IT four days of parley in his remote African village, yesterday acclaimed their 27-year-old Chief Designate, Seretse Khama, and his 24-year-old white wife, former London typist Ruth Williams, whom he had refused to give up. Only about
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 151 8 WASHINGTON, Friday. lEUT.-GEN. James Van Fleet, head of the United RJ States Military Mission to Greece, said yesterday that Greek regulars need United States planes and small warships in their fight against Communist guerillas. Van Fleet told a news conference that planes and warships previously
    U.P.  -  151 words
  • 67 8 THE U.S. Secretary of State. Mr. Dean Acheson, said yesterday that the Western powers informed the Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. Andrei Vishinsky, that the nation* on the Far Eastern Commission were the proper authorities to settle a Japanese peace treaty. Mr. Acheson said that Mr
    67 words
  • 49 8 T)R. Victor Balthazard, of Paris, claims to have established a new test for death. He says that a small and harmless injection of ether will remain in the living body, but is ejected spontaneously after death A. P. Ct,..^, i*H nw r*k h— T«t^w im
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 212 8 LONDON, Friday. THE Government was defeated four times in the predominantly Conservative House of Lords last night during clause-by-clause discussion of the bill to nationalise Britain's iron and steel industry. An amendment moved by Lord Rennell (Lib), tnd seconded by a Conservative to ensure that
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 221 8 Continued from Page 1 DENTAL First ltofc«ion»J Ex- ami nations CHEMISTRY, PHY- I SICS, and BIOLOGY: Chang Tuck Lee. Kueh Yan Nee. Lee Chin I Kung, Lee Khee Wee, V. I. Lytord, I Mohd All bin Mafuz All, >oh Khong Guan. Toh Teong Ohee. i Wong He Deong, and
    221 words
  • 53 8 STAN ROWAN, British and Empire bantamweight champion, won a unanimous ton -round decision last night over Amleto Falclnelli. the Italian title-holder, at Liverpool. It was Rowan's second win over the Italian champion. Falcinelli relied mostly on his counter punching, but his blows lacked sting." Rowan used his speed
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 203 8 HOLLYWOOD, Friday QABU, the Elephant Boy film star, has the full understanding and support of his actress bride, he says in his denial of paternity charges made bv a British ballet dancer, Brenda Marian Julier, of London. He is due to appear again
    A.P.  -  203 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 523 8 1 IA I ~jd m jd "'^M -'^jßL BIRTHS BOOKER On 20th June. 1840. In Sydney, to Miriam and Oeorge Booker, a daughter. vicars: On Bth June, '49, at Furres, Scotland, to Helen, wife of J. F. Vicars, The Chartered Bank Rangoon, a daughter. MAR RIM. I THE MARRIAOE of
      523 words
    • 269 8 lf« What Business Men Ka«^sH which makci P|R F£C] New Prie. ttttrSAj $150.00 ft±S=£-*3Si Ix-Codown, IMCEI STINCILS A !>«r quire $6.00 M IMCEI INK- fc. 1 tyb* $4 50 I Vk *ft in SO SIMFLC A CHILD f<ymnA CAN OPEiAT! IT. <-? 7 '<#i IASY to cU« (WUU ||fejj lASY
      269 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 43 8 THE SAINT by Leslie Charteris H^^^^^^^^^^^v^^^r^ SSI l^ll REME^R/ HgW WJTH VES, BUT ME NEVEff \f 'T VUA9 JUST RECENTCy WHEN 111^- s^*!/^^^^ 1 WJ F-ATHfcff 15 BUSINESS/ I MAC LETTERS TWE ISO OTTPJ WWfN I VMS < r oe^i rrcn r <~/%nr>sr mm
      43 words
    • 13 8 HIGH TIDES Today: 10.01 a.m. 9.1* p.m. roiaorrow: 14.50 a.m. 9. 50 p.m.
      13 words