The Singapore Free Press, 9 November 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 142 1 Income tax 'p $5 million I Reporter 19 l l >. as amended by shows 7 million tpproved by the Legist*«11 e I million to m lude $1,375,000 nedical plan. ed iect Ullould be poned 00 U Surses Hostel i FTI Of C 01 pendlturt U
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 1 Secretary: <yye hearings of
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  • 7 1 bghmlgripj
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  • 73 1 Shots follow quarrel at ronggeng party A WEALTHY Sit Chiof Kheam Hock fired several xevol Into the air. frighten off a :iing his house." er Singapore police ari Adier atthe r.asc, alleged to b- 1-ader pan The incidents follow* quarr» between Uors and a party of Malay soldiers over
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  • 12 1 unu- of w C nai commit e«s. j
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  • 92 1 BAT AVIV. Tuesday. pension Increased In Indonesia yesterday follow- ing reports of Dutch Indonesian clashes as the Republican Premier. Dr. Mohamed Hatta. resumed \ital talks m Jogjakarta with representatives of the Dutch Foreign Minister. Dr. I). l\ Stikker i announ tyevs of what :ned "a well
    Reuter; A.P.  -  92 words
  • 60 1 hrr-r V iff K»*p«»rtfr Is Ita report tahled m t»w Singapore LefUUtlre ncil this mormlng, th<* t (om mil tec of thf [iy directs that the orn of the Food rol Ih-partmfiit It m. ihJii tigation muht rarrifd out hv thr newly approved Qrg>llllltlo«
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  • 80 1 Free Press Staff Reporter In the Singapore Court this morning, Mr JusJobling delivered ment allowing an ordei to be directed to I Minns. ASP., and the Commissioner of Police Singapore, to appear m ;he Hinh Court for inquiry m con tlon with the arrest of Carlton A
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  • 32 1 Alleged MPAJA men arrested I*HREE Chinese, alleged to be members of the MPAJA ed under the Emency Re >ns by Sinpolice yesttrda A Cantonese wa.' arreued fo 1 be'ng a secret (member.
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  • 151 1 Free Press Staff Reporter |^HE contribution of the' Federation Government to joint services performed by PanMalayan departments 1 lias been reduced by $200,000 by the Singapore tommittee. ration's future button to Joint services t2 000 annually. This Is revealed m the re•f the Select
    151 words
  • 53 1 >PENHAGEN, Tuesday. I^HE newspaper Berllngske Tid--nd'' said yesterday i UnltPd States plant* recently sighted the wreck of a tn military plan*' near Up Tnavtk m northern Gi land. The fate of the Russian known, but no sitjns of j life w^rp observed at the' laid
    U.P.  -  53 words
  • 27 1 A Burmese naval gunboat shelled and partially <\esd an insurgent village m the Kyantrm area. 120 miles north-west, of Rangoon a Government communique said yesterday^
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  • 172 1 \uoy 7 I) have health and ttten"Why ryone make such a not the only woman to have a baby." Sir W Warn G will d V at Bh<:- kingham Palace, said yesterday ttiat from now on he was •on call" for the Palace. But r
    A.P.; Reuter  -  172 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 j Dr. Louis Beel, Dutch High Representative m Indonesia, spe on arrival m Batavia. At his right <m white suit/ is the D Dr. D. U. Stikker. Behind him {hand at mouth) is Dr L Neher,
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  • 423 1 Medical reforms are necessary SELECT COMMITTEE SAYS Free Press Staff Reporter Z^WING to the present and future expansion 'He Singapore Medical Department, following implementation of the S3O-million medical plau appointment of a Standing Committee and crea of a new administrative post are recommended by the Select Committee whose report on
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  • 85 1 Free Pi fT RepuXl \l I I MPI k I The European n of SUI k.i! •> a British po. wounded m a attai k on the e» iatr last nUht. One I ki 11 d l l «.iv kill.d one British soltUi wounded when forte lashed with
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  • 151 1 Plot to keep Truman out of White House 1 ON. Tuesday. "CTATES RIOHT8" Demoera s are planning a rial political n to deprive President on it I.' bury h i Ighti M ths next iour i loidniH to a radiu comm Charles Para bi :t. Mr. Partner said "a »uth•i
    U.P.  -  151 words
  • 148 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. I^HE Economic Co-operation Administrator, Mr. Paul Hoffman, said today that shipments of food, textiles, oil and fertilisers were still being sent to China despite Communist gains In Manchuria and North China. His statement followed widespread specula ion that U.S. economic aid to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 105 1 BENLOW KINGKRAFT COMBINATION LIGHTER ft CIGARETTE CASES UTILITY GIFTS. LANKA JEWELLERS., ?0 Battery Roa4 Singapore I i f*j OU Ul n<^ X% A^^ liAl I class who will demand and get the b«t. fTIA A In England, for instinct, De Lust'Vifginil I, fs cigarettes have been enjoyed io* over fifty
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  • 360 2  -  ED. L. CAMPBELL By AP. Correspondent. QJANDRINGHAM, Kings favourite te m Noriolk. always the seer. British royalty's yuletide lion, is likely to be chosen for the christenof Princess Elizai be, birth, expected about the middle month normally is a lapse of from two months yal birth
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 2 tag
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  • 95 2 LIPS WITH A NEW LOOK AKF mt ntal iTI ru te to change hades 4 this month. Tht i pinks of brighter 1 days arc too pale "Wit h tfie mon- -is fashionable urs- the greys, "tans, and greens. There are new lipstich reds, more orange m tone <, than
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  • 233 2 vJOME ftowi proce< r instance, N bidding m todu\ > den If you ga\»- \v»>uid I I ha\ a^«- In irj <imn hand II tit 1 Wiii ipade to b Bin In the two t<» the for him to leav e the h 1 partner. The I tract
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  • 40 2 WOMAN OF THE WEEK By Our Woman Fashion Expert THE dress that caupht eye thu> week i by Mrs. Jessie Simiuas doiriQ some after lunch shopping m Raffles Pla 30 on a very hot after--1 lo 11-groomed. fine their I
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  • 68 2 and de- en to buy w:~ m the role of wares to tl representath \pert influenced by Mick anship and the weaving of i and Her den on "How to buy with •riant lecture fur wives with children. The Agriculture De ment ma B\ lectures to women hobbies. She
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  • Article, Illustration
    111 2  -  JOYA BEGG BY THE biggest nev. woman fashion-re-porter could find at the biggest men's fashion show since the war recently, the triumphant return Plus Fours (so-c: didn't know, should grip tin 4 m. below the km Other items en I the Na--1 hang er at the back
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  • 11 2  -  Joan Casth >Oki: by gfnkh; by a Salmon Cv
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 388 2 fV3£3' 0 -3E=? 03CA7 v%3A=T>C»^ J c? -.313 >;, m -Vs. .s.< T r^ b o sw a ffV^y/ '**A ro sv*Ew> y""^o^y <c act* SINGAPORE 41 metres IT p m n I S5» Kcwa Summary. PRO h r is ("i BSo to 2 M mfUfi (I pen t« 711
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    • 189 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR BORN today, foo ha great potentialities for JTOur talents are man\ and varied. The danger is that von may fall to con centrate on some one thint; and beconn- m< versatiit- Jaik ot 111 Trades. 1 his however, jrov <an urttimveni by persistent determination v r vaunting
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    • 747 3  -  D. EISENHOWER ~By I Ural Dwight hgj;gh; kl' KK\ NO I E MMANDE I k hia dirp' My fa '.vr U) I entered the n>< c- 4 Mnb*] ier and out th- In th« I We kept Oencra 1 informed of our develops In mid-July
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • The Singapore Free Press
    • 144 4 mlli for an I an increase m i lieving the yield bo bigger •u- >pen are a. :.ce uld reduce on buagon the < 4 which is r .ped out by the $7 7 milU--49 -re are $10 ml being probable expenditure on Changi airport and war
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    • 317 4 IN a letter on this page, Mr. V. Villaseran, an official of the Philippines Government, takes the Free Press to task for its commen the great rice swindle. The facts are quite simple. When Malaya was so short of rice that, the meagre ration was the
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  • 29 4 LONDON T Jl lini aid a h n by .1 be f Of Japans inge- .m would vute bu contra d by SI Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 30 4 Sir B^m. a Rau, Indian reprfc- the SlatCft. has begun V dustrlal plants m quest < product. on> methods which will help India raise her ptonom c standard.
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  • 671 4  -  A. Wolstenholme by THIS 1 mine w .tly arriv< m -pniv from England with two automatic pistols m Hearii ibout trouble In this part of the world, and possessing English permits for the weapons, he decided to bring them along Then the fun started. At DM *>h<
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  • 639 4 NEW YORK: DERHAPS 1 may be personal for a few paragraphs. Today the Diary enters Its sixth year. It has changed a good deal since a cable arrived from London m October 1943 telling me to write a column about Ameri< There Is more opinion, Fewer flippancies
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 4 Newcomert to the Bristol Zoo, these three young Ichimpanzeet from Wt Africa view their neu world j a puzzled o wall a conferenci
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  • 27 4 For among niy people are found wicked men: the\ lay wait, as he that srttetb snues: they set a trap. they catch men. Jeremiah, 5. 26.
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  • 350 4 WHAT PEOPLE SAY YOUR editorial of Saturday on '$9,000,000 Rice Swindle" whereby the Philippines was bluntly accused of 'gross profiteering"' is. o say the leaM, misleading. The Philippines did not make any profit m the deal you mentioned and I wonder whether Malaya had been really charged
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  • 11 4 r c Roy:-, Perfor: I the I i
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  • 99 4 U.S. soldiers think:- THREE United States A sergeants who hai returned from Gernia differences between R and Americans over th< m Germany -are purely p Ucal and m the hit] levels." There was no friction between American and Russian soldiers. Much of the war scare v>.is
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  • 5 4 Hemads them al sing hdgnhhnxk;gjd'knp
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    15 5 BIRTHDAY PARTY ghdg;km;jk; l Foto. An- tly Among Wee Mrs F LoK >rs, and Mobile
    Mobile  -  15 words
  • 724 5 Preference for 'local' students pHE signal to proceed with the establishment of the University of Malaya was given m the Singapore Legislative Council this morning by the Joint Select Committee of the Colony and the Federation m its long awaited report which generally supports the
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  • 48 5 rdic Hospital, now being J nment. may be extended »f proper t> m laj l.ian Teck jrs lh« I malice Committee supplement a $100,000 vote avail- .-crowded and ii t i ased number of studei i the rig field to a hostel for .gfhgkh';g
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  • 24 5 WAR GRAVES PICTURES n Internees were burird In Muntock Banka Island Indies itographs may be es. who d address their Inquiries I Reglstr re.
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  • 76 5 'MUST LOOK INTO RICE SUPPLIES' THREE. »apers. the Hu raph and the M ter Guardian have Rene: of the 'I on. iM: Awberry Labour M. P. foi tral. and Mr. I 'alley i Assov' 1 on 'lv The Hi graDh reoo; mission Communist the unionQuest ions. Guard. vo'ed oslderab allotted
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  • 18 5 Takua;. ing reports the follov ing output October: Dredge No. 1 117 piculs Dredße No picula.
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  • 258 5 A SCHEME for practical workshop training for students in junior technical (trade) schools has been drawn up in the Federation. The scheme arranges for all mechanical and electrical engineering: students in their third and last year to have practical workshop experience and training for a
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  • 404 5 s-J 87,000 VOTE PASSED LWI'KNDITrRE totalling over $487,000 has been approved by the Finance Committee for work on, and lire fighting equipment for, Kallang airport. Of this amount, $202,000 is required to provide a new concrete taxi track, 1.950 feet long by 60 feet wide, with
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 5 From all parta of the eastern hemisphere 40 executive officers of Stand-ard-Vacuum Oil Co tiave come to Singapore for a week of discussions tchich are described as educational. Talks began at the Sea View Hotel yesterday. Among those attending the meeting, ithich is presided over by Mr. P.
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  • 73 5 'EXTRA WIVES— A LUXURY' CWINESE with several II be a:. Ed income tax deductions for only one wife, the Comptroller of Taiation, v. H. Tudor, said thus morning. "Extra u\t e$ are a luxury," he decia' Ihlgfj cannot duct ions for r than one nife. they have to show their
    73 words
  • 114 5 SPORE ARMY WORKERS SAY Free FfoM Maff Reporter \|FMBERS of the Army LU vil Se: Union, Singapore, are d. ried with th< allowan led by nit Comm, „nd approved b re Go authorities for lowaii' ••od to be D W r Offlc order tha; A mix
    114 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 Radiogram Luxury at Half-Cost i Thot is what our Automatic Record Players Provide. ur Radio and the pleasure "matic. Nothing could be simpler Portable Cabinet, Table de luxe, 'el 3. Console de luxe. d-famous Garrard which changes eight X mixed m any order. ABLE FROM STOCK T.M. A. LTD., ol
      94 words
    • 168 5 V\ I i V *9 Ak <S/^ W* i» •M^^s^anMMaaaa^tigjgJßfc'^i ■^aT.^iaT 1 Introducing ...tJutHuufHsficeta NEW RADIOGRAM with the CfMfEKJbB 7 VAIVE \i& Si) W XS> all SUPERHET RECEIVE* Incorporated m a polished teak wood cabinet finished m high gloss mahogany here is a top value) combination console The famous Cossor
      168 words

  • 117 6 INCOME TAX OFFICIAL WARNING All forms out Free Press Start* Reporter E\ I RYONE liable to taxation should have received an income tax form by now, the Comptroller of Taxation, Mr. 1). H. Tudor, told the Free Press this morning. "If anyone liable has been overlooked, he should inform the
    117 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 6 .4 terror:*', house m Broga village briny burned down has had killed a bandit ami captured two c Gurk' el uniforms, a pistol, jni
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  • 134 6 RUBBERS, TINS ADV ANCE t?.ro. J^X v*x^ *^B 1^**! i t* 1 1 1 *-^j*j ONDON, Tuesd THF tone on ihe London Stock Exchange resterdaj WAS bright, with rubber and tin shares ftdvanci However, dollar stocks irere a weak feature, s Reuler'a financial correspondent; losses of up to four points
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  • 109 6 Free Press stuiT Correspondent KUAI A LUMPUR, Monday. SECURITY rorcei killed 14 bandits yesterday, am 1 wounded several others. In the Mnax-Lengfa area of Johore. seven bandits were shot dead. In the Kota Tin^nl area. Nanyi military lgaged a p bane. One ChineM bandit irai
    109 words
  • 13 6 I i '.4 Ind Ca m. T: I b«*fii can
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  • 42 6 IPOH, M NEITHER the la evacuation of tqua from .tain of Perak :vitie* of Polict js and b* among the squatter areas. have had any appreciable produc- ther l said of vegetable were te d to -^al Departbe
    42 words
  • 187 6 $253,000 FRAUD CHARGES A 32-YEAR-OLD HokA kien. Quek Tiam Song, director of Messrs. Thong Whatt Thiam Kee Ltd. appeared before the Singapore Seventh Police Court Magistrate (Mr. R. J. O. Wait), yesterday on three counts of cheating, involving a sum of $253,982. It w&a alleged that 'he money involved arose
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  • 8 6 i n of :.s b«lards will
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  • 13 6 V. He ci work will monl n lnd
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 6 The Bishop of Sin get; the Rt. Rev John Leonard Wilson and Mrs. H who returned to Singa: erday from Engla
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  • 29 6 Penan g has T.B. centre I Pi pur.drnt A Road Cli The clinic patients from day, bet Ad\ Out of of tu V uah The su; was paid 18.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 REX Phon- If 4.' roDAy 2 p n., 4.15. 6.30 6 9.15 CRAWFORD2S3V QAVID jf (P^ TOWER NEXT CHANGE WHAT A TOPPING CO M 1 \J phone: boos ToHay Tomorrow Only FOUR SHOWS ZO.HJy/i2«W| W« hnrnl With Prid* OUR NEXT ATTRACTION It'% srn> ti ional md It's From I Irthur
      61 words
    • 75 6 "Un of 4 SONGSNttssfi ooK NOW f O TOMORROW/ m MM Del 1 poms/ MY Homance ONTHB HIGH 'f JEM •MICHAEL j- CURTIZ i MICHAEL ttHB V o«c*v. LAST DA^ j^g^g^gi^^^l 1 .1 ot CARLO jff < uo YVONNE DeCARLO f DAN DURYEA ROD CAM[ROJ H HELENA CARTER jgj TECHMCOIOR
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 52 6 JANE Exclusive to the Singapore tree Press m Malaya fjtp TV VH HELP.' JO M B^^l ItTSl tTS EASIER To Gf T INTO t P I /^-—^vV' J P^ 1 This place than out J^gr C*V l-w, O;.K/ 1/ >^*« 'JA\ \OFIT I IKE THE A" TARZAN Lightning finish By
      52 words

  • 859 7 OUTSTANDING GALLOP BY JUDAIC Bukit Timah track hints By TRESPASSER JUDAIC (Bagby), clocking 51 Vt seconds for half a mile and 38 2 5 for the last three furlongs, did the outstanding gallop at Bukit Timah this morning when horses running at the Singapore Winter Meeting were given fast work.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 7 picture unh round to take the icorld J third round and again m the The nght took place at Madison Oct. 29.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 5 7 dfhgjhfkbk;cv
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  • 3 7 I
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  • 96 7 WILI.IL Houliston. Queen of the South centreforward, receives his first international soccer cap for Scotland against Ireland at Hampden Park, Glasgow, on Nor. 17. He replace RellW of Hibernian. Govan for Howie at right-back is the only other change from the vide which beat Walev.
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 143 7 TU be R.a d the Singapore >c played en TliursJ&lan Besar stadium Poppy Day Fund Will X X XV: F S Hancock; Cpl. I t O Prati. F L Monks and ■-w. P L McGlbbon and A C Lewli; A. C. Crabtree, f L Bishop.
    143 words
  • 44 7 I Shellield boxer, became P rweight champion when he W n over 15 rounds against pool, who has held the title ll.i rrin i m Arena. London. la>t by Roder I ied ag; I I I I m»rn Wins B
    44 words
  • 5 7 R. 3- Reuter
    Reuter  -  5 words
  • 256 7 U'EIGHTS lor Satur- daj i ra ?ea at Buklt HortfN Claw 1 Div I— Furs. 9.04 9.03 8.13 805 8 03 eat 8 03 8.01 7.13 7.10 7 04 i— Div. t— 4 F«r> ■xv 8.11 8.09 an 8.03 ,<m 8.0« 8 04 8.04 c Midas* 8.04 8
    256 words
  • 94 7 OF the mam Uerr^ hcing siaered by the Ad. Coun.y Cricket Committee meet at Lords, London, today and tomorrow will be an application fiom New Zealand :o be allowed to play nimum of four Test matches against England In 1949, instead of thrr> arranged. A
    94 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 7 pict Mus s W. de Souza sin iq to gain p< from Mrs. Fairhurst icen ire) and Mrs. McMnllan incident in the Singa an icomen's hw on the Padanq ye da\ Free Press
    Free Press  -  33 words
  • 298 7 LA TEST RSGC RESULTS THE Royal Singapore Golf Club's November Bogey competition was played at Bukit Timah Saturday and Sunday and resulted m tie m "A" Division between R. J. Fennie and J. Markham with a score of 3 up and a win for D. J. Vane Percy m "B"
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 7 11. Mannwn uejn, tne £25,000 England international footballer who is without a club, having left Middlesbrough rather than re-sign for them, visited London on Oct. 26 to take orders at the Dairy Shou for a firm of Oldham agricultural implement makers. He is seen demonstrating one of his firm's products
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  • 64 7 S. L. 1.0 a novice Jock*y. di**d m Hong Kong hospital shortly after being thrown by Amigo I the running of the Welgan Handicap m the Happy Valley race course on Saturday. The accident involved four and» also resulted m injury to B. L. Tang Ma-Inwa, who was
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 390 7 T»HE ranks of good Australian cricket players are being steadily depleted by transfers to English league cricket and this could wreck the game m Australia, according to Roy Colmer, Adelaide News cricket writer. Lancashire League club offers for star players are making serious Inroads into
    Reuter  -  390 words
  • 179 7 M.C.C. have to fight hard for victory pENTI'RIES by Leo Hutlon (125) and Denis Compton (121) helped to place the M CjC. m a good position against (ape Province on the second d. their three-day match, which was continued m Capetown yesterday. However, they will have to fight hard to
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 64 7 IT was revealed m Johannesburg yesterday that the world light heavyweight champion, Freddie Mills had fractured a metacarpal bone In the right hand when he knocked out the South African heavyweight champion. Johnny Ralph, on Saturday night Mills, who appeared unmarked after the bout,
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 157 7 STAR" .soccer players' demands for have d many wrangles oeand their clubs over the past few seasons, and now a small Third Division Section club. Bristol Rovers, have set their feet firmly against a player's desire io move. Ken Wookey. Bristol Rovers outside right, asked
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 134 7 0 badn is leaving X If h qualify for th finaJ. he will be to p The Singaij doubles final Peng 8 Hui tMayflov Urn and run Chony Tet (Marigoh same eve;. I The U> parties are .1 the sen hall, tween tru be P
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  • 30 7 THE annual rugger match between Pa>t and Present boys of St. Andrews School. Singapore, will be played at Woodsville oi day evening, and n< row as previously rep
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  • 23 7 THE Chinese Shimming Singapore v. ill noli a gala and dance on Saturday from 7 30 p.m. to 1 a.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 Mjsyttf irs^fr hr Introducing the NEW ELOU AC DC ELECTRIC ORTLI $30 nomlcal Llglitwe. Safety device eiectc main socket when kt boils dry. y puarant^ d for six months Gbtainable from all Authorized Dea HOUSEHOLD j J.UIJ APPLIANCES j
      39 words

  • 11 8 BON BERNARD at Bungsar ,^r Marga ad' r. Sum Mrirgaret
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  • 21 8 w engagement was mnoui 1 1 48 b lisa Poh •c Lian. eldest daughter of Poh Guan Cheng I Hock
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  • 20 8 IE BhNNM 1 U1 16th. 1948. at St. Ch.» M: and I Tlree 1 and Ilford. Bsspx. to of
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  • 10 8 iber, 1948 N 4ged 26. I neral X.L rnber
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  • 250 8 Will block all legislation PARIS, Tuesday. GEN. DF GAULLE'S henchmen, commenting last night on their election victory, announced that they could and would wreck the present French Government and put their leader back In power. The General, after leading the Tree French movement during
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 58 8 "THE Q Edit Punjab wants to hold a state lottery with "worldwide scope" for raising 500 million rupees for the rehabilitation of four m m refugees. The Government of India has been asked to organise tht lottery or permit the East Punjab Government it. The queiaho
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 120 8 WASHINGTON. Tuesday. pHAIRMAN of the of Representative! Com Jersey, has ndicted for I United Stat^ ol 1 and pr<> He "kick backs' 1 f] •nal employers and 01 ing" non-ex emp The Grand Jury also indicted Miss Helen Campbell Thomas's former secretary. Court officials
    A.P.; Reuter; U.P.  -  120 words
  • 28 8 Screen writer Jerome CaJy. 40 years old. of Be srley HUli, California, «M found dcari y* trrdoy aboard hLi yach; Eay. off Catalina Island.
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  • 39 8 New India food control powers I^HE Government of India has armed itself with special powers to enforce food controls more effectively. Th»' courts may now Impose up to three years Imprisonment, heavy fines and the forfeit of property.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 167 8 BERLIN, Tuesday. THE U.S. Commandant m Berlin. Col. Frank Howley, told German political leaders j last night that there were lufflcient American troops m j the city to guard against any Communist putsch attempt. 'There are adequate troops j m the U.S. sector to
    A.P.; U.P.; Reuter  -  167 words
  • 158 8 Assembly must decide-Nehru FUTURE LINK WITH EMPIRE DELHI, Tuesday. y\\v. Prime Minister* of India and Pakistan both made statement* last night on their countries' future relationships with the British Commonwealth. They urged tul n of the problem. and each 1: d that Parliamentary decision by India and Pakistan would not
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 24 8 33,000 Filipino. were massacred IT.-Oen. Shizuo V i guilty m I '.tiding Quirino'a m the American ban first to try a es. A. P.
    A.P.  -  24 words
  • 200 8 PAKis, Tuesdaj rill. United Nations Social Council y«*sterday ap- proved, by 17 votes to 16, a Kussian->ponsored proposal that men and women should enjoy equal divorce rights. Nine States abstained from voting. The Soviet delegate Mr Alexet Pavlov, termed he >)tion of the 58-nation-commlttee "a great
    A.P.  -  200 words
  • 116 8 SPECIAL Market ton dent give* the prlct* of rubber (m rents per Ib.) ai 11 am today ai follows: Buven MBCTI No. 1 X S -s Spot. loom >0 40% I it B. In bale* Od. Xo. 1 KS s 40 4«> 4 No. 7 KSS 38' <
    116 words
  • 37 8 1 The new Bra7.i!*ji Minister to t India. MT J C. Dalencar. said on his arrival m Bombay yf-tcrday v that, because of c-rop, he hoped Brazil would Rend t India more i
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  • 179 8 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. TIGHT Snorkel equipped submarines theoretically have sunk or crippled an enUnlted States invasion t of 100 warships. md' ding j the battleship Missouri, the U.S. Navy announced yesterday. e-Adm. D R. Div commanding the Navy's great--war ni£iioeuvres, held m the North Atlantic, said
    U.P.  -  179 words
  • 40 8 Star meets thA Duke pnoio. David Niven, star of •'Bon me Prince Charlie," chats h the Duke of Edinburgh at a private party following the London premiere of the Empire Theatre, Leicester Square. Margaret Leighton teen m centre background. A.P.
    A.P.  -  40 words
  • 74 8 NEW PEACE TALKS CALL Back Truman, MPsu rge Bevin LONDON, Tuesci rraREB backbench M.P. I called on Britain night to support President Truman's efforts direct peaie negotiation* with Mai Stalin. M: (Labo;.: urged In 4 gf Commons that the ron Bevin, seize th# opportu: Trumaii" to press for new efforts
    U.P.  -  74 words
  • 12 8 Anglo-Burman status is raised by M.P. LONDO I 1 I wer< Reuter
    Reuter  -  12 words
  • 28 8 U.N. BID FOR PALESTINE PEACE TALKS T<HE United Natu. A closed meeting t< I o! arranging a p< and Jews m Palestine. Af>!l 2 Meanwhile. I gfhjthgjhjn'h Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 8 8 be rec one o».--four
    8 words
  • 5 8 Reuter
    Reuter  -  5 words
  • 10 8 a iv a q heri v •m] A.P.
    A.P.  -  10 words
  • 45 8 nidad LONDON. RSM is v ihe United X markel. selling trlbuting equipment right to an Aw oil group knovn as th« ReApril b\ holds and 'he Tt Company. United X subsid Texa^ New* and n doin l Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
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    • 123 8 gj,/ \cK\invi i m mi n r s. Dodd b who m noocLsi for n\u MOBILE >00 rst class $4,500 \E 4 DOORS I 13 HP la 10 HP. Ford .r.'4O. Meav 1734, Road. S:: IOR S\LB ng oe seen I NOTICE VOLINTFJR >PHIVL CONSTABULARY bm vll mi c *>'
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    • 13 8 Going on Leave KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE STRAITS BUDGET Six Moiv Inc.
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