The Singapore Free Press, 24 September 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 1 -v. aged 27. De Hw 'Hand, chief test pilot, m DH. 10! h he reached a soeed /otter than sound m recent trials.
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  • 104 1 'Key man' of arms ring named I Australian girl set free r tm Miff Reporter and Dutch special investigators •national arms ring based hilippines believe that 26 year-old i* one of the ring's key men and oup captured at Airabu Island lei I .S. Navy pilot was m h on
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 1 ur-j/ear-old Marion Reed. t€ of the youngest <>? 40 competitors m the Leading Rein Class at a Gymkhana and Horse Show at Chobham Village, Surrey, icon firti prize. She was holding I the reins when the judges presented her with her she accepted it tilth her teeth Anne Dv Vallon
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  • 168 1 RANGOON, Thursday. 4 BCRMESE Government communique tonight stated that four Communist leaders and 3b' others were killed m an encounter at Toungoo. on the railway midway between Rangoon and Mandalay. It also reported minor actions at Insein, m the outer suburbs of Rangoon, and the
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 51 1 MANILA. Thursday. fHE Candalaba sector of Pampanga province, notorious hide-out of the Hukbalahap armed peasants, j was subjected today to "the heaviest artillery barrage i since Bataan." Observation plants directed i the guns. But the whereabouts of.' Louis Tarue. leader of Hukba- lahaps. still remain a
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  • 181 1 LONDON, Thursday. THE War Minister, Mr. Emmanuel Shinwell, tonight denied that some of the Guardsmen recently sent to Malaya had only had a few weeks 1 training. Mr Oliver Lyttleton (Corns.* had said during a House of Commons debate o_i defence that a great number
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 230 1 CAIRO, Thursday. TWO British correspondents, John Nixon of the 8.8.C.. and David Woodford, of the -Daily Telegraph", were killed when an Arab Airlines plane was shot down yesterday by a Jewish fighter stated to have Red Cross markings. The airliner was on a one-hour flight from
    A.P.  -  230 words
  • 34 1 Free Press Staff Reporter. k CHINESE woman was tr- rested m Singapore yesterday under the Emergency Regulations, but was later released. She is believed to be am employee of a Chinese newspaper.
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  • 35 1 Grer-k m Htary cur i rted last night that Gen. Markos Vaflode.s. Commander of the rebel Communist army. had be**n wounded and was now recup+Mi'tIn a hospital at Tirana. Alban a. U.P.
    U.P.  -  35 words
  • 87 1 Second fire in Hong Kong HONG KONG. Friday, f WHILE Hongkong flre-bri- gades continued their 40-hour battle against the Wing On fire, firefighters m K-jwloo.i last night rushed to i the packed Peio Theatre where ore started among films stored m a back room. The fpmes spread to an I
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  • 107 1 MELBOURNE, Thursday. THE Australian Communist Party's Secretary-Gen-e r al, Mr. Laurence Lewis Sharkey, told the party's central committee this week: 'Australian Communists must continue and extend their campaign m defence of the Malayan indrpendence movement." Mr. Sharkey also reported to the committee: "During my vtsti to
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  • 362 1 LONDON, Thursday. BRITAIN'S warships, bombers and fighters were today engaged m one of the largest air and sea exercises since the war, following the statement by the Defence Minister, Mr. A. V. Alexander, to the House of Commons that the nation was expanding its armaments
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  362 words
  • 56 1 THE Hong Kong Government has limited the amount of Chinese money which can be brought into and taken out of the colony at one time to 20 Gold Yuan. Government officials described the restriction as a move to support Chinas effort to wipe out the blackmark
    A.P.  -  56 words
  • 34 1 Six passengers ha\o been ta! n from the British freighter I monar' blown aground off I Cayman Island by the i hurricane but the ci^w ot 67 ha remained aboard.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 1 ~TiLt>r uoys of St. Paul's Church of Engiana b^nuui, n**>-castle-on-Tyne, learn to bake, do the weekly wash, iron clothes and to sew, mend and darn. It's the idea of the headmaster, Mr. A. J. Redhead. To keep things balanced he plans also to teach senior girls joinery and household repairs.
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  • 123 1 STALIN AT TAKE WITH SATELLITES LONDON, Thursday. REPORTS reaching the Foreign Office suggest that a conference of heads of Eastern European States is now meeting m the Crimea under the presidency of Generalissimo Josef Stalin, an official spokesman said today. While reports of such a meeting could not be regard-
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 257 1 State of siege in East Java PRICE 10 CEMS BATAVIA, Friday. A STATE of siege has been declared m Re- publican-held East Jam where heavy fighting with Communist rebels is taking place, the Republican news agency, Antara, reported last night. Republican forces claimed yesterday to have driven within 12 miles
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  257 words
  • 32 1 The Communist Party of the Indonesian Republic ha> proclaimed a general sink and uprising m ail Republican areas. The proclamation was issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 r s, *°^RAOIO ..aiwvt roBOSH 1 .»OVIt>»» *N AMAHH4 f 'abiSHTRAOIO CO. !*s^-_________ ;Q mW v»fJ _t_n A^Wmmm I ft l\ *> Hl__ ■X-f^^SC y/f pExtra Vitamins ■^nforce Babys Feed Z^v T** nutritive value of baby* feed Is **-> V I Th*****?™ 1 by tbe -*-<"Uoo of VimaJtol* I C_£^L
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    • 37 1 l*» la\ TH€ tof mmfffff^ BXCUL BNJ CUWNE \jlimßßßj yg 3W&MAHROAP7 I C"**V 111 IMPORTED FROM LONDON ENGLAND °__t^p__________-____! 'Jm Made with rich, fine Virginia tobacco CARRERAS LONDON CO TEARS' REPUTATION FOR QUALITY 1 I j k.
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  • 689 2  - HATS FOR ALL DRESSES BARBARA STEVENSON By Reuter s Correspondent I^EYNOTE of the new autumn and winter hats now being shown m Paris is that they are fashioned to fit a small, neat head. The 1948-49 hat is made for the new taper- j ed short hair style andj is
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  • 281 2 HANGE m the style and shapes of hats means changes tn the style of hairdressing. A shorter style is being adopted. Rows of curls arranged round the front of the face and down to the nape of the neck will be chosen. The iront curls must be
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  • 39 2 During the Royal visit to Austi, it year, the King and Queen and Princess Maryaret will make one *hree days m a Viking aircraft. Six of these kft will be used during the 68-day Australian tour.
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  • 343 2 IN moat situations, a play*-:. who has passed a fair supporting hand makes the strongest possible bid on his next turn. He la often able to use what would be a forcing bid if he had not limited the strength of his hand by an earlier pass. He
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  • 301 2  -  RUSSELL LANDSTROM By Associated Press Cr>i respondent I ON DON matchk makers are sure the i osy-cheeked Marquess of Bladford is going to marry Princess Margaret but he admits he is a little dazed and embarrassed by his sudden role of suitor m the rumoured
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 104 2 I 1,000,000-M I SPRING COMFORTfM WITHOUT A SINGI' _—^*Bmmmmmmmm. vr '___F '_.B __*n_jr B^r^ 7,.!. _^^^^a j#r jv j _s> i b_mp& Cho Ows '^^C^( V __B «de*> m *ny .J N^ 1 I lost the .-at' million springy cushion* ot •crftest honeycombed LA 1 _fl -—and you'll beg
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 601 2 QtMrHDODr I id BOOla: H.OO Music ol th dino-.rwn.c Giruter iS 6 lf> Mast.-r People; 1130 World News frot From 11 00 noon t* 2.00 p m. P'anist Simun Barer*; 0 M \^Tld iiom _on- 1140 Programme Sum 485 metres m the medium way* nev s 6 15 Say It
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    • 208 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR DORN today, you are an dual, you can rise to an individual whose word emergency with fire and is as good as your bond. determination, maiNot one to make careless quick decisions which are promises, you can be de- fair, honest, and w ise when pended upon
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  • 539 3 CHINA'S HARVEST PROSPECTS ARE GOOD Despite civil war, floods, drought, plagues— SHANGHAI. T»HE harvest In China is likely to be good this year. A according to Hua Ming, Catholic news agency, which has compiled reports from missionaries on crops m most parts of China. Despite raging of a civil war
    A.P.  -  539 words
  • 83 3 DETA/L.? 0/ firi^am'j financial position during 1947-1948 s/jow that her national debt on March 31 this year was £25,722,387.153 sterling. This included an external debt of £1,554,833,808 sterling and excluded the debt arising out of the 1914-1918 war. Wartime advances to Allied governments outstanding at March
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 65 3 4 N official Czech communl_s. que announced the arrest of more than 30 alleged spies aiding three said to be working for the American Counter-intelligence Corps m Germany. The communique said that the arrested men belonged to videspread espionage network organised by Josef flovothy. former official
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 24 3 Promoted by C hiang Chiang Kai-shek recently piomoted 13 Chines* major generals 'o the rank of lieutenant general including Sun I_-j>n, veteran Burma commander.
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  • 235 3 Europe 's refugees go last and like it CAIRO, Wednesday. COME of the last of the 35.000 Europeans who found refuge In the Middle East, India and East Africa during World War II are going to Australia. Argentina, Africa and other countries to rebuild their lives. The migrating refugees tremend
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 3 lethtng rocking H found an enthusU supporter at the Concours Lepine. annual exhibition for French inventors held m Paris.
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  • 197 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Wednesday. THE United States Immigration ana Naturalisation A Service should set up offices m China to clear Chinese seeking entry to the United States, investigators for a Senate Sub-committee were told here. The witness. Mr. Milton C. Unburn. Rehabiiiatlon Counsellor for the
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  • 67 3 PANDIT Nehru. Indian Prime __tnister, will visit England, and the lead his coundelegation to the United Nations for two or three days next month. It is understood that he will fly to London on Oct. 5 and will stay for a few days with Earl and
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 19 3 ROME, Thurs.— More than a million Italian Government workers yesterday stagged demonstrations throughout th? country for higher pay. A.P.
    A.P.  -  19 words
  • 33 3 Matthys Vanderbank, 44. of Johannesburg, was training his fox -terrier to seize ft gun from a burglar when the dog pulled the trigger with its mouth and shot him dead.
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  • 39 3 F claim his grandfathers $1.000 000 estate Wailstreet lawyer T. John M at the age of 45, revealNegro blood. Before he 1 get legal possession he died. HLs 'will, published recently. shows that he left £120 la cash.
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  • 48 3 The Royal p ing at the House 0/ Pu for. tf: 0/ the special shnr' of Parliament callea > with the Parliaw The Irish State Coach h Sovereign^ Household Cavalry m dress uniform. A guard of honour from the Brigau Guards presents ar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 210 3 APITOL MY H«o' .IYBODYS hiRO! w^Lf\. jf vH TOMORROW H HITEI _____^^> _-^__l BW L'l y L_^^V Ajr _H***f*^^_^ isse ITURBI POWELL REX Phone 404J TODAY 2 4.1.*S 6.30 Ml Longfellow's Beloved, l^Land and $ea!^&H 'B**^ rmscEOCD b\ THE VERY LATEST 3 STOOGES HOWLER! TOMORROW^ AT MNITE! STEINBECK S BEST!
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    • 104 3 K 1 -<.^3H*_.^S ***^^HB*it*SS* vL ""-f'nm^ S_ E m ßß**&mmimLßm m m _^_T GATEWAY 1 or centuries, Merchandise reaching London River moved along the main trackways radiating West and Last* South and North. To-day the goods Britain needs still travel tne same routes by rail and wide arterial roads London
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 119 3 TARTAN! r »eWnf the secret By FMar Rice Burroughs rl-l 1 N ACCUSCO HARSHLY 'YE ksk, jft tt_t_>«l^_»!_^^_S___D 'JP If 'B 'SO whaT?'_«Owl_C> »vOU=. I FATHER OF OIAMONOS' BH! •I_^£MB£R.THATS WHAT W_RC JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya A c .p« s T' THREE CHEERS 1- I
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  • 545 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 1948. The lingering hope IN his brief statement on the Moscow talks. Mr Bevin gave Parliament the one assurance which matters. There is no disagree*he th: Wester., powers either to their Berbn policy or c policy that would be •d it the pr
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  • 2686 4 MR. L. C. GOH, one of first three local men ever to be appointed to the Colonial Administrative Service, is president of the Singapore Civil Service Association and vice-presi-dent of two other Government associations— the Singapore Co-oper-ative Urban Union and the Government Servants' Thrift and Loan
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  • 113 4 THE New South Wales state government is issuing this month a marriage guidance booklet to couples intending to marry. The booklet says its aims are to stress the sanctity of marriage and give practical guidance to those about to marry. The booklet says. "Married couples who deliberately abstain from
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  • 11 4 food* to irti ito P*i __j_____l chant* it not*) 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 19 4 u S_i V""**-*" lm __o f •^_i-_u— ML I HAPPMSS P. H. HENDRY Jemelk 78, North Bridge Road, Spore.
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    • 64 4 R FRESH MILK supply The demand for and production has not yet reached *pM *,r mw^ We are unable re increase pres*"* of distributors until further nor.o rBBBt with YOUR distributor rm sun limited. A Milk bottles, too, at* prtoo-t b.t and return them promptly to RECONSTITUTED MILK <
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  • 281 5 Quarters for 137 families Kne Pre» Staff Reporter -HE housing estate to be built Mitgapore police since the liberation,! .mated $500,00(1, is being constructI'lain at the junction of Neil Road __j intonnuMit Koad. now busy on the preliminary ion of 12 blocks of one-storeyed Lgular-shaped
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  • 12 5 To report on terrorism U ..t the h.i^ 1 oncton. port to
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  • 21 5 riese stowaways were discovered on the vessel Chak.- Singapore Kong Inesbeen handed to the japore Immigration auth- s.
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 5 The Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, is seen m these pictures presenting the insignia of the M.B.E. to Capt. Redvers Marshall, Quarter Master Ist BattalioJi, Devonshire Regiment, (seen m upper photo on the left), and to Lt.-Col. D. L. Richardson doner left picture*. 1 -Col. J. L. Chapman is :n the
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  • 325 5 Free Press Start Reporter SINGAPORE women who apply for driving licences get more indignant than men when they are corrected or refused a licence but, once qualified, they usually make more conscientious drivers than men, a Traffic Police officer said ye^erday. The officer revealed that, during
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  • 240 5 JAPAN WANTS 3,000 TONS COCONUT OIL Free Press Chinese Correspondent VEGOTIATIONS are now under way lor the purchase from Singapore mills of 3,000 tons of coconut oil by Government agents, for shipment to Japan. Quotations have been I from millers for transmission to Allied Headquarters m Japan. The transaction if
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  • 79 5 A NTI-T.B. FUND NOW $194,381 The amount collected i the Sir gapore Anti-Tuberculosla tattoo up *x> Sept. 10. was $194,381.86. Donations received during Au e ust included _____pore Pr__ftytex___ Church $164 80. 'B Company. No. 5 Group R.P.C. (C.) $102.88. Mrs E M. D Cartrr $50. Teachers of Raffles
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  • 22 5 From Sunday Oct. 10. Malayan Airways will run three planes weekly between Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. Kuan tan and Kota Bahru.
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  • 41 5 GRAHAM-WHITE FUND GETS $2,850 THE secretary of the Church Workers' Association (Mrs. H. Macdonell) announces that the sum of $2,850 wis realised from the Association's bring-and-buy sale held at the Victoria Memorial Hal] a month ago for th«* Graham- White Fund.
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  • 208 5 Free Press Stall Reporter A MOTION that licences issued to itinerant hawkers should not restrict the licensees to the sale of only one type of article will be introduced by Mr. Sin Man Vow at the monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners this afternoon. He will
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  • 270 5 TWO BANDITS SHOT DEAD IN PERAK OOLICE and troops on 1 Wednesday killed three terrorists and arrested many more. The initiative ol a Malay SDecial constable resulted m two of the terrorists being Miot dead at Malim Nawar. 20 miles south of looh. and some arms being: recovered JOlinKt. Combind
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  • 34 5 The Singapore Cricket Club will be holding a "Rugby Dance" at the Club premises tomorrow night: The fee is $5 per couple. Members may* brine with them non- members as their guest*.
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  • 288 5 Committee says T*HE boundaries of Singapore's 200-acre forest J reserve at the 7*l mile Bukit Timah must remain intact and not be encroached on by prixate enterprise, a committee sitting: under the chairmanship of the Commissioner of Lands. Mr. C. W Sennett. has decided. The committee
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  • 135 5 Free Press Staff Reporter. THE Malayan Indian Congr ess has asked Indians, on the occasion of the birthday of the late Mahatma Gandhi, which falls on October 2, to start a campaign against drinking alcohol and to have the sale of toddy j abolished. The
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  • 38 5 A I woman". Tan Ah B at Kitchener Road, was bound over: m Uie Firs' District Court, yesterday for one year for -cheating a I 'ler of gold bangles, valued at f 1.450. on July 5.
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  • 25 5 Messrs. P. H F. Cr.ssall. J. F. M Roualle, and Killick have been ap- pointed deputies to the Comp roller of Customs. Suigapore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 5 Khoo SGolden ".'•fade m a :n Snapt
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  • 65 5 SPECIALLY designed bba .be given to United Nations Appeal f or Children, as an acknowledgmem of their gubsci A juvenile choir, consisting of abou* 100 children, will g the first of The cha sub Mr C L I wards d that the bankb m Singapore hareque.s'ed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 52 5 Wifh Our Suits made to measure are cut and personally fitted by our English Cutter. m Only highest skilled tailors I are employed on our work. WM Complete satisfaction from I cut, fit and workmanship are guaranteed and further more our prices are ji competitive. ROBINSONS (ROBINSON CO.. LTD.) RAFFLES
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  • 272 6 RUSSIAN 'OFFER' WILL BE REJECTED China civil zvar mediation bid report SHANGHAI. Thursday. 4 DISPATCH from Washington that Russia is manoeuvring for an invitation to mediate m China's civil war is expected to bring prompt reiteration from the Chinese government that there is not a chance. Nanking is not going
    U.P.  -  272 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 6 This licic uf one of the huge undercarriage wheels of Britain's 12^-ton giant Brabazon I, the icorld's largest plane, suggests with startling clarity the immense size of the aircraft. It will cairy 100 passengers. Estimated t i s £6.000.000.
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 6 Sheila Talbot of Tollbridge. Kent, Uemureljf between two stalwart competitors' m the Old English Sheep Dog Show m London.
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  • 134 6 FIVE hundred Chinese Shanghai police officers have ber?n told to discard all traces of an "International Settlement" attitude and "develop a revolutionay spirit In the execution of their duties Addressing the backbone of Shanghai's police force, the garrison commander Lt. Gen. Hsuan Ti-wu spoke on the occasion
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  • 129 6 TOKIO. PHE usually reliable financial paper 'Nihon Keizai' aid hea\y taxes and controls have caused havoc with Chinese businessmen and residents m Japan. A highly placed source m the Chinese Mission here admitted this was "regrettable but true." nese naders and busmen flourished
    A.P.  -  129 words
  • 23 6 15,000 U. S. conscripts The us. Defence Department hs 1 for 15.000 men to be conscripted into the Army In December, says A.P.
    A.P.  -  23 words
  • 56 6 BROKEN JOURNEY." the J. Arthur Rank film which opened at the Pavilion yesterday, is the stirring record of a Dakota airliner wrecked high m the Alps, and of the subsequent rescue of the ten occupan Based on actual incidents. tiie film features Phyllis CalMareot Oraha»ne.
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  • 52 6 THE death m Philadelphia Of Bill Thompson. 21-year-old Negro heavyweight boxer, has brought to 11 the death roll m wi rid boxing this year. Thompson suffered head Injuries In his bout with Johnny Haynes last ThursAn operation to re a brain blood-clot failed to his
    U.P.  -  52 words
  • 81 6 DOLITTCAL circles m Madrid believe that General Franco may soon visit Argentina. In that case, it is expected that the visit would be returned by the President of Argentina. General Perjn. If General Franco did undertake such a iournev. it would be his first trip abroad
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  • 214 6 EUROPEAN CRITICS OF ECA CHIEF WASHINi MR. Paul Hoffman, Economic tration chief, is "leaning ov< stay m the good books of Co pretation informed European quai on recent actions of his m whin. :Kc -4 (il Ruled out tha* shipment oi wheat to most ol the European countries vi Marshall
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 52 6 Manila city officials estimated that 90 percent of the city's night clubs, dancing schools, cabarets and other recreation places *111 be forced to close or move on September 30th because they are within thousand metres of churches schools, hospitals and other public buildings. Bars within 200 meters are
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  • 17 6 Rebels active again in Eritrea Ie; n bm the of Eritrea extender, lar. d been atta Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 17 6 THE attack bj said that I have 400 the nu prisoners and muni;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 270 6 Let ROBINSONS TAKE CARE OF YOUR Ml _/S X'MAS PARCELS for HOME DELIVERY t^Sft !y^>/ w^^\ y/_4^ IS ti***^ nl^^ Limited advertising space does not permit Our special exclusive offer this year is for 6 ==^^^^_^"*^V all details being published m this adver- real pre-war X'mas Puddings- made m our
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  • 2719 7  -  CALL BOY Leoda and Little Ned next best By OY MOST reckonings, Ecliptic is as good as past the post m the Singapore Gold Cup race at Bukit Timah tomorrow, final day of the Singapore Autumn meeting, but I cannot share this general confidence.
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  • 132 7 Running order scratchings QRDER of running and scratch- ings for tomorrow's races at i Bukit Timah are: Race l—Cl t. D 4. *f— Nil. Race I— a t. D». if R-d Hackle, Bastern Picture. Northmen. Race 3— 471 2, D 3, 6— United Sagittarius. Mm Race 4— CI 2. Dl.
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  • 113 7 i f T H R.A.F. B€_abavi_ng beat I the Indian Association three--1 one la S.A.F.A. Cup CompetjlUon tie played at St. Georges Road yesterday The R.A.F. scored their three goals In the first half and the t Indians replied with their solitary goal tn _ie second
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  • 86 7 PUP horses had their winding-up exercises on the second track < at Bukit Timah this morning. There was only slight rain m the racecourse area, and the going was j stlcky Lr\Ue Ned went a fuil mile with Silver Jupiter, the pair spurting j weU over the
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  • 35 7 THE Olympic Games women's 100 metres swimming champion, Grete Anderson.] of Denmark, has announced she Is turning professional after the Anglo-Danish swim- mlng match next week. She! wants to become a swimming instructress. >
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 7 This picture shows the finish of the Gold Cuy a mile at Bukit Timah last Saturday, and proi guide m selecting the winner of tomorrou
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  • 462 7 THERE were the thrills, hustle and excitement and A a fairly good crowd to provide a truly cup-tit* atmosphere at Jalan Besar yesterday, m the opening game of the S.A.F.A. Cup competition but m spite of superiority m play and players, the powerful Kota Raja
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  • 219 7 LONDON. Thursday. GO. Alien, the former E captain, heads the final batiting avsragea for the Engl_>: ket season Just ended with figures of 7680. However, he had sot innings compared with 50 or more by many players. S_nilarly. the first p among bowlers is occupied C. Boucher
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 64 7 Hie FARKLF inter -> soccer i >mpe_Uon final for he Caldbeck Cup will be played at Tang an today at 5.15 p.m. The teams competing will tx tl.#» 29 Company RASC tean; Taipeng. who were *he winners i f the Malaya District knock-out rem petition and
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  • 38 7 YESTERDAY'S UK Rugby result- are: R-rbv League, Australian War: Hull s. Australians IS R_gby Le_f_e: St. Helens 41 Liverpool Stanley 0. R-ftoy Vmimm: Swansea 6. New* bridtes S. County matin: Oxfordshire 0. Gloucestershire 24. Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 176 7 m «P» Cvossword No. 496 UP* i ____j__________H H j, ■^""""■"•"i "lam m 1 I I I 1 I i IS .3-. cn_r_i Lid <■>> (S), 18. Merits v_j. 20. Drink ,3>. Package t.4). 25. CO-ieal «3>. 27. Plundered .:>. 30, Confused mass of type <3>. a 35. Fabric (3).
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  • 274 8 2 MINISTERS MAY RESIGN slew French crisis PARIS, Thursday. A an emergency meeting of the Cabinet, which was reported to have agreed to give French workers a 15 per cent pay rise, and the Assembly had voted m favour of postponing local elections, two members of the coalition Government
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  274 words
  • 197 8 h regard 10 Arab I ation," the spokesman said, "w* cannot forget that the initial attack on the Jews after the M 29 resolution was launched by Palestinian Arabs and U__l -h" neighbouring Arab States Justified their campaign of terrorism against Israel by the call for help
    U.P.  -  197 words
  • 103 8 BIRMINGHAM. Friday. A WOMAN charged with stealing jewellery worth £52 from her employers told the magistrates here today that she was not a thief because she had not attempted conceal the trinkets the had taken. She had openly worn them. The woman. May Johnson. 28. formerly
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 8 Typical oil men at Canada s new, prolific oilfield at Leduc are deft): George Furness and Milton Turner, who are part of a crew that works non-stop around the clock to dig a well. New wells are going up an average one a day.
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  • 52 8 THREE CRASHED PLANE, ESCAPED STOCKHOLM police are trying to find a man who escaped from the wi^ck oi a stolen plane, leaving blood tracks and a pencil as the or ly clues. The plane a two-seater trainer, crashed against an electric pole 400 yards from the Swedish Airplane Company's airfield
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  • 30 8 'Red' Dean's Visa Dr. Hewlett Johnson. Canterbury s 'Red Dean** has again applied for a visa to visit the United States, this time at the of 93 prominent Americans.
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  • 176 8 TEL AVIV, Thursday. 4 N Israeli Government spokesman said tonight, "We prefer the boundaries of Israel to be finally fixed by formal agreement between the Jews and Arabs," instead of through the Inited Nations. He was commenting on the late Count Bernadotte's proposals. The spokesman
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  • 119 8 p ANTON may soon ration all daily necessities. Plans are said to have been discussed at a meet ing of the Canton Economic Supervisor Commission which decided that loam will be drawn from Local banks for the purchase of rice, firewood; cotton yarn, 1 charcoal, piece-goods and
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  • 37 8 Soviet sector police yesterday seised all copies of Western licensed BerLn newspapers from bookstalls and news agent* m the Soviet secor of the city. except the Bii'tsh-controlled Die Welt and the French-lkensed Kur er.
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  • 164 8 SHANGHAI. Thursday. CHINESE export business, whose prospects it had been hoped would be Improved by the currency reform, is now virtually at a standstill as the result of big price increases m producing areas In the interior. For example, the price ot Chungking bristle has
    U.P.  -  164 words
  • 107 8 'CURB LORDS' BILL AGAIN REJECTED LONDON. Thursday. THE House of Lords today rejected by 204 votes to 34 the Labour Governments Parliament bill which would cut from two years to one the peers' powers to delay legislation. Lord Salisbury, said during the debate: "The Government have stripped the House of
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 197 8 PRAGUE. Thursday.--k YOUNG Austria:: woman irai sentenced m Czechoslovakia yesterday to 18 years m prison, for working ai spy for the American Coun-ter-intelligence Corps. She was convicted of having worked m Linz f Austria) a:.d Prague m 1945 and 1947. Tnis was the third tme
    197 words
  • 259 8 NEW YORK Thursday. THE Indian Ambassador to Washington. Sri Benegal j Rama Rau at an Indian j League ot America dinner here, warned that "If m the dim distai. t future there is !to bo a reunited India, it j can only oe as a result
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 259 8 CHINA MAY ACCUSED RUSSIA Govt, urged to tell U.N.O, NANKING, Thursday. WITH the Nationalist military position steadily deteriorating m North China, as the Reds isolate and seize more territory north of the Yangtse River, it was reported today that the Chinese Government may accuse Russia before the United Nations General
    259 words
  • 150 8 WASHINGTON, Thursday. PLANS were being made here today to grant direct aid from the Economic Co-opera-tion Administration to Italy and France to help them fight against unemployment and Inflation. The aid will probably be m the form of the release of part, if not
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 58 8 A Nanking spokesman yesterday denied a report allegedly that a division of Chinese troops had crossed the Siamese frontier and *i threatening the independence < ol Siam." The report was "absolutely unfounded since there is no I common frontier between China and Siam. and no
    58 words
  • 61 8 EXTREMIST politicians' who urged expropriations of European-owned plantations were condemned by Ceylon's Food Minister. Mr. A. Ratnayake, yesterday. He said the repercussions would wreck the countrys j economic system and result tn v a tion. The Ceylon Oovernment contemplated acquiring sever,al estates for distribution among the landlesa.
    A.P.  -  61 words
  • 34 8 THE NIZAM BLAMES HIS GOVT. THI eh j the F J I *ak( His abb* to fee C shock 'on sl_n-__i the In i, v I warnec M :m$ -not 9 I A.P. Reuter
    A.P.; Reuter  -  34 words
  • 606 8 London Stock Exchange LONDON. Thursday. PIIE London Stock Exchange was quietly firm today. and this was attributed to the fact that the Foreign Minister's speech on the international situation was less gloomy than had been anticipated. Reuter's financial correspondent. Rubbers were unchanged to lower and
    606 words
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    • 249 8 Bw i^ d T*f* l -j^^"_____l BIRTH OEHUERS —To DMH of F AC. Oehlers. at X X Hoapitai. on 23rd September, a son. David Arthur. Both V. MARRI\GF3 CHAN* HO— On Sunday 19th Mr. Ch*n Cheng Swee. eldest son of Mr St Mrs Chan Mah Teow to M'.ss Ho Soh
      249 words
    • 112 8 ON TO LONDON Before you Wv«*. ■elect WOOLLEN requirements Parmanand's MENS OUTFITTERS 42. HIGH STREEI mi pwp— TODAY AT RAFFLES HOTEL from 7 to 8 p.m. THE COCKTAIL HOUR with Frank Pickford at Uie Piane from 9 p.m. to midnight INFORMAL DANCE m the Ballroom with PATRICK FORBES HIS ORCHESTRA
      112 words
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