The Singapore Free Press, 13 August 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 406 1 Failure is feared at the Kremlin New appeal to Stalin likely MOSCOW, Thursday. the three Western envoys left the Kremlin today after talks with the Soviet Foreign Minister, Mr. Molotov, correspondents asked whether the talks would continue. The U.S. Ambassador, Mr. W. Bedell Smith, replied "You never know, but I
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  406 words
    Reuter  -  7 words
  • 62 1 A Burmese goxxlwill mission headed by the Foreign MinisTin Tut. is expected in Bangkok on Aug. 22 as gi: of the Siamese Government. A formal opening of the Burmese Embassy in Ban,; will take piace shortly after the goodwill visit which ha* been postponed since February because of
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 138 1 Free Pres« Staff Reporter TERRORISTS were again active in Johore last nifht when a police patrol on the Muar-Yong Pen* road was ambushed by an armed gang about half a mile from Tong Peng village. Police fired back at the terrorists and injured one who was
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  • 153 1 RUSSIA PAYS UP, WILL GET RUBBER Free Press Staff Reporter I OADINO of Russia's 16,000 L tons of Malayan rubber valued at $12,000,000, purchased under August contract, began in Penang this morning and is expected to commence in Singapore later today. The loading of this rubber had been suspended because
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  • 24 1 Under an amendment to the Chinese Criminal Code, China may request the extradition of overseas Chinese involved in trafficking narcotics U..
    U.P.  -  24 words
  • 96 1 Free Press S'afT Reporter OFFICERS and ratings from the submarine, HMS Aeneas and the frigate HMS Loch Glendu, are manning a flotilla of four Harbour Defence motor launches which is assisting the Federation Government In Its fight against the terrorists. Each launch Is manned
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  • 104 1 A 12-YEAR-OLD boy was yesterday charged with murdering four-year-old Joe Creamer whose body was found hanging in a blitzed factory building at Manchester on Sunday. Police investigations are not yet complete, and the case has been adjourned for eight days. The murder of Joe Creamer was
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  • 143 1 NANKING, Thursday. r^EARS are entertained in Nationalist military; r circles that Gen. Hu Chung-nan's army has been traDDed in the Yellow Dragon mountain region on toe border of Shansi and Shensi provinces. Little news has trickhd in since the Nationalist columns entered that region in
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 30 1 MR. SHARKEY: NO REGRETS Sharkey, General .j >: the Australian Coaiinunist Party, said yesterday that nis party made no apology for its support for Malayans in their "struggle for independence." Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 70 1 ALDERMAN W. G. Roberts of Luton, (Bedfordshire) pleading for district heating of houses at the town council meeting, said: "We have to go to bed during most of the year in rooms so cold that one hardly dares lake one's shirt off "You have to tuck
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  • 127 1 RANGOON, Thursday. DANGOON was quie; today, confidence having KX been partly restored by the arrival of Kachin troops by air from North Burma, but the curfew is still in force owing to continued political tension. Reports that Indian troops had disembarked could not be I confirmed.
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 63 1 CHELLS were fired yesterday on a ship— said to be the 9.000-ton Swedish freighter Seima Salon— l2 miles from Cap St. Jacques while sailing up the river to Saigon. No casualties were reported though one mast was snapDed. French authorities are inquiring into the incident. It
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 50 1 AMERICAN and GKrman po- lice after a wide search have arrested in Frankfurt a man in United States Army I uniform wanted for questioning about 70 reported murders. Frankfurt Radio had earlier said the man was believed to have entered the United States zone from Czechoslovakia last week.
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  • 137 1 Free Press Staff Reporter A EUROPEAN was among: the five persons detained by Singapore police yesterday under the Emergency Regulations. The police this morning would give no reason for his arrest. He is the second European to be arrested under the emergency powers. The first was detained
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 Dr. G. H. Lowe, new chief health officer for Singapore. In 19 years in Malaya he has held medical appointments in every State of the Federation except Trengganu and Kelantan. Posts include health officer in Johore and in Province Welledey, health officer of railways, acting State surgeon in Kedah.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 Marshal Vassily Sokolovsky, Soviet Commander in Germany, talking with Mme. Pravin, wife of Gen. Prayin, chief of the Polish Military Mission, at a Berlin reception.
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  • 121 1 TWO SIAMESE GUNBOATS SENT SOUTH BANGKOK, Thursday. ?pHE Siamese Navy today M. sent the 800-i.on gunboat Prab and three landing craft for patrol duty along the southern coast, Havy Headquarters stated. It Is understood the naval units, besides carrying out anti -smuggling work, will be on hand in case of
    Reuter  -  121 words
  • 34 1 An estimated 3G0.000 German workers demonstrated in the U.S. zone yesterday against high price* and the U.S. Military Government. I Mass meetings demanded more right* for worken In I management A.F.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 185 1 Nanking worried over Malaya Free Press Staff Reporter THE Chinese ConsulA General in Singapore, Dr. Wu Paak-shing, told the Free Press this morning that the Nanking Government was "very concerned about the present situation in Malaya." Dr. Wu returned to Singapore by the Canton after spending one and a half
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  • 97 1 2 killed, 22 injured in road smashes TWO persons died and four others were seriously injured in 22 street ace: in Singapore during the 24 hours ending at dawn today. Tht victims in both fa ties were Chinese cy One was a 14-year-old boy Khoo Tien Hoo. was involved in
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  • 21 1 Indians won eleven seats in the first general elections In Mauritius, sugar-growing land of the West Indies Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 r" f radio ;uf RADIO CO. Vitamins '"pinforce Baby» Feed rpHE nutritive value of baby 'a feea Is *££> enhanced by the addition of VimaltoJ* Tbls delicious viLamm food provides lm'r^ portant supplementary nutrient*, which f* I to build robust health and to protect Ji,, •Kauiat Uinesa Moreover. Vinialtol taiprovea
      102 words
    • 34 1 it*^W 2x THE BEsrsrcc/cEP bar L*pf*m^ EXCELLENT CUISINE Ujsk\W CLASS SERVICE jjiiiiif 7Q BRAS BAiAH ROAP. IMPORTED FROM LONDON ENGLAND Made with rich, fine Virginia tobacco CAMfAAS. 10N00N 110 VIA*! 1 MfUTATION fOR QUALITY
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  • FOR WOMEN...
    • 538 2  - POLIO CAN BE DETECTED THE first Tnter- national Conference on Polio- M litis, v\ rr'ch met last month in New York, well prove to be one of ihe most important developments leading to conquest of this disease, hough I have peril reservations about the absence of open discussion and the
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    • Article, Illustration
      41 2 held a Hampton rt, at lrhich th 160 entries, their motto had to be "Be Prepared— for anything.'" Excuse me, old man, you've got something in your eye. The young lady on the left looks into her handbag disdainfully. Mirror Photo.
      Mirror  -  41 words
    • 110 2 Something to wear when it rains Whks it here, u usually rains very hard macintoshes f)f the day. Sk ft are wome styles that ha\ raged MyOne or two of them are smart enough to b>' The one sketched centre wduroy m the other is in tweed-effect cotton, cut vilh
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    • Article, Illustration
      254 2 <ie« vulnerably e r.' THE question of «rh*t South ;ld b.d is in th:> half a dozen way.-! of tackling the bicm Their relative vusdom irll] largely depend upon what k! South might bid two spac forcing cue- 1 might ci i (a dubious choice, for certainly i
      254 words
    • 788 2  - Be careful with perfume Patricia Roc by THERE'S magic in perfume, but I believe every young girl should know when and when not, to use perfumes. A young girl of to-day uses her intelligence. She knows something about music; she often visits art exhibitions; she reads well-written books. But she
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    • 70 2  -  ROSE ROLLAN AND By 1 the ch is important. Yc ton i s must type which can b laundered, in which do not fadt allow you to move v grace. to Sf change in t cldentalr oe slipp* ways a good ad -:ind which pulled up ir. for
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    • 4 2 How to make Piccalilli
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 23 2 Luxury personalised by [traOl s^= MAO"IT iC ANNON BATH TOWELS (Extra-soft highly, absorbent; mvlti coloured) with face flannels and hand towels to match;
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 133 2 YOUP LUCKY STAR BORN today, your mental powers are abuv the average and early in life you learn to use then;, iding muscular work whenever possible. ur friends tall you a wonderful executive; mur enemies, just plumb la/%! This latter, however, is far from the fact. You are the t>pe
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    • 520 2 m WWWItM SINGAPORE rrum 1249 noon to 1 00 p m 485 met ret 10 the medium wart band snd Ml meraereles to the 41 metr* band rrom 6tO p.m to 7 45 p.m.i from 9.30 p.m tc 11 00 p m 485 metres to the medium ware band sod
      520 words
    • 158 2 Rorra H I SEA.C. HADIO SfcAC 6roadc**linf trocc Colombo; Cejlon oo the follow ing ware band*: I u II II a n> 1t. 84 metre* aod It S* metre* 11 MIX an 18 84 metres 12 dood i p m If n metre* 19 f4 metre* and 49 M metre*
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  • NEWS...
    • 154 3 THE man who was barber to three Prime Ministers, 78-year-old Mr. Jamuel Coombes Lock has been in London presented with a cheque to which many of his distinguished customers subscribed. Mr. Lock, who lives at New Maiden, Surrey* began his apprenticeship at 14. He decided to
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    • 102 3 THE first man in the British Empire to fly an aeroplane, has died at his home at Nearagh. Baddeck. Nova Scotia, aged 66. Baldwin was the son-in-law of the former Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, of teiephonefame, and was associated with Bell in scientific experiments for almost
      A.P.  -  102 words
    • 180 3 'I'm Lindbergh baby, says Danish youth AN 18-year-o 4 <i boy in a Danish village hun A claimed to be the Lindbergh baby, kidnapped 16 years ago in America. Erik Nielsen, a farm hand at Hoejby, 60 miles from Copenhag^n, says he remembers being smuggled to Denmark whsn he was
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    • 107 3 Antarctic too cold for Penguins 'THE weather in the A tic at thp rojiriP l t ti d rold even I They h~ bound shores of Herald Is where a group < I scierr ter and ma; station. The scier. rad'o contac! and have report d a ly endless p:
      A.P.  -  107 words
    • 63 3 Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Governor General of Pak tan. is in normal health, according to an official ment issued which said I nt reports of his beir.g ill had been circulated by "in- ies.'' General Motors Holdens state that in the second half of 1949. production of
      63 words
    • 209 3 4 ROMANTIC story lies behind the naming by Princess Margaret at Tower Pier last week of the children's missionary ship, John Williams, VI. The new ship will continue a long line of Missionary ships which the London Missionary Society has maintained in the Pacific since
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    • 60 3 The British Cotton Board has amended its export policy for cotton goods so as to end any differentiation between exports to hard currency areas and British Empire markets. The change is an experiment based on assurances by exporters that they will, in the long; run, ineieasp
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 57 3 THE Fr nch Fi. auce M ter, M. Paui has asked the N Assembly to m: anc c. eflort to rescue Prance ..nancia: m been in since ti. M i I, t'.ie r ex-pr Etffl stnr WC 11! his haby urn. cne Fre eh it r
      U.P.  -  57 words
    • 173 3 B.E.M. FOR "HUMAN ARCH FORTY-YEAR-OLD Silcock, of Bickershaw. (Englandt has been awarded the B.E.M. for holding up a colliery wall with his back and shoulders while other miners worked to recover b man killed by a fall of stone at Maypole Colliery. The incident occurred on November 13. John Kyte
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    • 47 3 Czech tanks fight a sham battle Three tanks of the Czechoslovak Army roll irito action during a sham battle at Strahov Stadium in Prague. During this military parade. President Gotticald took tht oath of loyalty as Commander-in-the Army. He said the Red Army had been their model.
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    • 552 3 DID TO BOOST TRADE IN EUROPE Iron curtain' no longer? GENEVA. EUROPEAN nations from both sides of "the iron curtain" are expected to take part in a conferonce on the revival of trade and industrial development in Europe, opening in Geneva on Sept. 27. Officials of the United Nations Economic
      A.P.  -  552 words
    • 115 3 lj£>>HlP ol Ceylon under a new bill will be nt ai well as by registration, the j erred to as citizen by descent or i ration. Vnder the bill a citizen of purpose in Ceylon, describe his CiiitY b> the use of the expression Kg of
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    • Article, Illustration
      8 3 Jack, the terrier, reortt, W»*»»"S* J* w^, ,I^'.
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    • 55 3 BASSEIN AWAITS ESCAPE SHIP THE Indian ship Jalayamuna. evacuating British wochildren and other European and Indian families from the riot-disturbed Burmese port of Bassein, is expected The situation in Bassein important rice-exporting centre where Communists have been rioting— is causing concern. At least one British rice exporting firm has temporarily
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    • Article, Illustration
      41 3 Businessmen and typists queue at Charing Cross hiti, London, for a journey home on one of the new Thames water buses. The new service saves them a long wait at the bus stop and a sloio journey through London's congested streets.
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    • 51 3 CANADA'S Prime Minister, Mackenzie King, will head the Canadian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in Paris next month. He will also represent Canada at the meeting of British Commonwealth Prime Minsters in October and is expected to retire from political lilt in December
      U.P.  -  51 words
    • 25 3 The population of Japan p^per is expected to reach 80 500 000 by the middle of 1949 says I US. Army estimate A.P.
      A.P.  -  25 words
    • 7 3 1 by I more I
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    • 114 3 FOSTER PARENTS JAILED A 41- YEAR-OLD labourer was sent to prison for six months and his wife, aged 43. for two months at Alresford. Hampshire, last week for what was described as "callous ill-treatment" of a 19--month-old boy. The couple are Frederick and Bertha Roberts, foster- d by the shire
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 3 3 jL m I
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    • 62 3 'Good Mornings* begin with Gillette because GILLETTE glvi their blades tht "JjjL sharpest edges known to sclencr j/&4pl^f 'm GILLETTE EDGES have sturdy M ffi H* I supporting shoulders for txtn y/ÜBi^S^^r strength tnd longer lift. il^JjaiZ~^ lf EVERY BLADE is protected against corrosion. Blue Gillette Blades 91) cents for
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
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  • LEADER...
    • 476 4 The Singapore Free Press FRIDAY, Aug. 13, 1948. No Short Cut to Safety JN days I murdered and have other dozen DO .rder. 1 I ns against .r.d I persona eit; or im"ds in ctri ustify men A large :n the .> of ding t a number It us i
      476 words
    • 817 4  -  Lt.-Gen. by SIR GIFFARD MARTEL head of the British Military Mission to Moscow in 1943 IS it peace, and good j 1 will, with the Russians? Or appease- j ment meaning only > further trouble? On many occasions J during and since the war we
      817 words
    • 83 4 FLIERS WIVES FORM CLUB BRITAIN'S flrat "Whes and Swcethears of the RAFVR Club 1 is to De opened soon in Birmingham to offset the women's opposition to their menfolk joining the Corps. Opposition trom wives who object to becoming "air widows" has out a big brake on recruiting men for
      83 words
    • 263 4 yyiLL the Union of South Africa Army break its ties with the British Army and revert to a type of guerrilla force useful only for bush fighting In the bewildering maze of changes that have taken place in army circles in Pretoria since Dr. Malan's
      A.P.  -  263 words
    • 783 4  -  NOEL MONKS says in a message from Africa JOHANNESBURG, Transvaal: AT this Lime of the year 'here is a drop in temperature of 53 degrees between Khartum and the Gold City, and South African Airways, who get you from one place to the
      783 words
    • 697 4 MLMiiERS of the R^yal Singapore Flying Club were treated to drinks la^t Sunday morning by Major B. L. FLACK of the 1 2 Gurkha Rifiea, who flew his first solo after ten hours, instruction under Mr. J. H. WA(. STUT. This tenacity of purpose has
      697 words
    • 13 4  - Educated Have L ess Babies CHARLES MOLONY A.P. I group ifl m I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

    • 36 5 Two-acreland forsacred Bo trees I T£ from a m from .d two ar- last I o-acre I St. I I B I > that 9 held I a i school 1 a i- jhH of I I
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    • 12 5 ises. ded ition; j m and 22 m
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    • 404 5 Dutch Control 'protective' Trade with N.E.I. gnwa The statement follows the U.N.O. Good Offices Committee s report which gave the impressionTh^ soods shortages and a lagging in the economicdevelopment in areas controlled by the Indonesian Republic were caused by the Dutch regulations The trade these regulations were designed to control,
      A.P.  -  404 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 5 T
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    • 92 5 Free Press Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. MOHAMED Ali bin iamli. i 22-year-old airman of th( RAF I nt stationed a 1 Singapore xlay sentenced to deatr kC Selangor Assizes foi ided revolver and six spare rounds of ammunition on the night of July 31 ear
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    • 79 5 A POLICE constable on duty in the Singapore Third Police Court was put in the dock yesterday by the Magistrate (Mr. F. B. Oehlers). I The constable (Abdul Hassan bin Matjan, No. 1299) was seen shouting at another policeman when a case was proceeding in the Court.
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    • 30 5 ENVOY ON WAY TO AUSTRALIA A RUSSIAN commercial attache, Mr. F. A. Kroutlkov. arrived in Singapore last night on his way to Australia to join the Russian legation there. 'J
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    • 418 5 Motionforthe Council Free Press Staff Reporter A MOTION to extend the operaiion of the existing emergency regulations in Singapore "for so long as the Proclamation of Emergency remains in force" will be introduced by the Attorney-General, Mr B. j. Navies, when the Legislative Council metdU
      418 words
    • 33 5 hTvelf^Z V M e m thev u'ay t0 "I them naif been to Mecca prevu.usiy They are >!rom lett<Demang Abu Hasm. Mrs. Jalehal. Stawek, Jaahar ""a Kmmtimg.—Free Prat picture.
      33 words
    • 126 5 T Free Press Stair Reporter HE Japanese Government has agreed, under 11lv a 1 C o "Sf t w th the Singapore <,owrn,nent. »o buy 12,000 tons of sago flour from the olonv large fZ Tt°f th S^° has to Ja P^n over .hn.f,
      126 words
    • 69 5 A SUCCESSOR hau arrived in Singapore 15 months after d o! Mr S P. Garrett as A*p Trade Union Adviser. The new adviser Ls Mr A G. p. Simpson who r: ed in Singapore from B Lumpur accompanied bj Sir John Brazier, Trade Union Adviser, Malaya. The
      69 words
    • 196 5 Free Presp Staff Reporter THE Paya Lebar community centre the first of its kind proposed for a rural district has applied to the Singapore Improvement Trust for a sit* on which to build a community hall. A voluntary organisation which will work for the
      196 words
    • 151 5 ONG Swee Huat of Beo Lane, was yesterday sentenced by the District Judge, Mr. E. P. Shanks, to nine months' rigorous imprisonment and $500 fine for assisting in the management of an Illegal society and for possession of triad society documents. Inspector Chai Tze Fong. of
      151 words
    • 174 5 English school teaches in Chinese, Tamil From A Special Correspondent I*HE Anglo-Chinese School to Ipoh is probably the only English school in Malaya conducting a vernacular course, in addition to its norI mal curriculum, for its ChiI nese and Tamil speaking i students. This course runs for eight years beginning
      174 words
    • 234 5 Free Press Staff Reporter /CONSTRUCTION will begin \J probably before the year Is out, of Singapore's highest post-war building: the 241--foot. 18-storey bank and offices for the Asia Insurance Co Ltd. at the corner of Fmlayson Green and Raffles Quay, estimated to cost $2,500,000. Estimates
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    • 25 5 The Singapore Indian Association will celebrate the ndian Independence Day on Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Association's premises in Race Course Lane.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 131 5 SCANDALE An inspiration by the master mind of Fashion A well-made corset is never an expensive luxury, for whatever time of dtv or, if .s the foundation of Chic, the most fashionable clothes fail™ to give you that sought— for elegance of line without a perfect foundation Indiscernible beneath
      131 words

    • 105 6 FILEEN JOYCE, the concert pianist, fainted while a bow at the Albert Hall, London, and fell Into the flowers bordering the stage. The audi( nee of 8.000 I civ kder, helped her to I by smelling ;rn- been p] Tchaik I" Concerto, two movements
      105 words
    • 45 6 U.K. WARNING ON NEW DANUBE PACT p I> I the pattern of jmmunist States con- r rlta Eur >pean the Bri.dor. said p.-. V: K ?dom :nder Conven- nference that 13: new upon a probably by the I Court of JusI he Hagustill A. P.
      A.P.  -  45 words
    • 24 6 ruman has ed legislation authorising a $65.000 000 loan for the erecof a Unr- I Kationa headquarters in New Y
      24 words
    • 514 6 UK review of two years research QUESTIONS on Britain's ability to produce atomic bombs were barred by Professor Sir John Cockcroft, director of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment during a tour of parts of the plant at Harwell, Berks. This was the first timre
      514 words
    • 225 6 THE Kwantung I nmatnt, Bet up by Russians In April 1947 over the Dairen-Port Arthur area is applying strangulating re> na to both Chinese and foreigners there, according to Mr. Patch the U.S. Vice-Contu] who Is now in Shanghai on his way back to Ameri
      A.P.  -  225 words
    • 63 6 THE U.ited Nation* Econo- mk and Social Council, i meeting at Geneva, has condemned all legal measuret against mixed marriages. The Council's Committee 30 Human Rights, voting 12 to nil witti six abstentions. approved a Canadian resolution saying the Council "deplored all legislatve measures U> prevevt
      A.P.  -  63 words
    • 13 6 India and Partugal are t<: diplo:: sentatUes at Legation 1< A.P.
      A.P.  -  13 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 6 blonds ex-man.igquin, icants to be skipper of her own trawler. She is now at the helm of a pleasure boat which carries 31 passengers on a 5- mile canal journey. She has already applied for a skipper's ticket to t operate a t 'aider, which htr mother has promised her.
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    • 23 6 Harwell Research Station i4 general view (right) of the Atomic Research Establishment at Harwell. Berkshire. The new engineering building is in the centre
      23 words
    • 165 6 pOR twenty-eight years bearded Scottie Sadler r from Dundee never saw a white woman. When he arrived hi Der v Western Australia, from his 1,000. 000- acre "farm" 200 miles away he was saying Kood-bye to territory in wnich few have ever
      165 words
    • 58 6 MR. CHARLES HOLDSWORTK fax. has received £2.000.000 a* flj in a £3.000.000 ft the Transport ComtTi-. hU group of transp i panies. This means 1.000 vehicles, mrjsrly und^r the transport Mr. Holds* 36. a chairman of 18 ti The I by his fa 1 and
      58 words
    • 9 6 Colony in flat A POIJS:H colonn from a fci!
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    • 8 6 sdf sdfsdf sdfsdf sdf Reuter
      Reuter  -  8 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 C^ 1 I THE HOI SK OF COMFORT. U t O 3 J 7 TEL. 3400. 11 AM.. 14" 4 15, 14S AM) Ml P.M. TO^DA Y PKIZE NOVEL fii PRIZE PLAY Doil't Miss It! PRIZE PK TIKE! FROM THf JOYOUS JOHN P. MAR Oil AND PULUZEP PRIZE A -A^fJ
      131 words
    • 94 6 CAPITOL i6l now > \1 -11 M as they B^J^ILLMJI!,' plunge through WTIW the night- -TOMORROW A T WMTW>METIMETHEPiWEj|^ 1 DENNIS WORGAW JftCK CftßSOh JlMtt MICIHMTIU VKKIU cwuun cawiu»««— o^ Afetf Af/?. AVD M/?5. S WTO H^Ao G/r« You Fun of THE THIN MAW And The Thrills of ESCAPE OAWFORD-MacMURRAY
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 95 6 JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya BT'-y iVt DECIDED TO ACCEPT^ TeACH GEOROIe\| /VmHS 15 GRANdA ERIC'-ANdToH WHAT S I r^° o B A^ U °L FERED ME A LESSON, ANYWAY/- JffIEWS, JANE!- 1/l MUST NSIST^ KIW» J K^. AND RAKE IN THE DOLLARS HE SEEMS To
      95 words

  • SPORTS...
    • 824 7  - INDIA WIN OLYMPIC HOCKEY FINAL 4-0 ALKA VALENTINE British captain pays tribute ii> ifh n? at Britain four-nil in the final of JJ e i )lym *i; c hotkey championship at Wembley jesieraay. Ten thousand spectators had gathered i! 5 .match— the first time the two sides had clashed in
      824 words
    • Article, Illustration
      35 7 Fanny Blankers-Koen, the Dutchwoman, who gained three Olympic Gold winning the last lap of the 400 metres relay r :nal at Wembley, Aug. 7 to make Holland the ivinriers of the event in 47.5 sec
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    • 51 7 pjOLLAND and Paldstaxi lought out a rugged battle to draw goal each In the hockey h at Wembley Stadium yesterday to determine third place In xkey championship. The draw means that the teams will play again ton ght at the Lyons Sports Club, Sudbury Hill northwest
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    • 441 7 Tigers Rovers 0 T»HE Tigers came Into the running for S.A.F.A. first-division honours with a brilliant two-nil win over the league leaders, the Rovers, at Jalan Besar yesterday. The Tigers are now strongly fanciec the honours, ev^n though they are one behind the Rovers with
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    • 352 7 VI W policies adopted by the Singapore Chinese x Football Association were intended to safeguard the interests of the association and not undermine the authority of the M.C.F.A., said Mr. T. W. Ong, S.C.F.A. President, in an interview with the Free Press yesterday. Mr. Ong
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    • 24 7 rapp and drich hit centuries lnturivS a r.\- wick m-siper-marc S«tnfrvt > H.tnU. M^un. (t!ou< f-vt*T t». dec--124. I I .31 I I no m
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    • 2 7 I
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    • 175 7 /'VRIL Washbrook. England and Lancashire l|WtH batsman. will not be in lit shape to play in the final Tct mutch against iraJia starting K»nningtnn Oval tomorrow. ish brook, m hfc h n against the Au-if r.Uans at O 1 1 I tTord. MaaclMStcr. collertfd a
      175 words
    • 187 7 JjRTTAIN v^sterday won me Olympic Swalolw Cla..s yachIng event, while Norway were c -sful irr the Dragon Cla?s The United Stat,-s won the Star Class and iu< '-tr- < a.^ championship. Paul Elcstrom. a 20 -year- eld Danish architectural s'.udent from Copenhagen. d Denmark's first Olympic
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 47 7 gPARTA Footba,: C.ub bta. U.d.o by two goals to one in a football match at Rotterdam yesterday, all the goals beuie voice before the Interval.- Reuter World middleweight champior Tony Znl began training yesterday for hli title I out wiVl Cerdau on Sept. 23.- A.P.
      Reuter; A.P.  -  47 words
    • 48 7 Mel Patlon (USA in centre), is seen after winning -the final of the Olympic men's 200 metres in 21.1 seconds at Wembley. At left is H. N. Ewell of U.S.A., rcho gained second place, and at right Lloyd La Beach of Panama, who gained third place.
      48 words
    • 450 7 yilE United States beat the British Empire by 111 events to 3| events in their seventh athletic meet in relay and team events at the White City Stadium yesterday. I Latest result* are: Pole Vault: United States beal British Empire with an aggregate :>f
      Reuter  -  450 words
    • 113 7 TTALY and Sou h Afric* dom:nated the Olympic boxing tournament yes eiday, each gating three representatives through to the eigh. nnala to be 'ought today. Aleo repcrsen'-ed In the finals will be Hungary. Britain and Argent. na with :vo boers each. The United S ates, Sweden
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 52 7 J^OTA RAJA boa-, the 8 ngftpor* Chinese Engine ring dissociation by seven-nil in a second divLsion S.A.F.A. league match played at St. George's Hoad ground yesterday. Kota Raja got three goals In the first half through Haji Garhun. In the Kesond half they netted four goal-
      52 words
    • 469 7 TOMORROWS &AC£S Free Press Racing Report < j I^AISERINE, Londa Lad and Linkshir, three promising English three-year-olds, have bright prospects of scoring at Ipoh tomorrow, the first day of the Perak Turf Club August meeting. wet spell in Ipoh seems to have spent its force and
      469 words
    • 83 7 THE Philippines v. Belgium v points to 34 points in the i pic basketball (serend ship group) and place in tho phim tak. lltk pi The match wa< poually matched I score remained but the P)in the flr«=t half. the second with n s'ielr it vas
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 79 7 LAMBONG the Bangkok C wrestler, returns to Sin. to top the bill at the G this Saturday in a con: King Kong. Lambong has just compl' tour of India and should be in good shape for this fight. All Riza Bey meets Tony Ramano
      79 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 Ul WORLD WRESTLING ARENA rOMO««OW NIGHT AT 9 p.m. -TERRIFIC FIGHTS 4 PUBLIC HERO NO. 1 IMRrtMr AU RIZA BEY Aim D U Ii U hAroplon Of lUN ROMANU Of Gt Britain Chaltence Contest KiMr CURLY connors I ll \3 Of Australia K0 NG TIGER AMAT Malarm Middle Wt. Champion.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 249 7 F.P. Crossword No. 462 in ITT ITT 14 I 15 I |F~] 7 'tr pr" io ii if" Pi3 14 K w |i up up i i z in 5" 26 27 fl 28 29 35 31 IliS p p p| p p|_ Cl-l I 1. Remonstrat rj 1 2
      249 words

    • 488 8 WOMAN LEAPS FROM CONSULATE New turn to spy drama NEW YOKK, Thursday. A WOMAN identified by police as a Russian school if icher, Mrs. Oksana Stepanova Kosenkina, who had been secluded in the Russian Consulate in New York, jumped or fell today from the fourth floor of the building. She
      Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  488 words
    • 111 8 NEW YORK, Thursday. BECAUSE of her industrial limitations, if Russia fought a war in the near future, it would have to be an "orthodox" war, the former U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Carl Spaatz, writes in the current issue of the American magazine •Life."
      Reuter; A.P.  -  111 words
    • 38 8 At Kandang Kerbau Hospital, on th« Bth August, to Mr. and Mrs. Lira Eng Bee. a baby girl. SCOTT.— On August 12th. at Kandang K rbau Hospital, to Jean Mary, wife of A. W. Scott— a son.
      38 words
    • 38 8 HELLJWSLL-OADDUM. Th« engag.ment ui announced of Dr. C J V. Helliwell. son of Major General and Mrs J. P. Helliwell of Beaconsfieid. Buckinghamshire, to Patricia daught r of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Oaddum of Cciombo, C*ylon.
      38 words
    • 132 8 NANKING. Thursday. THE former Chinese Prime Minister, Gen. Chang Chun, will study conditions in post-war Japan and talk with General MacArlhur and Japanese Government leaders on general problems relating to the future of ChineseJapanese relations. A high Chinese official, commenting on Gen. Chans Chun's
      A.P.; U.P.  -  132 words
    • 104 8 Counter -threats by Baroda, India BOMBAY, Friday. THE Gaekwar of Baroda may issue an order A expelling his Prime Minister and, as a countermeasure the Indian Government may freeze the ruler's assets in Indian banKs, according to the Bombay Chronicle. The paper said the Indian Government has posted troops within
      104 words
    • 89 8 'NO MORE AID UNLESS'— U.S. CENATOR Styles Bridges, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, yesterday warned European nations that Congress might refuse to appropriate any more money for foreign aid unless they moved quickly to help themselves. Future Congressional action on the issue would depend on progress these nations made
      U.P.  -  89 words
    • 167 8 China, U.S. recognise Korea Govt. SEOUL. Thursday. THE United States and Chinese Governments have extended de facto recognition to the inflependent Korean Government In South Korea as elected and formed under the auspices of the United Nations. President Syngman Rhee will proclaim the first democratic Government of Korea on Sunday.
      167 words
    • 87 8 CHIANG 'NOT TO TALK WITH RUSSIA' NANKING. Thursday. FE Chinese Government announced today that China was not seeking any compromise with the Soviet Union by offering to define Russia's sphere of influence in China. This statement was made by the Government spokesman. Dr. Holllncton Tong. in denial of a report
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 97 8 THE beroUa of the stewards saved the 16 occupants of a Tran.s-Canada Air lines plane which crashec and burst into flames while landing near Nova Scotia. The stewardess, Rita Meyers, helped them all through the emergency hatch as flames spread. Six of the 11 passengers were
      A.P.  -  97 words
    • Article, Illustration
      35 8 Three of Canada's Olympic athletes bring out their equipment for training at Southlands College, Wimbledon, where the Olympic women are quartered. They are (from left*: Millie Cheater, 20; Elaine SUburne, 19, and Dianne Foster, 20.
      35 words
    • 69 8 MAYOR B. F. Carlin, 35--ir-old Australian and his American wife, Elinore, aged 29. are now in m!d-At-lantlc in a converted 17-foot amphibian "duck" on the first stage of a round-the-world 26. 000-mlle honeymoon trip. The route is from the Azores to the north coast of Africa.
      A.P.  -  69 words
    • 31 8 Six men, a boy and a dog are en route to New York from Massachusetts, after crossing the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days in a 40-foot motorpowered lifeboat. U.P.
      U.P.  -  31 words
    • 26 8 A four-engined U.S. Navy weather reconnaissance plane with a crew of nine and two aerologists aboard Is missing, states a despatch from Guam.
      26 words
    • 157 8 LONDON, Thursday. THE deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Herbert Morrison, opening the International Youth Conference in London today, pleaded for respect fur minorities and freedom of thought. 1 I should like to see more people in <-\- rv country can and are allowed to think
      A.P.  -  157 words
    • 59 8 REPORTS that "General" Markos. Oreek guerrilla leader, might visit Lake Success to put hi* case to the Security Council, have led to the belief that the guerrilla* might seek a truce before all their mountain itrongholds are taken. The guerrilla leader wu reported to have broadcast
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 146 8 TOKIO, Thursday. lAPAN today turned up its candidate for the longtime "no-eating" honours a woman who claims to have i lived for the past 20 years on beer, says the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces newspaper "BCON," quoting i the Japanese prcsa. The woman,
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 472 8 London Stock Exchange LONDON, Thursday. FEATI'RE of the London Stock Exchange today was the strength of Cable and Wireless issues, following announcement that an action by the Eastern Telegraph Company share^old* to restrain payment of a special dividend by that Company had been dropped, says Reuters
      472 words
    • 246 8 DANUBE CONTROL BELGRADE. Thursday. r> KIT AIN today demanded that Russia prove Hi claim to be a Danubian country with direct territorial interests in the future control of the Danube. The British Ambassador, Sir Charles Peake, raised the issue suddenly as the outnumbered Western powers struggled
      A.P.  -  246 words
    • 208 8 A SPtCIAL Market i mi inapt ui— the price* of rubber at 11 a.m. today a* follows: N.Y. stocks gOMEWHAT better support for some earlier depressed Issues, rotabty assorted Alrcrafts 3te*l? and Chemlcftls. gave the New York Stock Exchange an Improved appearan:e yesterday. It closed steady. Oils attracted
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 85 8 I JNITED NATIONS true. Uthe demolition todav IV h f Vt^J water pumping station the rj Lake Success as a v n of C^S Nations spokesman said in Haifa? 1 M*l pumping station was to have J! l° ni^ 1 i water to Jerusalem tomoirou under
      Reuter; A.P.  -  85 words
    • 14 8 General Chang Chin-chung has been appointed ernor-General of China's North- western Reuter
      Reuter  -  14 words
    • 42 8 TECHNICAL HITC H Tyrone Power's spokesman. James Denton. said yesterday that "Linda C tlan and Power will announce the date of their weddin* a* soon as passible, but It wifl definitely not be Baturds difficult delaying the wedding. Mr. Denton said. A.P.
      A.P.  -  42 words
      A.P.  -  8 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 115 8 [jf-VVIi *\V2 SITUATION VACANT WANTED an effici nt secretary/ ■grapher bv well e^tabiUhed lor advancement Box No. 9199, F.P. NEOPOST franks,^ postmarks jj md cancels envelopes, wrappers, labels, etc^with^ one turn of the handle. r< #^PHPM| KM HOS.SVON ROAO IMajag tel.64bq i wPU* t PENAKft TEA CONDIMENT SETS it
      115 words
    • 39 8 MNITE TOMORROW Rth 1 OK TEN llHltiniM. SECONDS IM* 1 All time stood still! lr> ga> i i /i A FAKAM(»M l'l> (it Going on Leave? KUP IH TOUCH WITH THE STRAITS BUD** 1 S,x Month. i :P"2L» '1j
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous