The Singapore Free Press, 24 July 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 201 1 Iroops, Police in big raid Johore dawn operation Free Press Staff Reporter A STRONG force of troops, police and detectives began this morning a joint comb-out of an area m South Johore, m a search for arms and gunmen. The operation, the biggest yet, is still m progress. Two platoons
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 room m Jerhal of the R.A.F. Tedder studies a of unloading operaon Gatov airfield. The is to increase its lift.
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  • 269 1 Free Press Staff Reporter MRLS bought m China for the equivalent of ten f Malayan dollars are sold m Singapore for anything up to 51.000, reports the Social Welfare Department, m a review of twelve months work. The traffic is not confined to girls
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  • 78 1 Free Press Staff Reporter !y of c V lie leave Monday mom naval 2 which has •o this port with 800 head of cattle taken on p.ez told the Free! mornir. r "This p for my wife, Idren and myself j i our young Navy."
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  • 88 1 Free Press Staff Reporter PRODUCING a pen-knife with which he confessed he had stabbed a Chintse woman, a trishaw rider asked police at the Beach Road station to arrest him early this morning. The woman received several wounds m the head and neck, one of
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  • 60 1 Free Press Staff Reporter rE acting Colonial Secretary, Mr. Andrew Gilmour, i officially opened the new safe i deposit vault of the Hongk and Shanghai Banking Corporation this morning. More than 50 representai tives of the Singapore mercantile community were present at the ceremony. The vault
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  • 127 1 Free Press Chinese Correspondent THE Chung Hua Kung Hui (Chinese Community Association) of Johore, headed by Dato Wong Soo Feng has petitioned the Johore Government urging speedy trial or examination of those arrested under the Emergency Regulations m various parts of Johore. The petition asks
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  • 15 1 Greta Gynt, Anglo-Norwe-gian film star, is honeymooning with James Trevenon Holland, London businessman.
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  • 84 1 WHEN 94-year old Robert Wooldiidge was charged m Leeds (England) with attempted burglary, it was stated that he had climbed over a wall 4 ft. 6 m. lrgh, with a 14 ft drop on the other side, ne had housebreaking implements with him. Counsel sad on his behalf:
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 1 first of the B-29's lands m Lincolnshire, welcomed by Air Vice-Marshal Guest, seen here with the SuperFortress crew.
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  • 8 1 Fullerton traffic success Wfm x '-ul R«*p» I
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  • 7 1 Sy x U; r fr mcn.,
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  • 16 1 Mr. Loy Henderson has been sworn m as new Ui3. Ambassador to India.
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  • 251 1 LONDON, Saturday. BRITISH newspapers this morning reported with approval the decision announced yesterday to ban the Malayan Commnnist Party and three kindred organisations. But British Communists have protested. A protest is also being made by the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, which
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  • 63 1 Free Press SUIT Rrporte* ¥>OLICE are looking for a I taxi Sl7B8 stolen from a Chinese taxi driver m Changi Road at 1.00 this morning. The taxi was engaged by two Europeans, believed to be soldiers. After the car had gone a little way. the passengers
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  • 69 1 Free Press Staff Reporter MISS Carmen Diana Edwards was married to Mr. Antony Mendez by Father Rene Chalet at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd this morning. The bride is the daughter of Mrs Florence Edwards and the late Mr. J. R. B. Edwards, of
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  • 58 1 CHINESE TOR TURES Mrs. Evelyn Burt won a divorce when she told a Manchester (England) court that her husband, who was formerly m the Shanghai police, tortured her m the manner used to get confessions from Chinese prisoners. She said the tortures included putting a lighted cigarette up her nose
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  • 186 1 Free Press S4afT Reporter MALAYA'S scheme for payment of war damage claims will be placed before the two Legislative Councils at their next meetings, early m August, the Free Press was informed this morning. A bill will be j placed before the Singapore Legislative
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  • 53 1 Free Press Staff Reporter FOUR masked Chinese, three of them armed with pistols and one with a knife, yesterday evening walked into a house m Lorong Ong Lye m the Paya Lebar area, herded I the occupants into a room and i took $132 m cash
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  • 27 1 Newfoundland y e s t c r day i voted 72,756 m favour of con- federation with Canada, and 1 69,550 for self-government.
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  • 480 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. RUSSIAN officers m Berlin are reported tonight le have said that the blockade of the Get man capital would be lifted m about ten days, accor to the Associated Press. This report coincided with British complaints of unannounced bombing and firing practice by
    A.P.; Reuter; U.P.  -  480 words
  • 142 1 KUALA LUMPUR. nACIFIC Tin Consolidated the United States's sole tin interest m Malaj'a— has undertaken to supply all mining firms m Malaya I pistols, automatic weapons and shotguns. The manager of the company, Mr. Norman Cleveland, said that British tin firms had requested him
    U.P.  -  142 words
  • 62 1 nlw yokk. raaay. THE Herald Tribune. I men ting on Uie In complaint that southern and south-east Asia and the Pacific area have no representation on the United Nations Security Council, urged m a leading article today that a litUe extra care be used m showing courtesy
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 W. Doily H I \mr^ t Jl ff**^ aa» lore people than f "er are saying
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    • 36 1 M.FLINTER&S. Gf»*». b DM 6 Jeweller Telephone 7 n 2C. 67, STAMFORD RD. (Eu Court Bldg.i S pore. f^__»_ _____Prw"-" "^1 1 __E_. '^ti+fmLmrßc^L. TmmP^^^. at^t _^__ifl____ 1 *ff» r£ XV i^W^*r^l3fe^ WW/ FAMOUS ff'O'USEWOiff REMEDY^
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    • 2198 2  -  DENIS FRASER A SHORT STORY by "I WAS enjoying a be- lated holiday at Poltrepen one late September. The summer had gone, and the peace of the little village was just the antidote I needed after the turmoil of London. It was
      2,198 words
    • Article, Illustration
      139 2 I^IIKItK aii' no trumps. South leads. North snd South are to win all seven tr>k s any defence. South loads ci.aniond queen West ducks, hut North takes with the ace to 1« ad heart queen. If East OOVer, South wins. North makes the heart jack, then leads n
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 I Be Wise, Cowcrn/se. Abr i WHITE ANT I EXTERMINATION SERVICE INSECT ERADICATION Consult li THOMAS COWAN CO. I ARents— Tlie iiomeo Co., Ltd t lncomorated u_ Enelandi MERCANTILE BANK CHAMBERS PHONE 3876 SINGAPORE
      34 words
    • 44 2 I mf I i HOI SEHOI D lf l U,L i U4M Introducing the HVH < cm I J All HM for a Obtain.Distribui- Cecil mm m»^^^ For All Defects Consult ~^4_______ M. EZEKIEL 0 SOHS E>uat>lishec lil 13 Battery Road FOR APPOIVTMIM -VW i^^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 247 2 YOUR WEEK-END LISTENING SINGAPORE Prom 1240 noon to 2 00 p m. 485 metres m the medium wave band and 7.26 megacycles tn the 41 metre band From 6.00 p.m to 7.45 p.m.: from 9.30 pm to 11 00 p.m.: 485 metres m the medium wave band, and 4 825
      247 words
    • 240 2 0 Orchestra; 9 Spot the 1 9 45 It 1 Eaxbv 0 f le; 11 mls; IN MALAY. 12 Programme E man-; 12.0^ ment by Pemud Kr '.2.45 News m Malay 7 Time Signal; 7.01 R :.:t«>rlude; 7 30 News m Malay; 7.48 Request. AUSTRAUA 4 OS p m to
      240 words
    • 342 2 10 .10.15. I M ISll te String Quartet n I NDAI 930 T m ttM Op.nttas. The ice 'i empo with I t tor Silvester; 10 I 1 10 .05 Bai Any. Hand aadler Gu.ird.s; 10.30 'Australian News; 10.40 al M 1 London 4 .'.ur stra; 4 30 Australian n
      342 words
    • 172 2 Summary'; 6 Station Opening; 6.C2 Thirty to S.Sfl V\ I Hon ,6.45 Swine: 7 30 Secrets Gotland Yard; 8 World ane H me N< ws; ng; 8.45 Radio Newsrcci: Oramo-Ptle; 9.30 The Starut (BBC Bport and M 16. 49 and 88 3 met--10.30 R.din' Down the Canyon; 10.45 Radio Dane;
      172 words
    • 252 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR DOKN on this lirst day of mess, over and o\« the incoming -ur paif J.eo, the stars have given breaking point >ou all the talents for out- J are inventive, and standing accomplishment, seldom at a loss when provided you make the 'd with an best
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  • NEWS
    • 73 3 These serve m the land of promise pictures Ratings of the Israel Navy, m jull dress for the first time, parade beside port installations at Haifa, Gs they take command^ when the last British sen icemen left Palestine. Above: Young volunteers for the Jewish Army
      A.P.  -  73 words
    • 12 3 Gives of US ews held Germany f I r I I i
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    • 8 3 dian cultural ssion in Asia I-'.-- I H
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    • 5 3 STARS GO GREY Fj rr.n
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    • 5 3 I
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    • 471 3 TWO MILLION MURDERS AVENGED Worlds biggest trials near end FHE biggest murder trials m history now coming to A a close ai Nuremberg, have sentenced 88 Germans to the gallows or to prison m the last 20 months. Their conviction avenged 2,000,000 mnrders. Avenging murder is not the chief mission,
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    • 47 3 SPEAKING at Belfast Sir Frederick Rebbeck said that it may be a "sorry day" for the British shipbuilding industry when the Japanese siart building ships again. Sir Frederick is chairman of Harland and Wolff, one of Britain s biggest shipbuilding firms.
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    • 79 3 "As soon as General Douclas Mac Arthur gives the word the Japanese will b: back m the business," he said. "They have hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of orders. They are going to build for D.-nmark. America, the Philippines, indeed anybody They hare plenty of means of making their
      A.P.  -  79 words
    • 51 3 pHINA is one of the few countries of the w:rld today actually producing aircraft m underground factor The Chinese Air Force is manuiactunng American (Boeing) type training planes m an underground plant hidden _D west China during the war because of the dangers of Japanese air raids.
      A.P.  -  51 words
    • 26 3 A Greek General Staff spokesman claimed that guerrilla reinforcements were reaching Macedonia from other parts of Greece and "through neighbouring countries." reports Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 336 3 85,000 DPS IN US ZONE OF GERMANY THERE are more than 85,000 Jewish displaced persons m the American -occupied zone of Germany. They are being cared for by the American Jewish bution Committee. (AJJDC), the largest rehabilitation agency operating on 4 today. It draws
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 121 3 \IR. R G Menzies. leader 1 of the Opposition tn Australia said m London "We .4 tralia will hope as a free country ■jt by the benevolence of some great and friendly power unless we get more le." He had no doubt that Australia could accommo--15,000,000
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 35 3 Briti begun to proe strep the mold rr/atment of and tubercul Mr. Aneurin Bevan, Minister Heaith, told the House of Commons. At Dresenr Britain dependent on suo- -> from the United States. A.P.
      A.P.  -  35 words
    • 66 3 TALL, lean, 29-year-old chief j of operations m tlie Israel army Yigal Yadin, said the Government overruled the general staff when it accepted the truce order. Because of casualties, desertions, sabotages, supplies and ammunition, the Arab situa- tion was "becoming desper- ate," he said. "With the
      U.P.  -  66 words
    • 67 3 THF. Bolted Nati.ns Inter--1 rational Children's Emergency Funds Board agreed to spend US$B3. COO.OOO durL.g 1949 to give ?x--tra luod to 5 000.000 of the VOrtd'j hungry children. The 26-:ation Executive Board agreed on these main allocations of the provsional budget: Europe -U.SS42 i OftC; China
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 102 3 THK French-licensed newspaper Der Kurier says m Berlin that Russia could not launch a blitz agamst the Western tones of Germany. "Dismantled rail lines east of the Elbe and deteriorated bridges would hold up the advance of motorized columns." the paper asserted. It quoted German railwavmen
      A.P.  -  102 words
    • 49 3 and picture. ATOM RESEARCH at. Oxford has been stepped up by a ljbOO,000 volt generator erected under the wpervision of the chief engineer at Philips, Sir. H. Brekoo, at a cost of £10.000. Mr. Brekoo is dwarfed by the generator. S port s General
      Sports; General  -  49 words
    • 188 3 Under land reform lams sponsored by the occupation, the Japanese Government has purchased 5,805,290 of farm land. It has resold 2,995.914 acres to eligible tenants. Another 425.756 acres have been acquired by the Government m lieu of taxes, making a total of 4^31.046 acres available for
      A.P.  -  188 words
    • 28 3 •"Absentee landlordism has been greatly reduced," Dr. Hewes said. "Rarely m any land and m any time has so large a programme, aftecrtng so many
      28 words
    • 231 3 STUDENTS GUARD THE CAVIARE twenty ptafteon from 1 several coun trier h crowbars who form a nightly food guard at tha Richmond Park Olym Camp, have foiled attempts by thieves to ret into the huee food store crammed roof nish wih .net commodities m greatest 1 mand m th? black
      A.P.  -  231 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 —>- _^J^" _jlBB8Ba»a^taw««»w« 1 1 1 i naMa^.. r l^W y^e PERFORMANCE v, ECONOMY /y* r Any car can be given a good performance at the s V expense of economy. And any can be made y economical at the sacrifice of performance. I The outstanding feature of the Vauxhall
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 98 3 TARZAN Empty tentS By Edgar Rice Burroughs •i DEAfENINo r=?A^M AND hOwl C* jM ROPES HOLD AS TH£ EL£/wENTS IL\ JjrW_j!<r>'' V os« cOMa*«£o -owl m wW aw^nfiVl battled through t«e n»6ht xno ___fFt____r j- v A*£>wfiM- a 4, •■■4 O i^L^ ___t*>^B c OKOOP :£TNER m A WtW l\UwF|\
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    • The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY. July 24. 1948.
      • 448 4 >'OONE will De very sur- prised at the banning of the Malayan Communist Party and the Malayan s Anti-Japanese Army Comrades Association, i of the four organisans which yesterday were declared unlawful societies. The one has provided leadership for the Communist Insurrection, and the other has provided the guerrillas
        448 words
      • 80 4 Bought m China for a modest or twenty dollars. Singapore a young Chinese girl can be sold to her first *'orotector" for anything up to a thousand dollars The 1 trade is so profitable that steamship passage, clothing "training" and the necessary bribes, still leave a
        80 words
    • 772 4  -  JOSEPH S. ROSAPEPE By A.P. Correspondent EUROPEAN airlines which last summer flew 25 per cent of the transAtlantic round trips this year have increased their total to about 33 per cent of the total fights. This rise, mad e possible by increased deliveries of large and
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    • 1040 4  - Over your shoulder HAIR RAISING Alex Ander By UAVE any of you husbands ever heard of a little device called Fashion? When that old familiar tone comes into the little woman's voice, when that pleading but oh bo terrifying a look comes into her ej and you gu< f he
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 668 4  - Gi bra ltar 's Apes RICHARD ELLEY THE birth of sixbaby rock apes, the largest number born m one season for 25 veai*s, has ended a crisis that has hu/ig over the Rock vi Gibraltar for a decade. In 1943 Mr. Churchill tent a "Top Secret" rdering that the Rock
      668 words
    • 29 4 1 the Lord do keep it; 1 will water it every moment: ■t any hurt it, I will keep j it night and day. Isaiah 27, 3. 1
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    • 4 4 Forgotten Children 1 A.P.
      A.P.  -  4 words
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 70 4 "Will tlasstsahm improve your Excsiilht"— NO! services one iccnnicai skills are the essential aids to your "seeing ability." your visuai comfort and efficiency It is for these services and skills— not for (.lasses alone— that you Da> for your fee. Seek Professional advtce— Not glasses at a price" P. S.
      70 words
    • 57 4 T N' T (FOOD PARCELS FOR I 1 ALL THE Fl N OF THE THIS AFTERNOON At 151, MOUNT PLEASANT From 4— S pm. Side-shows with P Fortune Teller, Children's Don Children's TttM [Jeenced B. II >me-m; Ga: And Many Oth tf j Admi^ion Adults li.— Tickets available al Messrs.
      57 words

    • 447 5 C-G. FLAYS RULE BY THUGS' Communism 'perverted group of young men who had a far better Idea. 'With Professor Silcock I went one evening to^he People's Restaurant m Handy Road. There we saw our fr.end. Mr. Davies, with a class of about fifty men sitting m front of him. Hs
      447 words
    • 19 5 Johore powers Will hold-up: Legal poser' I I Lt r .ither crimlI I whecon- the -lion, l the rom
      19 words
    • 13 5 Passport for Vhinese New UK order I r L F fi L I
      13 words
    • 197 5 Cotton Ban Puts Price Up THERE has been a steady increase m the price of cloth m Singapore especially American textiles. Prints as well as sheetings are 10 to 20 cents a yard dearer. ''This is the result of the ban imposed last month |on textile imports from hard currency
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    • 49 5 The Singapore Indian Congress has drawn up a programme to celebrate the first anniversary of rr.dian Independence on August 15. The programme among other thh gs includes, the of wreaths at the I N.A. memorial, free meals cinema shows, music and a mass rally
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    • 260 5 Free Press Staff Reporter MALAYAN monkeys are helping United States medical men find a cure for infantile paralysis. Within the past few months a Singapore wild animal dealer has shipped to New York no less than 1,600 monkeys for the National Research Foundation where they are
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    • 44 5 Trials of persons charged with carrying or possessing firearms will begin m the High Court at Kuala Lumpur next Wednesday. The assizes are now continuous and cases are taken as and when accused persons are committed for trial, states and official communique.
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    • 49 5 Mr. W. H. Chirm, Social Welfare Adviser to the Colonial Office, is shown the work of the girls at the Maxwell Road Feeding Centre by Mrs. M.G.H. Namazie. Also m the picture are Miss L. Shurn, Miss K. Fung and Mrs. T. P. F. McNeice.
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 5 Dr. H V. Evatt. Australian Minister for External Affairs, ivith Mr. Claude Massey. on his arrival at Tengah airfield yesterday.
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    • 295 5 IVtSlDflfrT^ fatt some parts I\ f) f the Rural East of Singapore are still without good roads and electricity and they have no water laid on,, Inche Saidon bin Jubir. --he representative of that district m the Legislative Council,' told the Free Press yesterday, j He said
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    • 137 5 MALACCA. Fri. THE only way to create racial harmony m Malaya was by following the old Chinese saying: "Respect for others commands respect for you." Mr. Goh Chee Van said yesterday. Mr. Goh, president of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce was speaking at a tea-party
      137 words
    • 87 5 'HURT WIFE, SON' CHARGE r PWO Chinese were yesterday JL m the Seventh Police Court committed for trial at the next Assizes, on robbery i charges. Tan Tien Sang, aged 20. of Holland Road, was charged with armed robbery m a house fen Ulu Pandang on Jan. 24, and with
      87 words
    • 188 5 THE national registration and identity card scheme foreshadowed by the Acting High Commissioner, Sir Alec Newboult, m his broadcast, was gazetted m the Federation yesterday, but without specifying the areas m which it is coming into force. Registration areas may be designated by the Mentrl Besar
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    • 130 5 Russia is No. 3 buyer of rubber RUSSIA continues to be a big purchaser of Malayan rubber, according to official statistics. Last month the Soviet Union ranked third, after the United States and U.K., as Malaya's best customer for rubber. The United States took 16,634 tons of sheet and crepe
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    • 317 5 S 'PORE A CCIDENTS: GRIMRECORD Bukit Timah, 'blacfi sp^V Free Press Siafif Reporter THERE were 3,516 accidents during the first half of this year, 56 of which were fatal. This compares with approximately 3.0C0 accidents and K8 faialr during the corresponding period last year. The Singapore Traffic Department, releasing these
      317 words
    • 29 5 The following have been appointed Commissioners of the Mohammedan and Hindu Endowments Bos.rd. Singapore: Ir.che Ahmad bin Ibrahim. Syed Ibrahim bin Omar AlsagolT J.P and Mr V. Pakirisamy J.P
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    • 87 5 POR some time past it been suspected that the inhabitants of Layang «a village m Changi) had heen digging up bombs buried m Changi Cantonment and selling them, said the Assistant Superintendent ->f Police. Mr. L. R. ITynn m the Seventh Police Coumi yesterday. He was
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    • 156 5 Tennis courts for King George V park FACILITIES for recreation pA King George V Park shortly be increased by the provision of three grass tennis courts, two badminton courts and a small soccer pitch for youths. Work is already proceeding on the children's playground on the intermediate plateau of the
      156 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 111 5 BACK IN A DAY RAIN OR SHINE "off** 4OX I vfritsft out laundry problems us th mgk our following I II Wu trading Co.. 69. Stamford ■>l. Neil Road. I ionc; Bahru Road. llavelock Road. I o 36. Ea Tong Sen^; 93. Hill Street. Fmrnt I .c, 3. Purvis
      111 words
    • 119 5 COSSOR i*£J RADIO for the New Age NO: 479 AC/E for AC. Mains 7 VAl.\h MODEL BANDSPREAD SUPERHET RECEIVER. 7 Cossor valves, latest "Magic Eye" for accurate tuning on both local and distant stations. Delayed Automatic Volume Control to maintain constant signal strength. Flywheel tuning control for rapid selection of
      119 words

      • 342 6 I By A Special Correspondent fUHAT is wrong with English cricket? The fact tluit England's fortunes have rallied m recent Tests is encouraging but this does nnto t answer the question. This article will, it is i. prof id of tlie swer. Its aim is to take behind
        342 words
      • 137 6 A CORRESPONDENT sug-| gests that England selec- 1 tors should consider carefully the wisdom oi appointing a D manager for future Tests "to dispel our Inferiority com-, j plex and to provide dressingroom advice where It ls j led." "One man above all others could do
        137 words
      • Article, Illustration
        70 6 Cathie Gibson, the Scottish girl champion, and Britain's chlct contender m the Olympic swimming events. She will compete m the 400 metres free style and 100 metres beck stroke events. Cathie holds 39 records, six British, 12 Scottish, two Irish, eight Scottish all-comers and one Amateur Suunming Assoc itiom record.
        70 words
      • 77 6 01 YMPIC cyclliic teams from Arv South i Africa. liKlia and Warn Zealand mill compete uuii the Brltisfc O'ympic team In a inar^d start race of the perimeter ruad of the reen aerodrome, rnsri. east of Ix^rdoo The race, over 62 miles, will be on
        Reuter  -  77 words
      • 69 6 rr\He. uhule secret of good fielding is alert eing on your toes. With hU eyes on the batsman, his weight on hts toes and his hands ready for action, the good fielder is a great asset to his Here Bill Edrich, Middle er end England star, is
        69 words
      • 96 6 UNDWALL TO COMPTON IN SECOND TBI speed .1 Raj Lindwall. the Australian fast bowl«r. hai not been measured according Keith Johnson, the team's manager, but RE S. Wyatt. former England captain who has made a study of the mechanics of cricket, «ays the average speed •i a really fast bowler
        96 words
      • 532 6 By KEN JALLEII MR. J. S. de 30UZA, the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association secretary, will a. 47 realise his lifelong ambition Is watch U*> Oiyrr.pir frames. Mr. De Souza, who left Singapore for London by air, will attend the World Olympics as the official
        532 words
      • 289 6 OLYMPIC INNOVATI* PHOTO-FINISH can will help the Olympic Games judges at Wembley, lor the track events, and at Heme Hill and Windsor Great Park, for eye line. They will take continuous moving pictures of comp tors as they cross the finishing line, m some races photographs
        289 words
    • 1065 7 ENGLAND 420 FOR 2: ALL OUT 496 Attack collared, then a collapse From Bill Bowes ENGLAND, all out for 496 yesterday m the fourth L Test at Headingley, flattered to deceive. The last six wickets fell for a paltry 70 mn s after a foundation for better things had been
      1,065 words
    • 33 7 81 < 143 JtfT" 49« 496 6 173; 10 196. X H > i J 1 112 1 IT. I W* Bill Bill John--6 13 L m Ml l U W 1 I IS
      33 words
    • 11 7 jany to swim against Hale in first heat v, if U.P.
      U.P.  -  11 words
    • 7 7 Sames may not be taxed I Reuter
      Reuter  -  7 words
    • 247 7 ROVERS NOW FIVE POINTS AHEAD rS Rovers Sports Club further strengthened their position at tlie head of tlie first division of the S.A.P.A. league by beating the Amicable Athletic Association onenil m a scrappy game played at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. Their victory' yesterday gives them 27 points from 16
      247 words
    • 76 7 igiNGAPORE ffhinan Recreation Club's cricket team against the jY.M.C.A. at Hong Lm G today at 2.15 p.m. w.ll be as follows Low Kee Pow (Captain), I Hock Chye. Yap Kong Puck, Chua Boon Unn. Ong Tang Bee, Ng Wood Kan, Alex Tan, Lim Tian Joo, Lian Fook Choon.
      76 words
    • 245 7 The first threat of any major row over the 1948 Olympics fizzed out last night when convoys of big red and green buses evacuated teams of several nations from the camps at Richmond and Uxbridge At least ten nations had protested strongly to the Olympic
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 218 7 THE principals of two Singapore schools are m j favour of the suggestion made m the Free Press on Wednesday that an inter-school athletic championship meeting should be held annually. They are Mr. E. H. Wilson, principal of Raffles Institution, and Canon R. K.
      218 words
    • 5 7 Petit io i wins Eclipse
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    • 645 7  -  COURTCRAFT MALAYAN TENNIS By THOUGH the entries for the first post-war Malayan 1 tennis champ ion ships are not "international" m character, there is every- promise of keen and exciting competition between the small band of Malayan enthusiasts who will travel up to Penang
      645 words
    • 84 7 riMIE big Olympic five-circle banner vanished yesterday JL from Richmond Park Olympic camp where, for a week, it has fluttered over the heads of 1.200 athletes from 17 nations. When day broke it was missing from its 30-foot staff m the middle of the camp. The Camp
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 334 7 YORKSHIRE, who have not lost a match since the middle of May, are now presenting a real challenge to Derbyshire and Glamorgan for championship honours. They swept to an innings victory c Northamptonshire yesterday m the series of matches just finished while the three
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 70 7 UERN McGrew. the United States high inn. a poi..ter to hi? Olympic prospects yesterday v Uxbridge he m. m a practice jump. rents the no;; jump and says he loose 1 s up"' on the high jump, cleared 61 1. 6 ins. Herby McX I
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 91 7 CABLE WIRELESS BADMINTON TEAM The foUowing will t Cable and Wireless SC a Harrksons Croifield SC m a .ton mauh to be pla the Chinese V.M.C.A. court at Road at 9 am., tomorrow. Martin Rozario. Ong Kek Bee, M. S. Thes' ira. M A Large A L. Davenport, V. Amurthalingam.
      91 words
    • 17 7 The Olympic Gam reported yesterdaj had been sold fo; Aug. 7 13. the first vents.- A P.
      A.P.  -  17 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 CAPSTOL PHONE 5158 today! OWING TO FILM'S LENGTH ONLY 4 SHOWS! S IV \Kc.O TIMES: II 8 6.15 918 8* Jay-"* I "3^ r_i___________________!!!_____________B IONN H>«o mmm MCIiAM C CO3M* >>„-, ■T«^ ft V^l I I MM M mtk aW fmu-m.l- Iff aVaSaSi I TONIGHT AT MNITE! wn 1 \i/
      131 words
    • 359 6 lalhambH] 3WiK Pk- NEXT CHAKS p— iih fww trolled By TV Rittk-Utr Csb-wJ CATHAY 3«a THE BOLSF TOE < NOW SHOrThG! 11 a.m.. Ll5. 4.13 WW 0 X %m9V •OOOH WltMHtt «M.VMtt SO MM3 GaTtOTTH JOHIJ ToHHITMcCAaLUM OAVW TOMUMSOM TVOMMf O«SN SONtA HOL~ NOCMiT «UTM£R»OtU> no* •>><*••>.- ***_jt It >
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 lUU__l_ ll \\\i__»§K* ___rc^r_L Whatever the surface, whatever the load one of these Ouniop m^a9mwW9MW Truck and Bus Tyres will give you just *vhat you need m per formance and dependab'hty I_P the long lite and toughnes* that t exclusive to Dunlop DUNLOP TRUCK AND BUS TYRES The Dunlop R
      178 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 149 7 Crossword No. 445 if I P g#< 8 9 ■■>aii__fi_ ——^^Mi l ,11 T ""'T^. Tr"" k r 9m t w/ .-Li.- BF 31 mij/p* mmm W m^' I i i > uki»^ I Gem (4). 8. Re. 4 IP, D.%iB .Anger (3>. 13. Adroit (S). 14, Notice -8. 20.
      149 words

    • 22 8 DOWNEY— On the 23rd Jtaijr at Lumpur. rt. younefT son of Mr and Mrs J Dcwne> of Dominion Bs- d 10
      22 words
    • 231 8 CHINA 'RICE BOWL 'AREAS FLOODED SHANGHAI, Friday. LAKGE areas of one of the most fertile regions of Central China— the Yangtse River Basin are deep under water due te overflowing of the Tang tse caused by heavy rains m the past 48 hours. Two 'million farmers m the town of
      Reuter; U.P.  -  231 words
    • 57 8 HELSINKI, (Finland) Fri. The Premier of Finland, Mr. Mauno Pekkala, has resignec and President Juho Paasikiv has asked the Government to remain m office until a new OEM is formed. Nt reason for the resignation has been given. A.P. MR. A. CREECH JO.\ "the Comm:i7iists want to
      A.P.  -  57 words
    • 85 8 MacArthur will block plans of Jap Reds TOKIO. Friday fr-N Douglas Mac Arthur, Allied Supreme Comdex m Japan, made it r todaj tha: the would sand! [fin: the J> made to block a Con. inspired labour or p-cted m August. m to c Japanese I M jter. banning Ices
      85 words
    • 82 8 THE Australian Government \M _eriously cone urn ed al reluctance of the United States to acquaint Australia witn top iiecret in_"ormaUon on atomic energy, reports A.P.'s Canberra bureau. The Prime Minister J. B. Chifley. is believed to have the matter before the British Cabinet while
      82 words
    • 102 8 HONG KONG. Sat. PIVE thousand men of two Chinese clans are locked m a fierce battle m Sunwui county, less than 100 miles from Hong Kong, the Chin- ese-language newspaper Sing Tao Jih Po reports. First word of the battle, over water rights and crop raids by
      A.P.  -  102 words
    • 47 8 HOWARD CARWILE. in--11 dependent Virgi* ian candidate for the U.S- Senate, arrested yesterday and charged with violating the new State segregation laws by sitting m a section reserved for Negroes at a church revival meeting. Carwile was released on $100 bail. A.P.
      A.P.  -  47 words
    • 289 8 Jogja breaks status talks BATAVIA, Friday. TMIE Indonesian Republican Government today decided to break oft negotiations with the Dutch on the future status of the Republic. The Government is prepared to carry on the parallel talks with the Dutch for the implementation of the truce agreement. Reporting this, the Republican
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 102 8 1 4-day manhunt gets US killers COLUMBUS. Ohio. Frt T\£ATH for one and capture mJ for the other ended a 14--day hunt fox two youthful par led reformatory men iy. The two men killed seven people and wounded The i nd came as the two i "gun happy" men iged
      A.P.  -  102 words
    • 48 8 A man identifying himself as Stephen Supina. sougi. the pilot of a plan )ped a missile near Ui. ons h. Lake Success on Thursday, "surrendered" himself m the offices of the New Haven R yesterday and was turned over to the police for questioning. Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 167 8 Developing Colonies GOODWILL NEED IS STRESSED LONDON, Friday. T»HE need for co-operation and goodwill of coloi x was stressed by the Secretary of State for Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech Jones, m the House of Commons today, adding, "We cannot hope to proceed very far m the development of colonies unless
      U.P.  -  167 words
    • 1001 8 Communists outlawed LONDON, Friday. r' would be unwise on security grounds to state what reinforcements are beinjf sent to Malaya, said the Secretary for the Colonies, Mr. A. Creech Jones, announcing m the House of Commons the outlawing of the Malayan Communist Party, thej JK.P.A.J.A.
      Reuter  -  1,001 words
    • 69 8 THE majority of Bombay school ignored the Con m dominated Stua> call for a strike y* as a protest aga::. creased teaching fees. Fifteen thousand strikers held meetings and marched m processions, which the police dispersed with a baton charge near the Government headquart Meanwhile, 43
      A.P.  -  69 words
    • 68 8 SEOUL (Korea) Fri. RUSSIAN hand-grenades were used by Koreans who ambused American soldiers near tlie occupation boundary on July 19. One soldier was killed. The US. Army said Koreans dressed as civilians attacked an outpost 400 yards south the U.S. -Russian line. The five men at
      A.P.  -  68 words
    • 27 8 Anti-weet riots in Cairo I A I i team I I "_J_ l A C 1" *H s_> eiiet i JhM| I l Rfcfll U.P. A.P. Reuter
      U.P.; A.P.; Reuter  -  27 words
    • 124 8 BANGKOK I THE Siames. cay ordered i preparedness a break of Commui.. m Bangkok Pol the eh fled, CI TO i*x JLUiC SKSBs r the Army head ers ordered troops to remain m a state o! The ofT today warned tr "be prepared for
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 27 8 A number of Roman C lie priests, tried t -garian People's Court, yesie ed prison .ence> ranging from 10 months years m prison, reports. A.P.
      A.P.  -  27 words
    • 218 8 London Stock Exchange FIE British Foreign M n«o tl-t laiß situation, coupled with I ue* firwej Wall Street, made for better fee! r Ij "*3 Stock Fa change toda% correspondent. Tins advan *ssh*f*| and Mhn also M How ugh ma started with *d confidence, an
      218 words
    • 181 8 HOLLYWOOD, Friday. DAVID Griffith, 72, pioneer film and star maker, best known for his discovery of Mary Pickiord and his film "The Birth of a Nation." died today from cerebral haemorrhage. Griffith developed more stars than any other director Apart from Mary Pickford, he brought en Dorothy
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 22 8 M no. i fc S-S- w Mt !So m Mo t m v °__f*S^ c* «prf No 1 fa* I
      22 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 243 8 ■^jni.^-iy T3HTH (Ha»XjaJaa»aWaa»B»_lß_Ba_a__BW_«_^ OF^_BW0 F^_BW <!Lv» i ivunmmo -MIL R O V On 24ih July. 1923 Vvv. opton to Doi-iS at the Church >« Clement Dane's. Strand, .VCCOMMODATION M v\ I T_EONIE fciOUSE 25-Granne Rd Mrs T H. Pavnf ri *****. j lor LOST x wrist v Wed-j ng 21
      243 words
    • 4 8 TIME FOR A TIGER
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