The Singapore Free Press, 10 July 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 381 1 Berlin tension as Big Three act Soviets react to protests LONDON, Saturday. DUSSIA'S reply to the Three Power note on 1 Berlin will be the most critical diplomacy since 1939," the British press agreed this morning. Tension rose again as Russia last night closed the last surface route into Berlin—
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 153 1 Free Press Staff Correspondent MELBOURNE, Fri. i -OHORTLY, we can cxi >J pect Australian com- mumsta to put a ban on all cargo and transport which mi^rh t help tho.-.e who are trying to beat the Communist plot m 1 Malaya," the Sydney Daily
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  • 133 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. INCREASED world production of natural rubber x this year was forecast today by the United States Department of Commerce. It estimated production at from 1,450,000 to 1,500,000 long tons compared with the International Rubber Study Group's earlier estimate of 1,391,000. The Department calculated combined
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 79 1 Free Press Staff Reporter A FINAL Supply Bill for i $271,968.95, to meet certain excesses m the Colony's 1946 expenditure, will be introduced m the Singapore Legislative Council shortly. Nearly half this sum is for an excess of more than $118,000 under Public Works extraordinary. Excesses
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  • 91 1 WE are investing $5,000,000 m the greatest Olympic team ever. It sails at the end of the month to show up the rest of the athletes of all the rest of the world," announces the Boston (U.S.) Herald m a leading article. "It ought to
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 31 1 Free Press StaiT Keporter Two lire fn^ines called to a house m South Bridge Road at mid -day yesterday put out a small fire caused b; electrical short circuit.
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  • 43 1 es> Staff R/porter One Indian was arrester the Emergency n« yesterday brings the total under to 65 of whic*i 35 nese. 29 are Indians lit- Malay Hers who were aryesterday u..der the rgency Regulations were sed after interrogation.
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  • 48 1 MJ A Thivy, Representa- of the Government n Malaya, left this by a Oantas plane >r Rangoon on his way to for consultations with 3 andit Nehru Mr TTvvy who is accompanied by his wife, will take m Indian National Airways )iane from Rangoon.
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  • 259 1 Free Press Staff Reporter TWENTY Singapore Chinese community guilds will t part m a five-day drive to get as many c as are qualified, to register as voters m the legislative Council elections. The register is clue to close on July 15. Ten thousand registration forms,
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  • 54 1 THERE was a gun duel In Calcutta on Friday when gangsters shot it out with an armed guard for I payroll of nearly €5 000. The guard was ambushed m a lonely part of the city. He returned their fire, forcing them to flee and
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • 98 1 Free Press Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. F ARGE-SCALE searches were carried out and road biocks were thrown by the police m Kuala Lumpur last night as part of the security measures taken, following the reported concentration of insurgents m the outskirts of the town.
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  • 934 1 U.S. POLICY IN JAPAN HIT Asia will quit Allied cause' NEW YORK, Friday. -nnHE United States should forget about making Japan the workshop of Asia and work instead cm a Marshall Plan for all Asia," said the Philippines Ambassador, Mr. Carlo P. Romulo, m an address here today. In one
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  934 words
  • 163 1 Court hears how Gandhi was shot NEW DELHI. Friday A POLICE officer, who said he was only a few paces away when Gandhi was shut on January 30 this year, told the court here how the Mahatma died. The officer, Sub-Inspector j Amarnath of the New Delhi I 1 police,
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  • 32 1 Free Press Staff Reporter A Chinese cyclist, Urn Kirn Chuan, was admitted to Singapore hospital after being involved m an accident with a L.E.P. motor cyclist m Serangoon Road yesterday.
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  • 18 1 An unidentified Chinese youth was drowned whilst playing m flood waters at Malcolm road yesterday afternoon.
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  • 276 1 Only 24 MPs in debate on Malaya LONDOV iiday. ALTHOUGH m the words of The Times, the impulse behind what the m Stai the Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech Jonc cribed as a menace m Malaya i reoccur House of Commons last night as close!} measures taken to deal with
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 aJ^f' v Th* ,tft OA, three hard sets. win or losewhat matters? Relax with aSare-
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    • 34 1 M.FLINTER&S.GfiINBEf.u. Wholesale Re^ii Dealers m DIAMONDS JEWELL' Sou Auatlmkk 9. 14 A 18 Carat (.old ii^aitit Case* 67, STAMFORD RC feu Court Bide Telephone 7923 Sincaper* my Wf* mL wb \r//£ FAMQVS iTOITS£jF&Z& RJM£DY*j
      34 words

    • Article, Illustration
      2141 2  -  L. GARVEY A SHORT STORY By 1T xras something of an achievement on the part of Stanley Akroyd to graduate m medicine at the age of 21, and hardly less remarkable that he should find himself so favourably placed m the Clinical Research Unit of the Medical Research
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    • Article, Illustration
      139 2 gPADES are trumps. Soulh loads. North and South we to win all seven tricks against any defence South leads a trump. West cannot discard a damond. else one run* establishes North's third diamond. If West discards a heart, North does likewise and South loads the heart. North mak\s
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 86 2 SWEDISH MASSAGE Rv A. D. SEBASTIAN Masseur A Pbysio-therapLst 65. Loroog Stangee Opp. Catholic Chapel-Raton* App. Phone ***** Hours 10 am 8 p m l).ul\ SALES Si S£RV/e£ OF ALL TYPES OF /"refrigerators I AIR- CONDITIONERS V V ELECTRICAL APPUANgS/ MAINTAMENCE Of REFRtCERATOftS adWCOmm PLANTS ACCEPTED fjliWfijllliJJlij rll 'jl jj
      86 words
    • 45 2 For All Defects of Vkm A M. EZEKIEL SOUS UIA1I1IH) OPTK M PB W 13 Bftttrrv Ro*d Sine^i*"* FOR APPOINTMI M > %m Wise, Co*o** WHITE ANT EXTERMINATION SERV INSECT EBAOIC* T Consult THOMAS COWAN^ A^titai— The Horn* 0 dncon atff^Q MERCANTILF BANK PHONE 3876 m^^A
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 135 2 j* m% f *> A [VIM —M nS TA «_V ff I_J S W^L^Mmmm^'m^^^mm^M^^WA SINGAPORE From 12-0« noon to 2 M p.m. 485 metres m the medium wave band and 7 20 megacycle* la the 41 metre band From 600 pm to 7 45 p.m.: from 9.30 p m to
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    • 411 2 RciulU); 8.30 •"String Tirm"; 9 are'; 930 W 9.45 Patrick Forbes and His Orch. from Raffles HoUl; 10.15 i Cabaret Jean Sablon; 10 30 Rhythm on Records: 1 1 30 La*t News Summary. Programmes m Malay. 12 Progranim Summary; ,12.05 Musical Interlude; 12 45 Malay; 6 30 Programme I
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    • 387 2 SINDAV 9 30 Tunes fr<>m the OpereUv: 9 45 Music m Dance Temp-v. 10 .'all Box, 10.05 Baritone* of Renown: 10 20 Around the, Bandstand; 10.30 Au; tralian News; 10.40 Request Records; 11 Great Mu.sic; 4 Dinner Music; 4.30 A'utraliaJi News; 4.40 Fine Mu.sic; 5 15 Magazine of the Week;
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    • 152 2 Hour (BBC— Sport and Music On> 16. 49 and 88.3 metr 10.30 Rdm Down the Canyon. 10.45 Radio Dance; 11 30 W News from Ixnidon, 11 40 P gramme Summary SINDAY 8 og the Air; 8.30 Worid and Home News; 8.45 BBC Theatre Orchestra; 9.30 Programme Summary-; 9.45 Shipmates
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    • 25 2 \9Vjfpn r Cg^^^gg^ COTTOMgCCtt.. MAY »C >^V. V OS'a.m? V VI. T 0009... V vr*V^4*^ V < ">!/—- -t=> 'M" MAY /^A VT 1 CCVAC y, fbom,
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    • 245 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR DOKN toda>, you are a w stexn dLsiiphnarian but yoo are willing to set the example yourself. However. ytHi expect others to follow you and if they don't, you have littlr use for them. You not exactly intolerant 1 the ideas of others you just don't bother
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  • 69 3 REVOLT IN PERU ENDS rHE three-day reoeiuon 01 the army garrisons at Puno and Juliaca m southern Peru has been put down comiay reports from Cuzco. It was described unoflicial]y", as a Right wing totalitarian movement revolt, and ended with the flight or Its leaders and the surrender of muti
    U.P.  -  69 words
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  • NEWS
    • 476 3 m h r s behind 'Iron Curtain' nRAGUE has become a city of the drum telegraph, I the grapevine, the whispered rumour. No day passes without some new sensation passing m whispers over cafe tables, or m gossip among the market stalls. Today the presence of American troops was
      Reuter  -  476 words
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      17 3 D;KJEKKEK[PEP nening of the La*nbeth all parts of the p in Canterbury chair of St. Planet news
      Planet News  -  17 words
    • 42 3 ugh megaphones and WL hio^ messagd tossed into a !rd the ex- trooper Empire ft of 4^2 hopeful West 1 91 tk work m Britain B uld i»ffer them nothinu r In" is the Jamaicans did not know about r I
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    • 86 3 i m the fall of Singa- pore m 194*. Mr. Harry Hopkins. President Roosep '->nal assistant then m London reported to the President that Mr Churchill felt the I i pore business was Mr Churchill considered the whole thing was verj badly handled, and that there
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    • 194 3 MALAYAN tin miners attended a D i1 which the London I Exchange committee's scheme ling the metal market was outlined. r-- t which the Ex- i contemplated would. :ie transition stage not be rket M m the same was understood \;e war lin allocation It
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    • 81 3 picture. picture BRITISH EXODUS: At Haifa m Palestine a British soldier watches the loading of vehicles m the final stage of evacuation after more than a quarter century of occupation. Withdrawal was completed a month ahead of the dead-line.- Planet News GERMAN PROTEST: Heidelberg University students
      Planet News  -  81 words
    • 43 3 The Siamese Constituent Assembly will be formally opened next Monday. Draft of the new constitution is expected to be completed within six months- Reuter An explosion yesterday m a fireworks factory at Oberarth Switz* rland. killed eight workers and injured six.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 127 3 OVER a score of Negro organisations m America have demanded a statement from the Democratic Party's National Convention, opening on Monday, on the race issue. "The Party must decide whether it li going to permit bigots to dictate its philosophy and policy, or whether it can
      A.P.  -  127 words
    • 455 3 1 1 men and death share small boat for 5 grim days A harrowing story of death and sacrifice when 11 men were swept to sea m a small craft on Juiy 4 was recounted at Manila five days later by «»ne of the six survivors. Brother Vincent Scheerer, of
      A.P.  -  455 words
    • 134 3 'Australian while policy economic, not raeial' "AUSTRALIA is net only very inter* iin the development of jthe countries m Soutn jEast Asia, but is also desirous of co-opera tirm with them because she recognises that the safety and prosperity of Australia is bound up with South East Asia This was
      U.P.  -  134 words
    • 81 3 YtUSSIA Is IV Industrial the "iron cuilain Siberia, according to C» Walker. correspondent of the c tian Science Monitor, m message from Tokio y day. Gigantic shipyards erected on mat banks, and on what v. once now oil refinen ro ling mills, blast furnaces an.i
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 182 3 AN explanation of the nature of gravitation ap- pears m Physics, the journal of the American Institute of Physics. It Is the preatest mystery of physical science. The new clue is m some particles of matter, so tiny 1 and so powerful, that they
      A.P.  -  182 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 103 3 10 AUSTIN 'A4o' 10-CWT. SAVES TIME AND MONEY Every modern business need is met by this handsome Get full details Huic front and handy Austin Van. It is speedy, economical to run, and completely dependable even when unusual f^ p^ ay fr%L demands have to be made upon it. K#
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
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  • LEADER...
    • 615 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY. July 10, 1948. Battle Lines in Malaya FRG^i a mornani tht itorj oi insu who were 2 tight miles from Federal capital, the revuw oi the situation In the Federation which Major General Bouch.r gave tie pre^ yesterday contained much reassuring information Operations against the
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    • 289 4 Begging in Persia OEGGING is one of the D most lucrative professions m T It is also one of the b organised. Ewry beggar has an allotted "beat," which he has inherited from his forefathers and he plies his trade unmolested. He pays a percentage of his earnings to the
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    • 953 4  -  by LORD YANSITTART PARIS: ACCIDENTS happen m the best regulated families," runs the proverb. In the Communist family accidents spell death to the offspring of Muscovite parentage. There have recently been a considerable number of casualties, both behind and before the ln>n Curtain. It
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    • 737 4  -  Alex Ander by CINCE THIS is our first ulimpsa over your shoulder, we feel that we should be introduced. You may have seen us around the city we're the bloke who tries to lo<»k as if we aren't listening to your conversation. We know who you are;
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    • 532 4  - What is a British subject? GEORGE MURRAY By COON after World War 1., when I was serving m a Portuguese tramp steamer, it was the custom of the fo'c'sle haivls to doff their c; when they spoke to the Portuguese captain. One day a full-blooded Jamaican Negro took a cup
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    • 48 4 For a man also knoweth not his time: as fishes that are taken m an evil net. and as the birds that are caught m the snare: so are the sons of men snared m an evil time, when it falieth suddenly upon them. Ecclesiastes 9, 12.
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    • 10 4  -  UN KNOWN liv l» ■outers' r I I I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 74 4 ywill giastts alone improve ytmr Eyesight"— NO! proles. ...ii services ana technical skills are the essential •ids to your "set ing ability," your visual comfort and efficiency. It is for these services and skills not for sla&ses alone that you Day for your fee. Seek Professional advice Not glasses at
      74 words
    • 39 4 Armour Coat —Tl curative 4 j^> Mneral Comjx)und for masonary surface- 1 vonts Damp Wl 4 #l Maintenance Cost stood the test of tisu Malaya and Stag) Available m the foil Permanent White, Creams. Buffs, Blue. Green and >^^ Tan.
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    • 593 5 RUBBER FUTURE DOES NOT LOOK GOOD Free Press Staff Reporter THE future of the rubber industry m Malaya "does not look good," Mr. Lee Kong Chian, managing director of Lee Rubber Co., Ltd., told the Free Press yesterday on his return from a world survey of business conditions. He said
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    • Article, Illustration
      82 5 Dr. Wang Chung-hui. who has taken over the duties as President of the Chinese Judicial Yuan. Dr. Wang comes from Kwangtung, where he was born m .882. He uhis graduated from Yale University m 1905. He sewed as President of the Judicial Yuan from 1928 until 1932. From 1930 to
      A.P.  -  82 words
    • 308 5 rrpe Press MaJT Correspondent Xl ALA LUMPUR, Friday. iijii«| himself as "horrified" when he i diM* «o measures had been taken by the P pnt to t l«»^e the northern frontier to illegal JJ m(• Malaya District, Maj. Gen. y her saki were now being taken,
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    • 36 5 STOLE GRANDMA'S LIFE SAVINGS Tnban Magistrate lay sentenced a Id Malay youth. Mat r. Abu Bakar. to six jf the rattan, youth pleaded guilty to cash and jewellery it 5640. the life-savings aged and blind grand-
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    • 117 5 "*T»HE triad societies of Malaya are, generally A speaking, not to blame for the disturbances now taking place m Malaya. They are not big enough," said the Assistant Secretary to the Chinese Secretariat (Mr. G. W. Webb). Mr. Webb said this m answer to
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    • 47 5 Free Press Chinese Correspondent nPWO Chinese warships. A Llngfu and Chungking, are due to arrive m Singa- pore on July 13 and are expected to remain m port for a Tew days. The two ships— gift of the British Government—left Portsmouth last month.
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    • 9 5 dent how Foobe-
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    • 5 5 Drugs for TB patients DL;K';EK[PE[P
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    • 5 5 mp•he F
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    • 458 5 S'PORE TELLS SIAM 'We won't take low grade rice' SINGAPORE has received about 5.000 tons more *C grade and pulot rice than the Colony need have taken, Mr. A. W. Nicholson, Secretary of the Joint Supply Board, told the South-East Asia Liaison Orticers' conference yesterday. 'While we were prepared to
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    • 106 5 Turf Club man jailed for tote tickets CTATED to be a head labour- er of the Singapore Turf Club. M. Vadevellu, was acquitted by the Second Police Court Magistrate, yesterday on a charge of the theft of 100 place tote tickets, worth $3,000. on Nov. 22 last, the last day
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    • 393 5 Free Press Staff Correspondent LONDON. Friday. ITOE Times publishes two appreciations of Sir Edward Gent. A.8., who describes Sir Edward as a man of character, says it was not an easy thing m 1914-18 war for one who was*not a soldier by career to command a Regular
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    • 69 5 AT Seremban yesterday, Ngan Ah Lok was fined $2,500 or 12 months' hard labour by District Judge Mr. Rhodes for assisting m t-he management of chee-fah on May 1, at Mantin Village. The O.C.P.D. Mantin Inche Mehat bin Ismail said he raided a coffee shop and
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    • 48 5 VEO Huay Leong, a middle- aged Chinese who yesterday appeared before the Second Police Court Magistrate, Singapore, on a summons oiiarge of giving false information to the police cotncerning payments he had made to certain individuals, was sentenced to two months" rigorous imprisonment.
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    • 43 5 THREE -TON tarhrd to a 90-foot has been recoveied from the sea near Kusip 1 m the Quarantine A: The anchor which tent stockless npe is similar to those carried by 4,00 is and probably wa> ped during the war.
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    • 37 5 FOR TRIAL AT THE ASSIZES. /CHARGED with armt-c V> robbery, an 18-y» Chinese. Lim Kirn Hai. of I Market Read, m the 6 por<- Seventh Pol.oe Corrt. yesterday nitted to stand trial at the next i Assizes.
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    • 220 5 LONDON, Friday. DISCUSSING the Russian buying of Malaya rubber, the Daily Telegraph says the evidence that Russia has embarked on a stockpiling programme like the United States is inconclusive and, on the whole, negative. Even if Russia's takings this year amount to 100.000 tons they would
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    • 23 5 The Rural Board meeting originally scheduled for Jmy 15 has been postponed to July 16 at the Land Office 10 am
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    • 284 5 Public service questions for the Council Free Press Staff Reporter QUESTIONS regarding the establishment of a Public Services Commission m Singapore and the functions of Village Committees have been submitted by two Lnofficials m the Legislative Council. Mr. Lim Yew Hock (Nominated) and Inche Sard« n bin Jubir (Rural East).
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    • 107 5 THE G has said "No" to the request of the Singapore Rural Boaid that the Board chairman C. W. A. Sennett. should b his period of service i i when his duty termi' Ootr-ber this yar. The reply regrets the Government's inability to alter
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 83 5 J*f* I -i Hi Hl^>r.llo||) IT APPLIANCES Introducing tht NEW CTRIC KETTLE $30.00 Lightweight ;uun socket when kettle boils dry Appliances are fully guaranteed :"--> from date of purchase. m 111 Ajr.or^ed EKai^r^ Sutor, —F s InA\C A CO. M Street. Singapore. sack m a day r ain or shine
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    • 48 5 SENATOR CIGARS MANUFACTURED IN HOLLAND Monarcos, per box of 25 $12.50 Ministros, $10.50 Petit Coronas, $10.00 Prominent, n m $10.00 Petit Due, 9.50 Corona (large) $12.50 They are packed m 2 Boxes of 25 m an airtight tm ensure fresnness. l#|- ROBINSON CO, LTD. |^]V MFFIB PUCE SINGAPORE
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      • 573 6  -  JOHN HALL BY CROM the moment the 1 telephones start buzzing on Monday mornings with bets for the 2 o'clock until the last race at the dog tracks on Saturday night Britain's punters "invest" £20,000,000 backing their fancies m horses, dogs, and football teams. That is the
        573 words
      • 53 6 Tlii: BcMsSMUI matters a lot m cricket. And so do hands. The man who is KoiiiK to help hi* side m the Held must pofaa* his hand* as though someone is going to pour gold into them. The hands you se? axe Bill Kdrich's, and they can
        53 words
      • Article, Illustration
        36 6 traiia's magnificent John Bromwich <leil> and his 20-year-old vartn-r Sedgman m play aciainst the American pair, Frank Parker and Bob Falkenburo went on to win the final by beating Tom Broivn and Gardner Mulloy of America
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      • 553 6 ARCHIE TALKING Mow lie is a spectator FRED PERRY is back m C England for the first time m twelve years. He Ls playing a series of professional games with the Frenchmen, Petra and Pelizza, m the provinces but the greatest kick he has got had been to walk through
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      • Article, Illustration
        37 6 Johnny Bulla (right) the "gimt" Anwrican golfer who went round m 74, gives a paiyful slap to Norman Von Nida (Australia) who had just returned a score of 71 during the British Open Golf Championship at Mutrfield.
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      • 473 6 A Sydney newspaper columnist ha,* just x learned the old lesson that you will run into trouble if you run down the idols of the past. He remarked, after seeing a refilming of Les Darey's last fight, tha t he beli»-wd at least four Australian middleweigrhts
        473 words
      • 124 6  -  KEN J ALLEH BY "THOUGH the standard of Mai;. football is high pared with the countries we have v i ed, Malayans do I play as well as their compatriots who met us on the way to the Olympics at Berlin m 1936," Lee Wai
        124 words
    • 439 7  - DIVIDENDS ARE EXPECTED CALL BOY Final hints for today's races By CONSENSUS of opinion at Bukit Timah this .n^/i! 11 1^^ that form would b y the boar d and that there would be several big dividends this afternoon, first day of the Singapore Turf Club's summer meeting. The going
      439 words
    • Article, Illustration
      29 7 I Amateur Athletic Association), ned the use of shoes as he contested eat of the British Amateur Athmpionskip* at White City Stadium n by Australian P. J. Gardner. 1
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    • 111 7 THE two European Zone semi- finals m the Davis Cup Competition opened yesterday- aiid everything points to Sweden bid Czechoslovakia meeting m the zone final. In Stockholm. Sweden gained a 2 o lead over Great Britain. whJ m Milan Czechoslovakia led Italy 2 0
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 78 7 gERNAHU Destamau, French Davis Cup player, sprang the surprise of the day m the International invitation lawn tennis tournament which be»:an m Paris yesterday by beating John Bromwich. the Australian ace. m straight sets In the first round of the men's singles. Destameau won 6 l.
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 52 7 Dai Rees. the British Rjder Cup player, yesterday won the Irish open golf championship m Dublin with a 72 holes aggregate of 295. He finished two strokes ahead of Norman Von Nida. the Australianwith third place shared by Arthur Lees and Max Faulkner each with
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 232 7 Australia now struggling From Hill Bowes I I eighth wicket partnership I pton and Bedser which realised m, enabled md to recover from the E^e of early Ki!>men and their first innings of it Manchester yesterday realised I tenth Test match century of fth hundred against
      232 words
    • 274 7 ENGLAND Ist Inns Waah brook b Bill Johnston., n Emmett c Barnes b LJndwall 10 Edrich TaJlon b UndwaJl 32 Compton not out 145 Crapp lbw Li nd wall 37 DolJcry b BUI Johnston l Yaadley c lan Johnson b Toshark J2 Evans BUI Johnston b LindwaU 34 Bedser
      274 words
    • 59 7 Riza Bey fights newcomer ALI RiZA BEY tops the bill at the Great world today ,when he meets Arjan Dass j the newcomer who made such ;an impressive debut last week when defeating Curly Connors. George Zbisko and Prince Bhu Pinder clash m the main supporting bout, while Tony Ramano
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    • 44 7 JOCKEY Lansdown was involved m a motor accident at 2.15 p.m. yesterday at Grange Road, when his motor car collided into the rear of a military truck. Landown was not injurt-d. but the front of his car was slightly damaged.
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    • 173 7 THE Southern section of the Malaya Cup competition will come to a close today when the Royal Air Force meet Negri Sembilan at Jalan Besar and Singapore take on Malacca at Malacca. The results of today's gamr are not of vital importance as Negri, having won all
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    • 202 7 WHILE the England batsmen, with the exception of Denis Compton, were finding runs difficult against Australia at Old Trafford, there was a spate of high scoring m the county championship matches yesterday. Middlesex, the county champions, made light of the absence on Test duty of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 124 6 VICTORIA THEATRE TONICHT ONLY at 8.45 p.m. 'AND THEN THERE WERE NONE' bt AGATHA CHRISTIE Seats $1.00 to $3.00 Tonight at Theatre Tel. 6826 STAGE CUB MURDER PLAY PHONE 5159 CAPITOL NOW SHOWING! 11 A.M.. t, 4.15. 6.30 and 9.15 P.M. J V >. M WILDE «5) MAUREEN-/ 52" I
      124 words
    • 98 6 Pho« CATHAY 3 «>6 THI MM SI I OK COMFORT. NOW SHOWING! 11 AM. 1 45 4 1. S.4S and m r m COSTEItoJE SUPERBLY FUNNY COMEDY. QAUMONT BKITIsn NBWB NEXT CHANCB A I"<!VfcRSAI-INTER*ATIONAL RF! -F 7 .v. »...>««/. i < > i I /is A Scream ii s So
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 90 7 4M& NHhj^ iA /V -<il vii^ r GO/NG IJP tor "HiS MASTER'S VCI^ Radios Radiograms Records take the lift at Littles I ESTAB s moutrie a co malaya ltd I 187 5 I JOHN LITTLE'S BUILDING iKH^BBB Singapore tei_. 7C30 Extra I i(^^^% f* experience j J REDUCES TRUCK j
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 145 7 Crossword No. 433 [PJJZ p| [4 [5 |~p tCIEZ"~~~3ZZZ M^: Z^ Ll > \i KOSS 9 Vindicate «6>. 11, Temptation (s>. 16. Go to and fro »3>. 17, Surpass j. 22 Bean (7 24. Life& soil < 7 B«.rd«r i 3). 30. Cushion (3). 32. 3«5. Noisily <5' 37 IXI
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    • 1062 7 Race J 2.00: lass 3, Div. 3—6 Furs. 02J r°^ n T U ■■52 900 Mr Ho€ V€I H<*bs £??£,"dey Harper 8.10 Mr. Kong Ngan Fen Martin WoOdB 810 "DD.D. Kongsi" Fox Via Jones 809 "Sincere Stable" Davies 110 Hariman Stirling 8.07 Mr. Ow Leon* Chye Heddle ""J^'y* l J
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    • 423 8 Count's report is awaited 4S large-scale fighting broke out m Palestine yesterday on the expiry of the four-week truce, Britain instructed her representative at Lake Success to caution the I'nited Nations Security ncil against 'any hasty action" m the Holy Land. In Washington, the
      Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  423 words
    • 16 8 South African Governhai -d the Smuts' Party, has a majority due until r.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  16 words
    • 104 8 SHANGHAI. Friday. GOVERNMENT aircraft sank U 25 Communist troop-laden barges on the Yellow River (Huangho) m the past 24 hours as Nationalist forces continued their pursuit of the Red armies fleeing from Honan Plain. Battles are racing tn the area bounded by Hsuchow, Shangshui,
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    • 80 8 BERLIN. Fri. WEST Berlin was almost paralysed today, with al tram and underground sorviccs closing down, at 6 p.m as the British, French anc American sectors enterec their third week of "siege." Practically the whole industrial life of the w< 'Tn sectors faced complete shutdown today,
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 17 8 DEN: to Marianr. .sden. on th< :bau Hospital a d. 'PBELL. To Margaret wile pital— a
      17 words
    • 10 8 .LL-MORRI^ I Mi Marelder O. a of a rid.
      10 words
    • 17 8 < place at m on 9th July 1948. m James E H. Charltor. b m I A
      17 words
    • 13 8 SIIVER V.'l-1 DING R oar the 10th. J: at edrml Spore.
      13 words
    • 13 8 MI Wl I HOE SENG f Rev. 1 on a nurch to
      13 words
    • 11 8 H thai mar- and s: S^e .'.ate to reply per-
      11 words
    • Article, Illustration
      39 8 Part of the wreckane of the RAF. transport plane m which Sir Edward Gent met his death. Wreckage of the RAF plane and of the Sue Cloudmastcr.withu it was m collision, crashed into wooded country m Middlesex, near Northolt.
      39 words
    • 40 8 TWENTY people were killed and 11 Injured when a Yugr train recently crashed into a freight train m southern Serbia. Among the victims several 7ugosl&TS who had 1 from Al v during the past week.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 42 8 Tommy Trinder, popular British comedian, was order!ed to pay C 1.000 damans I and the costs of a divorce suit to tho husband of a blonde showgirl with whom he was alleged to have committed adultery.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 211 8 Free Press Start Reporter LONDON, Friday. A DDRESSING the annual IX meeting of Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ltd., today, the chairman, Mr. J. E. Percival, said that with the reopening of the Ipoh premises, it could be said that the rehabilitation of the company's branches m Malaya was
      211 words
    • 91 8 'Generals win or hang'— Monty PARIS. Friday. FIELD Marshal Montgomery, Chief of the British Imperial General Stall, declared today that a* a result of the Nuremberg trial of Nazi leaders and generals "the waging of unsuccessful war li now a crlir. lit France be OH run again by a foreign
      91 words
    • 195 8 Continued from Page 1 th« policies of the metropoui*n powers In the Par East. Mr. Romulo add* d. "The terms of application of the European recovery plan now trive her a chance to wit* the slate clean and at the sanr* time advance the cause of freedom
      U.P.  -  195 words
    • 14 8 A Palembanß report says that a smallpox epidemic Is spreading In Southern Sumatra.
      14 words
    • 64 8 A SPECIAL Mark* cMiiMymtom A ftr« the ptkM <* ruthm a* II i n today a* toO»w»: per Ib. per fb Bayers. Se*lec»OU. Ct». No. 1 RSS. Spot loose 474 4'N No 1 RSS. fob m bale* July 47 47*, No. 2 RSS- loin bales July 46', 4*t*-*
      64 words
    • 126 8 PEIPING, Friday. A LL existing Sino-Soviet agreements, such as the A treaty of friendship of 1945, and the Dairen, Port Arthur and Changchun railway pacts, were nullified long ago by Russia's own actions, the Chinese Vice-President, Gen. Li Tsung-jen, declared today. t Gen. Li, said that,
      126 words
    • 178 8 LONDON, Friday. THE 5,000 Olympic competi- tors m London will sleep between sheets and run on full stomachs, the British prumised today. The housing and catering manager for the Britisli Olympic Organising Committee, Mr. Stanley J. Briault. at a press conference assured the 61 competing
      A.P.  -  178 words
    • 443 8 London Stock Exchange LONDON, Friday. THERE was hesitancy m most section* of the London Stock Exchange today, brought about by Palestine developments and by disclosure concerning the domestic coal position, says Reuters finant ial correspondent. Rubbers continued to advance while tins were irregular to lower. South
      443 words
    • 29 8 QN the N.!w York SVock Exchange yesterdny, business occasionally quietened but the riarket easily maintained around noon levels and closed firm at the day's beot levels.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 98 8 TDK 10, Friday rj^HE Supreme Allied Com- mander m Japan, Gen Douglas Mac Arthur, today received a letter from Takuo Tanaka, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture It read: "In Japan everything had gone with the nd during the war but now felicitous democracy had dawned on the blasted land
      98 words
    • 38 8 WASHINGTON US. Government. confirmed tod:.-, had I Aust nesc on th< ;n thy Soul three Government volvcd m t i surplus. The United Sia. maintain a smal force on Manus Chinese have conmoved theif purcha.^
      38 words
    • 6 8 THI
      6 words
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    • 94 8 Br^PIU ACt OMMOD ATIONS V IM LECNIE HOUSE 25-Gran^ Rd Mrs T. H. Pavne. Tel. *****. LYNDHURST accommodation able double room with bathroor. i Tel. 3500. 188 NOOK." 360 Orchard 7884. Airy rooms M Ex r.; cuisine. MODERN well furnished double r >om. THE ANCHORAGE. 32 Rand. Tel 7525 or
      94 words
    • 53 8 OPENINC D CT CHAPS. 1% ki BLAZING ADVI OF THK TRI.A' GALA RACE BAUs CARLTON NIGHT CLUB UTOWT T— nCIBM"" 1 111* 11 CHARMINC. HOSTfSSI Phone 6181—28 Cavenairh Kd 1 ilibiltn Free—: Perfect Printing /i almoii an ok bilit) Require a cou ma oi^ Ti j B(X^ 77ien W* STRAITS
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