The Singapore Free Press, 16 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 611 1 FEEL MORE HOPEFUL SAYS BEVIN Confidence m Paris talks LONDON, Monday. THE British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, today told the opening session of the 16-nation conference on European recovery t that he was optimistic of the future. I feel J more hopeful now than at any time during or
    Reuter; U.P.; A.P.  -  611 words
  • Article, Illustration
    14 1 iult, i»:r tosy ting $s\ ask the House OPR Attain Comm.ryttiy a.a for China.
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  • 186 1 LONDON Monday. THREATS of attack upon British subjects m the i West Indies and of invasion I of British territory were Riven m the House of Commons toI day as one of the reasons for I the British Home Fleet s visit to the
    Reuter; U.P.  -  186 words
  • 147 1 BAGUIO. Monday. THE World Bank ready to 1 grant up to US$lO,OOO,OOO to finance rice and short term food projects m South-East Asia, delegates to the Regional Rice Conference were told today. Sir Phlrozi Kharagat of India, regional advisor to Director-General of the United Nations Food
    A.P.  -  147 words
  • 64 1 THE United State* is opposed to complete elimination of the veto la the United Nations Security Council said Mr. Philip C. Jessup. American representative m the United Nations Little Assembly yesterday. Mr. Jessup said the United Starrs wants the use of the veto drastically restricted by
    A.P.  -  64 words
  • 58 1 THE lu'adquarurs of British Gurkha troops In India clos.d m New Delhi«»rday. The last ship taking British Gurkhas to Malaya ond Hong Ko. g is leaving Calcutta on Saturday. Seven thousand five hundred will serve m the British Army under the joint suv^er vision of
    A.P.  -  58 words
  • 224 1 TRUCE CALL TO JEWS ARABS fdfdf NEW YORK, Monday. AFTER the Arab Higher Committee, m a secret session with the Big Four, had again refused to accent partition of Palestine, the big powers today called on both Arabs and Jews to agree to a truce m the Holy Land. The
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  224 words
  • 53 1 lay. A Commons was today that a German IS expert and his secrew* <nu out, of ■sy :hrougi: D nmark I*v and may have Hto South America. reign to K'.. >a a red ider South J 1 befow the con- f| -d. s»yme ►penhave ai>U.P 8 U)\\\n[ EST 318
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  • 82 1 THE Finnish President, Dr. Juho K. Passikivi, has informed Marshal Stalin that, while the Finns are willing to negotiate a mutual assistance treaty with Russia, they hope to stay out of international conflicts, reports A.P. The talks begin m Moscow next Monday. Saying that groups of
    A.P.  -  82 words
  • 44 1 Th 3 election of Mr. N. Bradley as chairman of the Rubber Trade Association was announced yesterday. He is a parti; er of M ssrs. S. Gisgis and Company. He succeeds Mr. Bennett, who has -completed his year of offlce.- A.P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 167 1 Palace hit by stokers strike LONDON, Monday. 1/ ING George and Queen Elizabeth, returning this afternoon from Windsor to Buckingham Palace, found that a strike of Government-employed stokers had cut oft* all running hot water and central heating. But waiters and porters at the Palace heaved to and sioked up
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  • 101 1 Free Press Staff Reporter THE Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson stood with bowed head before the urn containing part of the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi m the Victoria Memorial Hall, this morning. The Governor was r. ceived on his arrival at the Hall by the
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  • 185 1 LONDON. Monday. THE Chief of the British Imperial General Staff, Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery, was criticised m the House of Commons tonight f)r his informality m dress. Col. Duncan cCons.) urged the War Minister, Mr Emmanuel Shinwell. "to persuade the Field Marshal to go about dressed as
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 28 1 An explosion at the International Harvester Company plant yn Kentucky on Monday killed two persons, injured 26 and trapped 26 others m the debris. A.P.
    A.P.  -  28 words
  • 254 1 JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Monday. WHILE Washington sources were openly predicting the revival of conscription m America to meet the Russian threat," it was announced here that President Truman will, on Wednesday, go before a special joint session of Congress to deliver a "crisis message"
    Reuter; U.P.  -  254 words
  • 338 1 Call to Govt. servants to use their vote Free Press Staff Reporter AS a counter to the campaign of me Malayan Democratic Union for a boycott of the Legislative Council elections, two meetings will be held this week by the Singapore Civil Service Association calling on all their members to
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  • 43 1 AN Anglo- Trsu.sjordan alliance, revising both the old treaty and Its military annexe, was signed m Amman, capital of Transjordan yest?rday. The terms of the new pact would be announced later this we;k both m London ar.d Ammaii.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 i I-;-' I HENDRY, TEL. 1057 Shroff's Carpets ME SVMPOL OF GREAT VALUE your choice from our latest selection of KIRZAPORE, BEN ARKS, PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS «ye also adequate arrangement dsspat hing direct from our ia) at Factory Prices. also a big selection of Jute ts< 1 ifts and Stoir
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    • 1189 2  - LOCAL BOY MAKES GOOD Roy Ferroa A day m the life of a Spore fireman by QNE bright June morning m Singa-I pore m 1928, a thin,™ weedy youth, who had just left school, set out to look for a job. Like thousands of othei*s this youth was faced with
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    • Article, Illustration
      283 2 •THE trouble with North* bid- duiß was not that it steered his partnership to the wrong contract but that it was too helpful to the opponents To bvßin with. North should not have considere both of his mnior suits worlli showing His first response should' have been one
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    • 488 2 By DANIEL DE LUCE A. P. Correspondent TIMES are difficult for Maharajas. Some are even said to be down to their last white elephant. Pets of British policy and buffers against swaraj (self-rule), approximately 600 spoiled potentates used to hold feudal sway over onethird of the
      A.P.  -  488 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 106 2 XT >W 1 ["manhunt of^T| mystery island tJUST SUCK TWO PENNIES. THEY RE WRAPPED TO CARRY IN YOU* POC«T row don't need water or ipoon—*enn,e» crt rtody when r ou n««<j (hem Carry Renniet about with you m fHxket or bag— and you can correct acidity the moment it Marts
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    • 92 2 VJLGA^... S '^^R63 ,^v CONY -^2 P NEC? J I NOT i y -aSZ SAVING DAYU CALLING ALL PRA-HA KftWS Oml M YOUR DUTY TO VOTE ?05 DR. C. J. PAGLAR (Independent Candidate. MuticipJ COME and HEAR HIM (>n Wednesday 17th March nt rhe I Municipal Play Ground (Junct on
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 652 2 SINPAPfiRF r; 9 s r in K s *'»th Winds'; 930 Music; 8 World and Home News: j. vT i Programme Summary; 9.40 Inter- 805 Yours for the Asking; 858 IJIUe rSeiWOrk lud,., 945 Navy Mixture"; 10.15 Programme Summary; 9 RoundFroiu 12 00 noon to 2.00 p-m. MuSIC ior Sally*;
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    • 209 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR Fortune forecast for people born today DOKN today, you have v the pure, executive mind which can coordinate faci; can handle peopleand delegate detail work to those capable of handling it for you. This, no doubt, will be your greatest sphere of success. If you are even
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  • NEWS..
    • Article, Illustration
      65 3 A small Arab boy peering sadly through the bulletholed window of an Arab school bus which was fired on by Jewish terrorists while on the road to Jerusalem. Sixty children were the only occupants of the bus seven bullets found their mark on the vehicle. The child's expression of anguish,
      Planet  -  65 words
    • 361 3 JEW TERRORISTS DEFY HAGANAH Bid to ivresf power from moderates jl.\\ISH terrorists m Palestine, flushed by a steady flow of recruits and increasing support from sections of the Jewish population? are nr<y putef a bid to wrest power and controHf Palestine Jewry f rom the moderate Jewish Agency and the
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    • 231 3 i»> Lord Beaverbrook of the Negro on, for political reasons, resulted review of the film Proud Express and Evening standard, .Michael Foot, M.P.. m evidence to the Br sh Picas I In his evidence that together irerbrook black list were Noel re Luco. Sir Thomas rs. Ny
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    • Article, Illustration
      2 3 the a
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    • 20 3 Qfl of 16 per cent bt en achieved by all RAF home commands Tar\M 10 per cent
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    • 89 3 CAID Mr. Jusice Atkinapp m the King's Bench Division: "Pretty hands are a great attraction, and much as I dislike the practice some women like to attract attention o their hands by palntmg their rails He awarded Miss Patricia Greeham. 19. of Brentford, against her
      U.P.  -  89 words
    • 40 3 POstpomned Her death for a year i styhex dcshe certain busiI not *o she ■m her Qtauv i a c coroner at the quest. r d dead sleeping Beverlev Hove ssions were h instructor disposal Jw: Suicide whil* her ■niaLsturb'-d
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    • 54 3 P<fflcials of the Allied es Trials Depart- and their L** held by armed .?-ards for two days from Leipzig the Farben case. ir.urrogated J»»ft transit hotel m Sraey were given acN?mU n d foo<l and X?5 Bht as guests morning they were :^ve the Russian
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    • 17 3 'f; f c rmion of a C^^'a bankers, s«> th inkers. S£ a Bank Nation —Router.
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    • 67 3 "ish Republican J of Snrf rvmc lon e •^nsonment m toIrJSnH Sed and 1 »n the Mr. de Valera's Government was consistently reluctant to take them back, but the new Government, it :s understood will do so "m the best interests of both countries." In the House of Lords
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    • 51 3 pOMPLAINTS were made at a meeting of Folkestone (England) Chamber of Trade that letters posted at Boulogne (France) took four days to be delivered m Folkestone. Mr, P. V. Gurr. vice-presi-dent, said: "On a fine day we can see Boulogne from Folkestone a distance of only about 25
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    • 228 3 VIETNAMESE 'SECRET TALKS' NGUYEH VAN MIAN, French subject and Vietnamese official news agency correspondent, whose apartments m a London boarding house were searched by a police officer on Feb. 19, will be the subject of a House of Commons question on Thursday. Mr. Tom Driberg
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    • 102 3 A FULL session of the Z1 United Nations Trade Conference at Havana has adopted the form of the charter to be signed by representatives of the 59 participating nations. It does not bind the signatories to accept the charter on international trade or to membership m
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    • 61 3 ADMITTING during a for- mal inquiry into his activities that he had extended assistance to Hukbalhaps operating m Pampanga and Quebon Provinces, by giving them food and shelter, Nicolavich Chrislsoff, 29, alleged Russian Communist, has been ordered deported by the Philippines Commissioner of Immigration. He is
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    • 31 3 Czech newspapers reports that a peasant m Western Bohemia has been arrested for keeping his mother-in-law m a pigsty and feeding her bran mash for several months.
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    • 57 3 picture. Brigadier-Gen. Earl Gowrie V.C., Colonel of the Re(/iment, taking the salute at the march past after di.stributirtg leeks Jiational emblem of Wales— -to men v1 the Welsh Guards at the Caterham (Surrey) barracks. The leeks were distributed m celebration of St. David's Day. Earl Gowrie,
      Planet  -  57 words
    • 137 3 BRITAIN exhibited more meiium-slzed cars than any other two countries, m Europe's biggest post-war motor show now open m G« neva. The United States took the leaa m big cars with 22 different makes. European manufacturers specialised m midget cars designed to put drivers back
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    • 73 3 piELD Marshal Lard Wavell -former Viceroy of InrJia, attendea a service a? the cathedral m Liverpool on Sunday held as part of a reunion of Chindits— veterans o! the Burma campaign. Al the service, the Chindit j flap: was dedicated. It was then entrusted to the care
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 207 3 r. OTTO HAHN, first man to split the atom, is living m utter poverty m the western zone of Germany, a dispatch from Berl'n to the Aftonbladct of Stockholm reports. The Swedish daily adds that Dr. Max Planck, originator of the quantum theory
      207 words
    • 80 3 TE Chin se Farci n Offic will ratify the SinoBritich Customs a. r re me v ed m January m ord i expedite Its Lmplemen at! m approving tii^ acre the Yu. i s i and Foreign Ai!airs c mitt vs not?d th« failure f
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 68 3 LUCY WILL GET THE MONEY MR. George Marsh, of Pedmore. (Worcs.) left m his will, "to Lucy Smith, domestic servant." But there was no Lucy Smith that Mr. Marsh knew. For 50 years ho had called his domestic servant Lucy Green just "Lucy." The executor. Mr. W. Darby, said: "Legally
      68 words
    • 63 3 I>RITISH film actress Kath- leen Byro^ is lock' Tig for her bustle. She needs it for her new Brit'sh film, "Smsll Bnck Room She wore her bustle with a now evening dress at a dance but parked it on a chair when she found it made
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    • 278 3 Ceylon leader socialism ADVMAMIC socialist re-oriental ion m tiM* pr/;-v <»f the Government m favour of the coxmnoi ma.i is advocated by Mr. S.VV.R.D. Bant'aran<>ike, Minister for Health and Local Government m a men"^an(it«m submitted to the Cejlon Cabinet, led by My. D.S Senanayake. Mr. Bandaranaike. who is the leader
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 118 3 Cable wireless 'in a fog' t'FFORTS to pierce the Li and Kucij.s tiie potential "tir-ak-up" value of Cable and Wireless (Holdhm Ordinary sock will not be made ea by the 1947 accounts now In the hands of stockholders Reason is that, as the Governor. Sir Edward Wilshnw. s in nis
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    • 26 3 Burma is likely to hold a plebiscite as a result of claims for a separate state by the Karens, the country's largest racial minority.
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    • 29 3 i *v £70.000 contract for lighting Taif. fa Saudi -Arabia, has been secured, m the face of world competition, by the Brush Electrical Engineering 1 Co., Loughboroueh
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    • 300 6 Result of habeas corpus decision CHARGES pending for illegal trading, currency exchange, and frauds m connection with NAAFI and military stores m Germany and France may have to be abandoned by the Army following the freeing of ex-Captain Boydell on a writ of habeas corpus. The Army legal department
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    • Article, Illustration
      49 6 Producing tyres at the Firestone Company's factory, West Road, London, which is contributing to the export drive by its substantial supplies of first equipment tyres to vehicle manufacturers Britain made 7,000--000 tyres for export last year compared with 5,000,OOj m 1946. Fewer than 5,000,000 were manufactured before the war.
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    • 19 6 Th. Yugoslav Government has given Bulgaria 1 000 railway cars of maize as a oneyepr loan. U.P.
      U.P.  -  19 words
    • Article, Illustration
      74 6 A member of the Arab National Guard (left) seeks information from a mountea shepherd outside St. Stephen's Gate of Jerusalem- looking towards the Mount of Olives m troubled Palestine. Churches seen m the background are the Russian Orthodox Church (m grove of trees) and. lower, the Church of All Nations,
      Planet  -  74 words
    • 39 6 A tank of tropical ftsh is to be installed m the children's ward at the Prince of Wales's Hospital. Tottenham. London Hexrin*? flsli^ries Scotland are at a standstill m sympathy with Stornoway protosis against Imports from Norv^-ay
      39 words
    • 125 6 'New Look' dead in Britain woman M.P. MRS. MABEL RIDEALGH Labour M.P. tor Illord NorU) told American worn n m a broadcast from London that British women have deal! the 'New Look" its d rail blow/ She c! esc rib d her fight In Paii.. nir.. t last week when
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    • 36 6 MR Barnt-tt Stein, of Malda Vale, London, won his claim m the Chancery Diviilnsi his daughter Jose and her ex fijfcnc^ t<>r return of £1.000 dowry because the engagement was cancelled.
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    • 24 6 Robert Carvil. 23. labourer, jswam across the Clyde m a mow-storm and was fined £2 at Glasgow for a breach of the peace.
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    • 136 6 AMERICA 2* newspapers are preparing for a battle t* to end a threat by the law courts to their freedom. In Newburgh. a small town near New York, two reporters. Douglas Clarke and Charles Leonard, are m jail. Recently they stated m their local newspapers that
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    • 61 6 ISLANDERS QUIT BIKINI rpHE 169 homeless natives of i 1. Bikini island are moving to Kwajaleln today. Displaced from their ancestral home for the bomb tests m 1946, the Blkinlans have lived since on Rongerik, but the island is no longer able to support them. On Kwajalein. mid-Pacific American air
      61 words
    • 117 6 Six people none of them wanted him CIX people each had a reason for refusing to have anything to do with the boy of 15 who sat m Salford Juvenile Court: His stepmother because he might be a bad influence on her own two children; his father because of the
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    • 54 6 THE Territorial Army's total strength last December 31 was 38.036- against an establishment of 531.510 stated Mr. Michael Stewart. War Office Financial Secretary. When the National Servdce scheme begins on Jan. 1 next, conscripts will do one year m the Army and five and a half
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    • 47 6 Shanghai's General Labour Union, which claims a membership of over a half million workers has addressed an appeal to President Truman far immediate military aid economic aid to the Chinese Government to enable it to carry out the Communist suppression campaign to a successful conclusion.
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    • 107 6 -ivrifc wnoie of the output of the Tanganyika diamond mine m East Africa— said to i be the world's richest for the next four years will be sold to the Diamond Corporation, which is the selling I agency for almost the whole world output of diamonds.
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 259 6 Pakistan Ahas desperate need for coal BEtAlSfc coal Mpplitt th( Pakistan have been much J^JT* Si, the railways „f Pakistan "*r^ maintamed „n a "hand t,, mou th« lS Virtually no guppli, by private consumers, including ceras, according to a rev "SS,*? f C<>mmf rw Inclu s tr „2 Pakistan's
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 11 6 Wife upset by tattoo of a girl B i i i
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    • 4 6 A.P.
      A.P.  -  4 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • LEADER...
    • 599 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1948. Civic Progress in Malaya AFTER nogrly 25 years of discussion and study by no less than tight commit toes. Kuala Lumpur uiv became the lirst town m the Malay States to municinahty and all who recognize the importance of civic progress m
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    • Article, Illustration
      875 4 NEW YORK: ALL week m the U.S. it has been question time. The people have sought out the brains trusts, asking "informa tion, please," but the experts are stumped. No one seems to be able to supply the answers, and the newspapers are lurid with huge maps over which
      875 words
    • 556 4 The Reds in their midst IV^R. Hector McNeil, m M measured j words/* warm the British nation of impending Communist sabotage m Britain. His warning, against the background of events m Czechoslovakia and the Communist-directed agitation m London to flout th»> Government's peg-ged-wages policy, poses the questions: What is the
      556 words
    • Article, Illustration
      35 4 n ih*% i > c u^tora.and iwfrw blitzed materiml jor their work, arc these student* oj the i>ir John Case, Technical institute, London. Their coviplcUU work may dacorati the City of London when it is rebuilt.
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    • 572 4  -  GRAHAM JENKINS By Reuters* Correspondent THE importance to Western European economic recovery of quick political settlement m Indonesia has been discussed m some quarters m Batavia concurrently with moves abroad for closer Western European alignment and local preparations for the resumption of negotiations between Dutch
      AAP  -  572 words
    • 248 4 Today s Annlver Sailta By ARTHUR KNOX TODAY, Manila cele- I 1 brates Magellan's discovery of the Philippines. On the morning of March 16, 1521, Magellan's little fleet of four ships sighted the southern point of Samar island, and three weeks Magellan's squadron arrived at Cebu. Here, Magellan t>
      248 words
    • 26 4 |RREPLACEABI sue: M. ed Manchu acquired by the Btati and quol aide to Or H ci thai I on India v
      26 words
    • 23 4 1 am H.^ th.i: trth out th* trans? for Mine < vn sA». and *'i not rrtnrmlHT t l i^ h Jl -J.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 22 4 I fjfl*^» QPnCJfIH fly Appointment. H.M. FORCES. S.E. ASIA I I I I 6, RAFFLES PLACE j Ist- Floor I Tel. *****.
      22 words
    • 33 4 JUST HQWd\dJ, i&eJuab a, IK V 7 LSI F MILK N^ BOTTLES Bottles for fresh milk Protect your milk by promptly "empties" to Inserted "by EEtE gIfEU/iEO fagain'* Le Raffles Place. Orchard Roa.i
      33 words

    • 207 5 for plywood industry fret 1 l' irv> ta^ Reporter y V \whkls, chiefly red meranti and i exported to South Africa m uiurc as a result of the visit to SingaCrycr, representative of >t manufacturers of plyMr Cryer, who is to survey the Malayan tie m Singapore,
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    • Article, Illustration
      29 5 .picture. Anfrnrn* Sky Merchant ™Mch brought a group of o« n ;w m smen Yesterday. These businessmen are on a world air tour to expand their trade Free Press
      Free Press  -  29 words
    • 173 5 THE Second Police Court Magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh, rday found Anib binte Samat guilty of retaining stolen property and sentenced bei to one day's simple imprisonment and fined her $100. m default two months' rigorous imprisonment. Mr Taylor, an officer of the Prisons Department, Chantf.
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    • 329 5 GURKHAS IN MALAYA nURING the debate on the Army Estimates, the U attention of Parliament was drawn to tihe '"hot, sticky and unhealthy climate' of Malaya where some of the Gurkha regiments will be stationed. Col. Gomme-Duncan, Conservative MP for Perth, referring to the £510,000 provision
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    • 104 5 £1,100,000 PAID TO SIAM MINES OUT of an agreed total compensation o i £1,250,000, the Siamese Government has already paid £1,100,000 to Britishowned mines m Siam according to the Secretary of the Association of British Commonwealth mining interest m Siam. The final instalment oi £150,000 is due for payment on
      104 words
    • 92 5 \T 1.40 this afternoon, after the lunch-time news, a Radio Malaya commentator will be making broadcasting history m Mateya. For tine first time listeners throughout Malaya will hear a liv c broadcast directed to ttiem from tir»e air. It will fcike place from the AUas Sky
      92 words
    • 87 5 MORE than 300 people are expected to attend the St Patrick's Day dinner and dance to be held at the Sea View Hotel tomorrow. Radio Malaya celebrates St. Patrick's Day with a special Irish programme called "The Emcrttld Isle." (An Irish Miscellany.) St. Patrick's Bchool m
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    • 49 5 DURING the past two years, there has not been one accident m Austtralia invohnng civil aircraft on scheduled flight. According to the Department of Civil Aviation, this ts a record for any country and is due to the high standard of safety measures taken m Australia.
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    • 318 5 C.A. revived THE Chinese Association of Singapore, which will hold its annual general meeting this Saturday afternoon at its clubhouse, has donated money to thr^e charitnble causes during the past one year of activities. The South China Flood Relief Fund benefitted by $2,000 while the Princess
      318 words
    • 34 5 CHINESE, Law Ah Hin. was fined $2,250, m default 13 months' rigorous imprisonment, by the Eighth Police Court Magistrate, Mr. R. W. P. Rule, yesterday, for ofTVnees under the Liquors Revenue Ordinance.
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    • 25 5 SEREMBAN, Monday. Mr. Van Kee Leone:, the wellknown Malayan artist and cartoonist, held a successful exhibition at the Negri Sembilan Minors' Association yesterday
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    • 45 5 THERE will be a general meeting of tne Little Theatre Players at the Little Theatr?. Army Education Centre, m Armenian Street tomorrow at 8 n.m. "uture plans will be discussed, and all those interested m any aspect of the theatre will be welcome.
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    • 366 5 News for scouts PUR Malayan scouters have been chosen for Gilwell, centre for scout training m the United Kingdom. They are O. E. Fernandez, Negri Sembilan; Zainal Abidin bin Ali, Paliang: James William, Penang, and Michael Chongr, Singapore. The Rev. Canon R. K. S.
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    • 248 5 Call for 'How to vote educa tion THE Tamil-language Singapore newspaper, Malaya Nanhan, thinks that while anti-election propaganda and electioneering are m full swing, the Government -has not fully discharged its duty of educating the people on how to vote." 'As the voting system is a little complicated." it says
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    • Article, Illustration
      136 5 Dr. Buharnuddin, one of the Malay representatives to the Inter-Asian Relations Conference m Netv Delhi a year ago, was on Sunday elected President of the Malayan Council of World Affairs, a unit of the Asian Relations Organisation. Elected vice-presi-dents were Mr. J. A. Thivy, Mr. G. H. Kiat. Dr. C.
      136 words
    • 176 5 Delegation to world talks on education Free Press Staff Reporter VERNACULARISATION of education and the question of whether the r;iH o nnH cinema can help towards a democratic university will be among: the subjects which will be d'scuiced at the annual World Conference of the International Student Service which Malayan
      176 words
    • 66 5 A SIX-MONTHLY quota of 950 tons of wheat, grain, wheat meal, atta flour and 1 semolina is now available to Sir.gaporf> importers from Australia. ApplioaMo*is for import licence should be forwarded to Mrs. Virkers, Assis'ar.t Registrar of Imports Exports, Singapore, not lattr ttian noon on March 26.
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    • 44 5 EIGHT Chinese, their ages ranging between 18 and 42, who were charged with robbery were ordered by the Eighth Police Court Magistrate. Mr. R. W. P. Rule, yesterday, to be handed over to Johore under the escort of Johore Police.
      44 words
    • 188 5 Civil Govt to assist in Army welfare ARRANGEMENTS for th* welfare cf locally-enlisted members of th 3 F.rce; h ye row bee c b?tw. i the military authorities and b\\e Depnr mertg rf S eal Welff.p Ir S nga/ore a. :.d HQ Feiera o With headquarters at X ial
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    • 93 5 THE Government of Singa- pore will invi^ tenders for an issue of $10,000,000 by Treasury bills on Mar. 25. 19 !8, subject to the eeneral conditions governing the Issue and repaym?nt of these bills. Copies of the conditions together with the forms of tend r may
      93 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 r*eCloc* Round the Glebe If Ml 1 rCII AIRLINES SQ^ Ka anS Ai!POft Passages Tel: 84*62 L I Frright ***** Tel. 7 f S2
      24 words
    • 49 5 111 i a BRILLANTIME and SHAMPOO /^rsss^ BRILLAHTIHE /EVfln (CAMOMILE) f$ UilLLlflfnS HENNA HI I n^jw Urge 75cts I -slk BRILL IITI IE H RSr&i l^rw^ LIQUID I j sHAM P 0 0 H 7 f» r t c WAVE SET |j j large 75 cts. 40 cts. Ijj
      49 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 I ALHAMBRA Phone <;909 HURRY! HURRY! LAST 4 SHOWS "^KJj tuts tern O{ CROSBY BUTTON W*- TUFTS TOMORROW EVERYBODY |i n PRAISES IT! U tit m 1 Y^ Will b« har4 lo •j% m*f<hl Topt In ■*\^j(^i «nl«rtalnm«n«l iS PHONE bQO3 Opens Today 4 Shows 1 30 4 630 9
      136 words
    • 74 6 BY REQUEST FOR TODAY ONLY l 1.11 M Ml (^Charles yyUughton TO-MORROW C£C/L B. DEMILLE'S The CRUSADES WITH A CAST OF 5« STARS AND 10 ftOO EXTRAS! ph.»« CATHAY m* The House For Comfort. Showing 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.15. 6.45 and 9 30 OPENING TODAY! i *ATHV* *ANK P*£Sf NTS
      74 words
    • 64 6 Toky fotuk c^ mjtn ill OS( AR WILD! LUSCIOUS BESTSELLER NOW A SCRI S'S SPECTACLE DE LUXE BROUGHT TO YOU IN RAVISHING I TECHNICOLOR! Advance Bookings Taken up 15 Mins. \f Trf Before Each 7£ It/ win iv ta^A-^l production of I 1 j j (.o-.Storrin« i MICHAEL WILDING Ait-<oiulll|on.d
      64 words

  • SPORTS...
    • 465 7 Plays for Java Chinese team THE two Singapore Chinese players, Chia Boon Leon* and Chu Chee Sen*, who flew to X Kon X last week at the request of the China football authorities to participate m the China Olympic trials m Hong Kong, gave
      A.P.  -  465 words
    • 13 7 pfi Ustrali*. fluriNt* had JJ Arthur 2« at lls—
      13 words
    • 385 7 morrow's K.L. races Free Press Baiinf Reporter nbts whether Snowy Marland will with 9.7 at Kuala Lumpur day of the Selangor race 11 1!). penalty is not beyond the njeldins: who won drawing away by what ajto to more than two and a half lengths.
      385 words
    • 33 7 U.K. Football League gtunes played yesterday wereSecond Division: Tottenham o Barnsley 3. Third Division (Southern)- Crystal Palace 0. Queen* Park Rangers Friendly match: Exeter City 1. riymouth i- Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 19 7 HORSES to follow: Kashmiri Song, Renoir, Athlete, Helen the Fifth, Olympic Flame, Barbam, The Magic Lamp.
      19 words
    • 8 7 fddf I Reuter 1 I I I
      Reuter  -  8 words
    • 395 7 rE full list of weights at K.L. tomorrow, the second day of the Selangor races, is: lion*-.. Class 1, Div. 1. 6 Furs 000 ORIENTAL 9.10 2 2 1 MINSTREL BOY 9 07 4 1 2 LIBERTY MAN 9.01 0 0 0 KASHMIRI SONG 8.12 1 2
      395 words
    • 166 7 NAVY LOSE 4-2 IN I ST DIVISION GAME YESTERDAY'S First Division S.A.F.A. league game between R.A.F. (Changi) and the Navy at Jalan Besar Stadium, proved a disappointing encounter, although six goals were scored. The Airnnin who dominated play for the major part of the game emerged winners 4-2 after taking
      166 words
    • 287 7 Bartlett meets Chew Bee tonight Free Press Staff Reporter W. H. D. Bartlett's strong Doubles play at the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association's Singapore Indoor championships last night indicated good form for Bartlett's game with Ong Chew Bee m the singles semi-final scheduled for the Happy World arena tonight. In last
      287 words
    • 29 7 'Goodbye good luck' F°ht i l f rfs«» US fc r 5l i< 1 £«'*«*'<"'* W. Woodfull farewells knock em out of the Oval m *o the Old Kent Road.''
      29 words
    • 108 7 Jack Kramer may play in Malaya DROMOTER Jack Harris says that touring tennis star Jack Kramer will net more than I SSI OO.OOO by the time he has shown his fame to the Far East (including Malaya) and most of the rest of the world. Kramer has won 31 victories
      108 words
    • 183 7 THE card on Saturday's Grand National was called over at the Victoria Club, London, last T»ipht. Quotations: 10 1 Silver Fame, taken and offered; 100-7 Rowland Roy offered 16 1 taken: 100 6 Roimond offered 20 1 taken: 25 1 Cromwell and Klnxton. both taken and offered.
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 42 7 MAHMOUD El Knrim of Egypt, retained his British open squash rackets title m London yesterday by beating the British professional. James Dear. 9 5. 9 3. 5—9. 2 9, 10 8 m the final, after saving two tnatrh points Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 30 7 rREAT BRITAIN will play v India on April 22, RSd 24 at Harrogate, Yorkshire, m the first round of the European zone Davis Cup Tourna- ment A.P.
      A.P.  -  30 words
    • 427 7 T*IE first post-war Singapore Inter-Services boxing championships will begin on Wednesday, Mar £1, when the actual dates eliminating bouts will be held, followed by the finals two nights later on Friday April 2. All contests are to be held at the Happy World Stadium and
      427 words
    • 605 7 A. A. A. coach has many tasks By Our Soccer Reporter ]I|ORE through the unskilful display of th< ir opponents rather than by their own special ability, the Amicable Athletic Association beat the Singapore Cricket Club by three goals to nil m a first division S.A.F.A. league fixture on the
      605 words
    • 103 7 PENANG T. C. INTRODUCES NEW SYSTEM THE Penang Turf Club has introduced a new system whereby outstation members, who are not present at a meeting, can still operate on t the totalisator on race days. '< A special notice to members says that arrangements have been made for the secretary
      103 words
    • 34 7 yHE draw for the vim -final of the Rugby League made m Leeds ye.«torday resulted as follows: Wisan v Rochdale Hornets (at Swinton); Hunslet v. Bradford Northern (at Headlingley. Leeds) Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 fcJr* r t /&m-Buk quickly soothe soreness and C JJvc1 yev c wound of poison and corruption. 1 1^ ar^f issues. The once diseased parts Kls'eUtrt <■ de sound aiain. ik^-es. r r atment of all skin injuries and I and insect biles to casts of fleshI '^Q less and
      67 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 197 7 Sports Events SOCCER. S.A.F.A. League Div. I—C.A.1 C.A. vs. R.A.F. Seletar at Jalan Besar. S.C.F.A. League "C" I pper Pickering Street vs. Sea Avenue GeylaJip. TENNIS: S.LT.A. championships at Happy World. F.P. Crossword No. 336 CLUES ACROSS fH^'i^Tf^Sf C 4). 9. Mineral (I). 10. Active i£L le L *2; 3
      197 words

    • 412 8 BBC dismisses the first three LONDON, Monday. THK British Government is to dismiss all Com- munists engaged m work vital to the security of the state, announced the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, m the House today. As he made his statement, one of the two Communist members,
      Reuter  -  412 words
    • Article, Illustration
      26 8 t."VIF One can alfn>st smell the countryside m tfus picture from Devon por!Vtf?lk traying a farmer collecting hay for bedding for sick cows and young calves.
      26 words
    • 261 8 SHANGHAI, Monday. it'll ll I-: crucial battles continue to rage m Man ff churia, and the provinces of Honan and Shantung, the threat of large-scale fighting breaking out m one of the most populous areas of China looms today with Government forces poised along
      261 words
    • 112 8 CLYDEBANK Monday. THE 4,200-ton Channel stea- mcr Prague was wrecked by an explosion and fire m a shipyard basin here early today. One worker was injured when an oxygen tank exploded m the bow of the vessel, which belongs to British railways and had been
      A.P.  -  112 words
    • Article, Illustration
      41 8 picture. The Representative of the Government of India, Mr, J. A. Thivy, is seen carrying the basket containing the urn with Mahatma Gandhi's ashes, which arrived from India last night. The urn is now m the Victoria Memorial Hall.- Free Press
      Free Press  -  41 words
    • 59 8 THE British Ministry of Food announced last night that because of a shortage of carcass meat, one-sixth of meat ration will be made up with canned meat beginning from March 21. A shilling's worth of meat will be made up of 10 pence worth carcass meat
      UP  -  59 words
    • 172 8 A SPECIAL Market correspond?!) fives the prices of robber a 11 today as fellows: Buyers Seller CU. Cts. per Ib. per lb No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose 39 39 No. 1 R.S.S. fob In bales Apr. 39 39 1 No. 2 R.S.S. fob m bales Apr. 38
      172 words
    • 75 8 'SHOW FLAG' TOUR ENDS 5 DOTH the cruiser Nigeria D and the sloop Snips, which took the Governor of the Falkland Islands, Mr. Miles Clifford, on a nine-day "show the nag" tour of the Falkland Island dependencies, are now on their "way back respective- ly to Simonstown and Bermuda. Flying
      75 words
    • 165 8 E&D3gESIAN- BATAVIA, Monday. TIE WED as I resumption of political negotiations b 'tween the Dutch and the P publicans, a meeting took j here today between the ol tho Dutch Foreign I P I tlcal Department. Dr van Vreienburgh. and the >n representative. Dr ft! Rocm.
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 94 8 NEW DELHI, Monday. A CONCRETE altar has been built over the spot m the grounds of Birla House where Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated, i The altar bears the inscription 'Hae Ram"— the last words uttered by the Mahatma as ho foil to tho assassin's bullets.
      94 words
    • 26 8 The shinment of British com to Pakistan since tht war -8 "00 Umf leave Hull shortly m the British steamer r avelv RMtT.
      26 words
    • 46 8 To cum mo morale the silver wedding of the Kin« and Queen an April 26. th*> Soutn African Post Office will issue a special thrce-pennv stamp. It will be m blue, with silver sprav.s around the pictures oi the King and Queen.— A. P.
      A.P.  -  46 words
    • 130 8 SWEDES TOLD 'PREPARE' STOCKHOLM, Monday. GEN. Helge Jung, the Swedish Commander m Chief, handed a memorandum to the Government today, demanding measures for strengthening Sweden's military preparedness. The General's plans included a call up of more men, the elimination of shortages of war material and ammunition, and the building of
      130 words
    • 75 8 LONDON, Monday. A 16- YEAR-OLD girl, who vas partly scalped when her hair caught m a textile spinning machine, w awarded C 3,000 damages by a British high court. During the trial, a surgeon testified that the girl's appearance without a wig "might" prove repulsive to
      75 words
    • 109 8 RED CHINA TO 'WELCOME CAPITALISTS' SAN FRANCISCO, Mon. THE Chinese Communist radio said today the po- licy of "welcoming capitalists from the Nanking-controlled j area" has been proclaimed by j the Communist government i of the Honan-Shansi-Hopei! border region. Under this programme, ac- j cording to the broadcast, the i
      A.P.  -  109 words
    • 77 8 PERON GETS MAJORITY VOTE DEI urns coming In from thp Argentine elections held on March 7 show that iPrtftktent Juan Person has been piven an unprecedented Congressional majority. Ptron's supporters are l^ad--1 ing m all parts of the country giving his administration far < more seats m Congress than it
      A.P.  -  77 words
    • 280 8 CAPE TOWN, Monday. IN the House of Assembly today when the South African Appropriation Bill was given a second reading, the Prime Minister, Gen. Jan Smuts, warned that the "Hitler technique to which I take off my hat is being followed by others today." "What
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 125 8 NEW YORK, Monday. AT least, 40,000 American coal miners went on strike today m support of a de- mand, by the United Mine- j workers' President, Mr. J. L. Lewis, for miners' pensions of I $100 monthly. The focal point of the stoppage was m
      125 words
    • 130 8 '>-■•■ h* i Pendent MELBOURnj THE decisu: Queensland drlv «*s to return t tomorrow is SN gsssa T ,he decision ton. J closed meetin: of which were not 2! but it is bel reasons dictated cision-the striked coming harCj they sense public J nil Police abused The Brisba:;.. c
      130 words
    • 32 8 Malay adviser for South Sian THE Siai will i] four i Kith n directly former prop the High the four shelved, but s .-el locally and LMJ accept all red by t
      32 words
    • 62 8 THE Court of App I today declined oc» dor a wife's contract ng the hu ing for a riiv, years ol pic must year, before for a divo-; Court rules th Tolvefl "«cer ship." f The arguir.'. Court recalled m which i Lords, supreme peal m
      62 words
    • 18 8 The s Reid. mar. I on Monday p^M bronze V 1 I T K Kin? atterd.^
      18 words
    • 495 8 London Stock Exchange LONDON, Monday. FJESPITE an inclination on the part of operators to await the outcome of the Paris conference, most sections of the London stock markets showed firmness today, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Rubbers advanced while Tins were unchanged to irregular. Support from the provinces made
      495 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 197 8 n'NKEiJuinos-Tho enj? I <nt was a nuuncod between Anne Juliet, vouniest daughter of the late Mr J A Danker Mrs Danker of Johore Bahru Ac Roy^ton Cnarlea Hi<»t»v only son of »h<< lato IW B. C. Hlmn Az Mrs H'.'qs of Birmingham. England SITI'\TION VACANT Th^ Sir Anti-Tuberculosis Association r-rquires
      197 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous