The Singapore Free Press, 9 February 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 1 \rmy, and i !^ie Gen. Sir Free Press
    Free Press  -  8 words
  • 490 1 1 5, 000 men await D-day JERUSALEM, Sunday. J7IFTEEN thousand trained and fully equipped troops from the Arab states have crossed into Palestine, the Associated Press learned today from informants in secret Arab military concentration areas in the Holy Land. They are still crossing the border
    A.P.; U.P.; Reuter  -  490 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 When Earl Mountbutten of Burma and Countess Mount' batten visited the Maharaja of Bikaner recently, the Earl invested the Maharaja with the insignia of Knight Grand Command* cf the Star of India. The Maharaja afterwards placed a parland round the neck of Countess Mountbatten, while the Earl looked on.
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  • 56 1 Staff Reporter fix Oliver Jones, twice sentenced to death for M Fox, an ex-prisoner of war, to the gallows at dawn this Bin?. Prison offu ial> said that Jones was hanged 30 am. the of d to save I :he the Utclhlll Reply last r If Souza the •hat
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  • 103 1 TEACHER TO STAND FOR THE COUNCIL MR. S. D. PILLAY. who U retiring after teaching for 32 years at St. Joseph's Institution, today announced his intention to stand as an Independent candidate for the Legisi.uive Council. Ho is to contest the Municipal South-west seat. Mr. Pillay is the sixth independent
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  • 49 1 POPE Pius yesterday called the atomic bomb "the most terrible arm that the mind of man has yet devised." He told scientists he hopes It will be used only for peace. The scientists were from the United States. Italy. Eire. Austria. Belgium and Portugal.
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  • 152 1 FORCES GET BIGGER C.O.L ALLOWANCE Free Press Staff Reporter LOCAL overseas allowance for the the Forces in Singapore and the Federation, to oftset the high cost of living, has been increased. When individual amounts have been worked out the total sum, back-dated to Apr. 1. 1947, will be credited to
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  • 92 1 Free Press Staff Reporter A CHINESE detective Intervened in a daylight holdup at a house in Bain Street yesterday, and arrested a Chinese who had collected $30 from a Chinese woman. A woman servant ran out of the house to summon help when the gangster accosted her
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  • 55 1 ITiXPORTS of tin concen-, Ed trates from Bolivia in 1947 totalled 33,791 metric tons of fine tin, according to the trade paper American Metal Market. This is a decrease of 4,430 tens as compared with 1946. despite the substantial in- crease in price from U.S. $64
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 17 1 The refitted Australian polar exploration ship, Wyatt Earp, left Melbourne for the Antarctic yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 34 1 Viscount Sankey. Lord Chancellor from 1929 to 1935, died in London on Friday. He had been a British member of the permanent Court of Arbitration At The Haßue since 1930. A.P. re.
    A.P.  -  34 words
  • 5 1 Ei^en•vere millGen. aion UNKNOWN
    UNKNOWN  -  5 words
  • 201 1 LONDON, Sunday. THE Lord President of the Council, Mr. Herbert Morrison, who is chief architect of Labour's nationalisation legislation, tonight defended Britain's socialised industries against charges of inefficiency. Accusations that a public authority "has a tendeincy to complacency and towards ex- travagant, if not inefficient. I administration."
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 115 1 LONDON. Sunday. r pHE Colonial Office announL ced today the appointment of Earl Baldwin, son of the late Conservative leader and Premier, as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands, West Indies. The 48-year-old earl is a member of the Labour Party and gave up
    Reuter; A.P.  -  115 words
  • 106 1 ATHENS, Sunday. TTWENTY-NINE persons con- victed of aiding the rillas have been executed i various parts of Greece '.K-ludins 19 at Tannitsa, west of Salonika— the Greek War Ministry said today. Despatches said that 45 rebels were killed when Greek army units surprised a band
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 290 1 WASHINGTON, Sunday. THE progress of the Marshall plan through Congress enters a crucial stage tomorrow, when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee begins secret sessions in which a report on their open hearings will be drawn up and a decision reached on whether to cut appropriations
    U.P.; Reuter  -  290 words
  • 41 1 SINGAPORE police on Saturday seized a .45 revolver and arrested four Malays In connection with three taxi robberies. A police spokesman said this morning that the police believe they have 'cleaned up' a gang of taxi robbers.
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  • 25 1 The Budget Committee of the Persian Parliament yesterday approved tho bill authorising the Government to purchase war material from the United States.
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  • 210 1 DELHI, Sunday. NEW security precautions were taken in Delhi today, parts of the city resembling an armed camp. One such area is the district in which Pandit Nehru and Sardar Patel, the Deputy Premier, are neighbours. Special police and troops guard the gates and
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  210 words
  • 68 1 Bigger better tyres this year DETROIT, Sunday. DIGGER and according to the manufacturers' assertions better riding tyres are among the improvements ahead for the motorist this year. It is olaim-ed for the new low pressure tyres that they provide better driving stability, quicker stopping and improved non-skid characteristics. Another new
    A.P.  -  68 words
  • 11 1 U.S. Congress has been asked to raise postage rates.
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  • 51 1 FE Labour Government goes before the House of Commons today for support of its stand against a rebellion from the British Medical Association. The BMA says it will boycott Britain's new health nationalisation bill, but the House of Commons is expected to endorse the measure.
    U.P.  -  51 words
  • 68 1 ABOUT 2,000 tribesmen raiders are estimated to have been killed, and an unknown number wounded, in a twoday battle which has been going on round the town of Naoshera in Western Kashmir. The battle was described as the bitterest yet in the campaign in Jammu province.
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 60 1 At lunch time at Melbourne today, India had scored 99 for one wicket In the Fifth Test in reply u Australia's total of 575 for eight, declared. India lost one wicket on Saturday, and Mankad and Adikhari carried the score steadily along this morning. Mankad being: 69 not
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 41 1 FGDFS e Cheering News! MESSING GOWNS TAIJ NrON THORPE (England) vlen these N B J-H tor lazing. h*^ that \py m>earunce and (^r t-e ~JM H >I<l last T'll BOOd /i V )i 1 1 < -Y« ur My\\| "'"'> 'I'sisns and M
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    • 888 2  -  Hall Romney LONDON LETTER By WHAT could Malaya do with a battleship? It sounds a silly sort of question, but that does not alter the 'fact that it came into mv mind the other day when I was reading that the Admiralty has decided to
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    • Article, Illustration
      319 2 WESTS bidding was reasonably pood. His free raise to two hearts was far better than a bid of two clubs and when South took an obvious sacrifice at four spades. West doubled to prevent his partner from going to an unmakable flve-heart contract. But North had been lurking
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    • 364 2 By Margaret R. Bowes, A. P. Correspondent ONE of the world's oldest industries the production of cloth from the fibres of China's stingless nettte, ramie is due for a boom, according to Hongkong textile traders. Ramie Ls the fibre from which the ar.cient Egyptians wove
      A.P.  -  364 words
    • Article, Illustration
      524 2 In no other country in the world is there anvthing comparable to the English inn- or, to u>e the more plehian but generally accepted title, English "pub." Other countries have their bistros, their MtamineU or auberges, but the pub. in its impact on the :it tern of social life
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 23 2 COLORFrL DRAMA torn from the pa^es of Historv's most Reckless Era lavish, exciting, T XFORGFTTABLF? TO-MORROWS GALA MIDNIGHT CAPITOL Book Early Phone 5150
      23 words
    • 42 2 Attention Travellers WHEN VISITING SINGAPORE' THE TAVERN (European Rer,identi*l Hotel! fter tbe .lie first hotel operating linmrdiK' tion. Spacious rooms, luxui ifi^ 1 f r room has its own bath to itM'lt t Cool and quirt localil 1/17 Tanfflin Road. cables: -Tavern" >
      42 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 273 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR Fortune forecast for people born today DOKN today, you have a spark of 'that illusive quality some call genius. But, on the other hand, you have handicaps that may impede your progress unless you discipline yourself carefully from your earliest years. You start something with high enthusiasm
      273 words
    • 790 2 B^^BB BBfif ~~**mm MF^ Y £3* SINGAPORE I AUSTRALIA mondax Blue Network 4 .00 pm. to HIS pm. rLAB Afternoon From 12 00 noon to 2.00 p.m. 19.74 metres 15.20 megacycles; 2 P Y Zir S tor thfSinT: 2 p™.' S2t> metres in the medium wav« 4.00 p.m. tr 8.15
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  • NEWS
    • 350 3 Convention urges Govt. action A MERICA'S shopkeepers are worried over high prices. Retailers have been among the first to be affected by the inflationary trend. More than 6,000 executives of department stores and specialty shops throughout the United States made it one of the major topics
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    • Article, Illustration
      53 3 This collection of jewellery and trinkets, at Scotland Yard, has been recovered by police after recent investigations. Some were stolen from the owners as long as eight years ago. The- public has been asked to inspect the collection at the Yard and see if they could identify any of the
      Mirror  -  53 words
    • Article, Illustration
      128 3 Maureen, 14. Jean 13. and Leonard, 10. have great faith in their father. So qreat. they have offered to follow him into a pit cage and hang there over a I.OOOft. drop down the shaft to prove that his invention works. When they are in the cape, the hauling rope
      Mirror  -  128 words
    • 75 3 of New York frequented by huir N 'urned round two of it> mm and started them on the long; climb notability. d from 300 applicants who clamouring for chance to Bowery Come-Back Assoit would jrive one or two unity to "get off tho bum." :.ose
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 3 I Planet
      Planet  -  2 words
    • 130 3 'Dutch can set pattern for Asian revival' THE New York Times, com--1 meriting on Queen Wilnelmina s broadcast, *>aid in editorial: "Tile Rood intentions of the Dutch in Indonesia have been open to question on occasion especially in the military action begun last July. "It is therefore to be hoped
      A.P.  -  130 words
    • 89 3 WREATHS sent by Jewish policemen to the funeral of two British constables kill- i at Rehovoth last week were returned by comrades of tne dead men with the inscription "We do not like to see Jewish wreaths on British graves. Keep them for yourself. You will
      A.P  -  89 words
    • 120 3 TILE London Daily Worker declares that "Truman has succeeded where Mussolini failed. The Mediterraneaji today is an American lake." Commenting editorially on th j Soviet protest to Iran about activities of an American military mission there, the. newspaper said: "In the military sewse. Persia appears to
      A.P  -  120 words
    • 20 3 Goods worth £8.000 were stolen from the UJ3. Navy store in North A udley West London GFFG
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    • 18 3 I stan KoJhfch !ntm -ally K I I -u ,V: c oss I Reuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 61 3 TKr. equivalent of a new university, solely for the .dy of food, is proposed by Ministry of Education. plans for this National Lege o: Food Technology been submitted for the 1. catering, and provision ••-■s, urses would probably be aree years' duration, and radu&tes would qualify
      61 words
    • 26 3 China and New Zealand asked the United Nations Economic and Social Council to consider prohibiting the manufacture of narcotic drugs in Japan. A.P.
      A.P.  -  26 words
    • 20 3 U .K. TYRE RECORD Britain's tyre exjxwts last year —an all-time record were 7.000,000, compared with fewer than 5,000,000 pre-war.
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    • 32 3 Negotiations are nearly complete for the sale to Argentina of the 22.500-ton British luxury liner, Monarch of Bermuda, which will become the biggest ship in Argentina's merchant Navy. A.P.
      A.P.  -  32 words
    • 60 3 A LONDON Transport Board solicitor stated at the Mansion House Court that when a conductor said a bus ua.s full even if he were acting under a wrong impression an intending passenger must leave. The regulations gave the conductor a certain margin, and if he said
      60 words
    • 155 3 NEW pay scales for Britain's 200,000 'white collar" local Government employees have been announced following a national arbitration tribunal award on claims put forward by the world's biggest "white collar" union— the 172,000 stron/ National Association of Local Government Officers Ifce new salaries for
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    • 37 3 Eton College, which owns most of the land in Hullavington Wiltshire, was blamed by Mr. F.V. Knapo chair- man of Malmesbury Rural Council's Housing Committee, for delay in building i nooses in the village.
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    • 210 3 CUBSTA>nriAL sums will bo made available by an tJ English issuing house to Australian secondary industries in the middle stages of development if it considers them "well managed, progressive and honest enterprises," according to the chairman of the Charterhouse Investment Trust Company Mr H
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 94 3 READING a book on elementary chemistry, William Banister (49), a bus driver, reached a chapter on how to obtain alcohol from yeast, and decided to experiment. There was a sequel wheti I* was fined €200 for using a still fox distilling whisky without a licence, making
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    • 77 3 THE cruiser Ajax would be among seven British cruisers to be disposed of during the next 12 months informed sources told A.P. in London. The Ajax led the cruisers Achilles and Exeter in their historic running battle with the German pocket battleship Graf Spec off
      A.P.  -  77 words
    • 59 3 pOMMENTS by Sir Thomas V>> Beocham. the conductor, on arrival in New York: 'There's never been any great singer in England. They don't know how to breed them. "No music of the slightest consequence is coming from anywhere. Nobody has written a good tune for 25 years.
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    • 285 3 'MULBERRY' IDEA CAME IN HIS BATH A COASTGUARD, an ex-naval officer and an engineer J* are to seek awards for contributions they claim to have made to the Mulberry floating harbour scheme used for the D-Day invasion landtags in Normandy. The cases of Mr. R.A.W. Lochner, an ex-Lieut-Comdr. of Haslemere
      285 words
    • 97 3 T>RITISH taxpayers were X> fined £30 and ordered to pay 10 guineas costs by Chertsey magistrates because the Southern Railway now part of the nationalised British railways caused unnecessary suffering to 240 sheep being transported 250 miles from Bude (Cornwall) to Walton-un-Thames last December. The National
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 77 3 FU.I.-'lrr.N->rai-old Leslie John Abbott's reputation for fastidiousness in his dress stood him in good stead at Bristol Magistrates' Court Leslie, diar^td with playing football in th e street, heard his father tell the Bench: My son is the Brau Nash of the family. On this day
      77 words
    • 111 3 THE pro^iant churvhe.s or 1 United Stages ar.' rapidly losing the of the people through thir failure to overcome historial Jir.d inr>islutional differences, says Dr. Truman B. Douglass, executive Vice-President of the Board of Home Missions of the U.S. Oongresra tonal Church. Dr. Douglass told
      A.P.  -  111 words
    • 30 3 Strong forces of armed Egyptian polic? cordoned off all Alexandria elementary schools when the students staged an anti-British demonstration burning all their English text-books in a bonfire. Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

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  • 691 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1948 Britain's Crisis Deepens BRITAIN'S fate hangs in the balance, said Sir Stafford Cripps in an address to Scottish industrialists in Edinburgh. That is not rhetoric, but unvarnished truth. TKe tale is told in figures. Today. Britain has gold reserves totalling approximately .£5OO
    691 words
  • 587 4 Life in Mukden is bleak By Spencer Moosa A.P. Correspondent THE lives of the great bulk of Muk-~ den's 1,500,000 inhabitants is about as bleak as the Manchurian winter and that's bleak enough. There is no electric light for them, as only places considered "essential," such as military establishments, police
    A.P.  -  587 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 4 REPRESENTATIVES of British folk dancing societies held a final rehearsal at the Chelsea Polytechnic for their festival, given at the Royal Albert Hall later in the day. Top picture shows the fashions, all the rage for dancing in "Merrie England," but a little quaint for the Polytechnic in 1948. Left
    69 words
  • 77 4 THx. mother of G<*i. Far.i i-^n-chieh. commander of the newly -created aiUi-Com-niuciist border headquarters for the provinces of Jehol, Hopei a.nd laoninß. was kidnapped near CanU>n by "ba»::diLi" who are holding her for a ransom of US$2OO.--000. A spokesman of the North China Anti-Communist Headquarters,
    A.P.  -  77 words
  • 86 4 THERE is one word on the lips of all Britain's urgent, adventurous young men (and in the hearts of the older, matured men) Africa! As the acreage of the British Empire shrinks, through premature surrender, we begin to understand what happened in 1919, when the victors of Versailles
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  • 316 4  -  C. R. BRUSINI By A. P. Correspondent ST. Peter's Basilica, after five centuries. h finally feo get some of its "permanent" doors How many of them can be built with what Prince George of Bavaria once a canon in the Vatican left by will in 1943
    A.P.  -  316 words
  • 966 4  -  Frank Owen by capital city without a country, a land-harbour without a hinterland. So. in 1938 Hitlers tanks rolled unopposed into that two-by-four State. The only casualties in the rape of Austria were the road accidents of the Panzer Corps. Today Stalin has set
    966 words
  • 315 4 Russia wants more quality WE want better quality goods" is the slogan heard in Soviet Russia now that the abolition of rationing has given buyers a free choice of clothing and other consumers' goods at controlled prices. In the past, tile emphasis was on quantity. Today, quality is the cry.
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 424 4  -  JOSEPH S. KOSAPEPE By A.P. Correspondent t h e United States Congress has just opened discussion of the Marshall Plan, a bitter controversy has already begun on who will transport relief and reconstruction supplies to Europe. Whether American or foreign ships, carry the food, fuel,
    A.P.  -  424 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1 4 FGDSF
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    • 56 4 IMPURITIES IN THE BL€C^ Impurities in the blood are a couun«>» £^f/ cause of blood and skin complnint^. Clarke^ Blood Mixture, as a blu" purifying medicine, cleanses tte sn* i^; A and should restore normal health Recommended in the treatment of HI' 4 matic Aches and Pains Stiff and Painful
      56 words

    • 93 5 ffJ .HAHD DRIVE th interest both drlV(ir < and other fLas that the wotdf should be ad U{ Hand Drive' ir V. press i b. a. Malayan 1 ition. .umber of They 4 the car but may J uld also this on tho v. Bath
      93 words
    • 21 5 CHINSE NEW YEAR DANCE re held in Sinthe hold a -eessful social and orovided Union held bv the ncat in en.
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    • 88 5 the Ration D rc»h w to s one cf trie 1130 am.. Anglo-Chines '01. Tuesday 9 a.m.. Chin:se Industrial, and Ccmmcrrial Continuation Scjiool rtb. 18, 11 a.m.. Fairneld Girls School; Feb. 19. 7.30 P.m. Choon Guam Bnglish Bchool Feb. 20. 11 a.m.. Convent of Holy
      88 words
    • 172 5 Free Press StafT Reporter MR. A. R. Jumabhoy, son of 111 the President of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, is donating blood to the Blood Transfusion Department ir. the name of the Mahatma Gandhi. Accompanying Mr. Jumabhoy will be a number of Indian youths
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    • 23 5 THE Principal Medical Officer. Johore «Dr. J M Lowson) and his wife will go to Australia next week on long leave.
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    • 263 5 DURING September and October last, Singapore was the best customer of the NEI. Statistics covering these months the latest available on Indies trade show that Singapore bought NEI produce valued at 19,500,000 guilders. The unfavourable trade balance o| the Indie.-: continued during September and October,
      A.P.  -  263 words
    • 22 5 R UBBER CROPS Rubber crops for January. 1948; Henrietta Rubber state Ltd., 203.300 lb.. and Sungei Matancr Rubber Estate Ltd 5(.910 lb.
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    • 775 5 MALAYAS HOLDING ELECTIONS MEETING Un ion nam ing candidate? Free Press Staff Reporter THE Singapore Malay Union is calling an elections meeting of its committee members tomorrow to be followed by an emergency general meeting on Saturday afternoon when, it is probable, a candidate for election to the Legislative Council
      Free Press  -  775 words
    • 202 5 NE I RUBBER. Free Press Chinese Correspondent pHINESE traders In Sumatra have complained about the recent ruling by Indonesian authorities in Djambi that 15 per cent of all rubber exported t 0 Singapore must be sold to the Indonesian Government agent. Indonesian authorities in Singapore
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    • 108 5 KAMALA Circus has relumed to Singapore for a short season at Cantonment RoadNeil Road junction, starting from today, after a successful tour of the Malayan peninsula. Since the last appearance of the Circus at Farrer Park, it has been re-iniorced by a number of female artistes
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    • 52 5 T secretary :or Chinese 1 Affairs, Mr. G. W. Webb will broadcast from Radio Malaya tomorrow at 9.45 p.m about Chinese Now Yrar customs. On Wednesday, at 8 18 p.m. Mr. Sit YknK Fonft, Singapore jCu.naJist. will broadcast a r€,port On the Chinese New Year festivities
      52 words
    • 103 5 Free Press Staff Reporter "pOD Save the King" chalked in one-foot-high letters, written across a beam by a Chinese trade school student when Singapore fell, survived the occupation period although Japanese military personnel used the building. The inscription is in the St. Joseph's Trade School, Bukit
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    • Article, Illustration
      57 5 picture. Mr. F. M. Dearing, former L S. ambassador to Peru, is seen with h\s wife on their arrival in Singapore on Saturday on the President Polk on which they are making a round the ivorld trip. Former assistant to Chief Justice Hughes when he was Secretary of State, Mr.
      Free Press  -  57 words
    • 370 5 C Free Press Staff Reporter Ol RSES for draughtsmen, fitters, carpenters and TmS?€: Pr i in rS W available at the St. Joseph's Trade School in Bukit Timah, will soon be extended and future tuition will include hair-dressing, tailoring and electrical engineering. The school caters for
      370 words
    • 158 5 Free Press Staff Correspondent LONDON, Sunday. TRAINED and experienced 1 income-tax assessors, such as arc needed in some numbers in Malaya, if tax collection is not to be a comolcte farce, are hard to come bv. The war affected the supply, and. with His Majesty's Special
      158 words
    • 78 5 TAMIL CHURCH MASSES [N preparation of the titular feast of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, which will be celebrated on Sunday, a novena has been started at the Ophir Road church with services in the mornings and evenings. In the morning, low and high masses are said and
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    • Article, Illustration
      66 5 OUT of total nnes of $55,300 imposed for food control offences in Singapore in January, only $9,500 was collected, according to official figures just released. One hundred and fourteen cases were dealt with, and 84 convictions obtained during tihe month. Rice ooufi.soated amounted to 8,839 fcattf, valued at
      66 words
    • Article, Illustration
      33 5 picture. American scenario writers. M> and Mrs. Robert Reel, tonridVrS?** 1 Sm^ a P OT e on Saturday on a round-the-woria trip. They are gathering material for future Hollywood screen vlavs. Free Press
      Free Press  -  33 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • NEWS
    • 377 6 CANTON S No. I TRADE IS SMUGGLING $2 million turn over a month CMUGGLING is Canton's biggest business tou day, but the only ohes profiting by it are the smugglers themselves, their financial backers and the Government. Smugglers— capitalising on Chinese Government regulations throttling imports, the excessive demand regardless of
      A.P.  -  377 words
    • Article, Illustration
      55 6 picture. Major Samuel Weiier, founder and chairman of the Hebrew Legion in Britain, in the Legion s recruiting office in London. The Legion Is raising a brigade of British Jews to fight in Palestine. Major Weiser served on the British Army intelligence staff and (M a British mission to Rusiia
      A.P.  -  55 words
    • 168 6 AX assertion that Winston Churchill was drinking before- he "spoke the words that almost from that day sot the world afire with hatred'' was made in Richmond (Virginia) by Dr. Bernard Clausen, pastor oj the Euclid Arenue Baptist Church of Cleve- iand. Dr. Claust-n said
      A.P.  -  168 words
    • 70 6 THE Australian Chamber of Manufactures estimates that the wa'.er^jde union ban on Dutch ships, which u> being maintained despite the signirg of the cease-fire agree-n-ent by the Dutch and the I:idon:sian Republicans, has tost Australia move Uum "CA'j niillion in losi trade. The ban o n
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 88 6 CHI LSI A Council has adopted a recommendation to purchase flowers to decorate the Chelsea Register Office for weddings. A Labour member, married there a year ago, told the council: "As probably the only member with firsthand experience, I can tell you that the flowers there
      88 words
    • 75 6 REFUGEES FLEE TO CEYLON MANY rtfttgeei from India and Pakistan have found asylum in Ceylon. According W official sources, a weekly average oj fifty refugees have arrived ill Colombo since troubles be^an kn Pakistan and India. Most of the refugees, Hindu.s from Pakistan and Muslims from India, it is understood
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    • 40 6 Two boys, aged 15 and 13. admitted in Doncaster Juvenile Court that they had broken three times into the he: of Bruce Woodcock, the heavy-weight champion, while his wife was visiting him in hospital. The case was adjourned.
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    • 42 6 A second group of Chinese nationals, 144 former residents of West Borneo who were straaded in China during the war, expected in the Netherlands Indies shortly. The first group. 189 persons, arrived in the N.E.I, last August A. P.
      A.P.  -  42 words
    • 35 6 Parentc in Gillkngham (Kemtt have been told by the local educatkxn authority that teachers who press for school uniforms in these days of coupons and high costs do so Without the authority's approval.
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    • 31 6 The motion that in the opinion of this House the Liberal Party is dead and damned" was rejected by 118 to 162 by the Oxford Union.
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    • 21 6 Records of peals are to be played in Ipswich (Suffolk) churches because of the shortage of bell rteigers
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    • 129 6 A MYSTERIOUS explosion Hoped a hole i n the bottom of the 1,050-ton Panamanian registered ship Cypress bn Genoa harbour. She now lies at her berth, listing 15 degrees. A diver reported that the blast came from an explosive device attached to the ship's hull
      A.P.  -  129 words
    • 233 6 COMMENTING on Queen Wilhelmina's radio speech V^ on Indonesia the Bangkok Post applauds the ideal of a free, recreated Indonesia promised by the Queen but questions the wisdom of her use of such terms as "terrorists" and "anarchy." Noting that the Queen said "terrorists" and "anarchy"
      A.P.  -  233 words
    • 80 6 A^»£VIEW of Japanese industry and export potential by tile Tokio newsipaper Nippon Times reveals that principal rehabilitation hopes continue to centre in textiles despite the effect of nylon upon the sale of silk, cotton yam and woollen textiles. Nearly half of the exports in 1946 and
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 71 6 TWO Hong Kong newspapers 1 will stop delivering editions to Canton as from today because of objections to their stories on anti-British riots in Canton, the China Mail reports. The papers are the Sing Tao Jih Pao and the Kung Sheung Daily News. They are
      A.P.  -  71 words
    • 276 6 Jet designs win milli ons for Britain DRODUCED at (he rat e of ln inventions developing tin- tk h. for use in the air, ou'la.fd an ft 2f 5 nearly every gas turbine mark,, > n t **<2 t J^ aero engine now e States is either entirely British i
      276 words
    • 19 6 'Better of without doctors' >J Citji l, eve r 'O only in xx 'Mi toe i 3 socia Reuter
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • Article, Illustration
      36 6 picture. James Monti, former U.S. airman, who was arrested on the day he was discharged from the army on a charge of treason. He is alleged to have broadcast for the Nazis during the war. A.P.
      A.P.  -  36 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 133 6 GAPITOL Air-Cooled Phone 5159 NOW SHOWING 11. 2, 4 15, 6.30 9.15 V% I^*^^^^ 111 O!CK HAYMES 2X VERA-ELLEN CESAR ROMERO 1 CELESTE HOLM D.^t. d b, GREGORY RATOFF *,«.*•<>, WILLIAM A. BACHER Mm Lutot Fox >lo\ietune News. GANDHI ASSASSINATED. ALHAMBRA rhoius S9on. LAST DAY 2 p.m.. 4.15, 6.30 9.15
      133 words
    • 68 6 REX Air-Cooled Phone 4042 5 SHOWS DAILY 11 a.m., 2, 4.15, 6 30 9 15 at Jwngl* roars iff vwngtonce? RHIV Kf, ITiohn'ny'weissmuller' KSi.ij BRENOA JOYCE U5 f>»t 'OHNNY SHEFFIELD Vf Patricia MORISON B^rUw ¥*cLANf TONIGHT AT MIDNKMT BING and BARRY THE STARS OF "GOING MY WAY" ARE BACK... in
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    • 140 6 Wishing our Chinese Patm a Happy <S Prosperous V -m fa TONIGHT GALA OPENING "ROOF WONDER PALM GROVi RENDEZVOUS LOCATED ON TOP OF THE HAPPY WORLD CABARET 180 Luscious girls to ri.uur with rfAR FOOD FLOOR BMWH TICO-TICO, PAOO-rAGO IND 01IUK popular mmnuESfl HAPPY WORLD CABAB Feb. 9th CABARET BAR
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

    • 365 7 STRAUSS RUNNING INTO FORM Looks very fit in slow work By ''CALL BOY" QTRAUSS, a live-year-old son of Nuffield (out of Heroic), whom the handicapper rated as one of the best horses to be imported into Malaya since the liberation, appears to be running into form now. He looked fit
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    • 83 7 I*HE Grand National favourite. Revelry, and s» cond favourite, Rowland Roy, were beaten in their outinsrs on Saturday. The £10.000 horse Revelry was made 11 to 8 favourite for the Haydock Park National Trial Handican steeplechase'' at Haydock Park but could do no better thnn finish fifth.
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 61 7 Pictv^es taken at Ipoh on Saturday, the final day of the Pera ,c meeting show (top): Skittals (Flannery) winning the third race by a length Irom Chum's Choice and Sylvan Lass. Bottom. Firemaster (Gentles) coming through with a magnificent spurt half a furlong out to beat Kimberlcy
      61 words
    • 73 7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA retained the Swathlins Cup for men's table tonnLs championship by defeat- ing France 5 2 in the finals >' the international tourney. Bohumil Vana, the current Czech and world champ, won three matches without losflrur a nann\ Ibe Czechs earlier defeated the United States in
      U.P.  -  73 words
    • 15 7 UONS, gr order, manthat, ager he rj h e his for i t Reuter
      Reuter  -  15 words
    • 25 7 the the rrindad I In a ifter the first in- olied for the loss umps lainly a me the o. o
      25 words
    • 7 7 n will and Feb. Lr»n-
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    • 186 7 Bartram was chaired after Cup game THE defeat of the English FA. Cup holders, Charlton Athletic, by Manchester United at Huddersfield on Saturday was one of the results which went according to expectations. Only the superb goalkeeping of Bartram prevented a heavier reverse for Charlton and he was chaired at
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    • 197 7 STANLEY Matthews played a dual role against Col- Chester United when BlackI pool ended the gallant SouthetO League Club's run in the English F.A. Cup. beating i them 5-0 on Saturday. For two days before the tie at Blackpool, Matthews was Colchester's host at his
      197 words
    • 152 7 IN U.K. Rugby Union Club matches on Saturday, London-Scottish. displaying greater cohesion behind the scrum, gained a fine victory at Leicester by a goal end thre? tries to a goal. A classic try by N. O. B:n--nctt, the England centre, was a highlight of the
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 117 7 RUBBER is on the icav out in golf halls. The raited States Rubber Company announces it has discovered a neiv substance made from sand which gives golf balls more bounce than rubber did. The new elastic substance, known as silicone and produced by
      A.P.  -  117 words
    • 51 7 THE RAF. 7 M.T.D. beat the Jollilads two-one in a soccer match played at MacPherson Road yesterday. RAF. led one-nil in the first half through Rogers. After the resumption of the play Salahudin equalised. Three minutes before the end of the play Rogers scored a*?ain for the R
      51 words
    • 366 7  -  VKKNON MORGAN Winter Olympics end From OWEDEN and Switzerland were the most successful nations in the fifth Winter Olympiad which ended in St. Moritz yesterday if all six placements alone are considered, but in the matter of gold, silver and bronze medals, Norway
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    • 527 7 C.A 3 Pulau Brani 2 THE Chung Wah (Chinese Athletic) first team defeated Pulau Brani Sports Club three-two in a fast and thrilling game at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The C. A. wore leading three-nil at the interval, but were fully extended
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    • 545 7 'Levee Kongsi have a new champion Free Press Racing Reporter THE amazing luck of the "Levee Kongsi" on the 1 Malayan Turf still holds good. Robelus, The Pathan and Double Scotch made them a small fortune during the BMA era and more recently Chats! or, Egyptian Queen and Fleeting Memory
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    • 91 7 A. Ganteaume, Trinidad's opening bat, who scored a painstaking 90 against the M.C.C. on Saturday, has been given a place In tlie West Indies side to meet England in the second Test starting at 1 Port of Spain, Trinidad, on Wednesday. The revised team
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    • 57 7 THE following will represent Raffles College Union at cricket against the Indian Association at 10 a.m. at the College grounds, tomorrow: M. Thilageretnam, S. R€, R, Jansen, C. Schubert, V. Somasundram, B. Rajendra, A. Chelvarajasingham John Marks. B. K. Sen. Cyril Samuel, M. C. Kailsasapathy. Reserves; Riepidaman Singh,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 HOLLAND SHIPPING AGENCY Ational Froieht Forwarders. And Customs Clearincr— Freight <inc<=— lnsurance Banking Storing HB« in general VIA WATER. RAIL and f the world. Safe-Sure Delivery at M:nimum Bother Cost Cablf* "lIOLL.VNSHIP" CAPITOL^ THUNDERING MIDNIGHT PREMIERE TO-NIGHT MARIA MONTEZ IN lII.R MOST KXfITING ROLE! **0«f EXCITING! BECAUSE I SHFB IX
      70 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 218 7 F.P. Crossword No. 3©6 CLUES AC ROSS 1, Pleasantly (12). 7. Stick (5). 9. Subjects (6). 13, Congeals (4). 15, Worship (5). 16, Roll (4). 17. Emotion (9). 21. Establish (9). 23, Wash (4). 25, Extract (5). 28, Sword (4). 30, Leave (6) :*2 Weird (5). 33, Foreboding (12). CLUES
      218 words

    • 179 8 Churches condemn 'white' policy SYDNEY, Sunday. 'THE "White Australia" 1 policy was condemned by the Australian section the World Council of hurches here today as a "constant irritant In Pacific and world affairs'* winch "gave offence to coloured peoples." resolution was taken r Sydney police were searching for four Malays
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    • 87 8 DELHI. Sunday. Some of Gandhi's ashes were today taken from New Delhi to Jammu. scene of fighting between tribesmen and Indian forces in Southwest Kashmir. New Delhi Radio reported. At Jammu the ashes were carried In a mile-long procession led by local militia and they will
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 39 8 Britain has diverted to Basra, in the Persian Gulf a shipload of 9.500 tons of Australian wheat destined for Britain to prevent current Iraqi wheat stocks from running out before the end of Februarv Reuter
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 8 Lending a quiet dignity to its surroundings and typifying the district is this rMage inn of Minster LovelL Oxfordshire.
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    • 270 8 ROME, Sunday. A LLOCATED 31 Italian warships in full operational Jrx condition under the allotment announced tonight, Russia is expected now to return to Britain and America the ships loaned her during the war. But she will not let them go until the Italian substitutes
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 43 8 THE British have co.. eluded 1 a €190 000,000 trade and financial agreement with Argentina. Reliable sources said the pact covered final sale of the British railway i.etwork in Argentina for .€150.000,000. In payment. Britain will receive meat. U.P.
      U.P.  -  43 words
    • 31 8 EX-GAULEITER TO FACE TRIAL Albert Focrster, farmer Nazi Gauleiter of the "free city of Da,:>zi~" is to go on trial ki Febrixar ybe fore a Polish war crimes tribunal A. P.
      A.P.  -  31 words
    • 39 8 Theatre sources in Buenos Aires reported yesterday that foreign films have been bann€ <Vi from Argentina. They said the action would stop an annual business of US $5 000 000 in fdlms from the United States. A.P.
      A.P.  -  39 words
    • 33 8 Hollywood stars have started a purge of Communists within tfrieir own ranks. The Screen Actors' Guild ruled that no Commu«nist or "fellow traveller" ca n hold office in the organisation.
      33 words
    • 77 8 HE WAS 'FIRST CUCKOO HAMPSTEAD district'* early cuckoo has turned ovt to be Hezekiah Johnson. After aereral delighted bird lovers reported hearing the cuckoo's call as early as January, Johnson, a London street sweeper, confessed to a reporter: "I wait until a crowd aathers at a Hampstead bus stop and
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    • 72 8 TiR. Yu Poe-eng. a major in the United States Army Medical Corps during the war. was named a senior physician in psychiatric work at the Connecticut State Hospital on Saturday. Dr. Yu, from Foochow, China, was described during the war as the only Chinese woman
      A.P.  -  72 words
    • 165 8 MOVE TO BREAK UP THE ZAIBA TSU TOKIO, Sunday. rpHE Japanese Government today designated 257 mining and manufacturing companies for decen- tralisation in a major step towards the break-up of Japanese -economic monopolies. Another 100 concerns are expected to receive re-orani- sation orders soon under the recently enacted decentralisation law.
      A.P.  -  165 words
    • 485 8 CHIANG' SGRIP ON MANCHURIA BROKEN But Nationalists still hopeful NANKING, Sunday. yyiTH the loss of the Mukden-Dairen railway city of Liaoyang, Manchurian territory under Nationalist control has been reduced to less than one per cent, according to informed sources here today. In 1946, the Nationalists occupied as much as 43
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    • Article, Illustration
      60 8 The body of Mohandas K. (Mahatma) Gandhi, 78--year old father of Indian Independence, lying-in-state in the room at Birla House with members of his family surrounding the floiver-covered bier on which his body lies. The two girls seated at left and right extremes are his granddaughters, Ava and Manu Gandhi,
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    • 282 8 DUBLIN, Sunday. pOLITICAL observers in Dublin considered it certain tx)day that the majority in the newlyelected Dail Eireann (Eire Paliament) would elect Eamon De Valera to the premiership once more. He can rely on securing two seats when Carlow Kilkenny elections (postponed because of
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 297 8 COLOMBO Snnrf, (CROWDS lined the roads leading i 0 the l at Negambo, Ceylon, to welcome thearriwu! of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester Th J has arrived to open the new Dominions Parliament tomorrow on behalf of his brmu King. The Duke's car halted at
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    • 161 8 KOREA IS NOW PROBLEM FOR UNO RUSSIA MANILA, Sunday. AS news was received of the outbreak of violence in Southern Korea, designed to force the withdrawal of the United Nations Korean Commission, the Philippines delegate to the Commis#on said, on his return from Seoul that the Korean question as it
      A.P.  -  161 words
    • 82 8 \§RS. Naduoe Dume became Ifl the second woman Cabinet minister to be appointed by a Balkan State the first was Ana Pauker, the Rumanian Foreign Minister when she was given the education portfolio in the Albanian Cabinet. The new Minister of Posts and Telegraphs was given
      A.P.  -  82 words
    • 66 8 A USTRIAS first Ambassador jtL to China in 35 years arrived at Shanghai from London yesterday. The new envoy. Dr. Felix Stumvoll. is the lirst diplomat to represent .iis country in China since the b^i^ning of the first world war He has brought with him
      A.P.  -  66 words
    • 177 8 HAMBURG, Sunday. CRAU Schacht, wife of the world famous economist, former President of the Reichsbank and former chief of Hitler's Ministry of Economics, is now living with her two little children in a log cabin miles from anywhere. Hers is typical of the
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 123 8 PARIS. Sunday. THE Franco-Spanish border, which has been sealed for two years as protest by France against Gen. Franco's regime, will be re-opened tomorrow, the French Foreign Office announced today. The Ministry, in a communique, said the re-opening would be effective for passenger traffic
      U.P.  -  123 words
    • 25 8 Mr. Bcniabe J. Africa, Philippine Under Secretary of Foreign AlTalrs has left Manila to attend Ceylon's dominion statu s celebrations A. P.
      A.P.  -  25 words
    • 51 8 A SKOAL HmmJ pendent civ« them of rabbai at 11 am t«6ji follows* fU CK No. 1 R.>.S Spot I(X>M> Mv No. 1 K.S.S fob in balo. F*+ US No 2 R.S .S. fot in bal^s F>b 4* No. 3 UJ foD in Im1«-n Feb. Tone 0/ markrt
      51 words
    • 33 8 NEW YORK. Sffl* THE Indian and P* delegation! their prival talks on the Kasl in Nen- York todl] The i. ••■> wffl the presence of Naiißh:i>n. Canadian p dent of the Sw
      33 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 FOR SALE FOR SALE highly pedigree Bolden cocker spaniel puppies. Born 28 12 47. Apply 40 Oxlev Road. MISCELLANEOUS GEORGE D. Candiliotis Phy-«ico-Therapist Dil. (USA.) Specialist, for Infantile paralysis Rheumatism, muscles and nerves complaints. Phone 4670, Suite 19 Meyer Mansion, Coleman St. To-night Mid-night at 11.30 p.m. SHIRIN CINEMA <
      154 words
    • 116 8 The Greatest Chinese New Year Attrarff injingapore Farewell perfonnanc^ of the KAMALA i REDUCED RATES Now much Bl< '.KK-BR BETTER—Ihan ever With more more wild mUh THE GREAT INDIAN KAM ALA ClttCl) RETURN TO SINGAPORE ON IHHK RAMA, AFTER A SUCCESSFUL 101 K OF UNION. LIONS TIGERS BEAKS HORSES GOATS
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 71 8 WEATHER Cloudy WK AI 111 K report for the next 24 hours compiled by th« KAF: Cloudy, some bright intervals during the afternoon, showers during the afternoon and evening. Wind: Light, northeasterly, falling to calm overnight. Sunset 6.52 p.m. Sunrise 6.47 a.m. Moonrise 6.27 a.m. 6.32 p.m. Temperatures y«*terd%y: Maximum
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