The Singapore Free Press, 17 July 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 278 1 DELHI, Wednesday. I a M MBER of Indian States, with an aggregate population of over 60.^00.000. are expected to accede to the Dominion It India by Dominion Day", August 15, according to in■formed quarters here. Agreement that the physical assets overseas of the rnment f
    Reuter  -  278 words
  • 158 1 $10,000 GIFT TO ROTARY TO FIGHT TB T|R. Melville Thompson has pretJ sented a cheque for $10,000 to the Singapore Rotary Club T.B. Fund, it was announced at yesterday's meeting of the club. This brings the total to $20,000. At the meeting, the Rotary President. Mr. S. S. Franklin, said
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  • 76 1 Free Press Staff Reporter A SINGAPORE police official this morning praised the action of Mr. Choo Lye Huat, a Chinese businessman in Robinson Road, who on Tuesday, grabbed a young Chinese, who allegedly demanded money, by his collar and had him arrested. The official said all
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  • 449 1 Dutch rigid on BATAVIA, Thursday. THREAT of war loomed in Java this morning, with 1 the rejection last night by the Indonesian Cabinet g of the Dutch compromise proposals. The Indonesian Government's requests for a 24-hour extension of the Dutch time limit for acceptance was
    Reuter; U.P.; A.P.  -  449 words
  • 72 1 THEY THOUGHT THIS WAS 'FLYING DISC' This new United States Navy jet-propelled wingless plane, known as the "Flying Pancake," was first thought to have been 4he mysterious "flying discs" seen by thousands of people in America and various countries in Europe. However, Navy officials in Washington now say that they
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  • 106 1 I JBHJSALQC, Wednesday. fWk r >z 3ntL>h soldiers I n vondcd some seriously, I i fetooaUg] of two road i- the ju'skirts of Jera- One soldier was F others were g eartkx in three road W-' lasts Petata Tikuah. opkaiona outside Jeru- t
    A.P.  -  106 words
  • 17 1 Rnssiaii trade aeree- soods. worth U.S. the Soviet Union I I«« WiUlu signed short- Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
  • 15 1 t Haert. French High t n Indo-China. has p**™ I Saigon.- Reuter
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  • 37 1 SOME 1,500 prisoners in Saigon central jail yesterday went on a two-day hunger strike in protest against the reported execution of 14 political prisoners sentenced to death by the French military tribunal there recently.— Reuter
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  • 165 1 COLONIES UNO MEMBERSHIP LAKE SUCCESS, Wednesday. f AGAINST determined opposition by India, whose repreA sentative has urged that nationals of Malaya, French Indo-China, and the other territories concerned should sit on the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, the Commission today decided that colonial powers should
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 29 1 /CENTRAL News reported from Vj Kweilin, yesterday, that at least, 23,000 persons were killed and 1,500,000 rendered homeless in the recent Kwangsi floods A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 45 1 Maj. Ctea. Sir Evan Oibb, who died at Hove, retired from the Army in 1944. He was Colonel Commandant of the Royal Army Service Carps and, in the same year, was elected President of the tandon Chamber of Commerce Reuter and
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 101 1 rE price of rubber jumped again this morning in Singapore. Yesterday, the jump was If cents. Today the price rose a further Zi cents per lb. in both No. 1 R.S.S. Spot Loose and No. 1 f.o.b. in bales for August. Yesterday's prices were 29
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  • 70 1 Free Press Staff Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. MB. Paul England, a Hampstead theatrical producer who had been informed that his son Desmond had died on service in Malaya, bumped into a soldier in Fleet Street last night and was amazed to discover that the soldier was
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  • 45 1 SOVIET AIDS IN PLANNING UNO. HQ. Peter Noskov, Soviet Russian architectural engineer, who is assisting Mr. Wallace K. Harrison, American Director of Planning, in the development of architectural plans for the building of the United Nations permanent headquarters on New York's Manhattan East River site.
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  • 236 1 U.K. EXPORTS UP AGAIN LONDON, Wednesday. BRITAIN'S all-out production for export, despite the dropping coal output in June, reached the highest monthly figure this year— £93,loo,ooo. But it was still 40 per cent below imports, which totalled £153,800,000, Britain's planning chief, Mr. Herbert Morrison, who is Lord President of the
    Reuter; U.P.  -  236 words
  • 61 1 WASHINGTON. Wednesday. BRITAIN has withdrawn another $100,000,000 %f the United States loan, U.S. Treasury records showed today, says Reuter. This brings the total with- 1 drawals from the $3,750,000,000 loan to $2,300,000,000. Today's draft increases iha fear in Washington that the whole of the credit
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  • 70 1 Fre? Press Staff Reporter rpHREE armed Chinese broke JL into a house in Campbell Lane at 1.30 p.m. yesterday and robbed the maid servant, who was alone In the house, of $508 cash and ewellery. A Javanese was waylaid in Victoria Street at 10 p.m.
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  • 211 1 No ban on S'pore branch of API Free Press Staff Reporter T7HE Singapore branch o; i A.P.I. (Angkatan Pemuaa Insaf), the organisation which was yesterday declared an unlawful society by the Governor of the Malayan Union, will not be closing down, said its president, Che Karim Dzaffir, this morning. The
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  • 57 1 "TiORTY people, including a JT French army officer, Capt. Saint Remy, were killed and others injured when a troop train was attacked by an armed gang nt Binh Hoa, 30 miles east ol Saigon, on Mcrday The gangsters dispersed after a one-hour gun battle fought
    Reuter  -  57 words
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  • 113 2 "WHILE the exact man- bar of nurses' awards for gallantry throughout the profession is net yet known, the total will probably be about 1,000," sttid Mr. Aneurin Bevan, Britain's Minister of Health, when he addressed doctor's and nurses at Rush Green Emergency and Isolation Hospital, Romford, England, en
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 2 A dressing sown with hand -i>ain led dragons on the back ana front, guaranteed "wash-proof" was seen at the British Industries Fair in England It cost 8 guineas.
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  • 1004 2 MAPPING NORTH BORNEO BY A SPECIAL CORRESI ONDENT TWICE a week, un- known to most people in Singapore two Mosquito aircraft of No. 81 Squadron slip away from Seletar air field at first light for a 1,000-miie flight across the South China Seas to Sarawak and British North Borneo. Facing
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  • 297 2 URS. GEORGE MAREK of New ill York sneaked a well-played contract past a famous expert in the East seat, who is paying hush money to remain anonymous. West opened a low spade, dummy ducked and declarer took East's jack with the queen. Quite obviously, the North-South cards
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  • 524 2  - ART CLASS Eton Types PIERRE JEANNERAT Bv WITH the whole future of the British public schools as a national institution in the balance, a fascinating exhibition now being held by the- most famous of them "all, Eton, to celebrate a little belatedly (for obvious reasons) the fifth centenary of its
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 79 2 CATARRHJJ N Misery i^Ki4 BRIr K Bsr Jft b3osecaH&mmm JnCdlCCIf *^^BSK' m^ 0^ 1—*****I ***** Bniff KARSODRINE twice up each nostril through the handy pocket tube and get relief from the misery of Catarrh. Nasal Congeaition, etc.. in 30 seconds Doctors call Karsodrine a "vasoconstrictor." it shrinks the swollen membranes
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    • 548 2 SINGAPOfiF MARY II: 'THREE LITTLE PIGS': .10 p.m. World News; 10.15 Singers Jr_ 11.40—12.00: SOUND SENSE: Std&. of Renown— Presenting Helen Jepson Blue Network B*9: 'WRITING A STORY.' (ijiiiiuiio) and Charles Kullman W 00 -t M tun ttn metres ta the Q D ri (Tenor); 10.22 Calling India; 10. SO
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    • 154 2 YOUR LUCKY o I AJK. Fortune forecast for people bora today BORN today, you are a direct and outspoken individual. You have U&e courage of your convictions and win fight for them against all kinds of odds. In fact, you are definitely a crusader at heart: the type of your
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    • 65 2 QUIZ Answers 1. (a) All's Well That Ends Well, (b) Coriolanus; (c) Cymbeline; (d) The Taming of the Shrew; (e) The Tempest. 2. Lord Leighton was President of the Royal Academy 1878-1896. His 'immediate predecessors were Sir Charles Lock Eastlake. and Sir Francis Grant! His successors were Sir John Everett
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  • 494 3 'EXCESSIVE' CLAIMS BY THE ALLIES Japan reparations talks deadlock WASHINGTON, Wednesday. A LLIED reparations claims against Japan are running from two to three times more than the amount of Japanese assets that may be available. Despite American efforts to persuade the Allied Powers to make their demands equal the available
    A.P.  -  494 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 3 A 15 v ear -old >outh named Edward Bancroft holds a revolver against another youth. whom he u>rd as a human n:t\d during a sunfight with Boston police Bancroft was captured after a policeman had crept up behind him and felled him with a bio* on the head with a
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  • 87 3 WHY EGGS CAN BE MADE TO STAND ON END I HIROSHIMA Wednesday. >r. IFESSOR Takeo Fujiwara, of Phjsla Department of mrtka (Tniverstt) here, says he MBwet to the mystery of jg eggs an be made to stand on na«lc bom of Li Chun «Bm tej t Spring on the unese
    U.P.  -  87 words
  • 80 3 LIBERTY SHIPS FOR JAPAN AND GERMANY THE U.S. S-cretary of War, Mr Robert P. Patterson, has asked Congress for legislation to man Liberty saips with Japanese crews to transport relief supplies to Japan Mr. Patterson also proposed that German crews be permitted to man similar ships for relit I shipments
    U.P.  -  80 words
  • 38 3 BRITAIN'S Church of England has received U.S. $55,000 from the Church of Canada, i towards rebuilding Britain's bombed churches. This gift brings the total sent by Canada's Church I of England to U.S. $100,000.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 73 3 KARACHI, Wednesday. THE Sind Muslim League has drawn up a one-week programme beginning with its inaugural meeting to celebrate the birth of the Dominion of Pakistan. All naval units allotted to Pakistan in the division of the Indian armed forces will take part in ceremonies to mark
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 195 3 NEW YORK, Wednesday. "TTHE military position in Intio-China is apparently a stale- mate/' says the New York Times, in an editorial. 'The Vietnamese are not strong enough to drive out the French. The French themselves are not strong enough to seize control of more than a few
    U.P.  -  195 words
  • 234 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. THE Republican Presidential as- pirant, Mr. Harold E. Sta&sen, call? for f. "well-thought effective programme to convince the Kremlin that the Communist i&rty cannot successfully infiltrate or dominate America." Mr. Stassen predicts that the Russian policy will show no change for
    U.P.  -  234 words
  • 81 3 TH£fiE is a war veteran at St. Augustine, Florida, who has never heard of the atomic bomb. Darin* World War 2, when mounting casualties reported in the newspapers brought tears to the eyes of Robert Kendrick Boyt, the Boyt family decided to censor his news and
    U.P.  -  81 words
  • 304 3 HPHE 50 murdered R.A.F. and Allied officers and their A fellow prisoners at Stalag Luft 3 dug 100 tunnels before the final escape. This was revealed at Hamburg by WingCmdr. Marshall at the trial of 18 former S.S. men, ranging in rank from corporals
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 3 A defence lawyer talks to some of the 18 Nazis accused of complicity in the shooting of 50 K.A.F. and Allied prisoners who attempted a mass escape from a concentration camo in Silesia.
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  • 83 3 WASHINGTON. Wednesday. rE administration of United States occupation areas in Japan, Korea and Germany may be handed over to civil authorities working under the U.S. State Department within a year or 18 months, according to Mr. John Pour if oy, Assistant Secretary of State for administration. He
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 73 3 U. P. 1 CLERKENWELL County court judge has ruled that there is no difference between a legnl husband and a "quasi" husband as far as the tenancy law is concerned. The case arose when a landlord tried to break the lease of Mrs. Margaret Roberts on
    U. P.  -  73 words
  • 91 3 NAZI SECRET WEAPONS IN AMERICA POINT MUGU, (Cal.) Wed. TT has been disclosed that seven JL German scientists are completing, for America, Nazi secret weapons which they began as wartime projects for Hitler. A naval spokesman at Point Mugu, guided missile test centre, who would not permit the use of
    U.P.  -  91 words
  • 94 3 ROAD casualties in Britain daring May totalled 398 killed (103 children) and 15,039 injured. This is the lowest number of fatal accidents for any May in the 17 years of official records, but the number of injured is the highest since 1941, and 2,508
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 22 3 I *!<*i and security Detection sun- biom throughthe world. I •«OWI OPTICAL CO., tVMVSI OPTICIANS) R Head O«c*.-162, South Hi Branch:— 348,
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    • 113 3 SPORTS I R T MENS KNinED CELLULAR ;/*^m Cotton Sports Shirts, Soft, JUST ONE OR rM* IB Cool, Absorbent, Smart T \l7 f\ ¥¥hi Q y^. j^m^ Collar ana bnort bleeves. j^^^fc British. Grey, White, Navy FROM OUR y^A'^mm^' j{ffi!^E. J5/ne, Fawn. W¥n¥? Ahif* ¥7 /mA^^SfL 32" to 42" WIDE
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 78 3 ARZAN Jungle lord's trick By Edgar Rice Burroughs >= scn'VVt^SJS caught j BHHBTV v^iX// f|^ 1 Kie still/ CAimoNeo tarzan. j' I^l fc rs > ?f ,S! aES TWIT I iligj jIT I AFTER CRAWLING QUIETLY SOMP CT l/rj, iCo He f Bfff f ff y I &s™*& .away^from jane---
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  • 538 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1947. Promotion for the Local- Born AS recent criticism in the Singapore Advisory CounIcil has emphasized, there is general disappointment regarding tha slown:ss wLh which effect is being given to the declared policy of opening the higher grades of the Government services to
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  • 1387 4 Ralph Izzard says that this attempt to forecast what is likely to happen to India after partition is based on the expert opinion of two English economists who are entirely im- partial. k COMMON cartoon figure these days in the opulent Congress Press
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  • 481 4 IVR. T. A. COCKBURN, I/former big-game hunter and assistant superintendent at the London Zoo, said that he had shot nine cats which he found prowling about the Zoo gardens, and chloroformed a tenth, which was the pet cat of the Fellows. "And that," he
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  • 1102 4 ATHENS— AND A FEW MORALS By a Special Correspondent CENORITA de Montija, the castanct dancer from the Argentine, cabaret, Athens, is shopping. White glare pours from the palace and the white pavements in the centre of Athens, and Senorita de Montija wears sun-glasses; but in the shop windows she can
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 4 Orer £UoM*t worth of damage was caused by a violent explosion aboard the Ai..*<riean oil
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    • 74 4 01TY_E 1. In which of Shakespeare's plays do the following appear?: (a) Parolles; (b) Menenius; (c) Philario; (d) Baptista; (e) Caliban. 2. Lord Leighton, P.R.A., Was a Big Pot, in his way; He was most at home With the Grandeur that was Rome. When was Lord Leighton President of the
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  • 123 5 1000 NEW RADIO PERMITS A WEEK Free Press Staff Reporter 0 average, more than rario lisLtnirg-in were issued per weeK the month of June. The oJ licences jumped 00 on June 5 to 5,151 12. irjmeresque, Director of p. sting, Singapore, told the sa yesterday. "Though the licences for radios
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  • 147 5 THE Chid Justice of the Kuching Sarawak] Supreme Court quashed the death senbencc passed on a Murut. Sia Puasa log the BBBrdei of an ex-penghulu, m :.e was alleged to have shot. Sa Poasa *as tried in the Rsadent's Court W Lawas, sth Divider. A:,
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  • 39 5 PS ngside the Singapore •narvea yesterday (godowns in Brackets were: Mum Wharf. Dagnar Salen wj-tf Titan '38-39). West Wharf Scottish Prince India 10-11), Glengarry Empire Dock: Sornenrille (19- rrtnit? Victory 23-24), ■RlaH 2o 26 Gujarat (29-30).
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  • 55 5 (XN the occasion of the birthday U anniversary of Swazr^ Ramakrishnananda. a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Parahamsa Dev, there will be a public meeting at the Ramakrishna Mission's premises on Sunday at 5.30 p.m. Swaml Vamadevananda, President of the Mission, will speak on the life and teachings
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  • 21 5 The Acting Trade Union Advisor, Mr. R. p. Binsham, will address the Singapore Hospital Assistants' Union on Saturday
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  • 262 5 Army emergency commissions PIVILIANS and ex-Army Officers may now apply for emerv gency commissions in the British Army in the event of an emergency in Singapore and Malaya. All candidates must be British subjects and of British parentage. The normal age limits for this scheme are between 38 and 50
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  • 314 5 FO hundred circulars have been seat to commercial firms in Singapore by the Pan-Malayan Federation off Clerical Unions, asking for payment of 12 months' wages as rehabilitation grant. Some 4,000 clerks are involved in Singapore alone. The circulars are signed by Mr. Lim Chuan
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 5 Two musicians, Mr. Jamson Huang (tenor) and Mr. Ma Sihon (violinist) arc seen on the rjjcht and left respectively of Dr. Wu Paak-Shins:, Chinese Consul General, Singapore. The musicians are giving a recital at the Victoria Theatre on July 20 at 9.30 pjn. Admission will be by invitation only. Dr.
    Free Press  -  80 words
  • 25 5 The next meeting of the Y.W.C.A. Business Professional Women's Club will be on Tuesday, July 22, at &20 p.m. at the Rex Hotel
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  • 111 5 A FULL Appeal Court in Hong Kong yesterday upheld the death sentence passed on Inouye Kanano, Japanese Interpreter at the Shamshuipo prisoner-of-war camp. He immediately indicated his wish to appeal to the Privy Council, but was informed he would have to make application to the proper quartern
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  • 57 5 OVALTINE is still under price control. A gaiette notification says that the prices are: 1 lb. tins $20 per doeen wtxtfanle. •nd $1.90 par Uo retail. H l>. tins $11.60 per down whoieMte. and $1.10 per tin retail. Under price control regulations, i retailers must display these
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  • 178 5 Free Press Correspondent. Ifuar, Wednesday. A DRIVE for funds for the Women's Service League, Muar, has realised a total of $4,540, according to the chairman of the League, Mrs. Forsyth, wife of the Assistant Commissioner, Muar. The various activities, organised for the purpose, included a
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  • 584 5 Grave social evil menace Free Press Staff Reporter BORTY female juveniles have been cured of venereal disease at Singapore's Social Hygiene Hospital in Middle Road so far this year. The hospital, the only one of its kind in Singapore, was opened in October 1945. Today,
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  • 67 5 INDONESIA would seek a bigger 1 textile allocation from Britain to help to satisfy the Archipelago's cloth shortage, as soon as the political situation is sufficiently clarified, J. E. Van Hoogstraten, the N.EX Economic Affairs Director, said in Batavia yesterday. Britain obtained a Me allocation of
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  67 words
  • 82 5 MR. T. V. Ramakrishna Rao, chief clerk in the office of the Representative of the Government of India in Malaya, at Singapore, has been appointed Assistant Agent for India Government at Kuala Lumpur. The post was previously held by Mr. T. G. Nataraja Pillai who
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  • 50 5 Well known local artists will judge the Inter-Schooi Art Exhibition to be held in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Hill Street from August 11 to 16. The Chinese Consul General will open the exhibition which will include oils, water colour, oasteis and needlework from an schools in Singapore.
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  • 144 5 irpHE fall in the price of copra I 1 has disturbed the Philippine j Republic's hopes for economic InJ dependence, but controversy has (developed over the results. A lew T/eck. age copra prices I were so high that prosperity seemed certain. But the buying l#rice
    A.P.  -  144 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 5 EIGHT LONG BOOKS under keavy failed xa move this lad trmm his •^■•'l^K BWmUO Om DOW n *5> iudxl It «m Dm. 31. 1941. tad wafci of J«p pfauus ware pUstertnc around. Abdal Kxdir Mb Said. wtu> was the last to leave tbe armed nerckantmaa Kndat, and vac packed op
    Free Press  -  71 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 130 5 A C C O MM O D ATI O N T The TAVERN (EUROPEAN RESIDENTIAL HOTEL) SPACIOUS MOWS COURTEOUS SERVICE COOL QUIET LOCALITY. Cable "TAVERN" Tel. No. 4948 7-17, Tanglin Road s Opp. Nassim Road "THE COCKPIT" CONTINENTAL BAR COCKTAILS WINES SNACKS Grillroom service by reservation only Sunday mornings 11
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  • 423 6 Chinese apathetic to Chiang 's call SHANGHAI, Wednesday. i^ENERALISSIMO Chiang Kai-shek's week-old campaign to whip up public enthusiasm for a general mobilization order calling for war to the death against the Communists has thus far been a colossal failure. The people have no love for
    U.P.  -  423 words
  • 221 6 BAPTIST WORLD CONGRESS MI WEEN 5.0C0 ar.d 7,0C0 persons from 60 or more countries are expected to attend the 3aptist World Alliance Congress at Copenhagen from July 29 to August 3, making the event one of the largest international gatherings ever to be held in Denmark. The Swedish-bom Dr. Elm^r
    A.P.  -  221 words
  • 33 6 U.P. TWENTY-EIGHT bandit gangs have been wiped out in Sicily in a month's all-out campaign against the island brigands, the Minister cf the Interior. Mario Scelba. said in Rome.-
    U.P.  -  33 words
  • 212 6 EDNA May Kees, 33, mother of four children, collapsed in the dock of the London Court of Criminal Appeal when Lord Goddard, Lord Chief Justice, said her sentence of 18. months' imprisonment for larceny would be increased to four years' penal servitude. First ssntenced at London
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  • 147 6 THESE ARTISTS CAN'T FIND NUDE MODELS AN acute scarcity of v;cmen models willing to pose ir the nude has created a major crisis for some artists and art schools in Caracas, Venezuela. No professional models organization exists in Vene i icla, and art schools who obiaiu models consider th?mj:lves lucky.
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  • 37 6 MORE than 100 members of the Opposition in Rumania have been arrested in Bucharest and the provinces. Those arrested are reported to be largely members of the National Peasant Party, including the provinces.
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  • 61 6 PADRE CHAINS DAUGHTER TO KEEP HER HOME When police found pretty Geraldine MassengUl (above) chained to a bedpost at her home at Knoxville, Tenn.. U.S.A.. on her sixteenth birthday, she tearfully told them that her father did it to keen her at home. Her father, William Massengrill, 50-year-old part-time preacher,
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  • 171 6 TOKIO POLICE BREAK UP POWERFUL GANG THE Toklo police nave added another reputed major gang t3 a total of 180 men and women arrested during a weekloiig agafnst the underworld. Masao Kizu. 43, was arres ed when armed pclice raided the headquarters of Seklns Gum: a supposed construction organisation
    A.P.  -  171 words
  • 40 6 Th" la' L rl?.»*'rr- «o :> v H noraiy Fellowship of New Coluge, Oxford, aio i e*a ua:j Lord Wavell (Scholar of Winchester 1896 to 1900) and Air Chief Marsha] Lord Dowding (Commoner of Winchester 1895 to 1899*. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 126 6 UIGH HEELED ,hoes were blamed by the South African Asso- ciation m Capetown for the Advancement of Science for divorces, hysterics, spinal disease, sick headache*, and moodiness. The man who started the discussion among: the scientists was Dr. E. S. Priester, British- trained pediatrist, who
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  • 140 6 UIRGINIA GIBBS, 23, of Cir.cin- nati, thought her father was mean to her, and she didn't like her admirer, Henry Smith, who was 61, either. I So she decided on a novel way of getting rid of both. "Father," she said one day, "Mr. Smith has
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  • 681 6 FLL details of the struggle between the Catholic and Nazism are revealed in a book entitled h r, See and National Socialism" by Monsigr.or Jp carone, shorlly to be published by Stadium, th< cal publishing house in the Vatican City, reports ReufeT Starting just before the advent to
    Reuter  -  681 words
  • 58 6 NEW HOME FLEET FLAGSHIP rE H.M.S. Nelson, flagsbij i the Home Fleet bat 1- intoing squadron, to be Edfciti probably in September t; aircraft carrifr Vic i The Victorious vttb a d^p:ac~ ment of 23 000 ton.? ftlid a DMM) complement o: I.6<>: I ccc. pleted in IG4I. h r
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 38 6 v (owiriwfD iT]frFi rffii V phone InnPMw^l Alan Ladd COLUMBIA PICTURE S^gjqHMjjMM CATHAY 11 a.m.. 1.45. 4.15, C.45. 9.50 LAST DAY Phone 3 j o o ALASTAIR SIM HUE«»CRY A J. Arthur Rank Production OPERING TO MORROW #^^vHrMBIHrIHMI
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    • 25 6 G.J3— O.iri 99 Mir.utes constitute a Marathon of Mirth for Arthur Aslrey in KING ARTHUR WAS A GENTLEMAN NEXT CHANGE! 'Dona AHDUtm San Btmrt* .<jr
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    • 70 6 nil 'nmSitfi (im^ m B J** FASTEST moving *S^ COMEDY OF 1947 WITHCUTSTANDING DANCE NUMBERS'. NOW! "SISTER KExNXY" Tne Most Talked At out V Md n In TTie World Today! 4 Shows Daily 1.30 -4 6.30 9.^0. n r ■-■<■'•'- .•.■.v.v. i .v.v.v«{.'.w.\\. 1 .-■.•^.-.^^r*.. v F SCBBM'S MIGHTY DRAMATIC
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 99 6 JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Ma lava HB^^B^^^^^^ WHY THIS IS A f /PLENTY OF NICEORESSEsX Wh'h!- MUST SAY THF^P^I I 7~^\ MK feSf^fJ? T"*r r Bra^^ p o Tf e s^S ka I spanish^^£ E Lg C-carlotta JjSmlMi^ F A sr As Mj^T -tSc J, R
      99 words

  • 653 7 Wins Glasgow bout on foul in ninth round .V GLASGOW, Wednesday. i\ iiio dressing room aft« the figrht to night Dada Marino, the Hawaiian 1 tlv vxeipht who beat Rinty Monaghan the Irish flyweight title contender on a di> n iiification in the ninth round of
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  • 420 7 The Fight-Round By Round ■flf I kUmring is a round for round account of the Marino— a MonaghJUi right. FIRST SOUND Monaghan landed the first punch of the fight to Marino's jaw, sinking the Hawaiian to his knees fox a count ol two. Marino rose obviously shaken. Marino connected with
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  • 136 7 lON KX I N Wednesday. Rain interfered with play Inseiera] today's county cri ket mai :^os. 9 -rU If&ncbester, Lancashire vs. Horthampshin Lancashire 16 for t pn eated further play A: H d. Yorkshire vs. st r r Yorkshire 38 for 1. Rain :urther play toes.
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 53 7 L -N-DON*. Wednesdav. a Aga Khan has de- toiae the British sending two horses to establishment at Sh r;-La, a yearlir^ Ught, and Nota g a yearlini? coit by Nasrullab. o tta were purchased or. iier behalf at the > market sales for 2,000 and
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 35 7 MEW YORK, Wednesday v RAM KHADE, who told rters he was known as -r:ved here by air, I the Gaekwar of < Diesel, in the InBandicap on Friday his own saddle Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 45 7 LONDN Wednesda 1 A RSENAL F.C. are negotiating J\ for the services of Don Roper of Southampton, 23 year-old inside forward and winger. Southampton is willing to consider his transfer providing Arsenal will let them have a player ?n exchange.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 280 7 DERBY, Wednesday. DAIN interfered with play on several occasions in the three days match between Derbyshire and the South Africans which began here today, and oy dose of play the home side had only scored 186 for seven wickets in their first innings. When Derbyshire
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  • 66 7 FRINTON-ON-SEA, ESSEX, Wednesday. INDIA S two representatives in the Frinton-on-Sea Lawn Tennis Championships, Iftikhar Ahmed and Ghaus Mohammed both reached the third round of the men's singles. In the first round Ahmed beat N.F. Pertwee 6-3, 6-0: and Mohammed defeated J.H. McMorrow 6-3, 6-0. In the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 75 7 Lloyd O. Valberg, Singapore's high jump champion, showed excellent form at training on the S.R.C. Padang yesterday, jumping 6 ft. 3 ins. Vallberg who set ud a Singapore record of 6 ft. 2 ins. in 1939, had been idle daring the war years. However, he
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  • 44 7 BIG FIGHT UPSET Olle Tandber* caused the biggest boxing upset for years when he beat giant American heavyweight Joe Baksi on points in Stockholm recently. Above Tan d berg is seen penetrating Baksi 's guard, and connecting with his right durin? the seventh round.
    44 words
  • 406 7 LONDON, Wednesday. "THAT Britain is not at pre--1 sent a serious force in the boxing world is evidently the opinion of Nat Fleischer. Editor of the "Ring," the America n boxing magazine. 1 In his latest list of world rankings, Fleischer deals very severely with
    Reuter  -  406 words
  • 150 7 LONDON, Wednesday. The Soviet Union following her successful application for affiliation to the International Amateur Athletic Federation is to be invited to take part in the Olympic Games here next year. f In addition to invitations originally sent out to 58 nations, six more
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 447 7 From GEORGE CHISHOLM LONDON, Wednesday. THE value of a lettuce, at one time in the English spring, was two shillings; the old tuppeny ice cream cornet now costs the kiddies sixpence.. .Everything is up and up and up. So how would you value the modern
    447 words
  • 327 7 HUTTON OUT OF BIG MATCH LONDON, Wednesday. LEN Hut ton, England's opening batsman, has with- drawn from the Players' i teim to meet the Gents at I Lords, starting today. Hutton said he was suffering from a chill, and he badly needi cd a rest. His place is being filled
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 252 7 Free Press Cross word No« 149 CtUEb ICBC3S 7. Disc of light round sun or moon (6), 8. Alaskan and Canadian Indians* drink from fermented dough and sugar; whisky (5). 9. Dish of cream whipped with wine and solidified with gelatine (8), 10 and 21. High peak of Dartmoor (3.
      252 words

  • 254 8 HpHE flow of rice into Bangkok, main source of Malaya's supplies, has slowed down to about 500 tons a day, the lowest figure on record. This procurement rate of 15,000 itons a month is only about one-third the promised export rate. A communique issued at
    254 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 8 Mr. Francois Joubert, Senior Trade Commissioner of South Africa (Far East), is seen with his bride, formerly Miss Elizabeth Baker, after their wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, yesterday. The Archdeacon .of Singapore, the Rev. H. D. Rosen t hall, officiated at the ceremony.
    44 words
  • 99 8 AIDED PRISONER, MALAY IS BOUND OVER Free Press Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday. A MALAY, Sheik Idris, was bound over for two years in the Ipoh District Court today for helping an escaped prisoner in Kuala Kangsar by obstructing the police with a Japanese sword. Sheik Idris committed the offence for which
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  • 491 8 US AGREES TO POSTPONE JAP PACT TALKS Empire parley to come first WASHINGTON, Wednesday. rpHE U.S. State Department has accepted the British ComJ- monwealth explanation that Aug. 19, the date announced earlier today for the Japanese peace treaty conference, is inconvenient. The United States is expected to agree to a
    Reuter  -  491 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 8 A 52-year-old Chinese boatswain, Yong Ah Sane, who was awarded the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) by the Kins for meritorious service on a torpedoed oil tanker daring: the war, received his award in Singapore, yesterday. The presentation was made by Rear Admiral H. J. Egerton, Flag Officer, Malaya Area,
    Free Press  -  71 words
  • 149 8 TIN PRICE IS 'GENEROUS TO CONSUMERS' Free Press Staff Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. TIN, the monthly bulletin of the Tin Producers' Association, refutes statements that tin is a "dear metal" The bulletin points out that only one pennyworth of tin is used in making seven averagesized food cans and, even if
    149 words
  • 32 8 Twenty-five-year-old Hon. Lydia Victoria Noel-Buxton, daughter of Lord and Lady Noed-Buxton, was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment for obtaining articles with Intent to defraud from several London shops.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 104 8 KURE, Wednesday. THE British Commonwealth Occupation F rces headquarters announced today a "gradual reduciion of strength of British Commonwealth occupation forces in Japan." Reductions would be carried out from July to September and would affect Indians and New Zealanders The current planned reductions will trim
    A.P.; U.P.  -  104 words
  • 161 8 Free Press Staff Correspondent IPOH, Thursday. A SHORTAGE of coal supplies has resulted In six foundries in Ipoh having to close down in the past week. This stoppage of work if continued, says a mining official, will affect directly the mining industry and cause widespread unemployment.
    161 words
  • 90 8 Frc? Press Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. MR. J. A. Thivy, new represent- ative in Malaya of the Government of India, pledged today that he would do his best to "help establish racial harmony" in this country. In a statement to the Free Press, Mr. Thivy
    90 words
  • 40 8 The Chinese garrison authorities in Shanghai yesterday announced the arrest of 14 Germans, but did not reveal the charges against them, nor their names. Chinese Press reports alleged that the Germans were susuected of Nazi leaning: Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 263 8 A PETITION for the dissolution of his marriage with Kung Gek Neo, also known as Kung Gek Ran, was made by a Singapore newspaperman, Ooi Chor Nooi, also known as R.B. Ooi, before the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice MurrayAynsley, at the Supreme Court yesterday. The
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  • 53 8 Free Press Staff Correspondent TWO Chinese boys were charged In the Singapore Juvenile Court yesterday with housebreakmg and theft of 5,000 picture books. Acting on information, the police arrested the boys and found the books in their house. The boys denied the charges, and the
    53 words
  • 120 8 MOSCOW, Wednesday. A PARTY of about eight members of the British trade delegation, who have been discussing Anglo-Soviet trsde arraa^emer.ts in Mosow since Jun« 20, left here by plane today, their work completed. The British Under-Secretary for Overseas Trade. Mr. Harold Wilson, and the rest of the
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 514 8 London Stock Exchange LONDON, Wednesday THE Stock Exchange today made a disappointing start i the long holiday account, but the decline was chiefly fc to sentiment rather than to actual selling pressures .a* Reuter's financial correspondent. The most notiworfr section was that for British Government
    514 words
  • 102 8 A SPECIAL Mark C«l«gj girt* the prior > of rcbr 1 tl a.m today a« fuUiHlt 1 Buyer* sf" Ok No 1 R.S.S. Spot lease No 1 R.S.S. for. in bales Augrusi No 2 R.S.S. for. in bales August No 3 R.S.S. fot> in bales Aujtum
    102 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 ■||MIJMrA^MrjMy TO-MORROW ■WpUhMpiHiir^^ /111 m\ AMIDST THE FALLING DEBRISUNDER A TESTAMENT OF FIRE LONDON KEPT HER CHIN UP! COLUMBIA PICTURES P r....n WITH SJRSS BOW&SAK JAHET BIUR THE ECCENTRIC DAKGER MARC PUTT The Professor (Gary Cooper) characterized reports on the 'Flying Saucers" as sheer imagination. But he admitted having seen
      71 words
    • 11 8 GREER C3RE«**J GARSCH THE VALtf* DECl'siO;* CATHAY- iV i;i Phone 3H'<'
      11 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 85 8 WEATHER Fair, sunny IIFEATHER report for the next ft 24 hoars compiled by the B.A.F: Fair and sunny this afternoon and to-morrow morning. Fine to-night. Wind: Southeasterly, 8 to 12 knots. Sunset 6.41 p.m., sunrise 6.34 a.m. Mc.onrise 6.28 a.m., moonset 5.59 p.m. Temperatures: Max. 90.7 deg:., min. -80 deg.
      85 words