The Singapore Free Press, 12 May 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 402 1 UNION BANISHES CHINESE -a*. B^^VjwCt&Jr x e -*_?.j r ree Tress Staff Reporter PENANG, Sunday. AS a direct result of the banishment enquiry which Involved hinese secret society leaders arrested the Penang Police, I understand that three of the six men under detention have been banished from Malaya and will
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  • 25 1 The Gaekwar of Baroda ai -rk from London yt*t?riay for a fortnight's stay in t s e <d States Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 76 1 I rnctt, DSO. WC, epped into the a few minutes before the resumption hunting to manslaughter following tar driver, he thai the tag -which have been spread over a period of i weeks na> drawing to a close, and he was he mi^ht expect a verdict
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  • 70 1 LONDON, Sunday. THE Berlin correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph sa d tonight that a "Free Genna •,-ment, backed by Moscow, had spread its roots to Mexico ed wide-scale operations on the American wm The Exchange Telegraph said movement also is sprea into the western zones of I
    U.P.  -  70 words
  • 31 1 The United States occupation in Germany innounced yesterday that police used tear gas and fired shots to quell disturbances in a Polish persons' camp. No i injured. Reuter
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  • 5 1 ■DSFDSFDS Reuter
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  • 216 1 STORM HITS S'PORE Free Press Staff Reporter A HEAVY thunderstorm accom- t-anied by rain as torrent- ai as that experienced in the Indian monsoon, hit Singapire early this morning and reached its height when many office workers ware aboii*. to leave for the city, making thousands late to work An
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  • 49 1 NOR REPLY FORM INDONESIANS Sultan Hamid of Pontiauak, Borneo, said yesterday tha t President Soekarno an<i Prime Minister Sutan Sjahrir of Indonesia had not replied to his Invitation to attend the signing of :h e West Borneo statutes today. The statutes will grant Netherlards recognition of Borneo, independence. Reuter
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  • 28 1 QUAKE KILLS 3 IN ITALY Three people were killed and 33 injured, in a violent earth tremor whioh shook areas in South of Italy and Sicily yesterday. Reuter
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  • 204 1 AMRITSAR, Punjab, Sunday. COMMUNAL disturbances increased in AnuiUsar, the holy city of the Sikhs, today when more than 20 incidents were reported. Seventeen people have bet-n killed ami 22 injured in the city since Friday. A palatial building belonging to a wealthy merchant, now
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  • 41 1 THE wartime Prime Minister of Britain, Mr. Winston Churchill returned to London from Paris yesterday. In a crowded Wcek-eiid tour of Paris he attended the French victory in Europe day celebrations He ceocived France's highest military honour.
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  • 64 1 AFTKB 23 people had been killed during a guerilla raid OB the Crete town of Hierpetre, the Greeik Government yesterday ordered a destroyer, th« Kriti, to the port of Heraklion. The killed included guerillas, grendairmes and Albanian poltti-(-a! refugees. The guerilla band te said to
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 39 1 HE IS GIVING £2,000 SMILE THIS SMILING RAMC private is 19-year-old Edwfal Roberts who won the first prize in the broadcast fin il of the Soldiers.' Sailors' and Airmen's Prrflfri laMCixttos'l nation;*! talent contest at the London i Bwvm.
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  • 379 1 THIEVES LEFT MICROSCOPE i let- Press Slat! Reporter ROBBERS who broke into a Singapore doctor's surgi during the week-end didn't know the value of the things Hurt', [or although they went off with three typewrit fountain pens and sheets worth $1,500 they left beh nd a brand new microscope a-*!
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  • 118 1 Free Press Staff Reporter MYSTERY surrounds what is described by the Singapore Police as attempted murder when unknown persons c/i Saturday threw a hand-grenade on to a house in Jalan Bcsar. The gTenade exploded, and blew off portions of the roof. No one was reported to
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  • 25 1 Taxks are being used by Polish troops in action against Ukrainian nationalist groups in th.* Carpathian mountains on Poland'* sou 'hen: frontier.
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  • 24 1 The Government of Ceylon will survey Ceylon's oyster beds Lo find if pearl fishini? can be carried out economically.- U.P.
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  • 329 1 TERRORISTS FLOWN OUT FIFTY Irgun Zvai Leumi and Stern Gang -group commanders" who have been held in Latroun, Acre, u salcm prisons, were transferred in RAF planes today to a new place of detention in Kenya. The operation v..;~ i transfer of the largest single group of key members of
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  • 123 1 THE Commissioner of Labour In Singapore, Mr. R. P. Blngham, has sent a letter to empi :yers of labour in Sin^.Djre suggesting that Works Committees be formed as soon as 'possible, and outlining tl e.t method of constituting the committees and their functions. The best way to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1: FEATURES,,
    • 1243 2  -  Alan Gardner by FEEE PRESS STAFF REPORTER CCORES of British Servicemen, s< rving in the Far East, found themselves stationed in Malaya after the liberation. Some of them enjoyed their stay in this country while others were only too glad to get out of it when their
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    • 150 2 1- rtune forecast tor eople bom today DORM t day, your mind is ipe iallj kti n i.'ui you ire in ta the mt'-l-lectua e Vi ur ori^inalitj :m<l individu 1 i t^ are mai ed 1 U pr« f1 r I>> ;,'■> J ur d\\ n
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    • 243 2 NORTH should have bid feu ad of nogeneral than at no-trump. In hands a fairlj b?caur, e n ma:-. r than 10 matter whether the However, the major suit should I preferred espo<;:.. it coupled unbalanced d n anri results will b P obtained the long run
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    • 273 2 WHALEBONE 'STAYS' AN INDUSTRY BY A SPECIAL CORRESPOND] THOUSANDS I mt 1 women are angry at Mr. W. G. Devine, although they hav feard of him, and it's all bee i owns the only whalebone cutting industry in all of the I Kingdom and whalebone was scarce dur the war.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 68 2 NOW...yQ<,tooea*kmi bcauiifier that w A wonderful n 3 |gf gets rid ol WHY DOES WH^ that pale, fresh loveliness every woman that every man adv nounsnes w YOUR SKIN MADE 4-6 SHADES WHITER IN 3 MINUTES Tropical sun ii> the arch cnen. vour skin beauty, h enlarge: 'dries up' [he
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 445 2 j ,-V -f v >-• I I uv Network fcinglisb Bill Tm. ■u-i.oo r:.. is, netrei In it plano) 83( mi-diun. »av« band i 8 4o PC I ni,'^ n! T l B Parliamentary Sui 90i b^ou-ii uo p.m.-i.v, metre, la th (fixture; medium wave band J I 825 mefacjcJei
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    • 304 2 8. 15 of the W k j Tin:. We I Cla 8. 5i 1 Bulletin (Soprano'; 9.10 .'day' 9.20 The Sal 9.30 9.45 Talk 10.00 \V r!d News: 10 :l Opera Orel i Gan iucU'd by Dr. 10.30 Music for 1 10.4 ws; 11 .00 Talk: 11.05 Th r BBC
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    • 601 3 Pastel show J^ORE interesting to Mrs. Judith Heard-White, the Singapore artist, than the Malayan types she has set down in pastel on paper are the types that get away the unusual ones like the Afghan mendicant her husband persuaded to go to her studio and who
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  • LEADER...
    • 718 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, MAY 12, 1947. Around The Houses I. il is one of the minor political paradoxes of the times that in Britain, where the people have a democratically-elected 3cGov e rnment, th e *and oi official control and direcwon falls heavilv on the people, while in
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    • 959 4 THE SET-UP IN INDO-CHINA BY A REUTER CORRESPONDENT JONG before the^ current conflict in" French Indochina there was a peaceful federation of five countries Cochinchina (Colony), Annam, Tonkin, Cambodia and Laos (Protectorates) under French political and economic direction. Chinese, Japanese and Arabic merchants were Wished in this promondominating the sea
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    • 22 4 Greater \owt batta no man than this that a man lav tlov. r, hia life for his friends I5 f 13.
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    • 291 4 LUDED m t •.1- reds ns' Club Arts and Hand] Exhibition at Cadb? Hall. London, h a wireless i made of Lyons' :n part^ ini .-as a prisoner of v in Germany. The knoo was madi 1 from a pipe stem; nuu> and bolts were stolen
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    • 41 4 my "rd r an e d Tadv h.°! d Si c untrie s than INlnlaya ami central heating: was still unknown, bj the curious Shaped [funnel which^^kno^am^n 11 warmer is I Seated by tluusling th^^un^hito'ihc hut^ib^rs^f fiirl'
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    • 330 4  -  Frank Owen by 10? H w far fro:. them The two p] i there is a relativity b of distance Re taken the lie London The ;> tnpse, a of tJ ets. had bet us. and anybody not to be i >men nol :ng on You can go
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    • 3 4 mt tvAQ**'
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    • 3 4 IDFGGFD
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 70 4 Sat ML. Mt T < t. QUIZ 1 Who introduced methods in surger 2. What u an BLCCxden music ia» a wr -ng note, a big hit: •<■ chromatic alteratli 3. W r ho wrote Mother K: .4? 4 Was the Christmas Trtv introduced into England Albert, Pi of Victoria;
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    • 294 5 Indonesian official here Fret* Press Staff Reporter INDONESIA is fulfilling her promise made to Indi i I year ago of 5<MUMXI tons of padi and a first shipment of 6.000 tons thi> year will be sent to India th<v month, said a Republican official,
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    • 216 5 SAFETY First weeK begirt in Singapore today. T-ie camq, wh-ch will cost ab >u1 buu.oou, include lectures on r ■y, sp« oardirgs \>. sters, ithib tion graphs and posters (som X>l children in Sir and the provision of safety for cars. The Services are
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    • 110 5 Malaya's fighting force the Malay Regiment, who fought so gallantly in the Malayan campaign has produced warriors of fine qualities. One of their officers, Capt. Ka.ja Lope, is ADC to the Governor of the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent. Hard training under conditions closely approximating war enabled the
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    • 351 5 MALA CCA PETITION IS CONFIRMED MORE details of the petition sent to the Governor <>t the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent, complaining about the "squeeze" methods used by Malacca Price Control Inspectors to get money out of traders, are in two letters received by the Free Pie—. Both letters deny
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    • 44 5 One million Malayan dollars i worth of diamonds, gold, jewellery and other personal belongings of Malayan residents, which have been in safe custody in Ceylo Treasury vaults since May 1942, have now been returned to the Malayan Government. Renter reports from Colombo.
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    • 149 5 $4,000 RAISED FOR S'PORE FEEDING PLAN BRIDGE and mahjong drives in Singapore have ra about $4,000 tor extensions to j Singapore's free feeding schemes, j Mrs. Gk>h Kok Kee arid Mrs Edwards who are voluntary workers at the Havelock Road centre have done much to raise this money. At the
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    • 104 5 ARRANGEMENTS have cam- pleted for sending to U.S.A. a deputation of Indian road engineers for specialised training in modern highway engineering practice The deputation will consist of 20 representatives from Provinces, Mysore State, the Central Public Works Department, pnd the office of the Consulting
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    • 72 5 ROBBERIES STILL RIFE IN JOHORE JOHORE BAHRU, Sunday. Major crime statistics for the State lor April show that robberies of various description continue to be high, there being ten gang robberies, one of them companied by murder. In addition, 15 robberies and one attempted robbery were reported. There were two
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    • 5 5 :h? on
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    • 4 5 ■SDFSDFSDF
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    • 97 5 BALI TO SHIP PIGS TO S'PORE AGAIN I I tradise," I I I I occupation. Bali's expor. a for the first two quarters of this has been fixed at 800 cattle and I pigs. All the exports go to Java ed the civilian populations of the es and the Dutch
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    • 99 5 COPRA PRICES TO STAY UNCHANGED REGENT reports cf a general shortage of oils and fats appear to have led to a belief an increase of the prices paid for copra and coconut oil -he Ministry of Fcod is plated. The Mini. F^od have d within the last few days no
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    • 583 5 Passing-out parade in a few weeks By A Special Correspondent PORT DICKSON, Sunday, TODAY I visited the headquarters of the Malay Regiment four miles from Port Dickson M the road to Malacca, where 500 recruits are being pi' t through the final stages of their initial training
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 73 5 Estate Problems Box Strappings V Strapping Seals Sodium Bisulphite Chan^kols Sodium Sulphite Cotton Waste Wire Nails Galv. Ridgings 6 ft Ready Mixed Paint j Beat Nai's Boiled Linseed Oil Fire Extingui- < All Ty; In-uati n B a~d 8"x4"x' Refills (All Typ S) Asbestos Sht( hite Glazed Ti es Galv.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • NEWS. ...
    • 293 6 CEYLON FAILS UK TEA DEMANDS Contract terms unattractive WHEN the British Food Ministry's offer to buy 4 in bulk 150 million pounds <>f tea on a one year's contract Ironi growers in Ceylon closed after a second extension of fifteen days, the additional quantity which Ceylon was prepared to "offer
      U.P.  -  293 words
    • Article, Illustration
      69 6 FUEft BECKETT, parish est ol R^nt u. Middlein unusual hobby n» on a hum made apparatus While he S U MT film l mpany he play< recordings <i i thei ducar. The ?irl. R «n B 1. rt. H s D i n j and Cara Stevens, hut he
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    • 173 6 DESCRIBED by Mr. Justice MacNaghten a reckless ana very dangerous criminal," .lames Beaton (25), bricklayer, of no fixed address, was al Liverpool Assizes tenced to 14 years' penal servitude. He had been found juiltj of shooting at Police Constable Thorley with intent harm. A
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    • 28 6 A:. (I Ct uyj Lomi pai for nine Dlr Uli. the dad aid the oi metre gauge, ipioyed in rally the rail services out Lghdad.
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    • 47 6 Mi I W Cavendishtinck, former Ambassador to Poland, has •■•.'.red an appeal In the seven-day divorce suit in which his wife was ted a decree of judicial separation last month on the ground of his adultery His own petition was dismissed by Mr. Justice Hodson.
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    • 15 6 A shipment of canned tomaand honey is on i1 •> Bahamas as n tin.
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    • 68 6 AS <> ion S 12 foet long which was captured in the harbour of Wellington, New Zealand, smashed the glass wall of the aquarium in which it was placed and attacked Richard Williams, the man who had captured it. Williams, with the octopus's tentacles wrapped around
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    • 93 6 PAVILION ENDED IN FARMYARD ABOUT 30 years ago the or atford (Lincolnshire) Cricket Club bought a pavilion tor £5, and during the war they hired it as a canteen on an aero- j diome. Then it disappeared and the rch for it eventually led them 1 St. Ives, in Huntingdonshire,
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    • 17 6 A Royal Commission in England has suggested intelligence tests for Justices of the Peace.
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    • 37 6 Arthur Prater, ol s his Life to a goat I l*!.\V. The him iown g him md butt' Prater y. "The op K as a P<-'t fur the rest of i"s days.''
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    • 15 6 To cur< called M of T.- straw berries Thej 1 a pound.
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    • 151 6 NO SCHOOLING FOR 2,000.000 •TWo million American children i go to school at 1 because of inadequate building accommodation and I of teaching facilities, said educational expert John Norton in Washington. He appeared before the Senate Labour Com- I mittee in an appeal to the Federal Government <o spend more
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    • 36 6 BRITAIN r B Sv. I 7 1 idium. officer July 9 for the King I il jump! -jig award Prince of Wales gold us of the comp» pri?es in ny
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    • 58 6 The Pensions Minister in Britain Mr. J. B. H> in a Parliamentary qu< ther men call* d u: al Service Bill. who injuries whilst doing part-time service, will be for disabili y P' war pen ments. Mr. Ilynd replied one of aspects of conditions of service
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    • 35 6 Marylebone Council. London, is to consider a some of the allot menu in Regent's Park should be retained for ever as a memor o all Londoners who dug for victory during the war.
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 174 6 WITH her skipper at the wheel shouting for help, the ton motor trawler Amorel entered Ramharbour and circled five times at her full speed of 8' 2 kn< missing buoys and small boats by inch* Abnw the noise of her racing engines, boatn Skipper Sidney
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    • 5 6 c
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    • 22 6 AERODROMES with ants, dance f. ors bar p "ne cj n:r s. miming Id Mr. H. P OW!
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    • 4 6 DSFDSFDSF
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 52 6 K£KMHB«ibiiai>Maßa> a n— mir tm -n i 77ie Picture Everyone Today u «&r Sao ws i 30 I 8.30 9.30 p.m. John Mills and Valerie Hobson DICKEHS' -S. < i* Mttl ™^L 7 r JVIO UAH J^^ NEXT CHANGE Here They Are Again! The Funniest Comedians Stage Or Screen 4
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 85 6 A,NE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malava /THIS WILL NEVER DO, J— t MUSTN'T LOSE MY (—SO THE SOONER^J HULLO/-1 v >,^- FRttzl-EVEN IF OEORGIF'S f HEAD OVER ERIC.'- ITS WE SNAP OUT OF THlSfl 'S* HE J^A torgoTtzh that lydia's A most unprofessional.'-) holi -daydream theJh >
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    • 88 6 Fpee Press Crossword No. V 21 j 4. Prominences on the skull (3-1-4); 8. The inner and larc. Upper Burma (8>: 10. V ecclesiastical ovState between B Swiss alpin > 20. Rigid, unadaptable (4.4); 21 1 The mQ «t Prized 2. Bee li Down, 3. Small ornameJ heather from which
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  • SPORT,..
    • 193 7 DAVIS CUP 2nd ROUND THIS WEEK ]*echs bavourea Davis C ;n ci th€ :ei riva n tb LONDON. Sundax "up eliminations got undei waj ities this weekend w*th Czechs! e stren of their first round I tl. Sweden. of European zone pairing.-, are v Switzerland's Hans i ted a weak
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    • 7 7 I I
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    • 4 7 ■DSFDSFDSF U.P.
      U.P.  -  4 words
    • 205 7 HUTTON THREE SHORT OF 200 LONDON. Sunday. ENGLAND and Yorkshire openu ing batsman Leu Huti .11 the county cricket season with a great display aga Glamorgan at Swansea. Hu red score of the season and his second ;r y in successive matches. Hutton showed the full range of his scoring
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 27 7 nd, by ComI at p.m. 5 imad and in; Bernard On?, John H Ja Kenneth Chan, Dh. Onz K. Sani, Willie S
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    • 51 7 LO S, Sun. j ITS. Ten tar, Frankie Pa: won h s way through mi-finals in the S Calii r Championships with a rd and much for i r, who played back on the b i much t the time. Parker won by 6-4. 8-6, 6-4.- A.
      A.P.  -  51 words
    • 144 7 IN a football ilads Atl i Jolliladj off, but. within minutes, Tei Anderson, and then Kr d from a close range to id. Five minutes 1. ter the Airmi ded a penalty, which A minute re the Interval Suppiah scored the winners' third There was
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    • 33 7 SELANGOR EURASIANS TAKE THE FIELD Picture. The Selangor Eurasians taking the field on Saturday in their two-day game against the S.R.C.- Free Press K Bain and G. Clarke, the SK C. opening batsmen.
      Free Press  -  33 words
    • 118 7 BRITISH WALKER CUP TEAM NAMED ST. ANDRE itland, Sun. TIIF British Wuiker (up t*-um that will meet the rniled amateui rs .t; \i Friday and Saturday was •'> nounced yesterday by the T-ri-Walker Cup selection committee. The team is: Joe Carr of Sutton, the Irish open charapi n, Leonard Crawley,
      U.P.  -  118 words
    • 68 7 FILEY. YORKS. Sun. BRUCE WOODCOCK, convalescin h llday camp here, had a visitor yesterday in Joe Bak^i the man who broke the British heavyweight champion's jaw in their recent fight. Joe inquired alter Bruce's health, received a vivid account of h w it feels to eat
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    • 1003 7 Fine Recovery By The Recs Bowling: Jeans five for 23; I one for Ifi; Kealy none for 4; Milto^ four for 6. Chinese Beat J.C.C. At Johore Bahru. the Sir Chinese Recreation Club had a:. victory over the Johore Cricket CluU. who were beaten by six wickets. Apart from A.
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    • 57 7 PARIS, DUDGE Patty and and dout tournamec defeating the Fn i and Pellizza, 8 6. 6-4. 6-1. Pally and Br< court and net to Lheir French app i. a oub; am for th round oi the Davis Cup m against India this month. French
      U.P.  -  57 words
    • 1226 7 Saturday's U.K. tootball league results and lux up-to arc. ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Aafccn 2 Blackburn 1 Brentford 0 Charlton 1 Liverpool 3 Ch 2 Middlesbro 0 Derby 0 Arsenal 1 Grimsby 1 Sunderland 2 H'fleld 1 Leeds UtO. 0: Preston 1 Manchester U
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • LATE CITY ....!
    • Article, Illustration
      28 8 new view of II 'never Terrace which forms a part «.f the Nash Terrace now bring preserved in Lond 'n because of their national interest and importance.
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    • 58 8 CITY NEWS S' PORE RUBBER PRICES TODAY A>PL>cial Viarket cot. :ives the prices of ruhbe? a I Jl i m todaj as follow?--n I B.S.S fob in k > !|.SS fob .ales Ha] N R CHAMBf «M j ChamfttT ol (!om- Mi r < •n n Bvjen tier R.S.S sp«
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    • 16 8 W del.:-. -48 has been fls Ls or ab about 108 tandard expor
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    • 8 8 DAIMLER I -4e 33.SC>" Offers to Box v
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    • 124 8 LO.\ J K)N, Sum.. HIGH cosl <>i living in the I'nited State- ia driving scores »h bridt <>i Imerican serviceman back home to Britain in spi e t the rationing there, states the Sunday m ;kt, Reynolds News, in an article today with th< hra<l--line: Prefei
      U.P.  -  124 words
    • 146 8 TERRORISTS FLOWN OUT '.Continued from rage i) and beat-en up." by th^ BriUsh A senior Bri.^h pr^>o:i of tiiat "the un- d Surp: irches and che 25 persona wer< detained CjU stJ Tl first group of officers arid for Scotland Yard train--1: Stm dura! for three Arab and tw who
      U.P.; Reuter  -  146 words
    • 120 8 RUSSIANS SHOT VIENNA MAY DAY RIOTERS VIENNA, Sunday. THE So ialist Parly ann un tight that two Communist -tilled am: d bv the Ruscommandant o; the Sank les west of Vienna the Soviet zone following a Day riot. A d by wo. t'ne Russian-controlled enterprise on a merged Socia tnmunist
      U.P.  -  120 words
    • 41 8 Another step towards the cr< ation of the United States of Indon sa was taken at Pcntianak today when the Netherlands Ccm-mission-Geveral and the Wes' Borneo Council signed an agreement making West B rnei a territory. A.P.
      A.P.  -  41 words
    • 254 8 LONDON. Sunday. O! POKTS from ICrnesi Bevin, Britain's Foreign Secretary, on the Moscow Conference, the jxxition in Greece and Turkey and on the critical economic situation in Germany are expected during the two-day foreign policy debate which begins in the House of Commons on Thursdin
      U.P.  -  254 words
    • 90 8 A PROPOSAL to rename Mount Everest in Indian or Sanskrit was mnde in the Indan < ouncil of State by Mr. M tilal Shivlal. a Congress member. He claimed that the r°al credit for discovering Everest's height belonged to an Indian. Kadhanath Sikdar, and that Sir
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    • 446 8 ROYAL FAMILY RETURNS FORM AFRICA TOUR THE British Royal family ended tinir three month trip t<> 1 South Africa when the battleship Vanguard tied up at Portsmouth dockyard this evening When the King and Queen and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret left England m February, the country was in the of
      Reuter; A.P.  -  446 words
    • 38 8 Stars Are Cheered IS HI >I >IAKS ARKJVI.I) l< Film Award prescntaiioa, orfj •«-d by crowds o* fam rbo A; j !B€ m the r^in f JvLf* of their fa-.ouriU- i R-nnir I. fi ponular n^v wm uh
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    • 35 8 KINGSTON, Jamaica, S FIVE three injured a r factory yeste: el flywtie I ed an evaporator and hot liqu >i scalded riding nearby. The factory is owned by United I Tr.Danv
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    • 23 8 English motor cycles succeeded where several cars failed in a motor reliability trials from Taunton, Somerset, to St. Ap: Cornwa
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    • 373 8 CLEAR indications that the Conservative Party, if returned to irilJ n -^evk to denationalise the indust. tdkt n over for the State by the Labour Government antaintnl in a statement of Conservative industrial p< \ied T) of which Mr. R. A. Bu Minister of Education, is
      Reuter; U.P.; A.P.  -  373 words
    • 12 8 pr oduc ■u of the Urg« ■veek exceeded Reuter
      Reuter  -  12 words
    • 133 8 DSFDSFDS A.P. BRITAIN is pictured a* a tother war, in Union and inci port made by M.\ v of which Mr. Wins! Churchill is president. e New Commonwealths I nounced purr promointernational lav through the en equity tribunal and w national p' The mas said the
      A.P.  -  133 words
    • 6 8 ■DSFDSF Reuter
      Reuter  -  6 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 35 8 WFATHSi-l < loudy: hri. perkNk WjN jink ova Isatatec s»#«^i isknd cut pinhaMhj o. *ui pir llmiJw tin j... m i m W pi at 1 36 o i» >[ pa., It p w *Ml (,\PORE Tl
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