The Singapore Free Press, 29 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 49 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2a SINGAPORE. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1947 PRH'fc 10 CENTS.
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  • 465 1 USSR CAUSED FAILURE i v Mrm jp%yjp^ j ASHIXGTON, Monday. QENERAL GEORGE MARSHALL, U.S. Secretary of ite, broadcasting to the American people tonight report on the Moscow conference, blamed Russia for most of the disagreements at the conference. Propaganda appeals to passion and prejudice appeared to take the place of
    A.P.  -  465 words
  • 37 1 A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2a
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  • 37 1 S'PORE HOTEL RESIDENTS FIGHT FIRE A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2a
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  • 37 1 A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2a I
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  • 34 1 A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2a U.P.
    U.P.  -  34 words
  • 35 1 A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2aI t
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  • 136 1 LESBURY, Monday. P>ii nearly two years a week end thief has been ransacking the homes of townsfolk m the quiet little Buckinghamshire town of High Wycombe. It got so bad that the inhabitants were afraid to leave their hon-rs for the weekend. Emily Maud Clark,
    U.P.  -  136 words
  • 17 1 Stones from the blit-zed House of Commons may be presented to each Dominion or Colony.
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  • 185 1 FLEW 5,000 MILES: BUT NO BRIDE NEW YORK, Monday. OREN CREWE of Reading, Massachusetts, has returned to the United States after a 5,000-mile flight to England bewildered and without marrying as he had planned. Yesterday, Crewe arrived m London by Pan-American to marry 39-year-old Mrs. Irene Harward m Cardiff, but
    U.P.  -  185 words
  • 123 1 MATTHEWS ASKS FOR TRANSFER, Mon. tf'l A.n Lv m« i i HEWS, world J famous outside right who will play for Britain against the Rest ol Europe m Glasgow on May 10, today asked the Stoke City directors to be allowed to leave the club and join another premier
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 32 1 The British Minister of Agriculture, Mr. T. Williams, said yesterday that four million sheep and lambs 20 percent of Britain's floek died m the recent winter
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  • 90 1 TUB drawbridges on London's famous Tower Bridge across the River Thames were hoisted last night, cutting off all traffic which had to be diverted to London Bridge about a mile further up the river- Reason was that the attendants had #one on strike and as an
    U.P.  -  90 words
  • 199 1 S'pore Govt:"No back pay offer' Free Press Stall Reportei ♦THE Colonial Secretary, Mr. V. A. li. McKerron, made a I categorical denial this morning that members of the Junior Civil Service Association m Singapore were recen marie a "secret offer" of 21 months' backpay. Mr. McKerron told the Free Press:
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  • 248 1 FLIGHT TO SAVE 5 Gls IN AFRICA NATIVES RIOT WIESBADEN, Monday. A CONTINGENT of two officers and 11 armed Gls are flying from Wiesbaden today to Roberts Airfield, Liberia, to strengthen the small United States Army garrison which is threatened by rio'^g natives. The airfield formerly served as an important
    Reuter  -  248 words
  • 163 1 As UNO Meets NEW YORK, Monday. UTH EN the General Assembly of tbe United Nations met In its first emergency session today to tackle the Palestine question, it was met by a threat from the Jewish Agency that it would boycott the session unless it was
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  • 56 1 li:e B Iron and Steel Board, Sir Arcbald .said yesterday tfa Britain'^ coal .shortage was limiting her steel mills to an annual production rate of n 11 1 2 lion ions, nearly t\ on ions below normal. Sir Archibald added I imports could not nil
    U.P.  -  56 words
  • 47 1 I he cha.i:: .-.^cTiean House Foreign Affairs Committee. Mr. Charles Eaton, said yesterday hat he did not know how the United States could avoid a with Russian forces m Koi He added that Communis philosophy has been penetrating th<> American occupation zone.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 94 1 JUNK RAIDED IN S'PORE HARBOUR Free Press Stall Reporter THIRTEEN Chinese were report- ed to have boarded a junk m Telok Ayer Basin, Singapore, at 3.20 o'clock this morning, and to have taken away five bales of cloth At 2.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, three Chinese, one armed with pistol, robbed
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  • 27 1 Britain's steel industry will not be nationalised during the pre??nt sessio n of Parliament, Mr. John Wilmot, the Minist-er of Supply., told the Commons
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  • 100 2 BRITISH industry, f making every effort o avoid a repetition next year of widespread suffering m fu< homes ard offices, believe:! today I it had develc ped the warmest panti s in the hist-»iy of lingerie. They are made from a new fabric called Terylene. which, like nylon,
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  • 681 2 In And Out Of Singapore Shops FREE PRESS WO. TF the price of food going' up, tit si h can comfort ourselves with a drop m the price of materials. Not only are prices of •on and artificial silk lower, but there is more material and better
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  • 81 2 (on; r. ic -s for Vegetables p« r kfcli D piout> i;r« i n M) 10 s.i; uU i tH t n 0.1 5 B: injals •v> i 020 h II h l.i. v (i io (hr a i h <>% Sum 0 15 C hoy si 1
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  • 191 2 WEST d the heart nirn which wa.s wen by Souths ace. Declarer decided it would be nice to lead up tc his diamond kins; if East had the and didn't play it. he wculd no diamrnd triek while if he dummy would later be able to discard
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  • 198 2 TWO GO-AHEAD WOMEN BY SPEI I\l QRRESPONDENI A FEW years ago, X Mackenzie, fresh from the study of art and designing at the Sydney Technical Collage, decided to enter The field of textile designing. She found that there weie no buyers for her de.-igns nd nobody willing to pi m
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    • 394 2 x i SBbKuf *^bS a *»ff¥f'\ j olWunrUriu Blue Network English 12. 00 :,00 48 j metres m the medium wave bjnd A: 7 meg per second In th«- U metre trand. g 00 11 00 p.m. ISS metres m th" mtdiuni »aye J «nd ft 1.825 ny \kt
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    • 553 2 Box; 1 .00 p.m. lies; j Rhythm; 1.15 H ri r; 2.00 W rid News 1 feet News fi p.m. Fhpover; 4 30 Blue Room; m. Stru ttal; n.30 Music from the Op 6.00 p.m. Thirty to One: 6 30 News and Home Nev md the i 7.00 p.m. Mi
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  • 638 3 UK TAKES WORK TO THE WORKERS Plans for industry IN order to utilise to the utmost Britain's industrial capa 1 cHy and available resources, already severely strained. the British Government is working to decentralise ihr country's industries, and to develop industrially several areas where labour is available. Apart from their
    A.P.  -  638 words
  • Article, Illustration
    75 3 Royal Air Force troop carrying planes flew 9.000,000 miles during February, with only one accident involving death or injury. QN< E upon a tin,«> this craft was the pleasure yacht of Field v Marshal Rommel, idol of Germany for his exploits m the Western Insert. N*n ->he can
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  • 43 3 Phone girls ask Xmas call ban girls, who handled nearly 2.000,000 Is m Britain last year, are to ask ?eral to ban all Christmas calls except >r doctors ribers off the line on g Day may be submitted to the Delivery of parcels
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  • 105 3 Dunkirk pax is stolen "MOTH F to a thief is post- ed on the door of Holy Cross Church, Greenfurd, Middlesex, asking for the return of a silver Pyx a small chest that mv tarried by the church's rector to tfive Holy Communion to men dying on the beaches of
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  • 84 3 YOUNG woman who parifl a married man a roving criminal career ,en a warning about bad living when the Court rder at the Old Bailey, London, sen'enced her to three years The girl was Erica Winifred Dickens. 20, who became famous m England as "Mrs. Gresham"
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  • 13 3 WANT PARENTS CHARGED TOO their I I be an I roxiI ~rits' I
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  • 352 3 ENGLISH women from Yorkshire woollen milk who have gone to work m Sydney, beleve that Australia is a* land of plenty. Their first obse**ion after Waving hungry i Britain Ls the abundance of meat, eggs, milk and fruit to be had m Australia. The women
    Reuter  -  352 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 3 iy HI N Field Marshal Visdbunt Montgomery made a tour of u»c military establishments of the London district he spsnt some time at the Tower of Lond n where he inspected the Y?oman Warders and a detachment rf the Ist battali n of the Cod trcam Guards. H°re he is
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  • 15 3 Soviet Russia claims to be building the largest cosmetics factory m Eurooe.
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  • 103 3 THE firs-, international speea A test between the world's fastest jet-propelled aeroplanes is due to take pi Vv aitsuntiae. h the official backing i French Air Minister, French lon interes s have proposed a race over a 420-miles course from Paris to Cannes for
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  • 295 3 A YOUNG gunman said m his trial at the Old Bailey London, that he had gone to a cafe and shoi a waitress m order to prove to a girl who jilted him that he was desperately m love with her. The gunman was \!v n f <
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  • 76 3 The Civil Nursing Reserve m Britain is to be maintained and the pay of its members increased. A "nest-egg" of awaits the nurses because the Minister of Health has decided that the pay increases which he has announced shall be back-dated to December 1, 1946. Assistant
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  • 35 3 To handle the new peanut trade m Southern Tanganyika, the British Government has agreed to the building or a £4,000,000,000 port m Mikindani Bay, 25 miles north of the Portuguese IS&fft Africa border.
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  • 79 3 CALLY RAND, the fan dancer, h, .Americans at rest. She does Hut she admits that it is diffici this. MLs«, Hand, who is forty-two, 1 Eder, of the U-S. Supreme Court her a "clearance card," so that restaurants. •is put the minds of many million s
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  • 184 3 THREE Welshmen m Vancouver (British Columbia) claim to be entitled to part of the £200,000,000 fortune left by Robert Edwards, m the U.S., more than 100 years ago. Robert Edwards owned land on which part of New York was built. His will was found only
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    • 131 3 CATHAY PHOMI :i4OO 11 a.m.. 1 45, I. IS, 645 ft Jo TO-DAY SINATRA- MURPHY- MENJOB Dt HAVEN SL*[ZAK PALUfTTt KKO todw Pictwf SWING'S*? I.OS'I LOST from vicinity Orange Grove Road. Ginger coloured dog without collar. Answers to 'Peter Phone 3870. WANTED B LICENCE PILOTS over 1,000 hrs. twin experience,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 39 3 TAR Z A N House of Horrors By Edgar Rice Burroughs jC,<^ GLARD RAN JN WITH THE NEWS OF A"-~~ f^ THROUGH THE PEEPENING NIGHT v^jjK -^-^3 THE OTHER GUARD'S PEATH. v AW^iK^f! IV '7^ F UK PovVERFUL CREATURES
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  • 464 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY. APRIL 29, 1947. The SFTU Must Register Feder; •i will c le air b re. we have •on according to Trad U by n as illegal societ bl;: i h no i Singapore Federation at Trade -lich Is the master In trade union houses m
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  • 1147 4 CHINA'S MUMBER ONE KILLER-TB TA survey of what is being done to combat and control a widespread menace. j By Dr. A. Stewart Alien •TUBERCULOSIS ranks 1 n< the foremost cause of morbidity m China. No other disease, either acute or chronic, c »mparea with it m the extent of
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  • 619 4  - TRAINING A MAN HOW LONG? Douglas Kay by HTML Government, m changing its mind about conscrip--1 tion and lowering the period of service from 18 I" 12 months, has precipitated one of the year's 1) political crises. But whatever the political rightwrongs of the issue nay be, the FACTS about
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    11 4 (Tcp> A dispenser at t| (Bottom) In a li< d Cr
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  • 5 4 PEOPLE MAKE NEWS j. rl_i
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    • 18 4 FfI!TH "H }l n nr, and peace, to I ry man that worketh good. Romans: 2. 10. I
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    • 65 4 QUIZ 1. What is a rnetorical question? 2. What is the principal reason for a n mads' moving from place to place? 3. How many children had Johann Sebastian Bach? 4. On whose tomb is inscribed: 'Blessed be the man who spares these stones and curst be he who moves
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  • 144 5 s Staff Reporter pore town stands a farming colony "esh. looks green and peaceful. called Tainan Kebajikan) which nd of Malays for the benefit of mmunity. to about 1.000 men, women ked upon since the days of the 100 acres off Ch. rminus, 80
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  • 38 5 SMALLPOX IS STILL RIFE IN UNION A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2a
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  • 35 5 MUSLIM SOCIETY OFFICERS A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the ユid meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. ユ'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL \2a
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  • 8 5 SPORE SHIP HELD UP I da rt of
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  • 232 5 Free Press Staff Reporter HTHE Singapore Federation of Trade Unions w i i J apply for registration under the Trade Unions OidinaiM c, -aid the SFTU Vice-President, Mr. Sze Tong, m an interview. He stated: "Now that it is clear unions have to register, you can
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  • 211 5 MALAYAN UNION Ex-PoWs ASK CIVIL PAY MEMBERS of the War Prisonera (Malayan Union ciation have taken up with the Government the question o: civil and volunteer defence pay and benefits, civil liability schemes' mpensation for loss of property during the war. Their annual report, which is to be tabled at
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 Photo. u:u rs m the Effinffhui Hun* organised by OHQ SEALF Riding thth. In th uirt- try i spt U psood. Capt lastin (Wh ppcrin), Lieut. Col. Clerkp Be wne (Master ol t-^ Hunt) and Senior mmiinaer Eberlie. Army PR
    Army PR  -  40 words
  • 133 5 NEI TO AID INDIA WITH MORE PADI THE magnitude of India's food problem and the arra mentis made for equitable distribution 01 whate\ i India has, have been seen at fiist-hand by the Indonesian Food Delegation which has been touring some of India's cities and villages suffering from acuie shortage
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  • 93 5 R.N. TO TRAIN CEYLONESE THE Royal Naval authorities have approved of a scheme whereby detachments of the Ceylon Naval Volunteer Reserve personnel will be attached to the East Indies Fleet for training. This is the outcome of proposals put forward by Commander Royce de Mcl, Commanding Officer of the CRNVR
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  • 263 5 A FIELD of nearly 30 riders met at Pasir Panjang for the •id meet of the Effingham Hunt organised by GHQ SFALF Riding Club last Saturday. •'Charlie and his Vixen" (Lt.-CoL ■r and Mrs. Clerke-Brown) set off it o p.m. and hounds found scent
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  • 584 5 DESERTERS HELD ON SIAM BORDER By ALAN GARDNER, Free Press Staff Reporter PENANG, Monday. CEVERAL deserters from the British Forces have j been arrested on the Siam-Malaya border near Alor Star. Flanagan and Allen— believed to be two of them—are detained m Penans Prison, and two more have just been
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  • 222 5 This P.C. Wants Protection Free Press Staff Reporter ENGLISH-SPEAKING headman and special constable Hear Rahman who lives with his two wives and controls 368 Malay fisherfolk on Pulau Sudong, a small, lonely, Brn Island ten miles from Singapore, says he requires '*pr« 1 ion." Although appointed their representative on the
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  • 97 5 50,000 TO PARADE EN SINGAPORE Free Press Staff Reporter FIFTY thousand members of la- labour unions affiliated t SFTU will hold a rally at Fairer Park on Thursday, starting from 11 o'clock m cemmem:ration of i May Day. The proceedings will open the May Day song and a gei salute
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  • 14 5 Sales of Victory Savings Certificates up to April 22 amounted to $484,647.00.
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  • 66 5 AFIRE swept the Capital Theatre m Bangkok, owned by the Malayan cinema magnate Loke Wan Tho, on Sunday night while a show was proceeding. The fire started m the projecting room and spread quickly involving 2,000,000 ticals loss m films. Many people were slightly injured, among
    Reuter  -  66 words
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    • 70 5 I I -HOU'S i,. TODAY Universal Freienti j£- v a m 2 pm 1 15 p.m. UINfFUT 1 I^l r 7, J|#m3ljb^ (a stolen lifi; qfioHwm waluce fORj WAL ER BkEKNAN *4 HOBARI CAVANAUGH FREDDIE SJttl w* T l^«f. v ,j :u Tlt ••■nmabot GALA OPENING TO-DAY PLEASE i^mi
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  • 361 6 nriTHiN the space oi months lean BapVI Ustc Petrius LeLuix. S&-year-old Dutchman, smuggled into Britain H.O(KU>r«) anemone conns and bulbs. And had he not made one slip he probably would have been still 'ng :m hie fa Instead, the Dutchman has started a two-- prison sentence
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  • 25 6 A grand piano was sold for six shillings at an auction at Le-vhworth. England. There were no bids for a 1934 Morris car
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  • 12 6 Women outnumber men by nearly 470.000 m the US
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  • 121 6 LADY MARY BLANGER, 25-yuar-old daughter of the Countess of Dysart. came back from Cornwall to find that thieves had visited her home at Marlborough-place. St John's Wood, N.W., for the fifth time. They broke m through a ground-floor window then forced every door, drawer, and capboard
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  • 140 6 WAR METHOD FOR GROUND NUT SCHEME /t WARE of tJ i and dim- I l\ dties, Britain is gtjin^ id with its vast East Afri-j can ground-nut scheme as though it were a majoT i i of war. Britain amis to produce fromi 5.000 square miles of jungle a| new
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  • 27 6 The flrst two television sets for Britain's "new* 1 Army have been installed by Anti-Aircraft Command, with money provided by the A.A. Welfare Fund.
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  • 157 6 PUT IT DOWN BABY TOLD COAT THIEF ty:-!KN an "electrician" picked up a mink coat In her cr's bedroom, four-year-old Victoria Heber-Percy, of Southterrace, London, told him to put It down. '"It's mummy's." she said. "It's mine," answered the man, and keeping hold of the coat he grabbed Jewei: valued
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  • 47 6 COLD DEFERRED CORSET SCHOOL A corset school for the training of sales girls, which has opened m London, was to have begun work m February. The course had to be postponed because the fuel crisis meant It would have been too cold then for the women models.
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  • 542 6 BLUFF WAS KEY TO RAID ON PORT V. C. tells St. N a zaire story I BLUFF played a large part m me Dniiiani I -planned \>r> il'h commando raid on the German-defended I rench p<,rt ol Si. Nazaire on March 27, 1942. The fir>t full story of the raid
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 6 Z <J
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  • 98 6 ALL the time little George W. n Lee was piling up a fortune of £20.000 he kept on working as a £4-*i-week wages clerk at the British Oil and Cake Kent. England. First, he saved enough to buy a barge. While it was plying between
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  • 38 6 A man who pulled don house "by mistake" and was fined £50 a: Leeds. England said he had the authority to puU down o her houses and accepted the responsibility for pulling down the wrong one.
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  • 76 6 DREAD, costing sd. a loaf iv Northern Ireland, is being smussled w into western Co. D Onega] to sell at 2*. Gd. The existence ol the traffic was revealed m Belfast court whrn Maurice Serr> cf Bonbeg:, Co, Ponegal, was lined i! 10 for trying to smuggle
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  • 242 6 She doesn't go to church now MH.s. MAVIS BiNSTEAD, a C rovdon hot »1 M banned from joining the .Mothers' Union of the church because her husband Ls a divorced man has ped goißg ;<» hurch. Until the ban was enforced she wa per at Crnydon Parish Church, don the
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  • 127 6 STAMPS A VOID MONEY BAN a NEW move to I A British people I gangs theft of t I dealers within 48 houi>. In recent I days carry. Paris and Brunei* rcnc] "The safest the spending restriction taking valuablseas." a Lorntold a reporter. "We ;his business 12 quite a big
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    • 163 6 Free Press Crossword Ho. 92 IP 1 If I ii B H'Q I I r\ I km CliLtS ll,ivil3S 1 ta .01. <j. Animal's jaws (5), 7. Ugl., old woman cr hag (7) Duxology <6), 10. The sands near this Oannarthenshire village have been the scene of several motor speed
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    • 40 6 f Now RFADY? y YOU BFT'A Yah£ M f WHICH WAV\ ,~A Kt'S WO GO, JAWE" hold HE i off WF J gg^lJ WOULD YOU PRFFCR inl^ AMD AWV WAV i&f?-* \T° rALL MADAM \J tt j(J^ WLi> LEFTFRITz i^Z^~«-J-.
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  • 88 7 HIGH SCORES AT CHANGI mEKEND CRICKET RESULTS •ingi XI gamed an easy rid r\ by ten .aval Dockyard XI at Changi on Sunre only able to total 47 and for or wicke's for five runs. Harding and U uth little difficulty and the i pushed the store along to IG6
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  • 189 7 CLOSE FINISH AT ATALEXANDRA keenly contested game on SunAlexandza Eoai. the Sp ci i a C.C. I BOD by 13 nu Pa: sons and Hrrland opened the SC.CC. and m the LO minutes dismissed six batsmen ia iu-s. Fo/tunately for the BOD ::er mastered the bowlirg and tor with Swamy
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  • 47 7 1 M.E. The S B 3) b Gri I b a b Gr.bble 0: Ballai —3 1 &ns 4; an c Ward b st lbw b Lee j bble b b Lee 2; rt, 0; G l—6—s: GrJ 6 o—5 t.
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  • 128 7 INDIANS WIN IN U.K TENNIS BOURNEMOUTH. M X- ar.ti Ghaus Mohammed ned th c second round of the ogles when the British hard D tennis championships began today m sunny but gasty condiAhmed beat C:G: Gurtis 6—l; 5 2. 6 3. while Mohammed defea P.H. Partridge 6—2, 11—9. 6—l. Bespectacled
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  • 35 7 SEARCH FOR TALENT IN SUSSEX Inthea Maiden, 17-year-old Roe dean schoolgirl, learns from Sussex phi. r (ieorge Cox, the correct way to hold her bat. Anthca is one of the best players Roedean has produced.
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  • 359 7 FILM SHOWS BAKSI BEATING WOODCOCK LONDON. Monday. THE old truism that the "camera never lies" fell under ihe 1 shadow of doubt when the films of the Joe Baksi-Bruce ieock fight r» nn attempt to soften Woodcock's beating for the average British fan, writes ISob Meyer, United Press sports writer,
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  • 205 7 GOLDSBOROUGH BACKED IN 2,000 GUINEAS LONDON. M THERE up of es m the f^O G;;r hough n t a great deal i at the The favourite, Tudor Minstrel, wa win £2,000 at 15-8. :ame for Petiti m wh laid to lose £9.000 at 105-40. other 1 ly consid rcld who
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 41 7 THE Army Parker Cup soccer semi- between R.A.O.C. and Infantry will bo played at Alexandra-road Scorts firro-.ind at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow: R.A.O.C. team from: Haswell, HoliingAlbury. Stokoe. Harper. Jubber, Blackburn. Hteney, Hani on, Bowmer, Pro -sir, Smythes, Hickman.
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  • 1182 7 ARSENAL PAID FIRST 5-FIGURE TARNSFER Answeifitsg Tour Qmc^^l^s Player Concerned By Ihe Sports Editor ALTHOUGH it is only fairly recent history, the many answers I received to last week's transicr fee query have been wrong, except the one from Dvr. T. Kennedy of 29 Coy, RASC, most readers naming Bryn
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  • 404 7 Friendly Game At Stadium Today THE S.A.F.A. League fixture between the Army and Uie S.R.C., scheduled to take place at Jalan Besar Stadium today, has been postponed a t the reQuest of the Bees, who are unable to field a full team. Instead, the ACS. Old Eh Association and 223
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  • 25 7 IBERDEEN. playing away. beat ■s» Queen of the 6 one m "A" division of the f>ottish League yesterday, reports Reuter from Lone.
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    • 113 7 r^S^iMSAa^S^ O?ENS TO-DAY! Pw 5 SHOWS TO DA iijf ill I Fulfil*) 4^l/! ll 2 415 6 3 91 r > vVMMBM^MMA&«r« New Discovery! Ik: f :.:.:iZ POWELL! jmtt^ r tOGAR )|f^ IN SOUND! E l?Ju? aßlf «|^-r-** l HEAR that M C CARTHY W^S^^l phenomenal voice i GRANVILLE FIELDS
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 8 M .idstone, county town of X«!i t itanda OB the ban. -o| the nv»r Medwas This fILMnC. Nnr« shows the former Palace of the irchbishop of Canterbury, now occupied by h<H>H; of art and music.
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  • 344 8 S'PORE RUBBER PRICES TODAY I -CITY NEWS— J A Special market correspond m gives the prices of rubber »i Jl a.m. today as follows: Buyer* »«li«r« Ct«. I* per tb p«r ib Na 1 B.S .S. Spol loose US Ho 1 R.SS. tab m baJes May No R.SS fob m
    Reuter  -  344 words
  • 74 8 BUDGET LEAK; CITY INQUIRY f LONDON, Monday. London Stock Exchange Council last night announced would make special investigations into a charge that a budget secret "leaked" m time for some stock operators to profit on tlv> market. The Council said that it has apted a special committee to probe 'he
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  • 208 8 LONDON, Monday. ATTENTION wma focus^n! m thi- Houso of Commons today rt on the I.S. Government's order <>f \{>ril 3 to (ien. MtaoArthur to fn^in the removal of Japanese industrial equ |> ment and materials as reparations. .Mr. Walter Fletcher, servative RfP lor Bury, who recently
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  • 214 8 'LION' AMUSES AT THE LITTLE THEATRE First night r. f >.-n ii.ii' DLAYING u> a packed house m the intimate atmospher I Theatre m Sin night, the Little Theatre Players presented Shaw's "Andi cles and th e Lion" and a Victorian Burlesque v. i >me Wir adapted by Clint :n
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  • 21 8 The King Is providing land from the Sandringham Efc r ate for a playing field at Dersingham, Norfolk.
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  • 80 8 Tin K< v w. G. Hargrave Thor n. s, vic&r ot Needhain .Market, has apoli -ised publicly for saying that Britain's thousands 01 spinsters, deprived of their chance of husbands by the war, should be permitted to have babies without marrying. "This statement, together with its sequel
    A.P.  -  80 words
  • 315 8 LIMA. Peru, Monday. SIX young Scandinavian scientists five Norwegians and one Swede were setting sail from the Peruvian port of Callao today on a 15-foot raft m ihe hope <>f drifting 4,000 milt- to tin- Marquesas Islands, more than ball waj across the Pacific.
    Reuter  -  315 words
  • 349 8 DOCKERS STRIKE IN UK. FOOD SHIPS IDLE SOME 10,000 of Ixmdon's £4,000 dock workers struck today and refused to unload 76 ships, at least 26 fii them carrying meat, sugar, butter, flour and graia for Britoas. The strikers walked out m sympathy for the Glasgow dock strikers who ceased WOii
    U.P.; Reuter  -  349 words
  • 110 8 and LONDON, Men. SCHEME by which nearly! £50,000 worth of pearl neckwere believed to have been smuggled into Britain from Czechoslovakia m sealed diplomatic >, was nipped by customs officials today. Acting c>n Information overheard m a Soho cafe, the authorities found several necklaces hidden mi
    U.P.  -  110 words
  • 97 8 COLOMBO, Mon. SOVIET Russia has asked the Ceylon Government Repr tatlve m London for quotes of the prices of Ceylon coconuts which the Soviet may wish to import. The Ceylon Department of Commerce and Industries is contacting exporters who may be prepared to quote for
    U.P.  -  97 words
  • 23 8 The slogan "blood donors are still urgently needed is to be stamped on "letters ROing through the post, m Britain.
    23 words
  • 310 8 WASHINGTON, Monday THh r.s. Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Averill Harriman. 1 trned the Hou-< otnmittee on rec iprooal trade, that th< D otiations at Genevi \\*>re now m 'a very rru period." Any modification of the U.S. I to demands m some Congress qua: vouid be
    U.P.; Reuter  -  310 words
  • 43 8 Dr. Erich Isselhorst >azi sentenced to death fop the murder of British paratroops during tlie war, was recaptured near Wuppertal, Germany, on Saturday. He escaped a fortnight ago from a British Army lorry taking him from court to jail. U.P.
    U.P.  -  43 words
  • 30 8 The America n President Lines shipping company yesterday announce^ that it would scrap the old liner Panamania n at Shanghai after a vovaee from Hoiis Kong. A.P.
    A.P.  -  30 words
  • 21 8 lhe A i m Bavaria h:\ ail the Board who He Ls Johannes joined the Nazi Par
    21 words
  • 4 8 ici
    4 words
  • 21 8 Stamp fan protests A PI 1 iTION OF PEOTFstamps invites signatures on the Stamp the National Stamp Exhibition, opened minster. London
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 NOTICE THE OKI I THE EAST ASIATIC will be closed tomorrow on the occasion of the funeral of the late King Christian the Tenth of Denmark The Unanimous Verdict j Of the Press and Public ever came t THE KAMALA CIRCUS FNTFRS ITS FINAL WEN LAST DAY, SUNDAY at Reduced
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