The Singapore Free Press, 21 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 365 1 KNIFE ATTACKS IN INDIA CITIES BOMBAY, Sunday. pIOTING has again broken out m India m Cawnpore, Bombay and Calcutta. In Bombay alone, 20 stabbings were reported today— two of them fatal, m the United Provinces industrial city of Cawnpore, troops m armoured cars and Bren-gun carriers have been called out
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  • 8 1 A LOSS TO DENMARK The Late King ChrLstian
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  • 32 1 The L:ndo n Daily Telegraph representative m Lisbon reports that 20 Portuguese Army planes were sabotaged on April 10 during an attempted revolt against the Portusuese government. U.P.
    U.P.  -  32 words
  • 68 1 FOUR ARMED ROBBERIES pOUR armed robberies were re- ported to the Singapore Police on Sunday involving $2,120 m cash and jewellery. There was a roadside robbery at 7th mile, Serangoon Road, when two Chinese, armed with pistols, stopped a van belonging to a biscuit factory and robbed the three occupants
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  • 30 1 The French Minister for the Interior, Edouard Depreux, yesterday narrowly escape^ injury when a plane m which he was landing at Paris "pancaked" on the aerodrome. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 151 1 MUNICH, Sunday. HTHE bodies of Hermann Goering and the ten major Nazis I who were hanged at Nuremberg last October were cremated, the ashes thrown together into an army dustbin and then dumped into the River Isar near K.unich by four Allied Generals, writes Reuter's
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • Article, Illustration
    90 1 LAST SATURDAY AFTERNOON, a Vickers "Viking" tonehed iown KaMauj Airport. Stagapovf It i k 'h e first machine of this type to fly east of India and is MRying i kcrs-Arm stron? officials to Aust-alia and N<"T Zealand. The plane htm l^ r t Icr Austra'ia. a few wr
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  • 65 1 r?ORTY people were killed and 200 w it injured when a railway wasin filled with dynamite blew up m Fiume railway goods station, reports the Italian news agency. The explosion rocked i*%~ enVrp eHy oi Fjrv.o. rrded to Yugoslavia by the p?ace treaty Vugoslr.v authorities hive
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 244 1 Army employs Navai Base men Free Press Siaif Reporter HUNDREDS of ex employees of the Singapore Naval Base iire registering for work at the missioner of Labour a office m Havelook Road, alter fcav! g been served wi h notices to quit by the Dockyard authorities. A naval ipoiiesman -aid
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  • 66 1 EGYPT CASE FOR UNO CAIRO. SuncL: EGYPTIAN Premier Nokrashi Pasha announced today that the Egyptian Government had decided to submit the AngloEgyptian dispute to the United Nations Security Council. A Cabinet member said after a three-hour cabinet meeting that Egypt would raise the question within two weeks. He added the
    U.P.  -  66 words
  • 23 1 TROOPS CINEMA BOMBED i .V&S In Royal no r .::ed I 20 I I m rvea I H M us- Reuter A .P.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  23 words
  • 56 1 t The aircraft had been chartered to bring a football team from Dhe Clyde to South Africa. The Mercury Air Transport -ed are sending a relief Dakota due to arrive at Malakal on Wednesday to continue with the passengers and bring back the Clyde team m time for
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 300 1 DENMARK KING DIES AT 76 TIM. Cfcristian Ol Denmark died m Ihc Royal Palace at X Copcfthagen just after eleven o'clock tonight. The crisis bezan at 5 o'clock m the evening when the Kingfs nurses called doci. r- to the castle. For the last few hours the Danish Queen, tfcc
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  • 26 1 President Vincent Auriol of cc arrived m Dakar yesteraboard the French warship Richelieu on the first stage of his of French West Africa.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 26 1 The first U.S. soldier since the r to marry a German with his Army's permission, With her for New York yesterday.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  26 words
  • 291 1 Bells ring for Princess' 21st PKINC i:ss ELIZABETH'S 21st birthday today will be marked m London by the flying of flags on Government buildings and a peal of bells for an hour at St. Paul's Cathedral and tor a shorter period at Westminster .\blx>. The Princess is celebrating her birthdaj
    Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  291 words
  • 55 1 Simon Patino, a Spanish- Indian peasant, who became one of the world's richest tin magnates, died m Buenons Aires yesterday. He was 81. He is survived by his wife and his son, Antenor, who has managed the tin fortune m recent years. Petino built his fortune from
    A.P.  -  55 words
  • 54 1 A Mala... r anied Brenda has charm "i the people o! Cebu m the Philippines. Bre. da is the r^ascot of tae British cru. H.MS. Manxman Cebu v sitors yesterday crowdeu the ship during visiting hours to sec Br iida eat almost anything r hat is
    A.P.  -  54 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 I EL WCHAB3 BOBP E ?^66 I <t\O^ \by G r from I SIILK Stockings! Only $7.50 pvr jHiir ...r/Hf/ on its way m AMERICAN FU RNISHING FABRICS GI AN SINGH CO. I KAFFLES PLACE
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    • 48 1 DSF SDFK SKDLF SKDF\ fs fi ft p% s^ fill ir f* 1 1 pi i !l jc r f"^r^sxN^fiy TU R B O^PLBNT ADVTL. OP THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD. OP ENGLAND SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENA^'Q Perak Agents: The t£inta Electrical Distribution Co., Ltd. IPOH i wmmammmmMmmmmmmmmmmnKKamimmM^mmmmmmmmmmi^mmmmßmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmm
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  • FOR WOMEN...
    • 918 2 LAUNDRY MADE EASY IN AND OUT OF STORE SHOPS FREE PRESS W; -M.W REPORTER AUICKER and easier laundering is a fqatur. f the dresses exposed by England th?s summer. Shoulder pads have alwa? been a nui-ance and the best plan is to clip them on with press studs, especially heie
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    • Article, Illustration
      174 2 TIIK many housewr. 1 who now have to do their own cooking will be glad to hear about a ne* v getable < r which hi been on the market. It Will peel three pounds of vegetables m two minutes, needs no cleaning and is easy to dry
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    • 138 2 CHILDREN'S HEART SURGERY NEW surgery fur children and 'teen with heart trouble, to save ihem from a lifetime of invalidi.-m, has been described by Robert E. Gross, MD., of Harvard Medical School. Gross said the trouble that the new surgery repairs is a narrowed spot m the aorta. That le
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    • 347 2 \/J W' t hLs hand was h and that he had better play ish whatever suit his pari nrld SI major suit had been the chances were that East-West had major-suit length. West had many spades to hope that his par also had length tn that suit,
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    • 388 2 FRONT-RANK DESIGNER Paris Spring Collect,o ns BY A SPECLU CORRESPONDENT ANEW post-v, visible m the I Spring Collections. Chri Dior, newcomer among front-rank desi| foremost exponent. H mg a strong influxPans fashion. The figure on th e the sketch shows Di style: the long, skirt with fullness m th< below
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    • 99 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR Fortune forecast foi people born today DORN today, yours is a strong character and you lut th^ will power and determinn to carry through any project, once begun. Set and determined m >our v.'.v ;i mmsi tight against becoming stubborn and dogmatic m your outlook on Iff*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 870 2 SINGAPORE WONDAI l. Pill Woria Ne*« 4.00 p.m. Light Music Featurl I i i Quarter; 1.15 Bllß Network English :o Harp" Fanfare; 145 Goitr: 8 pm. Rhy.hmics, Raio aa Costa P v Ist) World News >urs fjr 12 oo— oo p.a. 185 metr<^ m toe r F Hartley's Quintet. 4.30
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    • 81 3 AN Apr!] 9, 1947, the Ra^ at SefeUr, Singapore, held their annual athletic meeting, a feature of which wa* the keen enthusiasm of competitors and spectators T!ie*»e pictures 1 and 2: Tlu- Children's rare m progress 3: The Tu* of War event; 4: The c^iamp his
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 33 3 TAP 7 A KJ «%KA-Mnß TarxaK desperate By Edgar Rice Burroughs PRIMITIVE CREATURES SOUGHT nM^^^ M 8v« "SrEW "c LOSER I^Sp>A^. '^^t^t^' "iHHHI«OTb IZQab^liiS I N I, I 1 >t>&yssm z^.'*" z. -2290-
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  • LEADER...
    • 630 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY. APRIL 21, 1947. income Tax I. NOW that Budg:t Day is past, the people of England kn-jw the rst about income tax they are to pay a little less, though the standard rate remains at nine shillings m the pound. But m re the people
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    • 1109 4 jit AY the sun shine, and all go well with the people of Britain now that the ice has broken," as they say m Canada. Certainly no people on this earth ever better earned a break. After the bombing and the battles were over the
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    • 46 4 French deny that segregatior of Greater Saar is attempt t< seize Western Germany's nc! coal-mines? van has consistent!} i Winston C hnth inside and out ol of Ccmm:ns? British Pclil a ir nd Hyderabad owe allegiance to Viceroy tnd n to new Ind:an Interim > i:;ment?
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    • 41 4 V v h.i\<- to bave a tu.s.< tn< d, a „< j£ a j p ;»r--macist. Women's patience and delicacy of handling an specially suited to this. This Ls taking a throe year c< I ?a (London) IVIv technic.
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    • 370 4 TEN tnbusand p:opie m B:mbay recently saw an yogi 11 AM A NAN 1> SWAMI, raised from a cement "tomb" m which he had been al d 24 hours befoie. He came out oi a trance and was normal five minutes later. DR. BHARUCHA, a heart specialist,
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    • 447 4 KING CHRISTIAN THE MAN FREE PRESS M'hi i,\L CORRESPONDENT THE death of King 1 Christian X of Denmark 1 at 11.04 p.m. night ended the 35 gn of "Europe's most democratic King". He is succeeded by his eldest son, Crown Prince derik. In 1912 His Majesty Cb X, by the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

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  • 342 5 CHINESE TRY 'BACK DOOR IMMIGRATION An old gag fails again b ree Press Staff Reporter WHILi: the check on illegal immigration into Singapore from China is being maintained constantly, Chinese, determined to make their way into the Colony, are resorting to the pre-war ''back-door' methods of eluding immigration officials but
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  • 312 5 \d 9ecret service men are scouring the Thakin Soe, dare-devil leader oi Burma's imunist) Party and one of the most colour- ful figure m Burmese politics Two months ago, when the Burmese Government declared the "Red Flag" Party illegal and rounded up its leaders. Thakin Soe
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 5 Plcinw show, i f v blocks of modern hoiiiss for the staff of the Special Commissioner m Sontlt-Ea i Lord Killearn. Built on a hill ofT Braddell Road, Singapore, the houses will be f<W occupation on June 1 \s soon as the blocks now building are complete, work will start
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  • 95 5 THE headquarters, Australian War Graves Group, SEAC, has finally closed down preparatory to returning to Austi. m the very near future. Smce its arrival truly i:. September 1945, every consideration and co-operation has been extended to the Group and "it is desired to express to
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  • 96 5 Viscountess Mountbatten accompanied by I.t A. C. Taylor, Surgeon to the Vlesroy, visited the P>ritish Military Hospital nt Delhi Cantonments recently. She was nvt i>\ Bris. K. \V. I). Van-haii, IVelhi Distrii't Coiumander Matron Mi.v--j. Everett, QAIMNS, Matron-in-Charre, and Lt-CoL s. o. Bramwell, RAMC, Olßcer Com"landing the
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  • 153 5 BUILDERS MAKE 7 DEMANDS demands have t>ecn sub- mitted to the Buiding Contractors' Association, on b:>alf of the Building Workers' Uni by the Federation of Trad Unions, Singapore Bianch. The demands are <l) Mm mum of $9 to SlO a day for skilled work mum of S's to $7 for
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  • 17 5 Powdered Milk from India i or i prospect of Mi|H* Xt powdered xthenie manure r wiU ,rnment
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  • 218 5 ItfORK on the restoration and movement of port facilities it Pun Swettenham its being tressed ahead. Further cor.skl- ris being given to dcvloptf th ion oi addiil ocean res. The General Manager of the an Railways says that en -.rage 1,560 tons of goods *'ere
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  • 262 5 BRITA IN AIDS COLONIES BRITAIN'S further education and vocational training scheme for Colonies is proving Mw worth. In the first nine month*)! 1 nearly 1,600 candidates have bet f in Britain for vocational training; I and nearly 50 m further education group. This scheme is Britain's gift to men and
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  • 402 5 Free Press Stall Reporter rbe ready by June 1. stmi permanent homes for 50 members on the staff of the Special (omnissioner. Lord KilJearn, are fast nearing completion off Braddell R<,ud, Singapore. The houses when completed will be known as Braddell Rise. The\ will have
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  • 125 5 THi; Controller of Supplies, Malayan I'nion, announces that the Government, sinte the beginning of the year up to the first week m April, has purchased (iiO, 147.60 piculs (16 8 piculs ton) of localty-grown p:id 78.088 GO piculs were purchased A breakdown Of
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  • 201 5 AWARDS for gallant and distinguished services m South East Asia have been announced m New Delhi. They are: D.S.O: T Lt.-Col. W. R. Yenning (Madras Regt): 0.8. E.: T Lt.-Col. W. B. P. Milne, MC. (R.1.A.), and T Lt.Col. A. T. Scott (Madras Regt), M.8.E.: T Maj.
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  • 60 5 A TRIBUTE to the "spirit of I conciliation" of Pandit Nehiu as leader of the Pan-Asiatic Conference m New Delhi was paid by Princess Yukanthor of Cambodia on her return to Indochina as a member of the Indochinese delegation to the conference. "He managed to keep
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 50 5 THE Indonesian News Agency reported from Batavia on Saturday that an East Asiatic Conference, including delegations from Burma. Malaya, Siam and Vietnam, will be held m 1948. preliminary to the plenary session of the Inter- Asian Relations Conference which will be held m China m 1949. A.P.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 65 5 BRITISH and Indian troops of the "Fil more than 30 villrges m I mana 1 Bu ma m their anti-ban sccord'Pp: to a I note on Saturday. In the jungle on the je, the troops covered the lair of a Bu: woman bandit leader. Ma Nyun.
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  • 71 5 BOYS' CLUB CLASS IN SEAMA NSHIP Ihrough the CGurtesy of Mr. W. J. Chiltcn of the Marine Police, a class m seamanship of three months' duration will be held at the Queen Street Boys" Club, Singapore. Members m this class will be given tuition to prepare for the helmsmanshi* examination
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 ust Four Sho*s I )M p. m. I jitiil BAIL ZORINAJ &M I OPENING TOMORROW I .4 Great Dramatic Triumph For Two I j!ea//y Great Stars". I -HPHONE NOW ROBINSONS I 4 Extension 4. ■ktbruTtheatre ■KSTAGE CLUB PRESENTS -RSENiC OLD LACE" I p m lathay I 930 I stop laughter,
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    • 31 5 A QUAUT) PRODUCT i INSIST ON i YACHT BRAND (COAGULATING) ACID j Obtainable from all Leading Hardware and Estate Suppliers throughout Malaya TAN SIM FENG CO. 11, PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE I
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  • 1 6
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  • 343 6 SCHEME TO MAK UK WORLD FASHION CENTRE Challenge to Paris, Hollywood BRITAIN has a chance to become me worura mnm rentre for women's clothes. A way to Beiie that chance, and make the most of it, has been outlined m London. B was suggested thai a design centre should be
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  • Article, Illustration
    81 6 rn\\ I SMAN adds the final touches to a graceful *ruet !e mt;del oi a British es tart aircraft carr>er. The modd n eonstmctcd at the miniature "slipways" of M .wke's factory .tt N rthumpt n Ihe fact«>r\ produced true- 1) -scale model ship>> I exhibit-on and experiment purp sc.v
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  • 103 6 HIGH JAP GOES TO WORK BIGASHI-KUNI. a Japanese prince of the imperial broken the of centuries by k for his living, i plans to open a Tokio restaurant bus m. prince said: "I am :nr wmer ties ar.d to open a business f n Shinjijuku «a suburb of Tokio) familiar
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  • 28 6 Because they feel their 2,200 women workers have little time for shopping, the Phillips electrical works management, at Mitcham staged a lunch-hour West End fashion parade.
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  • 253 6 GERMANY is planning to revive hef Important tourist trade. Hiia trade fore the war netted Germany important overseas credits, brought Into the coiintrj by holiday makers and foreign business agents. lies m the south and Wi si "t Germany had good tourist facilities. The main obstacle
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  • 90 6 TONBRIDGE. Kent, uroan *>uncll has decided to r .1:5.500 for the A: und, nursery of Kent cricket for 50 years. I was Army dump m warIme. Then Tonbridge Cricket Club sold hound dicate, but tne Minister of Town and Country Planning banned racing there. The
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  • 33 6 The Asia (9,000 tons), the first vessel built since the war to enter the service of the CunardWhite Star Line, this month will! enter the Mersey to load coal for Montreal.
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  • 31 6 As hotel accommodation cannot be found at WLsbech, Cambs. for competitors m the All-Eng-land Draughts Championship j th~r-> next w .-i'sfolk nave offered tine hospitality of their j homes.
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 6 within Its I
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  • 118 6 A NORWEGIAN fiai a British ex-Serviceman was nearly sent back home on the ship on which she ar:l. She could speak no Eng-ish and made n o replies to immigration officials 1 qu« The girl is Ema Lein. from p Troncihjem. Her fiance, George ley,
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  • 233 6 HIRRI BERNSTEIN, 26, has started ultra-violet ray treatme for bis bald bead to trj to encourage the fine nen sproutings that failed t<> bring hi scornful wife back t<» him. lint e\rn if the treatment give- him a luxurious new growth, HalT) won't BSk
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  • 183 6 DOCTOR HATES DOGS DROP. CLARK, of Poulterslane, Worthing, hates d'The dog." I writes m the Medical World, "is a public enemy of a Large and increasing proportion of men. "If there is one animal that we can still do without or at any I extent Ith enormous benefit to health,
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  • 119 6 FELLING power of the "Made m Britain" label OH tailored clothes m the United States is reflected In an agre ment reached by the Federal Trade Commission m Washington with "English Tailors, Ltd.'* a New York firm. nis firm hag assured the Cummissi !i that it
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  • 191 6 SIX THOUSAND students a year, or one m every ti. on be going to a university free. This will be th< suit of the Government's latest .scholarship plan, add awards already made by local authorities. The Minister of Education, Mr. j George Tomlinson, aim
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  • 15 6 the ft] >nal Tvincial cen: yal be ma, cod I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 40 6 tel I ACT fIAVI j* 69Q9 _>>_^l^-^ |,A)| UAI f*\ fßOtf 80RUSM TO 81G TM JfLs and show-f: I /^/CANTOR-lIIWff Screen Plar fcf -> TOMORROW it's Fronf-M The WINNER and still champ A Sizzling Story A Tough Town- but a T
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 23 6 J/\r4t Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya L\^ ca^yincrmeit s/as[j Jk Jzag sna Eaic V H ll F A breatmer \-4
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    • 119 6 Ff^e Pv^^a Crossword No. Sf CLI H 1. The London variety of this so: 7. A famous painter and handicraft I job anyhow (5). 9. 7 Across does spewants some gum (B>, 14. It meani. tied up I had to make a jump for i fixed on some people's coaus
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  • SPORT...
    • 284 7 YOGARAJAH 1 1 7 RETIRED AT JOHORE BARHU pASSING their opponents' score with five wickets m hand "he Public Works Department, 3ingapore, scored a creditable victory over the Johore Cricket Club m a cricket match at Jonore Bahru yesterday. Yogarajah (117 retired) and Roberts (104) were the most svcce&sful batsmen
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    • 29 7 Ir the annual England v. R st golf match played at the Royal japore Gclf Cub, yesterday, the Rest won by 9*2 to 5 3 4.
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    • 225 7 HAFFLES Col ege Union scored 123 for one the S.R.C.. who had mide 89 for s x. when stumps were > drawn, m a game of cricket played oa the padarg yesterday. For Reffle- Rcmam scored 50 !etire<f and S. D. Willii-rm 55 not o
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    • 75 7 LEEDS. Sun A BROKEN jaw suffered m a rxmt v ith Jo B k-i wi 1 keep Bruce Wo dro~k oir of tl--e rinr for at c sc •ix months his doctors rsttm&te. The condition of Bri'i^h heavy w i ht 'h-mpi'ti. a pa ient 'n
      A.P.  -  75 words
    • 268 7 LON DON, Sundaj I ontest the Football Association (up I' BSt harlton on Saturday. Apr. 26, had ■ateck m their aspirations fora double Cap and B»pion>hi{>— uhen they lost yesterda>. three points behind Man- and while they may still accom- iof division there will indeed be
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    • 104 7 San Bruno. California. Sun. THE operators oi a famon- Kentucky horse farm had paid $100,000 for Beau Per. 20-yeor-old i-brcd :gh-bred s'allion. Beau Pere ua.s sold by tie mo ie magnate, Louis B. Mayo.-, to Brownell Leslie Coombs of Lexington, pu:cha i ed Beau
      A.P.  -  104 words
    • 582 7 From Venton Morgan LONDON, Sunday. JOHN Dewar's Guineas and Deiby favourite, Tudor Minstrel, and Sir Mired Butts' Petition, second favourite m both these classics, have set their backer a real puzzle by the facile way m which the colas won their races this last week.
      Reuter  -  582 words
    • 86 7 LONDON. Sun. JOE Baksi may fight Swedish heavyweight, boxing champion Ole Tandberg m Stockholm on June 15. H.iksi registered a technical knockout mi n the seventh round last Tuesday night against British champion Bruce Woodcock. Baksi declined an offer to flgnt world champion Joe Louis.
      A.P.  -  86 words
    • 57 7 SANDOWN PARK. Sat. KING George scored his first triumph of the racing season with the victory of the Royal colt. Underwood, m the one mile Marcus Hereford stakes for threeI year-olds. Underwood won by a neck. Underwood is the son of the 1938 English Derby winner, Bois
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    • 37 7 Bartram, Charlton goalkeeper, is watched by centre-half Fhipps (No. 5) as he goes up t> punch clear a corner kick from Middlesboroucrh outside-right Fen ten m Good Friday's game at the Valley.
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    • 1084 7 B am 1 Lnttoii T 0 1 Bradford 2 Coventry 3 Eury 1 stle 1 Leicester C. l ort Co 1 West Ham 1 rest 2 Pulham 1 3 Sheffield W l --ea 1 Chesterfield 2 bam H. 2 \fii;w?:i 1 Pi- mouth Arg. 5
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    • 234 7 CHONG GHEE HITS 45 v S.C.C.C. Spore Cricket Kesuats 11/EE Chong Ghee scored 45 runs for the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club against the Special Commissioners' Cricket Club m a game of cricket played k( T!i< m^m Road yesterday. The S.C.R.C. batted first and scored 139, while the Commissioners had lost
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    • 452 7 INDIANS WILL RELY ON BATTING 7 *ea m To A ustra Ha Satisfies Critics From B. S. V. Rao, BOMBAY, Sunday. INDIA is counting upon the tremendous hitting power of 1 her cricket team to atone for frankly admitted weakness m bowling and fielding m the first Indian cricket invasion
      A.P.  -  452 words
    • Article, Illustration
      9 7 er el the Be I *n milrt Ed. eet-
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    • 4 7 I H
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    • 110 7 THE Siong 800 Athletic Associa- d meeting the Cust;ms m a friendly game of football at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday, by six goals to one. Siong B;o, who were sound m defence and clever m attaok, got la at regular intervals, the when Wee Eng made
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 107 7 Em^7 J a -i 2 p.m i .15 pm TELt 404 2 -^B^^ 6 p.m 9.15 pm. AN EARTHQUAKE waynl ann Dvorak f OF LOVE ACTION.. 1 IX THE EXCITING SAGA v I T* f "J*^ THAI PACKS A TWO-FISTED '•> lg"* > *^F^<^<AJl' 1 |j NEXT CHANGE i>- >.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 8 parishioner, on Sunday morning at i eeremoiu ta the p-.r.H- .a th^ m. me ham < J» Cl ur h large congregation which had earlier attended the High Mas mng on W <>ci^i the titular feast of the Church, wtro present-
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  • 111 8 MONEY m the liands of the American people has dropped one billion doilars since Christmas. Some governRB analysists cite the cost of living -<• probable cause. They say prices ar- fixing many persons to dig into hoarded money to live. PubJe cash holdings m the U.S. jumped
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  • 419 8 CITY NEWS S'PORE RUBBER PRICES TODAY h ipecnU Market corr- .^undent j _i.c> the prices of rabbet at li m today as followBuyfr< Seller Cts. Cts ocr 1b per Ik tia I X S >poi 100-e fs 19 9 rob iri b'!e> April 43 N R J S fot il
    A.P.  -  419 words
  • 256 8 MAN POOL FOR SPINSTERS NEEDHAM MARKET, Suffolk <kng.). Sun. ■TOE Rev. W. G. Hargrave -Thomas today proposed the 1 establishment of a pool of healthy men to help frustrated spinsters produce "beautiful babiea". It was another step m the campaign of the 58-year-old Vicar of Needham Market to enable Britain-
    U.P.  -  256 words
  • 192 8 GUERILLAS BREAK OUT IN GREECE iLENS, Sunday. GUERILLAS who have slipped vJ ugb the Grtek Army ltaes m Tessalj yesterday attacked several points witbin fifteen miles 01 the army headquarters say reports from Larissa. One band blew up two bridges between Lamia and Voice. West of Lamia another band ran
    Reuter; U.P.  -  192 words
  • 115 8 MAN SURVIVES BRIDGE JUMP SAN FRANCISCO, Sat. FRANK CUSHING, 42, an American circus thrill artist, today jumped 238 feet from the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay. He escaped injury. Of the 77 other people who jumped from the bridge, only one survived, and he was badly hurt. Cushing
    U.P.  -  115 words
  • 65 8 TRANSATLANTIC Airlines officials who arrange flights to the United States for Americans and their Fraulein brides, have reported at least one German girl is taking no chances on miss ing the plane. Cross indexing of the letter files revealed that two soldiers are m constant
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 427 8 LONDON. Sunday. WINSTON ill R( HILL said today that war is n©4 inevita M hie, but would be inevitable if Britain and the I'nited States were to follow a policy <>f appeasement and one sided argument. The wartime British Prime Minister made the statement to the
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  • 383 8 THE island of Heligoland could be resurrected as a former 1 "Little Paradise" for German holiday makers, but there is little likelihood that it could emerge again as an armed fortress The British demolition of the fortress was carried out fuliy and nothing remains which could be classified a*
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  • 106 8 NEW YORK, Sun. ADMIRALS and generals repre- senting the Big Five On the United Nations Military Staff Committee ar c > reporter to have agreed that the projected world police force should be restricted to units capable of quelling only disputes between small and medium
    U.P.  -  106 words
  • 65 8 OIL FIRE AT HAIFA BBTIBn*S 650,000 I > n<*d the port of Haifa from t 1 Jiurninir U&ks iti. tbJ Ties. What the bill will be m v pMiWefef run into millions of pounds The win; a <#k J explosions, allr^rd to have been th< irw% of Jewish terrornt» Tka\
    65 words
  • 38 8 Sicilllan voters went to the polls yesterday for the first ded under regional autonomy and it is believed 66 per cent of the electors cast thfir ballots for 90 deputies tn thp islanri'« first narliament. U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 45 8 Jews m a displaced person* camp near Berlin yesterday demonstrated against the hanging of Dov G rimer, the ne Jewish terrorist. This was the only dema tion m Germany on the 58th anniversary of the late Adolf Hitter's birthday.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 270 8 "Draw from hat' say s Mr Bevin vjo>( OW, DISAGREEMENT ÜBoag the Big Fow MiaMcti over th« exact word to iescfflbg 'u.-rian participation m Wttß settled m Moscow tl rning after Mr. ErneKevin, the British Foriivm Secretary, suggested that all proposed words should be put m a hat and
    270 words
  • 110 8 U.S. LAGGING IN ATOM RESEARCH WASHING I<J* CHAIRMAN David E. LUttenti v of the Atojiiic E: mission, said that it is a ft fact" that the United Stal s lost momentum mi n the devt-> ment of atomic enerfj Hiroshima. He said: "From V-J Dft3 actually have gone d isured
    U.P.  -  110 words
  • 37 8 US STEEL W AGES RISE The Ajnerie?n Congress ol dustrial Organisation, iay announced an agr< steel workers and the U.S. S: C >rpo:atij to provide waee increases of "slightl\ f I 5 U.S cents an houi U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 186 8 COMMUNIST HIT AT DE GAULLE V \RIS, Sunday. MAURICE THOREZ, Communist Vice Premier of the Frentl Government, today accused General Charles He Gaul! of being the "mouthpiece of reactionary forces m France' and of grouping m his wake "perhaps despite his will" al enemies of the Republic "who are a'so
    Reuter  -  186 words
  • 6 8 ASTHMA RELIEF NOW {J3C ii Bean
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