The Singapore Free Press, 17 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 208 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALA YA A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon
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  • 330 1 1,200 KILLED MANY HURT' gl^k^' UM!%Jv¥ %MgSr mmm gP%#» TEXAS CITY, Texas, Wednesday. A VIOLKNT explosion m the tO,OOO-ton nitrate-laden French Libert} ship. Grand (amp, touched off a chain of blasts that killed an estimated 1,200 persons, injured more than 1,000 and destroyed or damaged much of the Gulf Coast
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    Reuter  -  8 words
  • 195 1 A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter
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  • 305 1 ISLANDERS TO QUIT COCOS THE removal <>l iomc inhabitants of the Cocos Islands "m their nun interest and m a relief to the over- burdened urces ol the islands" is under consideration, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr, Arthur Creech Jones, revealed m the Bouse of Commons yesterday.
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  • 136 1 U.S. AID TO GREECE APPROVED WASHINGTON Wed THE House of Representative D Affairs Committee on day gave unanimous approval to President Truman's prograo U.S. $400,000,000 aid to Greece and Turkey, which the Senate Foreign Relations Committee previously had approved nously. The meases before thtmembership of both Houses. The Senate hoaded
    A.P.  -  136 words
  • 39 1 UK GOVT ASKED TO HALT PLANS The Associat'cn of British Chambers of Commerce yesterday sent th^ British G vernment a proposed emergency two-year industrial plan. The plan is a cali to ttoh o G: vernment to postpone nationalization schemes.
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  • 73 1 fJNMABRIKII women teachers should be allowed have babies if v the> wish, says the ReT, ii. FJarg rave -Thomas, member of East Suffolk Education Committee. The social stigma igainst teachers having illegitimate babies was unwise, he added. •The problem that we have to face is thai
    U.P.  -  73 words
  • 330 1 YARD HUNTS WOMAN WITH LADDER LONDON, Wednesday. SCO I LAND \RD is trying to trace the woman who called at the Colonial Office yesterday and asked the door attendant if she could go to the ladies cloak room to mend a ladder m her stocking. The woman was of Jewish
    Reuter; U.P.  -  330 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 1 Only three voices m th? world, it is claimed have a range like that of Francesca Margaret Hayes. 21. of Sydney, An who is now m Britain for a film job. On the liner, she sang to i j Less of Glouces
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  • 297 1 LONDON, Wednesday. A < I SATIONS contained m a newspaper article purporting !o written by a Labour Member of Parliament that l<>bb\ journalist bribed and plied Members of Parliament with drink m order to obtain disclosure of secret party m formation were referred today
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  • 90 1 CHINA TO SHOOT DOWN PLANES NANKING, Wed. IF a foreign aircraft making an unauthorisd flight over Chinese territory cannot be forced to land action may be taken to destroy he aircraft m the air," stated the Information Minister, Peng Hsueh-pei, m Nanking today. Mr. Peng's statement referred Hong Kong despatch
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 1 Sellin? geraniums m aid <>. bl-nd m London was tb Ktrl. Among olhes,<- pp*»d i police o »mble.
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  • 41 1 King Christian of Denmark became weaker yesterday. He has suffered a serious heart and lung infection. Danish cabinet members have been requested to be available for an emergency call. Denmark is prepared for announcement of the King's death. U.p.
    U.p.  -  41 words
  • 35 1 The British White Paper proposing constitutional reforms for East Africa was approved by the Tanganyika Legislative Council yesterday. Eurpean members voted m favour. African members abstained, and Indian members votea iisamat tftg proposals.
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  • 110 1 S'PORE POLICE FIND ARMS: SIX ARRESTS IN connection with the $74,000 robbery of a goldsmith m High Street, the Singapore police conducted a raid early this morning on a house m Lorong 35, Geylang, I where a fully-loaded revolver, 18 rounds of ammunition and three j hand-grenades were found. A
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  • 45 1 I The U.S. occupation f rees m Europ c next Monday will bar further entries into the displaced persons' camps m Europe. Displaced persons m future may enter American occupation z.nes but must live on the r own re- I sources. U.P.
    U.P.  -  45 words
  • 146 1 A 12 -FOOT fall by a young per- former at Kamala Circus yesterday took spectators by surprise. An Indian girl took her bow, climbed a 12-foot pole which was about to be hoisted up to the shoulder of an assistant who was to balance it with
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  • 49 1 Lady Gimson. wife of the Singapore Governor, leaves this afternoon aboard the "Stratnmore"' bound for Englar.d on leave. The ship is expected to leave at 4 p.m. The Governor is expected to leave next month for England where he will rejoin his wife on a holiday.
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  • 219 1 Free Press Corresp ndeni NKLANG, Wednesday. G SI AN SENG, a Hokkien Chinese, was ordered to sign a bond for six months with a surety for $500 or, m default three months' rigorous imprisonment, by Lt. Comdr J. B Bellis, the magistrate, m Klang this morning,
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  • 149 1 VON PAPEN HAS HEART ATTACK NUREMBERG. Wed TRITZ VON PAPEN, Hitlers I former No. 1 diplomat, who was sent?nced to eight years' In a labour camp by a denazification court, has had a heart attack. I His evide. cs m the denazification trial of Hjalmar Von Sohach: Hitler's former financial
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 405 2 MOW that the 8.8.C. report is out rhe jrchlight turns to song-plugging. The 8.8.C. has set up a spec 1 mittee to examine a plan devised by Sir V Holmes, K.C. (who coned the inquiry), for at Music publishers are spending their s.ngs plugged an The air.
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    • Article, Illustration
      43 2 piciur' 'nil IMIHiiIBWI i iiHU—n m "I" iiiiiiiuwMiiii m— l— wwp— —mm mi mi *t rmingHain ft irned fath r i garage ntu i Studio recently ran an h three other «rt«stS, to w his ham* tuwn their talent. A Birmingham Gagette
      Birmingham Gagette  -  43 words
    • 29 2 Hot Ice-Box News TUtUt vi news from th« that will n '.m^nt of tish lias arrived from Canada. mmn 8 i Keta ai rr n-N t^r 75 eenta 'b
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    • 91 2 I West a> ummy p..- oi East ad now neks suuj p hi.B ti .1 win mcles. He led back a 1 a rinb pace anc: G «i^- i Uij at v« aeart^ ne spad^' but whanevpr he he Jiamcnd?. \m enemy wouiu thi'ee aces. Jes. -d
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    • 78 2 iio executives said d at w duce ma .ivera^e locatic -baLst will pr Tra.- TI-lE .m motion pictu piipmcn la stuc can-going i capable of currying I .a boundec war Pr -die cxcc J Lives i ;idwy!2-Meyer S: ice ved this methc connection xirh tile
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    • 21 2 'MESSAGE FOR MARGARET' MESSAGE FCR MAR. GARET Parris play v. i pen a: N i his i Pavr. 1 1 prcd'..
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    • 55 2  - A SENSE OF COLOUR Jean jeannerat ART CLASS-^ 4 by A PAINTING sig ana suuabi ing, m fac which examined the comp< painting) car. greater heigh by colovr. Of ail the at the d sp sal caily impr ved fc' in^ and r.urd "h se v. ture. their people, h
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    • 509 2 SINGAPOHE BADIO AUSTRALIA Blue Network En-li>n ,00 p m n pm Vl cs l 3 g rHt«so\Y 12 2 00 j».m. -483 metres m the 'Z0 P m t0 nm "f» 5 ;i medium wavr tond 7S! m^-rvHts <n r^ *1 »-M p.m. to M^° SfJl^ 4 ,).r Meoad LX.
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    • 140 2 1 Broadcast; 11.20 Music a i Interlude: I i 1.30 Chorale; 12 p.m. eordeon; 12.15 Round-about; Yankee Quarter. 1 p.m. World News Flashes: 1. 02 Music From The 5. 1_.30 Sweet and Hot; 2 p.m. Woria Neve flashes; 2.02 Football Fixtures; 2.15 Heard Melodies are Sweet. 3 p.m. The Perfect
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    • 2 2 j IT*.
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  • NEWS
    • 1532 3 OVER $4,500,000 LOOT FROM DEPOT I jjllVilCtt ti~l&i' 271(1 /i/7\J Rt p.. rt finance Depot, Singapore, be f er, 1946, exceeded $4,500,000 cases of urting off stores sUmed trial yesterday of M.C., who is <>n trial on a i car driver, m the Singapore -itting m the Court of Colonel
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    • 1595 3 climbed into the car by means of th< iCft rear window to fee if we cculd Ufl the oriver out and we were unable tc The Major and the RAF men lifted 0 f^ Car from the ditch an d we coulc RAF truck a.nd taken towards Tengah
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    • 32 3 THESE LIGHTS SAVE LIVES AT SEA brought into the depot for checking 1 v terni nms^he ti^H their position as they approach shoals .-and iff tS toea chcrous sections of Britain's coast.
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    • 281 3 MITSUI NOW A POOR MAN ASSETS FROZEN 0 X day ri sheSt5 heSt r ICR lhe W r d is m 3 l i marKGi scale, Mitsui get. 4 about $10 a month, and the Japsne-e labourer about $30. Mitsui'.s wealth, like that of other former Japanese financ al giants,
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    • 111 3 CLAN UNITY OF 656 YRS NOW ENDED I UAVING been, united for 656 11 years under one chieftain, the two Scottish clans of Mackintosh and Chatton have now been separated by a judgment of the Lord Lyon King of Arms. Under this judgment two cousins officially became heads of the
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    • 112 3 BRITONS MAY SEE TITO yi'GOSLAVIA wants B: 1 tourists to come and jud^ c the country for themselves The Government has offered Britain 1,500 visas for British tourists this year. Famous summer, resorts In Dalmatia and Slovenia are making special preparations but •ourists may go to other parts if i
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    • 41 3 Milton Reynolds, the Chicago Pen king, the record for the fastest round the world flight when he landed at New York's Rp hTJ^S Ai meld yesterday. He broke the previous record set "fre fllm° War H Hughes miUion Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 29 3 Bungalows at Snettisham Norfolk, England, normally let at u guineas a week m season will be requisitioned for a weekly rent of ss. 10s. wrc^v
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    • 18 3 H.M.S. Frobisher, cadet training has arrived at Portsmouth from a cruise during which she visied America.
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    • 361 4 The Singapore Free Press THURSDAY APRIL 17, 1947. First Things First I any acuoc as :o m mea first m public m:. Singapore we -ecord tor it happened m the Fr Press office y readers sty expect I ya to be up it and early. en. .re please the forw-odd
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    • 802 4 A GRIEVANCE IS REMOVED By /7/l publication of a Lord Chancellors Croicn Proceedings Bill m Britain By T. N. SHANE A GRIEVANCE of long standing is removed by the Lord Chancellors Crown Proceedings Bill, to make the Crown liable to actions for damages, the text of which was published recently.
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    • 270 4 EARTH'S POLES SNAPPED SCIENTISTS for the fi J time have been getlapshot" pictures of ~m at .id South Poies at \m plit second. These pictures are measurements of earth's magnetic field taken twice daily at LiUie Ame- -.ear the South m Pcle simultaneously by prearrangement with measuremen .ule, Gr near
      A.P.  -  270 words
    • 15 4 FAITH A ptmlciii man oncealeth knowledge, but the heart of prrxlameih foolishness. Proverbs 12. 23.
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    • 346 4 TO lead a British expedition to Brazil to observe from .nail town named Araxa tne i] eclipse of the sun on May 20 is Dr. JOHN CARROLL. Cfl scientist Admiralty. But the expedition is nothing to do with the Navy. The admiralty fes releasing him temporarily i;r
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    • 473 4  -  ANTHONY BROOKS j tier to the Editor YOUR stimulating leading article, published the head Peace and Quiet made me wonder if you managed to conclude it wi.h the perceptible ur cheek causing you some discomf can Call -o be struct by tile difference between concapore "where gangsters,
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    • 85 4 HILL FARMING IN WALES UALF of the 16,(300,000 aei of Hill Farms m England and Wales are situated m the magr. cent tourist area of the Welsh Mountains. In Scotland, there ar< million acre the hill farms In Engla. to be" suffering from U une acute depression as m Scotland
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    • Article, Illustration
      8 4 I K»*t and hardy I JM we *^B
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    • Article, Illustration
      11 4 Familiar feature m th« Welsh m is this annual n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 26 4 m SPfl R TS ROSS CO LTD 86, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. Stockists of All of Specialists m hesiringing TENNIS RACKETS, CHARGES MODERATE TIT I IT
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    • 50 4 Ex-SERvta Association 9 AT THE PEG\SCS CXCB A Dance Orchestra will be m i .^i# I Bar at TICKETS $2/r= EACH N As from Ist. April. IM7, •btainabh- r Rafies S«. Mr. A. W Bai. < S.V F H*rs Mr W G S Jm Board IMBr« AM Ex-Servk* d 9^^^
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    • 327 5 INDIA HELPS MISSION IN MALAYA tHK (iovernment Oi India is renders- assistance to krishna Mission for its Fiunianitarian d Malaya. The Mission had branches intnes before the war. and soon after tion, it came into ihe field to assist m r lion of Indians there. Mission made arrangements for looking
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    • 21 5 5 Yr-HUNT FOR LOST MEN FAILS h? (J Ir.a m Southin an oJ ships n I rs would, are j G
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    • 9 5 CONCESSIONS TO SERVICE MEN P irrer i buy 1
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    • 26 5 Mr. d. Bturrock, Regist Imports and Exports, who has to UJ£. on leave. Will re- present Singapore at the Mala at British Industries Fair.
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    • 185 5 plan develop the K.og Ge».-g V N,.ona! >a. a small i-^rt m the extreme west by footpath and by oen camping sites This rails, at an inclusive fee. The attractions would be viewing or photogvaphing the larger fr -m elephants or by flashlight-traps, fishing,
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    • Article, Illustration
      14 5 This «?v«s an idia of h^ visitors to Malaya's National Park have o tra-el.
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    • 413 5 Free Press Staff Reporter k FEW nimiicc after the Blue Fun :el liner, Charon docked it m Singapore on Tuesday, Mr. W. Mai adda b^irded the ship to collect 3,500 Australian eggs which had been specially transferred aboard the harm 4 Perth just before she sailed,
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    • 117 5 Tiih fitTrrnwtnl al India has a plan to double the pro- i d action cf cement m India hv 1952. The present capacity for production is about 3,000,000 tons a year. The expansian envisaged is i n the l>au»is of regions comprising one or m
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    • 84 5 A DDITIONAL stall has been eriaged for trie Hong Kong poli-ce and an additional nursing rtarT is being engaged, the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Mr. Arthur Creech Jones said m the House of Commons yesterday. Other measures to cope with the increased population
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 79 5 Mr. MeFaddCß b se?n viewing the eUekena hatche.l from em iprriißj bttporiecl fr«>?n Australia. H<> riias a f rm n <5 Flower Road, Singapore. There L> a bi- uemand for \ustraliaj] chicks sjv^ Mr. Mc-raddm. who is do. ,g a bu&Jwss imixir'.m? |lf < iißj sPl^tP<] <•:;:■> hiiirhinij
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    • 525 5 MINED SHIP SKIPPER PRAISES CREW i rr-wir r Free Pre^ Staff THE Empire Passmore, Ofl Siraits SteaimJiip ve^ei intn"? SlrUC^ a m;ae n Jue^y a* *he uas com ng S« nZE* O^ T m SibU Sarawak > wa 8 towed to the vJeo S^fftf l^ aflGrnt>o b -y tugs to
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    • 80 5 The presentation of an address of felicitation to Dr. Olcome-ndy. BL-hop Elect of Malacca, by the clergy and laity of the Cathedral of tn c G.od Shepherd mi n S ngapore will take place on Sunday. Apr. 20, on the ~cca.sion of the Titular Feast of
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    • 222 5 Free Prt.<B Staff Reporter WELL 100 applications are on the waiting list for admission fT into the Singapore Government Trade School, and it is not likely that any more boys can b 3 taken m unf 1 new equipment for the school arrives. Bnek
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    • 49 5 Beginning on May 2, ths 8.8. J. will broadc«asi weekly L5-minute summaries of Parliamentary Questions and Answers on Colonial Affairs. They will broadcast at 0D45 GMT (5.15 pm I Malayan time) on Saturdays on the General Overseas Service on the 16, 19, 25 and 31 metre ba-ds
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    • 114 5 AT a meeting of the 1941 members of the Committee of S f John Ambulance Association In Singapore, it was agreed that the Association should be revived. The Committee unanimously approved the proposal that the Director of Medicai Services should be invited to be the President; that Mis.
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    • 68 5 lUSPATCBEB from Kecpang m [Hitch Timor said the Christ »an Rajah cf L' 3, Rase Wai was ex-toted on Tuesday after Dr Hubrr;us v a:i Mook, acting N. 2.1. I,•ut n a n t (,<,•,«- rnor General, ha.d r« ■)?<;< d appeal from a Mltary Cciwt death
      A.P.  -  68 words
    • 183 5 AIRMEN GET BETTER BARRACKS riRST step* toward* p; t>~ t^ o^ barrack blocks me RAF have teen taken A new type of a<-ommodation i s b built according to a design bastd on the provision of ssparaee cuo cles. The designs provide Tor separate cubicles with bed t-in wardrobes, writing
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 72 5 MARCH RUBBER OUTPUTS DUBEE^ crops ru v Tuiquand, Youngs, MeAulitfe A? Co., bmgapore. m respect ol March 1947 are:— i fl^2. r ajah Rubbe r Estate Ltd. Ib,(KX) lb., Ayer Panas Rubber Estate Ltd., 70,000 lb., Gler.< WantaUons Ltd., 65,300 Kluang Rubber Company ltd' 63,000 ib., Pajam Ltd., 182,000 lb
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 Fw Shows 1•" >o p m :'»«JM3KE \<~^) L -?retc6/y PJ?B
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    • 75 5 1*- n a m— 2 p.m.— 4.15 pen fZ A «30 p.m. 9.15 p.m. r V- TiiE Mwumc.... *Sf ENCHANTIC MUSICAL! Vv. Hav€r George Montgomery O^SJ^lfei^ 5 Vivian Blame Ellen m a i— M linn, t ..-«■>•. l^lSßtlß»KMßMM|Mßfcß^^B^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ~BHP~If~ TO-DAY B% &5 ii^m. a m p.m.— 4.15 p m 6.30
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  • Untitled
    • 218 6 ••SKELETON Kh JOE' thief of a burglar gang thai U works only within a mile radius of Lendon's Charing Cross and tak alj jewellery and furs has brought gest haul. He and his associates "called'^ at Dickens and Jones, the Regent street store and left with
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    • Article, Illustration
      80 6 KEPKRSI N 1 \Tl\l S -♦> nations gal lured at tli.s session of the tiference of the International Wheat Couiu i! at I.ancasU St. James's London. Th British Food Minister, Mr. Ji>hi. hey, is sitting, with his ha nek f<.id«"(l, between the two lamp Urds. The eonfwoaot was ot riU]
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    • 90 6 her highei c officers at of o. year— bu. be i entrance will be s of the pol only. A White Paper i n this .»üb. just published, refers to the iges and d'sadvantages of university training. 'The police must avoid any tincture of
      90 words
    • 30 6 X 111-year-old police of the smalles. m Bris to be merged with the Cumberland and Westmorland biliary, having resisted since it was flrsl ed 91 years ago.
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    • 28 6 The British Prime M; propose a toast to "Journalism" at a New. paper Fund dinner at Grosvenor House, London, next Tuesday. Vicount Rohermore will respond.
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    • 191 6 A VICAR has solemnly warned the people of Hastings, England, not to be surprised if they are visited by "Divine displeasure" because they voted for Sunday cinen The Rev. R. B. Flynn, vicar of Christ Church, "gives the warning m a parish magazine article criticising the
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    • Article, Illustration
      91 6 p;;\(.l 3. the picturesque lapital of < »echo«loi iis th«» meet- Ing place of east and west In drew, archil ictvrc und Ideas Csech women m national eostomc an- In this picture I' Prague Cathedral The picture oi th'-^- s^<rnin^ly (arcfr <* fK"'»plf ilo: 1^ n'>t tell the storj of
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    • 19 6 Restrictions on permits for i foreign servants m priva c houses m Britain have been removed.
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    • 59 6 Five year old Christopher Symonds. of Chickerell. near Weymout-h, fell m o Weymouth Harbour and was rescued from drowning by his brother. Rodney, aged 12. They walked three miles to their home, and when their mother asked why they did not ride by bus they
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    • 113 6 A1HI1.I), th,> j i.r foot-long porpoise who leaped a sea wall md t(H»k possession f New Brighton's ten-acre boating hike !u> made a short and nearly disastrous j uiney into his native elf mont \Vat< hrd by delighted New Brighton holiday-makers. Alfred leapt d and SWirlsd
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    • 394 6 POLICE FOIL £5,000,000 RAID PLOT Armed guards for P. 0. vans NEW precautions, including the provision <>f armed guards, are betn£ taken by the U.K. Post Office and the police to prevent raids on vans carrying newly printed savings and postage stamps. This follows the foiling by Scotland Yard of
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    • 23 6 Boya between the ages of io and 17V-2 may now begin an R. A.F career m seven skilled rades.
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    • 121 6 jV>\V.\ it Brockham <.reen m v Snirej they are wondering i' they should give Charlie Swan an identity card and a rat '<m book. Charlie loins any queue he sees m the village his favourite is the cake shop. i 1 is a friendly fellow, I
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    • 28 6 Output of Welsh coal at 5.688,--000 tons m the first quarer of this year was 50,000 tons more than for the same period of 1946.
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    • 52 6 The will of Miss Grace Moore the opera ic singer and film star. who was a victim of the Copenhagen Dakota crash on Jan. 26 has been admitted to probate at Newtown. Connecticut She left most of her estate, valued at £125,000. to her husband. Mr.
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    • 252 6 CHARTER FOR U.K. CHILDREN r pi!E British Government ha* decided U at present m institutions, asw thecti parents, under the direct control entral D« nnnt which is to be set up at the I? In taking this step, which Minister to the House of Com:] accepted the main recommend Jommittees,
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    • Article, Illustration
      50 6 ON! of th^ big attractions tt the Id*-ai H n< yearly m London* Olympic i bition t this new type of ov n n, which cooks 1 rays pass throuerh the fooi m t! nd tc p^ apparent heat is generated, but the j thr ugh m a matter of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 240 6 Tree Pyess Crossword No. 84 B j 1 k h His^ j i i I i I I c !.l i \< BOSS U.S. university at Cambridge, Mass (7), 6. EmmeLs <4>, 8. See Q, 10. An old woman <7>. 11. Its winter fur is used for peers' ceremonial rcbes
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    • 107 6 J/\^lt Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya i'm All \'/good girl! »'ll\ L^no, i'll try em \§fjusT watch ME/\ /I y n ri N T V r*N READY FOR OUR V CARRY YOUR SKIS OUT OH THE WAY/T/ JANE.'— SO LOWG lM ~T_ V v>^^ WOW!" EXPERIMENT IN
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    • 183 7 Arranged Soon SAN DIEGO. Wednesday. nfOKl.l) heavyweight boxing champion, Joe Louis, an nomced <>n Wednesday that unless a title fight is arranged for him this summer, he is prepared to retire from the ring. He told newsmen "my mind is made up because a man can
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    • 324 7 IRELAND WIN 2-1 AGAINST WALES BELFAST, Wednesday. |RELAND beat Wales fo\ iwo goals to oik alter both scored 1 mice m the first half of the international -<K«er match at Belfast today. The result allowed Ireland to leave bottom place m the al table and finish second to England, this
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 144 7 BOHILEY ARE 'TONING UP' BURNLEY. Wed. QCORNING sup-rstitkn. 13 Burnley footballers are slaying at Morecumbe this weak fcr special "toning up" training for the F.A. cup final at Wembley on Apr. 26. The 1 "th player outside r'Clegg, who is at present receiving treatme t tor i i?j injury, joins
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 116 7 B.ith, Wed. THE unbeaten Tudor Minstrel. who had been the winter favourite for the D?rbv and the 2,000 guineas, scored a convincing victory m the Somerset three-year-rld stakes over seven forionga hrn- r day. giving h.impkm rdon Xi hards a comfortable rid Owned by J. A
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 202 7 SAYS BAKSI WILL BEAT JOE LOUIS LONDON, Wednesday. fOL, Eddie Eagan, Chain. of the New York State Boxing Commission, Mu.>d today that I anyone is to knack Joe Lous off his throne I think it will be h k Col. Eagai 1 who flew from London to Paris today, said
      U.P.  -  202 words
    • 63 7 THE following pla; the C.V.M.A. Juniors m a friendly i match against the J.CS.A. at the St. Ji seph's Inst. ground at 515 pm. .'harp on Saturday. rrifl Sobrlelo, James Tan. Andrew I mi. Simon Kong. Wong Keng Wail. John Hon. Tan Chye Ser. Jacob Pierre, Seng,
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    • 47 7 lAKSI I <rious Bruce Wecdcock are seen m these I i;ruf for tn ti^hi which took pJaee on Toesdjv. Jo*-, m a mornin* walk, near his camp at Hcve. rives the street-cleaner a hand, while Bruce concentrates iy en a log of wood
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    • 195 7 RACE JUDGE REMOVED FROM BOX A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter
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    • 90 7 BLOOD CLOT CAUSED R.L. PLAYER'S DEATH small Into &tton by Irving's exertions daring the match and this lodged m one of the small arteries supplying the heart. Eennett. Halifax Club trainer that, after a melee during the second half, he noticed Irving lying fac^ the ground with his arm 0
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 459 7 ARMY MEET RAF IN LEAGUE TODAY By Our SJCCer Reporter THE Singapore soccer league's only unbeaten goalkeeper, Henderson, will tac e the league's 'most consistent scoiers at Jalan Basar Stadium today m a game which should prove to be unusually close and interesting. The opponents are Army and the Royal
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    • 708 7 BRITISH TRIBUTE TO ANDERSON A Beit For The Loser BRITISH sportsmen, the boxing public m purthuiar, have banded together to pay ore of the fiest tiiii^es cv r to CiiiT Andersen, the coloured Brifsh Guiana fcoxer, who failed to win the British Fmpire feathers e ght Crown frcm Al Phillips
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    • 143 7 S.C.C cricket teams for the weekend are: VfenSOß 223 BCD. at 2 p.m. on S.C.C. Padang on Saturday: G. K. Stein, H. L B. Salmon, F. G. G. Rapsey. N. A. Coleman. H. Rogers, T. O. Dreyer, P. W. Cottrell, M. A. Porter, R Holley, J. V.
      143 words
    • 217 7 ANDERSON SAYS THANK YOU' Editor, "^lrr'ni N- Dear S r, Mr. Harding Las explained to ut your v, nerous otftr to have The Brit it gportsmzn presort me with a tr iphj would expr ss their feelings abGut the verdict m my coy w'ih Al Pfc 1 cannot put intj
      217 words
    • 279 7 HK SOCCER TEAM TO PLAY THREE MATCHES HERE AT a Council, meeting of the Singapore Amateur Pooioall Association yesterday it was announced that Alison Road Stadium has been derequlsitioxted by the Services. The approaches to the .stadium however, are still closed to the public. As soon as the approaches released,
      279 words
    • 49 7 50,000 CROWED LIMIT FOR PATERSON FIGHT GLASGOW. ACT of 50,000 has bf on the world P.yvreight. title fight! between holder Jackia Pat, Scotland and I D?rio Kirti Hampden P»ark here on Junt. Glasgow magistrates made this sipuiaticn m grantirn a licence for the test to promoter Ciiarl?s Black.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 18 7 SWINTON t>eai Rochdale 21-11 m a Rugby League game played yesterday, reports Pouter from London.
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    • 26 7 5 HILARIOUS SHOWS AND IN TROUBLE AGAIN! CONSTANCf > v **~7 JOUND W W F^ BENNETT YOUNG with BiLUE BURKE ALAN MOWBRAY 2nd. Midnight Saturday: Thrilling thousands!
      26 words

    • 120 8 New York stocks ON the New York Stock Exchange •may the market assumed a og attitude during much of the •oon and though there were few signs of airy material increase m pressure, buying lacked sufficient impetus to raise leading issue more than fractions above midday levels. Operators were eagerly
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 230 8 CITY NEWS STORE RUBBER FRIGES TODAY k Special Market correspondent the prices of rubber at 11 am today as follows: Cv Hers Cts. Cts. per Ib per Ib. R.S.S fob n A] R g iob \pril II il Tone of Market: Steud> SINGAPORE HXV.KKR Of- i :i T. Chamber of
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 132 8 NAIROBI. Wednesday. IN view of wcrld tea shortage, the East African Government has decided, .vith the approval of the British Government, to withdraw frorr. the international tea agreement. The pl?nting of tea m East Atrica has. since 1934. been strictly United to the acreage
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • Article, Illustration
      26 8 HOME r»:i 11 v rural m ne should be recognised Immediately by all good Sinf&pOCeftllS being none other than the Queen's Street Bridge over Stamford ('anal.
      26 words
    • 205 8 TENSION RISES IN PALESTINE JERUSALEM, Wednesday. PENSION is rising throughout Palestine tonight as British 1 armed forces prepared for the Ergun Zvai Leumi's threatened "ten-fold" reprisals for the execution this morn ing of Dov Gruner and three other Jewish terrorists. Vhe High Commissioner, Sir Alan Cunningham, under a declaration officially
      Reuter; A.P.; U.P.  -  205 words
    • 369 8 (Continued from Page 1 1 are being touched .11 by the fires. The police said the raging fires are closely approachng a large store _l dynam'te m a waterfront warehouse. T!v national telephone strike threatened to hamper rescue w rk and a *l operators and repair men
      Reuter; A.P.  -  369 words
    • 160 8 LORRY DRIVER ACQUITTED OF RICE CHEATING Free Press Correspondent KLANG, Wed. fHARQSD with cheating by dis- v honestly inducing the loading j clerk ol Boustead and CompanJ of Port Swettenham to deliver to nun 30 bags of rice, the property Of the East Asiatic Company of Klang on Jan. 4,
      160 words
    • 85 8 TWENTY-FIVE years after the Titanic sank oft Cape Race, Newfoundland with a loss of 1,498 lives, a battle has b»en found uoaunfl oil the Swedish coast containing a message which pit p.rU to be sipned by the captain of the ship. hPr o« Si^ (> siys: rit
      A.P.  -  85 words
    • 462 8 LONDON. Wednesday. MEMBERS ot the Forces overseas will still be aWe to buy hi i heir cigarettes through NAAFI al the usual price*, despite the statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Wr. llutfh Dalton, m his budget statement hat facilities (or members of
      Reuter  -  462 words
    • 463 8 BUDGET ATTACKED NO DESIRE TO SAVE LONDON, Wednesday. SIR JOHN ANDERSON, former Chancellor of the Exchequer, leading the debate for the Conservative opposition m the House of Commons today, ,>aid that the budget inlro duced yesterday showed that the Government ga\e no evidence of a real desire to save. The
      463 words
    • 10 8 MOUNTBATTEN MEETS NEHRU rd M the Indian Interim I
      10 words
    • 51 8 The War Minister, Mr. Bellinger, answered m the affirmative when asked m the House of Commons by Major Tufton Beamish (C 011.3., Lewes > "whether he is satisfied that newspapers produced and edited overseas are presenting a fair picture of home and foreign affairs and free from political
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 78 8 NAVY TO GET SUPER-SHIP f LONDON, Wed. LIGHT fleet carrier which will be launched at Belfast shortly will show result of years of research and many experiments m her desien, the Civil Lord of the Admiralty. Mr. W. J. Edwards, announced today m tfie House of Commons. These results and
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 432 8 More pay for clerks urged Free I' i spond. Nt PENANG, Wednesday rOMMJ m i students, wh. advanced i v, should be paid higher salaries. This point ua< rais* a meeting of the Got rnraent Commercial Advison Board today. Mr. Looi Chee Eng, headmas wh<» made the proposal, pointed out
      432 words
    • 233 8 INDOCHINESE SAYS 'END FIGHTING v Hednes A 200 word manifesto, drafted b} underground leaders, appealing to the French authorities initiative to end the fighting m now m month, has been sent to M Commissioner m Indcxhina. leaders of Saipron who "A durable understanding beteeii the French and Apeoples Is only
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 31 8 'ARMENIANS SHOT' The Turkish government sponsored radio at Ankara yesterday claimed that Soviet frontier guards captured and shot a party of Armenians who tried to escape from Russia into Turkey. U.P
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      Reuter  -  6 words
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