The Singapore Free Press, 15 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 203 1 QUEEN ELIZABETH IS AGROUND LONDON, Monday. QUEEN Elizabeth, Xo.OOO-ton world's largest liner, ran aground m a fog at the entrance to Southampton harbour tonight. She has 3,000 passengers and crew on hoard and has just returned from New York. Three and a half hours later, the ship was still fast
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  • 357 1 respondent LONDON, Monday. ■THE S fm- the Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creechi officials of the Colonial Office and ludinsr Sir Shenton Thomas, Govmtil the Fall of Singapore, Sir Geoffrey Mr. C. E. Wurtifcnrg ™d Mr. I). Malayan Civil Service, greeted the 3 from Malaya and
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  • 198 1 A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter Japanese "suicide"
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 198 1 EIRE ARRESTS 11 GERMANS A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter Japanese
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 382 1 A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter Japanese "suicide" bomber
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  • 195 1 A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter Japanese
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 5 1 DFGDSG Reuter
    Reuter  -  5 words
  • 247 1 BUFFALO IN SINGAPORE CHINISHOP Free Press Staff Reporr-er A CHINASHOP wus only one of the places visited ttj a water buffalo which escaped after t }~-ad been landed m Singapore fiom one of th-e neighbouring isL.nas at lunchtime yesterday, and ran amok for several miles through Singapore streets from Telok
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  • 66 1 BURMA PREDICTS A GOOD YEAR Burmese monks and Buddhist devotees yesterday predicted a prosperous New Year for Burma following a light shower of rain on Burmese New Year Eve. The Burmese New Year was marked by a four-day holiday and national rejoicings. There wen 1 colourful processions m Rangoon. Police
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 135 1 LONDON, iMonday. vyu.FRED NIGEL WILLIAMS, a 45-year-old bachelor, killed himself with a pistol after he had received a charge relating to alleged currency violations during his visit to the South of France, it was said at an inquest on him m London today. The name of
    U.P.  -  135 words
  • 28 1 Two Antarctic factory ::hips reached Capetown today with reports that this year's catch estimated at 2,200,000 barrels? was the highest m ten years. 1 U.P.
    U.P.  -  28 words
  • 489 1 LONDON, Monday. THK appointment of Mr. Victor F. VV. Cavendish Bentinck to b* British Amb;i>sador to Brazil at Kio de Janeiro has be*>n cancelled and a fresh appointment "will be made m the near future", the British Foreign Offke announced tonight. Mr. Cavendish-Bentinck was formerly British
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  • 80 1 DRITAIN'S meat .supplies this winter will be 'dramatically' down on last year, Sir Henry Turner, controller of the Meat and Livestock Division of the Ministry of Food, told meat traders m Brighton yesterday. "Last autumn we had an extraordinary big kiil, when we lulled scores
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 345 1 THE STOOGE GIVES FIRST SHOW LONDON*. {Monday. BRITAIN'S fir^i radio controlled rocket missile known as the Stooge which can attain a speed of more than 500 miles an hour has recently completed a full range of flight trials, it was revealed at a preSvS conference by the Fairey Aviation Company
    Reuter  -  345 words
  • 224 1 MOSCOW, Monday. TPHE Big Four Foreign Ministers m Moscow today completed 1 their study of procedure and discussed the American proposal for a fourpower treaty of disarmament and demilitarisation for Germany. After Gen. George Marshall, U.S. Secretary of State, had asked his colleagues whether they accepted
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 19 1 More than 20.000 people demonstrated outside Kiel Town Hall yesterday against the food situation and living conditions.
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  • 137 1 WASHINGTON, Mon. MR. Parnell Thomas, chairiW man of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities, said tonight that the Department of Justice had "no alternative" to taking legal action against Henry Wallace for statements made m Britair The Committee looked up the old
    Reuter; A.P.  -  137 words
  • 44 1 More than 100,000 Wafdist students staged an anti—government demosnstration m the business section of Cairo yesterday. They shouted "down with Bevin and "revolution, revolu- tion." The students demonstrated during the funeral of their Wafd political leader. Sabry Abou Alam Pasha.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 154 1 RECORD FLYER IN TOKIO TOKIO, Mondaj. THE BOMBSHELL, round- he- world piano of the w Chicago f:un tain-pen manufacturer, Milton Reynolds, lane Tokio tonight at 10.1 p.m. GMT from Shanghai. The flight of appr-x .11: 1.100 miles took three hours -J9 minutes. The plane was 48 h »urs 50 m
    A.P.  -  154 words
  • 259 1 SINGAPORE DAYLIGHT ROBBERY Free Press Staff Reporter ANOTHER daring hold-up n broad daylight took place yesterday morniig when a Chinese cashier, travelling m trishaw. vas held up at the junction of Ncrth Bridge Road ani. North Canal Road by two armed Chinese and relieved of $6,000 m cash and 12
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  • 42 1 France yesterday inaugurated a "cotton week" m all principal t^wns to combat the black market. The French Cotton Industry Union has released for sale during the week 20,000,000 metres of cotto n material including poplin, cretonne and satin. Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 37 1 Dr. Hubertus Van Mook, Lt.« Governor- General of the Netherlands Indies, is among those being considered as successor to Alexander Loudon, Netherlands Ambassador to the United States, thi Dutch news agency staW*.— Reuter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 888 2 WOT! NO APRIL FOOLS? Hull Romney's London Letter DELIEVE me, there was little about the English scene on April 1 to inspire much nonsense of the April Fool" traditions. The main significance of the date was that it marked the opening of a new financial year and the end o'd
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    • 182 2 CHORTLY before the end of World War II Scout Imperial Headquarters m Britain announced a "Linking-up" Scheme with the idea of bringing Scouts m different countries together m friendship and understanding. The International Department of the Boy Seoul A lociation now announces that 605 British Scout
      ARMY P.R.  -  182 words
    • 270 2 about this hand," writes R-M t Newark. N rsey. "Ever; who .v.vs the hand admits that North's bidding was good. Ar.d then they all say that South could do nothing else. But surely it c i ht for good players to stumble a 500_point set! 'The argument
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    • 594 2  - THE TRIALS OF MONEY John Sipton A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to
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    • 355 2 P'- j' 'I?'' V ■■•:<■■■■ SINGAPORE Blue Network English 1 00— 2 00 185 metres m medium wave band 7 2-i m< per s«.nd m the 41 metre bund. 6 00 11 00 p.m. 185 nntr«^ m thmedium wave band a fetes per second m the 61 metre band,
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    • 533 2 Artists Perform: 9.4siand Home News; 6+5 Round the Talk— "l .d to Australia"; Rings; 7.00 pm. Musk for th< Mil--0.00 World New?; 10 15 Composer of lion; 7.30 Show Time: 8.00 p.m. News th c 10.30 Light Australian and Home News; 803 Yours For the 10.45 Australian N a taking;
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    • 41 2 QUIZ Answers 1. In Whitehall; a memorial to those wh their I m the fir I II was designed by Sir Edward I utyens. 2 (a) Blackfriars Bridge <b> ■b> Vauxhall Bridge «c) W< r Bi Ldge tdiLonn Bri.- Water.oo Brid
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    • 198 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR rtune toriple born today lyj \n of your characteristics i .ipjx-jr to be contradict<r> and you are not an >n lo urd< rstand. Although you are practical m matters of business, you have a keen spiritual nature. equallj interested m the rts fend mm a ire an
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  • NEWS
    • 391 3 ICIiMCS to try to mend marriages I -clinics" will get immediate State aid I > announced b> the lord Chancellor I louse of Lords to check the alarming Tfc the Gevcnunort'fl us« Mr. Justice Denning's committee. rred their proposal that welfare by Parliament to bring about H
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    • 8 3 i: s do
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    • 214 3 SHE JIL TED HER BROKEN HERO IR Hardy, a French Switzerland. Having during the war by Hardy's •urs and asked her to A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the
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    • 33 3 The first Too of 40,000 British grants to South Africa will m Southampton on April ncr Carnarvon Castle. I later an even larger v:ll leave Britain aboard the Winchester Castle.
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    • 357 3 A RADIUM bullet, made of brass enclosing a tiny piece of I radium, for shooting into oil wells, has been described to the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical En gineers. It looks like an ordinary steel jacketed bullet. The radium bullet is used as
      A.P.  -  357 words
    • 94 3 Stoker is an artist ry X X locomotive fireman F. A. Conn goes home after a day of coal-shoveiling at Millwajl Dock, London to carve models with a razor blade on match heads. His ni d 1 of Eve. a quarter of an inch high, is one ol the exhibits
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    • 87 3 ■AN, the 16ft. South African J giraffe wouldn't pull his head m on the way from Walsh Bay wharves, Sydney, to Taronga Zoo Park. So tram and telephone wires had sometimes to be lifted to let him through. He travelled m a tramway tower waggon, accompanied
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    • 20 3 London Coun-y Council Education Committee has recommended expenditure of £6,700 on concerts to teach children to appreciate music.
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    • 67 3 rIE 350 strong men of Loch SHoy arc to have stronger tea and so a strike is settled- The tunneling and boring for the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board's scheme was stripped because the men said the tea they got was too weak. They discussed their
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    • 201 3 MICKY THE CAT KILLS 2 WOMEN A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to
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    • 139 3 BLIGH TOMB MAY GO TO AUSTRALIA SUGGESTIONS that the tcmb of Captain Bligh ol the Bounty m Lambeth (London* churchyard is "forlorn and forgotten have led to a proposal from Australia that his remains should sail the seas and find a new home m Bligh Street, Sydney. Australia. But the
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    • 43 3 Queen Wihelmina of Holland has wi.hdrawn the Gold Medal of Honour for Art and Science lof t-he House of Orange from j Willem Mengelberg, former conductor of the Concertgebouw Orchestra, for his alleged a'tit'lide during the German occupaj tion of Holland.
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    • 121 3 THIS memorial, carved m black Spanish wood, is set on the til •ii Ot I)urham Cathedral m dedication to the men who have befn killed mining coal m Durham County. The memorial was the suggestion of an unknown miner who signed his lett?r "Durham Geordie^. The Dean
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    • 85 3 The British Treasury has spent £750,000 since the Allied landing m Italy m rewards to Italians for assis ing escaped Allied prisoners of war, a military spokesman disclosed m Rome, when the Allied screening commission, the unit entrus f ed with this task, finally closed its books.
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    • 21 3 The National Museum of Wales has acquired the portrait of Richard Wilson, painted by t&e famous WeLsh painter Mengs.
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    • 335 3 BOY WAS AN EXILE HERO FOUGHT AT 13 WIIH four shining gallantry medals jnJ n<r mi n his p<K-k. t, John Friend, aged 18, has arrived m I m&nu U fmd out what it's !«>«. '-or Pn Fn^lish boy at home ■fmin. Mm and his mother went to Poland to
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    • 54 3 Bxrcis are peeking panes of glass from the windows of many council houses at Broadwood, Devon. The wartime putty used m the window frames was made wi h fish oil. The birds like it is so much that many panes have fallen out when shaken
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    • Article, Illustration
      69 3 THK Dapre family are here seen at work on the exclusive craft of carving figures of saints from pine .i ks. The Dapres Anton his I sons Pius and L^<>, and a brother-in-law work m a little shop off Tottenham (ourt R ad, London. They are now busy on orders
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    • 239 3 RAF COOKS TRAIN IN CITY HOTELS TEN senior N.C.O. cooks m the Royal Air Force who have 1 passed the advanced course at the R.A.F. School of. Cookery at Halton are now receiving a further ten week(raining m the kitchens of well-known hotels. There they are giving assist- ance m
      Reuter  -  239 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 NOTICE The Public is hereby informed thai Messrs B.P. de Silva Ltd., Jewellers, carrying on business at Mob 19 '2i Hieh' Street. Singapore and at Nos 1 2 Bishop Street. Penaiig, have no Otfaat branch m operation at present m Singapore or m the Malayan Union and that this Company
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 52 3 T ARZ AN Gor Finds Nita By Edgar Rice Burroughs S*^tl- \L-.£vl 'm GOR Si:>URRE? QN &y zee's ffnttsi \ii J* v^ es s r >ntc the i«W§lf /W*. r93£ M REAT Hußßl££? Jo F^ D TARZAN M^l V CLEARINvS BOTM 65TOPPED IN ?W^B*dß [^JL^^'^^'g.^'u-'iS -g2BS- I ire jjfc^ J
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    • 681 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY. APRIL 15. 1947. Free Gold Although the American ambassador to New Delhi. Mr. Henry F. Graciy spoke i couraging America:: trade with India when he was sworn m the her day. and although ma Indian businessmen have do:.e the grand tour to New York since
      681 words
    • 867 4 HARDLY EVER COME OUT Girls who go to Singapore's Convent of the Good Shepherd for protection FREE PRESS WOMAN REPORTER THE Sisters of the Convent of the Jood Shepherd m Singapore are appealing for funds to rebuild their Convent. The Government has given them fifteen acres of land m Thomson
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    • 30 4 In the lip-, ol bin thai h ith understanding dom is found, but a rod Ls for the bac* of him that i- void *<( understanding:' Pi rbs 10. 13.
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    • 171 4 MEMORY: NEW KIND ANEW kind memory, m winch numbf rs are stored on the surface cd at the Institute of Radio Engineers by Dr. Jan Rajehman, RCA laboratories, PrinceThis new memory contra ne reported a few d. earlier at the University of Penns> I where a pool of Like the
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    • Article, Illustration
      11 4 'Catch me risking my neck m one o'them flying death traps!
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    • 409 4 CAID to have broadcast from a v German controlled radio station at Shanghai, JOHN JOSEPH HOLLAND was sent for trial at the Old Bailey from Bow Street Polioe Court recently on charges of doing acts likely to assist the enemy. DKMINISCENCE at a London dinner recently by
      409 words
    • 611 4  -  ALEXANDER CLIFFORD "','■> KASV to generalise about the Rn«,« WHEN VOl-Ri; HUNDREDS OF MILES A WAV m in A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 79 4 QUIZ 1. Where and what is the Cenotaph? (b) By whom was i;, designed? 2. Which of London's bridges w uld you cross if you were proceeding on foot: (a) from St. George's Circus to Ludgate Circus <b> Prom Buckingham Palace to the Oval <c> From the Elephant and Castle
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    • 28 5 ndent Sun. -Jap g of ru this against pro- la he pro- d to had leraThe i to rted Every to d a:i enof I I CUr
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    • Article, Illustration
      35 5 Tht new crest of Headquarters, Air Command, Far Bast, which has b?e n granted by the College of Heralds, London, from the office of the Chester Herald m his capacity as Inspector of RAF Badge*.
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    • 200 5 Free Pre>s Staff Reporter sng away of 68-year-old Rev. Jean Marie of the French Mission m Singapore lies the Mmple faith and quiet deeds vsho dtreater rx.n «»f hi*, life to missionary work m the half a century m Hong Kong mber'of the Paris Foreign
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    • 453 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THIRTEEN Chinese and Eurasian girls, who punch millions of cards every year by mechanical means, are helping the Government and the commercial community to keep their ringers on the business pulse of Singapore. Surrounded by an array of intricate electrical machines
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    • 50 5 FRESH FRU IT FOR SIN GAPORE lUSTRALI. shipments of fresh fruit to Singapore since the war have been greater than at any prewar period. This year's shipments will include 20,000 boxes of grapes, 18.000 bushels of oranges, more than 100,000 cases of apples, and over 10.000 bushels of other fruits.
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    • 56 5 ANSWER SCRIPTS R EACH U.K. THE Department of Education Singapore, has just received from the Cambridge ate announcing that the parcel of School Certificate answer scripts from Singapreviously reported lost, list beer, received by the Syndicate, and that awards foi the School Certificate 1946 examination will be completed as soon
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    • 34 5 The South British Insurance Co., Ltd., reports having received cabled advice from its Head office to the effect that an Interim dividend of Is. per share 'New Zealand currency) has been declared
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    • Article, Illustration
      8 5 GiiLs working m Singapore's Depa rtment of Statistics
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    • 397 5 NEI RETURNS JAP LOOT TO S'PORE 30 cases valuables Free Press Staff Reporter THIRTY large cases of valuables, believed to have been removed from Singapore by the Japanese during the occupation, have been returned to the Custodian of Property by the Netherlands authorities. The boxes contain some silver, and efforts
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    • Article, Illustration
      101 5 This is one of the many beautiful staimd sia^t m the Church of cur Lady of Lourd s, damaged during the battle <»f Singapore. It proposed to rebuild the church, and a campa gn tJ col eet 5200.000 for this purpose is under way. As ihe lirst step to rai>e
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    • 75 5 TEN. Hatazo Adraehi, former v commander of the Japanese Eighteenth Army, yesterday told the War Crimes Court trying him at Rabaul, that Japanese troop movements m New Guinea area between August 1944 and January 1945 could "truly be called death marches," only 12,000 surviving out. of
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    • 43 5 Mr. Philip Hoalim, representative of the Malayan Democratic Union at the recent New Delhi Conference, will address the East-West Society on Thursday, April 17, m the V.M.C.A. at 8.30 p.m. His subject will be "Reflections on the New Delhi Conference
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    • 45 5 Warrant Officer L. Bentley will speak on "The Machinery of Inj come Tax' 1 to The YMCA Literary and Debating Society tomorrow starting from 8 p.m. at the Association^ Lecture Hall In Orchard Road, "Singapore. Members ana friends interested i are welcome.
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    • 38 5 Meg^t Yunus bin Megat Haji Muhammad Isa, M.C.S., has been appointed to act as officor-ir.-charge Politics, Unites Malay National Organisation, during the period Enche' Zainal Abidin bin Haji Abba<s is acting as Secretary-General of the Organisation.
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    • 310 5 SHOPKEEPERS STOP CENSUS OFFICERS Free Press Staff Reporter THOUSANDS of houses have already been numbered since the preliminary work m connection with Singapore's census-taking was started 13 days ago. Numbering of homes began throughout Singapore r»n April 2 and will continue till May 21. Sanitary Inspectors attached to the Municipal
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    • 44 5 The British financial mission headed by J. 1.0. Crombie, third Secretary of the British Treasury, has arrived m Rangoon. The mission will discuss Burma's financial problems with the Interim Government m accordance with the Anglo-Burmese agreement of last January.- Reuter
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 203 5 THIS morning. Major Hoey, acting on behalf of the U.S. j Government, wll present Major Gen. Sir H. Reginald Kerr with the Legion of Merit (Degree of 1 Commander). The citation reads: Gen. Kerr. from December 1941 to September 1943, performed aits: and ng services m the Allied
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 .cated °Ws Today 4 Shows Ml p.m. mww k Mo*** J •\> X hi* »C««IHI| y
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    • 55 5 I ;v- Men's High Class Fur Fe!t Hats Made hy Tress Excellent Quality Smart Shape neat Colours PRIC E $21.50 each Men's Soft Fur Felt Hats Made by Townend IN BROWN. GREY AND AIR FORCE. NEAT SHAPE, PRICE $19*50 each UIHITERUIRVS (WHITE AWAY LAIDLAW V CO., LTDJ TELS. 6907 6908
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • NEWS
    • 433 6 'Give up your cushy job 9 CHANGE jobs at once it you're not helping m Britain > recovery drive. That is the call sent out by the T.U.C. General Council to Britain's 20,000,000 workers. It was directed particularly to the luxury trades; to the growing
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    • 50 6 AT "he age of 43, M.s. Rose Bai has just had n h baby -a ejirl. been present at confln Tul. hildren.' says "The world wouldn't be much of a nlace withou :id died twe >. and sons, both miners, are living, the eldest being
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    • 105 6 JOYRIDES by air over Dunkirk and the Normandy battlefields and invasion beaches are planned to begin from Hanworth air park, Middlesex, England. This Air Age variant of the familiar trip round the bay m the "Skylark" will be provided ihree times a clay during the summer.
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    • 28 6 Sir Henry Hoare, 81, and his ill on within s:x hours of each other. When Sir Henry ashes w< :ed m grave. She requested cremation.
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    • 304 6 SECRET QUEST OF DAVID TIDY IN the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tidy, of Streathazn, London they can talk of onl\ one subject. David IS back.... and David, thtir Hi\» n M Bon, a joiner's apprentice, has a story of helpful adventure to tell. Here it is 1 I had
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    • 66 6 NEW FLATS FOR CITY OF LONDON Pr to build a new block Of £950.000 m blitzed centre of the City of ion have been approved m he Cour;, of Common Council at the Guildhall. T^e 275 flats would house 955 .c In an area around Bn< r Square, near Aiders
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    • 71 6 jyjH. NOBLE lU.IK, Krightliiig mm o»trr merchant, now stands watching the gulLs gorging <. M ttia "best natives" The oysters wculd have sold m the Wesl End at 14s. 6d. a docen— -but they Were i dead loss to Mr. Eagle. "They w re killed *>>
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    • 283 6 A BIRMINGHAM judge m a divorce case criticised the '"very common modern attitude" of women who married with the thought reserved m their minds that they could resort to divorce if married life became uncomfortable for any reason. He was Mr. Justice Henn-CoUins, who gave the
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    • 184 6 THE income of Jack Hvlton, the dance band leader and 1 theatrical producer, is the Mjbject of a dispute betw him and his wife m the London High Coot. And Ui m is mention of a £60-a-week separation allowance. The i heard by Mr. Justice
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    • 29 6 The Univt rsJty of the Philippines has selected four heroes of the Resistance Movement, including a woman, as its most Distil :ed Alumni for war year A.P.
      A.P.  -  29 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 6 4^
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    • 45 6 The M lain once lost the W le of Oliver CromweU former secreary I J. H. V at a He sale. placing the s atue arose the war Ttu real becaus bunged m during the London blitz. It i lound a
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    • 26 6 "No houses" is the pr reason why several Br families who wen L to Hew 7 land last year are n way home.
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    • 193 6 A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter Japanese "suicide"
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 176 6 I j 9| SB jQ SE^B CLI ES kCKOBB 1. Lambs reared m the house without a dam (7), 7 Gr.-edy (4) 8 The blown from the crest of waves ,9,, See 20 Down, 10 Celebrated h ammal painter (8.. 11. Precious stone some of the best of wn^h from
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    • 35 6 J/\INt Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya M WAS RIGHT, JANEZ-^SO ME^ BuT I DOKhN I SUGGEST^JS 3 P^" "^"^ll^^ SKIS^ CURLING M^ H^£^^*3«^3»£ I^^, \L TODAY— t f ISS S^^Sy 1 ?HEET
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    • 311 7 Hut Hurst Says 'Bruce Will Win' ■OS BAKSI and Bruce IToodoocb will dimb through the ropv> before 10.500 fan> at London's HarringaV arena lomomm night for their long-awaited ten round' heavyWtapki tight regarded by virtually everyone, except Baksi Ami \\<.<>ck-ock, a.t he final elimination to decide Joe
      U.P.  -  311 words
    • 17 7 American Is 18lb heavier I m. i_i 4" m. Reuter W— BAKS1 BR1 E WOOIK Oi K
      Reuter  -  17 words
    • 225 7 CINTRASTING STYLES IN BIG FIGHT LONDON. Mont: anticipated tomorrow caster railway fitit prospect since Bob Fitzago, ny nderous I giant < »t ten rounds at Harringay vith Joe Louis te imagination fight is rid title I He ;ul left hand which carrul punch coupled w;th a and if he can
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 126 7 LONDON. Mon. THE Jockey Club announced on Monday that the English Derby Britain's greatest fiat race a Ersom Downs on Wednesday June 4 been postponed until Saturday June 7. t- 1 cooperate with the Govern- < against midweek sports. This action had been expected. .al
      A.P.  -  126 words
    • 193 7 A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter Japanese "suicide"
      193 words
    • 193 7 A model of the rocket was on view and a film was shown depicting the success of one of Its trial flights. Secretly designed and constructed by the Fairey Compary m co-operation witih the Ministry of Supply, this pilotless weapon was originally planned to counter Japanese "suicide"
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    • 23 7 CHINESE selecti n one meet The I Indians m a league soccer fix- ture at Jalan Besar Stadium to- day.
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    • 19 7 DUNDEE United beat Raith R.-. three-nil m a Scottish "B" division league match played yesterday, rpnnrfx Reuter
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    • 147 7 3 playing against A:r Command Distributing Authonangi) beat them by 85 runs. ELITES' IST XI Khoon Poh b Hancock 49; ialistan lbw Armstrong 23; C.B. Hast b Armstrong 6; J. Galistan b Armstrong 29; M. Swyny >ng 2; J. Robinson run out R. Scully b
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    • 535 7 DERBY FAVOURITE RUNS TOMORROW LONDON, Monday. TUi Bat-racing season really gets underway m this week frith the first meeting at the turf's headquarters m wmarket. At this threeday programme, known as the Craven meeting, many classic candidates will be seen out m three big three-year-old races, the Free Han rH
      Reuter  -  535 words
    • 192 7 League Cricket PAY OFFICE BEAT HQ BY 17 RUNS POMMAND Office v v HQ Singapore District 2nd XI by 17 runs m a district fixture on Sunday. > r P O Mulvaney c Baker b GardJ 8 Kenny st Goodwin b Gardner 0 :id b Ju. 7 n st Goodwin
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    • 131 7 /VU'dHOO (E. Dempscy up) returns after winning the Grand National at 100-1. Caughoo was accord?d a tremendous welcome from Irishmen and women when he finally reached Dublin, after being held up this side of the Irish Sea. Escorted by pipers hands and by hundreds of
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    • 491 7 Letter THE REFEREE REPLIES WOK. Williamson, who re- fereed the league soccer I match last Thursday m wh'ch there was a scuffle on the field between an Army and Indian players, has written us a letter m which he gives his verso n cf the incident. W/o Williamson writes: I
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    • 138 7 INDIAN TENNIS TEAM ARRIVES IN U.K. LIVERPOOL. Mon. THE All-India Lawn Tennis Davis Cup team arrived here today m the troopship Georgie from Bombay. Durir.g the voyage they entertained 3.000 Service personnel and 400 civilians by practising on the ship's deck tennis court It was a tricky work trying to
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 67 7 The following will represent the J.C.S.A. against the United Chinese Library table tennis party m a match of seven singles on Friday at the premises of the United Chinese Library 51 Armenian Street, at 7 p.m.: George Chen, S. Suppiah, Lim Keng Wail, Cliong Gye Men?. J. N^'p
      67 words
    • 929 7 Answering Your Queries By The Sports Editor THL credit for the first (and only correct) answer to the 1 query I put to soccer fans last mcck who \g the only English player who has scored two goals again>l Scotland at Wembley and m a
      929 words
    • 325 7 IPOH, Mwk. IFTEIGHTB for Saturday, the first IT day of th^ Perak lurf Clubs April meeting are: Horses, Class 1, Div. 1. 5 Fir D.R.B. 10.04 Precious Ccv: 10. 0 i Stream 8.01 Zargun 9. 0S Diplomat 8 .01 Win The Fine Stream 8.01 .cc
      325 words
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    • Article, Illustration
      25 8 This unusual view ,»f Sheflk Id shows a lovely wo&H ME ed footr-ath m one of the town's many parks and ny w< rtMreation yratinds.
      25 words
    • 173 8 I ONDON, Monday. pERTAIN soldiers, sailors and airmen, taking full advantage L of Europe's black market and disorganised financos, have a loss to the British Treasury of an estimated iGO.OOC luring the past two years, the Government announced tonight. TV appropriations account for 19<*o-4b, issued as
      A.P.  -  173 words
    • 55 8 DEPORTEES GO IN LUXURY Foreign racketeers operating on Mie black market m Britain,' are being deported by the Home OfTice. The deportees found to their surprise tn&t *he Government, m its haste to get rid of them, sent them by air nrs'*- class. The prewar cus'.v ms wai to deport,
      55 words
    • 51 8 Tfce British Ministry of Agriculture la likely to approve the Wan for extensive crop sowing rn>ra the air to repair the havoc caused m the recent serious floods throughout Britain. Government experts have examin-ed the resutls of recent airborne sowing by T. W To*r\~ kins, Northamptonshire
      51 words
    • 458 8 UK HELPING TO REBUILD CHINA SHANGH \i. ißj Math. mil BRITAIN, despite diflU nit economic condition at J home, is playing an increasing!) large and important m the rehabilitatioß <>f China, especially In the restoreon of war wrecked industries, mines and communications. Amen" other things China is known to have
      Reuter  -  458 words
    • 1190 8 ROAD BLOCK SHOOTING MAJOR ON TRIAL Free Press Staff Reporter WHEN the trial of Major John Burnett, DJS.O., M.C., who is standing trial on a charge of causing the death of a Sikh driver by "doing a rash act not amounting to culpable homicide," was resumed m the District Court
      1,190 words
    • 56 8 W J. Gilstrap, of the WelLs Fargo Bank, told the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce's Foreign Trade Association yesterday that prospects are favourable for increased trade with Singapore, Hongkong, the Bhilippinea and Si am. Mr. GiLstrap, reported Singapore and Hongkong were botli prosperous and that Philippine
      A.P.  -  56 words
    • 87 8 DAI- plants ull take part m a joint British-N'orv-«^ ;^n Antarctic expedition which will set oil to Queen Maud Land towards the end of this year. Some of 'hem will winter with a party of Norwegian scientists in the Norwegian -claimed sector of Antarctica. One Objective
      A.P.  -  87 words
    • 237 8 Monday. THIRTY bodies of guerillas, who died <>f cold and I 1 ac well as those of others killed m fighting with Gn Government forces, have been found m the Agrapha tains of Thessaly where a big an ti -guerilla campaign i> b waged, according to
      237 words
    • 285 8 CITY NEWS S'PORE RUBBER PRICES TODAY A Special Market corr m»o' yivi. tht prices of rubber at II am t"<iay as follows: Buyers S4 (ts. Cte per lb ofr \h No. 1 X -pert loos* «3U. No 1 ISB. fob m balre April tfo. 2 8 rob m bftftH Iprl
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 83 8 ON the New York Stock E I hang* yesterday, there was an early extension of losses up to two points on a broad front and a short rallying movement which enabled stocks to show slight gains liquidating pressure forced the market to resume the heaw iecline. After
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 50 8 The S yesterday sentenced Frede: Myseberg, a Netherlands na; to one year imprisonment to: gal dealings m gold bars and reign currencies. The court confiscated $40.^ Hongkong currency allegedly seized during a raid on his oi: The Netherlands Embass*. protest against the charge oi Myseberg.- A. P.
      A.P.  -  50 words
    • 54 8 WOMEN HIT BACK AT HIGH PRICES ibers of Tynemou.n orauci of the British Housewives' League have agreed to boycov purchase of luxury fruits. Each is now on her honour not to buy pineapples, at 7s. 6d each; grapes, at 6s. a pound: plums, at 4s. 6d. a pound; anc tangerines
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    • 19 8 TO ANSWER CHARGE John Bume M I building to far a char^f f k ITn I He i "^B
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