The Singapore Free Press, 14 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA sjlfjsl;fjsl;fsf SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1947. PRICE 10 CENTO
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  • 548 1 Free Press Staff Reportei THE trial of -7-year-oid Major John Burnett, who woo the D.5.0., and M.I for service behind the Jap lines m Burma, nephew of a Vice Admiral and of a former Air Chief Marsha), and a member of one of the oldest
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  • 177 1 Muslim attack on new envoy NEW DELHI, Sunday. :>er Dawn slid today thai the appointed U.S. Ambassador to India. Mr. Henr> VV. has managed to win the >11-: m and n<t the conMusiim hy expressing himself m favour «>f national unity" m India. Mr. Grady, m taking his oath as
    A.P.  -  177 words
  • 20 1 I I I I ft I m preI :abeth I peech m naking I U.P.
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  • 312 1 Air news AIRPLANE 'BOMBS' A HOUSE LONDON, Sun. AN oxygen bottle was hurtled like a bomb through a bungalow r-of as a Royal Air Force Wellington bomber crashed mi n the streeet m Watford, Hertfordshire, today. The pil t was k lied m the crash. Two other crew members parachuted
    U.P.  -  312 words
  • 55 1 KILLEARN OFF TO SYDNEY Free Press Staff Reporter I ORD Killearn, Special CommisL sioner for South-East Asia, left Singapore this morning by flying boat from Kaliang for Sydney, orj an official visit to Australia on the invitation of the Australian Government. He was accompar.ied by Lady Killearn and Capt. D.
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  • 43 1 Australian dockers loading the British liner Orion at Melbourne with food for Britain, are going to work m taxis. The Orient Line provides the taxis because the Melbourne metal trades strike has spread to the suburban train services. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 31 1 TALKS TO FORCES ON RADIO GEN. SIR RONALD ADAM. chairman of the British Council and formerly Adjutant General to the Forces, uho is taking put m tin- HIM Forces educational programmes.
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  • 3 1 arrested.-
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  • 100 1 a the Indian Government has Bifned an agreement for exclusive atomic research rights to the deposits of monazite m Travancore, and uill build a 1 400, 000 atomic pile U> produce atomic energy for industry and research, says a London Daily Telegraph report. The special
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  • 165 1 BIG 4 MAY PART IN FEW DAYS LONDON, Sunday. EVEN the Foreign Ministers themselves expect that the Big I Four Conference m Moscow "will break up m the next j few days without achieving any major decision", says the diplomatic correspondent of tl The newspaper said there was still the
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  • 26 1 Three person^ were reported killed and 15 injured m a renewal of communal rioting m Calcutta yesterday. Over 150 persons were A.P.
    A.P.  -  26 words
  • 72 1 Vienna yesterday celebrated the second anniversary of it: liberation by the Red Army. Fe* buildings were beflagged as the I Mayor had ordered them to be. The Vienna newspaper Arbeitei Zeitung, commented: "A large part of our prisoners of war ha< still not returned. We celebrated
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  • 226 1 'T error' Jewess breaks jail GKI LA COiIKN. a Jewear. m son men t fur using a sec arms a year ago. escaped todi the government hospital m Je ing from pneumonia lor the She was an announcer ove Gang, the underground Jewis for outrages and murders m cast anti-British
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  • 67 1 POLICE CHIEF ROBBED A Malay and a Chinese stopped by the Singapore Radio Patrol m Waterloo Street at 4.00 a m today j were found to be carrying a suit- j case with the inscription ot J. C. Barry. Mr. J. C. Barry, who is Deputy Commissioner oi Police was
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  • 33 1 Two Chinese armed with a pistol, broke into a shop m Bencoolen Street, Singapore at 4.15 a-m. today and after an argument a coolie was shot dead and a towkay wounded.
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  • 29 1 President Truman yesterday dedicated the New York site oi the United Nations headquarter* to the peace "upon which the hopes Of the world arp fminrioH A.P.
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  • 37 1 REDS SEEK F RIEN DS British and Dominion Communists yesterday made a statement appealing for 'progressive people" m all parts of the world to build friendship with "the Soviet Union and the new Euro- A.P. Dean democracies.—
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 235 1 55 NATIONS TO TALK PALESTINE UNO CALLS MEETING LAKE SUCCESS. Sem York, Sund.i>. A SPECIAL session of the General Assembly of the nited Nations to consider the question of Palestine ha* i.« H called for April 28. Trygvt Lie, United Nati«»n> Secretary General, cabled 55 member States today to this
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  • 73 1 Free P FATHER Jean Marie Ouillor. Procurator of the Frencr, Foreign MLs^icn. died at 6 a :r. today. He wa. 68. Father Ouillcn had been m Singapore since 1921. He mv very popular and well know., to Singapore business people. His body lies m state
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  • 30 1 A meeting of Indians m Tanganyika yesterday rejected the British proposals for an economic association of Kenya Uganda and Tanganyika The Indians claimed they had <•' Doards.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 51 1 ED ITO R IN S'P OR E Mr. Stanley G. w. Horriblow retiring Editor of the London Daily Mail— he has been sue oeeded by Mr. Frank Owen former editor-in-chief of SEAC Services Newspaper m Singapore —passed through Singapore terdny on his w?v to take up mi editorial appointment fc
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 JTWGAGEMENT RINOS, lERNH V RINGS iff* A > LADIES' X S informal wear toikt W^ y l^ cosmetics i ites textiles fabrics. I GENTS' l i very Jay accessor:. fy n c f I Jor size I^N SINGH CO.
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    • 53 1 BBflffifer S f JariK y^sf^"^ >jm t^t*i J "fT'iirnrtftfiiTiirriirift["ii irw minfMm^^^ GM »4 A C Model-BC 4672— 'Overseas 7"— $350 DC/AC Model-BC 4677- Overseas B"— S3SS Both pricrs kit 10 for rash ADVT OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD OF iNOLAHD SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR Perak Agent, The Kmta BeeMWI Distribution
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  • 738 2 SPORTSWEAR POURS IN And Out Of Spore Shops PRESS WOMAN REPORTER QFORTSWEAR conO zinue? to pour into the shops. Wind jackets. popular for golf, arc Robins w. Made m England especially for Robre priced at 528..~ lours are blue d and grey. The; ma n showerI cloth and have raglan
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  • 148 2 W. and i i third .ub doubling an i What does planeec Eas 1 i raised p. the very round of bidding. This would have shu: the auc -ct that he had quite dcub'-lui about bidding even two spades on his pitifully w<> When EcLst made the
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  • 322 2 GALL OP ON A TO Y 'BRONCO' By Murie, Pctw Actary when during the wai oaßk tami.'Us Vickers Armstrong nava! guns will shortly kk* turning out Britain's latest mi-ctel mr-chanical toys. Outstanding no among them Bco v a horse which fashion. No clock w rk. etars or p< destroy the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 NOW... you too co* kz bea^ I A wonder! v! n. I gets rid of WHY DOES tfHfTO jM that pale, fresh loveliness thai every woman dreams a ihjr even man ad> YOUR SHIN MAOI 4-6 SHADES WHITER 3 WINUTES Tropical sun is your skin beau:> II cniar:
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 682 2 SINGAPORE KADIO AUSTRALIA Rhi*> V«t'i-..i-lr IT«»j; 1, 400 n m BRO P m VLBB, 13 89 8 On the Air; 830 mue network Kn~r.-h t pm tB v w pJm XXSJ pjJl Tile Kit Parade 9 M metre* 21 (JO me-acvctes: 15 pjn. to gram. 89—2 M -48., metre,
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    • 33 2 QUIZ a- ers FIRST LINES.— by E Bar Br 2 f Or, Westminster 8r..: by n Wore, i 3. "Caryce: by Jofcn .M. field. L 'It,' by Radyard Kipling. b, m by Rndyard
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    • 34 2 YOUR LUCKY •j 1 AX g(Nta todar van m ii carted mi rt b. Hat ft id urn, Mi i affectHi vi d icaißA Mdßiv» I -re Hun P* v law: pnW man*' opfOfttßßt*
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  • 210 3 USSR MISSION SEES UK ARMS Bid! \IN AND U.S. LAUNCH DKIIAIN and the United Statts recently launched two warships. the left ivY a picture of the7lti-foot heav> cruiser Salem of the Navj Living accommodation en board is at nd;tioned. and the Salem will carry automatic ?uns claimed to b 1
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  • 479 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1947. Peace and Quiet PERHAPS it Is the iuothing effect of the Easier holidays, perhaps it is because life is becoming slowly bu: surely a litUe more comiortable. perhaps because the local government is strengthening Its hold on the reins of public administration,
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  • 1115 4  - GOOD MORNING Frank Owen by IN liT ol J New York they used to play an interesting game on simple visitors to their city. It consisted of selling them Brooklyn Bridge. It ia almost certainly still going on. For, as Mr. Bar num elegantly put it, there's a sucker born
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  • 15 4 Yrr *v: > < ,cdn pr U rvih,n)j: bet riajhteoos9Mi h from death verbs 10. 2.
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  • 494 4 the eleventh Indian Qfncr r 1 to attain the rank of a Brigadier is Lt.-01. NA/Ifl AHMAD, M.8.E., Frontier Force Rifles, whose promotion lias just been officially d sciosed. He v expected to assume command of the 25 Ind*an Infantry Brigade. Commissioned m 1931, Lt.CoL Nazir Ahmad
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  • 266 4 UNDERGROUND TO THE BIG 4 Back drop to a world by Alexander Clifford f\ N E way to gi I the Foir-IN ver Conference is to take the scow underground. First, you make sure you have nothing breakable m your pockets and nothing at a! 1 *n your hands. Then
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 63 4 QUIZ KIRST LINES You have t name the poem and the author: 1 "What was he doing, the prcat >rod Par 2. "Earth has not anything to sh w more fair." 3. '-Quinqu rerne of Nineveh from distant Ophir.** 4. "If you ca n keep your head when all about
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  • 52 5 Pre<s Staff Reporter dogs are being shot daily m Singawhich has been intensified, to I d canines. The Munu-ipal Veterin Pr^*» PrP<5S th'lt cinr*. rwtnl»n it year, 3,974 dogs and I£Bs bitche> 1,. I control is being exercised over its into Singapore, following an Malayan Union.
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  • 65 5 2 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INDIANS PHE Purdue University, Lafa- yett y SA has c tiered to m students two scholarships it the University for study to science, engineering, agriculture ?hanr.acy and education for the erm beginning m September 1947 With a view to promoting ndo-Iranian cultural relations he Iranian Government have
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  • 266 5 Forgery gang in NEI smashed Free Press Staff Reporter /COUNTERFEIT rings are known to be operating both m \j Java and Singapore forging one, five, ten and 100--roepiah notes purporting to have been Lssued by the Indonesian Republican Government. Recently members of one ring were smashed when their headquarters was
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  • 65 5 Saying 'Thank You' with food THE New South Wales Cricket eiation is send; food parcel a month for a year ta each of the members of the SH.C.C. team which recently toured Austral i The New South Waies Rugby I-eagu- showed its appreciation f the English League team when it
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  • 135 5 BIG RICE SHORTAGE INEVITABLE A SERIOUS shortage of rice to add to the unrest of South\sia appears ir.evitable, latest reports, M. Green, the corres- of The London Observer. He says: "In January. Lord n counted on having 1.632,600 to:is for distribution In the first half of 1547; and that tnphasised
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  • 77 5 IS part of its educational programme, the Singapore V MCA. plans to develop evering adult courses to meet as far as possible the urgent needs prevailing m Singapore. These courses will include commercia. subjects. The first of these course! already opened, is for beginners and
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  • 24 5 NEI AIR SERV ICE A regular Republican air serreen Java and Sumatra will be onene^ m the near future, ding J.o the Antara News
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  • 456 5 S'PORE ARMY FAMILIES SHARE QUARTERS Arrivals outpace building Free Press Staff Reporter gjfcCAUSE Array families are arriving m Singapore faster than scheduled accommodation can be provided by the building- authorities using contracted labour, there is to be a certain amount of "doubling up" and officers' families will m some cases
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 5 These Japs wer2 among the 1,200 who lelt by their own ship, Kaiwo Maru, from the Naval Base, Singapore, for I'jima, Kure. Japan. Their repatriation was undrr the accelerated scheme oruerrri by Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, Supreme Commander Allied Forces m th? Pacific. More and more Jap
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  • 71 5 7 TONS RICE SEIZED ABOUT seven Uns of rice of various types were seized by the Food Control Inspectorate, Singapore, last month. Just over half a ton of sugar and 53 katties of wheat flour were also seized during the same period. An official statement shows < that the Inspectorate
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  • 47 5 The University of Saint A drtws, Scotland, has announced its intention of conferring, at a date to be determined later, the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws on Air Marsnal Sir G. C. Pirie, K.8.E.. C.8., j M.C., D.F.C., Air Commander-in-chief, Far East.— Rafpro.
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  • 355 5 Free Press St. .IT Reporter \J|, T HILF copra is still on the prohibited list of products from Malaya, countries like Burma, Hong Kong, India and Sumatra have operated a successful dodge, whereby they continue to receive copra m the shape of fresh nutThere has been
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  • 119 5 IN old friend and teacher oi many old boys of St. Joseph's Institution, Singapore, the Rev. Bro. Alban, has left St. Joseph's to assume the post as Director of St. Patrick's Scho 1. Katcng. A lareweil reception was held m his honour at St. Joseph's ol hall
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  • 68 5 Aftt of yea r th? ai i. Chaplain-in Chief of Air Command, Far East, Group Captain the Rev. L. Wright, has left Singapore, to assume the appointment of Assistant Chaplain-in-Chief, H.Q., Med/ME. He will be succeeded by Group Captain, the Rev. F. E. H. Trevor. who is expected
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  • 64 5 THE Shackle Club m Waterloo Street, Singapore, will close at 10 p.m. April 16 and re-open at 6 p.m. on Friday. April 18, at the former Fleet Canteen m Beach Road. The delay m the opening of the Club which was scheduled for Thursday, April 17. h?s been
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  • 194 5 VOLUNTEERS TO PEN OWN CLUB Free Press Staff Reporter rHERE is to be a "General Pest" 1 m Beach Read when the 200 special European and Asiatic inspectors who have beer, requited for the new Singapore Harbour Board anti-looting corruption force move lr.tq the Drill Hall and Kb surroundings, which
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  • 67 5 MORE than a hundred ser.tatives of the prir. i.g trade, unanimously resolved special meeting convened by th€ Singapore Indian Printers' Association yesterday to amalgamate all existing printing associ.. and form the Singapore Printers Union. S.P. Garrott. Tr Acand Mr. G. S:-. ;n<;-Ed;tor of the Tar dian
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  • 49 5 LEARNING FROM MALAYA m urutr mat tnc British learned m the r ion of Malaya c?.n b? applied ir [ndonesia, Doctor P. H general adviser of th ands East Ir.c irq D tit of m c Affnirs and ot^cr bighnftcials, is making a tour )f Malaya, s I A.P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 251 5 MALA YA PAMPHLET FOR TRADE FAIR AS PEC I A L pamphlet or. Malayan exports and imports (and trade statistics has been prepared and 10.000 copies of j this are being flown to England i for the Malayan stall. Arrangements have been completed ir) r the despatch o! Malayan exhibits
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 39 5 i B, c MADE EASY! cessfu B i teach I nners /V"»o t c c I tor prac I 3 p.m If U| a l I- 7 I* Hil X oad i mr Road 1- sc CO W -iOSi
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    • 66 5 WUraailMWUMWUiwui iiriimj huwi j ■jiii.^i— wh'imhwhi i m» jj— ix-i«— ll n i uuli— irr BEST ATTENTION ASSURED Galv. Wire Gl2 G8 Wire Netting Corrugated Sheet- Wire Nails Copper Boat Nails Buckets Copper Tack«s Coal Tar Boiled Linseed Oil Muntz Metal Plain Sheets Red Lead Powder For further particulars please
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  • 442 6 Fascists arranged escapes via Lire OCOTLAND YARD Special Branch officers and military iniJ teDigence investigators are probing Britain because <>t fhe suspected existence of a Fascist underground designed to assist the escape from Britain of staunch Nnzi prisoners v,i war. The investigators have discovered that the escape
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  • 144 6 CHURCHILL HINTS AT A SECRET p— was annual >n. for people who thought "ers jusi ild no longer future war, sur: he said. "Once you have great .surface s, and among These I in- be driven to the inevitable 1 se guardians and be protected step by s n the
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  • 236 6 OVER 250,000 peoph art i icpected lo leave Britain this year for holidays on the Continent. If more ships \\<n available the number would he far greater, a Southern Rail way official said. "The demand is tremendous," Many pe< say they will travel to the ports
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  • 17 6 Lord Oaksey and Lord Justice! Moron have been appointed Lords of Appeal m Ordinary.
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  • 71 6 Czecho lovak woman, Aui r u. Schmidt, convicted of operal w. h ft London v. I black market gang, was deported from Crovdon airport by order of British H Otli She fined a total of £200 last Novem d wis ordered to leave the country within
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  • 187 6 jUKW i c to supper: a long-held belief that up m Arnhem Land, m Australia's wildest country, two wl women are living alone on the shore of an 1 lake has been brought into Darwin by a white settler from Northern T<»rritnrv
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  • 113 6 RECORD FLIGHT IS ACE'S AIM GROUP Capt. E. M. Donaldson, holder of the world's air speed record of 616 m.p.h., is planning a non-stop record flight from San Francisco to New York m a jet-propelled •or. He revealed this after he had been presented with the Briila Trophy, the premier
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  • 94 6 JN lit ihirc di sti U t of 1 Bradford and Melksham thej have f<>ur beautiful new sea except for mo parts. And no one knows where I s X parts are. The houses were originally buill m Sw< di ii m sections shipped acr Ihe
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  • 72 6 Ballot and opera will be included m concerts and recitals to t< ndon children apition of music had wri ten voluntarily their Joy a'such performances m the past, he I. C.C Education Commj I was told recently when it recommended spend i,700 m this v SAXON
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  • 77 6 CIGHI smart girls, wearing lipsti, k and .vlk stockings, went 800 J l et down a coal mine at Weetslade, iiviv Newcastle. Four hours later they cam- vp blacker than chimney sweeps. The girls are Ministry of Insurance clerks from Newcastle. They went down the
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  • 257 6 BOFFIN No 1 DIES IN BUS PIK JOSEPH BAR 4 iIOFT, the physiologist, who spent a 0 gnat part <>f his life m dangerous research, collapsed and died m a bii> while goinij hf>me to lunch from hi> laborafor\ it tmbridge. He was 74. He once lived for a w<
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  • 19 6 Householders m Stroud G London, are taking m theii door-ma^ at night t* thieves are about.
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  • 51 6 The Secretary for war, Mr. Bellenger. told the House of Commons: The public has not seen the Army m scarlet for more than 30 years .and It wa? felt that this colour would no longer appeal to popular ODinion." (Loud and prolonged cheers from the Opposition
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  • 11 6 Britain is £8.500.000 for war us chan v
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 83 6 A Xl C J < hl^* v. Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya I/ill ask These oldIS! W^l /Borr-»7^ I Jt Z^^^SS j I J4 < SP" tf BOYS IF TMEY KMOW T% RlTZ Oft "Jl AHS FO HEAVENS SAKE X^i ANYTH.WG ABOUT 4 ]COME OFF P J
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    • 139 6 Fr?^ Press Crossword No. W| I i m i i ■> I I I HHHB^^^i HB^, pBBH P^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Visitor a Scotsman ir... worses are not over fond (4), I aJTlicted person (5). 7 Sue) Election that beasts will f> I (6), 13. His is a trying job (6>. 15
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  • 305 7 JOE LOUIS WILL HAVE TO WAIT Woodcock, Baksi vVOJI I 11 K^lSflPu JOE LOUIS, world heavyweight boxing champion, J to wait until later than June this year to defend his title against Bruce Woodcock, Doncaster railway worker who is regarded as Great Britain's best prospect for the world heavyweight honours
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  • 12 7 MATTHEWS OUT OF ENGLAND XI I m I fW Mi ions hi
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  • 116 7 BATES SCORES 82 AT J.B. BASE C.C. scored 169 runs 'o the Johore C.C 's 103 for five wickets m a match playetj at Johore en Pridav. BASE ACCOUNTS < s b Laze *y Ibw Laaroo nan c Cheah b Ratnam King c Cheah b Mohd Nocr Jj nrn c
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  • 44 7 CANNES. Sun. American tennis star Bob ralkenberg, teamed with Philipp Wa :er of Belgium, and ciea Rumanian pair Con Tanacesco and C. rahiiis, 3— G. 6—3. 6—B. 7-5 and 4 m the finals of the r doubles of the I rr p
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  • 51 7 NEW YORK, Sim >IIXY FOX, 175. of Philadelphia; started on the lii?h* -heavyweight 'rial r i i £oeh»n, 177. of New York. m the round of ten i San s Arena on Friday n Fox was makinrr his first start since ils knockout b" champion Gns Les-
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  • 95 7 LONDON, Monday. Ie England team to meet France 2♦ l U Internat -»onal Rugby Union has i-Pn T y cke »»>»m next Saturday has been chosen as follows- S C Newman of Oxford University' D W ISS Ck X rd ft O ?^n'u.w m^ Mary>s
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  • 59 7 LOS ANGELES. Sun. A FORMAL contract was signed on Sunday for the world bantam weight champion. Manuel Ortiz ci Ca'ifornia. to defend his title m the 15--rouni match with Kui Kong Young of Kawali. m the Honolulu Stadium on May 30. The event will be
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  • 325 7 'THIS WAS NOT CRICKET' From Vernon Morgan mn IT LODNON, Sunday. KIL cricket lovers are somewhat perturbs by the statet Perth' u ia f Al lian Test WfIUM Sydney Barnes at Perth^ Western Australia, on his way to England, m which he stated he made repeated appeals against the 1
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  • 1006 7 irctay s home football ip-to-date are: ENGLISH LEA( FIRST DIVISK P W D L F A Pt« 22 4 9 81 43 48 33 13 11 7 80 50 47 40 2i 5 14 69 69 47 j 36 20 6 10 80 50 46 35 IS
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  • 33 7 PhmtognfhM show I>r Wu Paak>hinsr (above) and Mr. Aw Row I below addressing the gathering at Saturday's dinner to celebrate the formation of the Singapore Chinese niateur Sports Federation.
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  • 954 7 Good Bowling On Padang U MILE the Singapore Cricket Club lost to the R.E. 00 the ns and SKf; 106 «> A Ministry (D.G.W.), another I S.C.C. team vvere beaten at Ten^ah and the Chinese over- whelmed at Chang?. *nn O y l f TS 'Vl cO n J°P J
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  • 395 7 S'PORE CHINESE INVITED Shanghai Olympiad Free Press Staff Reporter ANE hunrirc-ri members from six affiliated sports tlubs and a>sociati< ;n> m Singapore acclaimed the announcement made al a dinner on Saturday night that I hey would be m vited Co attend the next Chinese Olympiad which will be probably held
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  • 171 7 T»HE Chiresc A.hl:.uf won boh games against R.A.F. Bfce iK.Q the S .odium yest^'isy by tid^ ma c ns. Tne game; uiiich were encounters dreu a huge crowd. In both matchrs, the Chinese proved c far superior than the Air. who lacked tae coordination and io
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 12 7 I^N PHOIO CO I FQBEY!R! K^k I I a I 1 erS
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    • 75 7 -lurA i T 1— v 11 am— 2 p.m.— 4.15 p.m >\\\ W* V' V 630 p.m.— 9.15 p.m. ?_pA E VV"^ Itlfllcl Uuriiltttil rreiean W DIETRICH \j vj i_ 1 1 £tv <^" f^^l I ■> *4- r3 $7 ,^u«, v, Doioastt2Nic% VS&rk g JO.pAV L-L^.JHtATRiJ^ >mmii(<iiii > -r,..--
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  • 186 8 CITY NEWS S'PORE RUBBER PRICES TODAY A, iai Market corri»«»ondenl •he prices of rubber at 31 xin today as follows: Buyers Sellers Vts. oer Ib. D?r Ib. I R.S S <r-; 13 I R.S.S fob bales \pni n >. R.S.S fob if 12V, I fct m bales April *l n
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  • 49 8 MP END THEIR POLISH TOUR A a of 10 British m beri ol Parliament yesterday left Warsaw by plunp for London aft^r a IG-day tour of Poland. Henry Hynd. Labour member for Hackney Central, said that the agreed that Poland's W2S. Tn fronrip.-; r>»v,-,M> 3n the Oder A. P.
    A.P.  -  49 words
  • 344 8 'World needs a new deal' LONDON Sunday. HENRI WALLACE, former Vice President of the United States, called for a "new deal for the world" when he broadcast to the British people tonight, 'ihc whole world k v deal and there will be no peace till it ha- one," be said
    Reuter  -  344 words
  • 205 8 GANGSTERS KILL DETECTIVE Fr I \LACCA, Sunday. pANGSTERS d and I ed a Chii.. I ye. Tay An and his wife as I wtre returning m a trishaw 'rom the City Park, Malacca, last night with their five-year-old son, was injured. Five Chinese believed to be members ol the Bunga
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  • 84 8 A meeting of Nepalis has decided to launch a civil disobedience movement "to achieve civil liberties and the release of political prisoners m Nepal." The meeting, which was held m the British Indian province of Bihar, bordering on Nepal, complained that there was no civil liberty
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 28 8 S-abry Abul Alam Pasha, Secretary General of the Egyptian wafed Party and* leader of the Opposition In the Semite, died yesterday. He was 62.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 86 8 fROFTERS m the Orkney Islands, Scotland's bi^est egg producing area, decline to recognise British double summer time, contending that their lives are ruled more by the laws of the hens than of the Government. From May, to August, the Orkneys have more oayl-.^ht under Greenwich
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  • 522 8 CHINA PLEDGES FREEDOM TO FORMOSANS CANTON (By \ir Mail). THE six million inhabitants of the small but extremely rich island of Formosa, re-united with China 18 months ago after 50 years of Japanese domination, will eBJOj a greater measure of political and economic freedom than they have known i«i centuries
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  • 135 8 DOCK STRIKE HOLDS UP FOOD SHIPS Glasgow, Sun. PEVENTY ships— l 2 oi wl v have cargoes of food are immobilised at Glasgow owing to the strike of dock labourers. They stopped work three weeks ago because the Ministry of Labour dismissed 500 dockers as being redundant. The Ministry rtfu<ed
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  • 135 8 BRITISH FORCES on April 18 will blast Heligoland, the German Norih Sea island, into a pile of rubble. Nearly 7,000 tons of explosives have been placed m Heligoland— the world's mos: fortified island. The explosives have been placed m tunnels bored for eight miles Into
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  • 247 8 BERLIN, Sunday. pHt Berlin city administration faces tonight a crisis m 1 which the civil head refuses to resign m spite of an DVerwhelming Parliamentary vote of "no confidence" m him and his "Cabinet." and the threat of a general strike which tomorrow may bring out
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 48 8 German prisoiicrs-0.-war voluntarily went to Bristo: Cathedral. England, yesterday, U participate m a special for prisoners -of -war Canon Leslie George Mannering welcomed the prisoners Christian goodwill" as "our German brothers." Pastor the German's own padre, trans- I lated the sermon.— A.P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 327 8 PARLIAMENT TO BE BUSY LONDON, Sund Ml II work awaits the Commons when thu sumed on Puesday. First Mr. Hugh Daltm. the haniell<>r of the \rliequer. will open his budget on the fir>t day Of the ssi fi. and M.P.s of all {>artie> art j to whether the forecasts of
    327 words
  • 40 8 WEATHER Fair this afternoon WU «J from nocfi t«m rotipiH 3 i I MKiM I 5* i It p m :uriaf tS- 9&i 1 Ma i P Ramf Relair. humidin pftws >t I a t B 2nd ai 1 fi
    40 words
  • 44 8 200 ATLANTIC CROSSINGS T)n> is CaDtain Lionel fßuddx March 13 this year, completed his In his 15.000 hours m the air 2.000.f<00 miles, equal to m,r thai J\LJ th*> Equator. He has h^tn awards -s wS BOAC captain m d-ve] ping tain and i
    44 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 70 8 DENTURE WEARERS 1 j c \<mrx\mi false teeth 7^ 7^ H Wo) 1 f- < L V and Kemdex <>^^, or ovemw 11 s l^ 1 r^mnves stains 1 l v wA- ,W Ke mde x remo> «^j x M tj and permanently. «^«««|n^l B pwiCE 15 cts l\i 1
      70 words
    • 18 8 s|\<,\Pori; To-daT bst Four fa I -6JM I wooaEY-FiE.:- I m Witty C: I I A y fi"
      18 words