The Singapore Free Press, 12 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 17 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1947. price 10 com
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  • 328 1 fNEW DELHI, Friday. Indian cities Calcutta, Amritsar, md the North-West Frontier capital under curfew tonight, with troops the streets as the result of rewed communal disturbances. i outbreak of cholera is also reaccording to unofficial reports, danger zones where no streetf refuse has been done
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  • 96 1 One < t ihe mo>t Insniring memorial! Pi World ii i> the A. 1. 1*. Nantftg S« h -larship for Malayan Chinese nurse>. the tir>{ holders of which hav«i recently boiun training la Australia I be v<h< larship was founded by former Australian prisonetN of-
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  • 13 1 'Overn- to ive -que, s or prei -I
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  • 29 1 Sir Ernest Musgrave Harvey, former Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, In as resigned from the boards of the P O and British India companies. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 19 1 140 JAP WARSHIPS ON OFFER .ander Bn!S€ GOV- Moscow jf State, i 111 deast to that 5 or Japanese
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  • 18 1 The Finnish Government resigned at noon yesterday. No further details "were then available __v P
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  • 42 1 The Spanish Government-in-jxik has denounced the conclusion of commercial treaties be- j tween the Franco Government of j Spain ar.d "certain countries" j which have joined m statements I of policy of political hostility to the Franco regime.
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  • 206 1 ATHENS, Friday. fREEK troops have encircled 2,500 guerillas during the ll first two days of anti rebel operations m central Greece by 15,000 Government troops, supported by aircraft, it was announced by a Greek General Staff spokesman today. Retreating guerilla bands have left 32 dead on
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  • 20 1 Henry F. Grady was sworn m last night as the first United States Ambassador to India.— Reuter.
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  • 43 1 Canon John George Lister, Vicar of Werdover, near AylesDury, next week will marry Miss Pauline Banford, who was decorated for her work m Burma luring the war. Canon Lister has also leld appointments m Burma and [ndia. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 85 1 n«>K the first time m twenty y ears, British film-goers are pre- ferrii^ local talent to Hollywood stars. A questionnaire inowered by 600,000 film fans puts British actress Marsar^ Lock*ood first amoui; the women stars, and British actor James Mason at top ftl the men. In
    Reuter; U.P.  -  85 words
  • 119 1 DACHAU, Fri. THIRIY Nazi men and one woman pleaded innocence before a military court today to charges of murders and v personal sadism at Buchenwaid concentration camp, Germany. Buchenwaid was liberated two years ago. The woman defendant is Us Koch, 40, the wife of the ccr.centration
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  • 284 1 Germany buys from Malaya Free Press Stall Reporter I^OK the firsl time since th<> liberation. Germany figures prominency as a l>i# importer of Malayan raw materials rubber and ttimn m the Ft biliary statistical trade report prepared by the Singapore Imports and Exports Department. In a month, Germany received 53.
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  • 38 1 The Slovak Government will grant six months' vacations to government civil servants who are privately artists, writers, or scientists and who can prove that their development m these interests is hampered by daily v.ork.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  38 words
  • 381 1 Free Press Staff Reporter RIGHTING BURNETT' will not, after all, fight alone. Jl When Major John Burnett, D.5.0., MLC, steps into the police court where he is to be tried on Monday morning for "committing a rash act" mi n connection with the death of a
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  • 97 1 A l ONOON n MCKERS VIKiM. am raft JJ? from Britain v and Malaya for a goodwill A Virkers-.\im,trnn X r- pre- I t'\t told Reuter- "The purple or our tour is sh lhp Australian and New Z-a- f land r>cople that Britain I M one
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  • 117 1 INCOME TAX MAY BE CUT LONDON, Friday. POLITICAL quarters expect that Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Hugh Dalton, J will announce a slight reduction m direct taxation when he discloses his Budget m the Commons next week. It is realised that his original hopes of tix concession may have
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 90 1 Free Press Staff Reporter Mr. J. Jeans, head of the Singapore Harbour Board police force who is recruiting the new special force of 200 police, mainly Europeans, for duty m the SHB premises, told the Free Press this morning that he was informed late on Thursday
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  • 20 1 Dr. Nguyen Hoach, provisional resident of Cochin-China, yesterday received Emile Bollaert new French High Commissioner m Indo-China. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 156 1 UK STATES POLICY OH TRADE GENEVA Fr! CIR Stafford Cripps, Presi'der. the Board of Trade, who is later addressing the Internati Trade Conference, told a P conference this afternoon tha* any United States tariff reductions m return for abandonment of Empire preferences would not be regarded as sufficient by British
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  • 33 1 Sixty yards ol the breach in the river bank near Crowland, Lincolnshire, sealed by tanks a fortnight ago gave way yesterday and floodwater is again pouring across the farmlands Rcuter
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  • 22 1 ser'oiLSly hurt- Reuter A chimney-stack 207 feet higti at Macclesfield (Cheshire) crashed on the six-storey main building yesterday. Nobody wa#
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 M. FLINTER <U S. GRINBERG. Wholesale ft Ret is 1 1 Dealers m DIAMONDS JEWELLERY Telephone Singapore Xx s*—*r** Btar i i/ <^ B\ x It r s Js ■■A s^J fl Fi^ BBfeaßk *^w IF i B M^ 'VVv wJ I'M 1 €b
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  • 769 2 FREE PRESS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT THERE may be no- thing new under the sun, but who cares whether it's new when the vus comes to town? Most circus acts have been >rmed for the last six hundred years m one form or {mother. Generations have them
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  • 109 2 tight, nt 8 p.m. .a tbc I itti<- V OiAD Street- Prom < on< -t No, til. recoi dt-d recital ol Mi From lUin»:ir V* <»rk,s by Brahms, Ussi Bai Kod ly, Dohnanyi. sumi.i- pi 8 p.m. I at th* im-D ick Cluh: (I I Gi
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  • 219 2 -■'ilERE are no trumps. South leads. rtb and South ar e t» win seven ol the eight tricks against anv cfense. South leads the ten and nine cf lubs, North discarding low hearts. If East drops the seven and eight of clubs. South cashes the nine cf
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  • 303 2  - CRITICISM GOOD OR BAD David Grant Treble Clef «> "MURDER ti is quite a fanx. cry, particularly hear m it corr os from ihe performer who has just read critique of his publi. the theme of which is "r der that artist.' 1 .lould like then, todaj examine the question
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  • 12 2 HER SCIATICA WENT IN ONE WEEK Firs- Dose of N' Brou-Ht Kf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 802 2 SINGAPORE U( iis P m u> <;, 12 Vio P '7« To*? p j- t, ft| pm to 11 p.m. Un VLA* 85. 5] netra 1176 BKcacyeies Ih, 61 metre band \V B-'ue Network iMaiav ,^i,- J P 1 1 y: 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m A6pm <VTiKnlv 9 35
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    • 143 2 YOUR STAR Fortune lorecast tor people horn today noKN t<jdrt> >ou women are e^p+tiallN t:if homebody iMH 1 v tak» great pride .v.d pli asur < m i! faiwfll and iv > ur own h surr uidmgs. B cane this is of such great importance to your hapr> you ma
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    • 78 2 Music Lovers kpril 13: llano «i i >i performed at Dublin m IT I 1 Lili PONS born at Cannes m 1904. April 14: HANDEL di-d at London m 17.">9 April 15: Bach's "St. Matthew Passion" received first performance at Leipzis m 1729 April 17: Arthur SCHK BEL born at
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  • 585 3 NATIONALISTS HAVE A NEW ARMY River divides 2 opposing forces TSINAN, Capital of Shantung, Friday. A POWERFUL new army, fighting on the side of Chinese Nationalists m Shantung—the swirling current of the Yellow River, whose waters are pouring down the old course because of the recent diversion of the channel
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  • 272 3 BARTER TRADE EXPERIMENT I MEXICAN barter trade experiment, which t Import Bank is ''watching with interest' as I eth«Ki i>f netting China back on its economic [eet, I uted m Kwan^tung and Kwangsi provinces, from South Chjna of tung f, tin and drugs m exchange lustrial equipment to be use.!
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  • 49 3 ■jh \meruan. Dr Charles uf the Yenning F ry of Mwc- =>raied I :it lil meritorious the M**?!* plf and Government r**?- of Japanese pr» -f nle:l Information Pei who conP :ala: v "hridcin? rj*9* »n telecommuniiations P* war pn Moß;tcr> the Chinese P" 1 -un^-
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  • 17 3 INDIAN ENVOY SEES CHIANG I m m B m I I aslly X f the the Reuter
    Reuter  -  17 words
    U.P.  -  12 words
  • 156 3 PRESS NOW UNDER CONTROL rHE Chinese Government, beset by civil war and economic troubles at home and by jprisings m Formosa which one observer termed a revolution, las tightened its Press policy. Foreign correspondents have expressed fear tha: censorship of the Chinese Press may follow and some predict complete suppression
    A.P.  -  156 words
  • 118 3 THE pro-government South Eastern Daily of Nanking reports that Chiang Kai-shek has offered a further reduction m Kuomintang sea's m the policy-making State Council. Chiang is tfie chairman and automa ically the President ofi China. The paper says Chiang has. suggested that the Kuomin'ang 1 should
    U.P.  -  118 words
  • 384 3 PANADA'S Chinese Immigration Act, wh;ih has always L* been regarded by China as an exclusion act, i> to be repealed and Chinese will henceforth be treated on a par with other Asiatics, the Prime Minister. Mr. W. 1.. Mackenzie King, has announced. "The effect of the
    A.P.  -  384 words
  • 52 3 William F. Y. Chong. Honoluluborn Chinese, has been appointed foreman of Ihe New York State King's County Grand Jury, becoming the first Chinese m American history to hold such pasi. Chong is a St. Louis University graduate, living m Brooklyn Borough of New York City for' 22 years.
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  • 48 3 T'HE WwONung Garrison Headquarters have announced that 14 pira< suspects have been rounded up. The eansj allegedly terrorized boatmen off Kkmgsu and Shantung coasts for several months, and were reported to have been one of the most active and powerful piracy organization* m ih P area.
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  • 58 3 WAR CONTROLS TO CONTINUE WITH prices again spurting upwards, the Chinese Naticnal Government has ordered th e extension of wartime price controls throughout the country. Minister of Economics Wang Yun Wu has instructed all provincial governments k> enforce strictly the emergency economic controls promulgated 'n February. All wartime regulations controlling
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  • 154 3 JAPS ORDERED TO RETURN LOOT THE occupation authorities m Tokyo have formally ordered the Japanese Government to return to the Chinese Government eight cannon shells, two anchors and chains from the Chinese cruiser, Cheng Yuan, which was sunk during the Sino-Japanese war m 1894. An earlier request for the return
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  • 265 3 THE Shanghai Chamber of Commerce )\sls vm v petition i to the Executive van m Nanking to co-ordinate export and imports with a view to controlling the flow of foreign goods into China. It was pointed <>ut ihmi China'i international trade had net been as prosperous
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  • 227 3 POLICE 10,000 STRONG I possesses a police J force estimated at 10.000 strong, supplement* d by 10,000 volunteer police, ail Chinese, ready to be called out m th 3 event of an emergency. The police force is distribute;! to eight districts into which tn» the city Is divided. At night,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 79 3 New Shipment NEW YORK FINISHED BEDSHEETS Doubfssize $8.50 EACH CATHAY SILK STORE 38 39 Bras Basah Road. Phone ***** SULTAN THEATRE 11% m.s. Seletar I) wly at 7 and 9 15 p.m. Preston Filter, Wil'iam K< (>d;\ m "GUADALCANAL D!ARY' f A Ore .1 War f ptotfe! AFTER CONFINEMENT. Take
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 TARZAN Nita an pei*ii By Edgar Rice Burroughs WITH DRUG-INDUCED &LOOC I Hff M Bk^^^C>S '> I"" &uT ON£ C TH& Mu5E f^ '^E&jdK'A'lk < T LuST THE B*G ANTH.ROPO.C SWUNG' JiiTm^^ P:I S C u3 L MANC> KN °CKE!> H/Hay P\ can >^ i[r THE EGENBRATEP caveman y jk^V^^J
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  • 521 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1947. Too Many Soldiers? 2 ARE there too many soldiers ii Ifalajm? [n a littte-reportei debate on the army estimate; he House of Commons th( other day it was revealed tha there are only 15.000 Bntisi troops m Malaya. In adtiiuoi there are,
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  • 1437 4  -  AIR MAIL NEW YORK By THE GREAT RED SCARE HITS THE GREAT WHITE WAY DKAKDED men with bombs lurk under the American bed. The bombs, fortunately, are non-atomic, ihe beards are probably false, and the men may not be there at all. They are certainly not vihible
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  • 446 4 'THE heir apparent to the 1 Zulu throne, cyprixn DINIZn.r K\ SOLOMON, whj was presented to the King the other day. succeeded only a couple cf years ago m supplanting his half-brother. The latter was installed' on the death of King Solomon Ka Dinizuiu. son of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    202 4 The Air Training Corp*. which has 45,000 c-ain--1 more than 900 squad r<>n~ up and down Britain. i- dts tined to play a vital pan (T a truly air-mm. lirita n. It is now being; b up to a strength of 73.000 In thU> article our Lond« n
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  • 30 4 Go to now, ye rich men weep and houl for your miseries that ",ome upon yon. Your riches are corrupted and your earments are mothcaten Jam eg 5 I--
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  • 5 4 AROMA IN ADS I J
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 78 4 QUIZ 1. Starling with the nme digits arranged m sequence thus *****G78 9. you can make then: total 500 m three different ways by simply inserting plus and minus signs m appropriate pi tH-tw [ta- F,r example: 1 —234 56 789 500. N w find two other ways of >n:?ius
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  • 42 5 'SMOKES' IN SHIP SEIZED :rer 112,000 made lip when Decks. by the Fort I pi the d wocd I Sin- surarette I c heard I these (found Sln- Jan. I left ed at WtLS I iSLTtI •aprre I th«" I I mere
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  • 34 5 II I I having I hip's I furI Cficer H-- I tS JAIU I' c a Sin I s^ealmi ■teter n !s wer I mad bii I imina to si:
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  • 42 5 PROTECTED BY RADAR This is a picture of a ship equipped with radar. This wartime invention that conirihuted largely to final victory over the Ana powers is today havng the vital peace-time job of protecting ships from the perils of the sea.
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  • 216 5 Free Press Staff Reporter FIR changes are being made shortly m the staff of the Special Commissioner, Lord Killearn, Mr. K. H. Scott, 1\ lilical Counselor, leaves for the United Kingdom to reloin the Foreign Office. He will n«>t be replaced by an officer. Major-Gen.
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  • 316 5 MALAYAN Airways, when they begin daily flights from apore to various major towns Malaya, and vice versa, will charge $45 for a trip to Kuala Lumour an<3 $85 to Penang. Full details of fares are: Singapore to Kuala Lumpur $43. —nan? $35. Kota Bahru i
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  • 485 5 Plan to market ship equipment Free Press Staff Reporter J^ADAR, similar to that used during the war to keep track of enemy raiders approaching the British coasts but adapted for use on ships so that wireless waves m the form of pulses of energy can draw
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  • 185 5 Free Pres^ Staff Reporter DAMAGED by Japanese bombs during the Batile of Singapore, the hureh of Or«r lady of Lourdes will b^ rebuilt if sufficient funds are forthcoming. Plans to raise $200,096 for the purpose. The Church is at present m a I i L^rei-an:
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  • 132 5 FR ihe first time m five years; a British military band will j once more play m the Sir.g.iDo~e I Botanic Gardens for the public j when the Bard o: Tb». Royal j Lincolnshire Regiment give their! farewell Band Concert tcmor- J row from 4.30 p.m.
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  • 91 5 MEMBERS of the Y.W.C.A., j Singapore, met at Fort Can- i ning yesterday to bid farewell to Mrs T. W. Hinch. their President, and to dedicate a piano to the memory of the late Mrs. A. B. j Jordan, who for mar.y years had been
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  • 25 5 It is announced by the Malayan Railways that as from Friday, 1 April 18, all night mail train services will be resto.ed
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  • 140 5 THE installation of a number of high-power ZM kilowatt transmitters, to operate overseas radio teletype circuits irom Australia to Singapore, New Zealand. Honolulu, Fiji and London, has b<N?n urged by the Department of Civil Aviation. The scheme, i if adopted by the Government, would place
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  • 43 5 Indi 5 vcr the treatment meted out to the Dalforce was voiced by the r chair ma, Mr. Man Khong, at a reception yesterday given to Chinese organisations wftiich helped the Singapore Chinese Mobilisation Council to form the Dalforce m 1942.
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  • 109 5 THE o.n^apore cnudrens Or- chestra wili perform m the Victoria Memorial Hall on April 16 for the Forces at 8.30 p.m. On April 20, there will be a public performance m aid of charity, orgarJsed by the D?partment cf Social Welfare. Tickets will shortly b 3
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  • 472 5 Malayan nurses begin training THE first two Chinese Malayan nurses selected lor postgraduate training m Australia under the A.I.F. Malayan Nursing" Scholarship have already begun their training at the Children's Hospital. Melbourne. They are Wei Mfec Theah of Singapore and Miss Ooi Soh Im. of Kuala KNb£sar. The scholarship was
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  • 51 5 These are some of the 1.200 Jap surrendered personnel wh<) sailed for Japan m the Kaiwo Mara, the first ship to come to Singapore under the accelerated repatriation scheme. The Kaiwo Maru is bound of Ujima near Kure. The Japs boarded the ship at the Naval Base,
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  • 98 5 CLOSER S.E. ASIA TIES URGED THL Australian Minion to China. Professor I). B. Copland, m an address m Melbourne, n ferred N the need for better relationships between Australia and the countries of S< ith Wwti Asia. The establishment ol uiplomatic n presentation with the pcopl- of India, China, and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 i— t a "V _j« «b 3m~- 4tfT% ■""T— -S-H aiCMi HT TONIGHT I Rd. Off Orchard Rd *'de ipicctieji of Liquor and I I i *m^,i n kxciuMvi* R^ndezvours
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    • 77 5 If you warn to >>c -martly dre%scd, Sec have served the t fa' well- dressed me n .atisfac- I tO vlr° Ye LVll l SrAr-GHAI S:iiRT Bf. 54. *-('.f£ie Road. Singapore Betefl 105 Nc-th Bridge Road "Most Pleasant And Witty Comedy That London Has Seen For Month. Evening Standard Today
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  • 71 6 JOEY DOES HIS ROPE TRICK lot .i pel rat m the Crookes Laboratories, Royal Park, London, J performs t rpe trick for Daphne Hisiop, his is > ar-old keep loej b •>" oi i(1 < ra*a under Daphne's care, h- (a n»ed f<>r >< ientifie fe^din? e\periment> When Daphne first
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  • 283 6 Lady Iris will teach dancing SENOR DON PAL! IM -flu* man who introduced lh€ rumba to North \mvrua," gays he i> up-w hv U.S. rvfx.ri- that lath m- Mountbatteii was taking a job as i •.u id m his dancing studios. "Lady Iris is a member of the British aristocracy
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  • 449 6 SEARCH FOR DUCE'S SECRET TREASURE Investigators die mysteriously EXCITEMENT over the hunt for Mussolini gold and jewels, the so-called 'Treasure of Dongo (tfec village where he was shot), is sweeping Italy and throwing < pletely int*> the background such PObei topifli M ippiuiftl of th« country's new constitution. The tale
    Reuter  -  449 words
  • 39 6 A new official wi h the title of "warden of t,he lake" is to be appointed by Windermere Urban Council, England, to "undertake all duties appertaining to the good rule and government of the lake."
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  • 207 6 GIRL SAILOR LIKES IDEA OF SEA LIFE l| MARGARET Farman, 20, single an ex-Wren of Gravesend England, soon will sail for East as a crew member of 200- ion British vessel La Cordiliera Margaret will be one of severawomen stewards who will live ir their own quarters on the --ship
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  • 128 6 POLICE USE CINEMA TO BEAT CRIME fINEMAS In the London tropolitan Police area arc to co-operate with Scot Land Yarc m a new scheme to bring h to people the ease with w: housebreaking and bu committed whe n a few sim; cautions could prevent them. Foyers are to be
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  • 35 6 CAN SPEND HOW THEY LIKE Children m the Ip.^ council b rhildrcn's horn» receive up o 2s a week money. questions must be the Social Welfare Comm: 1 has directed, as *o hoy spend it.
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  • 26 6 Soviet Parliamentary delegates touring Britain at the invitation of the British Government, inspec.ed the various s ages of recruit training a t Aldersho
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  • 27 6 America is to send Bri am an additional 55.000 bags of dried bean* of 1001 b. each m the six months ending June 3€
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  • 263 6 J.M REASED drug taking m the West End of London and 1 the Chelsea night clubs has lc<l to the creation of xwv, expert squad of Scotland Yard detectives to (Uml with the menace. The narcotic section of the Home Office have al><> strengthened their organisation
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  • 86 6 MPs MEET IN CAIRO A NUMBER of British Members of Parliament have lei for Cairo and the Middle Easi for the first meeting since the war of ttie Inter-Parliamentary Union, on which most of the free Parliaments of the world are represented. The British delegation is head- ed by the
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  • 33 6 The United States Government has authorised Commander Finn Ronne. leader of the An tare- ie expedition which has its base m Palmer I>and. to rs'-ablish a post office th r
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  • 35 6 Joseph Curtis aged 88. who lias just died at Ashby-de-la Zouch, Leicestershire, England, lived m the same cottage all his life. He was verger of the parish church for 50 years.
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  • 61 6 D&ESEKT ATS uniform "must hi\< been designed by a man who was <r SNCd m !<>ve when vonm and was ictnmin d t > he r?ven?ed pjj the wh?ls female x,* 1 Lrd Msincrott <> d the House of i Couldn't the ATS have .1 new
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  • 171 6 VETERAN WALKS TO SEE F RIENDS A29-year-oid South African ex-serviceman intends to hitchhike from Victoria to Queensland visiting Australians he met m P.O.W. camps. He is Leonard Man dels tarn, Capetown, who arrived at Sydney from New Zealand m i the Wahine. Mr. M/andels-am said ne nad hiked 1.000 miles
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  • 17 6 Mr. Charles Dukes, trade union leader, has taken the title of Baron Dukeston of Warringion.
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  • 29 6 Police m Newcastle, England, are looking for eight Stone Age axeheads. stolen from the city's Black Gate Museum. The axel case was opened with a key
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  • 39 6 D Ihoii^nd. of faslnonahlf new do** 1 iKine flower, j ath*Ti! obination i o n 1k 73 iS 't to th« |H ■"b'smminntS man and Americit ai; «Si and mode! frx4s T P<>rted b> air
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 109 6 J A!N t Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya HEAVEKS'- Fon HOLIDAY^ HE'S hiOT LIKELY^SI MORF His\ WHATS LORD F LIKE US, I ITo BE STAYING AT I MARK.'-AND SIMCE ME '^gfe&VzT*&?C* y L °*Zir>??^ G LXp E cr w^ YOUR LITTLE HOTEL-, I I WAS BuY| W
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    • 120 6 FRFE PRESS FlGW^j| to BO 1 7 B^ B Mm ■j^^— a^PßWy— >W I Ml f j M 7 Tfi 5 IS ifi \7 B 1^ I j I I X j iM^ M^f^^^j Ik I I To solve the puzzle put fa be read across and down. Where tl
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  • 662 7 ENGLAND FAVOURED TO BEAT SCOTLAND oday s Game A. t Went blev Stadium rov LONDON, Friday. f;\LR\ Inifl arrives m London from Scotland today disgorged hundreds of Seoiti-h soever enthusiasts weari I1? itrla sc arv^ am! jMßoshanteis who were invading London for the first fu-l Ar.^o-Scottish International since Lnolan:! win
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  • 217 7 </er Reporter b£ f turning out for soccer agaia alter a Im< tee, did well to hold a strong Kranji side whuh Ly^ league team players. t<. a Hesar Stadium yesterday. me, and the match that will the R~A.F. Base Headquarters a paxation for their
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  • 486 7 BRITISH CHAMPIONS IN A BAD LIGHT FROM \K« BBS QUICK) LONDON, Friday. THE mediocrity of two English oo xing champions was exposed at the Royal Albert Hall Tuesday night by two unknown Italians, each of whom was narrowly beaten on points. Widner Milandri, billed as the middleweight champion of Italy
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  • 101 7 S.C.R.C. crick XT v R.A.P. Combined at Chang! tomorxo* i 1 a.m. Evan Wong, Lovi Kfic Pow, Eu Cheow C hye, Clieah Keng Hock, i S?ah Kirn Swee, Khoo O;i X Le. Ong Chew Bee, Seal* Ken? Sie*J Dr Ong Swee Law, Che< rhian
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  • 478 7 SURPRISE DECISION IN ABAYAN FIGHT By Our Boxing Kepor. OX a decision that was net easy to understand, Mok Kai Khoon, Singapore Chinese boxer, qualified last night to meet Little Bernn! for the flyweight title of Singapore. Khoon was meeting Little Abayan, the former champion, over ten rounds, and, although
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  • 40 7 I laney, the Manchester United right winder bundl 1 S aff ?u' verton goalkeeper, into the goal to score n t^a I i football League game which Manchester won by throe goats to nil on the Maine-road ground.
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  • 555 7 GOAL KEEPERS AND THE LAWS Soccer Notes By Our Sccctt Reporter Tilt, tune has come for some of Singapore's league soccer 1 goalkeepers to seriousiy mend their manners. Too often m recent matches we have seen .;> -rated goalkeepers spoil brilliant performances by res mg to the u«c of el
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  • 242 7 F.A. CUP REPLAY TODAY x T DON, Frl. I iYERPOOL and Burnley hav<: been asked to play an ra time m tcmorro* semi-final if required. Mutual UKDt will be necessary as the rule ntfpiilatfi clubs ca&uui ot requested to play more fcl total cf two hours m one mat<*h If
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  • 103 7 GHQ SEALF WIN PARKER CUP REPLAY IN the rep. i. i Cup ma*cr ed at Nes So n on Wedn< SZIALF GHQ 2nd I I XI pntered the second i *:n£ the Me Meals by thre^ -nd b. tta :,;des lackt- SEALP open' r^inuies play when Burtm p t front
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  • 183 7 VICTORY BY ONE RUN NO. Britisii Transit Camp beat 4 Special Wire ess Group l m a District League crickei fixture oo W dn:s;.ay. Scores were: < lAJL WIxiLLtSS GROLP Russell c Crooks b McKenzie 2 I b McKenzie 2, Hall lbw b McKenz. Parntt lbw b Gain 15. Ferrett
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 4 7 tery! ills I I
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    • 54 7 (Dial 404? cnc^< w^ VLLAII BE PRAISED Darryl F. Zanuck FOR THIS GIANT OF presents John fords t .TKPTA.N^r li MY DARLING 0^ garden CLE^EHTINE" W »f ALLAH" HE^ r^ NDA Vl :n Technicolor) Linda Darß Vktor M I starring m 20th Century-Fox's <-W&>~* J larlene Dietrich Oreatesi \rUon- Thriller!
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 131 7 WEEKEND SP3STS EtfEHTS TODAY CRICKET: S( v Spe ,al Cotnsiu. ers, S.CC. 2 p.m sK,C. .ad XI i I SC. 2nd XI. SR,«. 2 x>.w larke Hungers v Queen's, Selaranin^. ZM pin M.C.U. v CoJonials, MCU, 2 p.m. SOCCER: S A.F.A. ler£B? S.CC v S.C.F.A 11. Jalan Be I <
      131 words

  • Article, Illustration
    31 8 Epping Forest as i t must have looked la^t winter. A favourite Sunday trip for Londoners and BSSCX folk, Eppinf, once Royal Hunting ground, is part of London's Green Belt.
    31 words
  • 408 8 CITY NEWS S'PORE RUBBER PRICES TODAY A special Market cony-poM lent gives the prices of rnbber at 31 a.m. toda\ a* fellows: Buy n >ellers per Ib. per Ib. No 1 R > S. Spot loose 43-4 No I R.S.S. fob m bales Vpril U No R.S.S. fob m bales
    Reuter  -  408 words
  • 64 8 NED DELHI, Saturday THE Indian Central Assembly durii g 1 a debate yesterday adoptvd measures for Investigation of large. R evasion by black-market prois during the war, a capital gains •f six per cent, a business profits tax of 16.2 3 per cent on annual pro. fits of
    64 words
  • 364 8 LONDON, Friday. MONEY to meet cheques Illegally cashed abroad by Briton-, < ii holiday, who had spent more than the 175 legally allowed to them, eventuall) found it-, way '<> help illegal immigration into Palestine, it was stated at Bow Street (London) police court today. Mrs.
    U.P.  -  364 words
  • 623 8 WALLACE ATTACKS US SOVIET POLICY MANCHESTER (England). Friday. STRONG condemnation of the United Slates policy to chedi Communism" "by unconditional loans to anti-So\iet fiW eminent/ 1 and an assertion that the light for world peace would be won were made today by former United States Vice President, Henry A. Wallace,
    623 words
  • 333 8 ATOM ME N SAY DESIRE IS LOST 1/kX¥I/ LONDON, Friday. k lO.MK energy work* rs at a research station m the northn west <>t England are becoming sterile and losing all sexual desires, according to charges made officially todai by a spokesman of the Chemical Workers' Union. Atomic scientists and
    333 words
  • 244 8 MOSCOW, Frid 1'iil foreign Ministers' deputies for Germany did n 1 resell any four-power agreement today when the\ COO nued consideration of the procedure for drawing up German peace treaty. Their final report, which will proved at tomorrow' n. will be full of brackets,
    244 words
  • 52 8 MONTREAI lT1 capacity of 100.000.000 I grain, most of [1 steamed across Lake S day bt'hird United S at breakers and Coast G which had smashed the last barriers blocki elevators at Port Arthur and 1 William. Canadian lata In ifn. The g "Queen off, I I
    52 words
  • 15 8 WEATHER Occasional showers ILt IIH! trotn nooc loejt cwp* fuTCCM mauna h fe s p
    15 words
  • 162 8 AID TO HALT JEW EXODUS LONDON. Fri. DRITAI* E.: m coun n all to i exodu were noted that n i o run tn e British naval air blockade m r-ckety, over- crowded boats to Palestine with j "urn of the fine weather. France and lUily were announc- j ed
    162 words
  • 139 8 Malayan tin Interests wii: well represented at t. meeting of the Tin Study flrmip when it meets In B April 15. The Brit is; is headed by Mr. E. Melville, who wIU be advised by Mr. C. J. Pyke. chief economic ac the Malayan Union
    139 words
  • 20 8 JAPS LEAVE FOR HOME d tno hundred Japane left SinEap«ff»ii near Kurf. n ird the I surrendered per>< -ffdrtaJ pal
    20 words
  • 68 8 JN :i protest against the quality or foreign neat distributed m Britain, i Hull housewife has s-nt her Sunday joint by parcel Pf>st to the British Prime Minister. Mr Clement Attlee, with the comment: "After it had h*^n boiled foe four hours, you could not
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 10 8 tf p; r9 t i n the World to P
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