The Singapore Free Press, 8 April 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 335 1 Bevin stuns up Moscow talks MOSCOW, Monday, made at today's meeting of Foreign Ministers m Moscow that Bevin, the British Foreign been sitting for four weeks done nothing at all. Today's an had been intended because a .idy m time, and an authoritative \k\e<\ "absolutely
    Reuter; U.P.  -  335 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 1 i fani"iis :>attlf«hip Warspite r»-r utlv left Fortsniouth on her hu-4. vov.v;e U) lx- broken up as scrap. Completed m 1915 shy took port m th# battle of Jutland, where she was hit ani her put out of commission BttVMI the «ar> the battleship underwfnt extensive rrMisi.u'iic-n. and m World
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  • 18 1 GROMYKO ATTACKS U.S.AID I I dei by :nent :s. artil- !d be -Id cc^ne i A.P. ana U.P.
    A.P.; U.P.  -  18 words
  • 29 1 DIETHELM MEN CALL OFF STRIKE and i on I umiI I to work, h i by ected i for f 50 t has been 'lire ployocak s con?e on
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  • 7 1 CONSUL JUMPED TO DEATH iC the Rael
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  • 7 1 for were ware- Reuter
    Reuter  -  7 words
  • 266 1 'REVOLUTIONARY ARMY' FOR BURMA RANGOON, Monday. rAKIX BA SEIN, former member <>f the Interim Govern ment and leader of the Dobama (Burma for Burmans) rarty, told Router today he was organising a revolutionaryarmy of 100,000 men to fitfht British imperialista and their hirelings the Anti Fascist People's Freedom league who
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 142 1 COAL AND PHONES OFF IN US PII'ISbuRUH, Mon. COAL, output und steel production m the Pittsburgh mining area has fallen to 25 per cent of normal after the six-day stoppage ot America's soft coal miners m memory of the 111 victims of the mine explosions m Centralia. Although the strike
    A.P.; Reuter  -  142 words
  • 127 1 I ITM.r HADH.Wi, Ilerdordsl»ire, Mon. ">ji)Kt: than tivc years after 1" the fall of Singraport?. the jfinrt full "inside" story of the fis:htin^ m Malaya is t<< be toici soon. It is an official dfapatcfa jby Li€ut.-Gen. A. K. Fercival i who commanded the Kmpiro
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 79 1 Free Press Staff Reporter THIRTEEN ax rests have been msxie by the Police for the looting of a military dump off Woodlajids last week. The oil recovered is estimated at $10,000. Two Europeans, suspected to be soldiers;, engaged a taxi m town at 1.30 o'clock
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  • 115 1 THE veteran liner and troopship Aqaitania is up to her old tricks again Due to make her "last' trip from Halifax, Nova Scotia, on April 9, she will now, it is announced, make at least four more calls. The Acquitiuiia his made more "last trips
    A.P.  -  115 words
  • 317 1 MAJOR WAR UNLIKELY, SAYS THE KING KING GEOBGfi VI, opening the Rhodesian Parliament to day, declared that while there was gootl gn.und for confidence that another major war u;ls most unlikely, the need for defence preparation remained. "The defence oouacU is to be r* firfubMnhed to enable the colony to
    Reuter; A.P.  -  317 words
  • 90 1 Epic tapestry of last war I ONDON attresss MUs Jan t Barrow, "Aunt Maud" of the BBC's Robinson famii>, has given a five-yard tapestry to Saint C!em-nt Dar.Ps Church, London. The tapestry shows the bomb-wrecked church as a central print for a tapestry record oi London at war. Miss Barrow
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  • 64 1 COLOMBO. Mon Vernon Bartlett, British Member of Parliament ard wellknown journalist, left foi Penang today on his way to Singapore. He stayed three weeks m Ceylon, where he saw various political leaders including D. S. Senanayake, leader of the State Council. Bartlett, who is accompanied by
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 46 1 French headquarters at Hanoi, Indo-China, yesterday reported fresh activity by Vietnam troops. The French stated that they repelled a violent Vietnam attack on an outpost. They added that they capture i several Vietnam agents and ammunition dumps between Haiphong and Hanoi.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 41 1 Dr. Henry C. Sherman, an Arm- rican university research officer, .said yesterday that humans might prolong their lives 10 to 15 years by taking more vitamin A. White :-»ts had lengthened their lives ii>y taking the vitamin. A.P.
    A.P.  -  41 words
  • 473 1 FIGHTING BURNETT TO FIGHT ALONE HAS NO COUNSEL Free Press Staff Reporter ALTHOUGH more than 25 witnesses are to be called by the prosecution. Major John Burnett, D.5.0., M.C., secondin command of the Ist battalion, Seaforth Highlanders, now stationed m Gillman Barracks, Singapore, who Ls on $500 bail on a
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  • 101 1 FELIXSIOWE, Mon. INQUIRIES were made today up 1 and down the East Anglia coast t j solve the mystery cf the 10-ton cabin cruiser, Lady Agnes, saved from foundering two and a half miles off Felixst we. Holiday-makers today saw a boat tossed about m the gale
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  • 859 2 Hall Romney's London Letter TN my younger days as 1 a sub-editor, I would have hesitated a long time before putting such a heading as "Britain Dying?" Not Likely" at the top of an article and would then probably have decided against" it. But the
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  • 242 2 THE bidding of Uu. siderable interest among bridge <-rs 'n Sao Paulo m the recent international bridge match. The At explained when Sidney Silodor raised t^ three spadi with the North hand the South player. B. Jay Becker, w. quite confident that a small slnm unb tab
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  • 152 2 JUI Ni AL disorders and iieuroses, caused bywartime strains and postwar disillusionments, are inert a^ing seriously m the United States, says Dr. Martin Gumpert m the March issue of Redbook magi He 1 eed for m< psychiatrists and phys "who are wi and able to
    A.P.  -  152 words
  • 227 2 MILK contains, m well balanced proportions, an v usually large number of niitri nts. It is a food of outstanding vali: But a ag by i d< tis D. At then tlie er at birth (1 has been But by onoentra'ed food.iron. e.g. &ad cereals Milk
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  • 123 2 2 men gave them health TWENTY years a two biologists wanted to study not sickr but health, and m or to study it m the fa» group they leased a rooms m Peckham and opened a family club. That family club gr grew and grew until f A young mother
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 441 2 HP t t I f I MBS *w m. l -4 m I i I 1 I I i '~k iKm Singapore Red Netutrk (Chinese Indian I" p.m to 2 pm 6m to 11 p.m on 225 metres Also from 12 to 2 pm. and 715 Jo 930 pm, on
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    • 785 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR Fortune torecast for people born today D()R\ today, you are a person of intense < m and you most always be actively up and d )ing to be content. All who work with you £€t a lilt .nit Of >i«ur conipanv. You think rapidly and one
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  • 45 3 'Shadow factory converted factory- at Barton on-Irwell. m lan- ««vtr the product On <>*' ne with an almrst entirely unskilled h.L'. now ur.'er^one a har-Jiv irne conversion. 1946. by Platt Brothers, the .achinery, and retaining a nuc'eus :»w turning out its first pro- 1 I
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  • 74 3 15 MONTHS FOR G.I.BRIDE DLEADING g to hotel th c than the British G.I. bride, baa been sent to a New York Sta'e women's prison .i term of 15 months to three yea: There was no recommendation :iepor ing Pitt, who had adng as a guest at wellknown hotels. When
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  • 3 3 m,,.l;m
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  • 58 3 I n and there is a big race te apiMore than 2.000,000 jktsohs have mty m recent month- \ml at :he Idesa has been taking m enorm money and sroods. Japan, religious freedom c ad of a mere phrase and since I kgioua have cropped unrecognised
    U.P.  -  58 words
  • 182 3 ALL I.S. occupation forces throughout the work! found ii themselves momentarily penniless when the American War Department ordered the calling m of occupation currtru v m all theatres. No advance warning of the order was given and a comnui ns black-out was imposed for a few
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  • 61 3 Mr. Richard Chipper field, who flew to India last year to get animals for his Stockbridge Hants) circus, has reached London m a cargo boat with eight elephants, two leopards and a 15- foot python. "You have to pay nearly £1,000 ea:h for elephants nowadays,'' he
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  • 70 3 I KSS than eight wreks after e mi o rating to Canada with thejr v six thsidrrn— a?fd 16 to 2b— Mr and Mrs. William Smith formerly of Mnrceamfw, .irt* returning to England. DatefiniiMfd to twcome 'Smith's million;iirp<;," they sold up their fNh and chip hnsiness
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  • 87 3 DOLICE m Los Angeles, with a murder every day on their hands, are finding detection doubly troublesome because of the mentally unstable who confess to every crime committed. The heaviest crop of confessions has been m the unsolved Black Dahlia so-called because the victim. 22-year-old Elizabe.h Short,
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  • 18 3 Fire- raiser is sought by Ipswich police after burning material was thrust through letterboxes Of shops.
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  • 177 3 NAVAL CREW TRAINS FOR LAND TEST A DEVOBJPORT Naval p..n I n team practising for the I post-war revival of an annuul field gun obstacle competiti m. F"ur Naval teams will conip**to this vrar. Th» ol>>i;u-J routine is designed on a land exploit by Naval gunners m the South African
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  • 165 3 D CAUSE 50 G.I. brides iivu ing m Dritalu cannot afford divorce proceedings, the Home Secretary. Mr. Chuter Ede, hao made special provision I) give them legal aid. And assistance- is to be given i also to war brides m the U.S. i who cannot pay
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  • 27 3 Ex-service students m London l emergency training colleges for s teachers can study for university degrees for 245. a year under t an L.C.C. scheme.
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  • 202 3 MAOIbIKAIES at Norwich Court m England listened to 111 the story of a man who had a tussle at a dance hall With Samson and Hercules. He 105t. .at first, but he won m the end. It happened this way: ROUND ONE: Denis Robert
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  • 58 3 A record number of 28.846 divorce petitions was filed m Britain m 1945, according to tfce Civil Judicial Statistics for that year just published. This total of pe:itions was 6,760 more than m the preceding year and nearly 15.500 more than m 1938. The total of decree
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  • 613 3 Shot husband A JUDGE al Birmingham Assize* freed a r>y ear -oid WM§ Mr C TnVt .V' h *™X her husband dead. 3 lr J«M,te Humphreys told the wife. Mrs. Mar^r* Pone I: Ibe .eve that m the last seven year. you h; ve Ml^ something
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  • 150 3 KEPT HER SORROW SECRET A MOTHER who for 33 year* nursed rer imbecile and would not rail a doctor because she wanted to keep h*i "secret sorrow," took her own life three days after his death This was revealed at inquests at Rin<?wood. Han s. on me and son A
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  • 68 3 gninsH ney B. O f Grar.-da Theatres and chief of a new production comp Trans-Atli p twes; I d arrangements for the production by Mr Alfred Hit h ok. m California m Ju "ton thriKer "Rope I f will be made m Techr..
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  • 13 3 Honorary of Rumania, "to mark' the return of Rumania's independence
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 SINGAPORE, MALACCA, COACHES 1 LIMITED. PASSENGER AND PARCEL SEKVIffI DULY BETAU SINGAPORE MAIM DEPARTURE STATIONS Shang Onn Hotel 37 Beacn Road Singapore Tel: 4153 Asia Hotel Bungai R Malacca Tel: 222 Paris Hotel. Muar COACHES LEAVE 3 TIMES DAf! f ft lasi 5 Shows r O-DA\ I! a.m. 2 p.m.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 375 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, APRIL 8. 1947. If the Busmen Don t Return? SINGAPORE, which has now ut the service o>: its bos company must apparently continue to t tri I <ve:cr. \vd the meagre "private" buses for an- j six week fee Mr Justice Jobling, the Chief Justice,
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  • 1218 4  - FACE THE FUTURE L.D.GAMMANS, M.P ft- who came (<» Malaya m 1320 and immediately stepped into soc al life. He was one of the original foun lers of the Rotary movement In Malaya. He retired to Enu land m 1934 when he was the Assistant Director of Cooprrat'on. In 1941
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  • 209 4 AN Archbishop took Britain's worries s his them< This is I t Dr. E. W. Barnes, Bishop Birv. m, at a Birminj Eriuci o A hindranc luca- lity of the seems to be slowly declinu Trustworthy st show that the proportion of dullards and ieeble-minded is great than
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  • 333 4 p. or GOUSENKO, former Soviet Embass.. who revealed the atom -spy plot m September 1945. will probably get a cash gift from Canada's Government and be made a ward of the State. A private: citizen is paying him .€25 a month -v UNLESS she starts— at the
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 4 Memorial Df Mrs Tankhiirst, Ihe suffragette leader. banners bring- oat the political struggle of more than 40 a^o when women of Britain lought to win their right Uj Ali the Instruments of pf-rsuasicn used by the worn n hav< .>'l«'ct»(i totrtlur i.. form the Permanent Museum oi the Militant Suffrage
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  • 313 4 A SMALL man '*ith a big mind k at t c 10, Downing i day rece and t him m gladly. S-me call him "The Little Czar' (he hates that>; others Little Cherub"' (he doesn't mind thar>. St:il others just rk: "Pity he's a Communist'
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  • 66 4 bird- lovers and rd. i M D for egg THIS spy. he an! formed him I enthueia ctoi oologists h?d declared tentlon of visiting Scotland this summer with an accomj They w*re going with l firm intention of wiping out every Golden Eagle's nest i m motor reach of
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  • 87 4 FAT MEN WON'T KEEP PROMISES ITS bitter news, but tat men 'won't keep their New Year resolutions, says Miss Virginia Frese, a blonde New York psychologist. Wives may as well r:-gard back-sl*ding as r.atural if their husbands are pyknics or on the tubby side, she warns. "Pyknics," she explains, "have
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  • 7 4 'GREEK FIRE' I I I I I
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  • 404 5 EIGHT JAPESCAPEES STILL AT LARGE Free Press Staff Reporter £H*H i Japanese escapees are still at large, according to an official statement on escapes from various jails m South-East Asia. Of the ei^ht, four are wanted for alleged war crimes. The list shows that between March 1946 and February 1947,
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 5 alongside were set ablaze by a fire anchored off Raffles Quay, Sin- From the Central Fire Station I the scene battled the fire from the s tli? craft on fire.
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  • 14 5 EM EAST COLONY IN ENGLAND and I i I I I and I t
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  • 129 5 Frre Prr» SLtIT Reporter g thi law for cring socielem fn mre. n. Thi>. the Free -Men up control over iter law and order. that m regifrom April 15, 1947. .c and "wnich r.gisapted i the 1941. notify tiie tai of s of their jed exsoon
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  • 47 5 Mr. S. K. Kirpalani, who for three years has been Indian government trade commissioner m the United States, left La Guardia airport for London last night on the way to India. He will take up the new post of Financial Commissioner m the Punjab.
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  • 81 5 DRITAIN is exporting a fleet ot v "jigsaw 11 ships to the East. These small prefabricated mutor-ships which axe being built m the Northern Shipyard will soon be on its way to Rangoon m pa They are special pa i river will operate m remote parts
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 180 5 PORK FALLS BELWO CONTROLLED PRICES iree Press Staff Reporter AN increase m the importation of pigs from Siam and Borneo m recent weeks has led to a drop m the price of Pork m Singapore. Prices asked for today are even lower than the Government-controlled price. First quality pork sells
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  • 46 5 DEATH OF SIR CECIL CLEMENTI Tiie home n< High Wycombe, Buckingham- shire, of Sir Cecil Clementi on Saturday, wars announced m London yesterday. Sir Cecil, who was Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for Malaya from 1930 to 1934. was 71.- Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    115 5 Hundreds of Burmese soldiers ari tcday being: trained m all branches of electrical and mechanical engineering at No. 1 Burma Mobile Workshop Company. This is the first Burma Army Unit of its kind to function sine 3 the Corps of Burma Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, (B.E.M.E. lor short) was formed
    Army  -  115 words
  • 72 5 14, 000 CHINESE FOR R BURMA Pf Chinese evac. ag repatriation to Chai Chung-hsu, newlyChinese Consul-General on, told the Presi. rnese evacuees wore nong the Chinese ports AmTy and Swatow they are looked after by Chinese Government and s Ch nese welfare organins. linese Government did bjeel to their repatriation
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 49 5 WANTS TO SCRAP TEA PACT T-iE Rubber Commission, which was appointed to inquire into report on Ceylon's rubber 'Jstry, has decided to mak? r;m recommendation that be taken for the removal of rnational agreement resmg the planting of tea which be ute Iternallve crop o:i olete or exhausted rubber
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  • 178 5 SINGAPROE SCHOOLS RE-OPEN rvr T re T L Pres t s f aff Reporter FOOLISH schools re-op3ned m v Singapore this morningafter a four-day break for Easter Jhe second Easter after the liberation was more a holiday for the schoolchildren than the first Most schools arranged picnics and excursions either
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  • 172 5 STREPTOMAYCIN NOT BEING USED supplies oi" the drug Streptomycin are net available and the question of its general use m Singapore cannot be considered for some time, official sources told the Free Press yesterday. 7•' of the drug on tuber>sis and lep] pcs .ere raised Dy early American work on
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  • 347 5 JORGE B. Vargas, first puppet ruler of the Philippines and later "ambassador" to Japan, is unique among Filipino top officials facing treason trials lor alleged collaboration with the enemy during the war he almost completely disappeared from public view. Fifty-seiven-year-cf.d Vargas and his wife have lived
    A.P.  -  347 words
  • 264 5 Borneo timber for S'pore ELABORATE plans for the sustained production of timb^i *-< from several important centres m Indent sia are being worked out by officials of th e XEI Forestry Department. The centres include Palembang (Sumatra), Bandjmias n and Sampit (South Borneo) and Sorong (Dutch New Guinea) Palembang district
    Reuter; A.A.P.  -  264 words
  • 109 5 THE third worlj war within 10 year- v\i, predicted Archbishop Michael I. A. o. Doherty, IrMi-brn chief of the Calhclc P. a c m ;!ic i. P ncs m an E. tsr message to the FiTpinos. II? added: t4 lt Chr'stian cou .;> i:, to
    AP  -  109 words
  • 150 5 JAP PAYMENTS: BURMA PROTEST Rangoon. IA THE .mess injustice of agre share" of Japai.ece reparations allotted to Burma according to the United States announcement last week was discussed by a number of Burr newspapers toe Pointing out that out of cent Japanese reparations to oe delivered immediately to war-; Far
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 89 5 MAJ. Gen. William Donovan, wartime chief of the Office oi Strategic Services, yesterday decorated 13 oiTVcers of the Siamese Army for their service to the Allies m the Siamese underground during the war. The awards, which were Medals of Freedom, were presented at a ceremony m front
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  • 149 5 THE first three Japanese to enrol 1 m the British Army are m London by mistake, says one of them. George Obokata, Fred Mogami and George Suzuki, all from Vancouver are Neisi— second generation of Japanese Canadians. When the war started they volunteered
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 At St. Andrew's dihedral, Singapore, yesterday, Miss Elizabeth Cummins was married to Inspector J. E. Hughes. Younger daughter of tho late IVIr. and Mrs. dimming, Miss Cumming comes from Bolton, Lanes. The bridegroom Inspector Hughes also comes from Lanes Rochdale
    Rochdale  -  40 words
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    • 23 5 i -T PICTURE! f r Shows LJKAn r n il t B fl I T V I o B^O urn i If/ a
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    • 58 5 rro- day 7) 6^ i^i^¥te^ \4oor~ ri l. a \\st; ~j i.« -i b -*.n p a v I/,, v, Rushing, Dashing I ACTION! [next change ROY ROGERS TRIGGER— AICVAVinrn 7T17 ALEXANDER KORDA S jm. pun m^^:£ "CICDIJAIIT DflV m Ringing. Singing, Starring SA B U MUSIC! (BaMd ■WMM KBUNI
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  • 219 6 GRANDPA KRUSCHEN d of > until he is 80 3 a d. M". H^ ind— th< "Krua a^- —was given call by a 98.5 per cent, vote shareholders ot Griffiths Hk manul rito. time m weeks. He carri.d his js. Grandpa Kr s v m a-s a you
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  • 382 6 AMERCAN MAY CLAIM OLD TITLE Clue to lost peerage TTHE London Office of Debrett's Peerage has received a 1 letter which contains a clue which points to an American being: the ninth Earl of Berkeley, an earldom considered extinct mm the eighth earl did m 1942. The clue letter comes
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  • Article, Illustration
    100 6 ONE li NDRED FOOT bi m the bunks of the Kiver n°;land, has been m ten 35-ton Neptune amphibious tanks sunk m threr Kidea of a rectangle around the breach, shown m photo above. The gaps the t» were filled with sandbag G m Britain during the storm period caused
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  • 279 6 FROM TEE SEA FROM HEAT rilE Principality <»i n ico will soon si iri Mirerting" its 1 hc::iinu sy-iem from coiil to sea water I coal becomes re aiul more 91 PO 1 !ix lk>san, an engineer, hit M the {A penerating^ heat for fa OS i;n Lhi ibnormaUy high
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  • 103 6 1■ patli n 1 wi h B: brides of men who c 1 up their minds U) leave England Immigration dais have ed notice that if they don't ie to Canada before the e:*ci of June, they cant travel a tinlon expense. It is estimated there
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  • 30 6 Norfolk Broads holiday- mukt-rs will have to pay more to use the rivers this sea.son as harbour and river tolls have been increased by 50 per cent.
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  • 21 6 Objection of a woman about graves at Middleton, Norfolk, England, being moved for B road-widening scheme has been overruled.
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  • 46 6 Pan-American Airways and Americafl Overseas Airlines are experimenting with radio telephone and telegraph facilities for passengers flying tbe Atlantic. BO AC. already has facii. for sending telegrams from planes crossing the Atlan ie uiul also hopes to provide a radiotelephone service soon.
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  • 58 6 The high price of pedigree dogs to the United States ha.s led to an increase m dog-smugglta When a i v. tch left London pecen r the United 61 I had to call unexpectedly at anr British port, an official heard dogs barking m
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  • 9 6 7.000 ba Russian E reached Lanes mills
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  • 197 6 lkx iL>tx told at Birmingham Assizes hoi b .ivpnotised /i iv:, accused of murder and questioned him" about the strangling of his wife. Lionel Duke Parsons, 33 year-old storekeeper, was the man. His wire, Mac Dorecn, also J'j. was found dead m their home at Largst
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  • 39 6 The French city of Chebourg is to confer me rreedom of the city on Mr W H Taytur. Lord Mayor of Plymouth, and will refommend That he be made a CbevaJttex 4 the Legion of Honour.
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  • 225 6 AGMAN MAD $8,000,000 SINDALB equalling m gravity the Staviskv %Sx been revealed m France following th< of rag and bone man, Joseph ici, Ri. 42, who mad" £8.000,000 out N .zis. M. Dupreaux, Mir the Inter* iewed to reporters four c jgh which, he said, ran tiona undercun I the
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 6 mint J ra?ai.
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  • 18 6 Since last week, people m Britain can phone to Germany a' ten shillings tor three minutes
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 98 6 J/XINt Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m \faliva 1 A Slic AT ToT^ R Tn ta^l SS^ COULD NEV E R^<AMD WHO'S T^ KAM SO SORR E e\/£o*V APOLOGISE T Yo^ To i r Lrr T^rl-rLu T^V" VoU ERIC T BLAME FOR T*AT 1/ ZIS APPE*” You .r SERVES
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    • 131 6 Free Press Crosswewljfoji pipe »^^^^iMl^**^^^T^B fa"--I^/ j I -r^B 53 I 1, The face ol a celestial bod} ship (9). 9, Gorse (4> 10. Hi One of a race formerly Inhal transport m the Andes (6) 16 Ck>median known as "T! voiced sounded utterance tion on oath <9> 25 A
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  • 120 7 S'PORE CHINESE UNLUCKY TO LOSE IB) Our Soccer Xt porter c Chinese 2 Singapore Chinese i team was unlucky to k>*e, it wa> the Singapore 7 hfrr when they met the Negri Sembilan -^lanW t Jalan B«'-ar Stadium yesterday before a \vellihout 10,000 and were beaten by the odd hn
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  • 37 7 A'- important S.A.f.a. league Navy, only unbeaten side with flip points from three games The game should be fast and full of good soccer, and there is not likely tn Thfenf""^ tetW n
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  • 283 7 PENG SOON RETAINS SINGLES TITLE Mfßayan Badminton Finals T^X^S^^^^l" vetterest ?ny of the series pi a fd dun:, ast three days and a special v'sit was paid to the town hall where play was m proby His Excellency The -•nor and Lady Gent. Peng Soon won solely as a reof
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  • 76 7 '"5- .AMSTERDAM. Mun. T :,ands beat Belgium two one m SC ccer international m the Olympic Stadium here ti T tean« were one-all at the Interval Duix-h outside left Bergman opened the score for the NethcrtaSS *f£ i i minutes but three mlnutS SSlbe? 1^ 11 ICft
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 108 7 PHOTO-FINISHES START TODAY LONDON. Mori. ANEW photo-finish apparatus will be used officially for the first time on a race course m Britain at the Birmingham races tomorrow. The camera w;is used experimentally on the opening day of the meeting today PJacegoers gazed m astonishment at the fortress like erection m
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 349 7 IN the first round of the Army Parker Cup knockout soccer competition, GHQ SKA! F and SHQ 2nd Echelon Combined XI drew with Merikal at Nee Soon on Friday. The fame had added zest which is always evident m a cup natch. SEALFs dominance
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  • 313 7 ENGLAND v SCOTLAND ON SATURADY sag Sttsra ssSfifaws snapped up months ago at a premium they were robbedtf two *r£?w "««ular" wing forward? tW ri?^ d c k ft Llddell was by svtar 1 1 The way m which the English League outplayed m all phases the Scottish League at
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 44 7 FOLKESTONE. Mon. rIE Royal Racing Club of Brussels defeated the Folkestone Optimists threr_on<» m the Folkestone HockeyFestival on Monday. The Staid Francais. a French CJub, i drew one_all with Hounslcw. Victory H. C of Antwerp drew two_all with i Ironsides.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • 38 7 pictures futures tab at lha stadium <n Sunday when the Nsnffor Chines* heat the Malaya three-one: Above. Kai Ban hrads off a Malay attack and, beJoH. Kai Bun ribs H. '..ihmaii of pefisessioh.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  38 words
  • 222 7 HONOUR TO PENANG IN DRAWN GAME Holiday Cricket Results HAI.N stopped play m the interstate cricket match between It Penan^ and Ferak yesterday when Penang were m a Winning position. Forty minutes after lunch they had distnissed Perah for 98 runs m their second innings and required 71 runs to
    222 words
  • 209 7 NOH-BENDERS saved by mm DAIN saved the Singapore Non- Benders from an overwhelming defeat when they met an S.C.C. XI m a cricket match on the padang yesterday. Scores were: S.C.C. XI P.B. Carr b Massey 39 P.C Firkins c Leonard b Bostock Hill 27 J.P. Pearson st Staunton b
    209 words
  • 130 7 INHTW YORK, Mon. T is understood that, at a special meeting of members of the United States Lawn Tennis Association amateur rules committee yesterday, it was decided that Pauline Betz, American and Wimbledon tennis champion, has forfoifod her amateur status. The meeting, attended by only
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 442 7 QPR CUT CARDIFF LEAD TO 1 POINT RUGBY UNION A™*r LONDON, Monday. *LAri HL of English soccer at the prevent lime is a rare? promotion struggle between the pride of Wales, Cardiff City, and London's Queen's Park Ranger- m the third division south. A few weeks ago Cardiff seemed almost
    Reuter  -  442 words
  • 361 7 S.K. SUNDRAm in GREAT FROM FINE double by S. K. Sundram. who took five wickets for 33 and then scored 88 largely helped the Ceylon Sports Club to take the honours m their drawn two-day j I cricket fixture against Combined Changi on Sunday and yesterday. Other good batting performances
    361 words
  • 235 7 THE A.C.C. weie beaien by R.E.M E. Base by 43 runs m a league cricket fixture on St. George's ground last week. There was good batting on coth sides with We&t scoring 32, the Highest for R.E.M.E. and Shepherd 17 for A.C.C. Tne bowling of
    235 words
  • 26 7 THE Sea forth Highlanders beat R.A.F. Seletar three-nil m a friendly soccer match at Seletar yesterday. Scott ana McGrorv (2) were the scorers.
    26 words
  • 123 7 R sslyn Park 8. Stade Francai^ 8; Bath 6, Old Merchant Tavi rs 8; Bedford 11. Oilsy 0; Bridgc-nd 13, C< t.y 19; Bristol 13, Northampton 3; Cardiff 11, Harlequins 4. am 3, Athletic Union 9: 19, Wasps 6; Gloucester l 1 Bait 6; LJaneUy 10. Devor.port servi c
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 66 7 Bradford Northern 2. H^a^ I 19; Bramlcy 4. HuPking-tcn Kc> Castleford 2. Leeds 10; Halifax 2. V/ar-ring-ton 12 Hull 20. Worki; g;on Tcua 0; Hunslet 5. Wakefield Trinuy 7; Keighley 24. York 3: Leigh 4. F<. .tone Rovers 7; Ol^ham 2° Barrov* 15; RochdaV Hornets 13. Srvinton 3;
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 71 7 A thrill nc v tnnM was again seen at the Great World last Saturday The big fight between Bosca Boa and King Zombie ended sensationally m ihe early fifth round m favour o: young Chinese wrestler amdat thundering cheers. The bout v hectic and tough throughout,
    71 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 56 7 classified ndverti a iiient» Classified Snialla 50 cts per line. Mm Charge $2/« Public NotH i $5/- per singi* column iccti Personal Domestic $1.50 per line.J Mm Charge $6/»j six average wordai comprise one line. Advertisements may be seat bj post MMMpuriel by remiUaac^ fur lnfirnuition telephone adIvertisinp Manager 5471
      56 words

  • Article, Illustration
    25 8 lliunt of wild birds the fI.U lands of Eastern England and espeelalb of East An^l.a with iheir lonely stretches of fen, rfrer, and coast.
    25 words
  • 188 8 CITY NEWS— S'PORE rtiiBSEK PRICES TODAY A Special Market correspondent jjives the prices of rubber at 11 am today as follows: Buyers Seller* Cts. Cts ocr Ib per Ib No lI.SS -pot loose No 1 R.S S fob m bales April M g.S.S fob ,n bales April 43', 43 k,
    188 words
  • 63 8 The Chief Justice of the Pales- j tine High Court. Sir William Fitzgerald, yesterday rejected the appeal by the Jewish Mayor of Tel Aviv against the death sentence on Dov Gruner, Palestine Jewish terrorist. Sir William said the mayor had no particular interest m the judgment against
    UP  -  63 words
  • 119 8 150 GUERSLUS KILLED IN GREECE Athens, Mem THE Athens news agency reportported today that 100 guerillas killed and 70 taken prisoner m a battle which lasted throughout Saturday night and rday, near Amphissa m PhthiotLs department m central Greece. The agency also reported that 47 guerillas were killed and 21
    119 words
  • 22 8 QREGOIRE At the Kandang Kerbau Hospital on 7th April, to Joan, wife of J. M. Qrepoire. a son. r bony John
    22 words
  • 31 8 Reports of trouble m North Africa which circulated m Toulon after the sudden departure of two French destroyers for North Africa were officially denied m Pans yesterday Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 779 8 .Continued rrom Page 1) Into the Argyll and Sutherland ..landers m December, 1940, and he volunteered for service m Singapore or India. While he was on his way to Singapore the Jap invasion began and he was diverted to Bombay where he landed at
    779 words
  • 64 8 The Turkish Government radio at Ankara ytv rday announced a sweeping victory for the Republican People's Party m the Turkish elections. The party filled nine ?a nrcies m parliament. The broadcast said thai the opposition Democrauc Party > r lid not participate ir the electi<)n.
    U.P.  -  64 words
  • 268 8 GOVT. HARDENS OVER CALL- IP LONDON, Monday. THK British (Government «tamL» m a more vulnerable jx^iI tion over the present peacetime conscription crisis than over any previous isHwe. wiitn Renter's political eorrespondeiit from London. In last week's dt^bate, a large part of the Government majority whs provided by the Conservative
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 96 8 PARAGUAY'S civil war. now a m nth old. is still larg-ly a battle Of words between reporters on both sic! The rebels keep talking of attacks on tho capital, and the Government of the collapse of the insurrection through poor moral^, but both are wishful thinking.
    96 words
  • 491 8 STRASBOURG (France), Monday. TENERAL Charles de Gaulle, addressing a crowd variously U "estimated at from 20,000 to 50,000 strong m Strasbourg today, reviewed the present position of France and attacked the new constitution, saying that it was leading the people astray He pointed to the difficulty of maintaining independence
    U.P.  -  491 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 8 \PTAIN < lIAKLI .< who was awarded the bhb ?B •.ho^p-farming sonx 12( rp Captain L'phaan is th«- r vinoe the < 1 Zealand, it was proposed I hr him, but Captain I consent Va any matrn rntiar U should be n*ed to :t their dependant* He hsr church
    52 words
  • 151 8 HLTHESEDA (N. Wales), M< FIFTY volunteers, who were out all night on the Glyder, 3,000 feet Sn wdonia peak, foand the body of Alan X r „'id 20. A few yards away was his swec'hc.rt, Miss Lillian Richards, aged 18, of Liverpool. She was injured by
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 241 8 COLOGNE, Mod ASSERTING that between 3,000.000 and 4.000.000 s<'ldi<T- were still t> I'; -^ian nan. rdinai French. \r<fihi-h pof O (rday chall«?nj. r «--d the fisrures on the repatriation of prisoners of war. \Uh< Russians, wh.» also hold a million Japs m Manchuria, i
    Reuter; UP  -  241 words
  • 99 8 SAINT JOHNS, Mon. The Chief Justice of Newfoundland s Supreme Court, Sir Edward Emerson, is plaintiff m a libel action against Peter Cashin, former Finance Minister and subsequently radio commentator. The action arises out of statements allegedly made by Cashin m a speech to the National
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 54 8 OWNERS MAY SCRAP LINER Fumess, Withby and Co., owners of the liner, "Monarch of Bermuda,' which burned is drydock while undergoing conversion March 24, have tendered not'ce of abandonment to their insurance underwriters. This notice meant that tne damage exceeded £1,400,000. It signified tha<t the owners reserved the rght to
    U.P.  -  54 words
  • 260 8 THK London Daily Mail, w 1 Don Juan, pretender to vfiish T" H Franco's succession plan w i regard the mcchaitii s problem". Brian Comel 1 quoted Don Juan as Don Juan went on: over to the Regency terim arrangemei Franco goes. I know I the privileged
    A.P.; Reuter; U.P.  -  260 words
  • 8 8 WEATHER Occasiona showers Wi its rm am ta
    8 words
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